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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Gender: integrating gender issues in development cooperation


To mainstream gender issues into all development cooperation policies, taking account of the particular status of women in the countries in question (their legal and actual status). Activities should also develop and promote endogenous public and private capacities in developing countries.

2) ACT

Council Regulation (EC) No 2836/98 of 22 December 1998 on integrating of gender issues in development cooperation [Official Journal L 354 of 30.12.1998].



The disparities between men and women and, in particular, discrimination against women represent substantial obstacles to development. The Regulation follows many Community initiatives in this field, particularly the Communication on integrating gender issues in development cooperation (18 September 1995) and the Council Resolution of 20 December 1995 on the same subject. It aims to establish a general framework to deal with this issue more effectively.

The Regulation is also part of the measures required to respect the commitments made by the Community at the World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 and its Platform for Action, which stressed the need for action against obstacles to gender equality.

In 2001, a programme of action for the mainstreaming of gender equality in Community development cooperation was adopted.

Activities financed

Many activities may be envisaged under the Regulation, including:

  • provision of technical advice and support;
  • activities aimed at including gender implications in analyses, policies and country and sector strategies;
  • schemes to build up institutional and operational capacities at national and regional level;
  • support for the collection and dissemination of data;
  • thematic monitoring and evaluations;
  • training and sensitisation of key decision-makers in the Commission and the developing countries;
  • support for the formulation, follow-up and monitoring of national plans to implement the recommendations of the Beijing Platform;
  • actions to ensure complementarity between the activities of the Community and those of the Member States;

Effective coherence and coordination between the Community and the Member States are essential to prevent the duplication of work. To this end, it is important to establish certain measures, such as a system for the exchange of information, and to organise regular meetings.

Similarly, the activities may be co-financed with other international organisations (for example, the United Nations).


A broad range of public and private actors are covered by the Regulation, including public authorities and government agencies, regional bodies, universities and research centres, traditional and local communities, particularly women, and non-governmental organisations. Priority is given to endogenous structures.


The Community provides financial support in the form of grants as well as technical assistance. A contribution from the beneficiaries is sought, according to their means and the nature of the operation.

The financial reference amount for the period from 1999 to 2003 is EUR 25 million.

Implementation at Community level

The Commission is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the activities undertaken under the Regulation (appraising, deciding on and administering the operations financed). It is assisted by the geographically determined committee competent for development, which is involved in particular when large financing amounts are concerned. The bodies of the European Union and the beneficiary country may participate in implementation (by responding to invitations to tender).

Every three months, the Commission must inform the Member States of the projects approved and submit an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council including information on the projects financed, the financing granted and the evaluation of the projects.

Three years after this Regulation enters into force, the Commission must submit to the European Parliament and to the Council an overall report on the operations financed, accompanied by suggestions for the future.


Date of entry into force

Final date for implementation in the Member States

Regulation (EC)No. 2836/98



4) implementing measures

5) follow-up work

Last updated: 02.11.2001
