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Document 52021SC0621

    COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Accompanying the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council amending Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the promotion of energy from renewable sources, and repealing Council Directive (EU) 2015/652

    SWD/2021/621 final

    Brussels, 14.7.2021

    SWD(2021) 621 final



    Accompanying the

    Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council

    amending Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council,  Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council  as regards the promotion of energy from renewable sources, and repealing Council Directive (EU) 2015/652

    {COM(2021) 557 final} - {SEC(2021) 657 final} - {SWD(2021) 620 final} - {SWD(2021) 622 final}

    Table of contents

    1.Introduction: Political and legal context

    1.1.Key aspects of the 2018 Renewable Energy Directive (REDII)

    1.2.The Renewable Energy Directive and interactions with the key ‘Fit for 55’ legislation/initiatives and others

    2.Problem definition

    2.1.What are the problems?

    What are the problem drivers?

    2.2.How will the problem evolve?

    3.Why should the EU act?

    3.1.Legal basis

    3.2.Subsidiarity: Necessity of EU action

    3.3.Subsidiarity: Added value of EU action

    4.Objectives: What is to be achieved?

    4.1.General objectives

    4.2.Specific objectives

    4.3.Intervention logic

    5.What are the available policy options?


    5.2.Scope of this initiative and alignment with the Climate Target Plan

    5.3.Description of the policy options

    5.4.The overview of policy options

    5.5.The core scenarios, variants and their use in this IA

    5.6.Options discarded at an early stage

    6.What are the impacts of the policy options including for effectiveness, efficiency and coherence?

    6.1.Overall renewable energy target level and achievement

    6.2.Heating and Cooling


    6.4.Measures to enhance the contribution of transport and heating and cooling to the system integration of renewable electricity

    6.5.Certification of renewable and low carbon fuels

    6.6.Promotion of innovative renewable and low carbon fuels

    6.7.Bioenergy sustainability criteria

    6.8.Flanking and enabling measures

    7.How do the options compare and conclusions


    7.2.Efficiency and impacts


    7.4.Administrative and monitoring impacts

    7.5.Subsidiarity and proportionality

    8.Preferred option/CONCLUSIONS

    8.1.Methodological approach

    8.2.Policy interactions

    8.3.Preferred policy options

    8.4.Investments underpinning the preferred policy option

    8.5.Ensuring coherence in the finalisation of the package

    8.6.REFIT (simplification and improved efficiency)

    9.How will actual impacts be monitored and evaluated?

    10.List of tables and figures


    Term or acronym

    Meaning or definition


    Directive (EU) 2018/2001of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, OJ L 328, 21.12.2018, p. 82–209


    2030 Climate Target Plan


    European Green Deal


    Greenhouse gas


    Land use, land-use, change and forestry, Regulation (EU) 2018/841 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry in the 2030 climate and energy framework, and amending Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 and Decision No 529/2013/EU, OJ L 156, 19.6.2018, p. 1–25

    ILUC Directive

    Directive (EU) 2015/1513 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015 amending Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, OJ L 239, 15.9.2015, p. 1–29


    National energy and climate plan


    Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union


    Guarantee of origin, based on article 19 of REDII and defined in Article 2(12), , is an electronic document which has the sole function of demonstrating to a final customer that a given share or quantity of energy was produced from renewable sources


    Biodiversity Strategy


    Energy System Integration


    Carbon Capture and Storage


    Carbon Capture and Use


    Renewable fuel of non-biological origin, according to Article 2(63) of the Renewable Energy Directive. This includes for instance renewable hydrogen and hydrogen based synthetic fuels.


    Directive 2009/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 amending Directive 98/70/EC as regards the specification of petrol, diesel and gas-oil and introducing a mechanism to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and amending Council Directive 1999/32/EC as regards the specification of fuel used by inland waterway vessels and repealing Directive 93/12/EEC, OJ L 140, 5.6.2009, p. 88–113

    Governance Regulation

    Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action, amending Regulations (EC) No 663/2009 and (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Directives 94/22/EC, 98/70/EC, 2009/31/EC, 2009/73/EC, 2010/31/EU, 2012/27/EU and 2013/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 2009/119/EC and (EU) 2015/652 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council ,OJ L 328, 21.12.2018, p. 1–77


    Emissions Trading System


    Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, amending Directives 2009/125/EC and 2010/30/EU and repealing Directives 2004/8/EC and 2006/32/EC, OJ L 315, 14.11.2012, p. 1–56


    Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings

    OJ L 153, 18.6.2010, p. 13–35

    Union database

    Database to be established under Article 28 of RED II with the aim to increase cooperation between national systems tracking renewable fuels in order to improve the data availability on the EU level and minimise the risk of fraud and double counting of fuels. It shall be set up for fuels that are:

    ·Eligible for being counted towards the target (specifically the numerator referred to in point (b) of Article 27(1) – the renewable transport target);

    ·Suitable for measuring compliance with renewable energy obligations;

    ·Eligible for financial support for the consumption of biofuels, bio-liquids and biomass fuels.


    Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, OJ L 307, 28.10.2014, p. 1–20

    Part A advanced biofuels

    Biofuels for transport made from the feedstocks listed in Part A of Annex IX to REDII

    Part B advanced biofuels

    Biofuels for transport from the feedstocks listed in Part B of Annex IX to REDII


    Renewable and Low Carbon Fuels


    Heating and Cooling


    District Heating


    District Heating and Cooling


    4th Generation District Heating system is a coherent technological and institutional concept which by means of smart thermal grids assists the appropriate development of sustainable energy systems.


    Full time equivalent (employment)


    A contract under which a legal or natural person agrees to purchase renewable electricity directly from an electricity producer.


    Million tonnes of oil equivalent

    1.Introduction: Political and legal context

    The European Green Deal establishes the objective of becoming climate neutral in 2050 in a manner that contributes to European competitiveness, growth and jobs. This objective, and the objective of a 55% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 as confirmed by EU Heads of State and Government in the European Council in December 2020, requires an energy transition and significantly higher shares of renewable energy sources in an integrated energy system. The increased use of energy from renewable sources is crucial to combat climate change, protect our environment and health and reduce our energy dependency, as well as to contribute to the EU’s technological and industrial leadership and the creation of jobs and growth.

    REDII sets a binding EU target to reach at least a 32% share of renewables in the energy mix in 2030. It moves away from the national binding targets which were set within the 2020 framework to national contributions to the Union target as set by the Member States in their National Energy and Climate Plans (“NECPs”). On 17 September 2020, the Commission adopted the 2030 Climate Target Plan 1 (“CTP”), which explores options to achieve a new 2030 climate target of at least 55% GHG emissions reductions. This target was endorsed both by the European Parliament 2 and by the European Council 3 . As stated in the CTP, renewable energy plays a fundamental role in delivering the European Green Deal 4 and for achieving climate neutrality by 2050. The energy sector contributes over 75% of total GHG emissions in the EU and energy efficiency. Renewable are therefore central to achieving the higher climate ambition for 2030. According to the CTP, achieving at least 55% GHG emissions reductions would result in an accelerated clean energy transition and a greener energy mix, with renewable energy seeing its share reaching 38% to 40% of gross final energy consumption by 2030.

    The acceleration of the ongoing energy transition requires a real paradigm shift and profound changes in the way how we produce and consume energy. This requires significant investments in new technologies, materials and fuels. Such profound changes do not happen overnight and the magnitude of investment is a challenge. To further leverage this step change, investors need certainty on the direction to go and where to invest. Compared to other “Fit for 55” measures, the revision of RED can deliver best on specific support measures for new renewable solutions and create certainty for investors to make the accelerated energy transition happen.

    This revision of RED II builds on the CTP and the impact assessment 5 that underpins it, as do all the ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives.

    Implementing the EGD roadmap, the Commission has adopted several strategies that require a review of different elements of the EU’s renewable energy policy:

    ·The Energy System Integration Strategy 6 and the Hydrogen Strategy 7 aim to build an integrated energy system fit for climate neutrality and to turn hydrogen, especially renewable hydrogen, into a viable solution to contribute to this vision. Both strategies propose a number of actions to be addressed through the review of REDII, including promoting the principle of energy efficiency first, moving towards a more “circular” energy system by reusing waste heat and biomass wastes and residues, promoting renewable-based electrification in sectors such as transport, buildings, industry and promoting the use of renewable and low carbon fuels 8 , including hydrogen, for hard-to-decarbonise sectors;

    ·The Renovation Wave initiative 9 , which aims to at least double the current low renovation rates in the EU and highlights the need to speed up the integration of renewables in buildings as well as the decarbonisation of heating and cooling;

    ·The Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy 10 , which sets out the scaling up of offshore renewable energy and its use as an EU priority;

    ·The EU Biodiversity Strategy 11 calls for better protection of and increasing the quantity, quality and resilience of Europe’s forests, including primary forests. It also includes a mandate to the Joint Research Centre to carry out a study on use of forest biomass for energy production and related biodiversity risks, in order to inform the review of REDII 12 . 

    Furthermore, in response to the COVID-19 induced economic crisis effects on the European economy the Commission adopted an Economic Recovery Package 13 to facilitate investments to accelerate the transition towards a climate neutral economy (amongst other matters). The review of REDII must been seen in this context as a tool to complement the Recovery Package by helping to create a legal framework that sets the right incentives for a smooth and cost-effective energy transition that supports Europe’s recovery and resilience efforts, making Europe a healthier continent.

    The review of REDII does not stand alone. It is part of a broader exercise that affects other energy and climate legislation and policy initiatives, as announced in the EGD roadmap, and in the Commission work programme for 2021 14 under the title “Fit for 55 package”. Therefore, close coordination is undertaken with the other proposals that are part of the June 2021 ‘Fit for 55’ package (see section 1.2).

    1.1. Key aspects of the 2018 Renewable Energy Directive (REDII)

    REDII is the main EU instrument dealing with the promotion of energy from renewable sources. It was adopted in 2018 and has to be fully implemented by Member States on 1 July 2021. A full review of the Directive is therefore not yet possible, and the Impact Assessment will focus on a targeted review to ensure the implementation of the Climate Target plan and other key Commission initiatives such as the Energy System Integration Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy, while ensuring coherence with the other initiatives under the “Fit for 55” package.

    It establishes an EU-level binding renewable energy target for 2030 of at least 32 % to be collectively delivered by Member States on the basis of voluntary national contributions, calculated according to an indicative formula included in the Governance Regulation. The national (binding) 2020 targets set in REDI also act as a minimum share of renewables (“baseline”) that Member States are obliged to maintain after 2020.

    REDII also sets an indicative target to increase renewables in the heating and cooling sector by 1.3 percentage point yearly 15 . The targets are accompanied by a list of optional measures that Member States may choose to take and an obligation to, assess the potential of the use of renewables and waste heat and cold in the heating and cooling sector including District heating and cooling 16 . Member States must introduce appropriate measures in their building codes to increase the level of renewables in the building sector, in particular requiring minimum levels of renewable energy in new buildings and those undergoing major renovation. General requirements on basic information provisions and disconnection rights for consumers in district heating and cooling are also included.

    REDII includes a sectorial binding target for transport of 14%, to be met by an obligation on fuel suppliers. It includes a cap of 7% of food based biofuels and a specific sub-target for advanced biofuels of 3.5%. Electrification of transport is only incentivised in a residual manner. The use of renewable energy in certain sectors (road transport, rail transport, maritime and aviation) is only incentivised through “multipliers”, allowing to account more than the actual energy content consumed. The consumption of renewable electricity is also incentivised through such multiplier, as well as that of advanced biofuels. 17  

    REDII strengthens the EU sustainability framework for bioenergy. It includes enhanced sustainability criteria covering also biomass/biogas in heat and power, in addition to biofuels/biogas for transport (as under REDI). REDII includes new biodiversity and climate safeguards for forest biomass. Also, REDII lays down minimum GHG emission saving thresholds, requiring biomass in heat and power to emit 70% fewer GHG emissions (on lifecycle basis) compared to fossil fuels (increasing to -80% in 2026). Minimum energy efficiency requirements for biomass electricity production have also been introduced. REDII promotes the shift from conventional to advanced biofuels. Finally, article 3 of the Directive requires that, amongst other, Member States design their support schemes with due regard with the waste hierarchy, to aim to avoid undue distortions of the biomass raw material market. These criteria have not yet taken effect, as the deadline for transposition by Member States is June 2021.

    REDII also includes a number of enabling measures aiming to increase the renewable energy shares in the EU. These measures were calibrated in the Clean Energy for All Package with other energy, climate, environmental but also consumer legislation. They include the right for renewable self-consumers and renewable energy communities to generate, store and sell electricity without being subject to disproportionate procedures and to be fairly remunerated for the electricity they feed into the grid.

    Furthermore, measures to simplify and speed up administrative and permitting procedures to ease the administrative burden for renewable projects developers. The Directive also includes general principles for the design of support schemes, in order to provide visibility to both Member States and investors on their possible design. Schemes are also subject to a voluntary opening to neighbouring Member States, with a review clause to reassess the possibility of a mandatory opening.

    1.2.The Renewable Energy Directive and interactions with the key ‘Fit for 55’ legislation/initiatives and others

    In conjunction with the REDII, the current EU climate and energy policy framework already presents several elements of synergies as shown in the figure below. Specific interlinkages between legislative instruments are explained in detail and where relevant in Chapters 5 and 6.

    Figure 1 - RED II Interactions with other key legislation affecting Renewable Energy

    The interactions are the strongest with the ETS – especially if extended to sectors of road transport and buildings. The analysis supporting the CTP shows that carbon pricing works best hand in hand with regulatory measures, and that this helps avoid “extreme” scenarios of either:

    ·very high carbon prices that can translate, in the absence of regulatory measures addressing market failures and barriers, into high energy prices for consumers (representing the highest burden for vulnerable individual consumers energy intensive industry etc.);

    ·very stringent energy policy requirements (e.g. very high energy savings or renewables obligations) that may be rejected by Member States because it would not give them much flexibility and would be too costly for economic operators struggling to mobilise the necessary investments and ultimately passing it through to consumers.

    The proposed approach is to adjust and review the various complementary policy instruments to address various and distinct challenges in the pursuit of climate neutrality and European Green Deal objectives.

    The IA is fully aligned with the GHG targets proposed in the Climate Law 18 for 2030 and 2050, as the IA is based on the Climate Target Plans scenarios achieving those two targets. The IA focuses on how to deliver the necessary level of ambition, mindful of interaction with other instruments, the governance process and subsidiarity principles. It looks at ways to formulate the sectoral RES targets, what fuels are eligible to fulfil them, which tools are proposed for Member State choice and which elements are binding. In addition to delivering the RES levels of ambition as defined in the CTP, the revision of REDII also assesses certain tools to achieve better energy system integration (ESI) and ensure that biomass sustainability criteria are fit for purpose.

    In order to address the key interactions with legislative instruments mentioned above, scenarios (so-called “Fit for 55” core scenarios) were modelled to show how all instruments together can deliver the increased climate target of 55% net GHG reductions. REDII revision is reflected in those scenarios – please see methodology explained in Chapter 5.

    2.Problem definition

    2.1.What are the problems?

    REDII was designed and adopted to achieve a share of at least 32% renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in a cost-effective and sustainable way by 2030, as part of a broader 2030 climate and energy framework, which set a 40% GHG reduction target. However, the EGD and its follow-up initiatives have increased the ambition of the Union climate and energy policies. This new ambition can only be achieved with considerably increased volumes of renewable energy in the system in addition to a strong improvement in energy efficiency. The common economic analysis underpinning the 2030 Climate Target Plan shows that, in the pathway/scenario focusing on a combination of carbon pricing and medium intensification of regulatory measures in all sectors of the economy, the current REDII fails to contribute sufficiently to the increased ambition and new policies adopted under the EGD in three ways.

    First, the targets and measures set in the Directive are not sufficiently ambitious to achieve the general and sectoral shares in heating and cooling and transport sectors of renewables the CTP indicates as cost-effective to achieve an at least 55% of GHG emissions reduction in 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050.

    While in the electricity sector the penetration of renewables has been the fastest, it will need to be scaled up substantially compared to historic rates of deployment. The key drivers remain the ETS price, energy taxation and taxonomy as well as further reducing technology costs through further enabling measures in renewables legislation in the electricity and industry sectors.

    Second, the Directive does not properly reflect the measures proposed in the Energy System Integration and Hydrogen strategies to advance towards a more integrated energy system where there is, inter alia, a more energy efficient and circular energy system, further renewables-based electrification and further use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in those sectors where electrification is not yet a viable option.

    These three goals are essential to reach the 2030 ambition in a cost-effective way. This is in particular valid for sectors that are difficult to de-carbonise such as transport, heating & cooling and industry.

    Furthermore, the current certification system has already shown good results but its scope and content does not cover new fuels such as innovative renewables of non-biological origin (RFNBOs). All renewable and low-carbon fuels need robust certification across the life cycle to help achieve of both energy and climate targets.

    Finally, the current REDII sustainability criteria for bioenergy need to be reinforced in a targeted way in light of the increased climate and biodiversity ambition of the EU Green Deal 19 .

    The clean energy transition will result in an overall increasing demand for biomass (particularly after 2030), be it for bioenergy or alternative uses in products, while at the same time the EU land use sink needs to be maintained and enhanced and EU biodiversity safeguarded. According to the National Energy and Climate Plans, a majority of Member States plan to increase their use of bioenergy, but in most cases without assessing the impacts on LULUCF sinks and biodiversity (see Annex 8).

    Energy policy is only one among several factors influencing forest management. Nevertheless if an increased uptake of renewable energy is met through unsustainable forest biomass sourcing, this could put further pressure on the forest sink and the biodiversity in forests. A. In addition, the combustion of biomass in inefficient energy installations can affect air quality objectives. At the same time, the Climate Target Plan pointed out to the need for increased use of sustainable bioenergy in order to achieve the 55% target by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050. It is therefore essential to ensure that RED II in combination with the LULUCF Regulation and other climate and environment legislation) further minimises trade-offs and maximises synergies between biomass production and biodiversity and climate protection.

    Stakeholder views

    The vast majority of the contributions to the Inception Impact Assessment reflected a positive attitude towards the increase of the climate ambition set in the European Green Deal and towards a revision of the Directive. A small number of stakeholders pointed out the negative impact such an early revision of the Directive could have for the stability of the regulatory framework and investor certainty. Regarding the question in the OPC ‘Does REDII need to be modified?’, across all stakeholder groups, the majority agreed that RED II needs to be modified, and that it needs to be more ambitious as a result of the higher climate ambition in the European Green Deal and Climate Target Plan. Top of the list for change was targets, followed by transport, and the number of replies on forest biomass shows the public interest on the issue of bioenergy sustainability.

    2.2.What are the problem drivers?

    2.2.1. Insufficiently ambitious targets and measures for renewables deployment in EU and Member State legislation both in 2030 and 2050 perspective Insufficient ambition to achieve the overall renewable energy target in 2030

    As indicated in the latest Renewable Energy Progress Report 20 , if Member States meet the national contributions for renewable energy they have set in their NECPs, the Union is expected to reach a share of renewables between 33.1% and 33.7% by 2030 21 that would contribute to -41% GHG emission reduction thereby overachieving the current 32% RES target set in REDII while being significantly lower than the necessary 38% to 40% share set out in the CTP to be consistent with the overall EU target of at least 55% GHG reduction by 2030.

    Apart from these identified shortcomings regarding the EU overall renewable energy target, an assessment per sector also reveals that REDII’s ambition and measures are not sufficient to deliver the EGD and CTP ambition. Market barriers and lack of incentives, particularly in end-use sectors such as heating and cooling or transport, hinder further penetration of renewables, either through electrification, or via the penetration of renewable and low-carbon fuels such as advanced biofuels and renewable and other sustainable alternative fuels and gases. Further cross –border cooperation and integrated approach to develop and deploy further renewable technologies like offshore renewable energy and in industry is still missing. Enhanced and expanded measures, including flanking and enabling measures, under RED II could deliver a larger uptake of renewable energy in the EU. Insufficient ambition for renewables deployment in the heating and cooling sector

    Heating and cooling currently accounts for half of the EU energy consumption. 60% of heating is consumed in buildings and around 40% in industrial process heating. More than three quarters of heating is supplied from fossils fuels. 80% of energy demand in residential buildings is driven by heating and cooling needs, and around 60% in service sector buildings. Many heating systems are old and inefficient and half are beyond their service lifetime. The replacement of half of the current heating stock and even more in district heating networks will have to occur in the next 5-8 years. A clear and ambitious policy framework is essential to ensure that investments for building renovation are cost-efficient and facilitate replacing fossil fuel boilers with more sustainable alternatives.

    The share of renewables in this sector in the EU in 2019 was 22.1%, with only a 5.3 percentage point increase over the last 10 years 22 . In district heating the share of renewables is slightly higher around 28.9% but is mainly attributable to the use of biomass (26.9%), while other renewable heat technologies (heat pumps, solar and geothermal) amounting to only 2% are used only in a few innovative networks. In industry, only 9% of the heating requirements are supplied by renewable energy. In their NECPs, around half of the Member States did not present sufficient trajectories and measures to fulfil the current indicative heating and cooling target of an 1.1 percentage point (ppt) average annual increase (or 1.3 ppt if waste heat is used) over the 2021-2030 period, while the other half indicated the achievement of this target in their plans 23 . Likewise the gradual modernisation and building of renewable based district heating and cooling systems remained unaddressed by but a handful of Member States, even where this type of heating has a significant share. Overall the insufficiency of ambition in planned measures and trajectories signals a significant risk of long-term carbon lock-in, which will be difficult and expensive to correct if steps are not taken in the period until 2030. According to the aggregated projected trend in the NECPs, is only enough to reach a 33% RES share in H&C in 2030, in contrast with the 38-41% estimated necessary in the CTP.

    Without a clear policy framework to roll-out renewable heating technologies in buildings and district heating as the main pillar of decarbonisation, replacement of heating systems will be sporadic and in many cases be based on uninformed decisions taken under duress in winter break-downs leading to replacing current fossil systems with the same and leading to fossil lock-in for the next 20-30 years. The synergies with energy efficiency and especially with building renovations are important to harness, as well insulated buildings are a pre-condition to replace old heating systems in buildings with efficient renewable heating or make connection with low-temperature modern district heating networks possible. As almost 75% of the existing buildings in the EU inefficient, they become a key barriers for deploying renewables to cover building’s heating needs. Addressing this barrier, requires a framework amenable to increase the annual heating system replacement rate to at least 4% per annum as indicated in the Climate Target Plan as an integral part of building renovation. The EU Renovation Wave therefore sets heating and cooling decarbonisation as one of its key areas for actions and calls for strengthened heating and cooling targets and minimum levels of renewables to be part of the REDII review. The accelerated deployment of renewable heating and district heating via strengthened measures to facilitate heat planning and planned replacement schemes, ensure risk mitigation and capacity building for consumers and public authorities is critical to scale up projects and investment and ensure level playing field for an orderly and cost-effective decarbonisation of heating.

    Effective market and regulatory frameworks to guide the transition to the 2030 critical milestones and towards carbon-neutrality in 2050 are missing in all but a few Member States. With the possible extension of carbon pricing instruments, non-market barriers such as lack of sufficient capacity for heat and project planning, lack of information and coordination, lack of skills to enable the switching to renewables that still exist would need to be overcome for carbon price signals to fully exercise their impacts while allowing for a fair, effective and cost-efficient achievement of the climate goals, consistent with the energy and climate policy architecture as a whole. In this regard, multi-level coordination across the many actors (local, national and EU) is needed and the key building blocks for success (clear targets and horizontal measures supporting their delivery) are developed but not sufficiently understood, diffused and applied across the EU. The lack of clear and effective EU framework jeopardises progress due to the large size of the sector and the high correlation it has with the overall RES shares. Insufficient ambition for renewables deployment in transport sector

    Transport is the only energy sector that has seen an increase in GHG emissions in the past decades, increasing mobility needs as well has a high reliance on fossil fuels 24 being the main drivers. This is happening despite the technological developments in the sector, where transport means (cars, planes) are much more energy efficient than some years ago. Furthermore, transport is the end-use sector where renewable energy is being developed at the slowest pace, with an EU 8.9% share of renewables in 2019.

    REDII replaced the 10% target set in REDI for 2020 by an obligation on fuel suppliers, which must be designed in a way that allows the Member States to achieve their target of 14% renewables and a sub-target of 3.5% advanced biofuels by 2030 25 . The achievement of the target is facilitated by several multipliers on energy content both for transport sectors and for specific fuels 26 . In addition to technical standards of fuels traded on the EU market, the FQD sets out a 6% target for the reduction of the greenhouse gas intensity of transport fuels by 2020, but does not set out a dedicated target for the promotion of innovative fuels. Following the recast of the RED, the sustainability framework in the FQD is now outdated. For these reasons it is relevant to assess whether elements of the FQD are still appropriate to avoid them acting as a barrier to the achievement of the revised ambition level of the RED.

    There are two main technology options to reduce this dependency on fossil fuels and decrease the sector’s GHG emissions: Firstly, penetration of transport electrification and its deep, smart integration with the energy system for enhanced system flexibility and increased use of renewable electricity; secondly, in sectors that are more difficult to electrify such as aviation and maritime, increased use of renewable and low carbon fuels.

    As to electricity in transport, in addition to missing price signals, barriers for electrification and its integration in the energy system are mainly the narrow range of electric vehicle models across all budgets, and insufficient recharging infrastructure, especially with intelligent or bidirectional functionality. The conditions for innovative mobility services such as aggregators are not yet in place, including access to data of vehicles, electricity grid and charging. Different charging infrastructure types and payment models also complicate the access for consumers to the infrastructure. Neither consumers, charge point operators, aggregators nor mobility service providers have access to information on the RES share or carbon intensity of the system in an interoperable manner. Further, REDII, apart from counting the contribution of renewable electricity towards the renewable energy target in transport, does not set out any mechanism ensuring that operators of recharging infrastructure are rewarded for supplying renewable electricity to electric vehicles under the obligation on fuel suppliers. This fails incentivising investments into recharging infrastructure and limits the contribution of renewable electricity contribution to the target.

    The main market barrier for the use of renewable and low carbon fuels are the higher costs of such fuels compared to fossil fuels. Higher costs and low technological and commercial maturity limit the supply potential of innovative renewable fuels such as advanced biofuels and renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RNFBOs), mainly renewable hydrogen and renewable hydrogen-based synthetic fuels, which have decarbonisation potential despite their intrinsic energy inefficiency. REDII already limits the amount of biofuels produced from food and feed crops that can be counted towards the renewables targets due to their impact on indirect land use change and limited decarbonisation contribution.

    The 2030 CTP Impact Assessment 27 shows that with existing policies the transport sector would fall short in delivering the contribution needed to achieve the economy-wide target of at least 55% GHG emissions reduction by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050. The results also show that after 2030 a further significant scale up of the production of renewable and low carbon fuels is required on the pathway to achieve climate neutrality. With respect to the level of ambition, the CTP indicates that for 2030 the share of RES in transport should reach 27-29% 28 including a substantial contribution of advanced biofuels, which is significantly higher than the current 14% target set in REDII for transport. That assessment further demonstrated the importance of RNFBOs for the achievement climate neutrality in order to provide a decarbonisation pathway for hard to abate sectors. While REDII covers these fuels and sets out a framework ensuring that they achieve emission savings, it does not include specific incentives for their use. Given their early stage of technological development and high costs, a lack of dedicated incentives may slow down their commercial deployment, which would endanger the rapid uptake of renewable and low carbon fuels that is required after 2030. A possible extension of carbon pricing instruments alone would not be sufficient to drive the development of such fuels, and would create the risk to sustain less sustainable low carbon and biofuels. Other instruments that are relevant for the promotion of low carbon technologies such as the ETS are more suitable to promoting the switch to mature low carbon technologies but cannot provide by themselves the strong investment signal needed to develop new innovative technologies. Such investment signals could also keep increasing costs for consumers by carbon taxes and ETS in check.

    29 2.2.2. Insufficient promotion of ESI in REDII

    The current model, where energy supply and consumption for supply for electricity, heating and cooling, transport, industry, gas and buildings takes place in ‘silos', each with separate value chains, rules, infrastructure, planning and operations - cannot deliver the increased climate targets in 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050 in a cost-efficient way. The lack of integration of the energy system results in greater costs, inefficiencies, lost opportunities and a disproportionate burden on the power sector, which cannot alone deliver the overall decarbonisation effort required at EU level. In the end, it would lead to higher costs to households and businesses.

    Several barriers, not appropriately addressed in REDII, still prevent the emergence of a truly integrated energy system, in particular (i) the slow rate of electrification of certain end-use sectors, (ii) the slow uptake of renewable sources in heating and low penetration of renewable and low-carbon fuels, such as biofuels, biogas, hydrogen and synthetic fuels, in particular in certain transport applications and in industry, as well as (iii) a still limited contribution to new distributed loads (electric vehicles, heat pumps) to the system integration of variable renewable electricity.

    Smart and renewable use of power is crucial for heating and cooling systems, as well as electric vehicles, to live up to the European Green Deal objectives aiming to a reduction of 90% of the transport sector’s GHG emissions by 2050. The fast uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to follow exponential tendencies, with an estimate of more than 30 million electric cars by 2030 30 . The potential of EVs to absorb further renewable electricity and decrease system GHG emissions has to be well appreciated and fully utilised through appropriate measures, as stipulated in the Energy System Integration Strategy.

    REDII provides only limited incentives for the electrification of end-use sectors. There are no specific provisions encouraging the electrification of heating and cooling, apart from the general, indicative heating and cooling target and the equally indicative and optional district heating and cooling target (the denominator of which can be reduced through electrification). The transport obligation is also rather designed to incentivise the uptake of specific fuels, in particular advanced biofuels, with electricity only incentivised through the use of a “multiplier”.

    REDII does not yet include specific provisions aimed at ensuring that distributed assets such as home batteries and electric vehicles contribute to the system integration of variable renewable electricity. The Clean Energy package has brought about a significant redesign of electricity markets to ensure that all forms of flexibility are in principle able to participate in electricity markets, however regulatory gaps still exist on the specific conditions necessary to ensure a level playing field in the participation of such small or mobile distributed assets in practice, both individually as well as through aggregation. The AFID and EPBD also regulate the deployment of EV charging points, however through fragmented scopes of application. Provisions are missing to ensure coverage at all types of locations (publicly accessible, private for own use, and private with broad access), as well as to ensure that the deployed charging points are indeed fit for system integration purposes by offering smart charging or even vehicle-to-grid functionalities. Specific measures are also necessary to ensure that integration can be supported by a competitive and innovative services market through a level playing and enhanced consumer choice.

    Regarding certification systems, REDII does enable the tracing of renewable transport fuels and some low carbon transport fuels. However, this system does not allow a sufficiently clear distinction between renewable and low-carbon fuels (including hydrogen) on the one hand and more polluting energy sources on the other hand, and does not allow tracing in the transport/transmission system from production facilities to consumption centres. Moreover, the two parallel systems for tracking the consumption of renewable energy under REDII (‘book & claim’ system based on guarantees of origin and a certification system based on mass balance) do not sufficiently promote further the integration of the energy system.

    2.2.3. Insufficient sustainability criteria safeguards for bioenergy

    Today bioenergy represents the largest single source of renewable energy in the EU, making up about 60% of final renewable energy consumption, of which 60% comes from forestry 31 .

    In order to further inform the review of REDII, the Biodiversity Strategy has mandated the JRC to conduct a study on the use of woody biomass for energy and its potential climate and environmental impacts 32 . While bioenergy production can have positive climate and biodiversity impacts 33 , JRC has identified a number of potential bioenergy pathways that should be avoided for biodiversity and climate protection. For example, an excessive removal of harvest residues, or the removal of stumps, for bioenergy use can harm soil productivity, biodiversity, and water flows. In addition, the conversion of primary and highly biodiverse forests to plantations, aiming to provide wood for material and energy use, can be extremely negative for local biodiversity and climate mitigation in the short-medium term and lead to irreversible damage.

    The JRC study has found that a robust and effective implementation of the REDII sustainability criteria for forest biomass could effectively minimise/avoid several of the identified risks. However, the study has concluded that additional safeguards are needed to address the existing policy gaps in the context of future biomass demand increases. More specifically, JRC has recommended the following two key measures: a) applying the existing no-go areas for agricultural biomass also to forest biomass, in order to avoid the risk of biomass sourcing from primary and highly biodiverse forests: b) applying the EU sustainability criteria to smaller installations (below the current threshold of 20 MW) in order to regulate a larger share of biomass use, thus avoiding possible ‘environmental leakage’ risks.

    According to JRC data, the majority of woody biomass for energy use comes from timber residues and waste produced either from the forest-based industries and post-consumer wood (49%), or from timber logging (17%). At the same time, 20% of total woody biomass supply comes from stemwood, of which at least half is from coppice forests. About 4% of total woody biomass use for energy comes from industrial quality stemwood. This finding highlights the need for Member States to further promote the cascading use of woody biomass when designing their support schemes for bioenergy. In this respect, the Biodiversity Strategy has also called for the use of whole tree harvesting for energy production – whether produced in the EU or imported – to be minimised 34 .

    Inefficient biomass combustion is also a source of air pollution 35 . According to the World Health Organisation, residential heating with solid fuels (coal or wood) is an important source of particulate matters and carcinogenic compounds, especially in Central Europe. In particular, biomass combustion in old and inefficient households and other small installations could compromise local and regional air quality objectives. While REDII does not include specific air quality criteria for biomass combustion, it should be noted that air pollution of fuels is effectively addressed through EU environmental legislation including a number of different measures 36 . Under the energy legislation, the Eco-design Directive has been identified as the most appropriate tool to set stricter emission requirements for new solid fuel boilers and space heaters, which are applicable since 1 January 2020.

    2.3. How will the problem evolve?

    REDII is the main Union instrument for the promotion of renewable energy 37 . To meet the share of 38% to 40% renewable energy in 2030 set out in the CTP, an increase in renewable energy is needed as a consequence of the proposal by the Commission endorsed by the European council and confirmed by co-legislators in the Climate Law, to step up the ambition of the climate target 2030 to at least -55%. According to the 2020 Renewable Energy Progress Report 38 , based on the existing framework of REDII and analysis of the NECPs submitted by the Member States, projects that the EU’s renewable energy share will reach between 33.1% and 33.7% in 2030. Leaving the ambition level of the Renewable energy directive unchanged would put additional burden for increased decarbonisation on other instruments such as the Energy Efficiency Directive as well as other instruments such as the Emissions Trading System, and the LULUCF and Effort Sharing Regulations. This could increase economic costs and distributional impacts especially in sectors included in the ETS. It would also fail to incentivise the market to invest more in renewables and innovate sufficiently.

    In heating and cooling, the low ambition shown by many of the Member States in their NECPs in relation to the indicative renewable heating and cooling target and the indicative renewable district heating and cooling target set in REDII would continue. The current target ambition, coupled with no additional measures to tackle long-entrenched barriers across the whole heating and cooling sector means there would be slow progress, technology lock-in and lack of engagement from citizens, consumers and investors to contribute to the decarbonisation of this sector.

    In transport, it is clear that several Member States have high ambition for greening road transport, in particular by looking into policies strongly discouraging the use of cars and vans with internal combustion engine. Direct electrification with renewable electricity, in conjunction with deep integration of electric vehicles in the electricity system, are considered to be the main options to reduce GHG emissions of cars and light duty vehicles. However, there are other transport modes, such as aviation and maritime but also long-haul transport, which cannot today be easily electrified and where renewable and low-carbon fuels including renewable hydrogen will be needed to replace fossil fuels, complementing energy efficiency improvements, modal shift and electrification efforts. Such innovative fuels will not be sufficiently promoted by other means such as ETS.

    Renewables are developing strongly in the power generation sector through lower technology costs and stable ETS prices, but this is not enough to decarbonise the electricity sector at the pace required to cut emissions in the EU by 55% by 2030. New market avenues to develop additional renewable power generation, e.g. through merchant projects or corporate PPAs, are emerging, but still at a limited scale and in only a few Member States. The use of measures for cross-border cooperation has been limited in the past. With a view to 2030, very few Member States included concrete plans in their NECPs to implemented cross-border cooperation projects in the future, and this leads to lost opportunities. With regard to offshore renewable energy, the sector has shown great progress over the past years. However, to complement the provisions on grid related planning and cooperation addressed in the proposal for the revised TEN-E Guidelines, more ambition and increased efforts on deployment plans, joint projects and regional cooperation on renewable offshore generation are essential in order to tap the huge potential offered by offshore energy needed by 2030 and beyond and to do so in a cost-effective way.

    As there are no specific requirements on industry to increase the level of renewable energy use under REDII, it is to be expected that the uptake of renewable energy will continue to stagnate as it has done over the past decade, and GHG emissions from industry will not decrease.

    Regarding buildings, on average, the percentage use of renewables in buildings is 23.5%. Without new measures to increase the use of renewable energy in buildings generally and to encourage the move away from oil and coal- boilers, emissions from the buildings sector will be very slow to decrease. 

    In terms of energy system integration, the further penetration of electricity and other decarbonised energy carriers such as renewable and low carbon fuels is expected to be moderate and uneven. Without further action to improve integration of the energy system, the burden of decarbonisation would continue to fall predominately on the power sector, and the substantial potential for decarbonisation and increased renewable energy use in end-use sectors, such as buildings, heating and cooling, transport and industry, would be partly foregone. Regarding the system integration of variable renewable electricity, the Clean Energy Package has introduced a number of provisions ensuring that electricity markets are fit for renewables. However, such provisions could be complemented by more sector-specific measures aimed at reaping the full benefit of distributed assets, such as heat pumps or electric vehicles and stationary batteries, for the integration of variable renewables.

    In hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as maritime, aviation and industry, the current framework will offer limited incentives to promote innovative fuels such as RFNBOs and low-carbon fuels by 2030. While REDII sets a target of 3.5% for advanced biofuels in transport, high upfront capital investment needs and higher costs for RFNBOs and low carbon fuels will not allow them to penetrate these sectors before 2030 and thus provide the basis for a more significant uptake after 2030. Renewable and low-carbon fuels (including hydrogen) can be promoted most effectively if they can be easily distinguished from more polluting energy sources. Without a certification system and the provision of information to the market and policy makers about the environmental and energy efficiency performance of energy carriers, the promotion of promising energy solutions would be jeopardised. 

    REDII extended the EU bioenergy sustainability framework to cover also large-scale use of biomass and biogas in heat and power and it included new risk-based criteria for forest biomass and for agriculture biomass. It also includes minimum GHG saving criteria for biofuels for transport and biomass/biogas in heat and power and minimum efficiency criteria for biomass based electricity production. In addition, it requires Member States to design their support schemes with due regard to the waste hierarchy to avoid undue distortions of the raw material market, and not to support waste to energy in case they have not met the separate sorting obligations under the Waste Framework Directive. However, these criteria will be effective only from the transposition deadline in June 2021 and there is no information on their effectiveness.

    39 The use of bioenergy is projected to increase moderately between 2020 and 2030 (in some scenarios biomass consumption is even projected to decrease, mitigating possible conflicts with biodiversity objectives). Post-2030 sustainable bioenergy is set to gain increasing importance, particulary in the electricity, transport and industry sectors, with the view to contribute to carbon neutrality goal by 2050. While the EU sustainability criteria have been reinforced under REDII, they do not fully address the risks of sourcing forest biomass from primary and highly biodiverse forests (unless they are protected by national or international competent authorities). In addition, the exemption of installations equal or above 20MW still leaves a large share of biomass unregulated (25% of commercial woody biomass plus households use for space heating). Furthermore, thanks to the Renovation Wave, the replacement rate of inefficient biomass boilers is projected to increase, with related reduced emissions. Finally, Member States provide important financial support to bioenergy production. In 2018 the total EU27 biomass support amounted to 10.3 billion EUR, and biogas received 3 billion EUR, and when subsidies could not directly assigned to any of the two (biomass-biogas), the support amounted to 1.5 billion EUR. Without a reinforced application of the cascading principle, this national financial flows could lead to undue distortions of the raw material market, and even divert high quality wood to energy market, with associated negative impacts on resource efficiency, biodiversity and carbon sinks. The projected reduction of biomass use by households for local space heating, due to more efficient housing and higher electrification, will result in a reduction of related air emissions.

    3.Why should the EU act?

    3.1. Legal basis

    The proposal is based on Article 194(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which provides the legal basis for proposing measures to develop new and renewable forms of energy, one of the goals of the Union’s energy policy, set out in Article 194(1) (c) TFEU. REDII, which will be amended by this proposal, was also adopted under Article 194(2) TFEU in 2018.

    It is an initiative in an area of energy, which is a shared competence between the EU and the Member States.

    3.2. Subsidiarity: Necessity of EU action

    A cost-efficient accelerated development of sustainable renewable energy within a more integrated energy system cannot be sufficiently achieved by Member States alone. An EU approach is needed to provide the right incentives to Member States with different levels of ambition to accelerate, in a coordinated way, the energy transition from the traditional fossil fuel based energy system towards a more integrated and more energy-efficient energy system, based on renewables-based generation.

    The CTP establishes that renewables have a key role to play to decarbonise the Union’s economy and must be substantially increased to respond to the Union’s new climate ambition. Taking into account the different energy policies and priorities among Member States, action at EU level is more likely to achieve the required increased deployment of renewables than national or local action alone. This collective effort is also more likely to succeed in reaching Union climate targets, as can be seen by the 2020 renewable energy target, with some Member States likely to deliver below their national contribution but others above, so that in total the contributions exceed the Union target.

    The EU common framework and targets leave discretion for Member States to set concrete policies and actions that contribute to the national contributions and EU targets while respecting their right to decide their energy mix.

    3.3. Subsidiarity: Added value of EU action

    EU action on renewable energy brings added value because it is more efficient and effective than individual Member States’ actions, avoiding a fragmented approach by addressing the transition of the European energy system in a coordinated way, ensuring net reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and pollution, protecting biodiversity, harnessing the benefits of the internal market, fully exploiting the advantages of economies of scale and technological cooperation in Europe, and giving investors certainty in an EU-wide regulatory framework.

    In its Conclusions of 10 and 11 December 2020, the European Council endorsed a binding EU target of a net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. The analysis in the CTP indicated that the least cost pathway to achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets in 2030 is for the renewable energy share to increase. A revised EU-wide energy and climate framework for renewable energy in 2030 will also help to steer Member States energy policies to achieve a sustainable, secure and integrated energy system for European citizens. The increase of renewable energy across the EU benefits from coordination at the EU level given the EU’s single market. An increase in the 2030 target for the EU’s Renewable energy share will impact all sectors and has a much greater chance of leading to the necessary transformation, acting as a strong driver for a cost-efficient change and resilient to external shocks.


    This impact assessment looks at how to increase the share of renewable energy in different sectors by 2030 to contribute effectively to the goal of GHG emissions. The analysis of the Member States’ NECPs is fully taken into account. Where targets are considered, this is because having ambitious Union targets will also drive ambitious contributions from the Member States. Collective achievement of the Union target will be facilitated by the measures set out in this assessment, which will give Member States the tools and the flexibility necessary to increase the share of renewable energy in their overall consumption. By acting at EU-level in combination with action at Member State level, several barriers to public and private investments can be tackled and this will effectively supplement and reinforce national and local action. Addressing the lack of coordination between various bodies at national level as well as improving administrative and technical capacity will incentivise cost-optimal deployment of renewables at city and community level, where issues such as heating, cooling and hot water use remain key and are not decarbonising rapidly enough with more details under the assessment of the measures (Section

    The role of Member States is crucial to achieve the increased overall EU GHG ambition and putting in place measures at Union level aims to focus action at nation level where it can be most effective, taking into account the very varied situations on in Member States. This is fully in line with Article 194(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which states that the Union policy on energy shall aim, in a spirit of solidarity between Member States, to promote the development of new and renewable forms of energy. Simply setting targets at EU levels and leaving Member States complete freedom as to how to achieve them would however not be an effective way to achieve the agreed targets, as has been recognised by the co-legislators when they agreed the specific measures in the current REDII and the reporting and governance structure set out in Regulation 2018/1999. It also risks causing distortions to the internal market, and would lead to a less effective preservation and improvement of the environment, one of the specific aims of Article 194 TFEU.

    Important national prerogatives such as the Member State's right to determine the conditions for exploiting their energy resources, their choice between different energy technologies and the general structure of their energy supply, remain fully untouched. The balance between obligations and the flexibility left to the Member States on how to achieve the objectives is considered appropriate given the imperative of achieving, ultimately, climate neutrality.

    In terms of consistency with the Charter for fundamental rights, the overarching aim of this review is to increase the use of renewable energy and reduce GHG emissions, and this is entirely in line with Article 37 of the Charter under which a high level of environmental protection and the improvement of the quality of the environment must be integrated into the policies of the Union and ensured in accordance with the principle of sustainable development.

    4.Objectives: What is to be achieved?

    4.1. General objectives

    The general objective of this initiative is to ensure that the revised REDII is fit to contribute to the achievement of at least 55% of GHG emissions reduction in 2030 and to do so in a cost-effective and sustainable way. This needs to be done in complementarity with the other initiatives of the “Fit for 55” package and consistently with other EGD objectives and initiatives.

    4.2. Specific objectives

    The initiative will contribute to the achievement of the general objective by pursuing the following specific three objectives:

    ·To increase sufficiently the renewables share in final energy consumption. This will ensure that the overall and sectoral deployment of renewable energy in 2030 is in line with the CTP findings, thus contributing cost-effectively to the increased 2030 climate target of at least 55% as well as climate neutrality objective in 2050 (which requires the large scale rollout of innovative technologies including RFNBOs and advanced biofuels after 2030).

    For this objective, regulatory and non-regulatory options will be explored on the following topics: overall target, heating and cooling, including buildings, transport, accompanied by flanking and enabling measures in electricity and industry.

    ·To increase energy system integration by promoting electrification based on renewable electricity, to create a level playing field for all innovative renewable and low carbon fuels and to specifically promote innovative renewable fuels (such as hydrogen and its derivatives produced from renewable electricity). This will ensure that the increase in the RES share in final energy consumption is cost-effective by promoting ESI in line with the CTP and the ESI strategy and that innovative fuels are promoted strongly considering that they are indispensable for carbon neutrality.

    For this objective, regulatory and non-regulatory options will be explored on the following topics: promotion of renewables-based electrification, measures to improve the system integration of renewables, and definition, certification of all innovative renewable and low carbon fuels and promotion of innovative renewable fuels.

    ·To ensure that renewables, in particular produced from forest biomass, are sustainable. This will ensure that forest biomass consumed in the EU is produced sustainably, including by minimising the risk of significant negative environmental and climate impacts, in line with the ambition set in the EGD and the BDS.

    4.3. Intervention logic

    The figure below visualizes the intervention logic, linking the problem, problem drivers, specific objectives and general objectives. The policy options described in section 5 are defined to address these objectives.

    Figure 2: Intervention logic

    5.What are the available policy options?


    The baseline for this initiative is the recast of REDII as described in Section 1.1

    The EU Reference Scenario 2020 (REF) and its Member States specific results reflect implementation of REDII recast. REF is the baseline in the impact assessments for all the initiatives of the “Fit for 55” Package 40 , including in this one. Complete information about preparation process, assumptions and results are included in the Reference scenario publication 41 . The most relevant information for this assessment is also presented in Annex 4.

    REF reflects the agreed 2030 EU climate and energy targets: at least 40% GHG reduction, at least 32% renewables share and at least 32.5% energy efficiency (energy efficiency target is, however, not achieved – see below). REF also reflects main policy tools at EU level to implement these targets and, to the extent possible, the complete range of foreseen of bottom up national policies and measures of the final NECPs that Member States submitted in 2019/2020 according to the Governance Regulation 42 . The REF also takes into account the energy system impacts of the COVID-19 crisis that already heavily impacted the EU and Member States’ economies in 2020/2021 43 .

    For 2030, REF projects for the EU a 33.2% share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption 44 . It also projects that final energy consumption is 883 Mtoe, which is 29.6% below the 2007 Baseline and thus an ambition gap to the agreed 2030 energy efficiency target of at least 32.5%. For the ESR, an overall reduction of emissions of 30.7% by 2030 as compared to 2005 is projected. These projections are in line 45 with the Commission’s assessment of final NECPs 46 .

    Taking into account the national contributions and policies put forward in the final NECPs, the REF scenario achieves 33.2% renewable energy share in 2030, and thus overachieves the current EU 32% renewable energy target. All sectoral shares show growth in renewable energy deployment compared to historical levels, which reflects the ambitious policies of the Member States. Those policies and the resulting renewables deployment are, however, not sufficient for achieving the level of ambition commensurate with the increased climate target (38-40% according to CTP). Naturally, also all sectoral shares are below the levels projected in the CTP scenarios - as illustrated in the table below.

    Table 1 - Overview projected sector shares; Source ESTAT, PRIMES



    Total RES share























    CTP : ranges for 55% GHG scenarios






    RED IA: core scenarios ranges for 55% GHG scenarios





    While not all trends can be captured in energy system modelling, the REF shows the impacts of several trends described in section 2.3 above.

    According to REF, GHG emissions from the European Union in 2030 (incl. intra EU aviation and maritime and incl. LULUCF) would be 45% below the 1990 level. An EU allowance price of 30 EUR/tCO2eq. in 2030 47 , national policies and lowering costs of renewable technologies would drive the emissions reduction in the ETS sector.

    REF models the impacts of targets and policies already adopted, but not the target of net-zero emissions by 2050. As a result, there are no additional policies driving decarbonisation after 2030. However, climate and energy policies will likely not be rolled back after 2030 and several of the measures in place today will continue to deliver emissions reduction in the long term. By 2050, some 60% GHG reductions (with regards to 1990) are projected to be achieved.

    5.2. Scope of this initiative and alignment with the Climate Target Plan 

    All “Fit for 55” initiatives, including this one build on the CTP and its underpinning impact assessment, but they also expands CTP analysis looking more in detail of actions in different sectors and creation of necessary enabling conditions. The CTP showed, on the basis of scenarios, that achievement of increased climate target of at least 55% net GHG emissions reduction in 2030 is feasible and enables a smoother trajectory to climate neutrality in 2050 but it requires that all sectors contribute to the increased effort.

    With the energy sector contributing currently to just over 75% of GHG emissions, the clean energy transition in the current decade plays a central role. This transition has to accelerate significantly compared to scenarios leading to the previously agreed climate target (of at least 40% GHG reduction in 2030). They key finding from CTP modelling was that achieving in the cost-efficient manner the 55% GHG target in 2030 would mean a share of renewables in final energy consumption of 38%-40% in 2030. A significant additional uptake of energy efficiency will also be necessary. CTP assessment indicated that achieving 55% GHG reductions in 2030 requires savings of 36-37% of the final energy and savings of 39-40% of the primary energy. Likewise, the CTP established the desired reductions in the GHG emissions in the current ETS and ESR sectors.more details are included in Annex 5.

    Consequently, the scope of this initiative is to deliver, together with other “Fit for 55” proposals, the necessary and cost-effective deployment of renewables (via increasing the targets and addressing the market failures/non-market barriers) to contribute achievement of increased climate target.

    The updated core scenarios confirmed that the range for renewables deployment in order to reach 55% GHG target cost-effectively is 38-40%. Several other “Fit for 55” proposals affect the scope of this initiative, notably extension of carbon pricing. This fundamental interaction is portrayed by core scenario set-up discussion on the core scenario results interpretation in section 5.5. Other interactions and key findings of the CTP and how these findings were fine-tuned based on the “Fit for 55” IA work are discussed in Annex 4.

    The updated core scenarios have an important role in this assessment as the policy options on the level of targets (overall, sectoral) are aligned with core scenario findings (while considering also options proposed by stakeholders). In addition, a number of policy options concerns how these options can be delivered - i.e. the ways to establish targets or enabling conditions for their achievement.

    Policy options such as the ones revolving around advanced biofuels and RFNBOs are based on a dedicated variant (MIX-H2) coherent with other “Fit for 55” policy options, still lead to 55% GHG target but are in line with the goals of the Hydrogen Strategy in order to provide a stronger push to mainstream such fuels (see section 5.3).

    5.3.Description of the policy options

    Based on existing studies, on the inputs from stakeholders and on internal analysis, a range of policy options and measures for each policy area were screened to respond to the problems identified in the problem definition.

    A set of policy options and measures under each policy area including non-legislative and legislative alternatives are considered below in order to address the drivers of the problems identified above. The concrete figures supporting the policy options are assessed in detail in Chapter 6. A ‘snapshot’ of stakeholders’ views is included for each set of options 48 , with further details in the text and a comprehensive overview in Annex 2.

    How policy options are structured

    Policy options are structured into four main areas. The three first areas are directly linked with the specific objectives of the initiative and thus are deemed crucial to achieve those. The fourth area contains flanking and enabling measures that are supportive of those objectives.

    Core policy options

    1.Options linked to the insufficient ambition of existing legislation to reach climate neutrality. This includes options about the overall target, heating and cooling, including buildings, and transport.

    2.Options linked to the need to increase energy system integration. This includes options to promote electrification and the certification and promotion of innovative fuels.

    3.Options linked to ensure the bioenergy sustainability.

    Flanking and enabling measures

    4.In addition, to the specific objectives of the revision of this Directive, a limited number of additional flanking or enabling measures could contribute to the cost-efficient deployment of renewables. This includes measures to foster regional cooperation, offshore renewables deployment and the uptake of renewable energy in industry that would complement also carbon price instruments while further reducing technology costs.

    5.3.1. Area I: Insufficient ambition in EU and MS legislation both in 2030 and 2050 perspective Options to increase and ensure the achievement of the overall renewable energy target in 2030

    As shown in the REF scenario both the current EU renewable energy target (at least 32% by 2030) and the aggregated ambition of the Member States (between 33.1% and 33.7% by 2030 49 ) are not ambitious enough compared to the level of renewable energy shares needed to reach the -55% reduction of GHG emissions included in the CTP 50   51 and agreed by EU leaders. This is problematic as without sufficiently high ambition levels, it is less likely that the share of renewable energy will increase at the rate required for reaching the GHG reduction target in a cost-effective manner.

    Options considered are:

    Level of the target

    ·Option 0: No change to the target i.e. keep at least 32 % (baseline scenario).

    ·Option 1: A minimum target in the range of 38-40%

    ·Option 2: A higher target than 40%

    Nature of the target

    ·Option 0: No change to the nature of the target and EU target which is fulfilled by national contributions, i.e. EU binding target and national voluntary contributions

    ·Option 1: National binding targets in addition to the EU binding target

    Stakeholders’ opinions

    In the OPC, a majority of respondents favoured a target of at least 38-40% (43% of respondents) or higher (37% of respondents). All respondents expressed a very strong preference (71% or higher) for the target being binding at both EU and national level. 22% of respondents believe that the target should be binding only at EU level. All 11 Member States responding to the consultation 52 were in favour of at least increasing the target in line with the CTP (if not beyond 40%). Regarding the binding nature of the target, most MS opted for the target to be binding at least at EU level -if not at both EU and national levels, while only two MS responding to the OPC opted against the target being binding at either level. Options to increase renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector (RES-H&C)

    For the H&C sector to contribute effectively to the overall RES Share levels indicated the CTP , Member States’ efforts in this sector should be increased 53 . Heating and cooling are local and diverse across Member States. leading to highly fragmented industry and stakeholder structure, which constitutes a barrier for sharing knowledge and have access to a common framework of measures and tools (regulatory, financial, etc.), which could facilitate actions at national and local levels. EU framework in this sector is recent and incipient leading to limited EU value added and capacity to harness synergies from shared knowledge and capacity building, common regulatory framework and investment risk mitigation instruments. Clearer overarching EU objectives and more comprehensive list of measures and instruments are needed to support and guide national efforts in Member States by public authorities, citizens and businesses and scale-up the capacity of the heating and cooling industry to supply technologies and solutions. An expanded and comprehensive list of measures would diffuse best practices and would provide a list of policy instruments to guide national efforts while aiming to address non-market barriers, complementary with carbon pricing instruments, while ensuring effectiveness, cost efficiency in a balanced manner.

    The options aim to ensure that renewable energy supply (sources, technologies and infrastructures) is sufficiently available and deployed, including via district heating and cooling, and that buildings becomes fit for the integration of renewables to gradually replace fossil based heating and cooling systems in line with the CTP and the Renovation Wave. When it comes to Industry, the pace of RES uptake is clearly insufficient to contribute adequately to an increased 2030 climate target in line with the CTP. Furthermore, early investments are needed to adapt production processes, e.g. through electrification, to the availability of different renewable energy carriers. Introducing more specific provisions covering the use of renewables in industry could help accelerate the cost-efficient uptake of RES in industry.

    To overcome non market barriers from the fragmented nature and the limited capacity to tap on common instruments of the heating and cooling sector, the proposed options revolve around two core issues:

    (1) Measures to address non market barriers in the area of heating and cooling for further fuel switching to renewables, coherent with carbon price mechanisms and energy efficiency measures that would complement the current list of measures in Article 23(4) which also, for example, cover buildings.

    (2) Assessing the level and nature of RES H&C targets, including renewable energy in buildings and industry, 54 that lead to the necessary deployment of renewables in the H&C sector, contributing to overall 2030 national RES contributions and thus fulfilment of overall RES target.

    Options considered are:

    Option 0: No changes, maintain current indicative 1.1%-point average increase in renewables at Member State level under REDII and the list of measures (baseline)

    ·Option 1: Non-regulatory measures - Guidance and Best Practice Exchange 

    This option involves the use of non-regulatory measures alone to support the full implementation of REDII provisions. These activities would take the form of Guidance and Best Practice Exchange without using legally binding measures. These could help to address those weaknesses that were identified during the assessment of the NECPs and in discussions with Member States, mainly using the forum of the Concerted Action to prepare the implementation of RED II 55 . These could cover the following areas: RES heating and cooling share accounting; interpretation of relevant definitions and provisions (e.g. in relation to waste heat, ambient energy); guidance on possible measures, renewable cooling following the adoption of the delegated act on calculation methodology foreseen for 31 of December 2021 and also specific guidance on the current measures in Article 23(4)In terms of H&C shares, the existing indicative increase target in REDII would continue to apply unchanged.

    ·Option 2: Regulatory Measures - Extend the current list of measures of Article 23(4) in REDII

    Clarify and complement the current list of measures to ensure the availability of a core set of generally applicable instruments at EU level, as common buildings blocks of common relevance, applicability and replicability for heating and cooling decarbonisation. The extended list of measures will provide the missing common EU framework to ensure level playing field and enhance regulatory certainty. The list of measures an extended list of measures to cover capacity building, risk mitigation, heat purchase agreements, planned replacement schemes, renewable heat planning and updated training and qualification requirements for installers that Member States can use to implement the overall heating and cooling RES target. (See Annex 7 for detail of measures);

    This option aims to overcome non-market barriers and complement carbon price signals by ensuring better coordination and planning, increasing capacity for heat system replacement and project development, ensuring accurate and sufficient information for informed decision making, reducing risks of investment and ensuring engagement of local authorities and consumers. Lack of such measures would necessitate much higher carbon prices signals, would delay the translation of carbon pricing into concrete consumer investment decision and increase cost burden for consumers, in particular low-income households and vulnerable consumers.

    ·Option 3: Level and nature of the targets

    oOption 3a) make the current 1.1%-point average increase at Member State level as a minimum baseline complemented by an indicative Member State-specific top-up based on the EU’s RES H&C share as carried out in dedicated modelling work for this impact assessment in agreement with CTP analysis.

    oOption 3b) make an annual average increase binding at Member State level translated based on the EU’s RES H&C share as carried out in dedicated modelling work for this impact assessment in agreement with CTP analysis to reach the overall RES 38-40% shares..

    oOption 3c) a binding EU target for RES heating and cooling only

    oOption 3d) (Indicative) EU RES benchmarks of 49% for the EU building stock (a general numerical level of minimum RES use in national building stocks as a percentage of the overall energy use) and for renewable energy consumption of 1.1% yearly average over the 2020-2030 period in industry to monitor progress and efforts.

    This set of options involves possibilities to strengthen the current target. Option 3a) makes the current target mandatory, while also adjusting its design to higher ambition in a way that reflects national circumstances in a proportionate way (indicative top-ups). Options 3b) increases the current target in a uniform way and makes it binding for all Member States. Option 3c) introduces a new design in the form of an overall EU target. Options 3a), 3b) and 3c) present different mutually exclusive design options. Options 3d) is complementary with 3a), 3b) and 3c) and can be applied to reinforce these other options.

    Stakeholders’ opinions

    Overall RES heating and cooling targets:

    In the replies to the Roadmap, most stakeholders asked for a stronger H&C target of at least 50% share of RES by 2030 and called for a higher annual RES-H&C target of 3,1%. Stakeholders also called for making the H&C target in Article 23 binding. Several gas industry stakeholders called for quotas for renewable gas and renewable hydrogen and the inclusion of these new innovative renewable fuels in the accounting for the RES H&C sub-target.

    Heating and cooling was the second most popular sector (after transport) for additional efforts to increase the share of the renewable energy according to the replies to the OPC.

    When it comes to the MS’ answers to the OPC, most of them opted against both increasing the target and making it binding.

    RES in buildings:

    In the replies to the Roadmap there was a strong call to increase the share of RES in buildings, and some stakeholders suggested specific targets (e.g. 50% of RES share in buildings, ensuring that 40% of heating is provided by heat pumps in 2030 and 70% in 2050).

    78% of those replying to the OPC, in particular environmental organisations (87%) and NGOs (82%), expressed the view that there should be a minimum percentage of renewables in new and renovated buildings. Options to increase renewable energy in the district heating and cooling sector (RES-DH&C)

    Examples of modern renewable-based efficient district heating and cooling (DHC) demonstrated cost-effective solutions for high renewable energy integration, increased energy efficiency and energy system integration 56 . However, while the potentials have been demonstrated in scientific studies 57 and by numerous examples, such examples remain few and far between. The current provisions under REDII require Member States to endeavour to increase the share of renewables by an annual average 1%-point

    (100% of this target can be fulfilled by waste heat and cold), or implement network access for renewables, waste heat and cogeneration. These provisions, weak as they are, include several exemptions allowing Member States to do nothing even where their systems are old, mostly based on fossil fuels (for example coal still has a significant share) and subject to consumer dissatisfaction in several Member States, where DHC has significant market share (14%-50% in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, and above 50-80% in certain cities) 58 .

    The NECPs analysis has shown a general lack of measures and trajectories to address DHC in line with the REDII. For example only three MS provided targets and trajectories for renewables in DHC 59 , while the role of these networks is significant or increasing in all but a few countries 60 .

    The current provisions make it possible for ‘de-facto’ 100% fossil systems to continue indefinitely in the future, while other segments of the heating sector (e.g. individual heating technologies and fuels) are becoming subject to increasingly stricter requirements to decarbonise, even when their potentials are weaker, more expensive and remote in the future. The lack of EU action in this sector would allow business-as-usual to continue with ensuing lock-in-effects, wasted cost-effective possibilities to harness (especially local) renewable sources (ambient, geothermal energy via heat pumps or bespoken technologies, solar thermal, cheap waste based bioenergy or waste heat, etc.). Similarly the demonstrated energy system integration potential of DHC 61 would not materialise by lack of a clear EU framework guiding local actors and encouraging their efforts to link district heating networks with renewable electricity, waste heat and renewable gases deployment. Consumer information as regards the climate performance of these systems should in parallel be improved to ensure level playing field, greater transparency and fair competition with alternatives. The proposed measures are necessary to ensure that the next inevitable and imminent investment cycle in district heating is not wasted and directed towards future proof solutions when replace the current old and obsolete heat generation units (around two thirds of the generation assets).

    The current measures should be aligned with the higher ambition and decarbonisation policies laid down in the European Green Deal, the ESI and the Hydrogen Strategies and the Renovation Wave. In particular, the ESI Strategy calls to accelerate investment in smart, highly-efficient, renewables-based district heating and cooling networks, if appropriate by proposing stronger obligations through the revision of REDII and the Energy Efficiency Directive. The Renovation Wave highlighted the role of district approaches to building renovation creating new business opportunities and reducing overall costs. District approaches where the simultaneous deployment of modern district heating and cooling systems offer cost-saving synergies with building renovation by allowing the scaling and aggregating projects making zero-energy or even positive energy districts possible through modern district heating and cooling systems with large potential for renewables and waste-heat recovery. 

    The EED review complements the REDII review by revising the definition for efficient district heating and cooling. This definition should be updated to CTP and EGD goals to make exemptions from the annual average target, network access and disconnection justifiable. The ambition level should be raised to give clear signals for investment decisions even if the target remains indicative to allow sufficient flexibility to cater to specific national conditions. The coordinated review of the EED and REDII aims to increase complementarities and synergies between renewables and energy efficiency in developing modern renewable DHC by enhancing the EED focus on primary energy savings and REDII focus on renewables in DHC; renewables thus can contribute to energy savings, while higher requirements for efficiency enable renewables and make them cheaper to implement. Thus the same renewables in DHC help achieving the renewable heating and cooling, district heating and cooling and overall renewable targets, while also contributing to the energy efficiency targets.

    Options, in conjunction with the revision of the EED and the EPBD, are:

    ·Option 0: No changes, maintain current policies under REDII (baseline scenario);

    The baseline scenario assumes continued implementation of the existing framework without changes to the REDII. Enforcement takes place through established methods - the annual monitoring of Member States' performance under the Governance Regulation, continuous dialogue with Member States under the Concerted Action, if needed supported by further Commission recommendations to Member States, and infringement proceedings where relevant.

    ·Option 1: Non-Regulatory Measures - Guidance and Best Practice Exchange covering provisions that are either new or high-level making room for diverging interpretation and implementation by Member States. Such Guidance and Best Practice Exchange could cover clarification of the following provisions: ‘efficient district heating and cooling’; DHC target accounting; information provisions for consumers; network access and exemptions; sector integration between district heating systems and the electricity grid. Option 1 could in addition cover best practice exchange on areas identified by Member States, such as support schemes and financing, waste heat and renewables connection, links with buildings, flexibility and sector integration or any other element of the current framework.

    This option would help address the weaknesses identified during the assessment of NECPs and the discussions with Member States preparing the implementation of RED II 62 . It would cover the following areas: RES DHC share accounting; interpretation of relevant definitions and provisions (e.g. in relation to waste heat and ‘efficient district heating and cooling’); guidance on the role of district heating in energy system integration; renewable district cooling following the adoption of the delegated act on calculation methodology.

    ·Option 2: Strengthening existing measures on improved information for consumers, strengthened rights of renewable heat suppliers to access networks, improved and extended ESI with other energy carriers and networks.

    As exemption from access rights and other measures (disconnection, target) are based on the definition of efficient district heating and cooling, this definition also needs to be revised to align it with the European Green Deal. The review of the definition is undertaken jointly by the EED and REDII reviews, as both directives use the same definition. The shared definition and its joint review ensure coherence and synergy between the two directives.

    This option aims to improve the REDII current framework for the development of modern DHC systems and ensure their greater contribution to heating and cooling decarbonisation in alignment with EGD/CTP and the options on H&C. It complements the EED and ensures better synergies between EED and REDII.

    ·Option 3: Level and nature of the target

    oOption 3a) No changes; maintain current indicative 1% point average increase at Member State level

    oOption 3b) add indicative EU renewable target for renewables’ share in DHC;

    oOption 3c) increase the indicative 1%-point increase target;

    oOption 3d) increase the 1%-point increase target and make it binding;

    This option involves possibilities to strengthen the current target. Option 3a) keeps the status-quo. Option 3b) introduces a new design in the form of an overall EU target. Option 3c) increases the current target but leaves it indicative. Option 3d) increases the current target and makes it binding. Options 3a)-3d) are mutually exclusive.

    Stakeholders’ opinions

    Most respondents in the Open Public Consultation indicated that the use of waste and renewable heat (94% of the respondents of who 50% rated it as very appropriate and 44% as appropriate) and increased energy efficiency (93% of the respondents of who 64% rated it as very appropriate and 29% as appropriate) is believed to be (very) appropriate for increasing the uptake of renewable energy in district heating and cooling networks. Participants expressed a mild preference for a binding target for renewable energy in district heating and cooling (53% yes to 47% no) and for increasing the current target (51% yes to 49% no). Environmental organisations and NGOs are distinctly against both propositions (only group of stakeholders expressing this preference), a similar view expressed for the heating and cooling target, because of the effect such a target may have on demand for biomass. Options to increase renewable energy in the transport sector (RES-T)

    RED II requires Member States to set an obligation on fuel suppliers to ensure that the share of renewable energy in the transport sector achieves a 14% target - and a 3.5 % sub-target for advanced biofuels. The focus of the measure is to set out a policy framework that promotes renewables in transport. Decisions on the concrete design of obligation are largely left to the Member States. Contribution of conventional biofuels is capped based on their share in 2020. The Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) includes in addition to fuel quality standards a 6% target to reduce GHG emissions of transport fuels and an outdated set of sustainability criteria.

    The options under this section aim to deliver to achieve the ambition level of the Climate Target Plan 55% GHG reduction across the economy while applying different implementation options.

    The measures to limit the contribution of conventional biofuels and the flexible limit on Annex IX Part B biofuels are maintained under all options to minimise indirect land use change-risks and to take into account the limited feedstock supply, respectively.

    The use of multipliers in the calculation of the share of renewable energy in the transport sector is maintained in view of the Decision of the co-legislator in 2018 on this matter 63 . However, the multipliers are adjusted to better reflect the maturity of different types of fuels and the energy efficiency of electric vehicles. Where necessary the nominal level of the target is adjusted to maintain the level of ambition. Options in this section are assessed based on their capacity to achieve the ambition level of the Climate Target Plan 55% GHG reduction across the economy as carried out in dedicated modelling work for this impact assessment in agreement with CTP analysis.

    Options are:


    ·Option 0: No change in the current legislation (baseline scenario);

    Level and nature of the targets

    ·Option 1: The ambition level for renewables in transport is increased and new fuel blends are introduced to facilitate the achievement of the higher targets 64 . The 6% emission reduction target set out in the FQD 65 is removed.

    ·Option 1A: The target for renewables in the transport sector is increased and the sub-target for advanced biofuels is increased.

    ·Option 1B: In addition to the increase of the target and the sub-target for advanced biofuels a dedicated sub-target for RFNBOs is introduced.


    ·Option 2: The Member States are required to set out an obligation on fuel suppliers that ensures the achievement of the target. The Directive would set out design features of the obligation to harmonise the way the contribution of renewable electricity supplied to electric vehicles is taken into account and to avoid overlaps with measures implemented under the ReFuel EU Aviation initiative. Further, the following sub-options are considered:

    ·Option 2A: The obligation on fuel suppliers is expressed in terms of energy i.e. fuel suppliers are required to incorporate a minimum share of renewable energy in the fuels they supply to the market including minimum shares for advanced biofuels and RFNBOs. All fuels need to achieve minimum emission savings requirements;

    ·Option 2B: The obligation on fuel suppliers is expressed in terms of emission savings i.e. fuel suppliers are required to reduce the emission intensity of fuels placed on the market. There would be no sub targets for advanced biofuels and RFNBOs;

    ·Option 2C: The choice between the approaches described under A and B is left to the Member States (as currently);

    ·Option 2D: The obligation on fuel suppliers is expressed in terms of emission savings but operators are required to achieve minimum shares for advanced biofuels and RFNBOs;

    Apart from raising the level of ambition for the share of renewables in transport including for renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs), renewable electricity in transport and advanced biofuels 66 , the options concern the design of the obligation on fuel suppliers including the question whether it should be expressed in terms of emission savings or supplied renewable energy and how it can better promote the use of renewable electricity in electric vehicles.

    The options are aligned, and complementary to the ReFuel EU Aviation and Fuel EU Maritime initiatives. The role of RED II in this context is to set the overarching framework and targets for the promotion of renewables in the transport sector, including for innovative renewable fuels, while ReFuel EU Aviation and Fuel EU Maritime initiatives aim to address sector specific sectorial challenges with dedicated measures. ReFuel Aviation for example proposes sector-specific blending mandates by imposing a minimum share of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) to be supplied to airlines, and an uplift obligation on airlines to take such fuels at EU airports. The overall availability as well as the terminology and the certification scheme of renewable fuels will be ensured through the RED II framework.

    Both measures contribute towards the achievement of the targets set out in RED II.

    Stakeholders’ opinions

    Transport was the most popular sector for additional efforts to increase the share of the renewable energy according to the replies to the OPC. The majority of replies were in favour of an increase in the renewables target for transport, with 43% suggesting this should be more ambitious than the 2030 CTP, 34% that it should be as ambitious as the CTP, and 9% that it should be less ambitious. A very large majority of respondents (86%) think that the renewables target in transport should be increased in some way.

    5.3.2. Area II: Insufficient promotion of energy system integration in REDII Measures to enhance the contribution of transport and heating and cooling to the system integration of renewable electricity

    With the extended use of heat pumps in heating and cooling, the deployment of stationary batteries, and especially with the proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs around 30 million vehicles expected in the EU by 2030 based on conservative estimates), it is necessary to ensure that these assets can fully contribute to the system integration of renewable electricity, and thus facilitate reaching higher shares of renewable electricity in a cost-optimal manner, while ensuring a secure and reliable supply of electricity.

    The Clean Energy package introduced a number of general provisions aiming at ensuring that various storage assets can gain access to balancing markets without discrimination. Such provisions can be complemented by targeted measures aiming at ensuring that small and mobile distributed assets are sufficiently integrated within the electricity system in a manner that maximizes their potential contribution to the system integration of renewable electricity.

    For EVs specifically, their contribution to system integration largely depends on the access to smart charging infrastructure with the ability to vary charging intensity according to certain signals, the availability of bidirectional flow between charger and vehicle (Vehicle to Grid, V2G) and the availability of near-real time information on pricing and share of renewable electricity. In order for integration to take place efficiently and competitively, market players such as electricity suppliers and electromobility service providers also need to have access to basic battery information and be able to offer their services via sufficient and non-discriminatory access to charging infrastructure.

    The EPBD and the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Directive focus on the deployment and planning of charging infrastructure in thermally enclosed buildings and publicly accessible areas, respectively. A gap therefore exists for structures and areas not within the above categories, such as multi-storey parking structures and off-street parking areas with controlled access. In addition, AFID’s scope is specific for ensuring infrastructure adequacy to support EV fleets for mobility, instead for system integration. A gap in regulatory scope is therefore clearly present, both in terms of geographical application and in terms of purpose, which does not enable legislating for the desired location, type and number of charging infrastructure fit for EV integration. It is important to complement these two legislations and their upcoming revisions, by creating transversal requirements for charging points to be deployed and operated in a manner that optimizes their contribution to the system integration of renewable electricity.

    The following options are considered:

    1.Availability of RES relevant system information: 

    ·Option 1.0: No changes, availability of near-real-time information on the share of RES in the system is optional (baseline scenario); 

    ·Option 1.1: In addition to price signals, mandate TSO/DSOs to make available information on the RES-share of the electricity in the system (for instance in the relevant bidding zone), as well as forecasting information where possible, in a near-real-time and interoperable manner, which can be used by all players, including managers of Building Energy Systems and EV users and those acting on their behalf, as well as network connected devices. 

    ·Option 1.2: In addition to option 1.1, also mandate electricity suppliers to provide information in bills on the actual RES-share of the electricity consumed, based on the real RES-share in the system at hours of consumption, which would complement the information provided through guarantees of origin for customers of green offers (and the “residual mix” for other customers).

    2.Set minimum requirements for the availability of intelligent infrastructure (intelligent charging and/or V2G) for the integration of electric vehicles in the electricity system 

    ·Option 2.0: No change in the current legislation (baseline scenario);

    ·Option 2.1A: mandate Member States to ensure that all recharging points installed in their territory are able to support smart charging functionality 

    ·Option 2.1B: same as Option 2.1A, but allow Member States to exclude certain locations where smart charging would typically not present added value to system flexibility 

    ·Option 2.1C: mandate Member States to assess the extent to which the deployment of additional smart charging points in their territory can further contribute to system flexibility and penetration of renewable electricity, going beyond the minimum requirements of their deployment for mobility purposes for example as required under AFID or EPBD).

    ·Option 2.2A: mandate Member States to ensure that all recharging points installed in their territory are able to support V2G functionality

    ·Option 2.2B: same as Option 2.2A, but allow Member States to evaluate the level of deployment of bidirectional charging (V2G) according to the specific needs of their system

    3.Ensure a level playing field in the market of electricity supply and electric mobility services, specifically for aggregation of distributed assets

    ·Option 3.0:  No change in the current legislation (baseline scenario); 

    ·Option 3.1 ensure that electricity storage systems or devices are treated by network and market operators in ways that are not discriminatory or disproportionate irrespective of their size (small-scale vs large-scale) and whether they are stationary or mobile, so that they are able to competitively offer flexibility and balancing services

    ·Option 3.2: give electricity market participants and mobility service providers access to basic battery information, such as State-of-Health and State-of-Charge

    ·Option 3.3: ensure open access to charging infrastructure that is not for own use

    Stakeholders’ opinions

    The open public consultation gave a clear message that consumers (EV-users) should receive information on the renewable content of the electricity mix when charging. In general, many stakeholders stress that e-mobility should only be encouraged if it is powered by renewable energy. Some stakeholders suggest a fuel-neutral credit trading mechanism to stimulate e-mobility.

    During the stakeholder consultation, independent electricity suppliers and electromobility service providers of intelligent charging services to EV-users through aggregation have explicitly referred to the need for the deployment of intelligent charging infrastructure with open access to the necessary battery data and also raised concerns with regard to the level playing field in the electromobility market and the practices related to network charges, taxes and tariffs. Participants (in particular aggregators) have also stressed the need for free and open access to battery data (currently controlled by manufacturers), as well as ensuring that charging infrastructure is open to all mobility service providers and electricity market participants without under equal treatments. Terminology covering all renewable and low-carbon fuels

    The Energy System Integration strategy announced as one of its key actions the establishment of a comprehensive terminology for all renewable and low-carbon fuels and a European system of certification of such fuels, based notably on full life cycle GHG emission savings and sustainability criteria, building on existing provisions included in REDII as well as in other interconnected policy areas. Moreover, the TEN-E Regulation proposal introduced infrastructure categories facilitating the integration of renewable and low-carbon gases into the grids, smart gas grids and hydrogen networks which require a sustainability assessment.

    ·Option 0: Continue with existing definitions of RFNBOs and RCFs as categories.

    ·Option 1: extend the definition of RNFBOs only

    ·Option 2: include in Article 2 a new definition of low carbon fuels as being: recycled carbon fuels, low-carbon hydrogen, and synthetic fuels the energy content of which is derived from low-carbon hydrogen - without any GHG threshold associated

    ·Option 3: same as option 2, but associate a specific GHG threshold that such low-carbon fuels have to meet in order to be considered low-carbon; empower the Commission to come up with a common methodology to demonstrate achievement of such GHG threshold by way of delegated act.

           Option 3A: define a GHG threshold that is specific to low-carbon fuels

       Option 3B: define a GHG threshold that is the same as for RFNBOs and Recycled Carbon Fuels (RCFs).

    Such thresholds could either be expressed in absolute value of GHG emissions per unit of energy, or in terms of GHG savings to be achieved relative to a comparator – similarly to what is currently done for RNFBOs and RCFs European system of certification of renewable and low carbon fuels

    The terminology for renewable and low-carbon fuels should be underpinned by a strong certification and traceability system It is important to ensure that any claims that a fuel is renewable or low-carbon be underpinned by a proper certification, verification and traceability system. Such system should inform customers and the Member States about the sustainability characteristics of renewable and low carbon fuels, ensure that only sustainable fuels are supported and facilitate cross-border trade. Taking into account that supply chains are global, the further development of the EU certification system would also take into account the international implications of such development as well as exploring options for international regulatory cooperation.

    The current certification system for renewable and low carbon fuels is based mainly on voluntary schemes, recognised by the European Commission 67 . National certification schemes are also a possible tool under REDII but are used by Member States only to a limited extend. The current system of guarantees of origin (GOs) is used only for consumer information and due to its limitations (GOs only cover renewables, can be sold separately from the electricity supply, and do not contain sustainability nor GHG emissions data), they cannot be used for proper certification of energy, consumed and reported by the Member States. REDII therefore tasks the European Commission to develop a Union database to register and trace along the supply chain all liquid and gaseous fuels in the transport sector.

    There is currently no harmonised certification system for hydrogen, although it may be expected that some of the voluntary schemes may enlarge their scope to cover also this type of certification. The same is valid for new fuels that have the potential to increase their market share as a result of the implementation of the REDII (e.g. RFNBOs such as hydrogen-based synthetic fuels) for which a certification system will have to be put in place.

    Options, grouped by category, are:

    A.Scope and content of the certification system:

    ·Option 0A:  No changes, maintain current policies under REDII (baseline);

    ·Option 1A: Adjustment of the scope and content of the current certification system (based on voluntary and national certification schemes) to include all fuels, covered by REDII (including recycled carbon fuels) as well as improvement of the certification process to take into account additional requirements and methodologies developed under REDII;

    ·Option 2A: Further development and harmonisation of the existing system of Guarantees of Origin as an alternative certification system for renewable and low carbon gases and renewable electricity.


    ·Option 0B: Baseline: remain with the current scope of the Union database to cover only liquid and gaseous transport fuels

    ·Option 1B: A single information system (e.g. Union database) is developed to improve the traceability of energy carriers and support to the mainstreaming of the mass balance system by applying one covering all energy end-use sectors and the respective supply chains in a life cycle approach (from production to place of consumption of the fuels). The enforcement of the information system to cover parts of the value chain outside of the EU will be ensured through the existing framework for voluntary schemes currently also operating outside the EU. Support for the deployment of the information system would be also ensured through strengthening of international cooperation.

    Stakeholder’s opinions

    During the 1st stakeholder workshop, panellists acknowledged the necessity to have a fully-fledged certification system for all renewable fuels and low-carbon fuels across the life cycle. In addition, adjusting the scope of this system is important to cover all emerging fuels including RFNBOs as well as renewable and low-carbon fuels.

    92% of participants to the OPC found that the certification and verification system should ensure that the GHG impact of energy conversions along the value chain are fully taken into consideration, while avoiding double counting. Promotion of innovative renewable and low carbon fuels

    Whilst REDII sets a target of 3.5% for advanced biofuels in transport, the current framework offers limited incentives to promote the uptake of RFNBOs ahead of 2030. Yet, for hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as transport and industry, early investments in RFNBOs are needed to prepare a rapid upscaling of these solutions after 2030 68 . Similarly, the conversion of renewable electricity into renewable fuels and gases to provide long-term storage and buffering options is not cost-efficient yet, although this solution might be needed with the rapid rise of variable renewable electricity production.

    This is also recognised in the action points in the Energy System Strategy and the Hydrogen Strategy which refer to additional measures to support renewable and low-carbon fuels, possibly through minimum shares or quotas for RFNBOs in specific end-use sectors. Based on their current framework that allows for the accounting for RFNBOs in the transport sector, there are a number of options to further promote their uptake. Based on this, the chapter will focus on innovative renewable and low-carbon fuels (both gases and liquids) produced from hydrogen and not look in detail at other renewable fuels such as biofuels.

    Options are:

    ·Option 0: No changes, maintain current policies under REDII (baseline); promotion of RNFBOs with non-regulatory measures such as guidance and best-practice sharing, funding of R&D as well as raising consumer awareness.

    A.Extension of the scope of accounting:

    ·Option 1: Extend RFNBOs accounting beyond transport, including heating & cooling and industry, improve the consistency of accounting and the way RFNBOs are counted to the overall target 69

    ·Option 2: Allow Member States to count low-carbon fuels towards the sectoral RFNBO targets (in transport and industry), but not allowing low carbon fuels to count towards the overall RES target.

    B.Creation of specific sub-targets for RFNBOs:

    ·Option 3: Dedicated RFNBOs targets in hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as transport (including aviation, maritime) and industry - targets should be established based on additional modelling reflecting ESI and Hydrogen strategies.

    ·Option 4: Combined target for RFNBOs in transport and industry - targets should be established based on additional modelling reflecting ESI and Hydrogen strategies.

    C.Creation of specific sub-targets for all innovative low-carbon fuels:

    ·Option 5: Dedicated low-carbon fuels targets in hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as transport (including aviation, maritime) and industry - targets should be established based on additional modelling reflecting ESI and Hydrogen strategies.

    ·Option 6: Combined low-carbon fuel target in transport and industry - targets should be established based on additional modelling reflecting ESI and Hydrogen strategies.

    Stakeholder’s opinions

    A majority of participants in the OPC think that the use of hydrogen and e-fuels produced from hydrogen should be encouraged, provided they emit less GHG or are produced only from renewables. The latter is in particular supported by NGOs. 64% consider a supply side quota as appropriate or very appropriate, 79% favour market based support mechanisms.

    5.3.3. Area III: Options to ensure bioenergy sustainability

    According to the modelling for the CTP, projected increases in bioenergy use by 2030 will be limited compared to today. However, post-2030 bioenergy is set to gain increasing importance with the view to contributing to the carbon neutrality goal by 2050. Increased demand for bioenergy from forest biomass may have a negative effect on forest carbon and biodiversity protection if the raw material is sourced in an unsustainable way (e.g. through conversion of primary or old-grown forests, or through unsustainable forest management practices such as whole tree harvesting for energy). A number of options have been discarded at an early stage (see Annex 6). Options assessed are:

    ·Option 0: Full application of the enhanced REDII sustainability criteria 

    This option would include the following measures/initiatives: Implementing Act on forest biomass (article 29(8)); Implementing Act on standards for voluntary schemes (article 30); new reporting requirements on bioenergy supply and demand under the Governance regulation; application of the new eco-design standards for new solid fuel boilers, including biomass.

    ·Option 1: Non-regulatory measures 

    This option would involve the development of a series of non-regulatory measures to complement/support the efficient implementation of the enhanced REDII bioenergy sustainability criteria, including: new guidance on harmonised implementation of the new sustainability criteria (e.g. article 29(2) on soil management for agriculture biomass); new guidance on implementation of article 3(3) on support schemes for bioenergy; new guidance on cascading use of forest biomass; new guidance on better monitoring of forest biomass supply and demand; new guidance on efficient biomass use in the household sector;

    ·Option 2: Targeted strengthening of the EU bioenergy sustainability criteria

    This option would consist in the further strengthening of the REDII enhanced sustainability criteria for biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels. This would involve the following additional requirements:

    1.application of the existing no-go areas for agriculture biomass to forest biomass, including primary and highly biodiverse forests, in line with the Biodiversity Strategy;

    2.application of the GHG saving criteria (article 29(10)) also to existing heat and power installations, in line with the higher climate ambition; and

    3.stricter energy efficiency criteria for large-scale electricity installations, in line with resource efficiency goals;

    ·Option 3: Application of the EU sustainability criteria to small-scale installations

    This option would consist in the application of the REDII enhanced sustainability criteria to small heat and power installations. It would involve applying option 2 also to small scale biomass-based heat and power installations below a total rated thermal capacity of 20 MW (e.g. 10 or 5 MW), in order to increase the amount of biomass covered by the EU sustainability safeguards and therefore increase their overall environmental/climate effectiveness;

    ·Option 4: National caps on the use of high quality stemwood for energy.

    Building on options 2 and 3, this option would involve introducing national caps fixed at Member State level on the use of high quality stemwood for energy. The cap would grandfather existing volumes in the period 2015-2020. Salvage logging (i.e. wood from storms, pests and diseases) would not be included in the cap, nor coppicing wood. Only stemwood over a certain diameter and under certain quality characteristics would be targeted by this cap; this diameter would be chosen at Member State level and would depend on the different types of wood species, the objective being to cap the use for energy of stemwood of industrial quality. The cap would also apply to biomass imports. The technical details of this option would need to be further defined in a guidance document, including on how to address possible impacts on the single market that could result from different national approaches.

    oSub option 4.1: full exclusion of high quality stemwood as renewable energy source. This sub-option would be achieved by limiting eligible forest bioenergy to waste and residues (e.g. residues from timber harvesting and timber processing). The technical details of this option would need to be further defined in a guidance document.

    oSub option 4.2: minimisation of national financial support for the use of high quality stemwood for energy. This alternative sub-option would require Member States to design their support schemes for bioenergy in a way that minimises the use of high quality stemwood for energy purposes. Compliance with this new criteria will be assessed by the Commission in the context of the state aid approval process, building on the current assessment of compliance with the EU sustainability criteria. The technical details of this sub-option would need to be further defined in a guidance document.

    ·Option 5: National caps on the use of forest biomass for energy 

    Building on options 2 or 3, this option would involve of a cap fixed at Member States level on the use of all forest biomass for energy production. The cap would grandfather existing average volumes of forest biomass used over the period 2015-2020. The cap would also apply to imports. Reaching the national cap would mean that a given Member State would not be able to account the additional forest bioenergy against the European/national renewable targets/mandates and would not be able to provide financial support to it. The technical details of this option would need to be further defined in an Implementing Act.

    The Impact Assessment does not assess new options related to the REDII provisions on Indirect Land Use Change of biofuels and on the definition of advanced biofuels (Annex IX). On both topics, REDII already includes appropriate mechanisms for the review and revision, if necessary, of the relevant provisions.

    In line with the existing REDII provisions, economic operators in the EU outermost regions as defined under article 349 TFEU, which are remote, isolated and not connected to the EU grid, may benefit from a derogation of limited local impact and for a limited duration; provided that the concerned Member States justify so on the grounds of energy independence and ensuring a smooth transition to the sustainability, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria.

    Stakeholder’s opinions

    Overwhelming support for stricter criteria is found in environmental non-governmental organisations and a large number of individual citizens (38700 answers) replying through a coordinated NGO campaign in the OPC.

    Not considering the contributions from the campaign, participants think sustainability criteria for the production of bioenergy from forest biomass should not be modified (56% no to 44% yes), with clear splits among different groups (NGOs, industry, Member States, academia).

    A cap option is supported in particular by environmental NGOs, who point to the fact that sustainability issues for bioenergy are sensitive to scale. On the other hand, forest owners and bioenergy producers oppose a revision of the REDII sustainability criteria on the basis that they have been recently revised and not yet still applied by Member States.

    5.3.4. Flanking and enabling measures

    In addition to the core objectives of the revision of this Directive to address the insufficient ambition in a 2030 and 2050 perspective, to address the insufficient system integration, and to update bioenergy sustainability provisions, a limited number of additional “flanking” or enabling measures could contribute to the cost-efficient deployment of renewables, and are addressed in the section below. Measures to increase cross-border cooperation

    Cross-border cooperation allows for a cost-efficient deployment renewable energy across Europe. REDII includes options for Member States’ cross-border cooperation on a voluntary basis. However, their use has been very limited, thus implying suboptimal results in terms of efficiency to reach the overall renewable energy target. REDII has introduced provisions related to the opening of support schemes to other Member States, but has left that option voluntary for Member States. REDII has also created a platform aimed at facilitating statistical transfers between Member States. Finally, REDII and the Governance Regulation have created a new cooperation tool, the Renewables Financing Mechanism, which aims at organising tenders for new renewable projects involving several Member States, but managed by the Commission. The use of this tool however depends on voluntary contributions from Member States.

    Options considered are:

    ·Option 0: No changes, maintain current policies under REDII (baseline scenario)

    ·Option 1: Issue updated Commission guidance on cross-border cooperation (non-regulatory option), including design options for the different Cooperation Mechanisms and guidance on cost-benefit-analysis and allocation

    ·Option 2: Obligation for Member States to test cross-border cooperation (pilot project) within the next 3 years (paving the way for a partial opening of support schemes in the future)

    ·Option 3: Mandatory partial opening of support schemes (building on the indicative partial opening of support schemes in Article 5 REDII and its revision clause).

    ·Option 4: Enhanced use of the Union renewable energy financing mechanism via Member State under certain conditions (e.g. when below its target/ contribution trajectory)

    While Options 1 and 4 could be complementary to the other options, options 2 and 3 are rather alternatives to each other (with option 2 being a stepping stone to option 3). Measures to promote and scale up offshore renewable energy

    In line with long-term climate neutrality objective, the EU strategy on offshore renewable energy 70 proposes to increase Europe's offshore wind capacity from the current 12 GW to at least 60 GW by 2030 and to 300 GW by 2050 and ocean energy to at least 1 GW by 2030 and 40 GW by 2050. Currently, deployment plans and targets for offshore renewable energy and respective support measures are generally set at national level, while regional cooperation takes place only to a limited extent and is mainly based on best practice exchange. 71  

    Options considered are:

    ·Option 0: No changes, maintain current policies under REDII (baseline scenario)

    ·Option 1: Obligation for Member States to conclude a non-binding political agreement to cooperate on the amount of offshore renewable generation to be deployed within each sea basin by 2050, with intermediate steps in 2030 and 2040

    ·Option 2: Introduction of one-stop shops for the permitting of the generation component of cross-border offshore wind projects per sea basin. This would complement the introduction of one-stop shops for the permitting of offshore grids under the TEN-E proposal.

    These options can be complementary. Complementarity and coherence with the revised TEN-E Guidelines will be closely monitored and ensured, given the strong interlinkages.

     Stakeholder’s opinions

    Participants to the OPC highlighted that simplifying administrative procedures for project developers is among the 5 most important changes to be made in the revision of the Directive, behind  a more ambitious overall RES target and an increased transport target.

    Further streamlining of permitting procedures (91%), fostering regional cooperation (88%) and supporting PPAs (88%) were considered as the most appropriate measures to tackle remaining barriers for a cost-efficient deployment of renewables in support of the higher ambition.

    During the 1st stakeholder workshop it was made clear that participants also supported the uptake of energy communities and self-consumption to tackle the remaining barriers for the uptake of renewable electricity. In section 5.6 on discarded options it is explained why these measures are not addressed by this revision. Measures to increase renewable energy in industry

    The industrial sector accounts for 25% of EU’s energy consumption, but has a relatively low share of renewables (9% of direct renewable energy use, and 22% if the renewable energy share in electricity is considered) 72 . The CTP points to a share of around 37%, partly through an increase use of electrification, partly through the use of renewable fuels, partly through the direct use of renewables. Specifically renewables are primarily used in the wood, pulp and paper industry, but are largely absent in other industry sectors. Since 2015, companies have started to build or purchase renewable electricity to satisfy their electricity demand, but only 3.5% of industrial electricity consumption is covered by such agreements. To achieve the objective of climate neutrality in 2050, industry is faced with investment decisions that need to be taken ahead of 2030 and that will have long-term impacts of the structure and ability of industry to be competitive within a climate neutral economy. Early investments are needed to adapt production processes, e.g. through electrification, to the availability of different renewable energy carriers.

    RES in industry is not explicitly covered in REDII, but its transformation is critical to achieve the EU’s objective of climate neutrality. The aim of the possible measures is to initiate an increasing share of renewables, whilst supporting an emerging market for renewables-based products. This tailor made approach for industry would provide investor certainty and ready-made solutions for this sector with specific needs compared to others. Options are:

    ·Option 0A: No changes, maintain current policies under REDII (baseline scenario);

    ·Option 1A: Introduction of use of renewable energy in the audits required in the EED;

    ·Option 2A: Introduction of an EU methodology underpinning the labelling for green industrial products in certain sectors, complementing the Sustainable Product Initiative.;

    Stakeholder’s opinions

    A majority of participants in the OPC are in favour of a RES obligation for industry, either on industry in general (55%) or to specific industries (13%). Amongst all stakeholder groups, stakeholders tend to agree that there should be obligations on industry to use a minimum amount of renewable energy.

    During the 1st stakeholder workshop there was a common understanding from the participants that the industrial sector will be a major growth area for renewables deployment, especially through electrification. Tools such as PPAs, state aid guidelines, (business model) innovation, and the reduction of financial risks were seen as critical to ensuring sufficient low-cost renewables.

    5.4. The overview of policy options

    An overview of the policy options described in section 5.3 is presented in the figure below.

    Figure 3 - Overview of policy options

    5.5.The core scenarios, variants and their use in this IA

    This assessment uses the three core scenarios (based on CTP analysis) that achieve net 55% GHG reduction in 2030 and confirm the cost-effective range for RES share in 2030 as already established in the CTP (38-40%). All scenarios have been built on REF - as described in the section 5.1 and these core scenarios confirm the cost-effective levels of renewables as described in Section 6.1. These scenarios were developed and used to ensure coherence across the different impact assessment of the “Fit for 55 Package”. In essence, the role of core scenarios is two-fold:

    -To confirm (with respect to CTP) the internally coherent level of ambition that policy options considered in the “Fit for 55” impact assessments need to deliver.

    -To establish range of impact to be expected from all “fit for 55” legislative proposals.

    The three core scenarios are:

    ·REG that relays only on intensification of energy and transport policies in absence of carbon pricing beyond the current ETS sectors;

    ·MIX that relays on both carbon price signal extension to road transport and buildings and intensification of energy and transport policies;

    ·MIX-CP that illustrates a lower ambition revision of energy policies (and CO2 standards for vehicles), with a strong role for carbon price signals (as in MIX also extended to road transport and buildings).

    Detailed information regarding the policy scenarios: their assumptions and storylines as well as modelling methodology can be found in Annex 4.

    The core scenarios are cost-effective pathways that capture all policies needed to achieve the increased climate target of 55% GHG reductions. The fundamental design of carbon pricing and regulatory instruments working together put forward already in the CTP remains robust.

    Already from the CTP analysis it is clear that carbon pricing working hand in hand with regulatory measures helps avoid “extreme” scenarios of either:

    ·a very high carbon price (in absence of regulatory measures) that will translate into energy prices for all consumers as illustrated by the MIX-CP scenario

    ·very ambitious policies that might be rejected by Member States (e.g. very high energy savings or renewables obligations) because they would be too costly for economic operators as illustrated by the REG scenario.

    Therefore, the MIX scenario is the central one, where energy policies address market failures in a targeted manner and provide investor/consumer certainty while pushing for the uptake of innovative technologies. In the MIX scenario, both carbon pricing and energy policy actions are aligned to trigger investments in clean energy technologies and infrastructure, or even to overcome financing difficulties for certain groups of consumers (e.g. renovations shielding consumers from high energy bills linked to fossil fuels based heating).

    To some extent, the REG and MIX-CP scenarios are extremes showing the undesired impacts of relying too strongly on only regulatory measures or carbon pricing. Still such scenarios could materialise. The low ambition policy options consisting of additional guidance only considered in this assessment would likely lead to results of the MIX-CP scenario. Conversely, the most ambitious regulatory options would yield results similar to the REG scenario with no carbon price applied in sectors beyond current ETS. Finally, low ambition outcome of the legislative processes or delays in implementation - be it on regulations or on carbon pricing – would be illustrated by the MIX-CP or REG scenarios, respectively.

    The core ‘Fit for 55’ scenarios are complemented by the following variants 73 (all built on MIX) that help to assess some specific policy options:

    -MIX-H2 that illustrates high uptake of hydrogen in final energy demand sectors already in 2030 74 aligned with the goal of the Hydrogen Strategy (40GW of electrolyser capacity in the EU in 2030) while considering national hydrogen strategies and “Opportunities for Hydrogen Energy Technologies considering the NECPs” by Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking 75 . MIX-H2 is used for assessment of options including on the promotion of RFNBOs in industry and in transport.

    -MIX-LD (MIX-Lost Decade) that aims to assess the impacts of the revision of REDII only or more precisely of the absence of such a revision rather than of the whole package of “Fit for 55” policies. This variant removes all drivers representing REDII revision while “freezing” all other policies on their level of ambition/stringency as modelled in MIX. In this variant, a gap to overall RES and sectoral ambition (especially in H&C) appears as well as gap to GHG 55% target. Bridging the gap can be attributed to revision of REDII. As this variant achieves the carbon neutrality in 2050, MIX-LD has to considerably increase the efforts in renewables deployment post-2030.

    In chapter 6, economic, the social and environmental impacts of the core “Fit for 55” scenarios (and for relevant options the variants) are part of analysis of impacts. The core “Fit for 55” scenarios can be compared to each other in the way that the CTP IA did. Where relevant, this type of analysis is performed in this impact assessment to show the advantages and disadvantages of stronger/weaker regulatory actions (notably in case of RES H&C and RES-T obligation). As an alternative approach, the MIX-LD variant provides insights about the impacts of the absence of revision of REDII in the context of the MIX scenario – this is mostly discussed in section 6.1.2. Other variants are used for specific policy options only as described above.

    Importantly, some policy options analysed in this impact assessment revolve around the type or way of implementation, and not the level of ambition of regulatory measures. Hence for such measures the scenario results are only useful as “boundary conditions” showing the level of ambition that has to be achieved regardless of the type of regulatory actions or way of implementing it (e.g. nature of the targets).

    5.6.Options discarded at an early stage

    A number of policy options were discarded:

    -on targets for renewable energy, possible scenarios representing an EU 2030 GHG emissions reduction target below 55% or higher levels of ambition as requested by some stakeholders were discarded as they did not fulfil the political mandate agreed by EU leaders of achieving the 38-40% renewable energy.

    -on the promotion of low carbon and renewable fuels, as noted in recital 2 of the (current) Directive, its goal is to promote renewable forms of energy as one important part of the Union’s energy policy. The Directive should continue to focus on this main objective. The priority for the EU is to develop renewable fuels such as hydrogen produced from renewable electricity and hydrogen-based synthetic fuels since renewables are projected to develop very strongly in power generation already in this decade (and even more strongly afterwards) while nuclear and CCS have more limited potential and, in some Member States encounter public acceptance issues. Low carbon fuels will continue to play an important role to decarbonise the energy sector for some time in particular in sectors where direct electrification is not possible or renewable fuels are not yet available. This will be addressed in other legislative proposals, including the forthcoming gas decarbonisation package (revision of the gas directive) that will focus on ensuring internal market for low-carbon gases.

    -on revising the sustainability criteria for bioenergy, the option to apply sustainability criteria at forest unit level was considered disproportionate and overly intrusive on Member States. Introducing biogenic carbon emission factors in the calculation methodology for the lifecycle greenhouse gas performance of forest biomass, in addition to supply-chain emissions was considered unfeasible. It was not considered appropriate to introduce requirements for air pollution related to solid biomass as this issue is effectively covered by existing EU environmental legislation. In the energy field, it has also been addressed by new stricter emission requirements for new solid fuel boilers and space heaters in the Eco-design Directive (since January 2020). Applying the sustainability requirements to residential users of biomass heating would imply a disproportionate administrative burden on Member States and citizens. An option on new reporting requirements on forest biomass was also discarded as current reporting obligations under the Governance Regulation are considered sufficient. While requested by many individual citizens and NGOs, a complete ban of the use of woody biomass for energy production was considered as a too radical measure which would have significant impact on the ability of some Member States to reach the CTP objectives.

    -A revision of Guarantees of Origins (GOs) for electricity was among the popular answers in the public consultation to the question what should be amended in the Directive. On revising the system of this option was discarded as the existing requirements of REDII and the Directive on common rules for the internal market for electricity are expected to deliver improvements when implemented.

    -During the 1st stakeholder workshop ‘further support the uptake of energy communities and self-consumption’ was put forward as one the measures appropriate to tackle the remaining barriers for the uptake of renewable electricity, however the current revision of RED II does not plan to change provisions on energy communities as the new rules are still being implemented in the Member States and the Commission has started non-legislative actions to foster the roll-out of energy communities.

    Please see Annex 6 for full details of the discarded options.

    6.What are the impacts of the policy options including for effectiveness, efficiency and coherence?

    The following sections summarise the main expected economic (including specifically energy system and macro-economic impacts), environmental and social impacts of the options considered for each of the policy areas. The analysis of the different options for each policy areas also assessed their effectiveness, coherence and, where relevant, administrative burden and compliance costs.

    Part of this assessment is based on energy system modelling. As explained in Chapter 5, the three core “Fit for 55” scenarios are used consistently for design and assessment of all the “Fit for 55” initiatives. These scenarios establish boundary conditions for all policy options and the results of these scenarios establish the range of expected impactsof all “Fit for 55” initiatives acting together. This is complemented with insights about impacts of specific measures considered for the revision of RED II.

    As explained in Chapter 5, the MIX scenario is the central one: carbon pricing is covering most of the sectors and works in synergy with energy policies that address market failures in a targeted manner and provide investor/consumer certainty while pushing for uptake of innovative technologies. The MIX scenario is balanced, while the REG and MIX-CP scenarios are more extreme outlooks showing the impacts of relying mainly on regulatory measures or mainly on carbon pricing, respectively.

    It is important to highlight that with a certain degree of simplification, low ambition policy options considered in this IA consisting of additional guidance or other soft measures would likely lead to the results of the MIX-CP scenario. Conversely (and again with certain degree of simplification), the most ambitious regulatory options would yield results similar to the REG scenario with carbon price likely at very low levels/irrelevant.

    This is why the results of three core scenarios are used for the assessment. If relevant, additional variants (presented in section 5.5) results are discussed notably as concerns the innovative renewable fuels.

    Finally, as an alternative approach, the MIX-LD variant provides insights about the impact of the absence of revision of RED in the context of MIX scenario – mostly discussed in section 6.1.

    6.1.Overall renewable energy target level and achievement

    6.1.1.Level of overall renewable energy target resulting from core scenarios and variants

    As already explained in Chapter 5, the results of the “Fit for 55” core scenarios indicate a similar range for EU level of ambition on overall RES share in 2030: 38-40% as necessary for the increased climate target of 55% GHG reductions in 2030 – in agreement with CTP analysis. The RES shares in the scenarios (overall and sectoral) are summarised in the table below.

    Table 2 - Renewable energy shares in core scenarios; Source: PRIMES, ESTAT

    Overall RES share



































    In the MIX-H2 variant, an increased overall RES share of 40.2% results from the higher uptake of RFNBOs in line with the 40GW electrolyser capacity envisaged in the Hydrogen Strategy. This variant is discussed in Section 6.6.

    In the MIX-LD 76 variant, a gap of 2.1 p.p. appears to overall RES share projected by MIX scenario chiefly driven by the gap to the necessary RES-H&C share (2.9 p.p.) and to the RES-E share (2.7 p.p.).

    Table 3 - Results of MIX-LD scenario; Source PRIMES


    Overall RES share









    This variant is counterfactual in the sense that in the absence of the REDII revision, carbon prices would have increased, but such an outlook is already illustrated in the MIX-CP scenario. MIX-LD also has useful insights post-2030. As this variant still achieves carbon neutrality in 2050, thus in the absence of a REDII revision, efforts in renewables deployment post-2030 would have to be considerably increased to bridge the gap that would be created in the current decade.

    Finally, it also has to be stressed that this variant does not capture more granular measures of the REDII revision concerning capacity building and local deployment, self-consumption and other aspects and consequently the strong negative signal towards investor and consumer confidence that the absence of a REDII revision would create.

    6.1.2.Impacts projected by the core scenarios and MIX-LD variant Economic (including Energy System) impacts

    Energy system

    The core scenarios lead to an acceleration of the clean energy transition. Even though their policy drivers are differentiated as described in Chapter 5, the results in terms of fuel mix are very convergent. In all core scenarios renewables deployment is the key avenue for the necessary decarbonisation of the fuel mix. This is best illustrated by the changes in the fuel mix – both in the Gross Inland Consumption (GIC) and in Final Energy Consumption (FEC). In GIC, the renewables share grows from 15% in 2015 to already 27% in REF and then 30-31% in the core scenarios. Bioenergy, that is today the main renewable source, has in REF in 2030 the same share in the GIC mix as other renewable sources together. In 2030, in the core scenarios the share of bioenergy remains stable compared to REF while other sources grow, notably wind and solar in power generation.

    In MIX-H2 variant, GIC in 2030 increases very slightly (1% compared to MIX) due to additional electricity needs for RFNBOs production. Renewables share increases to 32% and it is due to higher consumption of wind and solar energy in power.

    Figure 4 - Gross inland consumption in the core scenarios; Source PRIMES

    In terms of fuel mix in final energy consumption the trends are less pronounced than in GIC, the renewables share grows here from 10% in 2015 to 15% in 2030 already in REF and to 16% in the core scenarios. The key trend in final energy consumption is electrification promoted by energy efficiency, renewables and decarbonisation policies. With electricity increasingly relying on renewables (see section 6.8) the electrification of final energy demand provides an additional pull for renewables deployment in the power sector.

    In MIX-H2 variant, FEC in 2030 is unchanged compared to MIX. While bioenergy consumption decreases, the RFNBOs share increases but electrification remains the main trend and the renewables shares grows to 17%.

    Figure 5 - Share of energy carriers in final energy consumption; Source ESTAT, PRIMES

    The MIX-LD variant shows that in the absence of the REDII revision, the energy system would have lower renewables penetration both in GIC and FEC and thus would leave more space for natural gas in heating and in power generation.

    Energy system costs

    The clean energy transition requires investments (CAPEX) but also enables a reduction in the energy expenditure (OPEX) – both aspects are included in the energy system costs metric projected for all core scenarios.

    It is important to notice that energy system costs have been steadily increasing in recent years and are projected to increase in the coming decade reflecting the effort needed to meet the current climate and energy targets for 2030. From an estimated 1,284 billion EUR (or 9.7% of GDP) in 2015, system costs (excl. carbon pricing and disutilities) are estimated to reach 1724 billion EUR (or 11.6% of GDP) in 2030 in REF.

    The climate and energy policies already in place (and thus included in the REF) lead to a relatively limited increase in costs between the REF and the core scenarios. The REF already entails significant investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy deployment and shifts to low carbon technologies and fuels. This paves the way for costs reduction for energy-efficient and low-carbon technologies and fuels, which help to reduce the additional energy costs for the core scenarios. The table below shows the energy system costs (excluding carbon pricing payments and disutilities 77 ) in the core scenarios.

    Table 4 - Average annual Energy System Costs in the scenarios (excluding carbon pricing payments and disutility costs); Source PRIMES








    in bn €






    % of GDP






    2021-30 average annual

    in bn €






    % of GDP






    The average annual additional energy costs/investments (excluding carbon pricing and disutilities) show very small variations across the core scenarios as both the investments and energy expenditure are similar. The average over the 2021-2030 decade increases from 10.9% of GDP in REF to 11.1% - 11.2% of GDP in the core scenarios. MIX-H2 variant has only slightly higher costs than scenario MIX. In agreement with the results presented in the CTP Impact Assessment, system costs appear to be slightly higher in the REG scenario that relies on stronger regulatory policies in absence of carbon pricing.

    Due to the higher carbon price in all core scenarios, when payments for carbon auctions are accounted for and adding also disutilities, systems costs increase from 11.0% in REF to 11.5-11.8% of GDP over the 2021-2030 decade. MIX-H2 variant has the same costs as scenario MIX. In agreement with the results presented in the CTP Impact Assessment, system costs including carbon pricing and disutilities are higher in MIX-CP scenario that relies on stronger carbon pricing.

    Table 5 - Average annual Energy System Costs (including carbon pricing payments and disutility costs); Source PRIMES








    in bn €






    % of GDP






    2021-30 average annual

    in bn €






    % of GDP






    Energy system costs increases in the core scenarios are moderate because the additional investments in new power capacity, buildings’ renovations or rolling stock are offset by savings on energy purchase and in particular fossil fuels expenditure.

    The MIX-LD variant shows that in the absence of the REDII revision, the system costs would be lower but the difference would be rather small: only 4bn EUR/year in 2021-30 period (metric excluding carbon pricing and disutilities). This is explained by the fact that while some investments in renewable power generation/heating would not take place, investments in natural gas power generation/heating would still be needed. Also no savings in energy expenditure can be achieved by switching to renewables (many of them with zero operational costs).

    In addition to the energy system costs assessment, it is also useful to assess impacts on security of supply and savings in fossil fuels imports. The savings in energy expenditure have direct effect in fossil fuels import bill savings as today most of energy expenditure is on fossil fuels. The table below shows summary of the results of core scenario as well as MIX-H2 variant in this respect. It is clear that renewables deployment that displace fossil fuels is the key factor of these savings. The REG scenario has the highest savings.

    MIX-LD variant shows that in absence of REDII revision, the fossil fuels import bill would be higher as lower uptake of renewables would leave more energy demand to be satisfied by fossil fuels. The savings between MIX and MIX-LD amount to 15bn EUR over the period 2021-30.

    Table 6 - Impacts on security of supply and fossil fuels imports bill savings; Source PRIMES





    MIX-H2 variant

    Import dependency %






    Fossil fuels imports bill savings compared to REF for the period 2021-30 (bn €’15)






    Zooming in on investments that are an essential element of system costs, it can be seen that policies already in place will require on average 297 billion € per year in the in the 2021-30 period (excluding transport). This is a considerable increase from the estimated 184 billion € per year spent in the past decade. When compared to the size of the European economy, the investment required in the next decade under polices already in place will amount to 2.1% of the average GDP.

    The projections confirm the main trends already observed in the CTP impact assessment. An increased climate target for 2030 will require considerable additional investments. In the policy scenarios annual investments excluding transport 78 , increase to 379-417 bn € per year in the 2021-30 period. This is between 2.7- 3.0% of the European GDP. Investments are higher in the scenario based on an intensification of policy measures (REG) than in a scenario with higher carbon price (MIX-CP). This result illustrates the difference in effects of bottom-up policy measures that tend to increase, for example, renovation rates in buildings compared to effects of carbon pricing that promotes mainly fuel switch.

    The MIX-LD variant shows that in absence of REDII revision, the investments would be lower but the difference would be rather small: only 18bn EUR/year in 2021-30 period. This is explained by the fact that while investments in renewable power generation/heating are lower in such a scenario they are replaced by investments in natural gas power generation/heating.

    The table below shows the investments by sector in the REF and in the policy scenarios. Apart for transport, the residential sector is the sector requiring the higher amount of investment highlighting the important role of buildings in emissions reduction.

    Table 7 - Investment in REF and core policy scenarios (2021-2030 annual averages, billion € 2015); Source PRIMES

    Investments (bn € 2015)





    MIX-H2 variant

    Average 2011-2020

    Average 2021-2030

    Investments in power grid







    Investments in power plants







    Investments in boilers







    Investments in new fuels production and distribution







    Overall supply side investments







    Industrial sector investments







    Residential sector investments







    Tertiary sector investments







    Transport sector investments







    Overal demand side investments







    Overal energy system investments







    as % of GDP







    additional to 2011-2020 annual average







    Overal energy system investments excl transport







    as % of GDP







    Macro-economic impacts of core scenarios

    Analysis with macroeconomic models confirms the results presented in the CTP impact assessment. The impact on the European GDP of the increased climate target (or more precisely of the investments necessary to achieve it) is small in any of the cases assessed. Projections obtained with the GEM-E3 macroeconomic model indicate a small positive effect on GDP if assuming favourable financing conditions. Compared to Reference projections, GDP is 0.52% higher in 2030. Assuming crowding out of investments, however, GDP in 2030 is 0.2% below the Reference level. In line with previous findings, result for the MIX and REG scenarios are very similar. The effect of stimulus created by investments wanes after 2030.

    Figure 6 - Macro-economic impacts of core scenarios; Source GEM-E3 Environmental impacts

    All core scenarios, by construction, achieve the 55% net GHG target in 2030. Renewables deployment stimulated by the overarching level of RES ambition as well as policies dedicated to achieving it play an important role in GHG abatement – in synergy with other “Fit for 55” policies. Renewable fuels are accounted as having zero emissions in the energy system and by displacing GHG-emitting fossil fuels they lead to GHG emissions savings.

    MIX-H2 variant only slightly overachieves 55% GHG reduction (it has 0.4 p.p. higher GHG reductions than MIX looking at GHG emissions including intra EU aviation and maritime but excluding LULUCF).

    The MIX-LD variant in the absence of drivers illustrating revision of RED, would create a gap of 1.2 p.p. to GHG 55% target. Also some synergies with energy efficiency would be lost and using the metric of the current EE targets, MIX-LD would lead to 35.0% of energy efficiency in final energy consumption in 2030.

    In addition to impacts on decarbonisation, all core scenarios lead to important overall benefits in terms of heath protection and reduction of pollution. This is mainly due to the replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources, notably non-combustion ones. Combustion renewable energy sources (bioenergy) emits air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10 and VOCs). The reduced air pollution compared to REF was estimated at 10% in 2030. Reduced health damages and air pollution control cost compared to REF were estimated at € 25-43 bn/year 79 . Social Impacts

    The table below shows the energy-related costs incurred by households, which are key social impacts of the core scenarios. In REF, the share of energy-related expenditures (comprising both equipment and energy purchases related to both transport and buildings) as % of private consumption increases slightly from 24.1% in 2015 to 25.1% in 2030. In the core scenarios, the share increases to 25.6-25.8% in 2030 with little differentiation among scenarios. Importantly, between 2015 and 2030, the absolute amount of energy-related expenditure (growing due to investments necessary for clean energy transition and to carbon price mark-up) is moderated by the growth in overall private consumption linked to economic growth and increasing welfare of the society.

    The share of buildings-related expenditure in private consumption differs little across core scenarios in 2030 (7.4-7.5% without counting disutilities) and in MIX-H2 variant (7.6%). Buildings-related expenditure is dominated by energy purchase expenditure. In comparison, equipment and renovation costs are smaller but also add up to the expenditure as expected from the trends in fuel switch and renovation rates 80 . The costs of heating equipment are the highest in REG, where the highest uptake of renewables in the buildings sector leads to highest replacement rate of heating equipment with households notably switching to heat pumps. Renovation costs are also the highest in REG.

    Transport related costs are dominated by capital and fixed costs of vehicles followed by expenditure for transport services and energy purchase expenditure. For transport related costs alone, their share in total households’ consumption is nearly stable between 2015 and 2030 in REF reflecting the gains of fuel efficiency standards. The overall share of transport-related expenditure in total household consumption differs very little across core scenarios in 2030 (18.1-18.5% without counting disutilities) and MIX-H2 variant remains in this range.

    The MIX-CP scenario relying on high carbon price leads to the highest expenditure for energy purchases as carbon price mark-up is reflected in this expenditure. Conversely the REG scenario relying on strong regulatory action leads to highest expenditure for renovations and H&C equipment. By including more regulatory instruments alongside carbon pricing, notably via revision of RED, the carbon price increase can be lower and thus impacts on energy bill kept in check – as illustrated in the MIX scenario.

    The MIX-LD variant shows that in the absence of a RED revision, energy-related share of household consumption would be very similar to MIX case. This is again explained by the fact that no savings in energy bill can be achieved by switching to renewables (many with zero operational costs) but also no additional investments for fuel switching from fossil-fuel technologies are necessary to replace renewables-based heating installation. Transport-related expenditure does not change as here the ambition stems chiefly from NECPs and not RED revision.

    Table 8 - Energy-related expenses in 2030 (excl. disutilities); Source PRIMES







    Energy-related expenses as % share of private consumption






    of which for related to buildings (comprising fuel expenditure, exchange of H&C and other equipment and building shell renovation expenditure)






    of which related to transport






    The social impacts can be also analysed in terms of their distributional impacts on different income groups 81 . For low-income group, in all core scenarios, the share of energy-related expenditure in their private consumption is higher (than for average of all income groups) indicating the need for targeted policies addressing needs of vulnerable households. There is only a small differentiation of results among the core scenarios and with the same logic as described for average results for all income levels.

    Figure 7 - Energy-related expenses in 2030 (excl. disutilities) as % share of private consumption; Source PRIMES

    Macro-economic impacts of core scenarios

    Analysis with macroeconomic models confirms the results presented in the CTP impact assessment. The impact on the employment in the EU of the increased climate target (or more precisely of the investments necessary to achieve it) is small in any of the cases assessed. Projections obtained with the GEM-E3 macroeconomic model indicate a small positive effect on employment if assuming favourable financing conditions. Compared to Reference projections, employment is 0.36% higher in 2030. Assuming crowding out of investments, however, employment in 2030 is 0.3% below the Reference level. In line with previous findings, result for the MIX and REG scenarios are very similar. The effect of stimulus created by investments on job creation diminishes after 2030 but its effects are stronger than in case of economic growth.

    Figure 8 - Macro-economic impacts of core scenarios; Source GEM-E3 Distributional impacts

    This IA, as a proportional exercise, focuses on the EU-level impacts, notably as projected by the core scenarios. But the impacts on level of MS are also a key consideration for policy proposals and national results from modelling are also available. Dedicated publication: “Technical Note on the Results of the “Fit for 55” core scenarios for the EU Member States” is presenting the key impacts on MS energy system and beyond (notably economy-wide GHG emissions) for the core scenarios.

    Importantly, these impacts result from all “Fit for 55” initiatives and represent the situation in which all MS would contribute cost-effectively to the EU-level targets. The real-life impacts will be different considering that for most of energy legislation Member States have choice in how to implement specific provisions in a way that is best suited to their own national circumstances in full respect of subsidiarity principle. The case in point are revised 2030 RES and EE contributions that Member States will be themselves putting forward. Also, the Member States’ ESR targets will build on but deviate from the cost-effective contribution indicated by the core scenarios.

    In this section, some key results of core scenarios are discussed without yet correction of possible implementation on the national level and thus purely from the angle of cost-effective contribution to the EU targets.

    Aggregated impacts

    On the most aggregated level, the energy system costs can be assessed and they are presented in “Technical Note on the Results of the “Fit for 55” core scenarios for the EU Member States”. The impact of the increased climate target and delivering the Green Deal (and increased RES and EE uptake that go alongside) will represent the energy system cost increase for all MS. However most of the projected increase in energy system costs will occur already in the in the REF2020. On the EU level, between 2020 and 2030, energy system costs are projected to increase 20% in the REF2020 and 26-27% in the core policy scenarios.

    Today, the share of GDP spent on energy system services varies considerably between Member States: from 5.3% for Ireland in 2020 to 20.9% for Bulgaria. There are several reasons for this divergence, notably including economic development. As household wealth and prices increase, the national economies tend to specialise in activities with higher value added and lower energy intensity (services). As households’ income increases, energy intensity of the economy tends to decrease. Therefore, also energy system and mitigation costs expressed as a proportion of GDP decrease 82 with increasing household income. Considering together the impact of increased climate target and increasing wealth shows small increases in energy system costs for all MS (core scenarios compared to REF2020) and that disparities remain. In central MIX scenario 83 , the share of GDP spent on energy services varies from 6.1% for Ireland in 2020 to 26.8% for Bulgaria.

    Still on aggregated level, the combined impacts for private consumption can be assessed and they are also presented in “Technical Note on the Results of the “Fit for 55” core scenarios for the EU Member States”. As for the system costs, with the growth of economy household wealth tends to increase faster than energy costs. For wealthier Member States, energy expenditures represents a lower share of households’ expenditures. Some MS with lower income (e.g. Bulgaria and Croatia) spend today almost double of the average EU share (approximately 7% of household income) on energy. The policies in the Fit for 55 package will increase the households energy expenses for all Member States by a small amount and the disparities will still remain.

    Looking at more detailed elements and most linked to revision of REDII, the changing fuel mix in H&C and in electricity are analysed below and the impacts they have in terms of costs.

    Fuel mix change in H&C sector impacts

    The table below shows projections of MS RES-H&C shares in MIX and how they need to increase in 2030 between REF2020 and MIX scenario (in p.p). Importantly, RES-H&C shares cover residential, services and industrial sectors. In all these sectors, a substantial fuel switch from fossil fuels to renewable fuels/electricity occurs and thus lead to change in energy-related expenditure. While the industrial and services sectors have the possibility of cost pass-through via the product prices, the consumers in residential sector have to cover the expenditure themselves and thus impacts are easier to assess. Two key elements of this residential expenditure are discussed in this section:

    -fuel purchases, which have markedly higher share of renewables and electricity with the remaining fossil fuels bearing a carbon price mark-up due to ETS extension;

    -H&C equipment expenditure, which shows the cost relevant to replacement of H&C equipment.

    Table 9: National RES-H&C shares and impact on buildings-related expenditure (as share of private consumption); PRIMES,EC own calculations

    RES-H&C share
    in MIX

    in 2030

    (% share)

    Increase in RES-H&C share between REF and MIX in 2030 (p.p. increase)

    Change in share of fuel expenditure as % of private consumption between REF and MIX in 2030 (p.p. change)

    Change in share of H&C equipment expenditure as % of private consumption between REF and MIX in 2030 (p.p. change)













































































































































    The MIX scenario projects that the share of renewables in H&C has to increase considerably in all MS and this in close correlation with respective national potentials. However, the effort is balanced across MS and the costs impacts for households are moderate. Largest fuels costs increase are mostly incurred by MS still having high share of fossil fuels in their residential energy mix and lowest costs increases are incurred by MS that have most significant fuel switch to renewables and electricity. The largest decreases in fuel costs often go hand in hand with highest expenditure increases for H&C equipment. These two elements to some extent balance out and the overall, buildings-related energy expenditure share in private consumption (including also renovation costs and other energy-consuming equipment costs) show rather small increases between REF2020 and MIX scenario in 2030 (see “Technical Note on the Results of the “Fit for 55” core scenarios for the EU Member States”).

    Fuel mix change in power generation impacts

    The table below shows projections of MS RES-E shares and how they need to increase in 2030 between REF2020 and MIX scenario (in p.p). The increase of overall RES ambition is the driver alongside the increase of the ETS price in the current scope. The impacts of renewables uptake in power generation can be analysed:

    -from the supply-side perspective - a substantial fuel switch from fossil fuels to renewable solutions in power generation leads to a significant investment needs increase

    -from the consumer perspective - in terms of electricity prices.

    It can be observed that all MS need to increase considerably their investment in renewables in power generation and the effort is, even more than for RES in H&C, differentiated across MS in line with potentials for different technologies. Importantly, power generation is the sector where renewables share is already very high in REF2020 or potential is still limited due to land constraints, more remote locations and less mature technologies would be needed. Clearly, the MS with large offshore, onshore or solar potential, including repowering, (still available in addition to ambitious developments taking place already in the REF2020) have a most significant increase in investment needs such as Czechia, Italy, Romania, and Slovenia. The investments in new installations are in modelling recovered via electricity prices. It can be noticed that for most MS the electricity price declines in 2030 (comparing MIX to REF2020) and often in the strongest manner for MS that have the most ambitious developments in renewables.

    Table 10: National RES-E shares and impact on investment needs in renewables in power generation and on electricity prices; Source: PRIMES, EC own calculations

    RES-E share
    in MIX

    in 2030

    (% share)

    Increase in RES-E share between REF and MIX in 2030 (p.p. increase)

    Increase in investments in renewable power generation 84 (% change) between REF and MIX in 2021-2030

    Change in electricity prices (% change)













































































































































    6.1.3.Effectiveness Level of target

    The default Option 0 is the baseline in which the EU RES target is not increased to reflect the new climate ambition. In effect the result would be that the 38-40% renewable energy target would be aspirational rather than mandatory and would make it difficult to mobilise the necessary policy effort at national level and make use of EU-level instrument in response to non-target achievement. However, it is important to note that in the absence of an increased overall EU RES target and further renewables-specific policy intervention, some effectiveness could be reached through other regulatory instruments (EED, EPBD for example), or market based instruments with higher carbon prices to partially compensate for not increasing the overall EU RES target.

    Furthermore this option would also mean Member States are not bound to revise their national contributions upwards and that there would be no action taken if Member State policy commitments are insufficient to deliver the 2030 target. Thus, an EU RES share increase would rely on Member States voluntarily revising their ambitions upwards in the context of national policy updates.

    Options 1 and 2 would require increasing the EU target to at least 38-40%. Although Option 2 would be the more effective option in contributing effectively for further GHG reduction, higher shares of renewables would diverge from the cost-effective pathways established in the CTP. Furthermore higher ambition for renewable energy share would have to be balanced with different levels of ambition in other sectors hence departing from the coherence of the targets proposed under the CTP. The level of ambition proposed in the context of this initiative is fully coherent with the analysis provided in support of the CTP and would be effective in reaching the increased climate ambitions. Feedback received through the open public consultation highlights broad support for increase of climate and renewable energy targets with 80% of respondents in favour of an increase at least to the level of the CTP and higher. Nature and delivery of the target

    Once the EU target has been raised, automatically an ambition gap emerges as the collective sum of the national contributions currently documented in the NECPs are no longer sufficiently ambitious to achieve the EU target.

    Option 0 would imply no change and continue relying on the current Energy Union Governance process, which is an important foundation for achieving the renewables target. In the first iteration of the review process of national plans completed in 2020 this proved to be effective in achieving a sufficiently high collective ambition for reaching the previous 2030 RES targets. Under the Governance Regulation the Member States must submit their draft updates to their NECPs by June 2023.

    In that draft NECP update Member States can already show their national contribution to a new increased 2030 target and give some elements of how they are planning to reach the higher target. By the submission of the final updated NECPs by end June 2024 the Member States will be able to present concrete measures leading to more ambitious RES achievement.

    However, there is no guarantee that such a process will deliver the EU-wide renewables target; it is rather likely that an ambition gap remains once this has been completed. In this case, further measures may need to be considered. One option could be that any Member State with contributions below the level calculated under the RES formula are requested to either increase the ambition level of their national contributions, as under the current Governance Regulation, or make a proportionate payment to the Union Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism 85 . Based on the total Member States payments and the expected contribution from those, the mechanism would be assigned a renewable energy target which would close (part of) the EU ambition gap. Given the competitive nature of the mechanism (EU-wide tenders) this could also increase cost-effectiveness of reaching Member States contributions and thus the overall EU renewables target (see also section 6.8.1 on cross-border cooperation. Furthermore, sector-specific EU-wide targets and measures can be strengthened to the extent needed to close the ambition gap, for example requiring higher RES shares in heating and cooling, transport or electricity specifically after co-legislation through the governance process either at EU or Member State level.

    An alternative option to having gap filling instruments would be to return to a system of binding national targets for Member States as per Option 1. This would be the most effective option to help ensure target achievement. However, while a majority of OPC respondents supported this, Member States are not likely to support any change to the political agreement in 2018 also because an EU-level target has proven to be sufficient to reach the old 2030 objective. 

    The results of the modelling scenarios can help identify some important features regarding the projected contributions Member States could make to achieve the 2030 target. The table below illustrates the overall renewables shares across all Member States for a range of different scenarios based on modelling together with those emanating from the updated formula parameters specifically for a 40% EU RES Share target.

    Table 11 - Renewable shares per Member States under various criteria; Source, EUROSTAT, PRIMES,EC calculations

    2020 framework

    2030 framework



    2020 target


    Final NECP contribution

    Current RES formula benchmarks(based on REDII)

    Updated RES formula benchmarks to reach 40% RES Shares (indicative figures) 





































































































































































































    6.1.4.Administrative impacts

    The impacts of an increased EU RES target on administrative burden will be limited as there would be no recurring administrative requirements introduced by an increasing the RES target. It would require Member States to update their renewable contributions in the national plans update under the governance framework. The administrative costs for all policy options can be estimated to be low or even close to zero as these targets can be monitored through official statistics (renewable energy shares including sectoral and absolute amounts per technology) which are already readily available at national level and from Eurostat. However, limited resources at the level of Member States to develop new official statistics, combined with the absence of a formal legal basis for countries to report data on the share of renewables to Eurostat, may be an obstacle to monitoring renewable energy improvements in detail.


    Different combinations of policy instruments considered in the different scenarios achieving the same 55% GHG target deliver only limited differences in energy savings and renewable energy shares thus confirming the CTP findings about rather convergent pathways that represent cost-effective solutions.

    Table 12 - Interaction of the 2030 GHG ambition with renewable energy share and energy savings

    2030, EU-27 results





    GHG reductions (incl intra EU aviation and maritime, excl LULUCF) wrt 1990

    % change from 1990





    Overall RES share






    PEC energy savings

    % change from 2007 Baseline





    FEC energy savings

    % change from 2007 Baseline





    The REF and MIX-LD scenario show clearly that without an increase of renewable energy to at least a binding 38-40% EU target there is a risk of not achieving the higher climate target ambition. In REG and MIX scenario increased regulatory action is needed for achieving the necessary share while in MIX-CP very high carbon price on fossil fuels (also in buildings and road transport) plays a crucial role but also potentially exacerbates distributional impacts on poorer households. Absence of regulatory drivers representing RED revision in the context of MIX scenario leads to 1.2 p.p. gap for GHG 55% target as illustrated by MIX-LD variant.

    Neither the overall level of ambition nor any changes to the policy architecture that are under consideration in this impact assessment would take place in a policy vacuum. They are bound to interact with existing and planned pricing and non-pricing mechanisms to reduce GHG emissions as well as with policies promoting energy efficiency. Assessing the interplay of various elements of a changed policy architecture – in particular the option of an expanded ETS – with existing related EU-level and national level policies is key and reflected in the core scenario design.

    As explained above, it is clear that the increased deployment of renewables must contribute to the achievement of the increased 2030 EU climate target in a cost-efficient manner. Furthermore, concrete policy measures in the field of renewables can help to address existing market barriers, increase investors’ confidence in new technologies and redress distributional impacts. A generic target of GHG reduction is not enough to promote renewables, while increasing the share of renewable energy is essential to reducing GHG emissions. REDII is the instrument promoting the uptake of renewable energy by targeted measures, including targets (and sub-targets, e.g. for innovative technologies/fuels), covering different sectors and addressing different market failures/non-market barriers (e.g. in terms of infrastructure, development of innovative technologies, creation of lead markets, capacity building together with increasing consumer acceptance).

    The revision of RED is a precondition for fulfilment of increased ESR national targets as necessary to achieve the increased climate target. The REDII revision will ensure that Member States have the right incentives and enabling framework to deploy much more renewables in the heating, cooling and transport sectors. The uptake of renewables now has been already a key avenue to meet the increased national ESR targets. Furthermore, the revision of REDII can have many positive synergies with other elements of “Fit for 55” package as explained in section 1.2. The most relevant interactions are with the Emissions Trading System, in the option which extends it to buildings and transport.

    The CTP analysis clearly showed that strengthening of regulatory measures promoting renewables works in synergy with carbon pricing as discussed (see also section 5.2) and this finding is also confirmed in the “Fit for 55” core scenarios. Such synergies are even stronger in the field of energy efficiency as discussed in the EED IA. In the field of renewables, the regulatory measures such as targets for innovative fuels or sectoral targets ensure that all sectors and all technologies contribute to increased climate ambition. Also a number of regulatory measures (on PPAs, wind offshore, renewable and low carbon fuel certification) establish an enabling framework that is essential for investments to happen. Finally, a number of measures are proposed to Member States in the field of H&C respecting national competences and yet providing a clear indication of effective measures. All these measures enable balanced pathways towards an increased climate target in 2030 and avoid the very high carbon price of the MIX-CP scenario (80€/t of CO2eq in buildings and road transport) that could further aggravate energy poverty and increase distributional impacts.

    When considering the nature of the target, Option 0 combined with the governance system would guarantee that the EU target would be met while with leaving enough flexibility to Member States in setting and adjusting their national targets/contributions. The Governance process also has the merit of increasing the economic efficiency of its implementation, in that the need to consult neighbouring Member States as part of the establishment of national plans means that decisions about managing energy demand and deciding on supply options would be better coordinated among Member States across the internal energy market rather than done in isolation.

    On the other hand, national binding targets (Option 1) can be a strong driver for national action, ensuring political accountability and commitment to deliver results while providing flexibility to choose and apply the most suitable tools to achieve the target. However, important synergies in policy making on EU level (e.g. cross-border cooperation) could be lost. Regarding coherence with other legislation this approach would run counter to the recently established Governance framework and might lead to increases in administrative costs linked to fragmented EU action and potential harm to businesses operating across the internal market limiting the economic efficiency of this approach.

    Another important element is the coherence between the overall EU RES target and the specific sub-targets specifically in sectors where renewable energy or renewable based fuels is still lacking, thus hindering further system integration. These targets and benchmarks, generally build on the current policy design in REDII while the level of ambition is consistent and coherent with other legislative instruments under the ‘Fit for 55 package’ also providing investor certainty and spur innovation. The assessment of the nature and design is assessed in the specific sections.

    6.1.6.Stakeholders’ Opinions

    Stakeholders’ Opinions

    In the OPC, 43% of the respondents (that mostly came from academic/research institutions, business associations and organizations, public authorities and trade unions, and even half of the respondents coming from consumer organisations) stated that the target should be in line with the CTP of achieving at least 38-40% of renewables in the gross final energy consumption. 37% of the respondents (mostly environmental and non-governmental organisations) indicated that the 2030 Union target should go beyond 40%. In the 1st stakeholder workshop, the majority of respondents favoured an overall renewable target that is binding at both EU and national level. In the discussions, the International Energy Agency, business associations focused on transition and large energy/utility companies, among others, clearly favoured a more ambitious overall RE target.

    6.2. Heating and Cooling 

    The options are assessed against the objectives established in section 4.2. The impacts have been assessed via ‘Fit for 55’ core scenarios complemented by additional modelling, analysis and case studies carried out for this Impact Assessment. Further elaboration of impacts of specific measures that can complement options on the target are set out in Annex 7. The options complement carbon price mechanisms and energy efficiency measures (addressed under the EED, EPBD reviews and the eco-design and labelling framework).

    6.2.1Target(s) and measures

    The increase in RES H&C shares between 2009 and 2019 was only 5.3 p.p. 86 with the EU expected to achieve a 23.4% RES-H&C share by 2020. However, the situation varies significantly in Member States, with the share in Nordic and Baltic Member States reaching as high as 55-70% RES H&C share in 2020, and in the Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland as low as 6-8%. This reflects different starting points, different potentials and thus national fuel mixes as well as the use of collective heating and cooling systems vis-á-vis individual ones.

    In CTP scenarios, the RES-H&C levels were projected to attain between 38-41% under policy scenarios. The results of “Fit for 55” core scenarios are in agreement with the CTP analysis as projected RES H&C shares are: 36-41%. MIX-H2 variant would be also within this range with no uptake of RFNBOS projected in buildings but some uptake in the industry. See section 6.6.

    As shown in the figure below, a strong increase compared to REF of ambient heat from heat pumps and renewable derived heat consumption in district heating and cooling networks, buildings and industry is needed.

    Figure 9 - Decomposition of the renewables share in heating and cooling; Source EUROSTAT, PRIMES

    The rationale for further action is that with the implementation of current practices (option 0), the EU is projected to only reach 33% RES in H&C in 2030, contributing to the achievement of 33.2% in the overall RES-share projected in REF, therefore hampering reaching the higher GHG ambition in 2030 in a cost-effective way, which was also highlighted by the dedicated variants in the impact assessment. MIX-LD variant assessing impacts of the absence of revision of RED shows a gap of 2.9% percentage point (pp) to the necessary RES-H&C share. The fulfilment of the baseline binding target only by Member States would thus not be sufficient.

    Buildings have the largest share in overall heating and cooling consumption. Currently millions and millions of boilers burning fossil fuels (natural gas, coal and heating oil) are installed in buildings. Around 88% of heating is supplied from individual boilers in a highly decentralised and distributed way. Around 12% of buildings are serviced from district heating systems. District heating is also mostly based on fossil fuels 87 . The current share of renewables in the EU overall buildings stock 88 is only 23.5% 89 , mostly representing biomass stoves and boilers. Heat pumps utilising ambient and geothermal energy constitute yet only 2.5% and solar thermal around 1.2%. More details are found in Annex 7 in the buildings section.

    The key trend that can be observed historically and confirmed by the CTP modelling exercises, on which this IA is based, is that buildings will experience a rapid growth of electricity consumption, mostly coming from renewable sources and a decrease of fossil fuels (notably gas). As discussed in the in-depth analysis accompanying the Clean Planet for All Communication, electrification of demand combined with decarbonised electricity supply and self-generation of renewables are fundamental drivers in reaching climate neutrality by 2050 90 . Electrification is driven by rapid deployment of electric heating, most notably heat pumps, leading to efficiency gains in production and further integration of variable renewable electricity. The increased efficiency of the use of electricity in buildings is well illustrated by the limited growth in absolute electricity consumption. For specific details on the fuel mix of space heating and the share of energy carriers please see the buildings section in Annex 7.

    Figure 10 - Final energy consumption in buildings; Source PRIMES

    Buildings have a large potential to contribute effectively to GHG reduction through increased energy efficiency and renewable energy. The share of renewables in buildings is expected to reach more than 49% in 2030 mostly through direct renewable heat, such as solar thermal, geothermal, and bioenergy, and through a threefold increase of renewable electrification and ambient energy (see figure below). The increased renewable share also reflects reduced demand from increased energy efficiency. The aim of Option 3d) under the H&C options is to assess the need to include a minimum level of renewable energy in buildings that would complement Option 2 on the list of measures in conjunction primarily with the EPBD, the revision of which is scheduled for the end of 2021.

    Figure 11 - Final renewable energy consumption in total building stock (ktoes); Source PRIMES

    Stakeholders’ Opinion

    78% of those replying to the OPC, in particular environmental organisations (87%) and NGOs (82%), expressed the view that there should be a minimum percentage of renewables in new and renovated buildings. 15% of the participants indicated that this should only be only the case for new buildings, and 3% indicated that this should only be only for buildings subject to major renovation, and 22% of the participants think that there should not be a minimum percentage. ‘Yes’ is the most common reply among all stakeholder groups (environmental organisations (87%) and NGOs (82%) were the most adamant supporters and all other groups also tended to opt for this option more frequently -more than 50% of the respondents in each stakeholder group). Regarding the question which should be the minimum percentage, 45% of the participants chose the ‘other’ option. Amongst the provided percentages, 50% of renewable energy is the preferred e most common response (34% of EU/Non-EU citizens and 56% of respondents coming from academia/research institutions opted for this choice); followed by a renewable share of 100% (42% of the respondents coming from environmental organisations and 24% of the respondents coming from public authorities chose this answer). About 18% of the respondents chose a percentage of 40% or lower which should be set at 50%, followed by 100%. 15% of the participants indicated that this should only be for new buildings. All measures proposed to improve the replacement of heating systems were rated either appropriate or very appropriate, with a combined approval ranging from 81% to 95%. However, panellists present at the 1st stakeholder workshop warned that building-specific targets could become very expensive and miss the level of heat needed. During the 2nd stakeholder workshop, the European heating industry requested minimum targets for buildings and large renovation. Consumers requested more information measures on heat pumps and they are of the opinion that low carbon hydrogen has no place in residential heating. projected by the core scenarios and variants

    Environmental impacts

    A potentially significant environmental impact of increased renewable energy in heating and cooling, together with other measures targeted at renewable heating and cooling, is pollution from inefficient biomass use. This impact is dependent on the extent biomass is used to replace fossil fuels in heating, the type of biomass and whether best available and state-of the art technologies are used, as these factor can minimise such emission. These impacts are better addressed through existing horizontal legislation as explained in more detail in Section 6.7 under bioenergy. The impact of increasing GHG ambition and increased RES-H&C on biomass deployment, the MIX scenario shows the aggregated final energy use for heating and cooling in the residential sector at EU-level.

    The figure below depicts the potential evolution of the fuel mix used at residential level. The outcome of this analysis is that the biomass use remains constant (and even decreases in absolute terms) between 2020 and 2030, while oil and solid fuel use substantially decrease. This is also due to additional energy efficiency measures, extension of carbon pricing to buildings and further electrification in the heating and cooling sector. The overall combined impacts of policies targeting heating and cooling on the environment is expected to be positive. As a result significant reductions of CO2 emissions are achieved in both residential and services sector as illustrated in the table below.

    Table 13 - GHG emission reduction in buildings in 2030; Source: PRIMES

    Buildings sector CO2 emissions in 2030





    Residential sector

    (% change from 2015)





    Services sector

    (% change from 2015)





    Figure 12 - Final energy per energy carrier in residential heating and cooling demand; Source PRIMES

    Economic (including Energy System) and social impacts

    Fuel prices and energy expenditure

    A potentially important impact of additional measures in heating and cooling would be the energy prices for households specifically for heating and cooling requirements. Using the core scenario results, the expected evolution of energy prices 91 at household level, shows an overall increase of energy prices between 2021 and 2030 (around 39% on average 92 ) as shown in the figure below. Electricity (more than 60% based on renewables) and biomass energy prices are set for a limited increase (10% and 19% respectively). This increase is partially due to market developments, and partially due to climate and energy policies. The impact assessment carried out for the CTP showed that the scenario relying on high carbon pricing only, has the highest negative impact on low income households. 93 The scenario results in terms of social and distributional impacts across the core scenarios are discussed in section and

    However, the distributional impacts could be at least to some extent addressed if the revenues from carbon pricing used in buildings would support low income consumers to decrease their energy bills, by e.g. focusing on these target groups with deep renovation programmes, or provide subsidies for the replacement of old and inefficient heating appliances (by renewable-based technologies such as solar thermal or geothermal based technologies which do not entail fuel prices), or providing lump sum support (possibly linked to the deployment of renewables). These targeted use of ETS revenues could offer an opportunity to accelerate both energy efficiency and renewable technologies such as heat pumps for space heating and cooling in buildings abating also air pollution especially in cities. Such programmes should be adapted to overcome the lack of capital and other barriers that may exist. The distribution of the costs and benefits of a binding H&C RES target across Member States will depend to a large extent on how a MS intends to design its framework in order to meet the target.

    Figure 13 - Evolution of end user energy prices for households in scenario MIX; Source PRIMES

    Modern renewable heating systems (geothermal and air/water source heat pumps, solar thermal) do not need fuel input for heating and energy consumption is limited to auxiliary energy to drive e.g. heat pumps and control systems. These manifest in positive disposable income effects from lower operating costs, reduced fuel expenditure and stable prices unaffected by global price fluctuation. While some of the renewable heat appliances require higher upfront costs, they reduce household expenditure once installed, and over their lifetime (20 years) they result in significant savings and increased disposable income. When this target under Option 3d) and the complementing list of measures under Option 2 are combined with stronger carbon pricing, as in the MIX scenario, the value of initial upfront investment decreases in relative terms and the pay-back time shortens improving the cost-benefit ratio for consumers.

    In addition, some of the renewable heating appliances have lower upfront costs at installation and lower levelised cost of heat (LCOH) 94 than the reference gas (condensing) boilers (most used at EU) which varies from country to country 95 . Renewable solutions, such as heat pumps using ambient and geothermal energy, solar thermal and biomass are already competitive with the dominant gas and oil boilers. The fact that LCOH of renewable heating technologies is often already lower than that of fossil fuels, yet their market take-up remains subdued demonstrates that other, non-market barriers, such as lack of information, lack of coordination and level-playing field are at work. The list of measures under Options 2 is thus necessary to complement both the target under Option 3d) and increased carbon prices. and analysis not based on modelling

    GHG reduction:

    The switch from fossil fuels to renewable heating is the main way to reduce GHG and other air pollutant emissions. Most renewable heating solutions achieve below 100 gram CO2/kWh emissions compared to fossil fuels ranging from 240 gram CO2/kWh to above 400 CO2/kWh 96 .

    Transitioning their heating and cooling systems away from fossil fuels is a key component of national strategies to achieve GHG reduction in a few Member States, which have elaborated such strategies in line with their EU and Paris agreement obligations. Among these Member States, the Netherlands, France and Germany conducted in-depth analysis and public consultation on how to pave the way towards heat decarbonisation, while Poland set a more limited objective, focussing on phasing out coal as a major source of GHG emissions and air pollution. These national strategies foresee a considerable increase of the share of renewable energy sources, while the approach to decarbonise the heating sector differs between the strategies. The Netherlands propose a district approach, in which municipalities take the lead in the transformation through “heat visions”, which are developed at municipal level. The decarbonisation measures proposed in the strategies of France and Germany largely address building owners as well as professionals in the building sector. All national strategies place heating decarbonisation in buildings and renewable space heating at their core. While the strategies do not provide quantitative targets for individual renewable heat technologies, they foresee subsidy schemes and regulatory measures (RES-quota) to increase the share of renewable energies for heating.

    Examples of national strategies are listed in the table below:  

    Climate Agreement (Netherlands) (Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat 2019)

    French Strategy for Energy and Climate (Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire 2018)

    Heat Transition 2030 (Agora Energiewende 2017)

    Energy Efficiency Strategy for Buildings (BMWi 2015)

    Systemic challenges of Germany's heat transition (Fraunhofer ISE et al. 2020)

    Energy Policy of Poland – Extract from draft (Ministry of Energy 2018)

    Air pollution reduction

    One of the expected impacts of the proposed Option 3d) combined with Option 2, is the significant reduction in air pollution and CO2 emissions.

    Switching for renewables from fossils in heating has been and is the main way to ensure clean air. 97 This impact has been demonstrated by the results of national strategies and case studies.

    One such examples is that of Poland, where coal based heating is a source of emissions of sulphur compounds, nitrogen, benzopyrene and dust, as well as carbon dioxide. The main reason for poor air quality in Poland is emissions from individual sources (apart from transport) of heat generation in over 5 million buildings. Pollutants are introduced into the atmosphere from low chimneys in areas with residential buildings. Approximately 3.5 million of these buildings are supplied with heat from low-efficiency coal-fired sources. Old, energy inefficient boilers and furnaces fired with poor fuel are the main cause of smog production.

    To resolve this environmental and health crisis, the "Clean Heat 2030” strategy for Poland examined how to make heating no longer a source of smog in Poland by 2030 in a cost-effective and socially acceptable way 98 . According to the analysis, health costs of pollutants can be reduced by 50% within a decade and dust emissions from individual heating by 91%. At the same time, CO2 emissions from heating will fall by 30%. The report refers to the whole area of heating, both district heating and individual heating systems. Even with a conservative approach, the external costs of smog in Poland today exceed PLN 16 billion annually. These heat production costs are not included in the production price. Poles, however, bear these costs by paying for them with poorer health and suffering the consequences of climate change. The report suggests the elimination of solid fuels from individual heating by 2030. Domestic coal-fired furnaces should be replaced, depending on local conditions, by connection to district heating networks and on the long-term by the electrification of heating. The authors calculated that the share of heat cost in the household budget may increase by up to 2 percentage points in the short term and it will start to decrease in the long term. 


    The global energy demand for cooling is growing rapidly. Cooling accounts for around 4% of final energy demand in the EU, with about 130 TWh for space cooling and about 190 TWh for process cooling 99 . Cooling is currently 99% electricity-driven, such that unlike heating, cooling typically does not involve the direct use of fossil fuels. 99% of cooling is provided by electric driven vapour compression systems (heat pumps and reversible heat pumps). Only 1% is supplied by gas or heat driven cooling generators (absorption cooling) used mainly in industry and district cooling systems. More information is included in Annex 7.

    Cooling demand in buildings currently accounts for around 2% of final energy consumption in the EU, and process cooling in industry is an additional 2% 100 . Cooling demand is rapidly growing due to higher living standards, higher building energy performance standards and climate change. Space cooling (SC) in residential and service sector consumes 81.5 TWh per year 101 . Just a few countries account for the absolute majority of the final SC consumption amount of the entire EU27+UK. Spain, Italy, France, UK, and Greece come out to account for more than 80% of Europe’s final SC consumption for the residential and service sectors. For countries such as Malta and Cyprus, cooling accounts for 25% and 40% in their heating and cooling mix and more than 16% and 13%, respectively, in their total final energy consumption.

    The definition and calculation methodology of renewable cooling has not yet been established due to so far relatively low statistical weight of cooling in overall EU energy consumption (even if in specific countries this share can be significant). REDII specifies that the Commission shall adopt delegated acts to supplement the Directive at the latest by 31 of December 2021, including a methodology for calculating the amount of renewable energy utilized for cooling and district cooling (DC), a definition for renewable cooling, and amend the directive accordingly. In order not to prejudge the outcome of the delegated acts, no specific options were included for cooling options design.

    NECPs assessment

    According to the NECP assessment 102 EU 27 anticipate a share of renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector of 23% in 2020 and 33% in 2030. The 33% RES H&C share in 2030 was facilitated by more than 10% decrease in the final energy consumption for H&C projected by Member States from 2020 to 2030 in EU27 103 .

    The share of renewable energy is above 50% by 2020 in 5 MS (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, and Latvia) 104 . In Sweden, this share is above 60% 105 . Several countries report a low share of RES in the H&C sector and in three Member States the share of renewables is below 10%. In this regard, the assessment clearly shows the diverse nature of Member States energy systems and their starting points. Although Member States demonstrated significant efforts to decarbonise the H&C sector in their NECPs, there were still many aspects that were not properly incorporated by all Member States and measures were not sufficiently presented. As a result, there is a wide variation in effort levels and contribution across Member States and the burden is not shared equally in proportion of cost-effective potentials and GDP. More details are found in Annex 7.

    Furthermore given the importance of the H&C sectors in the EU’s final energy consumption, no action in this sector will clearly not deliver on the general and specific objective of this IA.

    The default Option 0 ‘No changes’ is the baseline and would result in the EU RES H&C share that would be in line with the -55% GHG target remaining aspirational and not reflected in the legislation with delivery of the overall RES ambition relying on other sectors or other instruments to deliver.

    Option 1 ‘Non-regulatory measures’ – Guidance and Best Practice Exchange

    This option involves only the use of non-regulatory measures. These offer the possibility to enhance the correct implementation of REDII in a more harmonised manner by diffusing a common understanding and best practices. The main instrument for this would be the Concerted Action of Member States for the Renewable Energy Directive, which is a dedicated forum for informal discussion and to share best practices on implementation.

    These measures would at best help reaching full delivery of the current targets and better implementation of measures. However, the current target is indicative and all measures are optional. There would not be legal possibility to enforce implementation in case of those Member States that despite receiving guidance and learning best practices would opt for low implementation efforts and low prioritisation of heating and cooling. Maintaining the current indicative target and optional measures would not raise the level of renewables sufficiently enough and would not incentivise a step change towards carbon-neutrality. The option entails the risk of carbon lock-in, the continuation of business-as-usual and failure of heating and cooling to contribute to carbon-neutrality. This would put the burden on other sectors and force a much higher carbon price on consumers and businesses. The cost-effective achievement of the 55% would suffer. There would be a risk to derail CTP and EGD due to the large weight of this sector in the EU overall energy consumption.

    This likelihood of such risks is demonstrated by the low ambition of the NECPs, where half of the Member States failed to include trajectories and measures in line with the current provisions.

    Option 2 ‘Extend the current list of measures of Article 23(4) in REDII’

    This options introduces additional generic measures, which have proven to be essential building blocks of successfully renewable mainstreaming and decarbonisation of heating and cooling.

    Option 2 complements Option 3 on possible target design options. The list is not binding and its main purpose is to provide templates how increased ambition in deploying renewable heating and cooling could be achieved. Since the proposed additional measures are reflecting best practices of effective heat decarbonisation, national implementation strategies will likely use many if not all the measures in the list. The generic and essential nature of the measures in the list ensures that sufficient freedom is left for Member States to adapt those to their specific national circumstances based on subsidiarity.

    Without specific measures to increase renewable’s competitiveness in both industry and building, the risk remains high that renewable would not be taken up in the H&C sector. The alternative to enforce the uptake of renewables via specific instruments would be increasing carbon pricing significantly. However due to low elasticity of demand for heating, which is a basic necessity for both consumers and industry, and the fact that once investment decision is taken, it cannot be corrected cost-effectively during the lifetime of a heating asset (appliance, generation unit or infrastructure), high carbon pricing would not be an effective drivers for a long time after a purchase and would thus lead to significant wealth transfer from consumers without producing the desired outcome.

    The extended list of measures are accompanying measures necessary to guide the transition process to the medium goal of 55 GHG reduction and end goal of full decarbonisation of heating and cooling. These extended list of measures are to guide actions to realise the cost-effective renewable share in heating and cooling and thus are a necessary complement of Option 3 on target. The list of measures together with a specific heating and cooling target and in synergy with strengthened but not excessive carbon pricing, strengthened energy efficiency measures under the EED and EPBD, complemented with a revised ETD together as a package lead to the most cost-effective and cost-balanced delivery of the 55% GHG and carbon-neutrality by 2050.

       Specific Measures:

    Option 2-A1 Capacity building for national/local authorities to plan/implement renewable projects and infrastructures, national and local heat planning

    One of the challenges for Member States is to transition their heating systems from high carbon to renewable and low-carbon heating at least and with minimum resources use. Local municipalities are at the forefront of this transition due to the local nature of heating, as they will have to translate the high-level EU and national objectives into concrete projects and actions. Municipalities and cities thus need to be to map the availability of local renewable and other carbon-neutral, provide a regulatory and project development framework for their mobilization, align spatial plans, coordinate with building refurbishment and with all actors involved. They are the key to ensure that local energy planning and ensuing actions, investment, projects are aligned with national energy objectives. This requires specific capacities in planning and developing renewable projects and infrastructures and coordinate among all interested actors. Option 2-A1 enables national and local authorities to gain the knowledge and skills required for integrating renewables in heating and cooling, to make plans, develop, finance and implement projects or programmes and to coordinate the many local actors. Their capacity should also cover awareness raising campaign, training and qualification.

    Coordinated infrastructure planning with more involvement of local and regional authorities could result in important economic savings and avoid issues of mis-planning, mis-communication, misinformation and lack of understanding of the local particularities, needs and opportunities resulting in inefficiencies and enhanced energy system integration. It provides an enabling tool for higher ambition in renewable heating and cooling, and increases the effectiveness of other measures, not only planned replacement or targets but also with carbon pricing instruments. Heat planning enables coordination with the Long-term Building Renovation Strategies (Article 2a of the revised EPBD) and the Comprehensive Heating and Cooling Assessments (Article 14 of the EED and Article 15(7) of REDII) where MS integrated planning remains low 106 . There are currently very limited integrated planning in the MS, according to the JRC in 2018 only 26% 107  of European cities had a climate action plan or an energy transition strategy 108   109 .

    This shows that MS action alone would probably not have been sufficient to contribute to deploy renewable in the H&C. Therefore, by reason of the effects of the variant, EU action would have an added value, at least to incite MS to take think about integrated planning. This option thus is also key to ensure effective coherence also with the EED and EPBD and effectiveness of carbon pricing.

    Option 2a)-A2: Risk mitigation framework to reduce cost of capital for renewable heat projects

    Investing in new heating and cooling systems entails risks for large and small projects alike. For large projects project developers may have difficulties convincing banks and financial institutions about their loan repayment capacity or would not easily be willing to assume all the risk and uncertain or longer repayment time that the market generally allows. For small investors, banks and financial institutions may not be willing to lend due to high administrative costs and limited return, in turn small projects may face high transaction costs.

    The option would effectively address risks inherent to large heat generation and heat infrastructure projects, as well as investments in individual heating systems by households and small businesses representing small capital volumes. 110

    Although, there are currently no dedicated financing instruments for H&C at EU level, many generic energy subsidies and grants are available and can be accessed for the purpose of financing H&C initiatives 111 . Given the lack of dedicated instruments, stakeholders need to have a good understanding of the different financial instruments available to exploit them for the purpose of financing green and low-carbon H&C projects. EU action is required to deliver economies of scale and Union-wide coverage as well as to ensure a competitive single market for energy at least to incite MS to take the required action.

    Carbon pricing increases the attractiveness of renewable options in H&C by increasing the revenue streams (or decreasing the operating cost compared to a fossil reference). With adequate and stable carbon prices, the cost of de-risking instruments would reduce accordingly (e.g. risk insurance would be reduced to reflect the risk). Such risk mitigation framework should recall that stable and visible energy price evolution (incl. the carbon pricing components) would have a key role in mitigating the risk.

    Option 2a)-A3: Heat purchase agreements for corporate and collective small consumers

    Heat purchase agreements can be an important tool to support the creation of heat markets and are currently used much less frequently than power purchase agreements. A recent study shows that a business model based on heat purchase agreements could be used to lower the barriers to heat pump adoption associated with their high upfront costs. The study is the first to consider economic analysis of heat purchase agreements as a third-party ownership model for electric heat pumps. 112  

    For the MS, the operating cost would be limited to the administrative costs to develop such global framework and the cost for covering (backstopping) pilot or demonstration projects 113 (such as for the case of Bristol Energy). After such trial/demonstration period, operating costs would be tackled by market actors, such as heat/fuel suppliers, to integrate directly in their new business models. This could also provide some commercial advantages compared to formal suppliers not adapting their business models to the needs of the transition to a low carbon heating and cooling system (driving more energy efficiency and renewable, with energy utilities and other suppliers delivering new services).

    The example of Bristol Energy highlights a very big opportunity associated with this option – consumer empowerment and increased awareness. Some of the key aspects highlighted during a workshop held on September, 2019 on the topic of “heat as a service”, point out to consumer distrust due to lack of information and the underdeveloped stage of this concept. In particular consumers would be interested in having flexible contracts of no longer than 1-2 years and to be able to “roll-over” unused usage under the “Energy as a Service” contracts (similarity with mobile phone plans). Further, consumers need to be able to easily quantify the benefits and risks of taking up an offer and how the technology and service is performing in real word scenarios. The design of these instruments would be left to the MS, to comply with the implementation of the market design at national level, and possibly with building codes or requirements (addressing comfort), as inviting MS to develop such schemes would incentivise their development.

    Furthermore, the success of this option is dependent on the development of adequate heat network infrastructure, increased digitalisation of buildings and smart meter roll out. By tackling these issues, authorities will support different professionals to developing new business models, helping coordination between heat markets, electricity market, building design and performance. Carbon pricing would also directly have an influence on supporting such heating purchase agreement framework, increasing the attractiveness for renewables H&C, and the interest to develop adequate business models, possibly based on a service concept.

    Option 2a)-A4: Planned heating system replacement schemes:

    The proposed options on targets for heating and cooling combined with the options proposed for supporting measures (planned heating systems replacement) would ensure that the upcoming replacement cycle is well-used to trigger a switch from fossil fuels to renewables and other carbon-neutral solutions, and prevent the installation of new fossil appliances, which due to the long lifetime of these assets, would result in carbon lock-in. This option would be effective to ensure several goals. It would help accelerate and wide the deployment of renewables in heating and cooling, and buildings. If applied together with heat planning, it could also ensure level playing field between individual and district heating and cooling solutions depending on whichever is the most cost-effective.

    The option on planned renovation is effective to ensure alignment with the CTP, which foresees the need for annual 4% replacement rate of heating systems in building. Since the existing fossil heating systems would be largely replaced with heat pumps and connection to modern district heating systems would grow, planned replacement would also be effective in facilitating ESI and electrification. According to ESI, in buildings, electrification is expected to play a central role, in particular through the roll-out of heat pumps for space heating and cooling.

    According to JRC’s NECP assessment, measures related to phasing out of fossil fuels in the heating sector were expressed by eight member states, meaning these are probably already considered as non-regret instruments. In addition to Austria and Germany, Ireland has also set up such scheme.

    These schemes are concrete, driven by national or regional authorities, already implemented with success and sometimes could be considered as the key pillar of decarbonising the H&C, depending on Member States strategy. As these schemes would depend on many national/local factors, more requirements from the EU would be counterproductive, although the EU could support the sharing of best practices, and possibly provide some guidance.

    Option 2a)-A5: Update of the qualification and certification requirements of installers (article 18 and annex VI), and enabling framework/obligation for technology providers and vendors, that trained and qualified installers are available in sufficient numbers to service the required growth in renewable heating and cooling installations in buildings and industry.

    Investment in the training of skilled workers, the development of training courses, investing in teaching resources for disseminating green skills and integration of climate, environment and green energy knowledge in scholarship are measures where the initial costs associated with development and implementation of such efforts is expected to result in broader knowledge dissemination and awareness. Several literature studies highlight the importance of awareness raising and information dissemination in achieving energy efficiency and renewable resources measures 114 .

    Furthermore, given that replacement of heating and cooling equipment is often a result of an emergency (e.g. boiler breakdown), a lack of knowledge and information on the part of the installer when having to make a swift decision on how to replace a broken installation could result in technology lock-in 115 and significant associated costs. Thus, enhancing the skills and knowledge of installers and therefore removing a possible inclination towards the well-known (fossil based) solutions should increase the extent to which actual substitution opportunities are recognised and selected. Hence, a possible decision-bias towards fossil-based solutions would be reduced and the competitive position of RES compared to fossil-based solutions improved, by increasing significantly investor’s confidence, and hence certainty.

    Furthermore, skills is an important area where the EU could ensure competitiveness. Increasing the qualification and training installers would create more experience and share of practice that would also benefit the manufacturer, and further RD&I. burden and compliance costs

    It is not expected that the target design as such would result in additional administrative burden or increased compliance costs for Member States as no new obligations or additional reporting would be required from the Member States compared to the current Article 23 of RED II or the Governance framework.

    As stated in Section, depending on the measures the Member States use to reach the target there could be additional administrative burden, for example a scheme to subsidise the replacement of heating systems would involve checking applications and that the criteria for funding were met. Replacement schemes would mainly impact building owners (landlord and tenant), while tenants would be impacted to a limited extent. Administrative burden and associated costs will vary per Member State depending on the extent of multi-level governance between different levels of government (national, regional, and municipal), the choice and level of ambition of the phase-out and the existing administrative framework in place among many other variables. More details are found in the Annex 7. 

    Targets: RES H&C target and renewable share in buildings and industry

    Option 3 ‘Level and nature of the targets’

    Option 3 explores three different target designs (3a)-3c) for the overall heating and cooling target, which are mutually exclusive, and add a fourth target design, 3d)which is an indicative benchmark to specifically monitor efforts in buildings and industry, which is complementary with the overall H&C target designs.

    Options 3a-3c assess the need to either increase or reinforce the ambition for the RES H&C related target(s). A key issue for the design of the legislation is how to provide sufficient incentives for continued delivery of national commitments and sufficiently ambitious pledges for increased mainstreaming of renewables in the heating and cooling sector. Beyond the target an extended list of measures to support higher ambitions are assessed below and in Annex 7.

    Option 3a would transform the current 1.1%-pp annual increase target design as per Article 23 into a minimum baseline complementing it with indicative additional efforts tailored to each Member State to reach the desired RES H&C shares in agreement with the CTP and confirmed by the modelling work carried out in this impact assessment. In this regard the revised Renewables Directive could include indicative figures for Member States RES H&C shares to take into account when updating their contributions to the EU renewables target under the governance framework in the NECPs by June 2023. This would provide a positive incentive framework in the heating and cooling sector. 

    The option would incentivise the mainstreaming of renewables in the heating and cooling sector in some Member States 116 and avoid lock-in of fossil fuel technologies and ultimately stranded assets in the future. In addition, Option 3a) allows for burden sharing in mainstreaming the renewable energy deployment in the H&C sectors.

    The Table below illustrates the 2020-2030 average renewable heating and cooling shares across all Member States in REF and the range for the core scenarios. Furthermore, the table includes the respective effort needed by each Member State that would close effectively the gap between the modelling work carried out in this impact assessment and the estimated figure of RES H&C share at EU, if Member States fulfil the 1.1% mandatory RES H&C shares 117 to reach the desired RES H&C levels in the core scenarios to be added to REF20. The gap has been redistributed based equally on Member States cost-effective potential from core scenarios and their GDP 118 .

    Table 14 - 2020-2030 average and 2030 RES H&C figures for different scenarios per MS; PRIMES EC own calculations



    Mandatory increase in RES H&C share(p.p)

    Range of RES H&C Shares in 2030 based on core scenarios(%)

    Top ups to be added to REF20(p.p)

    Resulting RES H&C shares with top ups(at least) (p.p)









































































































































































    Option 3b proposes to raise the current 1.1 pp annual increase to the level of core scenarios 119 and make it binding. This would apply to all Member States equally. Although this option would be the most effective option to help ensure target achievement and eliminate distortion between Member States, this option is not considered proportionate and would go beyond cost-optimality for some Member States, specifically those having already high RES H&C shares in 2020, above 50% and 60% respectively 120 .

    Option 3c would propose a binding EU H&C RES share. This would provide greater certainty that the EU reaches the desired level of RES shares in H&C, however it does not exclude the risk of free riding by Member States, who may choose to do little and instead rely on the efforts of others.

    Option 3d would put forward an (indicative) EU RES benchmark of 49% for the EU building stock 121 and industry. This would add visibility and prioritisation of the need to step up the integration of renewable energy in buildings as part of increasing their energy performance, in particular in the context of the Renovation Wave objective to at least double the building renovation rate, as heating system replacement and modernisation and are the easiest and most cost effective to implement during and as part of building renovation. In addition, this option is also to ensure that at least a 4% replacement rate of fossil based, old and obsolete heating systems with renewable based heating, as indicated by the CTP is realised. The indicative RES benchmark would leave maximum flexibility for Member States how to achieve it. It would build on the current requirement for ensuring a minimum level of renewables in buildings. Its effectiveness would be ensured with alignment with the review of the EPBD addressing gradual fossil phase-out from heating systems tailored to main building archetypes. It will support the EGD carbon neutrality goal, consistent with ESI and interact with the EPBD goal to decarbonise the EU building stock by 2050 as enshrined in the EPBD. Complementarity and no duplication is ensured as REDII relates to the overall EU building stock, while EPBD addresses energy performance at building level and by main building archetypes. The added value of the option for heating and cooling to signal the level to which renewable heating and cooling supply (sources, technologies, infrastructures) should be scaled up for buildings. The EPBD on the other would address how to make buildings fit for renewables, as most renewables can work optimally only with high energy performance buildings (sufficient insulation and adaptation of the internal energy distribution in technical building systems.

    Furthermore under this option, an (indicative) EU RES benchmark in Industry of 1.1% annual increase per year, reflecting the different starting points of the different MS and following the logic of the heating and cooling target 2020-2030 would be put forward. Industrial investment cycles are relatively long, and can set the direction for a company for multiple decades. A benchmark to increase the share of renewables in industrial consumption would increase renewables, which could take place through different pathways and energy carriers (including energy efficiency measures, direct use of renewables, electrification, and renewable fuels, including renewable hydrogen) and integrate industry further to the energy system. Setting such benchmarks early would provide a long-term direction to the industry, and ensure that any existing investments are in line with our long-term objectives of climate neutrality.

    The assessment of the above options is closely interrelated with measures on energy efficiency and energy performance in buildings, which are respectively addressed in the initiatives for the revision of the EED and the EPBD. In addition, policy interactions also exist with policies covering GHG emissions (Effort Sharing Regulation but also by the horizontal EU carbon pricing instruments, such as the EU Emissions Trading System). However, the impact of carbon pricing on renewable shares and renewable deployment and respective impacts on energy costs is diverging and could cause high distributional impacts when they fully materialise. The revision of RED is also a precondition for the fulfilment of increased ESR national targets. The Member States will need to deploy much more renewables in the heating, cooling (and transport sectors) in order to meet the increased national ESR targets. Therefore re-enforcing the current heating and cooling target which covers all energy users (industrial, residential and tertiary) and updating the illustrative policies measures remains necessary and consistent.

    Thus energy efficiency and carbon pricing can also play a role in increasing the share and deployment of renewables in heating and cooling. However, energy savings should mostly affect non-renewable heating, while the overall consumption of renewables in final heat remains constant with the rest of the effort supported mostly by heat pumps. Carbon pricing alone could increase direct renewable deployment as incentive fuel switching and allow for a fairer competition of innovative solutions in markets. However carbon prices might need to be very high to achieve the outcome, a risk which modelling and the resulting carbon price of EUR 80 in MIX CP indicate too. As highlighted in the assessment of the measures, carbon pricing alone cannot overcome all barriers such as unfit infrastructure planning, building codes and products standards, lack of skilled workforce for installation and maintenance, lack of public and private financing instruments, and lack of internalisation of CO2 costs in heating fuels for the heating and cooling sector as a whole also due its fragmented nature. Such barriers hampers renewable uptake but also ESI. This translates into low replacement rates of the EU fossil heating stocks, low development and modernisation of district heating/cooling networks, and low building refurbishment rates. With the Renovation Wave initiative, the Commission will ensure that the building framework is fit for a higher penetration of renewable supply in buildings from all types of renewable sources and carriers, both via individual appliances and district heating. It will also support training programmes under the Updated Skills Agenda. This option is also coherent with and effective to implement the Renovation Wave initiative, as it ensures a higher penetration of renewables in buildings.

    Furthermore measures such as local planning has synergies and is coherent with Article 14 of the EED on comprehensive heating and cooling assessments and with the long-term building renovation strategies under Article 2a of the revised EPBD. It is also coherent with and fulfils actions of the Energy System Integration Strategy while risk mitigation is already available under the EED and the EPBD and new instruments under the Resilience and Recovery Funds and new EU budget.

    In this regard, a fixed renewable energy heating and cooling target complimented by further policy intervention would not only provide additional incentives to fuel-switching from fossil to renewable energy in buildings but also in industry. It would also address persisting non-market barriers that carbon pricing alone cannot fully address.’ Opinions

    Stakeholders’ Opinions

    EU/Non-EU citizens as well as representatives of academic institutions (82%), consumer organizations (80%), public authorities (52%), more often think that the target should be binding. Those representing business associations (55%), companies/business organizations (57%), environmental organisations (81%) and NGOs (74%) more often think that it should not be binding.

    Respondents representing academic/research institutions, business associations, companies/business organizations most often think (70%, 49%, 51% respectively) that the target should increase to match the Climate Target Plan ambitions. Citizens most often think that the target should be increased to be more ambitious (39%). Environmental organizations, NGOs and public authorities most often do not think that the target should increase (79%, 66% and 42% respectively).

    In a poll conducted during the 1st stakeholder workshop, 75% of the respondents thought that the current indicative target of achieving a 1.1 pp annual average increase in renewable energy in heating and cooling set for the period of 2021-2030 in Article 23 should become a binding target for Member States.

    During the 2nd stakeholder workshop, The European heating industry supported an increased RES-E target and they favour a clearer role for hybrid heat pumps under the RED II. They favour increasing the RES-H&C target and making it binding. Consumers favoured binding H&C targets. The geothermal sector asked for a de-risking at EU level and thus changing the burden from Member States to EU in article 3.5 of RED II. The heat pump industry favoured increased targets. The solar thermal industry asked for the promotion of measures for consumers to make the transition.

    6.2.2 District heating and Cooling

    Modern renewable-based efficient district heating and cooling (DHC) is at the very centre of heat decarbonisation and an integrated energy system 122 . The current provisions under REDII require Member States to endeavour to increase the share of renewables by an annual average 1%-point increase or implement network access for renewables, waste heat and cogeneration. Several drawbacks remain allowing ‘de-facto’ 100% fossil systems continue indefinitely in the future. Consumer information and rights also need to be improved.

    Updated and strengthened measures are needed to ensure cost-effective contribution and align DHC with the Green Deal, the Energy System Integration and the Hydrogen Strategies and the Renovation Wave. In particular, the Energy System Integration Strategy calls to accelerate investment in smart, highly-efficient, renewables-based district heating and cooling networks, if appropriate by proposing stronger obligations through the revision of REDII and the EED. The energy system integration potential of DHC 123 would not materialise by lack of a clear EU framework guiding local actors and encouraging their efforts to link district heating networks with renewable electricity, waste heat and renewable gases’ deployment. Consumer information as regards the climate performance of these systems should in parallel be improved to ensure level playing field, greater transparency and fair competition with alternatives. The proposed measures are necessary to ensure that the next inevitable and imminent investment cycle in district heating is not wasted, but instead directed towards future proof solutions when replacing the current old and obsolete heat generation units (around two thirds of the generation assets). The Renovation Wave highlights the role of district approaches as they can transform entire neighbourhoods and create new business opportunities. Synergies between business renovation and the roll-out of modern district heating systems become evident when scaled up to district and community approaches. Aggregating projects at this level may lead to zero-energy or even positive energy districts (e.g. advanced district heating and cooling systems with large potential for renewables and waste-heat recovery). These offer cheaper ways to decarbonise heating and cooling and increase system efficiencies at an industrial scale by fuel switch, increased flexibility and thermal storage. Additional positive impacts including creating space for nature and mobility, contribute addressing socio-economic issues.

    Current situation

    District heating is present everywhere but in a few Member States in Europe. It has significant heat market shares in Northern, Central- and Eastern Europe and in the Baltic States. District heating is growing in Western Europe and the northern regions of Southern European countries. There is no district heating in Cyprus and Malta, while in Portugal and Spain district heating is marginal and limited to a few systems. At EU level, the share of district heating is 12%. The fuel mix of district heating varies from Member State to Member State, as illustrated by the figure below 124 .

    Figure 14 - District heating fuel mix and cogeneration share in 2018 (Source: Study by Tilia under ENER/C1/2018-496)

    As shown in the figure below, natural gas is the major source of heat used. In many countries the share is around 60% and more in Member States such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, and Romania. Biomass, biofuels, and renewable waste are the second most used source of heat in the Member States with significant shares in many countries such as Austria, France, Scandinavian and Baltic countries. Coal and peat, as a third most used source of heat, has a high share in Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Germany, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

    In aggregate, natural gas has the highest share in the EU-27 district heating fuel mix accounting for 30.1% followed by biomass, biofuels, and renewable waste with a share of 26.9%, and coal and peat with a share of 26.7% (see figure below). In total, two-thirds of the district heat supply is generated with fossil fuels in the EU-27 Member States.

    Figure 15 - EU-27 District heating supply fuel mix in 2018(Source: Study by Tilia under ENER/C1/2018-496)

    The decomposition of RES used for district heating reveals that bioenergy fuels (biomass, biofuels and renewable waste) are currently by far the main renewable sources (see figure above). In the EU-27 they constitute almost 88% of the renewable heat produced, followed by industrial excess heat (waste heat) with 6%, heat pumps with 4%, geothermal with 2% and solar thermal with a negligible share of around 0,5%. projected by core scenarios

    There was no specific modelling for the full district heating and cooling supply chain however the figure below presents the evolution of the energy mix in district heating.

    Figure 16 - Fuel input in district heating units and total production of derived heat in distribution networks (in ktoe); Source PRIMES

    The key trend that can be observed is a decrease of fossil fuels (notably oil and solids). Although gas remains stable between 2015 and 2025, increasing energy efficiency, renewable policies and further sector integration coupled with more ambitious climate policies (increased ETS price signal and extension of ETS to buildings) help in the overall efficiency and fuel switching in this sector. Biomass increases from 2010 but remains constant after 2015 and reduces marginally until 2030. Electricity and other renewable sources such as geothermal and solar have been increasing since 2015 to more than 40% of fuel input in DH units in 2030. When it comes to heat supplied and consumed through DH networks, the renewables shares increase to more than 50% in 2030 (at least 2.1 pp yearly increase between 2020 and 2030) which strengthens the case of a greener, smart and integrated district heating networks. and analysis not based on modelling

    GHG reduction and energy saving:

    The deployment of renewables via district heating in cities and heat pumps in rural areas combined with energy savings results in significant greenhouse gas greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and primary energy savings as demonstrated by several studies. The Heat Roadmap Europe projects concluded that a reduction by 80-95% compared to 1990 levels was possible by 2050, entailing also a reduction of 13% or 120 TWh in primary energy consumption and cost reduction of 6 billion EUR compared to alternative decarbonisation scenarios 125 . More information on case studies on efficient renewable based and smart DHC systems are found in Annex 7.

    Modern district heating and cooling can be an effective cost-effective solution to integrate renewables at large scale in heating and cooling serving buildings and small enterprises alike. This is demonstrated by the Action Plan of France with 25 actions to be implemented as of 2020 126 .

    Figure 17 - French 2030 objectives in DH development (total and low-carbon/green)

    A host of innovative district heating and cooling systems already operating in the EU demonstrating that modern low temperature district heating systems are able to integrate renewable energy into heating and cooling at large scale at moderate and low cost and are competitive vis-à-vis fossil fuels. A list of such systems is presented in the figure below indicating the renewables’ shares in this systems, the types of renewables used and the installed capacities for district heating and district cooling. More details and examples are found in the Annex 7.

    Figure 18 - disaggregation of DHC systems, including energy carriers; Source

    The potential of district heating as a key heat transition instrument has been demonstrated in the Heat Roadmap Europe study 127 , which looked at the decarbonisation potential by DH and its cost and benefits in 14 Member States. It concluded that the European energy systems could be decarbonised by 2050 by expanding district heating in urban areas to meet up to 50% of heat demand. The Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE4) project drew up low-carbon heating and cooling strategies for 14 EU countries. The figure below illustrates the number of new DHC systems to be developed across the 14 Member States of the HRE4. 

    Figure 19 - Approximate newly established and total amount of district heating systems in the 14 countries of HRE4 and Denmark needed for fulfilling the potential of distribution grid investments below 4 EUR/GJ; Source: Heat Roadmap Europe 128

    Based on the Pan-European Thermal Atlas (PETA) 129 geographical information system, the study conducted by HRE4 identified prospective supply districts areas with a potential for district heating. An annualised distribution grid investment cost of 4 EUR/GJ was used as the minimum threshold, in addition to a minimum heat demand density of 20 TJ/km2. A potential of around 25,000 areas in the EU was identified, allowing to reach the target of a 50% district heating share by 2050. This is a 7-fold increase in the number of district heating systems across Europe compared to the situation in 2019 130 .

    Replacement costs are mitigated by the fact that only around one third of oil and gas boilers and CHP units are relatively new. More than one third is beyond that lifetime and almost one third is in the second part of the lifetime. That means that two third of the capacity will need to be replaced in the next 5-8 years. The figure below shows the age.

    Figure 20 - Installed capacity by age (GWh) District heating and supply; Source [ongoing ENER/C1/2018-494 Renewable Space Heating Study ]

    Carbon pricing could result intrinsically in cost-optimal emission reductions in the buildings. Hence, pushing for emission reductions through specific measures such as forcing RES deployment will be less cost-effective as long as the carbon price is not high enough to enable H&C RES to become competitive in DHC.

    However, the currently limited uptake of renewables to support the DHC to reduce their emissions can be linked to the low competitive advantage of renewable fuels (due to the current low carbon price level, and to the other more cost effective solutions such as fuel switch – from coal/oil and natural gas), and to the lack of knowledge and risk management compared to individual fossil based appliances. With an increasing carbon price, renewables may become more attractive and deploy without any further intervention or policy action than carbon pricing. However there is probably no such guarantee without additional intervention in the frame of the RED, either with additional measures, or with a specific target for H&C in DHC.

    The table below provides a comparison of upfront costs, O&M costs, payback periods and number of jobs created per MW for both fossil-based DHC and renewable supply of heat in DH networks.

    Table 15: Comparison of Financial data for different DHC supply technologies 131

    Natural Gas



    Solar Thermal


    Heat Pumps

    Upfront costs

    0.5 M€/MW

    1.2-2.8 M€/MWe

    0.3-.07 M€/MW

    200-500 €/m2

    0.7-1.9 M€/MW

    0.45 – 0l85 M€/MW (elec)

    0.35 – 0.5 M €/MW (absorption)

    O&M costs

    3% of investment + 40-60 €/MWh variable fuel costs

    1.5% of investment + 3 €/MWh variable fuel costs

    1.8 – 3% of investment

    1-3 €/MWh

    2.5% of investment

    2-3% of investment

    Payback period



    3-13 years

    6-15 years

    5-10 years

    8-9 years








    Without specific measures to increase renewable’s competitiveness, the risk remains high that renewable would not take up in the DHC. The two options would then be either to increase carbon pricing significantly (which is out of scope), or to enforce the uptake of renewables via specific instruments. In the first, accompanying measures would be necessary to guide the integration of renewable in all DHC. In the second, accompanying measures will also be necessary, in addition to specific renewable targets.

    More details on cost –effectiveness of DHC are found in the Annex 7.


    Option 0 and Option 1 would not be effective to drive that step change needed for district heating and cooling to update its fossil fuels and conventional biomass based business model, contribute to the heating and cooling target and develop its full potential for renewable energy, energy efficiency and sector integration. Information for consumers on the energy performance and renewables shares would remain limited. District heating would keep enjoy monopoly positions without increased accountability to consumer and shielded fully from competition, while its market share could potentially expand. 100% fossil district heating could continue indefinitely and receive public support.

    Option 2 on strengthened existing measures would be effective to ensure the necessary minimum adjustments on consumer information, renewable heat suppliers’ network access and to update ESI measures in line with the Energy system integration strategy.

    Option 2b)-B0: Align the definition of ‘efficient district heating and cooling with the CTP and EGD.

    The option would ensure that district heating systems adopt a higher standard, gradually evolve to become strong contributor for renewable mainstreaming, GHG reduction and savings objectives in energy supply and buildings. It would also ensure that public support is directed for district heating system investing in modernisation and new systems developed according to a new business model aligned with CTP and EGD.

    The current definition is spelled out in Article 2(41) of the EED and integrated into REDII by reference in its Article 2(20). This definition provides the criterion as regards which DHC systems should allow disconnection, network access or should align with the 1 ppt annual renewable increase rate under REDII. The current definition makes it possible for 100% fossil fuel systems to be qualified efficient indefinitely in the future. The review of the definition is an option under the EED review and therefore is not proposed as an option under the REDII review. Full consistency of the EED review should be ensured with the REDII review.

    Option 2b)-B1: Eliminate exceptions and make access to networks mandatory for renewables and other carbon-neutral sources (waste heat), including from prosumers, in large DHC networks (Please refer to Annex 7 for the detailed description of this option).

    The option aims to ensure minimum competition in district heating systems, which are natural integrated monopolies. The lack of EU level minimum access rights would risk locking out renewable and other carbon-neutral energy suppliers, while allowing incumbent operators to continue the current fossil based business models indefinitely in the future shielded from competitive pressures. However, considering the specificities of DHC systems with unique and specific adaptation features to local circumstances, as well as technical constraints (already recognised in the current provisions), third party access should not cover small networks and its design should remain adaptable and minimally harmonised at EU level.

    The option would cover only large systems as network access to small systems by third party suppliers is less or not economic and is technically difficult to implement. It would not impose disproportionate administrative and compliance burdens and would be effective to trigger more competition and thus bring on the market more renewable heat and cold supply.

    The option builds on the current provisions. It would thus not entail significant additional administrative and compliance costs. As described in the introduction, such network access is in one form or another already is in place in large systems. Connection of prosumers is also possible already in some systems, enhancing consumer rights and promoting active consumers.

    Via stimulating more renewable heat and cold supply and increase efficiency – and in conjunction with the option on corporate and collective consumer heat purchase agreements - the option is in line with the CTP, the EPBD and the EED.

    Option 2b)-B2 Enhanced ESI between DHC systems and other energy networks

    This option would be effective to expand and replicate the already existing examples of smart district heating systems, which operate as local ESI hubs and contribute to ESI and the cost-effective deployment of renewables, including renewable electricity. The model of cooperation with the electricity DSOs and TSOs is well-developed and commercially attractive in those few Member States 132 , where the regulatory framework is sufficiently adapted. It allows DHC systems to provide balancing services to the electricity grid by absorbing surplus variable renewable electricity through demand response/management measures and thermal storage. They can also feed electricity back to the electric grid from their CHP units, when renewable electricity (wind and solar) is scarce. 133

    Option 2b)-B3 Enhance ESI for waste heat and cold use via a coordination framework for key actors

    This option has similar objective as above in terms of ESI and would also be effective in facilitating the reuse of waste heat from industrial sites and data centres, through a coordination framework coupled with possible options on strengthened requirements for connection to district heating networks, energy performance accounting and contractual frameworks, as part of the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive and of the Energy Efficiency Directive (June 2021) as stipulated by ESI.

    Option 2b)-B4 Strengthen information provisions for consumers, such as:

    orequirement to include a specific RES share and a numerical energy performance number (PEF) in the information district heating/cooling systems provide to consumer (e.g. on bills, suppliers/regulators’ websites);

    oEnergy label (voluntary or mandatory) for DHC systems.

    The option in the first bullet point on increasing information to consumers about the performance of district heating and cooling system is highly effective to ensure that district heating and cooling providers become more transparent, strengthen consumer rights and improve consumer perception and acceptance. The option foresees the inclusion of clear and simple numerical values on RES share and primary energy factor. Since this builds on and merely complement the current provisions, the administrative burden is limited.

    Target options

    Option 3a, leaving the current, optional and indicative target unchanged. Since only eight countries addressed Article 24(4a) - which lays down the optional indicative 1 percentage point increase target for DHC -, in their NECPs, continuing with the current provisions would not be effective to increase renewables, waste heat and energy efficiency in existing district heating systems, and would leave new DHC developments without clear direction, while other sectors would carry higher burden. This would not ensure that district heating and cooling contributed to the deployment of renewables in heating and cooling in line with the CTP and EGD. It would not be effective to make these networks contribute to the increased deployment of renewables and ESI in line with their cost effective potentials.

    Option 3b) by adding an indicative EU renewable target for renewables’ share in DHC would set a clear yardstick against which the development of district heating and cooling systems could be evaluated and their compatibility with the CTP and EGD could be measured. This could be a significant improvement in the effectiveness of current framework and would provide clear signals for investors. Option 3b) would also inspire the development of new networks as regards the level of renewables desired in their generation mix. While it may not be enough to change in existing DHC network, combined with an appropriately strong overall heating and cooling target to which DHC would contribute, it would be effective to ensure that old systems transform and new systems develop sufficiently to harness the full cost-effective potential of modern DHC for the large scale integration of renewables in heating and cooling. Since this option does not impose specific obligation on Member States, the administrative cost would be minimal, while the Governance framework already in place could provide the implementation and monitoring framework with no additional cost.

    Option 3c) by increasing the indicative 1%-point annual increase target to 2.1 percentage point annual increase in agreement with the CTP and the modelling work carried out in this impact assessment. The increase would provide a clear signal as regards the needed level of contribution in renewables’ deployment from district heating systems. This would ensure coherence with the overall renewable framework and ensures a level playing field with individual heating systems to contribute to heating and cooling decarbonisation. While in itself Option 3c) may not be enough to drive change to the extent cost-effective, combined with an appropriately strong overall heating and cooling target to which DHC would contribute, it would be effective in ensuring that these systems participate in renewable deployment and sector integration, and harness their cost-effective potential for large scale renewable integration in heating and cooling. As this option builds on current provisions, the administrative cost would be minimal.

    Option 3d) by increasing the current 1%-point increase target to 2.1 percentage point annual increase and making it binding would be effective in ensuring DHC participation in renewable deployment. However, due to the uniformly binding nature of an increased target relevant for all existing systems, it may be disproportionate for those systems that already have high renewable shares and could also lead to the dismantling of those systems where a binding higher increase would impose high investment costs in a relatively short time. Since this options builds on current measures, there would be no additional administrative costs; however due to the binding nature, compliance costs could be significant. burden and compliance costs

    Option 2b)-B0 aligns the definition with the European Green Deal thus providing clear direction and provide certainty for policy makers and investors. It does not impose new administrative burden and compliance cost as it defines the type of systems that are to be promoted, included via public budgets and state-aid. Option 2b-B2 represent a clarification of the current provisions rather than a new measures. On the other hand, Option 2b-B3 extends the current coordination and common assessment requirements from the electricity grid to other energy grids. Such data would not be complicated to gather and disclose for the most efficient and smart systems, which could also be an incentive to upgrade DHC. Option 2b-B4 could be effective, however entails more administrative burden, as such harmonised label does not yet exist. However although, setting up a labelling scheme may be complex and long, especially in the case of a mandatory scheme. If the labelling remains voluntary, the administrative burden could be reduced significantly. Support from EU-funded projects such as EcoHeat4Cities can also decrease the administrative burden by providing capacity building and information.

    Options 3a-3d will not increase administrative cost but will have compliance cost for DHC systems, as they will have to gradually transform. However, combined with the ETS, EED and EPBD reviews, clear targets and policy direction will provide benefits for DHC systems, notably by raising their competitiveness in the green economy, consumer acceptance and market share.

    Member States are already required to report in their NECPs on their measures to increase renewables in district heating and cooling in terms of how it will contribute to the annual increase of 1%ppt. No significant increase in administrative burden or compliance costs is therefore expected from Options 2 and 3 apart from the creation of a possible energy label. of the target options

    All but Option 3a) are coherent with the Energy System Integration Strategy, which calls to accelerate investment in smart, highly-efficient, renewables-based district heating and cooling networks, if appropriate by proposing stronger obligations through the revision of REDII. The proposed Union target for share of renewables in district heating and cooling is coherent with, and a logical corollary of, the target for heating and cooling. The level and nature of the targets will be aligned. Promoting district heating and cooling systems is also linked to the requirements under the EPBD, as such systems work best in energy efficient buildings, the renovation rate of which is addressed in the Renovation Wave and the EBPD revision.

    A specific target for the H&C in DHC remains important and would complement carbon pricing instruments and market stimuli, by providing the needed trend to fully decarbonise DHC. Having in mind the full decarbonisation of the DHC by 2050, such target also supports overcoming no-economic barriers, such as the basic lack of awareness (e.g. in the industry where renewable is not associated to the core business), the administrative barriers, the lack of information (to final consumers) and public perception, the high upfront investments. However, a DHC RES target without a strong policy framework setting up a real level playing for renewable would lead to disproportionate costs and loss of value, putting the existing assets at risk.’ Opinions

    Stakeholders’ Opinions

    The respondents of the OPC representing environmental organisations, NGOs and public authorities more often think that the current indicative target for renewable energy in district heating and cooling should not become binding (78%, 67% and 64% respectively). The other stakeholders tend to think that it should be binding (70% of those representing academia and 75% of those representing consumer organisations). Those representing companies/business organisations are split 50% to 50% or close. The majority of respondents representing Member States were also against the target becoming binding.

    During the 1st stakeholder workshop, the International Energy Agency mentioned the need for a decent playing field for economic and regulatory deployment of District Heating & Cooling. Local governments stressed that it is key that District Heating & Cooling should be the obvious choice when compared to fossil fuels and that therefore EU level and national level should come in with technical and financial support.

    During the 2nd stakeholder workshop, consumer organisations requested a clear planning for District Heating & Cooling.


    The quantitative assessment of policy options for transport is aligned to the CTP analysis but differs to the extent that it takes better into account the policies and objectives formulated by the Member States in their NECPs, which leads to an increase of the RES-T share to 21% in the Baseline (CTP BSL projected 18%). Further, the options consider the dedicated measures under the ReFuelEU Aviation and FuelEU Maritime proposals.

    Based on the current RES-T 134 target calculation, the core scenarios lead to 27-29% RES-T shares (applying the accounting methodology set out in current legislation) with the REG scenario having the highest share thanks to strong energy efficiency measures.

    Figure 21 - RES-T share in core scenarios; Source PRIMES

    As shown in the figure above, renewable electricity would contribute around 10-12% for the target in the core scenarios (against 8% in REF), chiefly due to higher uptake of new electric vehicles driven by assumptions on vehicles standards. Liquid and gaseous biofuels have the biggest role in achievement of high RES-T shares and increase most in the core scenarios, representing in all core scenarios a share of 17%, compared to 13% in REF. With conventional biofuels and Annex IX part B biofuels capped, it is advanced biofuels that represent the highest share (8-9%).

    The allocation of fuels between transport modes varies across transport modes. The maritime and aviation sectors, which mostly do not have electricity as decarbonisation option, rely chiefly on biofuels and, to lower extent, on innovative renewable and low-carbon fuels (including RFNBOs). Advanced biofuels and, in the longer run innovative renewable and low-carbon fuels would become even more important in these sectors post-2030 as the use of oil would be incompatible with carbon neutrality objectives and only limited possibilities for negative emissions are projected in most of scenarios. In other transport modes like road transport, other alternative like electrification already exist (especially for light duty vehicles), with lower environmental impacts (e.g. land use, air pollution).

    6.1.7.Impacts projected by the core scenarios and MIX-H2 variant

    Economic (including Energy System) and social impacts

    The figures below shows the change in the transport fuel mix resulting from all drivers present in the core scenarios as well as in MIX-H2 variant discussed in Section 6.6. The growth in electrification and uptake of biofuels are the most visible trends.

    They figures show not only the increase in penetration of alternative fuels but also the reduction of transport energy demand due to vehicle and overall transport system efficiency. Overall transport demand is also shown in the first figure - including international aviation and international maritime transport.

    The second figure shows the share of alternative fuels 135 , including natural gas. The alternative fuels are projected to represent 13% of transport energy demand in REF by 2030. Not considering multipliers present in the RES-T formula around 7% of all transport fuels in 2030 would be of biological origin - driven by ambitious Member States plans to expand the use of advanced biofuels as put forward in the NECPs.

    In the core scenarios the share of alternative fuels would go up to 15-16% by 2030. Biofuels and bio-methane would represent up to 8% in all core scenarios thanks to dedicated fuel policies, including for aviation and maritime navigation. E-fuels would represent 0.2-0.4% of the transport energy demand. Dedicated variant MIX-H2 (discussed in the Section 6.6) shows a possibility for a higher penetration of RFNBOs in 2030.

    Figure 22 - Energy consumption in transport (incl. international aviation and maritime) in the EU; Source PRIMES

    Figure 23 - Share of alternative fuels in Transport (incl. aviation and maritime navigation); Source PRIMES

    The increase in ambition of the core scenarios in terms of alternative fuels uptake would lead to a moderate increase (compared to REF) of transport energy cost in private consumption - see table below. This increase would be most pronounced in the MIX-CP scenarios which has the highest mark-up in terms of carbon pricing on fossil fuels and the least ambitious energy efficiency measures.

    Table 16 – Costs related to energy use in transport; Source PRIMES

    EU, 2030






    MIX-H2 variant

    All energy expenses related to transport as share of private consumption (%)







    Energy purchase expenses related to transport as share of private consumption (%)







    There is a strong interlinkage between uptake of alternative fuels and a possible ETS extension to transport. As outlined in the CTP, such an extension could drive the quicker diffusion of the use of renewable energy in transport and hence help achieving the objectives and obligations under the Renewable Energy Directive. Such effects would however strongly depend on the level of the carbon price. While there is possible overlap between REDII and ETS coverage of road transport, as both could incentivise the use of renewable and low carbon fuels, it is unlikely that ETS extension to transport would have a significant impact, as the abatement costs of renewable and low carbon fuels are relatively high, If combined with a high ETS price, a drawback from a social perspective are the higher energy prices for consumers in the transport sector.

    Environmental impacts

    All core scenarios significantly reduce GHG emissions in transport compared to the REF – see table below 136 .

    Table 17 - GHG reductions in transport sector; Source PRIMES

    EU, 2030





    MIX-H2 variant

    Transport (incl. domestic and intra EU aviation and navigation) CO2 emissions

    (% change from 2015)






    6.1.8.Impacts and analysis not based on modelling

    Environmental impacts

    Given that the policy options reflect the same ambition level as the MIX scenario, all options would lead to a significant reduction of the nominal level of GHG emissions in transport compared to the Baseline. Still, differences can be expected due to the distinct policy designs of the options.

    In the short term the GHG emission savings will not be significantly affected by the increase of the sub-target for advanced biofuels and the introduction of a sub-target for RFNBOs in Options 1A and 1B, respectively, because the corresponding amounts of fuels are relatively minor and other decarbonisation options are available to achieve the same result. However, promoting these fuels with dedicated sub-targets prepares the ground for their upscaling after 2030 when large amounts of such fuels are needed to decarbonise hard to abate sectors such as aviation, maritime and long haul transport. Setting out sub-targets for advanced biofuels and RFNBOs is therefore serving the long-term decarbonisation effort. The increase of the sub-target for advanced biofuels leads to an increase in the biomass demand. This increase, however, is minor compared to the overall demand for biomass. Sustainability will be ensured by applying the preferred options assessed in section 6.7 on the target strengthening of the bioenergy sustainability criteria.

    Expressing the obligation on fuel suppliers in terms of energy including minimum shares for advanced biofuels and RFNBOs (Option 2A) serves this long-term aspiration as it increases the likelihood that these fuels are commercially deployed and become available at scale after 2030. The emission-based approach (Option 2B) represents in principle a very effective tool to reduce GHG emissions as it promises a high emissions savings at low costs. However, as explained in the section on effectiveness in further detail, it provides a less clear signal for investments into innovative fuels such as advanced biofuels and RFNBOs. This implies risks for the future availability of these fuel options in the long term.

    In addition, the environmental performance of the emission-based approach depends on the way it is implemented in practise. In order to implement the approach, it is required to measure GHG emission savings precisely, to incentivise investments into efficient production processes and to ensure that claims about the emission intensity of fuels are correct. Experience shows that, so far, the implementation of the emission-based approach faced challenges in this regard. This is for several reasons:

    ·GHG emissions of fuels are measured applying a sophisticated life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. This methodology, however, can take only emissions that are directly related to the production of the fuels into account. Emissions from indirect land use change and resource competition are not considered given that estimates of such indirect emissions are associated with a high degree of uncertainty and are therefore unsuitable to be applied 137 . The relationship between direct emission savings and overall emissions savings is not necessarily straightforward 138 .

    ·The LCA methodology is designed to correctly represent the direct emissions arising over the whole production process of renewable and low carbon fuels but does not differentiate between emissions reductions that have been actively achieved and windfall gains. This can be best seen in Germany, which adopted it in 2015. Since then the reported emission intensity of biofuels has substantially decreased. This decrease is due to two main drivers: an increased use of feedstock yielding high direct emissions savings such as used cooking oil and palm oil (which is associated with high indirect emissions) and as substantial reduction of the reported emission intensity of conventional biofuels 139 . The share of advanced biofuels did not substantially increase and RFNBOs are not used at all. The average emissions savings reported for rapeseed biodiesel, palm oil, biodiesel and corn ethanol have increased to 70%, 80% and 88.6%, respectively 140 . The observed improvements of emissions savings reported for cellulosic ethanol were moderate in comparison (97% instead of 85%). The reported decrease of the emission intensity of conventional biofuels cannot be explained by increases of the processing efficiency. Biodiesel is in the regard the most important factor as it represents slightly more than 80% of total EU biofuel consumption: In case of crop-based biodiesel the bulk of emission are due to the cultivation of the feedstock (~70% in case of rape seed). The price signal for low carbon feedstock is unlikely to affect agricultural practises, however, the feedstock is sourced from commodity markets which do not take the carbon footprint into account in the price. Rather than changing the cultivation practises of feedstock, demand for feedstock with low emission footprint will promote the use of feedstock from regions, which are characterised by a low carbon footprint due to favourable natural conditions 141 . The origin of feedstock used for biofuels consumed in Germany has indeed changed substantially over time leading to an increase of imports. While it can be argued that the biodiesel from produced from such feedstock has indeed a lower emissions intensity, the overall emissions of the economy remain unchanged as this is a pure reallocation effect.

    In case of bioethanol which represents slightly less than 20% of total EU biofuel consumption 142 , there is more scope to reduce processing emissions e.g. by changing the type of process energy, however, the increase in reported emission savings of conventional ethanol in Germany (to 88.6% in 2018) cannot be explained by efficiency improvements, neither 143 . Indeed the most cost efficient way to increase the emission savings of conventional ethanol is the capture and use of CO2 during the production process. Incentives for capture and use of CO2 in ethanol plants, however, result only in reduction of the overall level of emissions if the useful demand for CO2 is increased 144 .

    Verifying compliance with the GHG emission-based approach is complex, as the emission intensity of fuels cannot be measured when the fuel is placed on the market. Instead, authorities have to rely on the claims made by economic operators. Given that fuels with higher savings achieve higher prices and the renewable fuel market is very competitive, the emissions approach may incentivise operators to optimise the calculation of actual values or even to make false claims. It is therefore important to verify the claims made by the economic operators thoroughly. Given these challenges, it is therefore important to make adjustments to the LCA methodology that address the issue of windfall gains and resource competition e.g. by removing the possibility to claim emission savings due to carbon capture and replacement, the use regional values for cultivation emissions. The use of credits for emission savings due to improved agricultural practises, unless evidence can be provided that these measures do not lead to negative environmental effects and excessive incentives the use of feedstocks that while qualifying as wastes or residues are fit for use in the food or feed market. Furthermore, it is important to maintain measures that address the issue in indirect land use change.

    Option 2D combining the emission-based approach with energy-based sub-mandates and an improved LCA methodology would ensure that innovate fuels with a high decarbonisation potential are promoted .

    Impact on air pollution

    Vehicles propelled by internal combustion engines are one of the drivers for local air pollution in cities and electrification of transport is seen as one of the main options to address a major part of this problem. Options 1 and 2 would contribute towards a further reduction of air pollution given that they would provide further incentives to electrify road transport. Setting out further details, how renewable electricity supplied to electric vehicles and ships should be considered under the obligation on fuels e.g. by the e introduction of the credit mechanism would provide incentives to invest into public recharging infrastructure and hence facilitate the electrification of road transport and accordingly decrease local air pollution.

    Social impact


    The increase of the ambition level foreseen under Options 1 and 2 is expected to create a moderate number of direct jobs. The largest increase is expected to be created in the production of advanced biofuels followed by hydrogen-based synthetic fuels. Figures do not include indirect jobs created in the supply chain for feedstock or in the construction of renewable electricity generation capacity where the most important effect can be expected 145 but also disregard potential losses in other industries. Overall polices promoting renewable energy have moderate positive net benefits on employment.

    Table 18 - Direct jobs created in renewable fuel industry; Source: “Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration” ENER/ C1/2020-440

    Economic impacts: Fuel prices

    Innovative renewable fuels are more expensive than fossil fuels. The figure below shows estimated ranges of production costs of emerging innovative fuels and observed market prices for fuels which are already on the market 146 . Prices and costs estimates for liquid renewable fuels range from ~6 ct/kwh to ~24ct/kwh while prices for petrol and diesel are currently ~ 3ct/kwh at a very low level. Assuming a blend of 10% renewable fuels priced at 6ct/kWh increases the fuel price by ~3 ct/l. depending of the type of fuels costs can be higher. While measures such as the introduction of new fuels blends and the introduction of the credit mechanism for fuel suppliers would facilitate compliance and help to reduce costs, s the increase in the ambition level foreseen under Options 1 and 2 would still lead to an increase in combustion fuel prices. The increase in fuel costs would be limited, though, as the share of renewable fuels does not increase significantly between the main options and the baseline. The cost would be mostly borne by the aviation and maritime sectors, with costs passed on to consumers, as consumption of renewable and low carbon fuels in road transport remains stable and more expensive options are only marginally reaching the road sector

    In the short to medium term fuels costs would increase more under Options 1A, 1B, 2A and 2D as those scenarios would lead to a more pronounced uptake of innovative renewable and low carbon fuels which will be initially more expensive. Due to increased technology learning, the long-term costs would be lower after 2030.

    Figure 24 - Production costs and prices of different types of renewable and low carbon fuels; Source “Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration” ENER/ C1/2020-440


    The increase of the ambition level in the core options is defined by design as capable of meeting the 2030 targets which are “Fit for 55” as well as to contribute to the commercial development and deployment innovative renewable and low-carbon fuels.

    The most relevant indicator for effectiveness of the options is the ability to reach cost-effectively and sustainably the “Fit for 55” ambition level. The pace of development and deployment of fuels with high decarbonisation potential is instrumental as an indicator to measure the achievement of the overall target. The measures in place will aim at promoting the commercial development of innovative fuels with high decarbonisation potential as this is a prerequisite for achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

    There are barriers in promoting innovative fuels which are not yet fully competitive. Advanced biofuels for example, may encounter difficulties fulfilling the existing 2030 requirements with regard to their volume availability as well as technological availability. As stated by the Sustainable Advanced Biofuels Technology Development Report 2020 147 , advanced biofuels production for the transport sector remains limited on a commercial scale notably due to technological challenges. However in the last decade, considerable progress in technology development has been made. Another main barrier may be the feedstock supply, especially with regard to the possibility to find materials not used by other sectors, in order to have the possibility to limit costs and price volatility.

    Production could be supplemented by imports, although in general it is only practical to import feedstocks which have a high energy density. Sugar and starch crops, oil crops, and waste fats and oils are already commonly traded internationally. Forestry residues may also be traded, but typically over shorter distances due to their lower energy density and the fact that there are no well-established trading markets in these products yet. 148 For all other feedstocks, it is likely that they would be converted into fuel near to their point of production, meaning the final fuel would need to be imported.

    On the one hand, the setting of energy based sub-targets combined with sub-mandates in the fuel supply obligation (Option 1A, 1B, 2A and 2D) are more effective in supporting innovate renewable and low carbon fuels. Option 1B is in the regard more effective than Option 1A as it sets out also a sub-target for RFNBOs, which have a high potential but are still very expensive. This maximises the chances that these fuel technologies are further developed and sufficiently mature to be deployed at large scale after 2030. Option 2B applying an emission-based approach also features a higher level of ambition, but would risk promoting mostly mature fuels with comparatively low production costs and high direct emission savings such as biofuels produced from feedstock listed in Part B of Annex IX, biofuels produced from other types of residues as well as conventional biofuels. While RFNBOs and advanced biofuels achieve high emissions savings and have large cost reduction potential, they face higher technology risks and are not yet competitive with mature types of fuels on this basis (See figure below). Setting of energy based sub-targets combined with sub-mandates in the fuel supply obligation (Option 1A, 1B, 2A and 2D) may be effective in supporting innovate renewable and low carbon fuels. Option 1B is in the regard more effective than Option 1A as it sets out also a sub-target for RFNBOs, which have a high potential but are still very expensive. This maximises the chances that these fuel technologies are further developed and sufficiently mature to be deployed at large scale after 2030. Option 2B applying an emission-based approach also features a higher level of ambition but would risk promoting mostly mature fuels with comparatively low production costs and high direct emission savings such as biofuels produced from feedstock listed in Part B of Annex IX, biofuels produced from other types of residues as well as conventional biofuels. While RFNBOs and advanced biofuels achieve high emissions savings and have large cost reduction potential, they face higher technology risks and are not yet competitive with mature types of fuels on this basis (See figure below).

    Figure 25 - GHG emission reduction costs of different types of renewable and low carbon fuels (excl. ILUC effects); source “Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration” ENER/ C1/2020-440

    The experience with the implementation of the emission-based approach in Germany as well as the data set out in the Figure above on the estimated GHG emission reduction costs demonstrate that innovative fuel technologies such as RFNBOs and advanced biofuels are not yet competitive with mature renewable fuel technologies. Otherwise, at least advanced biofuels would have already emerged in the market as Germany adopted the emission-based approach in 2015. Apart from operating costs, the main competitive disadvantage for innovative fuels is that production facilities for mature types of renewable fuels are already in place while only a few installations producing advanced biofuels and RFNBOs at commercial scale exist, capex costs are high and technological risks remain. When applying an emission-based approach RFNBOs and advanced biofuels would enter the picture only at the moment the limit for conventional biofuels and the resource limits for Annex IX Part B biofuel would apply. Combining the emission-based approach with energy-based sub-mandates for advanced biofuels and RFNBOs would address this issue.

    The revision of existing technical standards of fuels traded in the EU with respect to the maximum levels of bio-based content is relevant for all options as it facilitates the achievement of higher targets including the introduction of B10, which is currently not provided for in the FQD in the interest of vehicle compatibility. In such event, the introduction of an EU-wide B7 protection grade is recommended as a significant share of vehicles not compatible with B10 expected to be present in the fleet by 2030 (potentially 28%). The specific assessment of the introduction of new fuel blends is provided in Annex 10.

    6.1.10.Administrative impacts

    All core options would reduce the administrative burden for public authorities compared to the baseline as all options would eliminate the current overlaps between the FQD and REDII. These overlaps have made it impossible for economic operators and national authorities to disentangle administrative costs under the two Directives. Administrative costs induced by the current monitoring and reporting obligations under Article 7a of the FQD and REDII 149 amount to around 1-2 FTEs per year and fuel supplier ranging between €41.000 and €82.000 150 . In most cases, operators and Member States indicate 1 FTE handling administrative obligations, while 2 FTEs result from the choice to include monitoring regulatory trends as an administrative cost. On the EU27 scale, this corresponds to 27-54 FTEs - an equivalent of EUR 1.7-2.9 million per year. One Member State reported 15 FTE, and is considered as an exception as it assigns administrative costs to wider monitoring activities, such as the national trading system.

    None of the policy options are likely to raise administrative costs, given the monitoring and reporting system is already in place for both FQD and RED implementation. Option 2B and 2D, however, would require a higher effort from public authorities and certification schemes to verify the claims made by economic regarding the emission intensity of renewable and low carbon fuels than the options based on the energy-based approach because operators are incentivised to determine the specific greenhouse has emission intensity of their production and their claims would need to be thoroughly verified in order to avoid unfair advantages of individual producers. The application of a union wide approach as foreseen under options 2A, 2B and 2D, however, would lead to more harmonised national rules, which would reduce administrative costs for fuels suppliers.



    All policy options apart from the baseline are coherent with the objectives of the CTP as well as related Union policies but the degree of coherence differs between the options.

    All options apart from the baseline complement policy measures aiming at the reduction of GHG emissions such as the ETS and the ESR by providing incentives for the promotion of renewable and low carbon fuels in sectors, which are difficult to decarbonise via the ETS carbon signal. All options are complementary in this regard as they directly promote the use of low carbon energy carriers and provide incentives for the deployment of renewable and low carbon fuels formulated using different metrics.

    The increase of the ambition level for RFNBOs and advanced biofuels is consistent with the additional demand stemming from the Refuel EU Aviation and Fuel EU maritime initiatives which will contribute towards the fulfilment of the target. If a stronger emphasis is put on the promotion on RFNBOs as set out in option 1B, this choice would also need to be reflected in potential sub-targets under the Refuel EU Aviation initiative. Focussing on the promotion of RFNBOs and advanced biofuels under Refuel EU Aviation would also avoid the reallocation of existing biofuels from road transport to aviation which could have negative effects on parts of the existing biofuel industry which cannot be transformed to produce aviation fuels. While the supply obligation for renewable fuels envisaged under the Refuel EU Aviation initiative could have been integrated into the RED, which would have made it easier to maintain the consistency between the legal instruments and would have provided the Member States with more flexibility, integrating this measure into a dedicated Regulation applying directly to the suppliers of aviation fuels has the advantage of creating a fully harmonised system, which is particularly important in the aviation sector 151 . A continuation of the 1.2 multiplier for the use of fuels in the maritime sector under the energy based options would further provide incentives that the demand for renewable and low carbon fuels stemming from the obligation on fuel demand set out under the Fuel EU Maritime initiative will be met with renewable fuels. 

    Setting out a target for renewable energy in transport will further complement legislative instruments aiming at the promotion of zero emission vehicles such as the CO2 standards for vehicles, the AFID and the EPBD by endorsing the measures taken by the Member States to promote sales of electric vehicles and investments into the recharging infrastructure. Requiring the implementation of measures such as the set-up of a credit mechanism would facilitate the participation of electricity providers to contribute towards the fulfilment of the targets and provide incentives to invest into public recharging infrastructure. An uptake of renewable electricity coupled with smart charging would promote both maximum use of renewable electricity for charging, and cost efficient integration into the power system. The promotion of zero emission vehicles will also contribute in the same way to other environmental objectives such as the reduction of local air and noise pollution.

    6.1.12.Stakeholders’ Opinions

    Stakeholders’ Opinions

    In the replies to the Roadmap, businesses & associations from the biofuels sector called for an increase of the 14% transport target. Actors from the renewable and low-carbon fuel sectors called for the establishment of sub-targets for synthetic fuels in different sectors. Several companies called for the introduction of a minimum target for renewable gas. The EV industry, representing a minority of the stakeholders that responded, pleaded for an increase of the transport target. On another side, some actors called for recycled carbon fuels (RCF) to be excluded from the transport target.

    In the OPC, Business associations and company/business organizations agree that the target in transport should increase but in a more ambitious way than indicated in the 2030 Climate Target Plan. Environmental organisations and NGOs tend to disagree more (47% and 30%, respectively, of these stakeholder groups do not think that the level of the renewable target in transport should increase). Stakeholders from business associations, public authorities and NGOs mention how more ambitious targets are necessary to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement. With regard to representatives form Member States responding to the OPC, opinions were almost split: half of the respondents were against an increase in the target for transport, while the remaining were in favour of the increase but had differing views in terms of how ambitious, compared to the CTP, the new target should be.

    During the 1st stakeholder workshop, all the speakers agreed that efforts for promoting renewables in transport should be stepped up. There was a clear consensus that an overall sub-target for RFNBOs is critical for decarbonizing all the transport sectors. Some panellists agreed that a better harmonisation of policy instruments in RED II is desirable while some others worried about the effect of the review of RED II on policy certainty and investments. Different views were expressed on the importance of biofuels and hydrogen-based fuels for transport decarbonisation and the way electrification of road transport should be promoted.

    During the 1st stakeholder workshop, NGOs argued that it would be better to have a lower target of sustainable fuels than higher targets fulfilled with unsustainable fuels (quality over quantity). Regarding electrification they requested a coordinated approach across sectors, including aviation and shipping. They also favoured the phase-out of high-ILUC fuels such as fuels from palm or soy oil and favoured the shift to more advanced biofuels, while RFNBOs should focus on long-distance transport. Although the multiplier for renewable electricity in transport is too generous, they favoured keeping it, in light of the absence of a better system. The biofuel sector requested only a minimal revision of the provisions regarding the transport sector, for the sake of regulatory stability and not to harm ongoing investments; The biofuel industry warned against the risk of an inflation of multipliers. The shipping industry, acknowledged the sense of urgency and requests a strong regulatory framework, certification that rewards first movers. However, they prefer a revision of the Fuel Quality Directive rather than a revision of RED II. They favour a solid fuel certification system. Maritime and aviation sector favours that the existing multipliers should be increased.

    6.4. Measures to enhance the contribution of transport and heating and cooling to the system integration of renewable electricity  

    Modelling was conducted to assess the effects of various levels of integration of distributed loads (heat pumps and electric vehicles) and the availability of RES-share information, in overall system costs and levels of decarbonisation reached. This analysis should be considered in a broader context for the promotion of renewable electricity use in transport, heating and cooling, charging of home stationary batteries, as well as other types of electricity use featuring demand side flexibility or the capacity to be used as electricity storage. The financial aspects of reaching high levels of integration were specifically analysed with respect to the deployment of the needed smart charging infrastructure.

    Further qualitative analysis was conducted to identify and address barriers to the integration of such distributed loads within the energy system and to the establishment of competitiveness and level playing field for the benefit of the energy system and the consumers.

    Integrating renewable electricity

    The Electricity Regulation and the Electricity Directive, as part of the Clean Energy package, have laid down the foundations of a new market design for electricity which will enable better rewards for flexibility, by providing adequate price signals, and will ensure the development of functioning integrated short-term markets. However, the current legislative framework does not provide for signals to consumers and market players that are specific to renewable based electricity penetration, nor does it entail specific clauses for integration of small and mobile storage assets such as domestic batteries and electric vehicles, whose numbers are increasing fast. It was therefore deemed necessary to assess the impact of certain legislative measures to enhance integration of renewable electricity in the system. If such measures prove insufficient, additional technical rules can be put in place through the Commission’s empowerment for network codes provided by the Electricity Regulation.

    Both the electricity price and RES-E share information are available in nearly real time in the electricity market system as auctions are cleared every 30 minutes (or less) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) have access to this data. In addition, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) have own data of RES-E production from self-production within their grid. Heat pumps, buildings’ Energy Management Systems and Smart Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles could be configured in a way that they do not only take into account the electricity market price signal, but also information on the RES-E share in the system. Shifting power demand for heating and cooling (via controlling the operation of heat pumps and thermal storage systems) and EV charging into hours with high RES-E share would thus favour the use of renewable electricity and incentivise the absorption of RES generation in real-time.

    Aggregators and other stakeholders have informed on the need on such additional “RES signal” would complement the incentives provided by electricity prices, which would enable them to offer “real” time renewable services when managing the charging and discharging of distributed loads. Currently such information is mostly not readily available and needs to be estimate through cumbersome and risky calculations. Such information is also used differently than guarantees of origin (GOs) and they are relevant to different types of consumers and service products.

    It should also be noted that although low electricity prices sometimes coincide with the availability of renewable energy in the system, the relationship between the two is many times coincidental and not always that of cause and effect. Electricity prices are at times low due to the must-run requirements of other generation assets such as nuclear or coal in conjunction with low demand, while in other occasions prices are high at times when both demand and RES production (PV) are high.

    Deployment of smart and bidirectional charging infrastructure

    EVs, if well integrated into the electricity system can reduce investment needs in other flexibility assets, including back-up generation facilities and align their demand with the penetration of renewable electricity in the system, thus reducing both system costs and GHG emissions. On the contrary, if EVs are not charged in line with the overall system conditions, they can increase both investment needs and the overall system GHG emissions.

    The level of integration depends on the access to intelligent charging infrastructure with the ability to vary charging intensity according to certain signals, the availability of bidirectional flow between charger and vehicle (V2G) and the availability of near-real time information on pricing and RES-share of the grid to EV users and EV fleet aggregators. Especially as intelligent charging and V2G become widely accessible technologies, EVs will act not only as a valuable flexibility and storage service to the grid, but also as an additional remuneration stream for EV users, thus further incentivising the penetration of electric vehicles in the market and their contribution to the energy system.

    Adequate integration of EVs would be needed, especially in situations where they are parked for long periods of time, either at private (e.g. home, office, depots, etc.) or public places (e.g. on-street parking, off-street parking, shopping centres, etc.). The role of charging stations at public parking areas, especially on-street parking used over-night at residential areas, or over-day when users park near the place of employment, will become increasingly important as EVs become mainstream 152 and will increasingly need to park in such areas.

    Currently there are no requirements on installed charging infrastructure to be integration-ready (i.e. to be able to support intelligent charging and/or V2G). As non-supportive charging stations continue to be installed, their operation will limit or even negate their contribution to the grid for their entire lifetime. With regard to V2G specifically, it is still largely unavailable in the EU because a supporting protocol (ISO 15118-20) has not yet been agreed.

    Ensuring level playing field in the integration of distributed assets through aggregation

    The role of aggregators is considered vital in enabling home batteries and EVs to integrate with the grid, as they will be carrying out the task of using market signals to control the charging and discharging of the home battery systems and the intelligent charging and V2G operation of the vehicle fleets they aggregate. For the EVs specifically, such control needs be enabled while they are parked and plugged-in, regardless where (home, work, on-street, off-street). It is therefore essential to ensure a level playing field in the aggregation and electromobility service market and the electricity supply market, especially through aggregation.

    Access to basic battery information, such as State-of-Health, capacity, power set-point and State-of-Charge by independent market players and aggregators 153 is currently restricted or controlled by the manufacturer / OEM. Knowledge of this information is necessary in order to optimally handle domestic, industrial and EV batteries during intelligent charging, discharging and V2G operations. Without access to such information certain operations cannot be performed or are performed with limitations and risks to the battery’s value. As stakeholders point out, without free and open access to such information, the development of competition in aggregation and electromobility service markets will be hampered, with limitations in the quality and value of services offered to consumers.

    In addition, publicly accessible charging infrastructure and in general charging infrastructure not operated for own use, is usually not available to all electromobility service providers, unless it is operated based on transparent and not discriminatory terms, which is not always the case. This further limits the development of electromobility services, especially through aggregation, since it hampers the development of competition. Although updates to other legislation include non-discriminatory terms for pricing (including provisions for availability ad-hoc prices), this is not sufficient to ensure competition in the more complex electromobility services which are critical for the integration of EVs.

    Charging infrastructure is a limited infrastructure resource, especially in urban areas and service exits on highways, therefore lack of open access to the current and future developed charging infrastructure, would have negative impact on its effective use and the quality and quantity of integration services provided. This has also been a top-priority request from stakeholders, while interviews with operators who operate their charging infrastructure under open access parameters in certain Member States attest to its feasibility and benefits to market participants, system and users. Unless competition in the electromobility services for integrating EVs is safeguarded at these early stages, especially through aggregation, the market’s ability to develop would be rather questionable. Drawing from experience in development of electricity and gas infrastructure, non-discriminatory access would be much preferred than applying other methods later, such as unbundling or third party access which would bring unnecessary market disturbance and higher cost for both businesses and administration.

    At Member State level there are also different terms of operation between small storage devices (e.g. home batteries), or mobile storage devices (e.g. EVs), vs large stationary facilities. For example home storage is usually required to conform to the same high security standards as large facilities in order to offer balancing services, which causes a disproportionate cost to the owner. In other cases only stationary storage systems are exempted from grid charges, which substantially limits the profitability of storage services through EVs.

    6.1.13.    Impacts projected by scenarios produced with METIS model

    To estimate the effect of various levels of demand response from heat pumps and EVs to flexible pricing and real-time RES-share information, modelling of additional variants was carried out by METIS, with hourly based granularity and joint dispatch and capacity optimisation of the MIX scenario.

    The variations considered for 2030 with the energy capacity mix according to the MIX scenario for 2030, with 30% price driven demand response from heat pumps and EVs (baseline), 70% price driven demand response (HighDR), 70% price driven demand response with V2G (HighDR+V2G), and 70% demand response driven by price signals and real RES information but with no V2G capability (HighDR + vRESshare).

    It should be noted that the above scenarios assume that when these EVs are parked for long time periods (e.g. over-day or over-night), whether at private or public locations (e.g. on-street parking), they are plugged to an intelligent charger or intelligent charger with V2G respectively. For heat pumps, it is assumed that intelligent meters and energy management systems are available. The model also assumes that flexible tariffs are made available to consumers, including vehicle users or those acting on their behalf (i.e. aggregators or mobility service providers).

    The contribution of EVs was found to be substantially higher in all cases (about 70-75%) and are considered the predominant driver, in comparison to heat pumps. This dominance is expected to increase significantly post 2030 as the EV proliferation increases.

    In solar countries especially, while achieving a cost-efficient integration of renewables, consumers provide flexibility by adjusting their EV charging or heat pump engagement patterns to hours of large renewable generation during daytime. As shown in the figure below, increasing the flexibility share in the high-DR model run enables electric vehicles to shift their consumption pattern to match PV peak generation. EVs featuring V2G are able to integrate further PV generation at mid-day, and return electricity to the grid at night when flexibility needs are stronger due to low renewable generation.

    Figure 26 - Example - Average EVs daily consumption profile, for different DR strategies.

    The most significant impact from a decarbonisation perspective, is shown by the analysis on the GHG emissions of the system. As shown in the GHG results illustrated in the below, a reduction of GHG emission would only be possible when flexibility services are combined with near-real time information on the RES share or CO2 content of the grid. Based on the modelling results, the high level of GHG reduction is also attributed to the re-optimisation of the electricity production mix (i.e. reduction of electricity production from coal and lignite), made possible with the availability of information on such information.

    Figure 27 - CO2 emissions, compared to Baseline

    According to the model results on system costs, the increase of intelligent charging from 30% to 70% is accompanied by 1.2 Billion Euro annual savings in the overall system. With the addition of V2G, those savings increase to 1.6 Billion Euro. If V2G capability is removed and real time RES-share information is added, the savings are limited to 0.6 Billion Euro (more storage will be necessary in the system, since demand is shifted and EVs don’t contribute their storage). In practice, the revenues from EV sales would be reinvested in RES production and storage solutions, which would tend to compensate for the reduced system savings. It should be understood that RES installed capacities were constrained by the model based on the MIX central scenario produced by PRIMES – i.e. it was excluded that the additional demand for RES would trigger additional investments in RES new capacity.

    6.1.14. Impacts and analysis not based on modelling – qualitative analysis

    Policy options 1.1-1.2, 2.1-2.2 and 3.1-3.3 aim to facilitate the necessary infrastructure and market conditions so that the deep and renewable-specific integration of distributed loads such as heat pumps, domestic battery systems and EVs, can be achieved in practice and competitively. Options 2.1-2.2 and 3.3 are specific to charging infrastructure.

    The measures described in options 2.1-2.2 aim to increase the availability of intelligent charging and V2G enabled charge points, to the level necessary to sufficiently integrate EVs in the electricity system while parked for long periods of time (over-night, while at work, at shopping outlets etc.). Such infrastructure requirements largely exceeds the needs for keeping EVs charged for mobility purposes, as required within the scope of AFID and its revision.

    For reducing system costs and for decarbonisation purposes, EVs should be connected to the system via intelligent charging infrastructure, otherwise their charging will begin on the instant of connection and continue at steady rate until the desired charge is reached, which would have negative instead of positive consequences to system stability and decarbonisation. In order to achieve the positive effects projected by the modelling on system cost reduction and decarbonisation, such technical availability is considered a prerequisite at a level matching that of corresponding share of contributing EVs (30% / 70% respectively). The availability of bidirectional (V2G) functionality in the charging infrastructure would increase the benefits to integration and decarbonisation even further.

    Options 2.1 and 2.2 examine the deployment of intelligent charging infrastructure and bidirectional charging infrastructure (V2G) respectively, with variants offering flexibility to the Member States to decide on the level of deployment of these two technologies, depending on their specificities and level of EV rollout.

    The two option groups have different potentials for contribution to the overall goal of integrating EVs, since intelligent charging is widely considered as the most cost optimal and contributes to system decarbonisation to the largest extend (between 60-80 %) in comparison to bidirectional charging. The contribution of the latter can also vary according to the specificities of the energy system, such as the type of renewable energy production (solar pv or wind) which have different time variation characteristics.

    Options 3.1-3.3 aim to provide a level playing field for the aggregation market. Option 3.1 eliminates potential discrimination against small/domestic energy storage assets or mobile storage devices, in comparison to large stationary storage facilities. This is relevant for home battery management and V2G services and aims to safeguard that charges and fees payed by the two types of storages, as well as the technical and security requirements to enable their participation to the market are not disproportionate. Otherwise homes and EVs injecting electricity back into the market would be at a competitive disadvantage compared to stationary storage systems, which will eventually diminish their potential to contribute to the electricity system, thus raising system costs and limiting the penetration of renewable electricity (e.g. by self-production).

    Option 3.2 aims to provide equal access for independent electricity suppliers and electromobility service providers (especially when acting as aggregators to the necessary battery information (i.e. State-of-Health, State-of-Charge, etc.), so that they can manage domestic batteries and EVs via intelligent charging / V2G services in an optimal manner. This would foster a level playing field and facilitate competition in the market of aggregation of building energy management and electro-mobility services. Consequently, it would enable consumer choice and facilitate their ability to provide balancing and flexibility services to the electricity market, while being remunerated, thus bringing positive effects in the quality and cost of services provided to home owners and EV users.

    Most importantly, since many EV manufacturers, while in control of the access to battery information, are now becoming active in electricity supply and electromobility services, the measure is expected to alleviate any lock-in effects placed on consumer choice for electricity and electromobility supplier services, in link with the choice of vehicle brand and vice-versa. Electricity suppliers and electromobility service providers interviewed have expressed strong concerns with the current situation and explained the difficulties faced when trying to access basic battery data to offer services to their customers. Some vehicle manufacturers allow such access at a fee or through an affiliation agreement, while others refuse access.

    Option 3.3 deals with open access to the publicly available intelligent charging infrastructure, especially at locations where EVs are left for long hours (e.g. over day, or overnight). In locations of high demand for parking spaces, such as dense urban or residential areas, this would enable EV users to find a charging station with access to the aggregator / service provider of their choice. This would also reduce the need for infrastructure duplication, since less stations will be used by more aggregators and mobility providers. As aggregators will have much more infrastructure available to offer their services, such measure would facilitate increased competition in the electromobility services market and the development of best technology to cater for customer needs. Last, the measure will reduce the lock-in and market fragmentation trends of current practices and eliminate any chance of distortion of the EV market in areas where charging services might become affiliated with specific vehicle brands.

    The basic characteristics of an openly accessible charging infrastructure would be the following:

    ·It is functioning based on open, non-proprietary and non-discriminatory communication protocols;

    ·The process of how an EMSP can conduct a bilateral agreement with the CPO is transparent, with defined timeframes and same for all interested parties. As best practice this includes a standardised requirement list, which includes registration and credit check requirements;

    ·Terms and conditions for access are fair, non-discriminatory and made known upfront to interested EMSPs, or made publically available. As best practice this includes a standardised contract and pricing policy.

    ·CPOs are free to set their prices, which could be different depending on the location of certain charge points, and could also be differentiated based on the volumes of various EMSPs. However, there can be no discrimination between EMSPs, or in transparent ways of rejecting access.

    ·Security Certificates are usually registered and managed by an authority, or recognised body.

    The need for open access to the charging infrastructure aims to address two main issues, one being the lack of consumer choice and the other being the limitations on competition of recharging and integration related services. In many cases one does not actually choose their charging point, as it is physically linked to the place they need to park and integrate their vehicle with the electricity system. In such situations, often the case where people park overnight at their place of residence or while at work, but also elsewhere, without open access the EV-user would be captive to the mobility service provider affiliated with the specific charge point. This would also limit the ability of the EV-user’s provider of choice to integrate the EV at the locations where the EV is usually parked.

    Integration is done via aggregation of many individual EVs, under contractual agreement with their aggregator (EMSP / electricity supplier) of choice. EV-users enter in such contracts after carefully understanding and agreeing on a complicated set of terms and conditions which involve personal data handling (location, driving habits), battery management and risk of degradation, preferences of type of electricity (e.g. renewable), remuneration for flexibility / balancing / storage services offered via the EVs etc. This is a strong consumer protection side of the benefit of having one subscription, which has been carefully conducted once, being honoured in multiple charging points.

    This also allows EMSP-aggregators to “follow” the EVs of their fleet, and predict the interaction between EVs and electricity system, knowing the specific routine habits of EV-users and the available capacity in their battery beforehand. They will combine this information with the dynamic signals they get from the electricity market (prices, renewable electricity share, congestion etc), to offer best value added to their EV-users according to their preferences, as well as the grid operators. Most importantly, they can influence the charging behaviour of EVs via their daily interaction with their EV-users.

    From analysis and interviews conducted with numerous market players of the energy and electromobility ecosystem, such as electricity suppliers, electromobility service providers, charging point operators, research institutions, technical consultants, providers of specific technological solutions and others, additional benefits of open access were identified as follows:

    -It facilitates bilateral agreements between EMSPs and CPOs, since the connection requirements and pricing policies are known ahead of time and parties will approach each other if there is mutual interest.

    -It reduces the need for infrastructure, in contrast to proprietary deployment. Since more EV-users and EMSPs would be served by the same number of charging points, there would be less charging points needed to cover the needs of the EV fleets, Open access would improve the economics of charging points by increasing the utilization rate, which is a key driver in the cost per kW of charging given the high fixed costs of charging point deployment. The example in highways where many CPO/EMSP groups are represented at the same exit, each one with their own stations, may already be an indication of infrastructure redundancy, since they all need to be present at certain distances.

    -It ensures that small, new players, both CPOs and EMSPs can enter the market and have a level playing field to grow. Open access to infrastructure would be necessary for start-up or independent EMSPs and electricity providers, in order for them to have an unobstructed route to offer their services to EV-users. Open access is very favourable for small EMSPs, because they can offer services through many CPOs without building their own infrastructure. Otherwise, small EMSPs could only rely on their own infrastructure or suffer a difficult negotiation with a CPO/EMSP group they won’t have much leverage on. Open access would be favourable to small CPOs as well, who can offer their infrastructure both to large EMSPs, thus securing volume, and to smaller upcoming ones with innovative solutions, thereby offering a diversified range of value added services to EV-users. Otherwise the small CPOs could only rely on their affiliated EMSPs.

    -It brings multiple revenue streams to CPOs, since more EMSPs can be connected to their infrastructure and therefore bring more users. This works specifically well with independent CPOs, and to their experience well justifies any administrative burden, which may stem from the once-off conducting of numerous bilateral contracts.

    -It provides the opportunity of EV users to use their electricity supplier of choice to charge and integrate their electric vehicle, in an analogous way to the wright of supplier choice that other electricity final-customers have for their homes or businesses 154 .

    -It enables competition to develop based on the innovation and value added of the services offered and not through restricting access to infrastructure on specific locations.

    To ensure that the measure does not bring any negative impact on the continuing deployment of charging infrastructure, any negative impact on the business case of CPOs had to be carefully examined. Towards this end, interviews were conducted specifically with CPOs whose main business interest and main revenue stream is directly linked to the operation of charging points. This was done to set aside any influence of the measure to any other business interest aside from charge point operation. CPOs interviewed have confirmed that operating their infrastructure under open access conditions increases their profitability. Those CPOs are represented with over 500,000 charging points across 27 Member States.

    It is also noted that provisions for open access to charging infrastructure, as well as much stronger conditions of access regulation and governance measures, are currently requested by many public authorities, especially in urban settings 155 .

    Further quantitative analysis could be conducted, if data can be available from CPOs on the various revenue streams from different EMSPs, as well as other sources. However, such auditing analysis would require consent and independent verification. From the information received through the interviews and the argumentation results of the qualitative analysis, it is not expected that a quantitative approach would yield a different conclusion.

    Open access has also been implemented at Member State level. In The Netherlands, interoperability of the charging network and open access practices and bilateral contracts between all market players have been established early-on, on the onset of the shift to electromobility. Currently (2020 figures), The Netherlands also host the highest number of recharging points in EU 156 .

    With regard to any need for limiting the scope of application of an open access requirement, all benefits brought by the measure should be considered. It could be the case that certain situations provide more opportunities for integration than others, where EVs only park briefly to recharge and continue on a journey. Although limiting the scope of application of the measure to the locations where EVs park for long periods of time will still have almost the same positive impact to integration, it would fall short of bringing the benefits of open access to other charging situations, where it could also be beneficial. Innovative recharging services geared specifically for highways, for example inviting ad-hoc approaching cars when shares of renewable electricity sharply increase in a specific area, could also immerge. Keeping the scope of application universal, would ensure that the benefits of level playing field to competition and innovation can be applied to the entire ecosystem of electromobility.

    6.1.15. Effectiveness

    Response to pricing and RES-share information

    As illustrated by the modelling analysis, the increase in the demand-side-related flexibility potential across the different scenarios triggers such response that brings a re-optimisation of the electricity generation capacity mix, as demand-response makes the system less reliant on expensive peak generation technologies from gas turbines, with investments reduction of the order of 13-23% to those technologies, such as Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT).

    In addition, the implementation of option 1.1, which adds information on RES-share information, has a clear, positive effect in reducing the GHG emissions of the energy system. In contrast, analysis of scenarios where demand response was engaged only through price-signals, regardless of the level of engagement (i.e. share of participating heat pumps or electric vehicles), has shown no effect on GHG emissions. This constitutes a strong indication that for demand response to contribute towards decarbonisation, real time information on variable RES share or carbon content of the grid must be provided, in addition to price signals. In case forecasting is provided where available, the predictability of the contribution of the EV fleets, as they are mobile assets, would increase the measure’s effectiveness even further.

    The introduction of RES share information also shows the tendency to further optimise the investment and use of conventional sources, while giving more priority to less polluting ones. Specifically, the corresponding scenario has shown a decrease in generation from lignite-based power plants by 7% and from coal-based power plants by 9%. Generation from natural gas CCGTs has also indicated an increase of 2.5%.

    In addition, the introduction of such information could be used by the market for the delivery of advanced digital products and solutions in energy and other areas.

    Option 1.2 would have some positive effects in improving consumer information, by complementing the information provided through guarantees of origin (and their residual mix for other customers), it would bring limited added value in terms of inducing behavioural reactions to near-real-time system conditions.

    In order for the benefits of option 1.1 to be facilitated in practice, preferred options from options groups 2 and 3 are considered as below.

    Deployment of Intelligent and bidirectional charging infrastructure

    Options 2.1C would be the preferred option in terms of intelligent infrastructure deployment (smart charging functionality), as they would help ensure the availability of the required intelligent charging infrastructure in an optimized way. While option 2.1A ensures that the negative lock-in effects associated with the deployment of non-intelligent chargers are avoided while satisfying the EV mobility needs, 2.1C adds the additional smart charging infrastructure required for EV integration by providing flexibility to the Member States and Regulators to optimise it according to their specificities.

    Most EVs are currently parked within private premises (homes, offices, depots, etc.). However, as proliferation of EVs continues and since half the parking locations in the EU are on-street, it is expected that other parking areas such as off-street parking premises as well as on-street parking locations would be required to host EVs and therefore would need the installation of additional intelligent chargers in order to keep these vehicles integrated into the grid while parked. Applying a universal requirement for intelligent charging (public, private for own use and private for wider use locations) would facilitate a much broader integration share of EVs and would cover any gaps stemming from legislations with specific scope (EPBD/AFID).

    With regard to bidirectional charging, option 2.2B is preferred, which requires Member States to assess where V2G would be relevant in their systems and proceed accordingly. As V2G may bare additional costs and since the benefits depend on various system factors, it was deemed necessary to provide such flexibility so that they can to act specifically according to their national conditions (e.g. share of home / office / public charging) and degree of EV proliferation.

    Since the measures described in the selected options (2.1C and 2.2B) aim to increase system integration and are specific to the benefit of the electricity system, it would be best that the relevant assessments and recommendations are carried out by the National Regulatory Authorities, in cooperation with the TSOs and DSOs. Member States would then proceed to the appropriate measures based on such recommendations.

    Competition and Level Playing Field – access to infrastructure and information

    With regard to the aggregation market, Option 3.1 aims at eliminating any regulatory barriers against balancing and electricity storage services provided by domestic batteries and EVs, in participating in the electricity markets. This would ensure that small and mobile electricity storage systems will be competing on an equal footing with larger stationary storage facilities. Without such conditions the business case for domestic battery management and V2G would be substantially diminished and domestic batteries and EVs would not be able to contribute in lowering the system costs associated to storage capacity. This option does not concern intelligent charging or behind the meter discharging, therefore its effectiveness, although substantial, would be applicable less broadly. Nonetheless, judging from the low implementation costs, it is still considered as a no-regrets measure thus it is recommended that it is applied in parallel with options 3.2 and 3.3.

    Option 3.2 is considered the most effective in setting a level playing field from the early stages of market development, therefore its early implementation would bring positive long term effects in the availability, quality and cost of services provided to domestic battery owners and EV users. This is considered the most preferred and timely required option from the group. Such an option could be easily applied in practice, as basic battery information such as State of Health and State of Charge can be made available by manufacturers in many ways, either via the connection to the grid or over the internet (through the back-end). With regard to interoperability of information, a common format is essential and can be agreed through the preparations of protocol ISO 15118-20, currently under development.

    It is important however, that the provision of such information is not made available at a cost or based on other bilateral agreements – access should be provided under open and free conditions.

    Besides been supported by comments received by stakeholders, free and open access to basic battery data was considered crucial for competition and a level playing field in the electromobility and aggregation markets by the extensive study recently conducted by the Commission on EV integration “Best practices and assessment of regulatory measures for cost-efficient integration of electric vehicles into the electricity grid” 157

    Option 3.3 is expected to become increasingly pertinent in the near future as the proliferation of EVs becomes mainstream. However, based on the current market dynamics, it would be critical to address early on any market barriers or foreclosure tendencies, which would hinder market development. Enacting the measures under option 3.3 would effectively make all public intelligent charging infrastructure available to the general pool of electromobility service providers and their customers especially through aggregation. This would in turn increase the efficiency of infrastructure deployment and increased its accessibility, especially in areas of high parking demand, with substantial added value to competitiveness and innovation in the electromobility and electricity supply services market. As explained above, it is recommended that the measures of options 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 are applied in parallel, since they are not mutually exclusive.

    6.1.16.Administrative impacts

    No considerable administrative burden is expected from the suggested options. With regard to the provision of information (e.g. RES share or carbon intensity of the grid), the information is already available internally by the network operators and the administrative costs of making it available to the public is expected to be marginal (in certain Member States this is already available on the internet on a real-time basis and accompanied with forecasting). In contrast, the automation brought by the use of digital technologies is expected to increase by large the efficiency of transactions and procedures associated with system integration. Therefore, no considerable administrative burden is expected to arise from implementing option 1.1.

    For implementation of option 2.1C and with regard to the cost difference between an ordinary charger and a smart charger, based on the aforementioned study conducted by the Commission on EV integration, the current cost difference for a charger up to 22kW is calculated to be 300 Euro per charger, with an estimated decrease to 136 Euro per charger by 2025 and to 113 Euro per charger by 2030. For public charging points specifically, these costs also need to be considered in connection to the other cost parameters associated with the installation of a charger (construction works, cabling, connection fees, etc.) which brings the overall costs to several thousands of euros per charging point, depending on the situation and therefore makes the cost difference attributed to smart functionality marginal. For the cases of private charging stations, where the cost difference between a smart and a non-smart charger could bare more consideration, incentives such as subsidies may help. However, the short-medium term financial benefits of the intelligent charger option to the EV-user and system operators, are expected to outweigh its cost difference considerably and be amortised within the first three years of operation.

    With regard to the overall financial impact of the implementation to the energy system, the modelling has shown that the additional cost incurred, for example the added installation of stationary electricity storage to accommodate availability of renewable electricity at times of reduced production, will be driven and supplied by market dynamics as a result of preferential demand. Once the optimisation gains are considered, the net costs to the energy system are expected to be negative (i.e. savings) between 0.6 and 1.6 billion Euro annually. The financial benefits are additional to the overall benefits of GHG reduction.

    With regard to the assessments relevant to options 2.1C and 2.2B, it is estimated that such assessments could incur costs in the order of 10,000 – 100,000 Euro per Member State depending on the population, which are considered marginal (e.g. 0.5 – 5 Euro cents per citizen). Regulators and operators would also be able to reclaim such costs through tariffs and licencing fees.

    With regard to the implementation of measures of Option 3.1, it is anticipated that the regulatory adaptation would not be substantive and would in any case be part of the overall transition / transposition process for implementing the Electricity Market Regulation and Directive. Option 3.2 would require some software adaptation on behalf of the manufacturer, in order to allow access to the data to third parties, which is not expected to be of substantial cost, since the data is already collected by the Battery Management Systems and the software update will be replicated automatically via a download process.

    For Option 3.3 specifically, some admin cost may arise to CPOs, switching from a proprietary system to an open access system in two ways. First, Any CPOs using outdated or highly proprietary hardware, on which open protocols and standard identification software cannot be installed, may need to gradually update their infrastructure. In such case, exceptions can be considered for existing infrastructure. This is however not common and it was not encountered during the interviews with various CPOs and market players. In any case, hardware interoperability will need to be in place in order to allow ad-hoc transactions, as required by AFID.

    Second, CPOs switching to operation based on open access, would need to gradually come into bilateral agreements with EMSPs who would be interested in accessing the charging infrastructure to serve their EV-users. It is expected that only EMSPs active in the area of the CPO would have any incentive to enter in such agreement, since it would be an administrative cost for them also, which they wouldn’t wish to endure without expecting revenue. In addition, once a CPO starts operating their infrastructure based on open accessibility, it is expected that the transparency in his requirements, procedures and pricing policy would by itself prevent a substantial part of the administrative cost of reaching an agreement, since any interested EMSP will know what to expect before deciding to approach for a bilateral agreement. As explained in section 6.4.2, according to the experience of CPOs currently practicing open access policies, the additional financial benefits of having multiple bilateral agreements with EMSPs, largely offsets the initial, once-off administrative burden. For a complete picture, the additional revenue stream for the electricity suppliers and EMSPs should also be taken into account.


    The suggested measures aim to increase the level of absorption of renewable electricity by the end-use sectors, through the availability of interoperable information on the near-real time share of renewable electricity and its forecasting, access to the necessary infrastructure, as well as putting in place the needed provisions to facilitate competition in the market and level playing field. This would work in conjunction with a high level of integration of EVs and other distributable loads such as heat pumps in the electricity system, so that they are able to respond to the above information. The measures aim to facilitate market dynamics to work towards further decarbonisation of the electricity system and trigger more demand for renewable electricity.

    The integration of EVs is specifically considered within this context, as opposed to the adequacy of recharging infrastructure for mobility purposes 158 , or the need to reduce the environmental impact and oil-dependence of the transport sector 159 , or the need for regulatory framework to facilitate the connection of such recharging infrastructure and the neutrality of DSOs 160 .

    In particular, option 1.1 will enable EVs, heat pumps, domestic batteries and other distributable loads in end-use sectors adjust their energy absorption to the times of most availability of renewable electricity, thus reducing GHG emissions and enhancing RES penetration through system integration. This stems directly from the key actions of the ESI Strategy, calling for the development of specific measures for the use of renewable electricity in transport. The suggested options 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 aim to ensure the availability of appropriate intelligent infrastructure, access to information and the necessary level playing field in the energy aggregation market, in order to achieve GHG reduction and increased penetration of renewable electricity through mobilizing market dynamics.

    Option 3.2 specifically, is complementary to the provisions on access to battery data related to the process of repurposing a used battery for 2nd life, currently present in the proposed Commission regulation ‘concerning batteries and waste batteries, repealing Directive 2006/66/EC and amending Regulation (EU) No 2019/1020/EC. The measure suggested under Option 3.2 adds dynamic access to data and access to information on ‘state of charge’, as well as ensuring that this access is provided during the use of the battery in the vehicle, necessary to facilitate operations related to system integration (smart charging, bidirectional charging).

    The EPBD and the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Directive focus on the deployment and planning of charging infrastructure in thermally enclosed buildings and publicly accessible areas, respectively. A gap therefore exists for structures and areas not within the above, such as multi-storey parking structures and off-street parking areas with controlled access. In addition, AFID’s scope is specific for ensuring infrastructure adequacy to support EV fleets for mobility, instead for facilitating system integration. . For example, the currently proposed ad-hog payment in the revision of AFID may solve many mobility related concerns, however it is not sufficient to cater for the requirements and purposes of integration of electric vehicles, as they are described in section 6.4.2. A gap in regulatory scope is therefore clearly present, both in terms of geographical application and in terms of purpose, which does not enable legislating for the desired location, type and number of charging infrastructure fit for EV integration in a universal and coherent manner. The suggested measures within the RED will complement these two legislations and their upcoming revisions, by creating transversal requirements for charging points to be deployed and operated in a manner that optimizes their contribution to the system integration of renewable electricity.

    6.5. Certification of renewable and low carbon fuels 

    6.1.18.Impacts and analysis not based on modelling work

    Adjusting the scope of REDII by including new definitions of renewable and low carbon fuels will allow certification schemes to subsequently adjust the scope of the certification services they provide. This will in turn enable a larger number of options in terms of energy carriers to be considered on the market for achieving the energy targets. Extending the scope of the Union database would support this process by providing more transparency and traceability of the different energy carriers in all end-market segments.

    Economic impacts

    Overall, the application of an EU-wide certification system, based on common standards and supported by a transparent and comprehensive information system to trace all energy carriers would bring about economic benefits for all economic operators in these supply chains in addition to the positive effects on consumers disclosure. This would also allow bringing closer supply and demand of sustainable energy in a cost efficient way leading to additional economic benefits along the supply chains.

    The introduction of the union database for centralising the tracking of fuels in a mass balance system on EU level would have a significant positive effect on centralising the available information and on preventing the risk of fraud. Apart from the transport sector, the risk of fraud is substantially higher for heating and cooling, since in case of gases and electricity, the data on produced volumes can be checked by Transmission System Operators and Distribution System Operators. The renewable fuels used in heating and cooling are more easily replaceable with other non-renewable fuels and therefore require higher cost of auditing 161 .

    The inclusion of RFNBOs, waste heat and RCFs into the accounting for demonstrating the compliance with sectoral targets would level the playing field for those fuels with standard renewable fuels, potentially opening new demand for them and increasing their revenues. It can be expected that the potential benefits for these new actors in the renewable supply chain will largely compensate the additional compliance costs, that they will incur to demonstrate their compliance with the certification system (to get involved into certification system and costs connected e.g. to acquiring certificates). The harmonisation of certification schemes into one database will also enable more cross-border trading, increasing competition on the markets. This is particularly valid for the gas market, where the proposed flexible implementation of the mass-balance system supported by the Union database would be expected to contribute greatly to overcome national markets fragmentation 162 .

    Environmental impacts

    Addressing the interaction between the system of guarantees of origin (GOs) and the certification system, based on a mass-balance system, would bring more clarity to the accounting. Including information on carbon content would also significantly improve the information for energy consumers. The data on the certification system will be centralised in one system, making it easier to compile national data.

    Social impacts

    Integrating and centralising in the Union database data on all renewable and low-carbon energy carriers (except electricity), based on an EU-wide harmonised certification system would make the system more understandable to the general public and therefore also more trustworthy.


    The specific combination of measures extending terminology under REDII, improving traceability of energy carriers through the Union database, as well as mainstreaming the mass-balance system supported by the Union database will allow the effective assessment of the sustainability potential of the different energy solutions. The results of this assessment through the certification will allow market operators and policy makers to take the right decisions for their energy mix. In addition, the overall transparency and effectiveness of the energy system would be strengthen avoiding any risks of double counting by solving the issue of co-existence of a certification system, based on a mass balance with a GOs system. This will be done by defining the boundaries and rules to follow when GOs have been issued for consignments of energy which will have to be transferred into the Union database.

    Specifically for gases, an EU-wide certification system, combined with a tailor-made mass-balance system would very much support the cross-border trade of renewable and low carbon gases, bringing supply and demand closer.

    Including low carbon fuels as a category under the terminology of RED II combined with respective requirement for its certification (based on a specific threshold for GHG emission savings) will basically allow to certify low carbon hydrogen as a decarbonisation option in the energy mix, since recycled carbon fuels are already part of it under RED II. This will provide a shared understanding of what low carbon fuels are, which is a prerequisite for a wider promotion of low carbon fuels also outside the RED II, namely through national support schemes or at EU level outside of RED II (i.e. FuelEU Maritime). This way an important complementarity of legal tools can be ensured.

    6.1.20.Administrative impacts

    Extending the current certification scheme to cover low carbon fuels and waste heat will entail some, but limited administrative burden for MS administrations since MS will have to implement the definitions will be set out in REDII.

    As presented below some compliance costs for industry to get these new fuels certified can occur but it can be expected that they will be largely compensated by the market opportunities, which the certification and respective labelling would provide to them. Current fees, which existing voluntary schemes charge to economic operators active in the biofuels supply chain, contain two components, namely annual audit fee and annual licencing fee. The annual audit fee cost vary depending on the audit complexity within a range of 800 euro- 2000 euro per day, while such audits normally take 1-2 days. On that basis, we can conclude that depending on the complexity of the audit and the size of the economic operator, the annual audit fee for an economic operator would be in the range between 1600 euro to 4 000 euro per year. In addition to that the annual licencing fee is normally calculated based on the size of the economic operator.

    Below there are a few examples of such fees being charged by voluntary schemes.

    ISCC (the biggest certification scheme) charges from 50 euro to 500 euro per year for issuing the certificate + an annual fee between 0.08 euro and 0.010 euro per tonne of sustainably certified product. 163 Another certification scheme (RSB) 164 charges primary producers the following fees based on the size of their farms, namely:

    -No charge for up to 150 hectares,

    -151 to 500 hectares $0.95 per ha

    -501 to 1,000 hectares $0.75 per ha

    -> 1,000 hectares $0.50 per ha.

    RSB charges feedstock processors and fuels producer annual fee based on the volume of certified production, namely:

    -for the portion between 0 – 250,000 metric tons $0.14/ ton

    -for the portion between 250 – 400,000 metric tons $0.10/ ton

    -for the portion above 400,000 metric tons $0.00/ ton

    Applying a mass balance system for gases will not bring additional burden or costs since the physical tracing of the molecules will not be required. On the contrary, this will strongly support the EU-wide energy trade.

    The extension of the Union database may to a certain extent increase the administrative burden and costs for economic operators, voluntary schemes and Member States. However, the development of the Union database is already part of the baseline as it is an existing obligation for liquid and gaseous transport fuels under RED II. Therefore, its extension to other sectors would have only marginal additional costs, which can be expected to be compensated by the benefits of having a harmonised information system tracing energy carriers through the supply chain and in all end-sectors.

    In addition, for those MSs already maintaining national databases, there will be only minimal additional costs compared to current situation. Integrating the certification systems across the EU into the union database, can also be expected to have a positive medium and long term effect on decreasing the overall costs of system maintenance. The same is valid for existing industry-based databases, covering parts of the supply chains, if they wold be integrated in the Union database.

    Consumers that have to demonstrate renewable energy share in consumed fuels are already used to work with databases, so adapting to the Union database should not bring substantial new costs.


    The Energy System Integration strategy includes as one of its key actions to propose a comprehensive terminology for all renewable and low-carbon fuels and a European system of certification of such fuels, based notably on full life cycle greenhouse gas emission savings and sustainability criteria. The Hydrogen Strategy also calls for European-wide criteria for the certification of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen. With the exception of Recycled Carbon Fuels, low carbon fuels are however not objectives part of the REDII. A political decision will need to be made whether for coherence reasons low-carbon fuels can be included in the wider scope of REDII, or whether the certification of such fuels should be addressed in the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package.

    6.1.22.Stakeholder’s Opinions

    Stakeholders’ Opinions

    In the OPC, regarding GOs, the majority of respondents (64% among which: 70% of the respondents from academia and 66% of business associations, 75% of consumer organisations) agree that the obligation for electricity suppliers to certify to consumers the share of energy from renewable sources by guarantees of origin, should be extended to both renewable fuels and low-carbon fuels. This view is shared consistently across all stakeholder types, with the exception of environmental organizations. Their views were split along the different options, with some being in favour and some against the abovementioned obligation (32% were in favour of the obligation to certify for renewable fuels only, 32% were in favour of the obligation for renewable fuels and low-carbon fuels, while 37% were against it).

    With regard to renewable hydrogen and whether it should be added to the cooperation mechanisms, the majority of respondents (60%) think that cooperation mechanisms set out in RED II should be extended to cover renewable hydrogen regardless of its end use, to allow Member States to support renewable hydrogen projects in other Member States and in third countries while counting the energy produced as their own. However, this view is not shared by all stakeholder types—academic/research institutions, environmental organisations, NGOs, and trade unions do not agree with this. A large majority of these stakeholders (55%, 83%, 71% and 67% respectively) selected “no” as a response.

    During the 1st stakeholder workshop, energy traders favoured a cross-sectoral, cross-commodity, technology neutral approach. Certification organisations, referring to the fact that RED has demonstrated that sustainability requirements can be introduced for specific sectors, favoured a dedicated regulation. The hydrogen sector favoured the development of a new system for hydrogen certification.

    6.6. Promotion of innovative renewable and low carbon fuels 

    Innovative renewable fuels (RFNBOs) and innovative low-carbon fuels 165 , both gases and liquids, especially hydrogen produced from electricity and its derivatives (so-called “e-fuels”) can offer solutions to decarbonise the economy in sectors where electrification are not feasible, not efficient or have higher cost.

    The analysis in the CTP shows that such fuels are essential for achievement of climate neutrality but appear in all scenarios in significant quantities only post-2030. This is especially driven by high production costs for hydrogen and high conversion losses, which especially occur at the production of liquid hydrogen-based energy carriers. Currently, these fuels are not competitive with conventional fuels (in transport or heating) or with current processes for hydrogen production (in industry, currently mainly based on steam methane reforming).

    However, it can be argued that technological and commercial readiness of these fuels should be demonstrated already by 2030 in order to create investor certainty and allow the necessary deployment at scale after that period thanks to accelerated costs reductions. According to the CTP, neither carbon price alone nor the intensification of regulatory framework in the current architecture (i.e. without dedicated pull for such innovative fuels) would sufficiently trigger demonstration and deployment of innovative renewable and low carbon fuels in transport and industry sector at a significant scale in 2030.

    6.1.1.Impacts projected by the core scenarios and MIX-H2 variant

    In the REF scenario, innovative renewable and low-carbon fuels are virtually non-existent in 2030 and only marginal in 2050 (it is mostly hydrogen for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs)). In the core scenarios (that achieve also carbon neutrality), innovative renewable and low-carbon fuels appear in 2030 166 thanks to HDVs standards and aviation and maritime fuel mandates. By 2050, they are, however indispensable for achievement of carbon neutrality and this in significant quantities. By 2050, these fuels represent visible shares of final energy consumption in buildings, industry and transport. These results are fully in agreement with the CTP analysis.

    In order to test higher uptake of RFNBOs for the purpose of this IA, an additional variant was developed: MIX-H2 (see description in section 5.5). This variant illustrates a sizable uptake of renewable hydrogen and its derivatives (e-fuels) in final energy demand (and other) sectors already in 2030 in line with Hydrogen Strategy aiming for 40 GW of electrolysers capacity producing renewable hydrogen already by then 167  . This variant shows much higher uptake of RFNBOs in transport and in industry in 2030. By 2050, however, the amounts of RFNBOs are similar between MIX-H2 and core scenarios and shown figure 28 . It shows that RFNBOs could represent in 2030 in the EU:

    -2.4% 168 of fuels consumed in industry in final energy consumption and non-energy purposes;

    -2.6% of fuels consumed in all transport modes (including international aviation and international marine bunkers and hydrogen consumed in energy branch) 

    Figure 29: RFNBOs use in energy system; Source PRIMES

    The current provisions on RFNBOs under REDII are limited in scope and apply to transport only. They do not provide the necessary support to foster the required market ramp-up leading to a cost reduction of RFNBOs. From the analysis of MIX-H2 scenario it is clear that either dedicated support for electrolyser capacity, subsidies for fuels or end-use targets are needed in order to bring RFNBOs to the market in sizeable amounts, already in 2030. The MIX-H2 scenario makes assumption that certification system is in place and producers of RFNBOs can demonstrate the additionality principle as required by the REDII currently.

    In 2030, with the electrolyser capacity ramped up in this variant to 40 GW (in line with the Hydrogen Strategy) and production of some 16 Mtoe of RFNBOs (all being e-fuels) for the consumption 169 , the overall RES share reaches 40.2% (according to current formula) or 38.8% (according to formula counting RFNBOs consumption rather than renewable electricity to produce them – see the following paragraph). Importantly this variant is still comparable with other core scenarios as it only slightly overachieves 55% GHG reduction (it has 0.4 p.p. higher GHG reductions than MIX 170 ). The overshoot is limited since RFNBOs displace the advanced biofuels in maritime and aviation sectors. Consequently, Part A biofuels share amounts to 6.8% compared to 8.5-8.7% in core scenarios – calculated according to the current formula).

    This variant provides also results that are useful for consideration of the alternative formula for the overall and sectoral RES shares. RFNBOs are according to current legislation accounted via the renewable electricity used in the Member State where RFNBOs are produced, and not in the Member State where they are consumed. 171 This is not consistent with the accounting methodology for other renewable fuels and the implications of such accounting on the overall and sectoral RES Shares would be important for several Member States. While the main impact of the formula revision would be on the overall RES share, also sectoral shares RES-E and RES-T (that applies RES-E shares for electricity consumed in transport) would be affected as electricity used to produce RFNBOs should not be counted twice also in the RES-E share. The impacts would be, however, very small in 2030.

    The current formula also leads to inefficiencies and possible misallocations due to the high conversion losses during the production of RFNBOs (conversion efficiency of 70% for hydrogen via electrolysis and about 50% for further processing into liquid RFNBOs), and is not fully compatible with the requirement for additionality (RFNBOs should be produced by new RES installations) set by the legislator. The Commission is currently developing a delegated act setting out appropriate rules to approach the question of additionality.

    The table below shows the impact on the EU level of the change of the formula for the overall RES share.

    Table 19: Illustration of RFNBO accounting on overall RES Shares; Source PRIMES

    Overall RES shares




    Baseline: Accounting RFNBOs with amounts of renewable electricity used to produce them (and thus in place of production)



    Accounting RFNBOS with their actual amounts (and thus where they are consumed)



    Ramping up the electrolyser capacity has benefits in terms of demonstrating the technology already in 2030 and thus a smoother pathway towards quantities necessary post-2030. But as technology is not yet cost-competitive, both cost increase and an investment challenge arise.

    Looking at the investments that are an essential element of system costs, it can be seen that delivering on the 40 GW of electrolysers producing renewable hydrogen would require on average 22 billion € per year in the in the 2021-30 period (including transport) increase compared to MIX both for supply and demand side investments. The impact on overall system costs 172 would be limited: € 5bn more on average in the current decade compared to MIX scenario.

    In exchange, there is a higher GHG reduction that in MIX scenario (additional 0.4 p.p. reduction in the way the overall GHG target is measured) as well as higher security of supply benefits (additional € 19bn of savings on the fossil fuels import bill in the current decade).

    6.1.2.Energy System impacts not based on modelling

    Option 0 only provides limited support for RFNBOs and low carbon fuels, including the possibility for streamlining the permitting process for renewable hydrogen production technologies. Non-regulatory measures such as financial support through national and EU research programmes cover both RFNBOs and low carbon fuels. These measures alone, however, will most probably not be sufficient to provide the investment certainty and trigger the private sector investment needed to scale up these options whilst those fuels are still not cost-competitive, and prepare the ground for a stronger uptake in view of carbon neutrality objective.

    For a large-scale market ramp-up of up to 40 GW Electrolyser capacity or 10 Mt hydrogen use as outlined in the Hydrogen Strategy 173 , incentives for a bigger market for renewable and low carbon fuels should be given, so that customers are willing to pay the price premium for renewable or low carbon fuels compared to fossil-based technologies. An important element could be the implementation of a carbon contract for difference system (CCfD) in industry, steering investments into renewable and low-carbon technologies by providing investment security. The introduction of a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) would help minimising the risk of carbon leakage and to ensure fair competition with non-EU companies.

    Option 1 would extend the accounting beyond the transport sector, and consider the use of RFNBOs in the industrial end-use sector as well. An important element would be to account for the uptake of RFNBOs as a feedstock for the production of chemicals, which is currently not considered in the accounting of renewables uptake. Furthermore, the accounting rules would need to be adapted to ensure that RFNBOs are accounted in the Member States where they are used, and not, as it is currently the case in REDII, in the Member State producing the electricity for its production. Such a measure would eliminate the risk of double counting and create a more consistent framework for the calculation methodologies. Moreover, it would contribute to a higher ambition to achieve renewable energy targets in the electricity producing countries.

    Accounting RFNBOs towards the H&C sector could support their deployment in hard to decarbonise industrial sectors if the H&C target is set at an ambitious level, contributing to the creation of an early market demand for RFNBOs. However, other renewable alternatives for the building and the industrial sectors remain more competitive than RFNBOs, and may be preferred solutions to reach the H&C target.

    Furthermore, there is a question on whether the criteria put in place for RFNBOs for the transport sector (REDII, recital 90) need to be expanded if RFNBOs are use in other sectors. The overarching objective of these criteria is to ensure that RFNBOs contribute to greenhouse gas reductions, and that the electricity used for the fuel production is from renewable origin. This objective is also applicable to the use of RFNBOs in other end-use sectors, and as such could be applied accordingly, including to ensure a level-playing field for the consumption of RFNBOs across different end-use sectors. At the same time, the specific criteria introduced in the REDII can be relaxed in the medium-term, especially in those cases where the share of renewable power generation in the electricity mix is sufficiently high to ensure greenhouse gas reductions 174 .

    Additionally, the REDII requires that the production of RFNBOs should be based on renewables and follow the additionality principle 175 - meaning that the fuel producer is adding to the renewable deployment or to the financing of renewable energy. Assuming that hydrogen consumption in end-use sectors is consumed on the basis of the breakdown in the Hydrogen Roadmap (FCH JU, 2019) 176 , a significant increase of RES production would be needed in order to achieve the objective of 10 Mt hydrogen outlined in the Hydrogen Strategy. This requires a quadrupling of the renewable power generation capacity installed today (from around 500 GW to almost 2000 GW). Compared to what is currently planned in the NECPs, it would mean 8% more power generation.

    Including low carbon fuels in the accounting towards the renewable energy sub-targets (Option 2) could provide an incentive for the uptake of low-carbon fuels, but would not create a level-playing field between decarbonisation options and not support the uptake of RFNBOs. In particular, it is important to recognise that the production of low-carbon fuels can build upon existing infrastructure and existing assets, such as the retrofitting of existing natural-gas based steam methane reforming plants. In contrast, there is no existing asset base for the production of RFNBOs and the additionality requirements means that additional investments in renewable power generation capacity are needed to create a dedicated renewables resource base. Furthermore, RFNBOs are more compatible with a future energy system that will increasingly be based on renewable energy sources. This risk could be reduced through a separate target for low carbon fuels, separate from renewable targets However, this option was discarded early (see also Annex 6) as it would lead to reduced investments into renewables as long as renewable fuels are more costly.

    Options 3 and 4 for the RFNBOs target setting would provide stronger incentives by including renewable fuels into sectoral targets. Sector-specific targets in hard to decarbonise sectors will create an early market demand for RFNBOs. This is necessary, given the current low carbon price (ETS) as well as high production costs for RFNBOs. RFNBOs are far from competitive regarding kerosene (aviation), maritime fuels or on-site production of hydrogen via steam methane reforming for industry purposes. The production of low-carbon hydrogen should, based on the latest estimates, become cost-competitive through an increase in the expected carbon price under the EU ETS, with estimates for cost-effectiveness ranging between €55-90/tCO2 177 .

    Around 8-10 million tonnes of hydrogen produced from natural gas is used in industrial processes, in 22 MS. 45% of hydrogen is consumed in refineries, primarily as feedstock. 38% is used for the production of ammonia, and 8% is used for the production of methanol. The consumption for MS differs substantially, ranging from 2.3 Mt in Germany to less than 0.2 Mt in about 6 Member States. Several Member States do not consume any hydrogen.

    There exists a clear opportunity to replace the existing use of fossil-based hydrogen (produced from natural gas) with renewable hydrogen. The PAC energy scenarios estimates a potential of 71 TWh of direct use of renewable hydrogen to replace fossil-based hydrogen, and a potential of 68 TWh for replacing fossil fuels in steel production. FCH JU (2019) identifies a comparable value of 62 TWh of renewable hydrogen consumption in the steel sector, with fossil-based hydrogen consumption in the chemicals sector primarily decarbonised with CCS.

    Considering the objective of producing 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen by 2030, a target of 5 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen consumption in industrial applications is a do-able and politically feasible option. Considering the diverse consumption patterns per MS, the most appropriate target would be to set a target for RFNBOs for those Member States consuming hydrogen. Such targets will create investment security for a respective market ramp-up of production facilities as well as the required renewable electricity potential.

    Defining a target for RFNBO consumption in industry could either be accomplished through a demand-side obligation on the respective industries, or a supply-side obligation on energy suppliers to these respective industries. However, industry is much more diversified in terms of sectors, applications, fuels, and suppliers. Furthermore, there is only a very limited market for hydrogen with the majority of production and consumption of fossil-based hydrogen locked in through existing supply contracts. Nevertheless, a supply-side obligation would require significantly less administrative resources from the economic operators affected. As for transport, RED II already works with supply side obligations to increase the share of RES in the sector, a supply-side obligation specifically for RFNBOs would follow the same logic. Following the hydrogen strategy and numerous studies 178 the industry and transport sector are the two priority areas for the deployment of RFNBOs. A generic target for RFNBO could lead to hydrogen deployed in non-priority sectors. Considering that energy consumption in industry and transport are covered by different policy tools and involve different stakeholder groups, Option 2 of splitting the requirements across these two sectors based on the most cost-effective allocation as identified in the CTP analysis. For more details for RFNBOs in transport please look at the Transport Section 6.3.


    Environmental impacts

    Renewable fuels can contribute to GHG emissions reduction in different hard-to-decarbonise sectors. To a lesser degree, this is also the case for low carbon fuels. As to RFNBOs, the high efficiency losses that occur during production of liquid RFNBOs have however to be taken into account. They should therefore only be used as a decarbonisation option when electrification or even RFNBOs with lower efficiency losses, such as hydrogen, are not feasible.

    The introduction of sector-specific targets for RFNBOs will support the introduction of RFNBOs with a small CO2 footprint in sectors, where decarbonisation via direct electrification is difficult, and could thus in the case of renewable hydrogen lead to less air pollution and higher GHG emissions reduction The impact on air quality will depend on the mix of RFNBOs and to what extent their replace traditional fossil fuels. The air pollution of synthetic fuels (Power to x) should be minimised by focussing on sectors which are difficult to electrify and where direct use of hydrogen faces technical barriers. Given the high costs of synthetic fuels as well as emission standards for vehicles provide can ensure that the development goes in this direction. Where relevant, the matter should be addressed in dedicated legislative instruments.

    An RFNBO target for hard-to-decarbonise industry sectors would have positive direct environmental impacts as GHG reductions take place in the EU. However, carbon leakage will lead to increased GHG emissions outside the EU, potentially even overcompensating the GHG reductions in the EU without accompanying measures.

    Economic impacts

    RFNBOs, despite their potential, suffer still from low competitiveness due to high production costs. The EU Hydrogen Strategy has set the objective to increase the renewable hydrogen production capacity by the installation of at least 40 GW electrolysers by 2030. Based on an analysis of the Hydrogen Council 179 , a significant cost reduction in renewable hydrogen production will be achieved spurred by further technology development due to high deployment rates (in case of 90 GW globally by 2030). Cost for renewable hydrogen from electrolysis have already fallen by 60% since 2010 to about 6 $/kg 180 hydrogen (average case, offshore wind). Large scale manufacturing as well as low cost for renewable electricity will further decrease the cost, enabling hydrogen production at about 2.6 $/kg 181 in 2030 in regions such as e.g. Northern Europe with high wind potential.

    Figure 30 - Estimated cost reduction for renewable hydrogen from offshore wind in Europe until 2030 (Source: Hydrogen Council, 2020)

    In hard-to-decarbonise industry sectors such as steel, ammonia and methanol production or the production of high-value chemicals, which are included in the ETS, an RFNBO target could raise the costs for these sectors. Further support mechanism such as CCfD and carbon boarder adjustment mechanism may be required to provide a level-playing-field with producers in non-EU countries.

    Early support to the development of this new technology is expected to have large mid and long term benefits and is mentioned in the Commissions Recovery Plan as one important element to be addressed in the clean transition. Europe is highly competitive in clean hydrogen technologies manufacturing and is well positioned to benefit from a global development of clean hydrogen as an energy carrier. Cumulative investments in renewable hydrogen in Europe could be up to €180-470 billion by 2050, and in the range of €3-18 billion for low-carbon fossil-based hydrogen 182 .

    Social impacts

    Increased hydrogen production and supply offers potential in particular to EU Member States with high renewable potential, since they can supply hydrogen and RFNBOs to the main industry and demand centres. This can stimulate job creation along the different supply chains, either for RFNBOs or for low carbon fuels. Hydrogen and hydrogen technologies in particular promise the creation of an entirely new supply chain with high added value in the domestic economy, the application of liquid RFNBOs as drop-in fuel to conventional transport fuels also supports existing industries like maritime and aviation propulsion systems.

    An increase in the production of RNFBOs within the EU may lead to distributional effects among Member States. For north-western Europe with its strong industrial clusters and high energy demand, a deep electricity sink of 325 TWh (without hydrogen production) and 467 TWh (with hydrogen production) has been identified for 2050 183 . Regions with a high renewables surplus in northern or southern Europe could supply electricity or renewable fuels with the necessary energy infrastructure in place. The requirement for cheap hydrogen production could also lead to a relocation of energy-intense industries due to lower energy prices. 

    Figure 31 - Balance of renewable generation potential and demand with electricity for hydrogen in Europe 2050 184

    The impact of the use of RFNBOs in specific transport sectors (maritime and aviation) has been shown in the relevant Impact Assessments (Refuel Aviation and Maritime).


    The increase of the ambition level foreseen under Options 1 and 2 would set strong incentives for the development of RFNBOs and low carbon fuels respectively, while Option 0 will not contribute sufficiently in this respect.

    The extension of the scope of accounting of RFNBOs and the improvement of its consistency (Option 1) would also provide a stimulus for further RFNBO deployment, and in particular address misallocations under the current system if RFNBO production takes up. Due to the high energy needs for their production, it would be more effective to account RFNBOs in the Member State where it is consumed rather than in the Member State where it is produced. This would reduce the incentive that RES electricity used for the production of RFNBOs substitutes renewable electricity generation needed elsewhere, although the energy is not usable for final consumption due to high conversion losses.

    Table 20 - Effectiveness





    Conversion efficiency (%)





    RFNBO (TWh)





    Share in FED (%)





    Required RES electricity (TWh)





    Share in FED (%) with RED II methodology (considering RES electricity)





    The effectiveness of introducing a RFNBO target (Option 4) depends on its scope, nature and level. A specific target for industry might force industry to use renewable energies which are less competitive than their fossil-based counterparts. A lower target limited to transport would be effective in increasing renewable fuels in a cost-effective way. Specific targets for innovative low carbon fuels (Option 5 and 6) would bear the risk to crowd out renewable fuels and create a barrier to their market development in particular until 2030/2035.

    6.1.4.Administrative impacts

    The extension of the scope of accounting of RFNBOs and the improvement of its consistency (Options 1) would require Member States to change their accounting methodology which would have very limited costs taking into account their small market share today. Also, a specific targets for RFNBOs (Option 2) set at an early market development stage would allow Member States to integrate this in their mid-term energy planning and NECPs at low cost. For industry, the introduction of a specific sub-target for RFNBOs would bring, as described above, additional costs in the short term.


    Promoting the use of renewable fuels is fully in line with the CTP, and specifically highlighted in the Energy System Integration Strategy and the Hydrogen Strategy. This is in particular valid for the options 1 and 2 focusing on RFNBOs. A specific promotion of low carbon fuels would change the main objective of REDII aiming at promoting renewable sources. This would correspond to the opinion of stakeholders including from NGOs, while concerned industry associations would support a consideration of low carbon fuels. With the exception of Recycled Carbon Fuels, low carbon fuels are not addressed in REDII. The certification of low-carbon fuels should be rather addressed in a separate legislative proposal such as the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package.

    As industry will also be subject to any increased requirements relating to renewables in heating and cooling, the impacts of the level and nature of a benchmark need to take that into account. In particular, this would address other barriers to the deployment of renewables in industry than only the cost differential with fossil fuels, including a lack of experience and trust in new technological solutions.

    Even though the ETS price has increased recently, the effective price, taking into account free allocation, is still rather low and as a consequence GHG abatement in industry happens at a relatively low pace. The revised and improved ETS is expected to significantly increase the carbon price, and accordingly the incentive to invest and use renewable and low-carbon sources. However, due to the lock-in effects of investments cycles in the industry, this does not directly materialises in investments to increase the share of renewables in the period up to 2030. At the same time, this will lead to substantial challenges to rapidly increase the share of renewables immediately after 2030. Mandating a renewable energy benchmark for industry will allow industries to already consider renewables within the period up to 2030, avoiding any lock-in situations after 2030.

    6.1.6.Stakeholders’ Opinions

    Stakeholders’ Opinion

    In the OPC, when asked which type of renewable and low carbon fuels should be supported, advanced biofuels and RFNBOs are among the three top choices (behind “other fuels”). Participants from NGOs and environmental organisations as well as citizens think that only renewable fuels should be promoted. Promotion of advanced biofuels is chosen by those from academia, trade unions and other organisations, compared to other stakeholder groups in terms of stakeholder group share. RFNBOs have high support among business and companies.

    A majority of stakeholders in the 1st stakeholder workshop favoured REDII and other relevant EU legislation having a clear, consistent, and transparent European definition of renewable hydrogen across all European policies and laws.  

    During the 1st stakeholder workshop, environmental transport NGOs requested RED II to phase out crop-based biofuels, to introduce a dedicated credit mechanism at the EU-level to make sure the potential of renewable electricity is fully reflected and to not broaden the scope of RED to include low carbon fuels, while some business organisations, in particular Gas transmission system operators favoured the extension of the RED II scope to include low carbon fuels with simple accounting rules, clear sub targets but no additionality principle.

    In the 1st stakeholder workshop, the International Energy Agency emphasised that he focus for hydrogen should be on establishing the enabling conditions, including infrastructure, standards & certification, and investments in electrolyser to further reduce costs.

    6.7. Bioenergy sustainability criteria

    6.1.1.Current and projected bioenergy demand and supply in the EU

    According to the CTP and previously also the “a Clean Planet for all” Communication 185 , bioenergy use is projected to increase in a limited way up to 2030. However, in the period thereafter, bioenergy demand would increase significantly as it replaces fossil fuels in hard to decarbonise sectors including industry and long-distance transports, and delivers negative emissions through biomass-based Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS). This trend is confirmed by the core scenarios.

    The REF scenario shows that the use of bioenergy 186 will increase by 13% between 2020 and 2030 under the currently agreed targets (from 147 Mtoes in 2020 to 166 Mtoes in 2030). In the REF scenario the bioenergy is chiefly used in thermal power and heat generation (demand is stable between 2020 and 2030) and in all final energy consumption sectors (and here mostly for residential and tertiary sectors where its use increases by 17% between 2020 and 2030).

    As illustrated in the figure below going to the 55% GHG target as illustrated by the core scenarios would then allow a decrease (10% on average for all core scenarios) in 2030 compared REF (or to put it differently to come back to 2020 levels) chiefly driven by a decrease of bioenergy use in residential and tertiary sectors. This is because buildings heating largely electrifies and buildings renovations increase their efficiency (bioenergy for heating is expected to decrease from 56 Mtoes in REF to 35-39 Mtoes in the core scenarios).

    Biomass use in industry is also expected to decrease (12% for all core scenarios), from 29 Mtoes in REF to 25 Mtoes in the core scenarios. This decrease of bioenergy use in the residential and tertiary sectors as well as in the industry largely compensates the increase in bioenergy used in transport (notably in aviation and maritime sectors, which so far have limited decarbonisation alternatives). Bioenergy use in the thermal power (and heat) generation in the core scenarios would remain stable compared to REF levels (around 50 Mtoes).

    It can be noted that in MIX-H2 variant, the bioenergy demand would slightly decrease below the levels of the core scenarios as RFNBOs substitute some amounts of advanced biofuels in transport.

    The combination of feedstock used to supply the demand in bioenergy by 2030 is similar to today’s needs with in particular biofuels relying on cereal and oil crops. In all the scenarios, more than 90% of the bioenergy used in the EU economy is produced domestically in 2030 and there is sufficient supply of sustainable biomass. These modelling results should however be contrasted with final NECPs, where the majority of Member States foresee an increase in bioenergy use from 2021-2030, without assessing the related impacts on LULUCF and biodiversity.

    Figure 32 - Biomass-waste use in Gross Available Energy in core scenarios and Reference, Source: PRIMES

    According to the core scenarios, there would be significant increases in bioenergy consumption post-2030 as needed to achieve carbon neutrality. More specifically demand in thermal power stations would grow as growth in electrification requires significant increase of power supply even if considering that demand response and newer technologies will to some extent reduce the amounts of necessary bioenergy use in power (needed to balance variable renewables). In the 2050 perspective, there is also an increased demand for biomass in high temperature industrial processes in industry and for advanced biofuels, especially in maritime and aviation sectors. As a result, in core scenarios, the overall bioenergy demand grows by, on average, 69% in 2050 compared to 2030.

    The majority of bioenergy is today sourced from forest and other woody biomass. According to JRC report data, woody bioenergy is largely (66%) based on residues and wastes from logging and timber processing (e.g. branches and tops, saw dust, waste wood). The remaining 34% is supplied from so-called ‘primary biomass sources’, which include low-quality stemwood and thinnings (20%). It is estimated that at least half of this stemwood used for energy is derived from coppice forests (also known as low forest in Mediterranean countries). Only 4% of total wood energy demand for energy is supplied by industrial stemwood. Wood-pellets imports from US have a minor role in the EU after Brexit. The USA, Canada and Russia are together responsible for supplying 89% of the EU import of wood pellets.

    The JRC analysed statistics about the growing stock (volume of living trees), the quantities of roundwood and residuals removed from forests and the net annual increment (NAI) of forest volume (see figure below). It concluded that, while the harvest to increment ratio appears to be increasing (resulting from increasing harvest levels and a relatively stable NAI) removals are still below the level of growth. This leaves a margin for further sustainable extraction of forest biomass for the wider bioeconomy use, including bioenergy.  

    Figure 33 - Net annual increment, removals, and fellings in the EU FAWS. Source: Camia et al. 2018

    Going forward, according to the CTP modelling, the use of harvested stemwood is projected to stay at 2015 level in all analysed scenarios while the sustainable extraction of forest residues increases, in total the forest sector provides 60 to 65 Mtoe of wood for energy. Other sectors will also contribute to deliver bioenergy supply. For instance, due to the implementation of the EU waste legislation, a significant share of the feedstock used to produce bioenergy is projected to come from the waste sector that could supply about 100 Mtoe of feedstock to the energy sector by 2050. Biogas or biofuels produced from food crops will be very marginal in EU by 2050 but more agriculture residues are used for the production of biogas or solid biomass. The optimisation of the sustainable exploitation of all these classical sources of biomass could supply just over 200 Mtoe of feedstock for bioenergy production to the EU economy. Fast growing energy crops will provide for the rest of needs in biomass. Scenarios vary substantially in their demand for these new energy crops. Most of the demand is supplied via lignocellulosic grass such as switchgrass and miscanthus while short rotation coppices, poplar and willow, provide only 20 to 25% of the demand in energy crops.

    6.1.2.Impacts not based on modelling

    Economic impacts

    Economic impacts will affect both economic operators - both in the energy (bioenergy generators and other renewable energy producers) and forest sectors (forest owners, forest industry) - which need to deliver action on the ground, and national policy-makers, who will be responsible for implementing and verifying compliance with the different options. More in general, the economic impacts will affect all European and world citizens, as climate and biodiversity action is a public good that is cross-border in nature. The overall cost of the identified policy options will be driven by changes in the volume of bioenergy use affected by each option.

    The reduction of total bioenergy demand due to the effects of policy options 1-2 is likely to be very small. Where such reductions occur, they will lead to compensation with other renewable energy sources in order to meet the renewable energy targets, with effects on gross added-value, investment costs and employment. Strengthened sustainability criteria may also reduce biomass imports from outside the EU, as operators in third countries choose not to comply with them and redirect their export away from the EU.

    Option 3 would apply the EU sustainability criteria set out in option 2 to installations below 20 MW, thus affecting a larger share of biomass use. It should be noted that the solid biomass sector is relatively fragmented and heterogeneous. Half of the solid biomass for energy is consumed by households. The consumption of solid biomass by commercial and industrial installations is more concentrated in larger plants. In particular, around 75% of the solid biomass supply is consumed in installations larger than 20 MW, while 25% is consumed in smaller installations (1 MW to 20 MW). There are a high number of small installations using wood chips, over half of the installations are below 5 MW (see figure below). The majority of biomass used in commercial and industrial installations is in form of woodchips used in large (above 20MW) plant (see figure below). Extending sustainability criteria to installations below 20 MW would cover largely woodchip used in heat only and CHP plants.

    Figure 34 Share of installations and share of consumption by installation size

    Figure 35 Consumption of woodchips and pellet by use and installation size

    Depending on the level of the threshold, compliance costs could have a moderate impacts on bioenergy production and on the overall costs of achieving the renewable energy target. But this could again be compensated by increased investment in other renewable energy sources. It could also have minor positive effects in other economic sectors, including certification services.

    Option 4 and 4.2 could result in a stagnation in the use of bioenergy or in a slower increase of the final renewable energy share. According to the JRC, today 20% of woody biomass use is supplied by stemwood, and 4% from industrial stemwood and 4% from industrial quality stemwood, corresponding respectively to ~14% and ~1.5% of renewable energy use.

    If bioenergy use was in addition restricted to wastes and residues only (option 4.1), this could lead to a significant decrease in bioenergy production from forest biomass. At least at third of this production is supplied by primary biomass sources, or roughly 20% of the current final renewable energy. Other renewable energy sources, like solar, wind and geothermal, will need to develop further to compensate the lost bioenergy production. It should be noted that to achieve the higher RES 2030 target, the installed capacity of wind and solar power need already to double and triple compared to 2020 level, respectively.

    Bioenergy heating is currently one of the cheapest forms of renewable heating. A reduction in bioenergy could lead to price increases in the heating sector while overall societal costs linked to air pollution might decrease. In the power sector, wind and solar prices are by now significantly lower than bioelectricity. Therefore, a decrease in costs can be expected, if those sources are used instead of bioelectricity. Options 4, 4.1 and 4.2 would have different economic impacts depending on how it is actually implemented by Member States and how much high quality stemwood is used for energy production. The impact of these options on biomass import levels would depend on the availability of wood pellets made from other sources than stemwood, in particular from industrial residues.

    Other indirect effects could be expected. For instance, under option 4.1 the price of sawmill by-products (such as sawdust) might increase, leading to an increased profitability of sawmills. On the other hand, a higher price of by-products might lead to increased competition for resources for the pulp and panel industries with the sectors manufacturing wood-based panels and pulp and therefore to lower feedstocks availability for material use.

    Option 5 could result in significant impacts on overall bioenergy use (60% of today renewable energy use), leading to either a slower increase of the final renewable energy or higher shift from bioenergy to other renewable energy sources. In the heating/CHP and industrial sectors, this could lead to increases in total costs for achieving the increased sectorial renewable energy targets, because of bioenergy being among the cheapest energy sources. In the power sector, this would lead to a decrease in generation costs if production is shifted to cheaper renewables. At the same time, bioenergy can provide the needed flexibility to the power sector to facilitate the cost-effective integration of variable renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. This option would also risk creating significant regulatory instability and undermine existing investments in the whole bioenergy sector — two issues that were pointed out by economic operators in their response to the public consultation. On the other hand, having strengthened sustainability rules in place that are consistent with the higher renewable energy ambition could stimulate market signals for faster deployment of other forms of renewables such as wind and solar, or new technologies

    Environmental impacts

    The most important impacts of the revision of the EU bioenergy sustainability criteria will be on the EU climate and environmental objectives, including biodiversity conservation and air quality. By promoting a swift and robust implementation of the existing REDII criteria, option 1 would lead to positive biodiversity impacts compared the baseline, albeit limited.

    Option 2 would lead to important positive biodiversity and climate impacts. Applying the existing REDII no-go areas for agricultural biomass also to forest biomass would ensure that the latter is not sourced from primary and highly biodiverse forests thus avoiding the risk of significant carbon and biodiversity impacts, as highlighted in the JRC report on the use of woody biomass for energy. As such, option 2 would be in line with the Biodiversity strategy goal of increasing the protection of primary forests, including old grown forest, and would also help further protecting the EU and global forest sink.

    Primary forests, including old-growth forests, in the EU are rare, small and fragmented. These forests represent below 3% of the total forest extent of the EU. About 90% of the reported primary and old-growth forests in the EU is located in Sweden, Bulgaria, Finland and Romania (see table below). The share of primary forest out of national forest is the highest in Sweden, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Romania. The mapped area of primary and old-growth forests in the EU is ~1.35 million hectares. However, there is a pronounced mapping deficit estimated at ~4.4 million hectares (an area equal to the size of the Netherlands). 

    Table 21 - Area of primary forests in EU countries. Forest area according to FOREST EUROPE (2020).


    Figure 36 - Map of primary forests cross the EU; Source: Sabatini, FM, Burrascano, S, Keeton, WS, et al. Where are Europe’s last primary forests? Divers Distrib. 2018; 24: 1426– 1439.

    Table 22 - Area of primary forests in EU (Sabatini et al. 2020) and percentage falling in Natura 2000 sites (EEA 2020) and in IUCN protected areas

    Figure 37 - Share of forest undisturbed by man in the total forest area, by country, Forest Europe 2020

    Option 2 would have different implications at Member States level and vary according to whether logging is currently allowed in forests not strictly protected. About 93% of the mapped primary and old-growth forests are part of the Natura 2000 Network, and 87% are strictly protected (, i.e. IUCN categories Ia, Ib and II). However, if we exclude Finland, which represents most of the mapped primary and old-growth forests in the EU, these shares drops to 87% and only 57%, respectively. Considering the wide data gaps in mapping, however, these figures should be considered with caution. Nevertheless, it is important to note that timber harvesting and salvage logging is allowed in many national parks in Europe (outside core areas). This means that forest biomass may still be extracted from strict protection areas. However, the data presented suggests that most Member States protect primary forests, but gaps exists. Therefore a restriction on forest biomass extracted from primary forests is expected to have limited impact on European production, but would ensure that primary forests in countries with lower coverage are protected.

    Option 2 is expected to also impact more significantly biomass imports from 3rd countries, where most of the world primary forests are located (see figure below).  According to the Global Forest Watch initiative 187 , primary forest occupies 11% of the world (1.28 Gha). Together, Russia, Canada and Brazil account for 53% of the world’s primary forest. Extending the no-go areas as part of option 2 will reduce the forest area available to be harvested for the purpose of bioenergy. The level of impact will depend on the current level of protection for old-growth forest in place. While in the EU there is a significant level of protection, and the impact on total available forest area will be minimal, this option is expected to lead to a reduction of imports by 7% by 2030 as criteria would exclude some non-EU supply. The decrease on imports due to inability to comply with more stringent requirements may lead to a rebound effect on EU production, increasing their prices. 

    Figure 38 – Area and global share of primary forest in top 10 countries (and EU27). Source: Global FAO forest cover

    Additional no-go areas would include highly biodiverse forests. These would broadly include areas included in Natura 2000 188 , areas covered by the EU Nature Directives, protected areas defined by Member States, Important Bird & Biodiversity areas and IUCN Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA). To date, no clear mapping of these areas is available. The Commission is currently working to identify criteria to define which habitats should be included to reach the 30% target land area protected set in the Biodiversity Strategy. According to the Strategy, this 30% target is equal to an extra 4% for land and 19% for sea areas, as compared to today.

    By extending the REDII GHG saving criteria to existing installations, option 2 would also lead to exclusion of the less-carbon efficient production pathways, thus further ensuring direct GHG emission savings. Applying the GHG saving criteria to existing heat and power installations using biomass would impact over 540 installations over 20 MW 189 (where the 88 largest plants account for over 30Mt biomass per year). Option 2 would also include a stricter minimum level of thermal efficiency requirement for large (above 100MW) electricity-only plants (e.g. 38% compared to the 36% threshold set out in REDII). This requirement could apply only to new electricity-only installations, in order to protect existing investments. A threshold increase of the efficiency criteria would lead to taking into account only the most efficient power-only plants into account for the purpose of renewable generation, given that currently Best Available Techniques (BAT) efficiency ranges for solid biomass and peat boiler large combustion plants are 33.5% - 38% for new units and 28% - 38% for existing units. Both the number of planned large electricity-only biomass power plants in the EU and the share of this which would be captured by the efficiency requirement are difficult to ascertain. While some analysis, suggest significant planning for new coal-to biomass conversion 190 , modelling carried out for the Climate Target Plan projects very little new biomass-based electricity-only capacity for the 2020-2030 period (~1% of total solid biomass consumption between 2020 and 2030). Everything considered and based on the available data, it can be assumed that the current 36% threshold is already sufficient to exclude all but a few electricity-only plants. This option would also lead to an improvement of ambient air quality.

    Option 3 is likely to lead to increased environmental and climate benefits given that a larger share of biomass for heat and power will be subject to the enhanced EU sustainability criteria, thus avoiding potential leakages of impacts from larger installations to small ones. Depending on the threshold applied, the administrative burden associated to verification of the sustainability criteria and the related certification requirements could result in additional compliance costs. As smaller plants also use local non-recyclable waste and residues with positive environmental impact, this could have the negative environmental effect of excluding local waste biomass supply, which is generally considered the most sustainable 191 .

    Options 4, 4.1 and 4.2 would have positive effects on biodiversity and climate compared to option 2 on which it is constructed. These options would help addressing the Biodiversity Strategy goal of minimising the use of wholetrees for energy use. Option 4.1 would add further environmental safeguards by limiting forest bioenergy feedstock only to residues and waste from timber harvesting and processing. On the other hand, a cap of stem wood could negatively affect the demand for the large diameter stemwood of low quality. This option could increase demand for industrial wood residues that are largely used for manufacturing wood-based panels and pulp, resulting in lower feedstocks for material use. This option could have other unintended indirect effects which could undermine its environmental ambition, such as incentivising unsustainable changes in forest management to harvest just before the maximum diameter for energy is reached, thus leading to younger (i.e. with lower average carbon stock) and even less biodiverse forests. 

    In this respect, modelling conducted for the Commission 192 in 2016 suggests that an exclusion of the use of stemwood for energy could be compensated by an increase in stemwood use in the material sector (to substitute for by-products diverted to energy use) 193 . According to this study, this could therefore imply that the overall effect on the level of wood harvest and related climate benefits from a cap on stem wood could be relatively small. However, these results should be read in conjunction with the strong assumptions made in the study, including a stable demand for bioenergy. 

    The diversion of harvest to long lived products could also underpin a more ambitious climate policy in the LULUCF sector.

    Option 5 would ensure that no further expansion of energy from forest biomass would take place, thus very likely reducing further pressure on forest biodiversity. However, this option would indiscriminately cap all forest bioenergy pathways and origins, both those detrimental for carbon stocks and biodiversity and those beneficial for them. The JRC study has identified a limited number of potential bioenergy pathways can be considered a win-win solution. Thus it can be expected that overall environmental impacts will be positive. Stopping additional timber harvest for energy use could appear a simple and direct approach to increase the net forest sink in the short-medium term. At the same time, this approach could lead to a net forest sink saturation in the medium-long term. In this respect, it should be noted that the LULUCF regulation, while not imposing a direct cap on harvests, already places responsibility for excess accounted emissions upon Member States if their harvest rates would exceed the levels encapsulated in the LULUCF Forest Reference Level and reporting framework. The review of the LULUCF Regulation further upgrades this stringency, including through new LULUCF targets for Member States by 2026.  

    All options including a reduction of combustion of solid bioenergy use are expected to lead to a decrease in air pollution, which is especially caused by inefficient space heaters and boilers.

    Social Impacts

    A quantitative assessment of the social impact has not been undertaken. Bioenergy is the largest renewable energy source in terms of direct and indirect employment, providing 703,200 jobs and a turnover of 66.6 billion euros 194 , in particular in rural areas.

    Option 1 is not expected to significantly alter underlying trends in bioenergy use and production, and therefore minimal social impacts are expected. The more prominent ones would be associated with skills and knowledge of sectoral workers.

    Overall, option 2 may have marginal employment effect in the energy sector compared to baseline, as they would mostly depend on additional job opportunities in the certification industry and the additional jobs created by operators in order to cope with the additional requirements. Small negative employment effects could arise for forest owners or farmers linked to additional certification costs. Option 2 would further reduce the risks of unintended social impacts on local communities associated to forest biomass sourcing in primary forests, particularly in third countries.

    Option 3 is likely to lead to negative employment effects as small heat and power installations could be unable to comply and are forced to close. Positive employment impacts will also arise as a result of the small shift from bioenergy to other renewable energy in the policy options, due to a higher labour-intensity of other renewable energy sources.

    Options 4, 4.1, and 5 could also lead to negative employment impacts because of the significant administrative burden on forest owners and forest communities. Option 4.2 would minimise such negative impacts by reducing the administrative burden on economic operators, depending however on the way it will be implemented by Member States. In particular, option 4.1 could have high socio economic impacts on primary producers of forest biomass with its likely impact on reducing biomass use for energy. This would be felt mostly in countries with the largest workforces employed in forestry and logging activities (Poland, Romania, Sweden, Germany and Italy), and where forestry and logging activities occupy the largest share of active population (Latvia, Slovakia, Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania) 195 . However, for all options which would lead to a reduction in bioenergy use, an increase in employment in other renewable technologies can be expected.

    All options including a reduction of combustion of solid bioenergy would result in reduced air emissions and associated health benefits, especially in case of installations located in densely populated areas.

    6.1.3.Administrative impacts

    Administrative impacts are understood in terms of regulatory costs that affect the economic operators to take action on the ground and demonstrate compliance with the identified options and those that affect Member States authorities in charge of implementing the EU sustainability criteria and other related measures.

    Option 1 is the only option that may reduce overall administrative burden and compliance costs with the REDII sustainability criteria for economic operators. Providing guidance at EU level could also generate (modest) compliance cost savings for national authorities in charge of implementing bioenergy sustainability criteria. Guidance and tools may also limit administrative costs of future heat and power installations by providing a tool for the calculation of GHG savings.

    Option 2 is likely to moderately increase the administrative burden and compliance costs for economic operators. Administrative costs for bioenergy operators may increase because of additional certification costs to demonstrate compliance with new sustainability criteria. Fuel cost for biomass plants owners may also increase, due to producers passing the additional costs and, to some extent, reduced supply (particularly for biomass imports). However these administrative costs can be minimized if existing datasets and remote sensing technologies are exploited. National authorities are likely to face moderately increased administrative burden associated with the monitoring of the new no-go areas.

    Applying the REDII GHG saving criteria also to existing installations would lead to limited increases in administrative costs for economic operators (chiefly related to collect evidence of GHG savings of the biomass pathways used). Increasing the energy efficiency threshold for electricity only plants would not add administrative costs compared to the baseline. However, considering that few biomass-based electricity-only plants met the current level of 36%, an increase to this energy efficiency requirement is likely to stop any new coal-to-biomass conversion or new investments in power-only plants running on biomass.

    Options 3 is likely to increase the administrative costs for small heat and power installations under 20MW which would have to demonstrate compliance with sustainability and GHG criteria. The majority of administrative costs in both cases are expected to be associated with certification costs, rather than compliance and change of operational practices. For a hypothetical 1 MW heating plant, the cost of certification are estimated to be on at least 10% of the fuel cost. However, these costs could be higher for more complex supply chains where audits and certification costs will be charged to all operators along the value chain. As fuel quantities increase with plant size, the cost of compliance as a share of fuel cost would also decrease, because the cost of certifying a 1MW and a 15MW plant are not expected to be substantially different. On the other hand, supply’ chain compliance and administrative costs would be reflected in the fuel price, which would vary by the same amount in both cases.

    This option would also indirectly affect local forest owners and forest-based industries, as they often provide biomass to these smaller plants. For smaller forest owners and agriculture biomass producers, certification costs may be prohibitive, as biomass is a by-product. National authorities are also likely to face some additional monitoring and verification costs associated with the increased number of installations subject to the sustainability criteria. Extending the sustainability criteria to smaller installations would have the following impacts on currently existing installations 196 :

    ·The existing 20 MW threshold covers 75% of commercial woody biomass used in plants above 1MW, while affecting 15% of wood chip plants

    ·Lowering the threshold to 10 MW would capture 85% of commercial woody biomass used in plants above 1MW, while affecting 25% of the wood chip plants (~400 additional plants);

    ·Lowering the threshold to 5 MW would capture 93% of commercial woody biomass used in plants above 1MW, while affecting 42% of the wood chip plants (~500 additional plants);

    ·The Member States most affected by an extension of the minimum threshold from 20 MW to 10 MW are Sweden, France, and Austria. They remain the most affected countries even when the threshold is lowered to 5 MW.

    The Member States most affected by an extension of the minimum threshold from 20 MW to 10 MW are Sweden, France and Austria. They remain the most affected countries even when the threshold is lowered to 5 MW.

    Table 23 - Share of consumption of woody biomass for energy by plant size class

     Plant size

    1-5 MW

    5-10 MW

    10-20 MW

    20+ MW


    Number of installations






    % wood chips installations






    % wood chips consumption






    % wood pellet consumption






    % woody biomass consumption






    Table 24 - Number of biomass plants by size and Member State 197

    Member Sate/ Size

    10 MW -20 MW

    5 MW - 10 MW


































    Other EU






    Options 4, 4.1 and 5 would lead to significant administrative impacts on public administrations. Increased compliance and monitoring costs for forest owners are expected to be associated with both the need to tracing and certification all wood assortments to demonstrate compliance with the required dimension and quality characteristics. The need to establish a tracking system from forest plot to the factories would be necessary. Certifications and audit costs will be charged to all the market actors participating in the transaction. Each intermediary step of the value chain needs to be certified and bear the costs of auditing and certifications, having the potential to impact biomass fuels costs and the bioheat/bioelectricity costs. In some cases, compliance costs could be also related to changes in forest management practices. Administrative burden is likely to be high for many SMEs.

    In case options 4, 4.1 would involve a monitoring obligation on forest owners, the administrative costs would be higher and have a much more significant impact. This is because often forest owners are small holders and for them logging is a secondary activity, e.g. providing an income of few thousands euros per year. Analysis carried out in 2017 with the Green-X model 198 estimates 1.2 million EU forest owners, grouped into 1,452 forest entities would be needed to produce 110 Mtoe of bioenergy. In 2020, bioenergy from forest amounted to 80Mtoe, which suggests 0.87 million forest owners may be affected. However, reliable and wide-ranging estimates on costs are not available because compliance and certification costs depend on a wide range of factors.

    Under options 4, 4.1 and 5, national authorities are also likely to face significantly increased administrative costs for setting up national systems and procedures to monitor and verify the type and quality of stem wood assortments going to the energy sector. In particular for option 4 and 5 (national caps on stemwood / on overall forest bioenergy), Member States would need to improve the statistics and monitoring systems in order to set up and enforce this option, and take them into account when setting up support schemes for bioenergy. Option 4.2 would offer an alternative solution which would be easier to implement.


    The initiative for the revision of the REDII sustainability criteria is part of the EGD and a wider package of initiatives that cover in particular the review of sectorial legislation in the fields of climate, energy, transport, and taxation. Different options score differently in terms of coherence with other initiatives.

    Option 1 maintains a level of coherence (albeit weak) with the EGD,  by strengthening the implementation of the EU bioenergy sustainability criteria but would only address the concerns raised in the Biodiversity strategy if Member States would implement e.g. new guidance on cascading use of woody biomass.

    Options 2 and 3 exhibit a high level of coherence with other EU initiatives, particularly the Biodiversity Strategy, including its goals to protect primary forests and old grown forests, and the LULUCF Regulation, including its review which aims to also to protect high carbon stock areas. These could produce synergies of protecting forest stock (i.e. areas where harvest would risk releasing large levels of CO2), while also enlarging the effectiveness of the EU sustainability criteria.

    Options 4, 4.1, 4.2 would be also in line with the Biodiversity Strategy goal of minimizing the use of wholetrees for energy. Due to its significant implementation/verification challenges, increased administrative costs for economic operators, options 4 and 4.1 would likely significantly impact the deployment of bioenergy, which in turn could make it more difficult to reach future climate and energy targets cost-effectively, especially after 2030.

    Option 5 would be in line with the Biodiversity Strategy objectives. However this option may not be in line with the CTP as it would both eliminate climate beneficial bioenergy pathways and affect the cost-efficient achievement of the EU 2030 renewable targets.

    All options should also be seem in the context of parallel other initiatives under the Fit for 55 Package, in particular the review of the LULUCF Regulation and of the EU ETS, which are aimed at introducing additional safeguards for promoting sustainable forest biomass production for all uses, not limited to bioenergy.

    Synergies and trade-off between the bio-economy and forest carbon sinks.

    Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry presently absorbs more CO2, by storing it in biomass or in soil carbon, than it releases to the atmosphere. The forest-based bio-economy can contribute to climate change mitigation through various options: by increasing carbon stocks in the forest pools (living biomass, dead organic matter and soils) and in the harvested wood products, and through so-called substitution effects, i.e. using wood to replace energy-intensive materials (e.g. cement, steel, etc.) and/or fossil-fuels. While changes in carbon stock are accounted under LULUCF, the substitution benefits are accounted in other sectors.

    Trade-offs and synergies exist among these options, along different time scales. In the short-term (less than 10 years), a trade-off occurs between increasing the carbon stocks of forest pools and making more wood available for the other options, because more harvest typically decreases the net forest sink. In the medium-term (approx. > 20 years), only measures to substantially increase the total forest net annual increment (e.g. active sustainable forest management practices and new forest plantations) would allow to reverse the current trend of declining sink (bringing it in line with the EU climate neutrality target by 2050) and at the same time provide additional biomass for the wider bio-economy. Furthermore, in the longer-term (> 50 years) additional trade-offs may occur, e.g. a low harvest rate could slow down forest growth, with a likely consequent decrease (saturation) of the net forest carbon sink.


    The more ambitious LULUCF Regulation presented in the Fit-for-55 package support the REDII review, by creating additional policy incentives for further encouraging climate-positive bioenergy pathways and minimize possible trade-offs. This is because any additional forest harvest is expected to be guided by a more careful assessment of its carbon impacts in the short term, which are negative on the LULUCF sink and positive on material and energy substitution (recorded in non-LULUCF sectors). In addition, increased afforestation will provide additional biomass for the wider bio-economy, while increasing the forest carbon sink and enhancing biodiversity.

    6.1.5.Stakeholders’ Opinions

    Stakeholders’ Opinions

    During the OPC bioenergy sustainability attracted strong views throughout the questionnaire One question received over 38,700 answers, of which 38,313 thorough a coordinated campaign. The campaign chose not to answer the other questions concerning bioenergy sustainability.

    The question whether there should be limits to the type of feedstock used for bioenergy production under RED II was answered by more than 38,700 participants. 99% said that REDII should be changed to remove biomass from the list of renewable resources, limiting the use for bioenergy to locally-available waste and residues, and that this should be accompanied by a moratorium or a cap on the total amount of solid biomass in electricity and heating, by an accelerated phase-out of high ILUC risk fuels, and by the removal of incentives for bioenergy.

    Participants think that the sustainability criteria for the production of bioenergy from forest biomass should not be modified by a small margin (56% no to 44% yes), with clear splits among different categories (this question was not answered by the individual citizens stating their objection to the use of biomass). Overwhelming support for stricter criteria is found among NGOs/environmental organisations and individuals. A 50-50 split is found concerning the extension of criteria to installation below 20MW for solid biomass and 2 MW for biogas.

    Industry, trade unions and several Member States authorities opposed the revision of the sustainability criteria for forest biomass bioenergy industry and forest owners did not want a revision of Articles 29 - 31 given that they have not been applied yet and to ensure regulatory stability to support the required investments. The remaining 44% of respondents, chiefly from environmental NGOs, academia and individuals, but also some Member States, support the strengthening of the REDII criteria.

    During the 1st stakeholder workshop, industry and forest owners saw the REDII sustainability criteria (complemented by the LULUCF Regulation) as important steps forward, calling for a stable regulatory framework to support investments, while NGOs considered REDII insufficient and called for stricter sustainability criteria, including limits on roundwood use for energy. Research institutes argued that the focus for bioenergy should be on sectors that are hard to abate. Environmental NGOs argued to keep woody biomass out of the renewables mix. The bioenergy sector highlighted, among other arguments, that compared to solar and wind, bioenergy has added value as a flexibility source and can deliver negative emissions with coupled with CCS. This sector stresses that they are already subjected to substantial sustainability criteria compared to other economic sectors. They request to keep a simple and stable regulatory approach.

    During the 2nd stakeholder workshop, NGOs called for a cap on bioenergy, to end support for burning biomass and for a feedstock based approach. Industry advocated that current RED II sustainability criteria should not be changed to avoid regulatory instability.

    6.8. Flanking and enabling measures

    Impacts projected by the core scenarios in the electricity sector

    The below assessment analyses impacts related to the increase of renewable electricity stemming from ETS and enabling conditions in electricity sector assumed in the core scenarios. Actions facilitating offshore renewable energy and uptake and cross-border cooperation are key enabling conditions for renewable deployment in the electricity sector. Specific impacts and qualitative assessment for both cross-border cooperation and offshore renewable energy are discussed in sections 6.8.1 and 6.8.2.

    Economic (including Energy System) and social impacts

    According to the core scenarios and in agreement with the CTP analysis, the electricity sector will see a high share of renewables (i.e. RES-E share): 65% in all core scenarios compared to 59% in REF (in 2030) and around 30% today. By 2050, renewables in power generation are projected to have around 85% share. The strongest drivers of renewables deployment in the electricity sector are carbon price and so-called RES values 199 representing the support policies that would need to happen as a result of RED revision and the necessary additional actions by Member States in the electricity sector. Of course there are also other strong drivers of the change in the power generation system: coal phase-out and national plans for phase/out or expansion in nuclear generation – all already present in the REF.

    In MIX-H2 variant the penetration of renewables in electricity would be even higher but these would be amounts dedicated to RFNBOs production.

    Between 2015 and 2030, the share of wind and solar energy in gross electricity generation is projected to increase from 13% to 41% in REF and to 48% in all core scenarios. In 2030, wind energy would be also the largest electricity source, providing 34% of gross electricity generation in all core scenarios. Solar energy would have a 14% share in all core policy scenarios.

    Figure 39 – Gross electricity generation in the EU; Source EUROSTAT, PRIMES

    Due to the variable load factors of renewables the total installed capacity will have to increase more than the rate of the electricity produced. In the REF, the installed capacity increases from some 870 GW in 2015 to nearly 1200 GW in 2030 and to nearly 1350 GW in the core scenarios.

    By 2030, wind energy is projected to have the highest installed capacity (nearly 430 GW in the core scenarios), with most of the installed capacity being located onshore. As already shown in the CTP IA and confirmed by the EU strategy on offshore renewable energy 200 , offshore wind would reach in 2030 nearly 60 GW in the REF scenario and some 10 GW more in the core scenarios. Another fast development would take place for solar energy that would grow to some 300 GW in the REF scenario and to some 380 GW in the core scenarios.

    Figure 40 - Installed power production capacities; Source EUROSTAT, PRIMES

    As a result of high uptake of renewables, by 2030 the installed fossil-fuel capacity will decrease both in REF and in policy scenarios compared to 2015. By 2030, the combined installed capacity of the EU’s nuclear power plants is also projected to decline as result of planned phase-outs in several Member States.

    Policy options in the electricity sector considered in the sections below were captured in the core scenarios only in an implicit manner as so called “enabling conditions” and not differentiated among the scenarios. The key drivers remain the ETS price and generic incentive in support of renewables uptake in power generation (the RES value). The lower RES-E value in core scenarios compared to REF indicates that with current assumptions on the cost of technology, the projected ETS prices and necessary enabling conditions, the policy incentive can be smaller so that mature renewable technologies are competitive with fossil fuel technologies.

    Table 25 - Incentives in power generation sector and electricity prices; Source PRIMES

    2030, EU





    RES-E value (€/MWh)





    ETS price in the current sectors (€/tCO2)





    RES-E share





    Average price of electricity for final consumers (€/MWh)





    The average price of electricity for final consumers (including charges and levies) is 156-157 EUR/MWh in the core scenarios and stable compared to REF. This shows that renewables investment costs (recuperated by utilities through electricity prices) do not lead to a significant increase in electricity prices benefiting from economies of scale and better storage possibilities as electricity system continues to grow.

    Environmental impacts

    Strongly increased penetration of renewables in power generation combined with coal phase-out and only slightly decreasing share of nuclear (both aspects already captured in REF), lead to strong reductions of GHG emissions in power sector as illustrated in the table below.

    Table 26 - GHG reduction in power generation; Source PRIMES

    2030, EU





    Power generation CO2 emissions (% change vs 2015)





    6.1.1.Cross-border Cooperation

    The rationale for cross-border cooperation on support schemes for renewable energy is that a more cooperative approach can help Member States to achieve the EU target cost-effectively, tap into additional renewable energy potential (that one Member State alone would not be able to realise) and limit negative impacts on the internal energy market. This can also allow for a strategic and long-term energy cooperation, for instance through joint projects, where Member can share the added value of the project and also benefit from knowledge transfer and joint learning.

    The default Option 0 is the baseline in which provisions under REDII on regional cooperation remain unchanged and no additional action is taken. The assessment compares this baseline to additional measures taken to enhance regional cooperation. 4 options are being assessed: guidance on cross-border cooperation (option 1), obligation to implement a pilot project (option 2), mandatory partial opening of support schemes (option 3) and an enhanced use of the Union renewable energy financing mechanism (option 4).

    Given that the required level of cross-border cooperation across the four options differs from low (option 1) to moderate/high (options 2 and 3) and highest (option 4), the impacts described below refer to all options while the extent of their impacts increases with increased cooperation levels introduced by the options. Impacts relating to specific options are indicated below.

    The results of the assessment incorporates finding from modelling undertaken by Trinomics/Artelys (METIS model) and results from other studies, in particular the AU RES II project. Impacts and qualitative assessment

    Economic impacts

    Enhanced cross-borders cooperation results in lower capital expenditures. This is primarily due to geographical shifts of installations to better sites, in particular those with higher renewables potential with more load hours that require less renewables capacity to produce the same amount of electricity. Moreover, sites with lower cost of capital could be thus privileged.

    When looking only at the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE), according to modelling undertaken by Trinomics/Artelys 201 , savings on LCOE may reach up to 60% given the significant heterogeneity in climatic conditions across all EU Member as well as differences in capital costs (WACC). 202  While this part of the analysis does not factor in renewables integration and additional interconnector capacity needs, it gives an indication of the available potential for cost reductions resulting from different LCOEs. Looking specifically at option 3 and taking such factors into account the analysis from a partial opening of support scheme of 10% as of 2025 estimates savings on system cost to amount to 520 million €/year. In addition, such a partial opening of support schemes would also reduce renewables curtailment by 20%.

    Furthermore, regional cooperation helps to mobilise larger investments compared to what a single Member State could do on its own. It can enable larger projects (e.g. for important offshore wind parks/ hybrid projects which might be too large to fit to the energy planning of one Member State but be suitable if developed by two Member States 203 ) as well as enable riskier projects (e.g. applying less mature technologies, such as floating offshore wind) to materialise that would not necessarily be financed by a single Member State. Risk sharing between Member States and exploitation of cost-effective potentials drives down costs.

    The access to more favourable renewable energy potentials via cross-border cooperation also allows for a reduction of support cost. For instance, as part of the AU RES II project, TU Vienna estimates reduced support expenditures for new renewables installation of 3.2 to 3.4 bn EUR annually for the period 2021 and 2030 in case of regional cooperation compared to a scenario without cooperation. 204 In addition, results from a case study analysis assessing joint support schemes between Hungary and the neighbouring countries Austria, Romania and Slovakia, revealed significant reductions of total cost of support to reach the respective renewable energy targets: 87-89% in the case of Austria and Romania, 7-31% in the case of Hungary and Austria and 6-13% in case of Hungary and Slovakia (range depending on renewables demand level). 205 Furthermore, increased cross-border cooperation on supporting renewable energy can lead to sharing best practices and a joint learning process resulting in better alignment of support schemes which can increase internal market distortions and investor’s transaction costs due to different regulatory national regimes.

    Relating specifically to the Union Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism, quantitative results are not yet available given the novelty of the instrument, with first potential tender rounds being prepared by the end of 2021. In the first expression of interest phase a number of Member States already officially indicated interest to participate in the mechanism, either as contributing or host Member State, in addition to some Member States who indicated that they are potentially interested to participate at a later stage. Expected economic benefits for contributing Member States include more cost-effectiveness to reach national renewables shares, by accessing more favourable renewables potentials in other Member States leading to support cost savings compared to purely national RES deployment 206 . This would be particular the case when focussing on established and mature renewable energy sources.

    Environmental impacts

    Cross-border cooperation can help to encourage renewables deployment in countries that have a large unused renewable energy potential but often still rely on a large fossil fuel share in their energy mix. It can also help to use renewables in energy-intensive economies that do not have a high renewables production potential. For instance, an industrial region formerly based on coal can develop renewable hydrogen or other innovative technologies, thanks to cooperation to other regions with high renewables potential, but not industrialised to the same extent. Thus, entering into such cooperation on renewable energy is likely to result in a reduction of fossil fuels combustion and associated air and water pollution and lead to GHG emission reductions in the hosting countries 207 .

    Cross-border cooperation helps to reduce the negative impact on use of natural resources. It allows Member States to make use of most favourable sites in terms of natural resources. This implies that less capacity is required for a given amount of energy needed which in turn translates into higher resource efficiency. Therefore, cooperation may reduce environmental impacts of renewable energy deployment related to for instance land use, impacts on ecosystems and species, and use of raw materials for the manufacturing of renewable energy installations. It may also reduce pressure on environmentally protected areas, by providing a larger pool of potential sites for RES investments projects than what would be possible if based on national approaches only 208 .

    Social impacts

    For Member States, entering into cross-border cooperation can be challenging due to – anticipated or actual – low public acceptance. This might be particularly the case when a Member State supports renewable energy projects in another Member State and might face difficulties in explaining to national taxpayers or consumers that part of their funds may be used to support renewables projects in other countries and explaining the overall positive cost-benefits analysis of the cooperation. Here, benefits associated with the deployment of renewable energy such as local added value and employment, emission reductions, additional security of energy supply might be considered to be lost while the host Member State would receive these benefits.

    However, this possible negative perception can be counteracted by the positive impact that cross-border cooperation would have on the total cost of support passed on to the final customers. For instance, opening auctions for renewable energy to sites in other Member States allows projects with more favourable conditions to participate that can compete at a lower price. Such benefits in terms of reduced support costs for renewable energy deployment are described above (subsection on economic impacts). In addition, with the increasing deployment of renewable energy, available land and cost-effective potential may become increasingly limited in some Member States, making cross-border cooperation the means to still contribute to the overall EU target in a cost-effective way.

    Moreover, depending on the type of cooperation, Member States can decide to enter into a more strategic and long-term energy cooperation, for instance through joint projects, where Member can also benefit from knowledge transfer and joint learning which might entail additional advantages compared to simpler forms of cooperation such as statistical transfers.

    Given the gradual increase of the required cross-border cooperation over the four options, their effectiveness can be summarized as low for option 1 (given its voluntary nature), moderate/high for options 2 and 3 (given their mandatory nature) and high for option 4 (given its possible wider scope and mandatory nature).

    Options 0, 1 and 2 seem politically feasible as they respect the principles of proportionality and subsidiarity allowing Member States to test the implementation of cross-border projects. Option 3 with the partial mandatory opening as the core concept is similar to what the Commission proposed under REDII but changed to a voluntary opening by the co-legislators in the legislative process. Thus, the general political constraints against this option might still remain. At the same time, given the enhanced framework facilitating the implementation of cross-border projects - notably funding opportunities under the revised Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027, the Union renewable energy financing mechanism and the Union renewable energy development platform for statistical transfers – Member States now have greater opportunities to implement cross-border projects. Option 4, of mandatory Member State use of the financing mechanism, may be more politically challenging as it would in certain cases oblige Member States to use the European tender scheme on which they have limited influence. However, if linked to certain objective criteria of when its use would be mandatory (e.g. when a Member States is below its target/ contribution trajectory) this could increase acceptability. impacts

    Given its voluntary and non-regularly nature, Option 1 does not include any additional administrative burden or compliance cost for Member States. However, as described above its effectiveness is also estimated to be lowest. Option 2 involves certain administrate and compliance efforts as for Member States without any experience on cross-border cooperation a pilot project can imply challenges as with the introduction of any new instrument. However, this option should be assessed in the context of being an interim step to a potentially wider cooperation in the future after successful implementation of a pilot project. Option 3 includes moderate administrative efforts which should however be outweigh by the benefits. Option 4 would rather lower than increase administrative burden on Member States as auctions under the Union Renewable Energy Financing are designed and implemented by the Commission 209 .

    The options are coherent with other EU instruments and initiatives, in particular the Union Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism, the new window for cross-border cooperation in the field of renewable energy under the revised Connecting Europe Facility and the proposal for the revised TEN-E Guidelines.

    6.8.2.Offshore renewable energy

    In order to meet the goals set in the EU strategy on offshore renewable energy, Europe's offshore wind capacity will need to massively scale up until 2030 and beyond. 210  

    The default Option 0 is the baseline in which provisions under REDII energy remain unchanged and no additional action is taken. The assessment compares this baseline to additional measures taken to enhance the planning and permitting of offshore energy deployment. Two options are assessed: mandatory joint offshore energy capacity planning per sea basin (option 1), and a one-stop shop for permitting of cross-border projects (option 2). These options can be complementary.

    The options would complement the provisions as included in the Commission proposal on a revised TEN-E Regulation. The proposal foresees joint agreements by Member States per sea basin on the deployment of offshore renewable generation and the creation of ‘offshore one-stop shops’ for facilitating and coordinating the permit granting process for offshore grids and the coordination between the permitting process for the energy infrastructure and the one for the generation assets. Under option 2 the designation of an ‘offshore one-step shop’ for offshore generation assets would complete the framework to facilitate offshore developments. The regional approaches to both grid and energy generation capacity planning are complementary and build upon each other. The results of the assessment incorporate elements from the impact assessment of the Commission’s proposal for the revised TEN-E Regulation 211 as similar aspects where addressed there as well as other study results, in particular from COWI 212 and Roland Berger 213 . Impacts and qualitative assessment

    Option 1: Joint offshore energy capacity planning per sea basin 

    Economic impacts

    An optimised and long-term offshore renewable capacity planning is paramount for investment certainty and for making best use of the limited available resources. Joint capacity planning provides visibility of the planned accumulative capacity in sea basins allowing long-term and sound investment decisions. Such joint planning and cooperation in its rollout can lead to significant cost savings. For instance, for the Baltic Sea region, an analysis study revealed that regional cooperation on offshore power hubs and interconnections could lead to savings of aggregated generation costs of 700–900 million €/year in 2050 214 .

    In addition, given the scope, complexity and still innovative nature of offshore renewable energy projects a joint approach on offshore renewable energy planning would facilitate a joint learning curve and could help expand offshore technologies, including less established ones, in sea basins where they are less common today. This could have significant positive impacts on turnover and employment by contributing to maintain Europe’s technological leadership in this area.

    Environmental impacts

    A joint planning of offshore renewable energy projects could result in significant environmental benefits. Offshore renewable energy projects could be optimised regardless of territorial borders. This would enable planners to better take into account environmental concerns in the siting decisions, e.g. impacts on seabed, biodiversity and environmental protection areas. It can incentivise the choice of places and approaches benefitting also biodiversity, in line with the Biodiversity Strategy. Additionally, if grid planning is taken into account as proposed by the Commission in the revised TEN-E Regulation, the required grid expansion related to the new offshore projects can be made in an environmentally optimal manner. Joint offshore energy planning per sea basin could make more sites available for renewable energy expansion while respecting the environment and biodiversity objectives.

    Social impacts

    As set out in the strategy on offshore renewable energy, a large-scale increase in the deployment of offshore renewable energy and the related value chain should benefit a large number of regions and territories. It may provide an opportunity for the regions most affected by the transition to a climate-neutral economy to diversify their economies, ranging from carbon-intensive and coal regions, regions where gas and oil offshore industry needs to reconvert, to peripheral and outermost regions. It could offer alternative high quality employment opportunities to skilled workers affected by the transition. Maintaining offshore energy infrastructure could also have balancing economic effects in locations with highly seasonal industries (tourism, fishing, etc.) by providing a stable and predictable work stream for local workers and for SMEs all year round. Currently about 62.000 people work in the offshore wind industry and 2.500 in the ocean industry sector in the EU. Studies on offshore wind and ocean industry employment show that the right framework and investments could generate between 0.8 and 1.8 million jobs by 2050. These job creations in the offshore renewable sector should of course not happen at the expense of other maritime economic actors and sea users, such as fisheries, shipping or tourism. The Offshore energy strategy puts a strong emphasis on developing a balanced and sustainable multi-use/multipurpose approach for the use of the sea space. It builds in particular on Maritime Spatial planning, as an essential and well established tool to anticipate change, prevent and mitigate conflicts between policy priorities while also creating synergies between economic sectors.

    Option 2: A one-stop shop for permitting of cross-border renewable energy projects

    The revised TEN-E Regulation proposes to establish one-stop shops for infrastructure related permitting processes. The activities of such one-stop shops could be expanded to cover the permitting for the generation assets for offshore projects that are not limited to the territorial waters of one Member State.

    Economic impacts

    Building on the findings of the impact assessment for the revised TEN-E Regulation, the creation of a one-stop shop per sea basin could have positive economic benefits for offshore renewable generation located in the territorial waters of more than one Member State by accelerating the permitting for such projects. This could help avoid a costly duplication of procedures.

    Environmental impacts

    As described in the impact assessment for the revised TEN-E Regulation, the creation of a one-stop shop per sea basin could mitigate negative impacts or even bring positive environmental impacts as strategic environmental assessments could be performed at sea basin level. Moreover, with one entity being responsible for coordinating the permitting process of cross-border projects could also lead to a better coordination of the environmental impact assessment across borders.

    Given the binding nature of Option 1, this option would be very effective to ensure a joint planning and target setting per sea basin. Option 2 can be expected to have good effectiveness of facilitating permitting of cross-border offshore renewables projects, which would increase with the number of concerned projects. impacts

    Option 1: Joint offshore energy planning per sea basin

    Long-term planning and long lead times are required in offshore energy. Planning already takes place at a national level: Member States plan the capacity they wish to install nationally. The Maritime Spatial Planning Directive already requires Member States to consult each other on their maritime spatial planning. The administrative burden linked to this option would therefore be limited to a better coordination of planning processes. In some sea basins, regional cooperation forums, such as NSEC or BEMIP already exist and facilitate the joint capacity planning.

    Option 2: A one-stop shop for permitting of cross-border renewable energy projects

    If the one-stop shop is established based on the one-stop shop established in the proposal for the revised TEN-E Regulation, it would require very limited additional resources as the assessment would continue to take place on the basis of the national requirements for the different Member States on the territory of which the project is located. The one-stop shop would ensure a single point of contact for the project promoters and the coordination of the national one-stop shops. As the current renewable energy directive established single contact points for developers of renewable energy projects at national level, a one-stop shop at sea basin level would only have to bring together the involved national contact points. Currently the number of projects located across territorial waters is very limited but could increase with the right regulatory framework at European level.

    The options are coherent with other EU instruments and initiatives, in particular the proposal for the revised TEN-E Guidelines. The options complement the proposed revised TEN-E Guidelines that focus on similar provisions in the infrastructure part, while in this proposal parallel required measures are addressed with regard to planning of renewable offshore energy generation.

    Moreover, the options are coherent with other EU instruments aiming at facilitating cross-border cooperation in the field of renewable energy such as the Union Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism and the new window for cross-border cooperation in the field of renewable energy under the revised Connecting Europe Facility.


    As mentioned in the CTP, in order to further reduce emissions from industry in line with the higher climate target for 2030, major changes need to be made in the way industry consumes energy and produces its products. 80% of the emissions are related to direct and indirect energy consumption (supplies of electricity and steam), with 70% of the energy demand used for heating and cooling purposes. The other 20% of emissions are due to process emissions, primarily related to the cement industry 215 .

    At present, GHG emissions from energy-intensive industries are mainly regulated through the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), however roughly 30% the industrial GHG emissions and associated energy consumption does not fall under the EU ETS, and is covered under the Effort Sharing Regulation instead. Furthermore, the indicative targets set in the REDII to increase the share of renewables in heating and cooling partly target the industry sector.

    Despites these measures in place, heating and cooling demand in the industrial sector is for 91% supplied with fossil fuels. Yet 50% of heating and cooling demand is low-temperature (<200 °C) for which there are ample renewable energy options.

    Figure 41 - Final energy demand in industry for H&C by end use (EU28, 2015); Source: Heat Roadmap Europe 216

    Industries are increasingly using corporate sourcing of renewables to directly purchase or use renewable electricity to power their facilities and processes. However, energy accounts in most cases for less than 6% of the production costs, which means that there is limited economic incentive to change energy sources. Furthermore, 90% of all industrial companies are small- and medium-size enterprises with limited ability to dedicate resources to energy issues.

    Figure 42 - Energy costs as a share of total production costs for different sectors in 2017; Source EC 217

    Despite facing strong international competition, European industry has adapted its business models and practices in line with the climate and energy ambitions of Europe, and in a viable economic manner. However, given that additional effort between 2030-2050 would be required to decarbonise when EU’s climate neutrality ambition will require industry to reduce its emissions to around 90-95% compared to 1990 levels, as explained in the Long Term Strategy coupled with significant and long investment cycles in industry, increased effort is needed already by 2030.

    Recent reports shows that an EU industry with net-zero emissions is possible with limited impacts on end-user/consumer costs (<1%), but with increases in near-term capital investments (an additional 25 to 60%) to invest in new production processes (ECF, 2019) in almost 80 percent of the existing industrial production sites 218 (McKinsey, 2020) However, these investments decisions need to be taken within the next decade to avoid any stranded assets.

    A number of studies have identified the significant potential and need to increase the share of renewable energy in industry beyond the current 9% in industrial heating and cooling (which is primarily biomass), and beyond the current 16% across the consumption of all energy sources.

    For heating and cooling, IRENA has identified a cost-effective potential to increase the renewables share to 20% without carbon prices, and to 34% assuming a CO2 price of €70/t CO2 in 2030. In comparison, in all the CTP scenarios the share of renewables in heating and cooling only increases from 9% in 2020 to 10% in 2030, despite a carbon price of €65/tCO2. At the same time, there is a rapid growth of renewables after 2030, with all scenarios reaching at least 15% in 2040. Given the time sensitive nature of industry investments, it is important to ensure that a growth of renewable energy use is already initiated ahead of 2030 avoiding stranded assets and lock-in at a later stage.

    In all scenarios, electrification based on high shares of renewable power generation will also play an important role in decarbonising the heating and cooling demand. In the CTP, the share of electricity in industrial energy consumption is expected to grow to 40%, whilst the PAC 219 energy scenarios foresees a share of 47%. The PAC energy scenario foresees almost all low-temperature heat provided through electrification or direct use of renewables, including industrial excess heat recovery. Similarly, McKinsey foresees electrification and the use of renewables in low- and medium-temperature heat increase from 28% to 60% by 2030, and the share of renewables through electrification and direct use in high-temperature heat increase from 0% to 35% by 2030 220 .

    Furthermore, there exist a clear opportunity to replace the existing use of fossil-based hydrogen (produced from natural gas) as feedstock in refineries (153 TWh) and the production of ammonia (129 TWh) and methanol (27 TWh) with renewable hydrogen. The PAC energy scenarios estimates a potential of 71 TWh of direct use of renewable hydrogen to replace fossil-based hydrogen, and a potential of 68 TWh for replacing fossil fuels in steel production. FCH JU (2019) identifies a comparable value of 62 TWh of renewable hydrogen consumption in the steel sector, with fossil-based hydrogen consumption in the chemicals sector primarily decarbonised with CCS 221 .

    Furthermore, there are significant opportunities to increase the share of renewable electricity consumption, with the commercial and industrial sector accounting for 69% of EU electricity end-use 222 . If EU companies would acquire all newly built solar and wind power capacity in the period up to 2030, the share of renewable electricity consumption would increase from 3.5% to 28% and supports corporate social responsibility and an increasing demand from consumers for renewables-based products 223 . Other studies also indicate that a supporting regulatory framework that will promote the deployment of such technologies is necessary 224 , both on the production side, but also on the side of demand, creating for example lead markets for renewable products 225 .

    Based on these drivers, there are two general approaches that can be considered to increase the uptake of renewables in the industrial sector. A technology-push approach (options- 1) includes options to request the industry to invest in cost-effective options to increase the renewable consumption in their facilities and processes by introducing audits. A market demand approach (option 2) would allow consumers to differentiate between industrial processes and products that are produced from renewable energy. Impacts projected by core scenarios

    The CTP assessed the differences in fuel consumption of the various policy scenarios against the baseline and the finds remain largely unchanged in this assessment. The figure below 226 reports these differences on the left hand side for 2030 and in the centre for 2050, while on the right side one can see the fuel mix of the REF.

    Figure 43 - Final energy consumption in industry; Source PRIMES

    In 2030, fuel switching will still remain limited, however a rapid uptake would be required immediately thereafter to be able to achieve the 2050 targets. Instead by 2050 significant fuel switching is displayed with associated energy savings, with almost all natural gas being replaced by low-carbon gases, i.e. hydrogen, e-gas and some biogas. There is, additionally, some more electrification, including a higher share of energy produced by CHP.

    An important conclusion results from this modelling exercise. Firstly, with carbon prices increasing up to €65/tCO2, additional GHG reductions compared to 2015 are lower than other sectors except transport. The industrial sector has already significantly invested in improving its energy efficiency, mainly to address its high energy costs compared to its international competitors, however, strengthening energy efficiency policies, mainly targeting the increase of waste heat recovery, are insufficient to drive significant additional emissions reductions. and analysis not based on modelling

    The impacts of the different options can be measured at three different levels. First, there is the impact on the individual companies. For the majority of companies, the energy costs will not have a major impact on the profitability of their business today. However, the future impacts can be relative large depending on: 1) the future costs and uncertainties associated with the availability of fossil fuels, and 2) the future demand for green products and processes. As such, upfront investment decisions to support the uptake of renewables should not only be considered on the basis of the pay-back time for investments based on the cost differential between renewable and fossil fuel energy alone, but also on their impact on the profitability and stability of the company, their goods and services. This impact is particularly relevant for option 1A, because it would allow companies to identify those investments that are economically competitive already today. Furthermore, it is important for option 2 as it would allow a company to remunerate its investments by putting premium value products and services onto the European market. A methodology underpinning green labels for industrial products (Option 2A) is considered to have a positive impact on consumers’ behaviour, leading to possibly more responsible consumption and use of products.

    Second, the use of renewable energy in industrial processes has important implications in the context of maintaining a competitive level playing field for the industry across the different EU Member States, as well as with competitors that are importing their products and services to Europe. This impact is particularly relevant for option 2A, as it will change the European market demand for products and services produced on the basis of renewable energy, and for the costs associated with the production of industrial products and services that are placed on the European market.

    The industrial sector accounts for 25% of EU’s energy consumption, but has a relatively low share of renewables (8% of direct renewable energy use, and 22% if the renewable energy share in electricity is considered). The CTP results show that existing measures to increase greenhouse gas emission reductions, such as the EU ETS and an increased overall target for renewable energy alone, will not as such lead to significant increases in renewable energy shares in the industry sector. As there are currently no specific requirements in REDII to increase the use of renewable energy in industry, the measures assessed are considered to be effective in ensuring some level of increase in the use of renewable energy.

    The introduction of energy audits under the EED (Option 1A) will be very effective in increasing awareness and identifying cost-effective options for increasing the share of renewable energy consumption in industrial processes. This is particularly relevant for low-temperature heating and cooling, which is 50% of the heating and cooling demand. Including RES as part of the audit process for energy efficiency would lead to only limited ongoing administrative costs.

    Energy labels for consumer information are now a well-established and understood instrument. They have had a very positive effect on consumer choices 227 , and have been effective in informing consumers and persuading them to purchase labelled products. They are shown to have a positive effect, albeit limited, and their effectiveness increase with time, as they become more established and known by the general public.

    A recent research by the ITC 228 found that Sustainable product sourcing has become a top priority for retailers in key European Union markets 229 . Retailers report an increase in sale of sustainable products and expect this trend to continue. Nearly all retailers have created strategies that include provisions to increase the proportion of their sourcing that benefits the environment and the people along their supply chains. Sixty per cent of retailers use their own-label products to meet their sustainability commitments, while other rely on other knows labels such as “organic”.

    Any commitment to renewables is found only concerning the retailer’s own energy use, rather than energy used as part of production. However, these commitments are also appearing across the full supply chain, for example with more than 280 companies having a commitment towards 100% renewable energy consumption as part of the RE100 initiative 230 . This includes companies in some of the most polluting industrial sectors 231 (steel, cement) are actively considering options to reduce GHGs emissions by switching to hydrogen or renewables in their production processes.

    It is important that any claims for the use of renewable energy in the industrial products and processes are consistent, and are built on robust methodologies and provide more credible claims compared to claims made on the basis of own methodology. As such, they would be a very effective instrument in creating a premium market for green products. There would be costs involved in using such a label, but as it would be voluntary, companies would be free to choose to use it or not. The voluntary nature would minimise the possibly negative impact of a labelling scheme on international trade.

    In the EU and globally, there are a number of initiatives that are providing labels to provide environmental information about products (goods and services) and organisations, including a number that specifically focus on the renewable energy content 232 . A joint initiative from DG ENV and DG Just is already tackling the proliferation of inconsistent methods and initiatives, which could result in misleading environmental claims on the market, whilst the Sustainable Products Initiative is revising the Eco-design Directive to ensure products that are more durable, reusable, repairable, recyclable, and energy-efficient.

    Considering that a number of companies are developing their own labels to put ‘green products’ produced from renewables on the market, it is important that such labels do not mislead the consumer. Therefore, an EU-wide methodology could be developed that companies or labelling scheme would be required to use if they want to report on the share of renewable energy used in the manufacturing of a product (or company). As such, the REDII would not propose any new labels, but ensure that any labels that are being developed are consistent and use the same criteria. Such a methodology would also be consistent with the joint initiative by DG ENV and DG JUST, and could also become part of any methodology developed under the Sustainable Product Initiative. impacts

    For the introduction of energy audits that include renewable energy assessments, there would be one-time costs of updating auditing methodologies, guidelines and reporting procedures, and operating costs to run the appropriate training on a regular basis, also considering the rapid evolution of technology developments. The cost to industry will not be high as all non-SMEs are already required to undertake such audits every four years, and adding one more element will add little to the expense.

    For those companies that choose to use labels (Option 2A), there would be a cost to put this in place, but it can be expected that they would only do it if the advantages vis-a-vis consumers outweighed the costs.

    Increasing the use of renewable energy in industry is in agreement with the CTP, and with the principle of energy system integration, to ensure that each sector plays its part in working towards a climate neutral economy.

    The introduction of energy audits regarding the use of renewable energy is fully in line with the current requirements under article 8 of the EED, which already mandates energy audits for companies with more than 50 employees, or an annual turnover exceeding €50 million and annual balance sheet exceeding €43 million. The revision of the EED proposes to implement an energy management system for enterprises with an average annual consumption higher than [100TJ, an energy management system or an energy audit for enterprises with an average annual consumption higher than [10 TJ], and to encourage energy audits for all other enterprises, including SMEs. The proposal for including renewable energy in the audits will follow the scope of the EED proposal. Expanding the energy audit to include the consumption renewable energy will not incur a substantial administrative costs, because: 1) the existing parameters for such an analysis will already be derived from any energy audit on energy efficiency, and 2) there is already an established European network of organisations and bodies conducting renewables-related audits. Furthermore, these audits could substantially improve the economic competitiveness of businesses, based on the evidence in DG ENER study on corporate sourcing of renewables (2019).

    For renewable energy labels to be effective (option 2), any proliferation of inconsistent methods and initiatives used to communicate information about environmental performance of products (goods and services) would need to be avoided. Currently, two parallel but interlinked initiatives are attempting to tackle this problem. One focusses on methodologies and presentation of environmental performance claim, the other aims to help consumers to play an active role in the green transition by giving them useful information and protection from certain misleading commercial practices. To ensure consistency and effectiveness, it is envisaged that option 2 would be implemented together and broadly relying on these ongoing initiatives, so that calculation and audit requirements are consistent building on eco-design and eco-label work.’ Opinions

    Stakeholders’ Opinions

    In the replies to the roadmap, very few stakeholders expressed their views on the use of RES in industry. The main point raised by these stakeholders is the increased costs for industry if the targets are increased. In the dedicated stakeholder workshop on renewable energy use in industry, 88% of the respondents (n=82) supported obligations to use a minimum share of renewables in industry.

    In the OPC, a relatively high amount amongst stakeholders representing business associations, companies and public authorities think that there should not be an obligation (40%, 43% and 39% of these stakeholder groups, respectively, replied negatively). They also find financial support mechanisms as crucial for a transition in industry, while support for innovation programmes, R&D and the creation/support of industrial parks/clusters is a common suggestion across most stakeholder types, including, besides the aforementioned, academia and environmental organizations. However, one stakeholder representing a business association warns not to provide additional support measures to industrial parks/clusters since these already get enough support under existing EU and national legislation.

    7.How do the options compare and conclusions

    This Chapter summarizes the policy options assessed in Chapter 6 which were compared from several angles in line with the Better Regulation criteria:

    1.Effectiveness: the extent to which proposed options would achieve the specific objectives of this Impact Assessment as presented in section 7.1 ;

    2.Efficiency and impacts: Analysis of benefits versus the costs as presented in Section 7.2. Naturally, it is the level of ambition that determines the high-level economic, environmental and social impacts and consequently mainly modelling results shed light on such impacts. Scenarios capture the options on the level of ambition of targets. Other options, which concern how the preferred level of ambition should be achieved are mainly analysed in other sections.

    3.Coherence: Coherence of each option with the overarching objectives and other EU policies

    4.Administrative burden and compliance costs: what is the cost and additional burden due to the increased ambition

    5.Subsidiarity and proportionality: to which extent are distributional impacts minimised

    The table below summarizes the comparison of effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and proportionality of the options assessed across policy areas in Chapter 6 for the specific objectives in Chapter 4.

    Table 27 - Comparison of policy options

    Specific Objective

    Policy Area

    Policy Options





    1. Development of RES to deliver the overall and sectoral shares of renewables in line with the CTP; mobilising contribution of all sectors

    Overall RE Target level and achievement

    Level of Target

    Option 1





    Option 2





    Nature of Target

    Option 1










    Option 1





    Option 2a






    Option 3a





    Option 3b





    Option 3c





    Option 3d







    *This would depend on MS choice of measures in fulfilling the target (as per Section



    Option 1





    Option 2






    Option 3a

    - -




    Option 3b





    Option 3c





    Option 3d









    Level of Target

    Option 1





    Option 1A





    Option 1B






    Option 2A





    Option 2B





    Option 2C





    Option 2D





    Specific Objective

    Policy Area

    Policy Options





    2. Improve energy system integration by facilitating the reuse of waste heat, promoting RES-based electrification and use of renewable and low-carbon fuels

    Mainstreaming renewable electricity in heating and cooling and transport

    RES Share Information

    Option 1.1





    Option 1.2





    Availability of intelligent infrastructure

    Option 2.1A





    Option 2.1B





    Option 2.1C





    Option 2.2A





    Option 2.2B





    Access to infrastructure and information

    Option 3.1





    Option 3.2





    Option 3.3






    Terminology and certification of renewable and low-carbon fuels


    Option 1





    Option 2





    Option 3A





    Option 3B 






    Option 1A 





    Option 2A






    Option 1B 






    Promotion of renewable and low-carbon fuels

    Extension of the scope of accounting

    Option 1





    Option 2





    Creation of specific sub-targets for RFNBOs

    Option 3





    Option 4





    Option 5





    Option 6





    Specific Objective

    Policy Area

    Policy Options





    3.  Ensure that the revised RED II provisions on bioenergy sustainability prevent unintended environmental impacts, in line with the ambition set in the Green Deal Strategy and Biodiversity Strategy

    Bioenergy Sustainability

    Option 1





    Option 2





    Option 3





    Option 4





    Option 4.1





    Option 4.2





    Option 5






    The effectiveness of the options is examined against the baseline in achieving the policy objectives identified in Chapter 4. All options assessed contribute effectively in fulfilling the policy objectives, including the flanking and enabling measures.

    7.1.1 Area I: Insufficient ambition in EU and MS legislation both in 2030 and 2050 perspective Overall renewable energy target level and achievement

    As assessed in section 6.1, for the level of the target, Option 0 would provide no means of ensuring that the EU-wide, the renewable energy target is deployed to reach at least 38-40% share in final energy consumption. It would likely not be effective. Option 2 would be effective but potentially lead to, either overshooting the climate target or lack of coherence with other EU legislative instruments, thus straying from cost-effective pathway already identified in the CTP. In contrast, Option 1 is effective and has not drawbacks hence it is preferred one.

    Regarding the nature of the target, national targets, requested by a majority of stakeholders, would not be more effective than the EU-level target (combined with Governance process) and could create subsidiarity issues. Thus keeping EU-level targets is the preferred option. H&C

    It would be unlikely that Option 0 of continuing with current practice would lead to the desired outcome. Option 1 builds on Option 0 but will also not trigger Member States to increase efforts in RES H&C sector to at least 1.1 p.p. increase in RES H&C share over the period 2020-30. On the other hand, translating the EU RES H&C ambition in agreement with the CTP and assessment carried out in this impact assessment into a binding uniform increased annual average share for all Member States as per Option 3b while effective, is not considered proportionate.

    The level of renewables in H&C needed in 2030 could also be set as a target as proposed in Option 3c but would depart from the current model and could be potentially disruptive for the already on-going implementation efforts, although it would have the added benefit of setting the end-goal in 2030 clearly. An increased flat rate target and made binding as proposed in Option 3d complements the heating and cooling baseline with an indicative EU RES benchmark for the EU building stock and industry.

    Considering the assessment carried out, Option 3a combined with sector and EU RES buildings and industry benchmarks of appropriate design (Option 3d) would be effective in providing the right mix of drivers for integrated further these two sectors into the energy system. Out of the target options, Option 3a would set a minimum flat rate of RES growth by making the current indicative annual increase target of 1.1 p.p. as minimum required effort and complement it with “top-ups” redistributing the additional efforts to the desired level of renewables in 2030 among Member States along GDP and cost-effectiveness based on the level of ambition in agreement with the CTP and assessment carried out in this impact assessment for the EU RES H&C share in 2030 which would be used as benchmark. The additional Member States specific increase rates could provide a means of assessing the relative level of ambition of each Member States in the heating and cooling sector but also as a potential gap filler measure to close the gap, if other sectors than H&C would fail to deliver, the 38-40% overall RES target

    In the light of the importance of the heating and cooling sector in reaching the EU GHG target and mainstreaming renewable energy, and given the fact that just over half of the Member States have put RES H&C shares in line or above the requirements specified in Article 23, making the current target of 1.1 p.p. as minimum requirement proposed in Option 3a is considered effective and proportionate. The design would include already indications for the additional average increase on top of the minimum 1.1 p.p. tailor-made according to cost-effectiveness and GDP to set clear directions/trajectories and objectives. Furthermore this design would leave each Member State free to choose the most cost-effective measures in its given context.  The design of the preferred option takes into account the need to accommodate specific decarbonisation pathways suited for specific conditions in Member States while providing a clear EU framework, and would retain the existing exemptions and flexibilities for Member States to reward early action and high progress levels. It sets the overall objective and cost effective trajectories, but does not prescribe how these should be reached. Subsidiarity is ensured through the freedom left to each Member State on how to fulfil the heating and cooling target via measures in buildings, industry and district heating and cooling.

    The possibility for Member States to choose between an extended list of measures as per Option 2a allows flexibility at national level and ensures proportionality, while providing a tool box of measures and guidance as regards essential building blocks that proved effective in implementing the heat transition. The design respects national and local diversities in conditions and starting points, and provide a clear framework for actors at all levels (national, regional, local) and of all types (from utilities and companies to municipalities to citizen consumers/prosumers). However should carbon pricing and revised NECPs not be sufficient, additional sector-specific measures could also proposed on the EU-level and/or increase of RES ambition in DHC, Industry and Buildings could also be proposed by the Commission to close the gap.

    The design builds on current provisions in REDII and the Governance Regulation. The governance process have proved effective for Member States to develop their national overall RES contributions and provide long term signal also in heating and cooling. The proposed uniform minimum flat rate of 1.1%-point increase combined with EU-target incentivising addition (top-up) efforts for each Member State would provide criteria for Member States for developing their RES HC trajectories and the revised renewables heating and cooling contributions in the next update of the NECPs and ensure a transparent and predictable mechanism to close the residual gap highlighted if Member States deliver strictly on the 1.1% point increase compared to the level of ambition in agreement with the CTP and assessment carried out in this impact assessment, cost effectively, should this be needed if the measures or carbon pricing fails to deliver. These figures will also provide a means of assessing the relative level of ambition of the heating and cooling sector in the NECPs and contribute to ensure a cost effective and equitable outcome of the process. Overall this approach is based on subsidiarity, and allows Member States to develop the measures that are best suited to their own national circumstances. District H&C

    Out of the target options assessed in section 6.2.2, Option 3c is the preferred target design as it would provide the missing common EU framework to steer district heating developments towards integrating more renewable energy and ensure coherence with the CTP and carbon-neutrality goals, while respecting the wide variety of situations in Member States. Option 3b with an indicative EU headline target could give similar direction as Option 3c but departs from the current provisions and could be disruptive for already ongoing implementation. Option 3d would be the most effective target design, but is too stringent and leave less room for Member States as regards to which extent and how they would like to use district heating in their overall strategies for delivering higher ambitions in renewables and greenhouse gas reduction. Option 3a would make it possible for district heating to indefinitely continue with the fossil model and thus is not coherent with the review objectives.

    Option 2 can be self-standing or complementary, as it gives a clearer enabling framework to transform district heating and cooling, make it into an enabler of renewable energy supply in buildings and to become a key heat decarbonisation instrument, while enhancing energy sector integration in national and EU energy systems.

    Overall combining Option 2 on measures and with the preferred target design in Option 3c is the preferred option. The combination option would provide a more effective EU framework to ensure that the district heating and cooling aligns with the EGD and becomes an enabler to deliver on the CTP and ESI goals. Together with the options on overall heating and cooling and buildings, this option would make district heating and cooling an additional key instrument in the national portfolios of measures for heating and cooling decarbonisation, and would also establish a more effective enabling framework to develop and expand modern renewable based smart district heating and cooling systems. Transport

    Of the options considered under section 6.3, a combination of Option 1B with Options 2A, 2C or 2D would perform the best overall. While all options apart from Option 1 deliver on the needed level of ambition, there are substantial differences. The energy-based options may have the advantage in promoting the development and production of innovative renewable and low carbon fuels as they provide the most predictable and stable policy framework for investments into such technologies. On the other hand, the GHG-intensity based options can stimulate supply chain improvements and technology efficiency in renewable and low carbon fuels, where costs of production are higher, not limited to compliance with minimum emission reduction thresholds. This is particularly important in a complex sector with increasing technological choices available and significant innovation potential. This, however, would require applying changes to the methodology applied to determine the GHG emission intensity.

    Given the early stage of development of innovative fuels such as advanced biofuels, hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels and the important role these fuels have to play after 2030 to decarbonise transport, the ability to promote such fuels has priority over short-term cost minimisation. The strength of Option 2C compared to Option 2A and 2D relates primarily to the aspects of subsidiarity and political feasibility. The Commission had proposed in 2016 to introduce an energy-based supply obligation and the co-legislator decided to leave the choice of the right support instrument to the Member States. Option 2D (GHG based approach) combines advantages of both approaches. While Option 2C represents an acceptable outcome, would have the advantage of ensuring consistency with the approach chosen under the Fuel Quality Directive while specifically promoting innovative fuels.

    7.1.2 Area II: Insufficient promotion of ESI in REDI Measures to enhance the contribution of transport and heating and cooling to the system integration of renewable electricity

    As assessed in section 6.4, Option 1.0 is not expected to reduce the GHG emissions from demand response of heat pumps, domestic batteries or electric vehicles, creating serious concerns regarding the objectives of 2030, and to achieve climate neutrality in 2050. Option 1.1 would provide an effective means to introduce market incentivising signals that relate directly to renewable penetration and carbon reduction, without any administrative burden and in coherence with existing legislation. It is therefore considered a preferred and no-regrets option. Option 1.2 would have some positive effects on consumer information, complementing the information provided by guarantees of origin, however it would otherwise bring limited added value for the near-real time integration of renewable electricity.

    Options 2.1-2.3 approach different aspects of optimizing the intelligent charging infrastructure, with varying levels of positive contribution to overall implementation costs and benefits to the economy. As a first priority, it was considered necessary for all newly installed charging points to offer smart functionalities with additional deployment of charging points for purposes of integration based on assessment by the NRA (option 2.1C). With regard to bidirectional functionalities, the variations allowing implementation based on national assessment was preferred (option 2.2B), thus providing flexibility to Member States.

    Options 3.1-3.3 address various obstacles in the aggregation and mobility service provision market, which hinder the development of competition. Option 3.1 is a no-regrets option which would eliminate any regulatory barriers against domestic battery systems and V2G services (it doesn’t affect intelligent charging or behind the meter discharging). Option 3.2 is necessary in setting a level playing field and its early implementation would bring positive long term effects competition, consumer choice, innovation and in the availability, quality and cost of services provided to domestic battery owners and EV users. Option 3.3 is also important to facilitate competition and consumer choice and it is expected to become increasingly beneficial as the proliferation of EVs becomes mainstream and it is recommended that it is applied on the on-set, so that infrastructure and market deployment can proceed optimally. Terminology and certification of renewable and low carbon fuels

    Based on the assessment of the portfolio of options compared with the baseline scenario, the objective of deploying an EU-wide certification system can be achieved by a combination of the policy options presented above.

    Two options, based on their scores and importance, can be part of any combination of preferred options, namely extending the terminology under REDII and improving traceability of energy carriers through the Union database, combined with mainstreaming the mass-balance system supported by the Union database (Option 1B). Regarding the different options for terminology assessed the best scoring option is the option 3A/B where the extension of terminology includes low carbon fuels together with a threshold for GHG emission savings.

    Two alternative options have been assessed, regarding the way the certification system can be deployed. Option 1A assessed the extension of the current certification system to new fuels, while option 2A assessed the further development of the content and harmonisation of standards of the existing GOs system in order to transform it into a certification system fit for purpose.

    Extending the existing certification system may entail some additional costs for economic operators, which however can be expected to be outweighed by the future economic returns of entering the market of sustainable fuels through certification. While a similar result can be expected by transforming the existing GOs system, it would come with a much higher effort and administrative burden on the side of the Member States. This could be expected to be a major negative barrier. In addition, option 1A would have good potential to achieve a positive synergy in combination with Options 1B and 3A/B (terminology), making a good contribution to strengthening the system, avoiding any risks of double counting by solving the issue of co-existence of a certification system, based on a mass balance with a GOs system. A political decision will need to be made whether to address the certification of low-carbon fuels for coherence reasons or in a separate legislative proposal such as the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package. Promotion of renewable and low carbon fuels

    Promoting the use of renewable fuels is fully in line with the Energy System Integration Strategy and the Hydrogen Strategy as well as the CTP especially if considering post-2030 perspective. Taking the analysis further, this IA shows that a realistic sub-target for RFNBOs for the transport and industry sectors would support their large scale development post 2030. All options on target setting or accounting are equally effective but the choice remains on their scope.

    7.1.3 Area III: Ensure bioenergy sustainability

     The impact assessment identified a number of key biodiversity and climate risks (harvesting in primary and highly biodiverse forests, unsustainable biomass sourcing (e.g. wholetree harvesting), and impacts on the forest carbon sink) which could be linked to the increased use of forest biomass for energy.

    Option 1 is supported by some Member States and sectoral industry stakeholders and would facilitate the implementation of the REDII sustainability criteria. However, this option would not include additional safeguards to address the identified risks.

    Option 2 would provide the most direct safeguard against the risks of production of forest biomass in highly biodiversity areas, such as primary forests - in line with the Biodiversity Strategy and the LULUCF review. It would also introduce additional safeguards promoting optimal lifecycle GHG emission saving and avoiding inefficient biomass use in the power sector.

    Option 3 would further add to the effectiveness of option 2 by regulating a larger amount of biomass use for energy in the EU. This option would reduce the potential risk of leakage (i.e. unsustainable biomass is diverted from large to small scale uses to avoid sustainability compliance). It would also help improving public monitoring on biomass production and use – in line with the JRC report recommendations.

    Building on options 2 or 3, options 4, 4.1 and 4.2 would also address the potential risk of increased use of stemwood for energy - in line with the Biodiversity Strategy goal of minimizing wholetree harvesting, with 4.2 focusing on public support schemes for bioenergy. However, option 4 and 4.1 could also lead to indirect negative effects on forest-based industries. In addition, the verification/tracking of high quality stemwood use would be rather complex. Therefore, options 4 and 4.1 would result in relatively higher administrative burden for economic operators and public authorities – depending on the implementation by Member States. The administrative complexity and costs would be significantly lower under option 4.2. These options would not respond to the opinion by sectoral industry to keep the regulatory framework as set by the RED II.

    Option 5 would take up the wish expressed by NGOs and the citizens participating in the Public Consultation to limit the use of forest biomass, and would lead to a strong reduction of identified risks associated to increased forest bioenergy demand. However, it could make it more difficult to reach future climate and energy targets cost-effectively, especially after 2030.

    7.1.4 Flanking and enabling measures

    Promotion of Cross-border cooperation

    As assessed in Section 6.8.1, given the gradual increase of the required cross-border cooperation over the options, their effectiveness can be summarized as low (option 1) to moderate/high (options 2 and 3) and high (option 4), with option 2 expected to be more politically acceptable.

    Promotion offshore renewable energy deployment

    Given the binding nature of Option 1, this option would be very effective to ensure a joint planning and target setting per sea basin. However, the effectiveness would depend on the actual binding nature of the measure (obligation to agree on a common target, vs obligation to enter into an agreement to cooperate). Option 2 can be expected to have good effectiveness of facilitating permitting of cross-border offshore renewables projects.


    As assessed in section 6.8.3, Option 0 is not expected to increase the share of renewable energy consumption in the industry sector, creating serious concerns regarding the objective to reduce greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2030, and to achieve climate neutrality in 2050. Option 1A would provide an effective means to introduce industrial actors to existing cost-effective solutions to switch to renewable energy, without any administrative burden and in coherence with existing legislation.

    Option 2A provides an effective means to create a uniform and coherent market for those companies that are placing products and services produced from renewable energy on the market. However, a mandatory labelling would create concerns regarding compatibility with WTO and would possible lead to a proliferation of labelling requirements.

    Options 1A and 2A would be complementary and would all be effective options.

    7.2.Efficiency and impacts

    As explained Chapter 5, the level of ambition for policy options has been derived from the core scenarios: REG, MIX and MIX-CP, building on analysis in CTP IA, fine-tuned to the newest Baseline and key policy options considered in all “Fit for 55” initiatives. Modelling tools and their underlying assumptions are explained in Annex 4. The key policy options in this Impact Assessment do not concern the level of ambition (which is considered as agreed based on the CTP analysis) but the ways of implementing this level of ambition.

    It is, however, the level of ambition that determines the high-level economic, environmental and social impacts and consequently it is only the core scenarios that can shed light on such impacts – they are presented in the table below. MIX scenario is the central one: carbon pricing is covering most of the sectors and works in synergy with energy policies that address market failures in a targeted manner. The REG and MIX-CP scenarios are extreme outlooks showing the impacts of relying too much on only regulatory measures or only carbon pricing, respectively. With a certain degree of simplification, low ambition policy options consisting of additional guidance would likely lead to the results of the MIX-CP scenario. Conversely (and again with certain degree of simplification), the most ambitious regulatory options would yield results similar to the REG scenario with carbon price likely at very low levels.

    Importantly, the core scenarios show the impact of all “Fit for 55” initiatives and not just the revision of RED. This is why the variant MIX-LD is also contrasted with the central MIX scenario in the table to show the impacts of the absence of the revision of RED.

    Table 28 – Efficiency and impacts of core scenarios and MIX-H2 variant; Source PRIMES, GAINS models

    2030 unless otherwise stated














    Key results

    GHG emissions* reductions (incl. intra EU aviation and maritime, incl. LULUCF)

    % reduction from 1990






    GHG emissions reductions (incl intra EU aviation and maritime, excl LULUCF)

    % reduction from 1990






    Overall RES share (current formula)







    Overall RES share (proposed new formula) **







    RES-E share







    RES-H&C share







    RES-T share







    PEC energy savings

    % reduction from 2007 Baseline






    FEC energy savings

    % reduction from 2007 Baseline






    Environmental impacts

    CO2 emissions reductions (intra-EU scope, excl. LULUCF), of which

    (% change from 2015)






    Supply side (incl. power generation, energy branch, refineries and district heating)

    (% change from 2015)






    Power generation

    (% change from 2015)






    Industry (incl. process emissions)

    (% change from 2015)







    (% change from 2015)







    (% change from 2015)






    Agriculture energy

    (% change from 2015)






    Transport (incl. domestic and intra EU aviation and navigation)

    (% change from 2015)






    Non-CO2 GHG emissions reductions (excl. LULUCF)

    (% change from 2015)






    Reduced air pollution compared to REF

    (% change)






    Reduced 2030 health damages and air pollution control cost compared to REF - Low estimate

    (€ billion/year)






    Reduced 2030 health damages and air pollution control cost compared to REF - High estimate

    (€ billion/year)






    Energy system impacts

    Primary Energy Intensity







    Gross Available Energy (GAE)







    - Solids share







    - Oil share







    - Natural gas share







    - Nuclear share







    - Renewables share







    - - Bioenergy share







    - - Other Renewables than bioenergy share







    Gross Electricity Generation (TWh)







    - Gas share







    - Nuclear share







    - Renewables share







    Economic impacts

    Investments (excl. transport) (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year






    Investments (excl. transport) (2021-30)

    % GDP






    Additional investments to REF

    bn €'15/year






    Investments (incl. transport) (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year






    Investments (incl. transport) (2021-30)

    % GDP






    Additional investments to REF

    bn €'15/year






    Additional investments to 2011-20

    bn €'15/year






    Energy system costs excl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year






    Energy system costs excl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    % GDP






    Energy system costs incl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year






    Energy system costs incl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    % GDP






    ETS price in current sectors (and maritime)







    ETS price in new sectors (buildings and road transport)







    Average Price of Electricity 233







    Import dependency







    Fossil fuels imports bill savings compared to REF for the period 2021-30

    bn €'15






    Energy-related expenditures in buildings (excl. disutility)

    % of private consumption






    Energy-related expenditures in transport (excl. disutility)

    % of private consumption






    GDP impacts



    GEM-E3 projections:
    - A small positive effect on GDP if assuming favourable financing conditions. Compared to Refe
    rence projections, GDP is 0.52% higher in 2030.
    - If assuming crowding out of investments, GDP in 2030 is 0.2% below the Reference level.


    Employment impacts



    GEM-E3 projections:
    - A small positive effect on employment if assuming favourable
    financing conditions. Compared to Reference projections, employment is 0.36% higher in 2030.
    - Assuming crowding out of investments, employment in 2030 is 0.3% below the Reference level.



    *All scenarios achieve 55% net reductions in 2030 compared to 1990 for domestic EU emissions, assuming net LULUCF contributions of 255 Mt CO2-eq. in 1990 and 225 Mt CO2-eq. in 2030 and including national, intra-EU maritime and intra-EU aviation emissions 234 .

    ** Proposed new formula for accounting RFNBOS with their actual amounts (and thus where they are consumed) rather than electricity to produce them in the overall RES share. The sectoral shares are, however, not adjusted to this new accounting.

    As an alternative approach, the MIX-LD (MIX-Lost Decade) variant was developed that aimed to assess impacts of the absence of revision of REDII. This variant removed all drivers representing REDII revision while “freezing” all other policies (in particular carbon pricing) at their level of ambition/stringency as modelled in MIX.

    The differences between scenarios MIX (with REDII revision) and MIX-LD (without REDII revision) are summarised and interpreted in the table below.

    Table 29 - Differences between scenarios MIX and MIX-LD capturing RED revision; Source PRIMES, EC calculations

    2030, EU unless otherwise stated




    Difference MIX vs MIX-LD illustrates impact of drivers representing revision of RED working together with other "Fit for 55" proposals

    RED revision brings:



    GHG emissions reductions (incl intra EU aviation and maritime, excl LULUCF)

    % change from 1990




    1.2 p.p. of necessary GHG reduction compared to 1990

    Overall RES share





    2.1 p.p. bigger share of total RES in final energy consumption in 2030

    RES-E share





    2.7 p.p. bigger share of RES in electricity in 2030

    RES-H&C share





    2.9 p.p. bigger share of RES in H&C in 2030

    RES-T share





    0.5 p.p. bigger share of RES in transport in 2030

    PEC energy savings

    % change from 2007 Baseline




    0.6 p.p. bigger primary energy savings in 2030

    FEC energy savings

    % change from 2007 Baseline




    0.6 p.p. bigger final energy savings in 2030

    Investment expenditures (excl transport) av annual (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year




    Average annual investment needs higher by € 18bn

    Energy system costs incl carbon pricing and disutilities av annual (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year




    Average annual system costs higher by € 4bn

    ETS price in current sectors (and maritime)





    no significant change - level of carbon price was frozen between MIX and MIX-LD

    ETS price in new sectors (buildings and road transport)





    no significant change - level of carbon price was frozen between MIX and MIX-LD

    Average Price of Electricity





    no significant change

    Fossil fuels imports bill savings compared to REF2020 for the period 2021-30

    bn €'15




    Savings on fossil fuels import bill are higher by 15 bn

    Energy-related expenditures related to buildings as % of private consumption (excl disutilities)




    Energy-related expenditures related to buildings as % of private consumption are 0.1 p.p. higher

    Energy-related expenditures related to transport as % of private consumption (excl disutilities)




    no change

    7.3. Coherence

    The REDII is a, well-established, cross-sectoral instrument promoting the uptake of renewable energy by targeted measures covering electricity, H&C and transport sectors. In H&C and transport, the Directive incentivises mostly the national action while the European component is stronger in the electricity sector. Detailed assessment on the coherence of the specific policy options are elaborated in detail in Chapter 6.

    The REDII incentivises action in two respects:

    -addressing market failures/non-market barriers (e.g. in terms of infrastructure, development of innovative technologies, creation of lead markets or increasing consumer acceptance and uptake)

    -ensuring that the overall renewables target is met via national contributions through the Governance process (including an indicative formula representing the objective criteria as a basis for the Commission’s assessment of national ambition).

    The increase of the overall renewable energy target to the levels recommended in the Climate Target Plan (38-40%) and confirmed by the preferred option in this IA will guide the overall efforts to increase renewables uptake.

    The revision of RED and the revision of the ETS are complementary and mutually reinforcing in driving accelerated fuel switch to renewable fuels. Targeted regulatory measures under RED are necessary for local renewables uptake through planning and capacity building, for further ESI (notably through direct electrification of end use sectors) and for the uptake of innovative renewable fuels such as advanced biofuels and/or RFNBOs. Without such policies, a very high carbon price signal would have to be put in place to deliver the necessary GHG reductions 235 .

    The revision of RED is also a precondition for fulfilment of increased ESR national targets. The Member States will need to deploy much more renewables in the heating, cooling and transport sectors in order to meet the increased national ESR targets. The RED revision is expected to contribute to further mainstreaming of RES in heating and cooling and in transport, as projected in highlighted in Chapter 5.

    In the transport sector, the revision of RED will increase the overall renewable energy consumption in transport, including sub-targets for advanced biofuels and RFNBOs. The revision of RED will work in synergy with the CO2 standards for vehicles: vehicles regulations will push the deployment of electrified road transport while the RED will addition provide the push on the energy supply side by introducing a credit mechanism facilitating the participation of electricity providers and incentivising public recharging infrastructure.

    A targeted strengthening of the EU bioenergy sustainability will bring co-benefits for other land-related policy objectives, such as biodiversity conservation and protection of the forest carbon sink, thus being coherent with the LULUCF revision.

    The preferred policy options for renewables promote electrification and waste heat use that work in synergy with energy efficiency measures – as both instruments aim to deliver on the integrated energy system envisaged in the Energy System Integration strategy. Moreover, deployment of renewables (other than bio-energy) helps to achieve energy efficiency in primary energy consumption. Electricity-based H&C and transport technologies can also help to accommodate higher shares of variable renewable energy in power generation as demand can be better synchronised with power supply.

    The preferred options of RES in H&C provide an opportunity for fuel switching especially in buildings, local heat planning and efficient district heating and cooling, aligned with the revision of the EED and EPBD and contributing to the Renovation Wave.

    7.4.Administrative and monitoring impacts 

    The administrative and monitoring impacts of the specific policy options have been assessed in dedicated sections in Chapter 6. The revision of RED II would maintain the current framework for monitoring the Renewable Energy deployment in the EU and Member States progress through the Governance. Hence, in general, the administrative and monitoring impact for the options appear limited.

    The impacts on administrative burden of the assessed options related to targets and benchmarks will be limited as there would be no recurring administrative requirements as for all policy these can be generally monitored through official statistics which are already readily available at national level and from Eurostat. However, limited resources at the level of Member States to develop new official statistics, combined with the absence of a formal legal basis for countries to report data on the share of renewables to Eurostat, may be an obstacle to monitoring renewable energy improvements in detail as mentioned in Section 9.

    In terms of policy choices, for heating and cooling this also depends on Member States choice of policy instruments to comply with implementation of REDII framework especially when certification and audits are required, as explained in Chapter 6 and Annex 7.

    The same applies for bioenergy in particular on the options of national caps on stemwood were Member States would need to improve the statistics and monitoring systems in order to set up and enforce this option, and take them into account when setting up support schemes for bioenergy. Option 4.2 would offer an alternative solution which would be easier to implement.

    7.5.Subsidiarity and proportionality

    All options assessed are all in line with the intervention logic and all options are based on the already existing instrument, the REDII and its architecture as already established. This includes the overall target, how it is delivered by national contributions via governance process, sectoral targets and their supporting measures or enabling conditions. The exceptions are RFNBOs targets and measures promoting electrification for transport, which would be new elements of revised REDII but are essential in the light of Hydrogen and Energy System Integration strategies and the need to promote innovative fuels needed for carbon neutrality.

    In terms of proportionality, the initiative is limited to REDII adjustment needs that are commensurate with increased climate target and the cost-effective deployment of renewables that goes together with it as already established in the CTP. A number of enabling conditions is also analysed that can be brought forward in order to make deployment of renewables easier for economic operators and consumers.

    Additional costs for consumers and economic operators due to the increased level of ambition of the REDII together with other “Fit for 55” initiatives are expected to be kept to a minimum, given that regulatory measures such as those envisaged under REDII revisions address market failures/non-market barriers while the carbon price incentivises emissions reduction by operators with the lowest abatement costs.

    To conclude, all options analysed for revision of REDII are considered proportional as they do not go beyond what is necessary to achieve the objectives as set out in the intervention logic. Enabling conditions are not essential for could help make deployment of renewables easier for economic operators and consumers.

    The conformity of options in terms of subsidiarity could vary. The options that bring uniform obligations on Member States, especially at national or local levels, would have allowed no flexibility in terms of implementation and would have had rather detrimental impact on subsidiarity.

    Based on the assessment of final NECPs, it can be established that the current REDII (with flexibilities provided to Member States) is effective in achieving the EU-level renewables target as the Reference scenario shows the EU slightly exceeding the 32% target for 2030. While the overall level of ambition has to be increased commensurate with the increased climate target and the current measures in REDII need to be reinforced, there is no need for reduction of Member States flexibilities to the detriment of subsidiarity.

    Heating and cooling will carry the largest effort in terms of renewables deployment. As indicted in Chapter 3.2, action at EU-level in combination with action at Member State level is needed and is the most effective. The preferred options are thus articulated around (1) locking-in a minimum cost-effective deployment of renewables in all Member States and (2) adding to the existing list of measures in REDII.

    As discussed in Section the targets for RES H&C could be effective but with diverse subsidiarity and proportionality issues.  Although Option 3b would be the most effective, it would raise proportionality, distributional and cost-effectiveness concerns given the wide diversity in Member States’ starting points and situation. Option 3a in combination with option 3d is proportionate, as it entails incremental change building on the current target and leaves freedom for Member States to choose their measures.

    The list of measures already exists in REDII and has been extended in the IA to give a broader choice in view of the different national circumstances in Member States, but also to provide additional guidance to Member States in a sector which is very fragmented and covers several subsectors. Member States can choose from these building blocks according to their national circumstances to address the most pertinent non-market barriers and to help them reaching the proposed binding minimum annual increase in renewable heating and cooling. With no specific obligation to implement specific or a number of expanded list of measures full flexibility has been granted to Member States. Depending on Member States choice of measures the extended measures listed, is an effective means to not only achieve the average annual increase in renewables but aims to overcome non-market barriers and complement carbon price signals by strengthening aspects of REDII with measures covering clearer and credible information to energy customers or reducing the risk for more local renewable energy sources deployment through a risk mitigation framework. On top of that, one of the measures to be chosen Member States could be any other policy measure with an equivalent effect, to reach the annual increase, including fiscal measures, support schemes or other financial incentives. This option further adds a great deal of flexibility in how they fulfil the target.

    Subsidiarity aspect was also assessed for the options concerning sustainability of bioenergy. Although different Member States have different traditions in terms of bioenergy harvesting and use, the need to preserve forest biodiversity is a Europe-wide, indeed global, issue. It is also an issue that attracts a high level of public attention, see for example the 38,000 replies to the OPC. It is therefore appropriate for the revision of REDII to propose measures to further protect primary forests and highly biodiverse forests which may affect how Member States manage their forests

    The preferred options in Chapter 8 are considered to strike the correct balance between the need to increase level of ambition commensurate with increased climate target and the need to leave flexibility to Member States to decide which measures are best suited and the most effective for them. Overall this approach is based on subsidiarity, and allows Member States to develop the measures that are best suited to their own national circumstances.

    8.Preferred option and conclusions

    When proposing its updated 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 55% 236 , the European Commission described the actions across all sectors of the economy that would complement national efforts to achieve the increased ambition. A number of impact assessments have been prepared to support the envisaged revisions of key legislative instruments.

    Against this background, this impact assessment has analysed the various options through which a revision of the RED could effectively and efficiently contribute to the delivery of the updated target as part of a wider “Fit for 55” policy package.

    8.1.Methodological approach 

    Drawing conclusions about preferred options from this analysis requires tackling two methodological issues.

    First, as often the case in impact assessment analysis, ranking options may not be straightforward as it may not be possible to compare options through a single metric and no option may clearly dominate the others across relevant criteria. Ranking then requires an implicit weighting of the different criteria that can only be justifiably established at the political level. In such cases, an impact assessment should wean out as many inferior options as possible while transparently provide the information required for political decision- making.

    Secondly, the “Fit for 55” package involves a high number of interlinked initiatives underpinned by individual impact assessments. Therefore, there is a need to ensure coherence between the preferred options of various impact assessments.

    8.2.Policy interactions 

    Given the complex interdependence across policy tools and the interplay with the methodological issue outlined above, no simultaneous determination of a preferred policy package is thus possible. A sequential approach was therefore necessary.

    First, the common economic assessment 237 underpinning the “Communication on Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition” looked at the feasibility of achieving a higher climate target and provided insights into the efforts that individual sectors would have to make. It could not, however, discuss precise sectoral ambitions or detailed policy tools. Rather, it looked at a range of possible pathways/scenarios to explore the delivery of the increased climate ambition. It noted particular benefits in deploying a broad mix of policy instruments, including strengthened carbon pricing, increased regulatory policy ambition and the identification of the investments to step up the climate ambition.

    An update of the pathway/scenario focusing on a combination of extended use carbon pricing and medium intensification of regulatory measures in the economy, while also reflecting the COVID-19 pandemic and the National Energy and Climate Plans, confirmed these findings.

    Taking this pathway and the Communication on Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition as central reference, individual impact assessments for all “Fit for 55” initiatives were then developed with a view to provide the required evidence base for the final step of detailing an effective, efficient and coherent “Fit for 55” package.

    At the aggregate level, these impact assessments provide considerable reassurances about the policy indications adopted by the Commission in the Communication on Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition. This concerns notably a stronger and more comprehensive role of carbon pricing, energy efficiency and renewable energy policies, the land sector, and the instruments supporting sustainable mobility and transport. These would be complemented by a carbon border adjustment mechanism and phasing out free allowances. This would allow to continue to address the risk of carbon leakage in an efficient manner. It would also preserve the full scope of the Effort Sharing Regulation for achieving the increased climate target.

    Various elements of the analyses also suggest that parts of the revenues of a strengthened and extended ETS should be used to counter any undesirable distributional impacts such a package would entail (between and within Member States). While the best way to do this is still to be determined, this would seem a superior alternative to foregoing the relevant measures altogether or simply disregarding the uneven nature of their distributional impacts. Under both these alternatives, the eventual success of any package proposed would be at risk.

    8.3.Preferred policy options 

    Assuming this fact and the analysis above as the framework for the aggregate “Fit for 55” package, the specific analysis carried out in this impact assessment comes to the main following conclusions and would suggest the following preferred policy options for the revision of the RED focusing on key measures to ensure the achievement of the 55% GHG reduction objective, including for Heating & Cooling and Transport, as well as to strengthen biomass sustainability criteria. This will be accompanied by additional flanking measures to foster renewables in electricity and in industry.

    Building on Chapter 7 the preferred option is a package of measures. In line with a coherent approach across policies, the preferred option for an increased Union Renewable Energy Target is at least 40% which falls in the range indicated by the Climate Target Plan (38-40%) and confirmed also by the core scenarios. Such an increased target should be binding at EU level, with national contributions as currently required under REDII and the Governance Regulation.

    Increasing renewables ambition in the Heating and Cooling sector is a central piece for delivering the overall RES ambition given that heating & cooling constitutes around half of the EU's final energy consumption covering a wide range of end-use applications and technologies in buildings, industry and district heating and cooling. Here, the preferred option is an expanded list of measures that cover also enabling measures for district heating and cooling and buildings. This will go together with an obligation for an annual average 1.1 p.p. increase at Member State level (reflecting the current indicative figure under REDII) and an indicative Member State-specific top-up (catering for the increased ambition under the CTP and confirmed by the modelling work carried out in this impact assessment). For district heating and cooling, the current indicative target in REDII will be increased to 2.1%. EU indicative benchmarks for RES of in buildings of 49% and in industry of 1.1% average increase per year will also be introduced to guide Member states efforts and monitor progress.

    Increasing renewables ambition in transport is also crucial taking into account the wider policy context and the fact that transport is the only sector where GHG emissions have increased: the preferred option is to increase the overall ambition level for renewables in transport in agreement with the Climate Target Plan and the modelling work carried out in this impact assessment. This includes sub-targets for advanced biofuels of 2.2% 238 and RFNBOs(see below) set out in a consistent way with the aviation and maritime fuel initiatives. The overall transport target and the sub-targets for innovative fuels as well as RED sustainability criteria will frame and support the dedicated obligations set out in these sectoral initiatives.

    In order to pursue the objectives of the Energy System Integration Strategy, further mainstreaming of renewable electricity in transport and heating and cooling is needed and here the preferred options are: information on RES content of the electricity made available to all users, smart charging functionality in all charging pointswith the possibility of additional deployment based on NRA assessment, non-discriminatory participation of small and/or mobile storage devices to the electricity system, open access to battery information and open access to charging infrastructure unless it is for own use.

    Also in line with ESI strategy, the terminology and certification of renewable fuels needs to be improved and extended. The preferred options are: extension of the scope and content of the current terminology to include all fuels covered by REDII and this being the basis for the EU certification system; include in REDII the definitions of all renewable fuels in REDII, and develop a single information and tracing system (Union database). As to the certification of low-carbon fuels, the importance of which has been underlined in the Energy System Integration Strategy, a political decision should be made whether such fuels should be addressed in this review or in a separate legislative proposal such as the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package.

    Going beyond certification, the promotion of renewable fuels is a necessary aspect of the ‘Fit for 55’ package and, even more so for achieving carbon neutrality in 2050 (for which innovative renewable and low carbon fuels are indispensable). Here the preferred options are: extension of the scope of RFNBOs accounting beyond transport, including heating & cooling and industry together with the creation of specific sub-targets for RFNBOs in hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as transport of 2.6% 239 and in industry of 50% of fuels of hydrogen used in industry as feedstock and in final energy consumption. The target applies for those Member States that consume hydrogen as feedstock or direct use. The option to specifically support low carbon fuels beyond the inclusion into the certification scheme has been discarded as REDII should remain an instrument to support renewables.

    Bioenergy represents an important share of sources of renewable energy needed to reach climate neutrality and it is projected to increase in line with the Climate Target Plan, notably after 2030. To comply with the higher biodiversity ambition of the European Green Deal and taking also into consideration the review of the LULUCF Regulation, a targeted revision is necessary to respect the do-no-harm principle. The preferred options are: extending the existing agricultural biomass no-go areas also to forest biomass, applying the existing GHG saving criteria to new heat and power installations, applying the EU sustainability and GHG saving criteria to small-scale biomass-based heat and power installations equal or exceeding 5 MW, and to require Member States to design their support schemes for bioenergy in a way that minimises the energy use of high-quality stemwood.

    While deployment of renewables in the electricity sector is expected to become increasingly cost-competitive through lowering costs of technology and higher carbon prices, an enabling framework is required to ensure the significant scale up in additional renewable power generation required in the period up to 2030 to achieve the targets. This includes fostering cross-border cooperation on renewables through setting up pilot projects within the next 3 years. In addition, specifically for harnessing the potential for offshore renewable energy, there is a preferred package of options including an obligation for Member States to define and agree to cooperate on the amount of offshore renewable generation to be deployed within each sea basin by 2050, enhanced cross-border cooperation on offshore energy projects (guidance, cost-benefit-analysis, Union renewable energy financing mechanism), and the proposal to set-up one-stops shop for permitting of cross-border offshore wind projects per sea basin.

    The industry sector is currently only covered by RES H&C actions. Additional actions are needed and the preferred options are: introduction of renewable energy use in the audits required under the EED, developing a common EU methodology for green industry labels, and the introduction of an EU benchmark for renewable energy consumption in industry to monitor progress, together with a dedicated target for RFNBOs (see above).

    8.4.Investments underpinning the preferred policy option 

    Increased GHG ambition entails significant investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Against this background, the policy options highlighted above for the RED aim at facilitating investments, reducing their perceived risks, increasing the effectiveness in the use of public funding and helps mobilise private financial resources, in line with the priorities identified in the European Semester, National Energy and Climate Change Plans (NECPs), and Just Transition and Recovery Plans.

    8.5.Ensuring coherence in the finalisation of the package 

    The final step of the sequential approach outlined above for the coherent design of the “Fit for 55” proposals will be carried out on the basis of the analysis of this and the other impact assessment reports. The choices left open for policy-makers will be taken, measures fine-tuned and calibrated, and overall coherence ensured. Until that stage, all indications of preferred measures are to be considered preliminary as preserving overall effectiveness, efficiency and coherence may require adjustments as the final package takes shape.

    In general, emissions trading can achieve GHG emissions reductions cost‑effectively and provides a sound price signal that influences the decisions of operators, investors and consumers. However, carbon pricing does not address all non-market barriers to the deployment of renewable and low-carbon solutions and therefore additional policy actions are necessary to ensure that other obstacles to investments in clean energy technologies and infrastructure are removed and that investors are thereby provided with additional incentives. Thus, while carbon pricing and renewables policies both work towards fuel switching, renewables policies put in place more specific enabling measures for local uptake of renewables (e.g. capacity building, consumer information and local heat infrastructure planning for more locally integrated renewable solutions) and for the uptake of innovative renewable fuels such as advanced biofuels or RFNBOs. Both tools are thus complementary and mutually reinforcing.

    The interaction between the approach to energy efficiency and renewable energy shows broad coherence, reflecting the fact that both instruments can promote electrification in line with ESI strategy and stronger efforts on energy efficiency are necessary for a cost effective deployment of renewable energy in view of meeting both energy and climate targets.

    Carbon price signals contribute to the penetration of renewable energy in the power sector as confirmed in the last years, demonstrating full synergies of both regulatory and market instruments. If the political decision is to not extend the ETS to other sectors (e.g. buildings and transport), further strengthening of regulatory measures, including in the field of renewable energy, would be needed to increase the main decarbonisation efforts.

    The measures considered under ReFuel EU Maritime and under the Refuel EU Aviation initiatives have been fully considered in this IA and would contribute towards the achievement of the target for renewable energy in transport. If these measures were not adopted, the promotion of renewable fuels and low carbon fuels in the aviation and maritime sectors would depend largely on the RED. In absence of the uplift obligation considered under the Refuel EU aviation initiative, the effectiveness of a dedicated supply obligation for sustainable aviation fuels, however, would be negatively affected, at least in the long term. It should therefore be considered to continue with the use of multipliers to incentivise the uptake of renewable fuels in both the aviation and maritime sectors.

    In addition, a continued accountability and action by Member States for national emission reductions in these sectors, incentivised by national targets under the ESR, would be even more important as an ultimate safeguard. The synergies between the ESR and renewables regulatory tools would become even more important.

    Generally, a targeted strengthening of the EU bioenergy sustainability criteria can bring co-benefits for other land-related policy objectives, such as biodiversity conservation and protection of the forest carbon sink, and it is therefore coherent with the parallel revision of the LULUCF Regulation and the ETS. In particular, the measures considered under the review of the LULUCF Regulation have been fully considered in this impact assessment and would contribute to a better protection of areas of high carbon and biodiversity values, such as primary forests and old grown forests. As such, a targeted strengthening of the REDII bioenergy sustainability criteria and a more ambitious LULUCF Regulation are mutually supportive and reinforcing in protecting carbon and biodiversity rich areas, while ensuring sustainable harvesting levels and contributing to enhancing the LULUCF sink.

    A complementary document to the full set of individual impact assessments looking at the effectiveness, efficiency and coherence of the final package accompanies the “Fit for 55” proposal.

    8.6.REFIT (simplification and improved efficiency)

    Given its relatively recent adoption, this review of REDII is limited to what is considered necessary to contribute in a cost-effective way to the Union’s 2030 climate ambition, and is not a full revision of the Directive. Identified possibilities for simplification of legislation and reduction of regulatory costs are:

    REFIT Cost Savings – Preferred Option(s)




    Renewable energy target for transport


    Overlaps between FQD and REDII should be eliminated, leading to greater efficiency and lower costs for administrations.

    9. How will actual impacts be monitored and evaluated?

    Monitoring and evaluation of progress towards the policy objectives should be done using, to the greatest extent possible, existing instruments and data already available from Eurostat. In addition, new official statistics will need to be developed to monitor renewable energy in areas covered by the revision of REDII such as renewable cooling, renewable energy in buildings, industry, RFNBOs, hydrogen, trade of bio-methane and biofuels and Member States should ensure they can produce high-quality statistics. Additional monitoring requirements can be covered through other means, including the Energy Union governance framework.

    Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action established an integrated energy and climate planning, monitoring and reporting framework, which allows monitoring progress towards the climate and energy targets in line with the transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement.

    Under the Governance Regulation, Member States had to submit to the Commission their integrated national energy and climate plans by the end of 2019, covering the five dimensions of the Energy Union for the period 2021-2030. For renewable energy, the plans had to contain information on progress towards the Union’s overall 2030 target of at least 32%, estimated trajectories for the sectoral share of renewable energy in final energy consumption from 2021 to 2030 in the electricity, heating and cooling and transport sectors as well as information on their policies and measures to achieve the targets.

    The Commission assessed the plans and concluded that collectively, they achieved the EU binding target for renewable energy 240 . The assessment of the individual plans led to the issuing of specific recommendations to the Member States 241 . In addition the Commission can, if need be, propose further Union level measures to ensure targets are collectively achieved 242 .

    Member States must report biennially on the progress made in implementing the plans, including on climate, renewables and energy efficiency. In addition, by 30 June 2023 they must notify the Commission of their draft updates of the plans, with the final updates due on 30 June 2024. This update would cover any new targets agreed in the revision of REDII.

    The reporting system under the Governance Regulation is considered to have been effective in monitoring Member States’ progress towards the Union and national level renewable energy targets. The Governance Regulation also gives the Commission tools for dealing with both an ‘ambition’ and a ‘delivery’ gap which are considered adequate.

    The transposition and implementation of the Directive will followed up by the Commission after the transposition deadline, through checking the notification of national measures and whether they correctly transpose the provisions of the Directive, with infringement procedures launched if necessary.

    In addition the Commission will work with the Member States through the Concerted Action on the Renewable Energy Directive which provides a structured dialogue on transposition as well as providing a forum for the exchange of best practice.

    10. List of tables and figures

    List of tables

    Table 1 - Overview projected sector shares; Source ESTAT, PRIMES    

    Table 2 - Renewable energy shares in core scenarios; Source: PRIMES, ESTAT    

    Table 3 - Results of MIX-LD scenario; Source PRIMES    

    Table 4 - Average annual Energy System Costs in the scenarios (excluding carbon pricing payments and disutility costs); Source PRIMES    

    Table 5 - Average annual Energy System Costs (including carbon pricing payments and disutility costs); Source PRIMES    

    Table 6 - Impacts on security of supply and fossil fuels imports bill savings; Source PRIMES    

    Table 7 - Investment in REF and core policy scenarios (2021-2030 annual averages, billion € 2015); Source PRIMES    

    Table 8 - Energy-related expenses in 2030 (excl. disutilities); Source PRIMES    

    Table 9: National RES-H&C shares and impact on buildings-related expenditure (as share of private consumption); PRIMES,EC own calculations    

    Table 10: National RES-E shares and impact on investment needs in renewables in power generation and on electricty prices; Source: PRIMES, EC own calculations    

    Table 11 - Renewable shares per Member States under various criteria; Source, EUROSTAT, PRIMES,EC calculations    

    Table 12 - Interaction of the 2030 GHG ambition with renewable energy share and energy savings    

    Table 13 - GHG emission reduction in buildings in 2030; Source: PRIMES    

    Table 14 - 2020-2030 average RES H&C figures for different scenario per MS; PRIMES EC own calculations    

    Table 15: Comparison of Financial data for different DHC supply technologies    

    Table 16 – Costs related to energy use in transport; Source PRIMES    

    Table 17 - GHG reductions in transport sector; Source PRIMES    

    Table 18 - Direct jobs created in renewable fuel industry; Source: “Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration” ENER/ C1/2020-440    

    Table 19: Illustration of RFNBO accounting on overall RES Shares; Source PRIMES    

    Table 20 - Effectiveness    

    Table 21 - Area of primary forests in EU countries. Forest area according to FOREST EUROPE (2020).    

    Table 23 - Area of primary forests in EU (Sabatini et al. 2020) and percentage falling in Natura 2000 sites (EEA 2020) and in IUCN protected areas    

    Table 23 - Share of consumption of woody biomass for energy by plant size class    

    Table 24 - Number of biomass plants by size and Member State    

    Table 25 - Incentives in power generation sector and electricity prices; Source PRIMES    

    Table 26 - GHG reduction in power generation; Source PRIMES    

    Table 27 - Comparison of policy options    

    Table 28 – Efficiency and impacts of core scenarios and MIX-H2 variant; Source PRIMES, GAINS models    

    Table 29 - Differences between scenarios MIX and MIX-LD capturing RED revision; Source PRIMES, EC calculations    

    List of figures

    Figure 1 - RED II Interactions with other key legislation affecting Renewable Energy    

    Figure 2: Intervention logic    

    Figure 3 - Overview of policy options    

    Figure 4 - Gross inland consumption in the core scenarios; Source PRIMES    

    Figure 5 - Share of energy carriers in final energy consumption; Source ESTAT, PRIMES    

    Figure 6 - Macro-economic impacts of core scenarios; Source GEM-E3    

    Figure 7 - Energy-related expenses in 2030 (excl. disutilities) as % share of private consumption; Source PRIMES    

    Figure 8 - Macro-economic impacts of core scenarios; Source GEM-E3    

    Figure 9 - Decomposition of the renewables share in heating and cooling; Source EUROSTAT, PRIMES    

    Figure 10 - Final energy consumption in buildings; Source PRIMES    

    Figure 11 - Final renewable energy consumption in total building stock (ktoes); Source PRIMES    

    Figure 12 - Final energy per energy carrier in residential heating and cooling demand-MIX; Source PRIMES    

    Figure 13 - Evolution of end user energy prices for households in scenario MIX; Source PRIMES    

    Figure 14 - District heating fuel mix and cogeneration share in 2018 (Source: Study by Tilia under ENER/C1/2018-496)    

    Figure 15 - EU-27 District heating supply fuel mix in 2018(Source: Study by Tilia under ENER/C1/2018-496)    

    Figure 16 - Fuel input in district heating units and total production of derived heat in distribution networks (in ktoe); Source PRIMES    

    Figure 17 - French 2030 objectives in DH development (total and low-carbon/green)    

    Figure 18 - disaggregation of DHC systems, including energy carriers; Source    

    Figure 19 - Approximate newly established and total amount of district heating systems in the 14 countries of HRE4 and Denmark needed for fulfilling the potential of distribution grid investments below 4 EUR/GJ; Source: Heat Roadmap Europe    

    Figure 20 - Installed capacity by age (GWh) District heating and supply; Source [ongoing ENER/C1/2018-494 Renewable Space Heating Study ]    

    Figure 21 - RES-T share in core scenarios; Source PRIMES    

    Figure 22 - Energy consumption in transport (incl. international aviation and maritime) in the EU; Source PRIMES    

    Figure 23 - Share of alternative fuels in Transport (incl. aviation and maritime navigation); Source PRIMES    

    Figure 24 - Production costs and prices of different types of renewable and low carbon fuels; Source “Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration” ENER/ C1/2020-440    

    Figure 25 - GHG emission reduction costs of different types of renewable and low carbon fuels (excl. ILUC effects); source “Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration” ENER/ C1/2020-440    

    Figure 26 - Example - Average EVs daily consumption profile, for different DR strategies.    

    Figure 27 - CO2 emissions, compared to Baseline    

    Figure 28: RFNBOs use in energy system; Source PRIMES    

    Figure 29 - Estimated cost reduction for renewable hydrogen from offshore wind in Europe until 2030 (Source: Hydrogen Council, 2020)    

    Figure 30 - Balance of renewable generation potential and demand with electricity for hydrogen in Europe 2050    

    Figure 31 - Biomass-waste use in Gross Available Energy in core scenarios and Reference, Source: PRIMES    141

    Figure 32 - Net annual increment, removals, and fellings in the EU FAWS. Source: Camia et al. 2018    143

    Figure 33 Share of installations and share of consumption by installation size    144

    Figure 34 Consumption of woodchips and pellet by use and installation size    145

    Figure 35 - Map of primary forests cross the EU; Source: Sabatini, FM, Burrascano, S, Keeton, WS, et al. Where are Europe’s last primary forests? Divers Distrib. 2018; 24: 1426– 1439.    147

    Figure 36 - Share of forest undisturbed by man in the total forest area, by country, Forest Europe 2020    148

    Figure 37 – Area and global share of primary forest in top 10 countries (and EU27). Source: Global FAO forest cover    149

    Figure 38 – Gross electricity generation in the EU; Source EUROSTAT, PRIMES    158

    Figure 39 - Installed power production capacities; Source EUROSTAT, PRIMES    159

    Figure 40 - Final energy demand in industry for H&C by end use (EU28, 2015); Source: Heat Roadmap Europe    168

    Figure 41 - Energy costs as a share of total production costs for different sectors in 2017; Source EC    168

    Figure 42 - Final energy consumption in industry; Source PRIMES    171


    COM(2020) 562 final


    European Parliament resolution of 15 January 2020 on the European Green Deal (2019/2956(RSP))


    European Council conclusions of 11 December 2020,


    COM (2019) 640 final


    SWD (2020) 176 final


    COM (2020) 299 final, 10 July 2020


    COM(2020) 301 final, 10 July 2020


    RLF include sustainable biofuels and biogas, renewable hydrogen and hydrogen based fuels as well as non-renewable fuels with low GHG emission intensity


    COM (2020)662 final


    COM (2020)741 final


    COM (2020) 80 final




    COM(2020) 690 final


    The 1.3 percentage point can be fulfilled by up to 40% with waste heat and cold from district heating and cooling, if a Member State chooses so. The “pure” renewable heating and cooling target is an indicative 1.1 percentage point annual average increase, when a Member State chooses not to use waste heat and cold from district heating and cooling. Member States can justify not meeting the indicative target when due to structural barriers, such as high share of gas, cooling or disperse settlement structure, this would be too expensive.


     For District Heating and Cooling, Member States must promote renewables by fulfilling a 1 percentage point annual average increase in the period of 2021-2030 (which can be up to 100% met with waste heat and cold) or as an alternative, may implement third party access to district heating networks for renewables, high-efficiency cogeneration and waste heat/cold suppliers. Third party access is subject to several exceptions, which can be granted for example for systems meeting the efficient district heating and cooling definition, or systems below 20 MW threshold. Member States with low district heating penetration below 2% are exempted from these provisions.


     Including a multiplier of 4 for road transport, a multiplier of 1.5 for rail transport, a multiplier of 1.2 for maritime and aviation transport, and a multiplier of 2 for biogas and advanced biofuels produced from feedstocks listed in Annex IX (parts A and B)


      Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 (European Climate Law)


    The Climate Target Plan points to the need to increase the use of sustainably produced biomass to achieve the 2030 and 2050 targets, while minimising the use of whole trees and food and feed-based crops for energy .The Biodiversity strategy sets the following objectives, amongst others: ‘strictly protecting at least 10% of the EU land area, including all remaining EU primary and old-growth forests’, and ‘planting at least 3 billion additional trees in the EU by 2030, in full respect of ecological principles’. Concerning energy, the Strategy states that: The EU will prioritise solutions such as ocean energy, offshore wind, which also allows for fish stock regeneration, solar-panel farms that provide biodiversity-friendly soil cover, and sustainable bioenergy’. In this respects it recalls that: ‘The revised Renewable Energy Directive includes strengthened sustainability criteria and promotes the shift to advanced biofuels based on residues and non-reusable and non-recyclable waste. This approach should continue for all forms of bioenergy. The use of whole trees and food and feed crops for energy production – whether produced in the EU or imported – should be minimised’. The Strategy mandates the JRC to conduct a study on the use of forest bioenergy, including potential risks of unintended biodiversity and climate impacts, with the view to inform the review of REDII and the LULUCF Regulation.


    COM(2020) 952 final


    COM(2020) 564 final


    EU 27 RES share in heating and cooling was at 16.79 % in 2009.


    Assessment of the heating and cooling related chapters of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), Toleikyte, A., Carlsson, J., JRC Technical Report, 2020.


    The transport sector depends to 94 % on fossil fuels


    Including multipliers


    While renewable fuels consumed in the aviation and maritime sector are counted towards the numerator of the formula (with a weighting of 1.2) that is applied to determine the share of renewable energy in transport, the consumption of kerosene and heavy fuel oil is not considered in the denominator, which reduces the ambition level of the target.


    Impact Assessment accompanying the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions ‘Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition -Investing in a climate-neutral future for the benefit of our people’, SWD(2020) 176 final.


    Including multipliers as per current methodology


    The increase of RES in the EU has greatly contributed to increased security of supply by replacing imported fossil fuels from third countries. This process will continue including with the electrification of transport. However, it will present its own challenges in terms of resilience of critical infrastructure, hybrid threats and cybersecurity, and the resilience of RES supply chains. This aspect has not been addressed in detail in this Impact Assessment. DG ENER has launched a study on “Resilience of the critical supply chains for energy security and clean energy transition during and after the COVID-19 crisis” which is ongoing


    COM (2020) 789 Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy – putting European transport on track for the future


    Navigant 2020, ‘Technical assistance in realisation of the 5th report on progress of EI renewable energy’.


    The use of woody biomass for energy production in the EU, EUR 30548 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020


    Impact assessment to the Climate Target Plan (SWD/2020/176 final)


    The term “whole-tree harvesting” is used to indicate the practice of cutting the entire above ground portion of a tree and removing it from the forest, including the main trunk tops and limbs, branches and needles, and sometimes even stumps and roots.


    According to an analysis by the European Environment Agency, the increase of use of renewable energy led to a decrease of SO2 and NOx emissions by 6% and 1% respectively in 2017 compared to a 2005 baseline. In contrast, it led to an increase of PM2.5 and NMVOC emissions of 13% and 4% respectively, which is estimated to have occurred in all Member States except one, where the use of biomass has decreased. The EEA explains this relative increase by growing bioenergy use over the period in the EU. Since, in most cases, biomass is used for domestic heating, the EEA concludes that this is likely to have led to increases in PM2.5 concentrations.


    Directive 2004/107/EC aimed at reducing concentrations of pollutants in ambient air, Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality, Directive 2001/80/EC on Large Combustion Plants and Directive (EU) 2016/2284 on National Emission Ceilings.


    CPRICE scenario achieved GHG55 but at very high carbon price imposed on end consumers. This scenario was largely dismissed.


    Regardless of timing of specific initiatives – please see also Annex 4 explaining how “Fit for 55” initiatives are captured in the core scenarios.


     REF reference COM/2021/X


     Regulation (EU) 2018/1999


    The REF incorporates in much more detail (than the CTP Baseline) Member States’ policies and objectives as put forward in their NECPs and makes assumptions on the impact of the COVID crisis linked to most recent macro-economic forecasts. Concerning renewables deployment, the most salient feature is the increased Member States’ ambition in terms of renewables deployment in transport. Increased consumption in the buildings sector in 2020 (due to COVID-19) should also to be noticed as it has an impact on RES H&C shares (i.e. lowering them).


    The gross final energy consumption is the energy used by end-consumers (final energy consumption) plus grid losses and self-consumption of power plants. This indicator is calculated on the basis of Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.


    Primary energy consumption reduction projections in REF (32.7%) are, however, close to the agreed target for 2030. This is not in line with the Commission’s assessment that indicates that the gap in final energy consumption is mirrored by the gap in primary energy consumption. The REF projections, however, capture the latest evolutions in the power generation, notably coal phase-out (not fully reflected in the NECPs) and the latest technology outlook for renewables in power generation (notably smaller role of biomass).


    COM/2020/564 final


    In June 2021, the ETS price is around 50 EUR/tCO2eq.


    Where results of the Open Public Consultation are given as percentages, this refers to the replies given to individual questions and not to percentage of the total number of replies.


     Based on the assessment of the National Energy and Climate Plans: COM (2020) 564 final. 


    RES Shares need to reach 38-40% in 2030: .


    EU Leaders Council conclusions: .


    Plus one Member State responding separately


    NECPs showed only a modest 0.9% point increase


    Article 23 of REDII includes an indicative average increase for the 2020-2030 period for all MS specifically for the whole H&C sector. There is no inclusion of an EU level RES H&C target or targets for buildings or industry


    Concerted Actions of the Renewable Energy Directive: CA-RES. The CA-RES usually holds two sessions per year.


    Integrating renewable and waste heat and cold sources into district heating and cooling systems. Case studies analysis, replicable key success factors and potential policy implications. Study performed by Tilia for JRC, 2021., see also Enabling Positive Energy Districts across Europe: energy efficiency couples renewable energy, JRC, Shnapp, S., Paci, D., Bertoldi, P., 2020.


    See for example: Towards a decarbonised heating and cooling sector in Europe. Unlocking the potential of energy efficiency and district energy, Aalborg University, Denmark, November 2019. See also the results of EU supported projects, e.g. Hotmaps (Aalborg and alia), RELaTED, WEDISTRICT, CELSIUS projects, etc.


    Overview of District Heating and Cooling markets and Regulatory Frameworks under the Revised Renewable Energy Directive, ENER/C1/2018-496, ongoing.


    Assessment of Heating and Cooling Related Chapters of the National Energy and Climate Plans, JRC, Toleikyte, A., Carlsson, J, 2020.


    District heating is already significant in Northern, Central- and Eastern Europe and the Baltic States; it is being increasingly deployed in Western Europe. District heating has also important potentials in the Northern part of Southern MS, while district cooling have the potential to relieve pressure stemming from increasing cooling needs in Southern Europe and the warmer regions of other European countries, including the Nordics. Only Malta and Cyprus does not have any DHC in their territories.


     Interaction of District Heating with the Electricity System, Provision of Balancing Services, JRC, Jiménez-Navarro, J.P., Boldrini, A., Kavvadias, K., Carlsson, J, 2021. Heat Roadmap Europe


    In the context of the Concerted Actions of the Renewable Energy Directive.


    The Commission had proposed to abolish all multipliers.


    The way to calculate the target e.g. the use of multipliers may be streamlined in a way that sets the right incentives and reflects political priorities but leaves the overall ambition unchanged.


    Article 7a of the Directive 2009/30/EC


    The level of ambition for advanced biofuels has been reduced and level of RFNBOs has been increased in options 1A and 1B compared to the Climate Target Plan based on the commitments set out for advanced biofuels in the NECPs and taking the objectives of the H2 strategy for RFNBOs into account.


    Article 30(4) REDII


    Chiaramonti, D., Talluri, G., Scarlat, N. and Prussi, M., The challenge of forecasting the role of biofuel in EU transport decarbonization at 2050: a meta-analysis review of published scenarios, RENEWABLE and SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, ISSN 1364-0321 (online), 139, 2021, p. 110715, JRC121788.


    According to REDII, not the RFNBOs but the renewable electricity used to produce the RFNBOs is counted towards the overall target for renewable energy, which disincentives cross border trade.


    Commission (2020), An EU Strategy to harness the potential of offshore renewable energy for a climate-neutral future, COM (2020)741.


    For instance, within in the High Levels Groups for North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) as well as the Baltic Energy Interconnection Plan (BEMIP).


    Eurostat (2020) Energy Balance Sheets EU27, June 2020.


    Further variants were developed with the METIS model for the specific options aiming at assessing the contribution of demand-response measures (including dedicated RES-based signals to consumers) to enhance the integration of renewable electricity use in transport, heating and cooling as well as other electricity end-consumption featuring demand side flexibility.


    Core scenarios project only a small uptake of hydrogen in 2030 but more significant in 2035.



     As described in Chapter 5, the MIX-LD (MIX-Lost Decade) variant was developed to assess impacts of the absence of revision of RED. This variant removed all drivers representing REDII revision while “freezing” all other policies (in particular carbon pricing) at their level of ambition/stringency as modelled in MIX. 


    Disutility costs measure the difference in the use of energy services compared to a counterfactual scenario using the income compensating variation method.


    Transport investments in PRIMES include vehicles replacement and are therefore not directly related to additional decarbonisation costs.


    For complete discussion, please refer to IA accompanying ESR revision.


    For analysis of renovation rates, please refer to IA accompanying revision of EED.


    PRIMES model has only information rated to income groups in its buildings module.


    If no change of policies was assumed


    Very similar MS results can be observed in all core scenarios. Consequently, this section discusses only the national results of MIX scenario.


    Excluding biomass


    Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2020/1294 on the Union renewable energy financing mechanism,


     EU 27 RES share in heating and cooling was 16.79 % in 2009.


    The share of renewables in district heating is 29%. Out of this 27% is biomass. Heat pumps have 1.2%, geothermal 0.7, and solar thermal 0.1%. Natural gas’ share is 30%, coal and peat have 27% (2018). These shares have been calculated based on Eurostat and Euroheat & Power data under the study ENER/C1/2018-496.


    Residential, service and industrial sector buildings combined.


    This share is calculated primary energy and includes the renewable sources and fuels used to generate electricity and district heating. In final energy, the share of renewables is 16%.


    The paper submitted by Energy Norway for example also mentions electrification of buildings and its dependency on energy efficiency and infrastructure.


    At the system level, the mainstreaming of renewable heating systems will present additional investment cost due to the relatively low prices of oil and especially gas boilers, which have benefited from decades of market scaling, still ongoing hidden and social price subsidies and a fully amortised gas distribution network built mainly with public money in the previous decades. These legacy advantages are difficult to model together, and the relevance of locally and temporally defined costs and benefits of specific heating technologies, which would give a positive comparison of renewable heating are also not sufficiently reflected. This requires modelling tools integrating hourly resolution for demand and supply and data from geographical information systems (GIS). Other constraints are the lack of comprehensive data sets of consumption and technologies of heating and cooling as these end-uses are not directly reported in Eurostat and national statistics, but must be calculated or derived from overall energy balances and other specific or sectoral statistics, such as the recently introduced Eurostat household statistics. Thus data sets do not cover all sectors, and existing data sets are not yet available for all Member States.


    non-weighted average of Solids, Diesel, oil, LPG, Natural gas, Biomass, Electricity and Steam


    SWD(2020) 176 final – Impact assessment accompanying the document “Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition - Investing in a climate-neutral future for the benefit of our people”


    Constant unit cost (per kWh) of a payment stream which has the same present value as the total cost incurred by installing and operating the energy/heat-producing installation over its lifetime.


     TU-Wien, Fraunhofer and alia, ENER/C1/2018-494, on-going


    Fossil heating systems CO2 emissions are based on JRC (Petten) analysis communicated under AA 2020-520.


    Air pollution reduction is conditional on the extent and quality of biomass use. Low quality and inefficient use of biomass can still result in significant particulate emissions. However, the interplay between the H&C options and the bio-sustainability options ensures that limitations are placed on the use of non-sustainable and inefficient use of biomass.


    Clean heat 2030, Strategy for heating, Forum Energii, April 2019, available at: file:///E:/Literature/Clean%20Heat%20for%20Poland%20strategia%20dla%20cieplownictwa_en_net.pdf



    Since cooling consumption has to be calculated


    Renewable cooling under the revised Renewable Energy Directive, ENER/C1/2018-493 on-going. Please note that cooling consumption is not reported in European energy statistics and have to be calculated from available data on cooling stocks, building surface areas, etc.


    Assessment of the heating and cooling related chapters of the NECPs, JRC (Petten) 2020, J. Carlsson, A. Toleikyte.


     The final energy consumption (FEC) for heating and cooling represented about 46% of the total final energy consumption in EU-27 calculated on the based on the Shares Tool (Eurostat Statistics) , which reflects national data collection and do not fully report all types of consumption.


    Above 50%, Member States has to achieve half of the renewable increase requirement, i.e. 0.55 percentage point per year (Article 23(2)(c) of RED II).


    Above 60%, Member States are not subject to the renewable increase requirement (Article 23(2)(b) of RED II).


     The Long Term Renovation Strategy of Ireland is one of the few integrated planning, which is mainstreaming renewables into the renovation of the building stock( )


    Including cities in the UK.


    Eurocities (2019) Cities Leading the Way on Climate Action


    Galindo Fernández, M., Bacquet, A., Bensadi, S., Morisot, P. and Oger, A. (2021). Integrating

    renewable and waste heat and cold sources into district heating and cooling systems, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-29428-3 (online), doi:10.2760/111509 (online), JRC123771


    Daniilidis A.; Alpsoy, B.; Herber, R. (2017) Impact of technical and economic uncertainties on the economic performance of a deep geothermal heat system


    PNO, JRC (2019), Identification of EU funding sources for the regional heating and cooling sector. Available at:  


    Kircher, K. Zhang, K. M. (2021). Heat purchase agreements could lower barriers to heat pump adoption. Available at:  


    Heat as a service project in Bristol example: ttps://


    Pantovic, V. S., et al., Rising Public Awareness of Energy Efficiency of Buildings Enhanced by »Smart« Controls of the In-door Environment, Thermal Science, 20 (2017), 4, pp. 1307-1319

    Ouhajjoua, N., et al., Stakeholder-Oriented Energy Planning Support in Cities, Proceedings, International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015, Torino, Italy, Vol. 78, 2015, pp. 1841-1846


    Davis, S. J. et al. (2016) Carbon Lock-In: Types, Causes, and Policy Implications.


    For these Member States, the average increase would be effectively lower than 1.1% and their starting point is less than the discounts that current exist under Article 23(1) of REDII


     MS RES H&C shares in REF20(based on NECPs) below the 1.1% average 2020-2030 binding target(or half the average annual increase for Member States above 50% and up to 60% of RES H&C shares in 2020) were increased to this level. MS above these thresholds were kept at the same level as REF20


    Based on Eurostat's GDP per capita index to the Union average over the 2015 to 2019 period, expressed in purchasing power standard


    As discussed in Section the RES H&C shares would translate to 1.3 pp-1.8pp depending on the core scenario


    For the purpose of Article 23(1) of REDII when calculating the share of renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector and its average annual increase Member States with renewable shares above 50% and up to 60% may count such share as fulfilling half of the average annual increase. For Member States with renewable shares above 60% may count any such share as fulfilling the average annual increase


    A general numerical level of minimum RES use in national building stocks as a percentage of the overall energy use


    Overview of district heating and cooling markets and regulatory framework under the revised renewable energy directive, ENER/C1/2018-496, Tilia, Fraunhofer, TU-Wien, IREES – ongoing; Integrating renewable and waste heat and cold sources in district heating and cooling systems, Case studies analysis, replicable key success factors and potential policy implications, External study performed by Tilia for the Joint Research Centre, 2021.


     Interaction of District Heating with the Electricity System, Provision of Balancing Services, JRC, Jiménez-Navarro, J.P., Boldrini, A., Kavvadias, K., Carlsson, J, 2021. Heat Roadmap Europe


    Cyprus, Malta do not have district heating systems. District heating capacity is statistically so small in Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain that there representation in chart is closed to zero. These countries were not included in Figure 16.


    Towards a decarbonised heating and cooling sector in Europe, Aalborg University Denmark, prepared under the Heat Roadmap Europe project, available at:


     The resulting Action Plan was presented in October 2019: Réseaux de chaleur et de froid: une filière d’avenir ( link to Press release ), see Tilia GmbH, Integrating renewables and waste heat and cold sources in district heating and cooling systems, 2021.





    Source: ENER/C1/2018-494, ongoing.


    KeepWarm: Renewing District Heating project (2020) Keeping our cities sustainably warm – facilitating a switch towards sustainable district heating


    Interaction of district heating and cooling with the electricity system, JRC, 2021. See also Towards a smart energy system approach in Europe – Enabling robust and renewable energy investment strategies, Smart Energy System and 4th Generation District Heating, Brian Vad Mathiesen, reINVEST project, 2017.


    Interaction of district heating and cooling with electricity system, JRC Technical Report, finalised draft with limited distribution, 2021


    Articles 25-27 REDII where specific caps and multipliers apply for different renewable fuels


    According to the Directive 2014/94/EU, ‘alternative fuels’ means fuels or power sources which serve, at least partly, as a substitute for fossil oil sources in the energy supply to transport and which have the potential to contribute to its decarbonisation and enhance the environmental performance of the transport sector. They include, inter alia: electricity, hydrogen, biofuels, synthetic and paraffinic fuels, natural gas, including bio-methane, in gaseous form (compressed natural gas (CNG)) and liquefied form (liquefied natural gas (LNG)), and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).


    Biogenic emissions are considered under the LULUCF accounting.


    Woltje et al 2017:


    Biofuels produced from wastes and residues will have the lowest indirect emissions if produced from feedstock which has little alternative uses. This will often be feedstock with physical characteristics that make it unsuitable for other uses. Turning such feedstock into biofuels, however, will also be more challenging and is often associated with slightly higher direct emission than using feedstock of higher quality with more alternative uses. Similarly, the mobilisation or production of additional feedstock will come with a higher direct emission impact than diverting feedstock from existing uses.


    BLE Evaluation and Progress Report 2018.


    The typical values set out in RED II for biodiesel produced from most types of vegetable oils are ~50%


    Cultivation emissions for biofuel feedstock differ between regions due to differences in the level because differences in the climatic. Selecting feedstock from regions with low cultivation emissions can significantly improve estimated emission intensity but does not reduce the emissions of the economy.


    EurObserv’er 2019 report


    According to Appendix 2 of the JEC WTW report version 5, bioethanol production continues to use natural gas a process energy.


    Ethanol plants capture CO2, which is used in the beverage industry but do not increase the overall demand for CO2 which means that less CO2 is captured in other industries.


    IRENA 2019: Renewable Energy and Jobs


    In case of hydrogen estimated costs for delivery of fuels in filling stations are included


    Sustainable Advanced Biofuels - Technology Development Report 2020;  


    LBST, E4tech, S.E.E.C. (2020): Modalities to foster use of renewable energy sources in the transport sector by the Energy Community Contracting Parties;  


    Administrative costs were obtained from the stakeholder consultation exercise in the framework of CLIMA.A4/FRA/2009/0011 support study. Stakeholders' views were collected through a targeted written survey and scoping interviews with industry and Member States.


    Estimate assume a labour cost according to Eurostat data: 37.1 average hours per week, 56 weeks in a year, €20 average hourly labour cost levels (plus taxes minus subsidies) in the EU-27 for administrative and support service activities [lc_lci_lev]


    See IA of Refuel EU Aviation initiative for details.


    About half of the publically accessible parking in EU is on-street; Scope of Parking in Europe – Data Collection by the European Parking Association (2013)


    Not affiliated to battery or vehicle manufacturers


    From a strictly legal interpretation of the provisions of the Directive (EU) 2019/944, EV-users are considered final-customers according to the definition in Article 2(3) of the Directive, since they purchase electricity for own use and would therefore be entitled to choose their electricity supplier.


    Sustainable Transport Forum, ‘Recommendations for public authorities on: procuring, awarding concessions, licences and/or granting support for electric recharging infrastructure for passenger cars and vans’, adopted on 26 November 2020. The STF was established by Commission Decision C(2015)2583.


    Link to Commission’s rollout plan for alternative fuels infrastructure, once published


    Link to study when published


    Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/94/EU


    Article 1 of Directive 2014/94/EU


    Article 33(1)&(2) of Directive 2019/944/EU


    Verwimp et al (2020). Technical support for RES policy development and implementation. Establishing technical requirements & facilitating the standardisation process for guarantees of origin on the basis of Dir (EU) 2018/2001. Available at: .


    Renewable and low carbon gases injected into a grid could be retrieved in a flexible manner at any other point of the grid provided the grid is interconnected.




    According to the Energy System Integration Strategy, low carbon fuels comprise also recycled carbon fuels and these fuels have a role to play in the transition phase of the decarbonisation of the energy sector. The promotion of recycled carbon fuels (fossil fuels produced from non-recyclable waste streams) is already possible today under the RED II Directive, on voluntary basis by Member States. Therefore, this Impact Assessment considers specific targeted support measures for specific sectors and the extension and revision of the accounting methodology, as well as more specific options to support the uptake of RFNBOs and low-carbon fuels in the different end-use sectors.


    Core scenarios project only small uptake of hydrogen in 2030 but more significant in 2035.


    This variant also took into account national Hydrogen strategies as well as “Opportunities for Hydrogen Energy Technologies considering the NECPs” by Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.


    To direct the use of RFNBOs to those industrial applications and in those Member States where hydrogen is a ‘no-regret’ option, the sub target should be calculated on the basis of the total hydrogen consumption in industry in 2030. This requires consideration of the consumption of hydrogen, which is produced on-site as a byproduct. Based on FCH JU hydrogen observatory, which collects this data annually, the total consumption of hydrogen produced as a by-product is 3 Mtoe (FCH JU, 2021). Based on this data, as well as estimations for hydrogen required for ammonia production in 2030, total hydrogen consumption in 2030 can be estimated as 14.52 Mtoe, excluding the use of hydrogen in refineries. Considering the RFNBO uptake of 7.64 in this sector, the total share of RFNBO in industry, excluding refineries, is estimated to be 52.6%.


    In MIX-H2 scenario there is also some 4 Mtoe of hydrogen as transformation input into e-gas and e-liquids.


    Without considering impact of reduced biofuels demand on LULUCF.


    Article 7(4)(a)


    Excluding carbon pricing and disutilities.


    COM (2020) 301 final“…In a second phase, from 2025 to 2030, hydrogen needs to become an intrinsic part of an integrated energy system with a strategic objective to install at least 40 GW of renewable hydrogen electrolysers by 2030 and the production of up to 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen in the EU…”


    For example, a greenhouse gas emission intensity of 46g CO2/kWh can result in a 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the use of fossil fuels. In comparison, the greenhouse gas emission intensity of electricity in the EU is still 226g CO2/kWh (EMBER (2021) EU Power Sector in 2020).


    Recital 90


    The roadmap assumes 7% of hydrogen blending, which is considered for industrial purposes instead.


    EU Hydrogen Strategy, COM (2020)301.


      final_insights_into_hydrogen_use_public_version.pdf (


    Hydrogen Council: Path-to-Hydrogen-Competitiveness, 2020


    Equivalent to about 5.40 €/kg or 16.3 ct./kWh, assuming an exchange rate of 1 $ = 0.9 €.


    Equivalent to about 2.34 €/kg or 7.1 ct./kWh, assuming an exchange rate of 1 $ = 0.9 €.



     Wuppertal Institut: Infrastructure Needs for Climate-Neutral Industry in Europe, Policy Brief, 10.06.2020. Available at (accessed on 02.02.2021)


    See also G. Kakoulaki, I. Kougias, N. Taylor, F. Dolci, J. Moya, A. Jaeger-Waldau, Green hydrogen in Europe – A regional assessment: Substituting existing production with electrolysis powered by renewables, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 228, 15 January 2021, 113649


    COM (2018) 773


    In PRIMES, bio-energy and waste (including non renewable waste) are reported together and projections cover bioenergy, renewable and non-renewable waste (the latter representing only small amounts).




    Bioenergy Europe 2016 – BASIS bioenergy project



    Smaller plants have the potential to use local waste and residues, with positive environmental (e.g. forest cleaning to avoid forest fires, use of biomass non-recyclable waste from industry or households) and social (additional revenues for small farmers) impacts


    ReCeBio’ project 2016.


    According to the modelling, the resulting gap in the feedstocks for bioenergy in the EU is, in this scenario, fulfilled by industrial by-products, mostly through a change in the feedstock composition within the pulp and board industries towards use of stem wood instead of by-products, and an increase in sawn-wood production, since sawmills become more profitable as the by-products are in high demand for bioenergy and achieve high market prices


    Eurobserver 2019


    Eurostat, National accounts employment data by industry


    Data from BASIS project, BioenergyEU, 2016


    Data for Austria is incomplete



    The renewables value is a shadow price, a signal of potential costs per unit of renewable energy not achieved (relative to the target) which is internalized in the optimized behaviours of actors and thus leads to higher renewables uptake. Renewables values do not describe in detail the renewables supporting policies, but are introduced if needed, in addition to the supporting policies, so as to complement them and reach the renewables target. The renewables value should not be confused with feed-in tariffs or green certificates. Renewables projects compete on equal economic grounds with other forms of energy.




     “Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration” ENER/ C1/2020-440, study performed by consortium led by Trinomics B.V.

    Impact Assessment for the revised Renewable Energy Directive [adapt to title of final report].


    For instance, the load factor of Denmark is nearly twice as high as the one in Cyprus. For solar PV, the most beneficial hosting countries under the given assumptions include Cyprus and Spain, as they feature high capacity factors and favourable WACC conditions. For onshore wind, the most attractive hosting countries are the Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Finland) as well as France.


    E.g. a joint offshore wind park as discussed between Estonia and Lithuania, where a project with a commercially viable size would likely be too large for one of the Member States to develop alone.


    AU RES II (2020), Central vs Decentral Policy Making for RES: the need for both and the role of RES Cooperation [presentation – update with final publication title expected by end March 2021]


    AU RES II (2020), Proposal for a cross-border auction design for Hungary.


    See also more detailed overview of benefits for contributing and host countries in AURES II (2020), The new renewable energy financing mechanism of the EU in practice, p. 11 ff.


    [Potentially add data on fuel avoidance from upcoming publication AU RES II (2020), Central vs Decentral Policy Making for RES: the need for both and the role of RES Cooperation (expected by end March 2021)]


    See also AURES II (2020), The new renewable energy financing mechanism of the EU in practice, p. 11 ff., while the benefits referred to also hold true for the other options of increased cross-border cooperation


    Also compare assessment in AURES II (2020), The new renewable energy financing mechanism of the EU in practice, p. 11 ff.


    From an offshore wind capacity of currently 12 GW to at least 60 GW by 2030 and to 300 GW by 2050 and for ocean energy to at least 1 GW by 2030 and 40 GW by 2050.


    Commission (2020), Impact Assessment accompanying the document proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure and repealing Regulation (EU) No 347/2013, SWD(2020) 346 final.


    COWI (2019), Study on Baltic Offshore Wind Energy Cooperation under BEMIP.


    Roland Berger (2019), Hybrid projects: How to reduce costs and space of offshore developments - North Seas Offshore Energy Clusters study.


    COWI (2019), Study on Baltic Offshore Wind Energy Cooperation under BEMIP.


    The CTP modelling does not integrate the energy and emissions savings coming from the circular economy, especially in hard-to-abate sectors like cement or steel


    Heat Roadmap Europe (2017) Profile of heating and cooling demand in 2015. Available at:  


    European Commission, (2020) Study on energy prices, costs and their impact on industry and households


    McKinsey & Company (2020) Net-Zero Europe



    McKinsey & Company (2020) Net-Zero Europe



    DG ENER (2019) Competitiveness of corporate sourcing of renewable energy.


    DG ENER (2019) Competitiveness of the renewables industry.


    Wyns et. al., (2019), Industrial Transformation 2050 – Towards an Industrial Strategy for a Climate Neutral Europe, IES


    CF & DIW (2020), Industrial Innovation: Pathways to deep decarbonisation of Industry. Part 3: Policy Implications


    It is important to note that these figures do not include main consumers of non-energy related resources such as refineries.


    The label had an influence in 79% of Europeans’ purchase choices when buying appliances, Eurobarometer 492, 2019


    International Trade Centre (2019). The European Union Market for Sustainable Products. The retail perspective on sourcing policies and consumer demand. ITC, Geneva


    The study covered France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.




      The Ecolabel index lists over 46 ecolabels globally ( )


    Price for for all final demand sectors, including refineries and energy branch


    Emissions estimates for 1990 are based on EU UNFCCC inventory data 2020, converted to IPCC AR5 Global Warming Potentials for notably methane and nitrous oxide. However, international intra-EU aviation and international intra-EU navigation are not separated in the UNFCCC data from the overall international bunker fuels emissions. Therefore, 1990 estimates for the intra-EU emissions of these sectors are based on (a combination of) data analysis for PRIMES modelling and 2018-2019 MRV data for the maritime sector.


    68€/tCO2eq in 2030 in MIX-CP scenario in the extended scope of the ETS and this still without significant impact on innovative renewable fuels uptake (that are essential for achievement of carbon neutrality.


    Communication on Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition - Com(2020)562

    (235) ;


    Without multipliers in all transport modes, including international aviation and international marine bunkers


    Without multipliers in all transport modes, including international aviation and international marine bunkers and hydrogen consumed in energy branch)


    2020 report on the State of the Energy Union pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action, COM(2020) 950 final



    Article 31 Regulation(EU) 2018/1999


    Brussels, 14.7.2021

    SWD(2021) 621 final




    Accompanying the

    Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council

    Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the promotion of energy from renewable sources, and repealing Council Directive (EU) 2015/652

    {COM(2021) 557 final} - {SEC(2021) 657 final} - {SWD(2021) 620 final} - {SWD(2021) 622 final}

    Table of Contents

    Annex 1: Procedural information

    Annex 2: Stakeholder consultation

    Annex 3: Who is affected and how?

    Annex 4: Analytical methods

    Annex 5: 2030 Climate Target Plan policy conclusions

    Annex 6: Discarded Options

    Annex 7: Detailed assessment for heating and cooling

    Annex 8: Overview biomass plans from National Energy and Climate Plans

    Annex 9: Biomass and bioenergy: Additional Information

    Annex 10: Changes to Directive 98/70/EC

    List of Tables

    List of Figures

    Annex 1: Procedural information

    Lead DG, Decide Planning/CWP references

    DG ENER, PLAN/2020/7536, 2021 Commission Work programme (under the “European Green Deal” headline ambition and as part of the “Fit for 55” package).

    Organisation and timing

    The review of RED II was announced in the European Green Deal Communication in December 2019.

    An Inter Service Steering Group was established which involved the following DGs: JUST, RTD, ENV, ECFIN, AGRI, SG, CNECT, TRADE, COMP, BUDG, LS, CLIMA, DEFIS, DEVCO, EMPL, EEAS, ESTAT, IDEA, FISMA, GROW, JRC, MARE, MOVE, REFORM, REGIO, SANTE and TAXUD. A total of 3 meetings were held, on 19 October 2020, 7 December 2020 and 2 March 2021.

    Consultation of the RSB

    Two “upstream” meetings were also held with the RSB. The first one, on 24 November, was with DGs CLIMA, ENER and MOVE on the ‘Fit for 55’ package, to ensure coherence. The second, on 12 January 2021, was specifically on the RED II and EED revisions.

    A draft Impact Assessment was submitted to the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB) on 10 March 2021. Following the Board meeting on 14 April 2021, it issued a negative opinion on 19 April 2021. After careful consideration and integration of the Board’s recommendations in the first opinion, a second improved Impact Assessment has been prepared and submitted on 28 April. After consideration of the resubmitted Impact Assessment the Board issued a positive opinion with reservations on 28 May 2021.

    The two Board’s recommendations of 19 April 2021 and 28 May 2021 have been addressed as presented below in the final Impact Assessment.

    RSB 1st Opinion of 19 April 2021

    Recommended improvements and how they were addressed.

    (1) The report should clearly define the scope of the initiative. It should specify how it aligns with the greenhouse gas reduction targets of the Climate Law, and how it follows or differs from the CTP modelling scenarios. On this basis, the report should make clear what are the open policy choices that this impact assessment aims to inform. The report should explain how the other ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives may affect the scope, choices or impacts of this initiative.

    ·The Board’s recommendation is very relevant and allowed to clarify the scope of this initiative and how it aligns and builds on CTP. To this effect, changes have been included in Chapter 5.2. to improve the text. The key findings of CTP and how they were fine-tuned in the “Fit for 55” core scenarios are now explained in Annex 4A. Chapters 1 to 6 where reviewed, clarifying and adding references to how the proposed measures will contribute to the Climate Law objectives that now enshrine the increased climate target for 2030.

    ·The general objective has been reviewed and now makes reference to CTP but does no longer mention the explicit range for overall RES share as other ranges are discussed too in Chapter 5.

    ·References to interrelations with other Fit for 55 initiatives were added in the section on overall ambition (interlinkage with ESR, EED and ETS revision), in the transport section (regarding ETS, ReFuel Aviation and Maritime) and in the bioenergy sustainability section (interaction with LULUCF). A more thorough assessment of interactions is presented in Annex 4.

    ·Changes have been included in both Chapter 6 and 7 (efficiency assessment) to explain how core scenarios illustrate the possibility of relying more or less strongly on regulatory instruments (notably supporting renewables uptake as assessed in this IA).

    (2) The report should present a much more thorough justification for proposing some of the measures. In the absence of an evaluation, the report should provide evidence supporting the identified problems, in particular as regards the insufficient energy system integration and bioenergy sustainability criteria. The report should better explain which problem drivers cannot be addressed by market based instruments (the extension of the emissions trading system to transport and buildings and the Energy Taxation Directive) and require further regulatory intervention at EU level.

    ·In order to address this important comment made by the Board, more clarity and distinction were provided between (1) the areas of action that are considered as essential and directly linked with the specific objectives (overall target, transport, H&C, system integration, bioenergy) and (2) those that are “flanking and enabling measures” (cross-border cooperation, offshore wind, industry – see Section 5.3.4), through an overall restructuring of options. For further improvement, a table explaining the new structure of policy options has been included in Chapter 5;

    ·Furthermore, the structure of options proposed was clarified and simplified, by deleting certain areas of action altogether (PPAs) and by streamlining the number of options within areas of action while reflecting better the intervention logic by checking the options against the problem definition and objectives;

    ·The key aspects of the Renewable Energy Directive today (Section 1.1) were also included and highlighted, the general objective of the IA was clarified and the interlinkages and the complementarity of the measures assessed with other instruments, notably carbon pricing, were discussed in more detailed (Chapters 5 and 6).

    (3) The report should clarify which measures are crucial to achieve the policy objectives and which are only ‘nice to have’. Given that parallel initiatives also contain measures regulating industry, transport and buildings, the report should better substantiate the rationale for proposing additional measures and demonstrate that they are needed to reach the objectives.

    ·The main options which are crucial to achieve the necessary contribution of RED to the CTP ambitions are in the field of heating and cooling, district heating and transport, as well as to implement the key actions of the Energy System Integration Strategy as well as the Biodiversity Strategy. They were separated from “flanking and enabling measures” as explained in answer to point (2). While keeping the same level of ambition, the new structure aims at facilitating the reading by separating between crucial options and flanking and enabling measures. As also mentioned under the replies under point (2) the structure of options proposed was clarified and simplified by reducing the number of options within areas of action and better clarifying the rationale for the remaining ones, without sacrificing the comprehensive exposition of the options.

     (4) The value added of some of the measures, specifically from the EU perspective, needs to be better justified in the report. In particular, for measures relating to heating and cooling that are by their nature deployed at a local level, subsidiarity considerations need to be clarified. The report should also justify the need for proposing menus of measures that are to be implemented by Member States.

    ·The above recommendation made by the Board led to re-work Chapters 3 and 7 in order to better describe the EU added value. Specifically in Section 3.3 it is explained that by acting at EU-level in combination with action at Member State level, barriers to public and private investments can be tackled more effectively. Notably, addressing the lack of coordination between various bodies at national level as well as improving administrative and technical capacity can incentivise cost-optimal deployment of renewables at city and community level, where issues such as heating, cooling and hot water use remain key and are not decarbonising rapidly enough.

    ·The section 3.3 was also improved by better explaining that simply setting targets at EU levels and leaving Member States complete freedom as to how to achieve them would not be an effective way to achieve the agreed targets, as has been recognised by the co-legislators when they agreed the specific measures in the current REDII and the Governance Regulation. It also risks causing distortions to the internal market, and would lead to a less effective preservation and improvement of the environment, one of the specific aims of Article 194 TFEU. All these measures, do not, however, impinge upon the important national prerogatives such as the Member State's right to determine the conditions for exploiting their energy resources, their choice between different energy technologies and the general structure of their energy supply.

    ·Section 7.5 on subsidiarity and proportionality was completely reworked to address the Board’s recommendation, by including the arguments in relation to subsidiarity and EU added-value, across options. For H&C, the argumentation was added about the paramount need to act in this sector as it will carry the largest effort in terms of renewables deployment while keeping flexibility to Member States. The link with Chapter 3 was also re-enforced.

    ·Section 7.5 concludes that the balance between obligations and the flexibility left to the Member States on how to achieve the objectives is considered appropriate in the light of what is needed for the increased climate ambition.

    (5) The impact analysis for measures regulating bioenergy seems too narrow. The report should analyse the effects on the bioenergy sector resulting from the increasing demand for renewable energy sources and clarify assumptions, uncertainties and potential risks. In particular, this relates to sectors that are difficult to electrify (e.g. aviation and maritime transport). It should analyse to what extent the increased demand for renewable energy could be satisfied from within the EU. The report should clarify whether the proposed sustainability criteria for biomass and the increased use of bioenergy (especially after 2030) are aligned to the Green Deal’s ‘do no harm’ principle, in particular for air pollution. It could be clearer on potential trade-offs with the revised LULUCF, the EU’s biodiversity strategy and the bioenergy sector, and how different interests are balanced.

    ·To address this critical recommendation, a number of important changes and clarifications were introduced. The problem definition has been extended with additional reference to the recent findings of the JRC report on woody biomass for energy. As requested by the Board, the issue of air pollution is raised in section 2.3 and in 6.7.2.

    ·The policy options have been clarified and linked to the political commitments under the European Green Deal and the Biodiversity Strategy (and the associated JRC report on woody biomass for energy). The section on future biomass demand and supply has been significantly developed in particular in section 6.7.1 with additional information on structure and development of demand (figure 32), and highlighted the situation in Member States in the NECPs. More detailed information on the administrative impact has been added in section 6.7.3.

    ·The section on the problem definition and key drivers has been further elaborated to address air emissions associated to biomass combustion. In the section on the assessment of the policy options, the discussion of potential trade-offs and synergies with the revised LULUCF and EU Biodiversity strategy have been further developed in the coherence section in 6.7.4 (specific box on interrelation with LULUCF).

    (6) The report should complete the analysis of impacts. Modelling results should be complemented by a more thorough (qualitative or quantitative) assessment of the considered individual measures, drawing on other available evidence. The report should clarify who is affected and how. In particular, it should show how effects are distributed across Member State. It should revise the presentation of the comparison of options. It should always compare options against the baseline and adjust the scoring accordingly. Options should be systematically compared to all assessment criteria, based on the impact analysis.

    Further quantitative assessment was included under assessment of the measures wherever possible. Specifically, for heating and cooling (Sections and district heating and cooling (Section more studies available from literature were highlighted. In these sections, it was stressed that a coordinated infrastructure planning with more involvement of local and regional authorities could result in important economic savings and avoid issues of mis-planning and resulting inefficiencies. This policy option provides an enabling tool for higher ambition in renewable heating and cooling, and increases the effectiveness of other measures – also the carbon pricing. It also enables coordination with the Long-term Building Renovation Strategies (Article 2a of the revised EPBD) and the Comprehensive Heating and Cooling Assessments (Article 14 of the EED and Article 15(7) of REDII). For the MS, the operating cost would be limited to the administrative costs to develop such global framework and the cost of pilot/demonstration projects 1

    ·The analysis “who is affected and how” was included in Annex III.

    ·In revised Section 7.1, the effectiveness of the options was summarized for the specific areas of intervention, including the scoring adjustments as requested by the Board. In addition, dedicated sections were developed on Coherence (Section 7.3) and administrative and monitoring impacts (section 7.4) while discussing the latter across Chapter 6 with more details specifically for H&C( Sections and DH&C( and in Annex 5.

    ·Impacts of certain options highlighted by the RSB, in particular bioenergy and certification were strengthened. In Annex 8, a specific example on impact on smaller installations producing electricity from woody biomass has been added.

    ·In some instances modelling results were used better, e.g. in Section (distributional impacts) and in Section 6.6.1 as MIX-H2 scenario was fine-tuned and thus more useful for discussion of policy options.

    (7) Views of stakeholders, in particular the dissenting and minority views should be better reflected throughout the report, including on the problem definition, construction of options and the choice of the preferred option(s).

    ·Additional references to stakeholder views (stakeholder boxes) were added to chapter 6 to reflect the Board’s recommendation, and the views of different stakeholder groups were described in more detail, differentiating between business / industry, NGOs, public authorities or other groups. In some cases including in the section 5.6 on discarded options, a justification was added justifying why stakeholder views supporting an option that was eventually discarded were not considered.

    (8) The report should improve the presentation of the estimated costs and benefits of the preferred option(s) and include a more comprehensive overview in Annex 3. As far as possible, the report should quantify the expected increase in administrative burden.

    · Further quantitative analysis has been added, including on administrative costs in Chapter 6. Annex 3 has been updated and the analysis from the REFIT table moved under it.

    (9) The methodological section (in the annex), including methods, key assumptions, and baseline, should be harmonised as much as possible across all ‘Fit for 55’ initiatives. Key methodological elements and assumptions should be included concisely in the main report under the baseline section and the introduction to the options. The report should refer explicitly to uncertainties linked to the modelling. Where relevant, the methodological presentation should be adapted to this specific initiative. In particular, the report should clarify that the modelling results show the impact of the assumed overall ambition level of measures, instead of the effect of the specifically proposed measures.

    ·The methodological section (Annex 6) was harmonized with the methodology document accompanying Fit-for-55 initiatives of DG CLIMA as already for previous submission both texts had several items in common. The Annex is now clearer in explaining the common methodological approach in modelling.

    ·The use of modelling results are explained better in Section 5.2.: policy options on the level of targets are aligned with core scenario findings and core scenarios show the impact of all “Fit for 55” initiatives combined. With respect to the latter, the MIX-LD variant offers a possibility to isolate the impacts of revision of RED only. The variant is discussed in Chapter 6.1.2 and well as in Chapter 7.2.

    ·Finally, Section 5.5 shows how variants are used for assessment of certain options (notably MIX-H2 on RFNBOs promotion and MIX-GAP on Member States top ups for RES H&C shares) and explains that some policy options analysed in this impact assessment revolve around the type or way of implementation, and not the level of ambition of regulatory measures. Implications on Member States RES shares for the overall and H&C sector were also included in Table 12.

    RSB 2nd Opinion of 28 May 2021

    1) The report should present a more thorough justification for proposing some of the measures. It should better explain which problem drivers cannot be addressed by market based instruments (e.g. the possible extension of the emissions trading system to transport and buildings and the energy taxation Directive) and require specific regulatory measures on renewable energy at EU level. It is not clear what problems the ‘flanking and enabling measures’ address. The problem description should be completed to cover the issues that these measures aim to tackle.

    ·In order to address this relevant comment made by the Board, further improvements under the problem drivers were made to highlight the need to tackle non-market barriers in end use sectors complementing the action of carbon pricing. The rationale for ‘flanking and enabling measures’ to support the cost-effective achievement the overall renewable energy target in 2030 is also further explained.

    (2) The report should better justify why it is necessary to introduce lists of measures on heating and cooling and on district heating and cooling, which are inherently national or even local responsibilities. It should justify why it proposes to make it compulsory for each Member State to introduce two of the measures for heating and cooling. The report should clarify the status of the list of measures for district heating and cooling.

    ·This important consideration raised by the Board has been fully taken into account. The text has been updated to reflect the possibility for Member States to choose between an extended list of measures without any compulsory measures. This would provide a tool box of measures and guidance in implementing the heat transition with full flexibility at national level. The latest design fully respects national and local diversities in conditions and starting points, and provide a clear framework for actors at all levels (national, regional, local) and of all types (from utilities and companies to municipalities to citizen consumers/prosumers). In addition, the district heating elements were substantially improved not just on the current aspects of REDII in Chapter 1 but in all sections across the document, specifically Chapters 5 and 6.

    (3) The report does not sufficiently justify the addition of new options on electric vehicle charging infrastructure. It should specify the problem these options aim to address and explain why they cannot be tackled under parallel Fit for 55 initiatives, notably the revisions of the alternative fuel infrastructure Directive and the energy performance of buildings Directive. The assessment on this point needs to be reinforced to better support the choice of preferred option.

    ·As recommended by the Board, the narrative and options on electric vehicle charging have been improved throughout the impact assessment to highlight better the problems and issues and how this revision, the AFID (Alternative fuel infrastructure directive) and the energy performance of buildings directive fit together in order to facilitate the electrification of the transport sector in the context of a integrated energy system. The assessment of the options was also re-enforced in all sections of the impact assessment to support the preferred option in Chapter 8.

    (4) The report does not sufficiently substantiate the lack of sustainability of bioenergy. It should better use available evidence to demonstrate why the current sustainability criteria are insufficient and possibly incoherent with the Biodiversity Strategy and the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry Regulation (LULUCF). The current argument that the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) do not sufficiently assess the impacts on LULUCF sinks and biodiversity is not convincing, as the modelling results show a substantial increase in demand for bioenergy only after 2030 (period not covered by the NECPs).

    ·The problem definition was revised to highlight the links with the Biodiversity Strategy and LULUCF and in particular the requirement of the Biodiversity Strategy to minimise the use of whole trees. The problem description was extended to respond to the need to minimise the use of quality stemwood for energy production. Additional arguments were added why a targeted strengthening of the criteria, based on the improvements made by RED II in 2018, are necessary.

    (5) The report should strengthen the analysis of impacts of the proposed measures on air pollution, in particular those regarding the renewables target for transport and the use of bioenergy. When analysing the environmental impact of the increased use of bioenergy, the report should not only make the comparison with the current situation, but also with other possible renewable energy sources. While the initiative focusses on 2030 targets, the report needs to discuss the coherence of the various measures with the decarbonisation goal for 2050 and other long-term policies (e.g. zero pollution action plan).

    ·Further references to the problem of air pollution were added in the section on problem definition, including on drivers and on the evolution of the problem, and in the chapter discussing the bioenergy options.

    (6) The report should present how measures have different impacts across Member States.

    ·In order to address this important comment made by the Board, we disaggregated further the impacts on Member States and included fuel expenditure and electricity prices per (group of countries of) Member States. Furthermore key Member States results of core scenarios such as RES-E and RES H&C were included and will be further complemented in the form of technical report.

    (7) While the comparison of options from the effectiveness angle has improved in the revised report, the comparative assessment of efficiency, coherence and proportionality is not presented in a straightforward way. The report should present all criteria in a synthetic, tabular form that would allow a better comparison of the options against the baseline. The comparison should be more specific and go beyond the aggregated modelling results and beyond general statements on coherence or the level of administrative burden.

    ·As suggested by the Board, in order to clarify further the options presented, the comparison of effectiveness was expanded to include, efficiency, coherence and proportionality in a consolidated manner. Furthermore, more clarifications were included beyond modelling results and table was re-worked to include MIX-H2 and highlight further MIX-LD results. The coherence and level of administrative burden sections in Section 6 were highlighted even further and cross-referenced with Section 7 which summarizes the assessment in the previous Section.

    (8) The report should transparently report on all stakeholder groups’ views (including diverging ones) on critical issues (for example on sustainability criteria). It should clearly explain how concerns have been taken into account.

    ·In particular in areas highlighted by the Board such as Heating & Cooling and the biomass sustainability criteria, the analysis of the stakeholder views was further fine tuned. In specific cases, references to stakeholder opinions were added in the summarising chapters 7 and 9, including when the preferred option did not follow the majority opinion by stakeholders. In the case of biomass, it should be highlighted that the opinions brought forward in the OPC and expressed during stakeholder consultations were very diverse.

    (9) The narrative on subsidiarity is not sufficiently nuanced in the report. The subsidiarity principle indicates that the EU may only intervene if it is able to act more effectively than EU countries at their respective national or local levels. Therefore, measures should be assessed from the point of view of being in conformity with the principle rather than whether the subsidiarity is impacted or not.

    ·As the Board pointed out, the conformity with the subsidiarity principle has been highlighted further in the relevant sections, such as (district) heating and cooling when assessing the options especially on the measures at national or local levels and also in section 7.5. As mentioned in point 2 above, the specific sections on (district) heating and cooling were further improved throughout the whole text.

    (10) The report is far too long and should be shortened in a manner that ensures effective information for policy makers.

    ·Further efforts were made to reduce the length of the document to keep the core elements of the assessment in the main document text, with additional information either shifted to the Annex or deleted if it did not provide clear added value.

    Evidence, sources and quality

    A study was commissioned from external contractors Trinomics to provide technical support for renewables policy development and implementation.

    The impact assessment carried out for the CTP was also part of the analysis.

    The Member States’ National Energy and Climate Plans and the Commission’s assessment and the 2020 Renewable Energy Progress Report also formed part of the evidence base.

    In addition the following studies also fed into the impact assessment:

    ·Technical support for renewables policy development and implementation: enhanced efficiency through sector integration

    ·Renewable Cooling under the Revised Renewable Energy Directive

    ·Renewable Space Heating under the Revised Renewable Energy Directive

    ·Policy support for heating and cooling decarbonisation

    ·Regulatory and market conditions of District Heating and Cooling

    ·Potentials and levels for the electrification of space heating in buildings

    ·Renewable Heating and Cooling Pathways, Measures and Milestones for the implementation of the recast Renewable Energy Directive and full decarbonisation by 2050

    ·Technical assistance to assess the potential of renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) as well as recycled carbon fuels (RCFs), to establish a methodology to determine the share of renewable energy from RFNBOs as well as to develop a framework on additionality in the transport sector

    ·Simplification of Permission and Administrative Procedures for RES Installations

    ·Establishing technical requirements & facilitating the standardisation process for guarantees of origin on basis of Dir (EU) 2018/2001

    ·Technical assistance for assessing options to establish an EU-wide green label with a view to promote the use of renewable energy coming from new installations

    ·Assessment of the potential for new feedstocks for the production of advanced biofuels (ENER C1 2019-412)

    ·Support for the implementation of the provisions on ILUC set out in the Renewable Energy Directive N° ENER/C2/2018-462

    ·The use of woody biomass for energy production in the EU (JRC report, published in January 2021)

    ·Scoping study setting technical requirements and options for a Union Database for tracing liquid and gaseous transport fuels

    Annex 2: Stakeholder consultation

    The Inception Impact Assessment (Roadmap) was published for feedback from 3 August to 21 September 2020 and 374 replies were received. There were responses from stakeholders from 21 Member States and 7 non-EU countries. Most responses came from companies or business associations, followed by NGOs, anonymous and citizens. Most responses came from Belgium (with a high share of European business associations located in Brussels), followed by Germany and France. A vast majority of the contributions reflected a positive attitude towards some type of revision of the Directive. For transport, heating and cooling, and building sectors, respondents called for the increase of shares of renewable energy sources with the development of specific targets in each of those sectors. On bioenergy, a majority of respondents were opposed or called for the limitation of the use of forest biomass as an energy source. Respondents insisted also on the necessity of focusing on the development of renewable hydrogen technology. The industrial sector called for the use of guarantees of origins to certify renewable energy and low-carbon fuels. A more detailed report is set out below.

    In addition, the Commission launched an online public consultation on 17 November 2020 for 12 weeks until 9 February, in line with the Commission Better Regulation rules. It contains multiple choice and open questions covering a wide range of issues on the revision of REDII. 39046 replies were received in total, although the vast majority of replies consisted of a standard reply to a single question (section 3.7.3) on the types of biomass permitted for bioenergy production, criticising the use of forest biomass. In terms of the other replies, an analysis is presented below…

    Stakeholder views were also gathered in two workshops, the first held on 11 December with sessions on the role of renewables in 2030 on the way to a carbon-neutral economy, heating and cooling, transport, industry, electricity, bioenergy and certification. The workshop was attended by around 500 participants from various industries, trade associations, lobby groups, as well as government institutions.

    On Monday 22 March, DG ENER (Units C1 and C2) organised a second stakeholder workshop in the context of the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2011) which gathered close to 1000 registered participants. Stakeholders were also consulted in more specific fora such as the Gas Regulatory Forum (14-15 October 2020), expert workshops on the decarbonisation of heating and cooling (26 November 2020 and 5 February 2021) and the Florence Electricity Forum (7 December 2020).

    Consultations with the relevant sectoral social partners were held in a specific hearing on the “Fit for 55” package held by EVP Timmermans and Commissioner Schmit on 1st July 2021.

    Synthesis report: replies to the roadmap of the inception impact assessment on EU renewable energy rules

    The Commission consulted stakeholders on the inception impact assessment (Roadmap) on the revision of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources via the have-your-say website from 03 August to 21 September 2020. This consultation was open to the public.

    The Roadmap had 374 replies, of which of which 220 came from companies or business associations, 43 from NGOs, 39 were anonymous, 29 from citizens (25 from the EU, 4 non-EU), 12 from environmental organisations, 12 from public authorities (mainly regional and local, only NL replied at ministerial level), 5 from academic & research institutions, 1from a consumer organisation, 1 from a Trade Union, and 11 “other”. In terms of where the replies were from, 102 came from Belgium, mainly due to the presence of representation offices to the EU institutions in Brussels. Many replies also came from Germany (49), France (30), The Netherlands (20), Italy (19) and Sweden (16). A smaller proportion of replies came from other Member States such as Finland (10), Spain (10), Poland (9), Denmark (6), Ireland (5), Croatia (3), Hungary (3), Portugal (3), Slovakia (3), Czechia (2), Slovenia (2), Greece (1), Luxembourg (1) and Romania (1). This consultation also gathered replies from non-EU countries such as the United Kingdom (8), the United States (7), Norway (4), Canada (3), Brazil (2), Armenia (1) and Indonesia (1).

    Figure 46 - Overview stakeholder replies per sector


    A vast majority of the contributions reflected a positive attitude towards the increase of the climate ambition set in the European Green Deal and towards some type of revision of the Directive. A small number of stakeholders pointed out the negative impact such an early revision of the Directive could have for the stability of the regulatory framework and investor certainty. A few were concerned about the cost of raising the targets for industry and consumers.

    Almost a third of replies explicitly indicated that the revision should raise the EU overall RES target. Fewer stakeholders had a position on whether national targets should be binding or indicative, a majority of them supporting that they are binding. The sectors most frequently mentioned as appropriate for revision were transport, bioenergy, heating and cooling, buildings, certification of renewable and low carbon fuels, and permitting procedures.

    Many respondents mentioned other EU legislative initiatives, which showed an awareness of the inter-connectedness of RES with other policies, such as the Energy Efficiency Directive, the EU Emissions Trading System, the Fuel Quality Directive, the Energy Taxation Directive, the Energy Performance of Building Directive, the Renovation Wave and the circular economy strategy.

    Transport sector

    Biofuels, biogas, biomethane

    NGOs & academia (15 contributions) tended to call for a stronger limitation of food and feed crops used for biofuels, an increase of the GHG threshold to at least 70%, the abolishing of all multipliers, the revision of Annex IX to exclude problematic feedstock such as crude tall oil, pre-commercial thinnings, round wood, pulp wood and tree stumps) and want only domestic Used Cooking Oil to be used for biofuels in the EU.

    Businesses & associations in the biofuels sector (64 contributions) called for the following list of measures: the increase of 14% transport target, the removal of the cap on 1G biofuels, the revision of Annex IX only to add new feedstocks, the removal of caps for all Annex IX feedstock, abolishing of double counting (although some voices want double counting to be maintained), and articles 29 – 31 should not be changed.

    Several companies (19 contributions) called for stronger support for biogas / bioLPG / Dimethyl ether / biomethane in transport. Furthermore, some propose changes to Annex VI to account for recent developments in the Anaerobic Digestion sector and the introduction of a minimum target for renewable gas.

    A few businesses and business associations called for the current set of rules to be continued. The EV industry (5 contributions) called for electrification to be favoured over biofuels (e.g. a minimum target for electrification of 3.5%) and an increase of the transport target. The City of Stockholm supported the use of biofuels as a successful strategy to reduce CO2 emissions from the transport sector.

    Hydrogen, RFNBOs (synthetic (e-) fuels), low-carbon fuels & gas, recycled carbon fuels, gas

    NGOs & academia (9 contributions) called for the use of green hydrogen only where electrification is not possible (e.g. maritime, aviation) due to the low energy efficiency of the process compared to electrification. They insisted that hydrogen must only be sourced from RES electricity and not from Steam Methane Reforming (blue hydrogen). Furthermore, some called for recycled carbon fuels (RCF) to be excluded from the transport target.

    Businesses & associations (23 contributions) called for the following list of measures: the removal of criteria in recital 90 2 as they are too restrictive, the establishment of minimum quota for green hydrogen /e-fuels in transport (e.g. 3.5%), the same treatment of synthetic fuels as electrification (same multipliers), the establishment of sub-targets for synthetic fuels in different sectors (e.g. chemicals, steel), the development of rules that support RCFs and counting of RCFs towards renewable transport target (other voices are against this).

    The Ministry of Transport of the State of Baden-Württemberg called for an increased transport target and sectoral sub-targets for hydrogen and e-fuels. One recycling company is concerned that RCFs might undermine EU recycling policy.

    Maritime and aviation

    Businesses and business associations (8 contributions) insisted that investments in R&D are needed in the maritime and aviation sectors for successful decarbonisation. Furthermore, they called for biofuels to be redirected to sectors that are difficult to electrify such as maritime and aviation, for example through minimum shares or multipliers for SAF / shipping fuels.


    Forest biomass

    Several NGOs, academics and citizens (20 NGOs, 15 citizens, and 2 academic institutions) are opposed to the use of forest biomass for energy, or called for its limitation by arguing that it leads to the destruction of forests, release of CO2 and air pollution. The measures they called for are: the restriction of the term “forest biomass” eligible under the directive to residues and wastes, no use of round wood for energy purposes, the exclusion of forest-derived biomass from REDII, correct, science-based accounting of emissions from energy from forest biomass, and the reduction of financial incentives and subsidies such as renewable support schemes, zero accounting in ETS for forest biomass.

    In contrast to NGOs and academic institutions, the IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme and its scientists had a more favourable view towards the use of forest biomass for energy. They argued that energy from woody biomass can contribute to climate change mitigation, as long as carbon stocks are maintained or enhanced. Furthermore, they pointed to the importance of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) negative emissions technology.

    Businesses and business associations (22 contributions) representing forest owners, the panel industry, the pellet industry and the power generation industry among others did not want a revision of Articles 29 - 31 to ensure the predictability of legislation. Furthermore, some called to implement the cascading use of wood principle.

    On the topic of forest biomass certification, one certification scheme (FSC) called for bringing the certification of forest biomass for energy under RED II in line with its work on certification.

    Heating and cooling sector

    A large number of stakeholders supported the review of RED II, also highlighting the need to review the H&C articles, especially the RES H&C targets. Business organisations pointed out the importance of implementation and the use of non-legislative instruments.

    Most stakeholders asked for a stronger H&C target of at least 50% share of RES by 2030 and called for a higher annual RES-H&C target of 3,1%. Stakeholders also called for making the H&C target in Article 23 binding. Several gas industry stakeholders called for quotas for green gas and renewable hydrogen and the inclusion of these new renewable fuels in the accounting for the RES H&C sub-target.

    Several stakeholder mentioned the importance of updating the target accounting for RES H&C to include various renewable sources and fuels and waste heat, including for heat pumps. They also pointed out the need to extend Article 4 on support schemes to H&C overall or to specific technologies and fuels.

    Several stakeholders called for prioritising district heating networks (DHC), together with buildings, to increase the uptake of renewables in HC. Better accounting for the DHC target and financial instruments are also called for. Stakeholders also called for encouraging the development of heating networks for sector integration benefits and flexibility.

    Dedicated financial instruments are called for to support energy infrastructures carrying renewable electricity and renewable heat to buildings and industry as well as regulatory and financial support for sector integration.

    Many stakeholders highlighted the importance of integrating waste heat better into the REDII framework, and to enable the use of local waste heat, but did not call for a specific waste heat target. Some of them argued that under Article 2(9) waste heat from any sources should be included and equated with renewables. Stakeholders also called for better supporting heat recovery from wastewater and sanitary hot water.

    Several stakeholders highlighted the central role of thermal storage in facilitating the expansion of renewable heating and cooling, sector integration, flexibility and aggregation and called for financial and regulatory support for its integration into the renewable framework.

    Several stakeholder asked for a clarification of the definition of renewable energy in Article 2 of REDII (inclusion of the heat content of waste water/sewage water, various green gases, geothermal, lithium).

    Many stakeholder demanded a stronger and more predictable framework for financial support and instruments for renewable heating and cooling projects.

    Many stakeholder mentioned the importance of sector integration, which to promote the combination of RES power, RES gas and RES heat, using also thermal energy storage, a solution well present, with low costs and with an enormous potential as an aggregator of different solutions.

    Several stakeholder call for the ban on fossil fuels and stress that the future role of natural gas for heating must be clarified and general plan for climate friendly alternatives established.

    Several gas industry stakeholders argued for a stronger focus on renewable gases such as biomethane, green hydrogen and synthetic gases.

    Some stakeholders argued that it is important to use general market instruments, either instead of tighter regulation or complementing this.

    Industry stakeholders of bioenergy sector highlighted the importance of sustainable biomass and biomass fuels in heating.


    A majority of stakeholders underlined the necessity of focusing on the development of renewable hydrogen technologies. However, some stakeholders claimed that hydrogen made from nuclear energy should be considered as clean hydrogen. A minority of stakeholders mentioned that the revision should encourage equally all different types of low-carbon gases, including blue hydrogen.

    A majority of stakeholders asked for the appropriate policies to accelerate and scale-up the deployment of hydrogen technologies. They pointed out the need to enhance cost reductions for electrolysers and scale-up electrolyser production. They argued this can be supported through public procurement policies, long term contracts and investment support in the early phase. Some stakeholders specified the importance of energy system integration in the framework of the development of RES with hydrogen.

    Some stakeholders called for a dedicated support scheme that should incentivise additional renewable electricity generation capacities to feed electrolysers that cover the essential needs for RE hydrogen.

    A majority of stakeholders favoured REDII and other relevant EU legislation having a clear, consistent, and transparent European definition of renewable hydrogen across all European policies and laws. One stakeholder called for strengthening this definition to include only surplus renewable electricity, which would, in turn, require increased investments in renewable electricity installations.

    Some stakeholders pointed out that specific targets for renewable hydrogen should be introduced in the transport and heating and cooling sectors. Among this group of responses, a few stakeholders called for a minimum quota of 5% green hydrogen and E-Fuels in the revision of the REDII use for industry. On the other side, a minority of stakeholders specified that technology specific targets should be avoided.

    Certification/ Guarantees of Origins

    Many respondents from the industrial sector called for the use of guarantees of origins (GOs) as the only tool to certify renewable energy and low carbon fuels that meet appropriate sustainability requirements.

    The majority of the views expressed can be classified into three main categories: extending the GOs to other gases such as ammonia; extending GOs to all energy sources; and abandoning GOs as a certification system.

    When it comes to hydrogen, a large number of stakeholders were in favour of a dedicated certification scheme that guarantees that all hydrogen used to contribute to the EU’s renewable energy targets comes from surplus renewable electricity.

    Buildings, Permitting procedures, Renewables self-consumers and Renewable energy communities

    There was a strong call to increase the share of RES in buildings, and some stakeholders suggested specific targets (50% of RES share in buildings, ensuring that 40% of heating is provided by heat pumps in 2030 and 70% in 2050).

    A number of respondents called for a clarification of the definitions of renewable energy communities (RECs) and citizen energy communities in the Internal Energy Market Directive (IEMD) and more consistency among Member States.

    Stakeholders were in favour of not reviewing the related legislation while supporting a smooth and prompt transposition by Member States. In that sense, stakeholders were in favour of a transposition into the primary legislation to make it more effective. It was also recommended that Member States should properly assess barriers to self-consumption and RECs. A business association proposed the introduction of targets for the development of SCs and RECs.

    Report of the Open Public Consultation

    Executive Summary

    The review of the Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001/EU (RED II) is part of a wider review process to align various directives to the ambition of the European Green Deal, where the Commission proposed to increase the greenhouse gas reduction target of the EU from 40% to at least 50%-55% by 2030, and to achieve climate-neutrality by 2050. The review of RED II considers the interactions that it will have with other EU strategies, such as the Energy System Integration and the Hydrogen Strategies, the Renovation Wave Strategy, the Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy, and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

    As part of the open public consultation (OPC) process the European Commission launched a questionnaire to collect views and suggestions from stakeholders and citizens concerning the revision of the Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (REDII). The questionnaire, which consists of 54 closed questions and 42 open questions, was uploaded on the EU Survey Platform at ). The questionnaire was open for 12 weeks, from 17 November 2020 to 9 February 2021.

    Key results


    ·The consultation attracted a total of 39,074 participants 3 , the vast majority of which responded in a personal capacity (38,404) while the remaining 670 represented an organisation 4 . Only four individuals stated they were not an EU citizen, while 54 organisations are not based in the EU;

    ·Among the organisations that participated in the questionnaire, the majority reported being business associations and companies (a total of 71%) while NGOs and environmental organisations represented 16% of the respondents;

    ·Concerning the participation of EU citizens, four countries (Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, and Sweden) submitted over 40% of the responses received, while the UK and the United States were the most represented non-EU countries;

    ·Central government or central agencies from 13 Member States participated in the survey: Belgium, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, and Sweden. Public Authorities at lower levels (regional and municipal) from France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden also replied, and a further response arrived from the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy;

    ·A large number of responses (38,313, 98%) came from a coordinated campaign that only answered questions 9.3 and 9.3.1 (concerning whether limits to the feedstock for biomass should be introduced, where participants from the campaign used an identical reply). During the analysis additional smaller coordinated responses groups were identified. Two further campaigns involved a total of 25 and 18 participants categorised as NGO and environmental organisations. The analysis of open-ended questions also identified 141 businesses participating in 28 separate coordinated campaigns involving 3 participants or more;

    ·Excluding the questions on biomass feedstock targeted by the large coordinated campaign, the first four questions of the survey are the most answered closed questions, while the open-ended questions with most answered is Q1.3.2, where participants were asked to explain why they think certain parts of RED II should be amended.

    First overview of results

    ·98% of participants state that renewable energy is either important or very important. The result is consistent across all stakeholders groups.

    ·RED needs to be modified to be more ambitious and prescriptive. There is a clear support for changes also among business organisations.

    ·Concerning what should change, the overall target and the target for transport are the two answers with the most votes. Other popular answers are provisions concerning low-GHGs fuels (sustainable low carbon fuels such as low-carbon hydrogen and synthetic fuels with significantly reduced full life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions compared to existing production), provisions to simplify procedures for developers and Guarantee of Origin requirements,. The associated open questions (what else should change) received many and broad answers. Emerging themes include the do-no-harm principle, the role of bioenergy, and mixed messages concerning the role of low-carbon options.

    ·All groups indicated a preference for an increased RES target, with 80 % supporting a level of the target of at least the level of the CTP (43% stating it should be in line with the CTP while 37% saying it should be higher). All groups expressed a very strong preference (64% or higher) for the target being binding at both EU and national level.

    ·Transport and H&C are the two sectors where additional efforts should be required, with most stakeholders groups selecting either one or the other as their most popular choice.

    ·The majority of participants (86%) are in favour of an increase in the target for renewables in transport, with 43% suggesting this should be more ambitious than the 2030 CTP, 34% that it should be as ambitious as the CTP, and 9% that it should be less ambitious. 

    ·On H&C, the majority of participants indicate that the current indicative target of  1,3% yearly increase of renewables in heating and cooling installations should increase (67%) and that renewable electricity should be counted towards the target (79%). Overall, participants slightly prefer a non-binding H&C target at MS level (51% to 49%), with wide variation among categories.

    ·Overwhelming support for stricter biomass sustainability criteria is found with NGOs, environmental organisations and individuals. T Coordinated by NGOs, 38.313 EU citizens, with a similar reply to one question, highlighted the fact that a serious reform should occur in EU bioenergy policies in order to not undermine climate, air quality, and biodiversity objectives and the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.

    ·Not considering the contributions from the above campaign, participants think sustainability criteria for the production of bioenergy from forest biomass should not be modified by a small margin (56% no to 44% yes), with clear splits among different categories.

    Summary of results from Section I – General questions on the review and possible revision of RED II 

    ·EU citizens and all stakeholder groups are in favour of amending RED to be more ambitious, prescriptive and biding, targeting better some sectors that are currently lagging behind.

    ·The importance of renewable energy is clearly recognised (98% of participants state that renewable energy is either important or very important). The result is consistent across all stakeholders groups;

    ·RED needs to be modified to be more ambitious and prescriptive. There is a clear support for changes also among business organisations. Regarding what to change, and not taking into account the specific case of bioenergy, the overall target and the target for transport are the two answers with the most votes on this specific question. Changes to the overall target is the most popular answer across all groups except consumer organisations (which expressed more often a preference for the transport target). Other popular answers to what should be amended are: GO requirements, provisions concerning low-carbon fuels, and provisions to simplify procedures for developers. The associated open questions (what else should change) received many and broad answers. Emerging themes include the exclusion or restriction of bioenergy, the do-no-harm principle, and mixed messages concerning the role of low-carbon options;

    ·Transport and H&C are the two sectors where additional efforts are requested, with most stakeholder groups selecting either one or the other as their most popular choice;

    ·All stakeholder groups indicated a preference for an increased overall RES target, with 43% stating it should be in line with the CTP while 37% saying it should be higher than the CTP. All groups expressed a very strong preference (64% or higher) for the target being binding at both EU and national level.

    Summary of results from Section II – Technical questions on Transversal Energy System Integration Enablers

    ·Stakeholders opinion concerning energy system integration is less clear, with opposite views arriving from different stakeholders groups and with the lack of neat preferences for most of the various measures proposed to support better integration:

    ·Participants were asked to rate the importance of different measures to build a more integrated energy system. Overall, all options proposed are considered either important or very important, with RE in buildings scoring the highest (93% combined) and biogas/biomethane the lowest (70% of participants rated it important or very important). The energy efficiency principle should be reflected in RED by promoting the use of waste heat and minimising energy transformation;

    ·Electrification of energy consumption would be better supported by investing in transmission and distribution networks and by developing further interconnectors and fostering digitalisation;

    ·Both individual and professional participants expressed the view that non-renewable low-carbon fuels should not be promoted or should be promoted less. There is a mixed support for encouraging the use of hydrogen and e-fuels produced from hydrogen. The more popular single answer was that they should not be encouraged, but the majority of participants are favourable to these with some limitations;

    ·Concerning the type of support measures for RES and low-carbon fuels, participants expressed a preference for market based support schemes. Supply-side quotas (the least popular answer) are still supported by the majority (57%) of respondents. Further answers (with fairly neat majorities) indicate that Monitoring and certification systems should ensure that GHG emissions are fully taken into considerations, GOs should be extended to renewable fuels and low-carbon fuels and renewable hydrogen should be added to the cooperation mechanisms;

    ·CCS should play a prominent role for industry and to generate negative emissions, but participants are split 50/50 concerning whether RED should be revised to encourage the uptake of CCS and CCU.

    Summary of results from Section III - Technical questions on specific sectors 


    ·Concerning measures to tackle the remaining barriers for the uptake of renewable electricity, participants rated streamlining permitting procedures as the most appropriate and urgent, with fostering regional cooperation as the second. Additional comments suggested increased support for renewable energy communities and self-consumption and demand-side management measures. The promotion of regional cooperation could instead be promoted by strengthening connection infrastructure and removing barriers to cooperation;

    ·In order to promote the use of private renewable power purchase agreements, removing administrative/legal barriers is considered the more appropriate measure, followed by financial solutions/instruments. Additional measures suggested include the use of existing certification systems and the digitalisation of grid infrastructure;

    ·A clear majority of citizens and organisations (60%) think that all public authorities should be obliged to buy green energy outright, and a further 24% think they should be obliged but subject to some limitations.   

    Heating and cooling  

    ·Participants indicate that the more appropriate option to increase the uptake or RES H&C is the use of district heating integrating waste and renewable heat (94% indicated it is either appropriate or very appropriate) and increase in energy efficiency (93%). Renewable gas is the least chosen answer, but still attracted 71% of positive views. Other options proposed included System-wide integration and harmonisation across energy carriers, and promoting a broad portfolio of technological options;

    ·Overall, participants slightly prefer a non-binding H&C target at MS level (51% to 49%), with wide variation among categories. However, the majority of participants indicate that the target should increase (67%) and that renewable electricity should be counted towards the target (79%);

    ·Environmental organisations and NGOs are the two groups clearly against making the target mandatory, increasing it, or counting hydrogen and synthetic fuels towards the H&C target (majority of 70% in each of the three questions). Although no explanation is provided, from other answers is possible to assume that NGOs and environmental organisations fear that higher and mandatory targets would incentivise further use of biomass and synthetic fuels in heating and cooling;

    ·Participants expressed a mild preference for expanding the list of measures included in the directive (54% yes to 46% no) and similarly (53% yes to 47% no) on making all or some measures binding. The list of measures provided in the Directive should be expanded to give priority to solar and geothermal energy, expand details on waste heat and encourage climate-neutral and decentralised solutions;

    ·Participants are also divided concerning whether measures to increase the share of renewables in heating and cooling should binding: no 47%, yes 28%, yes but only some measures 26%;

    ·The measures more appropriate for increasing the share of renewable H&C are pricing instruments, guidance and mandatory heat planning;

    ·Public authorities should be encouraged to identify renewable H&C potential by strengthening the obligation in Art. 14 and Art 15 and by requiring mandatory long-term strategies.

    District heating and cooling 

    ·Participants expressed a mild preference for a binding target for renewable energy in district heating and cooling (53% yes to 47% no) and for increasing the current target (51% yes to 49% no). Environmental organisations and NGOs are distinctly against both propositions (only group of stakeholders expressing this preference), a similar view expressed for the heating and cooling target, because of the effect such a target may have on demand for biomass;

    ·A clear majority of respondents to the associated open question (level of increase to the current district heating target) suggest an increase of 2 to 3 percentage points;

    ·The more appropriate measure to encourage the use of waste heat and cold by district heating and cooling networks are the requirement to encourage cooperation between industrial and service sector companies, and the requirement for authorities to prepare the necessary plans. Further suggestions from stakeholders at this regard concern requiring economic and technical feasibility, and no obligation to use waste heat;

    ·Participants expressed a clear preference for strengthening third party access (68%), consistent across all groups. This is so to reduce the power of monopolies, increase competition and efficiency;

    ·Participants also think that consumers rights would be strengthened by improved information on energy performance and renewable share and increased price transparency, while all measures proposed to support system integration are similarly rated (between 92% and 94% of participants rated them as either appropriate or very appropriate). 


    ·Participants think that Member States should require minimum RES share in new and renovated buildings (78% overall in favour), and 37% suggest a RES share of 50% or higher. Participants clarify in the associated open question that RED should introduce a gradual approach with additional limitations;

    ·Participants ranked simplifying permitting and administrative procedures as the measure that would be most appropriate to facilitate the phasing out of fossil fuels, followed by strengthening consumer information and accessibility of measures;

    ·All measures proposed to improve the replacement of heating systems were rated either appropriate or very appropriate, with combined approval ranging from 95% to 81%. Information campaigns is considered the most appropriate option.


    ·The majority of participants are in favour of a RES obligation for industry, either on industry in general (55%) or to specific industries (12%). A substantial share (30% to 40% of those who answered the associated open questions think that sectors already subject to the EU-ETS should be excluded from the target and that obligations should be accompanied by financial support;

    ·Measures more appropriate to encourage RES take up in industry are the simplification of the permitting and administrative procedures, and minimum shares in the national building stock, but all measures proposed are considered appropriate by at least 79% of participants.



    ·The majority of participants (86%) are in favour of an increase in the target for transport, with 43% suggesting this should be more ambitious than the 2030 CTP, 34% that it should be as ambitious as the CTP, and 9% that it should be less ambitious. NGOs and environmental organisations are the only category where the most popular answer is no increase to the transport target (with 33% of answers), mostly due to concerns with increase in biofuel use that may be incentivised by a higher target. Common observations from stakeholders concern the removal of multipliers and the focus on some modes of transport such as road and aviation (both mentioned by around 25% of responses to the open question);

    ·Participants think Member States should not count other low carbon fuels (such as low carbon hydrogen) towards the target (45% yes to 55% no), but also think that these fuels should be encouraged (79%). Among the types of low carbon fuels, the most chosen are advanced biofuels and other fuels produced from biological waste and residues (293 responses) and renewable hydrogen and renewable synthetic fuels (292 responses). Participants further elaborated on the types of renewables and low carbon fuels that should be specifically promoted by referring also to electrification/batteries and suggesting the exclusion of low-carbon fossil fuels as these would compromise RED;

    ·An obligation on fuel suppliers should promote liquid renewable fuels, renewable electricity and gaseous renewable fuels, with relative disagreement between stakeholders groups. In the associated open question (which types of renewable and low carbon fuels can be best promoted by an obligation on fuel suppliers), renewable electricity is the option with most mentions and the fuel obligation should be based on GHG emissions targets.  

    ·An additional target would be the most appropriate to encourage the use of hydrogen and hydrogen-derived synthetic fuels in transport, while renewables in general would be encouraged by ensuring the availability and interoperability of public charging infrastructure and the support to the installation of domestic chargers.  

    Bioenergy sustainability 

    ·Bioenergy sustainability attracted strong views throughout the questionnaire in related questions, and Q9.3 and Q9.3.1, on limits to the type of feedstock allowed, received 38,786 answers, of which 38,313 thorough a coordinated campaign 5 . The campaign chose not to answer the other questions concerning bioenergy sustainability, but the sentiment towards bioenergy is unambiguous;

    ·Participants think sustainability criteria for the production of bioenergy from forest biomass should not be modified by a small margin (56% no to 44% yes), with clear splits among different categories. 6 Overwhelming support for stricter criteria is found in NGOs/environmental organisations and individuals;

    ·A 50-50 split is instead found concerning the extension of criteria to installation below 20MW for solid biomass and 2 MW for biogas;

    ·The question whether there should be limits to the type of feedstock used for bioenergy production under RED II was answered by 38,786 participants, with 99% stating that RED should be changed to remove biomass from the list of renewable resources, limiting the use for bioenergy to locally-available waste and residues, and that this should be accompanied by a moratorium or a cap on the total amount of solid biomass in electricity and heating, by an accelerated phase-out of high ILUC risk fuels, and by the removal of incentives for bioenergy;

    ·Excluding the responses provided through the coordinated campaign, most responses provided on behalf of organisations still indicate that the criteria should be amended in some other way. Businesses and others are the only categories with small majority for no change (53% and 50%);

    ·The most popular answer to the question concerning the extension of GHG criteria was NO (232 answers). A lower number of responses indicate that the threshold should be increased (81), that the criteria should be extended to existing installations (72) or that other limitations should be introduced. These additional limitations are suggested in the associated open question, where participants predominantly suggested stricter GHG criteria. However, often the message is about the appropriateness of the use of bioenergy in general, and considering biogenic emissions rather than supply chain only.;

    ·Concerning whether the energy efficiency requirements should be made more stringent, the majority of answers (186) are in favour of an amendment (indicating that it should be extended to plants lower than 50MW (103 answers) or that the requirement should be higher (83 answers)). The remaining 167 participants are contrary to a change to the requirement.  

    Report of the 1st Stakeholder workshop 11 December 2020

    Executive Summary

    On 11 December 2020, the European Commission, DG Energy, held an online workshop in the context of the work to revise Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. The revision aims to ensure that RES cost-effectively and sustainably contribute to at least 55% GHG emissions reduction in 2030, in line with the Climate Target Plan (CTP). This means reaching a 38% to 40% share of RES in 2030. The workshop was part of the wider consultation process on the revision of the Directive, launched on 17 November 2020. The main consultation documents are available online (at and the consultation remains open until 9 February 2021.

    The workshop agenda included 32 external speakers in seven sessions. Each session was coordinated by an official from DG Energy, following a loose script previously agreed with the contractor’s project team. The workshop also included an opening session from Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director-General, DG Energy and closing remarks from Paula Abreu Marques, Head of Unit, Renewables and CCS Policy, DG Energy.

    The event was organised with the support of Trinomics which provided technical and content support to DG Energy. Over 699 people from over 250 different organisations registered for the workshop. During the day of the workshop, 443 people connected via the Zoom platform for an average of 4 hours and 10 minutes.

    Overview of the event

    The stakeholder meeting for the revision of Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (REDII) was held on the 11 December 2020 as part of a wider consultation process. The process includes a questionnaire open to any individual and organisation (available online at and a second stakeholder workshop, to be held in spring 2021 (probably March tbc).

    The workshop was organised by Trinomics as part of the contract ENER/ C1/2020-440 for Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration.


    The workshop was organised in seven sessions, split between morning and afternoon. As part of the agenda, Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director-General at DG Energy, and Paula Abreu Marques, Head of Unit for Renewables and CCS Policy, also from DG Energy, provided introductory and concluding remarks, respectively.

    The seven sessions covered the main areas of REDII, with session 1 providing the wider context for the need of renewable energy to achieve EU climate objectives. Each session was moderated by a DG Energy official responsible for the topic and gave ample space to the contributions from the panellists. The format of the event was agreed so that it would give maximum exposure to stakeholders’ opinions and foster a debate among them. The event ran from 10.00 to 18.00, with a 1.15-hour lunch break.


    Figure 47 - Agenda stakeholder workshop (morning)

    Agenda item




    Opening and introduction

    Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director-General, DG Energy, European Commission

    10:15 –11:15

    Session 1

    The role of renewables in 2030 on the way to a carbon-neutral economy

    Paula Abreu Marques, Head of Unit for Renewables and CCS Policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Dolf Gielen, Director, IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre

    ·Günter Hörmandinger, Deputy Executive Director, Agora Verkehrswende 

    ·Philipp Offenberg, Program Manager, Europe at Breakthrough Energy

    ·Simone Mori, Head of Europe, Executive Vice President, Enel

    11:15 – 12:15

    Session 2

    Renewable energy in Heating and Cooling, Buildings and District Heating

    Eva Hoos, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Brian Vad Mathiesen, Coordinator of Heat Roadmap Europe, Aalborg University

    ·Andrej Jentsch, Operating Agent, IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on District Heating and Cooling, including Combined Heat and Power

    ·Patrik Pizinger, Mayor, City of Chodov, Czech Republic

    ·JP Prendergast, Chairman, Claremorris and Western District Energy Co-Operative

    ·Philippe Dumas, Secretary General, EGEC

    12:15 – 13:15

    Session 3

    Renewable energy in transport

    Bernd Kuepker, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Paul Durrant, Head of End-use Sectors & Bioenergy, IRENA

    ·Geert Decock, Manager, Electricity and Energy, Transport & Environment

    ·Gloria Gaupmann, Chair of the Advanced Biofuels Coalition, & Head of Public Affairs, Technology & Innovation, Clariant

    ·Simon Bergulf, Director of regulatory affairs, Maersk

    ·Maarten Van Haute, Alternative Fuels Officer, Q8

    BREAK (1hr 15min)

    Figure 48 - Agenda stakeholder workshop (afternoon)

    Agenda item



    14:30 – 15:15

    Session 4

    Renewables in industry

    Ruud Kempener, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Martin Porter, Executive Chair, CISL Brussels

    ·Peter Botschek, Director of Climate Change and Energy, CEFIC

    ·Aurelie Beauvais, Deputy CEO and Policy Director, SolarPower Europe

    ·Mikael Nordlander, Head of R&D portfolio Industry Decarbonisation, Vattenfall AB

    15:15 –16:00

    Session 5

    Measures for a further uptake of renewables in electricity

    Antonio Lopez-Nicolas, Deputy Head of Unit, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Bruno De Wachter, Convenor, Working Group Market Design and RES of ENTSO-E Market Committee

    ·Giles Dickson, Chief Executive Officer, WindEurope

    ·Dirk Vansintjan, President of the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives, REScoop

    ·Hélène Lavray, Senior Advisor - Renewables & Environment, Energy Policy, Climate & Sustainability - 2030 Framework Lead, Eurelectric

    16:00 –16:45

    Session 6

    Bioenergy sustainability

    Giulio Volpi, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Uwe Fritsche, Task Leader of IEA Bioenergy Task: Deployment of biobased value chains, IINAS

    ·Robert Matthews, Programme Group Manager, Forest Research

    ·Linde Zuidema, Forest and Climate Campaigner, Fern

    ·Jean-Marc Jossart, Secretary General, Bioenergy Europe

    ·Lotta Heikkonen, Forest Policy Advisor, Confederation of European Forest Owners

    16:45 –17.30

    Session 7

    A European system for certification of renewable and low-carbon fuels, including hydrogen

    Galin Gentchev, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Secretary General, Hydrogen Europe

    ·Peter Styles, Executive Vice Chair, EFET Board

    ·Sascha WüstenhöferSystem Manager, ISCC International Sustainability and Carbon Certification

    ·Javier Castro, Business Development Carbon Management Service, TÜV SÜD Industrie Service

    ·Sacha Alberici, Managing Consultant, Guidehouse 


    Concluding remarks

    Paula Abreu Marques, Head of Unit, Renewables and CCS Policy, DG Energy, European Commission



    A total of 699 people registered for the event via the link provided and by sending a request via email. Of these, the total number of attendees was 495, of which 52 were moderators, panellists, and project team members. The remaining 443 participants were public audience. The attendance rate (share of registered people that connected to the workshop on the day compared to the total number of registrations) is 74%. On average, each attendee stayed logged in for 4 hours and 10 minutes, with several participants logging in and out multiple times.

    The figure below shows the number of active connections throughout the day of the workshop. The dip in the graph between 13:25 to 14:45 is the break period. Generally, attendance was higher in the morning session than in the afternoon session and peaked at just under 350 participants.

    Figure 49 - Number of active connections

    Most of the workshop participants were from within the EU, with the majority connecting from Belgium, followed by Germany, France, and The Netherlands. The high number of connections from Belgium reflects the number of lobby groups based in Brussels (bearing in mind this analysis excludes attendees registered with a domain). Non-EU countries, such as the United Kingdom, United States of America and Others are highlighted in yellow and orange in the figure below

    Figure 50 - Location of participants (excluding participants from European Commission)

    Member States

    Third countries

    Remaining locations with less than 4 attendees

    About half of the participants of the workshop came from various industries, trade associations, lobby groups (26%), as well as government institutions (22%), which includes officers from the European Commission. A large group of stakeholders came from private companies (14%), which was followed by Transmission and Distribution System Operators (10%), science, research and consulting companies (9%) and NGOs (1%). Furthermore, 18% of stakeholders fell under the category of “other”, this category encompasses stakeholders such us publicly-owned companies, utilities, private individuals and other stakeholders which did not clearly fall under any of the other categories.

    Figure 51 - Affiliation of participants (including participants from European Commission)

    Among the 100 attendees classified as belonging to governmental organisations (central government and other governmental bodies, excluding EU institutions but including the permanent representation in Brussels), the countries with the most representatives were France and the Netherlands. No representatives attended from the governments of Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Cyprus, Denmark, Malta, Romania, and Sweden.

    Figure 52 - Government representatives by country (excluding participants from European Commission)


    A total of 12 polls were launched during the workshop, one or more per session except for Session 3 (based on the deliberate design of the session). The participants were given about 1 minute for each question to submit their responses. The results of the polls are presented below.

    Session 1 The role of renewables in 2030 on the way to a carbon-neutral economy

    Figure 53 - In which sectors do you think additional efforts to increase the use of renewable energy are most needed for a potentially higher renewables target for 2030? (n=215, multiple answers possible)

    As shown in the figure above, the top three sectors where additional efforts are required to meet a potentially higher renewables target for 2030 are:

    ·Transport sector (123 votes)

    ·Heating and cooling (116 votes)

    ·Buildings (86 votes)

    These are followed by: industry (82 votes), electricity (77 votes) and district heating and cooling (56 votes). The sector with the lowest number of votes was services including ITC (with 19 votes).

    Figure 54 - Should the overall renewable target be binding at EU level or at national level? (n=195)

    The figure shows that most of the respondents think that the overall renewable target should be binding at both the national levels, as well as the EU level (128 votes, 66% out of 195 votes). The answer with the second highest number of votes was “only at EU level”. Only 3% of respondents think that the renewable targets should not be binding.

    Session 2 Renewable energy in Heating and Cooling, Buildings and District Heating

    Figure 55 - Should the current indicative target of 1.3 pp (or 1.1 pp, if waste heat and cold is not used), annual average increase of renewable energy in heating and cooling set for the period of 2021-2030 in Article 23 become a binding target for Member State

    Most of the respondents (85 votes, 75% out of 114 votes) think that the current indicative target of achieving a 1.3 ppt annual average increase in renewable energy in heating and cooling set for the period of 2021-2030 in Article 23 should become a binding target for Member States.

    Session 4 Renewables in industry

    Figure 56 - Do you think there should be an obligation on certain industrial sectors to use a minimum amount of renewable energy? (n=93)

    Most respondents (43 votes, 47% of 93 votes) think that there should be an obligation on the industry sector in general to use a minimum amount of renewable energy. This answer was followed by 28% of respondents that specific industry sectors should have that obligation. Whereas 13% of respondents thought that such obligations should be voluntary, 12% thought there such be no such obligations.

    Figure 57 - Which of the following additional measures to encourage the use of renewable energy in industry do you find appropriate? (n=78, multiple selection possible)

    The three most voted additional measures to encourage the use of renewable energy in industry are:

    ·Simplified permitting and administrative (39 votes)

    ·Support for corporate sourcing of renewables, including for on-site and near site generation as well as corporate renewable power purchase agreements (37 votes)

    ·Contracts for difference for zero-carbon products and services (32 votes)

    Session 5 Measures for a further uptake of renewables in electricity

    Figure 58 - Which of the following measures do you consider the most appropriate in tackling the remaining barriers for the uptake of renewable electricity that matches the expected growth in demand for end-use sectors? (n=81)

    The measures voted as the most appropriate approach to tackle the remaining barriers for the uptake of renewable electricity that matches the expected growth in demand for end-use sectors are:

    ·Further streamline permitting procedures (29 votes)

    ·Further support the uptake of energy communities and self-consumption (16 votes)

    ·Further support the uptake of private renewable PPAs (13 votes)

    Session 6 Bioenergy sustainability

    Figure 59 - Do you think the REDII sustainability criteria for bioenergy should be modified? (n=96)

    The majority of respondents (54 votes—57% of 96 votes) think that the REDII sustainability criteria for bioenergy should not be modified. 22% of the respondents think that they should be modified, and that the existing land criteria for agriculture biomass should also apply to forest biomass. 20 respondents think that they should be modified, and that the risk-based approach should be replaced by mandatory Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) certification.

    Figure 60 - Do you think the REDII sustainability criteria for forest biomass should be modified? (n=100)

    Most respondents (53 votes—53% out of 100 votes) think that the REDII sustainable criteria for forest biomass should not be modified. On the contrary, 33 respondents think that they should be made stricter, while 14 respondents think that the criteria should apply to heat and power installations below 20MW.

    Figure 61 - Do you think that the use of certain bioenergy feedstock should be limited under REDII? (n=97)

    The majority of the respondents (64 votes—66% of 97 votes) think that the use of certain bioenergy feedstock should not be limited, as long as the REDII sustainability criteria are followed.

    Figure 62 - Do you think that REDII criteria on GHG emission savings and bioelectricity efficiency should be modified? (n=83)

    Most respondents (52 votes—62% of 83 votes) think that the REDII criteria on GHG emission savings and bioelectricity efficiency should not be modified. 38% of the respondents (31 votes) think that the criteria should be made stricter.

    Session 7 A European system for certification of renewable and low-carbon fuels, including hydrogen

    Figure 63 - Is the RED II certification scheme appropriate to address sustainability issues, ensuring traceability, and accounting for the different targets (global renewable and sector targets, as in transport under Article 25)? (n=85)

    38% of the respondents (32 votes) think that the REDII certification scheme should be properly extended to all emerging fuels (RFNBOs, low-carbon fuels). 23% of the respondents (20 votes) think that GOs should become the only verification of a compliance system, and 21% (18 votes) think that the scope should be extended to all sectors, beyond transport. 18% of the respondents (15 votes) think that the current certification fits its purpose.

    Figure 64 - For which renewable and low-carbon fuels would the Union Database be the appropriate tool? (n=68)

    44% of the respondents (30 votes) think that the Union Database would be the appropriate tool for electricity, gases, and liquids, followed by liquids and gases (19 votes—28% of 68 votes). A quarter of the respondents (17 votes) think that GOs would be a more suitable tool instead.

    Summary of the sessions

    The workshop was started by the opening address of DG Ditte Juul Jørgensen, DG Energy, European Commission. In her remarks, DG Juul Jørgensen referred to the positive outcome that the European Council achieved in the evening of 10 December 2020, by reaching the agreement on the 2030 climate target of 55%, on the multi-annual financial framework and on the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.

    With an ambitious target set for 2030, and a clear policy objective established, the EU has now set a strong foundation for the ongoing work on the revision of the Renewables Directive, so that it can help the EU achieve its climate goals. The EU has been able to decouple economic growth and GHG emissions, as a result of the efforts across the different levels of society, from local communities to businesses and various organisations. About 20% of energy comes from renewable sources today, and renewable sources deliver one third of EU electricity. This shows that the EU power systems can cope with high levels of variability that comes with a higher share of renewables.

    The current RED was adopted in 2018, to be implemented by Member States no later than June 2021, and set a binding target of 32% across the EU. It sets out measures for different sectors, and sets indicative targets in the transport, heating, and cooling sector. Collective commitments are likely to achieve 33.1%-33.7% of renewable share as part of the overall energy consumption in 2030. However, this will not be enough to mitigate climate change, and to reach the increased ambition of at least 55% reduction of GHG by 2030.DG Energy is working with other DGs in the European Commission to implement the Green Deal by reviewing a long list of directives. Shares of renewables in final energy consumption should amount to 38% to 40% in 2030 in order to reach the revised climate targets. Decarbonising the transport sector is a key challenge and there is no single solution. Nonetheless, the Sustainable Mobility Strategy was approved earlier the week, and the Renewable Energy Directive will provide a strengthened framework. Heating and cooling accounts for 50% of our energy consumption, and three quarters of the energy used comes from carbon sources. An increase of the renewable share in Heating and Cooling would be important to help the EU meet its climate targets. Hydrogen and system integration strategies are also important to help decarbonise the hard-to-abate sectors which are currently carbon intensive. The Renewable Energy Directive is expected to bring positive value to the EU, providing quality green energy jobs, reducing energy imports, reducing costs for household and business consumers, and improving the health and benefits of EU residents.

    Session 1 The role of renewables in 2030 on the way to a carbon-neutral economy

    Table 28 - Details of Session 1




    10:15 –11:15

    Paula Abreu Marques, Head of Unit for Renewables and CCS Policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Dolf Gielen, Director, IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre

    ·Günter Hörmandinger, Deputy Executive Director, Agora Verkehrswende 

    ·Philipp Offenberg, Program Manager, Europe at Breakthrough Energy

    ·Simone Mori, Head of Europe, Executive Vice President, Enel

    Position of each panellist

    Dolf Gielen, Director, IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre

    oThe increased ambition level in the GHG reduction target is important and gives a global signal. The existing RES and EE targets are still quite recent. According to IRENA’s calculation these targets would yield 45 to 46% emissions reduction. It is an increase now from that level to 55%, which means that there is a revision of targets needed for RES and particularly for EE. The NECPs show the countries ambitions and the aggregated commitment is higher than the EU’s RES target. However, on EE there is a shortfall. There is a bit of interaction between RES and the EE target. So, it is important to also work more on EE.

    oThere has been positive development on renewable power, e.g., around Offshore Wind. But it is also important to work not only on generation but also on the flexibility (enabling grids, smart grids, more demand side flexibility). A mix of technology, marketing & regulation measures, operating practices will be needed.

    oRegarding the electrification of end-use sectors: electromobility is moving faster in transport than previously estimated. There is a lot of attention for cars but electrifying commercial vehicles also deserves (more) attention.

    oInvestments in EE of buildings need to increase. It is important to work on the efficiency so as to not install RES in buildings that are not energy efficient.

    oHydrogen and green commodities in general also need more attention. Need dedicated policies for renewables to put the energy transition on track.

    Günter Hörmandinger, Deputy Executive Director, Agora Verkehrswende

    oUsually, someone interested in transport, only paid attention to the transport-side view of the RED. Recently electrification is coming along more quickly than expected. Instead of looking at transport-specific energy carriers, now we also look at electricity, which is a commodity for the whole economy.

    oBefore combustion was the “thing”, now we see a transition starting to happen.

    oIf transport becomes a really large consumer of electricity, would it be more useful to focus on electricity as such?

    oWhat will happen to the combustion engine? We get clear signals from the car industry that they cannot pursue two technologies in the future (production lines). Until 2030 the majority of cars on the road will still be combustion engines. In perspective – the newest cars drive the most. The transition in the consumption of the fleet will change faster than the actual fleet will indicate.

    oWith regard to the increased level of ambition: this is not a pathway to lose economically but the contrary. This is a way to stay at the forefront of the technology development. Will Europe be the buyer? Or the developer of the technology?

    Philip Offenberg, Program Manager, Europe at Breakthrough Energy

    oBreakthrough Energy mission is to speed up the energy transition, focused on energy technology and innovation. 3 main challenges on the road to 2030:

    1.Quick rollout of existing technologies. An important discussion we should have is that land is a limiting factor. We need innovation to create more efficient technologies (both for more generation, but also for less space needed).

    2.Innovation, we need to deploy more innovative technologies quickly. EU has programmes to push innovation, e.g., Horizon framework, Innovation Fund. The RED could create a demand pull for EU major energy technologies. Why don’t we propose that a portion of this percentage should be reserved for innovative technologies? Or think of creating a fund that targets innovative technologies.

    3.Global cleantech race – “race to the top” – between China, the new US administration and Europe.

    Simone Mori, Head of Europe, Executive Vice President, Enel

    oWe strongly support this new more ambitious target. Because we are convinced that there is a room for investment, for decarbonising, especially with electrical renewables. We have the evidence that there is a way to decarbonise electricity in a very cost-efficient way. What should we do in Europe in order to achieve the target?

    oThe new target implies more than doubling the number of electrical renewables installed in Europe in the next 10 years. This means increasing the rate of investment in RES by 50% versus the last year. We have the technology, the finance, and the big players, however investments are not delivering at the level that would be expected. There are not enough projects to fulfil the demand in the planned tenders, there is a clear bottleneck in the tender procedure. Current Article 16 of RED is not enough. It is important to increase the enforcement of the Governance, we need more coherence, a more top-down European model. We understand that there is a problem of battle of power (EU, MS, local decisions). But this is clearly the number 1 constraint to achieve a fast and cost-effective decarbonisation.

    oWe need to reinforce harmonisation and integration of the European Market. We support the creation of Pan-European or macro-regional tenders. Putting together the different markets to create a real Pan-European market ground would be very important to improve the investibility of the sector.

    oThe market: The European power market is based on the rules that were created 20 years ago, and in a market that was completely different: a short-term market based on the marginal costs of plants. Now, according to the new targets there will be the majority of power generation based on zero marginal cost production. We need a new thinking injected in this segment, to update the market to these new technologies.

    oIt is also important to bring decarbonised cheap electricity to the customers and sectors which are not utilising it today, especially in the transport sector. To create a mechanism to quickly decarbonise the sector/kickstart the market in the earlier years.

    oTo be avoided: fragmentation of the support schemes. This prevents the market to work properly.

    Session 2 Renewable energy in Heating and Cooling, Buildings and District Heating

    Table 29 - Details of Session 2




    11:15 –12:15

    Eva Hoos, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Brian Vad Mathiesen, Coordinator of Heat Roadmap Europe, Aalborg University

    ·Andrej Jentsch, Operating Agent, IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on District Heating and Cooling, including Combined Heat and Power

    ·Patrik Pizinger, Mayor, City of Chodov, Czech Republic

    ·JP Prendergast, Chairman, Claremorris and Western District Energy Co-Operative

    ·Philippe Dumas, Secretary General, EGEC

    Position of each panellists

    Brian Vad Mathiesen, Coordinator of Heat Roadmap Europe, Aalborg University

    oEE costs (?)may become very high for building; we may need to decarbonise another way. Target at a more system-wide level (not suitable at building level), RES is part of the energy system. Such(building-specific) target could become very expensive (and miss the level of heat needed);

    oHave an integrated planning measure (EU/national/local). Buildings that have a neighbour can sometimes work together (otherwise individual HP), then DHC. EU/national planning procedure enabling local municipalities to deploy the required infra. The local level is key, understand the main problems (factors), and gather initiatives. Allow using waste heat (including “black energy” -> waste energy from fossil fuels), and other RES (like geothermal, solar thermal, bio);

    oDHS as infrastructure, not as final energy demand, … offers many evolving opportunities;

    oEnergy system integration, HP helps electrification, but it would not be efficient through individual systems. It would be more efficient to decarbonise at DHC level than at individual. Allow also to store energy (heat).

    Dr Andrej Jentsch, Operating Agent, IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on DHC, including CHP

    oImportant to have the right metric: carbon neutrality (rather than renewability) now (rather than in the future, analogy of a cut tree). Need to revise the methodology to determine the emission, to make it accurate with the most recent scientific findings. Take scientific knowledge, to define the goal;

    oIncreasing of RES is possible, large deployment of DHC

    oGood playing field for economic and regulatory deployment of DHC

    Patrik Pizinger, Mayor, City of Chodov, Czech Republic

    oStrong role for DHC, for Chodov the main driver was to phase out from coal (DHC exists since ’70). DHC only option in such city, with many (3,000) flats;

    oLocal authority’s role is to deploy and make it more efficient (no other choice than DHC);

    oDHC should be an attractive choice for users (alternative is natural gas). But Chodov wanted to take green choices; Need to find the right source of heat.

    oNational and EU levels need to be involved, should support to increase the efficiency of existing infrastructure (currently 20% in losses);

    oIncreasing carbon footprint (incl. EE) of existing infrastructure is a no-regret option

    oSecure DHC needs support, EU, national and local. EU should provide support to local authorities with advice for taking right technology choices and financially for infrastructure upgrade

    JP Prendergast, Chairman, Claremorris and Western District Energy Co-Operative

    oAnswer from the perspective of a community (aim at 100% RES), number increases exponentially

    oCommunity allows empower other communities, key players have an important role, especially as it pertains to implementing policies (rural and urban);

    oWaste-heat use in cities, Bioeconomy, zero-waste economy, especially relevant for the rural communities. Integrated with local resources extracting value, community focus generating energy for DHC;

    oPlanning, acceptance … streamlined fashion. Not effective at the moment, should change the communication. Lack of training. We need an enabling framework. Joined approach to decarbonise H&C

    oCommunication from top to down, and bottom to up, both channels are essential. Need for a common message across Europe, common approach to communication;

    oNeed legal framework to enable prosumers;

    oCombination of technologies, DHC is the infra to facilitate this combination. Lead by example;

    oThis is also about job creation;

    oImportant to involve communities, not only the fairest but the fastest way.

    Philippe Dumas, Secretary General, EGEC

    oArt 23 is not enough. Electricity with a market design has been successful. We need heat market design, heat market policy, with fair competition (for all RES). Technologies are competitive and mature, but the frame is not fair. We do not allow DHC installation;

    oTEN-E should ensure DHC becomes eligible (TEN-H), allow cross-border, but not local infra, is not fair;

    oWe need the internalization of external (system) costs;

    oWe need to exchange best practices, planning, heat forum, ENTSO-H to plan infra, cities are key actors, urban planning, … a proper institution at EU level;

    oArt. 23 is a good first step, but we can do better.


    oGas is many things (several types), should be used as backup for power and heat, “Fit” gases are biogases (from agriculture, biowaste and gasified biomass);

    oAvoid use hydrogen in building, increasing the cost;

    oHP key for sector integration, but answer remains individual in each MS. No EU legislation to impose, but we need a push to ensure MS assess opportunities for DHC;

    oRoadmap where we need up to 25 000 grid DHC connections. At least 18000 new grids by 2030. Also, problem with refurbishing existing grids;

    oNeed for a broader understanding of the value of biomethane value chain.

    Coverage of topics in Session 2

    oRole of local authorities;

    oIntegrated planning;

    oGood communication channels (all directions);

    oEnable local communities, and use technologies;

    oIncrease ambition, actions should be facilitating;

    oRenewable fuels, clear on their value chain, to make the best use.

    Session 3 Renewable energy in transport

    Table 30 - Details of Session 3




    12:15 –13:15

    Bernd Kuepker, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Paul Durrant, Head of End-use Sectors & Bioenergy, IRENA

    ·Geert Decock, Manager, Electricity and Energy, Transport & Environment

    ·Gloria Gaupmann, Chair of the Advanced Biofuels Coalition, & Head of Public Affairs, Technology & Innovation, Clariant

    ·Simon Bergulf, Director of regulatory affairs, Maersk

    ·Maarten Van Haute, Alternative Fuels Officer, Q8

    General Introduction (Bernd Kuepker, DG ENER)

    This panel session focuses on the possibilities and challenges of a high integration of renewable energy in the transport sector.

    Progress is required for the transport sector: Following the EC’s impact assessment of the CTP, a significant increase in the targeted Renewable Energy Share in Transport (RES-T) from currently 14% by 2030 as laid out in RED II to about 24% by 2030 may be required to meet the 2050 GHG emission target. In addition, the EC’s ‘Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy' published on 9th December 2020 outlines the upcoming challenge. The EC is also re-evaluating the AFID, CO2 standards for cars, FQD, ETS and new initiatives to promote the uptake of renewable fuels in the aviation and maritime sectors.

    The aim of this particular workshop is to discuss how to improve specific policies and measures in RED II necessary to meet ambitious 2030 targets without a complete policy change. It should cover the level of ambition, new measures as well as a stable investment framework.

    The position of each panellist

    Paul Durrant, Head of End-use Sectors & Bioenergy, IRENA

    oIn transport, there is a need for a similar tipping point as has been seen in renewable electricity production. A focus on solutions that are consistent with reaching net zero is necessary, do not waste resources on solutions that will not contribute to this end goal..

    oOne issue is that the ultimate mix in transport is still unclear. In the short term, focus should lie on electrification, as it has become clear that it will be the dominant option for transport (cars, LDV, somewhat unclear still for HDVs).

    oWhereas hydrogen will have a significant role in 2050 timeframe, it’s contribution until 2030 will be very limited. Short term focus regarding hydrogen needs to be on establishing the enabling conditions , including infrastructure, GOs, standards & certification, and investments in electrolyser to further reduce costs.

    oAviation and shipping cannot be ignored. While only limited progress is expected in this decade it is, however, necessary to lay the groundwork for the 30s and 40s (with net zero goal in mind).

    oThe role of biomass seems very underestimated in the current debate, since it will be necessary for a significant share of the global energy supply (around 20-30%) according to IRENA calculations, for achieving the decarbonization goal. It is of crucial importance to make use of sustainable biomass.

    oElectrification seems somewhat underrepresented in RED II as it has become clear that electrification will be dominant.

    Geert Decock, Electricity and Energy Manager, Transport & Environment

    oTo reach the -55% GHG reduction target a significant change is required, following the EC’s Sustainable and Smart mobility Strategy: “Overall we must shift the existing paradigm of incremental change to fundamental transformation.” (SWD(2020) 331 final). The importance and role of different elements in RED II are outlined in the following five aspects:

    o1) In general, T&E advocates “quality over quantity”. Better a lower target of sustainable fuels than higher targets fulfilled with unsustainable fuels. In line with this, besides targets for different fuels T&E is rather in favour of a GHG-driven approach, where best performing fuels are rewarded.

    o2) Electrification: The new provisions should move beyond a mandate (as implemented for biofuels). Also need to integrate aviation and shipping sector. Efforts need to be coordinated across transport sectors. Create synergies instead of hurdles. Support should rather focus on a credit mechanism, as implemented, e.g. in NL or FR.

    o3) Biofuels: A phase out of high-ILUC fuels such as fuels from palm or soy oil should happen soon. Other crop-based biofuels should be phased out over time. It is important to eliminate “loopholes”, like the low-ILUC category.

    o4) RED II moved away from biofuels to more advanced biofuels. Next revision needs to mover further. Advanced biofuels are limited and will not be able to contribute significantly towards the energy supply in 2050 (can only cover 11.4% of expected energy demand of aviation alone). Important to keep competing uses between sectors in mind. Strong sustainability criteria are required (e.g. only waste-based).

    o5) The role of RFNBOs should focus on long-distance transport, notably aviation and shipping. Details will be developed in ReFuel and FuelEU initiatives, which is why no specific targets should be implemented in RED II.

    Gloria Gaupmann, Chair of the Advanced Biofuels Coalition, & Head of Public Affairs, Sustainability Transformation, Clariant

    oThe advanced biofuel coalition represents 11 companies from the biofuel sector. The coalition welcomes the Green Deal, but acknowledges the big challenge it poses.

    oBiofuels will play a significant role, since by 2030 still 90% of existing vehicles will have an ICE. For a significant emission reduction, both climate neutral fuels as well as strict car emission standards are required. A coherent policy framework is required that stimulates the use of climate–neutral alternative fuels and that also adopts a well-to-use approach on emission standards.

    oProduction capacities for advanced biofuels are being ramped up. Still, another revision of RED II, which is still in the progress of national transposition, will significantly prevent necessary investments and poison the investment environment.

    oTherefore, a revision of RED II should only include minimal revisions for the transport sector, including e.g. increased targets. However, no fundamental changes in rules as e.g. the sustainability criteria, or eligible feedstocks should be performed. GHG reductions should rather be driven by FQD and a technology neutral well-to-wheel approach in CO2 emission standards should be adopted.

    o“We would like to see the Commission to only propose a minimally invasive revision of RED II. For the transport sector, make it very clear to the external world and the investors, that the targets of RED II will be increased, that there will be no back-tracking, and, very importantly, don’t change the fundamental rules of the game, such as sustainability criteria or certain feedstock lists of the annexes.”

    Simon Bergulf, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Maersk

    oShipping faces its third revolution. Maritime transport will not only sail on a single fuel in the future. As their assets are 25-30 years in lifespan and targets need to be achieved by 2050, the commercially viable vessels to do so need to be ready at the end of this decade. There is a very strong sense of urgency.

    oLaying the groundwork to accommodate different fuels is absolutely key. Strong regulatory framework, certification, rewarding first movers are absolutely key to remain competitive.

    oRevision of RED II not needed, rather of Fuel Quality Directive. Although the current role of the maritime sector in RED II and accordingly its progress in decarbonisation so far is rather limited, an upcoming revision of RED II could have significant impact on the maritime sector. An example is the topic of bunkering, since shipping from Europe to Asia mainly only includes 1 bunkering. Therefore, a strong and renewable shipping hub in Europe would be a significant global hub. It is expected that a transformation to new fuels will be connected to significant costs, which is also why there will be no immediate jump to green fuels. Each application within the maritime sector may use an individual fuel in the future.

    oCertification, e.g. for used cooking oil and other fuels, as well as tradeable credit systems are important aspects. For the latter, the existing system in the Netherlands should be considered for other countries. With the right framework in other countries, they would invest. The maritime industry sees an urgent need for action and clear regulations – now - due to the long investment cycles and life spans within the industry.

    Maarten Van Haute, Alternative Fuels Officer, Q8

    oFuel suppliers are transforming to mobility suppliers with different kinds of fuels being supplied to different sectors. Therefore, all kinds of renewable and sustainable fuels should be covered in RED II.

    oFor suppliers, the fragmented national legislation is difficult and a stronger harmonization within Europe would be supported. Lack of harmonization makes it difficult for a European Player to supply across Europe and comply with different rules.

    oAdditionally, the alignment of FQD and RED II is important. Sub-mandates would not be useful.

    oVehicle GHG emission standards should be sued to foster electrification rather than RED II.

    A summary of the panel discussion

    oThe discussion covered three aspects: i) EU harmonisation of provisions, ii) multipliers, iii) promotion of RFNBOs in RED II

    oRegarding harmonisation, a stronger alignment is supported by the panellists, although country-specific potentials and progress should be recognized in different national renewable targets for the transport sector. It is important to keep a holistic view considering other revisions happening and context-specific regulation. It is important not to undermine existing targets and mechanisms by additional measures. T&E would not want the same target for RES-T across MS, but it should be made sure that renewable electricity can be counted towards the transport target in all MS.

    oRegarding multipliers, especially the factor of four for renewable electricity in road (Art.27(1)) is seen ambiguously. For some, it is unclear how they are being justified. T&E supports it in absence of a better system (although it is a generous mechanism), since the contribution of renewable electricity in transport will be limited until 2030. Removing the multiplier would penalize energy efficiency. In contrast to that, biofuel industry sees the risk of an inflation of multipliers. For the maritime and aviation sector existing multipliers should be increased, since the model has worked for electricity in road transport, while the progress in increasing the RES share in maritime and aviation has been limited. In general, however, for fuel suppliers the rationale behind multipliers is already difficult to understand (which also is mirrored in several questions and comments by the audience).

    oThe panellists agree that RFNBOs – and especially hydrogen for e.g. heavy duty road transport – will play an important role. Still, the impact within this decade will be limited, some argue. Today it is important to build a regulatory framework with sustainability criteria to direct investments into technologies contributing to the strong decarbonisation targets (“move from reduction mindset to transition mindset”). Whether an overall sub-target for RFNBOs would be a suitable measure is seen critical by some panellists, since sector-specific sub-targets (e.g. 1-2% RFNBOs in aviation, or shipping, with ramp up after 2030) will already create demand. This is crucial to bring innovative technologies to the market – in the optimal way.


    Areas and topics raised in Q&A tool:


    oFocus on reducing CO2 instead of mechanism to drive numbers (i.e. multipliers): multipliers do not multiply the climate impact, but only drive up figures

    oDanger of fraud (e.g. multipliers for biofuels in the NL)

    oWith clear cap for conv. biofuels, no need for multipliers

    Biofuels in general

    oDevelopment of EU Database (with regard to biomass)

    oImportance to reduce carbon intensity of current gaseous and liquid fuels for current vehicle fleet, necessity and role of biofuels (also crop-based)

    oAdvanced biofuels: possibilities beside waste-based biofuels

    oSolutions for long haul trucking

    oWill the revision of the REDII terminate this artificial and unfit limitation to the use of sustainable waste? (existing RED II 1.7% limitation for contribution of feedstocks in part B Annex IX)

    Crop-based biofuels

    oPotential of biofuels with significant GHG savings, e.g. European renewable ethanol

    oEU globally alone in restricting crop-based biofuels

    oNo neg. impact of crop-based biofuels on food prices and availability (Renewable Energy Progress report of the European Commission (Com2020/952) page 18)

    oWhat is the justification for opposition against crop-based biofuels?


    oDelegated acts seem to incentive direct connection between RES and electrolyser contradicting Energy System Integration

    oRapid ramp up of RFNBOs is essential and would provide benefits now, still legislative framework is missing

    oAdditionality requirement increases RFNBO costs


    oSet absolute cap for fossil-based fuels (declining until 2050) instead of RES-T shares

    oRED II is basis for investment decisions, targets could also be increased in original timeline for RED II

    oOnly need for higher ambition for RED II targets, but no significant changes (investment)

    oRevision before transposition period has ended is not ideal

    oRES-T of Art 25 with 14% minimum share only contributes for a very small part to the art. 7 target, it’s rather to incentivise specific fuels. Additionality criteria is therefore counterproductive


    oQuality/Blending limits in FQD limit higher RES-T alignment of RED II and FQD

    oMove to well-to-wheel approach

    oConsider parallel policy initiatives (FQD, CO2 restrictions for vehicles)


    oSustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy : details on upcoming Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Alliance?

    oHow to achieve 25% in CTP with only 30 Mio. EVs and increasing energy consumption

    Session 4 Renewables in industry

    Table 31 - Details of Session 4




    14:30 – 15:15

    Ruud Kempener, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Martin Porter, Executive Chair, CISL Brussels

    ·Peter Botschek, Director of Climate Change and Energy, CEFIC

    ·Aurelie Beauvais, Deputy CEO and Policy Director, SolarPower Europe

    ·Mikael Nordlander, Head of R&D portfolio Industry Decarbonisation, Vattenfall AB

    Position of each panellist

    Martin Porter, Executive Chair, CISL Brussels

    oRole of increased use of RES through 3 sections: competitiveness, RES industry, industry broadly;

    oCompetitiveness : more difficult than thought, in the context of sustainable development in general, paradigm shift... how to measure comp.? An Innovation-centric approach is key. Domestic and Global market opportunities, EU has advantages on the world scene. Will we be buying or selling the technologies? Need to look at opportunities the industry has regarding value chains, the industrial ecosystem etc.

    oEuropean Roundtable of Industry encompasses the following: manufacturing, energy industry, renewable will benefit, macro-economic benefits, jobs, but not uniform, some leading, others not. Make the right decision on policy and regulatory to allow their deployment;

    oIndustry more broadly (cement, steel, chemical, ), competitive advantages if cost reduction, with electrification as a key element. How to incentivise our ability to invest in electrification? Look at other aspects (side-by-side RES) such as circular economy, material use, demand side is important.

    Peter Botschek, Director of Climate Change and Energy, CEFIC

    oChemical EU: biggest energy consumer, 2/3 is gas & electricity consumption (already now), biggest global exporter, energy cost is very important;

    oGHG reduced more than 50%, to 1990, but still to be expected;

    oRES will play important role to help decarbonise;

    oDeveloped different pathways, circularity, hydrogen, renewables, recycling, closing the loop are important aspects to look at;

    oTo decarbonise, electrification is essential, but it requires more RES electricity (even if process electrification leads to EE). Regarding renewable energy, the chemical industry in Europe predicts 140% more energy use than the IEA predicts to be available by 2050 (in capacity);

    oAccess to affordable, reliable low-carbon energy is essential. Access RES renewable, with competition / innovation as main force, and not normative or obligation;

    oElectrification will results in efficiency loss in the end-use process. Something to be considered under the EED.

    Aurelie Beauvais, Deputy CEO and Policy Director, SolarPower Europe

    oImportant to increase RES, industrial demand is a huge market, growing exponentially in EU (RE100 forecasted more than 6GW PPA in 2020 PPAs grew by 100% in 2020 compared to 2019, corresponds to 20% installed capacity from solar & wind in 2019). Other segments, (e.g., commercial and industrial rooftops) potential would reach 140GW by 2030; (compared to H2 strategy – 120 GW);

    oMore and more driven by the market, less and less support needed from public money, makes the green deal more achievable, reduce the burden on public and citizens;

    oPV & wind are the most competitive : potential is huge (good for the need of industry), cost competitive everywhere (not only in south and/or north the more cost competitive the more available it can become everywhere), becomes enabler of the Green Deal and decarbonisation of industry;

    oCompetitiveness and innovation : RES makes business sense, next is to scale up. Innovation remains important, RES and electrification moving frontier (and other technologies., e.g., H2);

    oBig potential for RES H2, ready to harness the challenges. Accelerate the maturity and cost competitiveness.

    Mikael Nordlander, Vattenfall R&D Portfolio Manager Industry Decarbonisation

    oHybrit is a disruptive solution, it cannot be done without cooperating, it is important;

    oWorking in value-chain;

    oHarvest RES through electrification is essential;

    oMajority capex in RES, at Vattenfall;

    oBarriers: cost could be considered (but weight in final product remains limited, as it impacts an intermediate material, cheap. Cost increase to end consumer is low);

    oFirm belief this green characteristic will have a value for the final consumer;

    oIf early mover (e.g., SSAB, LKAB), de-risking is important;

    oAdditionality, if high demand in industry, but it depends (e.g., wind Elec deploys rapidly in Sweden). So, no need to focus on additionality.


    oHow important is demand for green products, has EU advantage > large well fit domestic market, demand is created by standards, also the materials (with replication outside EU)

    oNot yet a key driver, efforts made by some MS to buy, e.g., electric vehicle, with limited results. The profit margin for a car is surprisingly low, … it could become challenging. Elasticity of consumer are different;

    oChains are all different. Leaning the believe in the market is not enough. Need for policy, support (CfD?);

    oHow RES could be provided to SME, can be entirely be decarbonised through electrification (PPAs, ….). Remove barrier: target increase (extra boost to the market); administrative barriers (regulatory); low hanging fruit (appropriate framework, like imposing tendering for small installations is not appropriate). Supply side, green (broadly than carbon) is a competitive advantage, for branding. But more often cost is key… should decrease and increase competitiveness.

    Coverage of topics in Session 4


    oInnovation & research, scaling, business modelling

    oAdministrative barriers (permit)

    oCfD (technology neutral, dilute the funds), review state aid guidelines, link with PPA

    oGOs, traceability is key

    oDe-risk instruments

    Session 5 Measures for a further uptake of renewables in electricity

    Table 32 - Details of Session 5





    Antonio Lopez-Nicolas (Deputy Head of the Renewable Energy Unit, DG ENER)

    ·Dirk Vansintjan, President of the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives, RESCOOP

    ·Giles Dickson, CEO, Wind Europe

    ·Bruno De Wachter, Convenor of the Working Group Market Design and RES, ENTSO-E

    ·Hélène Lavray, Senior Advisor - Renewables & Environment, Energy Policy, Climate & Sustainability, Eurelectric

    Introductory statement by Antonio Lopez-Nicolas

    The first sessions focussed on end-use sectors, in line with the CTP IA. Yet it does not make the power sector less important. RES-E share should increase from 32% to 65% by 2030 (most of it being variable renewables). On the demand side, it would happen with an electrification of end-use sectors, and indirect electrification of hard-to-abate sectors. Barriers remain though: renewables have a 1.5% annual installation rate increase only, which needs to double during the next decade. How to make the increase happen?


    Position of each panellist

    What major barriers do you see in the deployment of renewables in the electricity sector by 2030, in order to build an integrated energy system with at least 65% of renewable electricity share?

    Bruno De Wachter, Convenor of the Working Group Market Design and RES, ENTSO-E

    oTwo issues: need to install renewables, and to operate them in real time

    oThe electricity networks have to follow as well, along all voltage levels. Permitting is a major problem for transmission grid as well. Only 10 years for this exercise, while it takes 10 years for permitting and 3 years for construction.

    oNeed to go further and further offshore, including offshore grids. There is a need for a stable regulatory framework (in particular for hybrid assets).

    oRES: national support mechanism: will it be the most appropriate way to support RES deployment in the future? Today, we do not value enough renewable electricity. And the Guaranties of Origin system means nothing on RES-consumption (lack of temporal and spatial consistency). Need to come up with another system, more transparent: more in real time. Start with a voluntary system (industries) and then something compulsory. It would incentivise demand to follow production.

    Dirk Vansintjan, President of the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives, RESCOOP

    oSo far high voltage consumers are exempted from contribution to RES support costs, as well as conventional power generators. Generates a lack of trust from citizens.

    oHappy with REDII on energy communities; but MS should set a sub-target for energy communities, tax shift from green to grey energy carriers; provide access for energy communities to district heating (less monopoly from DSOs, more empowerment for companies and businesses).

    Hélène Lavray, Senior Advisor - Renewables & Environment, Energy Policy, Climate & Sustainability, Eurelectric

    oInvestment cycles are rather long, there is a need for a consistent 2030 framework as quickly as possible (ETS, Energy Efficiency Directive, other instruments such as the TEN-E regulation).

    oPermitting: a pressing issue - permitting issue for wind and solar but also hydro and distribution system. REDII goes in the right direction, but more could be done e.g., speed up for PCIs, DSOs too.

    oDisappointed by the electrification rate in CTP's IA. E.g., in the road transport sector and for indirect electrification. Classification of e-fuels should be clarified.

    Giles Dickson, CEO, Wind Europe

    oPermitting: rules too complex, processes too slow. Not enough civil servants on the processes. It acts as a bottleneck. Today 12 GW/y of new wind capacity; for 2030 need to rise to 21 GW/y (under the 32% RE target), or to 26-28 GW/y of new wind capacities (under the 40% RE target). Issue: they cannot afford permitting delays. Commission is to enforce Articles 16 and 17, yet it will not be enough to deliver the new increase. Need to proactively drive the simplifications. Not reopening the article but adding to it a system of benchmark – for instance based on the KPIs determined by the project RES Simplify in January, as an Annex of the Directive.

    oGuarantees of Origin. The demand side is crucial. Art 19 is not delivering that, there is a need for traceability of each unit of renewable electricity: GOs should be made mandatory. Do not introduce in the RED measures that would concern low carbon energies, as the directive should focus exclusively on renewable energies.

    oNeed to keep financing cost very low, as today it can represent the largest share of total costs. Contracts for difference are very good to de-risk investment. They are good for governments too, as the industry pays back when market prices are high. It is crucial to have this revenue stabilisation mechanism.

    Session 6 Bioenergy sustainability

    Table 33 - Details for Session 6





    Giulio Volpi, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Uwe Fritsche, Task Leader of IEA Bioenergy Task: Deployment of biobased value chains, IINAS

    ·Robert Matthews, Programme Group Manager, Forest Research

    ·Linde Zuidema, Forest and Climate Campaigner, Fern

    ·Jean-Marc Jossart, Secretary General, Bioenergy Europe

    ·Lotta Heikkonen, Forest Policy Advisor, Confederation of European Forest Owners

    Position of each panellist 

    Q1: What is the role of bioenergy up to 2030 and towards the 2050 target?

    Q2: Is the current set of criteria (such as sustainability criteria, minimum plant size, LULUCF accounting) sufficient to ensure biomass for energy is harvested and used sustainably and is effectively reducing GHG emissions?

    Uwe Fritsche, Task Leader of IEA Bioenergy Task: Deployment of biobased value chains, IINAS

    oUp to 2050 and beyond, bioenergy is still necessary in all scenarios on a global scale; it will be also very relevant for developing countries. The question is thus what kind of bioenergy we will use rather than if it will be used at all;

    oIn the context of bioeconomy’s sustainability, it is important to consider interactions with fossil, mineral, renewable systems as well as bioeconomic contributions to ecosystem services are important, considering dynamic interlinkages and substitution effects. The bioeconomy is the only system providing food, feed, and eco-system services, for which there is no substitute.

    oIn a sustainable bioeconomy, we should focus on the use of bioenergy in sectors that are hard to decarbonise (aviation, shipping, hi-temperature industrial heat). The question is – which feedstock?

    oEven bioenergy production could enrich biodiversity, net-positive approaches exist already but need to be scaled up.

    oBioeconomy can provide further income for rural areas that face economic decline due to urbanisation. There are now small-scale bio-refineries, which produce fuel and could be a long-term sustainable solution.

    oBioenergy should not increase competition for land. This means keep looking for waste reduction, restoring land, and intercropping.

    oRED II was important in driving a change towards a bioeconomy. A revision of RED could improve the governance of these processes and speed up their uptake.

    Robert Matthews, Programme Group Manager, Forest Research

    oThe premise that bioenergy delivers zero emissions when used is true only sometimes.

    oTiming of emissions is an important aspect: initially the GHG emissions of certain bioenergy are high, only in long-time perspective when the crops or trees regrow the balance is restored.

    oThere is now more scientific understanding to distinguish impact of particular fuels and can be used for differentiated approach, for example for bioenergy sources. These have to be considered when designing new policies.

    oThese aspects have to be considered when designing policies towards 2030 and 2050.

    Linde Zuidema, Forest and Climate Campaigner, Fern

    oTowards 2050, EU will have to reduce emissions and remove CO2 from the atmosphere to reach its carbon objectives. Land and forest are the best options to remove CO2, but this depends on how sustainably they are managed.

    oCurrently, the sustainable management of forests is not done properly, harvesting for biomass fuels and other short-term uses is occurring. Woody biomass is currently 35% of renewable use mix.

    oThe use of biomass has negative impacts in the short timeframe where the climate action has to be taken; it has also negative impacts caused by other GHG emissions, air pollution and biodiversity. The investment in biomass is diverting investment in other cleaner technologies.

    oThe risk-based approach is flawed: RED does not address risk of increased forest harvesting, e.g., using whole harvested wood for fuel of wood with high carbon content.

    oAlso, LULUCF not accounting for all uses, some emissions are left unaccounted

    oEU rules currently do not encourage sustainable use and incentivise short term biomass use over carbon sinks.

    oA weak risk-based approach cannot balance a plethora of incentives and funds destined to support forests harvesting. Data shows that biomass burning has negative effects, but MSs are not transparent about the impacts. Without additional restrictions on feedstocks, a phase-out plan for use in heating and power, and a reduction in regulatory and financial incentives, wood biomass should not be supported by RED.

    Jean-Marc Jossart, Secretary General, Bioenergy Europe

    oOn the market: MS national plans are focussed on renewable resources at national level, and they expect an increase in bioenergy use of 49% in bioenergy by 2030. Afterward it is unclear.

    oMS tells us that there is a huge potential, forests grow, and we harvest lass than the amount gained by the growth in forest mass: we harvest less than 2/3 but forests grew by 47% in the last 30 years. This use is sustainable, so it will be there in 2050.

    oMarket: wind and PV will play a growing role, but bioenergy has added value as a flexibility source. Because of bioenergy, the EU will need to invest less in grid management and storage.

    oHeating: modelling suggests a reduced use of biomass for heating, but this is not certain. This is because biomass is an affordable source, both for distributed and district heating, also for high-temperature industry applications (e.g., steam). Due to low prices, it is a solution also for fuel poverty.

    oBioenergy a key pillar in any 2050 strategy.

    oSustainability criteria: It should be recognised that bioenergy sector has already substantial sustainability regulation. Bioenergy is the only sector with strong sustainability requirements, such as reducing emissions in the supply chain (70% required); no other sector covers supply chain and emission in third countries.

    oBioeconomy industry is looking at the EU, and continuing changes will discourage investment. For bioenergy, the EU should not repeat the same mistakes made for biofuels by providing an approach too complex and that changes too often.

    Lotta Heikkonen, Forest Policy Advisor, Confederation of European Forest Owners

    o16 million forest owners

    oEU forests are essential for decarbonising the energy system.

    oGuiding principles are Sequestration, storage, substitution – and bioenergy plays a fundamental role

    oCommission analysis shows need for increased bioenergy consumption, in hard-to-decarbonise sectors and provide flexibility for the electricity grid.

    oAre current criteria sufficient? They have not yet been implemented (this will start next summer), so it is not possible to evaluate their effectiveness yet;

    oReopening the sustainability criteria before it has been implemented, it will be a burden on forest owners. The instability of regulatory system is harmful to forest owners (e.g., increasing administrative burdens) and it will not give the good signal to forest owners.

    oRisk-based approach already delivers sustainability benefits, and sustainable forest management fully accounts for main sustainability principles. The focus of forest owners is to maintain a healthy forest ecosystem, and this is achieved by the current approach to sustainable management.

    oThere is already national-level legislation that works

    oFinally, we do not need to reinvent the wheel. There is a need to support forest owners to adapt their approach to new conditions and requirements.

    Session 7 A European system for certification of renewable and low-carbon fuels, including hydrogen

    Table 34 - Details of Session 7





    Galin Gentchev, Policy officer, Renewables and CCS policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    ·Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Secretary General, Hydrogen Europe

    ·Peter Styles, Executive Vice Chair, EFET Board

    ·Sascha WüstenhöferSystem Manager, ISCC International Sustainability and Carbon Certification

    ·Javier Castro, Business Development Carbon Management Service, TÜV SÜD Industrie Service

    ·Sacha Alberici, Managing Consultant, Guidehouse

    Introduction from moderator – main issues addressed

    oHow to integrate, streamline and widen to other sectors the certification system in order to have a fully-fledged certification system where all works in a complementary way

    oThe traceability across the value chain needs to be ensured; this is different for various types of fuels

    oIt is also a question of technical implementation, with the existing system(s), avoiding also double counting

    Position of each panellist

    Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Secretary General, Hydrogen Europe

    oCarbon content of fuels is the new currency/metric (to set a price). GO, certification schemes will be needed in the future H2 markets (in future, hydrogen will be carrier but also a feedstock).

    oIt is not possible to just copy other gas regulations. For gases, there are many certification schemes, not all trustable. Another suggestion might be the electricity certification schemes, but they require physical infrastructure (to book and claim).

    oAsk for a new hydrogen certification scheme è 5T principles for certification scheme: traceability (source/origin), trackability (along the supply chain), tradability, transparency, trust... e.g. CertifHy (very robust). Covering all sectors (transport, building, industry,...).

    oThere is a possibility of using distributed ledger technology to deliver the scheme (e.g. block chains); it is not mature yet but there is a lot of potential and should be ready by when the H2 market will materialize (> 2025). Should also encompass storage.

    oIt is also necessary to introduce certification scheme that addresses hydrogen-derived fuels using carbon as feedstock.

    Peter Styles, Executive Vice Chair of the EFET Board

    oThe perspective should be cross-sectoral, cross-commodity, technology neutral approach, as far as possible (let’s be cautious not to disturb the existing transparent well-functioning markets).

    oAnother guiding principle: carbon neutral or other concrete renewable sources are a mean to the end, which is zero-carbon economy, and not a final goal. So, certification should be covering as much as possible all carriers and sources.

    oGold standard is the ETS: level playing field across EU, not relying on national regulation, principle of non-interference with energy markets. Links exist already between RES and verification (monitoring regulation).

    oCertification should be tradable independently from the physical substance; no to mass/energy tracking.

    oLet’s not partition the energy markets, trying to track electrons, molecules etc. would be overcomplicated. But EU certification scheme is a Yes.

    oDouble counting must be avoided.

    Sascha Wüstenhöfer, System Manager, ISCC International Sustainability and Carbon Certification

    oYes, the certification system is now fit for purpose, several delegated acts should come in the coming months.

    oThe RED has demonstrated that specific sustainability requirements can be introduced for specific sectors, so dedicated regulation is possible.

    oThere are not many experiences with RED II effects since it is only being implemented

    oThere is also a large room for interpretation, so we need a clear legal framework, otherwise we may miss the opportunity to establish a level playing field. Therefore, the RED revision should pay attention to:

    oSustainability requirements for biomass: social sustainability aspects are missing (e.g. safe working conditions, child labour) – it works in some independent schemes already, so it is possible to integrate such approach.

    oTraceability: Art 30: limited guidance on how it should be addressed, too much room for different interpretation (e.g. an „appropriate time period“) – should be clarified or otherwise there will not be level competition across (certification) schemes.

    oPrinciple of trust: define what to do with economic operators that do not abide with the regulation.

    oControl and monitoring scheme of the certification bodies is needed. Otherwise, we might face the risk of a race to the bottom to avoid proper oversight mechanism.

    Javier Castro, Business Development Carbon Management Service, TÜV SÜD Industrie Service

    oThe current system works well, however, the question of what happens when somebody is not conforming to the rules is not addressed, as well as some other operating issues;

    oWhy co-existence of 2 systems makes sense:

    ·Mass balance system (focus on final consumption) is not feasible for electricity, e.g., tracing the electrons;

    ·Book and claim (focus on production) would be too complicated for biomass e.g. difficult to link with the end use.

    oThere could be a possibility to transform certificates from GO to mass balance and vice-versa. This integration has to be integrated on EU level, or else there will be different national rules and the system will not work efficiently

    oNew system should be based on integration of existing systems.

    Sacha Alberici, Managing Consultant, Guidehouse

    oBenefits: providing auditors with timely data; limiting risk of bad transactions; support MSs and schemes in monitoring activities

    oIt should be complementary existing schemes

    oSuccessful implementation requires cooperation with national actors

    oSchemes would need to ensure that economic operators actually use the database

    oDownstream supply chain is already familiar with similar databases, upstream sector however needs to be supported to learn how to use

    In first step focus only on liquid and gaseous fuels in transport, but also hydrogen, biogas, bioliquids should be included to facilitate cross-border trade; later cover heating biomass, res electricity used for RFNBO production; but also including RES electricity generation would be step too far.

    Coverage of topics in Session 7 / Concluding remarks

    oExisting certification system delivered results, the question was about adapting it, given the emergence of new carriers, etc.

    oDiscussion on the scope & the content

    oNeed for a specific H2 certification scheme

    oLevel playing field, technology neutral

    oCertification should tradable, ideally independently of the commodity

    oNo tracing of electrons

    Concluding Remarks by Paula Abreu Marques

    Paula Abreu Marques concluded the session, by sharing the key takeaways that were summarised from the seven sessions held during the workshop. Some of the key points raised concerned:

    ·In order for the EU to achieve a 55% GHG reduction, increased ambitions in RE and energy efficiency are necessary. Increasing the share of renewables in the transport and heating and cooling sectors are key focus areas, although increasing the share of renewables in buildings and electricity supplies are also important.

    ·There is a need for stable regulatory framework with specific renewable energy and regulatory measures, which includes top-down EU governance rules to enable investments.

    ·Strong EU objectives are needed, at least doubling current ambition level of Heating & Cooling. A variety of heat sources, such as solar, geothermal, bio, are needed to replace fossil fuels.

    ·District Heating and Cooling are central for decarbonising Heating & Cooling and Energy System Integration at low-cost. Expansion and modernisation could be supported at the EU level to ensure a level playing field, fair competitiveness and investments.

    ·Local communities and cities are important actors to achieve EU and national goals, and should be enabled to effectively implement the REDII provisions. Clear communication of EU and national goals and integrated planning is also required to connect all levels of governance towards achieving the broader climate goals.

    ·During the workshop, there was a broad consensus on the need to step up efforts for promoting renewables in the transport sector. Rate of electrification of road transport is expected to increase, and will deliver important contributions. Harmonisation of policy instruments in REDII is desirable, but not full harmonisation. Some stakeholders expressed worries on policy certainty and investments over possible revisions of the REDII for the sector.

    ·In the industry sector, there remains a major growth area for RE deployment. Scale-up of cost-competitive renewable energy is critical to ensure competitiveness of EU industry.

    ·The polling exercise saw that a majority of the participants supported targets for renewables in the industry sector. Nonetheless, important barriers were also identified by panellists. Supporting conditions such as simplifying permitting processes, PPAs, state-aid guidelines, business model innovations and reduction of financial risks were seen as critical to ensure low-cost renewables.

    ·Renewable electricity remains central for cost-effective decarbonisation and unlocking renewable energy demand and consumer participation and electrification of end-use sectors is essential.

    ·Barriers to renewable electricity deployment need to be removed. This can be achieved through the implementation of the existing REDII and building on REDII provisions such as regional cooperation or guarantees of origins. Also, is important to coordinate with other works such as the European Taxation Directive review to ensure level playing field across sectors.

    ·Sustainable Bioenergy is important to reach carbon-neutrality, especially for hard to abate sectors. Bioenergy in the EU is a by-product of broader circular bio economy and has to be seen in this context. Confidence in the sustainability of EU bioenergy is an important requirement for wide-spread development, which will depend on Sustainable Forest Management, and the maintenance of forest carbon stocks and sinks. Industry and forest owners see REDII and LULUCF as important steps forward and call for stable regulatory framework to support investments. Meanwhile, NGOs are more critical and call for stricter rules. Achieving a balance would be important in the REDII review.

    ·Further development of certification system into a full-fledge certification would make a vital contribution to achieve ambitious energy targets. Adjusting the scope of the certification to cover all emerging fuels is important. Sector-specific certification could be necessary, for hydrogen, for example.

    ·There is a need to ensure that REDII will be fully and timely implemented, so policy continuity and stability is key. The REDII review should focus on areas where there is a clear need to enhance the provisions to link to the climate ambitions to the energy system integration and to other relevant policy documents and decisions that have been taken.

    ·This workshop is only a part of the stakeholder engagement planned for the REDII review. Stakeholders are welcome to provide their feedback via the Open Public Consultation (OPC), which is also opened till 9 February 2021. A second workshop is also planned to be held in Spring 2021, well before the adoption of the Commission’s proposal which is scheduled for June 2021.

    Report of the 2nd Stakeholder workshop 22 March 2021

    Executive Summary

    On 22 March 2021, the European Commission, DG Energy, held a second online event in the context of the work to revise Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. The revision aims to ensure that Renewable Energy Sources (RES) cost-effectively and sustainably contribute to at least 55% Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction in 2030, in line with the Climate Target Plan (CTP). This means reaching a 38% to 40% share of RES in 2030. The event was part of the wider consultation process on the revision of the Directive launched on 17 November 2020. Information on the review of Directive 2018/2001, the public consultation and the two stakeholder workshops is available online (at ).

    The event agenda included 7 external keynote speakers 7 in three sessions. An official from DG Energy coordinated each session. The event also included an opening session from Kadri Simson, the Commissioner for Energy at the European Commission, a sharing of the first outcome of the open public consultation by Paula Pinho, Head of Unit ENER C.1 Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy, and closing remarks from Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director-General, DG Energy.

    The event was organised with the support of Trinomics which provided technical and content support to DG Energy. Over 1048 people from over 600 different organisations registered for the event. During the day of the event, 873 people connected via the Zoom platform for an average of 3 hours and 42 minutes.

    Overview of the event

    This second stakeholder event for the revision of Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RED II) was held on the 22 March 2021 as part of a wider consultation process. The process includes a questionnaire which was open to any individual and organisation (available online at ) as well as a first stakeholder event, which was held on 11 December 2020.

    The event was organised by Trinomics as part of the contract ENER/ C1/2020-440 for Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration.


    The event was organised in three sessions, split between morning and afternoon. As part of the agenda (see table below), Kadri Simson, the Commissioner for Energy at the European Commission, and Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director-General at DG Energy, provided introductory and concluding remarks, respectively. Paula Pinho, Head of Unit C1, provided an introductory presentation of the results of the online Stakeholder Consultation, which closed on 9 February 2021.

    The three sessions covered main areas of RED II, namely: renewable energy in transport; renewable energy in heating and cooling, buildings and district heating; and sustainability of forest biomass for energy. Each session was moderated by a DG Energy official responsible for the topic and gave ample time for keynote interventions and contributions from the public. The format of the event was agreed so that it would give maximum exposure to stakeholders’ opinions and foster a debate among them. The event ran from 10h00 to 17h00, CET, with a 1.25-hour lunch break.

    Table 35 - Agenda of stakeholder workshop

    Agenda item



    Morning Session


    Opening and introduction

    Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission


    First outcome of Stakeholder Consultation

    Presentation by Paula Pinho, Head of Unit ENER C.1 Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy


    Session 1 Renewable energy in transport

    Bernd Kuepker,

    Policy Officer, DG ENER Decarbonisation and Sustainability of Energy Sources, European Commission

    Keynote interventions

    ·Dr. Alexander Landia, Chairman, The Mobility House AG

    ·Prof. David Chiaramonti, Polytechnic of Turin

    Interventions from attendees



    Afternoon Session


    Session 2 Renewable energy in Heating and Cooling, Buildings and District Heating

    Eva Hoos,

    Policy Officer, DG ENER Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy, European Commission

    Keynote interventions

    ·Brian Vad Mathiesen, Coordinator of sEEnergies, Aalborg University

    ·Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, Buildings Performance Institute Europe

    Interventions from attendees


    Session 3 Sustainability of forest biomass for energy

    Giulio Volpi,

    Policy Officer, DG ENER Decarbonisation and Sustainability of Energy Sources, European Commission

    Keynote interventions

    ·Sarah Mubareka, Joint Research Centre, European Commission - Presentation of JRC woody biomass study

    ·Prof. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, UC Louvain, former vice-chair of IPCC

    ·Karoliina Niemi, Forest Director, Finnish Forest Industries Federation

    Interventions from attendees



    Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director General, DG Energy, European Commission


    Inviting participants and management of registrations

    Preparations for the event started just under one month in advance of the event. A first round of email with a “save the date” reminder was sent to 768 stakeholders on 2 March 2021, which informed them of the date and time of the second stakeholder engagement event. A second email to 807 stakeholders was sent the following week, on 12 March 2021, where the tentative agenda and the registration link to the online event was provided. A third and last e-mail was sent to 831 stakeholders on 19 March 2021, to provide them with an updated agenda, the profiles of the keynote speakers, and the same registration link for them to register for the event via Zoom.

    The platform chosen for the event – Zoom – was selected based on its capability to support the high number of participants expected to attend the event. Registration was done directly via the Zoom registration platform.

    Agenda preparation and coordination with panellists, moderators and stakeholders providing interventions

    In preparation for the event, DG ENER identified and reached out to the seven keynote speakers, and confirmed their participation independently. Similar to the first stakeholder engagement event held on 11 December 2020, the moderator for each session was the responsible officials in DG ENER C.1 and C.2. The project team had also reached out to keynote speakers and moderators on 16 March 2021, to provide them with their unique link to join the online event, a technical guide for using Zoom, and the opportunity to participate in any of the three technical dry run session that was scheduled between 17-18 March 2021, if they would like to. In addition, a dry run session was also specially organised on 17 March 2021 to orientate the core team from DG ENERGY to get accustomed to the functions of Zoom and the interface with

    In the period between the first workshop and the second stakeholder event, the project team had received several requests from the public, asking the opportunity to voice their views and concerns in the second stakeholder event. To ensure these requests were accommodated, additional slots were planned during the event, while time was also provided for additional impromptu interventions during the event, ensuring a fair balance of positions.

    A final e-mail to the keynote speakers was sent on 19 March 2021 which included an outlook invitation, together with the updated agenda, a compilation of the profiles of keynote speakers of the event, and speakers’ unique weblink to join the event, along with other administrative details. A final e-mail was also sent to stakeholders who would provide short interventions on 19 March 2021, including the updated agenda, compilation of keynote speakers’ profiles, as well as other administrative details.

    Questions from stakeholders via email

    Before the event, stakeholders were able to submit questions to the project’s email address. These were shared with moderators in the document titled: moderators’ guide. The questions received are included in Annex VII.

    On the day – behind the curtain event coordination

    Three staff members from Trinomics were managing various tasks to ensure the smooth and seamless running of the event on the day. Tasks included:

    ·answering emails from participants having problems to connect;

    ·registering several new participants that had not previously registered;

    ·explaining the housekeeping rules to participants of the event;

    ·following up on the inputs from attendees via the chat functions;

    ·time keeping;

    ·management of the slide-pack; and

    ·technical support for moderators and panellists.

    Other members of the project team were also responsible for note-taking and support to moderators of the respective sessions.

    Post-event follow-ups

    The attendance report in Zoom, and a compilation of the questions received via were downloaded at the end of the event. The slides that were used during the event were compiled and tidied up after the event. A thank you e-mail, along with a PDF copy of the slides, as well as the list of questions received via during the three sessions was sent to workshop participants on 24 March 2021. An updated copy of the slides was sent to workshop participants on 31 March 2021 A copy of the slides for the event was also made available online (

    The minutes taken during the event were also consolidated from the task leads of the project team for each session..


    A total of 1048 people registered for the event either via the link provided or by sending a request via email. Of these, the total number of attendees was 873, of which 38 were moderators, panellists, and project team members. The remaining 835 participants were public audience. The attendance rate (share of registered people that connected to the event on the day compared to the total number of registrations) is 83%. On average, each attendee stayed logged in for 3 hours and 42 minutes, with several participants logging in and out multiple times.

    The figure below shows the number of active connections throughout the day of the event, from 10.00 to 17.00. The dip in the graph between 12:15 to 13:30 is the lunch break. Generally, attendance was higher in the morning session than in the afternoon session and peaked at just under 675 participants.

    Figure 65 Number of active connections

    Most participants were from within the EU, with the majority connecting from Belgium, followed by Germany, Spain, and France. The high number of connections from Belgium reflects the number of lobby groups based in Brussels (bearing in mind this analysis excludes attendees registered with a domain). Non-EU countries, such as the United Kingdom, United States of America and Others are highlighted in yellow and orange in the figure below.

    Figure 66 Location of attendees (excluding attendees from European Commission)

    Member States

    Non-EU countries

    Remaining locations with less than 5 attendees (EU and Non-EU)

    Over half of the attendees of the event came from business organisations (53%). 20% of the attendees represented public authorities, which includes officers from the European Commission. 8% came from environmental organisations and NGOs, 3% came from academic and research institutions, and 16% of the stakeholders fell under the other category.

    Figure 67 Affiliation of attendees (including attendees from European Commission)

    Among the 142 attendees who represented governmental organisations (central government and other governmental bodies, excluding EU institutions but including the permanent representations in Brussels), the countries with the most representatives were Portugal, the Netherlands and Belgium. No representatives attended from the governments of Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus or Denmark.

    Figure 68 Public authorities by country (excluding attendees from European Commission)

    EU Member States

    Non-EU countries

    Opening and introduction by Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy

    The event started with the opening address of Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission. In her remarks, Kadri Simson referred to the large amount of interest in the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive by stakeholders, with almost 39,000 responses to the Open Public Consultation (OPC). These responses came from all sectors: citizens, business associations, companies, public authorities, environmental organisations and NGOs.

    From the conclusions drawn from the OPC, the European Commission started identifying a way forward towards a legislative proposal that will come in June in the Fit for 55 package. The context of this work is well known: Europe wants to be the first climate neutral continent by 2050, making renewables the main pillar of the EU energy system. In order to reach the EU targets, the renewable energy sector needs to grow by 15-20% annually. Electricity produced by renewable sources exceeded that produced by fossil sources for the first time in 2020. However, the supply today will not be able to match the future demand. Expanding the renewable energy sector is an opportunity for European industries and companies cleaners and more competitive. Further, climate ambitions will require investments in renewable energy of 350 billion euros per year.

    Supporting the green transition and investing in renewable energy is at the core of many EU initiatives, including the Next Generation EU Plan and the Recover and Resilience Plans. Europe is showing global leadership by contributing fuly to the aims of the Paris agreement, The Fit for 55 package will include changes to the Emissions Trading System, Energy Taxation Directive and Energy Efficiency Directive.

    While Member States do make use of the current EU policy framework to increase the use of renewables, it will not be enough to raise the share of renewable energy to 38—40%, which is needed to meet the increased climate ambitions under the Green Deal and the Climate Target Plan (goal of reducing EU’s greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030). The Commissioner therefore underlined the need for important additional investments on renewables and the fact that REDII revision will focus on sectors that need more attention, such as transport and heating & cooling, to bring the Directive in line with the ambition of the Climate Target Plan. Particularly, this includes the transport and heating and cooling sectors. As of 2019, only 8.9% of the energy used in the transport sector is produced from renewable sources. The impact assessment shows that the share of renewables in that sector will need to increase to 24% by 2030. This will require a transformation of the transport sector. Charging infrastructure and secure access to batteries will be critical to the roll out electric vehicles. Clean hydrogen will be crucial to decarbonise aviation and maritime. Further, advanced biofuels will need to be promoted more. The 2018 Renewable Energy Directive set the first targets, but these will need to be revisited in light of the higher 2030 ambitions.

    The decarbonisation of the buildings sector is vital to meet the 2030 targets. According to the impact assessment, Member States should reduce GHG emissions from buildings by 60% compared to 2015 levels. The European Commission will also look into measures to increase the use of renewable energy in the industry sector, which accounts for 26% of EU’s energy consumption, in particular the chemical, iron and steel sectors.

    One of the main concerns raised by stakeholders regarding the use of bioenergy is that it could lead to unsustainable forest management practices with a negative impact on biodiversity. Sustainability criteria were introduced in the last revision of the Renewable Energy Directive, which will start to apply in 2021. The draft implementing act will be published soon (est. June 2021), and it will be subject to a four-week open public consultation period.

    However, this may still not be enough. Therefore, the European Commission is looking at targeted changes to the sustainability framework in the context of the revision of RED II. The EU objective is clear: EU and national legislation should support only sustainable practices and avoid those with negative impacts on biodiversity.

    In the concluding remarks of Kadri Simson, the Commissioner for Energy, European Commission, she thanked stakeholders for their contributions and interest. She remarked on how there is a clear and unambiguous support to raise the EU’s ambitions and increase the share of renewables in the EU. She looks forward to an ambitious proposal to be announced in June this year in 2021.

    Outcome of the Open Public Consultation by Paula Pinho, Head of Unit, DG ENER.

    Paula Pinho, Head of Unit ENER C.1 Renewables and system integration, European Commission, presented the first outcome of the Open Public Consultation (OPC). As part of the OPC process, the European Commission launched a questionnaire to collect the views and suggestions from stakeholders and citizens concerning the RED II. The questionnaire, which consists of 54 closed questions and 42 open questions, was uploaded on the EU Survey Platform at ). The OPC was open for 12 weeks, from 17 November 2020 to 9 February 2021. In conclusion, the European Commission is grateful for the contributions that stakeholders have provided. The OPC will help the European Commission in their preparatory work on the revision of RED, particularly in identifying what the main issues and concerns are.

    Session 1 Renewable energy in Transport

    Table 36 - Details of Session 1




    10h45 –12h15

    Bernd Kuepker, Policy officer, Decarbonisation and Sustainability of Energy Sources, DG Energy, European Commission

    Keynote interventions

    ·Dr. Alexander Landia, Chairman, The Mobility House AG

    ·Prof. David Chiaramonti, Polytechnic of Turin

    Interventions from attendees

    ·Antonella Rossetti, Senior Advisor, Farm Europe

    ·Claude Mangin, Market Development Manager, ENTSOG

    ·Eric Sievers, Director of Investments, Ethanol Europe 

    ·Harmen Dekker, Director, European Biogas Association

    ·Ilkka Räsänen, Vice President, Public Affairs, Neste

    ·Marko Janhunen, Director, Public Affairs, UPM

    ·Xavier Noyon, Secretary-General, European Biodiesel Board

    ·Emmanuel Desplechin, Secretary General, E-pure

    ·Felicia Mester, Senior Policy Advisor, Hydrogen Europe

    ·Laura Buffet, Energy Director, Transport and Environment


    The share of renewables in the transport sector should be increased and efforts should be intensified in this field. Energy system integration as a whole is important, and would require a more consistent implementation by Member States (MS). Biofuels, hydrogen and electrification are all important to meet the decarbonization goal, since some sectors (for example aviation and maritime) will not be covered by electrification in the short and medium term. The importance of high volume biofuels was also highlighted in the keynote intervention of Prof. Chiaramonti. However, the views of stakeholders on the role of the available options for transport decarbonisation and in particular the role of conventional biofuels differed. The need for new technologies and boost in research and development (R&D) were also underlined, where the revision of Annex 9 part A of RED II was highlighted by a number of stakeholders. Others underlined that regulatory stability was important. 

    Position of keynote speaker Dr. Alexander Landia, Chairman, The Mobility House AG

    ·National implementation is a main obstacle today (it is a patchy picture).

    ·We need to think broader - beyond mobility and consider energy integration as a whole.

    ·The question is how to charge a large amount of electric vehicles (EVs)? We need to turn this into a solution: How to provide flexibility for energy system.

    ·Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) integration is a key factor for successful and sustainable transport and energy transition.

    ·The daily flexibility needs of RES compared to contribution that EV batteries can make to this. Based on conservative assumption: EV batteries can contribute 1/3 of daily flexibility needs by 2030, more than 100% by 2050.

    ·Suggests three ways to do so:

    1)Smart-charging (you select when you want to charge your battery, e.g. 2 hour window while parked for 10 hours);

    2)V2G, the car is giving back power when needed;

    3)Second life batteries after they reach 80% capacity—they can be perfectly used in stationary storage.

    ·The volume is very large and the costs are relatively low, because batteries have been paid for by driving already. This will result in lower costs than pumped hydropower or gas turbines.

    ·Put consumers at the heart of transformation of the energy system by allowing them to earn money on their contribution and reducing emissions. Consumers can earn about 1300€ per year and reduce emissions by 4t C02/annum/vehicle at the same time. This is an example from Germany.

    ·Volkswagen will offer its first bi-directional charging for their vehicles in 2022. This may increase consumer interest who may ask for updates in regulation in order for them to tap into this economic incentive.

    ·Currently, promoting electric mobility is done through the provision of subsidies which are costly. The car owners, who have received subsidies, are not motivated to provide the services of their batteries to serve the grid. If these batteries are not used for grid services, half of the capacity guaranteed by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) will be wasted.

    ·Our proposal is to introduce smart regulation to enable the use of batteries for grid services, to enable consumers to earn money by driving with green power, and if they are able to earn revenue (1300€/year), this could be securitized through a green bond or loan. That would be an upfront potential payment on power with current share of German states in the purchase subsidies.

    ·In Germany, the 2,500 batteries that are managed by Mobility House were able to deliver about 4% of the daily flexibility needed by the European grid system on 8 Jan.

    ·A massive contribution of EV batteries is possible at very low costs.

    ·RED II did not specify that you need to calculate the specific contribution of any source of fuel in a certain way, and is dependent on the interpretation of the national governments. In our view, the current German methodology underestimates the contribution of electric cars and e-fuels by 13 times.

    ·There is a need to measure the real contribution, which is possible.

    ·There is a need to create a level playing field for aggregators, like Mobility House, for example.

    ·There is also a need to avoid car manufacturers working in silos building car batteries without sharing information. Proposes for open systems, multi-OEMs, multi-vendor, multi-operator, which are able to operate across the EU.

    ·It would be great to have reliable data from network operators on CO2 footprint of power in the system and the share of renewable energy used.

    ·The moderator asked Dr. Landia if further actions are required to ensure correct implementation of existing provisions , or if he could go in further detail in this regard. There is a need for more R&D and rules for car manufacturing. There is a need for European manufacturers to agree on the standard for manufacturing cars to facilitate bi-directional charging.

    ·The moderator sought to clarify with Dr. Landia the question of implementation of the RED II. Do questions pertain to ensure correct implementation of existing RED II or is there a need to set out some rules in more detail to ensure proper implementation. What kind of rules would be required? In response, Mobility House said that they have produced a set of rules for Germany, as these are country specific. These include, for example, rules regarding R&D and more guidance for car manufacturers, for example by agreeing on the Combined Charging System (CCS) standards, a software standard, for bi-directional charging vehicles. EU car manufacturers would need to agree on this standard before manufacturing cars. Another example is the need for calibrated metering /smart metering, which can reduce the earnings of EV owners. There need to be rules to build a reliable database sharing information between EV batteries and OEMs, in order to avoid the need for installing this additional smart meters.

    Prof. David Chiaramonti, Polytechnic of Turin

    ·All fuels and feedstocks are needed to achieve targets.

    ·RED II is one important policy in the portfolio of complementary policies, such as the European Emissions Trading System (ETS), Effort Sharing Regulation, waste policies, Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) etc.

    ·Insights from RE-CORD project on biofuel scenarios and market perspectives:

    oMassive market uptake of industrial-scale lignocellulosic and electricity-based fuels expected after 2030/2035.

    oRED II Annex IX A-B: RES-T greenhouse gas emissions savings of 24% by 2030 is not sufficient

    oLand use: Good soil practices are possible and beneficial.

    ·2030-2050 scenarios:

    oAll renewable options need to be deployed in parallel to deliver scale-up to long-term ambitious goal.

    oAmbitious and stable (long-term) supporting policies.

    oCurtailment of fossil fuels to further foster renewable uptake?

    ·Biofuels under pressure from climate-constrained future => water deficits increasing!

    ·Biofuels have to become part of a circular economy.

    ·Biofuels can contribute if well-designed and integrated in a circular sustainable development models.

    Summary of interventions from attendees

    Antonella Rossetti, Senior Advisor, Farm Europe

    ·According to their study, biofuels produced from European crops have not replaced EU food production. Biofuels contribute to the development of rural areas.

    ·Renewable energy progress report: no correlation has been observed between food prices and biofuel demand. At the same time, we see that the Commission persists with its attempt to limit the contribution of EU biofuels with a negative narrative.

    ·We need to understand on what basis the Commission is assessing and reviewing the cap on biofuels.

    ·Clear policy distinction needed: sourced from EU vs. imported (often from deforested areas).

    Claude Mangin, Market Development Manager, ENTSOG

    ·Would like to extend RED II scope to low carbon fuels because it can help decarbonize.

    ·Understands that some stakeholders are afraid of this but declares good intention.

    ·Simplify and harmonise accounting based on point of origin. Need clearer sub targets.

    ·Not in favour of additionality principle.

       Reaction from keynote speakers

    Dr. Alexander Landia, Chairman, The Mobility House AG: 

    ·Agree that all technologies are required to reach the targets.

    ·Internal combustion engine used for conventional biofuels or hydrogen has a very low energy efficiency.

    ·Current Fuel Cell technology from green electricity inputs have an energy efficiency of about 35%.

    ·If used directly in a battery electric vehicle (BEV), a 70-90% efficiency can be achieved.

    ·In the long term, there will be a clear way on how to this. On the way there you need all of it, because there are areas where you cannot use batteries, for e.g. in the aviation sector.

    Prof. David Chiaramonti, Polytechnic of Turin:

    ·It is a multi-discipline consideration. Well-designed biofuels can be carbon negative. The Paris COP 21 heard a continuous request for carbon negative actions because carbon neutrality is not sufficient to meet the high climate targets set. This, combined with the curtailment of fossil fuels, is the single action that will help.

    ·How much value do you give to fighting desertification and drought versus greenhouse gases emissions savings? They work together, and there is no need to prioritize one over the other, but instead, to prioritize those technologies that addresses both, e.g. multi-year agriculture. There is a big opportunity to address many positive impacts with multiple instruments in the same value chain.

    ·In that respect, ETS has been mentioned. ETS is also under revision, there is a consideration for nature-based solutions. This can be very well integrated with the sustainable biofuel value chain. There is an opportunity but problem: hard to harmonize. We should not see this as problems but as a significant opportunity to boost these impacts.

    Eric Sievers, Director of Investments, Ethanol Europe 

    ·RED I was a ‘total failure’ to biorefineries; RED II has improved to this end but not yet triggered any major investments.

    ·There is no 8.9% renewable share 2019 in Europe as this figure is after multiple counting;

    ·Criticises Dr. Chiaramonti, EC and consultants supporting the EC for lack of expertise in biofuels;

    ·Fantasies defy markets (refers to intervention by Antonella Rossetti, Farm Europe);

    ·Prices are falling;

    ·Full intervention available as an op-ed on euractiv:  

    Harmen Dekker, Director, European Biogas Association

    ·Recent reports over the last two years. Biogas potential is very high. We can cater to 30-40% renewable gas supply, besides green hydrogen, produced in a true circular way.

    ·It is not about the engines, but about the fuel. The risk of not stimulating biomethane is not meeting the targets for curbing the methane emissions. There is a need to make sure that there are enough sustainable fuels also for mobility. It should be stimulated also on the vehicle side.

    ·Five points:

    oBiomethane in transport should be recognized on an equal basis to BEV in lifecycle analysis. It should at least be acknowledged as a zero emission fuel.

    oRED should not be used for low carbon fuels.

    oAgreeing with Landia, sectorial targets should be increased. Removing multiplier should be seriously considered.

    oBiomethane is not only a renewable fuel which is already available and supplying negative emissions in the transport sector. It can also be available to cater for the maritime sector, and as a heavy-duty fuel.

    oLastly, a target on renewable gas (11%) is needed to make sure biomethane and green hydrogen are taken up in the future.

    Ilkka Räsänen, Vice President, Public Affairs, Neste

    ·There is a need to reduce emissions, and all measures are needed to be able to achieve the target.

    ·By 2030, 90% of heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) and 80% of private vehicles will run on diesel. The need to address 80% of the fleet should be a priority. Other solutions will emerge over time.

    ·Will there be enough feedstock to raise ambition level set by the IEA, for example? Yes there is enough feedstock. There is availability and potential. The previous RED revision already sets caps on food and feedstock and started ILUC to mitigate risks.

    ·Industry is still investing a lot. There is a need for research and investment. There is also a need to raise ambition level and current feedstock pool.

    Marko Janhunen, Director, Public Affairs, UPM

    ·Taking the point of view of an investor, there is a strong need for enabling regulation. There is also a need to limit the changes to the current directive to reduce the risk of regulatory uncertainty for investors.

    ·Should there be a revision of Annex 9 Part A, it will bring the risk of creating chaos.

    ·Regulation is key and little details are extremely important. The revision is an opportunity to put things in the right place.

    Reaction from keynote speakers

    Dr. Alexander Landia, Chairman, The Mobility House AG:

    ·Observations: 6% GHG reduction in transport in Germany was impossible to be fulfilled by biofuels. 1% gap was filled by EVs and other contributions. Biofuels were unable to deliver 6%.

    ·On the other hand, the price of biofuels is driven by palm oil prices in Indonesia.

    ·If we have a chance to increase the share renewable by simply having electric cars on the street and recognizing their contribution 1:1 without multipliers, we can compare that to the contribution of biofuels and then make this comparison to the price.

    Prof. David Chiaramonti, Polytechnic of Turin:

    ·To Erik Sievers: What I tried to show is the biorefinery approach. The point is that any sustainable model should be promoted. Sustainability goes way beyond greenhouse gas emission reduction only, and beyond the scope of RED. The view should be broad and include all the possible benefits following the green deal approach. Conventional crops in well-designed chains could contribute.

    ·To Harmen Dekker: Fully agree on your comment. I mentioned earlier about gas for climate, and the potential there for heavy transport is perfectly fitting into sustainability concept on agricultural sector that was introduced earlier during my intervention.

    ·To Marko Janhunen: Very relevant. In legislation, details are also important , e.g. measurement of carbon in soil. The solutions must be doable to deploy systems and not add burdens when it comes to implementation because it hampers investments. It is possible today. We would not build anything without a sound combination of measurement and modelling. It is normal practice to combine measuring and modelling.

    Xavier Noyon, Secretary-General, European Biodiesel Board

    ·The European Biodiesel Board represents a range of biofuels, and has an awareness of various sectors, including road, heavy-duty vehicles, aviation, maritime.

    ·Beyond the sustainability issues, it is also very important to take into account public acceptance. It is a difficult task for the legislator address all the various views of the population.

    ·A stable framework and recognition are beyond doubt very important. It is very important for investments and for the development of the industry to have stability in the regulation.

    ·We already work with farmers on soil quality. We think that simple bans or simplistic solutions and categories that do not match existing notions on feed/food crop, and is not constructive. We are ready to look at issues seriously, but there is a need a better and more appropriate categorisation.

    ·Important to continue to develop biodiesel and to consider its role in decarbonisation. The development of biodiesel is not contradictory to the political decision to develop electric vehicles.

    ·In deploying those solutions and other measures, such as the limitation on feedstock, these can have a negative impact on the aviation sector, which would need to rely on sustainable biofuels to decarbonise. It can also lead to devastating effects for the deployment of biofuels for road transport in the near future. This is a complex debate with no simple solutions.

    Emmanuel Desplechin, Secretary General, E-pure

    ·Supports the European green deal ambition.

    ·Increased targets and pushing biofuels.

    ·We must ensure that the targets and sub-targets are met and are not undermined by future revision.

    Felicia Mester, Senior Policy Advisor, Hydrogen Europe

    ·Significantly revising upwards the 14% renewable fuel obligation (Art. 25) with a specific dedicated target for renewable fuels of non-biological origin in the transport sector (similar to the 3.5 % target for advanced biofuels provided by Art. 25.1 (b)) to level the playing field.

    ·The application of multipliers (Art. 27.2) (without a corresponding upward revision of the target, when the Directive was negotiated) has made the 14% a target almost irrelevant or very easily attainable (statistically) in many EU countries from the moment the RED II was adopted. Therefore, we advocate for a revision of the multiplier system.

    ·Renewable energy sub-targets and multipliers need to be mutually reinforcing as one provides a push in supply and the other creates a pull effect. This is currently not the case.

    ·When developing legislation and proposing targets and incentives, it is important to avoid duplication of efforts; as such, if specific sectoral targets, for e.g. in industry, maritime or aviation, are proposed within the context of RED revision, they should always be coherent with any other more specific and targeted sectoral legislative initiatives e.g. ReFUEL in the maritime and aviation. 

    ·Specific sub-targets for these energy intensive sectors (e.g. steel production, aviation and maritime) should be considered in the upcoming revision of the RED to further incentivize and speed-up deployment and adoption of renewable energy.

    ·We have repeatedly raised our concern on the principle of additionality as defined today. It is the single highest regulatory barrier holding back renewable hydrogen deployment in Europe today. We welcome the work of the Commission on the Delegated Act.

    oThe effect of additionality applied only to hydrogen producers is detrimental to the market uptake and deployment of renewable hydrogen, and with it, the demand for more renewable energy.

    oHolding renewable hydrogen producers responsible for the residual mix of the electricity system in a particular country is deeply unfair. No other consumer of renewable energy is subject to such conditions in order to be able to claim renewable character. Applying additionality criteria only to hydrogen producers is as such, highly discriminatory.

    oIt ignores the basic economic rules of supply and demand: renewable hydrogen creates exclusively demand for renewable energy. More demand for renewable energy leads to more supply of renewable energy. This is a basic economic principle. Happy to explain in detail why.

    oThe fears themselves are exaggerated, as most of the production of hydrogen using non renewable energy delivered by the electricity grid will only happen in the initial stage of market development, will be scattered across Europe, and, in relative terms, will be a drop in the ocean compared to the size of the electricity market. Any possible negative impacts that may occur will be small and short lasting.

    oEven if the effect of connecting electrolysers to the grid would be to inadvertently generate demand for fossil-based electricity (NB. please remember that renewable energy producers generate demand exclusively for renewable electricity), the net effect would actually be positive in a significant number of countries, and the sector where the hydrogen would be used. Here again happy to share further info and our data.

    ·Hydrogen as a distinct energy carrier, separate from electricity and gas. As such, conversion from one energy carrier to another must be transparent to the consumers.

    ·Guarantees of Origin (GOs) must include (1) the primary energy sources (full disclosure of sources) and (2) the greenhouse gas emission footprint.

    ·GOs need to capture the attributes resulting from different production pathways.

    ·It is becoming clear that in order to account for transport targets we will need imported hydrogen. An international GO system is required for import and export of hydrogen.

    ·Conversion from H2 GO to Gas GO as the two are not interchangeable.

    Laura Buffet, Energy Director, Transport & Environment

    ·The main point of the revision of the RED is to shift design to not only focus on liquid fuels but also towards zero-emission technologies such as renewable electricity.

    ·Touches on four points:

    oBiofuels: All crop-based biofuels should be phased out by 2030 from RED II, high deforestation with biofuels including palm oil should be phased out much earlier, e.g. 2021. Advanced biofuels need stronger safeguards within the RED framework.

    oRenewable Electricity: The RED is not really designed to fully accommodate its potential. We really encourage the Commission to introduce a dedicated credit mechanism at the EU-level to make sure the potential of renewable electricity is fully reflected in the revised RED targets.

    oThere has been some indication from stakeholders, and the Commission to broaden the scope of RED to include on low carbon fuels. T&E is strongly against it. Important for RED to focus on renewables. Regarding hydrogen, they should be made eligible only when produced from renewable electricity with clear additional requirements.

    oRegarding overall transport target, T&E agrees on revising the target. However, the target of 24% is too high. We advocate for a lower target, but there is a need to focus on the quality of the fuels and the environment integrity of the fuels, rather than on the quantity of the fuels. There is also a need to reflect the environmental impacts on the use of these fuels.

    Main topics covered in Session 1 on renewable energy in Transport

    ·Adjusting targets

    ·Potential of EVs and BEVs

    ·Need for a consistent, simplified and harmonised way to measure greenhouse gas emission reductions across technologies


    ·Low carbon fuels

    Session 2 Renewable energy in Heating & Cooling, Buildings and District Heating

    Table 37 - Details of session 2




    13h30 –15h00

    Eva Hoos, Policy officer, Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy, DG Energy, European Commission

    Keynote interventions

    ·Brian Vad Mathiesen, Coordinator sEEnergies Europe, Aalborg University

    ·Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE)

    Interventions from attendees

    ·Michael Villa, Executive Director, smartEn

    ·Paolo Basso, Policy Director, EHI

    ·Paul Voss, Managing Director, EHP

    ·Jaume Loffredo, Energy Policy Officer, BEUC

    ·Sanjeev Kumar, Head of Policy, EGEC

    ·Thomas Nowak, Secretary General, EHPA

    ·Pedro Dias, Secretary General, SolarHeat Europe


    The high expectations and potentials for decarbonization in the heating & cooling, buildings, and district heating sectors were discussed, with the Energy Efficiency First principle and the sustainable supply chains of heat as the core aspects. Among others, efforts should be made to accelerate district heating, combined with stimulating the uptake of individual heat pumps in rural areas. Particular attention should be given to thermal storage linked to heating & cooling (H&C), not only to the storage of electricity. Smart thermal grids are needed besides smart electricity grids. The study presented by Oliver Rapf (BPIE) shows the potential of renewable energy in the building sector and its role should be increased with targets—in the range of 53% RES (heat + electricity) in final energy demand by 2030. Therefore fossil fuels should be replaced by renewable electricity for heating, cooling and hot water. Reflection points for RED II include: increasing the annual target for the share of RES in H&C, increasing electric and thermal storage capacities in buildings, and making use of flexible energy demand management systems in buildings. A more integrated approach and planning is needed to support the growth of RES in buildings, therefore long-term renovation strategies should be included in the EPBD revision. This would require the increase of deep renovation rate, the application of stringent definition, implementation of national Nearly Zero Energy Building standards, and integrated planning to combine buildings efficiency strategy with renewable H&C supply strategy. The outcome of the discussion saw a need for a more ambitious and binding H&C target, and the need to foster demand-side flexibility, electrification, hybrid solutions, the strengthening of replacement obligations and more funding for renewable district heating and cooling (DHC).

    Position of each panellists Brian Vad Mathiesen, Coordinator of sEEnergies Europe, Aalborg University

    ·sEEnergies projects (see ), is a continuation of Heat Roadmap Europe.

    ·In individual MS, H&C makes for more than 50% of the final energy demand, and must therefore be the focus. Heating in all MS is more important than cooling.

    ·The scenarios in Clean Planet for All (1.5 TECH and 1.5LIFE) do not address a high ambition on DHC, relying too much on gas and Power-to-X (P-to-X) (which is counter-intuitive), with unrealistic energy efficiency targets in buildings. Particular attention should be given to thermal storage linked to H&C, not only to storage of electricity, which is more expensive. Smart thermal grids are needed in addition to smart electricity grids.   

    ·Energy efficiency in scenarios from 100 kWh/m2 to 40 kWh/m2 is problematic. The 2030 level is much more realistic.  

    ·Bioenergy is really problematic. Do not replace coal with biomass in combined heat and power (CHP), and not to replace individual heaters with biomass boilers! Biogas is another matter, it can be used in CHP.  

    ·Tesla Powerwall should be banned (EUR 300/kWh) if we want to have a cheap integration of renewable energy. It is cheaper to invest in thermal, and bigger energy storages! 

    ·Lots of heat is wasted because we do not have a district heating network. Waste Heat (WH) can cover half demand of DHC (where available). 

    ·Those countries that have natural gas predominantly (UK, NL) have low penetration of renewable energy in heating but the inverse is also true. Positive correlation between district heating and renewable uptake.  

    ·Need a lot more DHC, a lot energy savings, and also need to distinguish between cities and rural areas. For buildings we need to look at building (?) renovations, saving energy etc 

    ·In the future we need a smart energy system – not only electricity but also smart thermal grids.  

    ·We need to ramp up the investments in new district heating and cooling in Europe if we want to decarbonise Europe in a cost-effective manner.  


    ·Heat pumps in buildings - increase in share from 1% to half of the heat market mainly in rural areas. 

    ·District heating supply increase from 12% to cover the other half of the heat market mainly in urban areas. 

    ·Individual fuel boilers and electric heating for heating should be limited as far as possible 

    ·All natural gas boilers should be phased out. 

    ·Hydrogen is not for heating buildings.

    Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE)

    ·The building sector must reduce GHG by 60% by 2030. How do we come to the -60% GHGs? Report is available online at , where the work presented is based on model developed under Horizon2020 project. 

    ·RES heat + electricity to 53% and for heat: 32%. These numbers are based on looking at just heating, cooling and hot water demand. 

    ·Need to make sure that within the coming decade we reduce energy demand by 24.8% which is the enabling condition to allow for increasing renewables. 

    ·Modelling shows that the decrease of fossil fuels should be larger than renewables because energy efficiency is essential (see figure below).  

    ·Policy design is based on modelling target for H&C need to come to 3.7% under Art. 23 of RED II 

    ·Need significant storage electric capacity and increasingly thermal storage (including in buildings): better insulated, higher efficient buildings. More flexible energy demand system. Integrate the respective tech. There are strong link with the Energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD), a more integrated approach is needed. 

    ·How can we foster energy positive districts and buildings? Buildings could become an energy source. 

    ·Sees a current disconnect between renewable energy supply to building sector, and the decrease of energy consumption of the building sector – this would require better integrated planning to meet the higher climate targets. The relevant policies would need to be considered along with the revision of RED II. 

    Summary of interventions from attendees

    Michael Villa, Executive Director, smartEn

    ·Smart renewable electrification in buildings and transport sectors could be interoperable. This is in line with the energy system integration strategy.

    ·In order to help integrate more variable RES generation in the system in a cost-effective way, in addition to reducing energy consumption or energy efficiency measures, making consumption more flexible could help. This would require an evolution of the energy system concept from a static to a dynamic one. This would increase system efficiency. This would not only benefit end-users, but also offers flexibility for the energy system. Therefore, there is a need to activate greater flexibility.

    ·Example of Norway by 2030 -> even if EVs are charged in buildings, energy demand will increase by 3.5% rather than doubling. -> extremely important that RED fosters supply and demand flexibility in all user sectors.

    Paolo Basso, Policy Director, EHI

    ·Agrees that addressing heating will go a long way in decarbonising buildings. In Europe, the vast majority of heating equipment is old and inefficient and has to be replaced faster than it is today -> part of renovation wave.

    ·Hybrid technologies have a role to play -> present advantages to realise system integration, low intensity on budgets and buildings & grids.

    ·Decarbonised and renewable gases have a role to play -> at this stage there is no more talk about fossil fuel technologies for heating, the appliances can use renewables and hydrogen for heating.

    ·Thermal storage is important. We know thanks to the modelling that there will be a role for each tech.

    ·EHI supports a RED II target of 38 to 40%. They would like to see a clearer role for hybrid heat pumps under the RED II as well as minimum targets for buildings and large renovation.

    ·In favour of increasing the 1.3% target and making it binding.

    ·Renewables gases and renewables electricity should count for the heating and cooling

    Paul Voss, Managing Director, EHP

    ·Review of RED II should be looked at in conjunction with discussions on the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). Experience in market for district heating has developed well. Emergence of sector integration is very helpful. District heating can help to find an appropriate role in the system for renewable electricity, and also for renewable decarbonised gases to balance the electricity system, and to be used in CHP.

    ·Currently, district H&C still uses plenty of fossil fuels, in a more integrated system we should be able to help but also be helped through integration of more renewables. District heating can help tie all things together and avoid using more precious resources like electricity or hydrogen.

    ·Hydrogen should be kept out of residential heat.

    Jaume Loffredo, Energy Policy Officer, BEUC

    ·Need clear decision of where to go, how to get there, and how to do it efficiently. Legislation (the “how”): binding H&C targets. Getting there: planning – plan where to put DHC, heat pumps -> very important for consumers, they do not know what they should be buying at the moment due to lack of clarity.

    ·Low carbon hydrogen has no places in residential heating -> more costly and less efficient.

    Sanjeev Kumar, Head of Policy, EGEC

    ·Fossil fuel subsides going into H&C must be eradicated. It is important that non-renewable technologies are excluded from RED II.

    ·District heating has a significant role to play because we have to decarbonise fast. Funding to district heating systems needs to increase. As a reference, list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) allocated 29 billion euro to fossil infrastructure. We would like to have at least the equivalent for district heating under the revision of the PCI list

    ·For technologies like geothermal -> risk insurance, need to de-risk large projects with high Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) (geothermal, ocean etc). Art. 3.5 of RED II instructs MS to reduce CAPEX, however, it is better option to put a risk scheme at European level than to put the burden on Member States, as it is at the moment.

    ·Cooling is very important -> adequate attention is needed.

    ·Rural communities cannot be left behind. Need dedicated programme to rapidly decarbonise.

    Thomas Nowak, Secretary General, EHPA

    ·We have enough solutions available, Heat Pumps are an important one. Need to start soon, heating and cooling sector is quite slow. Start now and push for solutions that are available now and then see what happens. 60% of existing buildings can be retrofitted with a Heat Pump without need for renovation.

    ·3.7% target -> needs to be supported from the policy side to avoid ambiguity on which solutions to take.

    Pedro Dias, Secretary General, SolarHeat Europe

    ·Having an opportunity to make a change. 2030 is a milestone, and whatever is installed by 2030 will be there in 2050 (assets with long life time). This is the decade of transition to decarbonise heat.  

    ·Promote measures that will help consumers in the transition. High upfront costs but lower operational ones and pull and push measures. Need to work on planned replacement. Currently consumers are dealing with urgent replacement. Need to work with consumers to have planned replacements: provide answers to questions such as what are the options? what are the financing mechanisms? etc.  

    ·Industry need to push for transition and RED needs to include an obligation on companies to incorporate at least a small percentage of energy from RES. 

    Session 3 Sustainability of forest biomass

    Table 38 - Details of session 3




    15h00 –16h30

    Giulio Volpi, Policy officer, Decarbonisation and Sustainability of Energy Sources, DG Energy, European Commission

    Keynote interventions

    ·Sarah Mubareka, Joint Research Centre, European Commission

    ·Prof. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, former vice-chair of IPCC, UC Louvain

    ·Karoliina Niemi, Forest Director, Finnish Forest Industries Federation

    Interventions from attendees

    ·Kenneth Richter, Consultant, Birdlife Europe

    ·Alex Mason, Senior Policy Officer, Climate and Energy, WWF European Policy Office

    ·Simon Armstrong, Chief Technical Officer, Sustainable Biomass Program

    ·Ulrich Leberle, Raw Materials Director, Confederation of European Paper Industries

    ·Jean-Marc Jossart, Secretary General, Bioenergy Europe


    The panel started with a presentation by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), on their recent report on woody biomass. According to JRC, the need for a swift and robust implementation of sustainability criteria on forest biomass to minimize biodiversity risks was underlined, along with the reminder that effectiveness will depend on national legislations. The report also identifies risky and positive pathways for producing bioenergy, particularly forest bioenergy, depending on how the raw material is harvested. The two keynote speakers presented on the one hand industry views advocating that current RED II sustainability criteria should not be changed, whereas Prof. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele from UC Louvain reminded that forests were essential for carbon sink and that bioenergy was not carbon neutral as such. A lively debate on the sustainability of bioenergy and carbon neutrality of forest biomass followed, with panellists and attendants sharing different points of view on the role of bioenergy for the 2030 and 2050 targets. Some were against bioenergy being treated as carbon neutral and there was a discussion with regards to the counting (or not) of emissions under LULUCF criteria in REDII.  NGOs called for a cap on bioenergy, industry warned against creating regulatory instability which would undermine the achievement of the 2030 targets

    Position of each panellist

    Sarah Mubareka, Joint Research Centre, European Commission

    ·JRC presented on the recent report on woody biomass, available online at

    ·Key messages:

    oHigh dependency on forest-based industries to produce by-products;

    oOverall higher rate for energy demand (increased reported uses of woody biomass for energy & material);

    oGap in data is a major obstacle

    1.Sustainability criteria covering smaller plants would lead to improved monitoring;

    2.Swiftly implementation for RED II sustainability criteria to avoid negative impacts.

    ·Extend no go areas (additional safeguard in highly diverse ecosystems).

    ·Effectiveness of EU measures will depend on national legislation fitness & implementation.

    Prof. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, former vice-chair of IPCC, UC Louvain

    ·Trees are worth more to humanity alive than dead.

    ·Causal link between CO2 concentration and temperature spirals - urgency to go to net zero emissions of CO2.

    oLimited effect of COVID19 on CO2 emissions

    ·Provisions from RED II would allow MS to cut and burn trees for energy to the detriment of forests and climate change.

    oNeed to stop treating biomass power generation as CO2 neutral, fundamentally revise current consideration of wood burning/wood imports in the EU;

    oReference to IPCC report and misinterpretation leading to carbon neutrality approach

    oIt takes a long time to reabsorb the CO2.

    ·Significant increase of wood harvesting after 2015 (also shown in paper by Ceccherini et al.) expansion of wood markets (supported by provisions in RED II).

    ·Increase in wood pellets due to subsidies.

    ·EASAC conclusions:

    oCO2 emissions per unit of electricity generated from forest biomass are higher than from coal;

    oInitial impact of replacing coal with forest biomass is increased CO2 levels in the short and medium term;

    oEU (and MS) legislation should ensure only positive contributions to climate change are regarded as RES.


    oThe concept of all bioenergy being carbon-neutral is too simplistic. Carbon neutrality involves a payback' period (the time taken for forests to reabsorb the carbon dioxide emitted during biomass combustion), which ranges from decades to hundreds of years.

    oIn calculating payback periods, it is essential to properly include the timing of harvesting on carbon stocks as well as supply chain and biogenic emissions. Switching from fossil fuels to forest biomass is the equivalent of taking out a carbon loan.

    oHowever, although monetary loans require paying back in a specified period, carbon loans currently are free of any such conditions; yet until payback is achieved, the effects on climate are negative.

    oThe proximity of current levels of warming to the 1.5C Paris targets requires that only projects whose payback periods are of the order of a decade or less Should be regarded as 'renewable energy'. The distorting effects of the current separation of combustion and Land use and Land- Use and Forestry (LULUCF) emission rules on Climate must be considered.

    oFrom a mitigation perspective, it is important that forest carbon stocks are maintained — or preferably increased over time.


    oUrgency to protect biodiversity/climate;

    oRED wrongly treats wood burning as carbon neutral;

    oThis led to increased harvesting of forests and decreased biodiversity;

    oCarbon debt created by burning wood will have to be paid in the future;

    oSeparate targets for LULUCF and other sectors without trading between them would be safer (natural sinks are difficult to account for).

    Karoliina Niemi, Forest Director, Finnish Forest Industries Federation

    ·Finish Forest Industries Federation (FIFF) – 80 forest companies operating in Finland with global markets;

    ·Federation lobbies at Finnish, EU, global level;

    ·Forest resources increasing but unstable. Resources used in products substitution effect

    ·Fossils are a one way process fossil resources are decreasing and are stable;

    ·Transition from fossil to biobased economy

    o200bn EUR increase to 2030 for forest industry products;

    oContribute to green deal & energy solutions.

    ·Key: Sustainable, active and timely forest management Keep forests healthy.


    oProduce high quality wood (different by products, resource efficient use of single tree);

    oManage forest, taking care of biodiversity;

    oLoop system;

    oDifferent criteria from different EU policy sectors - how to ensure stable operating environment?

    ·Biomass sustainability

    oFocus on eliminating fossil resources and fostering green sustainable solutions

    oSustainability criteria cover all essential parts of biomass sustainability. Reasons against revising them are:

    1.Wood diameter cap does not solve challenge (if any); large diameter trees are burnt if of low quality, due to various issues (diseases, shape, disasters).

    2.Criteria have not been tested yet, as RED II just being implemented.

    3.Risk-based approach is a modern way to assess sustainability of actions, respecting national forestry policy. If legislation is not good enough, then operator can go at sourcing level with certification to proof sustainability.

    4.Industry needs a stable operating environment, and opening criteria would generate years of uncertainty and be a risk for industrial renewal.

    Summary of interventions from attendees

    Kenneth Richter, Consultant, Birdlife Europe

    ·NECPs of most MS provide little detail on future biomass sources (and often wrong);

    ·Danger of steep increase on wood burning for power;

    ·Burning trees increases net emissions and contributes to forest degradation;

    ·Feedstock issue, needs feedstock solution (will not be solved with sustainability criteria);

    ·Only fine forest residue is acceptable, but nobody collects this for power generation;

    ·Easiest solution is to end support for burning biomass under RED

    oNo subsidy for wood harvested from forest, should go to clean energy solutions instead;

    oCan still use waste/residues from forestry activities.

    Alex Mason, Senior Policy Officer, Climate and Energy, WWF European Policy Office

    ·NGOs are concerned about biodiversity, but main issue with bioenergy rules are the climate issues. If these are fixed, then biodiversity issue will be fixed as well;

    ·EU policy is encouraging energy that increases emissions compared to fossil energy;

    ·Key issue is what you are burning (not how it was produced, how the forest was managed);

    ·Rules are also encouraging dedicated energy crops, food and feed based biogas. Any dedicated use of land will end in more carbon emissions than if the land was left alone;

    ·There needs to be a feedstock-based approach, and we can expect another U-turn from the EU similarly to what happened with biofuels.

    Simon Armstrong, Chief Technical Officer, Sustainable Biomass Program

    ·2/3 of biomass supplied to CHP is supplied via SBP;

    ·SBP verifies sustainability criteria;

    ·Effective solution being implemented already through SBP covering large scale of EU biomass energy generation;

    ·Changing regulation at this stage creates uncertainty, while a consistent approach is necessary;

    ·Difficult to implement restrictions (such as cm cap), discussed in detail before;

    ·Practical experience – limitation of stem wood will not be effective:

    oHow to differentiate stem wood from branches/leaves;

    oDisproportionate administrative burden;

    oPerverse/unintended outcomes.

    Ulrich Leberle, Raw Materials Director, Confederation of European Paper Industries

    ·The key concerns related to biomass are:

    oDoes it harm forest ecosystem/biodiversity?

    oDoes it lower CO2 emissions?

    oDoes it harm the efficient working in the wood sector and forest based economy?

    ·Last revision struck a balance between env/climate/socio-economic concerns

    oPaper industry thinks that subsidies have distorted markets and shifted the use towards bioenergy.

    ·LULUCF framework reflects the use of biomass from forest. Other reductions would be needed, so it is not ‘neutral’.

    ·More focus on efficiency, local supply chains, so RED II is showing results already (more sustainable);

    ·Possibility for MS to exclude technologies based on concerns (following cascading use of materials).

    Jean-Marc Jossart, Secretary General, Bioenergy Europe

    ·56% of participants in OPC think RES criteria should not be modified;

    ·Some participants want to limit feedstock based on an emotional response, but this is a misunderstanding and not an effective way of doing policy

    oForest owners will never grow a forest for bioenergy, fuelwood is made of discarded wood (colour/shape)

    ·Strict implementation of RED II is needed;

    ·LULUCF framework works. We should not count emissions of bioenergy, as this would be a double counting (in line with IPCC/IEA);

    ·The more wood demand, the more forests will be grown.

    Main topics covered in Session 3

    ·Biodiversity protection

    ·Legislative stability and implementation

    ·Separate LULUCF targets

    ·Data gaps for sustainability criteria

    ·Forest management

    Concluding Remarks by Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director General, DG ENERGY

    Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director General DG Energy, concluded the session, by sharing the key takeaways as a summary of the three sessions held during the event. Key points raised concerned:

    ·The European Commission (EC) needs to accelerate the development of renewable energy in order to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality objective and in order to meet the 2030 targets. This already seen in the Climate Target Plan and the Impact Assessment (in collaboration with DG CLIMA) on how to reach 55% by 2030, which has been agreed upon by all 27 MS. These ambitions translate to a new target of 38-40% renewable energy by 2030, which is significantly higher than the current 32% target.


    oThe EU needs a much higher level of electrification as well the integration of biofuels and hydrogen. To achieve the level of electrification that the EU needs, system integration is crucial.

    oElectrification is the main option to decarbonise road transport, but there are different needs and possibilities for different modes of transport.

    oEC needs to set the right enabling framework for electrification, which requires significant investments, regulatory measures across a range of policy fields.

    oFor renewable and low carbon fuels, EC needs to maintain a stable framework, but needs to modify the current framework in order to meet the objectives. Particularly, hydrogen and hydrogen based synthetic fuels need to be considered for the maritime sector or aviation.

    oThe views of stakeholders on the role of biofuels is mixed. EC believes there is a place for the use of advanced biofuels, but the main focus should be electrification.

    ·Heating and Cooling

    oIn H&C the level of ambition needs to be stepped up, accompanied with a set of measures to make sure this key sector contributes to the overall ambition. However, there are different aspects that need to be taken account of when setting targets, particularly local specificities/conditions and the criteria around of cost and effectiveness.

    oPrice signals are key, including the need to make a level playing field across energy carriers and consistency with carbon pricing.

    oWhen replacing existing heating systems and looking at what heating systems will be installed, it needs to be ensured that there are no longer investments in fossil based systems.

    oIt is important to help make sure there is consumer guidance. Generally, there needs to be a clear framework for consumers to make choices.

    oBuildings need to be reviewed as it is the largest sector for energy use in heating and cooling and largest greenhouse gases emitter. In buildings, there needs to be a level playing field for the different technologies.

    oRED must be coherent and coordinated with the review of the EED and later the EPBD.

    oRED should incentivise investments and remove bureaucratic burdens.

    oDistrict heating and cooling is a feasible and cost effective way to decarbonise heating and cooling in cities and therefore local authorities will play a key role in the DHC systems. The review of RED should support the development of administrative and financial capacity in local authorities and actors, such as communities and local authorities, to implement European and national objectives and increase coordination among the different actors.

    oWaste heat could play a crucial role in integrated energy system and help lower overall consumption and overall GHG emissions. Data centres are a good example of the use of waste heat as a cheap and sustainable heat source.

    oThere is a need for a ambitious and higher target for H&C, as compared to current targets, and to increase the rate of renewables in H&C in buildings.

    ·Bioenergy and Sustainability

    oEC needs to make sure that bioenergy policy aligns with biodiversity objectives and the need to establish carbon sinks to help the EU to become climate neutral.

    oBiomass is the main renewable energy source in the EU, it currently contributes to about 10% of the EU’s overall energy consumption and 60% of renewable energy consumption. Bioenergy is playing, and will continue to play an important role in decarbonising the energy system. We need to make sure that if bioenergy continues to play this central role in decarbonising the EU economy in the future, it should be done in a sustainable manner to maximise positive impacts of bioenergy, with no negative impacts, that is aligned with biodiversity, afforestation and carbon sinks strategies.

    oIn the 2018 RED revisions, the sustainability criteria on bioenergy were strengthened, but they have not yet been implemented

    oSome of possible negative impacts of forest biomass on biodiversity can be avoided with the implementation of the current RED, which will be transposed and implemented in the summer.

    oThe JRC report of the use of woody biomass for energy use is part of the overall basis for the review of RED.

    oFrom the JRC report, it is clear that there is a need to include additional no-go areas for forest biomass to minimise the risk that biomass sourcing will have a negative impact on biodiversity

    oEC will now look at different options to strengthen sustainability criteria and find a balance between using biomass to decarbonise the EU economy, protect biodiversity and enhancing carbon sinks in order to meet the EU climate ambitions.

    ·Current status of the revision of the RED

    oThe European Commission is currently working on the impact assessment of the full Fit for 55 package, which is scheduled for the summer.

    oSince there are close links with RED with the Emission Trading System, the Energy Efficiency Directive and LULUCF regulation, these components are being constructed in a harmonized manner to ensure a consistent and coordinated proposal this summer.

    Annex 3: Who is affected and how?

    Member States could be affected by the procedure to deliver pledges within their national renewables development path, as well as by the provisions for gap-filling instruments in case of difficulties in reaching a higher RES target. The update of National Energy and Climate Plans could require increased consultation and preparation with stakeholders to reach the higher ambition, including for the new subtargets. They would benefit from increased guidance through an enlarged certification scheme and better terminology.

    Local communities and municipalities will also be affected in the effort to coordinate national level and local level renewables planning. This might imply some additional administrative costs for coordination between governmental levels, but also ensure that local authorities are involved from the start so that public resistance issues can be better addressed.

    The Revised RES Directive will also impact non-renewables producers and suppliers with regard to their market share as a consequence of the deployment of more renewables across the EU energy market.

    As per renewables technology producers and renewables installers, the post 2020 renewables and Energy Union Governance policy framework could foster investment security and increase cross border business opportunities.

    The investors and the financial sector will factor in an increased investment security in the post-2020 renewables provisions especically in reducing cost of capital for riskier renewable energy technologies, in particular innovative fuels (RFNBOs, H2).

    Businesses in general could benefit from the renewables cost reductions expected from new requirements for support to renewables and administrative procedures. Additional certification costs could emerge but would be limited and would be compensated by additional market opportunities.

    Transmissions service operators and distribution service operators could be affected by provisions to enhance energy system integration between DHC systems and other energy networks and eliminate exceptions to make access to networks for renewables and waste heat including from prosumers in large DHC networks. This would enable energy consumers to become active market participants.

    Citizens should be impacted in terms of higher local acceptance of renewables projects and increased utilisation of renewable energy in their energy mix, therefore reaping the ultimate benefit of a lower-carbonisation of the economy at large and related lower degrees of pollution.

    SUMMARY OF COSTS AND BENEFITS – based on modelling




    MIX vs MIX-LD


    MIX vs MIX-CP


    2030 EU27 results unless otherwise stated





    Difference MIX vs MIX-LD illustrates impact of drivers representing revision of RED working together with other "Fit for 55" proposals

    RED revision brings:

    Difference MIX vs MIX-CP illustrates impact of achieving necessary 2030 RES ambition by drivers representing revision of RED rather than very high carbon pricing

    RED revision compared to very high carbon price brings:

    GHG reductions (incl intra EU aviation and maritime, excl LULUCF) wrt 1990

    % change from 1990





    1 p.p. of necessary GHG reduction compared to 1990


    difference is negligible all core scenarios were designed to achieve GHG 55% target

    Overall RES share






    1.7 p.p. bigger share of total RES in final energy consumption in 2030


    Small difference showing that high level of carbon pricing can be as effective as renewables policies in achieving necessary RES shares

    RES-E share






    2.4 p.p. bigger share of RES in electricity in 2030


    Small difference showing that high level of carbon pricing can be as effective as renewables policies in achieving necessary RES shares in electricity

    RES-H&C share






    2 p.p. bigger share of RES in H&C in 2030


    Small difference showing that ambitious regulatory measures are more effective in achieving necessary RES shares in H&C than even very high level of carbon price (€65/t)

    RES-T share






    0.6 p.p. bigger share of RES in transport in 2030


    Small difference stemming from the fact that level of RES-T ambition is established by ambitious NECPs and initiatives on aviation and maritime fuels

    PEC energy savings

    % change from 2007 Baseline





    0.6 p.p. bigger primary energy savings in 2030


    Small difference illustrating that higher RES-E shares have positive impact on PEC

    FEC energy savings

    % change from 2007 Baseline





    0.5 p.p. bigger final energy savings in 2030


    Small difference illustrating that higher RES-H&C shares have positive impact on FEC

    Investment expenditures (excl transport) av annual (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Average annual investment needs higher by € 13bn


    Average annual investment needs higher by € 17 bn compared to case with high carbon price as main driver

    Energy system costs excl carbon pricing and disutilities av annual (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Average annual system costs higher by € 4bn


    Average annual system costs higher by € 4bn compared to case with high carbon price as main driver

    ETS price in current sectors (and maritime)






    no significant change - level of carbon price was frozen between MIX and MIX-LD


    Carbon price can by lower by 5€/t in the current ETS sectors

    ETS price in new sectors (buildings and road transport)






    no significant change - level of carbon price was frozen between MIX and MIX-LD


    Carbon price can by lower by 23€/t in the new ETS sectors

    Average Price of Electricity






    no significant change


    no significant change

    Import dependency






    no significant change


    no significant change

    Fossil fuels imports bill savings compared to BSL for the period 2021-30)

    bn €'15





    Savings on fossil fuels import bill are higher by 16 bn


    Savings on fossil fuels import bill are higher by 12 bn

    Energy-related expenditures (excl transport) of households as % of households income






    no significant change


    no significant change


    As observed in the CTP impact assessment, an increased climate target for 2030, and the subsequent actions undertaken as regards renewable energy, will require considerable additional investments. At the same time the main benefit of the options is that they are an effective way for the Member States to collectively increase the use of renewable energy, thus contributing to the aim to reduce GHG emissions by 55% by 2030.

    A more secure EU energy system, less dependent on imports, would be achieved by the increase in renewable energy, in particular from offshore. Air quality in cities will be improved by among others renewable heating, especially district heating in cities, and increased use of RES in transport, as well as electrification of transport. Many of the policy options are projected to create jobs, in line with the envisaged green digital recovery. Fuel suppliers will be positively impacted by the expansion of the EU system for certification of renewable and low carbon fuels as it will make it easier for them to sell to consumers who need to show sourcing of renewable energy. Positive biodiversity impacts will follow from stronger sustainability criteria for bioenergy. It may reduce import from outside the EU of biomass fuels, as third countries choose not to comply with them and redirect their export away from the EU. This would have a positive effect on the internal supply, allowing EU producers (farmers and forest owners) to obtain higher prices.

    Overall the policy options have positive economic, environmental and societal benefits.


    For Member States:

    ·Regarding revised renewable energy target, the administrative costs can be estimated to be low or even close to zero as these targets can be monitored through official statistics (renewable energy shares including sectoral and absolute amounts per technology) which are already readily available at national level and from Eurostat;

    ·Regarding the target for H&C no additional administrative burden or increased compliance costs are expected as no new obligations or additional reporting would be required from the Member States compared to the current Article 23 of RED II or the Governance framework;

    ·Regarding the measures for H&C this depends on the member States choice of the measures to be implemented;

    ·Regarding the revised transport target, the preferred option would reduce the administrative burden for public authorities compared to the baseline as all options would eliminate the current overlaps between the FQD and REDII;

    ·Regarding the indicative target benchmark for renewables in buildings, this option could lead to is unlikely to lead to an increase in administrative burden depending on the measures a Member State choses to use to reach the target. On the other hand as Member States are already obliged to design such measures as part of their long-term renovation strategies, required under Article 2a of the EPBD, and which formed part of the NECPs submitted in 2019, so such measures should already be known and in place. Increased compliance costs are therefore not foreseen;

    ·Regarding the target for renewables in industry, considering that general statistics on energy consumption in industrial sectors already take place as part of the EU energy balances, the impact on any administrative burden will be limited;

    ·Regarding the strengthened sustainability criteria for biomass, National authorities are likely to face moderately increased administrative burden associated with the monitoring of the new no-go areas.

    For Industry:

    ·Compliance costs for industry to get these have renewable and low carbon fuels certified can occur but it can be expected that they will be largely compensated by the market opportunities, which the certification and respective labelling would provide to them;

    ·Regarding the strengthened sustainability criteria for biomass, the preferred option is likely to moderately increase the administrative burden and compliance costs for economic operators. Costs for bioenergy operators may increase because of additional administrative costs to demonstrate compliance with new land criteria. Fuel cost for biomass plants owners may also increase, due to producers passing the additional costs and, to some extent, reduced supply (introduction of no-go areas is likely to impact mainly biomass imports).

    For households:

    ·Equipment costs, Renovation costs, Disutility costs, Energy expenses related to buildings as share of households total consumption,

    A summary of the administrative and compliance related costs of the revision are presented below:


    Expected additional administrative and compliance related costs


    Higher overall EU renewable energy target


    These targets already exist so no new administrative costs and they can be monitored through official statistics (renewable energy shares including sectoral and absolute amounts per technology) which are already readily available at national level and from Eurostat albeit legal basis for MS work on this reporting is missing. This should be addressed in revision but as all MS already deliver the necessary reporting in the current framework, no additional reporting framework needs to be added. On the other hand, the reporting will have to be deepened (RFNBOs, e-fuels);

    Renewable energy target for heating and cooling


    Target already exists so no new administrative/monitoring costs.

    The policy measures depends on the choice by Member States

    Renewable energy target for transport


    Overlaps between FQD and REDII should be eliminated, leading to greater efficiency and lower costs for administrations.

    Benchmark for renewable energy in buildings


    Member States are already obliged to monitor and report on RES in H&C of buildings but not at such level of detail as new benchmark would require.

    Target for renewable energy for industry


    Member States are already obliged to monitor and report on RES in H&C of industry but not at such level of detail as new target would require.

    Including RES in energy audits may increase the costs of audits, but would be compensated by the savings potentials identified.

    Accounting and certification of e-fuels/RFNBOs


    Some increase in costs to have all renewable and low carbon fuels accounted for and certified.

    Strengthened sustainability criteria for biomass,


    Moderately increased administrative and compliance costs for economic operators associated with monitoring. Possible rise in fuel costs for biomass plants owners

    Annex 4: Analytical methods

    4.1 Common analytical framework for the Impact Assessments of the revision of ESR, ETS, CO2 standards, LULUCF, RED and EED

    4.1.1 Introduction

    Aiming at covering the entire GHG emissions from the EU economy, and combining horizontal and sectoral instruments, the various pieces of legislation under the “Fit for 55” package strongly interlink, either because they cover common economic sectors (e.g. buildings sector is currently addressed by energy efficiency and renewable polices but would be also falling in the scope of extended ETS) or by the direct and indirect interactions between these sectors (e.g. electricity supply sector and final demand sectors using electricity).

    As a consequence, it is crucial to ensure consistency of the analysis across all initiatives. For this purpose, the impact assessments underpinning the “Fit for 55” policy package are using a collection of integrated modelling tools covering the entire GHG emissions of the EU economy.

    These tools are used to produce a common Baseline and a set of core scenarios reflecting internally coherent policy packages aligned with the revised 2030 climate target, key policy findings of the CTP and building on the Reference Scenario 2020, a projection of the evolution of EU and national energy systems and GHG emissions under the current policy framework 8 . These core scenarios serve as a common analytical basis for use across different “Fit for 55” policy initiatives, and are complemented by specific variants as well as additional tools and analyses relevant for the different initiatives.

    This Annex describes the tools used to produce the common baseline (the Reference Scenario 2020) and the core policy scenarios, the key assumptions underpinning the analysis, and the policy packages reflected in the core policy scenarios.

    4.1.2 Modelling tools for assessments of policies

    Main modelling suite

    The main model suite used to produce the scenarios presented in this impact assessment has a successful record of use in the Commission's energy, transport and climate policy assessments. In particular, it has been used for the Commission’s proposals for the Climate Target Plan 9 to analyse the increased 2030 mitigation target, the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy 10 , the Long Term Strategy 11  as well as for the 2020 and 2030 EU’s climate and energy policy framework.

    The PRIMES and PRIMES-TREMOVE models are the core elements of the modelling framework for energy, transport and CO2 emission projections. The GAINS model is used for non-CO2 greenhouse gas emission projections, the GLOBIOM-G4M models for projections of LULUCF emissions and removals and the CAPRI model is used for agricultural activity projections.

    The model suite thus covers:

    ·The entire energy system (energy demand, supply, prices and investments to the future) and all GHG emissions and removals from the EU economy.

    ·Time horizon: 1990 to 2070 (5-year time steps).

    ·Geography: individually all EU Member States, EU candidate countries and, where relevant the United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    ·Impacts: energy system (PRIMES and its satellite model on biomass), transport (PRIMES-TREMOVE), agriculture, waste and other non-CO2 emissions (GAINS), forestry and land use (GLOBIOM-G4M), atmospheric dispersion, health and ecosystems (acidification, eutrophication) (GAINS).

    The modelling suite has been continuously updated over the past decade. Updates include the addition of a new buildings module in PRIMES, improved representation of the electricity sector, more granular representation of hydrogen (including cross-border trade 12 ) and other innovative fuels, improved representation of the maritime transport sector, as well updated interlinkages of the models to improve land use and non-CO2 modelling. Most recently a major update was done of the policy assumptions, technology costs and macro-economic assumptions in the context of the Reference scenario 2020 update.

    The models are linked with each other in such a way to ensure consistency in the building of scenarios (see figure below). These inter-linkages are necessary to provide the core of the analysis, which are interdependent energy, transport and GHG emissions trends.

    Figure 69 - Interlinkages between models

    Energy: the PRIMES model

    The PRIMES model (Price-Induced Market Equilibrium System) 13 is a large scale applied energy system model that provides detailed projections of energy demand, supply, prices and investment to the future, covering the entire energy system including emissions. The distinctive feature of PRIMES is the combination of behavioural modelling (following a micro-economic foundation) with engineering aspects, covering all energy sectors and markets.

    The model has a detailed representation of policy instruments related to energy markets and climate, including market drivers, standards, and targets by sector or overall. It simulates the EU Emissions Trading System. It handles multiple policy objectives, such as GHG emissions reductions, energy efficiency, and renewable energy targets, and provides pan-European simulation of internal markets for electricity and gas.

    The model covers the horizon up to 2070 in 5-year interval periods and includes all Member States of the EU individually, as well as neighbouring and candidate countries.

    PRIMES offer the possibility of handling market distortions, barriers to rational decisions, behaviours and market coordination issues and it has full accounting of costs (CAPEX and OPEX) and investment on infrastructure needs.

    PRIMES is designed to analyse complex interactions within the energy system in a multiple agent – multiple markets framework. Decisions by agents are formulated based on microeconomic foundation (utility maximization, cost minimization and market equilibrium) embedding engineering constraints and explicit representation of technologies and vintages, thus allowing for foresight for the modelling of investment in all sectors.

    PRIMES allows simulating long-term transformations/transitions and includes non-linear formulation of potentials by type (resources, sites, acceptability etc.) and technology learning. The figure below shows a schematic representation of the PRIMES model.

    Figure 70: Schematic representation of the PRIMES model

    It includes a detailed numerical model on biomass supply, namely PRIMES-Biomass, which simulates the economics of current and future supply of biomass and waste for energy purposes. The model calculates the inputs in terms of primary feedstock of biomass and waste to satisfy a given demand for bio-energy and provides quantification of the required capacity to transform feedstock into bioenergy commodities. The resulting production costs and prices are quantified. The PRIMES-Biomass model is a key link of communication between the energy system projections obtained by the core PRIMES energy system model and the projections on agriculture, forestry and non-CO2 emissions provided by other modelling tools participating in the scenario modelling suite (CAPRI, GLOBIOM/G4M, GAINS).

    It also includes a simple module which projects industrial process GHG emissions.

    PRIMES is a private model maintained by E3Modelling 14 , originally developed in the context of a series of research programmes co-financed by the European Commission. The model has been successfully peer-reviewed, last in 2011 15 ; team members regularly participate in international conferences and publish in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

    Sources for data inputs

    A summary of database sources, in the current version of PRIMES, is provided below:

    Eurostat and EEA: Energy Balance sheets, Energy prices (complemented by other sources, such IEA), macroeconomic and sectoral activity data (PRIMES sectors correspond to NACE 3-digit classification), population data and projections, physical activity data (complemented by other sources), CHP surveys, CO2 emission factors (sectoral and reference approaches) and EU ETS registry for allocating emissions between ETS and non ETS

    Technology databases: ODYSSEE-MURE 16 , ICARUS, Eco-design, VGB (power technology costs), TECHPOL – supply sector technologies, NEMS model database 17 , IPPC BAT Technologies 18

    Power Plant Inventory: ESAP SA and PLATTS

    RES capacities, potential and availability: JRC ENSPRESO 19 , JRC EMHIRES 20 , RES ninja 21 , ECN, DLR and Observer, IRENA

    Network infrastructure: ENTSOE, GIE, other operators

    Other databases: EU GHG inventories, district heating surveys (e.g. from COGEN), buildings and houses statistics and surveys (various sources, including ENTRANZE project 22 , INSPIRE archive, BPIE 23 ), JRC-IDEES 24 , update to the EU Building stock Observatory 25

    Transport: the PRIMES-TREMOVE model

    The PRIMES-TREMOVE transport model projects the evolution of demand for passengers and freight transport, by transport mode, and transport vehicle/technology, following a formulation based on microeconomic foundation of decisions of multiple actors. Operation, investment and emission costs, various policy measures, utility factors and congestion are among the drivers that influence the projections of the model. The projections of activity, equipment (fleet), usage of equipment, energy consumption and emissions (and other externalities) constitute the set of model outputs.

    The PRIMES-TREMOVE transport model can therefore provide the quantitative analysis for the transport sector in the EU, candidate and neighbouring countries covering activity, equipment, energy and emissions. The model accounts for each country separately which means that the detailed long-term outlooks are available both for each country and in aggregate forms (e.g. EU level).

    In the transport field, PRIMES-TREMOVE is suitable for modelling soft measures (e.g. eco-driving, labelling); economic measures (e.g. subsidies and taxes on fuels, vehicles, emissions; ETS for transport when linked with PRIMES; pricing of congestion and other externalities such as air pollution, accidents and noise; measures supporting R&D); regulatory measures (e.g. CO2 emission performance standards for new light duty vehicles and heavy duty vehicles; EURO standards on road transport vehicles; technology standards for non-road transport technologies, deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems) and infrastructure policies for alternative fuels (e.g. deployment of refuelling/recharging infrastructure for electricity, hydrogen, LNG, CNG). Used as a module that contributes to the PRIMES model energy system model, PRIMES-TREMOVE can show how policies and trends in the field of transport contribute to economy-wide trends in energy use and emissions. Using data disaggregated per Member State, the model can show differentiated trends across Member States.

    The PRIMES-TREMOVE has been developed and is maintained by E3Modelling, based on, but extending features of, the open source TREMOVE model developed by the TREMOVE 26 modelling community. Part of the model (e.g. the utility nested tree) was built following the TREMOVE model. 27 Other parts, like the component on fuel consumption and emissions, follow the COPERT model.

    Data inputs

    The main data sources for inputs to the PRIMES-TREMOVE model, such as for activity and energy consumption, comes from EUROSTAT database and from the Statistical Pocketbook "EU transport in figures 28 . Excise taxes are derived from DG TAXUD excise duty tables. Other data comes from different sources such as research projects (e.g. TRACCS project) and reports.

    In the context of this exercise, the PRIMES-TREMOVE transport model is calibrated to 2005, 2010 and 2015 historical data. Available data on 2020 market shares of different powertrain types have also been taken into account.

    Maritime transport: PRIMES-maritime model

    The maritime transport model is a specific sub-module of the PRIMES and PRIMES-TREMOVE models aiming to enhance the representation of the maritime sector within the energy-economy-environment modelling nexus. The model, which can run in stand-alone and/or linked mode with PRIMES and PRIMES-TREMOVE, produces long-term energy and emission projections, until 2070, separately for each EU Member-State.

    The coverage of the model includes the European intra-EU maritime sector as well as the extra-EU maritime shipping. The model covers both freight and passenger international maritime. PRIMES-maritime focuses only on the EU Member State, therefore trade activity between non-EU countries is outside the scope of the model. The model considers the transactions (bilateral trade by product type) of the EU-Member States with non-EU countries and aggregates these countries in regions. Several types and sizes of vessels are considered.

    PRIMES-maritime features a modular approach based on the demand and the supply modules. The demand module projects maritime activity for each EU Member State by type of cargo and by corresponding partner. Econometric functions correlate demand for maritime transport services with economic indicators considered as demand drivers, including GDP, trade of energy commodities (oil, coal, LNG), trade of non-energy commodities, international fuel prices, etc. The supply module simulates a representative operator controlling the EU fleet, who offers the requested maritime transport services. The operator of the fleet decides the allocation of the vessels activity to the various markets (representing the different EU MS) where different regulatory regimes may apply (e.g. environmental zones). The fleet of vessels disaggregated into several categories is specific to cargo types. PRIMES maritime utilizes a stock-flow relationship to simulate the evolution of the fleet of vessels throughout the projection period and the purchasing of new vessels.

    PRIMES-maritime solves a virtual market equilibrium problem, where demand and supply interact dynamically in each consecutive time period, influenced by a variety of exogenous policy variables, notably fuel standards, pricing signals (e.g. ETS), environmental and efficiency/operational regulations and others. The PRIMES maritime model projects energy consumption by fuel type and purpose as well as CO2, methane and N2O and other pollutant emissions. The model includes projections of costs, such as capital, fuel, operation costs, projections of investment expenditures in new vessels and negative externalities from air pollution.

    The model serves to quantify policy scenarios supporting the transition towards carbon neutrality. It considers the handling of a variety of fuels such as fossil fuels, biofuels (bioheavy 29 , biodiesel, bio-LNG), synthetic fuels (synthetic diesel, fuel oil and gas, e-ammonia and e-methanol) produced from renewable electricity, hydrogen produced from renewable electricity (for direct use and for use in fuel cell vessels) and electricity for electric vessels. Well-to-Wake emissions are calculated thanks to the linkage with the PRIMES energy systems model which derives ways of producing such fuels. The model also allows to explore synergies with Onshore Power Supply systems. Environmental regulation, fuel blending mandates, GHG emission reduction targets, pricing signals and policies increasing the availability of fuel supply and supporting the alternative fuel infrastructure are identified as drivers, along fuel costs, for the penetration of new fuels. As the model is dynamic and handles vessel vintages, capital turnover is explicit in the model influencing the pace of fuel and vessel substitution.

    Data inputs

    The main data sources for inputs to the PRIMES-maritime model, such as for activity and energy consumption, comes from EUROSTAT database and from the Statistical Pocketbook "EU transport in figures 30 . Other data comes from different sources such as research projects (e.g. TRACCS project) and reports. PRIMES-maritime being part of the overall PRIMES model is it calibrated to the EUROSTAT energy balances and transport activity; hence the associated CO2 emissions are assumed to derive from the combustion of these fuel quantities. The model has been adapted to reflect allocation of CO2 emissions into intra-EU, extra-EU and berth, in line with data from the MRV database. 31 For air pollutants, the model draws on the EEA database.

    In the context of this exercise, the PRIMES-maritime model is calibrated to 2005, 2010 and 2015 historical data.

    Non-CO2 GHG emissions and air pollution: GAINS

    The GAINS (Greenhouse gas and Air Pollution Information and Simulation) model is an integrated assessment model of air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions and their interactions. GAINS brings together data on economic development, the structure, control potential and costs of emission sources and the formation and dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere.

    In addition to the projection and mitigation of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions at detailed sub-sectorial level, GAINS assesses air pollution impacts on human health from fine particulate matter and ground-level ozone, vegetation damage caused by ground-level ozone, the acidification of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and excess nitrogen deposition of soils.

    Model uses include the projection of non-CO2 GHG emissions and air pollutant emissions for the EU Reference scenario and policy scenarios, calibrated to UNFCCC emission data as historical data source. This allows for an assessment, per Member State, of the (technical) options and emission potential for non-CO2 emissions. Health and environmental co-benefits of climate and energy policies such as energy efficiency can also be assessed.

    The GAINS model is accessible for expert users through a model interface 32 and has been developed and is maintained by the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis 33 . The underlying algorithms are described in publicly available literature. GAINS and its predecessor RAINS have been peer reviewed multiple times, in 2004, 2009 and 2011.

    Sources for data inputs

    The GAINS model assesses emissions to air for given externally produced activity data scenarios. For Europe, GAINS uses macroeconomic and energy sector scenarios from the PRIMES model, for agricultural sector activity data GAINS adopts historical data from EUROSTAT and aligns these with future projections from the CAPRI model. Projections for waste generation, organic content of wastewater and consumption of F-gases are projected in GAINS in consistency with macroeconomic and population scenarios from PRIMES. For global scenarios, GAINS uses macroeconomic and energy sector projections from IEA World Energy Outlook scenarios and agricultural sector projections from FAO. All other input data to GAINS, i.e., sector- and technology- specific emission factors and cost parameters, are taken from literature and referenced in the documentation.

    Forestry and land-use: GLOBIOM-G4M

    The Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) is a global recursive dynamic partial equilibrium model integrating the agricultural, bioenergy and forestry sectors with the aim to provide policy analysis on global issues concerning land use competition between the major land-based production sectors. Agricultural and forestry production as well as bioenergy production are modelled in a detailed way accounting for about 20 globally most important crops, a range of livestock production activities, forestry commodities as well as different energy transformation pathways.

    GLOBIOM covers 50 world regions / countries, including the EU27 Member States.

    Model uses include the projection of emissions from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) for EU Reference scenario and policy scenarios. For the forestry sector, emissions and removals are projected by the Global Forestry Model (G4M), a geographically explicit agent-based model that assesses afforestation, deforestation and forest management decisions. GLOBIOM-G4M is also used in the LULUCF impact assessment to assess the options (afforestation, deforestation, forest management, and cropland and grassland management) and costs of enhancing the LULUCF sink for each Member State.

    The GLOBIOM-G4M has been developed and is maintained by the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis 34 .

    Sources for data inputs

    The main market data sources for GLOBIOM-EU are EUROSTAT and FAOSTAT, which provide data at the national level and which are spatially allocated using data from the SPAM model 35 . Crop management systems are parameterised based on simulations from the biophysical process-based crop model EPIC. The livestock production system parameterization relies on the dataset by Herrero et al 36 . Further datasets are incorporated, coming from the scientific literature and other research projects.

    GLOBIOM is calibrated to FAOSTAT data for the year 2000 (average 1998 - 2002) and runs recursively dynamic in 10-year time-steps. In the context of this exercise, baseline trends of agricultural commodities are aligned with FAOSTAT data for 2010/2020 and broadly with AGLINK-COSIMO trends for main agricultural commodities in the EU until 2030.

    The main data sources for G4M are CORINE, Forest Europe (MCPFE, 2015) 37 , countries’ submissions to UNFCCC and KP, FAO Forest Resource Assessments, and national forest inventory reports. Afforestation and deforestation trends in G4M are calibrated to historical data for the period 2000-2013.

    Agriculture: CAPRI

    CAPRI is a global multi-country agricultural sector model, supporting decision making related to the Common Agricultural Policy and environmental policy and therefore with far greater detail for Europe than for other world regions. It is maintained and developed in a network of public and private agencies including the European Commission (JRC), Universities (Bonn University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), research agencies (Thünen Institute), and private agencies (EuroCARE), in charge for use in this modelling cluster). The model takes inputs from GEM-E3, PRIMES and PRIMES Biomass model, provides outputs to GAINS, and exchanges information with GLOBIOM on livestock, crops, and forestry as well as LULUCF effects.

    The CAPRI model provides the agricultural outlook for the Reference Scenario, in particular on livestock and fertilisers use, further it provides the impacts on the agricultural sector from changed biofuel demand. It takes into account recent data and builds on the 2020 EU Agricultural Outlook 38 . Depending on the need it may also be used to run climate mitigation scenarios, diet shift scenarios or CAP scenarios.

    Cross checks are undertaken ex-ante and ex-post to ensure consistency with GLOBIOM on overlapping variables, in particular for the crop sector.

    Sources for data inputs

    The main data source for CAPRI is EUROSTAT. This concerns data on production, market balances, land use, animal herds, prices, and sectoral income. EUROSTAT data are complemented with sources for specific topics (like CAP payments or biofuel production). For Western Balkan regions a database matching with the EUROSTAT inputs for CAPRI has been compiled based on national data. For non-European regions the key data source is FAOSTAT, which also serves as a fall back option in case of missing EUROSTAT data. The database compilation is a modelling exercise on its own because usually several sources are available for the same or related items and their reconciliation involves the optimisation to reproduce the hard data as good as possible while maintaining all technical constraints like adding up conditions.

    In the context of this exercise, the CAPRI model uses historical data series at least up to 2017, and the first simulation years (2010 and 2015) are calibrated on historical data.

    4.1.3 Assumptions on technology, economics and energy prices

    In order to reflect the fundamental socio-economic, technological and policy developments, the Commission prepares periodically an EU Reference Scenario on energy, transport and GHG emissions. The scenarios assessment used for the “Fit for 55” policy package builds on the latest “EU Reference Scenario 2020” (REF2020) 39 .

    The main assumptions related to economic development, international energy prices and technologies are described below.

    Economic assumptions

    The modelling work is based on socio-economic assumptions describing the expected evolution of the European society. Long-term projections on population dynamics and economic activity form part of the input to the energy model and are used to estimate final energy demand.

    Population projections from Eurostat 40 are used to estimate the evolution of the European population, which is expected to change little in total number in the coming decades. The GDP growth projections are from the Ageing Report 2021 41 by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, which are based on the same population growth assumptions.

    Table 39. Projected population and GDP growth per MS


    GDP growth 















































































































































































    Beyond the update of the population and growth assumptions, an update of the projections on the sectoral composition of GDP was also carried out using the GEM-E3 computable general equilibrium model. These projections take into account the potential medium- to long-term impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the structure of the economy, even though there are inherent uncertainties related to its eventual impacts. Overall, conservative assumptions were made regarding the medium-term impacts of the pandemic on the re-localisation of global value chains, teleworking and teleconferencing and global tourism.

    International energy prices assumptions

    Alongside socio-economic projections, EU energy modelling requires projections of international fuel prices. The 2020 values are estimated from information available by mid-2020. The projections of the POLES-JRC model – elaborated by the Joint Research Centre and derived from the Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO 42 ) – are used to obtain long-term estimates of the international fuel prices.

    The COVID crisis has had a major impact on international fuel prices 43 . The lost demand cause an oversupply leading to decreasing prices. The effect on prices compared to pre-COVID estimates is expected to be still felt up to 2030. Actual development will depend on the recovery of global oil demand as well as supply side policies 44 .

    The table below shows the international fuel prices assumptions of the REF2020 and of the different scenarios and variants used in the “Fit for 55” policy package impact assessments.

    Table 40: International fuel prices assumptions

    in $'15 per boe
























    Gas (NCV)
























    in €'15 per boe
























    Gas (NCV)
























    Source: Derived from JRC, POLES-JRC model, Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO)

    Technology assumptions

    Modelling scenarios on the evolution of the energy system is highly dependent on the assumptions on the development of technologies - both in terms of performance and costs. For the purpose of the impact assessments related to the “Climate Target Plan” and the “Fit for 55” policy package, these assumptions have been updated based on a rigorous literature review carried out by external consultants in collaboration with the JRC 45 .

    Continuing the approach adopted in the long-term strategy in 2018, the Commission consulted on the technology assumption with stakeholders in 2019. In particular, the technology database of the main model suite (PRIMES, PRIMES-TREMOVE, GAINS, GLOBIOM, and CAPRI) benefited from a dedicated consultation workshop held on 11th November 2019. EU Member States representatives also had the opportunity to comment on the costs elements during a workshop held on 25th November 2019. The updated technology assumptions are published together with the EU Reference Scenario 2020.

    4.1.4 The existing 2030 framework: the EU Reference Scenario 2020

    The EU Reference Scenario 2020 as the common baseline

    The EU Reference Scenario 2020 (REF2020) provides projections for energy demand and supply, as well as greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors of the European economy under the current EU and national policy framework. It embeds in particular the EU legislation in place to reach the 2030 climate target of at least 40% compared to 1990, as well as national contributions to reaching the EU 2030 energy targets on Energy efficiency and Renewables under the Governance of the Energy Union. It thus gives a detailed picture of where the EU economy and energy system in particular would stand in terms of GHG emission if the policy framework were not updated to enable reaching the revised 2030 climate target to at least -55% compared to 1990 proposed under the Climate Target Plan 46 .

    The Reference Scenario serves as the common baseline shared by all the initiatives of the “Fit for 55” policy package to assess options in their impact assessments:

    -updating the Effort Sharing Regulation,

    -updating the Emission Trading System,

    -revision of the Renewables Energy Directive,

    -revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive,

    -revision of the Regulation setting CO2 emission performance standards for cars and light commercial vehicles,

    -review of the LULUCF EU rules.

    Difference with the CTP “BSL” scenario

    The REF2020 embeds some differences compared to the baseline used for the CTP impact assessment. While the technology assumptions (consulted in a workshop held on 11th November 2019) were not changed, the time between CTP publication and the publication of the “Fit for 55” package allowed updating some other important assumptions:

    ·GDP projections, population projections and fossil fuel prices were updated, in particular to take into account the impact of the COVID crisis through an alignment with the 2021 Ageing Report 47 and an update of international fossil fuel prices notably on the short run.

    ·While the CTP baseline aimed at reaching the current EU 2030 energy targets (on energy efficiency and renewable energy), the Reference Scenario 2020, used as the baseline for the “Fit for 55” package, further improved the representation of the National Energy Climate Plans (NECP). In particular it aims at reaching the national contributions to the EU energy targets, and not at respecting these EU targets themselves.

    Reference scenario process

    The REF2020 scenario has been prepared by the European Commission services and consultants from E3Modelling, IIASA and EuroCare, in coordination with Member States experts through the Reference Scenario Experts Group.

    It benefitted from a stakeholders consultation (on technologies) and is aligned with other outlooks from Commission services, notably DG ECFIN’s Ageing Report 2021, as well as, to the extent possible, the 2020 edition of the EU Agricultural Outlook 2020-2030 published by DG AGRI in December 2020 48 .

    Policies in the Reference scenario

    The REF2020 also takes into account the still-unfolding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the extent possible at the time of the analysis. According to the GDP assumptions of the Ageing Report 2021, the pandemic is followed by an economic recovery resulting in moderately lower economic output in 2030 than pre-COVID estimates.

    The scenario is based on existing policies adopted at national and EU level at the beginning of 2020. In particular, at EU level, the REF2020 takes into account the legislation adopted in the Clean Energy for All European Package 49 . At national level, the scenario takes into account the policies and specific targets, in particular in relation with renewable energy and energy efficiency, described in the final National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) submitted by Member States at the end of 2019/beginning of 2020.

    The REF2020 models the policies already adopted, but not the target of net-zero emissions by 2050. As a result, there are no additional policies introduced driving decarbonisation after 2030. However, climate and energy policies are not rolled back after 2030 and several of the measures in place today continue to deliver emissions reduction in the long term. This is the case, for example, for products standards and building codes and the ETS Directive (progressive reduction of ETS allowances is set to continue after 2030).

    Details on policies and measures represented in the REF2020 can be found in the dedicated “EU Reference Scenario 2020” publication.

    Reference Scenario 2020 key outputs

    For 2030, the REF2020 scenario mirrors the main targets and projections submitted by Member States in their final NECPs. In particular, aggregated at the EU level, the REF2020 projects a 33.2% share of renewable energy in Gross Final Energy Consumption. Final energy consumption is 823 Mtoe, which is 29.6% below the 2007 PRIMES Baseline.

    In the REF2020, GHG emissions from the EU in 2030 (including all domestic emissions & intra EU aviation and maritime) are 43.8% below the 1990 level. A carbon price of 30 EUR/tCO2eq. in 2030 drives emissions reduction in the ETS sector. The table below shows a summary of the projections for 2030. A detailed description of the REF2020 can be found in a separate report published by the Commission 50 .

    Table 41: REF2020 summary energy and climate indicators.

     EU 2030


    GHG reductions (incl. Domestic emissions & intra EU aviation and maritime) vs 1990


    RES share


    PEC energy savings


    FEC energy savings


    Environmental impacts

    GHG emissions reduction in current ETS sectors vs 2005


    GHG emissions reduction in current non-ETS sectors vs 2005


    Energy system impacts


    GIC (Mtoe)


    - Solid fossil fuels


    - Oil


    - Natural gas


    - Nuclear


    - Renewables


    Final Energy Demand (Mtoe)


    RES share in heating & cooling


    RES share in electricity


    RES share in transport


    Economic and social impacts

    System costs (excl. auction payment) (average 2021-30) as % of GDP


    Investment expenditures (incl. transport) average annual (2021-30) vs (2011-20) (bn€)


    EU ETS carbon price (€/ton, 2030)


    Energy- expenditures (excl. transport) of households as % of total consumption


    Source: PRIMES model    

    The system costs (excluding ETS carbon-related payments) reaches close to 11% of the EU’s GDP on average over 2021-2030. This cost 51 is calculated ex-post with a private sector perspective applying a flat 10% discount rate 52 over the simulation period up to 2050 to compute investment-related annualized expenditures.

    By 2050, final energy consumption is projected at around 790 Mtoe and approximately 74% of the European electricity is generated by renewable energy sources. GHG emissions in the EU are projected to be about 60% lower than in 1990: the REF2020 thus falls short of the European goal of climate neutrality by 2050.

    Focusing on the energy system, REF2020 shows that in 2030 fuel mix would still be dominated by fossil fuels. While the renewables grow and fossil fuels decline by 2050, the substitution is not sufficient for carbon neutrality. It also has to be noted that there is no deployment of e-fuels that are crucial for achievement of carbon neutrality as analysed in the Long Term Strategy 53 and in the CTP.

    Figure 71: Fuel mix evolution of the Reference Scenario 2020

    Source: Eurostat, PRIMES model

    Figure 72: Share of energy carriers in final energy consumption in the Reference Scenario 2020

    Note: * includes peat and oil shale; ** includes manufactured gases, *** includes waste

    Source: Eurostat, PRIMES model

    Coal use in power generation decrease by 62% by 2030 and almost completely disappear by 2050. Also demand for oil sees a significant decrease of 54% over the entire period – the most important in absolute terms. Electricity generation grows by 24% by 2050.

    Figure 73: Final energy demand by sector in the Reference Scenario 2020

    Source: Eurostat, PRIMES model

    Despite continued economic growth, final energy demand decreases by 18% between 2015 and 2050 (already by 2030 it decreases by more than 8%).

    4.1.5 Scenarios for the “Fit for 55” policy analysis

    From the Climate Target Plan scenarios to “Fit for 55” core scenarios

    In the Climate Target Plan (CTP) impact assessment, the increase of efforts needed for the GHG 55% target was illustrated by policy scenarios (developed with the same modelling suite as the scenarios done for the “Fit for 55” package) showing increased ambition (or stringency) of climate, energy and transport policies and, consequently, leading to a significant investment challenge.

    The first key lesson from the CTP exercise was that while the tools are numerous and have a number of interactions (or even sometimes trade-offs) a complete toolbox of climate, energy and transport policies is needed for the increased climate target as all sectors would need to contribute effectively towards the GHG 55% target.

    The second key lesson was that even though policy tools chosen in the CTP scenarios were different - illustrating in particular the fundamental interplay between the strength of the carbon pricing and intensity of regulatory measures - the results achieved were convergent. All CTP policy scenarios that achieved a 55% GHG target 54 showed very similar levels of ambition for energy efficiency, renewables (overall and on sectoral level) and GHG reductions across the sectors indicating also the cost-effective pathways.

    The third lesson was that carbon pricing working hand in hand with regulatory measures helps avoid “extreme” scenarios of either:

    ·a very high carbon price (in absence of regulatory measures) that will translate into increased energy prices for all consumers,

    ·very ambitious policies that might be difficult to be implemented (e.g. very high energy savings or renewables obligations) because they would be costly for economic operators or represent very significant investment challenge.

    The Figure below illustrates the interactions between different policy tools relevant to reach the EU’s climate objectives.

    Figure 74: Interactions between different policy tools

    With the 55% GHG target confirmed by EU leaders in the December 2020 EUCO Conclusions 55 and the 2021 Commission Work Programme 56 (CWP 2021) that puts forward the complete toolbox to achieve the increased climate target (so-called “Fit for 55” proposals), the fundamental set-up of the CTP analysis was confirmed. This set-up is still about the interplay between carbon pricing and regulatory measures as illustrated above, and the extension of the ETS is the central policy question.

    As described above, the policy scenarios of the CTP assessment are cost-effective pathways that capture all policies needed to achieve the increased climate target of 55% GHG reductions. This fundamental design remains robust and the CTP scenarios were thus used as the basis to define the “Fit for 55” policy scenarios.

    In the context of the agreed increased climate target of a net reduction of 55% GHG compared to 1990, the 50% GHG scenario (CTP MIX-50) explored in the CTP has been discarded since no longer relevant. The contribution of extra EU aviation and maritime emissions in the CTP ALLBNK scenario was assessed in the respective sector specific impact assessments and was not retained as a core scenario. This leaves the following CTP scenarios in need of further revisions and updates in the context of preparing input in a coherent manner for the set of IAs supporting the “Fit for 55” package, ensuring the achievement of the overall net 55% GHG reduction ambition with similar levels of renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment as in CTP:

    ·CTP REG (relying only on intensification of energy and transport policies in absence of carbon pricing beyond the current ETS sectors);

    ·CTP MIX (relying on both carbon price signal extension to road transport and buildings and intensification of energy and transport policies);

    ·CTP CPRICE (relying chiefly on carbon price signal extension, and more limited additional sectoral policies).

    Scenarios for the “Fit for 55”package

    Based on the Climate Target Plan analysis, some updates were needed though for the purpose of the “Fit for 55” assessment, in terms of:


    oto reflect the most recent statistical data available, notably in terms of COVID impacts,

    oto capture the objectives and policies put forward by Member States in the NECPs, which were not all available at the time of the CTP analysis,

    The baseline used in the Fit for 55 package is thus the “Reference Scenario 2020”, as described in section above.

    ·Scenario design in order to align better with policy options as put forward in the CWP 2021 and respective Inception Impact Assessments 57 .

    As a consequence, the three following core policy scenarios were defined to serve as common policy package analysis across the various initiatives of the “Fit for 55” policy assessments:

    ·REG: an update of the CTP REG case (relying only on very strong intensification of energy and transport policies in absence of carbon pricing beyond the current ETS sectors).

    ·MIX: reflecting an update of the CTP MIX case (relying on both carbon price signal extension to road transport and buildings and strong intensification of energy and transport policies). With its uniform carbon price (as of 2025), it reflects either an extended and fully integrated EU ETS or an existing EU ETS and new ETS established for road transport and buildings with emission caps set in line with cost-effective contributions of the respective sectors.

    ·MIX-CP: representing a more carbon price driven policy mix, combining thus the general philosophy of the CTP CPRICE scenario with key drivers of the MIX scenario albeit at a lower intensity. It illustrates a revision of the EED and RED but limited to a lower intensification of current policies in addition to the carbon price signal applied to new sectors.

    Unlike MIX, this scenario allows to separate carbon price signals of “current” and “new” ETS. The relative split of ambition in GHG reductions between “current” ETS and “new ETS” remains, however, close in MIX-CP to the MIX scenario leading to differentiated carbon prices between “current” ETS and “new” ETS 58 .

    These three “Fit for 55” core policy scenarios have been produced starting from the Reference Scenario 2020 and thus use the same updated assumptions on post-COVID economics and international fuel prices.

    The table below provides an overview of the policy assumptions retained in the three core policy scenarios. It refers in particular to different scopes of emissions trading system (“ETS”):

    -“current+”: refers to the current ETS extended to cover also national and international intra-EU maritime emissions 59 : this scope applies to all scenarios,

    -“new”: refers to the new ETS for buildings and road transport emissions: this scope applies in MIX and MIX-CP up to 2030,

    -“large”: refers to the use of emissions trading systems covering the “current” scope ETS, intra-EU maritime, buildings and road transport (equivalent to “current+” + “new”): this scope applies in MIX and MIX-CP after 2030.

    The scenarios included focus on emissions within the EU, including intra-EU navigation and intra-EU aviation emissions. The inclusion or not of extra-EU navigation and extra-EU maritime emissions is assessed in the relevant sector specific Impact Assessments.

    Table 42: Scenario assumptions description (scenarios produced with the PRIMES-GAINS-GLOBIOM modelling suite)





    Brief description: ETS

    Extension of “current” ETS to also cover intra-EU maritime navigation 60  

    Strengthening of “current+” ETS in line with -55% ambition

    By 2030: 2 ETS systems:

    -one “current+” ETS (current extended to intra-EU maritime)

    -one “new” ETS applied to buildings and road transport

    After 2030: both systems are integrated into one “large” ETS

    Relevant up to 2030: the 2 ETSs are designed so that they have the same carbon price, in line with -55% ambition

    Relevant up to 2030: “current+” ETS reduces emissions comparably to MIX

    Lower regulatory intervention resulting in higher carbon price than in MIX, notably in the “new” ETS

    Brief description: sectoral policies

    High intensity increase of EE, RES, transport policies versus Reference

    Medium intensity increase of EE, RES and transport policies versus Reference

    Lower intensity increase of EE and RES policies versus Reference.

    Transport policies as in MIX (except related to CO2 standards)

    Target scope



    Intra-EU aviation included, extra-EU excluded

    Maritime navigation

    Intra-EU maritime included, extra-EU excluded

    Achieved GHG reduction of the target scope

    Including LULUCF

    Around 55% reductions

    Excluding LULUCF

    Around 53% reductions

    Assumed Policies

    Carbon pricing (stylised, for small industry, international aviation and maritime navigation may represent also other instruments than EU ETS such as taxation or CORSIA for aviation)

    Stationary ETS


    Aviation-Intra EU ETS


    Aviation - Extra EU ETS

    Yes: mixture 50/50 carbon pricing (reflecting inclusion in the “current+” / “large” ETS, or taxation, or CORSIA) and carbon value (reflecting operational and technical measures); total equal to the carbon price of the “current+” (up to 2030) / “large” ETS

    Maritime-Intra EU ETS

    Yes, carbon pricing equal to the price of the “current+” (up to 2030) / “large” EU ETS

    Maritime-Extra EU ETS

    As in MIX (but applied to the “current+” ETS)

    Up to 2030: no carbon pricing.

    After 2030: 50% of extra-EU MRV 61 sees the “large” ETS price, while the remaining 50% sees a carbon value equal to the “large” ETS carbon price.

    Buildings and road transport ETS


    Yes (in the “new” ETS up to 2030, and in the “large” ETS after 2030)

    CO2 standards for LDVs and HDVs

    CO2 standards for LDVs and HDVs + Charging and refuelling infrastructure development (review of the Directive on alternative fuels infrastructure and TEN-T Regulation & funding), including strengthened role of buildings

    High ambition increase

    Medium ambition increase

    Lower ambition increase

    EE policies overall ambition

    High ambition increase

    Medium ambition increase

    Lower ambition increase

    EE policies in buildings

    High intensity increase (more than doubling of renovation rates assumed)

    Medium intensity increase (at least doubling of renovation rates assumed)

    Lower intensity increase, no assumptions on renovation rates increases

    EE policies in transport

    High ambition increase

    Medium intensity increase

    As in MIX

    RES policies overall ambition

    High ambition increase

    Medium intensity increase

    Lower ambition increase except for transport (see below)

    RES policies in buildings + industry

    Incentives for uptake of RES in heating and cooling

    Incentives for uptake of RES in heating and cooling

    No increase of intensity of policy (compared to Reference)

    RES policies in transport and

    policies impacting transport fuels

    Increase of intensity of policies to decarbonise the fuel mix (reflecting ReFuelEU aviation and FuelEU maritime initiatives).

    Origin of electricity for “e-fuels” under the aviation and shipping mandates:

    up to 2035 (inclusive) “e-fuels” (e-liquids, e-gas, hydrogen) are produced from renewable electricity, applying additionality principle.

    from 2040 onwards “e-fuels” are produced from “low carbon” electricity (i.e. nuclear and renewable origin). No application of additionality principle.

    CO2 from biogenic sources or air capture.

    Taxation policies

    Central option on energy content taxation of the ETD revision

    Additional non-CO2 policies (represented by a carbon value)

    Medium ambition increase

    Quantitative elements and key modelling drivers

    Policies and measures are captured in the modelling analysis in different manners. Some are explicitely represented such as for instance improved product energy performance standards, fuel mandates or carbon pricing in an emission trading system. Others are represented by modelling drivers (“shadow values”) used to achieve policy objectives.

    The overall need for investment in new or retrofitted equipment depends on expected future demand and expected scrapping of installed equipment. The economic modelling of the competition among available investment options is based on:

    -the investment cost, to which a “private” discount rate is applied to represent risk adverseness of the economic agents in the various sectors 62 ,

    -fuel prices (including their carbon price component),

    -maintenance costs as well as performance of installations over the potential lifetime of the installation,

    -the relevant shadow values representing energy efficiency or renewable energy policies.

    In particular, carbon pricing instruments impact economic decisions related to operation of existing equipment and to investment, in the different sectors where they apply. The table below shows the evolution of the ETS prices by 2030 in the Reference and core scenarios.

    Table 43: ETS prices by 2030 in the difference scenarios (€2015/tCO2)


    Carbon price “current” ETS sectors

    Carbon price “new” ETS sectors

























    The investment decisions are also taken considering foresight of the future development of fuel prices, including future carbon values 63 post 2030. Investment decisions take into account expectations about climate and energy policy developments, and this carbon value achieves in 2050 levels between €360/tCO2 (in REG, where energy policy drivers play comparatively a larger role) and €430/tCO2 (MIX-CP) 64 .

    In complement to carbon pricing drivers, the modelling uses “shadow values” as drivers to reach energy policy objectives of policies and measures that represent yet to be defined policies in the respective fields: the so-called “energy efficiency value” and “renewable energy value”, which impact investment decision-making in the model. These values are thus introduced to achieve a certain ambition on energy efficiency, for instance related to national energy efficiency targets and renewable energy targets in the NECPs as represented in the Reference Scenario 2020, or increased renovation rates in buildings and increased sector specific renewable energy ambition related to heating and cooling in the policy scenarios.

    The table below shows average 2025-2035 values for the different scenarios. The values in REF2020 reflect the existing policy framework, to meet notably the national energy targets (both energy efficiency and renewable energy) as per the NECPs. They are typically higher in policy scenarios that are based on regulatory approaches than in scenarios that are more based on carbon pricing. The “energy efficiency value” and “renewable energy value” also interact with each other through incentivising investment in options which are both reducing energy demand and increasing the contribution of renewables, like heat pumps. This is for instance the case in the REG scenario, where the comparatively higher “energy efficiency value” complements the “renewable energy value” in contributing to the renewable energy performance of the scenario, notably through the highest heat pump penetration of all scenarios.

    Table 44: Energy efficiency value and renewable energy value (averaged 2025-2035)


    Average renewables shadow value

    Average energy efficiency shadow value

    (€'15/ MWh)

    (€'15/ toe)













    Specific measures for the transport system

    Policies that aim at improving the efficiency of the transport system (corresponding to row “EE in Transport” in the Table 42 , and thus reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, are phased-in in scenarios that are differentiated in terms of level of ambition (low, medium, high ambition increase). All scenarios assume an intensification of such policies relative to the baseline. Among these policies, the CO2 emission standards for vehicles are of particular importance. The existing standards 65 , applicable from 2025 and from 2030, set binding targets for automotive manufacturers to reduce emissions and thus fuel consumption and are included in the Reference Scenario.

    Medium ambition increase

    In this case, the following policy measures are considered that drive improvements in transport system efficiency and support a shift towards more sustainable transport modes, and lead to energy savings and emissions reductions:

    -Initiatives to increase and better manage the capacity of railways, inland waterways and short sea shipping, supported by the TEN-T infrastructure and CEF funding;

    -Gradual internalisation of external costs (“smart” pricing);

    -Incentives to improve the performance of air navigation service providers in terms of efficiency and to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity;

    -Incentives to improve the functioning of the transport system: support to multimodal mobility and intermodal freight transport by rail, inland waterways and short sea shipping;

    -Deployment of the necessary infrastructure, smart traffic management systems, transport digitalisation and fostering connected and automated mobility;

    -Further actions on clean airports and ports to drive reductions in energy use and emissions;

    -Measures to reduce emissions and air pollution in urban areas;

    -Pricing measures such as in relation to energy taxation and infrastructure charging;

    -Revision of roadworthiness checks;

    -Other measures incentivising behavioural change;

    -Medium intensification of the CO2 emission standards for cars, vans, trucks and buses (as of 2030), supported by large scale roll-out of recharging and refuelling infrastructure. This corresponds to a reduction in 2030 compared to the 2021 target of around 50% for cars and around 40% for vans.

    Low ambition increase

    In this case, the same policy measures as in the Medium ambition increase are included. However, limited increase in ambition for CO2 emission standards for vehicles (passenger cars, vans, trucks and buses) as of 2030 is assumed, supported by the roll-out of recharging and refuelling infrastructure. This corresponds to a reduction in 2030 compared to the 2021 target of around 40% for cars and around 35% for vans.

    High ambition increase

    Beyond measures foreseen in the medium ambition increase case, the high ambition increase case includes:

    -Further measures related to intelligent transport systems, digitalisation, connectivity and automation of transport - supported by the TEN-T infrastructure;

    -Additional measures to improve the efficiency of road freight transport;

    -Incentives for low and zero emissions vehicles in vehicle taxation;

    -Increasing the accepted load/length for road in case of zero-emission High Capacity Vehicles;

    -Additional measures in urban areas to address climate change and air pollution;

    -Higher intensification of the CO2 emission standards for cars, vans, trucks and buses (as of 2030) as compared to the medium ambition increase case, leading to lower CO2 emissions and fuel consumption and further incentivising the deployment of zero- and low-emission vehicles, supported by the large scale roll-out of recharging and refuelling infrastructure. This corresponds to a reduction in 2030 compared to the 2021 target of around 60% for cars and around 50% for vans.

    Drivers of reduction in non-CO2 GHG emissions

    Non-CO2 GHG emission reductions are driven by both the changes taking place in the energy system due to the energy and carbon pricing instruments, and further by the application of a carbon value that triggers further cost efficient mitigation potential (based on the GAINS modelling tool) in specific sectors such as waste, agriculture or industry.

    Table 45: Carbon value applied to non-CO2 emissions in the GAINS model (€2015/tCO2)


    Non-CO2 carbon values















    Key results and comparison with Climate Target Plan scenarios

    Table 46: Key results of the “Fit for 55” core scenarios analysis for the EU

    2030 unless otherwise stated






    Key results

    GHG emissions* reductions (incl. intra EU aviation and maritime, incl. LULUCF)

    % reduction from 1990





    GHG emissions* reductions (incl. intra EU aviation and maritime, excl. LULUCF)

    % reduction from 1990





    Overall RES share






    RES-E share






    RES-H&C share






    RES-T share






    PEC energy savings

    % reduction from 2007 Baseline





    FEC energy savings

    % reduction from 2007 Baseline





    Environmental impacts

    CO2 emissions reductions (intra-EU scope, excl. LULUCF), of which

    (% change from 2015)





    Supply side (incl. power generation, energy branch, refineries and district heating)

    (% change from 2015)





    Power generation

    (% change from 2015)





    Industry (incl. process emissions)

    (% change from 2015)






    (% change from 2015)






    (% change from 2015)





    Agriculture (energy)

    (% change from 2015)





    Transport (incl. domestic and intra EU aviation and navigation)

    (% change from 2015)





    Non-CO2 GHG emissions reductions (excl. LULUCF)

    (% change from 2015)





    Reduced air pollution vs. REF

    (% change)





    Reduced health damages and air pollution control cost vs. REF - Low estimate

    (€ billion/year)





    Reduced health damages and air pollution control cost vs. REF - High estimate

    (€ billion/year)





    Energy system impacts

    Primary Energy Intensity






    Gross Available Energy (GAE)






    - Solids share






    - Oil share






    - Natural gas share






    - Nuclear share






    - Renewables share






    - Bioenergy share






    - Other Renewables share






    Gross Electricity Generation






    - Gas share






    - Nuclear share






    - Renewables share






    Economic impacts

    Investment expenditures (excl. transport) (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Investment expenditures (excl. transport) (2021-30)

    % GDP





    Additional investments to REF

    bn €'15/year





    Investment expenditures (incl. transport) (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Investment expenditures (incl. transport) (2021-30)

    % GDP





    Additional investments to REF

    bn €'15/year





    Additional investments to 2011-20

    bn €'15/year





    Energy system costs excl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Energy system costs excl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    % GDP





    Energy system costs incl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    bn €'15/year





    Energy system costs incl. carbon pricing and disutility (2021-30)

    % GDP





    ETS price in current sectors (and maritime)






    ETS price in new sectors (buildings and road transport)






    Average Price of Electricity






    Import dependency






    Fossil fuels imports bill savings compared to REF (2021-30)

    bn €'15





    Energy-related expenditures in buildings (excl. disutility)

    % of private consumption





    Energy-related expenditures in transport (excl. disutility)

    % of private consumption





    Note: *All scenarios achieve 55% net reductions in 2030 compared to 1990 for domestic EU emissions, assuming net LULUCF contributions of 255 Mt CO2-eq. in 1990 and 225 Mt CO2-eq. in 2030 and including national, intra-EU maritime and intra-EU aviation emissions 66 .

    Source: PRIMES model, GAINS model

    Table 47: Comparison with the CTP analysis

    Results for 2030

    CTP 55% GHG reductions scenarios range


    “Fit for 55” core scenarios range

    (REG, MIX, MIX-CP)

    Overall net GHG reduction (w.r.t. 1990)*



    Overall RES share












    FEC EE



    PEC EE



    CO2 reduction on the supply side (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in residential sector (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in services sector (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in industry (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in intra-EU transport (w.r.t. 2015)



    CO2 reduction in road transport (w.r.t. 2015)



    Non-CO2 GHG reductions (w.r.t. 2015, excl. LULUCF)



    Investments magnitude, excluding transport (in bn€/per year)

    401-438 bn/year

    379-417 bn/per year

    Energy system costs (excl. auction payments and disutility) as share of GDP (%, 2021-2030)



    Note: *All scenarios achieve 55% net reductions in 2030 compared to 1990 for domestic EU emissions, assuming net LULUCF contributions of 255 Mt CO2-eq. in 1990 and 225 Mt CO2-eq. in 2030 and including national, intra-EU maritime and intra-EU aviation emissions66 (except the CTP ALLBNK that achieves 55% net reductions including also emissions from extra-EU maritime and aviation).

    Source: PRIMES model, GAINS model

    4.1.6 Results per Member State

    This document is completed by detailed modelling results at EU and MS level for the different core policy scenarios:

    -Energy, transport and overall GHG (PRIMES model)

    -Details on non-CO2 GHG emissions (GAINS model)

    -LULUCF emissions (GLOBIOM model)

    -Air pollution (GAINS model)

    That can be found in “Technical Note on the Results of the “Fit for 55” core scenarios for the EU Member States”.

    4.2 Specific analytical elements for this impact assessment – modelling of the electricity system (with METIS model) 

    METIS is a project 67 initiated by DG ENER for the development of a computer program consisting of modules and datasets titled METIS, with the aim to further support DG ENER’s evidence-based policy making, especially in the areas of electricity and gas. The software is developed by Artelys with the support of IAEW (RWTH Aachen University), ConGas and Frontier Economics as part of Horizons 2020 and is closely followed by DG ENER. METIS first version was delivered at the DG ENER premises in February 2016.

    The METIS project provides DG ENER with an in-house tool that can provide insights and robust answers to complex economic and energy related questions, focusing on the short-term operation of the energy system and markets. METIS was used in the impact assessment of the Market Design Initiative. 68

    Table 48 - METIS models displayed in the Crystal Super Grid user interface

    Purpose of this note

    This note should be seen as an entry point for anyone interested in the understanding of the METIS models. One of the main objectives of this note is to present the available documentation, source code and data used in METIS and explain how to use them to understand the model operation. With this note and the associated elements, the reader will be able to fully understand the equations behind the different energy models, apprehend how energy scenarios are built, and learn which indicators are available to analyse the results of a simulated energy scenario.

    METIS currently relies on the Artelys Crystal Super Grid Platform (ACSG) 69 to run the model and visualise input data and results. The different METIS models and indicators are run and calculated by the ACSG platform, which also provides a convenient graphical user interface allowing users to easily modify, launch the computations of, and analyse METIS energy scenarios. 

    Figure 75 - METIS open-book approach

    Scenarios for policy analysis with model METIS

    Baseline: Limited demand-response. In this scenario, 30% of EVs’ and heat-pumps’ demands are assumed to be flexible, their operation being based on the hourly electricity price (reflecting real-time pricing, RTP). The remaining demand does not feature any flexible operation, meaning that cars charge immediately when they are connected to the charging point and heat pumps operate when demand occurs (no heat storage is considered). This share reflects what is understood as the minimum level of flexibility required to achieve the CTP level of ambition. However, this option is already considered too ambitious given the current situation where flexibility is practically 0%.

    High demand-response (high-DR). This model run features a higher flexibility share, as 70% of EVs and heat pumps feature flexible demand. This strategy is expected to reduce further the system costs, and help integrating renewables.

    High demand-response with vehicle-to-grid (high-DR-V2G). In this model run, in addition to 70% flexible demand of EVs and heat pumps, it is also considered that EVs can use the energy stored in their batteries to inject electricity in the grid (vehicle-to-grid). It provides an additional flexibility potential to the system.

    Demand-response to a combined price and vRES signal (DR-vRES-share). This model run considers that 70% of heat pumps and EVs (no V2G capabilities considered) respond to a signal combining the retail electricity price and a second price component based on the real-time share of vRES in electricity generation.

    Hourly GO option:

    In order to account for consumers’ response to the hourly vRES share in electricity generation, an indirect representation of hourly GOs and its associated price is integrated into METIS.

    In addition to the hourly electricity price, the consumer is exposed to the hourly GO price, which is assumed to vary as a piecewise linear function of the hourly vRES share. When the vRES generation exceeds a given threshold, the GO price falls to 0 due to oversupply conditions. The threshold is set at a 30% RES share in power generation in this analysis.

    However, when renewable generation is lower than the specified threshold, offtakers are competing for GOs. For this model run, the price is assumed to rise linearly with the decrease in vRES generation, until reaching a maximum when almost no renewable generation is available. For this exercise, this maximum is called scarcity price.

    Setting this scarcity price defines the overall shape of GOs price curve against renewable generation. Considering the hourly vRES-share extracted from the high-DR model run, one can compute the average GO price over the year. This annual GO price is expressed in comparable terms with respect to current GO prices (which typically range between 0.1 and 2 €/MWh, reaching up to 10 €/MWh in selected cases), which can be cancelled within a year. In total, three model runs are considered in which the scarcity price varies in order to reach different average GO prices. The average GO prices equal 2, 4 and 10 €/MWh, in contrast to the mean wholesale electricity price of 46 to 50 €/MWh under the MIX scenario in 2030.

    Table 49 - scarcity and average GO price per demand scenario 70

    Low demand

    Medium demand

    High demand

    Scarcity price

    13 €/MWh

    26 €/MWh

    65 €/MWh

    Average price

    2 €/MWh

    4 €/MWh

    10 €/MWh

    Figure 76 - vRES share against GO price duration curve - FR - medium demand scenario

    Setting a GO-price reflecting the hourly vRES share on top of the retail electricity price provides a financial incentive for the consumer to operate at hours that benefit the most to the system in terms of renewables integration. In particular, as displayed on the load duration curves in the table and figure above, some hours feature the same electricity price, indistinctively of the actual vRES share, therefore the electricity price alone does not provide the appropriate signal to a consumer trying to identify hours with higher vRES shares. Setting a GO price on top of the electricity price provides a complementary signal that favours renewables consumption.

    However, it should be noted that adding a renewable signal on top of the electricity price could shift the consumer operation to hours featuring higher electricity prices, instead of relying on cheap electricity generation, e.g., from nuclear energy. This consumption pattern modification may increase renewables integration at the expense of the overall system costs.

    Figure 77 - vRES share against electricity price duration curve - FR - medium demand scenario

    Figure 78 - vRES share against total electricity price (incl. GOs) duration curve - FR - medium demand scenario

    Annex 5: 2030 Climate Target Plan policy conclusions

    The Communication on stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition - the Climate Target Plan (CTP) 71 and its underpinning impact assessment are the starting point for the initiatives under the Fit for 55 package.

    The plan concluded on the feasibility - from a technical, economic and societal point of view - of increasing the EU climate target to 55% net reductions of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. It also concluded that all sectors need to contribute to this target.

    In particular, with energy supply and use responsible for 75% of emissions, the plan put forward ambition ranges for renewables and energy efficiency, which correspond in a cost-efficient manner to the increased climate target. The climate target plan also established that this increase in climate and energy ambition will require a full update of the current climate and energy policy framework, undertaken in a coherent manner.

    As under the current policy framework, the optimal policy mix should combine, at the EU and national levels, strengthened economic incentives (carbon pricing) with updated regulatory policies, notably in the field of renewables, energy efficiency and sectoral policies such as CO2 standards for new light duty vehicles. It should also include the enabling framework (research and innovation policies, financial support, addressing social concerns).

    While sometimes working in the same sectors, the policy tools vary in the way they enable the achievement of the increased climate target. The economic incentives provided by strengthened and expanded emissions trading will contribute to the cost-effective delivery of emissions reductions. The regulatory policies, such as the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), the Regulation on CO2 standards for vehicles supported by the Directive on the alternative fuels infrastructure, and the Re(FuelEU) aviation and maritime initiatives, aim at addressing market failures and other barriers to decarbonisation, but also create an enabling framework for investment, which supports cost-effective achievement of climate target by reducing perceived risks, increasing the efficient use of public funding and helping to mobilise and leverage private capital. The regulatory policies also pave the way for the future transition needed to achieve the EU target of the climate neutrality. Such a sequential approach from the CTP to the Fit for 55 initiatives was necessary in order to ensure coherence among all initiatives and a collective delivery of the increased climate target.

    With the “MIX” scenario, the impact assessment included a policy scenario that largely reflects the political orientations of the plan.

    The final calibration between the different instruments is to be made depending, inter alia on the decision on the extension of emissions trading beyond the maritime sector and its terms.

    The table below shows the summary of the key CTP findings:

    Table 50: Key policy conclusions of the Climate Target Plan


    GHG emissions reduction

    ·At least 55% net reduction (w.r.t. 1990)

    ·Agreed by the European Council in December 2020

    ·Politically agreed by the European Council and the European Parliament in the Climate Law


    ·Corresponding targets need to be set in the EU ETS and the Effort Sharing Regulation to ensure that in total, the economy wide 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 55% will be met.

    ·Increased climate target requires strengthened cap of the existing EU ETS and revisiting the linear reduction factor.

    ·Further expansion of scope is a possible policy option, which could include emissions from road transport and buildings, looking into covering all emissions of fossil fuel combustion.

    ·EU should continue to regulate at least intra-EU aviation emissions in the EU ETS and include at least intra-EU maritime transport in the EU ETS.

    ·For aviation, the Commission will propose to reduce the free allocation of allowances, increasing the effectiveness of the carbon price signal in this sector, while taking into account other policy measures.


    ·Corresponding targets need to be set in the Effort Sharing Regulation and under the EU ETS, to ensure that in total, the economy wide 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 55% will be met.


    ·Sink needs to be enhanced.

    ·Agriculture forestry and land use together have the potential to become rapidly climate-neutral by around 2035 and subsequently generate removals consistent with trajectory to become climate neutral by 2050.

    CO2 standards for cars and vans

    ·Transport policies and standards will be revised and, where needed, new policies will be introduced.

    ·The Commission will revisit and strengthen the CO2 standards for cars and vans for 2030.

    ·The Commission will assess what would be required in practice for this sector to contribute to achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and at what point in time internal combustion engines in cars should stop coming to the market.

    Non-CO2 GHG emissions

    ·The energy sector has reduction potential by avoiding fugitive methane emissions. The waste sector is expected to strongly reduce its emissions already under existing policies. Turning waste into a resource is an essential part of a circular economy, as is prevention of waste, addressed by both Circular Economy and the Zero Pollution Action Plans. Under existing technology and management options, agriculture emissions cannot be eliminated fully but they can be significantly reduced while ensuring food security is maintained in the EU. Policy initiatives have been included in the Methane Strategy.


    ·38-40% share needed to achieve increased climate target cost-effectively. 

    ·Renewable energy policies and standards will be revised and, where needed, new policies will be introduced.

    ·Relevant legislation will be reinforced and supported by the forthcoming Commission initiatives on a Renovation Wave, an Offshore Energy strategy, alternative fuels for aviation and maritime as well as a Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.

    ·EU action to focus on cost-effective planning and development of renewable energy technologies, eliminating market barriers and providing sufficient incentives for demand for renewable energy, particularly for end-use sectors such as heating and cooling or transport either through electrification or via the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels such as advanced biofuels or other sustainable alternative fuels.

    ·The Commission to assess the nature and the level of the existing, indicative heating and cooling target, including the target for district heating and cooling, as well as the necessary measures and calculation framework to mainstream further renewable and low carbon based solutions, including electricity, in buildings and industry.

    ·An updated methodology to promote, in accordance with their greenhouse gas performance, the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in the transport sector set out in the Renewable Energy Directive.

    ·A comprehensive terminology for all renewable and low-carbon fuels and a European system of certification of such fuels, based notably on full life cycle greenhouse gas emissions savings and sustainability criteria, and existing provisions for instance in the Renewable Energy Directive.

    ·Increase the use of sustainably produced biomass and minimise the use of whole trees and food and feed-based crops to produce energy through inter alia reviewing and revisiting, as appropriate, the biomass sustainability criteria in the Renewable Energy Directive,

    Energy Efficiency

    ·Energy efficiency policies and standards will be revised and, where needed, new policies will be introduced.

    ·Energy efficiency improvements will need to be significantly stepped up to around 36-37% in terms of final energy consumption 72 .

    ·Achievement of a more ambitious energy efficiency target and closure of the collective ambition gap of the national energy efficiency contributions in the NECPs will require actions on a variety of fronts.

    ·Renovation Wave will launch a set of actions to increase the depth and the rate of renovations at single building and at district level, switch fuels towards renewable heating solutions, diffuse the most efficient products and appliances, uptake smart systems and building-related infrastructure for charging e-vehicles, and improve the building envelope (insulation and windows).

    ·Action will be taken not only to better enforce the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, but also to identify any need for targeted revisions.

    ·Establishing mandatory requirements for the worst performing buildings and gradually tightening the minimum energy performance requirements will also considered.

    Annex 6: Discarded Options

    1.Options on target setting

    Possible scenarios representing 2030 EU GHG emissions reduction target below 55% or higher were discarded at an early stage as they do not fulfil the political mandate agreed by EU leaders. In line with this agreement, policy options assessed look at the impact of achieving the resulting 38-40% renewable energy shares. Lower or higher shares of renewables would diverge from the cost-effective pathways established in the CTP.

    During the 1st stakeholder meeting, panellists from the different sessions reflected a positive attitude towards the increase of the overall target. In addition, polls conducted during the workshop showed that the top 3 sectors where additional efforts are considered necessary to meet higher renewables targets for 2030 are the transport sector, heating and cooling, and buildings. In addition 66% of participant in the workshop think that the overall renewable target should be binding at both national levels and EU levels.

    Some stakeholders have asked for a higher target – beyond 40% renewable energy shares or renewable electricity share of 100% by 2030 respectively but such scenarios resulting in EU GHG reductions target of over 55% were not assessed in this IA. No scenarios without increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy ambition - one of them or both - were analysed as they would depart from current legislation and miss on synergies that are crucial for a cost-effective achievement of 2030 GHG target. The experience with policies to date proves that the targets for GHG emissions reduction, RES and EE ambition reinforce each other. The objective of this impact assessment is to assess an increase of renewable energy in line with the 55% GHG reductions in a responsible manner, following the European Green Deal and as approved by EU leaders, which will require mitigating all negative social and economic impacts associated with the transition.

    Scenarios in this Impact Assessment take into account existing EU and national policies, including regarding their energy mix, and aim for a future policy mix that is coherent to implement. This is why no scenarios were developed that would put an exaggerated burden of the decarbonisation transition on a specific sector or technology or have an asymmetric distribution of effort or would be inconsistent with the progress achieved so far.

    The options of updating and aligning the necessary legislative framework to include an earlier mandatory resubmission of the updates to the NECPs (including the national contributions to the RES targets) was also discarded. This resubmission will be required for the short-term, well before the scheduled 2023 (draft updates) and 2024 (final updates) submission and would have ensured that Member States reconsider their national contributions to a potentially increased EU RES target at the earliest opportunity. Although this option would probably result in earlier action to realise the increased ambition levels but also in additional administrative burden. Furthermore, this option may require legislative changes which may be challenging to deliver in such a short timeframe and may therefore hamper the feasibility of this option.

    2.Options on promotion of low carbon and renewable fuels

    In this set of options, option 4 (creation of specific targets for low-carbon fuels such as blue hydrogen) was discarded at an early stage. Low carbon fuels will be needed in a transition period on the way to a net-zero economy. A specific promotion under the Renewable Directives would however not be in line with the spirit of the Directive and risks setting the wrong incentives leading to stranded assets and to a more difficult transition to net-zero emissions in 2050. Option 3 (accounting of low carbon fuels for sectoral transport and heating & cooling targets) was also discarded as such a measure would likely push out more expensive renewable fuels in fulfilling these sub-targets.

    3.Options on bioenergy sustainability

    In the set of policy options on bioenergy sustainability, the following policy options were discarded at an early stage.

    73 Applying the sustainability criteria only at forest unit level. Under this option, compliance with the new sustainability criteria for forest biomass would be applied only at the level of forest sourcing areas or forest units and they would be demonstrated by means of certification. The option is discarded due to proportionality (high increase of costs for forest owners) and subsidiarity. First, the requirement to apply the criteria at forest unit level would impose a heavy burden on private forest owners, in particular for small forest owners. Indeed, the certification/verification costs would represent an important/excessive share of forest owners’ incomes, in particular considering the lower value often paid for wood for fuel versus other uses. This would imply that wood producers would be unwilling to take up certification/verification in order to demonstrate compliance. This will be particularly true for small/local operators. Thus, this would question the effectiveness of this option. This option also overlooks the very different characteristics of the forest sector in the EU. For instance, the recent JRC biomass study acknowledges that about half of the stemwood used for bioenergy comes from coppice forests. In view of the very limited economic return of this type of forests (only harvested in long time frames), requesting compliance with the sustainability criteria would render their management totally uneconomic. Similarly for biomass coming from forest fire prevention treatments and other phyto-sanitary and restoration measures, which are necessary for protecting and enhancing the vitality and health of forests. Moreover, transposition of such requirements will also be very burdensome for public administrations, especially in those Member States where small-size foresters are predominant. Secondly, Member States have forest policy frameworks in place to ensure sustainable forest management practices and compliance with the sustainability criteria. The specific frameworks vary from country to country, but all include domestic legislation and a variety of additional requirements that are enshrined in legislation, such as national forest programmes or equivalent and strategies. Member States also use a common set of FOREST EUROPE C&I as a tool to establish ‘base-line conditions’ and to monitor progress towards specific socioeconomic and environmental goals and other aspects of the sustainable management of forests, including protection and conservation of forests. As these policy frameworks comply with the specific criteria, it would not be necessary to request that at forest unit level.

    74 75 76 Introducing biogenic carbon emission factors in the REDII GHG emission calculation methodology. This option would ensure that biogenic CO2 emissions are included in the lifecycle greenhouse gas performance of forest biomass, in addition to supply-chain emissions. This would allow for a full picture of climate impacts from these feedstocks. This is in line with the agreement in the scientific community that accounting of biogenic CO2 emissions needs to be included in order to have a clear picture of the carbon impacts of bioenergy. As described in the JRC study on forest bioenergy, biogenic emissions and removals are often not accounted in standard lifecycle analysis (LCA) because it is implicitly assumed that the plant regrowth will compensate for them. However, because of the time lag between emissions and regrowth, it is essential to include biogenic carbon accounting to understand the overall carbon impacts of bioenergy pathways. Nonetheless, Camia et al (2021) also make a clear distinction between using LCA for regulatory purposes (e.g. for benchmarking pathways) and for strategic purposes (e.g. for impact assessment). While the full accounting of biogenic carbon is clearly necessary for proper strategic studies, this is not always the case for regulatory purposes. Indeed, an option to include biogenic carbon accounting within the GHG emission accounting metholodology set out in REDII Annexes V and VI was already considered and discarded in the 2016 Impact Assessment report on bioenergy sustainability, mainly because of the crucial importance of value-choices involved in defining the calculation methodology (i.e., subjectivity in the choice of counterfactuals). In addition, it would pose difficulties linked to verification. Hence, the inclusion of biogenic carbon within the REDII GHG emission accounting methodology would be unfeasible and therefore it is not further analysed in this Impact Assessment.

    Requirements for air pollution related to solid biomass. Air pollution is addressed through a number of legal measures at EU level, including Directive 2004/107/EC aimed at reducing concentrations of pollutants in ambient air, Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality, the Large Combustion Plants Directive (2001/80/EC) and Directive (EU) 2016/2284 on National Emission Ceilings. In addition, the Ecodesign directive has set stricter emission requirements for new solid fuel boilers and space heaters. In particular, since 1 January 2020, seasonal space heating emissions of particulate matter shall not be higher than 40 mg/m3 for automatically stoked boilers and not be higher than 60 mg/m3 for manually stoked boilers. The Commission will review these standards in 2021, and revise them if appropriate. Air pollution specifically related to biomass is particularly linked to the stock of old boilers used in particular in households, as well as by the scale of use in certain populated areas. Given the fact that air pollution from biomass is specifically addressed through other EU measures and regulations, it is not considered appropriate to set specific requirements in the context of this policy initiative.

    Application of sustainability requirements to all biomass users (including residential). This option aims at avoiding that only part of the biomass consumed in the EU is subject to sustainability rules. However, monitoring compliance for residential heating installation would be particularly challenging, particularly in those Member States that have significant auto-consumption of biomass for heating which is not registered in the commercial markets. Making all bioenergy installations (including residential ones) subject to an EU-wide sustainability scheme would imply disproportionate administrative burden on Member States and citizens to verify the compliance of a high number of small scale/private installations.

    New reporting requirements on forest bioenergy. The need for new reporting to improve the monitoring of bioenergy supply and demand was already discussed in the preparation of Clean Energy Package. It is for this reason that the Governance Regulation includes new monitoring requirements for Member States, which need to be transposed at the latest by June 2021. Accordingly, Member States will have to include detailed information on biomass sustainability in their first integrated energy and climate report, to be submitted by 15 March 2023 (see below). This information will feed into the first COM report on the sustainability of biomass due by October 2023, according to Article 35(2)(d) of the Regulation (see box below). In addition, the EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System is strengthening the monitoring of bioenergy supply and demand (see additional info below). Because of these efforts that are already underway, this option is not further assessed.

    Box: reporting requirements on forest bioenergy under the Governance Regulation


    Part 1 Additional reporting obligations in the area of renewable energy

    (m) primary supply of solid biomass (in 1 000 m3, except with regard to point (1)(b)(iii), which will be provided in tonnes)

    (1) Forest biomass used for energy production (domestic production and import)

    (a) Primary biomass from forest used directly for energy production

    (i) Where available, branches and tree tops (reporting is voluntary)

    (ii) Where applicable, stumps (reporting is voluntary)

    (iii) Round wood (split into industrial stem wood and fuelwood)

    (b) Where applicable, forest-based industry co-products used directly for energy

    (i) Where applicable, bark

    (ii) Chips, sawdust and other wood particles

    (iii) Where applicable, black liquor and crude tall

    (c) Where available, post-consumer wood used directly for energy production

    (d) Processed wood-based fuel, produced from feedstocks not accounted under point (1)(a),

    (b) or (c):

    (i) Where applicable, wood charcoal

    (ii) Wood pellets and wood briquettes

    (2) Where available, agricultural biomass used for energy production (domestic production, import and export)

    (a) Energy crops for electricity or heat (including short rotation coppice)

    (b) Agricultural crop residues for electricity or heat

    (3) Where available, organic waste biomass for energy production (domestic production, import and export)

    (a) Organic fraction of industrial waste

    (b) Organic fraction of municipal waste

    (c) Waste sludges

    Box: JRC

    The was developed as the JRC-led action of the Updated EU Bioeconomy Strategy (COM/2018/673). It addresses the need for a comprehensive monitoring system to measure the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the EU bioeconomy. This monitoring system is a part of the EC Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy. The EU Bioeconomy Monitoring system contains indicators that cover the five strategic objectives of the Strategy, which are (1) to Ensure Food and Nutrition Security; (2) to Manage Natural Resources Sustainably; (3) to Reduce dependence on non-renewable unsustainable resources, whether sourced domestically or from abroad; (4) to Mitigate and adapt to climate change; and (5) to Strengthen European competitiveness and create jobs.

    Critical indicators include indicators about biomass supply and uses from all primary production systems, as well as the condition and pressures on the ecosystems that produce the biomass.  Considerable effort is made by the JRC to collect, harmonise, update and maintain metadata for these indicators. The JRC has a long-term commitment to maintain and continuously improve this monitoring system. Several indicators that are directly related to bioenergy are included in the monitoring system, for the full list, see

    4. Permitting

    Simplifying permitting and administrative procedures was seen by many replies to OPC as a very appropriate measure to facilitate the phasing out of fossil fuels. However, REDII introduced new and substantial requirements on permitting, including clear deadlines for permitting procedures (generally two years) and a single contact point for applicants with clear guidance on procedures. These requirements were designed to alleviate problems with complex and slow national procedures and disproportionate rules, and represent the political compromise reached in REDII. They have not yet been implemented in the Member States (transposition deadline 30 June 2021) and it would be premature to amend them before any evaluation. For these reasons this option has not been pursued.

    At the same time, some stakeholders have raised the importance that electrolysers connected to renewable power generation capacity should be considered, and become eligible under the existing permitting processes for renewable energy.

    5. Promoting RES through enhanced consumer information – revising the system of Guarantees of Origin (GO) for electricity

    The main measure to provide information to consumers on their electricity supply in RED II are the guaranties of origin in Article 19. In the OPC, several respondents asked to improve the existing system by reducing administrative barriers for private companies and by avoiding double counting.

    In that context, we looked at revising the current GO measure to further promote RESe in end use sectors e.g. by requiring suppliers to provide closer to real time shares of renewable energy supply or by requiring the issuing of GOs to be linked to the commercial flows with PPAs. These options has been discarded because relevant improvements are already expected through the implementation of the existing provisions of RED II and the Directive on common rules for the internal market for electricity 77 e.g. with the realtime supply contracts and the requirement to use GO for electricity disclosure. The expected impacts beyond the current baseline are both relatively limited and uncertain.

    In addition, implementation issues related to a revision of the GOs would be technically very complex and cause delays in the way forward.

    Annex 7: Detailed assessment for heating and cooling

    This Annex covers further technical analysis and measures complimenting Chapters 5 and 6. For measures described under Option 2 for to the overall heating and cooling sector (mainly Article 23 of REDII) together with buildings (Article 15) and district heating and cooling further details are included in this Annex.

    Heating and cooling sector

    NECP assessment

    Under Article 23(1) of REDII, Member States shall endeavour to increase their RES share in FEC for heating and cooling by an indicative 1.3%-point as annual average counting for the periods 2021 to 2025 and 2026 to 2030, starting from the share of renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector in 2020. Article 23(1) also indicates that this increase shall be limited to 1.1% for Member States in which waste heat and cold is not used. If the share of RES in H&C in 2020 is above 60%, the Member States may count any such share as fulfilling the average annual increase (see Art 23 (2b)); if the share is above 50% and up to 60%, the Member States may count any such share as fulfilling half of the average annual increase (see Art 23 (2c)). Member States shall provide any information as to which constraints may be responsible for not meeting the requirements reflecting structural barriers arising from the high share of natural gas or cooling, or from a dispersed settlement structure with low population density.

    According to the NECP assessment 78 , the renewable energy share in the heating and cooling sector amounted to 21% in 2018 in EU27. The final NECPs of EU 27 anticipate a share of renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector of 23% in 2020 and 33% in 2030 79 . The 33% RES H&C share in 2030 was facilitated by more than 10% decrease in the final energy consumption for H&C projected by Member States from 2020 to 2030 in EU27 80 .

    The share of renewable energy is above 50% by 2020 in 5 MS (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, and Latvia) 81 . In Sweden, this share is above 60% 82 . Several countries report a low share of RES in the H&C sector and in 3 Member States the share of renewables is below 10%.

    As shown in the table below, 13 countries do not comply with the current H&C target, and five countries are expected to comply only partially, i.e. in one of the periods (2020-2025 or 2026-2030), but not in both. Only nine 9 Member States plan to meet their targets. 83  

    The table below shows RES share in the H&C sector in 2020, the average annual increase of RES share in H&C by 2025 and 2030. It also indicates whether the Member State takes waste heat and cold into account and whether constraints for not meeting the requirements are provided 84 . Considering all criteria from Article 23 mentioned above, we assessed whether the Member State were screened against these requirements. Member States that are not in line with the requirements are highlighted red, while those in line with the requirements are highlighted green.

    Table 51 - RES share in the heating and cooling sector regarding RED II Art 23 (Member States that are not in line with the requirements from Art 23 are highlighted in red, while those in line with the requirements are highlighted green)

    Member state

    RES-H&C share in 2020 in % 85

    Average annual increase of RES share in H&C by 2025

    Average annual increase of RES share in H&C by 2030

    Waste heat is counted or not

    Constraints for not meeting the requirements (see footnote)













    Czech Republic





























































    31.9 86





































    0.5 87




















































    The current share of RES in the H&C sector as well as the ambition to increase it over the period 2020-2030 varies considerably between the Member States, as illustrated by the figure below.

    Figure 79 - Share of RES in H&C in all MS in 2020 & in 2030 + share of H&C in Final Energy Consumption; Source: Trinomics based on JRC’s assessment of NECPs

    In the figure above, the blue bars shows the large variations between MS regarding their share of renewables as expected for 2020. In 2020, 6 MS were expected to have a share of RES in H&C above 50%, while 3 MS would have a share below 10%. In 2030, only 9 Member States meet the target of 1.3%-point annual increase of renewables in the H&C sector of Article 23(4) of RED II (dark green in Figure above). 4 additional Member States meet partially the target (light green in Figure above).Specific measures for the overall heating and cooling sector

    Options for sector-specific measures to increase renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector (RES-H&C)

    Option 2: Menu of voluntary measures

    Option 2a) Add/clarify measures that Member States can use to implement the target (menu of measures Member States can choose from/obligation to implement at least 2 measures)

    Option 2a): Add/clarify measures to the list in Article 23(4) that Member States can use to implement the target (menu of measures Member States can choose from/obligation to implement at least 2 measures)

    This option in part clarifies the current high-level provisions and in part includes strengthening of the existing measures by also including new aspects.

    Possible sector-specific measures

    ·Option 2a)-A1: Capacity building for national/local authorities to plan/implement renewable projects and infrastructures for heat planning requirements at local/regional level;

    ·Option 2a)-A2: Risk mitigation framework to reduce cost of capital for renewable heat projects;

    ·Option 2a)-A3: Heat purchase agreements for corporate and collective small consumers;

    ·Option 2a)-A4: Planned replacement schemes of fossil heating systems - fossil phase-out schemes with milestones;

    ·Option 2a)-A5: Update of the qualification and certification requirements of installers (article 18 and annex VI), and obligation on technology providers and vendors, that trained and qualified installers are available in sufficient numbers to service the required growth in renewable heating and cooling installations in buildings and industry.

    As indicated in Section 6.2 these measures could be combined with the target options.

    Analysis of impacts of sector specific measures for the overall HC sector (relevant also for district heating and cooling and buildings)

    Options 2a)-A1: Capacity building for national/local authorities to plan/implement renewable projects and infrastructures, national and local heat planning


    Capacity building is considered a cost effective way to support the decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector. Capacity building is especially important to Capacity building in heating and cooling, including heat planning, has been supported by a number of Horizon 2020. However, wide scale replication and diffusion is more effective if the results could be consistently conveyed via an EU framework across all Member States. Coordinated infrastructure planning with more involvement of local and regional authorities could result in important economic savings and avoid issues of mis-planning, mis-communication, mis-information and lack of understanding of the local particularities, needs and opportunities resulting in inefficiencies. The costs related to administration, coordination and communication are not expected to be significant compared to the savings of avoiding inefficient planning.

    Administrative burden

    Planning of renewable and waste H&C deployment projects and infrastructure in heating and cooling should ideally be at the core of the NECP section on the deployment of renewable in the H&C sector. Given the high dependency of the different energy infrastructures (in the frame of energy system integration, moving e.g. partially from gas network to electricity and/or DHC). The LTRS should also have addressed, at least partially, the issue of planning, as the deployment of renewable heating systems and the increase of energy efficiency in buildings should go hand in hand. Planning the deployment, reinforcement, extension or dismantling of existing infrastructure, need to consider the expected evolution of heat demand (which influences the alternatives), and the existing alternatives that can replace fossil fuels, including the potential for low carbon liquids and gases (from biological origin or not). Therefore, the planning process would encompass the whole decarbonisation of the H&C sector. Most of the MS have already started to plan, or at least to define planning the deployment of renewables in H&C, but their progress depends on their global commitment and the set of policy measures they foresee in the frame of their NECPs. For some, planning would be a question of progressively mainstreaming H&C infrastructure considerations in other policy areas (e.g. urban policy), to ensure full coverage of the H&C concerns. For others, planning would be required as a kind of overarching framework, and would therefore encompass the complete process of H&C decarbonisation, including the Comprehensive Assessment (article 14 EED). Such planning could also be seen as a part of the LTRS, where a more dedicated focus on supply should be mainstreamed, highlighting the importance to address the deployment of all heat market and related infrastructure (gas, liquid, electricity, and heat).

    For those MS starting from the beginning, administrative overburden is probably the higher risk that could jeopardise the whole planning process, due to the lack of human and financial resources, and the need to take into account local parameters. A balance has to be found between the details and the efficiency. Therefore, guidance would be useful to support MS planning in an effective way. A recent study 88 for the EC on the competitiveness of the H&C industry and services finds that easing administrative costs and barriers via better alignment of procedures and requirements (e.g. technical requirements, certification and licencing) would make it substantially easier for renewables to enter markets and become more competitive.

    For those MS having a set up a clear vision on the way to decarbonise the H&C, and especially to deploy renewables, planning would then be a kind of reminder of the important and integrated issues to address.

    Key steps to consider in the planning of deployment of renewable heat and associated infrastructure include 89 :

    ·Developing strategic H&C plans – this is a first step and needs to consider the local context, resource availability, existing infrastructure, socio-economic conditions etc. The three-step approach described in the textbox on Decarb City Pipes 2050 project could be a suitable template for H&C plan development in cities.

    ·Stakeholder engagement – the type of stakeholders and extent of their engagement will, to an extent, depend on the H&C plans developed.

    ·Assessing and mapping HC demand and energy resources – this step would expand on the initial information considered for planning. In the case of the H&C sector the location of the demand and supply is of critical importance in order to enable connecting them to one another. The planning should also take into account other energy sectors in the analyses to maximise synergies and ensure energy system integration where possible.

    ·Integrating energy resources in the existing and new infrastructure to match the demand – future demand can be deduced through measurements of actual demand in buildings, bottom-up modelling for building consumption and top-down modelling of heat demands.

    ·Assess the required investments, operational and fuel costs, including all technical challenges – for many heating technologies upfront investments and high capex costs constitute a barrier for competing with current, fossil-based technologies. Thus, appropriate instruments to lower this barriers and promote uptake are crucial. A level-playing field for operational and fuel costs, by, among others, eliminating subsidies or other fiscal incentives for fossil-based fuels is important.

    ·Enabling regulatory conditions, financing, and business models to deploy – this aspect is closely linked to the point above. Government authorities need to establish financial and regulatory measures to ensure that the benefits of renewable heating systems are captured by the established pricing regimes.

    As explained above, these steps are already tackled by the MS, to varying extents, meaning there is no one single approach to assess the administrative costs related to their implementation.

    National authorities will be strongly involved, but local authorities (municipalities, cities, or regions) will also need to progressively commit and engage in the process of planning renewable H&C deployment projects and infrastructure. In several MS, major cities have already started and provide good examples on the best planning approach, such as illustrated in the textbox on Denmark.

    Experience with heat planning 90

    A report prepared by the Danish Energy Agency (2019) aims at providing inspiration on municipal heat planning based on Danish experiences and delivers input to a common heat planning methodology for municipalities in Baden-Württemberg. Such report can provide useful guidance for other municipalities in their heat planning.

    Danish heat planning was kick started in the late 1970’s as a response to the two oil crises in 1973 and 1979, which had huge implications for the Danish economy. The reason for commencing heat planning in Baden-Württemberg is even more serious, namely the wide recognition of the global climate crisis. Though the backdrop for planning is different, this report shows that a lot of the experience from Denmark have high relevance for Baden-Württemberg. In addressing the Danish experience with heat planning, the region has put special emphasis on the learnings from the beginning of 1980’s when the framework for Danish heat planning was created.

    In order to meet its climate and energy targets Baden-Württemberg has a strong focus on energy efficiency improvements in housing and green heating. This entails an expansion of district heating through municipal heat planning with a particular focus on supply from fuel free energy sources.

    The German region recently required its 103 cities of more than 20 000 inhabitants to develop a vision for their CO2-neutral heat supply 2050 . 91

    While the total population of the Baden-Württemberg is approx. 11 million people, the 103 largest cities hold a population of approx. 5,5 million people, that is roughly the same number of inhabitants as in Denmark. Therefore, planning at city level requires guidance and commitment at regional or national levels.

    Despite its long experience in district heating (over 40 years), the Danish heat planning was implemented over a relatively short time span. The first heat supply act was introduced in 1979 - before that there was no fixed framework for heat planning- and by the mid 1980’s almost all Danish municipalities (there were about 300 at the time) had developed heat plans. The main objective of the heat planning was to determine, which areas in the municipality should be supplied with district heating or natural gas, and which areas were still supposed to use individual heat sources such as oil boilers, biomass boilers or electric heating. All these considerations are still valid, although they could be expanded with the new fuels and technologies. A key selection parameter in the heat planning was the energy density of the different areas of a municipality. The principal approach was that most densely populated areas would usually be supplied with district heating, less densely populated areas with natural gas and the more sparsely areas with individual heating.

    The heat planning also provided directions on how district heating should be supplied. This in turn influenced the location of district heating systems in a way where cities with large amounts of surplus heat from power generation or industries would typically expand district heating to less densely populated areas that would otherwise have been supplied with natural gas.

    Since the late 1980’s, heat planning in Denmark has developed on a more ad hoc based approach. During the 1990’s a lot of mainly smaller cities, which previously had not had collective heat supply, developed district heating systems based on combined heat and power plants, mainly gas-fired, and in the last 10 years quite a few areas, which were originally designated for gas boilers, have been converted to district heating. The conversion contributed to the increasing share of district heating of total heat supply from around 46% to around 50% in the past decade. Since 2011, the number of district heating installation in both new and existing buildings has increased by 9%. Whereas the heat planning that took place in the early 1980’s aimed at reducing oil dependency, the later steps of heat planning have focused on reducing the environmental impacts, particularly the CO2 footprint, of heat supply.

    The following figure illustrates the main actors of the energy system that should be involved in heat planning.

    Among the main lessons to be used for the Baden-Württenberg:

    1)Heat planning needs to be locally anchored

    2)Capacity building and knowledge sharing was key to successful heat planning

    3)Multilateral municipal coordination groups were key to human capacity building

    4)Developing common planning assumptions improved the quality of the planning process

    5)Educational programs linked to the concrete planning contributed to human capacity building

    6)Policies need to ensure that solutions that are desirable from a social perspective are also advantageous from a consumer viewpoint

    7)District heating projects need to prove that they benefit society as a whole

    8)Requirements for mandatory connection has been a powerful but debated tool in Danish heat planning

    9)Both normative and financial policies were applied to incentivize green heating

    10)Political attendance at the highest level ensures resources and commitment to heat planning

    11)Public involvement was key to get commitment to the plans among citizens

    12)New district heating systems and extension of existing systems were driven by existing district heating companies and cooperatives with strong local support.

    Option 2a)-A2: Risk mitigation framework to reduce cost of capital for renewable heat projects

    Risk mitigation for large heat generation and infrastructure projects:

    Risk mitigation framework to reduce cost of capital for renewable heat projects

    Deploying renewable heating and cooling projects often entails large upfront investments for small and large investors alike.

    In the case of large heating and cooling projects, for example geothermal, solar thermal or innovative waste based technologies in district heating and cooling systems and for the development of large generation and network capacities, the upfront investment represents a high risk for one single investor. This is due to the volume of the investment as uncertainties in societal, technical, administrative, political, environmental areas and in markets could lead to a failure of the whole project. Risk mitigation measures and sharing of the volumes at risk (called risk volumes) are key for investors. Therefore, the different types of risk exposure for renewable heating and cooling projects are outlined and measures suggested that reduce these risks and the risk volume.

    In the case of small investment projects, households and small enterprises do not often have sufficient expertise and financial resources to make the necessary upfront investment and tackle the technical complexities, which also represents risks for small investors, but also for financial institutions, which are reluctant to support small projects with high transaction costs.

    This option aims to address both large project risks and the risks for both consumers and financial institutions of small, diverse and diffuse investment in new renewable heating systems.

    -Risk mitigation framework for large renewable heat supply projects.

    The life cycle of these projects requires a long-term planning security. This means a long-term strategy ensuring the feed-in or demand for renewable heat, including forward looking perspectives such as a target for the RES-share in HC, measures to stimulate investment and demand, identification of cost-effective sites and standards for impact assessments. The availability of one-contact point could facilitate administrative procedures and provide information on potential sites (groundwater and geothermal sources) and thus reduce administrative burdens and related barriers or risks.

    Addition risks can characterise specific projects in specific phases, such exploration and drilling in geothermal or the planning and construction of heat infrastructures and securing public acceptance is also a risk.

    The benefit of a risk mitigation framework directly manifest in reduced cost of capital, energy costs, technological developments as well as scale effects in production and installations – as observed in the wind and solar power – and thus could contribute to declining unit costs and increase profitability of the project. Financial investment support for innovative and sustainable technologies (R&D support) might have a dampening effect on costs as well as on the volume risk. Market risks, such as price and sales risks, are addressed by Art. 4 RED II for renewable electricity while heating is not mentioned.

    Besides risk reducing measures, risk sharing through special financing facilities such as a special programme for geothermal projects in the framework of InvestEU (former EFSI), or public financing at national levels.

    The risk mitigation framework could have different design elements, including one-stop-shop, institutional project assistance and pre-selection of sites, etc.

    Examples from Member States

    (1)RES2 in Italy

    Italy has outlined the contribution of geothermal energy in its renewable energy targets. 92 It has drafted a provision of support (RES2) for innovative technology, which has significant potential for innovations and a considerable exploitable potential (energy). This includes adhoc instruments for new plants based on innovative technologies and for example measures such as auctions, register mechanisms. 93 Italy is in charge of the Strategic Priorities of the SET Plan regarding the European leadership in the development of RES, in particular of the geothermal sector. 94 However, it does not outline how to address the high risks associated with high upfront investments.

    (2)SAF environment Fund in France and other measures for geothermal energy

    The Auxiliary Finance Company (SAF) guarantees funds to covers the risk of geothermal energy. Two types of guarantees are possible: short-term, for the success of the first wells drilled and long-term, for the sustainability of the resource and risks of total or partial drying up and damage to the installations over a period of 20 years of operation. 95

    Further investment in geothermal energy, geothermal district heating and cooling systems, and heat storage solutions using geothermal energy, is supported through the Heat Fund. In addition, to mitigate drilling and exploration risks, France enables the participation by the Heat Fund in funding regional mapping for Geothermal installations of Minimal Importance (GMI), and where necessary in funding support for decision-making on the economic profitability of surface geothermal resources.

    Beyond financial support, local coordination structures will be implemented to coordinate the activities in the region and exchange directly with ADEME. Further, to facilitate drilling and exploration of geothermal energy from an administrative perspective, the Mining Code will be modified with respect to explicitly mentioning the generation of heating and cooling through geothermal energy as activity 96 .

    (3)Renewable Energies Heat Act in Germany/Market incentive programme

    . While at the consumption side, no incentives for using (large) geothermal heat is provided, investors of geothermal generation facilities are directly addressed through the market incentive programme. It offers financial support (grant) for drilling and installations as well as for the related network of large geothermal projects through the KfW programme (state bank) as part of the market incentive programme, which is anchored in the Renewable Heat Act. 97

    -Risk mitigation framework for small renewable heat supply projects.

    This option would ensure that projects aggregation and de-risking is extended to small heating system replacement projects and these are addressed together with other component of building refurbishment on an equal footing. The model would follow the one established in the Energy Efficiency Financial Institution Group (EEFIG 98 ) as the findings of this projects are equally relevant for small renewable heating and cooling project investments.

    Although the majority of energy financing was focusing on large electricity related renewable energy generating assets until the last decade, obtaining adequate financing for small renewable projects still remains a challenge. 99

    Therefore, increasing access to long-term debt and renewable installation finance through adequate instruments is needed, and should be bundled with energy efficiency instruments. The EEFIG should be explicitly extended to RES H&C.

    Such instruments could allow operational renewable energy projects to finance into long-term debt and increase the financial leverage by “discounting” the future cash flows, possibly from a heat purchase agreement. These cash flows (from heat purchase agreements) could serve as collateral, reducing the amount of equity needed and improving financing terms, for increasing the capacity to invest, addressing more holistically the building renovation. While such instruments would focus on financing, their goal would be to increase new investments in one building when all energy efficiency and renewable are not addressed in one shot, especially when the new investments would have a longer payback time.

    According to the EEFIG, evidence from the market strongly suggests that simply providing capital does not necessarily lead to successful deployment of that capital. It is necessary to consider the factors that drive demand for financed energy efficiency and put in place mechanisms to help drive demand such as technical assistance and marketing. The same applies for small-scale renewable.

    All energy efficiency and renewable investments, whatever their size or nature, face various types of risk such as performance risk, quality or market risks. Addressing appropriately the categories of risks is key to define the approach to risk mitigation and financing. Databases for heating and cooling investments (RES and EE) could support de-risking those investments (cf. textbox to illustrate such DB).

    De-risking examples

    The De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform (DEEP 100 ) was developed by the EEFIG De-risking Project consortium and launched in the end of 2016 in close coordination with the Commission’s “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package. DEEP is an open-source database for energy efficiency investments performance monitoring and benchmarking, based on evidence from implemented projects. The main objective of the DEEP is to improve the understanding of the real risks (especially performance risks) and benefits of energy efficiency investments based on market evidence. At launch the database included more than 7,800 energy efficiency projects in buildings and industry from 25 data providers. DEEP provides anonymized historical data structured along major project characteristics, (geography, energy efficiency measures, verification status, industry / type of building, multiple benefits, etc.). It provides insight on financial performance indicators such as payback and discounted avoidance cost. Financial institutions can use this evidence in market assessment, performance risks calculation and to benchmark their own individual projects or portfolios against user-selected sub-sets of the projects in DEEP.

    Setting up risk-mitigation and instruments are no-regret measures and should be adopted in a structured way to frame the decarbonisation of the whole heating and cooling sector, building on existing tools and initiatives. De-risking instruments is decreasing the cost of capital, and therefore would reduce the cost of renewable H&C technologies, increasing their attractiveness to all. These instruments may have a slightly positive impact, allowing more consumers to use renewable H&C.


    The option would be effective in reducing costs of capital, reduce barriers to financing and increase access to and the number of renewable heating and cooling projects. It would thus contribute to the objectives of increased renewable deployment in heating and cooling and to the overall renewable share increase in line with the CTP.

    Administrative burden

    The option could partially build on and further develop the already existing framework under the REDII, which covers mainly renewable electricity. The setting up of risk mitigation framework would represent some additional burden for Member States. However, such framework could use synergies with several other initiatives under the Green Deal, which could be extended to cover large and small renewable heating and cooling projects. One of these synergies would be with the many instruments available for building renovation and under the EEFIG. These already cover - although not in a consistent manner - renewable energy and could be extended to renewable heating and cooling projects, including the mechanisms available for aggregation of small projects, de-risking, and technical assistance.

    Option 2a)-A3: Heat purchase agreements for corporate and collective small consumers


    A power purchase agreement (PPAs) is a long-term electricity supply agreement between an installation operator (seller) and an electricity customer (buyer). The agreements are generally signed for a period of up to 10 years, though shorter-term PPAs are also possible. Heat purchase agreements, as the name implies, mirror PPAs but focus on the selling and buying of heat. The generator of the renewable heat receives a fixed price per unit of energy (e.g. joule), meaning that it can expect fixed returns on its investment and offer the bank the certainty it requires for the loans. The high-demand customer can therefore ensure that its renewable energy supply comes either directly from a specific plant, or from a green portfolio, at a fixed price for the duration of the agreement. The proof of the green quality and origin of the energy supply is provided by the guarantees of origin (GO) of the energy/heat-generating plants.

    Although supplies of heat (or cooling) are similar in many respects to other utility type supplies, in heat networks there is a key difference, namely that the customer’s use of the energy supplied has a significant effect on the overall operational efficiency of the network. This is reflected in how heat purchase agreements and their tariffs are structured. 101 The company learning costs and associated administrative burden costs related to contract drafting, legal implementation etc. are expected to be outweighed by the financial certainty for suppliers and provision certainty for that such agreements bring. These in turn, are expected to support the mainstreaming of heat markets.

    Administrative burden

    The option enables companies and collectives of consumers to have access to renewable heating and cooling at lower costs. The administrative burden is limited and is compensated with the benefits in terms of empowerment and lower purchase prices.

    Option 2a)-A4: Planned heating system replacement schemes:

    This options aims to give certainty and allow preparation and high-quality replacement of current old and obsolete fossil heating systems by renewable and carbon neutral ones with pre-defined schedules and gradually. The option would empower Member States to implement modernisation coupled with fossil phase out and define the design and milestones according to the specific circumstances (e.g. age, composition) of their heating stocks, while ensuring coordination with their national building renovation strategies.

    Over half of the EU individual oil and gas boiler stock is older or in the second half of its technical lifetime (lifetime 20 years). These will have to be changed in the period until 2030 and replaced with renewable and carbon-neutral solutions to avoid carbon lock-in. Since renewable and carbon-neutral heating technologies are already available and their levelised cost of heat is not significantly higher, or, depending on the specific function and technology, is lower than that of new fossil systems, the replacement does not lead to additional investment compared to what will anyway have to be invested. It is rather a prudent spending for heating systems that anyway need to be replaced, while ensuring that investment is in future proof technologies and carbon lock-in is avoided.

    Planned replacement programmes could be designed in many different ways: such as fossil phase-out according to certain schedules or by trigger points (new construction, major renovation, heating system inspection/change, renting, etc.) or for certain building types (public, commercial, etc.). It can include national scrappage schemes (e.g. for boilers beyond their lifetime or at boiler replacement trigger points.

    Around half of the EU heating stock will need to be changed in the next 5-8 years as indicated in the figure below. Further disaggregation for a selected number of countries (DE, FR, SP, PL, RO, FI) is found further below under the buildings section.

    Member States will have the freedom to design and implement measures that ensure an orderly replacement. Fossil phase-out with milestones gives the most freedom for MS as regards the choice of implementation and requires them to plan and ensure implementation of gradual replacement of fossil heating systems by 2050 with defined milestones in 2030. It also leaves them free to put in place boiler replacement/scrappage schemes and set requirements at national level for technology providers.


    Heating appliances usually last 20 years so it is important to avoid the installation of old, inefficient and fossil heating systems in buildings by 2030 the latest, as this can lead to a carbon lock-in and stranded assets. Thus, requiring Member States to plan heating system replacement would be an effective way to increase the decarbonisation of the heating sector and to ‘future-proof’ it. In addition, a number of cities/regions have already announced plans to phase out fossil fuel based heating 102 , or certain types such as oil based 103 , so this measure would fit with existing national policies. Decreasing fossil fuels in heating systems will have beneficial environmental affects, although if this is through increased use of biomass, the effect on air quality would need to be assessed. The mandatory minimum energy performance standards proposed in the Renovation Wave Communication as part of the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive could also facilitate the gradual phase out heating systems based on fossil fuels.

    The proposed options on targets for heating and cooling (see also options on buildings) combined with the options proposed for supporting measures (planned heating systems replacement) would ensure that the upcoming replacement cycle is well-used to trigger a switch from fossil fuels to renewables and other carbon-neutral solutions, and prevent the installation of new fossil appliances, which due to the long lifetime of these assets, would result in carbon lock-in..

    The transition from fossil based heating to renewable ones would not entail large costs additional to what anyway will have to be incurred as planned replacement would be staged replacing those systems that are beyond or at the end of their lifetime, thus – given that heating is essential – when investment in new system has to occur anyway. Planned replacement would by design target those systems that need to be changed in any case and would follow the natural replacement cycle of heating (and cooling stocks (See Annex XX showing the age of heating stock in selected countries). In addition, the cost of a new renewable heating system and the related levelised cost of heat (LCOH) is often at par or lower than that of competing fossil-based system. LCOH for a selected number of countries (DE, FR, SP, PL, RO, IT and FI) is shown in previous sections.

    The proposed risk mitigation option is considered necessary and effective to give the correct signals to the market and help small innovative projects to leverage funding 104 .

    Administrative burden

    Planned replacement schemes of heating appliances to facilitate fossil phase-out can be implemented through several instruments such as support schemes, fiscal incentives, building requirements for new buildings and deep renovation, or via banning purchase of determined products (heating appliances). Minimum administrative requirements foreseeable would include:

    Data collection. In order to understand the extent of the necessary replacements and to monitor the implementation of any phase-out scheme reliable data is a pre-requisite. Thus, lack of reliable information is often a barrier as setting up data collecting procedures might require significant administrative costs. For example, an evaluation of the effects of the Baden-Württemberg Renewable Heating Act found that data sources were inconsistent. Data on the number of heating system exchanges reported to the Statistical Office of the State of Baden-Württemberg including that reported by chimney sweeps was different from the market statistics of boiler manufacturers. One of the reasons for this was attributed to authorities not having enough time and resources to ensure rapid data processing. 105  

    Monitoring, reporting and enforcement costs. To ensure that the phase-out programmes are proceeding accordingly and that the results are consistent with targets set for e.g. 2030 or 2050, monitoring and reporting procedures should be set up periodically. The time-intervals for monitoring should strive to find a balance between achieving sufficient information for assessing the programme and excessive administrative burden. For example, in the case of Baden-Württemberg the number of energy audits has increased significantly since 2015 – the year in which the Renewable Heating Act was amended introducing the renovation roadmap 106 .

    Awareness raising campaigns. Are important to adequately communicate to the citizens the programme being implemented, the reasons for it, expected outcomes etc. Benefits include increased awareness of citizens, increased probability for public acceptance and support, stimulating capacity building, generating conditions for an efficient citizen participation process and the involvement of stakeholders. As such replacement schemes could be misunderstood by the concerned parties 107 , a very clear communication is of paramount importance. Campaigning costs could be as high as 400, 000 EUR/yr. 108 Costs to consider include:

    ·Market research expenses

    ·Expenses related to the design of communication tools and brand

    ·Publication expenses

    ·Website maintenance costs

    ·Direct communication and meetings

    ·Training of staff

    ·Organisation of press conferences and events

    Multi-level coordination. As already mentioned, these instruments would require additional planning efforts, to tackle all local/regional/national influencing factors and constraints, and therefore increasing development costs, for national involved parties (national authorities and administrations, but also building professionals, such as architects, planners, designers and construction workers, and local authorities).

    Importance of local actors engagement. When phasing out fossil systems, it is of paramount to have a clear vision on the long term low-carbon/renewable alternatives (to determine by what a fossil-based system should be replaced). The other case of the Aosta Valley region illustrates how important it is to consider local parameters, when assessing the demand side (consumption profiles), and mainly the supply side (the most attractive renewable alternative is wood-based fuel). This requires engaging decision bodies at regional or even local levels to plan correctly the deployment of renewable. It is hardly recommended to start at these levels (as was also the case for Baden-Württemberg).

    As explained above, depending on the national situation, some of these steps are already tackled in the implementation of the LTRS, and would only require a marginal additional effort, while for others it would require to deploy a new vision.

    The figure below shows that the number of energy audits in Baden Württemberg has increased since 2014 and is the highest among several German federal states. The high number of audits can be linked to the updated made in 2015 to the Renewable Heating Act Baden-Württemberg. There is a correlation between the success of a replacement-schemes and associated monitoring and energy audits. The administrative burden could be limited to a simple scheme driven from the national level, and increased in complexity and involvement of local actors.

    Figure 80 - Evolution of the number of funded energy audits per capita in different German federal states

    District heating and cooling

    Technical assessment

    The GHG reduction impact would be significant as demonstrated by cases, where DHC is the main Green Deal conform instrument to decarbonise heating in entire cities. The options would significantly contribute to air quality and particulate emission reduction, improving health conditions in cities. Case studies 109 on efficient, renewable-based and smart DHC systems show CO2 emissions below 100 gram CO2/kWh 110 . Examples are: the Gram solar thermal DH system in Denmark (30 kg CO2MWh); the Paris Saclay DHC system in France (below 100 kg CO2/MWh), which is based above 50% on renewables, the Ecoenergies Barcelona DHC system in Spain (94,9 kg/MWh for the district heating part and 0 kg CO2/MWh for the district cooling part based on surplus cold and renewables), the Stockhom DHC system in Sweden (0,136 kg CO2/MWh for heating and 0 kg CO2/MWh for cooling), the Tartu DHC system in Estonia (0,102 kg CO2/MWh for heating and 0 kg CO2/MWh for cooling), and the HafenCity DH system in Germany (75 kg CO2/MWh). One of reasons for investing in these systems was to improve air quality, in addition to ensure stable low prices of heat – these are two important reasons for consumer acceptance.

    Need to upgrade existing DHC 111

    Upgrade DH

    The Upgrade DH project aims to improve the performance of district heating networks in Europe by supporting selected demonstration cases for upgrading, which can be replicated. The project aims at initiating the DH upgrading process (retrofitting approaches); increasing the share of waste/residual heat (currently 7 % in the demo cases) by more than 6 % and the share of renewable heat (currently 28 % in the demo cases) by more than 20 % in eight demo cases and beyond; replicating the proposed upgrading solutions across Europe; developing regional / national action plans for the retrofitting of district heating networks by including the results of the retrofitting approaches.

    The Upgrade DH project supports the upgrading and retrofitting process of DH systems in different climate regions of Europe, covering various countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, and The Netherlands. 112 On these 8 cases, the following 3 cases explicitly include the use of additional renewables: Bosnia-Herzegovina plans the integration of solar thermal collectors; Denmark intends to convert the CHP to biomass; the Netherlands intends the installation of a second 16MW biomass boiler.

    However, in most cases, the focus of the upgrading was to increase the relative share of renewables in the heat production as well as to improve the use of the available resources, and to optimize the management of the network.

    In some cases, by reducing the environmental effect, especially emissions of the local pollutants, the health of the local population increases, which is one of the main social benefits of such a project, but also the fact that public opinion towards DH would increase due to such projects promoting efficiency and increasing the share of renewables in DH production.


    A recent analysis of the cost-effectiveness of district heating compared to individual heating solutions under conditions based on the Danish system including the Danish taxes and tariffs shows that new district heating is highly competitive vis-à-vis individual heating technologies. Looking at a heat demand of 13 800 kWh/year corresponding to an energy renovated building and considering DH produced with a wood chip boiler or electrical compression heat pump, the results shows that the annual costs of DH are ~ 19% (EUR 430 cheaper) lower compared to an individual natural gas boiler and ~ 30-31% cheaper (EUR 805) than an individual biomass boiler or individual air-to-water heat pump. 113 The study assumed no pre-existing heating systems in the area (neither DH nor individual heating). The results show that heat demand and district network length are important variables. The figures below show the assumed costs, efficiency, lifetime and other parameters used to make the assessment. The results cannot be extrapolated to other member states are they are dependent on fuel prices, tariffs and taxes which vary from country to country. However, it can be concluded that densely populated areas should be the starting point for establishing new DH networks in other countries/cities outside of Denmark.Figure 81 - Parameters for individual heating technologies and the district heating unit 114

    Figure 82 - Parameters for district heating technologies 115

    Figure 83 - Comparison of the price of heat for new DH heat (wood chip boiler) and individual heating. Heat demand at 13800 KWh/year, Network Scale of 1 (small pipe grid)

    Figure 84 - Comparison of price of heat from new DH (wood chip boiler) and individual heating. Heat demand of 4 900 kWh/year and Network Scale 1 (small pipe gird)

    Figure 85 - Comparison of individual heating systems (systems de chauffage domestique) & of district heating systems (LCOE de la chaleur collective) 116

    Summary of case studies upgrading existing DHC 117

    1.Sisak, Croatia

    It has been determined early in the project that the most upgrading measure for the district heating system in Sisak is the implementation of the thermal storage unit in the form of the buffer tank. Given the high interest of the relevant stakeholders to significantly improve the efficiency of the system, the business model has been developed in a close cooperation with all of them (incl. heat production and heat distribution companies in Sisak (HEP Proizvodnja and HEP Toplinarstvo)), which enabled achieving a high level of detail and accuracy of the analysis. The investment cost of the 66.6MWh steel tank (incl. 12 MW heat exchanger, foundations, measurement equipment and connection pipes), was about 1.6M€, with linear depreciation through different time periods (i.e. equipment 10 years, civil works 15 years). The thermal storage was to be owned by the HEP Proizvodnja, owner and operator of the existing biomass cogeneration unit (storage was expected to improve the efficiency of the CHP). Since this project would fall into the category of small projects in the HEP Group portfolio based on its investment costs, it is most likely that the funds would be provided by the HEP Group itself, i.e. no loan would be needed. However, both the scenario with 50% bank loan and the scenario without the loan have been analysed to cover both cases. For thermal storage integration in Sisak, revenues would consist of reduced peak load boiler use and the reduced use of steam line during the summer period. These are both reflected in the lower consumption of natural gas and amount to 312,440 €/a. On the other hand, the costs of the project are rather lower, since there is no need for additional personnel or additional software. Therefore, they consist of the operation and maintenance costs and the insurance costs and amount to 10,539 €/a. By taking into account all these parameters, the lifetime of the project (20 years) and the discount rate (5%, to discount future cashflows to the present value), the net present value of the project has been calculated at ~1.5M€, giving the internal rate of return of 14.9% and the payback period of 6.1 years. The project would have a relevant socio-environmental impact at the local level, decreasing the emissions CO2 emissions by 2,145 t, NOx emissions by 382 kg, SO2 emissions by 12 kg and CH4 emissions by 115 kg.

    2.Marburg, Germany

    The municipal utility - Stadtwerke Marburg (SWMR) – is responsible for the whole district heating process chain, from generation to distribution and sales. Detailed hydraulic calculations of the DH grid with different scenarios and multiple upgrade opportunities identified the UM “optimisation of the pump operation” to be the most relevant topic, which could be the case for many other DH systems. The cost-effectiveness of replacing the network pumps often does not appear economic at first glance, as the investment costs only appear to be offset by small savings. The ownership model and the DH business itself will not be affected by replacing the pumps. In most cases, pumps prove to be robust components that, if operated and maintained properly, will still work properly after several decades. For the example in Marburg the Pumps were built in the 60s and are still running with no major problems. If only the simple replacement of old pumps by new pumps of the same size is considered a business case, the investment cost are easy to identify. A typical DH system is designed for a specific maximum heat demand at a certain temperature level. In the last decades a lot has changed, new generation plants reach efficient operating conditions at much lower temperatures, still sufficient for space heating; the energy demand of individual consumers is decreasing (e.g. due to better insulation materials or warmer outside temperatures during winter). Hence, the initial planned pumping power is oversized, and the pumps are operating in inefficient part load situations all over the year.

    For the reliable supply of the customers of a district heating system it is important, that the appropriate amount of heat can be transported through the DH grid. The technical analysis showed that the DH system could be operated reliably when the installed pumping capacity is reduced from ≈250 kW to ≈120 kW, for an increase in efficiency of ~25%. Yearly savings are estimated at ~74k€, with an investment around 95k€.

    3.Middelfart, Denmark

    The upgrading measures considered in the city of Middelfart are the result of a long collaboration between the local district heating company Middelfart Fjernvarme Amba, and the consultancy company COWI. Since the beginning of the Upgrade DH project, the focus of the upgrading was to increase the share of renewables in the heat production as well as to improve the use of the available resources, and to optimize the management of the network. Before 2018, approximatly 2/3 of the heat supplied to the DH transmission system TVIS was from a natural gas fired CHP plant. With increased focus on climate changes and the higher standards required by the Danish governments, the Municipalities (including Middelfart Municipality) supplied by the TVIS system, agreed to convert the CHP plant to biomass. It increases the share of CO2 neutral production units from 27% to 94% in 2020 and thereby decreases CO2 emission by ~83% (reduction of CO2 ~ 10,000 tCO₂ eq/y). The woodchip-based CHP plant (90 MWel & 230 MWth) supplies heat for the district heating transmission system TVIS (main heat supplier for the DH network). The initial investment is around 200 M€, which leads to an evaluation of the financing resources, which requires access to a bank loan. Afterwards, considering the operation and maintenance cost, the revenue of the heat sales and the savings obtained by using biomass, the expected payback period was calculated to be around 25 years. The sensitivity analysis showed that the variation of natural gas and biomass prices have a high impact of the feasibility of the project. The utility Ørsted is the owner of the plant, which is the main actor involved. However, the conversion costs were covered with the contribution of the TVIS transmission system, which is a partnership of the four municipalities that are supplied by the system, where Middelfart Municipality has around 8% of the shares.

    The ownership of the production system and transmission system are going to be the same after the conversion. Due to the high focus on the sustainability and CO2 reduction targets established by the Danish government, the project was further evaluated for the environmental costs/benefits and it was considered as feasible. The refurbishment of old service pipes was also considered, for network optimization, which was based on employees' knowledge of the network as well as based on not verified assumptions. By combining a Termis analysis of the service pipes and measurements allowed to identify the areas where the service pipes are in poor conditions. Based on that, it will be possible to plan the replacement of the existing pipes in a more efficient way, giving the priority to the service pipes that affect the network's performances the most. Middelfart DH company allocates every year around 1.35M€ of the income from heat sales for the renovation of the DH network, and more specifically for the service pipes. It guarantees a continued check and upgrade of the distribution network in the municipality. The evaluation of the investment considered an upgrade of the Termis system, which is installed in Middelfart of ~13k€, helping to replace the pipes in bad conditions at first (with a 2 years payback). There is a close collaboration between the district heating company and the consultancy company to use the results in the most efficient way and to further develop the tool.

    4.Bologna, Italy

    Berti-Pichat is a complex system, which features heat/chill/electricityprovision. The 3 CHP engines do manage to provide for the base load, yet gas boilers are vastly used during the peaks of heating season.

    The investment is about installing heat pumps in the system, allowing for a greater utilization of the CHP units, while recovering a share of heat not currently utilized (because of its low temperature) and decreasing the usage of gas-fired boilers. The implementation phase involves significant investment costs linked to mechanical/hydraulic interventions, as well as IT activities for SCADA connection. Cogeneration in Italy is subject to subsidies to the extent its “high efficiency” can be proven. The other main revenue driver is constituted by the avoided costs of gas boilers consumption, whose usage should decrease significantly as the heat pumps are operating in the heating season. The operating costs connected to the upgrading measure are constituted by the electricity consumption of the heat pumps (in terms of missed electricity sale) and the maintenance costs for the asset.

    The significant capital investment is expected to reach breakeven within 3 years, leveraging also on regulatory incentives (related to high-efficiency cogeneration). Sensitivity analyses were carried out, in order to assess the investment parameters in case of a fluctuation of the main drivers (gas prices, cogeneration incentive structure, electricity market prices), outlining that the returns were still very promisingeven in the most negative scenario. The concept of smart substations involves a significant infrastructural effort, requiring to enable the metering on both the primary and secondary side with fine granularity. The measure aims at achieving a better customer knowledge and profiling through advanced analytics, while decreasing pumping costs (better regulation).

    5.Salcininkai, Lithuania

    “Salcininku silumos tinklai” is the municipality’s district heating company that operates 14 boiler houses in Šalčininkai county in which it produces and distributes heat to residents and institutions in 10 different locations. The total installed heating capacity is 48 MW. Heat is supplied via 18.7 km long pipelines which are connected to 2,168 consumers, 96.8% of whom are residents. The heating systems at user size are usually designed for 80/60°C temperatures. The design temperature for hot water is 52°C. The supply temperature varies from 70 to 95°C throughout the year. most significant areas of impacts that the company seeks to improve is heat distribution. Investments in infrastructure of pipelines in the district heating network of Salcininkai started more than 30 years ago. Throughout the existence of this DH system, millions were invested. The seriousness of the issue and necessity of network optimization was identified by comparing DH system parameters to other DH systems of the country. Technological heat losses in 2018 were 10.2 GWh, which stands for 26.1% of the total heat produced. Network insulation is outdated in many places and does not ensure the thermal conductivity requirements which leads to considerable heat losses. Network optimization is a long-term step by step strategic approach which will lead to more efficient DH network.

    The boiler used to meet the low summer demand is 6.5 MW to deliver peak demand ~1MW, hence decreasing the lifetime of the boiler and highly reducing its efficiency. The installation of a solar collector field with a possible heat storage implementation to the current boiler house would eliminate the inefficiency of low summer demand supply. It would increase the annual average efficiency of the current biomass boiler by eliminating the need of boiler for summer. The heat production would be more flexible, efficient, and diverse. The lifetime of the current main heating source would be prolonged and primary energy demand would decrease.

    The integration of solar thermal energy into existing DH system is a complex combination of finding the right balance between size of investment and the right selection of working modes. In such system, to ensure optimum system performance and maximum usage of solar energy, it is necessary to install the heat storage and use the existing heat source (biomass boiler) only if the energy produced and stored by the sun is not enough. The total investment for solar thermal implementation (combination of 11,600 m2 solar collector field, 2,600 m3 volume heat storage and other auxiliary equipment) in the main district heating system of Salcininkai would cost ~ 4M€. The only potential funding sources for the pipe refurbishment will be funds of the DH company and loans depending on the scale of the project and the company’s financial situation during the implementation moment. The solar thermal system combined with thermal storage would lead to elimination gas boiler usage during the short-term peak demand periods, and to reduce CO2 emissions (~236 tCO₂eq/a).

    Taking into consideration subsidy schemes for solar thermal energy available today, the project could be financed from the European Structural Funds by up to 50% of the eligible costs. Due to the fact that the loan will be quite significant for the company and its capital might not be sufficient enough therefore municipality might give guarantee to the bank in order to help DH company to implement the project. Private capital of DH company is usually used as security deposit (mortgage) for the bank.

    Finally, the network optimization will most likely be a 30-year refurbishment plan which means revenue will increase on a year by year basis, leading to increasing primary energy demand reduction.

    From these cases, it seems clear how important technical guidance helps the upgrade (EE & RES) of existing DHC, even when the business cases are very attractive. In all cases, an external guidance (via the Upgrade DH project) was necessary to initiate, support the identification of upgrading measures, and coordinate all works.

    Another important aspect to consider, is that for the longer pay back investments, the economic feasibility would not be sufficient and therefore would need additional policy, like support from public authorities, or emission reduction targets, to steer and incentivize the concerned parties (heat producers or network operators).

    A key issue to tackle, as illustrated by several cases (Middelfart, Bologna, ), is that the sensitivity is very high when it comes to variations of natural gas and biomass prices. Hence, there is a need for an overall regulatory environment, including from the EU level, that levels the playing field with gas and other fossil fuels, like the ETD and ETS (including ETS extended to building). This level playing field should work at large scale (such as in the case of Middelfart) to incentivise the switch to renewable in existing DHC. It also become critical for the deployment of new DHC systems, where those would compete with individual heating systems, particularly gas boilers as it would deploy mainly in urban areas, which are more connected to gas than rural areas.

    Last but not least, from these cases (especially the replacement of gas supply by biomass, solar heat, or heat pumps), additional financial support may be required, to bridge the gap and, for these renewable investments, to reach the competitiveness level of gas (CHP or gas).Long term refurbishment and optimization plans of existing DHC (incl. their extension) are useful approaches to continuously look for efficiency improvements, regarding operation but also new investments and refurbishments. Such approach would also tackle all changes in demand pattern, such as lower demand, or decrease in temperature requirements. A good example of long term planning is given by the utility of the city of Munich, Stadtwerke München (SWM) with the implementation of its climate targets, replacing coal from lignite plants by geothermal district heating for 560,000 households by 2040. 118 The Upgrade DH cases also illustrate (e.g. in Lithuania) the interest of diversifying the energy supply side, providing additional flexibility, also linked to market opportunities, to the overall DHC system.

    Options of specific measures on district heating and cooling

    Option 2b)-B0: Align the definition of ‘efficient district heating and cooling with the CTP and EGD.

    The current definition is spelled out in Article 2(41) of EED and integrated into REDII by reference in its Article 2(20). This definition provides the criterion as regards which DHC systems should allow disconnection, network access or should align with the 1 ppt annual renewable increase rate under REDII. The current definition makes it possible for 100% fossil fuel systems to be qualified efficient indefinitely in the future. The review of the definition is an option under the EED review and therefore is not proposed as an option under the REDII review. Full consistency of its review under the EED should be ensured with the REDII review.

    Option 2b)-B1: Eliminate exceptions and make access to networks mandatory for renewables and other carbon-neutral sources (waste heat), including from prosumers, in large DHC networks.

    -Introduction on access regimes to DHC networks 119

    DHC systems are natural monopolies. A natural monopoly exists whenever, due to high fixed costs and low marginal costs, it is cheaper if only one company and not several competing companies supply the market. Natural monopolies occur primarily in the area of grid-bound supply systems. In the energy sector, these include, for example, grid operation in the electricity, gas and district heating markets. In all these markets it would not make sense for several companies within a city or region to operate supply networks in parallel. Instead, parallel operation would lead to higher overall costs. Due to lower connection densities (the connections would then be distributed between the two or more parallel networks), the network costs per kilowatt hour would also rise.

    In order to prevent natural monopolists from abusing their market dominance, the markets concerned require a minimum level of regulation. In particular, this applies to network operation. The core of regulation is typically the connection and usage conditions of the infrastructure.

    The liberalization (market entry or exit) of the electricity and gas sectors has introduced competition in the respective markets on both the supply side (generation) and the demand side (retail). Different producers can feed in energy at different grid levels, consumers can choose between different suppliers. In the DH market, a comparable opening of the market is lacking in most European countries. In many European countries, the DH sector is seen as an integrated infrastructure in which generation, grid operation and distribution are operated in an integrated manner by one company in a city or region.

    However, while the DHC grid can be regarded as a natural monopoly, this does not automatically apply to the other elements of the supply chain, e.g. the production side and/ or retail. A second competitor does not face high sunk costs. While technical restrictions, especially for smaller grids, might inhibit an economic operation of more than one production unit, a competitive heat production market is generally possible in larger networks.

    The Renewable Energy Directive II (Directive (EU) 2018/2001) calls on the Member States to increase the share of renewable energies in the grid-based heating and cooling supply. Art. 24 of RED-II opens up two ways of doing this,

    ·either by the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the share of RES in heating and cooling networks by 1 % per year,

    ·or by granting producers of renewable heat/cold or waste heat access to the grid (Third Party Access TPA).

    So far, there is only little scientific literature on third party access to heating and cooling networks. In particular, cooling networks are almost never explicitly mentioned in this context. A distinction is made between network access models and single buyer models or "regulated" and "negotiated" TPA.

    ·Network Access Model: Producers have access to heat networks provided that they supply heat to their own end-customers, which could be new customers or existing customers of the incumbent vertically integrated grid operator

    ·Single Buyer Model: Producers are entitled to feed heat into a DH grid while the grid operator (single buyer) is obliged to accept and pay for the heat. Under such an approach, consumers do not have any choice between different suppliers, they are all supplied by the single buyer. Regarding grid access different models apply:

    onegotiated voluntary network access under which “the DH operator and supplier” (requesting grid access) “determine, on a voluntary basis, how to set up the heat dispatch order to the DH network”;

    onegotiated mandatory network access with a clear obligation to grid operators to enable grid access. However, the (technical and economic) conditions for grid access still need to be negotiated between the parties involved;

    ofully regulated network access, where the regulator determines ex-ante access provisions for grid access. Here, the network operator is obliged to provide access to the network if these conditions are met by the heat producer requesting grid access.

    The literature distinguishes between systems called “regulated TPA” and “negotiated TPA”. Whereas “negotiated TPA implies that the DH network owners are required to negotiate about access to the network with the producers of heat”, regulated TPA refers to a regime “where the network owner has a legal obligation to allow access to the network” while the conditions for access to the network are negotiated between the network operator and the third party in advance. In both cases, customers have the right to choose their own supplier. Moreover, describe single buyer models and a system called “extended producer market”. The latter is a certain form of a single buyer model, extended by high transparency rules for all market actors. The idea of this model is that due to clear unbundling rules and high transparency requirements regulation efforts can be reduced.

    However, there are many more conceptual options to open heating networks for third parties. This includes the option - over and above the requirements of RED-II - of opening heating networks to competition at the supply side, referred to as "full TPA" instead of restricting network opening on the generation side, referred to as "producer TPA".

    Table 52 - Overview of TPA regulations in the Member States, the UK, Iceland, Norway and Ukraine(Source: ENER/C1/2018-496, ongoing)

    If TPA is allowed (at least in principle)


    on TPA

    Restrictions for TPA

    Exceptions for

    Open retail market (full TPA)

    Producer TPA

    Regulation of grid access: mandatory
    vs. voluntary

    Regulation of grid access: negotiated
    vs. regulated



























    No DH in Cyprus

    Czech Republic
































































































    No DH in Malta



































































    1) Answers are only provided for Flanders as there is no legal framework on DHC in place in Brussels and Wallonia.

    2) (I) Occasions at which TPA is required (e.g. TPA required when new demand needs to be covered or existing heat production capacities need to be replaced), (II) TPA for RES-H/excess heat only, (III TPA restricted to large DHC systems

    3) (a) Grid lacks the necessary capacity, (b) heat does not meet the required technical parameters, (c) negative impact on costs for customers, (d) other reasons

    Source:Own survey with input from national DHC stakeholders

    TPA regulation is not yet well developed in most of the countries studied. In about half of the analysed countries, TPA is regulated in some form. However, there are significant differences in the regulation depth. In the other half of the countries there is no explicit regulation of TPA.

    Contractual modalities for third party access, Source: ENER/C1/2018-496, ongoing

    Option 2b)-B2 Enhanced energy system integration between DHC systems and other energy networks

    ocoordination and common market operation of DHC systems with electricity distribution (DSO) and transmission system operators (TSO) for flexibility services, demand response and related investment in infrastructure and generation assets;

    ocoordination and common market operation of DHC systems with gas distribution system operators, hydrogen and other energy networks - in addition to with electricity operators.

    It is coherent with the Energy System Integration Strategy (ESI), which states that modern low temperature district heating systems should be promoted, as they can connect local demand with renewable and waste energy sources, as well as the wider electric and gas grid – contributing to the optimisation of supply and demand across energy carriers. ESI requires accelerated investment in smart, highly-efficient, renewables-based district heating and cooling networks, if appropriate by proposing stronger obligations through the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive and the financing of flagship projects.

    Improving coordination and market operation of district heating and cooling systems with electricity distribution (DSO) and transmission system operators (TSOs) will improve energy system integration generally. This option builds on current provisions (in Article 24(8)) regarding cooperation with DSO. Adding TSO or further adding gas distribution system operators, hydrogen and other energy networks would allow benefitting from more sector integration possibilities at limited additional administrative cost.

    Option 2b)-B3 Enhance energy system integration for waste heat and cold use via a coordination framework for key actors

    It would overcome the challenge highlighted in the ESI that local energy sources are insufficiently or not effectively used in our buildings and communities. The option is coherent with ESI and Circular Economy principles. According to ESDI applying the principle of circularity in line with the new Circular Economy Action Plan, a big, yet largely unused potential is the reuse of waste heat from industrial sites, data centres, or other sources could be realised. An important part of energy reuse is feeding waste heat/cold into district heating and cooling networks.


    Global planning of DHC (incl. coordination with gas infra)

    Several European countries have inefficient district heating systems 120 , designed for high temperatures. These district heating systems face the double issue of establishing new systems as well as consolidating and expanding existing ones while improving efficiency and increasing the share of renewable in these systems and building sectors. Many of these systems will have to move from 1st and 2nd generation district heating to 3rd or 4th generation systems. This can happen with new production units, access to new renewable resources, efficient distribution infrastructure, highly efficient buildings that can utilise low temperature supply and with improved heating controls, heat metering and consumption-based billing. A starting point should be to move towards demand-driven systems where customers can actively control their consumption. New systems should be established using state-of-the-art technologies along the value chain.

    Clear district heating regulation and planning can be the determining factor in the decarbonisation of the H&C and especially in the widespread use of DHC. 121 Such regulation could address several principles involving local authorities, such as bearing the responsibility to approve new H&C supply and distribution projects, setting up rules to ensure the projects with the highest socio-economic benefits is selected, using local resources as much as possible in the most efficient way by combining heat and power, establish rules to ensure the most competitive end-consumer price (low market price), empowering the end-consumer.

    A prioritisation of heat synergy regions/areas has been made for 14 Member States in the HRE4 122 , based on spatial information for heat and cold demand and potential resources for heat production. This kind of mapping should help planning the deployment of DHC infrastructure, supporting planners, DHC operators and national/regional/local authorities.

    The map below shows 4 types of regions/areas in the 14 Member States of the HRE4.

    Figure 86 - Heat synergy regions prioritised in 14 MS

    Source: Heat Roadmap Europe 123

    Regarding the conversion to new RES generation, considering the rather long lead time for planning and licensing new district heating and cooling systems and high upfront investment costs, medium and long-term planning of new DHC networks should be done by collaboration between local, and regional authorities and with national authorities overseeing these plans, but also with other infrastructure operators (such as gas DSO).

    Building refurbishment programmes, electricity, telecommunication, water, or gas network investments and works are rarely implemented considering new DHC systems. Sustainable energy programmes targeting the decarbonisation and energy efficiency of buildings and the heating and cooling supply are often overlooked during the urban planning and design phase.

    Decisions on investments in infrastructures and buildings at municipal or commercial levels may take place in an isolated manner without any consideration for the feasibility of long term sustainable solutions. Usually, no life cycle cost analysis is performed to assess the long-term cost-competitiveness of various options.

    Enhanced coordination of DHC systems with other energy infrastructure would support cost effective decarbonisation of the H&C, especially in the case of gas networks that may either supply DHC (renewable gases such as biomethane or renewable hydrogen), either compete by extending their scope, and hence jeopardising DHC and/or becoming potential stranded assets. Therefore, any natural gas DSOs should consult energy planners & DHC operators to determine the most appropriate option for the long term decarbonisation of the H&C sector.

    It is crucial to take an integrated approach towards the energy systems’ planning, development, and operations across all energy infrastructures. In order to minimise total life cycle cost, building design & operation with district H&C systems using various renewable sources and carriers can work together to optimise temperature levels, time of use based on tariffs and price signals, store energy in the most cost-effective way, record and regulate load profiles, integrate weather forecasts, and anticipate price formation. Appropriate cross-sectoral software interfaces need to be established to achieve interoperability 124 also with the gas system (including hydrogen). Energy efficiency and the use of renewable H&C should be maximised and the synergies between them optimised by tapping into existing local renewable and associated innovative design and technologies. Planning tools and methodologies specific to the decarbonisation of DHC are necessary, in order to coherently model, analyse, and design H&C systems as an integral part of the entire energy system. Close collaboration between all network and infrastructure operators is required to ensure appropriate integrated planning.

    In order to promote all types of energy utilisation and supply (all renewable sources), interaction between supply and demand as well as efficient operation, a new generation of energy systems which treat the district heating network as the centre piece is emerging. Unlike traditional energy systems, the DH network, electricity and gas networks in the new generation of energy systems are closely linked through CHP units, HP and other electricity and/or gas-driven heating systems and influence each other. Therefore, to ensure the safe operation of the future DH network and gas & electricity networks, the integrated framework for generation and infrastructure planning need to be carried out. While ensuring to meet all operation constraints, a multi-stage planning model for the combined generation, infrastructure, can minimize investment and operating costs of the combined systems. Combined generation, DH, electricity and gas networks expansion or adaptation planning is a large-scale, high-dimensional, nonlinear optimization problem, which is difficult to solve (sophisticated mathematical optimization method to quickly obtain the optimal solution may be required). This would first require the different operators to coordinate efficiently.

    Option 2b)-B4 Strengthen information provisions for consumers, such as:

    orequirement to include specific RES share and a numerical energy performance number (PEF) in the information district heating/cooling systems provide to consumer (e.g. on bills, suppliers/regulators’ websites);

    oEnergy label (voluntary or mandatory) for DHC systems.


    Usually, in supply-driven systems, billing is often based on lump sums and hence the system is frequently seen as unfair and outdated. By evolving to more demand-driven system thanks to disclosure, consumers would adjust their energy consumption to their needs. Therefore, if consumption-based billing is paired to metering, consumers would also have an incentive to rationale energy use, which in turn, would pave the way to increase energy efficiency or through more regulation of energy use. The importance of metering in a demand-driven system reaches far beyond a proper billing of the energy consumed, since the deeper knowledge of the consumer patterns and conditions may enable the detection of faults in the consumer installations or demand-side management. 125 All these are mainly driven by efficiency purposes, but by providing information on the renewable and carbon content of the heat consumed, consumers would also more deeply follow the logic behind price formation and the energy sources used to produce heat.

    Customer’s role

    A more active role of consumers in promoting high shares of renewable energy in district heating and cooling through the disclosure of district heating and cooling energy performance certificates, to be compared with building level energy performance certificates, would be supportive to make the adequate choice. This would incentivise the competition between most efficient energy performance solutions at the energy system or building level. Such competition is increasingly relevant as consumers are encouraged to invest in local renewable heating solutions, such as solar thermal systems, wood-pellet systems or heat pumps, under the energy performance of buildings directive. These local solutions could be complemented or replaced with renewables-based district heating and cooling systems to provide additional flexibility and performance. This variant increases competitiveness, and therefore economic impacts.

    Customers’ rights

    Regarding potential disconnections, since efficiency standard does not include minimum energy performance thresholds and since no data is available on how different DHC systems can be categorised based on efficiency levels, estimating the impact of a better information of the customers and increased rights to disconnect remains hypothetical.

    Higher disconnection risk and impacts could be expected in Member States with proportionally higher DHC market shares, and globally lower energy efficiency of these DHC. Where the share of inefficient DH systems is large, stronger disconnection rights could severely impact the economic viability of these networks. However with other enabling instruments such as planning or risk mitigation, the risk of disconnection could also incentive these systems to modernise and offer attractive services to reduce consumers’ willingness to disconnect.

    The efficiency of labelling and disclosure to final customers, to promote the increase of energy performance of the DHC and the switch to renewable will depend on the ability of the Member States to raise awareness and effectively influence the willingness and interest of customers to envisage disconnecting. This could only happen if the renewable alternatives are effectively available and are competitive. But in any case, disconnection will remain difficult for a consumer and would be a last resort solution.

    This variant extends the existing provision under article 24(1) regarding information to final consumers, by increasing transparency. Hence, it will be a minor amendment.

    Renewable energy in Buildings

    The shifting of buildings’ heating and cooling systems away from fossil fuels to more renewable based systems is key to achieve the higher ambitions of the Green Deal and the CTP and for the decarbonisation of buildings 126 . According to the CTP, in order to achieve the 55% emission reduction target, by 2030 the EU should reduce buildings’ greenhouse gas emissions by 60%, their final energy consumption by 14% and energy consumption for heating and cooling by 18%. It is also crucial to reduce local air pollution, meaning that non-combustion renewables have to be prioritised. The Renovation Wave made decarbonisation of heating and cooling a priority area for action and promotes renewables in buildings. Current provisions in REDII include a general requirement for ensuring a minimum level of renewables in buildings without specifying it and so far as technically, functionally and economically feasible. The visibility of renewables in building, although they are the key drivers for improving energy performance, remains low and allows continued use of fossil fuels with limited use of renewables in new and refurbished buildings. Residential buildings constitute the largest heating consumers (68.5%), followed by the service sector buildings (24.3%) and industrial buildings (7.2%) as indicated in the figure below. The share of renewables in district heating supplying buildings is 28.2% composed mainly of biomass and renewable waste (26.9%), followed remotely by heat pumps (geothermal and ambient energy) (1.2%) and solar thermal (0.1%). 

    Figure 87 - Renewables in buildings

    A dedicated study is analysing four core scenarios to decarbonise space heating (including domestic hot water). The four scenarios zooms on specific technology pathways: direct renewable heat, direct electrification, indirect electrification and district heating. While the study is still on-going, preliminary results show large energy consumption and related GHG reductions across all scenarios compared to baseline. 127 The figure below shows final energy demand for space and water heating by energy carrier. While final energy demand in the baseline scenario reduces from almost 4000 TWh/yr in 2017 by less than 30% until 2050, the different decarbonisation scenarios show significantly higher energy savings in the range of 35%. Counting delivered energy only (i.e. subtracting solar, ambient and geothermal energy, the reduction accounts to more than 60% in the electrification scenario, where heat pumps dominate the generation mix.

    Figure 88 - Final energy demand for space and water heating by energy carriers, EU-27 (+UK, CH, NO), 2017, 2030 and 2050 across scenarios, Source: Renewable space heating under the revised Renewable Energy Directive, ENER/C1/2018-494 (ongoing, only preliminary re

    Space heating and water heating in buildings (households, services, industry) accounts for 30.9% of final energy demand in the EU 128 . Households contribute most to heating demand, 68.5%; while services has a share of 24,3% and industry 7.2%. The energy carrier mix for space and water heating (final energy) is dominated by natural gas (43.1%), followed by biomass (16.1%) and fuel oil (14.8%). Based on the primary energy factors, the renewable share in the primary energy mix is 23.5%, while 76.5% is provided by fossil fuels. Consumption is inefficient with an average building consuming 120.25 kWh/m2/a compared to 50 kWh as most adopted value for nearly zero-energy buildings in Member States.

    The shifting of buildings’ heating and cooling systems away from fossil fuels to more renewable based systems is key to achieve the higher ambitions of the Green Deal and the CTP and for the decarbonisation of buildings 129 . According to the CTP, in order to achieve the 55% emission reduction target, by 2030 the EU should reduce buildings’ greenhouse gas emissions by 60%, their final energy consumption by 14% and energy consumption for heating and cooling by 18%. It is also crucial to reduce local air pollution, meaning that non-combustion renewables have to be prioritised. The Renovation Wave made decarbonisation of heating and cooling a priority area for action and promotes renewables in buildings. Current provisions in REDII include a general requirement for ensuring a minimum level of renewables in buildings without specifying it and so far as technically, functionally and economically feasible. The visibility of renewables in building, although they are the key drivers for improving energy performance, remains low and allows continued use of fossil fuels with limited use of renewables in new and refurbished buildings.

    Meanwhile, from CTP results, non-electricity fuels used only for heating purposes shows a decline of fossil fuels with MIX and MIX-CP showing that with the projected carbon pricing levels there is a strong impact on lowered demand for natural gas. Renewable energy (other than ambient heat required for heat pumps) increases its share in buildings in the REF in 2030 and in 2050 perspective. Biomass (used in modern stoves) remains stable over the 2020-2030 period. In modelling results, biogas, solar thermal and geothermal also have marginal shares in energy consumption. Distributed heat increases its shares to 16% in 2030.

    Figure 89 - Non-electricity fuel consumption in buildings







    Annex 8: Overview biomass plans from National Energy and Climate Plans

    According to the Commission’s assessment of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), a majority of Member States foresee an increase in bioenergy use from 2021-2030. However many of their national plans lack details on how to supply the required sustainable biomass, by feedstock and origin and trajectories for forest biomass, and how they are aligned with measures to maintain and increase the carbon sink. Below is a summary of the main findings by Member State.

    AT: Increase of bioenergy, relying on “sustainable forest management” without further definition and without any consideration on biodiversity. There was a recommendation to analyse the sustainable supply of biomass and its impacts on LULUCF, not addressed.

    BE: No assessment of biomass trajectory nor impacts on LULUCF.

    BG: Refers to increase of use of biomass, but mainly coming from waste and residues + afforestation.

    HR: Announced increase bioenergy with plantations of fast-growing species. The NECP announced a study on bioenergy, and several afforestation measures are announced.

    CY: Bioenergy expected to play a major role on the energy mix; the draft NECP did not assessed the sustainable supply, nor impacts on sinks and biodiversity. In the final version, CY argued that no intention to use forest biomass (and therefore no impact on sinks), but the sustainable supply of biomass remained not assessed.

    CZ: Expected expansion of bioenergy, relying on afforestation (mainly based on indigenous species, according to final plan). No trajectories on sustainable supply of biomass.

    DK: The Commission recommendations to the draft NECP asked for details to ensure the sustainable supply of biomass, because bioenergy will play a major role in the mix. The final version announced a study on the sustainable supply and already provided some data.

    EE: The NECP plan for RES increase relies strongly on bioenergy; the country announces a big loss of sinks in the NECP, harvesting is quite intense, but states that all forests are sustainable.

    FI: NECP announces that bioenergy will continue to be predominant in the energy mix, and will further expand. The Commission asked in its SWD to the draft to assess its sustainable supply and impacts on biodiversity and sinks. The final report acknowledge that bioenergy is a potential problem for biodiversity, but ensures that the sustainable management is guaranteed. The plan refers to an impact assessment that recommends that incentives for biodiversity have to be introduced, but no mention about the status of such recommendations.

    FR: Very prudent in the use of biomass and with an ad-hoc strategy which integrates sustainable supply and biodiversity.

    DE: Another prudent case, where the plan explains that there is a limited availability of sustainable biomass, which should focus in sectors without alternatives. The maximum amount of bioenergy is even estimated and the focus in on other technologies (wind and solar) with more potential and lower costs.

    EL: Increased use of bioenergy announced, mainly based on energy crops, woody biomass and coppice plantations + residues to avoid forest fires. No assessment of impacts on biodiversity and LULUCF sinks.

    HU: Increased use of biomass, without assessment of sustainable supply or impacts on sinks and biodiversity, despite Commission recommendations.

    IT: The Commission requested an analysis of trajectory of biomass supply and impacts on LULUCF, but the final version is according to my notes well nuanced, with safeguards for biodiversity and other environmental issues. Does not seem problematic.

    IE: Bioenergy is planned to increase massively, especially from forestry. The final plan provides trajectories, but not impacts on sinks and biodiversity.

    LIT: Unclear. The NECP refers to the cascading principle.

    LU: Expected expansion of biomass for energy, with commitment about cascading use and sustainability. Intention to extend criteria to plants 10MW<X<20MW. Origin from “Grande Région”. No actual assessment yet of supply potentials, and no link with biodiversity explained.

    MT: Increased bioenergy demand, imported, without any assessment of sustainability, origin, etc.

    NL: The Commission asked to analyse biomass supply trajectories, but the wording is very prudent on the impacts on biodiversity. Does not seem problematic.

    PL: Projected increase in biomass use for energy, with a consistent increase in the share of final energy consumption to about 11 % by 2040. No assessment of impacts on biodiversity or sinks. Forest-related infringement procedure ongoing.

    PT: Despite comments from the Commission, the final report does not seem problematic. Biodiversity well integrated, with measures to increase sinks in forestry and reduce agricultural emissions.

    RO: Increase of bioenergy use. The final NECP acknowledge uncertainties and data gaps, and does not assess its sustainable supply. Illegal logging is a big issue. Forest-related infringement procedure ongoing.

    ES:  The plan foreseen a massive increase of bioenergy. Even if measures to further exploit waste and residues are mentioned, the sustainable supply of biomass and its impacts on carbon sinks is not properly assessed. There are issues with the use of biomass from eucalyptus plantations (and derived forest fires) in Galicia, and those plantations are extending to Asturias and, to lesser extent, to the Basque Country.

    SE: The Commission requested an assessment of the sustainable supply of biomass. The final report covers biodiversity in very broad terms. SE argues that its forests are sustainably managed, but this is challenged in scientific literature and by NGOs.

    SI: Projected increase of use of biomass. SI argues that “in modern individual, collective and industrial heating, heat and power plants is important for Slovenia, as this allows it to improve the reliability and competitiveness of energy provision, to reduce GHG emissions and to protect the environment”. No assessment of climate and biodiversity implications, and no mention of concrete measures.

    SK: Biomass projected to increase, without assessment of trajectories, sustainable supply and impacts on biodiversity or sinks

    Annex 9: Biomass and bioenergy: Additional Information

    Synergies between climate and biodiversity, implications for REDII sustainability criteria design

    Responding to a need identified in the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 (COM/2020/380) the Commission committed to publishing a report 130 on the use of forest biomass for energy production. Bioenergy is the main renewable energy source in the EU and in many Member States, accounting for over 10% of EU final energy consumption and about 60% of renewable energy consumption. An objective was to ascertain if synergies could be identified to inform the EU climate and energy policies governing the sustainable use of forest biomass for energy production and the accounting of associated carbon impacts.

    The report notes that EU legislation focuses the definition of environmentally sustainable bioenergy on biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation, because bioenergy sits at the nexus of two of the main environmental crises of the 21st century: the biodiversity and climate emergencies. Wood-based bioenergy has the potential to provide part of the solution to both crises, but only when biomass is produced sustainably.

    It is clarified in the report that woody bioenergy is not automatically assumed “carbon neutral” within the EU climate and energy policy framework for the period after 2020 – contrary to the legislative framework under the Kyoto Protocol. The Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector through Regulation 2018/841 now accounts the emissions (or removals) due to changes in forest carbon stocks and sinks against Member State accounts and targets, and consequently biomass emissions are not accounted again in the energy sector under Directive 2018/2001 (REDII).

    The JRC analysis shows an increasing overall use of woody biomass in the EU in the past two decades (around 20% since 2000). Similarly, the subset of woody biomass used for the specific purpose of energy has followed an increasing trend until 2013 (about 87% from 2000-2013), after which the growth has slowed. According to the JRC analysis, wood-based bioenergy production is, to a large extent, based on secondary woody biomass (forest-based industry by-products and recovered post-consumer wood), which makes up almost half of the reported wood use (49%). Nevertheless, primary woody biomass (stemwood, treetops, branches, etc. harvested from forests) makes up at least 37% of the EU input mix of wood for energy production (and the remaining 14% is uncategorised in the reported statistics). Roughly 20% of the total wood used for energy production is made up of stemwood, while 17% is made up of other wood components (treetops, branches, etc.). 4% of total wood energy demand for energy is supply by industrial stem wood. Wood-pellets imports from US have a minor role in the EU after Brexit. 

    Considerable inconsistencies in reported data are identified: it is estimated that in the EU, the amount of woody biomass used exceeds the total amount of reported as sources by more than 20%, with large differences among Member States 131 . This identified gap also highlights a specific need to improve tracking and reporting of a crucial climate policy resource, and the report identifies also Earth observation (remote sensing, and Copernicus services) as a suitable and potent tool to address this. The report also suggest to extend the REDII biomass sustainability criteria for heat and power to smaller scale installations below 20 MW to address this data gap and avoid the risk of leakage of sustainable biomass from large to small scale uses.

    The JRC report provides detailed assessments of a wide variety of pathways for biomass sourcing. Summarised in the figure below, these show, on the one hand, that it is indeed possible to highlight pathways that can both reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the short term while not damaging, or even improving, the condition of forest ecosystems. For example, afforestation on former agricultural land with mixed species plantations or with naturally regenerating forests would enhance the terrestrial sink even before producing biomass for energy and thus would contribute to climate change mitigation, while at the same time improving ecosystems’ conditions.

    On the other hand, several pathways are categorized negatively on both biodiversity and climate counts, and should be discouraged. In this respect, it can be highlighted that the conversion of natural and old growth forests to plantations aiming to provide wood for bioenergy would be extremely negative for local biodiversity, and at the same time it would provide no carbon mitigation in the short-medium term. Similar considerations are valid also for the conversion of naturally regenerating forests to high-intensity management plantations: the impact on local biodiversity is highly negative while, even though wood production might increase, the benefits in terms of carbon mitigation are only accrued in the medium to long term. 

    Figure 90 - Qualitative assessment of the archetype pathways based on their climate and biodiversity impacts. Black symbols represent pathways referring to ‘logging residues removal’ intervention, yellow symbols refer to pathways for ‘afforestation’, and blue symbols refer to ‘conversion to plantation’ interventions. Uncertainty ranges are placed where payback time for carbon emissions could not be placed within a single one of the already broadly defined levels. The position of the interventions within each sub-section is arbitrary. (Source: Camia A., Giuntoli, J., Jonsson, R., Robert, N., Cazzaniga, N.E., Jasinevičius, G., Avitabile, V., Grassi, G., Barredo, J.I., Mubareka, S., The use of woody biomass for energy purposes in the EU, EUR 30548 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-27867-2, doi:10.2760/831621, JRC122719, Fig. 42)

    According to the JRC analysis, wood-based bioenergy production is, to a large extent, based on secondary woody biomass (forest-based industry by-products and recovered post-consumer wood), which makes up almost half of the reported wood use (49%). Nevertheless, primary woody biomass (stemwood, treetops, branches, etc. harvested from forests) makes up at least 37% of the EU input mix of wood for energy production (and the remaining 14% is uncategorised in the reported statistics).

    Considerable inconsistencies in reported data are identified: it is estimated that in the EU, the amount of woody biomass used exceeds the total amount of reported as sources by more than 20%, with large differences among Member States 132 . This identified gap also highlights a specific need to improve tracking and reporting of a crucial climate policy resource, and the report identifies also Earth observation (remote sensing, and Copernicus services) as a suitable and potent tool to address this. The report also suggest to extend the REDII biomass sustainability criteria for heat and power to smaller scale installations below 20 MW to address this data gap and avoid the risk of leakage of sustainable biomass from large to small scale uses.

    Details on administrative costs – the case of a 15 MW biomass CHP plant

    Administrative costs – the case of a 15 MW biomass CHP plant

    A 15 MW (input) CHP biomass plant is able to produce 4 MW of electricity and 9 MW of heat. Assuming a load of 50% (i.e. the plant runs at full power for 50% of the time) and a conversion efficiency of 3.5 tonnes of oven-dry biomass per MWh, the plant would need 19,000 tonnes of fuel per year 133 . At an indicative price for woodchips at €120 per tonne, the plant would have annual fuel cost of €2.3 million per year.

    In order to demonstrate compliance, an installation has to keep records of purchases of certified woodchips sufficient to cover the fuel needed to produce the MWh output generated over a certain period. The installation has then to be audited and certified, which means an independent third party has to verify that this information is available and satisfies the criteria.

    Audit cost may vary between €5,000 and €10,000 134 per year, while working hours spent on administrative tasks depend on a number of factors. For example, how many fuel shipments the plant requires per year, the extent to which software allows the system to be automated etc. However, these are expected to be limited: in 2017 135 these were estimated to be 64 one-off and 36 hours per year.

    Besides direct costs, the plant may have to face increased fuel costs, as it has to ensure the purchase of certified fuelwood. Some cost of certification would accrue for each step in the supply chain, but they may vary according to the trader (for example, a trader that already supplies certified wood or currently supplies plants above 20 MW is likely to have in place the appropriate process so that its cost increase will be limited to the associated quantities).

    Annex 10: Changes to Directive 98/70/EC

    Technical specification for fuels used in road transport are regulated in Directive 98/70/EC, so-called Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) to protect health and the environment and ensure vehicle compatibility across the EU. Increasing the biofuel blend above certain levels may affect the functioning of engines and emissions control systems, or increase maintenance requirements, particularly in older vehicles.

    The FQD therefore requires the placing on the market of a protection grade for petrol with a maximum oxygen content of 2.7% and ethanol content of 5% (i.e. E5) until 2013, with allowance for Member States to continue this requirement for a longer period if considered necessary. Based on available information there is no E5 protection grade enforced in 15 Member States, while there is in 6 Member States with 2 indicating a future date for its removal (in 2022 and 2024 respectively); no information has become available for the remaining 6 Member States.

    No similar requirement for a protection grade is made for diesel. While B7 (7% FAME) is currently the most commonly available grade, certain Member States have or are considering the marketing of B+ (higher than 7% v/v blend).

    Opportunity to revise legal provisions

    The technical limits on oxygenates and ethers blended in gasoline and the technical limits on FAME blended in diesel fuel as well as standards set of other parameters which can be affected with increased alternative fuel blend components may limit the range of options available to attain higher ambition levels with respect to the incorporation of renewables in the road transport fuel mix.

    In the context of the revision of the REDII and its increased ambition level with respect to the incorporation of renewable components in transportation fuels, it is relevant to assess if changes are necessary for protection grades for petrol and diesel, considering blends which may be taken up between 2021 and 2030. This includes consideration of the number of vehicles in the EU fleet for which a protection grade may be needed and what the costs would otherwise be for owners of incompatible vehicle owners.

    Costs to suppliers as a result of multiple grades of fuels being marketed across the EU, and reflecting on whether a change to the FQD in this respect will have EU added value, in terms of the objective for promoting a single market are equally relevant. Also, it is worth noting that as fuel suppliers benefit from marketing the minimum number of grades of fuel, there is risk that the protection grade is used on a wider scale than just the vehicles that need it (as it is the case currently with E5 particularly in some MS).

    Fuels marketed in the EU

    Nearly 96% of the petrol sold in the EU in 2018 contained bioethanol: 84.3 % was of the product type E5 (i.e. up to 5 % ethanol content by volume and in which the ethanol is derived from biofuels or is of biogenic origin), 11.4% was E10 (i.e. up to 10 % ethanol content by volume) and 4.1 % was E0 (no ethanol content). Only 0.2 % of petrol was E+ (i.e. > 10 % ethanol content by volume). This refers mainly to E85, used in engines modified to accept a higher content of ethanol. Such flexi-fuel vehicles (FFV) are designed to run on any mixture of petrol and ethanol with up to 85 % ethanol by volume.

    Figure 91 - Petrol sold in the EU in 2018

    Source: Eionet report - ETC/CME 9/2019 October 2020 Fuel quality monitoring in the EU in 2018, Fuel quality monitoring under the Fuel Quality Directive

    All diesel sold in the EU contained biodiesel: 99.2 % was of the B7 product type (i.e. containing up to 7 % fatty acid methyl esters, FAME) and 0.8 % was of the B+ product type (i.e. containing more than 7 % FAME).

    Figure 92 - Diesel sold in the EU in 2018

    Source: Eionet report - ETC/CME 9/2019 October 2020 Fuel quality monitoring in the EU in 2018, Fuel quality monitoring under the Fuel Quality Directive

    Since 2015, diesel sold in France has been B8 or B10. Lithuania’s main diesel grade contains 8% biofuel. In the FQD Evaluation the automobile industry and fuel suppliers argued this constitutes fragmentation of the single market. They further requested clear labelling of the B8 blend and the supply of B7 as a protection grade for vehicles that are not compatible. The FQD REFIT evaluation staff working document has noted that not offering a B7 protection grade goes against the objective of the FQD to ensure fuel-engine compatibility.

    According to PRIMES MIX scenario gasoline and diesel fuel consumption is expected to reduce in 2030 compared to 2020. The respective shares of the bio-based components are nevertheless expected to increase, passing from 6% in 2020 to 8% in 2030 in gasoline, and from 8% to 10% in diesel blends.

    Table 53 - EU27 petrol and diesel fuel consumption; Source: PRIMES/ Prepanl / EU27noUK:Green Deal 55% carbon taxation COVID scenario /transport

    EU27 Petrol consumption (ktoes)

    EU27 Diesel fuel consumption (ktoes)








    Diesel fuel



    of which biofuel



    of which biofuel



    % biofuel



    % biofuel



    Initial considerations


    For bio-ethanol blends where the EU legal obligation for the E5 protection grade is no longer in force since 2013 and the currently allowed maximum E10 blending is far from being reached across the EU, a revision of the reference fuel for petrol to be able to incorporate higher volumes of bio-ethanol blend does not seem to be justified in the 2030 perspective.

    In support of this, the following evidence is considered as relevant.

    -A 2017 report for the European Commission noted that most post-2003 vehicles are E10 tolerant Invalid source specified..

    -Most post-2003 vehicles are E10 tolerant 136 . The proportion of pre-2003 vehicles in circulation in 2020 is 1.3 to 6.8% depending on MS. ACEA also publishes a regularly updated comprehensive list 137 of vehicles compatible with E10 fuel with post-2011 vehicles suggested by manufacturers to be E20 tolerant.

    -ACEA reports that the average age of a passenger car in the EU is 10.8 years old 138 . Some Member States have much older vehicle fleets than others: Lithuania (16.9 years), Estonia (16.7 years), Romania (16.3 years) Greece (15.7 years), and so changes to protection grades could disproportionately impact some Member States. However, Romania and Estonia already market E10 widely 139 . In the case of Estonia, E10 holds 45% of the petrol market share, while E10 is 100% of the petrol sold in Romania.

    -Based on vehicle fleet projections of the PRIMES-TREMOVE model to 2030 and due to natural fleet turnover, by 2030 there will be only a small number of vehicles requiring E5, i.e. vehicles aged 27 years or older in 2030.

    -The cost of retrofitting is between €200 140 and €550 141 . Small numbers of vehicles of this age will still be in circulation, particularly in the case of classic car enthusiasts. For vintage cars such as these, compatible petrol supply may be considered via special interest groups rather than in the general market.

    -The majority of stakeholders 142 consulted in 2020 indicated that no problems would be caused by the removal of the E5 protection grade, particularly in the case of vehicle manufacturers and fuel producers/suppliers.

    Stakeholders were also asked what they believe to be the appropriate protection grade for petrol by 2030, if any: the majority believe E10 would be an appropriate protection grade in 2030. One stakeholder group which has a differing view to this are fuel producers or suppliers, for which the majority believe that no protection grade is needed in 2030.

    Diesel fuels and bio-based components

    The reasoning differs for diesel fuels and relevant bio-based components. Whereas part of the biodiesel component is made up by hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVO), which are drop-in fuels not subject to the same technical limitations as FAME for vehicle compatibility, limiting reference diesel fuel to B7 could be perceived as a barrier to achieving GHG reduction targets, considering that practically the entire EU supply of diesel was B7 in 2018.

    Sustaining the market uptake of B10 would require a B7 protection grade, which is currently not provided for in the FQD as noted above, but was already flagged as relevant in the FQD REFIT in the interest of vehicle compatibility and functioning of the single market functioning.

    The FQD allows Member States to market diesel blends that have a FAME content higher than the 7% specified in the FQD. CEN has developed standards for higher diesel blends, including B10. When comparing technical parameters for diesel fuels regulated by FQD, the only difference with EN590 for B7 and EN16734 is the content of FAME, which increases from 7% v/v to 10% v/v.

    Table 54 - Standards of different diesel blends








    EN 16734

    Density @15°C





    Cetane Number









    Sulphur Content





    Manganese Content






    -95%V/V Recovered at





    Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME)





    B10 in the stakeholder consultation

    Stakeholders 143 expressed a largely positive response to expectation by 2030 of FAME blends moderately beyond current limits, (i.e. 8-10%). There were also a number of responses indicating positively that blends of higher level will be used, with 29% of respondents indicating blends of 11-20% will be used (60% of respondents provided an input on this range).

    In lower blends of fuels, i.e. up to 10% biofuel, FAME is the most dominant fuel type responded by stakeholders, followed by a combination of FAME and HVO. In blends of 11-20%, HVO is the type of fuel most expected to be used in 2030. Next to FAME and HVO, most respondents that did specify other renewable fuels may be added to diesel blends in 2030, mentioned that synthetic diesel (i.e. PtX, E-fuels) could be expected to be used in all diesel blends. A fuel producers’ association also mentioned the possibility of DME in diesel blends of 1-7% renewable content.

    Some fuel producers suggest FAME in the 8-30% range could also be used by all vehicles, while others specify that these vehicles would have to be identified as B10, B20 or B30 compatible; many respondents argue that the use would likely be limited to captive fleets, heavy-duty vehicles or bus fleets.

    France and one unidentified Member State note that diesel blends in the 8-10% band are likely to be used in all vehicles by 2030, while one further Member State mentions that this blend could be used if it was allowed under the FQD. Ireland also noted that it expects diesel blends with 11-20% bio or renewable content to be used by all vehicles by 2030.

    Vehicle compatibility with B10 fuel grade

    There was inconsistency in the views of stakeholders on the compatibility of the existing fleet with B10. Most of the respondents that argued there should be no protection grades argued that setting protection grades would hinder the development of the biofuel market and would slow the progress towards meeting the GHG targets. With respect to B10 fuel specifically, it was mentioned that vehicle manufacturers would need to advise more frequent service intervals to change engine oil, due to possible dilution of engine oil with FAME

    The vehicle producers association ACEA published a list 144 of passenger cars compatible with the B10 diesel fuel in 2018 Invalid source specified.. The list indicates that not all vehicles were marked as being compatible with B10. For example, all Citroën and Peugeot vehicles introduced after 2000 and Renault vehicles with type-approval Euro 5 or higher are compatible. For other car manufacturers, ACEA’s list indicates that only certain vehicles are compatible.

    A more recent list of B10 compatible vehicles prepared by biofuel producer associations AGQM and MVaK was published in 2020 Invalid source specified.. The list highlights that many vehicles that are marked as compatible to run on B10 do so outside Europe. Next to those approved in the ACEA list, the AGQM and MVaK list also notes that all BMW, Dacia and Opel vehicles with type-approval Euro 5 or higher are compatible with B10.

    The vehicle manufacturers noted above (ACEA and MVaK lists) comprise one third of the diesel vehicle market in 2019 and it is likely higher in reality, meaning that the proportion of compatible vehicles should exceed this, as not every vehicle model marked as B10 compatible could be identified. One vehicle manufacturer organisation noted that all their vehicles sold after 2000 are compatible in the stakeholder questionnaire. Another organisation indicated all vehicles with Euro 5 type-approval or higher. Based on this information, it is assumed that potentially 50% of new vehicles in 2020/2021 may have compatibility issues with B10 fuel.

    The expectation by stakeholders of consequences of a removal of B7 from the market is split, as shown in the table below: exactly half of the stakeholders responding to the survey believed that no problems would be caused by such a removal, while the other half believed problems would be caused.

    Figure 93 - Stakeholder responses to the question: “would the removal of B7 from the market cause problems for owners of existing vehicles by 2030?”

    When asked what an appropriate protection grade for diesel in 2030 would be, the responses indicate that half of stakeholders believe a B7 protection grade should be introduced, as shown in the table below. A quarter of respondents, mostly from the fuel producers and suppliers group, believe that no protection grade for diesel is required. Some respondents (19%) indicated that B10 would be the appropriate protection grade. All vehicle manufacturers responding to the question indicated that a B7 protection grade is appropriate.

    Figure 94 - Stakeholder responses to the question: “what would be the appropriate protection grade in 2030?”

    A protection grade for diesel would only be required should adoption of B10 become more widespread. In response to such an increase to B10, it is assumed that all manufacturers would adapt their new vehicles to be compatible, resulting in all vehicles registered between 2025 and 2030 being compatible.

    Vehicle age in 2030

    2030 Number of vehicles (000s)

    Proportion of vehicles not compatible with B10



    Table 55 - European Fleet of B10 non compatible diesel cars and light duty vehicles (LDVs) in 2030 by age according to PRIMES-TREMOVE model and fuel compatibility (000’s of Vehicles)

    0-4 years



    0% assumed* not to be compatible

    4-9 years



    Approximately 10% of vehicles assumed* not to be compatible

    9-14 years



    Approximately 50% of vehicles estimated not to be compatible, based on information from literature and stakeholders

    14-19 years



    Approximately 70% of vehicles estimated not to be compatible , based on information from literature and stakeholders

    *estimated, based on the assumption that new vehicles will be adapted to be compatible with B10 in response to increased marketing of B10.

    Based on the above, 28% of the combined car and LDV fleet is assumed as not compatible with B10 in 2030. Economic impacts are assessed based on this assumption.

    Economic impacts

    Cost of Vehicle Upgrades or Retrofits

    There would be economic impacts for some vehicle owners without B7 protection grades for diesel (for FAME content). Owners of non-compatible vehicles would need to replace their vehicle with a newer, compatible model. Costs are calculated on the basis of owners replacing their vehicle earlier than the end of life, leading to lost residual value of the vehicle and an effective cost associated with incurring the replacement costs earlier than they otherwise would. This effective cost is due to the difference in present value of the cost, calculated using a social rate-of-time preference 4% annual discount rate.

    Table 56 - Cost of Vehicle Upgrades in Absence of Protection Grade (Vehicles not compatible with B10) 2015 Price Year

    Vehicle type

    Lost residual value of vehicles

    Cost due to earlier vehicle purchase

    Total cost

    Cars (Diesel)




    LDVs (Diesel)




    Total (Diesel)


    Source: "Technical assessment of transport fuel quality parameters", Contract no. 340201 2019 815556 ETU CLIMA.C.4

    Costs for Fuel Suppliers

    The introduction of a B7 protection grade for diesel could lead to some filling stations marketing an increased number of fuel grades and which may require making associated investments in storage and refuelling infrastructure. An estimate for the investment cost of around €100,000 for a filling station to market an additional grade of E85 in 2015 is made in Invalid source specified.. Europe’s Independent Fuel Suppliers (UPEI) provided a higher cost in the stakeholder survey, indicating that the introduction of additional marketed grades could cost between €200,000 and €2,000,000 per filling station. Beyond investment in additional tanks, pumps, hoses, store management systems and electronic pricing information at the retail location, new grades would also affect the cost of storage & handling (S&H). A lot of factors, such as the volume of each grade, if it is a blended or straight product or if it can be blended in a truck will affect the costs. Furthermore, truck usage would also become less optimised if additional blends were required, which could lead to additional distribution costs.

    Depending on market uptake of higher biodiesel content in diesel, the share of filling stations required to make such an investment may differ. Here we consider three scenarios: a) 10% of filling stations, b) 50% of filling stations and c) 100% of filling stations. Based on the cost data gathered from the literature and stakeholder survey, a cost estimate of €200,000 is used per filling station for marketing an additional grade of fuel. There were 75,396 active filling stations in the EU in 2018 Invalid source specified.. We assume the same number of active filling stations in 2030. As shown in the table below. the estimated cost to fuel suppliers is between €1.5 Billion and €15 Billion.

    Table 57 - Estimated cost of supplying additional grades for scenarios of different % of petrol stations marketing additional B7 protection grade 2015 Price Year


    Number of filling stations

    Estimated cost (million €)

    Scenario a) – 10%



    Scenario b) – 50%



    Scenario c) – 100%



    In different Member States, ownership structures of filling stations varies, with some being dominated by a small number of larger companies (Germany, Greece, Italy), while in others ownership is largely by smaller independent retailers (Poland) Invalid source specified.. Smaller, independent retailers are likely to have less available funds for investing in additional infrastructure and would be disproportionately affected by the need to market an additional grade of fuel. As an alternative response, these retailers may choose to market only the protection grade, leading to reduced biofuel uptake (See Environmental Impacts).

    Impacts on the Single Market

    Protection grades can negatively impact the EU single market. If the protection grade is optional, then some Member States will choose to adopt it and some will not. In countries where it is adopted, the protection grade may become the dominant or only fuel that is sold. Other Member States may choose to require E10 instead, due to greenhouse gas targets. This can therefore lead to a situation of increased market fragmentation. This theoretically can increase costs for producers as there is less economy of scale and more fragmented grades across Europe.

    This fragmentation can also affect owners of vehicles requiring the protection grade, in the event of driving across borders of different Member States.

    Environmental impacts

    Greenhouse Gas and air pollutant emissions

    A protection grade can reduce uptake of biofuels and prevent greenhouse gas emission reductions. The costs of marketing multiple grades of fuel means that some filling stations, particularly smaller stations or those independently owned, may need to market only the protection grade, therefore reducing biofuel uptake and greenhouse gas emission savings.

    In the PRIMES-TREMOVE modelling, a scenario has been modelled 145 for the widespread uptake of B10 without protection grades, with impacts calculated relative to a baseline which includes no FAME protection grade. The impacts of a possible B7 protection grade is therefore calculated in the context of reducing the potential benefits. This impact depends on the extent to which protection grade fuels are marketed. Impacts are estimated for two scenarios: firstly, where protection grade fuels are only used by vehicles that require them. In the case of diesel and B7 protection grade, it is estimated that approximately 28% of the car and LDV fleet is not B10 compatible in 2030. Secondly, where protection grades are utilised by a larger proportion of the fleet: the protection grade take up is assumed to be 70%.

    The table below shows the estimated emissions impacts of a B7 protection grade in the form of reduced benefits. It reflects the impacts relative to the PRIMES modelling scenario, where in the absence of a B7 protection grade there is total fleet uptake of a diesel blend with 10% FAME and 10% HVO. As such, these impacts are an upper estimate of the emissions impacts of the protection grades given the ambitious nature of the PRIMES modelling scenario.

    Table 58 - Emissions Impact of Protection Grades

    Protection Grade (Fuel)

    Percentage Of Fleet Using Protection Grade

    NOX Emissions impact relative to PRIMES-TREMOVE Scenario

    SO2 Emissions impact relative to PRIMES-TREMOVE Scenario

    CO2 Emissions impact relative to PRIMES-TREMOVE Scenario

    B7 (Diesel)


    4.3 kt


    9,602 kt

    B7 (Diesel)


    10.8 kt


    24,006 kt


    In the context of the revision of the REDII and its increased ambition level with respect to the incorporation of renewable components in transportation fuels, it is relevant to assess if changes are necessary for protection grades for petrol and diesel, considering blends which may be taken up towards 2030.

    For bio-ethanol blends where the EU legal obligation for the E5 protection grade is no longer in force since 2013 and the currently allowed maximum E10 blending is far from being reached across the EU, a revision of the reference fuel for petrol to be able to incorporate higher volumes of bio-ethanol blend does not seem to be justified in the 2030 perspective.

    For bio-based components in diesel fuel, limiting reference diesel fuel to B7 limits available options to attain higher targets in the revised REDII, considering that practically the entire EU supply of diesel was B7 in 2018.

    Sustaining the market uptake of B10 would require a B7 protection grade, which is currently not provided for in the FQD as noted above, but was already flagged as relevant in the FQD REFIT in the interest of vehicle compatibility and functioning of the single market functioning.

    The introduction of an EU-wide B7 protection grade for 7% FAME in diesel is recommended due to the proportion of vehicles (potentially 28%) not compatible with B10 expected to be present in the fleet by 2030. It is considered necessary by vehicle manufacturers and half of fuel supplier stakeholders that engaged in the consultation for this study. However, the extent to which the non compatibility exists is disputed by some stakeholders. Without the protection grade, owners of incompatible vehicles would incur costs of early vehicle replacement, with relatively higher incidence in Member States with older average fleet age, which are also among the Member States with lower than average GDP per capita.

    The disadvantage of introduction of a B7 protection grade is that it may lessen the increase in uptake of biofuels and consequently lead to lower than otherwise environmental benefits. There could also potentially be additional costs for fuel suppliers resulting from marketing of multiple diesel grades, depending on whether the protection grade must be available in all filling stations or only a smaller proportion, for example those above a certain size.

    In the case of bio-ethanol in petrol, the E5 protection grade is assessed as irrelevant with E10 as reference fuel. It is therefore concluded that no legal revision is needed for bio-ethanol content in traded petrol at this stage.


    ACEA, 2018. B10 Compatibility,European Automobile Manufacturers Association

    ACEA, 2019. Vehicles in use Europe 2019. [Online]
    Available at:

    ACEA, 2019. Vehicles in use Europe 2019

    AGQM, 2018. Approval list of commercial vehicle manufacturers for operation with biodiesel (B20 | B30 | B100)

    European Commission, 2015. Impact of higher levels of bio components in transport fuels in the context of the Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998, relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Council Directive 93/12

    European Commission, 2017. COM/2017/0284 final - REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL in accordance with Article 9 of Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels

    European Commission, 2017. Evaluation of Directive 98/70/EC of 13 October 1998 relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels as amended

    European Commission, 2017. Impact of higher levels of bio components in transport fuels in the context of the Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998, relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Council Directive 93/12

    European Commission, 2017. SWD(2017) 179 final Evaluation of Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels ('Fuel Quality Directive'

    European Commission, 2020. State of the Art on Alternative Fuels Transport Systems in the European Union



    MVaK, 2020. Approval List Biodiesel (B10)

    UK DfT, 2020. Introducing E10 Petrol: Consultation

    List of Tables

    Table 28 - Details of Session 1    

    Table 29 - Details of Session 2    

    Table 30 - Details of Session 3    

    Table 31 - Details of Session 4    

    Table 32 - Details of Session 5    

    Table 33 - Details for Session 6    

    Table 34 - Details of Session 7    

    Table 35 - Agenda of stakeholder workshop    

    Table 36 - Details of Session 1    

    Table 37 - Details of session 2    

    Table 38 - Details of session 3    

    Table 39. Projected population and GDP growth per MS    

    Table 40: International fuel prices assumptions    

    Table 41: REF2020 summary energy and climate indicators.    

    Table 42: Scenario assumptions description (scenarios produced with the PRIMES-GAINS-GLOBIOM modelling suite)    

    Table 43: ETS prices by 2030 in the difference scenarios (€2015/tCO2)    

    Table 44: Energy efficiency value and renewable energy value (averaged 2025-2035)    

    Table 45: Carbon value applied to non-CO2 emissions in the GAINS model (€2015/tCO2)    

    Table 46: Key results of the “Fit for 55” core scenarios analysis for the EU    

    Table 47: Comparison with the CTP analysis    

    Table 48 - METIS models displayed in the Crystal Super Grid user interface    

    Table 49 - scarcity and average GO price per demand scenario    

    Table 50: Key policy conclusions of the Climate Target Plan    

    Table 51 - RES share in the heating and cooling sector regarding RED II Art 23 (Member States that are not in line with the requirements from Art 23 are highlighted in red, while those in line with the requirements are highlighted green)    

    Table 52 - Overview of TPA regulations in the Member States, the UK, Iceland, Norway and Ukraine(Source: ENER/C1/2018-496, ongoing)    

    Table 53 - EU27 petrol and diesel fuel consumption; Source: PRIMES/ Prepanl / EU27noUK:Green Deal 55% carbon taxation COVID scenario /transport    

    Table 54 - Standards of different diesel blends    

    Table 55 - European Fleet of B10 non compatible diesel cars and light duty vehicles (LDVs) in 2030 by age according to PRIMES-TREMOVE model and fuel compatibility (000’s of Vehicles)    

    Table 56 - Cost of Vehicle Upgrades in Absence of Protection Grade (Vehicles not compatible with B10) 2015 Price Year    

    Table 57 - Estimated cost of supplying additional grades for scenarios of different % of petrol stations marketing additional B7 protection grade 2015 Price Year    

    Table 58 - Emissions Impact of Protection Grades    

    List of Figures

    Figure 46 - Overview stakeholder replies per sector    

    Figure 47 - Agenda stakeholder workshop (morning)    

    Figure 48 - Agenda stakeholder workshop (afternoon)    

    Figure 49 - Number of active connections    

    Figure 50 - Location of participants (excluding participants from European Commission)    

    Figure 51 - Affiliation of participants (including participants from European Commission)    

    Figure 52 - Government representatives by country (excluding participants from European Commission)    

    Figure 53 - In which sectors do you think additional efforts to increase the use of renewable energy are most needed for a potentially higher renewables target for 2030? (n=215, multiple answers possible)    

    Figure 54 - Should the overall renewable target be binding at EU level or at national level? (n=195)    

    Figure 55 - Should the current indicative target of 1.3 ppt (or 1.1 ppt, if waste heat and cold is not used), annual average increase of renewable energy in heating and cooling set for the period of 2021-2030 in Article 23 become a binding target for Member State    

    Figure 56 - Do you think there should be an obligation on certain industrial sectors to use a minimum amount of renewable energy? (n=93)    

    Figure 57 - Which of the following additional measures to encourage the use of renewable energy in industry do you find appropriate? (n=78, multiple selection possible)    

    Figure 58 - Which of the following measures do you consider the most appropriate in tackling the remaining barriers for the uptake of renewable electricity that matches the expected growth in demand for end-use sectors? (n=81)    

    Figure 59 - Do you think the REDII sustainability criteria for bioenergy should be modified? (n=96)    

    Figure 60 - Do you think the REDII sustainability criteria for forest biomass should be modified? (n=100)    

    Figure 61 - Do you think that the use of certain bioenergy feedstock should be limited under REDII? (n=97)    

    Figure 62 - Do you think that REDII criteria on GHG emission savings and bioelectricity efficiency should be modified? (n=83)    

    Figure 63 - Is the RED II certification scheme appropriate to address sustainability issues, ensuring traceability, and accounting for the different targets (global renewable and sector targets, as in transport under Article 25)? (n=85)    

    Figure 64 - For which renewable and low-carbon fuels would the Union Database be the appropriate tool? (n=68)    

    Figure 65 Number of active connections    

    Figure 66 Location of attendees (excluding attendees from European Commission)    

    Figure 67 Affiliation of attendees (including attendees from European Commission)    

    Figure 68 Public authorities by country (excluding attendees from European Commission)    

    Figure 69 - Interlinkages between models    

    Figure 70: Schematic representation of the PRIMES model    

    Figure 71: Fuel mix evolution of the Reference Scenario 2020    

    Figure 72: Share of energy carriers in final energy consumption in the Reference Scenario 2020    

    Figure 73: Final energy demand by sector in the Reference Scenario 2020    

    Figure 74: Interactions between different policy tools    

    Figure 75 - METIS open-book approach    

    Figure 76 - vRES share against GO price duration curve - FR - medium demand scenario    

    Figure 77 - vRES share against electricity price duration curve - FR - medium demand scenario    

    Figure 78 - vRES share against total electricity price (incl. GOs) duration curve - FR - medium demand scenario    

    Figure 79 - Share of RES in H&C in all MS in 2020 & in 2030 + share of H&C in Final Energy Consumption; Source: Trinomics based on JRC’s assessment of NECPs    

    Figure 80 - Evolution of the number of funded energy audits per capita in different German federal states    

    Figure 81 - Parameters for individual heating technologies and the district heating unit    

    Figure 82 - Parameters for district heating technologies    

    Figure 83 - Comparison of the price of heat for new DH heat (wood chip boiler) and individual heating. Heat demand at 13800 KWh/year, Network Scale of 1 (small pipe grid)    

    Figure 84 - Comparison of price of heat from new DH (wood chip boiler) and individual heating. Heat demand of 4 900 kWh/year and Network Scale 1 (small pipe gird)    

    Figure 85 - Comparison of individual heating systems (systems de chauffage domestique) & of district heating systems (LCOE de la chaleur collective)    

    Figure 86 - Heat synergy regions prioritised in 14 MS    

    Figure 87 - Renewables in buildings    

    Figure 88 - Final energy demand for space and water heating by energy carriers, EU-27 (+UK, CH, NO), 2017, 2030 and 2050 across scenarios, Source: Renewable space heating under the revised Renewable Energy Directive, ENER/C1/2018-494 (ongoing, only preliminary re    

    Figure 89 - Non-electricity fuel consumption in buildings    

    Figure 90 - Qualitative assessment of the archetype pathways based on their climate and biodiversity impacts. Black symbols represent pathways referring to ‘logging residues removal’ intervention, yellow symbols refer to pathways for ‘afforestation’, and blue symbols refer to ‘conversion to plantation’ interventions. Uncertainty ranges are placed where payback time for carbon emissions could not be placed within a single one of the already broadly defined levels. The position of the interventions within each sub-section is arbitrary. (Source: Camia A., Giuntoli, J., Jonsson, R., Robert, N., Cazzaniga, N.E., Jasinevičius, G., Avitabile, V., Grassi, G., Barredo, J.I., Mubareka, S., The use of woody biomass for energy purposes in the EU, EUR 30548 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-27867-2, doi:10.2760/831621, JRC122719, Fig. 42)    

    Figure 91 - Petrol sold in the EU in 2018    

    Figure 92 - Diesel sold in the EU in 2018    

    Figure 93 - Stakeholder responses to the question: “would the removal of B7 from the market cause problems for owners of existing vehicles by 2030?”    

    Figure 94 - Stakeholder responses to the question: “what would be the appropriate protection grade in 2030?”    


    Heat as a service project in Bristol example: ttps://


    Recital 90 outlines requirements such as temporal and geographical correlation between the electricity production unit with which the producer has a bilateral renewables power purchase agreement and the fuel production. It further explains that renewable fuels of non-biological origin cannot be counted as fully renewable if they are produced when the contracted renewable generation unit is not generating electricity. Finally, it explain the conditions when there is an electricity grid congestion and what should be understood under additionality.


    The consultation initially received 39,046 submissions to the questionnaire. 6 responses were excluded from the analysis because these organisations provided double submissions (one response is kept for each organisation). 9 questionnaire responses were added subsequently after they were submitted via email. There were 34 additional contributions (without questionnaire) via email, 9 of which from participants that had already submitted a questionnaire.


    645 responded to the questionnaire and 25 provided additional contributions

    (5) , a network of ca 130 environmental and other organisations, also active in the public debate on taxonomy


    It should be noted that this split does not take into account the coordinated replies mentioned above as the campaign participants did not reply to this question.


    See Annex I for the profiles of each speaker


    The “current policy framework” includes EU initiatives adopted as of end of 2019 and the national objectives and policies and measures as set out in the final National Energy and Climate Plans – see the EU Reference Scenario 2020 publication.





    While cross-border trade is possible, the assumption is that there are no imports from outside EU as the opposite would require global modelling of hydrogen trade.


    More information and model documentation:  


    E3Modelling ( ) is a private consulting, established as a spin-off inheriting staff, knowledge and software-modelling innovation of the laboratory E3MLab from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).


    SEC(2011)1569 :























    Several model enhancements were made compared to the standard TREMOVE model, as for example: for the number of vintages (allowing representation of the choice of second-hand cars); for the technology categories which include vehicle types using electricity from the grid and fuel cells. The model also incorporates additional fuel types, such as biofuels (when they differ from standard fossil fuel technologies), LPG, LNG, hydrogen and e-fuels. In addition, representation of infrastructure for refuelling and recharging are among the model refinements, influencing fuel choices. A major model enhancement concerns the inclusion of heterogeneity in the distance of stylised trips; the model considers that the trip distances follow a distribution function with different distances and frequencies. The inclusion of heterogeneity was found to be of significant influence in the choice of vehicle-fuels especially for vehicles-fuels with range limitations.




         Bioheavy refers to bio heavy fuel oil.









    Source :


    See You, L., Wood, S. (2006). An Entropy Approach to Spatial Disaggregation of Agricultural Production, Agricultural Systems 90, 329–47 and .


    Herrero, M., Havlík, P., et al. (2013). Biomass Use, Production, Feed Efficiencies, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Global Livestock Systems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 20888–93.


    MCPFE (2015). Forest Europe, 2015: State of Europe's Forests 2015. Madrid, Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe: 314.


    EU Agricultural Outlook for markets, income and environment 2020-2030,  


    See related publication.


    EUROPOP2019 population projections  


    The 2021 Ageing Report : Underlying assumptions and projection methodologies  



    IEA, Global Energy Review 2020, June 2020


    IEA, Oil Market Report, June 2020 and US EIA, July 2020.




    COM/2020/562 final


     The 2021 Ageing Report : Underlying assumptions and projection methodologies



    COM(2016) 860 final.


    Link to reference.


    Energy system costs for the entire energy system include capital costs (for energy installations such as power plants and energy infrastructure, energy using equipment, appliances and energy related costs of transport), energy purchase costs (fuels + electricity + steam) and direct efficiency investment costs, the latter being also expenditures of capital nature. For transport, only the additional capital costs for energy purposes (additional capital costs for improving energy efficiency or for using alternative fuels, including alternative fuels infrastructure) are covered, but not other costs including the significant transport related infrastructure costs e.g. related to railways and roads. Direct efficiency investment costs include additional costs for house insulation, double/triple glazing, control systems, energy management and for efficiency enhancing changes in production processes not accounted for under energy capital and fuel/electricity purchase costs. Energy system costs are calculated ex-post after the model is solved.


    See the EU Reference Scenario 2020 publication for a further discussion on the roles and levels of discount rates in the modelling, which also represent risk and opportunity costs associated with investments.


    COM(2018) 773


    A 50% GHG target was also analysed



    COM(2020) 690 final


    Importantly, all “Fit for 55” core scenarios reflect the Commission Work Programme (CWP) 2021 in terms of elements foreseen. This is why assumptions are made about legislative proposals to be made later on - by Quarter 4 2021. On the energy side, the subsequent proposals are: the revision of the EPBD, the proposal for Decarbonised Gas Markets and the proposal for reducing methane emissions in the energy sector. For transport they refer to the revision of the TEN-T Regulation and the revision of the ITS Directive. In addition, other policies that are planned for 2022 are also represented in a stylised way in these scenarios, similar to the CTP scenarios. In this way, core scenarios represent all key policies needed to deliver the increased climate target.


    This is a feature not implemented in the CTP CPRICE scenario.


    For modelling purposes “national maritime” is considered as equal to “domestic navigation”, i.e. also including inland navigation.


    “Intra-EU navigation” in this table includes both international intra-EU and national maritime. Due to modelling limitations, energy consumption by “national maritime” is assumed to be the same as “domestic navigation”, although the latter also includes inland navigation.


    50% of all incoming and all outgoing extra-EU voyages


    For more information on the roles and levels of discount rates applied per sector, see the EU Reference Scenario 2020 publication.


    Post 2030, carbon values should not be seen as a projected carbon price in emissions trading, but as a shadow value representing a range of policies to achieve climate neutrality that are as yet to be defined.


    The foresight and the discounting both influence the investment decisions. While in the modelling the discounting is actually applied to the investment to compute annualised fixed costs for the investment decision, its effect can be illustrated if applied to the future prices instead: for example, the average discounted carbon price in 2030 for the period 2030-2050 for renovation of houses and for heating equipment, applying a 12% discount rate, is €65 in the MIX scenario and €81 in the MIX CP scenario.


    The existing legislation sets for newly registered passengers cars, an EU fleet-wide average emission target of 95 gCO2/km from 2021, phased in from 2020. For newly registered vans, the EU fleet-wide average emission target is 147 gCO2 /km from 2020 onward. Stricter EU fleet-wide CO2 emission targets, start to apply from 2025 and from 2030. In particular emissions will have to reduce by 15% from 2025 for both cars and vans, and by 37.5% and 31% for cars and vans respectively from 2030, as compared to 2021. From 2025 on, also trucks manufacturers will have to meet CO2 emission targets. In particular, the EU fleet-wide average CO2 emissions of newly registered trucks will have to reduce by 15% by 2025 and 30% by 2030, compared to the average emissions in the reference period (1 July 2019–30 June 2020). For cars, vans and trucks, specific incentive systems are also set to incentivise the uptake of zero and low-emission vehicles.


    Emissions estimates for 1990 are based on EU UNFCCC inventory data 2020, converted to IPCC AR5 Global Warming Potentials for notably methane and nitrous oxide. However, international intra-EU aviation and international intra-EU navigation are not separated in the UNFCCC data from the overall international bunker fuels emissions. Therefore, 1990 estimates for the intra-EU emissions of these sectors are based on (a combination of) data analysis for PRIMES modelling and 2018-2019 MRV data for the maritime sector.





    The EU27 average electricity price in the MIX scenario is between 46 and 50 €/MWh


     COM (2020) 562 final.


    The Impact Assessment identifies a range of 35.5% - 36.7% depending on the overall design of policy measures underpinning the new 2030 target. This would correspond to a range of 39.2% - 40.6% in terms of primary energy consumption.


    ReceBIO follow-up study, 2016



    Agostini et al. (2020).  


    Camia A., Giuntoli, J., Jonsson, R., Robert, N., Cazzaniga, N.E., Jasinevičius, G., Avitabile, V., Grassi, G., Barredo, J.I., Mubareka, S., The use of woody biomass for energy purposes in the EU, EUR 30548 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-27867-2, doi:10.2760/831621, JRC122719


    Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market for electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU, OJ L 158, 14.6.2019, p. 125–199


    Assessment of heating and cooling related chapters of the NECPs


    Spain and Latvia did not provide data and were not included in the 33% in 2030.


     The final energy consumption (FEC) for heating and cooling represented about 46% of the total final energy consumption in EU-27 calculated on the based on the Shares Tool (Eurostat Statistics) , which reflects national data collection and do not fully report all types of consumption.


    Above 50%, Member States has to achieve half of the renewable increase requirement, i.e. 5.5 or 6.5% point per year (Article 23(2)(c) of RED II).


    Above 60%, Member States are not subject to the renewable increase requirement (Article 23(2)(b) of RED II).


    Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Spain and Sweden.


    For example structural barriers arising from the high share of natural gas or cooling, or from a dispersed settlement structure with low population density.


    RES share in final energy consumption for heating and cooling


    Interpolated value (the original value was given for 2021, and it amounts to 32.6%)


    Calculated for the period 2021 to 2030 (data for 2025 is not provided)


    Still to reference


    Bertelsen, N., Mathiesen, B. V., Djørup, S. R., Schneider, N. C. A., Paardekooper, S., Sánchez García, L., Thellufsen, J. Z., Kapetanakis, J., Angelino, L., & Kiruja, J. (2021). Integrating low temperature renewables in district energy systems: Guidelines for policy makers. International Renewable Energy Agency.


     Experience with heat planning in Denmark, input for developing a heat planning in Baden Württemberg, Danish Energy Agency ( ), 2019



    NECP Italy, , section 2.1.2


    NECP Italy, p. 114 and 147


    NECP Italy, p. 231


     NECP France,  


    Law No 2018-727 of 10 August 2018 has empowered the government to take measures (through the uses of ordinances) to reform the provisions of the Mining Code in relation to the granting and extension of titles for the exploration and operation of geothermal energy. The objective of this scheme is to simplify the applicable rules in order to improve the development of renewable energy activities.


     NECP Germany,  


    Scottish Futures Trust (2018) Guidance on the development of Heat Supply Agreements for District Heating schemes. Available at:  






    Energy Efficiency Financial Institution Group (EEFIG) report:


    Pehnt, M. et al. (2019) Evaluating the renewable heating and efficiency obligation for existing buildings – insights into the mechanisms of mandatory building requirements



     As it was the case in Belgium, end of 2017, when the 2050 Energy Pact fixed the objective to stop selling heating oil appliances after 2035, there was a large confusion and string reaction by the stakeholders, and even social actors. &


     Niches. Innovative Demand Management Strategies: City-wide Campaigns. Available at:  


    Efficient district heating and cooling systems in the EU, Tilia GmbH, 2016


    Efficient district heating and cooling systems in the EU. Case studies analysis, replicable success factors and potential policy implications. Tilia GmbH for the JRC, 2016.




    Green Energy Association (2018) The competitiveness of district heating compared to individual heating: When is district heating the cheapest source of heating?






      Coûts énergies renouvelables et de recuperation , ADEME, 2020 (data 2019)




    DHC Trend Study, ENER/C1/2018-496, ongoing.



    The regulatory process, responsibilities and requirements when approving district heating projects in Denmark, as demonstrated in the District Energy – green heating & cooling for urban areas, State of Green 2020






    The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (revised) set the objective to decarbonise the EU building stock by 2050.


    The design of the scenarios is being refined and not all costs have yet been included in the modelling analyses, such as additional electricity generation capacities and dedicated infrastructures for H2.


    Renewable Space Heating under the Revised Renewable Energy Directive, ENER/C1/2018-494, TU-Wien and alia, on-going. All values are calculated for 2017.


    The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (revised) set the objective to decarbonise the EU building stock by 2050.


    Camia A., Giuntoli, J., Jonsson, R., Robert, N., Cazzaniga, N.E., Jasinevičius, G., Avitabile, V., Grassi, G., Barredo, J.I., Mubareka, S., The use of woody biomass for energy purposes in the EU, EUR 30548 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-27867-2, doi:10.2760/831621, JRC122719


     This is equivalent to 380 truck-trailers (largest available) per year.  


    Based on various estimates. For example, EC (2016) A Study on Energy Efficiency in Enterprises: Energy Audits and Energy Management Systems, reports energy audit costs in manufacturing between €9,000 and €30,000, but these will involve far more complex assessments than those envisaged for compliance with RED criteria.


    Sustainable and optimal use of biomass for energy in the EU beyond 2020, May 2017








    The stakeholder consultation was performed through Contract no. 340201 2019 815556 ETU CLIMA.C.4


    The stakeholder consultation was performed in the study "Technical assessment of transport fuel quality parameters", Contract no. 340201 2019 815556 ETU CLIMA.C.4



    "Technical assessment of transport fuel quality parameters", Contract no. 340201 2019 815556 ETU CLIMA.C.4
