This impact assessment (IA) explores a series of policy options which are mainly, but not exclusively, extrapolated from problem drivers relating to the "outdated and rigid legislation" and "governance mechanisms". Two separate cross-cutting issues, which aim to address the issues emerging from the rapid changes to the market", are taken into account horizontally.
OPTION 0: BASELINE SCENARIO: Maintenance of the current regulatory framework for the .eu.
OPTION 1: COMMERCIALISATION: Simplifying the regulatory framework while outsourcing the operation and management of the Registry to an external for-profit service provider.
OPTION 2: MODERNISING THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK: Replacing the current legal framework with one principle-based legal instrument. An external management system for the .eu TLD, based on a contract, would be maintained.
OPTION 3: SEPARATE GOVERNANCE: Combines option 2 with the creation of a multistakeholder body which would have an advisory role. This body would be independent from the .eu Registry.
OPTION 4: INSTITUTIONALISATION: Management and operation of the Registry within a department of the European Commission (a) or an EU Agency (b1: EUIPO, b2: ENISA)
Options 1, Option 4(.a) and Option 4(b2) were discarded at an early stage as they do not meet the policy objectives.
In relation to the two cross-cutting issues dealt with separately, the IA analyses both the possibility of the .eu Registry to offer direct registration to registrants given changes in market conditions, and possible changes to the eligibility criteria for obtaining a .eu TLD.
Preferred option: OPTION 3, together with the lifting of strict requirements in relation to direct registration, a citizenship criterion for natural persons and a residency criterion for organisation/ companies.