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Document 52023DC0760

Initiative summary:
EU rules limit the use of certain harmful substances in electrical and electronic equipment in order to protect human health and the environment and ensure proper functioning of the internal market. The initiative will simplify and increase the efficiency of the current rules and improve their enforcement.
EuroVoc thesaurus:
EU-milieubeleid; elektrisch materiaal; regelgevingsbeleid; gevaarlijk afval; gevaarlijke stof; handelsnorm; hergebruik van afvalstoffen; elektronisch afval; elektronische uitrusting; toezicht op de markt; verlichtingsmateriaal
  • Documents:
    Ares(2018)4721321 (Evaluation and Fitness Check Roadmap)
    Leading service:
    Directorate-General for Environment
    Planned adoption period:
    01/10/2020 - 31/12/2020
    Check the status of this initiative on the Better Regulation Portal
    • Consultation type:
      Stakeholder feedback
      Consultation duration (weeks):
    • Consultation type:
      Public consultation
      Consultation duration (weeks):
  • Documents:
    Ares(2022)1071846 (Call for evidence for an impact assessment)
    Ares(2022)5884921 (Factual summary report of the public consultation)
    Leading service:
    Directorate-General for Environment
    Planned adoption period:
    01/10/2022 - 31/12/2022
    Check the status of this initiative on the Better Regulation Portal
    • Consultation type:
      Stakeholder feedback
      Consultation duration (weeks):
    • Consultation type:
      Public consultation
      Consultation duration (weeks):
    • Consultation type:
      Stakeholder feedback
      Consultation duration (weeks):
  • Documents:
    COM/2023/760 final (Report)
    Staff working document
    Leading service:
    Directorate-General for Environment