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EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work [2021-2027]
MEDEDELING VAN DE COMMISSIE AAN HET EUROPEES PARLEMENT, DE RAAD, HET EUROPEES ECONOMISCH EN SOCIAAL COMITÉ EN HET COMITÉ VAN DE REGIO'S Strategisch EU-kader voor gezondheid en veiligheid op het werk 2021-2027 — Gezondheid en veiligheid op het werk in een veranderende arbeidswereld
Initiative summary:
The COVID-19 crisis highlighted the crucial importance of health, and occupational safety and health (OSH) as part of it. Building on the EU Strategic Framework 2014-2020, the initiative aims at maintaining and improving high OSH standards for workers in the EU, also in light of new circumstances and the need to prepare for new crises and threats. It will identify key objectives to be attained at different levels to mobilise Member States and stakeholders around common priorities.