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Document 52005DC0123

    Framework programme on solidarity and management of migration flows for the period 2007-2013

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    Framework programme on solidarity and management of migration flows for the period 2007-2013

    The framework programme is designed to improve management of migratory flows at the level of the European Union and to strengthen solidarity between Member States. It has four dimensions. The first concerns integrated management of external borders, with the setting up of an External Borders Fund. The second concerns asylum policy, with the prolongation of the European Refugee Fund. The third concerns the social, civic and cultural integration of Non-EU Member Country nationals, with the setting up of a European Integration Fund. The fourth concerns the fight against illegal immigration and the return of Non-EU Member Country nationals residing illegally in the EU, with the setting up of a European Return Fund.


    Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament establishing a framework programme on solidarity and management of migration flows for the period 2007-2013 [COM(2005) 123 final - Not published in the Official Journal].


    The framework programme will establish financial solidarity mechanisms covering four areas:

    • controls and surveillance of external borders;
    • return of Non-EU Member Country nationals residing illegally in the EU;
    • integration of legally resident Non-EU Member Country nationals;
    • asylum.

    The communication, which maps out the broad lines of the framework programme, is accompanied by four proposals that constitute the instruments setting up four funds corresponding to each of the four policy areas.

    The overall amount envisaged for the framework programme "Solidarity and management of migratory flows" is EUR 5 866 million for the period 2007-2013. The following amounts will also be provided:

    • EUR 285.1 million for the FRONTEX Agency;
    • EUR 900 million for the implementation of large-scale information systems;
    • EUR 62.3 million for the setting up of a European Migration Observatory.

    European Refugee Fund (ERF)

    This proposal presses ahead with the implementation of the second stage of the ERF, which was launched by a decision of December 2004 and covers the period 2005-2010.

    It sets out to harmonise the ERF schedule with those proposed for the other three instruments. Its duration is extended until 2013 and the new provisions will enter into force on 1 January 2008 so as to allow the multiannual programming cycle provided for by the decision of December 2004 to be applied in full. This will result in a third multiannual programme (2011-2013).

    External Frontiers Fund

    The Hague Programme underlines the need for a fair sharing of responsibility between Member States regarding the management and surveillance of external borders. This proposal is in response to this request and lays down four main policy objectives for burden sharing between the Member States and the European Union.

    In order to express the notion of solidarity, the bulk of the allocations to the Member States would be determined on the basis of a distribution key defining the relative share of Member States.

    European Integration Fund

    This project follows on from pilot integration projects carried out in 2002. These initiatives, known as INTI, have proved very fruitful. This is the reason why the Commission launched the idea of a European Integration Fund at an interministerial conference on integration during the Dutch Presidency.

    European Return Fund

    In The Hague Programme the European Council called for the establishment of a European Return Fund. This proposal is in response to that request.


    The framework programme is designed to improve management of migratory flows at European Union level and to strengthen solidarity between Member States. It forms part of the Financial Perspective 2007-2013. Its objective is to ensure multiannual EU programming in different areas (integrated border management and asylum, integration and return policies).

    The programme follows on from current programmes (such as the ERF), previous programmes (Argo and Odysseus) and preparatory actions (such as the INTI).


    Commission Decision 2008/22/EC of 19 December 2007 laying down rules for the implementation of Decision No 573/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Refugee Fund for the period 2008 to 2013 as part of the General programme "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows" as regards Member States' management and control systems, the rules for administrative and financial management and the eligibility of expenditure on projects co-financed by the Fund [Official Journal L 17 of 10.1.2008]

    This decision provides a whole range of additional information on the decisions establishing the European Refugee Fund, the External Borders Fund, the European Return Fund and the European Fund for the Integration of Non-EU Member Country Nationals. It gives details relating to the implementation of these decisions, particularly as regards designated authorities, information to be provided by the Member States to the Commission, reporting of irregularities and personal data.

    Last updated: 07.04.2008

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