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Turkey - Agriculture, fisheries and food safety

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Turkey - Agriculture, fisheries and food safety

Candidate countries conduct negotiations with the European Union (EU) in order to prepare themselves for accession. The accession negotiations cover the adoption and implementation of European legislation (acquis) and, more specifically, the priorities identified jointly by the Commission and the candidate countries in the analytical assessment (or ‘screening’) of the EU’s political and legislative acquis. Each year, the Commission reviews the progress made by candidates and evaluates the efforts required before their accession. This monitoring is the subject of annual reports presented to the Council and the European Parliament.


Commission Report [COM(2011) 666 final – SEC(2011) 1201 – Not published in the Official Journal].


The 2011 Report notes progress on agricultural and rural development matters. The European Commission believes that the country is ready to move to the second phase of the Instrument for pre-Accession Assistance in Rural Development (IPARD) programme. Food security and veterinary and phytosanitary policy are also progressing, as is the fisheries policy. However, animal welfare still needs to be improved.

EUROPEAN UNION ACQUIS (according to the Commission’s words)

The agriculture chapter covers a large number of binding rules, many of which are directly applicable. The proper application of these rules and their effective enforcement by an efficient public administration are essential for the functioning of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The CAP includes the setting-up of management and control systems such as a paying agency and the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), and also the capacity to implement rural development measures. EU accession requires integration into the common market organisations for a range of agricultural products, including arable crops, sugar, animal products and specialised crops. Member States must also be able to apply EU legislation on direct aid for farmers and to manage the common market organisations for various agricultural products.

The fisheries acquis consists of regulations, which do not need to be transposed into national legislation. However, it requires the introduction of measures to prepare the administration and operators for participation in the Common Fisheries Policy (in the areas of market policy, resource and fleet management, inspection and control, structural actions and State aid). In some cases, existing fisheries agreements or conventions with third countries or international organisations need to be adapted.

This chapter covers detailed rules in the area of food safety. The general foodstuffs policy sets hygiene rules for foodstuff production. Furthermore, the acquis provides detailed rules in the veterinary field, which are essential for safeguarding animal health, animal welfare and safety of food of animal origin in the internal market. In the phytosanitary field, EU rules cover issues such as quality of seed, plant protection material, harmful organisms and animal nutrition.

EVALUATION (according to the Commission’s words)

There is some progress to report in the area of agriculture and rural development. Significant progress has been made in the implementation of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD) programme, leading to the Commission Decision to confer the management of EU funds, as well as in preparations achieved for the second phase of the IPARD programme. Agricultural support policy differs substantially from the CAP and there is still no strategy for its alignment. The failure to fully remove barriers to beef imports also constitutes a major shortcoming.

As regards food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy, progress towards transposition and implementation of the acquis has been achieved. The restructuring of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is a positive step towards strengthening the official control system. The overall control system is still not fully in line with the EU acquis. Considerable effort is needed in the area of animal health and in bringing agri-food establishments into compliance with the EU hygiene and structural requirements.

In fisheries, some progress can be reported overall. In particular some progress has been made on setting up administrative structures as well as on resource and fleet management. Turkey is expected to make further progress in other areas such as inspections and controls.


Commission Report [COM(2010) 660 final – SEC(2010) 1327 – Not published in the Official Journal].

In its 2010 Report, the Commission noted the improvements in the management of the fisheries sector and marine resources. On the other hand, in the field of agriculture, considerable efforts remained to be made in order to develop an appropriate administration, to remove obstacles to trade, to improve the quality of production and to encourage rural development.

Commission Report [COM(2009) 533 final – SEC(2009) 1334 – Not published in the Official Journal].

Commission Report [COM(2008) 674 final - SEC(2008) 2699 – Not published in the Official Journal].

The November 2008 Report indicated that progress made in terms of alignment with the acquis remained limited. Turkey has however strengthened the capacity required to implement IPARD. However, it still had to put into place the corresponding administrative and monitoring structures. Turkey seemed to be drifting away from the principles governing the reformed CAP by encouraging aid related to production.

Commission Report [COM(2007) 663 final – SEC(2007) 1436 – Not published in the Official Journal].

The November 2007 Report recorded some progress on agriculture, in particular the adoption of the legislation on the paying agency for the instrument for pre-accession assistance in the field of rural development (IPARD). Turkey also needed to continue aligning its legislation with the post-reform CAP. On fisheries, there had been some progress as regards resource and fleet management, but more work was needed.

Commission Report [COM(2006) 649 final – SEC(2006) 1390 – Not published in the Official Journal].

The November 2006 Report showed that legislative changes had produced uneven results in the field of agriculture. Some progress had been seen on rural development. However, Turkey's adoption of a new law on agriculture signalled a move away from the principles of the reformed CAP. No progress was reported on fisheries. Limited progress had been made in aligning veterinary, plant-health and food policies. Neither the legislative framework nor the administrative structures to allow implementation of the acquis had been set up.

Commission Report [COM(2005) 561 final – SEC(2005) 1426 – Not published in the Official Journal].

The October 2005 Report indicated that limited progress had been made on alignment with the Common Agriculture Policy mechanisms. In addition, Turkey needed to build the administrative capacity needed to ensure implementation. Nonetheless, progress had been reported in some areas of veterinary, plant-health and food policies. Turkey had not made substantial progress in the fisheries sector, regarding either legislation or administrative restructuring.

Commission Report [COM(2004) 656 final – SEC(2004) 1201 – Not published in the Official Journal].

The October 2004 Report registered that only limited progress had been made since the previous report. Turkey needed to pursue the process of alignment and improve the administrative capacity necessary to satisfy the essential requirements for implementing EU agricultural rules. Similarly, the degree of alignment with the acquis and application of existing regulations was limited.

Commission Report [COM(2003) 676 final – SEC(2003) 1212 – Not published in the Official Journal].

The November 2003 Report highlighted the continued effort being made by Turkey. Generally, programmes needed to be launched in most sectors. Some progress had been made, particularly in the veterinary and plant-health fields, but Turkey had to do more to align its legislation. Limited progress had been made on fisheries.

Commission Report [COM(2002) 700 final – SEC(2002) 1412 – Not published in the Official Journal].

The November 2002 Report showed the limited progress made by Turkey on alignment with EU agriculture and fisheries legislation.

Commission Report [COM(2001) 700 final – SEC(2001) 1756 – Not published in the Official Journal].

The November 2001 Report showed that Turkey was only beginning the process of alignment with the acquis. Moreover, no progress had been made since the previous report on either agriculture or fisheries.

Commission Report [COM(2000) 713 final – Not published in the Official Journal]. The November 2000 Report underlined that many changes were needed to align Turkish agricultural policy with the Community acquis. No progress had been made on fisheries since the previous report.

Commission Report [COM(1999) 513 final – Not published in the Official Journal].

In its October 1999 Report, the Commission noted that Turkey would have to make substantial efforts to align its agricultural policy with the Community acquis. There was no information available to assess Turkey's progress in the area of fisheries.

Commission Report [COM(1998) 711 final – Not published in the Official Journal].

See also

Last updated: 29.12.2011
