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Document C2004/307/09

F-Périgueux: Operation of scheduled air services — Invitation to tender issued by France pursuant to Article 4(1)(d) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 for the operation of scheduled air services between Bergerac (Roumanières), Périgueux (Val de Loire) and Paris (Orly)Text with EEA relevance

ĠU C 307, 11.12.2004, p. 22–23 (ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)



Official Journal of the European Union

C 307/22

F-Périgueux: Operation of scheduled air services

Invitation to tender issued by France pursuant to Article 4(1)(d) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 for the operation of scheduled air services between Bergerac (Roumanières), Périgueux (Val de Loire) and Paris (Orly)

(2004/C 307/09)

(Text with EEA relevance)


Introduction: France has decided to impose public service obligations on scheduled air services between Bergerac (Roumanières) and Paris (Orly) and between Périgueux (Bassillac) and Paris (Orly) pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes. The standards required by these public service obligations were published in Official Journal of the European Union C 306 of 10.12.2004.

If on 28.2.2005 no air carrier has begun or is about to begin operating scheduled air services between Bergerac (Roumanières) and Paris (Orly) and between Périgueux (Bassillac) and Paris (Orly) in accordance with the public service obligations imposed and without requesting financial compensation, France has decided, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 4(1)(d) of the above-mentioned Regulation, to limit access to a single carrier and to offer the right to operate such services from 1.4.2005 by public tender.


Subject of the invitation to tender: The operation from 1.4.2005 of scheduled air services between Bergerac (Roumanières) and Paris (Orly) and between Périgueux (Bassillac) and Paris (Orly), the route followed being Bergerac (Roumanières) - Périgueux (Bassillac) - Paris (Orly) and vice-versa, in accordance with the public service obligations imposed on this route, as published in Official Journal of the European Union C 306 of 10.12.2004.


Participation in the invitation to tender: Participation is open to all Community air carriers who hold a valid operating licence issued in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92 of 23 July 1992 on licensing of air carriers.


Tender procedure: This invitation to tender is subject to the provisions of Article 4(1)(d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92.


Tender dossier: The full tender dossier, including the specific rules for this invitation to tender and the public service delegation agreement and its technical annex (text of the public service obligations published in the Official Journal of the European Union) is obtainable free of charge from:

Syndicat Mixte Air Dordogne, Hôtel du Département, 2, rue Paul Louis Courier, F-24019 Périgueux Cedex. Tel.: (33) 5 53 02 20 51 ou 5 53 02 20 70. Fax: (33) 5 53 03 46 54 ou 5 53 09 28 38.


Financial compensation: Tenders must explicitly state the amount of compensation required for operating the route for three years from the scheduled starting date (with an annual breakdown). The exact amount of compensation finally granted will be determined annually ex post on the basis of the costs and revenue actually generated by the service, within the limits of the amount stated in the tender. This maximum limit may be revised only in the event of unforeseen changes in the operating conditions.

The annual payments will be made in the form of instalments and a balance. The balance will be paid only after approval of the carrier's accounts for the route in question and verification that the service has been operated in accordance with the conditions laid down in point 8 below.

In the event of termination of the contract before its normal expiry date, point 8 will be applied as soon as possible to allow payment to the carrier of the balance due, the maximum amount referred to in the first sub-paragraph being reduced, where appropriate, in proportion to the actual duration of the service.


Duration of the contract: The duration of the contract (public service delegation agreement) is three years from the date scheduled for the commencement of the services mentioned in point 2 of this invitation to tender.


Verification of the operation of the service and of the carrier's accounts: The operation of the service and the carrier's cost accounting for the route in question will be examined at least once a year in cooperation with the carrier.


Termination of contract and notice: The contract may be terminated by either contracting party before the end of the normal period of validity by giving six months' notice. If the carrier fails to comply with a public service obligations, it will be deemed to have terminated the contract without notice if it does not resume the service in accordance with the public service obligations within one month of the serving of formal notice.


Penalties: Failure by the carrier to observe the period of notice referred to in point 9 will be subject either to an administrative fine of up to 7 622,45 EUR pursuant to Article R.330-20 of the Civil Aviation Code, or to a penalty calculated on the basis of the number of months of default and the real operation loss of the service during the year in question, not exceeding the maximum financial compensation provided for in point 6.

In the event of serious breaches of the public service obligation, the carrier may be deemed to have terminated the contract without notice.

In the event of minor breaches of the public service obligation, the maximum financial compensation provided for in point 6 will be reduced, without prejudice to the application of the provisions of Article R.330-20 of the Civil Aviation Code. Such reductions will take account, as appropriate, of the number of flights cancelled for reasons directly attributable to the carrier, the number of flights made with less than the required capacity, the number of flights not complying with the public service obligations regarding stops, and the number of days of non-compliance with the public service obligations regarding time at destination, fares charged or the use of computerised booking services.


Submission of tenders: Tenders must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt (the date on the latter will serve as proof of the date of receipt) or delivered by hand (in which case a receipt must be obtained), to arrive at the latest six weeks after the date of publication of this invitation to tender in the Official Journal of the European Union, before 17.00 hours (local time) at the following address:

Syndicat mixte Air Dordogne, Hôtel du Département, 2, rue Paul Louis Courier, F-24019 Périgueux Cedex. Tel.: (33) 5 53 02 20 51 ou 5 53 02 20 70 Fax: (33) 5 53 03 46 54 ou 5 53 09 28 38.


Validity of the invitation to tender: In accordance with article 4(1)(d) of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992, the validity of this invitation to tender is subject to the condition that no Community carrier presents by 28.2.2005 a programme for operating the route in question from 1.4.2005 in accordance with the public service obligations imposed, without receiving any financial compensation.
