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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document Ares(2021)7881104

    Initiative summary:
    Fair mobility also means protection for passengers and their rights. The Commission will review the passenger rights regulatory framework to notably ensure its resilience to travel disruptions, and including options for multimodal tickets. It will assess the options and propose, if appropriate, an adequate financial protection scheme to protect passengers against the risk of a liquidity crisis or an insolvency regarding the reimbursement of tickets and, if needed, their repatriation.
    EuroVoc thesaurus:
    politika komuni tat-trasport; trasport marittimu; trasport ferrovjarju; drittijiet tal-passiġġieri; trasport bl-ajru; persuna fiżikament diżabbli; ġarr ta’ passiġġieri; informazzjoni għall-konsumatur; trasport fuq mogħdijiet tal-ilma naviġabbli; karozza tal-linja; intermedjarju kummerċjali; indennizz; biljett; pakkett tal-ivvjaġġar; trattament indaqs;   trasport ikkombinat; persuna b'diżabbiltà