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New EU system for the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax abuse in the field of withholding taxes (WHT)
DOKUMENT TA’ ĦIDMA TAL-PERSUNAL TAL-KUMMISSJONI SOMMARJU EŻEKUTTIV TAR-RAPPORT TAL-VALUTAZZJONI TAL-IMPATT Sistema ġdida tal-UE għall-evitar tat-tassazzjoni doppja u l-prevenzjoni tal-abbuż tat-taxxa fil-qasam tal-proċeduri tat-taxxi f’ras il-għajn (WHT) Li jakkumpanja d-dokument Proposta għal Direttiva tal-Kunsill dwar Ħelsien Aktar Rapidu u Aktar Sikur mit-Taxxi f’Ras il-Għajn Eċċessivi
Initiative summary:
Fostering cross-border investment and simplifying taxation is one of the priorities of the European Commission. Despite actions already undertaken, tax barriers to cross-border investment still persist within the EU. This initiative proposes introducing a common, standardised, EU-wide system for withholding tax relief at source. A system for exchange of information and cooperation between tax authorities will complement the initiative.