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Advanced alternative dispute resolution for consumers
Proposta għal REGOLAMENT TAL-PARLAMENT EWROPEW U TAL-KUNSILL li jħassar ir-Regolament (UE) Nru 524/2013 u li jemenda r-Regolamenti (UE) 2017/2394 u (UE) 2018/1724 fir-rigward tal-waqfien tal-Pjattaforma Ewropea tal-ODR
Initiative summary:
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) aims to ensure redress for consumers without having to go to court. ADR legislation needs to be adapted to digital markets that require fast and simple redress mechanisms. Consumers and businesses increasingly use private systems not meeting the ADR Directive requirements, depriving consumers of fair redress. The initiative aims to modernise the ADR framework in view of online intermediaries, online pre-contractual information and third country traders.