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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document 52021DC0070

Initiative summary:
Defence, space and civil (including security) industries face unprecedented global competition, in a changing geo-political context. They also face new opportunities with the emergence of rapidly evolving technologies, and the emergence of new actors. By seeking synergies and cross-fertilisation in EU programmes, the EU will make more effective use of resources and technologies and create economies of scale.
EuroVoc thesaurus:
politika tar-riċerka tal-UE; sikurezza okkupazzjonali; suq uniku diġitali; politika industrijali; industrija ajrunawtika; standardizzazzjoni; relazzjoni industrija riċerka; trasferiment tat-teknoloġija; programm ta’ azzjoni; riċerka u żvilupp; kooperazzjoni industrijali; innovazzjoni; politika Ewropea tad-difiża; industrija ajruspazjali