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Document 52013SC0491


    /* SWD/2013/0491 final */



    1.           Introduction

    This Commission Staff Working Document accompanies the 'Thirteenth Report on the practical preparations for the enlargement of the euro area'. While the Report deals with the changeover preparations in Latvia where euro banknotes and coins will acquire legal tender status on 1 January 2014, this Staff Working Document provides information on the state of practical preparations for the changeover in the Member States which have yet to adopt the euro[1]. It summarises the developments in each Member State from October 2010 (state of play reflected in the last Staff Working Document[2]) until end of October 2013. Moreover, it provides an overview on how these Member States respect the provisions of the 'Commission Recommendation of 10 January 2008 on measures to facilitate future changeovers to the euro (2008/78/EC)'[3]. The Annex provides a synoptic overview of the overall state of play of the national changeover preparations.

    2.           Preparations at national level

    2.1.        Bulgaria

    In Bulgaria, a changeover target date has not been set and the practical preparations for the introduction of the euro have not been launched.

    2.2.        Czech Republic

    A target date for the adoption of the euro has not been set. The 'National Changeover Plan' was approved in April 2007. Progress on the practical preparations has not been assessed since the publication of the last Commission Staff Working Document[4].

    The dedicated national euro changeover website ( displays euro-related governmental documents and the documents produced by the National Coordination Group for Euro Adoption (established in November 2005) and its Working Groups.

    2.3.        Croatia

    Croatia has only joined the European Union on 1 July 2013. It has not yet set a target date for euro adoption and the practical preparations have not yet been launched.

    2.4.        Lithuania

    The Lithuanian Government has set 1 January 2015 as the target date for the adoption of the euro. Practical preparations have been reinforced. A new National Changeover Plan was approved by the Government on 26 June 2013. It is envisaged to update the National Changeover Plan in mid-November 2013. The preparations for euro adoption are coordinated by the Commission for the Coordination of the Adoption of the Euro which was set up on 27 February 2013. The Commission is composed of the Prime Minister (Chair), the Minister of Finance and the Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania.

    The Law on the Adoption of the euro is currently being prepared and is envisaged to be adopted after the Council has determined that Lithuania fulfils the necessary conditions for the adoption of the euro and has decided to abrogate Lithuania's derogation. The legal acts which have to be adopted with a view to euro introduction are currently being reviewed.

    The Government approved the “Public Information on the Euro Adoption and Communication Strategy of Lithuania" on 26 June 2013. An update is envisaged for mid-November 2013. Information on the changeover preparations is available on the national euro changeover website and the websites of the Bank of Lithuania ( and of the Ministry of Finance (

    2.5.        Hungary

    Hungary has not set the target date for euro adoption. The National Changeover Plan was last updated in 2009. The National Euro Coordination Committee (NECC) is the national body for coordinating the changeover preparations. The NECC is composed of high level representatives of Ministries and central governmental institutions.

    The section on communication in the National Changeover Plan defines basic principles, actors, messages and target groups for the communication on the euro.

    The twinning programme on practical preparations for the euro changeover with French and Slovak experts launched in 2010 is still on-going. The programme covers numerous aspects of the euro changeover, such as preparations of the public and the business sector, cash changeover preparations, communication aspects and activities for vulnerable groups.

    2.6.        Poland

    A target date for the euro adoption in Poland has not been set. The National Euro Changeover Plan was approved by the European Committee of the Council of Ministers in 2011 and is currently being revised, taking into account inter alia insights gained in a twinning program (2011 - 2012) with Austria, the Netherlands and Slovakia.

    The organizational structure for the euro adoption comprises the National Coordination Committee for the Euro Changeover, the Coordinating Council, eight Working Committees and two Task Groups. The Committee and the Council are chaired by the Government Plenipotentiary for the Euro Adoption in Poland and co-chaired by the Plenipotentiary of the National Bank of Poland's Management Board.

    Information on activities of the bodies involved in the changeover preparations are published on the website of the Government Plenipotentiary for the Euro Adoption in Poland ( The dedicated communication strategy will be published alongside the update of the National Euro Changeover Plan.

    In March 2011, the Bureau of Government Plenipotentiary for Euro Adoption in Poland and the European Commission hosted a conference on euro changeover preparations with a view to fostering exchange of knowledge and experiences in different fields of the changeover process such as cash changeover, financial and non-financial sector, public administration, consumer protection, and communication strategy. In July 2012, a conference was held on the Economic Governance in the EU/euro area and its lessons for Poland. Discussions addressed inter alia potential implications of the crisis for revisiting the balance of costs and benefits of the euro adoption.

    In cooperation with the European Commission, the National Bank of Poland has organised a travelling exhibition "Euro – a currency for Europe", with multiple stops in Polish regional capitals. The project started in 2012 and is set to continue in 2014.

    2.7.        Romania

    Romania does not have a target date for adopting the euro. In May 2011, the Interministerial Committee for changeover to euro has been established by decision of the Prime Minister. The Committee is composed of high level representative of Ministries and central governmental institutions. It is chaired by the Prime Minister and co-chaired by the Governor of the National Bank of Romania.

    2.8.        Sweden

    Sweden does not have a target date for adopting the euro. The preparations were stalled by the negative outcome of the referendum of 14 September 2003.

    3.           Protection of the euro against counterfeiting

    Concerning the protection of the euro against counterfeiting, the Member States addressed in this Staff Working Document have established the national authorities as required by Article 2 of Regulation 2001/1338/EC; their representatives participate in the meetings of the expert groups and have received appropriate training.

    4.           respecting the provisions of the Commission Recommendation on measures to facilitate future changeovers to the euro

    This section provides an overview on how the concerned Member States meet the provisions of the Commission Recommendation of 10 January 2008 on measures to facilitate future changeovers to the euro (2008/78/EC). It is based solely on publicly available information as at end of October 2013 and therefore may not reflect all preparations which are under way.

    || BG || CZ || HR || LT || HU || PL || RO || SE

    Article 1: Steering and organisation

    Set up of appropriate national coordination structures || || X || || X || X || X || X ||

    National changeover plan: 1. Prepared 2. Discussed with economic operators 3. Regularly updated || || X X || || X X X || X X X || X X || ||

    Article 2: Facilitating preparation of citizens

    Dual display of prices should be imposed by the national law || || X || || X || X || || ||

    Compulsory dual display planned as from the irrevocable fixing of the exchange rate || || X || || X || X || || ||

    Min. 6 months and max. 1 year long compulsory dual display after €-day planned || || X || || X || X || || ||

    Any charges for accepting €-payments imposed by businesses before €-day should be displayed separately || || || || || || || ||

    Legal ban on using a rate other than the official conversion rate || || X || || X || X || || ||

    Plans to inform citizens about security features of euro cash || || X || || || X || || ||

    Special information programmes for vulnerable groups planned || || X || || X || X || || ||

    Training sessions for personnel working with cash/in direct contact with public envisaged: 1. By public administration 2. By businesses || || || || || X || || ||

    Plans for the provision of information to SMEs by: 1.Public administration bodies 2.Professional associations, chambers of commerce, business advisors || || X || || || X || || ||

    Plans for the provision of information by credit institutions to their customers || || || || || X || || ||

    Plans to monitor progress in preparations by means of surveys || || X || || X || X || || ||

    Article 3: Ensuring a quick introduction of euro cash

    Planned dishoarding campaign aimed at citizens || || X || || X || || || ||

    1. Frontloading 2. Sub-frontloading schedules put in place || || || || || || || ||

    Euro coin kits for retailers || || || || || || || ||

    Plans for financially attractive deferred debiting || || || || X || || || ||

    Mini coin kits for citizens: 1. Production envisaged 2. At least 1 kit per household || || || || || || || ||

    ATMs should be adapted as of €-day || || X || || X || || || ||

    Plans for temporary closure of ATMs that cannot be adapted for technical reasons || || || || || || || ||

    Giving of change in € only as of €-day || || X || || X || X || || ||

    Plans for ad-hoc measures due to increased cash volume in sales outlets || || || || || || || ||

    POS terminals should be switched to euro as of €-day || || X || || X || X || || ||

    Consumers will be encouraged to use electronic payment means || || || || X || || || ||

    Plans for extra opening days in credit institutions around €-day || || || || || || || ||

    Plans for extended opening hours in credit institutions around €-day || || || || || || || ||

    Article 4: Prevention of abusive practices and wrong perceptions on price evolutions

    Planned agreements on neutral impact of changeover on prices (e.g. Fair Pricing agreement) || || X || || X || X || || ||

    Planned logo to identify the subscribers of the Fair Pricing agreement || || || || X || X || || ||

    Planned advertisement for the Fair Pricing agreement logo || || || || || || || ||

    Close monitoring of compliance with commitments by subscribers planned || || || || || X || || ||

    Planned dissuasive measures for non-compliance with the Fair Pricing agreement || || || || || || || ||

    Planned monitoring of prices from the adoption of conversion rate until the end of dual display || || || || X || X || || ||

    Regular publication of information on evolution of prices around €-day || || || || X || || || ||

    Alignment of bank charges for payments in € with those applicable to payments in national currency before €-day || || || || || || || ||


    || Bulgaria || Czech Republic

    Changeover organisation || ||

    National target date for euro adoption || There is no target date for adopting the euro. According to the Common Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers and the Bulgarian National Bank signed in 2004, the euro should be introduced ‘as soon as possible’, after the Maastricht criteria are met. || Not decided. The former preliminary target date (1 January 2010) was withdrawn by the Government on 25 October 2006.

    National co-ordinating institution || || The National Co-ordination Group (NCG) held its first meeting on 20 February 2006. Six Working Groups (WGs) were established for different areas of practical preparations. The work of the NCG and WGs is organised by the NCG's Managing Committee. On 28 March 2007, a new National Co-ordinator for Euro Adoption was appointed by the Government.

    (Approved) National Changeover Plan || A Common Agreement on euro adoption was signed between the Government and the Bulgarian National Bank in 2004. It provides for the broad framework and the main principles of euro introduction in Bulgaria: || The Czech Republic’s Euro Accession Strategy was approved by the Government in October 2003: An updated version was approved by the Czech Government in August 2007: The National Changeover Plan was approved by the Czech Government on 11 April 2007. It was published in hardcopy, in both English and Czech versions. The First Progress Report to the National Changeover Plan was approved by the Czech Government on 9 April 2008: The Second Progress Report was approved on 30 March 2009: The Third Progress Report was adopted on 19 April 2010:

    Changeover details || ||

    Type of scenario || || "Big bang". On 30 June 2006 the National Co-ordination Group recommended the Government to use the "big bang" scenario. The Recommendation was approved by the Government on 25 October 2006.

    Dual circulation period || || Two weeks starting from €-day

    Exchange of national banknotes and coins || || The Czech National Bank, commercial banks and other selected entities will exchange Czech korunas for the euro for at least six months after €-day. Subsequently, the legacy currency will only be exchanged at the Czech National Bank. The maximum length of the banknote exchange period is to be decided, while the coins will be exchangeable for a period of five years.

    Campaign for rapid withdrawal of national banknotes and coins || || Depends on the day of the € introduction

    Frontloading and sub-frontloading || || The frontloading of banks will start three months ahead of €-day and sub-frontloading of the non-financial sector will start one month before €-day.

    ATMs issuing euro only || || Not planned yet

    Change in euro only || || yes

    Dual display of prices || || The mandatory dual display of prices will be introduced within one month after the announcement of the official conversion rate and will continue for twelve months after the changeover date. The first version of the Recommendation on the dual display of prices was elaborated in 2009:

    Consumer confidence building measures (e.g. voluntary Fair Pricing Agreements) || || A voluntary agreement with retailers (fair-pricing agreement) and a 'memorandum of understanding', to be signed by retail and services sector and consumer protection associations. These measures should be launched no later than one month after the announcement of the conversion rate. The basic principles of the price monitoring and control were elaborated by the Information Technology and Statistics WG in November 2009:

    Adaptation of national law || || The necessary adaptations of national law have been analysed by the Legislation Working Group of the National Coordination Group. On l March 2009 the Government decided to adopt an 'indirect' approach to adaptations of legal system, combined with individual adjustments of legal texts, if necessary. A general timetable of legal adjustments was elaborated with a view to introducing the euro.

    Euro banknotes and coins || ||

    Design of the national side || || Not planned yet

    Number of different coin designs || || Not planned yet

    Coin supplier || || Suppliers would be chosen via a public call for tender.

    Estimate of the need for banknotes and coins || || Not planned yet

    Communication activities || ||

    Communication strategy || || A draft version was prepared in September 2009 by the Communication Working Group.

    Activities || || The leaflet “Preparations of the Czech Republic for the adoption of the euro” was printed and distributed country-wide in June 2007. The conference “The euro – our future currency” was held in October 2007 in Prague.

    Addresses of websites on euro changeover: || || Government EU information department: Ministry of Finance: http:// National changeover website (in Czech and English): http:// Czech National Bank:

    Partnership agreement || ||

    Other issues || || The guidelines on rounding and smoothing of prices prepared by the NCG Management Committee in October 2007, the estimate of budgetary costs of smoothing in the public sector published in March 2008 and the guidelines for the preparations of the banking sector for the introduction of euro prepared by the Financial Sector WG in 2008 and updated in 2009 are available at: International Conference “Ten years of the Euro Inspirations for the Czech Republic” held in Prague in November 2008:

    ERM II entry || ||

    Twinning agreement || || Following the twinning project between the National Bank of Belgium, the Czech Ministry of Finance and the Czech National Bank (2007-2008), a new twinning project between the French authorities (Adetef), the Czech Ministry of Finance and the National Bank of Slovakia was approved by the Commission in September 2010, started on 6-7 October with a meeting in Prague and ended successfully with a meeting in Bratislava held from 31 May to 2 June 2011.

    || Croatia || Lithuania

    Changeover organisation || ||

    National target date for euro adoption || Croatia has not yet set the target date for euro adoption and the practical preparations have not yet been launched. || 1 January 2015

    National co-ordinating institution || || Commission for the Coordination of the Adoption of the Euro in the Republic of Lithuania, established on 27 February 2013.

    (Approved) National Changeover Plan || || The National Changeover Plan was approved by the Government on 26 June 2013. Lithuanian version: The update of the National Changeover Plan is envisaged to be adopted in mid-November 2013.

    Changeover details || ||

    Type of scenario || || "Big-bang"

    Dual circulation period || || 15 days

    Exchange of national banknotes and coins || || Lithuanian Post Office: free of charge 60 days after €-day. Commercial banks: free of charge six months after €-day; twelve months after €-day at the branches to be determined by the Bank of Lithuania. Central bank: free of charge for an unlimited period.

    Campaign for rapid withdrawal of national banknotes and coins || || Consumers will be encouraged to deposit cash with banks before €-day.

    Frontloading and sub-frontloading || || The start of frontloading of euro banknotes to commercial banks: two months before €-day, euro coins: three months before €-day. Sub-frontloading of euro banknotes and coins to retailers during the last month before €-day.

    ATMs issuing euro only || || As from €-day ATMs will dispense only euro banknotes.

    Change in euro only || || Recommendation to give change in euro only.

    Dual display of prices || || The period of the mandatory dual display of price will start 30 calendar days following the adoption of the EU Council decision on the  irrevocably fixed conversion rate of the euro to the litas and end one year after €-day.

    Consumer confidence building measures (e.g. agreements with retailers) || || Business associations and organisations will be encouraged to adopt a “Memorandum on Good Business Practice (Will)” (correct conversion, no speculative price increases etc.); subscribers will be authorised to use a logo of the Memorandum.

    Adaptation of national law || || The Law on the Adoption of the euro is being prepared (contains the rules on conversion and exchange of litas to the euro, withdrawal of litas from circulation, dual display of prices, presentation of designs of euro banknotes and Lithuanian euro coins, redenomination of securities etc.). The law will be officially adopted once the derogation has been lifted. The legal acts that are to be adopted before the introduction of the euro in the Republic of Lithuania are being reviewed at the moment and should be adopted at least 2 months in advance of the introduction of the euro.

    Euro banknotes and coins || || ||

    Design of the national side || || Chosen in 2005

    Nr of different coin designs || || One design

    Coin supplier || || Lithuanian Mint

    Estimation on the need for banknotes and coins || || About 175 million banknotes and 350 million coins. Final projections will be confirmed in February 2014.

    Communication activities || || ||

    Communication strategy || || The “Public Information on the Euro Adoption and Communication Strategy of Lithuania” was approved by the Government on 26 June 2013. Lithuanian version: The update of the Strategy is going to be adopted in mid-November 2013.

    Addresses of websites on euro changeover: Government/Ministry of Finance; Central Bank || || The national euro website ( Regularly updated websites of the Bank of Lithuania ( ) and of the Ministry of Finance (

    Partnership agreement || || Signed on 8 November 2005. Prolongation signed on 5 February 2008 and on 2 February 2010.

    Other issues || ||

    ERM II entry || || 28 June 2004

    Twinning agreement || || Three Twinning agreements completed: NL – SI – LT on communication and information strategy; BE – LT on tax-related questions; BE – LT on departmental management related to the changeover.

    || Hungary || Poland

    Changeover organisation

    National target date for euro adoption || Not decided. || Not decided.

    National co-ordinating institution || The Government decided on 12 September 2007 to set up the National Euro Coordination Committee. The key task of the Committee is to co-ordinate the practical preparations for the changeover. The NECC is composed of high level representatives of Ministries and central governmental institutions responsible for the first phase of the practical preparation. || The Government Plenipotentiary for the Euro Adoption in Poland was appointed in January 2009. In November 2009 the organizational structure for euro adoption was officially set up. The structure currently comprises the National Coordination Committee for Euro Changeover, Coordinating Council, as well as eight Working Committees and two Task Groups. The Committee and the Council are chaired by the Government Plenipotentiary and co-chaired by the Plenipotentiary of the National Bank of Poland’s Management Board. Overall, more than 30 institutions are involved in the organizational structure for euro adoption in Poland

    (Approved) National Changeover Plan || The Government adopted the updated version of the National Changeover Plan in November 2009, || The Guidelines for National Euro Changeover Plan were published in 2010 after approval by the Council of Ministers. National Euro Changeover Plan was approved in 2011 by European Committee of Council of Ministers. An update of NECP is under preparation.

    Changeover details || ||

    Type of scenario || "Big-bang". || Not decided yet.

    Dual circulation period || Shorter than one month, exact length is to be decided ||

    Exchange of national banknotes and coins || The conditions and the length of the period for the exchange of national banknotes and coins are yet to be decided. However, in accordance with the prevailing law, forint coins and notes may be exchanged at face value at the Magyar Nemzeti Bank within five and twenty years, respectively, from the date when the forint is withdrawn from circulation (the end date of the dual circulation period). ||

    Campaign for rapid withdrawal of national banknotes and coins || ||

    Frontloading and sub-frontloading || Conditions for frontloading and sub-frontloading to be established six months before €-day. Sub-frontloading to businesses: to be started several weeks before €-day, to be completed by €-day at the latest. ||

    ATMs issuing euro only || ||

    Change in euro only || From €-day customers receive back all change in euro (including the dual circulation period) ||

    Dual display of prices || Compulsory: from the earliest possible date after the conversion rate is irrevocably fixed until the 30 June following €-day. || To be specified in the update of National Euro Changeover Plan.

    Consumer confidence building measures (e.g. agreements with retailers) || Voluntary agreements on fair pricing should be signed with retailers and service providers. The signatories will be entitled to use a special logo. Prices should be regularly monitored by public institutions and organisations of consumers. The results of the monitoring are to be regularly communicated to citizens. || To be specified in the update of National Euro Changeover Plan.

    Adaptation of national law || The National Plan provides for an 'umbrella law' plus individual adjustments of legal texts if necessary. || A review of necessary amendments was prepared and is to be regularly updated by Working Committee for Legal Adjustments.

    Euro banknotes and coins || ||

    Design of the national side || To be decided. || To be specified in the update of National Euro Changeover Plan.

    Nr of different coin designs || ||

    Coin supplier || To be decided. ||

    Estimate of the need for banknotes and coins || To be decided. ||

    Communication activities || ||

    Communication strategy || The section on communication in the National Changeover Plan defines basic principles, actors, messages and target groups for the communication on the euro. || Prepared by the Working Committee for Communication Strategy in 2011 and approved by the Coordinating Council. To be published along with the update of National Euro Changeover Plan (as a supplementary document).

    Activities || || In cooperation with the European Commission, the National Bank of Poland has organised a travelling exhibition "Euro – a currency for Europe", with multiple stops in Polish regional capitals. The project started in 2012 and is set to continue in 2014.

    Addresses of websites on euro changeover: Ministry of Finance/Government; Central Bank || A dedicated national euro website was activated in December 2006. Hungarian version: English version: || Website of the Government Plenipotentiary for the Euro Adoption in Poland: Website of the National Bank of Poland:

    Partnership agreement || ||

    Other issues || ||

    ERM II entry || ||

    Twinning agreement || AT and HU on communication and information strategy (finalised). FR­- HU: A three day seminar on public sector preparations for the changeover, legal and communication issues was held in Budapest FR-SK-HU twinning programme started at beginning of 2010. || 2005-2006 DE-PL on communication and information strategy and other practical aspects of the changeover 2011-2012 Twinning agreement with Austria, The Netherlands and Slovakia.

    || Romania || Sweden

    Changeover plan || ||

    National target date for euro adoption || Not decided. || Not decided.

    National co-ordinating institution || In May 2011, the Interministerial Committee for changeover to euro has been established by Decision of the Prime Minister no. 58/2011. The Committee is composed of high level representative of Ministries and central governmental institutions, is chaired by Prime Minister and co-chaired by the Governor of the National Bank of Romania. ||

    (Approved) National Changeover Plan || ||

    Changeover details

    Type of scenario || ||

    Dual circulation period || ||

    Exchange of national banknotes and coins || ||

    Campaign for rapid withdrawal of national banknotes and coins || ||

    Frontloading and sub-frontloading || ||

    ATMs issuing euro only || ||

    Change in euro only || ||

    Dual display of prices || ||

    Consumer confidence building measures (e.g. agreements with retailers) || ||

    Adaptation of national law || ||

    Euro banknotes and coins || ||

    Design of the national side || ||

    Nr of different coin designs || ||

    Coin supplier || ||

    Estimation on the need for banknotes and coins || ||

    Communication activities || ||

    Communication strategy || ||

    Addresses of websites on euro changeover: Government/Ministry of Finance; Central Bank || ||

    Partnership agreement || ||

    Other issues || ||

    ERM II entry || ||

    Twinning agreement || ||

    [1]               Eleven previous reports on this subject were published between November 2004 and November 2010. See:

    [2]               Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the document 'Eleventh Report on the practical preparations for the enlargement of the euro area' – SEC(2010) 1373, 12.11.2010.

    [3]               Notified under document number C(2007) 6912 (OJ L 23, 26.1.2008, p. 30).

    [4]               The last assessment was made in the 'Progress Report on the fulfilment of the National Changeover Plan' of April 2010.
