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Document 52004DC0657

    Komisijas paziņojums Padomei un Eiropas Parlamentam - Eiropas Komisijas paplašināšanās procesa sekmēšanas rīcības plāns {SEK(2004) 1199, 1200}

    /* COM/2004/0657 galīgā redakcija */


    Komisijas paziņojums Padomei un Eiropas Parlamentam - Eiropas Komisijas paplašināšanās procesa sekmēšanas rīcības plāns {SEK(2004) 1199, 1200} /* COM/2004/0657 galīgā redakcija */

    Briselē, 06.10.2004.

    KOM(2004) 657 galīgā versija


    Eiropas Komisijas paplašināšanās procesa sekmēšanas rīcības plāns{SEK(2004) 1199, 1200} KOMISIJAS PAZIŅOJUMSPADOMEI UN EIROPAS PARLAMENTAM

    Eiropas Komisijas paplašināšanās procesa sekmēšanas rīcības plāns

    ES paplašināšanās 2004. gada 1. maijā par desmit jaunām dalībvalstīm ir vēl vairāk nostiprinājusi Eiropas kontinenta vienotību. Vēsturiskie un politiskie argumenti šīs paplašināšanās labā ir neapstrīdami: tā vairo mieru, labklājību, stabilitāti un drošību, kā arī ir devusi būtisku ekonomisku labumu.

    Bulgārija un Rumānija ir šī 1997. gadā uzsāktā paplašināšanās procesa neatņemama daļa. Abas valstis ir tuvu sarunu pabeigšanai. Ja tās būs gatavas, tad ES mērķis ir abas valstis kā dalībnieces uzņemt 2007. gada janvārī.

    Šī gada kārtējos ziņojumos Komisijas novērtējums apstiprina, ka Eiropas Savienības pirmspievienošanās stratēģija attiecībā uz Bulgāriju un Rumāniju ir bijusi veiksmīga. Pārveidošanās process abās valstīs ir ticis paātrināts sakarā ar paplašināšanās izredzēm. Komisija pieliks visus spēkus, lai izpildītu Eiropas Padomes mērķi, pamatojoties uz valstu pašu nopelniem, novest sarunas ar Bulgāriju un Rumāniju līdz veiksmīgam noslēgumam 2004. gadā ar nolūku parakstīt Pievienošanās līgumu 2005. gadā cik vien ātri tas iespējams.

    Eiropas Padome 2004. gada jūnijā nolēma, ka pievienošanās sarunām ar Horvātiju ir jāsākas 2005. gada sākumā. Komisija tālāk izklāsta ieteikumus šo sarunu uzbūvei, balstoties uz pašreizējā paplašināšanās procesa pieredzi. Tie ietver arī pirmspievienošanās stratēģiju Horvātijai, to skaitā finanšu dokumentus.

    Saskaņā ar Eiropas Padomes 2002. gada decembra atzinumiem, Komisija atsevišķā dokumentā novērtē, vai Turcija atbilst Kopenhāgenas politiskajam kritērijam un vai ir jāiesāk pievienošanās sarunas[1]. Visām Rietumbalkānu valstīm ir izredzes kļūt par kandidātvalstīm. Bijusī Dienvidslāvijas Maķedonijas Republika jau ir pieteikusies uz dalību un Komisija pēc Padomes pieprasījuma gatavo atzinumu par šo pieteikumu.

    Kārtējos ziņojumos ir novērtēta Bulgārijas un Rumānijas veiktā virzība uz atbilstību dalības kritērijiem attiecībā uz pieņemtajiem vai ieviestajiem likumiem un pasākumiem.

    Šī gada kārtējie ziņojumi pirms pievienošanās novērtē Bulgārijas un Rumānijas spējas uzņemties visus dalības pienākumus. Tie izvērtē pēdējā gada laikā veikto attīstību, kā arī apskata katrā valstī sasniegto progresu kopš 1997. gada atzinumiem un to sasniegumus, īstenojot sarunās noteiktās saistības.

    Bulgārija un Rumānija turpina īstenot Kopenhāgenas politiskos kritērijus. Uzlabojumi ir jāveic galvenokārt valsts administrācijas reformā, tiesu sistēmas darbībā un cīņā pret korupciju.

    Bulgārija un Rumānija atbilst kritērijam par funkcionējošu tirgus ekonomiku. Bulgārijas reformu virziena turpināšanai un enerģiskai Rumānijas strukturālās reformas programmas īstenošanai vajadzētu nodrošināt, ka tās tiek galā ar konkurences spiedienu un tirgus spēkiem Savienībā.

    Bulgārija un Rumānija ir turpinājušas progresēt, pārņemot Eiropas Savienības likumdošanas paketes un ir vispārīgi izpildījušas sarunās noteiktās saistības. Ar noteikumu, ka tiek saglabāts pašreizējais attīstības temps, tās ir ceļā uz pievienošanās nepieciešamo likumu pārņemšanu. Tām ir jāturpina pasākumi, lai attīstītu pietiekošas pārvaldes un tiesiskās spējas ieviest un īstenot Eiropas Savienības acquis.

    Kārtējo ziņojumu secinājumi par Bulgāriju un Rumāniju ir pievienoti 1. pielikumā. Kārtējie ziņojumi norāda uz vairākām jomām, kurās ir jāveic tālāki uzlabojumi saistībā ar politiskajiem un ekonomiskajiem kritērijiem un attiecībā uz Eiropas Savienības acquis pārņemšanu, ieviešanu un īstenošanu. Šajās jomās ir enerģiski jādarbojas, lai pirms pievienošanās novērstu atklātās nepilnības.

    Pievienošanās sarunas ir ievērojami pavirzījušās uz priekšu. Pamats Bulgārijas un Rumānijas pievienošanās finansēšanai tika noteikts 2004. gada pavasarī. Tas ļāva 2004. gada jūnijā uz laiku slēgt visas sarunu sadaļas ar Bulgāriju. Rumānijai atliek trīs vienošanās sadaļas (konkurence, apkārtējā vide, tiesības un iekšlietas), kā arī daļas no 31. sadaļas (Citi jautājumi). Jo īpaši papildu centieni ir nepieciešami konkurences sadaļā attiecībā uz valsts atbalstu un tiesas un iekšlietu sadaļā attiecībā uz tiesisko sadarbību, cīņu pret korupciju un organizēto noziedzību, robežu pārvaldi.

    Saskaņā ar iepriekšējo paplašināšanās praksi, noteiktā laka posmā, kad tiks apskatītas jaunos Eiropas Savienības acquis, sarunās nebūs iespējams iet tālāk. Ņemot vērā gan pašreizējo stāvokli, kad sarunas ir stipri pavirzījušās uz priekšu, gan izredzes parakstīt pievienošanās līgumu pēc iespējas ātrāk 2005. gadā, Komisija uzskata, ka sarunām ir jāaptver visi Eiropas Savienības acquis, kuri ir pieņemti un publicēti līdz 2004. gada 1. oktobrim. Bulgārijai un Rumānijai tādēļ ir jānorāda savs stāvoklis attiecībā uz visām jaunajiem Eiropas Savienības acquis, kuri ir pieņemti līdz šim datumam. Tas ļautu pirms sarunu beigšanas tikt galā ar visiem pārejas pasākumiem.

    Pievienošanās sarunu rezultāti norunāto pārejas pasākumu izteiksmē un Eiropas Savienības acquis formālā piemērošana tiks ietverta Pievienošanās līgumā kā paplašināšanās rezultāts. Darbs pie šī līguma sastādīšanas sākās 2004. gada jūlijā.

    Kad līguma tekstu apstiprinās visas iesaistītās puses, Komisija, saskaņā ar ES līguma 49. pantu, sniegs savu atzinumu. Eiropas Parlamentam tiks lūgts dot savu piekrišanu, kurai sekos Padomes lēmums par Bulgārijas un Rumānijas uzņemšanu. Mērķis ir parakstīt pievienošanās līgumu pēc iespējas ātrāk 2005. gadā, lai tas stātos spēkā 2007. gada 1. janvārī. Līgums pēc parakstīšanas tiks nodots apstiprināšanai pašreizējām un nākošajām dalībvalstīm.

    Komisija uzskata, ka lēmuma pieņemšanas procedūras attiecībā uz Bulgārijas un Rumānijas pieprasījumiem par pārejas pasākumiem attiecībā uz likumiem, kurus iestādes ir pieņēmušas starp 2004. gada 1. oktobri un pievienošanās datumu, ir jāvienkāršo, lai nodrošinātu gludu pāreju no pirmspievienošanās uz pēcpievienošanās lēmumu pieņemšanu. Turklāt kopš līguma parakstīšanas tiks atbilstoši nodrošināts aktīvā novērotāja stāvoklis Padomē, Komisijas vadītajās komitejās, kā arī citās iestādēs.

    Komisija uzmanīgi pārrauga, kā Bulgārija un Rumānija pilda savas saistības, kuras uzņēmās sarunās. Ir ļoti svarīgi, lai šīs saistības tiktu ieviestas kā paredzēts. Tādēļ Komisija turpinās tās intensīvi pārraudzīt pēc sarunu noslēgšanās.

    Pamatojoties uz kārtējo ziņojumu analīzi, Komisija pārraudzīs attīstību, izmantojot Asociācijas nolīguma struktūru un citus pārraudzīšanas līdzekļus, to skaitā salīdzinošos pārskatus. No 2005. gada novembra Komisija izlaidīs ikgadējus visaptverošus pārraudzīšanas ziņojumus, kuri aptvertu visus Eiropas Savienības acquis punktus, valsts administrāciju, tiesu iekārtu un cīņu pret korupciju, kā arī sasniegumus ekonomiskajās reformās.

    Komisija pievērsīs uzmanību jebkādām problēmām vai traucēkļiem ekonomikas reformās vai saistību izpildē galvenokārt ar drīzām brīdinājuma vēstulēm politiskā līmenī un paziņojumu Padomei saskaņā ar esošo kārtību. Nopietnu trūkumu gadījumā Pievienošanās līgumā tiks ietverti trīs drošības panti kā mehānisms ļaunākajā gadījumā (vispārējā ekonomika, iekšējais tirgus un tiesa un iekšlietas).

    Turklāt, tā kā šķiet, ka laika posms no sarunu beigām līdz Bulgārijas un Rumānijas gaidāmo pievienošanās datumu būs ilgs un ir liels skaits saistību, kuras joprojām jāizpilda, Komisija uzskata, ka Pievienošanās līgumam ir jāietver konkrētais nodrošinājums kā piesardzības līdzeklis. Šis nodrošinājums, kurš jau ir apstiprināts sarunās ar Bulgāriju, ir jāattiecina arī uz Rumāniju. Tas ļautu Komisijai jebkurā laikā pirms Pievienošanās līgums stājas spēkā ieteikt Padomei atlikt paredzēto Bulgārijas un Rumānijas pievienošanās datumu par vienu gadu uz 2008. gada janvāri tādā gadījumā, ja pastāv skaidri pierādījumi nopietnam riskam, ka Bulgārija vai Rumānija nebūs pietiekami sagatavotas, lai atbilstu dalības prasībām vairākās svarīgās jomās līdz 2007. gada 1. janvārim.

    Līdz pat pievienošanās brīdim Eiropas Savienība turpinās palīdzēt Bulgārijai un Rumānijai sagatavoties dalībai ar pirmspievienošanās stratēģiju. Tā ietver nozīmīgu finansiālu atbalstu, lai palīdzētu abām valstīm spert atlikušos soļus, kuri nepieciešami, lai pilnībā atbilstu pievienošanās prasībām.

    Lai ievērojami pastiprinātu administratīvo un tiesisko kapacitāti, procesam būs jāturpinās pēc Bulgārijas un Rumānijas pievienošanās Eiropas Savienībā. Tādēļ Komisija ierosina darīt pieejamas īpašas pārejas iespējas iestāžu izveidošanai. Šajā kontekstā tādi savu noderīgumu pierādījuši Kopienas finansēti līdzekļi kā saskaņošana tiks izmantoti arī turpmāk.

    Saskaņā ar ES līgumu Bulgārija un Rumānija neieviesīs eiro nekavējoties pēc to pievienošanās. Līdzīgi kā tas attiecas uz Šengenas acquis, iekšējo robežu kontroles atcelšana notiks tikai kādu laiku pēc pievienošanās un tiks izlemta atsevišķi katrai jaunajai dalībvalstij, kad tā atbildīs acquis.

    Bulgārijai un Rumānijai būs jāiesniedz pieteikums, lai pievienotos Eiropas Ekonomiskajai zonai (EEZ) un to pievienošanās EEZ notiks vienā laikā ar to pievienošanos ES. Citi starptautiskie līgumi tiks piemēroti paplašināšanās rezultātā, tiklīdz tiks parakstīts Pievienošanās līgums.

    Šī gada kārtējie ziņojumi parāda, ka Bulgārija un Rumānija ir panākušas progresu Kopenhāgenas kritēriju īstenošanā. Bulgārija un Rumānija atbilst politiskajiem kritērijiem. Paturot prātā abu valstu gūto progresu un sasniegumus īstenojot saistības un ņemot vērā to veiktos sagatavošanās darbus, Komisija sagaida, ka šīs valstis atbildīs ekonomikas un acquis kritērijiem un 2007. gada 1. janvārī būs gatavas dalībai.

    Komisija pieliks visus spēkus, lai izpildītu Eiropas Padomes mērķi, pamatojoties uz valstu pašu nopelniem, novest sarunas ar Bulgāriju un Rumāniju līdz veiksmīgam noslēgumam 2004. gadā ar nolūku parakstīt Pievienošanās līgumu 2005. gadā, cik vien ātri tas iespējams.

    Briseles Eiropas Padome 2004. gada jūnijā nolēma, ka Horvātija ir kandidātvalsts, ar kuru pievienošanās sarunas tiks uzsāktas 2005. gada sākumā un pieprasīja Komisijai sagatavot pirmspievienošanās stratēģiju Horvātijai. Komisija uzskata, ka Eiropas Padomes 1997. gada decembrī Luksemburgā noteiktā pastiprinātā pirmspievienošanās stratēģija kandidātvalstīm ir jāattiecina uz Horvātiju. Šīs stratēģijas pamati ir izklāstīti turpmāk.

    Pārbaudes procedūru, kuras nolūks ir novērtēt kandidātvalstu progresu pretim dalībai, Horvātijai sāks piemērot no 2005. gada. Tas nozīmē, ka Komisija, sākot ar 2005. gada rudeni, sāks izlaist kārtējos ziņojumus par Horvātiju. Stabilizācijas un asociācijas procesa ietvaros, balstoties uz savu atzinumu par Horvātijas pieteikumu dalībai, Komisija jau ir piedāvājusi Eiropas Sadarbību. Šis dokuments virzīs Horvātijas pievienošanās sagatavošanu.

    Horvātijai kā kandidātvalstij ir jāgūst labums no visām trijām pirmspievienošanās programmām: Phare iestāžu izveidei un ekonomiskajai un sociālajai vienotībai, ISPA apkārtējai videi un transportam un SAPARD lauku attīstībai. Komisija ierosinās grozījumus regulām attiecībā uz šiem trīs pirmspievienošanās līdzekļiem, lai no 2005. gada 1. janvāra paplašinātu to darbības sfēru līdz Horvātijai. Ņemot vērā Horvātijas vajadzības, lai pietiekami sagatavotos pievienošanās brīdim, Komisija iesaka, lai 105 miljoni eiro (80 miljoni eiro Phare, 25 miljoni eiro ISPA) Horvātijai tiek piešķirti 2005. gadā un 140 miljoni eiro 2006. gadā (80 miljoni eiro Phare, 35 miljoni eiro ISPA un 25 miljoni eiro SAPARD). Šīs summas tiks finansētas no pirmspievienošanās fondiem, kuri atrodas pašreizējās finanšu plāna 7. pozīcijā. Komisija ir ieteikusi izveidot jaunu pirmspievienošanās programmu (IPA), no kura Horvātija varētu gūt labumu sākot no 2007. gada un kurš tiktu balstīs uz esošajiem pirmspievienošanās līdzekļiem Phare, ISPA un SAPARD. Summas, kuras tiks piešķirtas Horvātijai, sākot no 2007. gada, tiks noteiktas nākošās finanšu perspektīvas ietvaros.

    2001. gada oktobrī ir apstiprināts ar Horvātiju parakstītais Stabilizācijas un asociācijas nolīgums (SAN). Lai ieviestu ar tirdzniecību saistītos SAN aspektus, Starpposma līgums stājās spēkā 2002. gada martā. Tiks izveidotas Stabilizācijas un asociācijas padome, komiteja un apakškomitejas. Komisija iesaka SAN struktūras lietot ne tikai, lai aptvertu jautājumus, kuri ir saistīti ar līguma ieviešanu, bet arī, lai kalpotu kā forums acquis izskaidrošanai un apskatītu Horvātijas veikto progresu acquis ieviešanā saskaņā ar sarunās noteiktajām saistībām.

    Pamatnolīgumam, kurš ļautu Horvātijai piedalīties Kopienas programmās un dienestos, jāstājas spēkā 2005. gada pirmajā pusē, kad to būs apstiprinājušas ES iestādes un Horvātija. Horvātijas finanšu ieguldījumu katrā programmā daļēji var finansēt Phare.

    Papildu iepriekšminētajām pastiprinātās pirmspievienošanās stratēģijas daļām Komisija uzskata, ka ar Horvātiju jāturpina uzlabotu politisku dialogu, lai risinātu Atzinumā uzsvērtās problēmas. Šīs problēmas ietver Starptautisko Kriminālnoziegumu tribunālu attiecībā uz bijušo Dienvidslāviju, minoritāšu tiesības, bēgļu atgriešanos, tiesu reformu, reģionālo sadarbību un cīņu pret korupciju. Jo īpaši Horvātijai ir jāpaliek saistītai ar reģionālo sadarbību Rietumbalkānu Stabilizācijas un apvienošanās procesa ietvaros. Komisija regulārās tikšanās reizēs ar Horvātijas varasiestādēm rūpīgi pārraudzīs šīs problēmas un turpinās informēt Padomi.

    Briseles Eiropas Padome 2004. gada jūnijā nolēma, ka "pirms sarunām ar Horvātiju Padome apstiprinās galveno sarunu struktūru, pilnībā ņemot vērā piektā paplašināšanās posma pieredzi". Komisija iesaka struktūru balstīt uz sekojošiem principiem:

    - Sarunās ar Horvātiju jāvadās pēc Kopenhāgenas Eiropas Padomes 1993. gadā noteiktajiem pievienošanās nosacījumiem. Šie nosacījumi ir piemēroti līdzekļi, lai noteiktu kandidātvalsts atbilstību dalības saistībām un nodrošinātu ar skaidrām vadlīnijām reformas procesā.

    - Sarunu progress būs pilnībā atkarīgs no politisko reformu ilgspējīguma un Horvātijas saistību izpildes attiecībā uz reģionālo sadarbību ar citām bijušās Dienvidslāvijas valstīm un citām saistītām starptautiskām saistībām, kā, piemēram, sadarbību ar ICTY.

    - Saskaņā ar Eiropas Savienības līgumu un Eiropas Konstitūciju, Komisija nopietnu un pastāvīgu brīvības principu, demokrātijas, cieņas pret cilvēka tiesībām un pamata brīvībām, un likumu, uz kuriem ir dibināta Eiropas Savienība, pārkāpumu gadījumā ieteiks sarunu atlikšanu. Padomei šāda ieteikuma gadījumā ir jālemj ar dalībvalstu kvalificētu balsu vairākumu.

    - Sarunas tiks vadītas, balstoties uz pašu valstu nopelnu principu. Visiem pārejas nolīgumiem ir jābūt ierobežotiem darbības laukā un laikā un tiem nav jāatstāj nopietnu iespaidu uz konkurenci vai iekšējā tirgus darbību.

    - Pēc oficiālu pievienošanās sarunu sākšanas ar Horvātiju Komisija nekavējoties organizēs oficiālu acquis pārbaudes procesu, sauktu par caurskatīšanu, lai izskaidrotu to Horvātijas varas iestādēm un lai iegūtu iepriekšējas norādes par problēmām, ar kurām visdrīzāk būs jāsastopas sarunu laikā.

    - Kad sadaļa būs caurskatīta, Komisija, pamatojoties uz tās pēdējo atzinumu par Horvātiju un ar noteikumu, ka Horvātija būs pietiekami sagatavojusies, ieteiks to sarunām.

    - Sarunu gaitu noteiks Horvātijas pareiza acquis pārņemšana un ieviešana, ietverot tā efektīvu un prasmīgu lietošanu atbilstošajās pārvaldes un tiesu struktūrās.

    - Komisija pirms konkrētu sarunu sadaļu uzsākšanas ierosinās Padomei iepriekšējus katras sadaļas noslēgšanas standartus. Šie standarti var attiekties uz likumdošanas atbilstību vai uz pietiekamiem sasniegumiem to ieviešanā. Šāda pieeja ir pārbaudīta kā ļoti veiksmīga konkurences sadaļas laikā.

    - Sarunu attīstība būs atkarīga no Stabilizācijas un asociācijas nolīgumā noteikto Horvātijas saistību izpildes, it īpaši to saistību, kuras atspoguļo prasības attiecībā uz acquis, piemēram, konkurences jomā. Jebkura šādai saistībai ir jābūt izpildītai, pirms sadaļa var tikt slēgta.

    - Komisija rūpīgi, izmantojot visus pieejamos līdzekļus, pārraudzīs Horvātijas attīstību ceļā uz pievienošanos.

    Secinājumi un ieteikumi

    Ņemot vērā iepriekšminēto, Komisijas secinājumi un ieteikumi ir šādi:

    Šī gada kārtējie ziņojumi parāda, ka Bulgārija un Rumānija, ieviešot pievienošanās kritērijus, pēdējā gada laikā ir progresējušas.

    Bulgārija un Rumānija atbilst politiskajiem kritērijiem. Paturot prātā šo valstu gūto progresu, sasniegumus to saistību ieviešanā un ņemot vērā to veiktos sagatavošanās darbus, Komisija sagaida, ka šīs valstis atbildīs ekonomiskajiem un acquis kritērijiem un būs gatavas dalībai 2007. gada janvārī.Komisija pieliks visas pūles, lai izpildītu Eiropas Padomes mērķi - pamatojoties uz valstu pašu nopelniem, novest sarunas ar Bulgāriju un Rumāniju līdz veiksmīgam noslēgumam 2004. gadā ar nolūku parakstīt pievienošanās līgumu 2005. gadā cik vien ātri tas iespējams.

    Kārtējie ziņojumi norāda uz vairākām jomām, kurās ir nepieciešami turpmāki uzlabojumi politisko un ekonomisko kritēriju kontekstā un attiecībā uz acquis pārņemšanu, ieviešanu un izpildi. Šajās jomās ir enerģiski jādarbojas, lai pirms pievienošanās novērstu atklātās nepilnības. Lai izanalizētu progresu un sekmētu veiksmīgu dalību Eiropas Savienībā, Komisija veiks paaugstinātu pārraudzību un regulāri sniegs pārskatus Padomei. No 2005. gada novembra Komisija izdos ikgadējus visaptverošus pārraudzības ziņojumus Padomei un Parlamentam. Komisija uzskata, ka Pievienošanās līgumā ir jāietver īpašs nodrošinājums, kurš ļautu Komisijai ieteikt Padomei atlikt paredzēto Bulgārijas un Rumānijas pievienošanās datumu par vienu gadu uz 2008. gada janvāri tādā gadījumā, ja pastāv skaidri pierādījumi nopietnam riskam, ka Bulgārija vai Rumānija nebūs pietiekami sagatavotas, lai atbilstu dalības prasībām vairākās svarīgās jomās līdz 2007. gada 1. janvārim.

    Komisija iesaka attiecināt uz Horvātiju pastiprinātu pirmspievienošanās stratēģiju, kuru, kā minēts iepriekš, izlēma Eiropas Padome 1997. gada decembrī Luksemburgā.

    Komisija atgādina, ka Eiropas Padome ir nolēmusi sākt sarunas ar Horvātiju 2005. gada sākumā un ierosina līdz tam laikam pabeigt sarunu ietvaru, kurš balstās uz šajā dokumentā izklāstītajiem principiem.



    Since the Commission concluded in its 1997 Opinion that Bulgaria fulfilled the political criteria, the country has further consolidated and deepened the stability of its institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities. This trend has been confirmed over the past year. Bulgaria continues to fulfil the political criteria.

    Tangible progress was made in public administration reform with the adoption of amendments to the Civil service law. The specific structures for co-ordinating European integration continue to function well, and in view of Bulgaria's aim of building a qualified and efficient civil service by the time of accession this progress needs to spread throughout the public administration. Also, interdepartmental coordination should improve. Attention should be given to the legal framework for local and regional administration, which will play an important role in the implementation of the acquis.

    Building on important reforms of the judiciary system achieved in recent years, there have been positive developments with regard to the recruitment and appointment of judges. Still, certain key parts of the reform of the judiciary remain to be adopted. The complexity and efficiency of the penal structures, in particular in the pre-trial phase, is a matter of concern. Strong efforts will be necessary to foster Bulgaria's capacity to prosecute organised crime and corruption, which involves further reforms in the structures of the judiciary and of the police.

    Bulgaria has implemented several measures in the fight against corruption, but it remains a problem. Renewed efforts are needed, including tackling high level corruption.

    Bulgaria continues to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. Further progress should be pursued in specific areas to improve their implementation in practice. Comprehensive legislation on anti-discrimination was adopted but the independent body required by the law has not yet been established. The freedom of expression is ensured by law. However, the legal framework regarding libel and defamation by journalists needs to be revised. Efforts to address inadequate living conditions in certain prisons and problems of ill-treatment in custody need to be sustained. Trafficking in human beings is a serious problem and needs to be addressed. A new law on public health should address most of the issues related to the placement of mentally disabled people. The structures responsible for child welfare and their co-ordination with the relevant ministries need to be reinforced.

    Efforts have been made in the past years to develop a framework to tackle the problems faced by minorities, but the situation on the ground has not evolved much. Sustained efforts including allocation of appropriate financial resources will be necessary to effectively implement the intentions and to combat in particular anti-Roma prejudice.

    The 1997 Opinion already acknowledged the substantial reform efforts undertaken by the Bulgarian authorities to transform their economy. Since the Opinion economic structure and performance have significantly improved. Macroeconomic stability has been achieved soon after the Opinion, profound economic reforms have been carried out over the entire period while the Bulgarian authorities' commitment to the economic requirements of EU accession has been sustained.

    Hence, it is concluded that Bulgaria isa functioning market economy. The continuation of its current reform path should enable Bulgaria to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.

    Improvements can be made in sustaining macroeconomic stability and in deepening structural reforms. The current account deficit has widened substantially in 2003 and could, if continuing, warrant a further policy response. The business environment, in particular the efficiency of the administrative and judicial system as well as regulatory procedures, should be further improved to increase Bulgaria's attractiveness for investment. In spite of significant achievements, privatisation still needs to be completed. While the legal framework is largely in place, the actual restructuring and liberalisation of the network industries need to progress further in order to enhance competition and efficiency. The ongoing reduction in unemployment should be further supported by reducing rigidities in labour market regulation.

    Since the Opinion, Bulgaria has made good progress in adopting the acquis and more recently, has also made progress in gradually building up the administrative capacity to implement and effectively enforce the acquis.

    Over the past year, Bulgaria has made further progress in the vast majority of the chapters of the acquis and is on track to complete the required legislative transposition before the planned date of accession if the current pace of progress is maintained.

    Overall, Bulgaria has now achieved a reasonable degree of alignment with the acquis in the large majority of areas. It is also on track in developing adequate administrative capacity to implement the acquis in a considerable number of fields. Bulgaria has established most of the necessary institutional structures. Nevertheless, in some sectors, further efforts and resources are required to strengthen the capacities of these institutions and to ensure their effective functioning. In order to cover the remaining gaps, due attention should be given to the full and timely implementation of the strategies and action plans for the reinforcement of administrative capacity already approved in these areas.

    In the field of internal market, Bulgaria has continued to make progress in most areas as regards the free movement of goods in terms of transposition of the acquis and the development of the administrative capacity. However, further efforts are required to develop the administrative capacity to implement the acquis on industrial products and as regards foodstuff and food safety. Mutual recognition clauses are still to be introduced into the Bulgarian legislation falling under the non-harmonised areas. Alignment of the legislation on public procurement needs to be completed. As regards free movement of persons, some progress was made in the field of mutual recognition of professional qualifications but work is still needed on the framework legislation for mutual recognition and with regard to the future co-ordination of social security systems. As regard the right for establishment and the freedom to provide services, efforts are required to unequivocally eliminate the remaining restrictions and discriminatory measures on foreigners despite some corrective actions. As regard financial services, major parts of the acquis on insurance remain to be transposed. In the area of free movement of capital, Bulgaria still has to adopt legislation on capital movements and payment systems. Efforts to improve the framework in the fight against money laundering should be maintained.

    As regards company law, particular attention should be paid to the effective enforcement of industrial and intellectual property rights, in particular through strengthening border controls and improving co-ordination between the law enforcement bodies. In the area of competition, Bulgarian has further updated its legislative framework and further strengthened its administrative capacity. Sustained efforts are required in order to continue to improve the quality of its State aid enforcement.

    Regarding agriculture, Bulgaria has continued to make good progress in the transposition process. Further strengthening of administrative structures has been noted. However, significant work is still needed in the veterinary field and in the setting up of the paying agency and IACS. With regard to fisheries, legal alignment has taken place according to schedule. However, further progress has to be made regarding the administrative and technical capacity for inspection and control.

    As regard transport, Bulgaria has made steady progress in transposing the acquis in most sectors, however administrative capacity should be further strengthened. Further efforts are needed to align the inland waterway legislation. Particular attention should be devoted to improving the maritime safety record and to the building up and reinforcement of the necessary capacities and structures for Port State and Flag State control.

    In the area of taxation, Bulgaria's indirect legislation is to a significant extent aligned with the acquis, notably as far as VAT is concerned. Further transposition is required as regards excise duties and direct taxation. Efforts should continue as concerns specifically interconnectivity with EU systems.

    On social policy and employment, progress has continued in alignment with the acquis. Further efforts for the effective implementation of the transposed legislation need to be undertaken in particular in the areas of labour law, occupational safety and health, public health, anti-discrimination as well as equal opportunities for women and men. Administrative capacity needs to be strengthened, inter alia with regard to ESF management and implementation.

    Regarding energy, Bulgaria is making good progress in its legislative alignment and in its preparation to the internal energy market. The restructuring and privatisation of the energy sector is progressing well but particular efforts are still needed to improve energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. Bulgaria must continue to respect its commitments on nuclear safety, notably as regards closure commitments for certain units of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant, and to ensure a high level of nuclear safety in its installations.

    Although a reasonable degree of alignment with acquis in the telecommunications has been reached, Bulgaria needs to adopt further implementing legislation and ensure that the regulatory body is strengthened.

    Concerning regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments, Bulgaria has made progress notably with regard to establishing the legal framework and designating institutional structures. However, considerable efforts are still needed to improve the administrative capacity in key Ministries and improving the capacity of other relevant bodies, such as the intermediate bodies, and other relevant players both at central and regional level. Priority must also be given to the setting up of efficient and integrated monitoring and evaluation systems as well as to further improving the financial management and control systems. Attention must be paid to observance of an ambitious planning schedule for the National Development Plan and to the full involvement of relevant partner organisations in this process.

    With regard to the environment, Bulgaria has achieved a reasonable degree of alignment with the acquis and the necessary administrative structures are in place. However, further strengthening of the enforcement authorities notably at regional and local level is required as well as the provision of adequate financial resources for State and private sector investment.

    In the area of consumer and health protection, a reasonable degree of alignment with the acquis has been reached in the area of safety related measures. However, further alignment is particularly needed with regard to the non-safety related measures and Bulgaria should ensure that the administrative structures in place can effectively enforce legislation and carry out market surveillance activities.

    In the area of justice and home affairs, further good progress could be noted as regards the management of the future external borders. However, significant further efforts are needed to strengthen the law enforcement capacity and policy formulation in order to step up the fight against organised crime and corruption. Bulgaria needs to press ahead and dedicate adequate resources to fundamental reforms of the police and of the judiciary, including the reform of the pre-trial phase and the implementation of the strategies against crime. Overall, the full and timely implementation of the main strategies and action plans in the area of justice and home affairs, together with the entry into forceof the planned amendments to the legislation on the penal procedure, legal aid, asylum, mediation and forfeiture of criminal assets should address the bulk of the issues covered in this chapter.

    Regarding customs, Bulgaria has achieved a high degree of legislative alignment and has improved its administrative capacity. Efforts should continue in the IT area as well as to further improve revenue-collection and controls.

    Further progress has been made in strengthening financial control in Bulgaria. More effort is needed to ensure the protection of the EC financial interests and of the euro against counterfeiting, as to well as to further strengthening the administrative capacity to implement sound financial control systems.

    Overall, the capacity of the law enforcement and regulatory bodies to ensure a level playing field within the internal market through effective implementation and enforcement of the acquis must be enhanced. The continued reinforcement of the judicial system and administrative structures in certain areas will require particular attention, notably as regards public procurement, competition and justice and home affairs. Bulgaria should devote more efforts and financial resources to make the necessary investments to apply the acquis, notably in agriculture (in particular in the veterinary field), transport and environment. Continued efforts are required to establish the necessary administrative capacity to ensure the sound and efficient management of EU funds, notably the Structural Funds.

    In the accession negotiations, all 31 chapters have been provisionally closed. The commitments made in the negotiations are with a view to accession in 2007. Bulgaria is generally meeting the commitments that it has made during the negotiations although delays have been noted in specific areas.

    Bearing in mind the progress achieved since the Opinion, the level of alignment and administrative capacity that Bulgaria has achieved at this point in time and its track record in implementing the commitments that it has made in the negotiations, and taking into account their preparatory work in progress, the Commission expects Bulgaria to assume the obligations of membership in accordance with the envisaged timeframe. In the period leading up to accession, Bulgaria needs to continue its preparations, in line with the commitments it has made in the accession negotiations.


    Since the Commission concluded in its 1997 Opinion that Romania fulfilled the political criteria, the country has further consolidated and deepened the stability of its institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities. This trend has accelerated over the past year. Romania continues to fulfil the political criteria.

    Progress was made to address the need for administrative and judicial reforms. A public administration reform strategy was launched in May 2004, covering the area of civil service reform, decentralisation and deconcentration, and policy co-ordination. A positive start was made to the reform of the civil service. The establishment of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister should help to improve policy coordination and consistency. The use of emergency ordinances was restricted to "extraordinary circumstances", but this has not yet led to a decrease of their use. The laws on the freedom of information and transparency in the legislative process should still be fully implemented. The revision of the Constitution in October 2003 contributed to streamlining the parliamentary process by giving both chambers primary responsibility for different types of legislation. Efforts to improve the policy-making and legislative process should continue. Further efforts are also needed to strengthen local and regional governance with a view to ensuring proper implementation of the acquis at those levels.

    The management of court cases and the quality of judgments needs to improve. Official surveys confirm the possibility for the executive to influence the outcome of judicial proceedings. However, organisational and legislative changes introduced in Romania's judicial system should help to make it more independent and efficient. Their implementation on the ground is a matter of priority.

    Corruption in Romania continues to be serious and widespread. Romania's anti-corruption legislation is generally well developed, but its ability to curb corruption will depend on the effective implementation of the law. In particular, additional efforts are required to ensure the independence, effectiveness and accountability of the National Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office. It should concentrate its resources on investigating high-level corruption.

    Romania continues to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and has made further progress in several areas. The introduction of national standards for child protection services and of strict rules on inter-country adoption, which appear to be in line with the UN Convention on the rights of the child, should further improve the protection of children's rights. As regards freedom of expression, the legal situation of journalists has improved but the economic situation of many mass media organisations remains precarious and further efforts are necessary to guarantee media independence. Although the restitution of agricultural land is almost completed, a more speedy and transparent approach is needed to further the restitution of buildings and religious property. Efforts to address the problems of ill-treatment in custody, trafficking in human beings and prison overcrowding should be sustained.

    The Roma Strategy, which is explicitly aimed at addressing discrimination, is being implemented but de facto discrimination against the Roma minority remains widespread. The support for an inclusive approach to education is a positive development. The same encouraging trend has been noted in health care and employment.

    The 1997 Opinion already acknowledged the substantial reform efforts undertaken by the Romanian authorities to transform their economy. Since the Opinion economic structure and performance have significantly improved. Macroeconomic stability has been achieved, profound economic reforms have been carried out while the Romanian authorities' commitment to the economic requirements of EU accession has been sustained.

    Hence, it is concluded that Romania complies with the criterion of being a functioning market economy. Vigorous implementation of its structural reform programme should enable Romania to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.

    Improvements can be made in sustaining macroeconomic stability and in deepening structural reforms. Priority should be given to preserve the momentum in disinflation and safeguard the sustainability of the external position by maintaining a prudent policy mix and by further reducing the deficit of the broader public sector. To achieve this, significant improvements in enforcing financial discipline, continuous adjustments of energy prices towards cost recovery levels and improved financial performance of public enterprises are vital. Fiscal sustainability needs to be strengthened by advancing expenditure reform and further improving tax compliance. The privatisation process should be accomplished, post-privatisation disputes be settled and non-viable enterprises more actively dismantled. In key sectors, such as energy, mining and transport, perseverance in restructuring and a more manifest strive for privatisation should go hand in hand. Substantial progress in the functioning of the judiciary and the public administration, including an even and predictable application of law, is required to create an enabling business environment with a level playing field.

    Since the opinion, Romania has made good progress in adopting the acquis and more recently, has also made progress in gradually building up the administrative capacity to implement and effectively enforce the acquis.

    Over the past year, Romania has made further progress in the vast majority of the chapters of the acquis and is on track to complete the required legislative transposition before the planned date of accession if the current pace of progress is maintained.

    Overall, alignment with the acquis has reached a fair level in the large majority of areas. The administrative capacity has been strengthened in the majority of areas but there is still room for improvement since not all the necessary institutions are yet in place. In order to cover the remaining gaps, due attention should be given to the full and timely implementation of the strategies and action plans for the reinforcement of administrative capacity already approved in these areas.

    In the area of internal market, Romania has continued to make progress with the transposition of legislation in the field of the free movement of goods. However, transposition of the public procurement legislation must be completed. In addition, practices which put Romania's commitment to open and transparent procurement procedures into question should be discontinued. Legislation has been further aligned in the area of free movement of persons, in particular as regards mutual recognition of professional qualifications and free movement of workers. Alignment needs to be completed as regards citizens' rights and administrative and training capacities should be enhanced in general. In particular in the field of financial services, Romania achieved substantial progress in freedom to provide services. Romania should continue to pay attention to the removal of identified barriers against the right of establishment and the freedom to provide services and to the development of the insurance and financial securities markets. While alignment with the acquis on free movement of capital has further improved, outstanding restrictions to capital movements and payments should be removed and the enforcement record of the National Office for the Prevention and Control of Money Laundering needs to be improved.

    Romania has continued to make progress in transposing the company lawacquis as such and the acquis concerning the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights. However, the level of enforcement of such rights has not kept pace with this. Romania's legislative alignment on accounting and auditing should be completed. While the Romanian competition legislation is broadly in line with EC anti-trust rules, current proposals needed to complete alignment of the state aid legislation are being prepared. The enforcement record of the Romanian competition authority still needs to be considerably improved in state aid matters. Recent efforts in this respect need to be stepped up. Romania needs to ensure that restructuring aid given to steel companies is in line with the Europe Agreement.

    Romania made significant progress to further transpose the agricultural, veterinary and phytosanitary acquis and has strengthened its administrative capacity. However, overall administrative and enforcement capacities should be further enhanced. Particular attention should be paid to reinforcing the SAPARD Agency and to establishing the necessary elements of a functioning IACS. Upgrading plans for non-complaint establishments in the veterinary sector should be introduced with no delay. Steady progress has taken place in the fisheries sector in terms of alignment and administrative capacity. However, sustained efforts are needed to recruit sufficient staff in the Fisheries Inspectorate and provide it with adequate inspection tools. The fishing database should be established.

    Romania has continued to make progress with the transposition of the transportacquis and building up the administrative structures in the areas of road, rail and aviation transport. Alignment is fairly advanced in the maritime sector. The technical state of the inland waterway fleet should be improved.

    Romania has made some progress in aligning with the acquis on taxation and particular attention should now be paid to completing alignment and strengthening administrative capacity. Transposition of the acquis on social policy and employment has continued. Future efforts should focus on completing legislative alignment in the area of labour law and on strengthening the Labour Inspectorate to ensure proper implementation in the area of health and safety at work. Due attention should be paid to the promotion of social dialogue and to the improvement of the health status of the population, which is well below the EU average. Administrative capacity with regards to ESF management should be strengthened as a matter of priority. Legislative progress in the energy sector should be matched by full implementation and increased administrative capacity, in particular with regard to the internal energy market structures. The restructuring of energy markets process needs to be completed.

    Romania has performed steady progress as far as industrial policy is concerned, but the key challenge is its implementation as structural weaknesses limit the capacity for enforcement. Transparency of the privatisation process should be fully ensured. Progress has continued in the area of telecommunications with liberalising the telecommunications market and completing the transposition of the acquis.

    As regards regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments, progress has been made in preparing for the implementation of structural policies with the designation of the Managing and Paying Authorities and establishing their tasks and adoption of the 2004-2006 National Development Plan. Efforts need to be continued to bring the administrative capacity up to the level required in order for Romania to reap full benefits of the structural instruments. Environment is an area where Romania has achieved a good level of alignment with the acquis in most of the sectors, whereas implementation is, in general, still lagging behind. Further transposition should concentrate on completing the alignment in the areas of horizontal legislation, air quality, waste management, water quality, nature protection and a number of other sectors. Implementation of the transposed acquis remains a key challenge and, therefore, requires enhanced efforts. It is of utmost importance that the environmental administration at all levels obtains sufficient resources in order to cope with the increasing recruitment, training and equipment needs. Strategic planning, adequate investment and financing plans also have to remain in the focus of the public services in the field of environment.

    Legislative alignment on consumer and health protection is well on track and Romania has made good progress as regards improvement of administrative capacity and the general co-ordination of market surveillance activities. These efforts should be maintained and consumer movement should be strengthened.

    Legislative progress has been made in many areas of justice and home affairs and especially so in migration, asylum and judicial co-operation in civil and criminal matters. However, implementation capacity should be significantly strengthened in almost all areas, as should inter-agency co-operation. Many agencies and institutions involved in law enforcement are still affected by staff shortages, which will also require enhanced training capacity. The independence of the judiciary must be ensured on the ground. As regards the fight against corruption, implementation capacity should also be significantly strengthened and the existing legislation should be rigorously enforced. Romania should implement its current plans to fully address the above issues of concern and in particular increase its administrative capacity in the relevant institutions, implement an effective reform of the judicial system, recruits and train the necessary staff and take measures that have a significant impact on corruption.

    Limited progress has been made in the area of customs and legislative alignment should be completed.Internal co-ordination improved.Furthermore, any customs duties and charges having equivalent effect with regard to export and import to and from the Community will have to be abolished. Romania has pursued its efforts in the financial control area. However, the legislative framework should be completed in the area of external audit and protection of the Communities' financial interests. Administrative capacity should be strengthened to implement sound financial system.

    In a number of important sectors, the overall capacity of the public administration to implement and enforce the newly adopted legislation should be enhanced. Romania has started to address this issue through the comprehensive reform of its public administration. These concerns extend beyond the adoption of the acquis and also apply to the management of EU financial assistance. Furthermore, there are a number of areas where further efforts will be needed to complete the work, in particular as regards company law, competition policy, environment and justice and home affairs, customs and financial control.

    In the accession negotiations, 27 chapters have been provisionally closed. Romania is generally meeting the commitments that it has made during the negotiations, although delays have been noted in specific areas.

    Bearing in mind the progress achieved since the Opinion, the level of alignment and administrative capacity that Romania has achieved at this point in time and its track record in implementing the commitments that it has made in the negotiations, and taking into account their preparatory work in progress, the Commission expects Romania to assume the obligations of membership in accordance with the envisaged timeframe. In the period leading up to accession, Romania needs to continue its preparations, in line with the commitments it has made in the accession negotiations.

    [1] Eiropas Komisijas ieteikums par Turcijas virzību uz pievienošanos, KOM(2004) 656.
