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Embedded computing systems, although invisible, make a significant contribution to improving our daily lives. What is more, they offer state-of-the-art industrial applications which are undoubtedly beneficial to the European economy. In order to promote economies of scale, reduce costs and encourage the marketing of products based on these technologies, the European Union (EU) is launching a public-private partnership in the field of research into embedded computing systems in the form of a Joint Technology Initiative, implemented by the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking.


Council Regulation (EC) No 74/2008 of 20 December 2007 on the establishment of the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking to implement a Joint Technology Initiative in Embedded Computing Systems


From mobile phones to bank cards, cars and planes, integrated computing devices have become part and parcel of our daily lives.

They also represent a growing share in the value of finished goods in many key industrial sectors.

According to recent statistics, these technologies represent a true growth market:

  • 98 % of computers are integrated in other devices;
  • over 4 billion embedded systems were sold in 2007;
  • the world market comes to EUR 60 billion and is continuing to grow at an annual rate of 14 %;
  • by 2010, it is expected that over 16 billion embedded computers will be in circulation (over 40 billion by 2020).

The European Union (EU) has this market in its sights, focusing its efforts on a new Joint Undertaking, known as ARTEMIS.

The ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking implements the Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) on Embedded Computing Systems.

This public-private partnership aims essentially to support the co-financing of research initiatives at European level and to improve cooperation between the various operators in the sector.

Based in Brussels, the Joint Undertaking is a Community body with legal personality. It has been set up for a period up to 31 December 2017. The founding members of the Joint Undertaking are the Community (represented by the Commission), Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and ARTEMISIA, an association representing companies and research and development (R&D) organisations active in the field of embedded computing systems. The ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking is open to new members.


ARTEMIS contributes to the implementation of the Specific Programme "Cooperation" of the Seventh Framework Research and Development Programme (7th FRDP).

It aims in particular:

  • to define and implement a "Research Agenda" for the development of key technologies for embedded computing systems;
  • to provide financial support for various R&D activities;
  • to promote a public-private partnership favouring convergence of Community and national efforts (public and private), investments, and collaboration between the various sectors involved;
  • to improve the coordination of R&D efforts in the field of embedded computing systems;
  • to encourage the involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


The Joint Undertaking bodies are:

  • the Governing Board, which consists of representatives of the members of the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking and the Chairperson of the Industry and Research Committee, has responsibility for the operations of the Joint Undertaking and oversees the implementation of its activities;
  • the Executive Director is appointed for a three-year period by the Governing Board, is responsible for the day-to-day management and is the legal representative of the Joint Undertaking;
  • the Public Authorities Board consists of the public authorities of the Joint Undertaking, each of which appoints its representatives and a lead delegate. Its tasks include approving the scope and the launch of calls for proposals and deciding the selection and funding of the proposals selected;
  • the Industry and Research Committee consists of a maximum of twenty-five members appointed by the ARTEMISIA association. Its tasks include preparing the draft Multiannual Strategic Plan and making proposals regarding the strategy of the Joint Undertaking.

The ARTEMIS resources are made up of contributions from the members and the Community and revenue generated by ARTEMIS itself. Any legal entity which is not a member may make in-kind or cash contributions to the ARTEMIS resources.

The ARTEMIS costs consist of:

  • running costs, borne by its members. ARTEMISIA also makes a contribution of up to EUR 20 million or up to 1 % of the sum of the total cost of all projects. The Community contribution may not exceed EUR 10 million. The ARTEMIS Member States make in-kind contributions;
  • R&D activities. The Community makes a contribution of up to EUR 410 million. The financial contributions from the ARTEMIS Member States amount to at least 1.8 times the Community's financial contribution and do not pass through the Joint Undertaking, but are paid directly to the research and development organisations participating in the projects. Furthermore, the same bodies make in-kind contributions to the projects, the total value of which over the duration of the Joint Undertaking is equal to or greater than the contribution of the public authorities.

The R&D activities are implemented by means of projects launched following open and competitive calls for proposals. These projects are funded by financial contributions from the Community and the participating Member States and by in-kind contributions by the research and development organisations participating in the projects of the Joint Undertaking.

As a Community initiative, Community legislation applies to the Joint Undertaking, including its staff. The Court of Justice of the European Communities has jurisdiction in any dispute between the members and in actions brought against the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking. The Commission and the Court of Auditors carry out checks among the recipients of the Joint Undertaking's funding.


The Lisbon Agenda for Growth and Jobs placed the emphasis on investment in knowledge and innovation. In this respect, JTIs, which are public-private partnerships implemented by joint undertakings, have been set up under the 7th FRDP. These JTIs stem from the work of European Technology Platforms set up under the 6th FRDP.

In addition to the "ARTEMIS" initiative, five other JTIs are planned in nano-electronics (ENIAC), innovative medicines (IMI), aeronautics and air transport (CLEAN SKY), hydrogen and fuel cells (FUEL CELL), and global monitoring for environment and security (GMES).



Entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Regulation (EC) No 74/2008 [adoption: consultation CNS/ 2007/ 088]



OJ L 30 of 4.2.2008

See also

  • For further information, please visit the site of the Community Research and Development Information Service – CORDIS

Last updated: 03.06.2008
