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Document L:1994:368:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, L 368, 31 December 1994

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Official Journal
of the European Communities

ISSN 0378-6978

L 368
Volume 37
31 December 1994

English edition






Acts whose publication is obligatory



Council Regulation (EC) No 3382/94 of 19 December 1994 on certain procedures for applying the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Romania, of the other part




Council Regulation (EC) No 3383/94 of 19 December 1994 on certain procedures for applying the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part




Council Directive 94/64/EEC of 14 December 1994 amending the Annex to Directive 85/73/EEC on the financing of veterinary inspections and controls of animal products covered by Annex a to Directive 89/662/EEC and by Directive 90/675/EEC




Council Directive 94/65/EC of 14 December 1994 laying down the requirements for the production and placing on the market of minced meat and meat preparations




Council Directive 94/70/EEC of 13 December 1994 amending Council Directive 92/120/EEC on the conditions for granting temporary and limited derogations from specific Community health rules on the production and marketing of certain products of animal origin




Council Directive 94/71/EC of 13 December 1994 amending Directive 92/46/EEC laying down the health rules for the production and placing on the market of raw milk, heat- treated milk and milk-based products




Council Directive 94/80/EC of 19 December 1994 laying down detailed arrangements for the exercise of the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in municipal elections by citizens of the Union residing in a Member State of which they are not nationals



Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
