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Document 31999Y0529(01)

Information from the Commission - List of the regulated markets notified to the Commission by the Member States under Article 16 of the Investment Services Directive (93/22/EEC) (Text with EEA relevance)

OL C 151, 1999 5 29, p. 19–20 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)


Information from the Commission - List of the regulated markets notified to the Commission by the Member States under Article 16 of the Investment Services Directive (93/22/EEC) (Text with EEA relevance)

Official Journal C 151 , 29/05/1999 P. 0019 - 0020

List of the regulated markets notified to the Commission by the Member States under Article 16 of the Investment Services Directive (93/22/EEC)

(1999/C 151/09)

(Text with EEA relevance)


- De eerste, de tweede en de nieuwe markt van de Effectenbeurs van Brussel/Le premier, le second marché et le nouveau marché de la Bourse de valeurs mobilières de Bruxelles

- De Belgische Future- en Optiebeurs, afgekort Belfox/La Bourse belge des futures et options, en abrégé Belfox

- De secundaire buitenbeursmarkt van de lineaire obligaties, de gesplitste effecten en de schatkistcertificaten/Le marché secondaire hors bourse des obligations linéaires, des titres scindés et des certificats de trésorerie

- Easdaq (European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation)


- Københavns Fondsbørs A/S (The Copenhagen Stock Exchange)

- Dansk Autoriseret Markedsplads A/S (Danish Authorised Market Place Ltd (AMP))


- Berliner Wertpapierbörse (Amtlicher Handel, Geregelter Markt)

- Bremer Wertpapierbörse (Amtlicher Handel, Geregelter Markt)

- Rheinisch-Westfälische Börse zu Düsseldorf (Amtlicher Handel, Geregelter Markt)

- Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Amtlicher Handel, Geregelter Markt, Neuer Markt)

- Eurex Deutschland

- Hanseatische Wertpapierbörse Hamburg (Amtlicher Handel, Geregelter Markt)

- Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover (Amtlicher Handel, Geregelter Markt)

- Bayerische Börse (Amtlicher Handel, Geregelter Markt)

- Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse zu Stuttgart (Amtlicher Handel, Geregelter Markt)


- Athens Stock Exchange (A.S.E.) - Thessaloniki Stock Exchange Centre (T.S.E.C.)

- Athens Derivatives Exchange (A.D.EX.)


- Las Bolsas de valores de Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid y Valencia

- Los mercados oficiales de futuros y opciones de Meff Sociedad rectora del mercado de productos financieros derivados de renta fija SA y Meff Sociedad rectora del mercado de productos financieros derivados de renta variable SA

- Mercado AIAF de renta fija SA

- Mercado de deuda pública en anotaciones


- Le premier marché et le second marché de la SBF-Bourse de Paris

- Le nouveau marché




- Irish Stock Exchange


- Borsa, articolata nei comparti:

- Mercato telematico azionario (MTA)

- Mercato telematico delle obbligazioni e dei titoli di Stato (MOT)

- Mercato telematico dei contratti a premio (MPR)

- Mercato ristretto

- Mercato di borsa per la negoziazione degli strumenti finanziari previsti dall'articolo 1, comma 2, lettere f) e i), del decreto legislativo 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (Mercato degli strumenti derivati - IDEM)

- Mercato all'ingrosso dei titoli di Stato italiani ed esteri, articolato nei segmenti:

- Mercato all'ingrosso dei titoli emessi dallo Stato italiano e da Stati esteri

- Mercato all'ingrosso dei titoli emessi da organismi internazionali partecipati da Stati

- Mercato dei contratti uniformi a termine sui titoli di Stato (MIF)

- Nuovo Mercato


- Société de la Bourse de Luxembourg SA


- Amsterdam Exchanges (AEX), including the following markets that are held by Amsterdam Exchanges:

- AEX-Stock Exchange

- AEX-Options Exchange

- AEX-Financial Futures Market

- NMAX-New Market Amsterdam Exchanges


- Wiener Börse (Amtlicher Handel, Geregelter Freiverkehr/official market, semi-official market)


- Mercado de Cotações Oficiais da Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa

- Segundo Mercado da Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa

- Mercado sem Cotações da Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa

- Bolsa de Derivados do Porto


- HEX Oy, Helsingin Arvopaperi- ja johdannaispörssi, selvitysyhtiö/HEX Ab, Helsingfors Värdepapper- och derivativbörs, clearingbolag (HEX Ltd, Helsinki Securities and Derivatives Exchange, Clearing House) including:

- Stock Exchange:

Main List: Equity and Debt Instruments

Parallel Lists (I List, NM List and Pre List): Equity and Debt Instruments

- Option Corporation: Derivatives Exchange and Clearing House


- Stockholms Fondbörs AB

- Penningmarknadsinformation PmI AB

- OM Stockholm AB

- IM Marknadsplats AB

- Aktietorget i Norden AB


- The following four of the markets comprising the London Stock Exchange Limited:

(i) The Domestic Equity Market

(ii) The European Equity Market

(iii) The Gilt Edged and Sterling Bond Market

(iv) The Alternative Investment Market

- The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange ("LIFFE")

- OMLX, The London Securities & Derivatives Exchange Limited

- Tradepoint Financial Networks plc
