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Strategy for cooperation with China (2007-2013)

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Strategy for cooperation with China (2007-2013)

The European Union has an economic and political interest in supporting China’s sustainable development. To this end, the cooperation established between the partners takes account of the country’s situation as a significant player in world trade and global investment flows, a consumer of natural resources and a contributor to global warming, but also of China’s needs in terms of social development.


European Commission - China Strategy Paper 2007-2013.


Relations between the European Union (EU) and China have progressed towards a strategic partnership. This cooperation, which developed on the basis of a Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement, now covers a large number of sectors thanks to the establishment of a stronger partnership.

This cooperation programme is an important element of that relationship.

Political dialogue

The partners are continuing to develop their ties through regular political dialogue, particularly in the areas of:

  • climate change and energy;
  • legal and illegal immigration;
  • human rights;
  • trade in goods and services, and market access;
  • the European arms embargo;
  • cooperation on foreign and security policy, with particular attention to conflict prevention and combating weapons of mass destruction;
  • justice, freedom and security, focusing on combating terrorism, organised crime, trafficking of human beings, drugs, and the trafficking of small arms and light weapons.

The political dialogue also serves as a framework for the negotiation of a Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA).

Cooperation priorities

In the area of trade, the partnership supports trade liberalisation and China’s commitments in accordance with the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). China’s significance in international trade is such that the country must demonstrate its ability to respect fair and equitable conditions of competition. Similarly, the EU supports the restructuring of the financial services sector in view of the increase in trade in services.

Cooperation in the area of civilian aviation should help to improve aviation safety and security, considering the rapid development of the aviation market and the country’s position as a transit hub within Asia. Action to provide regulatory technical assistance is in place, as are research projects, including for the development of green air transport.

China must reduce the negative social impact of its economic reforms in order to increase its social and territorial cohesion. This should be done through policies at regional level, employment and decent work, social security and health. The partners may therefore exchange experience in particular areas such as the labour market, social exclusion and pensions.

Similarly, cooperation must be increased in the education and training sector, for the development of student and professional exchange programmes, particularly in the field of science.

Finally, the partners must combine their efforts to combat climate change, to develop legal and economic instruments for environmental protection and to ensure the sustainable management of energy and water resources.

Last updated: 12.07.2011
