Use quotation marks to search for an "exact phrase". Append an asterisk (*) to a search term to find variations of it (transp*, 32019R*). Use a question mark (?) instead of a single character in your search term to find variations of it (ca?e finds case, cane, care).
DOCUMENTO DI LAVORO DEI SERVIZI DELLA COMMISSIONE CONSULTAZIONE DEI PORTATORI DI INTERESSI - RELAZIONE RIEPILOGATIVA che accompagna il documento Comunicazione della Commissione al Parlamento europeo, al Consiglio, al Comitato economico e sociale europeo e al Comitato delle regioni Una visione a lungo termine per le zone rurali dell'UE: verso zone rurali più forti, connesse, resilienti e prospere entro il 2040
Initiative summary:
The European Commission will work with rural stakeholders to develop a long-term vision which will support rural areas in achieving their full potential. It will address challenges from demographic change to connectivity, low income or limited access to services, and explore innovative, inclusive and sustainable solutions including those triggered by climate and digital transformation or new developments arising from the current COVID-19 crisis, offering reflections to feed future policies.