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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Document Ares(2019)7907872

    Initiative summary:
    The new Circular Economy Action Plan will accelerate the transition towards a circular economy, reinforcing the EU’s industrial base, while contributing to fighting climate change and preserving its natural environment. The new action plan will look at the lifecycle of products and materials, ensuring sustainable resource use and tackling resource-intensive sectors such as textiles, construction, electronics and plastics. It will feed into the EU Industrial Strategy.
    EuroVoc thesaurus:
    fenntartható fejlődés; iparpolitika; tiszta technológia; termeléspolitika; innováció; cselekvési program; környezetszennyezés megelőzése; hulladékgazdálkodás; éghajlat-változási politika; körforgásos gazdaság