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Document C2006/291E/02

    P6_TA(2006)0071 Agreement between the EC and Ukraine on certain aspects of air services * European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and Ukraine on certain aspects of air services (COM(2005)0368 — C6-0431/2005 — 2005/0155(CNS))
    P6_TA(2006)0072 Guarantee Fund for external actions * European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2728/94 establishing a Guarantee Fund for external actions (COM(2005)0130 — C6-0176/2005 — 2005/0025(CNS))
    P6_TA(2006)0073 Formation and capital of public limited liability companies ***I European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 77/91/EEC as regards the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital (COM(2004)0730 — C6-0169/2004 — 2004/0256(COD))
    P6_TC1-COD(2004)0256 Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 14 March 2006 with a view to the adoption of Directive 2006/…/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 77/91/EEC, as regards the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital
    P6_TA(2006)0074 European Institute for Gender Equality ***I European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Institute for Gender Equality (COM(2005)0081 — C6-0083/2005 — 2005/0017(COD))
    P6_TC1-COD(2005)0017 Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 14 March 2006 with a view to the adoption of Regulation (EC) No …/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Institute for Gender Equality
    P6_TA(2006)0075 Rapid response and preparedness instrument for major emergencies * European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation establishing a Rapid Response and Preparedness Instrument for major emergencies (COM(2005)0113 — C6-0181/2005 — 2005/0052(CNS))
    P6_TA(2006)0076 Strategic review of the IMF European Parliament resolution on the strategic review of the International Monetary Fund (2005/2121(INI))
    P6_TA(2006)0077 Relocation in the context of regional development European Parliament resolution on relocation in the context of regional development (2004/2254(INI))
    P6_TA(2006)0078 Community strategy concerning mercury European Parliament resolution on the Community strategy concerning mercury (2005/2050(INI))
    P6_TA(2006)0079 A European information society for growth and employment European Parliament resolution on a European information society for growth and employment (2005/2167(INI))
    P6_TA(2006)0080 Tackling racism in football Declaration of the European Parliament on tackling racism in football

    SL C 291E, 30.11.2006, p. 17–145 (ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Official Journal of the European Union

    CE 291/17


    (2006/C 291 E/02)




    1.   Opening of session

    Pursuant to Article 196, first paragraph, of the EC Treaty and Rule 127(2), the 2006-2007 session of the European Parliament opened.

    2.   Opening of sitting

    The sitting opened at 9.05.

    3.   Documents received

    The following documents had been received:


    from the Council and Commission

    Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 03/2006 — Section III — Commission (SEC(2006)0106 — C6-0060/2006 — 2006/2045(GBD))

    referred to

    responsible: BUDG

    Proposal for a Council decision approving the accession of the European Community to the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the international registration of industrial designs, adopted in Geneva on 2 July 1999 (COM(2005)0687 — C6-0061/2006 — 2005/0273(CNS))

    referred to

    responsible: JURI

    opinion: IMCO

    Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on compliance with flag State requirements (COM(2005)0586 — C6-0062/2006 — 2005/0236(COD))

    referred to

    responsible: TRAN

    opinion: ENVI

    Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 76/769/EEC relating to restrictions on the marketing of certain measuring devices containing mercury (COM(2006)0069 — C6-0064/2006 — 2006/0018(COD))

    referred to

    responsible: ENVI

    opinion: ITRE, IMCO

    Council Recommendation of 14 February 2006 on the appointment of a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (N6-0015/2006 — C6-0071/2006 — 2006/0801(CNS))

    referred to

    responsible: ECON

    Initiative by the Republic of Austria with a view to the adoption of a Council decision adjusting the basic salaries and allowances applicable to Europol staff (5417/2006 — C6-0072/2006 — 2006/0803(CNS))

    referred to

    responsible: LIBE

    opinion: BUDG

    Initiative by the Republic of Austria with a view to the adoption of a Council Act amending Europol's Staff Regulations (5428/2006 — C6-0073/2006 — 2006/0804(CNS))

    referred to

    responsible: LIBE

    opinion: BUDG

    Proposal for a Council decision establishing a Community civil protection mechanism (recast) (COM(2006)0029 — C6-0076/2006 — 2006/0009(CNS))

    referred to

    responsible: ENVI

    opinion: LIBE

    Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of a Protocol to the Euro Mediterranean Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the State of Israel, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the European Union (6060/2006 — C6-0077/2006 — 2004/0266(AVC))

    referred to

    responsible: AFET

    opinion: INTA

    Proposal for a Council directive on the exemption from valued added tax and excise duty of goods imported by persons travelling from third countries (COM(2006)0076 — C6-0078/2006 — 2006/0021(CNS))

    referred to

    responsible: ECON

    opinion: INTA, ENVI

    Proposal for a Council Regulation on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations (COM(2005)0649 — C6-0079/2006 — 2005/0259(CNS))

    referred to

    responsible: LIBE

    opinion: JURI

    4.   Debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled)

    Pursuant to Rule 115, the following Members or political groups had requested that such a debate be held on the following motions for resolutions:


    Impunity in Africa and in particular the case of Hissène Habré

    Marie-Hélène Aubert, Marie Anne Isler Béguin and Frithjof Schmidt, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on impunity in Africa and in particular the case of Hissène Habré (B6-0171/2006);

    Nirj Deva, Maria Martens, Bernd Posselt and Jürgen Schröder, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, on impunity in Africa and in particular the case of Hissène Habré (B6-0172/2006);

    Pasqualina Napoletano and Ana Maria Gomes, on behalf of the PSE Group, on impunity in Africa and in particular the case of Hissène Habré (B6-0176/2006);

    Eoin Ryan and Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis, on behalf of the UEN Group, on impunity in Africa and in particular the case of Hissène Habré (B6-0179/2006);

    Luisa Morgantini and Gabriele Zimmer, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on impunity in Africa and in particular the case of Hissène Habré (B6-0182/2006);

    Johan Van Hecke, Fiona Hall and Marios Matsakis, on behalf of the ALDE Group, on impunity in Africa and in particular the case of Hissène Habré (B6-0185/2006).



    Ona Juknevičienė, Frédérique Ries and Marios Matsakis, on behalf of the ALDE Group, on the situation in Kazakhstan (B6-0167/2006);

    Albert Jan Maat, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, on Kazakhstan (B6-0173/2006);

    Cristiana Muscardini and Janusz Wojciechowski, on behalf of the UEN Group, on the situation in Kazakhstan (B6-0175/2006);

    Pasqualina Napoletano and Bernadette Bourzai, on behalf of the PSE Group, on Kazakhstan (B6-0177/2006);

    Vittorio Agnoletto, André Brie, Erik Meijer and Esko Seppänen, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on the human rights situation in Kazakhstan (B6-0181/2006);

    Bart Staes and Cem Özdemir, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on the situation in Kazakhstan (B6-0184/2006).


    Human rights in Moldova, in particular Transnistria

    Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck and Marios Matsakis, on behalf of the ALDE Group, on human rights in Moldova, in particular in Transnistria (B6-0168/2006);

    Charles Tannock, Bogusław Sonik and Bernd Posselt, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, on human rights in Moldova, in particular in Transnistria (B6-0174/2006);

    Pasqualina Napoletano, Jan Marinus Wiersma and Marianne Mikko, on behalf of the PSE Group, on human rights in Moldova, in particular in Transnistria (B6-0178/2006);

    Erik Meijer, Helmuth Markov and André Brie, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on human rights in Moldova, in particular in Transnistria (B6-0180/2006);

    Elisabeth Schroedter, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on human rights in Moldova, in particular in Transnistria (B6-0183/2006);

    Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański, on behalf of the UEN Group, on Moldova (B6-0186/2006).

    Speaking time would be allocated in accordance with Rule 142.

    5.   A European information society for growth and employment (debate)

    Report on a European information society for growth and employment [2005/2167(INI)] — Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.

    Rapporteur: Reino Paasilinna (A6-0036/2006)

    Reino Paasilinna introduced the report.

    Viviane Reding (Member of the Commission) spoke.

    The following spoke: Teresa Riera Madurell (draftsman of the opinion of the FEMM Committee), Giulietto Chiesa (draftsman of the opinion of the CULT Committee), Pilar del Castillo Vera, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Catherine Trautmann, on behalf of the PSE Group, Anne Laperrouze, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Umberto Guidoni, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Mieczysław Edmund Janowski, on behalf of the UEN Group, Nikolaos Vakalis, Eluned Morgan, Angelika Niebler, Reino Paasilinna, who made a clarification, and Viviane Reding.

    The debate closed.

    Vote: Minutes of 14.03.2006, Item 11.4.

    6.   Restructuring and employment (debate)

    Report on restructuring and employment [2005/2188(INI)] — Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

    Rapporteur: Jean Louis Cottigny (A6-0031/2006)

    Jean Louis Cottigny introduced the report.



    Vladimír Špidla (Member of the Commission) spoke.

    The following spoke: Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Jan Andersson, on behalf of the PSE Group, Jean Marie Beaupuy, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Elisabeth Schroedter, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Ilda Figueiredo, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Derek Roland Clark, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański, on behalf of the UEN Group, Alessandro Battilocchio, Non-attached Member, Philip Bushill-Matthews, Françoise Castex, Gabriele Zimmer, Georgios Karatzaferis, Guntars Krasts, Jacek Protasiewicz, Emine Bozkurt and Vladimír Špidla.

    The debate closed.

    Vote: Minutes of 15.03.2006, Item 4.8.

    7.   European Institute for Gender Equality ***I (debate)

    Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Institute for Gender Equality [COM(2005)0081 — C6-0083/2005 — 2005/0017(COD)] — Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality.

    Co-rapporteurs: Lissy Gröner and Amalia Sartori (A6-0043/2006)

    Vladimír Špidla (Member of the Commission) spoke.

    Lissy Gröner and Amalia Sartori (co-rapporteurs) introduced the report.

    The following spoke: Jutta Haug (draftsman of the opinion of the BUDG Committee), Borut Pahor (draftsman of the opinion of the AFCO Committee), Anna Záborská, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Sarah Ludford, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Hiltrud Breyer, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Eva-Britt Svensson, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Urszula Krupa, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Wojciech Roszkowski, on behalf of the UEN Group, Lydia Schenardi, Non-attached Member, Zita Pleštinská, Teresa Riera Madurell, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Irena Belohorská, Esther Herranz García, Marie-Line Reynaud, Eugenijus Gentvilas, Maciej Marian Giertych, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Justas Vincas Paleckis and Vladimír Špidla.

    The debate closed.

    Vote: Minutes of 14.03.2006, Item 9.4.



    8.   Tackling racism in football (written declaration)

    Written declaration 69/2005, submitted by Emine Bozkurt, Claude Moraes, Christopher Heaton-Harris, Cem Özdemir and Alexander Nuno Alvaro on tackling racism in football, had, by 01.03.2006, been signed by the majority of Parliament's component Members. Consequently, in accordance with Rule 116(4), it would be forwarded to its addressees and published, together with the names of the signatories, in the Texts Adopted of that sitting (P6_TA(2006)0080).

    9.   Voting time

    Details of voting (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in the ‘Results of votes’ annex to the Minutes.

    9.1.   Agreement between the EC and Ukraine on certain aspects of air services * (Rule 131) (vote)

    Report on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and Ukraine on certain aspects of air services [COM(2005)0368 — C6-0431/2005 — 2005/0155(CNS)] — Committee on Transport and Tourism.

    Rapporteur: Paolo Costa (A6-0029/2006)

    (Simple majority)

    (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 1)


    Adopted by single vote (P6_TA(2006)0071)

    9.2.   Guarantee Fund for external actions * (Rule 131) (vote)

    Report on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2728/94 establishing a Guarantee Fund for external actions [COM(2005)0130 — C6-0176/2005 — 2005/0025(CNS)] — Committee on Budgets.

    Rapporteur: Esko Seppänen (A6-0054/2006)

    (Simple majority)

    (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 2)


    Adopted by single vote (P6_TA(2006)0072)

    9.3.   Formation and capital of public limited liability companies ***I (vote)

    Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 77/91/EEC as regards the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital [COM(2004)0730 — C6-0169/2004 — 2004/0256(COD)] — Committee on Legal Affairs.

    Rapporteur: Piia-Noora Kauppi (A6-0050/2006)

    (Simple majority)

    (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 3)


    Approved as amended (P6_TA(2006)0073)


    Adopted (P6_TA(2006)0073)

    9.4.   European Institute for Gender Equality ***I (vote)

    Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Institute for Gender Equality [COM(2005)0081 — C6-0083/2005 — 2005/0017(COD)] — Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality.

    Co-rapporteurs: Lissy Gröner and Amalia Sartori (A6-0043/2006)

    (Simple majority)

    (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 4)


    Approved as amended (P6_TA(2006)0074)


    Adopted (P6_TA(2006)0074)

    9.5.   Rapid response and preparedness instrument for major emergencies * (vote)

    Report on the proposal for a Council regulation establishing a Rapid Response and Preparedness Instrument for major emergencies [COM(2005)0113 — C6-0181/2005 — 2005/0052(CNS)] — Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.

    Rapporteur: Dimitrios Papadimoulis (A6-0027/2006)

    (Simple majority)

    (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 5)


    Approved as amended (P6_TA(2006)0075)


    Adopted (P6_TA(2006)0075)

    (The sitting was suspended at 11.55 pending the formal sitting.)



    The President paid tribute to the memory of Lennart Meri, the former President of Estonia, who had died that day.

    10.   Formal sitting — Federal Republic of Germany

    From 12.00 to 12.30, a formal sitting of Parliament was held on the occasion of the visit of Mr Horst Köhler, President of the Federal Republic of Germany.



    11.   Voting time (continuation)

    11.1.   Strategic review of the IMF (vote)

    Report on the strategic review of the International Monetary Fund [2005/2121(INI)] — Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.

    Rapporteur: Benoît Hamon (A6-0022/2006)

    (Simple majority)

    (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 6)


    Adopted (P6_TA(2006)0076)

    The following spoke on the vote:

    Benoît Hamon (rapporteur), who moved an oral amendment to amendment 9, which was incorporated.

    11.2.   Relocation in the context of regional development (vote)

    Report on relocation in the context of regional development [2004/2254(INI)] — Committee on Regional Development.

    Rapporteur: Alain Hutchinson (A6-0013/2006)

    (Simple majority)

    (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 7)


    Adopted (P6_TA(2006)0077)

    11.3.   Community strategy concerning mercury (vote)

    Report on the Community strategy concerning mercury [2005/2050(INI)] — Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.

    Rapporteur: Marios Matsakis (A6-0044/2006)

    (Simple majority)

    (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 8)


    Adopted (P6_TA(2006)0078)

    11.4.   A European information society for growth and employment (vote)

    Report on a European information society for growth and employment [2005/2167(INI)] — Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.

    Rapporteur: Reino Paasilinna (A6-0036/2006)

    (Simple majority)

    (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 9)


    Adopted (P6_TA(2006)0079)

    12.   Explanations of vote

    Written explanations of vote:

    Explanations of vote submitted in writing under Rule 163(3) appear in the Verbatim Report of Proceedings for the sitting.

    Oral explanations of vote:

    Report: Lissy Gröner and Amalia Sartori — A6-0043/2006

    Frank Vanhecke, Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou

    Report: Alain Hutchinson — A6-0013/2006

    Oldřich Vlasák

    Report: Marios Matsakis — A6-0044/2006

    Milan Gaľa

    Report: Reino Paasilinna — A6-0036/2006

    Nina Škottová, Andreas Mölzer

    13.   Corrections to votes and voting intentions

    Corrections to votes

    Corrections to votes appear on the ‘Séance en direct’ website under ‘Votes’/‘Results of votes’/‘Roll-call votes’. They are published in hard copy in the ‘Result of roll-call votes’ annex.

    The electronic version on Europarl will be regularly updated for a maximum of two weeks after the day of the vote concerned.

    After the two-week deadline has passed, the list of corrections to votes will be finalised so that it can be translated and published in the Official Journal.

    Voting intentions

    The Presidency had been notified of the following voting intentions (in respect of votes that had not been cast):

    Report: Lissy Gröner and Amalia Sartori — A6-0043/2006

    resolution (as a whole)

    in favour: Edit Herczog

    Report: Benoît Hamon — A6-0022/2006

    amendment 7

    in favour: Godfrey Bloom, Nigel Farage, Jeffrey Titford

    against: Mairead McGuinness, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt

    resolution (as a whole)

    in favour: Emanuel Jardim Fernandes

    Report: Alain Hutchinson — A6-0013/2006

    amendment 17

    against: Dagmar Roth-Behrendt

    Report: Marios Matsakis — A6-0044/2006

    amendment 13

    in favour: Hans-Peter Martin

    paragraph 15

    in favour: Alyn Smith

    against: Hans-Peter Martin

    amendment 12

    in favour: Hans-Peter Martin

    Members present but not voting:

    Karl-Heinz Florenz (first part of the vote), Paul Rübig (Report: Marios Matsakis — A6-0044/2006).

    (The sitting was suspended at 13.00 and resumed at 15.00.)



    14.   Approval of Minutes of previous sitting

    The Minutes of the previous sitting were approved.

    15.   State of the European footwear sector one year after liberalisation (debate)

    Oral question (O-0005/2006) by Enrique Barón Crespo, on behalf of the INTA Committee, to the Commission: Situation of the European footwear sector, one year after liberalisation (B6-0007/2006)

    Enrique Barón Crespo moved the oral question.

    Peter Mandelson (Member of the Commission) answered the oral question.

    The following spoke: Robert Sturdy, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Erika Mann, on behalf of the PSE Group, Johan Van Hecke, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Caroline Lucas, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Vittorio Agnoletto, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Nigel Farage, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Cristiana Muscardini, on behalf of the UEN Group, Ryszard Czarnecki, Non-attached Member, Tokia Saïfi, Francisco Assis, Sajjad Karim, Bastiaan Belder, Luca Romagnoli, Georgios Papastamkos, Kader Arif, Giulietto Chiesa, Patrick Louis, Christofer Fjellner, Joan Calabuig Rull, Daniel Caspary, Elisa Ferreira, Syed Kamall, Pia Elda Locatelli and Peter Mandelson.



    Erika Mann put a question that Peter Mandelson answered.

    The debate closed.

    16.   Evaluation of the European arrest warrant (debate)

    Report with a proposal for a European Parliament recommendation to the Council on the evaluation of the European arrest warrant [2005/2175(INI)] — Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

    Rapporteur: Adeline Hazan (A6-0049/2006)

    Adeline Hazan introduced the report.

    The following spoke: Karin Gastinger (President-in-Office of the Council) and Franco Frattini (Vice-President of the Commission).

    The following spoke: Panayiotis Demetriou, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Martine Roure, on behalf of the PSE Group, Graham Watson, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Kathalijne Maria Buitenweg, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Giusto Catania, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Johannes Blokland, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Brian Crowley, on behalf of the UEN Group, Koenraad Dillen, Non-attached Member, Jaime Mayor Oreja, Stavros Lambrinidis, Sarah Ludford and Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann.

    IN THE CHAIR: Manuel António dos SANTOS


    The following spoke: Ashley Mote, Carlos Coelho, Genowefa Grabowska, Ioannis Varvitsiotis, Karin Gastinger and Franco Frattini.

    The debate closed.

    Vote: Minutes of 15.03.2006, Item 4.3.

    17.   Question Time (Council)

    Parliament considered a number of questions to the Council (B6-0013/2006).

    Part one

    Question 1 (Eoin Ryan): Ethiopian opposition figures.

    Hans Winkler (President-in-Office of the Council) answered the question and supplementaries by Eoin Ryan, Ana Maria Gomes and David Martin.

    Question 2 (Cecilia Malmström): Support for democracy in Iran.

    Hans Winkler answered the question and supplementaries by Cecilia Malmström, Philip Bushill-Matthews and David Martin.

    Question 3 (Panagiotis Beglitis): Israeli Government decision to build a tramline linking the illegal settlement of Pisgat Ze'ev in East Jerusalem with the centre of West Jerusalem.

    Hans Winkler answered the question and supplementaries by Panagiotis Beglitis, James Hugh Allister and Jonas Sjöstedt.

    Question 4 (Reinhard Rack): Protection of fundamental rights.

    Karin Gastinger (President-in-Office of the Council) answered the question and a supplementary by Reinhard Rack.

    Question 5 (Diamanto Manolakou): State of emergency in the Philippines.

    Hans Winkler (President-in-Office of the Council) answered the question and a supplementary by Diamanto Manolakou.

    Part two

    Question 6 (Agnes Schierhuber): Access to justice for consumers.

    Karin Gastinger (President-in-Office of the Council) answered the question and supplementaries by Agnes Schierhuber, Reinhard Rack and Richard Seeber.

    Question 7 (Sarah Ludford): Framework decision on racism and xenophobia.

    Karin Gastinger answered the question and Question 8, on the same subject, and supplementaries by Sarah Ludford and Manolis Mavrommatis.

    The following spoke: Gay Mitchell and Bill Newton Dunn on the organisation of Question Time.

    IN THE CHAIR: Sylvia-Yvonne KAUFMANN


    Question 8 (Gay Mitchell): Xenophobia in the EU.

    Having pointed out that her answer to Question 7 also applied to Question 8, Karin Gastinger also answered a supplementary by Gay Mitchell.

    Claude Moraes requested a return to the old arrangements for Question Time (the President replied that the matter would be discussed with the Presidency-in-Office of the Council).

    Questions which had not been answered for lack of time would receive written answers (see annex to the Verbatim Report of Proceedings).

    Council Question Time closed.

    18.   Question Time (Commission)

    Parliament considered a number of questions to the Commission (B6-0013/2006).

    Carlos Carnero González protested that his Question 48 had been declared inadmissible (the President undertook to pass on his protest to those responsible and reminded the House of the provisions of Annex II to the Rules of Procedure).

    Part one

    Question 43 lapsed as its author was absent.

    Question 44 (Bill Newton Dunn): Budget for the Trans Crime project.

    Franco Frattini (Vice-President of the Commission) answered the question and a supplementary by Bill Newton Dunn.

    Question 45 (Cristobal Montoro Romero): The economic situation in Europe.

    Siim Kallas (Vice-President of the Commission) answered the question and supplementaries by Cristobal Montoro Romero, Paul Rübig and Justas Vincas Paleckis.

    Part two

    Question 46 (Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou): Education and training programmes and European identity.

    Ján Figeľ (Member of the Commission) answered the question and supplementaries by Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Josu Ortuondo Larrea and Richard Seeber.

    Question 47 (Maria Badia I Cutchet): Plan for fostering entrepreneurship via education.

    Ján Figeľ answered the question and supplementaries by Maria Badia I Cutchet and Paul Rübig.

    Question 48 had been declared inadmissible (Annex II, part A, point 3, to the Rules of Procedure).

    Question 49 (Andreas Mölzer): Turkish lira coin.

    Siim Kallas (Vice-President of the Commission) answered the question and a supplementary by Andreas Mölzer.

    Question 50 (Enrico Letta): Brussels II European School — transfer of sections.

    Question 51 (Richard Seeber): Transfer of the German-language section.

    Siim Kallas (Vice-President of the Commission) answered the questions and supplementaries by Enrico Letta, Richard Seeber, Luigi Cocilovo and Alfonso Andria.

    Question 52 would receive a written answer.

    Question 53 (Manuel Medina Ortega): EU enlargement to include Bulgaria and Romania and adoptions.

    Olli Rehn (Member of the Commission) answered the question and supplementaries by Manuel Medina Ortega and Alessandro Battilocchio.

    Question 54 (Mairead McGuinness): Romania's accession to the European Union.

    Olli Rehn answered the question and supplementaries by Mairead McGuinness, Panagiotis Beglitis and John Bowis.

    Questions which had not been answered for lack of time would receive written answers (see annex to the Verbatim Report of Proceedings).

    Commission Question Time closed.

    (The sitting was suspended at 19.50 and resumed at 21.05.)

    IN THE CHAIR: Miroslav OUZKÝ


    19.   Social protection and inclusion (debate)

    Report on social protection and social inclusion [2005/2097(INI)] — Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

    Rapporteur: Edit Bauer (A6-0028/2006)

    Edit Bauer introduced the report.

    Vladimír Špidla (Member of the Commission) spoke.

    The following spoke: Věra Flasarová (draftsman of the opinion of the FEMM Committee), Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Proinsias De Rossa, on behalf of the PSE Group, Siiri Oviir, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Ilda Figueiredo, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Guntars Krasts, on behalf of the UEN Group, Jan Tadeusz Masiel, Non-attached Member, Tomáš Zatloukal, Karin Jöns, Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański, Ljudmila Novak, Marianne Mikko, Zita Gurmai, Aloyzas Sakalas and Vladimír Špidla.

    The debate closed.

    Vote: Minutes of 15.03.2006, Item 4.9.

    20.   Budget guidelines 2007 (sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (A) and VIII (B)) (debate)

    Report on the guidelines for the 2007 budget procedure — Sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII (A) and VIII (B) and on the European Parliament's preliminary draft estimates (Section I) for the 2007 budget procedure

    Section I — European Parliament

    Section II — Council

    Section IV — Court of Justice

    Section V — Court of Auditors

    Section VI — European Economic and Social Committee

    Section VII — Committee of the Regions

    Section VIII (A) — European Ombudsman

    Section VIII (B) — European Data Protection Supervisor [2006/2021(BUD)] — Committee on Budgets.

    Rapporteur: Louis Grech (A6-0058/2006)

    Louis Grech introduced the report.

    The following spoke: Ville Itälä, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Neena Gill, on behalf of the PSE Group, Kyösti Virrankoski, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Lars Wohlin, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Hans-Peter Martin, Non-attached Member, Salvador Garriga Polledo, Brigitte Douay, Nathalie Griesbeck and Jeffrey Titford.

    The debate closed.

    Vote: Minutes of 15.03.2006, Item 4.10.

    21.   Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities * (debate)

    Report on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities [COM(2005)0181 — C6-0234/2005 — 2005/0090(CNS)] — Committee on Budgets.

    Rapporteur: Ingeborg Gräßle (A6-0057/2006)

    Dalia Grybauskaitė (Member of the Commission) spoke.

    Ingeborg Gräßle introduced the report.

    The following spoke: Borut Pahor (draftsman of the opinion of the CONT Committee), Simon Busuttil, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Paulo Casaca, on behalf of the PSE Group, Kyösti Virrankoski, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Kathalijne Maria Buitenweg, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk, on behalf of the UEN Group, Salvador Garriga Polledo, Catherine Guy-Quint, José Javier Pomés Ruiz, Vladimír Maňka, Herbert Bösch and Szabolcs Fazakas.

    The debate closed.

    Vote: Minutes of 15.03.2006, Item 4.5.

    22.   More environmentally friendly fishing methods (debate)

    Report on more environmentally friendly fishing methods [2004/2199(INI)] — Committee on Fisheries.

    Rapporteur: Seán Ó Neachtain (A6-0019/2006)

    Seán Ó Neachtain introduced the report.

    Joe Borg (Member of the Commission) spoke.

    The following spoke: Struan Stevenson, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Dorette Corbey, on behalf of the PSE Group, Elspeth Attwooll, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Ian Hudghton, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Pedro Guerreiro, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Kathy Sinnott, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Duarte Freitas, Paulo Casaca, Iles Braghetto, Zdzisław Kazimierz Chmielewski, Ioannis Gklavakis, James Nicholson and Joe Borg.

    The debate closed.

    Vote: Minutes of 15.03.2006, Item 4.11.

    23.   Agenda for next sitting

    The agenda for the next sitting had been established (‘Agenda’ PE 369.607/OJME).

    24.   Closure of sitting

    The sitting closed at 23.45.

    Julian Priestley


    Manuel António dos Santos



    The following signed:

    Adamou, Agnoletto, Albertini, Allister, Alvaro, Andersson, Andrejevs, Andria, Andrikienė, Angelilli, Antoniozzi, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Ashworth, Assis, Atkins, Attwooll, Aubert, Audy, Auken, Ayala Sender, Aylward, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Baco, Badia I Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Barsi-Pataky, Batten, Battilocchio, Batzeli, Bauer, Beaupuy, Beazley, Beer, Beglitis, Belder, Belet, Belohorská, Bennahmias, Berend, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlato, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bertinotti, Bielan, Birutis, Blokland, Bloom, Bobošíková, Böge, Bösch, Bonde, Bono, Bonsignore, Booth, Borghezio, Borrell Fontelles, Bourzai, Bowis, Bowles, Bozkurt, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Breyer, Brie, Brok, Brunetta, Budreikaitė, van Buitenen, Buitenweg, Bullmann, van den Burg, Bushill-Matthews, Busk, Busquin, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Calabuig Rull, Callanan, Camre, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carlshamre, Carnero González, Carollo, Casa, Casaca, Cashman, Caspary, Castex, del Castillo Vera, Catania, Cavada, Cederschiöld, Cercas, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Chmielewski, Christensen, Chruszcz, Claeys, Clark, Cocilovo, Coelho, Cohn-Bendit, Corbett, Corbey, Cornillet, Correia, Costa, Cottigny, Coûteaux, Coveney, Cramer, Crowley, Marek Aleksander Czarnecki, Ryszard Czarnecki, D'Alema, Daul, Davies, de Brún, Degutis, Dehaene, De Keyser, De Michelis, Deprez, De Rossa, De Sarnez, Descamps, Désir, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, De Vits, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dičkutė, Didžiokas, Díez González, Dillen, Dimitrakopoulos, Dobolyi, Doorn, Douay, Dover, Doyle, Drčar Murko, Duchoň, Dührkop Dührkop, Duff, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Ek, El Khadraoui, Elles, Esteves, Estrela, Ettl, Eurlings, Jill Evans, Jonathan Evans, Robert Evans, Fajmon, Farage, Fatuzzo, Fava, Fazakas, Ferber, Fernandes, Fernández Martín, Anne Ferreira, Elisa Ferreira, Figueiredo, Fjellner, Flasarová, Flautre, Florenz, Foglietta, Foltyn-Kubicka, Fontaine, Ford, Fourtou, Fraga Estévez, Frassoni, Freitas, Friedrich, Fruteau, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote, García-Margallo y Marfil, García Pérez, Gargani, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gebhardt, Gentvilas, Geremek, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gewalt, Gierek, Giertych, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goebbels, Goepel, Golik, Gollnisch, Gomes, Gomolka, Goudin, Grabowska, Grabowski, Graça Moura, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Gräßle, de Grandes Pascual, Grech, Griesbeck, Gröner, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Groote, Grosch, Grossetête, Gruber, Guardans Cambó, Guellec, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Gurmai, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Guy-Quint, Gyürk, Hänsch, Hall, Hammerstein Mintz, Hamon, Handzlik, Hannan, Harangozó, Harbour, Harkin, Harms, Hasse Ferreira, Hassi, Hatzidakis, Haug, Hazan, Heaton-Harris, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Helmer, Henin, Hennicot-Schoepges, Hennis-Plasschaert, Herczog, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Honeyball, Hoppenstedt, Horáček, Howitt, Hudacký, Hudghton, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ibrisagic, Ilves, in't Veld, Isler Béguin, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jäätteenmäki, Jałowiecki, Janowski, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jensen, Joan i Marí, Jöns, Jørgensen, Jonckheer, Jordan Cizelj, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Kaczmarek, Kallenbach, Kamall, Kamiński, Karas, Karatzaferis, Karim, Kasoulides, Kaufmann, Kauppi, Tunne Kelam, Kindermann, Kinnock, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Klinz, Knapman, Koch, Koch-Mehrin, Konrad, Korhola, Kósáné Kovács, Kozlík, Krahmer, Krarup, Krasts, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kristovskis, Krupa, Kuc, Kudrycka, Kuhne, Kułakowski, Kušķis, Kusstatscher, Kuźmiuk, Lagendijk, Laignel, Lamassoure, Lambert, Lambrinidis, Lambsdorff, Landsbergis, Lang, Langen, Langendries, Laperrouze, La Russa, Lauk, Lavarra, Lax, Lechner, Le Foll, Lehne, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen, Le Rachinel, Letta, Lévai, Lewandowski, Liberadzki, Libicki, Lichtenberger, Lienemann, Lipietz, Locatelli, López-Istúriz White, Louis, Lucas, Ludford, Lulling, Lundgren, Lynne, Maat, Maaten, McAvan, McCarthy, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Madeira, Malmström, Manders, Maňka, Thomas Mann, Manolakou, Mantovani, Markov, Marques, Martens, David Martin, Hans-Peter Martin, Martinez, Martínez Martínez, Masiel, Masip Hidalgo, Maštálka, Mastenbroek, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsakis, Matsis, Matsouka, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Medina Ortega, Meijer, Méndez de Vigo, Menéndez del Valle, Meyer Pleite, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Mölzer, Montoro Romero, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Morgantini, Morillon, Moscovici, Mote, Mulder, Musacchio, Muscardini, Muscat, Musotto, Mussolini, Musumeci, Myller, Napoletano, Nattrass, Navarro, Newton Dunn, Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson, Nicholson of Winterbourne, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Obiols i Germà, Özdemir, Olajos, Olbrycht, Ó Neachtain, Onesta, Onyszkiewicz, Oomen-Ruijten, Ortuondo Larrea, Őry, Ouzký, Oviir, Paasilinna, Pack, Pafilis, Pahor, Paleckis, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Panzeri, Papadimoulis, Papastamkos, Parish, Patrie, Peillon, Pęk, Alojz Peterle, Pflüger, Piecyk, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pinior, Piotrowski, Pirilli, Pirker, Piskorski, Pittella, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Pleštinská, Podkański, Poettering, Poignant, Pomés Ruiz, Portas, Posdorf, Posselt, Prets, Prodi, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Ransdorf, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Remek, Resetarits, Reul, Reynaud, Ribeiro e Castro, Riera Madurell, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Rivera, Rizzo, Rocard, Rogalski, Roithová, Romagnoli, Romeva i Rueda, Rosati, Roszkowski, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Rühle, Rutowicz, Ryan, Sacconi, Saïfi, Sakalas, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Salinas García, Salvini, Samaras, Samuelsen, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Savary, Savi, Schapira, Scheele, Schenardi, Schierhuber, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schroedter, Schulz, Schuth, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Segelström, Seppänen, Siekierski, Sifunakis, Sinnott, Siwiec, Sjöstedt, Skinner, Škottová, Smith, Sommer, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Spautz, Speroni, Staes, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Šťastný, Stauner, Sterckx, Stevenson, Stockmann, Strejček, Strož, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Svensson, Swoboda, Szájer, Szejna, Szent-Iványi, Szymański, Tabajdi, Tajani, Takkula, Tannock, Tarabella, Tarand, Tatarella, Thomsen, Thyssen, Titford, Titley, Toia, Tomczak, Toubon, Toussas, Trakatellis, Trautmann, Triantaphyllides, Trüpel, Turmes, Tzampazi, Uca, Ulmer, Väyrynen, Vaidere, Vakalis, Vanhecke, Van Hecke, Van Lancker, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vaugrenard, Ventre, Vergnaud, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras, de Villiers, Vincenzi, Virrankoski, Vlasák, Vlasto, Voggenhuber, Wagenknecht, Wallis, Walter, Watson, Henri Weber, Manfred Weber, Weiler, Weisgerber, Westlund, Whittaker, Wieland, Wiersma, Willmott, Wise, von Wogau, Wohlin, Bernard Piotr Wojciechowski, Janusz Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Wurtz, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zani, Zapałowski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Ždanoka, Železný, Zieleniec, Zīle, Zimmer, Zingaretti, Zvěřina, Zwiefka


    Abadjiev Dimitar, Anastase Roberta Alma, Arabadjiev Alexander, Bărbuleţiu Tiberiu, Bliznashki Georgi, Buruiană Aprodu Daniela, Cappone Maria, Christova Christina Velcheva, Cioroianu Adrian Mihai, Coşea Dumitru Gheorghe Mircea, Creţu Gabriela, Dimitrov Martin, Dîncu Vasile, Duca Viorel, Dumitrescu Cristian, Ganţ Ovidiu Victor, Hogea Vlad Gabriel, Ilchev Stanimir, Ivanova Iglika, Kazak Tchetin, Kirilov Evgeni, Kónya-Hamar Sándor, Marinescu Marian-Jean, Mihăescu Eugen, Morţun Alexandru Ioan, Nicolae Şerban, Paparizov Atanas Atanassov, Parvanova Antonyia, Paşcu Ioan Mircea, Petre Maria, Podgorean Radu, Popa Nicolae Vlad, Popeangă Petre, Sârbu Daciana Octavia, Severin Adrian, Sofianski Stefan, Stoyanov Dimitar, Tîrle Radu, Vigenin Kristian, Zgonea Valeriu Ştefan



    Abbreviations and symbols








    RCV (…, …, …)

    roll-call vote (for, against, abstentions)

    EV (…, …, …)

    electronic vote (for, against, abstentions)


    split vote


    separate vote




    compromise amendment


    corresponding part


    deleting amendment


    identical amendments








    motion for a resolution

    JT MOT

    joint motion for a resolution


    secret ballot

    1.   Agreement between the EC and Ukraine on certain aspects of air services *

    Report: Paolo COSTA (A6-0029/2006)


    RCV, etc.


    RCV/EV — remarks

    single vote




    2.   Guarantee Fund for external actions *

    Report: Esko SEPPÄNEN (A6-0054/2006)


    RCV, etc.


    RCV/EV — remarks

    single vote




    3.   Formation and capital of public limited liability companies ***I

    Report: Piia-Noora KAUPPI (A6-0050/2006)


    Am. No


    RCV, etc.


    RCV/EV — remarks

    Amendments by the committee responsible — block vote






    Recital 6






    vote: amended proposal




    vote: legislative resolution




    4.   European Institute for Gender Equality ***I

    Report: Lissy GRÖNER/Amalia SARTORI (A6-0043/2006)


    Am. No


    RCV, etc.


    RCV/EV — remarks

    Amendments by the committee responsible — block vote



















    Amendments by the committee responsible — separate vote





    333, 284, 17






    Article 1, title












    Article 1, after § 1











    Article 3, § 1, after point (a)













    Article 3, § 1, after point (c)













    Article 3, § 1, after point (d)






    Article 3, § 1, point (f)












    Article 3, § 1, after point (g)





























    Article 3, § 1, after point (h)













    Article 10, § 1

















    Article 10, § 2, sub-§ 2











    Article 10, § 7





    234, 393, 10






    Article 12, § 1












    Article 12, § 4













    After recital 2


    KLASS et al



    287, 345, 18

    After recital 10
















    Recital 13











    vote: amended proposal



    370, 265, 15

    vote: legislative resolution



    362, 263, 18

    Requests for roll-call votes

    IND/DEM: final vote

    PPE-DE: amended proposal and final vote

    PSE: am 73, amended proposal and final vote

    Requests for separate votes

    PPE-DE: ams 23 and 52

    5.   Rapid response and preparedness instrument for major emergencies *

    Report: Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS (A6-0027/2006)


    Am. No


    RCV, etc.


    RCV/EV — remarks

    Amendments by the committee responsible — block vote











    Amendments by the committee responsible — separate vote










    565, 71, 15

















    After Article 2





    371, 274, 5





    vote: amended proposal



    611, 25, 14

    vote: legislative resolution



    606, 27, 15

    Requests for roll-call votes

    IND/DEM: am 27

    GUE/NGL: amended proposal and final vote

    Requests for separate votes

    IND/DEM: ams 2, 35 and 37

    Requests for split votes


    am 29

    First part: text as a whole without the word ‘prevention’

    Second part: that word

    6.   Strategic review of the IMF

    Report: Benoît HAMON (A6-0022/2006)


    Am. No


    RCV, etc.


    RCV/EV — remarks

    § 5


    original text



    267, 283, 15

    § 6







    original text



    § 10


    original text




    § 11













    original text



    After § 11





    102, 487, 7

    § 12


    original text




    § 13


    original text




    § 21
















    326, 271, 20

    § 22





    oral amendment

    § 25


    original text










    § 27







    original text










    § 29


    original text










    § 31


    original text










    § 32


    original text










    § 33


    original text




    § 34







    original text



    § 35






    § 36






    Recital C


    original text









    339, 283, 9

    Recital F







    original text



    Recital G







    original text



    vote: resolution (as a whole)



    529, 76, 31

    Requests for roll-call votes

    IND/DEM: am 7

    PPE-DE: final vote

    Requests for split votes


    Recital C

    First part:‘whereas the above-mentioned Presidency … representative of the Commission’

    Second part:‘whereas Article 1 of … European Central Bank,’

    § 25

    First part:‘calls for better coordination … by all players;’

    Second part:‘therefore considers … international stakeholders;’

    § 27

    First part: text as a whole without the words ‘increasing public expenditure together with’

    Second part: those words

    § 29

    First part:‘notes the striking contrast … industrialised countries,’

    Second part:‘whose budgetary policy … financial stability;’

    § 31

    First part:‘notes that the new Debt Sustainability … decision making process;’

    Second part:‘regrets that the proposal … to attain the MDGs;’

    § 32

    First part:‘welcomes the IMF's … general terms’

    Second part:‘but is concerned … largely discredited;’

    am 5

    First part:‘Insists that the European positions … be better coordinated’

    Second part:‘calls on the Member … Parliament's scrutiny;’


    am 8

    First part:‘(deletion) believes that … benefit the most’

    Second part:‘considers that developed … into one;’

    Requests for separate votes

    PPE-DE recital G and §§ 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 33, 34

    ALDE §§ 10, 13


    Benoît Hamon (rapporteur) moved an oral amendment to amendment 9, which then read as follows:


    Calls on the IMF to continue its efforts to increase transparency and build an institutional structure conducive to its mission and the changing circumstances of international financial policy; regrets that civil society, NGOs and national parliaments are insufficiently involved in the definition of conditionality; stresses that it is for the national representatives to define and make fundamental economic choices such as the strategy for development or for combating poverty;’

    7.   Relocation in the context of regional development *

    Report: Alain HUTCHINSON (A6-0013/2006)


    Am. No


    RCV, etc.


    RCV/EV — remarks

    § 1










    106, 526, 6






    After § 1





    71, 525, 41










    64, 537, 49

    § 2










    205, 444, 5

    § 4






    § 5






    § 8










    44, 590, 18

    § 9










    90, 540, 12





    87, 550, 10

    § 10







    166, 467, 17

    § 11











    § 12





    § 13 fell






    After § 12






    § 14






    § 15






    § 17






    § 21






    § 22


    original text




    § 23






    § 26







    original text










    § 27






    Recital C






    Recital D






    vote: resolution (as a whole)




    Requests for roll-call votes

    Verts/ALE am 25

    GUE/NGL ams 26, 27, 29, 30

    IND/DEM ams 17, 19, 6D/21D

    Requests for split votes


    § 26

    First part:‘Stresses the need … improved productivity;’

    Second part:‘supports, in this connection, … assigned to it;’

    Requests for separate votes

    ALDE § 22

    8.   Community strategy concerning mercury

    Report: Marios MATSAKIS (A6-0044/2006)


    Am. No


    RCV, etc.


    RCV/EV — remarks

    § 4








    379, 245, 23



    90, 515, 26





    240, 362, 27

    § 6






    § 7






    § 10





    207, 406, 17

    § 15





    265, 343, 12


    original text



    322, 226, 23

    § 17





    364, 253, 28

    § 18





    362, 265, 10

    § 20


    original text









    374, 265, 16

    § 31






    § 38


    original text




    § 41





    376, 269, 6

    Recital C






    Recital H







    original text



    Recital L











    263, 346, 17

    vote: resolution (as a whole)




    Requests for split votes


    am 5

    First part: text as a whole without the word ‘vapour’

    Second part: those words


    § 20

    First part:‘Calls upon the Commission … of 24 June 2005,’

    Second part:‘and to evaluate … in developing countries;’


    am 6

    First part:‘Underlines … EU mercury export ban’

    Second part:‘by the end of 2006 … 2008;’

    Requests for roll-call votes

    IND/DEM § 15

    Verts/ALE ams 9, 6, 10, 12, 13

    PPE-DE am 2

    Requests for separate votes

    PSE § 38

    9.   A European information society for growth and employment

    Report: Reino PAASILINNA (A6-0036/2006)


    Am. No


    RCV, etc.


    RCV/EV — remarks

    § 19






    § 26






    After § 26






    After § 29






    § 30


    original text










    § 34


    original text










    § 40


    original text




    § 52






    § 67


    original text






    327, 237, 10




    § 70







    original text










    § 74


    original text




    § 80





    293, 250, 13

    § 83





    § 84 fell










    § 85


    original text




    § 86


    original text




    § 87


    original text




    § 88


    original text




    Recital J





    278, 236, 16

    vote: resolution (as a whole)




    Requests for split votes


    § 34

    First part:‘Acknowledges the adoption by the Commission … ubiquitous information society;’

    Second part:‘recognises, furthermore, … maintained in future;’

    § 67

    First part:‘Stresses the major rule … and personal needs;’

    Second part:‘notes also that, … ICT-related careers at all levels;’


    § 30

    First part:‘Notes the growing role … development of content;’

    Second part:‘warns of the increasing … trade policy;’

    § 70

    First part:‘Recalls that every EU citizen has the right … and e-accessibility,’

    Second part:‘geographical discrepancies … of the ubiquitous information society;’

    am 2

    First part:‘Calls on the Commission … gender perspective;’

    Second part:‘calls on the Commission … for the media;’

    Third part:‘calls on the Commission … combat this problem;’

    Requests for separate votes

    PSE §§ 40, 74, 85, 86, 87, 88



    1.   Report: Gröner/Sartori A6-0043/2006

    Amendment 73

    For: 287

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Bowles, Busk, Carlshamre, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Prodi, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Watson

    IND/DEM: Bonde

    NI: Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Masiel, Rutowicz

    PPE-DE: Ashworth, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Brejc, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jałowiecki, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Thyssen, Toubon, Ulmer, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Bozkurt

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Camre, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Voggenhuber

    Against: 345

    ALDE: Attwooll, Birutis, Budreikaitė, Ek, Gentvilas, Harkin, Jäätteenmäki, Malmström, Oviir, Resetarits, Wallis

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Booth, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Krupa, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Titford, Tomczak, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Chruszcz, Claeys, De Michelis, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Le Rachinel, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Atkins, Bauer, Braghetto, Brunetta, Callanan, Casa, Dimitrakopoulos, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Fontaine, Gál, Gargani, Gawronski, Jackson, Járóka, Kauppi, Kirkhope, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Landsbergis, McMillan-Scott, Mavrommatis, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Sartori, Stubb, Sumberg, Tajani, Tannock, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Záborská, Zappalà

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Bielan, Kamiński

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Ždanoka

    Abstention: 18

    ALDE: Beaupuy, Cavada, Cocilovo

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Coûteaux, Louis, Salvini, Speroni, de Villiers

    NI: Allister, Baco, Czarnecki Ryszard, Kozlík, Mote

    PPE-DE: Brepoels, Šťastný

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Jonckheer

    Corrections to votes


    Charles Tannock, David Sumberg, Robert Sturdy


    Emine Bozkurt, Maria Carlshamre

    2.   Report: Gröner/Sartori A6-0043/2006

    Commission proposal

    For: 370

    ALDE: Attwooll, Busk, Carlshamre, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Drčar Murko, Ek, Gentvilas, Harkin, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Malmström, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Samuelsen, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Virrankoski, Wallis

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Salvini, Speroni

    NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, De Michelis, Kozlík, Martin Hans-Peter

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ayuso González, Bauer, Braghetto, Brepoels, Brok, Brunetta, Busuttil, Casa, del Castillo Vera, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Eurlings, Fatuzzo, Fernández Martín, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gawronski, Glattfelder, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Iturgaiz Angulo, Járóka, Jordan Cizelj, Kauppi, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Landsbergis, Maat, Mantovani, Martens, Mato Adrover, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Millán Mon, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Pomés Ruiz, Rudi Ubeda, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Sartori, Schmitt, Seeberg, Stubb, Szájer, Tajani, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zappalà

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Ryan, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 265

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Chatzimarkakis, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Duff, Fourtou, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Schuth, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Toussas

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Booth, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Mote, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Beazley, Becsey, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Brejc, Bushill-Matthews, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Caspary, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fjellner, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Liese, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Marques, Mathieu, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mikolášik, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, Olbrycht, Ouzký, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rübig, Saïfi, Samaras, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Ulmer, Van Orden, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    Abstention: 15

    ALDE: Cavada, De Sarnez

    IND/DEM: Bonde, Karatzaferis

    NI: Baco

    PPE-DE: Belet, Hennicot-Schoepges, Lulling, Olajos, Pack, Seeber, Šťastný

    UEN: Roszkowski, Szymański

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    Corrections to votes


    Alfonso Andria

    3.   Report: Gröner/Sartori A6-0043/2006


    For: 362

    ALDE: Attwooll, Busk, Carlshamre, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Drčar Murko, Ek, Gentvilas, Harkin, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Malmström, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Takkula, Virrankoski, Wallis

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Salvini, Speroni

    NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Belohorská, De Michelis, Kozlík, Martin Hans-Peter

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ayuso González, Bauer, Braghetto, Brepoels, Brunetta, Busuttil, Casa, del Castillo Vera, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Eurlings, Fatuzzo, Fernández Martín, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gawronski, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Iturgaiz Angulo, Járóka, Jordan Cizelj, Kauppi, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Landsbergis, Maat, Martens, Mato Adrover, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Millán Mon, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Oomen-Ruijten, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Pomés Ruiz, Rudi Ubeda, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Sartori, Schmitt, Seeberg, Stubb, Szájer, Tajani, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zappalà

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Ryan, Tatarella, Vaidere, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 263

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Chatzimarkakis, Cornillet, Davies, Deprez, Dičkutė, Duff, Fourtou, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Ries, Savi, Schuth, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Toussas

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Booth, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Masiel, Mölzer, Mote, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Bachelot-Narquin, Beazley, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Brejc, Bushill-Matthews, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Caspary, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Ferber, Fjellner, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Mathieu, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mikolášik, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, Olbrycht, Ouzký, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Poettering, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Rübig, Saïfi, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Ulmer, Van Orden, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    UEN: Janowski, Roszkowski, Szymański

    Abstention: 18

    ALDE: Cavada, De Sarnez

    IND/DEM: Bonde, Karatzaferis

    PPE-DE: Becsey, Belet, Hennicot-Schoepges, Olajos, Őry, Pack, Peterle, Roithová, Samaras, Schwab, Seeber, Siekierski, Šťastný

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    Corrections to votes


    Alfonso Andria, Mario Mantovani

    4.   Report: Papadimoulis A6-0027/2006

    Amendment 27

    For: 565

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Bonde, Borghezio, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni

    NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Claeys, De Michelis, Dillen, Martin Hans-Peter, Mölzer, Rutowicz, Vanhecke

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Brunetta, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stubb, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 71

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Booth, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski

    NI: Allister, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Cederschiöld, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Hökmark, Ibrisagic, Jackson, Kamall, Kirkhope, Korhola, McMillan-Scott, Nicholson, Ouzký, Parish, Purvis, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sumberg, Tannock, Van Orden, Vlasák, Zahradil, Zvěřina

    Abstention: 15

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Toussas

    IND/DEM: Železný

    NI: Baco, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi

    PPE-DE: Reul

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    Corrections to votes


    Christofer Fjellner

    5.   Report: Papadimoulis A6-0027/2006

    Commission proposal

    For: 611

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Bonde, Borghezio, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni

    NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Dillen, Giertych, Martin Hans-Peter, Masiel, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Fernández Martín, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Tatarella, Vaidere, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 25

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Booth, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Lundgren, Nattrass, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Titford, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Železný

    NI: Allister, Helmer, Mote

    PPE-DE: Chmielewski, Fjellner

    Abstention: 14

    GUE/NGL: Toussas

    IND/DEM: Coûteaux, Karatzaferis, Louis, de Villiers

    NI: Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Schenardi

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    Corrections to votes


    Charlotte Cederschiöld, Gunnar Hökmark


    Anna Ibrisagic

    6.   Report: Papadimoulis A6-0027/2006


    For: 606

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Bonde, Borghezio, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni

    NI: Baco, Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Dillen, Giertych, Martin Hans-Peter, Masiel, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, De Keyser, De Rossa, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 27

    ALDE: Griesbeck

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bloom, Booth, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Titford, Tomczak, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Allister, Helmer, Mote

    Abstention: 15

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Toussas

    IND/DEM: Coûteaux, Karatzaferis, Louis, de Villiers

    NI: Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Le Rachinel, Martinez, Schenardi

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    7.   Report: Hamon A6-0022/2006

    Amendment 7

    For: 102

    ALDE: Andria, Chiesa, De Sarnez, Drčar Murko, Duff, Hennis-Plasschaert, Kułakowski, Manders, Mulder, Starkevičiūtė

    GUE/NGL: de Brún, Sjöstedt, Strož, Uca

    IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Clark, Coûteaux, Goudin, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Krupa, Louis, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, de Villiers, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Helmer, Lang, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Masiel, Romagnoli, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Deva, Duchoň, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Heaton-Harris, Jackson, Kamall, Kirkhope, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Pieper, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Van Orden, Vlasák, Zahradil, Zvěřina

    PSE: García Pérez, Geringer de Oedenberg, Hutchinson, Kindermann, Kristensen, Kuc, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Prets, Riera Madurell

    UEN: Berlato, Camre, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz

    Verts/ALE: Graefe zu Baringdorf, Horáček, Lipietz, Schlyter

    Against: 487

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Degutis, Deprez, Dičkutė, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Harkin, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Matsakis, Morillon, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Väyrynen, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Ransdorf, Remek, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Batten, Bonde, Booth, Knapman, Lundgren, Nattrass, Whittaker, Wise

    NI: Allister, Battilocchio, De Michelis, Gollnisch, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Mote

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Casa, Caspary, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lehne, Lewandowski, Maat, Mann Thomas, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Pack, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stubb, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berman, Bersani, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Gebhardt, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Hughes, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Poignant, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Stockmann, Swoboda, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Aylward, Crowley, Didžiokas, Kristovskis, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Tatarella, Vaidere, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Hassi, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Abstention: 7

    ALDE: Hall

    NI: Baco, Belohorská, Kozlík, Mölzer, Rutowicz

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    Corrections to votes


    John Purvis, James Hugh Allister, Jens-Peter Bonde, John Whittaker, Nils Lundgren, Thomas Wise, Gerard Batten


    Heinz Kindermann, Christa Prets, Seán Ó Neachtain, Marielle De Sarnez


    Fiona Hall

    8.   Report: Hamon A6-0022/2006


    For: 529

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Catania, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Markov, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Portas, Remek, Strož, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Sinnott, Speroni

    NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, De Michelis, Giertych, Masiel, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stubb, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasto, Weisgerber, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Camre, Crowley, Didžiokas, Krasts, Kristovskis, Libicki, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Vaidere

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 76

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Pafilis, Seppänen, Toussas

    IND/DEM: Batten, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Ryszard, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mölzer, Mote, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Schenardi

    PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Kamall, Kirkhope, Nicholson, Ouzký, Parish, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Sumberg, Tannock, Van Orden, Vlasák, Zahradil, Zvěřina

    UEN: Kuźmiuk, Podkański

    Abstention: 31

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Brie, de Brún, Figueiredo, Henin, Kaufmann, Maštálka, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Ransdorf, Sjöstedt, Svensson, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz

    IND/DEM: Salvini

    NI: Baco, Claeys, Dillen, Kozlík, Martin Hans-Peter, Vanhecke

    PPE-DE: Purvis

    UEN: Bielan, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Roszkowski, Wojciechowski Janusz

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Jonckheer

    Corrections to votes


    Pierre Schapira


    Pedro Guerreiro

    9.   Report: Hutchinson A6-0013/2006

    Amendment 26

    For: 106

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Goudin, Karatzaferis, Louis, Lundgren, de Villiers, Wohlin

    NI: Allister, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi

    PSE: Castex, Ferreira Anne, Lienemann, Madeira, Patrie, Peillon

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Camre, Crowley, Libicki, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Ryan, Tatarella

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 526

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Farage, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni, Titford, Tomczak, Whittaker, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Dillen, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mölzer, Mote, Rutowicz, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani

    UEN: Bielan, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Podkański, Roszkowski, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Frassoni

    Abstention: 6

    NI: Kozlík

    PPE-DE: De Veyrac

    PSE: Laignel

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Jonckheer, Turmes

    10.   Report: Hutchinson A6-0013/2006

    Amendment 27

    For: 71

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Goudin, Karatzaferis

    NI: Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke

    PSE: Ferreira Anne, Kinnock, Lienemann, Paasilinna, Patrie, Peillon

    UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Camre, Libicki, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Podkański, Tatarella

    Verts/ALE: Auken, Cramer, Lipietz, Lucas, Romeva i Rueda, Schlyter, Staes

    Against: 525

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Booth, Clark, Farage, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Titford, Tomczak, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brepoels, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paleckis, Panzeri, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Ó Neachtain, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Abstention: 41

    ALDE: Prodi

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Coûteaux, Louis, Salvini, Speroni, de Villiers

    NI: Allister, Kozlík, Martin Hans-Peter

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Beer, Bennahmias, van Buitenen, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Özdemir, Onesta, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    11.   Report: Hutchinson A6-0013/2006

    Amendment 29

    For: 64

    ALDE: Chiesa, Prodi

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Bonde, Borghezio, Karatzaferis, Salvini, Speroni

    NI: Allister, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Schenardi

    PSE: Ferreira Anne, Lienemann, Paasilinna, Peillon

    UEN: Camre, Libicki

    Verts/ALE: Bennahmias, Frassoni, Jonckheer, Romeva i Rueda, Schlyter, Staes, Turmes

    Against: 537

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Watson

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Booth, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Titford, Tomczak, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Rutowicz, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Abstention: 49

    GUE/NGL: Sjöstedt

    IND/DEM: Coûteaux, Louis, de Villiers

    NI: Claeys, Dillen, Kozlík, Martin Hans-Peter

    PSE: Castex

    UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Tatarella

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, van Buitenen, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Trüpel, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Corrections to votes


    Eva-Britt Svensson

    12.   Report: Hutchinson A6-0013/2006

    Amendment 17

    For: 205

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Borghezio, Goudin, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni, Tomczak, de Villiers, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Masiel, Mölzer, Mote, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Bowis, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Dover, Duchoň, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Kamall, Kirkhope, McMillan-Scott, Nicholson, Ouzký, Parish, Purvis, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Van Orden, Vlasák, Zahradil, Zvěřina

    PSE: Bourzai, Ferreira Anne, Lévai, Lienemann

    UEN: Bielan, Camre, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Podkański, Roszkowski, Szymański, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Kusstatscher, Lipietz, Schlyter

    Against: 444

    ALDE: Chiesa, Cocilovo

    GUE/NGL: Kaufmann

    IND/DEM: Batten, Booth, Clark, Farage, Knapman, Nattrass, Titford, Whittaker, Wise

    NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Buzek, Casa, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stubb, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasto, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Crowley, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Ryan, Tatarella

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Abstention: 5

    IND/DEM: Coûteaux

    NI: Baco, Kozlík

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Trüpel

    13.   Report: Hutchinson A6-0013/2006

    Amendment 19

    For: 44

    IND/DEM: Bonde, Borghezio, Coûteaux, Goudin, Grabowski, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Speroni, Tomczak, de Villiers, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Claeys, Dillen, Giertych, Martin Hans-Peter, Masiel, Mölzer, Rutowicz, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: De Veyrac

    UEN: Bielan, Camre, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Podkański, Roszkowski, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz

    Against: 590

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Booth, Clark, Farage, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Nattrass, Sinnott, Titford, Whittaker, Wise

    NI: Battilocchio, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Helmer

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Crowley, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Ryan, Tatarella

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Abstention: 18

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas

    NI: Allister, Baco, Belohorská, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mote, Romagnoli, Schenardi

    UEN: Musumeci, Vaidere

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    14.   Report: Hutchinson A6-0013/2006

    Amendment 30

    For: 90

    ALDE: Chiesa

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Bonde, Borghezio, Coûteaux, Goudin, Louis, Lundgren, Salvini, Speroni, de Villiers, Wohlin

    NI: Allister, Martin Hans-Peter

    PSE: Ferreira Anne, Lienemann

    UEN: Camre

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 540

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Booth, Clark, Farage, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Titford, Tomczak, Whittaker, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mölzer, Mote, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz

    Abstention: 12

    NI: Baco, Belohorská, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen, Trüpel

    15.   Report: Hutchinson A6-0013/2006

    Amendment 25

    For: 87

    ALDE: Chiesa

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Goudin, Karatzaferis, Louis, Lundgren, de Villiers, Wohlin

    NI: Allister, Martin Hans-Peter

    PPE-DE: Zatloukal, Zieleniec

    UEN: Camre

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 550

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Farage, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Sinnott, Speroni, Titford, Tomczak, Whittaker, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Battilocchio, Belohorská, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Dillen, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mölzer, Mote, Rutowicz, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Abstention: 10

    NI: Baco, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Romagnoli, Schenardi

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    16.   Report: Hutchinson A6-0013/2006

    Amendments 6 + 21

    For: 166

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Booth, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Dillen, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Rutowicz, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Ashworth, Atkins, Beazley, Bowis, Bradbourn, Bushill-Matthews, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Chmielewski, Deva, Dover, Duchoň, Elles, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Florenz, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Kirkhope, Konrad, Lewandowski, McMillan-Scott, Nicholson, Olbrycht, Őry, Ouzký, Parish, Pieper, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Saryusz-Wolski, Siekierski, Škottová, Stevenson, Strejček, Sturdy, Tannock, Van Orden, Vlasák, Wortmann-Kool, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    UEN: Camre, Krasts, Kristovskis, Vaidere

    Against: 467

    ALDE: Karim

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Karatzaferis, Pęk, Salvini, Speroni

    NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martin Hans-Peter, Martinez, Mölzer, Schenardi

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Busuttil, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hoppenstedt, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Oomen-Ruijten, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Papastamkos, Peterle, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Rübig, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stubb, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasto, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Záborská, Zappalà

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Liberadzki, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Crowley, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Ryan, Tatarella

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Abstention: 17

    IND/DEM: Goudin

    NI: Baco, Belohorská, Mote, Romagnoli

    UEN: Bielan, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Podkański, Roszkowski, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    17.   Report: Matsakis A6-0044/2006

    Amendment 6/1

    For: 379

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Goudin, Grabowski, Krupa, Lundgren, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Wohlin, Zapałowski

    NI: Battilocchio, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, De Michelis, Dillen, Giertych, Martin Hans-Peter, Masiel, Rutowicz, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Grosch, Hybášková, Karas, Pirker, Rack, Samaras, Schierhuber, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Siekierski

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Camre, Didžiokas, Krasts, Kristovskis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 245

    IND/DEM: Batten, Booth, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Louis, Nattrass, Titford, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Železný

    NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Ryszard, Helmer, Mote

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    UEN: Aylward, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan

    Abstention: 23

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Salvini, Speroni

    NI: Baco, Belohorská, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Schenardi

    PPE-DE: Papastamkos, Ulmer

    UEN: Bielan, Kamiński, Szymański

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    18.   Report: Matsakis A6-0044/2006

    Amendment 6/2

    For: 90

    ALDE: Manders, Starkevičiūtė

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Bonde, Goudin, Lundgren

    NI: Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Martin Hans-Peter, Rutowicz

    PPE-DE: Karas, Lehne, Ouzký, Pirker, Rack, Schierhuber, Schwab, Seeber

    PSE: Zingaretti

    UEN: Camre, Wojciechowski Janusz

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 515

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Matsakis, Morillon, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Booth, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Allister, Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Coelho, Daul, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Goepel, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Heaton-Harris, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Lauk, Lechner, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Seeberg, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Vaidere, Zīle

    Abstention: 26

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Salvini, Speroni

    NI: Baco, Belohorská, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke

    PPE-DE: Papastamkos, Ulmer

    PSE: Le Foll

    UEN: Kamiński, Musumeci

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    19.   Report: Matsakis A6-0044/2006

    Amendment 13

    For: 240

    ALDE: Samuelsen

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Bonde

    NI: Battilocchio, De Michelis

    PPE-DE: Karas, Pirker, Rack, Schierhuber, Seeber, Seeberg

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Lienemann, Locatelli, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Muscat, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Siwiec, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Westlund, Wiersma, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Camre

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 362

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Booth, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Goudin, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Sinnott, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Železný

    NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Mote, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brok, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Kasoulides, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zwiefka

    PSE: Cashman, Corbett, Ford, Gill, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Kinnock, McAvan, McCarthy, Martin David, Moraes, Morgan, Skinner, Titley, Willmott, Wynn

    UEN: Angelilli, Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Kristovskis, Libicki, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Zīle

    Abstention: 27

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Grabowski, Krupa, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Speroni, Zapałowski

    NI: Belohorská, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke

    PPE-DE: Brepoels, Hennicot-Schoepges, Papastamkos

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    20.   Report: Matsakis A6-0044/2006

    Amendment 9

    For: 207

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Knapman, Krupa, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski

    NI: Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Martin Hans-Peter, Rutowicz

    PPE-DE: Grosch, Karas, Kauppi, Korhola, Rack, Schierhuber

    PSE: Andersson, Berès, Berlinguer, Castex, De Keyser, Gröner, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Lienemann, Patrie, Pinior, Segelström, Szejna, Westlund

    UEN: Aylward, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Kuźmiuk, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 406

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Coûteaux, Karatzaferis, Louis, Salvini, Speroni, de Villiers, Železný

    NI: Battilocchio, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brok, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coveney, Daul, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Kasoulides, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Seeberg, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Arif, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berger, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, van den Burg, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Goebbels, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Peillon, Piecyk, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Scheele, Schulz, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Didžiokas, Krasts, Kristovskis, Libicki, Muscardini, Pirilli, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Abstention: 17

    NI: Allister, Baco, Claeys, Dillen, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mölzer, Mote, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke

    PPE-DE: Papastamkos

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    Corrections to votes


    Pervenche Berès

    21.   Report: Matsakis A6-0044/2006

    Paragraph 15

    For: 322

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz

    IND/DEM: Goudin, Karatzaferis, Lundgren, Sinnott, Wohlin

    NI: Battilocchio, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, De Michelis, Giertych, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Gutiérrez-Cortines, Karas, Korhola, Pirker, Rack, Schierhuber, Seeber, Seeberg, Šťastný

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Bösch, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Carlotti, Carnero González, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gill, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani

    UEN: Aylward, Camre, Crowley, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Ó Neachtain, Ryan, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 226

    ALDE: Fourtou

    IND/DEM: Batten, Booth, Clark, Farage, Knapman, Louis, Nattrass, Salvini, Speroni, Titford, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Železný

    NI: Bobošíková, Helmer, Masiel

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brepoels, Brok, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Cabrnoch, Casa, Caspary, Cederschiöld, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duka-Zólyomi, Elles, Esteves, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gyürk, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hudacký, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kamall, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Radwan, Reul, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zieleniec, Zwiefka

    PSE: Berman, Bono, Calabuig Rull, Casaca, De Keyser, Ford, Ilves

    UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Krasts, Pirilli, Tatarella, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: de Groen-Kouwenhoven

    Abstention: 23

    IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Borghezio, Grabowski, Krupa, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski

    NI: Belohorská, Claeys, Dillen, Lang, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mölzer, Mote, Romagnoli, Schenardi, Vanhecke

    PPE-DE: Papastamkos

    UEN: Musumeci

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    Corrections to votes


    Glyn Ford, Janelly Fourtou

    22.   Report: Matsakis A6-0044/2006

    Amendment 10

    For: 364

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Ek, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Malmström, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Goudin, Grabowski, Lundgren, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Wohlin, Zapałowski

    NI: Battilocchio, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Martin Hans-Peter, Rutowicz

    PPE-DE: Brepoels, Cederschiöld, Fjellner, Hökmark, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Karas, Kauppi, Korhola, Mauro, Pirker, Rack, Schierhuber, Seeber, Seeberg, Thyssen, Ulmer

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Lienemann, Locatelli, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martínez Martínez, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Aylward, Berlato, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 253

    ALDE: Hennis-Plasschaert, Maaten, Manders

    GUE/NGL: Maštálka

    IND/DEM: Borghezio, Karatzaferis, Salvini, Speroni, Železný

    NI: Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Czarnecki Ryszard, De Michelis, Giertych, Helmer, Masiel, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brok, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, del Castillo Vera, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hudacký, Hybášková, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Kasoulides, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Toubon, Trakatellis, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: Cashman, Corbett, Dobolyi, Gill, Glante, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Kinnock, McAvan, McCarthy, Martin David, Masip Hidalgo, Moraes, Morgan, Pinior, Skinner, Tabajdi, Titley, Willmott, Wynn

    UEN: Angelilli, Muscardini

    Abstention: 28

    IND/DEM: Batten, Booth, Clark, Farage, Knapman, Louis, Nattrass, Titford, Whittaker, Wise

    NI: Allister, Baco, Belohorská, Claeys, Gollnisch, Kozlík, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Mölzer, Mote, Romagnoli, Schenardi

    PPE-DE: McMillan-Scott, Papastamkos

    PSE: Salinas García

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    23.   Report: Matsakis A6-0044/2006

    Amendment 2

    For: 362

    ALDE: Andrejevs, Beaupuy, Bowles, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Cornillet, Davies, Ek, Fourtou, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Manders, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Riis-Jørgensen, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Takkula, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Watson

    IND/DEM: Batten, Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Farage, Goudin, Grabowski, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Krupa, Louis, Lundgren, Nattrass, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Salvini, Speroni, Titford, Tomczak, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Wohlin, Zapałowski, Železný

    NI: Allister, Baco, Bobošíková, Chruszcz, Claeys, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Dillen, Giertych, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Masiel, Mölzer, Romagnoli, Rutowicz, Schenardi, Vanhecke, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Braghetto, Brejc, Brepoels, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Hennicot-Schoepges, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Karas, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Pirker, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schierhuber, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Seeber, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Šťastný, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vatanen, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    PSE: van den Berg, Bozkurt, Cashman, Corbett, El Khadraoui, Ford, Gill, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, McAvan, McCarthy, Martin David, Moraes, Morgan, Paasilinna, Pinior, Skinner, Titley, Van Lancker, Willmott, Wynn

    UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Crowley, Didžiokas, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Krasts, Kristovskis, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Muscardini, Musumeci, Ó Neachtain, Pirilli, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Tatarella, Vaidere, Wojciechowski Janusz, Zīle

    Verts/ALE: Frassoni, Özdemir, Staes

    Against: 265

    ALDE: Andria, Attwooll, Birutis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Duff, Harkin, Lax, Malmström, Matsakis, Oviir, Resetarits, Ries, Samuelsen, Savi, Szent-Iványi, Väyrynen, Wallis

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Bertinotti, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Sinnott

    NI: Battilocchio, De Michelis, Martin Hans-Peter

    PPE-DE: Bradbourn, Caspary, Dehaene, Elles, Gargani, Hannan, Jałowiecki, McMillan-Scott, Mauro, Piskorski, Seeberg, Sumberg

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, Berger, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Lienemann, Locatelli, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Peillon, Piecyk, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Stockmann, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Trautmann, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weiler, Westlund, Wiersma, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Angelilli, Berlato

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Trüpel, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Abstention: 10

    ALDE: Juknevičienė, Kułakowski

    GUE/NGL: Manolakou, Pafilis, Toussas

    NI: Mote

    PPE-DE: Lauk, Papastamkos

    UEN: Camre

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen

    Corrections to votes


    Philip Bradbourn, Jean-Luc Dehaene, Daniel Hannan

    24.   Report: Matsakis A6-0044/2006

    Amendment 12

    For: 376

    ALDE: Alvaro, Andrejevs, Andria, Attwooll, Beaupuy, Birutis, Bowles, Budreikaitė, Busk, Carlshamre, Cavada, Chatzimarkakis, Chiesa, Cocilovo, Cornillet, Davies, Degutis, Deprez, De Sarnez, Dičkutė, Drčar Murko, Duff, Fourtou, Gentvilas, Geremek, Griesbeck, Guardans Cambó, Hall, Harkin, Hennis-Plasschaert, in't Veld, Jäätteenmäki, Jensen, Juknevičienė, Kacin, Karim, Klinz, Koch-Mehrin, Krahmer, Kułakowski, Lambsdorff, Laperrouze, Lax, Lehideux, Letta, Ludford, Lynne, Maaten, Malmström, Manders, Matsakis, Morillon, Mulder, Newton Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Onyszkiewicz, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Prodi, Resetarits, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Samuelsen, Savi, Schuth, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Szent-Iványi, Takkula, Väyrynen, Van Hecke, Virrankoski, Wallis, Watson

    GUE/NGL: Adamou, Agnoletto, Brie, Catania, de Brún, Figueiredo, Flasarová, Guerreiro, Guidoni, Henin, Kaufmann, Manolakou, Markov, Maštálka, Meijer, Meyer Pleite, Morgantini, Musacchio, Pafilis, Papadimoulis, Pflüger, Portas, Ransdorf, Remek, Rizzo, Seppänen, Sjöstedt, Strož, Svensson, Toussas, Triantaphyllides, Uca, Wagenknecht, Wurtz, Zimmer

    IND/DEM: Belder, Blokland, Bonde, Goudin, Grabowski, Krupa, Lundgren, Pęk, Piotrowski, Rogalski, Sinnott, Tomczak, Wohlin, Zapałowski

    NI: Battilocchio, Chruszcz, De Michelis, Dillen, Giertych, Rutowicz, Wojciechowski Bernard Piotr

    PPE-DE: Karas, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Pirker, Rack, Rübig, Schierhuber, Seeber, Seeberg, Šťastný

    PSE: Andersson, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Assis, Attard-Montalto, Ayala Sender, Badia I Cutchet, Batzeli, Beglitis, Berès, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bersani, Bösch, Bono, Bourzai, Bozkurt, Bullmann, van den Burg, Busquin, Calabuig Rull, Capoulas Santos, Carlotti, Carnero González, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Cercas, Christensen, Corbett, Corbey, Correia, Cottigny, D'Alema, De Keyser, De Rossa, Désir, De Vits, Díez González, Dobolyi, Douay, Dührkop Dührkop, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Robert, Fava, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira Anne, Ferreira Elisa, Ford, Fruteau, García Pérez, Gebhardt, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Glante, Golik, Gomes, Grabowska, Grech, Gröner, Groote, Gruber, Guy-Quint, Hänsch, Hamon, Harangozó, Hasse Ferreira, Haug, Hazan, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Hegyi, Herczog, Honeyball, Howitt, Hughes, Hutchinson, Ilves, Jöns, Jørgensen, Kindermann, Kinnock, Krehl, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kuc, Kuhne, Laignel, Lambrinidis, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lévai, Lienemann, Locatelli, McAvan, McCarthy, Madeira, Maňka, Mann Erika, Martin David, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastenbroek, Matsouka, Medina Ortega, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Moraes, Morgan, Muscat, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Obiols i Germà, Paasilinna, Pahor, Paleckis, Panzeri, Patrie, Piecyk, Pinior, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Prets, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Reynaud, Riera Madurell, Rocard, Rosati, Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rouček, Roure, Sacconi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schulz, Segelström, Sifunakis, Siwiec, Skinner, Sornosa Martínez, Sousa Pinto, Swoboda, Szejna, Tabajdi, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Trautmann, Van Lancker, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Walter, Weber Henri, Weiler, Westlund, Willmott, Wynn, Xenogiannakopoulou, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Zani, Zingaretti

    UEN: Aylward, Bielan, Camre, Crowley, Foltyn-Kubicka, Janowski, Kamiński, Kuźmiuk, Libicki, Ó Neachtain, Podkański, Roszkowski, Ryan, Szymański, Wojciechowski Janusz

    Verts/ALE: Aubert, Auken, Beer, Bennahmias, Breyer, Buitenweg, Cohn-Bendit, Cramer, Evans Jillian, Flautre, Frassoni, Graefe zu Baringdorf, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Hammerstein Mintz, Harms, Hassi, Horáček, Hudghton, Isler Béguin, Joan i Marí, Jonckheer, Kallenbach, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Lambert, Lichtenberger, Lipietz, Lucas, Özdemir, Onesta, Romeva i Rueda, Rühle, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schroedter, Smith, Staes, Trüpel, Turmes, Voggenhuber, Ždanoka

    Against: 269

    IND/DEM: Batten, Booth, Borghezio, Clark, Coûteaux, Farage, Karatzaferis, Knapman, Louis, Nattrass, Salvini, Speroni, Titford, de Villiers, Whittaker, Wise, Železný

    NI: Allister, Bobošíková, Czarnecki Marek Aleksander, Czarnecki Ryszard, Gollnisch, Helmer, Lang, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Martinez, Masiel, Mölzer, Mote, Romagnoli, Schenardi

    PPE-DE: Albertini, Andrikienė, Antoniozzi, Ashworth, Atkins, Audy, Ayuso González, Bachelot-Narquin, Barsi-Pataky, Bauer, Beazley, Becsey, Belet, Berend, Böge, Bowis, Bradbourn, Braghetto, Brejc, Brok, Brunetta, Bushill-Matthews, Busuttil, Buzek, Cabrnoch, Callanan, Casa, Caspary, del Castillo Vera, Cederschiöld, Chmielewski, Coelho, Coveney, Daul, Dehaene, Demetriou, Descamps, Deß, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dimitrakopoulos, Doorn, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Duka-Zólyomi, Ebner, Ehler, Elles, Esteves, Eurlings, Evans Jonathan, Fajmon, Fatuzzo, Ferber, Fernández Martín, Fjellner, Florenz, Fontaine, Fraga Estévez, Freitas, Friedrich, Gahler, Gál, Gaľa, Galeote Quecedo, García-Margallo y Marfil, Gargani, Garriga Polledo, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gewalt, Gklavakis, Glattfelder, Goepel, Gomolka, Gräßle, Grosch, Grossetête, Guellec, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gyürk, Handzlik, Hannan, Harbour, Hatzidakis, Heaton-Harris, Herranz García, Herrero-Tejedor, Hieronymi, Higgins, Hökmark, Hudacký, Hybášková, Ibrisagic, Itälä, Iturgaiz Angulo, Jackson, Jałowiecki, Járóka, Jarzembowski, Jeggle, Jordan Cizelj, Kaczmarek, Kamall, Kasoulides, Kauppi, Kelam, Kirkhope, Klamt, Klaß, Klich, Konrad, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kušķis, Lamassoure, Landsbergis, Langen, Langendries, Lauk, Lechner, Lehne, Lewandowski, Liese, Lulling, Maat, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Mann Thomas, Mantovani, Marques, Martens, Mathieu, Mato Adrover, Matsis, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayor Oreja, Méndez de Vigo, Mikolášik, Millán Mon, Mitchell, Nassauer, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Olajos, Olbrycht, Oomen-Ruijten, Őry, Ouzký, Pack, Parish, Peterle, Pieper, Pīks, Pinheiro, Piskorski, Pleštinská, Poettering, Pomés Ruiz, Posdorf, Posselt, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Queiró, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Radwan, Reul, Ribeiro e Castro, Roithová, Rudi Ubeda, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Samaras, Sartori, Saryusz-Wolski, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schöpflin, Schröder, Schwab, Siekierski, Škottová, Sommer, Spautz, Stauner, Stevenson, Strejček, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Surján, Szájer, Tajani, Tannock, Thyssen, Toubon, Trakatellis, Ulmer, Vakalis, Van Orden, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Varvitsiotis, Vernola, Vidal-Quadras Roca, Vlasák, Vlasto, Weber Manfred, Weisgerber, Wieland, von Wogau, Wortmann-Kool, Záborská, Zahradil, Zaleski, Zappalà, Zatloukal, Zieleniec, Zvěřina, Zwiefka

    UEN: Angelilli, Berlato, Didžiokas, Krasts, Kristovskis, Muscardini, Musumeci, Pirilli, Tatarella, Vaidere, Zīle

    Abstention: 6

    NI: Claeys, Vanhecke

    PPE-DE: Brepoels, Hennicot-Schoepges, Papastamkos

    Verts/ALE: van Buitenen




    Agreement between the EC and Ukraine on certain aspects of air services *

    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and Ukraine on certain aspects of air services (COM(2005)0368 — C6-0431/2005 — 2005/0155(CNS))

    (Consultation procedure)

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to the proposal for a Council decision (COM(2005)0368) (1),

    having regard to Article 80(2) and Article 300(2), first subparagraph, first sentence, of the EC Treaty,

    having regard to Article 300(3), first subparagraph, of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0431/2005),

    having regard to Rules 51 and 83(7) of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the report of the Committee on Transport and Tourism (A6-0029/2006),


    Approves conclusion of the agreement;


    Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission, and the governments and parliaments of the Member States and Ukraine.

    (1)  Not yet published in OJ.


    Guarantee Fund for external actions *

    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2728/94 establishing a Guarantee Fund for external actions (COM(2005)0130 — C6-0176/2005 — 2005/0025(CNS))

    (Consultation procedure)

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2005)0130) (1),

    having regard to Article 308 of the EC Treaty and to Article 203 of the EAEC Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0176/2005),

    having regard to the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs on the proposed legal basis,

    having regard to Rules 51 and 35 of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the report of the Committee on Budgets (A6-0054/2006),


    Approves the Commission proposal as amended;


    Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty and to Article 119, second paragraph, of the Euratom Treaty;


    Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament;


    Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially;


    Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.

    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 308 thereof,

    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 181a thereof,

    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 203 thereof,



    Should the reserve created to endow the Guarantee Fund be abolished for the Financial Perspectives 2007–2013, the funding of the Guarantee Fund should be provided for as an obligatory expenditure from the general budget of the European Union .


    Should the reserve created to endow the Guarantee Fund be abolished for the Financial Perspectives 2007–2013, the Guarantee Fund should be financed outside the Financial Perspective ceilings and included in the reserve .


    The Treaties do not provide, for the adoption of this Regulation, powers, other than those in Article 308 of the EC Treaty and Article 203 of the Euratom Treaty,


    2.   The calculations based on this smoothing mechanism shall be made separately from the calculations referred to in Article 3, third paragraph, and in Article 4. Nevertheless, they will together result in one annual transfer. The amounts to be paid from the general budget of the European Union under this smoothing mechanism shall be treated as net assets of the Fund for the calculation pursuant to Articles 3 and 4.

    2.   The calculations based on this smoothing mechanism shall be made separately from the calculations referred to in Article 3, third paragraph, and in Article 4. Nevertheless, they will together result in one annual transfer , but clearly indicating the different parts. The amounts to be paid from the general budget of the European Union under this smoothing mechanism shall be treated as net assets of the Fund for the calculation pursuant to Articles 3 and 4.

    3.   If, as a result of the activation of guarantees on one or more major defaults, resources in the Fund fall below 50 % of the target amount, the Commission shall submit a report on exceptional measures that might be required to replenish the Fund.

    3.   If, as a result of the activation of guarantees on one or more major defaults, resources in the Fund fall below 75 % of the target amount, the Commission shall immediately inform the budgetary authority as to the reasons for this situation and submit a report on exceptional measures that might be required to replenish the Fund.

    (1)  Not yet published in OJ.


    Formation and capital of public limited liability companies ***I

    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 77/91/EEC as regards the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital (COM(2004)0730 — C6-0169/2004 — 2004/0256(COD))

    (Codecision procedure: first reading)

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2004)0730) (1),

    having regard to Article 251(2) and Article 44(1) of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C6-0169/2004),

    having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (A6-0050/2006),


    Approves the Commission proposal as amended;


    Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend the proposal substantially or replace it with another text;


    Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.

    (1)  Not yet published in OJ.


    Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 14 March 2006 with a view to the adoption of Directive 2006/…/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 77/91/EEC, as regards the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital

    (Text with EEA relevance)


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 44(1) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

    Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (1),

    Acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty (2),



    The Second Council Directive 77/91/EEC of 13 December 1976 on coordination of safeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty, in respect of the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent (3), sets out the requirements for several capital-related measures taken by those companies.


    In its Communication to the Council and the European Parliament entitled‘Modernising Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance in the European Union — A Plan to Move Forward’ of 21 May 2003 (4) the Commission draws the conclusion that a simplification and modernisation of Directive 77/91/EEC would significantly contribute to the promotion of business efficiency and competitiveness without reducing the protection offered to shareholders and creditors. Those objectives have first priority but do not affect the need to proceed without delay to a general examination of the feasibility of alternatives to the capital maintenance regime which would adequately protect the interests of creditors and of shareholders of a public limited liability company.


    It should be open to Member States to permit public limited liability companies to attract considerations other than in cash to their capital without them having to resort to a special expert valuation in cases in which there is a clear point of reference for the valuation of such consideration. None the less, the right of minority shareholders to require such valuation should be guaranteed.


    Public limited liability companies should be allowed to acquire their own shares up to the limit of the company's distributable reserves and the period for which such an acquisition may be authorised by the general meeting should be increased so as to enhance flexibility and reduce the administrative burden for companies which have to react promptly to market developments affecting their share price.


    It should be open to Member States to permit public limited liability companies to grant financial assistance with a view to the acquisition of their shares by a third party up to the limit of the company's distributable reserves so as to increase flexibility with regard to changes in the ownership structure of the share capital of companies. This possibility should be subject to the appropriate safeguards, having regard to this Directive's objective of protecting both shareholders and third parties.


    In order to enhance standardised creditor protection in all Member States, creditors should be able to resort, under certain conditions, to judicial or administrative proceedings where their claims are at stake as a consequence of a reduction in the capital of a public limited liability company.


    In order to ensure that market abuse is prevented, the Member States should take into account, for the purpose of implementation of this Directive, the provisions of Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2003 on insider dealing and market manipulation (market abuse) (5) , of Commission Directive 2004/72/EC of 29 April 2004 implementing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards accepted market practices, the definition of inside information in relation to derivatives on commodities, the drawing up of lists of insiders, the notification of managers' transactions and the notification of suspicious transactions (6), and of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003 implementing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards exemptions for buy-back programmes and stabilisation of financial instruments (7).


    Directive 77/91/EEC should be therefore amended accordingly.


    Member States are encouraged, in accordance with paragraph 34 of the Interinstitutional Agreement on better law-making  (8) , to draw up, for themselves and in the interest of the Community, their own tables illustrating, as far as possible, the correlation between this Directive and the transposition measures, and to make them public,


    Article 1

    Directive 77/91/EEC is hereby amended as follows:


    In Article 1(1), the 21st indent shall be replaced by the following:

    in Hungary:

    nyilvánosan működő részvénytársaság’.


    The following Articles 10a and 10b shall be inserted:

    ‘Article 10a

    1.   Member States may decide not to apply Article 10(1), (2) and (3) where, upon a decision of the administrative or the management body, transferable securities as defined in Article 4(1)(18) of Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments  (9) or money-market instruments as defined in Article 4(1)(19) of that Directive are contributed as consideration other than in cash, and those securities or money-market instruments are valued at the weighted average price at which they have been traded on one or more regulated market(s) as defined in Article 4(1)(14) of that Directive during a sufficient period, to be determined by national law, preceding the effectuation of the respective consideration other than in cash.

    However, where that price has been affected by exceptional occurrences that would significantly change the value of the asset at the effective date of its contribution, including situations where the market for such transferable securities or money-market instruments has become illiquid, a revaluation must be carried out on the initiative and under the responsibility of the administrative or management body. For the purposes of the aforementioned revaluation, Article 10(1), (2) and (3) shall apply.

    2.   Member States may decide not to apply Article 10(1), (2) and (3) where, upon a decision of the administrative or the management body, assets other than the transferable securities and money-market instruments referred to in paragraph 1 are contributed as consideration other than in cash which have already been subject to a fair value opinion by a recognised independent expert and where the following conditions are fulfilled:


    the fair value is determined for a date not more than 6 months before the effective date of the asset's contribution;


    the valuation has been performed in accordance with generally accepted valuation standards and principles in the Member State, which are applicable to the kind of assets to be contributed.

    In the case of new qualifying circumstances that would significantly change the fair value of the asset at the effective date of its contribution, a revaluation has to be made on the initiative and under the responsibility of the administrative or management body. For the purposes of the aforementioned revaluation, Article 10(1), (2) and (3) shall apply.

    In the absence of such a revaluation, one or more shareholders holding an aggregate percentage of at least 5 % of the company's subscribed capital on the day the decision on the increase is taken may demand a valuation by an independent expert, in which case Article 10(1), (2) and (3) shall apply. Such shareholder(s) may submit a demand up until the effective date of the asset contribution, provided that, at the date of the demand, the shareholder(s) in question still hold(s) an aggregate percentage of at least 5 % of the company's subscribed capital, as it was on the day the decision on the increase was taken.

    3.   Member States may decide not to apply Article 10(1), (2) and (3) where, upon a decision of the administrative or the management body, assets other than the transferable securities and money-market instruments referred to in paragraph 1 are contributed as consideration other than in cash whose fair value is derived by individual asset from the statutory accounts of the previous financial year provided that the statutory accounts have been subject to an audit in accordance with Council Directive 84/253/EEC of 10 April 1984 on the approval of persons responsible for carrying out the statutory audits of accounting documents (10) .

    The second and third subparagraphs of paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

    Article 10b

    1.   Where consideration other than in cash as referred to in Article 10a occurs without an expert's report as referred to in Article 10(1), (2) and (3) , in addition to the requirements set out in Article 3(h) and within one month after the effective date of the asset contribution , a declaration containing the following shall be published :


    a description of the consideration other than in cash at issue;


    its value, the source of this valuation and, where appropriate, the method of valuation ;


    a statement whether the values arrived at correspond at least to the number and nominal value or, where there is no nominal value, to the accountable par and, where appropriate, to the premium on the shares to be issued for them;


    a statement that no new qualifying circumstances with regard to the original valuation have occurred.

    That publication shall be effected in the manner laid down by the laws of each Member State in accordance with Article 3 of Directive 68/151/EEC.

    2.     Where consideration other than in cash is proposed to be made without an expert's report as referred to in Article 10(1), (2) and (3) in relation to an increase in capital proposed to be made under Article 25(2), an announcement containing the date when the decision on the increase was taken and the information listed in paragraph 1 shall be published, in the manner laid down by the laws of each Member State in accordance with Article 3 of Directive 68/151/EEC, before the contribution of the asset as consideration other than in cash is to become effective. In that event, the declaration pursuant to paragraph 1 shall be limited to the statement that no new qualifying circumstances have occurred since the aforementioned announcement was published.

    3.   Each Member State shall provide for adequate safeguards ensuring compliance with the procedure set out in Article 10a and in this Article where a contribution for a consideration other than in cash is made without an expert's report as referred to in Article 10(1), (2) and (3) .


    In Article 11(1), the first subparagraph shall be amended as follows:


    The words‘Article 10’shall be replaced by ‘Article 10 (1), (2) and (3)’.


    The following sentence shall be added:

    Articles 10a and 10b shall apply mutatis mutandis.


    In Article 19, paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following:

    ‘1.    Without prejudice to the principle of equal treatment of all shareholders who are in the same position, and to Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2003 on insider dealing and market manipulation (market abuse) (11), the laws of a Member State may permit a company to acquire its own shares, either itself or through a person acting in his own name but on the company's behalf . To the extent that the acquisitions are permitted, Member States shall make such acquisitions subject to the following conditions:


    authorisation shall be given by the general meeting, which shall determine the terms and conditions of such acquisitions, and in particular the maximum number of shares to be acquired, the duration of the period for which the authorisation is given , the maximum length of which shall be determined by national law without, however, exceeding 5 years, and, in the case of acquisition for value, the maximum and minimum consideration. Members of the administrative or management body must satisfy themselves that, at the time when each authorised acquisition is effected, the conditions referred to in subparagraphs (b) and (c) are respected;


    the acquisitions, including shares previously acquired by the company and held by it, and shares acquired by a person acting in his own name but on the company's behalf, may not have the effect of reducing the net assets below the amount mentioned in Article 15(1) , points (a) and (b) ;


    only fully paid-up shares may be included in the transaction ;

    Member States may , furthermore, also subject acquisitions within the meaning of the first subparagraph to any or all of the following conditions:

    the condition that the nominal value or, in the absence thereof, the accountable par of the acquired shares, including shares previously acquired by the company and held by it, and shares acquired by a person acting in his own name but on the company's behalf, may not exceed a limit to be determined by Member States; this limit may not be lower than 10 % of the subscribed capital ;

    the condition that the authority of the company to acquire own shares within the meaning of the first paragraph, the maximum number of shares to be acquired, the duration of the period for which the authority is granted or the maximum or minimum consideration is laid down in the statutes or in the instrument of incorporation of the company;

    the condition that the company complies with appropriate reporting and notification requirements;

    the condition that certain companies, as determined by Member States, may be required to cancel the acquired shares provided that an amount equal to the nominal par of the shares cancelled must be included in a reserve which cannot be distributed to the shareholders, except in the event of a reduction in the subscribed capital; it may be used only for the purposes of increasing the subscribed capital by the capitalisation of reserves;

    the condition that the acquisition shall not prejudice the satisfaction of creditors claims.


    In Article 20(3) the words ‘Article 15(1)(a)’shall be replaced by the words ‘Article 15(1), points (a) and (b)’.


    In Article 23, paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following:

    ‘1.    Where the laws of a Member State permit a company to, either directly or indirectly, advance funds or make loans or provide security, with a view to the acquisition of its shares by a third party, they shall make such transactions subject to the conditions set out in the second to fifth subparagraphs.

    The transactions must take place under the responsibility of the administrative or management body at fair market conditions, especially with regard to interest received by the company and with regard to security provided to the company for the loans and advances referred to in paragraph 1. The credit standing of the third party or, in the case of multiparty transactions, of each counterparty thereto must have been duly investigated.

    The transactions must be submitted by the administrative or management body to the general meeting for prior approval, whereby the general meeting shall act in accordance with the rules for a quorum and a majority laid down in Article 40. The administrative or management body must present a written report to the general meeting, indicating the reasons for the transaction, the interest of the company in effectuating such a transaction, the conditions at which the transaction is effectuated, the risks involved in the transaction for the liquidity and solvency of the company and the price at which the third party is to acquire the shares. This report shall be submitted to the register for publication in accordance with Article 3 of Directive 68/151/EEC.

    The aggregate financial assistance granted to third parties must at no time result in the reduction of the net assets below the amount specified in Article 15(1) , points (a) and (b), taking into account also any reduction of the net assets that may have occurred through the acquisition, by the company or on behalf of the company, of own shares in accordance with Article 19(1) . The company shall include among the liabilities in the balance sheet, a reserve, unavailable for distribution, of the amount of the aggregate financial assistance.

    Where a third party by means of financial assistance from a company acquires that company's own shares within the meaning of Article 19(1) or subscribes for shares issued in the course of an increase in subscribed capital, that acquisition or subscription must be made at a fair price .’


    The following Article 23a shall be inserted:

    Article 23a

    In cases where individual members of the administrative or management body of the company being party to a transaction referred to in Article 23(1), or of the administrative or management body of a parent undertaking within the meaning of Article 1 of Council Directive 83/349/EEC of 13 June 1983 on consolidated accounts  (12) or such parent undertaking itself, or individuals acting in their own name, but on behalf of the members of such bodies or on behalf of such undertaking, are counterparties to such a transaction, Member States shall ensure through adequate safeguards that such transaction does not conflict with the company's best interest.


    In Article 27(2), the second subparagraph shall be replaced by the following:

    ‘Article 10(2) and (3) and Articles 10a and 10b shall apply.


    In Article 32, paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following:

    ‘1.   In the event of a reduction in the subscribed capital, at least the creditors whose claims antedate the publication of the decision to make the reduction shall be entitled at least to have the right to obtain security for claims which have not fallen due by the date of that publication. Member States may not set aside such a right unless the creditor has adequate safeguards, or unless the latter is not necessary in view of the assets of the company.

    Member States shall lay down the conditions for the exercise of the right provided for in the first subparagraph. In any event, Member States shall ensure that the creditors are authorised to apply to the appropriate administrative or judicial authority for adequate safeguards provided that they can credibly demonstrate that due to the reduction in subscribed capital the satisfaction of their claims is at stake, and that no adequate safeguards have been obtained from the company.


    In Article 41 paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following:

    ‘1.   Member States may derogate from Article 9(1), Article 19(1)(a), first sentence, and Articles 25, 26 and 29 to the extent that such derogations are necessary for the adoption or application of provisions designed to encourage the participation of employees, or other groups of persons defined by national law, in the capital of undertakings.’

    Article 2

    1.   Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by … (13) at the latest.

    When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.

    2.   Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.

    Article 3

    This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    Article 4

    This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

    Done at …, on …

    For the European Parliament

    The President

    For the Council

    The President

    (1)  OJ C 294, 25.11.2005, p. 1 .

    (2)  Position of the European Parliament of 14 March 2006.

    (3)  OJ L 26, 31.1.1977, p. 1. Directive as last amended by the Act of Accession of 2003.

    (4)  COM(2003)0284.

    (5)  OJ L 96, 12.4.2003, p. 16.

    (6)  OJ L 162, 30.4.2004, p. 70.

    (7)  OJ L 336, 23.12.2003, p. 33.

    (8)  OJ C 321, 31.12.2003, p. 1.

    (9)   OJ L 145, 30.4.2004, p. 1 .

    (10)  OJ L 126, 12.5.1984, p. 20.’

    (11)  OJ L 96, 12.4.2003, p. 16.’

    (12)  OJ L 193, 18.7.1983, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2003/51/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ( OJ L 178, 17.7.2003, p. 16 ).’

    (13)   Eighteen months after the entry into force of this Directive.


    European Institute for Gender Equality ***I

    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Institute for Gender Equality (COM(2005)0081 — C6-0083/2005 — 2005/0017(COD))

    (Codecision procedure: first reading)

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to the Commission proposal to the European Parliament and the Council (COM(2005)0081) (1),

    having regard to Article 251(2) and Articles 13(2) and 141(3) of the EC Treaty, pursuant to which the Commission submitted the proposal to Parliament (C6-0083/2005),

    having regard to Rule 51 of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs on the proposed legal basis,

    having regard to the report of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (A6-0043/2006),


    Approves the Commission proposal as amended;


    Specifies that the appropriations indicated in the legislative proposal are purely for guidance until agreement is reached on the financial perspective for the period 2007 and the following years;


    Calls on the Commission to confirm, once the next financial perspective has been adopted, the amounts indicated in the proposal for a regulation or, should the case arise, to submit the adjusted amounts for approval by the European Parliament and the Council, thereby ensuring their compatibility with the ceiling;


    Calls on the Commission to refer the matter to Parliament again if it intends to amend the proposal substantially or replace it with another text;


    Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.

    (1)  Not yet published in the OJ.


    Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 14 March 2006 with a view to the adoption of Regulation (EC) No …/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Institute for Gender Equality

    (Text with EEA relevance)


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 3(2), 13(2) and 141(3) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

    Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee  (1),

    Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (2),



    Equality between men and women is a fundamental principle of the European Union. Articles 21 and 23 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibit any discrimination on grounds of sex and require equality between men and women to be ensured in all areas.


    Article 2 of the Treaty provides that equality between men and women is one of the Community's essential tasks. Similarly, Article 3(2) of the Treaty requires the Community to aim to eliminate inequalities, and to promote equality, between men and women in all its activities and thus ensure the integration of the dimension of equality between men and women in all Community policies.


    Article 13 of the Treaty empowers the Council to take appropriate action to combat discrimination inter alia on grounds of sex in all areas of Community competence.


    The principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation is enshrined in Article 141 of the Treaty and a comprehensive body of legislation on equal treatment of men and women in relation to access to employment and working conditions including equal pay is already in place.


    The report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on equality between men and women  (3) concluded that significant gender gaps exist in most policy fields, that inequality between men and women is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that has to be tackled by a comprehensive mix of policy measures and that enhanced efforts are needed to meet the Lisbon strategy targets.


    The Nice European Council of December 2000 called for ‘Increased awareness, the pooling of resources and the exchange of experience, in particular through the establishment of a European Institute for gender issues…’.


    The feasibility study carried out for the Commission (4) concluded that there is a clear role for a European Institute for Gender Equality to carry out some of the tasks which the existing institutions do not currently deal with, specifically in the areas of coordination, centralisation and dissemination of research data and information, network building, raising the visibility of equality between men and women, highlighting the gender perspective and the development of tools for improved integration of gender equality in all Community policies.


    The European Parliament, in its Resolution of 10 March 2004on the European Union's policies on gender equality  (5), called on the Commission to speed up the efforts leading to the setting-up of an Institute.


    The Council of Employment, Social Affairs, Health and Consumers Affairs of 1-2 June 2004 (6) and the European Council of 17-18 June 2004 supported the establishment of a European Institute for Gender Equality and the European Council asked the Commission to bring forward a specific proposal.


    The documentation , analysis and dissemination of objective, reliable and comparable information and data on equality between men and women, the development of appropriate tools for the elimination of all forms of gender discrimination and the integration of the gender dimension in all policy areas, the promotion of dialogue among stakeholders and the raising of awareness among EU citizens are necessary so as to enable the Community to effectively promote and implement gender equality policy, in particular in an enlarged Union. It is therefore appropriate to establish a European Institute for Gender Equality, which would assist the Community institutions and the Member States by carrying out those tasks.


    Given that gender equality cannot be achieved by an anti-discrimination policy alone but requires the harmonious co-existence of, and measures to promote balanced participation by, men and women within society, attainment of that objective should accordingly be included among the Institute's tasks.


    Given the importance of highlighting achievements by women in all walks of life so as to provide a positive example for other women to follow, action to achieve that should also be included among the Institute's tasks.


    Cooperation with the relevant authorities of the Member States and relevant statistical bodies, in particular Eurostat, is essential to promote the collection of comparable and reliable data at European level. Given that information on equality between men and women is relevant at all levels within the Community — local, regional, national and Community — it would be useful for such information to be available to Member States' authorities to help them in formulating policies and measures at local, regional and national level in their own spheres of competence.


    The Institute should work as closely as possible with all Community programmes and bodies in order to ensure the best possible use of resources , in particular as regards the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (7), the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (8), the Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (9) and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights  (10).


    The Institute should develop cooperation and dialogue with non-governmental and equal opportunities organisations and related bodies actively seeking to achieve equality at national and European level and in third countries.


    In accordance with Article 3(2) of the Treaty it is appropriate to make provision for the encouragement of a balanced participation of men and women in the composition of the Management Board.


    The Institute must enjoy maximum independence in the performance of its tasks.


    The Institute should apply the relevant Community legislation concerning public access to documents as set out in Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council (11) and the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data as set out in Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council (12).


    Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2343/2002 of 23 December 2002on the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities  (13), applies to the European Institute for Gender Equality.


    For the contractual liability of the Institute, which is governed by the law applicable to the contracts concluded by the Institute, the Court of Justice should have jurisdiction to give judgment, pursuant to any arbitration clause, contained in the contract. The Court of Justice should also have jurisdiction in disputes relating to compensation for any damage arising from the non-contractual liability of the Agency.


    An independent external evaluation should be undertaken to assess the impact of the Institute, the possible need to modify or extend its tasks and the timing of such reviews.


    Since the objectives of this Regulation cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of its scale and impact, be better achieved Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives.


    Article 141(3) is the specific legal basis for measures aimed to ensure the application of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation. Article 13(2) permits the adoption of Community measures in order to support and promote the objective of combating discrimination on grounds of sex beyond the field of employment. Therefore, Article 141(3) and Article 13(2) combined constitute the appropriate legal base for this proposal,


    Article 1

    Establishment of the Institute

    A European Institute for Gender Equality (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Institute’) is hereby established.

    Article 2


    The overall objectives of the Institute shall be to assist the Community institutions, in particular the Commission, and the authorities of the Member States in the fight against discrimination based on sex and the promotion of gender equality and to raise EU citizens' awareness of gender equality .

    Article 3


    1.   To meet the objectives set in Article 2, the Institute shall:


    analyse and disseminate relevant objective, reliable and comparable information as regards gender equality, including results from research and best practice communicated to it by Member States, Community institutions, research centres, national equality bodies, non-governmental organisations, social partners, relevant third countries and international organisations, draw attention to sectors that have not been researched and suggest initiatives designed to fill the gaps ;


    cooperate with EUROSTAT and all relevant statistical bodies in order to develop methods to improve the comparability, objectivity and reliability of data at European level by establishing criteria that will improve the consistency of information, so that those bodies take gender issues into account when collecting data ;


    develop, analyse, evaluate, disseminate and promote the use of methodological tools in order to support the integration of gender equality into all Community policies and the resulting national policies and support gender mainstreaming in all Community institutions and bodies ;


    carry out surveys on the situation in Europe as regards gender equality;


    set up and coordinate a European Network on Gender Equality, as referred to in Article 7, involving centres, bodies, organisations and experts dealing with gender equality and gender mainstreaming in order to support and encourage research, optimise the use of available resources and foster the exchange and dissemination of information;


    organise ad hoc meetings of experts to support the institute's research work, encourage the exchange of information among researchers and ensure that a gender perspective is always included in their research ;


    organise and promote , with relevant stakeholders, conferences, campaigns and meetings at European level, in order to raise EU citizens' awareness of gender equality ;


    disseminate information regarding achievements by women in every walk of life, present its findings and propose policies and initiatives designed to publicise and build on such success stories;


    develop dialogue and cooperation with non-governmental and equal opportunities organisations, universities and experts, research centres, social partners and related bodies actively seeking to achieve equality at national and European level and in third countries;


    set up documentation resources accessible to the public and call upon the social partners concerned to contribute to those resources any relevant documentation currently in existence;


    provide expertise on gender mainstreaming for public and private organisations;


    submit recommendations and guidelines to the Community Institutions so that they may incorporate effectively gender mainstreaming into legislation;


    engage in dialogue at international level with bodies and organisations responsible for gender equality;


    provide information to the Community Institutions on gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the accession and candidate countries;


    disseminate examples of good practices .

    2.     The Institute shall publish an annual report on its activities.

    Article 4

    Areas of activity and working methods

    1.   The Institute shall carry out its tasks within the competences of the Community and in the light of the objectives adopted and priority areas identified in its annual programme, and with due regard to the available budgetary resources.

    2.   The work programme of the Institute shall be in line with the Community priorities and the work programme of the Commission, including its statistical and research work.

    3.   In pursuing its activities, the Institute shall, in order to ensure the best possible use of resources, take account of existing information from whatever source and in particular of activities already carried out by the Community institutions and by other institutions, bodies and competent national and international organisations and work closely with the competent Commission services. The Institute shall ensure appropriate coordination with all relevant Community agencies and Union bodies, to be determined in a memorandum of understanding where appropriate.

    4.   The Institute shall ensure that the information disseminated is comprehensible to the final users.

    5.   The Institute may enter into contractual relations, in particular subcontracting arrangements, with other organisations, in order to accomplish any tasks which it may entrust to them.

    Information on any such contractual relations, including details of the tasks entrusted and of the bodies to which they are entrusted, shall be given in the annual report of activities referred to in Article 3(2).

    Article 5

    Independence of the Institute

    The Institute shall carry out its activities independently from national authorities and civil society and shall be autonomous as regards the Community Institutions.

    Article 6

    Legal personality and capacity

    The Institute shall have legal personality. It shall enjoy, in each of the Member States, the most extensive legal capacity accorded to legal persons under their laws. In particular, it may acquire or dispose of movable or immovable property and may be a party to legal proceedings.

    Article 7

    Gender equality network

    1.     To enable the network provided for in Article 3(1)(e) to be established as promptly and efficiently as possible, the Institute shall issue an open call for expressions of interest in order to draw up a list of the centres, bodies, organisations and experts dealing with gender equality and gender mainstreaming.

    2.     The Management Board shall invite the organisations and experts included in the list referred to in paragraph 1 to be part of the network.

    Article 8

    Access to documents

    1.   Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 shall apply to documents held by the Institute.

    2.   The Management Board shall adopt arrangements for implementing Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 within six months of the establishment of the Institute.

    3.   Decisions taken by the Institute pursuant to Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 may give rise to the lodging of a complaint with the Ombudsman or form the subject of an action before the Court of Justice of the European Communities, under the conditions laid down in Articles 195 and 230 of the Treaty respectively.

    4.    Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 shall apply to the processing of data by the Institute .

    Article 9

    Cooperation with organisations at national and European level, international organisations and third countries

    1.   To help it carry out its tasks, the Institute shall cooperate with organisations and experts in the Member States, such as equality bodies, research centres, universities, non-governmental organisations, social partners, relevant organisations at European or international level and third countries.

    2.   Should agreements with international organisations or with third countries prove necessary for the Institute to carry out its tasks efficiently, the Community shall, in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 300 of the Treaty, enter into an agreement with the international organisations or with third countries on behalf of the Institute. This provision shall not prevent ad-hoc cooperation with such organisations or third countries.

    Article 10

    Bodies of the Institute

    The Institute will comprise:


    a Management Board;


    a Director and his/her staff;


    an Advisory Forum.

    Article 11

    Management Board

    1.   The Management Board shall be composed of:


    nine members appointed by the Council, in consultation with the European Parliament, from a list drawn up by the Commission which includes a number of candidates substantially higher than the number of members to be appointed, plus a representative of the Commission. The list drawn up by the Commission, accompanied by the relevant documentation, shall be forwarded to the European Parliament. As soon as possible and within three months of such communication, the European Parliament may invite the candidates for a hearing and make its views available for consideration by the Council, which shall then proceed to the appointments;


    three representatives appointed by the Commission without the right to vote, each of whom represents one of the following groups:


    an appropriate non-governmental organisation at Community level which has a legitimate interest in contributing to the fight against discrimination on grounds of gender and the promotion of gender equality;


    employers' organisations at Community level; and


    workers' organisations at Community level.

    2.   The members of the Management Board shall be appointed in such a way as to secure the highest standards of competence and a broad range of relevant and transdisciplinary expertise in the area of gender equality.

    The Commission, the European Parliament and the Council shall aim to achieve an equal representation of women and men on the Management Board . In any event, they shall ensure that neither sex constitutes less than 40 % of the membership of the Management Board.

    Alternates who represent members in their absence shall be appointed by the same procedure.

    The duration of the term of office shall be five years and may be renewed once.

    The list of the members of the Board shall be published by the Council in the Official Journal of the European Union, on the website of the Institute and on all relevant websites .

    3.   The Management Board shall elect its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson to serve for a period of two and a half years, which may be renewed.

    4.   Each member of the Management Board, or, in his or her absence, his or her alternate, shall have one vote.

    5.   The Management Board shall take the decisions necessary for the operation of the Institute. In particular, it shall:


    adopt, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Director, as referred to in Article 12, after consultation with the Commission, the annual and medium-term work programmes, covering a three-year period in accordance with the budget and the available resources; the programme may be reviewed when necessary during the year; the first annual work programme must be adopted not later than nine months after the nomination of the Director;


    adopt the annual report, as referred to in Article 3(2), comparing, in particular, the results achieved with the objectives of the annual work programme; that report shall be forwarded by 15 June at the latest to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, and shall be published on the website of the Institute ;


    exercise disciplinary authority over the Director and appoint or dismiss him or her pursuant to Article 12;


    adopt the Institute's annual draft and final budgets.

    6.   The Management Board shall adopt the Institute's internal rules on the basis of a proposal drawn up by the Director after consultation with the Commission.

    7.   Decisions by the Management Board shall be taken by an absolute majority of the votes cast. The Chairperson shall have the casting vote.

    8.   The Management Board shall adopt its rules of procedure on the basis of a proposal drawn up by the Director after consultation with the Commission.

    9.   The Chairperson shall convene the Board at least twice a year. The Chairperson shall convene additional meetings on his or her own initiative or at the request of one third of the members of the Management Board.

    10.   The Institute shall forward annually to the European Parliament and the Council (hereinafter referred to as‘the budgetary authority’) any information relevant to the outcome of the evaluation procedures.

    11.   The Directors of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, the Centre for the Development of Vocational Training and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights may as appropriate be invited to attend meetings of the Management Board as observers in order to coordinate the respective working programmes as regards gender mainstreaming .

    Article 12


    1.   The Institute shall be headed by a Director appointed by the Management Board on the basis of a list of candidates proposed by the Commission after an open competition, following publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and elsewhere of a call for expressions of interest. Before appointment, the candidates shall be invited without delay to make a statement before the competent committee(s) of the European Parliament and answer questions from its/their members. In the process of appointment, the Management Board shall take the opinion of the European Parliament duly into account .

    2.   The Director's term of office shall be 5 years. After evaluation, it may be extended once for a period of not more than 5 years. In the evaluation, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Management Board shall assess in particular:

    the results achieved in the first term of office and the way they were achieved;

    the Institute's duties and requirements in the coming years.

    3.   The Director shall be responsible, under the supervision of the Management Board, for:


    performance of the tasks referred to in Article 3;


    preparing and implementing the Institute's annual and medium-term programmes of activities;


    preparing the meetings of the Management Board;


    preparing and publishing the annual report referred to in Article 3(2);


    all staff-related matters, and in particular exercising the powers provided for in Article 14(3);


    matters of day-to-day administration;


    the implementation of effective monitoring and evaluation procedures relating to the performance of the Institute against its objectives according to professionally recognised standards. The Director shall report annually to the Management Board on the results of the monitoring system.

    4.   The Director shall be accountable for the management of his/her activities to the Management Board and shall take part in its meetings without voting rights. He/she may also be called upon at any time by the European Parliament and by the Council to attend a hearing on any matter linked to the Institute's activities.

    5.   The Director shall be the Institute's legal representative.

    Article 13

    Advisory Forum

    1.   The Advisory Forum shall be composed of members from competent bodies specialised in gender equality issues, on the basis of one representative designated by each Member State .

    2.   Members of the Advisory Forum shall not be members of the Management Board.

    3.   The Advisory Forum shall support the Director in ensuring the excellence and independence of activities of the Institute.

    4.   The Advisory Forum shall support the Director in preparing the Institute's annual and medium-term programmes of activities. It shall constitute a mechanism for an exchange of information in relation to gender equality issues and the pooling of knowledge. It shall ensure close cooperation between the Institute and competent bodies in the Member States.

    5.   The Advisory Forum shall be chaired by the Director or, in his/her absence, by a deputy from within the Institute. It shall meet regularly at the invitation of the Director, or at the request of at least a third of its members, and at least twice per year. Its operational procedures shall be specified in the Institute's internal rules and shall be made public.

    6.   Representatives of the Commission's departments shall participate in the work of the Advisory Forum.

    7.   The Institute shall provide the technical and logistic support necessary for the Advisory Forum and provide a secretariat for its meetings.

    8.   The Director may, on his or her own initiative or following suggestions from the members of the Advisory Forum, invite experts or representatives of relevant economic sectors, employers, trade unions, professional or research bodies, or non-governmental organisations with recognised experience in disciplines related to the work of the Institute to cooperate in specific tasks and to take part in the relevant activities of the Advisory Forum.

    Article 14


    1.   The Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities, the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities and the rules adopted jointly by the European Community institutions for the purpose of applying those Staff Regulations and Conditions of employment shall apply to the staff of the Institute.

    2.   The Management Board, in agreement with the Commission, shall adopt the necessary implementing measures, in accordance with the arrangements provided for in Article 110 of the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and of the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities. The Management Board may adopt provisions to allow national experts from Member States to be employed on secondment at the Institute.

    3.   The Institute shall exercise in respect of its staff the powers devolved to the appointing authority.

    Article 15

    Drawing-up of the budget

    1.   Estimates of all the revenue and expenditure of the Institute shall be prepared for each financial year, corresponding to the calendar year, and shall be shown in the budget of the Institute.

    2.   The revenue and expenditure shown in the budget of the Institute shall be in balance.

    3.   The revenue of the Institute shall, without prejudice to other resources, comprise:


    a subsidy from the Community, entered in the general budget of the European Union (Commission section);


    payments received for services rendered;


    any financial contributions from the organisations or third countries referred to in Article 9;


    any voluntary contribution from the Member States.

    4.   The expenditure of the Institute shall include staff remuneration, administrative and infrastructure costs and operating expenses.

    5.   Each year the Management Board, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the director, shall produce an estimate of revenue and expenditure for the Institute for the following financial year. That estimate, which shall include a draft establishment plan, shall be forwarded by the Management Board to the Commission by 31 March at the latest.

    6.   The estimate shall be forwarded by the Commission to the budgetary authority together with the preliminary draft budget of the European Union.

    7.   On the basis of the estimate, the Commission shall enter in the preliminary draft general budget of the European Union the estimates it deems necessary for the establishment plan and the amount of the subsidy to be charged to the general budget, which it shall place before the budgetary authority in accordance with Article 272 of the Treaty.

    8.   The budgetary authority shall authorise the appropriations for the subsidy to the Institute. The budgetary authority shall adopt the establishment plan for the Institute.

    9.   The budget of the Institute shall be adopted by the Management Board. It shall become final following final adoption of the general budget of the European Union. Where appropriate, it shall be adjusted accordingly.

    10.   The Management Board shall, as soon as possible, notify the budgetary authority of its intention to implement any project which may have significant financial implications for the funding of its budget, in particular any projects relating to property such as the rental or purchase of buildings. It shall inform the Commission thereof.

    Where a branch of the budgetary authority has notified its intention to deliver an opinion, it shall forward its opinion to the Management Board within a period of six weeks from the date of notification of the project.

    Article 16

    Implementation of the budget

    1.   The Director shall implement the budget of the Institute.

    2.   By 1 March at the latest following each financial year, the Institute's accounting officer shall communicate the provisional accounts to the Commission's accounting officer together with a report on the budgetary and financial management for that financial year. The Commission's accounting officer shall consolidate the provisional accounts of the institutions and decentralised bodies in accordance with Article 128 of the general Financial Regulation.

    3.   By 31 March at the latest following each financial year, the Commission's accounting officer shall forward the Institute's provisional accounts to the Court of Auditors, together with a report on the budgetary and financial management for that financial year. The report on the budgetary and financial management for that financial year shall also be forwarded to the European Parliament and the Council.

    4.   On receipt of the Court of Auditors' observations on the Institute's provisional accounts, pursuant to Article 129 of the general Financial Regulation, the Director shall draw up the Institute's final accounts under his or her own responsibility and forward them to the Management Board for an opinion.

    5.   The Management Board shall deliver an opinion on the Institute's final accounts.

    6.   The Director shall, by 1 July at the latest following each financial year, forward the final accounts to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Court of Auditors, together with the Management Board's opinion.

    7.   The final accounts shall be published.

    8.   The Director shall send the Court of Auditors a reply to its observations by 30 September at the latest. That reply shall also be sent to the Management Board.

    9.   The Director shall submit to the European Parliament, at the latter's request, any information required for the smooth application of the discharge procedure for the financial year in question, as laid down in Article 146(3) of the general Financial Regulation.

    10.   The European Parliament, on a recommendation from the Council acting by a qualified majority, shall, before 30 April of year N + 2, give a discharge to the Director in respect of the implementation of the budget for year N.

    11.   The financial rules applicable to the Institute shall be adopted by the Management Board after the Commission has been consulted. They may not depart from Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2343/2002, unless specifically required for the Institute's operation and with the Commission's prior consent.

    Article 17


    1.   The provisions laid down in Regulation No 1 of 15 April 1958 determining the languages to be used in the European Economic Community (14) shall apply to the Institute.

    2.   The translation services required for the functioning of the Institute shall, in principle, be provided by the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (15).

    Article 18

    Privileges and immunities

    The Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities shall apply to the Institute.

    Article 19


    1.   The contractual liability of the Institute shall be governed by the law applicable to the contract in question.

    The Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction pursuant to an arbitration clause contained in a contract concluded by the Institute.

    2.   In the case of non-contractual liability, the Institute shall, in accordance with the general principles common to the laws of the Member States, make good any damage caused by the Institute or its servants in the performance of their duties.

    The Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction in disputes relating to compensation for any such damage.

    Article 20

    Participation of third countries

    1.   The Institute shall be open to the participation of those countries that have concluded agreements with the European Community by virtue of which they have adopted and applied the principles of Community legislation in the field covered by this Regulation and that prohibit violence against women, female genital mutilation and trafficking in human beings and promoting conflict resolution and women's participation in the labour market and in social, economic and political decision-making processes .

    2.   Arrangements shall be made under the relevant provisions of those agreements, specifying in particular the nature, extent and manner in which those countries are to participate in the Institute's work, including provisions relating to participation in the initiatives undertaken by the Institute, financial contributions and staff. As regards staff matters, those agreements must, at all events, be in accordance with the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities.

    Article 21


    1.   By …  (16), the Institute shall commission an independent external evaluation of its achievements on the basis of terms of reference issued by the Management Board in agreement with the Commission. The evaluation shall assess the impact of the Institute on the promotion of gender equality and shall include an analysis of the synergy effects. It shall address in particular the possible need to modify or extend the tasks of the Institute, including the financial implications of any such modification or extension. The evaluation shall take into account the views of the stakeholders, at both Community and national level.

    2.   The Management Board, in agreement with the Commission, shall decide the timing of future evaluations, taking into account the results of the evaluation report referred to in the previous paragraph.

    Article 22

    Review clause

    The Commission shall forward the evaluation report to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and make them public. After examination of the evaluation report, the Commission shall, where appropriate, submit a proposal for revision of this Regulation. If the Commission deems that the Institute's existence is no longer justified in the light of the objectives set, it may propose that it be abolished. The European Parliament and the Council shall consider, on the basis of that proposal, whether or not it is appropriate to amend or repeal this Regulation.

    Article 23

    Administrative control

    The operations of the Institute are subject to the supervision of the Ombudsman in accordance with the provisions of Article 195 of the Treaty.

    Article 24

    Start of the Institute's activities

    The Institute shall be operational as soon as possible and in any event not later than  (17)

    Article 25

    Entry into force

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

    Done at …, …

    For the European Parliament

    The President

    For the Council

    The President

    (1)  OJ C 24, 31.1.2006, p. 29.

    (2)  Position of the European Parliament of 14 March 2006.

    (3)  COM(2004)0115.

    (4)  European Commission Feasibility Study for a European Gender Institute (conducted by PLS Ramboll Management, DK, 2002).

    (5)  OJ C 102 E, 28.4.2004, p. 638.

    (6)  Council of the EU, Press release 9507/04, p. 11.

    (7)  Council Regulation (EEC) No 1365/75 of 26 May 1975 on the creation of a European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (OJ L 139, 30.5.1975, p. 1). Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1111/2005 (OJ L 184, 15.7.2005, p. 1).

    (8)  Council Regulation (EC) No 2062/94 of 18 July 1994 establishing a European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OJ L 216, 20.8.1994, p. 1). Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1112/2005 (OJ L 184, 15.7.2005, p. 5).

    (9)  Council Regulation (EEC) No 337/75 of 10 February 1975 establishing a European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (OJ L 39, 13.2.1975, p. 1). Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2051/2004 (OJ L 355, 1.12.2004, p. 1).

    (10)  Member States meeting in the framework of the European Council in December 2003 requested the Commission to prepare a proposal for a human rights agency by extending the mandate of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (COM(2005)0280).

    (11)  Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (OJ L 145, 31.5.2001, p. 43).

    (12)  Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies an of the free movement of such data (OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1).

    (13)  OJ L 357, 31.12.2002, p. 72; Corrigendum: OJ L 2, 7.1.2003, p. 39.

    (14)  OJ 17, 6.10.1958, p. 385. Regulation as last amended by the 2003 Act of Accession.

    (15)  Council Regulation (EC) No 2965/94 of 28 November 1994 setting up a Translation Centre for bodies of the European Union (OJ L 314, 7.12.1994, p. 1). Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1645/2003 (OJ L 245, 29.9.2003, p. 13).

    (16)  The end of the third year following the entry into force of this Regulation.

    (17)  Twelve months after the date of entry into force of this Regulation.


    Rapid response and preparedness instrument for major emergencies *

    European Parliament legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation establishing a Rapid Response and Preparedness Instrument for major emergencies (COM(2005)0113 — C6-0181/2005 — 2005/0052(CNS))

    (Consultation procedure)

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to the Commission proposal to the Council (COM(2005)0113) (1),

    having regard to Article 308 of the EC Treaty and Article 203 of the Euratom Treaty, pursuant to which the Council consulted Parliament (C6-0181/2005),

    having regard to the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs on the proposed legal basis,

    having regard to Rules 51 and 35 of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the report of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and the opinions of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (A6-0027/2006),


    Approves the Commission proposal as amended;


    Specifies that the appropriations indicated in the proposal for a regulation are purely for guidance until agreement is reached on the financial perspective for the period 2007 and the following years;


    Calls on the Commission to confirm, once the next financial perspective has been adopted, the amounts indicated in the proposal for regulation or, should the case arise, to submit the adjusted amounts for approval by the European Parliament and the Council, thereby ensuring their compatibility with the ceiling;


    Calls on the Commission to alter its proposal accordingly, pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty and pursuant to Article 119, second paragraph, of the Euratom Treaty;


    Calls on the Council to notify Parliament if it intends to depart from the text approved by Parliament;


    Asks the Council to consult Parliament again if it intends to amend the Commission proposal substantially;


    Calls on the Council and the Commission to consider the present opinion as its first reading under the codecision procedure pursuant to the amended legal basis;


    Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council and Commission.

    Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION establishing a Rapid Response and Preparedness Instrument for major emergencies

    Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a Prevention, Rapid Response and Preparedness Instrument for major emergencies

    (This amendment applies throughout the text wherever preparedness and rapid response are mentioned).

    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 308 thereof,

    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 175(1) thereof,

    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 203 thereof,



    Under Article 3(1)(u) of the EC Treaty, the activities of the Community are to include measures in the sphere of civil protection.


    Major emergencies can seriously affect both public health and the environment. In the EC Treaty there is a legal basis encompassing both the environment and the protection of public health — Article 175 (1) — on which this instrument should hence be based.


    To that effect, a Community mechanism to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions was established by Council Decision 2001/792/EC, Euratom.


    A Community mechanism to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions was established by Council Decision 2001/792/EC, Euratom.


    Climate change has a significant negative global environmental, economic and social impact with potentially catastrophic consequences. Economic losses resulting from weather-related natural disasters in the last decade have increased by a factor of six over the 1960s' level.


    Disaster risk reduction, including the reduction of vulnerability to natural disasters, is an integral part of sustainable development and one of the essential prerequisites for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.


    Land management and land use are an important part of policies and plans for the prevention and mitigation of disasters. Therefore, plans and policies should implement integrated environmental and natural resource management approaches that incorporate disaster risk reduction, such as integrated flood and forest management, appropriate management of wetlands and other fragile ecosystems, as well as risk assessments in urban areas.


    The isolated and outermost regions of the EU have special characteristics and needs owing to their geography, terrain and social and economic circumstances. These can have an adverse effect, make it difficult to deliver assistance and intervention resources, and create particular needs in the event of a major emergency.


    It is necessary to establish a Rapid Response and Preparedness Instrument under which financial assistance may be given, as a contribution to improving the effectiveness of systems for preparing for and responding to major emergencies, in particular in the context of Decision 2001/792/EC, Euratom.


    It is necessary to establish a Prevention, Rapid Response and Preparedness Instrument under which financial assistance may be given, as a contribution to improving the effectiveness of systems for preparing for and responding to major emergencies, in particular in the context of the monitoring and information centre set up under Decision 2001/792/EC, Euratom.


    This Instrument will ensure the visible expression of Community solidarity towards countries affected by major emergencies by facilitating the provision of mutual assistance through mobilisation of Member States intervention assets.


    This Instrument will ensure the visible expression of Community solidarity towards countries, both inside and outside the EU, confronted with major emergencies resulting from natural, industrial or technological disasters, including marine pollution, or from acts of terrorism, by facilitating the provision of mutual assistance through mobilisation of Member States intervention assets.


    The Council has adopted conclusions on improving the European civil protection capabilities (2),


    It should be possible to use the Instrument for actions both inside and outside the territorial borders of the European Union, for reasons of solidarity and in order to assist EU citizens in need in third countries.


    When the Instrument is used outside the territorial borders of the EU, it is important that action is coordinated with the United Nations.


    Community action should not relieve those third parties of their responsibility who, under the ‘polluter pays principle’, are primarily liable for the damage caused by them.


    There is a need for further cooperation to enhance the effectiveness of the database on military assets and capabilities relevant to the civil protection operations necessitated by natural or man-made disasters.


    In order to facilitate and ensure better prevention, preparedness and response to major emergencies, there is a need to conduct extensive information campaigns, as well as education and awareness raising initiatives aimed at the public, and in particular at young people, with the objective of increasing the degree of self protection and the precautionary measures to be taken in the event of disasters.


    Volunteers are valuable assets in management disaster, have an important role to play in civil protection related activities and provide a wide variety of services in planning for and responding to major emergencies, either as members of voluntary organisations or as individuals.


    The expression of solidarity with third countries in the face of disaster and emergency has for many years formed part of the EU's external actions and respects the principle of solidarity; extending EU civil protection outside the Union would provide added value and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Instrument.


    It is appropriate, for reasons of coherence, that rapid response actions which are realised outside the Community be covered by Council Regulation (EC) No […] of […] establishing an Instrument for Stability. For the same reason actions falling under Council Decision […] establishing the specific Programme ‘Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management on Terrorism’ or relating to the maintenance of law and order and the safeguarding of internal security should not be covered by the Instrument.


    It is appropriate, for reasons of coherence, that actions falling under Council Decision […] establishing the specific Programme ‘Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management on Terrorism’ or relating to the maintenance of law and order and the safeguarding of internal security should not be covered by the Instrument.


    The award of public procurement contracts and grants under this Regulation should be implemented in accordance with Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities. Due to the specific nature of action in the field of civil protection, it is appropriate to provide that grants may also be awarded to natural persons.


    The award of public procurement contracts and grants under this Regulation should be implemented in accordance with Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities. Due to the specific nature of action in the field of civil protection, it is appropriate to provide that grants may also be awarded to natural persons and non-governmental organisations.


    Participation of third countries should be possible as this would increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation of the Instrument.


    Participation of third countries is desirable as emergencies in third countries can have a substantial impact on Member States and such participation would also increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation of the Instrument.


    With a view to enabling this Regulation to be implemented effectively, the Commission should, in cooperation with the Member States, draw up at the earliest opportunity a detailed inventory of the civil protection resources (personnel, equipment, etc.) existing within the European Union.


    Appropriate provision should be made in order to ensure adequate monitoring of the implementation of the actions receiving financial assistance under the Instrument.


    Appropriate provision should be made in order to ensure adequate monitoring of the implementation of the actions receiving financial assistance under the Instrument. Maximum transparency is required in implementing the Community's financial assistance as is the proper monitoring of the use of resources.


    Community action in the civil protection area complements the policies of the national, regional and local authorities. Regions and municipalities are the first concerned in cases of disaster and should therefore be fully involved in the conception, implementation and monitoring of civil protection policies.


    A financial framework, within the meaning of point 33 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure (3), is included in this Regulation for the entire duration of the Instrument, without thereby affecting the powers of the budgetary authority as they are defined by the Treaty.


    The Treaty establishing the European Community and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community do not provide powers for adopting this Regulation other than those under Articles 308 and 203, respectively,



    The European Parliament has adopted a number of resolutions following natural disasters, including that of 8 September 2005 (4) in which it called on the Commission and the Member States to work towards closer cooperation on civil protection measures in the event of natural disasters with a view to preventing and minimising their devastating impact, in particular by making available additional civil protection resources.

    This Regulation establishes, for the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013, a Rapid Response and Preparedness Instrument, hereinafter ‘the Instrument’, to support and complement the efforts of the Member States for the protection of people, the environment and property in the event of a major emergency.

    This Regulation establishes, for the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013, a Prevention, Rapid Response and Preparedness Instrument, hereinafter ‘the Instrument’, to support and complement the efforts of the Member States for the protection of people, public health and safety, the environment, property and cultural heritage in the event of a major emergency.

    It lays down rules for the provision of financial assistance under the Instrument for actions designed to enhance the Community's state of preparedness for major emergencies.

    It lays down rules for the provision of financial and technical assistance under the Instrument for actions designed to enhance the Community's risk prevention capacity and state of preparedness for responses to major emergencies and makes provision for pilot projects to develop sets of themes of general European interest and/or contribute to the strengthening or establishment of appropriate networks at European level .

    3.   It also makes special provision for financial assistance in the event of a major emergency, in order to facilitate a rapid and effective response thereto.

    3.   It also makes special provision for financial and technical assistance in the event of a major emergency, in order to facilitate a rapid and effective response thereto.

    3a.     It also provides for an exhaustive review and cataloguing of the sources of danger (e.g. hazardous material in storage) and the means — in particular the scarce resources — which could be mobilised to address the various types of major emergency, and for facilitation of the exchange of that information between the Member States .

    1.   This Regulation shall apply to preparedness for major emergencies regardless of their nature .

    1.   This Regulation shall apply to prevention, preparedness for and rapid response to all forms of major emergency as defined in Article 3(a), inside and outside the Community, with special emphasis on public health.

    It shall also apply to the management of the immediate consequences of such a major emergency inside the Community and countries participating in the Community mechanism established by Decision 2001/792/EC, Euratom.

    It shall also apply to preparedness for and rapid response to public health effects of major emergencies.

    It shall also apply to the management of the immediate consequences of such a major emergency inside and outside the Community.

    1a.     The modus operandi of the Instrument shall take due account of the relevant regional dimension. The Commission and the Member States shall interact as closely as possible, where the legal provisions applying in Member States so allow, with local and regional authorities regarding the definition and management of the Instrument .

    Article 2a

    Duration and budgetary resources

    This Regulation shall apply from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.

    The indicative financial framework for the implementation of the Instrument is set at 278 000 000 euro for the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013 (seven years).


    ‘major emergency’ shall mean any situation which has or may have adverse impact on people, property or the environment and may result in a call for assistance;


    ‘major emergency’ shall mean any event or situation which has or may have adverse impact on people, public health and safety, property, cultural heritage or the environment caused by natural, industrial or technological disasters, including marine pollution, or acts of terrorism;


    ‘prevention’ shall mean any action to ensure the actual avoidance of the adverse impact of hazards and any means to minimise related natural or man-made disasters;


    ‘preparedness’ shall mean any action taken in advance to ensure effective rapid response.


    ‘preparedness’ shall mean any action taken in advance to ensure effective rapid response to the impact of natural and technological hazards and environmental degradation, including the issuance of timely and effective early warnings;


    ‘early warning’ shall mean the provision of timely and effective information that allows action to be taken to avoid or reduce risks and ensure preparedness for effective response;


    ‘inventory’ shall mean a record of the civil-protection facilities and personnel within the European Union. The Commission shall update the inventory at regular intervals.

    Article 3a

    Remote regions

    This Regulation shall provide adequate and equal assistance to all areas, ensuring that citizens living in outermost, isolated, insular or remote regions which are not easily accessible enjoy a level of safety similar to that in other areas of the EU. Specialised intervention teams should be available for such areas.

    The following actions shall be eligible for financial assistance under the Instrument:

    The following actions, both inside and outside the territorial borders of the European Union, shall be, inter alia, eligible for financial assistance under the Instrument:


    studies, surveys, modelling, scenario building and contingency planning;


    studies, surveys, modelling, building of scenarios relating to civil protection interventions and contingency planning;


    capacity building assistance;


    capacity building and action- coordination assistance;


    training, exercises, workshops, exchange of staff and experts;


    training, meetings, exercises, workshops, exchange of staff and experts;


    special training for those personnel who will take part in operations in the context of prevention of, rapid response to and preparedness for major emergencies in order to deal better with the particular needs of the disabled;


    demonstration projects;


    demonstration projects and programmes ;


    technology transfer ;


    transfer of knowledge, technology and expertise and sharing of lessons learned and best practices;


    awareness and dissemination actions;


    awareness and dissemination actions aimed, in particular, at encouraging people to remain vigilant ;


    networking of alert, early warning and response systems;


    establishment and maintenance of secure communication systems and tools;


    establishment and maintenance of reliable and secure communication systems and tools;


    dispatching and sending out of experts, liaison officers and observers;


    dispatching and sending out of experts, liaison officers and observers with appropriate means and equipment ;


    promotion of the implementation of local risk assessment and disaster preparedness programmes and activities in schools and institutions of higher education and the use of other channels to get information to young people and children;


    promotion of procedures to harmonise the approaches, methods and means for the prevention of and response to major emergencies;


    development of partnerships between regions with similar disaster risks in order to exchange know-how on emergency management.


    pooling of experience and identification and implementation of best practices concerning national, regional and local initiatives undertaken for the prevention of natural, industrial or technological disasters;


    pooling of experience and implementation of best practices concerning initiatives undertaken at national, regional and local level targeted at the public, and in particular at young people, with the objective of increasing the degree of self-protection;


    stimulating, promoting and supporting exchange of know-how and experience regarding the management of the immediate consequences of major emergencies, and of the related technology;


    stimulating, promoting and supporting exchange of know-how and experience, particularly regarding preventive measures and the management of the immediate consequences of major emergencies, and of the related technology and personnel ;


    ensuring the availability and transportation of mobile laboratories and high-security mobile facilities.


    ensuring the availability and transportation of special civil protection technology and equipment, such as mobile laboratories and high-security mobile facilities.

    The legal framework for measures financed under this Regulation shall allow the sectors concerned to meet, when necessary, new obligations, and shall require any actions undertaken to be in strict compliance with fundamental rights.

    Article 5a

    Cohesion and coordination of actions

    The Commission shall ensure that the Instrument and the alert, early warning and response systems are effective and linked to other Community warning systems.

    Article 5b

    Quality of actions

    The Commission shall, in cooperation with the Member States, ensure the quality of the actions by monitoring, coordinating and evaluating the alert, early warning and response activities with the aim of ensuring the optimal operation of the Instrument.

    Article 5c


    Volunteers' preparedness for and response to major man-made or natural disasters shall always be under the control and supervision of a local statutory authority and volunteers shall receive special training that enhances their ability to identify, respond to and recover from a major emergency or disaster situation.

    4.   The annual work programmes shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 13(2).

    4.   The annual work programmes shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 13(2). Once adopted the annual work programmes shall be transmitted to the Budgetary Authority for information.

    Article 8a

    Cooperation with international organisations

    In order to reduce duplication, to maximise the organisation of efficient emergency response operations based on shared information and to optimise the use of all resources, closer links and enhanced, structured and continued cooperation should be established with international organisations.

    Where actions under the Instrument are implemented outside the territorial borders of the European Union, they shall be coordinated with the United Nations, unless there are specific reasons for not doing so.

    1a.     If the information provided pursuant to paragraph 1 indicates that financial assistance has been received from other sources, the financial assistance provided under the Instrument shall be limited, at the maximum, to that part of the application for which no other financing is yet available.

    2.   Synergies and complementarity shall be sought with other instruments of the European Union or the Community.

    2.   Synergies, consistency and complementarity shall be sought with other instruments of the European Union or the Community, inter alia with the European Union Solidarity Fund, the Instrument for Stability and the ECHO, so as to avoid duplication and ensure optimum added value and use of resources This applies, in particular, with regard to the proposal for a Commission Decision on financing a pilot project containing a set of preparatory actions with a view to strengthening the fight against terrorism, which will provide the financing for the secure general rapid alert system (ARGUS) and the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP), in order to guarantee coherence in the fields of critical infrastructure protection and civil protection.

    Such expenditure may, in particular, cover studies, meetings, information activities, publications, expenditure on informatics networks (and related equipment) for the exchange of information and any other expenditure on technical and administrative assistance to which the Commission may need to have recourse for the purposes of the implementation of this Regulation.

    Such expenditure may, in particular, cover studies, meetings, information activities, publications, expenditure on informatics networks (and related equipment) for the exchange of information and any other expenditure on technical and administrative assistance and personnel, to which the Commission may need to have recourse for the purposes of the implementation of this Regulation.

    Article 10a

    Implementation of the actions and cooperation between Commission and Member States

    1.     The Commission shall, in close cooperation with the Member States, ensure that the actions and measures taken under the Instrument are implemented in accordance with the provisions of Article 13, ensuring its cohesive and balanced development.

    2.     To support implementation, the Commission shall ensure that the alert, early warning and rapid response networks and systems for major emergencies are coordinated and integrated.

    3.     The Commission and Member States shall take action, within their respective spheres of competence, to ensure that the Instrument operates effectively and to develop mechanisms at Community and Member State level to achieve the objectives of the Instrument. They shall ensure that the necessary information is provided concerning the actions supported by the Instrument and the broadest possible participation in actions implemented by local and regional authorities and non-governmental organisations.

    4.   If the time limits have not been observed or if only part of the allocated financial assistance is justified by the progress made with implementing an action, the Commission shall request the beneficiary to submit observations within a specified period. If the beneficiary does not give a satisfactory answer, the Commission may cancel the remaining financial assistance and demand repayment of sums already paid.

    4.   If the time limits have not been observed or if only part of the allocated financial assistance is justified by the progress made with implementing an action, the Commission shall request the beneficiary to submit observations within a specified period. If the beneficiary does not give a satisfactory answer, the Commission may request clarification or further explanations. If the answer remains unsatisfactory, the Commission shall cancel the remaining financial assistance and demand repayment of sums already paid.

    1.   The Commission shall be assisted by a committee composed of representatives of the Member States and chaired by the representative of the Commission, hereinafter ‘the Committee’.

    1.   The Commission shall be assisted by a committee composed of representatives of the Member States, including representatives of local and regional authorities, and chaired by the representative of the Commission, hereinafter ‘the Committee’.


    no later than 31 December 2010, an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of this Regulation;


    no later than 31 December 2010, an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of this Regulation. This report shall, in particular, contain information relating to applications submitted, grant decisions taken and the winding-up of financial assistance granted;

    2a.     The Commission shall undertake to follow up swiftly this initial, principally financial initiative by submitting its proposed amendments to Decision 2001/792/EC as soon as possible to the European Parliament .

    (1)  Not yet published in OJ.

    (2)   OJ C 304, 1.12.2005, p. 1 .

    (3)   OJ C 172, 18.6.1999, p. 1 .

    (4)   Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0334, paragraph 9.


    Strategic review of the IMF

    European Parliament resolution on the strategic review of the International Monetary Fund (2005/2121(INI))

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to Article 111(4) of the EC Treaty, which concerns the representation and position of the Community at international level in the context of economic and monetary union (EMU),

    having regard to the Commission proposal of 9 November 1998 for a Council decision on the representation and position taking of the Community at international level in the context of economic and monetary union (COM(1998)0637),

    having regard to the Presidency conclusions of the Vienna European Council of 11 and 12 December 1998,

    having regard to its resolution of 23 October 2001 on the international monetary system — how to make it work better and avoid future crises (1),

    having regard to its resolution of 3 July 2003 (2) on the eurozone in the world economy and the developments that can be envisaged in the next few years,

    having regard to the report of 15 September 2005 by the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the Fund's Medium-Term Strategy (3),

    having regard to the decisions of the G8 Finance Ministers' meeting of 11 June 2005 on the cancellation of debt for poor countries,

    having regard to Article 178 of the Treaty, on coherence between the policies that the EU implement which are likely to affect developing countries and development cooperation objectives,

    having regard to the Presidency conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 16 and 17 June 2005,

    having regard to the World Bank's World Development Report 2006,

    having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions entitled ‘Proposal for a joint declaration by the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on the European Union Development Policy “The European Consensus”’ (COM(2005)0311),

    having regard to the UN Millennium Declaration of 8 September 2000 defining the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as criteria set by the whole international community with a view to the elimination of poverty,

    having regard to its resolution of 12 April 2005 on the role of the European Union in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (4),

    having regard to its resolution of 6 July 2005 on the Global Call to Action: Making Poverty History (5),

    having regard to its resolution of 17 November 2005 on the proposal for a Joint Declaration by the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on the European Union Development Policy ‘The European Consensus’ (6),

    having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the report of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the opinions of the Committee on Development and the Committee on International Trade (A6-0022/2006),


    whereas the role played by the Bretton Woods institutions has evolved since their inception, and their strategic mission is to promote growth, development and financial stability; and whereas there is a need to work towards an international monetary and financial system characterised by stability and solidarity,


    whereas the individual Member States' weight in terms of their voting rights and quotas in the Bretton Woods institutions no longer accurately reflects their relative weight, and whereas the role played by the Community — notwithstanding the size of its contribution to the capital of those institutions — does not entirely correspond to its weight in the world economy and in world trade,


    whereas the above-mentioned Presidency conclusions of the Vienna European Council, which reaffirm the IMF's role as the ‘cornerstone of the international monetary and financial system’, under the heading ‘Europe as a Global Player — Speaking with one Voice’ note that ‘it is imperative that the Community should play its full role in international monetary and economic policy cooperation within fora like the G7 and the IMF’ and call, firstly, for the European Central Bank (ECB), ‘as the Community body competent for monetary policy, [to] be granted observer status at the IMF board’ and, secondly, for ‘The views of the European Community/EMU on other issues of particular relevance to the EMU [to] be presented at the IMF board by the relevant member of the Executive Director's office of the Member State holding the euro Presidency, assisted by a representative of the Commission’; and whereas Article 1 of the above-mentioned Commission proposal of 9 November 1998 suggests that ‘in the context of EMU, the Community shall be represented at international level by the Council with the Commission, and by the ECB’,


    whereas in particular the lack of coordination of the Community and eurozone, combined with their representation fragmented among several constituencies, does not allow the Member States to exert a degree of influence on the IMF's decisions commensurate with their economic weight,


    whereas the IMF is responsible to its shareholders (namely, national governments) and it is the responsibility of those shareholders to be accountable in turn to their electorate,


    whereas the stabilisation policies implemented by the IMF are necessary to establish a solid basis for growth in those countries, although they have not always achieved the objectives hoped for; whereas the adjustment programmes which have been put in place require fuller explanation to ensure the involvement of all national players and the monitoring of these programmes should be the subject of transparent democratic supervision,


    whereas, although it is hard to reconcile the principle of nations assuming their own responsibilities with the sometimes numerous number of conditions placed on aid and debt relief measures, these conditions, particularly those designed to bring about better governance, are necessary for the purpose of securing transparency,


    whereas the IMF has come to play an important role in developing countries and has had to adapt accordingly; whereas, however, promoting development in the poorest countries calls for the mobilisation of new instruments to effectively reduce the stock of debt, as well as a search for innovative instruments to fund development and combat poverty in the context of the MDGs; whereas such action calls for a clear and more efficient division of roles among the IMF, the World Bank and the UN institutions as well as a high level of coordination and cooperation,


    whereas the above-mentioned Presidency conclusions of the Brussels European Council highlight the importance of ‘tak[ing] account of development cooperation objectives in all policies that [the Community] implements which are likely to affect developing countries’ and of ‘taking into account the social dimension of globalisation in various policies and in international cooperation’,


    Considers that the IMF as an institution continues to play an important role in promoting balanced global economic growth and exchange rate stability, in facilitating international trade and member countries' ability to adapt to the global market place and in assisting member countries experiencing balance of payment difficulties;


    Welcomes the strategic review under way at the IMF; supports a re-orientation of IMF policies towards emphasising its core mandate of stabilising global exchange rate fluctuations and as a lender of last resort for countries experiencing serious balance of payment problems;


    Notes the profound changes which have taken place in the missions of the IMF since its inception and which have been accompanied by less significant changes in its governance; notes that, in spite of the successive revisions of quotas and of the system for uniform allocation of a package of basic voting rights, the allocation of capital and of voting rights has lagged behind other developments over the years; calls, therefore, on the IMF, in the interest of its own legitimacy, to consider possible means of distributing the quotas and voting rights within its governing institutions in such a way as to make them more representative of the international economic situation and to enable more appropriate weightings to be given to the developing and emerging economies;


    Points out that the main factors preventing the developing countries from having a voice in the IMF commensurate with the share of the world population they represent are the lack of votes on the Board of Governors (African countries, accounting for 25 % of the membership, have just over 4 % of the vote) and the lack of qualified human resources, technical and institutional capacity to participate in a meaningful way in deliberations and decisions;


    Notes that the IMF has also extended its recommendations by entering into the field of social and environmental policies, and that these are intrinsically linked to the structural policies; points out that macro-economic stability is an essential condition for the proper development of such policies; advocates improved coordination between the various institutions responsible for designing such policies;


    Considers that, in view of the prerogatives of the IMF, its staffing should come to reflect more varied backgrounds, while ensuring continued excellence, so as to permit the IMF to make a decisive contribution to achieving the MDGs;


    Notes that, due to the progressive opening-up of capital markets and the liberalisation of movement of capital, it is difficult to avoid the occurrence of financial crises; therefore underlines the need for the IMF to conduct systematic monitoring of all member countries;


    Considers that the persistence of global imbalances in trade and exchange rates calls for a stepping-up of the IMF's monitoring role, which is important both in predicting and helping to reduce financial instability globally and in giving advice to individual countries on policies related to financial stability, economic growth, exchange rates and reserve accumulation; considers that the IMF can only conduct systematic monitoring and give advice on desirable actions to prevent the occurrence of financial crises if member countries disclose their complete statistics concerning, for instance, monetary reserves and volume of money in circulation, on a regular basis;


    Insists that the European positions in the EU representation within the IMF must be better coordinated; calls on the Member States to work towards a single voting constituency — possibly starting as a euro constituency, with a view, in the longer term, to securing consistent European representation, involving the Ecofin Council Presidency and the Commission, subject to the European Parliament's scrutiny;


    Notes that the IMF's adjustment policies have sometimes failed to prevent crises from becoming infectious and recurring; regrets in this connection any failed efforts to promote economically-sound policies that prevent crises; recalls that inflation is not the only economic problem in developing countries and that IMF policies should be geared towards the objectives of macro-economic stability and sustainable growth; suggests that conditionality should also be defined in the context of improved cooperation with the UN's specialist institutions and coordinated between international donors;


    Notes that to go down the path of sustainable growth, the existence of guaranteed macro-economic policies is essential; to that end, affirms that macro-economic stability is not incompatible with the fair distribution of growth;


    Acknowledges that the conditions imposed by the IMF have in some cases been too rigid and not always consistent with specific local circumstances; nevertheless emphasises the need to put loans to good use, whilst considering the position of the recipient country's democratically-elected institutions;


    Recognises the ongoing review of the conditions attached by the IMF to its loans to low-income countries; recommends that the review makes priority reference to poverty reduction as the goal of all IMF lending to low income countries;


    Stresses that the principle of partner-country ownership must be at the centre of development cooperation; therefore calls on the IMF to fully recognise, when considering conditions for lending, the priority to be given to poverty eradication and not to make in any way the achievement of the MDGs more difficult;


    Advocates a gradual, sequential and stable liberalisation of the developing countries' financial systems, adjusted to take account of their institutional capacities, thus permitting the effective regulation and management of movement of capital;


    Supports the view that the IMF should increase its focus on analysis of financial and capital market developments and the implications for both domestic and global financial stability;


    Urges that developing countries should not have to open up their markets fully and without restrictions to foreign imports and that they should be able to establish protection for certain industries for a limited period so as to permit a steady development; urges European Executive Directors on the Board of the IMF to make sure that remaining conditionalities do not pressure low income countries into unilateral opening of markets outside the framework of WTO negotiations or impede their capacities to negotiate, in the framework of WTO negotiations, of their own volition and on their own terms the degree of market opening to which they are ready to commit; also calls on the IMF to ensure an adequate degree of flexibility in implementing trade-related conditionalities so as to enable beneficiary countries to determine their own degree of market opening; however considers that eventually full integration into the world market offers considerable growth opportunities for developing, newly industrialised and industrialised countries;


    Calls on the IMF to continue its efforts to increase transparency and build an institutional structure conducive to its mission and the changing circumstances of international financial policy; regrets that NGOs and national parliaments are insufficiently involved in the definition of conditionality; stresses that it is for the national representatives to define and make fundamental economic choices such as the strategy for development or for combating poverty;


    Emphasises the IMF's role in aligning European and national development policies aimed at tackling poverty by means of a comprehensive approach based on the idea that trade and monetary policies are not ends in themselves but tools for tackling poverty;


    Calls on the EU Member States to use the existing constituency system to ensure that the constituencies of which they are members forcefully promote a pro-development agenda based on reaching the MDGs by 2015, and that their constituencies give special attention to the technical and institutional weakness of the developing countries in the constituency and provide the necessary technical assistance to overcome them;


    Calls for better coordination and greater coherence between the policies of the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, the ECB, other international organisations and the European Union, in particular as regards the instruments linking the various markets, such as the Integrated Framework, the Trade Integration Mechanism, the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) and the recently adopted Policy Support Instrument (PSI), in order to ensure that open-market policies have a positive impact on poverty reduction; asks for more coherence between IMF programmes and the MDGs; draws attention in this context to the ambivalence in the position of the IMF which, although it is responsible for only one very specific aspect of public action, plays a leading, if not dominant, role in implementing the strategies pursued by all players;


    Strongly believes that the transparency of the IMF and of the allocation of its funds should be increased through strengthened parliamentary control by the member countries of the IMF;


    Welcomes the IMF's emphasis on improving the levels of education and health in developing countries; stresses that improving governance, combating corruption and efficient use of resources, remains the surest way to reduce inequality of access to goods and to fundamental rights such as education and health;


    Insists that international financial stability can only be promoted if the reform of the IMF goes hand in hand with a sustainable budgetary policy and a well-adjusted balance of payments in every member country;


    Notes the striking contrast between the degree of pressure which the IMF can bring to bear on the developing and transitional countries and its powerlessness to exert any significant influence on the policies of the industrialised countries, whose budgetary policy and balance of payments fail in part to fulfil the criteria established by the IMF and may therefore undermine international financial stability;


    Welcomes the decision taken by the IMF and the World Bank to extend the experiment of the HIPC (Heavily Indebted Poor Countries) Initiative; notes the perverse effects of the HIPC programmes and the historical experiences of debt restructuring and debt cancellation; suggests that the IMF develop policies to avoid new debt crises in future;


    Notes the new Debt Sustainability Framework adopted in April 2005 by the IMF and the World Bank with regard to low income countries; welcomes the fact that the new Framework aims to put debt at the centre of the international financial institutions' decision-making process; regrets that the proposal as a whole does not come close to addressing the problem of long-term, real sustainability in terms of creating conditions for low income countries to attain the MDGs;


    Welcomes the IMF's PRGF programme in general terms;


    Supports the call by the UN Secretary-General at the 2005 High Level Dialogue on Finance for Development to redefine debt sustainability as the level of debt that allows a country to achieve the MDGs by 2015 without an increase in debt ratios, which requires greater complementarity between debt relief and outstanding development financing requirements; regrets therefore that in the new Debt Sustainability Framework for low income countries, the IMF continues to define debt sustainability essentially in terms of export ratios (which is an unreliable predictor of debt sustainability for countries characterised by an extreme vulnerability to shock and steep fluctuations in export earnings), that it lacks realistic assessments of vulnerability and that there is no systematic analysis linking the benefits of the HIPC Initiative and the extra funds needed to achieve the MDGs;


    Welcomes the efforts made by the multilateral institutions to play their part in funding debt reduction in the context of the agreement concluded by the G8, while recognising that this necessary participation must not place these institutions in financial difficulties;


    Encourages better cooperation between the IMF and the European Parliament and national parliaments, especially in developing countries, in order to strengthen transparency, democratic responsibility and the legitimacy of the IMF and its policies, and requests the publication of more extensive minutes from the IMF Executive Board;


    Stresses the importance of regular contact between IMF Executive Directors and the national representatives of their countries of origin;


    Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission, and to the IMF, the UN organisations, the ECB and the IMF governors of the EU Member States.

    (1)  OJ C 112 E, 9.5.2002, p. 140.

    (2)  OJ C 74 E, 24.3.2004, p. 871.


    (4)  OJ C 33 E, 9.2.2006, p. 311.

    (5)  Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0289.

    (6)  Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2005)0446.


    Relocation in the context of regional development

    European Parliament resolution on relocation in the context of regional development (2004/2254(INI))

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to the 1989 Community Charter of Fundamental Social Rights of Workers and the associated action programme,

    having regard to Council Directive 94/45/EC of 22 September 1994 on the establishment of a European works council or a procedure in Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale groups of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting employees (1),

    having regard to Council Directive 98/59/EC of 20 July 1998 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to collective redundancies (2),

    having regard to Council Directive 2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses (3),

    having regard to Directive 2002/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2002 establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community (4),

    having regard to the Commission communication on guidelines on national regional aid (5),

    having regard to the Commission communication on review of the guidelines on national regional aid for the period after 1 January 2007 (6),

    having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2204/2002 of 12 December 2002 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid for employment (7),

    having regard to its resolution of 13 March 2003 on the closure of companies which have benefited from EU financial assistance (8),

    having regard to its resolution of 22 April 2004 on the Commission communication on the Third Report on economic and social cohesion (9),

    having regard to its resolution of 6 July 2005 on the proposal for a Council Regulation laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund (10),

    having regard to its resolution of 15 December 2005 on the role of direct State aid as a tool of regional development (11),

    having regard to Articles 87(3), 136 and 158 of the EC Treaty,

    having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the report by the Committee on Regional Development and the opinion of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (A6-0013/2006),


    whereas the goal of regional development policy is to encourage the development of the regions of the European Union, and to this end, it is necessary to ensure consistency between regional development policy and competition policy, and whereas this means that public aid must not provide a spur to the relocation of economic activity,


    whereas Cohesion Policy is an instrument of the European Union that enables it to reduce disparities affecting the poorest regions and it is essential to support companies and invest in infrastructure projects within those regions; whereas public aid is a legal instrument for achieving that objective,


    whereas companies choose to relocate their activities for manifold reasons, some of which are in no way connected to issues of productivity, efficiency or economic viability; whereas such relocation is liable, however, to result in major job losses and economic hardships whose impact on regional development will be all the more pronounced where there are few employment possibilities in the region abandoned,


    whereas in the light of the situation described it is necessary to set up Community-widemonitoring systems to quantify the economic and social cost of any relocation; whereas the European Parliament, in its resolution of 6 July 2005, called for the adoption of all necessary legal measures to ensure that firms which receive Community funding do not relocate for a long and predetermined period, and for a provision ruling out the cofinancing of operations which result in substantial job losses or the closure of plants at their existing locations; whereas it also considered, in its resolution of 15 December 2005, that EU aid for company relocations does not provide any European added value and should therefore be avoided,


    whereas globalisation, technological progress and the removal of barriers to the access of certain countries facilitates international trade and presents the European Union with opportunities in a globalised world, but may also increase the risks of relocation,


    whereas public aid must contribute to creating lasting employment,


    whereas neither the Community's statistical system nor those of the EU Member States are able at present to provide comprehensive and accurate data on the scale of relocations of activities within or out of the Union, particularly when it comes to quantifying company relocations and their impact on employment in the country of origin and the new host country; whereas the European statistical mechanism should therefore be reinforced,


    whereas public aid may be needed as an emergency measure in circumstances where restructuring or relocation will lead to major job losses in a given locality,


    Points out that company relocation is a serious concern in several Member States;


    Calls for the objective of economic, social and territorial cohesion and the strategic goals of full employment, along with rights and social progress, set out in Article 1-3(3) of the draft Constitutional Treaty, to be respected and implemented, and calls for practices that are not conducive to the achievement of those goals, such as relocation that is not justified from the point of view of economic viability or that is liable to lead to substantial job losses, not to be supported financially by the EU;


    Points out that the Structural and Cohesion Funds must serve the purpose of cohesion consisting of promoting cohesiveness and solidarity between Member States, and that efforts must focus as a priority on the regions lagging behind economically;


    Believes that relocation can affect not only highly labour-intensive ‘traditional’ industries, but also highly capital-intensive industries and the services sector;


    Recommends that the Commission keep current company closures and relocations under proper and careful review and that it demand that aid granted be paid back if it is misused;


    Stresses the necessity for the Commission and Member States to initiate the adoption of measures at national and Community levels to prevent the potential negative impacts on economic development and the social tragedies engendered by the loss of direct or indirect employment in regions of the European Union from which companies pull out and which have little or no ability to restructure themselves;


    Calls on the Commission to take all requisite measures to prevent European regional policy becoming an incentive to the relocation of companies with ensuing job losses;


    Acknowledges the Commission's proposal, within the framework of the reform of the Structural Funds, to penalise companies which, having received European Union aid, relocate their activities within seven years of the grant of aid, this being an essential first step in support of economic, social and territorial cohesion within the EU;


    Calls also for companies that have received public aid — in particular where they have failed to comply with all of the obligations connected with that aid — or laid off the staff at their original location, without complying with national or international law, and have then relocated within the European Union, to be blocked from receiving public aid in their new location, and likewise blocked from receiving Structural Funds or State aid for a period of seven years following relocation;


    Believes that measures should also be contemplated with regard to ‘reverse’ relocations, namely those which, without relocation of the company's activities, lead to a deterioration in working conditions;


    Believes that in the absence of better coordination of the European Union's national systems of social provision, it is now imperative that a package of coordinated measures be implemented via the European Union's various policies; for that reason, calls for the rapid establishment of a European strategy for averting, managing and monitoring the relocation of companies within and also out of the EU, implemented at Union level and coordinated with all the Member States;


    Draws attention, in this connection, to the significance of its resolution of 13 March 2003 cited above and asks that the Commission entrust the Dublin-based European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (European Monitoring Centre on Change) with the remit of studying, assessing (including establishing the number of jobs created and lost, while taking into account their quality) and monitoring the issue of relocation, in order to objectivise its social and economic impact and effect on cohesion policy, spatial planning and regional development, and of submitting the findings obtained and putting forward specific proposals to Parliament in the form of regular reports;


    Welcomes the fact that the Commission has taken measures adapting the new guidelines on national regional aid with a view to repayment of aid granted to companies which fail to comply with the conditions attaching to the aid and which relocate their plants within or, especially, outside the EU;


    Notes that the Commission has also included within the new guidelines on national regional aid a system allowing for the grant of public aid, as an emergency measure, in the event of major job losses even though the region or locality concerned would not normally be eligible for such aid;


    Reiterates its call for State aid law to be coherent and for excessive disparity in assistance between neighbouring regions to be avoided;


    Calls on the Commission to make the grant and continued payment of public aid from the budget of the European Union or a Member State conditional on precise commitments on employment and local development that are binding on the management of the company and that of the local, regional and national authorities concerned;


    Alerts the Commission to the importance of ensuring that these subsidies carry solid guarantees on long-term employment and regional growth;


    Calls on the Commission to implement effectively the existing provisions with regard to reimbursement of subsidies by companies which fail to respect their obligations with regard to investment for which they have received public subsidy and to submit a report on the implementation of those provisions;


    Calls likewise on the Commission and the Member States to list companies which infringe rules on State aid or Community funds by proceeding to relocate their activity within or out of the EU without having fulfilled the requirement on perenniality contained in the rules concerned;


    Calls on the Commission to draw up a European Code of Conduct to prevent transfers of companies or their production units to another EU region or country for the sole purpose of obtaining European financial aid;


    Calls on the Commission to work for the inclusion of social clauses in international treaties, and to do so on the basis of the five International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions considered to be priorities, namely the right to organise, freedom of assembly, and the elimination of child labour, forced labour, and discrimination; calls for the implementation of these social clauses to be backed up by positive measures and incentives for countries and companies to abide by them; calls on the Commission and Council to work to ensure that this matter is again placed on the agenda at the World Trade Organization ministerial conference, and that a committee for trade and human rights is created to deal in particular with issues of human rights in the working world;


    Is convinced that greater transparency regarding all the places where products are made and the labour standards in force could help to influence buyers and consumers in their choice of purchases;


    Demands that companies benefiting from public aid be encouraged to develop, in consultation with workers' representative organisations and regional and local authorities, responsible behaviour as part of the implementation of cohesion policy aiming at balanced regional development;


    Calls on the Commission and the Member States, in cooperation with the local and regional authorities concerned, to monitor the effective and targeted use of the European funds, which should be focussed on vocational training and the retraining of workers in regions affected by restructuring or relocation and, in particular, of those workers who have been directly affected by a job loss as a result of the relocation of their former employer;


    Stresses the need to step up structural funding and focus it on job creation and sustainable economic development, setting up new job-creating companies, life-long vocational training and improved productivity; supports, in this connection, the Commission's proposal to create a globalisation fund to stave off and address the economic and social impacts of restructuring and relocation, and calls for that fund to be allocated sufficient funding to cover the roles assigned to it;


    Considers that the use of Community funds, and especially funding for industry and from the European Social Fund, should be made subject to specific rules relating to innovation, local development, employment, and to production commitments within the territory, in the long term, of the undertakings benefiting from these funds; calls in particular for the rules on use of the Structural Funds to be respected and reinforced;


    Calls for the rights of affected workers to be safeguarded and for full guarantees to be given as regards the provision of information to workers;


    Believes that the impact of many relocations means that an open and constructive approach needs to be taken to the issue of creating a genuine European social area, and considers that the social dialogue has a crucial role to play in averting relocations and in addressing their effects;


    Calls on the Commission, in line with its proposals in connection with the reform of the Structural Funds, to draw up provisions designed to penalise more severely companies which, after having received public subsidies, relocate all or part of their activity outside the European Union;


    Calls for all interested parties to be given the right to know if a company subsidy has been awarded;


    Calls for particular account to be taken of problems in border areas affected by large subsidy shortfalls;


    Recommends that its own relevant Committees carefully evaluate the Commission's follow-up to this resolution;


    Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, and the national parliaments of the Member States.

    (1)  OJ L 254, 30.9.1994, p. 64.

    (2)  OJ L 225, 12.8.1998, p. 16.

    (3)  OJ L 82, 22.3.2001, p. 16.

    (4)  OJ L 80, 23.3.2002, p. 29.

    (5)  OJ C 74, 10.3.1998, p. 9.

    (6)  OJ C 110, 8.5.2003, p. 24.

    (7)  OJ L 337, 13.12.2002, p. 3.

    (8)  OJ C 61 E, 10.3.2004, p. 425.

    (9)  OJ C 104 E, 30.4.2004, p. 1000.

    (10)  Texts adopted, 6.7.2005, P6_TA(2005)0277.

    (11)  Texts, adopted, 15.12.2005, P6_TA(2005)0527.


    Community strategy concerning mercury

    European Parliament resolution on the Community strategy concerning mercury (2005/2050(INI))

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Community Strategy concerning mercury (COM(2005)0020),

    having regard to Parcom Decision 90/3 on Reducing Atmospheric Emissions from Existing Chlor-Alkali Plants,

    having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the report of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (A6-0044/2006),


    whereas mercury and its compounds are highly toxic to humans living in different ecosystems and to plant and animal wildlife,


    whereas mercury is persistent and can change in the environment into methylmercury, the most toxic form, which readily passes both the placental barrier and the blood-brain barrier and may cause damage to the developing brain,


    whereas mercury that is correctly stored and isolated, presenting no potential risk as there is no evaporation, should nevertheless be stored on secure sites that are continuously monitored and where intervention can take place quickly if necessary,


    whereas mercury contamination is a widespread, persistent and diffuse problem, transported across international boundaries far from its sources, contaminating both the European and global food supplies; whereas the Community Strategy on mercury proposed by the Commission is an important contribution to tackling this global threat, but further binding measures need to be taken at international and EU level in order to protect human health and the environment,


    whereas the Commission stated in its Extended Impact Assessment that the magnitude of the adverse health impacts from mercury is unknown, so more information on health costs are needed; whereas, however, further studies should not lead to delays in the Community Strategy,


    whereas mercury and its compounds are listed as a priority hazardous substance under Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (1) (the Water Framework Directive); whereas the Commission was required, under Article 16(8) of that Directive as amended, to make a proposal for the cessation or phasing-out of discharges, emissions and losses of priority hazardous substances by December 2003, but has still not made such a proposal,


    whereas the EU is the world's largest mercury exporter, and whereas an EU export ban would make a significant contribution to curbing trade and diminishing global supplies of mercury,


    whereas 12 000 tonnes of mercury in the EU mercury-cell chlor-alkali industry — the biggest holding of mercury in the EU — is destined for decommissioning pursuant to Parcom Decision 90/3; whereas the EU needs to act urgently to phase out the exports of this surplus mercury in order to avoid environmental damage in third countries, in particular because EU mercury exports encourage the continued and highly polluting use of mercury in gold mining, and whereas all of this surplus mercury needs to be stored safely in the EU to avoid further environmental damage,


    whereas mercury has been mined in Almadén, Spain, for centuries, and whereas the closure of these mines has to be accompanied by economic and social restructuring measures for the area concerned,


    whereas it is urgent to establish a place where safe storage of surplus mercury from all over Europe could be secured,


    whereas the main source of mercury release is coal burning, and whereas emissions from large combustion plants are regulated through Community legislation (Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 on integrated pollution prevention and control (2) (the IPPC Directive) and Directive 2001/80/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants (3)),


    whereas mercury in dental amalgam represents the second largest stock of mercury in society; whereas the largest source of mercury exposure for most people in developed countries is inhalation of mercury from dental amalgam; whereas exposure to mercury from dental amalgam needs to be looked at above all from a health perspective; whereas emissions from crematoria will be a significant source of mercury pollution for many years to come, unless abatement techniques that can considerably reduce these emissions are put into place very soon,


    whereas substituting mercury in measuring and control equipment for consumer and professional use is an effective way of addressing inevitable emissions from their use and disposal,


    whereas mercury contamination from household waste is an increasing problem, and whereas compulsory separate collection and treatment schemes for all mercury-containing products circulating in society need to be put in place,


    whereas exposure to methylmercury mostly occurs via diet, and whereas it collects and gets concentrated especially in the aquatic food chain, making sensitive population groups and populations with a high intake of fish and seafood particularly vulnerable,


    whereas exposure to mercury of sensitive population groups (infants, children, pregnant women and women of childbearing age) needs to be minimised; whereas the effectiveness of such minimisation needs to be effectively monitored; whereas the population as a whole, and in particular sensitive groups, need to be informed and educated about, and alerted to, the potential risks of foodstuffs that are contaminated with mercury and its compounds,


    whereas furthermore the relevance to health of such sources of mercury as amalgam, vaccines containing mercury and disinfectants must be independently investigated,


    whereas the EU should work towards global actions to substantially reduce mercury supply and demand, and to control all trade in it; whereas the EU should take legally binding action at Community level in order to provide vital credibility for action at international level,


    whereas, when reviewing the strategy in 2010, measurements in soil, air and water must have been made, must be publicly available, and must be taken into consideration,


    whereas the uptake of mercury depends to some extent on the bioaccessibility occurring in different ecosystems at local level,


    Welcomes the Commission communication on a ‘Community Strategy concerning Mercury’ and emphasises the overall approach taken with the objectives to reduce and eventually phase out emissions, supply and demand of mercury at European level as well as to manage the surpluses of mercury and to protect against exposure;


    Stresses, in this context, the importance of the EU continuing its efforts at international level, such as through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument, with a view to reducing substantially emissions and uses of mercury on a global scale, given that alternatives exist, while at the same time phasing out primary production and preventing surpluses re-entering the market;


    Underlines the need for the Community Strategy to be followed by specific measures and legislative acts as soon as practicably possible;


    Underlines, considering the above, and in particular the significant amounts of mercury surpluses arising from the decommissioning of mercury cells in chlor-alkali plants, the significance of a pro-active Commission proposal to phase out the export of metallic mercury and its compounds from the Community and asks the Commission to propose an EU mercury export ban to take effect as soon as practicably possibly and at the latest by 2010;


    Calls on the Commission to propose before March 2008 measures to track imports and exports of mercury and its compounds within the Member States as well as to and from the Community, to be in place before the export ban;


    Calls on the Commission to consider an extension of the current prohibition on the export of mercury-containing soaps, provided for in Regulation (EC) No 304/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2003 concerning the export and import of dangerous chemicals (4), to other mercury-containing products, which are, or soon will be, subject to use and marketing restrictions within the EU;


    Asks the Commission to come forward with proposals for legally binding measures to ensure that all mercury coming from the chlor-alkali industry is not put back into circulation and is safely stored, in secure sites, continuously monitored and located where active intervention can take place immediately if necessary;


    Asks the Commission, in addition to the above, to ensure that the following elements are included in the relevant instrument regarding the storage of surplus metallic mercury: minimum safety standards, regular and transparent reporting, advance planning and projections, penalties and sanctions;


    Calls on the Commission to raise public awareness, by holding information campaigns, as regards the health risks, the risks of exposure, and the environmental problems that mercury can cause;


    Underlines, furthermore, the importance of applying the polluter-pays principle, in particular as far as storage of surplus mercury is concerned; stresses that the industry sectors responsible for the production of mercury should contribute to the financing of the safe storage of surplus mercury;


    Calls on the Commission to ensure at the same time that no European primary mercury enters the European and/or global market;


    Underlines that the main source of emissions of mercury is the burning of coal, and asks the Commission to introduce under the IPPC Directive or in a separate legislative instrument, as soon as possible, and at the very least, emission limit values for mercury from all relevant activities, and in particular from both large and small-scale coal combustion processes;


    Calls on the Commission to ensure in the short term strict implementation of the IPPC Directive, bearing in mind that the mercury-cell process in the chlor-alkali industry is not identified as a Best Available Technique;


    Calls on the Commission to take necessary measures and propose, in the short term, national mass emission limits as well as local air quality limits for mercury under relevant existing or separate legislative instruments;


    Calls on the Commission to take action to implement Parcom Decision 90/3 so as to phase out the use of mercury-cell chlor-alkali plants as soon as practicable, with the objective that they should be phased out completely by 2010;


    Asks the Commission to take further measures, in the short term, to control mercury emissions from crematoria, given that this is an increasing and worrisome source of emissions;


    Asks the Commission to come forward by the end of 2007 with a proposal to restrict the use of mercury in dental amalgam and urges the Commission at the same time to take measures ensuring that the Community requirements regarding treatment of dental waste are properly applied, and to investigate whether additional measures are needed to ensure that amalgam does not enter the waste stream;


    Asks the Commission to restrict the marketing and use of mercury in all measuring and control equipment for both consumer and professional uses (especially in households, healthcare facilities, schools and scientific and research institutions), but allowing for some exemptions only where adequate alternatives are not yet available; such exemptions should also apply to the rare cases of maintenance of traditional barometers, museum collections and industrial heritage; furthermore, a small number of professional companies in the EU produce traditional measuring instrumentation using small quantities of mercury and this use should continue to be permitted in carefully controlled and licensed environments;


    Asks the Commission to take measures, in the short term, to ensure that all products (not only electrical and electronic) containing mercury and currently circulating in society are collected separately and safely treated;


    Calls upon the Commission to address the use of mercury in the manufacture of vaccines, as also mentioned in the Council conclusions of 24 June 2005, and to evaluate this with a view to achieving a restriction of such use and a total ban, when appropriate and safe alternatives exist, and to support research into viable options for the future delivery of thiomersal-free multi-dose vaccines in developing countries;


    Calls upon the Commission to ensure that priority is given and appropriate funds are allocated for mercury research via the 7th RTD Framework Programme and other appropriate funding mechanisms;


    Calls upon the Commission to ensure that all remaining uses of mercury, not covered by the presented strategy, shall be subject to substitution by safe alternatives where feasible, under the proposed REACH Regulation, once it is adopted;


    Underlines the importance of pursuing measures against exposure and improving understanding, and acknowledges the importance of public awareness, communication and education, mainly concerning the health risks from exposure to mercury; stresses the need for access to environmental information in line with the Aarhus Convention;


    Calls upon the Commission to investigate options for making the reporting of Member States' mercury dietary intake data for vulnerable groups to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) mandatory, and to request the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks to carry out a mercury risk assessment for vulnerable groups;


    Calls on the Commission, in the same context, to assign priority to financing communication with vulnerable population groups concerning the damaging impact of mercury and to share good practices;


    Calls upon the Commission to conduct an overall Health Impact Assessment to investigate the health costs from mercury contamination, including the reduced intellectual capacity of European children arising from mercury exposure;


    Calls upon the Commission to fulfil, as soon as possible, its obligation under the Water Framework Directive which required it to propose, already by December 2003, adequate emission controls and quality standards to phase out discharges, emissions and losses of mercury and its compounds into the aquatic environment;


    Welcomes the Commission's proposal to investigate further specific dietary intakes of different types of fish and seafood among vulnerable subpopulations, and considers it as one of the most pressing actions to ensure that exposure of vulnerable subpopulations is reduced to below internationally accepted standards for safe levels of methylmercury;


    Calls upon the Commission to ensure that a programme of testing for methylmercury levels and the cofactors which influence the absorption and/or impact of mercury in fish throughout Europe, including testing of large predatory fish, is introduced as soon as possible, with a view to consumption recommendations being issued by EFSA for fish with high levels of mercury, with particular emphasis on guidelines for vulnerable population groups; considers that such a programme should take into account the special risks linked to the fact that certain ecosystems transform mercury more readily into bioavailable methylmercury than others;


    Calls upon the Commission, in the same context, to ensure that mercury especially in vulnerable populations is included in the biomonitoring programme originally foreseen in the European Environment and Health Action Plan 2004-2010 (COM(2004)0416), as called for by Parliament in its resolution thereon of 23 February 2005 (5);


    Welcomes the Council's conclusion recognising the environmental and social problems arising from the closure of the long established mercury mines in Almadén, Spain, as a consequence of the Community strategy concerning mercury; recommends that adequate compensation measures be undertaken and duly funded by the Commission in order to allow the area affected by the closure of mercury mines to achieve viable economic and social alternatives; underlines that consideration should be given to the possibility of using Almadén for the safe storage of the existing metallic mercury stocks or metallic mercury sub-produced by industry all over Europe but not mercury-containing articles that have become waste, thus making use of the infrastructures, local manpower and technological expertise existing there;


    Supports measures to ensure rehabilitation and monitoring of the contaminated sites, including closed mines, industrial sites or storage sites for waste from both, respecting the polluter-pays principle;


    Welcomes all actions proposed by the Commission at international level and stresses the importance of the Commission and the Member States supporting and promoting international action, with a view to reaching an agreement on the implementation of a global legislative instrument on mercury;


    Supports strongly initiatives to make mercury subject to the PIC-procedure of the Rotterdam and/or Basel Convention, in order to increase transparency in mercury trade;


    Underlines, further, the importance of the EU cooperating with the main mining countries, Algeria and Kyrgyzstan, with a view to phasing out the primary mercury entering the world market, by supporting relevant actions;


    Stresses the importance of the EU taking the initiative and organising bilateral meetings with other regions, such as the G77 and China, in order better to prepare the negotiations scheduled to take place during the upcoming UNEP Governing Council in 2007;


    Asks the Commission to explore the possibility of providing technical assistance and know-how to affected developing countries and countries with economies in transition to eventually phase out uses and releases of mercury and mercury compounds;


    Stresses that, in addition, the use of amalgam in Second- and Third-World countries must be reduced;


    Asks the Commission, considering the above, to request Member States to report on all of their activities and projects on mercury involving developing countries, with a view to determining where the needs are for more efficient use of EU funds;


    Calls on the Commission to ensure restriction in the use of mercury in gold mining, by promoting at the same time non-mercury-using viable techniques, and furthermore to come forward with a proposal for a positive labelling scheme for gold that has been mined without the use of mercury, covering gold processed both inside and outside the European Union;


    Reminds the Commission of its own statement that the Medical Devices Expert Group ‘comprises “stakeholders” to assist the Commission on questions arising from the implementation and practical application’ of Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices (6); therefore considers it extremely important, to ensure full participation of all stakeholders, such as health care professionals, toxicologists and experts in clinical environmental medicine, patient groups and public health groups in the Medical Devices Expert Group, and to ensure a balanced representation of the different views;


    Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission.

    (1)  OJ L 327, 22.12.2000, p. 1.

    (2)  OJ L 257, 10.10.1996, p. 26.

    (3)  OJ L 309, 27.11.2001, p. 1.

    (4)  OJ L 63, 6.3.2003, p. 1.

    (5)  OJ C 304 E, 1.12.2005, p. 264.

    (6)  OJ L 189, 20.7.1990, p. 17.


    A European information society for growth and employment

    European Parliament resolution on a European information society for growth and employment (2005/2167(INI))

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to the Commission Communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions entitled ‘i2010 — A European Information Society for growth and employment’ (COM(2005)0229) and the accompanying Commission Staff Working Paper on extended impact assessment (SEC(2005)0717),

    having regard to Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services (Framework Directive) (1),

    having regard to Regulation (EC) No 460/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2004 establishing the European Network and Information Security Agency (2),

    having regard to the Commission Communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions entitled ‘eAccessibility’ (COM(2005)0425),

    having regard to the Digital Divide Forum Report of 15 July 2005 on broadband access and public support in under-served areas,

    having regard to the Commission Communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions entitled ‘A market-based approach to spectrum management in the European Union’ (COM(2005)0400),

    having regard to the Commission Communication to the Council and the European Parliament entitled ‘A forward-looking radio spectrum policy for the European Union: Second annual report’ (COM(2005)0411),

    having regard to the opinion of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group on secondary trading of rights to use radio spectrum of 19 November 2004,

    having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 22 and 23 March 2005,

    having regard to the EU Sustainable Development Strategy adopted at the Gothenburg European Council of 15 and 16 June 2001,

    having regard to the Commission Working Document entitled ‘Integrating environmental considerations into other policy areas — a stocktaking of the Cardiff process’ (COM(2004)0394),

    having regard to the Conclusions of the 2695th Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council meeting of 1 to 5 December 2005 on the i2010 Strategy,

    having regard to the 25 National Reform Programmes prepared by the Member States at the request of the above mentioned Brussels European Council,

    having regard to its resolutions of 23 June 2005 on the information society (3) and of 1 December 2005 on European electronic communications regulation and markets 2004 (4),

    having regard to Rule 45 of its Rules of Procedure,

    having regard to the report of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and the opinions of the Committee on Culture and Education, the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (A6-0036/2006),


    whereas the EU cannot achieve the Lisbon targets unless the Member States take decisive action to implement fully the i2010 strategy,


    whereas a preliminary overview of the 25 National Reform Programmes shows that, broadly speaking, the Member States have taken up the challenge of R&D and innovation, and whereas the majority of Member States also regard eGovernment as being a good way of improving the effectiveness of public administration and public services,


    whereas, together with the Commission, Member States and other stakeholders are also responsible for the success of the i2010 initiative,


    whereas the correct and timely implementation of the current framework is an essential precondition of an open, competitive and innovative market for electronic communication services; whereas, however, the procedures for transposing and implementing the framework vary greatly among the Member States,


    whereas the EU lags behind in research in information and communication technologies (ICT), investing only 80 euro per head as compared to 350 euro in Japan and 400 euro in the US, and the EU must therefore increase investment in research and innovation and urge Member States to increase their research and innovation spending in ICT to catch up,


    whereas uptake of ICT by individuals, public services and businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is necessary to exploit the advantages offered by research and innovation to the full,


    whereas the number of subscribers to broadband has almost doubled in the past two years; whereas, however, remote and rural regions are less well served as roll-out is concentrated in densely populated areas,


    whereas the benefits of ICT must be made available to all, including different educational, social, gender and age groups,


    whereas all citizens have the right to access freely accessible media with a diverse and high-quality content,


    whereas the Commission should ensure that the gender perspective is taken into account when developing technical and regulatory instruments; whereas the Commission and Member States should take concrete steps to increase the number of female students in technical fields related to ICT and to ensure that women gain access to new employment opportunities in the ICT area and media at all levels, and that, particular attention should be paid to the situation of women in rural, island, mountainous, and geographically remote areas and other women in the most vulnerable situations,


    noting that ICT and the information society, if skilfully managed, may help to narrow social differences, bridge the digital divide and encourage social and territorial cohesion,


    whereas digital convergence has the potential to provide consumers with access to a great diversity of improved services and rich content, and thus, the security of the infrastructure must be improved and strengthened and a favourable and secure environment created which stimulates the competitive deployment of these converging services,


    whereas ICT can have both a positive direct impact on the environment and indirect social and economic consequences,


    whereas the radio spectrum is a key resource for many essential services in society and, therefore, its effective and coherent use can help the EU meet its Lisbon goals if it is ensured that services of general economic interest are adequately provided with spectrum and that it is adequately protected from interference, since this is the optimal way to stimulate growth, competitiveness and employment,


    whereas the realisation of the Lisbon goals requires from the EU, from the Member States and from businesses a clear, concrete and uniform investment in ICT,


    whereas it is essential for the Member States to invest sufficiently in a flexible regulatory framework which supports the rights of the citizen, and which offers actors in this sector a good basis for marketing new inventions,


    Considers that freedom to access and use knowledge is the main criterion by which the knowledge-based society can develop democratically and with the technological innovation it needs, as called for in Lisbon;


    Considers that, unless the digital divide is overcome, enabling all citizens to gain access to, use and take part in the production of knowledge, there will be no knowledge-based society, but rather a cultural and industrial decline in the EU as a whole;


    Calls on the Commission to consider citizens not only as passive consumers of digital content, but also as producers of knowledge and to draw up a programme and a favourable legal framework to make them active participants in a knowledge-based society, thereby achieving the Lisbon objectives;


    Urges the Commission to adopt a concrete, innovative and forward-looking line in its reform of legislation on ICT, which must be regarded as a considerably broader concept than is the case in the Commission's communication and which must include the rights of consumers and users; considers that any further proposals should contain clear definitions of the terms ‘information society services’, ‘media’, ‘media services’ and ‘audio-visual services’ used by the Commission;


    Insists that all European legislation relating to communications and information must be founded on technological neutrality, thus guaranteeing that new inventions and actors can access the market as easily as possible;


    Notes that, since the switchover from analogue to digital encourages a proliferation of forms of delivery, it should take place using coordinated policies and within an appropriate legal framework, so as to counteract the uniformity which could result from media concentration;


    Calls on the Member States to invest more heavily in the exploitation of ICT in public sector services, such as health, education, and government, in which ICT can make it easier to respond to future social service needs and to cooperate in order to develop pan-European services;


    Believes that public service delivery in the information society should clearly reflect the increasingly sophisticated needs of individual users and groups and therefore be based on an adequate response by the supplying industry to such needs with a view to effective and customised service design;


    Given the fact that investment in ICT is one of the most important factors in growth and productivity, urges the Member States and businesses to encourage higher investment in ICT in order to reduce the performance gap in comparison with our competitors;


    Acknowledges that ICT is one of the most important tools needed to turn developing countries into global powers;


    Is, however, concerned that the Commission continues to define its strategy and formulate its policy on job-creation on the basis of little or no reliable statistical evidence; recalls that while headline growth continues in ICT, there has not always been similar growth in employment; recalls that employment rates in the EU are currently seven points below Lisbon targets; calls on the Commission to carry out in-depth statistical analyses of the effects of technological change on the ICT employment market in the EU;


    Stresses the importance of digital convergence and advocates the removal of obstacles to the economic, social and cultural development of individual States, an objective formulated at the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society (the Tunis Commitment of 18 November 2005);


    Calls on Member States and the Commission, when evaluating Member States' stability and convergence programmes, to examine rigorously the importance of, and the role played, by ICT in economic growth, employment and the functioning of EMU;


    Recalls that the i2010 objectives for the information society as well as the Lisbon Agenda goals require that such objectives will be adequately reflected in the EU's financial perspectives for 2007-2013;


    Reiterates the importance for SMEs, start-ups and the ICT sector in general of transparent and liquid capital markets, which lower the cost of borrowing; particularly supports micro-loans and other forms of risk capital;


    Draws attention to the EU's persistent and serious lack of entrepreneurship and risk-taking culture; calls for the elimination of administrative burdens on SMEs and start-ups, together with financial relief in the start-up phase;


    Reiterates the importance of the i2010 information society in fighting regional and social imbalances across the Member States as stressed in the Commission Communication entitled ‘Cohesion Policy in Support of Growth and Jobs: Community Strategic Guidelines, 2007-2013’ (COM(2005)0299);

    Objective 1: A single European information space


    Notes that, in the interest of the growth and development of the EU, it is as important to ensure widespread exploitation of existing knowledge and technology in all activities and all areas of activity, whether in public administration, in business, or in citizens' everyday life, in other words the emergence of a ubiquitous information society, as it is to produce new knowledge concerning ICT;


    Stresses that the i2010 programme represents a decisive phase in the emergence of the information society which should enable everyone to be a participant, through access to technology and knowledge, a user, through interactivity and the new forms of social interaction offered by networks, and a critical citizen with freedom of choice; points out that the advent of the information society brings with it new responsibilities for those who provide information and communication, and is creating new ways for citizens, from particularly vulnerable population groups (elderly people, people with disabilities, those living alone or in social difficulties, etc.) to exercise their rights, which enable them to benefit to the full from the spread of new ICT; urges the Commission and Member States to help ensure that technology is more accessible to citizens and meets the moral demands of society;


    Strongly supports i2010 as a new strategic tool to establish the framework for all ICT-related initiatives in the EU; recommends keeping in mind that the definition of an EU information society space cannot be carried out in isolation from international development in this area;


    Insists that the horizontal nature of ICT be taken into account, which requires cooperation and coordination between the EU's activities, and at Member State level, as well as incentives for actors in the sector to produce and exploit new inventions;


    Insists that European and national legislation should support competition so as to reflect the horizontal nature of ICT and should seek to avoid the emergence and preservation of vertical structures which are harmful to competition and innovation; notes that vertical structures may prevent consumers from benefiting from competition;


    Urges the Commission and the Member States to set as an objective the flexibility, simplification, and speedy and simultaneous implementation of laws in this area and their rapid adjustment to new needs resulting from technological developments; is of the view that legislation should encourage the production of new knowledge and the development of new technologies, promote investment in content production, equipment, networks and network services in the ICT field, promote competition, the exploitation of information technology and services and information security and, lastly, support SMEs so that they play a key role in the sector;


    Notes that the Commission is required to guarantee and promote media pluralism by interpreting and implementing the provisions which concern the electronic media infrastructure; draws attention to its repeated request to the Commission to draw up a green paper on concentration of media ownership and respect for the principles of freedom of information and pluralism, bearing in mind that this would encourage debate on the underlying issues at a time when technologies and the market are undergoing sweeping transformations; regrets that this point is not covered in the i2010 work plan; calls on the Commission to establish a regulatory framework for the internet, given that it is the fundamental vehicle for a knowledge-based economy;


    Insists that legislation should seek to speed up the development and diversity of the information society and the dissemination of its benefits to society as a whole;


    Notes that it is extremely important for people to be guaranteed the broadest possible access to high-quality content and services anywhere, using the technology of their choice within the limitations set by their circumstances; further notes that users (consumers, citizens) are prepared to adopt new services and technical tools only if they feel they are easy enough to use and meaningful in terms of content;


    Recalls that the development of an efficient, ubiquitous information society calls for the universal provision of broadband and wireless technology, which requires further support at Member State level, and calls for the encouragement of, and investment in, joint projects, the protection of intellectual property rights and the promotion of digital media; considers that it should also be possible for users to change their service provider without having to change their e-mail address;


    Recognises that broadband is a precondition for the development of a ubiquitous information society; considers that this should be a definite objective of convergence between the Member States and their regions;


    Recalls that the transition to a ubiquitous information society will also promote sustainable development, to which the EU is committed; believes that ICT should reduce the burden on the environment and the use of natural resources and promote social development;


    Notes the growing role of intangible rights as a tool of commercial policy in the context of issues relating to free trade and calls for measures to be taken to protect producer's rights and to combat illegal and pirated content; takes the view that this is the only way to safeguard and promote the development of content; warns of the increasing attempts in the USA to use patent and intellectual property legislation as a protectionist tool of trade policy;


    Calls on the Commission to specify clear actions to provide protection from harmful content, and in this context, to promote, inter alia, the role of the European Network and Information Security Agency;


    Calls on the Commission, in reviewing the legislation, to include measures to safeguard the precautionary principle as regards health, consumer protection and environment issues, in cooperation with other bodies, such as the World Health Organisation;


    Calls on the Commission, in reviewing the legislation, to set down quality criteria, such as the protection of childhood and freedom of choice of consumers;


    Acknowledges the adoption by the Commission of a proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 89/552/EEC on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities (COM(2005)0646) that aims to modernise the so-called ‘Television without Frontiers’ Directive, which is essential as the EU evolves into a European information society; stresses that the directive must be adapted to changes in a converging media world and this must be duly taken into account as far as its scope is concerned; notes that this should aid the creation of a favourable environment for European industry, repealing unnecessary rules and moving towards a ubiquitous information society; recognises, furthermore, that the connections between content regulation and infrastructure regulation that are recognised in the legal framework for electronic communications have proved their worth and should be maintained in future;


    Urges the Commission to promote, without delay, concrete activities for facilitating and supporting the creation and distribution of European content; takes the view that the continuation of existing support programmes must be guaranteed and their indispensability in developing the information society must be recognised; insists that pan-European broadcasting systems such as EuroNews, should be supported; stresses that the production of content which respects cultural and linguistic diversity presents an opportunity to encourage new skills and new jobs, particularly in the design and creation sectors, throughout the 25 Member States, and that these new occupations should be allowed to develop within a harmonised regulatory framework which guarantees them economic security and legal certainty;


    Considers that any introduction of a market-based approach to spectrum would require the support of regulators, operators and other actors and warns against leaving radio spectrum policy solely to the play of market forces; considers however, that the spectrum should be regulated in accordance with rules which keep pace with very rapidly changing market requirements in a flexible and efficient manner; suggests that any changes are based on a careful analysis and the rectification of current problems, paying due attention to the interests of the Member States, and that, in this connection, care must always be taken to ensure sufficient freedom from interference; notes that the prices paid at auctions of 3G spectrum slowed down the introduction of third-generation mobile phone networks, and that a repetition of such a situation must be avoided;


    Considers that the most central issue in radio spectrum policy is the effort to achieve flexible regulation with appropriate and sufficient harmonisation in the spectrum sectors at EU level; notes that the management of radio spectrum should seek to make market access as easy as possible for new inventions and actors in the sector, including the regions, while facilitating the development of Community media; calls on the Commission to bring forward appropriate proposals in this area; notes that compliance with interference regulations is absolutely essential in a digital environment;


    Recalls that the development of network security is indispensable in order to increase confidence in all network services, commercial and eGovernment services; urges that network security be promoted by technical and legislative means and through education, e.g. by creating a Europe-wide information security strategy and launching an annual European information security day to increase citizens' awareness of information security, while taking care to ensure that this security does not restrict freedom of expression and citizens' rights; welcomes the Commission proposal to launch a safe information society strategy in 2006 seeking to increase both investor and user confidence in internet services and their reliability as a means of addressing the issues of fraud (affecting purchases), illegal and harmful content (concerning the protection of minors and human dignity and the protection of privacy) and technological shortcomings (so as to ensure the efficient and effective use of ICT);


    Recalls that industrial and competition policy must support the EU's innovation industry; notes that this requires the securing of a flexible regulatory basis which also provides incentives;


    Recalls that the sectoral regulation of the ICT industry was planned from the outset as a transitional solution for the opening of the markets and that, in the medium term, the transition to the use of only the general rules of competition must take place;


    Warns that regulation and other action by the authorities must not lead to some technologies being favoured at the expense of others: regulation must be technology neutral;


    Stresses how important it is, in order to ensure non-discriminatory access to information society content and prevent a digital divide within the EU, that the technical requirements should be met; reiterates, therefore, its calls for the establishment of open, interoperable standards, particularly in the field of application program interfaces pursuant to Article 18 of the Framework Directive;


    Recognises the importance of a healthy ICT trade balance as a vital component in support of the EU's position in the global economy; asks the Commission to deliver, by September 2006, a complete and analytical overview of the EU's strengths and weaknesses in all ICT-related sectors;

    Objective 2: Innovation and investment in Research


    Stresses that an innovative ICT industry is an indispensable prerequisite for economic growth and job creation in the EU, particularly in industries and services other than ICT itself;


    Recalls that ICT has already changed the way in which businesses operate globally, and that business are benefiting from innovations such as utility computing, software development and new web service architectures; urges the EU to create an environment which favours innovation with a view to maintaining its competitive advantage;


    Urges the speedy adoption of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development and of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme for 2007-2013, both of which must provide adequate financial resources to support ICT as a driver for competitiveness, growth and jobs; stresses the emphasis which should be given to strengthening entrepreneurship, particularly of SMEs, especially in sectors which benefit from new ICT;


    Demands that the Commission and the Member States take concrete actions to exploit the opportunities created by ICT, in order to hinder the drift of jobs to low-pay countries and achieve the highest level of growth and employment possible; considers it vital to increase the level of investment to achieve the Barcelona 3 % GDP target and, in the longer term, to keep it permanently geared to global competition levels;


    Believes that the EU's economic future lies in higher growth in labour productivity;


    Asks the Commission and Member States to provide to Parliament, by September 2006, an impact analysis on the influence of the ICT economy in supporting stronger growth in the various Member States and European regions;


    Notes that measures must be taken as a matter of urgency at EU level to remove obstacles to the development of the Next Generation Networks; calls on the Commission to consider this issue in its forthcoming review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications;


    Notes that the application of ICT in areas such as language and welfare technology is one which comes naturally to the Community and also has great potential at global level; urges the EU and the Member States to support research in these areas;


    Recommends that more attention is focused on the role that ICT plays in creating an open and knowledge-based society; asks the Commission and Member States to create a more coherent strategy for educational standards in ICT;


    Urges the Commission and the Member States to seek concrete ways to promote the networking of all major actors (big business and SMEs, public authorities and research establishments) and to boost their opportunities to participate in the realisation and exploitation of projects;


    Recalls the EU's commitments to innovation and research contained in the Commission's Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs (2005-2008) (COM(2005)0141), and calls for the consistent implementation of the guidelines in connection with the Lisbon reform agenda;


    Believes in simpler national tax systems that create incentives to invest in ICT and R&D; in this regard, welcomes the Commission's proposals to establish a common consolidated corporate tax base;

    Objective 3: A single European information society


    Urges the Member States, by means of their national reform programmes, to define the priorities of the information society, to intensify their efforts in this sector and to report annually on the progress of these programmes, giving a detailed account not only of the development of the information society indicators but also of the social and economic usefulness of the programmes;


    Recalls that the success of the entire i2010 strategy will be judged by the extent to which it reaches every last European citizen; believes that in attaining this objective, the regions have a key role to play, and they must therefore be mobilised and further assisted, so that they take substantive initiatives for regional convergence and cohesion by bridging the digital divide;


    Recalls that social security, health and welfare are key sectors in the development of the information society;


    Notes that public services and public broadcasting services have an important role to play in national and business activity since they contribute to social cohesion, the democratic discourse and pluralism in Europe; points out, furthermore, that a European legal framework for the information and communications society must ensure that public broadcasting services are able to take part in technological and social developments and to continue to perform their social function;


    Notes that public broadcasting will continue to have a major role to play in the ubiquitous information society as a protector of publicly accessible high-quality and independent information; stresses the importance of guaranteeing public broadcasting access to the platforms of the future;


    Points to the importance of guaranteeing a universal right of access to the necessary media education and literacy skills, especially in electronic media that convey images and in the new interactive digital technologies, in order to avert new forms of social and cultural exclusion; and considers that equal access to a free-to-air media environment with a varied range of high-quality content is a fundamental right to be enjoyed by European citizens; stresses in this connection the role played by public service broadcasting content in promoting social cohesion, democratic discourse and pluralism in Europe, and insists that the performance of these tasks must continue to be guaranteed in future;


    Calls for emphasis to be given to the issues of interoperability and best practices in public-sector electronic services for citizens and undertakings in matters of taxation, health, insurance cover and pensions etc., with the overriding objective of facilitating the free and unimpeded movement, establishment and employment of citizens in the Member States;


    Urges national governments to implement i2010 initiatives and programmes in the reform of their public administration in order to provide better, more efficient and more easily accessible services to their SMEs, as well as their citizens;


    Recalls the potential of ICT technologies but also the institutional changes required in order to promote electronic democracy through the electronic participation of European citizens in the decision making process, and calls for the relevant promotional measures to be taken;


    Recalls that, in the promotion of participation, investment also needs to be made in those skills which Europeans need in order to function in the information society; demands specific activities for the development of ICT skills, and calls for citizens' awareness of the new opportunities offered by ICT also to be raised via traditional channels of communication setting out the advantages of online administration and thereby also encouraging the utilisation of new services;


    Notes that over half of the EU population does not benefit in full from ICT; insists that ICT also implies investment in human capital to foster creativity through higher budgets for education and culture; welcomes the Commission's initiative to promote digital literacy through education and various training programmes, thereby making ICT products and services more accessible;


    Stresses the major role of specialised education in ICT, both at school and in the context of lifelong education, in particular for women, in ensuring that people are kept up to date and able to make use of modern technologies for their professional and personal needs;


    Notes that, because of the ageing of the European population, there is a need to invest in product planning, particularly in the Design for All principle, and most of all in all appropriate solutions as regards technology, services and the environment; demands that particular account be taken of the needs of specific groups, such as the elderly or people with disabilities; calls on the Commission to use its forthcoming inclusion strategy to this end;


    Demands that the Member States take additional measures to ensure access to eGovernment services irrespective of place, time or wealth;


    Recalls that every EU citizen has the right to access to information; urges the Commission to speed up the e-inclusion initiative planned for 2008, which will meet the challenges of e-literacy, ageing and e-accessibility, geographical discrepancies and the guarantee of social services for all; urges the Commission to draw up without delay a proposal for a charter of citizens' fundamental rights for the digital age; urges the Member States to ensure that no citizen or consumer is excluded against their will from the essential services of the ubiquitous information society;


    Proposes that, to achieve good governance and ensure full citizenship to all European individuals in the information society, a Charter of eRights should progressively be adopted by public administrations in Europe as a shared set of principles and guidelines defining the framework within which all citizens can enjoy those rights; proposes that such principles be translated into implementation actions and programmes at the national and regional level to achieve a competitive and competent society in the digital age and ensure social and territorial cohesion; notes that fair and non-discriminatory access to transparent, diverse and complete information as well as high quality services, in a secure environment, via any telecommunication service or platform — from the Internet to mobile phones — based on open and interoperable standards is a right essential to the enjoyment of active citizenship in the information society age, and should be included in a Charter of eRights; considers that the Charter should also include the rights of all citizens to be able to understand and interact with the administrations involved and therefore to participate equally in decision-making and policy-making processes; considers that rationalisation, re-engineering, transparency and access of and to public services are fundamental prerequisites for the development of a participative citizenship;


    Maintains that, because of the extraordinary technological development which has radically transformed them, the media in present-day societies are now able to decisively influence the ideas and behaviour of citizens and are therefore intrinsic to the workings of democracy in each and every country, and that e-accessibility is necessarily founded on human rights; calls on the Commission to respect these fundamental values of the audiovisual model in its i2010 Initiative, and to see that justice is done to the special role which the audiovisual media, with their dual nature as economic and cultural goods, have to play in promoting cultural diversity;


    Stresses the importance of the protection of privacy and information security in the ubiquitous information society; recalls that legislation must guarantee the confidence of citizens and business in digital content and communications;


    Stresses the importance in economic and social terms of breaking the digital isolation of rural areas, and emphasises that these areas have the potential to contribute to regional, national and European wealth creation; therefore considers it essential for all areas to be able to benefit, rather than suffer, from the exponential increase in innovation in the ICT field;


    Believes that, as advocated in Council of Europe Recommendation 1466 (2000), media education should serve to provide citizens, from their earliest youth, with the technical or other wherewithal to bring a critical interpretation to bear on, and use with a view to deriving personal benefit from, the ever-expanding volume of information and communication; maintains, in addition, that, helped by a learning process of this kind, citizens will be in a position to formulate messages and select the media best suited to impart them and thus become able to exercise their right to freedom of information and expression to the full;


    Calls upon the Commission to invest its research resources in assessing the impact of the information society on European society and culture;


    Urges that, in the era of convergence, mobility and interactivity of all political decisions including those within the EU — whether concerning the setting of the regulatory framework to govern the services and content transmitted by the new media, or in the fields of infrastructure measures or of competition law and subsidies — the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions of 20 October 2005, which not only lays down an obligation on the Member States to protect cultural diversity and promote multiculturalism but also enshrines the dual nature of the audiovisual media as both economic and a cultural goods, should be fully complied with; recalls that the information society and properly managed ICT may prove extremely positive in strengthening and protecting cultural diversity and multilingualism;


    Takes the view that the current debate on the future of the Union provides a very good opportunity for discussion of institutional matters with a view to consolidating and clarifying the European institutional model and above all for the institutions, especially the Commission, to manifest their interest in the wider issues of democracy and in the concerns of citizens; welcomes the opportunity which this reflection period offers the European institutions to legislate in such a way as to meet the wider concerns of the public and to reflect them in their policies;


    Considers that a focus on the gender dimension of ICT is essential, to prevent the digital revolution from having an adverse impact on gender equality or the perpetuation of existing inequalities and discrimination, notes that it is important for proper account to be taken of all of the many facets of the digital divide, particularly gender, which should be the subject of a specific measure under the future European Initiative on e-Inclusion; considers that the emerging risk of social exclusion owing to the inability to use the new technologies and information technologies affects women disproportionately;


    Calls on the Commission to conduct, an analysis of the acquis communautaire, insofar as it relates to the information society, and in particular from a gender perspective; calls on the Commission to establish a dialogue with the main players on the media market, with a view to the drafting of a Gender Equality Code for the media; calls on the Commission to pay special attention to the misuse of new ICT for trafficking women and children, and to promote all legal and technological initiatives necessary in order to combat this problem;


    * *


    Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and to the governments of the Member States.

    (1)  OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 33.

    (2)  OJ L 77, 13.3.2004, p. 1.

    (3)  Texts Adopted of that date, P6_TA(2005)0260.

    (4)  Texts Adopted of that date, P6_TA(2005)0467.


    Tackling racism in football

    Declaration of the European Parliament on tackling racism in football

    The European Parliament,

    having regard to Rule 116 of its Rules of Procedure,


    recognising the serious incidents of racism that have occurred in football matches across Europe,


    whereas one of the objectives pursued by the European Union under Article 13 of the EC Treaty is protection against discrimination based on ethnic origin and nationality,


    whereas football players, like other workers, have the right to a racism-free working environment, as set down in the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities,


    whereas football's popularity offers a new opportunity to tackle racism,


    Strongly condemns all forms of racism at football matches, both on and off the field;


    Commends the excellent work that organisations such as UEFA and FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe) have done in tackling these problems;


    Calls on all those with a high profile in football to speak out regularly against racism;


    Calls on national football associations, leagues, clubs, players' unions and supporters' groups to apply UEFA best practice, such as the UEFA Ten-Point Plan of Action;


    Calls on UEFA and all other competition organisers in Europe to ensure that referees have the option, according to clear and strict guidelines, of stopping or abandoning matches in the event of serious racist abuse;


    Calls on UEFA and all other competition organisers in Europe to consider the option of imposing sporting sanctions on national football associations and clubs whose supporters or players commit serious racist offences, including the option of removing persistent offenders from their competitions;


    Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States and UEFA.

    Names of signatories

    Adamou, Agnoletto, Allister, Alvaro, Andersson, Andrejevs, Andria, Arif, Arnaoutakis, Ashworth, Atkins, Attard-Montalto, Attwooll, Aubert, Audy, Auken, Ayala Sender, Aylward, Bachelot-Narquin, Badía i Cutchet, Barón Crespo, Battilocchio, Batzeli, Bauer, Beazley, Beer, Beglitis, Belet, Bennahmias, Beňová, Berend, van den Berg, Berger, Berlinguer, Berman, Bertinotti, Bobošíková, Bösch, Bonde, Bono, Bourzai, Bowis, Bowles, Bozkurt, Braghetto, Breyer, Brie, Bullmann, van den Burg, Bushill-Matthews, Busk, Busquin, Busuttil, Calabuig Rull, Callanan, Carlotti, Carlshamre, Carnero González, Casa, Casaca, Cashman, Castex, Catania, Cercas, Chatzimarkakis, Christensen, Cirino Pomicino, Cohn-Bendit, Corbett, Corbey, Cornillet, Correia, Costa P., Cottigny, Coveney, Cramer, Crowley, Czarnecki R., D'Alema, de Brún, De Keyser, Demetriou, Deprez, De Rossa, Descamps, Désir, Dess, Deva, De Veyrac, De Vits, Dionisi, Di Pietro, Dobolyi, Doorn, Douay, Dover, Doyle, Duchoň, Dührkop Dührkop, Duff, Duka-Zólyomi, Duquesne, El Khadraoui, Estrela, Ettl, Evans Jillian, Evans Jonathan, Evans Robert, Falbr, Fatuzzo, Fazakas, Fernandes, Ferreira A., Ferreira E., Figueiredo, Flasarová, Flautre, Florenz, Fontaine, Ford, Fourtou, Frassoni, Freitas, Fruteau, Gahler, Gaľa, García Pérez, Gargani, Gaubert, Gauzès, Gawronski, Gebhardt, Geremek, Geringer de Oedenberg, Gierek, Gill, Goebbels, Gomes, Goudin, Grabowska, Grabowski, Grässle, Grech, Griesbeck, Gröner, de Groen-Kouwenhoven, Grossetête, Gruber, Guardans Cambó, Guellec, Guerreiro, Gurmai, Guy-Quint, Hall, Hammerstein Mintz, Hamon, Hannan, Harbour, Harkin, Harms, Hassi, Hatzidakis, Haug, Hazan, Heaton-Harris, Hedh, Hedkvist Petersen, Helmer, Hennicot-Schoepges, Hennis-Plasschaert, Higgins, Honeyball, Horáček, Howitt, Hudacký, Hudghton, Hughes, Hutchinson, in 't Veld, Isler Béguin, Jäätteenmäki, Janowski, Járóka, Jensen, Jöns, Jørgensen, Jonckheer, Kaczmarek, Kallenbach, Kamall, Karatzaferis, Karim, Kasoulides, Kaufmann, Kauppi, Kilroy-Silk, Kinnock, Kirkhope, Klass, Klinz, Koch, Koch-Mehrin, Kohlíček, Konrad, Kósáné Kovács, Koterec, Krahmer, Krarup, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Kreissl-Dörfler, Kristensen, Kristovskis, Kuc, Kuhne, Kułakowski, Kusstatscher, Lagendijk, Laignel, Lamassoure, Lambert, Lambrinidis, Lambsdorff, Landsbergis, Langendries, Laperrouze, La Russa, Lavarra, Le Foll, Lehideux, Lehne, Lehtinen, Leichtfried, Leinen, Liberadzki, Libicki, Lichtenberger, Lienemann, Liese, Liotard, Lipietz, Locatelli, Lucas, Ludford, Lynne, Maat, Maaten, McAvan, McCarthy, McDonald, McGuinness, McMillan-Scott, Madeira, Manders, Maňka, Mann T., Markov, Martin D., Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mathieu, Matsouka, Mauro, Mavrommatis, Mayer, Medina Ortega, Meijer, Méndez de Vigo, Menéndez del Valle, Miguélez Ramos, Mikko, Mitchell, Moraes, Moreno Sánchez, Morgan, Morgantini, Moscovici, Musacchio, Muscat, Musotto, Myller, Napoletano, Navarro, Newton-Dunn, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson, Niebler, van Nistelrooij, Novak, Obiols i Germà, Öger, Özdemir, Olbrycht, Ó Neachtain, Onesta, Oomen-Ruijten, Ortuondo Larrea, Oviir, Paasilinna, Pafilis, Paleckis, Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, Panzeri, Papastamkos, Parish, Pavilionis, Pflüger, Pinior, Piskorski, Pittella, Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Poignant, Poli Bortone, Prets, Prodi, Protasiewicz, Purvis, Rack, Ransdorf, Rapkay, Rasmussen, Resetarits, Reynaud, Ribeiro e Castro, Riera Madurell, Ries, Riis-Jørgensen, Rivera, Rizzo, Rocard, Roithová, Romeva i Rueda, Rosati, Roszkowski, Roth-Behrendt, Rouček, Roure, Rühle, Ryan, Saïfi, Sakalas, Salinas García, Samuelsen, Sánchez Presedo, dos Santos, Savary, Schapira, Scheele, Schmidt, Schmitt, Schnellhardt, Schröder, Schroedter, Schuth, Seeberg, Segelström, Siekierski, Sifunakis, Silva Peneda, Skinner, Smith, Sonik, Sousa Pinto, Staes, Staniszewska, Starkevičiūtė, Sterckx, Stevenson, Stihler, Stubb, Sturdy, Sudre, Sumberg, Svensson, Swoboda, Szent-Iványi, Tajani, Takkula, Tannock, Tarabella, Tarand, Thomsen, Titley, Tomczak, Toubon, Toussas, Trakatellis, Trautmann, Triantaphyllides, Trüpel, Turmes, Tzampazi, Uca, Ulmer, Vaidere, Valenciano Martínez-Orozco, Van Lancker, Van Orden, Vatanen, Vaugrenard, Vergnaud, Vincenzi, Watson, Weber H., Weber M., Weiler, Weisgerber, Westlund, Wiersma, Wijkman, Willmott, Wortmann-Kool, Wynn, Yañez-Barnuevo García, Záborská, Zaleski, Zani, Ždanoka, Železný, Zīle, Zimmer, Zingaretti, Zvěřina, Zwiefka
