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Document 52020XG1013(05)

    Godišnje izvješće o napretku u provedbi Strategije Europske unije protiv širenja oružja za masovno uništenje (2019.)


    SL C 341, 13.10.2020, p. 1–59 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)


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    C 341/1

    Godišnje izvješće o napretku u provedbi Strategije Europske unije protiv širenja oružja za masovno uništenje (2019.)

    (2020/C 341/01)



    Ovim Izvješćem o napretku u provedbi Strategije Europske unije protiv širenja oružja za masovno uništenje koju je Europsko vijeće usvojilo u prosincu 2003. (dok. 15708/03) obuhvaćene su aktivnosti provedene u 2019. Izvješće nije iscrpno, a naglasak je na najvažnijim događajima. Sve aktivnosti poduzete su unutar šireg konteksta EU-ove sigurnosne politike i sprečavanja sukoba.


    Na temelju Globalne strategije Europske unije za vanjsku i sigurnosnu politiku (dok. 10715/16), Strategije Europske unije protiv širenja oružja za masovno uništenje i Novih pravaca djelovanja (dok. 17172/08) vodeća načela Europske unije i dalje su:


    učinkoviti multilateralizam, što uključuje zaštitu središnje važnosti i promicanja univerzalnosti globalne arhitekture za neširenje oružja i razoružanje, putem diplomatskog djelovanja i financijske pomoći trećim zemljama i međunarodnim organizacijama;


    bliska suradnja sa zemljama u cilju jačanja međunarodnog režima neširenja oružja;


    rješavanje pitanja povezanih s neširenjem oružja na EU-ovim bilateralnim sastancima u okviru političkog dijaloga i dijaloga o neširenju oružja i razoružanju, kao i u okviru neformalnijih kontakata;


    učinkovita i komplementarna upotreba svih dostupnih instrumenata i financijskih sredstava, to jest proračuna za zajedničku vanjsku i sigurnosnu politiku, Instrumenta za doprinos stabilnosti i miru (IcSP) te drugih instrumenata, kako bi se podržali ciljevi vanjske politike EU-a.


    Europska služba za vanjsko djelovanje (ESVD) te osobito posebni izaslanik za razoružanje i neširenje oružja predstavljali su EU na nizu ključnih međunarodnih sastanaka tijekom 2019.:

    regionalnom južnoazijskom seminaru o Haškom pravilniku postupanja protiv širenja balističkih projektila (Colombo, 14. – 16. siječnja 2019.);

    sastanku Upravne skupine za neširenje oružja u okviru skupine G7 (Pariz, 5. i 6. veljače 2019.);

    Međunarodnoj konferenciji o nuklearnoj politici, koju je organizirala Zaklada Carnegie (Washington, 11. – 14. ožujka 2019.);

    trećoj sjednici Pripremnog odbora Revizijske konferencije o Ugovoru o neširenju nuklearnog oružja 2020. (New York, 29. travnja – 10. svibnja 2019.);

    63. redovitom godišnjem zasjedanju opće konferencije Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju (IAEA) (Beč, 16. – 20. rujna 2019.);

    Inicijativi za dijalog o projektilima (Berlin, 17. i 18. listopada 2019.);

    74. sjednici prvog odbora Opće skupštine UN-a (New York, listopad – studeni 2019.);

    Revizijskoj konferenciji stranaka Konvencije o zabrani protupješačkih mina (Oslo, 25. – 29. studenoga 2019.).

    Posebni izaslanik usredotočio se na:


    promicanje očuvanja i jačanja Ugovora o neširenju nuklearnog oružja (NPT) kao temeljnog multilateralnog instrumenta za učvršćivanje međunarodnog mira, sigurnosti i stabilnosti;


    promicanje univerzalnog poštovanja i stupanja na snagu Ugovora o sveobuhvatnoj zabrani nuklearnih pokusa (CTBT) te jačanje vidljivosti predanosti EU-a,


    poštovanje globalne norme protiv upotrebe kemijskog oružja, među ostalim sprečavanjem nekažnjavanja za tu upotrebu;


    promicanje Haškog pravilnika postupanja (HCoC) protiv širenja balističkih projektila kao mjere za izgradnju povjerenja i transparentnosti;


    pokretanje i održavanje dijaloga o neširenju oružja s glavnim partnerima i uključivanje pitanja o neširenju oružja u bilateralne odnose EU-a.


    Radna skupina Vijeća EU-a za suzbijanje širenja oružja sastala se 11 puta u 2019., među ostalim na razini direktora, kako bi raspravljala o stajalištima EU-a i budućim aktivnostima. Delegacije EU-a u Beču, Ženevi i New Yorku pripremile su i koordinirale niz izjava EU-a za multilateralne forume i aktivno pridonijele oblikovanju politika putem redovitih koordinacijskih sastanaka EU-a.



    EU je i dalje u potpunosti predan promicanju univerzalizacije i potpune, cjelovite i učinkovite provedbe Ugovora o neširenju nuklearnog oružja (NPT), stupanja na snagu Ugovora o sveobuhvatnoj zabrani nuklearnih pokusa (CTBT) te započinjanja i brzog zaključivanja pregovora o ugovoru o zabrani proizvodnje fisilnog materijala za nuklearno oružje ili druge nuklearne eksplozivne naprave na Konferenciji o razoružanju. Uspostava područja bez oružja za masovno uništenje i sustavâ za njegovu isporuku na Bliskom istoku i dalje je prioritet EU-a. Vijeće je 2019. donijelo Odluku (ZVSP) 2019/938 (1) o osiguravanju 2 856 278 EUR Institutu Ujedinjenih naroda za istraživanje razoružanja (UNIDIR) za potporu procesu donošenja mjera za izgradnju povjerenja koji vodi uspostavi područja bez nuklearnog oružja i sveg drugog oružja za masovno uništenje na Bliskom istoku.

    Ugovor o neširenju nuklearnog oružja i Međunarodna agencija za atomsku energiju


    Ciklus preispitivanja NPT-a nastavljen je na trećoj sjednici Pripremnog odbora Revizijske konferencije stranaka NPT-a 2020. održanoj u New Yorku od 27. travnja do 10. svibnja 2019. EU je dao četiri izjave: jednu u okviru opće rasprave i tri u okviru rasprava o nuklearnom razoružanju, neširenju oružja i upotrebi u miroljubive svrhe; dana je i posebna izjava kojom se podupire uspostava područja bez nuklearnog oružja na Bliskom istoku. EU je organizirao i popratno događanje te podnio radni dokument o svojoj procjeni Ugovora pedeset godina nakon njegova donošenja. Sve države članice EU-a poduprle su izjavu o sjevernokorejskom nuklearnom pitanju. EU je pridonio svim relevantnim raspravama, među ostalim tematskoj raspravi o nuklearnom oružju na 74. sjednici prvog odbora za razoružanje i međunarodnu sigurnost Opće skupštine UN-a.


    Osim toga, Vijeće je 15. travnja 2019. donijelo Odluku (ZVSP) 2019/615 (2) bez presedana čiji je cilj pružanje financijske potpore organizaciji tematskih i regionalnih savjetovanja Ureda UN-a za poslove razoružanja u okviru priprema za Revizijsku konferenciju stranaka NPT-a 2020. Glavni je cilj Odluke Vijeća pomoći omogućiti uspješan ishod Revizijske konferencije NPT-a i razvoj realističnog i izvedivog skupa mjera i preporuka o kojima se može postići konsenzus. U skladu s tom Odlukom Vijeća Ured UN-a za poslove razoružanja 2019. organizirao je dva regionalna seminara: u Adis Abebi 29. i 30. kolovoza te u Bangkoku 3. i 4. prosinca, kao i tematski seminar o upotrebi nuklearne energije u miroljubive svrhe u Beču 20. i 21. studenoga. Regionalni sastanci obuhvatili su sva tri stupa NPT-a s obzirom na regionalne prioritete i bojazni. Svim aktivnostima nastoje se istaknuti brojne koristi koje se NPT-om već pružaju te potreba za očuvanjem tih koristi.


    EU je nastavio podupirati ključne odgovornosti IAEA-e u pogledu neširenja oružja, nuklearne energije, nuklearne sigurnosti, nuklearne zaštite i tehničke suradnje.


    Odlukom Vijeća (ZVSP) 2016/2383 (3) EU pridonosi provedbi Plana nuklearne sigurnosti IAEA-e za razdoblje 2018. – 2021. Sredstvima EU-a nastavljeno je pružanje potpore aktivnostima IAEA-e u svrhu: univerzalizacije međunarodnih instrumenata za neširenje oružja i nuklearnu sigurnost; pomaganjem državama pri uspostavi lokalnih tehničkih i znanstvenih kapaciteta te ljudskih resursa u području nuklearne sigurnosti; jačanjem kapaciteta za sprečavanje, otkrivanje i odgovor te zaštitu ljudi, imovine, okoliša i društva od kaznenih djela ili namjernih nedopuštenih radnji koje uključuju nuklearne ili druge radioaktivne materijale koji nisu pod regulatornom kontrolom; poboljšavanjem otkrivanja nezakonite trgovine nuklearnim i drugim radioaktivnim materijalom te odgovorom na nju; pružanjem doprinosa računalnoj sigurnosti u nuklearnom području; jačanjem sigurnosti izvora radioaktivnosti, njihovim sigurnim pohranjivanjem u zemljama kojima je potrebna potpora, uključujući povrat u zemlju podrijetla ili dobavljača; jačanjem fizičke zaštite nuklearnih i drugih radioaktivnih materijala.


    IAEA je nastavila uspješnu provedbu Odluke Vijeća (ZVSP) 2016/2001 (4) od 15. studenoga 2016. o doprinosu EU-a uspostavi banke nisko obogaćenog uranija i sigurnom upravljanju njome pod nadzorom Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju (IAEA) u okviru Strategije EU-a za sprečavanje širenja oružja za masovno uništenje.


    Zajednički istraživački centar Europske komisije 2019. dovršio je svoju potporu IAEA-inoj bazi podataka o incidentima i krijumčarenju (ITDB).


    Na marginama 5. sastanka visokih dužnosnika EU-a i IAEA-e (15. veljače 2017.), Zajednički istraživački centar i IAEA potpisali su „Praktične aranžmane suradnje o primjeni nuklearne znanosti” čiji je cilj razvijanje zajedničkih aktivnosti i izbjegavanje udvostručivanja napora. Jedna od aktivnosti obuhvaćena tim praktičnim aranžmanima jest praćenje stanja okoliša u pogledu radioaktivnosti koja se mjeri diljem Europe i na nizu drugih lokacija na svijetu u obliku prosječnih i najviših zabilježenih vrijednosti stope doze gama-zračenja u posljednja 24 sata. Ta mjerenja potječu iz približno 5 500 mjesta za praćenje kojima upravljaju nadležna nacionalna tijela u 39 zemalja, koja Europskoj platformi za razmjenu radioloških podataka (EURDEP) dostavljaju najnovije radiološke vrijednosti. Obavješćivanje o radiološkoj nesreći ili hitnoj situaciji obavlja se putem mreža za rano obavješćivanje kao što su ECURIE kojim upravlja Europska komisija ili EMERCON kojim upravlja IAEA, nakon savjetovanja s nadležnim nacionalnim tijelima.


    Zajednički sveobuhvatni akcijski plan (ZSAP) ključni je element globalne arhitekture za neširenje nuklearnog oružja i postignuće multilateralne diplomacije. Nastavak potpune i učinkovite provedbe sporazuma od suštinske je važnosti za europsku sigurnost. EU i dalje doprinosi provedbi ZSAP-a koordiniranjem Zajedničke komisije i niza radnih skupina na stručnoj razini osnovanih u okviru ZSAP-a. EU također i dalje u potpunosti podupire dugoročnu misiju IAEA-a da provjerava i prati obveze Irana u vezi s nuklearnim pitanjem. EU od 2016. radi na provedbi Priloga III. ZSAP-u, osobito putem projekata za poboljšanje nuklearne sigurnosti. Za civilnu nuklearnu suradnju s Iranom i tri ugovorena projekta kojima se pruža potpora Iranskom regulatornom tijelu za nuklearnu energiju i operateru nuklearne elektrane u Bušeheru već je dodijeljeno 15 milijuna EUR. Novi projekt odobren je 2018. s proračunom od 5 milijuna EUR koji obuhvaća nabavu laboratorijske opreme za Centar za nuklearnu sigurnost regulatornog tijela. Očekuje se da će se projekt ugovoriti 2020.


    Civilna nuklearna suradnja s Iranom ključni je stup ZSAP-a i okosnica suradnje EU-a s Iranom. Pomaže u boljem razumijevanju civilnih nuklearnih potreba Irana i postupnoj izgradnji povjerenja u miroljubivu prirodu nuklearnog programa Irana. Suradnja između EU-a i Irana u 2019. obuhvaćala je česte razmjene na visokoj razini o političkim pitanjima s posebnim naglaskom na nuklearnom upravljanju; zajedničku radionicu o odgovornosti i osiguranju u području civilne upotrebe nuklearne energije; projekte kojima se podupiru nastojanja iranskog regulatornog tijela za nuklearnu energiju da se uskladi s međunarodnim standardima u području zakonodavstva i propisa, kao i osnivanje centra za nuklearnu sigurnost osmišljenog u okviru prethodnog projekta koji je financirao EU; sudjelovanje iranskih studenata u ljetnoj školi za razgradnju i radionici o mjeriteljstvu za određivanje svojstava otpada i njegovo otpuštanje iz nadzora u Zajedničkom istraživačkom centru EU-a, zajedničkoj radionici EU-a i Irana o izvješćivanju Zajedničkoj konvenciji o istrošenom gorivu i radioaktivnom otpadu, zajedničkoj radionici EU-a i Irana o pripravnosti i odgovoru na izvanredne situacije u slučaju radiološke ili nuklearne izvanredne situacije te projektima kojima se podupire modernizacija reaktora za istraživanje u Araku (Khondab) i preobrazba postrojenja Fordow u centar za nuklearnu energiju, fiziku i tehnologiju. Iran je ostao najveći korisnik potpore EU-a u području nuklearne sigurnosti.


    Sveobuhvatni sporazumi o zaštitnim mjerama s dodatnim protokolima čine aktualni standard provjere te EU nastavlja pozivati na njihovo univerzalno poštovanje. Bliska suradnja EURATOM-a i IAEA-e omogućuje učinkovite i djelotvorne zaštitne mjere. EU aktivno podržava sustav zaštitnih mjera IAEA-e s pomoću Programa potpore zaštitnim mjerama Europske komisije, Instrumenta za suradnju u području nuklearne sigurnosti i programâ potpore država članica. Programom potpore zaštitnim mjerama Europske komisije jačaju se sposobnosti nuklearnih zaštitnih mjera IAEA-e za provjeru provedbe ZSAP-a, među ostalim omogućivanjem osposobljavanja inspektorima za zaštitne mjere IAEA-e u području dodatnog pristupa i rada COMPUCEA-e (Kombinirani postupak za analizu koncentracije i obogaćivanja urana) za provjeru obogaćivanja tvari UF6.


    Europska komisija i dalje djeluje i aktivno podupire Europsko udruženje za istraživanje i razvoj zaštitnih mjera (ESARDA) koje je 2019. svoju 50. obljetnicu postojanja obilježilo otvorenim simpozijem koji je privukao 250 sudionika iz cijelog svijeta i na kojem se raspravljalo o pitanjima nuklearnih zaštitnih mjera i neširenja nuklearnog oružja, uglavnom sa znanstvenog i tehničkog stajališta. ESARDA nastavlja i svoje međunarodno djelovanje memorandumima o razumijevanju s afričkom komisijom za nuklearnu energiju i azijskom pacifičkom sigurnosnom mrežom te u bliskoj suradnji s Institutom za upravljanje nuklearnim materijalima. Radne skupine ESARDA-e razvijaju, ispituju i vrednuju inovativne zaštitne mjere i pristupe neširenju oružja koji su od izravne koristi Upravi za nuklearne zaštitne mjere GU-a ENER i Odjelu za zaštitne mjere Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju. Rezultatima istraživanja i razvoja te inicijativama za obrazovanje i osposobljavanje jačaju se europske i međunarodne sposobnosti u području nuklearnih zaštitnih mjera te strateška kontrola trgovine, čime i razvoj inicijativa za nuklearnu sigurnost i nuklearno razoružanje.


    EU i njegove države članice pridaju iznimnu važnost provedbi i kontinuiranom poboljšanju nuklearne sigurnosti diljem svijeta. EU je izmijenjenom Direktivom o nuklearnoj sigurnosti koja je stupila na snagu 2017. dao pravnu snagu ciljevima iz Bečke deklaracije o nuklearnoj sigurnosti. Ključni je element izmijenjene direktive uvođenje sigurnosnog cilja za sve operatere kako bi se spriječili incidenti i izbjegla znatna radioaktivna ispuštanja. Izmjenom direktiva također su se unijeli tematski stručni pregledi u pravo Euratoma. Prvi europski tematski stručni pregled već je uspješno proveden. Sve države članice EU-a prenijele su nove zahtjeve u svoja nacionalna prava.


    U cilju unapređivanja upotrebe nuklearne energije u miroljubive svrhe EU je u razdoblju od 2014. do 2020. dodijelio 325 milijuna EUR za promicanje nuklearne sigurnosti, zaštite od zračenja te primjene učinkovitih i djelotvornih zaštitnih mjera u trećim zemljama. Europska komisija, u suradnji s IAEA-om i drugim partnerima, podupire provedbu strateškog glavnog plana za sanaciju okoliša u središnjoj Aziji koji će se financirati s namjenskog računa za sanaciju okoliša (ERA) kojim upravlja EBRD. Kao glavni donator, EU i dalje pokreće suradnju sa zemljama korisnicama (Kirgistan, Tadžikistan i Uzbekistan) kako bi potaknuo angažman i pokrenuo konkretne projekte čišćenja i sanacije.


    U srpnju 2019. nova zaštitna konstrukcija koja pokriva uništeni reaktor 4 u nuklearnoj elektrani u Černobilu službeno je predana Ukrajini tijekom svečanosti na kojoj je prisustvovao predsjednik Volodimir Zelenskij, čime su dovršena dugotrajna međunarodna nastojanja koja je pokrenula skupina G7 kako bi lokacija ponovno postala okolišno sigurna. EU je najveći donator Fonda za černobilski sarkofag nakon Europske banke za obnovu i razvoj koja upravlja fondom.


    EU i njegove države članice i dalje snažno podupiru program tehničke suradnje IAEA-e, među ostalim putem znatnih doprinosa Fondu za tehničku suradnju i Inicijativi za miroljubivo korištenje. EU i njegove države članice ubrajaju se među dionike koji najviše doprinose programu tehničke suradnje koji je važan alat za omogućivanje sigurne, zaštićene i miroljubive upotrebe nuklearne tehnologije i ispunjavanje ciljeva iz Programa održivog razvoja do 2030.


    EU i IAEA održavaju godišnji sastanak visokih dužnosnika na kojem preispituju i planiraju svoju opsežnu suradnju. Europska komisija bila je domaćin posljednjeg sastanka koji je održan u Luxembourgu 12. veljače 2019. Rasprave su bile usmjerene na jačanje suradnje u području nuklearne sigurnosti, zaštite, zaštitnih mjera te istraživanja, inovacija i osposobljavanja u području nuklearne energije.

    Ugovor o sveobuhvatnoj zabrani nuklearnih pokusa


    Stupanje na snagu Ugovora o sveobuhvatnoj zabrani nuklearnih pokusa (CTBT) i njegova univerzalnost važni su ciljevi Strategije EU-a protiv širenja oružja za masovno uništenje. Sve države članice EU-a pokazale su predanost Ugovoru tako što su ga ratificirale i primijenile njegove temeljne obveze. CTBT je snažna mjera za izgradnju povjerenja i sigurnosti. EU se 2019. uključio u aktivnosti diplomatskog djelovanja u svim preostalim zemljama iz Priloga II. i zemljama koje nisu obuhvaćene Prilogom II. Cilj tog djelovanja EU-a bio je zatražiti da se te zemlje obvežu na ratifikaciju CTBT-a. Promicanje stupanja na snagu CTBT-a bila je jedna od mjera programa glavnog tajnika UN-a „Osiguravanje naše zajedničke budućnosti: program za razoružanje” koji je EU odlučio podržati.


    EU dosljedno promiče koristi i doprinos Ugovora miru, sigurnosti, razoružanju i neširenju oružja, među ostalim u njegovoj civilnoj primjeni. EU je nastavio pružati financijsku potporu Pripremnoj komisiji Organizacije ugovora za sveobuhvatnu zabranu nuklearnih pokusa (CTBTO) kako je navedeno u Odluci Vijeća (ZVSP) 2018/298 (5) o potpori Unije djelatnostima Pripremne komisije Organizacije ugovora za sveobuhvatnu zabranu nuklearnih pokusa radi jačanja njezinih sposobnosti praćenja i provjeravanja. EU i njegove države članice pridonijeli su i održavanju i jačanju režima provjere CTBT-a pružanjem tehničke potpore i savjeta u okviru Radne skupine B CTBTO-a te drugih radionica i seminara. EU je aktivno sudjelovao na sjednicama Pripremne komisije CTBTO-a te njegovih radnih skupina A i B.


    Na poziv izvršnog tajnika CTBTO-a Visoka predstavnica EU-a za vanjske poslove i sigurnosnu politiku i potpredsjednica Komisije sudjelovala je na 11. konferenciji o olakšavanju stupanja na snagu CTBT-a održanoj u sjedištu Ujedinjenih naroda u New Yorku 25. rujna 2019. na kojoj je dala usuglašenu izjavu EU-a. Tijekom konferencije CTBT-a o znanosti i tehnologiji delegacija EU-a u Beču 25. lipnja organizirala je događanje o suradnji EU-a i CTBTO-a.

    Inicijative povezane s nuklearnom sigurnošću


    EU je nastavio promicati Međunarodnu konvenciju o suzbijanju djela nuklearnog terorizma i izmjenu Konvencije o fizičkoj zaštiti nuklearnog materijala kao temeljne elemente globalne arhitekture za nuklearnu sigurnost i borbu protiv terorizma. Ured Ujedinjenih naroda za droge i kriminal i Ured Ujedinjenih naroda za borbu protiv terorizma započeli su provedbu Odluke Vijeća (ZVSP) 2018/1939 (6) o potpori Unije radi univerzalizacije i učinkovite provedbe Međunarodne konvencije o suzbijanju djela nuklearnog terorizma. Cilj je Odluke Vijeća povećanje broja stranaka Međunarodne konvencije o suzbijanju djela nuklearnog terorizma, podizanje svijesti među nacionalnim oblikovateljima politika i donositeljima odluka te izgradnja kapaciteta radi pomoći u poboljšanju nacionalnog zakonodavstva i jačanja kapaciteta nacionalnih dionika, među ostalim službenika u kaznenom pravosuđu da istražuju, kazneno progone i donose presude u slučajevima nuklearnog terorizma. Provedba Odluke Vijeća započela je početnim događanjem u New Yorku održanim u travnju 2019.i u Beču u svibnju 2019.


    EU je nastavio podupirati Globalnu inicijativu za borbu protiv nuklearnog terorizma (GICNT) i njezinu misiju jačanja globalnih kapaciteta za sprečavanje i otkrivanje nuklearnog terorizma te odgovor na njega. EU i njegove države članice sudjelovali su na 11. plenarnom sastanku GICNT-a održanom u Buenos Airesu 6. i 7. lipnja 2019. Sljedeće zemlje suglasne su s usuglašenom izjavom EU-a: Turska, Sjeverna Makedonija, Crna Gora, Srbija i Albanija, zemlja koja je u procesu stabilizacije i pridruživanja te potencijalna kandidatkinja Bosna i Hercegovina, zemlje EFTA-e koje pripadaju Europskom gospodarskom prostoru Island i Norveška te Ukrajina, Republika Moldova, Armenija i Gruzija.


    EU i njegove države članice aktivno su uključene u rad GICNT-a u svim područjima: nuklearnoj detekciji, nuklearnoj forenzici te odgovoru i ublažavanju posljedica. Zajednički istraživački centar Europske komisije bio je domaćin radionice „Cunning Karl” o vanjskoj potpori nuklearnoj detekciji održanoj od 12. do 14. veljače 2019. u Karlsruheu u Njemačkoj pod pokroviteljstvom GICNT-ove Radne skupine za nuklearnu detekciju. Nastavno na rezultate radionice „Magic Maggiore” iz 2017. o tehničkoj vanjskoj potpori, radionica je bila usmjerena na utvrđivanje ključnih sposobnosti povezanih s tehničkom vanjskom potporom koja se provodi za podupiranje operacija detekcije te je istražila izazove i najbolje prakse u pružanju vanjske potpore udaljenim područjima. Finska je 24. i 25. veljače 2019. bila domaćin sastanka stručnjaka Radne skupine za nuklearnu forenziku (NFWG) na kojem se raspravljalo o planu rada NFWG-a za razdoblje 2019. – 2021. EU je pridonio i nuklearnoj detekciji na radionici o plavim i zelenim granicama i stožernoj vježbi čiji je domaćin bila Kraljevina Maroko u prosincu 2019.


    Centar EU-a za osposobljavanje u području nuklearne sigurnosti za otkrivanje nezakonitih djela s nuklearnim i drugim radioaktivnim materijalima i odgovor na njih (EUSECTRA) u potpunosti je operativan od 2013. u korist država članica Europske unije i partnerskih zemalja, među kojima je nekoliko članica GICNT-a. Centrom upravlja Zajednički istraživački centar Europske komisije na lokacijama u Karlsruheu (Njemačka) i Ispri (Italija) u bliskoj suradnji s drugim međunarodnim inicijativama koje promiče Međunarodna agencija za atomsku energiju i nekoliko partnerskih zemalja GICNT-a. Centar se također upotrebljava za praktične vježbe koje se uglavnom odnose na borbu protiv krijumčarenja nuklearnog oružja. EUSECTRA je aktivna u rješavanju potreba u pogledu osposobljavanja država članica i partnera EU-a, što uključuje već provedena iznimno cijenjena koordinirana osposobljavanja delegata država članica u području carine i kaznenog progona te ona planirana u razdoblju 2019. – 2021. (u izravnoj suradnji s GU-om HOME i GU-om TAXUD Europske komisije), a na zahtjev država članica osigurava i procjenu učinkovitosti opreme. U suradnji sa stručnjacima iz država članica EU-a 2019. godine organizirano je 14 jednotjednih osposobljavanja uz dvije dodatne radionice.


    Europska komisija i države članice EU-a nastavile su sa svojim aktivnostima povezanima s nuklearnom forenzikom u cilju osnovnog označavanja presretnutog nuklearnog materijala, koristeći se naprednim istraživanjem u području nuklearne forenzike na lokaciji Zajedničkog istraživačkog centra u Karlsruheu (Njemačka). Analizirani su uzorci iz triju incidenata nastalih u dvije države članice EU-a 2019. godine. Ukupno gledano, provelo se ispitivanje nuklearnih materijala otkrivenih i zaplijenjenih u više od 50 incidenata čime se pružila potpora nadležnim tijelima u državama članicama EU-a i šire.

    Inicijative povezane s nuklearnom provjerom


    EU i njegove države članice podržali su rezoluciju Opće skupštine UN-a o provjeri nuklearnog razoružanja iz 2019. u pogledu osnivanja druge skupine vladinih stručnjaka kako bi se nastavila razmatrati uloga provjere u unapređenju nuklearnog razoružanja. EU podržava rad širih partnerstava i kooperativne aranžmane za provjeru te je sudjelovao u radu Međunarodnog partnerstva za provjeru nuklearnog razoružanja (IPNDV) od njegova začetka u 2015. Aktivno sudjelovanje EU-a nastavilo se tijekom II. faze IPNDV-a, pri čemu je EU (ESVD i Zajednički istraživački centar Europske komisije) sudjelovao na sastancima radnih skupina u Helsinkiju od 4. do 6. ožujka 2019. i u Haagu od 19. do 21. lipnja te na plenarnoj sjednici u Ottawi od 2. do 6. prosinca. Kao glavni ciljevi utvrđeni su pružanje znatne potpore Skupini vladinih stručnjaka UN-a o provjeri nuklearnog razoružanja i Revizijskoj konferenciji o Ugovoru o neširenju nuklearnog oružja 2020. EU je postao i zagovornik točke djelovanja koja se odnosi na provjeru nuklearnog razoružanja iz programa glavnog tajnika UN-a „Osiguravanje naše zajedničke budućnosti: program za razoružanje”.

    Regionalna pitanja


    EU i njegove države članice nastavili su poticati DNRK da se usmjeri prema potpunom, provjerljivom i nepovratnom napuštanju svojih programa oružja za masovno uništenje i balističkih projektila. To se navodi u svim relevantnim izjavama EU-a. EU i dalje smatra da opetovano lansiranje balističkih projektila koje je provela Demokratska Narodna Republika Koreja (DNRK), čime je prekršila više rezolucija Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a, predstavlja ozbiljnu prijetnju regionalnom i međunarodnom miru i sigurnosti te podriva aktualna međunarodna nastojanja za postizanje trajnog mira i sigurnost na Korejskom poluotoku. EU je pozvao DNRK da odmah zaustavi sva svoja lansiranja, uključi se u smislene pregovore i poduzme konkretne i vjerodostojne korake prema izgradnji povjerenja i potpunom, provjerljivom i nepovratnom napuštanju svih svojih programa nuklearnog oružja i balističkih projektila. EU je nastavio poticati DNRK da u potpunosti poštuje sve relevantne rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a te svoje druge međunarodne obveze i odgovornosti, da bez odlaganja potpiše i ratificira CTBT te da se ponovno počne pridržavati svojih obveza u pogledu zaštitnih mjera u okviru NPT-a. EU je brzo prenio sve rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti u zakonodavstvo EU-a te je donio i stroge autonomne sankcije kojima se dopunjuju i jačaju sankcije koje je donio UN. Izjave glasnogovornika ESVD-a dane su 10. kolovoza nakon lansiranja dvaju balističkih projektila kratkog dometa i 2. listopada nakon što je navodno ispaljen balistički projektil na moru.

    Konferencija o razoružanju (CD) / Ugovor o zabrani proizvodnje fisilnog materijala za nuklearno oružje ili druge nuklearne eksplozivne naprave


    EU ostaje ujedinjen i predan provjerljivom nuklearnom razoružanju i kontroli oružja utemeljenima na ugovoru te naglašava potrebu za obnavljanjem multilateralnih napora i revitalizacijom multilateralnih pregovaračkih tijela, posebno Konferencije o razoružanju (CD). Dugoročni je prioritet EU-a u okviru Konferencije o razoružanju neposredno pokretanje pregovora u pogledu ugovora o zabrani proizvodnje fisilnog materijala za nuklearno oružje ili druge nuklearne eksplozivne naprave (FMCT). EU podupire početak takvih pregovora u skladu s dokumentom CD/1299 i mandatom koji je u njemu sadržan. EU poziva sve članove Konferencije o razoružanju da bez odgode započnu pregovore u vezi s FMCT-om i krenu s radom na drugim pitanjima na dnevnom redu. Na temelju Odluke Vijeća (EU) 2017/2284 (7) od 11. prosinca 2017. EU pruža financijsku potporu Uredu UN-a za poslove razoružanja (UNODA) kako bi se olakšalo sudjelovanje afričkih, azijskih, latinoameričkih i karipskih zemalja u savjetovanjima i drugim aktivnostima povezanima s FMCT-om. EU također potiče sve zemlje koje posjeduju nuklearno oružje da proglase i poštuju hitni moratorij na proizvodnju fisilnog materijala za nuklearno oružje ili druge nuklearne eksplozivne naprave ako to već nisu učinile. Država članica EU-a koja posjeduje nuklearno oružje proglasila je relevantni moratorij i uklonila takva postrojenja.



    EU je nastavio pružati političku, diplomatsku i financijsku potporu Organizaciji za zabranu kemijskog oružja (OPCW) kako bi se osigurala potpuna i učinkovita provedba Konvencije o kemijskom oružju (CWC) i njezino univerzalno poštovanje.


    Vijeće je 1. travnja 2019. donijelo Odluku (ZVSP) 2019/538 (8) kojom EU pruža potporu temeljnim aktivnostima OPCW-a (kao što su nacionalna provedba, međunarodna suradnja, univerzalizacija, Program za Afriku) u razdoblju 2019. – 2022. Njom se pruža i znatan doprinos unapređenju laboratorija OPCW-a u Centar za kemiju i tehnologiju te provedbi Odluke C-SS-4/DEC.3 „Rješavanje prijetnje koju predstavlja upotreba kemijskog oružja” donesene na posebnom zasjedanju Konferencije država stranaka CWC-a 27. lipnja 2018.


    Vijeće je 26. lipnja 2019. donijelo Odluku (ZVSP) 2019/1092 (9) kojom se produljuje provedbeno razdoblje Odluke (ZVSP) 2017/2302 (10) od 12. prosinca 2017. u potpori aktivnostima OPCW-a za pomoć u operacijama čišćenja bivše lokacije za skladištenje kemijskog oružja u Libiji u okviru provedbe Strategije EU-a za sprečavanje širenja oružja za masovno uništenje.


    EU je nastavio pružati snažnu potporu radu misije za utvrđivanje činjenica OPCW-a i tima za procjenu izjava OPCW-a u istragama izvješćâ o upotrebi kemijskog oružja u Siriji i nastojanjima da se uklone utvrđeni nedostaci i nedosljednosti u izvornoj izjavi Sirije. U tom kontekstu Vijeće je 9. prosinca 2019. donijelo Odluku (ZVSP) 2019/2112 (11) kojom se produljuje provedbeno razdoblje Odluke (ZVSP) 2017/2303 (12) u potpori daljnjoj provedbi Rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a 2118 (2013) i Odluci Izvršnog vijeća Organizacije za zabranu kemijskog oružja (OPCW) EC-M-33/DEC.1 o uništenju sirijskog kemijskog oružja pružanjem satelitskih snimanja u potpori operacijama OPCW-a u Siriji.


    U skladu sa zaključcima Europskog vijeća od 28. lipnja 2018. kojima se EU obvezao na potporu provedbi Odluke C-SS-4/DEC.3 donesene na posebnom zasjedanju Konferencije država stranaka Konvencije o kemijskom oružju održanom 27. lipnja 2018. kako bi se uspostavio mehanizam raspodjele kao odgovor na opetovanu upotrebu tog oružja od 2012. te kako bi se osiguralo donošenje nacrta programa i proračuna OPCW-a za 2020. kojim se Tehničkom tajništvu OPCW-a pruža čvrsta i postojana osnova za pristupanje rješavanju mnogostrukih predstojećih zadaća i izazova, EU je uputio demarš velikom broju država članica CWC-a sa zahtjevom da konstruktivno pristupe provedbi Odluke OPCW-a C-SS-4/DEC i podupru uspješan ishod 24. Konferencije država stranaka (CSP-24) održane 25. – 29. studenoga 2019.


    Odlukom Vijeća (ZVSP) 2017/1252 (13) od 11. srpnja 2017. o potpori jačanju kemijske sigurnosti i zaštite u Ukrajini u skladu s provedbom Rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti Ujedinjenih naroda 1540 (2004) o suzbijanju širenja oružja za masovno uništenje i sredstvima njegove isporuke EU je podržao izgradnju nacionalnih kapaciteta u Ukrajini i osobito uspostavu ukrajinskog nacionalnog referentnog centra za utvrđivanje kontroliranih i otrovnih kemikalija.


    EU je 14. listopada 2019. Odlukom Vijeća (ZVSP) 2019/1722 (14) produljio trajanje svojeg režima mjera ograničavanja radi rješavanja pitanja upotrebe i širenja kemijskog oružja za dodatnih 12 mjeseci.



    Vijeće EU-a 21. siječnja 2019. donijelo je petu uzastopnu odluku za potporu Konvenciji o biološkom i toksičnom oružju. Odlukom Vijeća (ZVSP) 2019/97 (15) predviđa se proračun od 3 milijuna EUR za Ured UN-a za poslove razoružanja (UNODA) za razdoblje 2019. – 2022. Time se Odjelu za potporu provedbi BTWC-a omogućuje da provede šest novih projekata kojima se podupiru univerzalizacija; izgradnja kapaciteta za nacionalnu provedbu, uključujući tri vježbe stručnog pregleda; poticanje biološke zaštite na južnoj polutki; razvoj alata za informiranje, obrazovanje i angažman te povećanje pripravnosti za odgovor na biološke napade. Tijekom 2019. u okviru ove Odluke financirane su tri radionice i dva druga događanja. Među tim radionicama bila je i prva radionica o biološkoj zaštiti nazvana „Uključivanje mladih znanstvenika s južne polutke u diplomaciju u području biološke zaštite” koja je održana 3. – 5. kolovoza 2019. u blizini Ženeve. Na radionici se okupilo gotovo 20 mladih znanstvenika iz zemalja u razvoju koji rade na temama povezanima s BTWC-om. Odlukom (ZVSP) 2019/97 pružit će se potpora i programu BTWC-a između zasjedanja te pripremi Devete revizijske konferencije 2021.


    Vijeće je 31. srpnja 2019. donijelo Odluku (ZVSP) 2019/1296 (16) o potpori jačanju biološke sigurnosti i zaštite u Ukrajini u skladu s provedbom Rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti Ujedinjenih naroda 1540 (2004) o suzbijanju širenja oružja za masovno uništenje i sredstvima njegove isporuke. Tom se Odlukom predviđa potpora u iznosu od 1,9 milijuna EUR tijekom tri godine. Tom Odlukom EU podupire jačanje biološke sigurnosti i zaštite u Ukrajini, posebno poboljšanjem ukrajinske zakonodavne i regulatorne osnove i njezinih sustava za zdravlje ljudi i životinja te podizanjem svijesti bioloških znanstvenika.


    Vijeće je 9. prosinca 2019. donijelo Odluku (ZVSP) 2019/2108 (17) o potpori jačanju biološke sigurnosti i zaštite u Latinskoj Americi u skladu s provedbom Rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti Ujedinjenih naroda 1540 (2004) o suzbijanju širenja oružja za masovno uništenje i sredstvima njegove isporuke kojom se predviđa 2,7 milijuna EUR tijekom tri godine.


    Na temelju prethodne Odluke Vijeća ukupni iznos financijske potpore EU-a BTWC-u narast će na gotovo 15 milijuna EUR od 2006.


    Na sastanku država stranaka Konvencije održanom 3. – 6. prosinca 2019. u Ženevi EU je dao opću izjavu. Ponovno potvrđujući svoju snažnu potporu BTWC-u kao ključnom stupu međunarodnog sustava utemeljenog na pravilima, EU je podsjetio na svoje dugogodišnje napore za jačanje Konvencije, promicanje njezine univerzalizacije i poboljšanje njezine provedbe. Prioriteti EU-a u kontekstu BTWC-a uključuju jačanje nacionalne provedbe i usklađenosti, promicanje mjera za izgradnju povjerenja i transparentnosti, kao što su stručni pregledi, dobrovoljni posjeti i druge inicijative, olakšavanje suradnje u području znanosti i tehnologije, operacionalizaciju savjetodavnih odredaba članka V. i odredaba o pomoći, odgovoru i pripravnosti članka VII., promicanje univerzalnog poštovanja Konvencije, kao i rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena kao važan međusektorski prioritet. Nadalje, EU je izrazio trajnu zabrinutost zbog kritičnog financijskog stanja Konvencije i pozvao sve države koje to još nisu učinile da bez odlaganja ispune svoje financijske obveze. U tom je kontekstu EU podsjetio da je svrha Fonda za obrtni kapital, kako je uspostavljen 2018., osigurati kratkoročnu financijsku likvidnost na početku kalendarske godine, a nipošto ne i subvencionirati neplaćanja ili dospjele neplaćene obveze. Od aktivnosti EU je istaknuo postignuća suradnje razvijene u okviru Odluke Vijeća EU-a o potpori BTWC-a i Inicijative centara izvrsnosti (CoE) EU-a za ublažavanje kemijskog, biološkog, radiološkog i nuklearnog (KBRN) rizika. Na popratnom događanju 4. prosinca 2019. koje je financirao EU predstavljene su aktivnosti povezane s biološkom zaštitom na Kavkazu u okviru Inicijative centara izvrsnosti u području KBRN-a.


    EU je aktivno sudjelovao i na pet sastanaka stručnjaka održanih od 29. srpnja do 8. kolovoza 2019. u Ženevi, i to na sastanku stručnjaka (MX1) o suradnji i pomoći, s posebnim naglaskom na jačanju suradnje i pomoći na temelju članka X. (29. i 30. srpnja), sastanku stručnjaka (MX2) o preispitivanju razvoja u području znanosti i tehnologije povezano s Konvencijom (31. srpnja i 2. kolovoza), sastanku stručnjaka (MX3) o jačanju nacionalne provedbe (5. kolovoza 2019.), sastanku stručnjaka (MX4) o pomoći, odgovoru i pripravnosti (6. i 7. kolovoza 2019.) i sastanku stručnjaka (MX5) o institucionalnom jačanju Konvencije (8. kolovoza 2019.). EU je iznio jasno usmjerene i ažurirane ključne poruke na svakom sastanku stručnjaka te je na popratnom događanju čiji je domaćin bila Francuska govorio o dobrovoljnim mjerama transparentnosti promičući strukturiraniju razmjenu informacija o vježbama stručnog pregleda. EU se usredotočio na podizanje svijesti među stručnjacima u sektoru znanosti i tehnologije s pomoću modulâ e-učenja i financiranja seminara za dionike. U istom kontekstu EU je promicao novu Odluku Vijeća EU-a o potpori univerzalizacije i provedbe Konvencije.


    Haški pravilnik postupanja


    Haški pravilnik postupanja protiv širenja balističkih projektila (HCoC) rezultat je napora međunarodne zajednice da uredi područje balističkih projektila kojima se mogu prenositi oružja za masovno uništenje. HCoC je jedini multilateralni instrument za transparentnost i izgradnju povjerenja u vezi sa širenjem balističkih projektila. Potpisivanjem HCoC-a članice se na dobrovoljnoj osnovi politički obvezuju da će najavljivati lansiranje i probne letove balističkih projektila i vozila za lansiranje svemirskih letjelica. Zemlje potpisnice također su se obvezale podnositi godišnju izjavu o politikama svoje zemlje u području balističkih projektila i vozila za lansiranje svemirskih letjelica.


    EU snažno podupire Pravilnik od njegova začetka. Sve su ga države članice EU-a potpisale. Od potpisivanja i stupanja na snagu politički obvezujućeg HCoC-a u studenome 2002. u Haagu u Nizozemskoj, broj potpisnica povećao se sa 93 na 143. Razlog tomu je i diplomatsko djelovanje kojim se podupire univerzalizacija Pravilnika koju je EU proveo u nizu država koje nisu potpisnice Pravilnika.


    EU dosljedno promiče univerzalnost, potpunu provedbu i poboljšano funkcioniranje Pravilnika. Tijekom prethodnog desetljeća Vijeće EU-a donijelo je u okviru ZVSP-a niz odluka / zajedničkih akcija kojima podupire Haški pravilnik postupanja i općenito neširenje projektila. EU tim odlukama Vijeća financira aktivnosti informiranja, uključujući popratna događanja, istraživačke radove, sastanke stručnjaka i regionalne seminare za podizanje razine svijesti u vezi s HCoC-om. Te aktivnosti provodi zaklada Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique sa sjedištem u Parizu, obično uz sudjelovanje rotirajućeg predsjednika HCoC-a.


    Odlukom Vijeća (ZVSP) 2017/2370 (18) od 18. prosinca 2017. EU nastavlja: promicati potpisivanje Pravilnika i u konačnici njegovu univerzalnost; podupirati potpunu provedbu Pravilnika; promicati dijalog među državama potpisnicama i državama koje nisu potpisnice kako bi se izgradilo povjerenje i transparentnost; poticati suzdržanost i stvarati veću stabilnost i sigurnost za sve; jačati vidljivost Pravilnika i podizati razinu svijesti javnosti o rizicima i prijetnjama koje predstavlja širenje balističkih projektila te istraživati, osobito putem akademskih studija, mogućnosti poboljšanja Pravilnika i promicanja suradnje između Pravilnika i drugih relevantnih multilateralnih instrumenata.



    Rezolucija Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a 1540 (2004) ostaje središnji stup u međunarodnoj arhitekturi za neširenje oružja. Prvi je to međunarodni instrument koji se na cjelovit i sveobuhvatan način bavi oružjem za masovno uništenje, načinima njihove isporuke i povezanim materijalima. RVSUN-om 1540 (2004) utvrđuju se obvezujuće obveze za sve zemlje. Njima se nastoji spriječiti i odvratiti nedržavne aktere od dobivanja pristupa takvom oružju, sredstvima njegove isporuke i materijalima povezanima s oružjem i tim sredstvima. Rezolucijom, donesenom u skladu s poglavljem VII. Povelje Ujedinjenih naroda, od svih se zemalja traži da donesu nužno zakonodavstvo kojim se nedržavnim akterima zabranjuje nabava nuklearnog, kemijskog ili biološkog oružja i da uspostave prikladne nacionalne kontrole za povezane materijale kako bi se spriječilo nezakonito trgovanje njima. Središnja uloga, važnost i autoritet RVSUN-a 1540 ponovno su potvrđeni sveobuhvatnim postupkom preispitivanja iz 2016. kako je navedeno u RVSUN-u 2325.


    Kako bi se doprinijelo provedbi ishoda sveobuhvatnog preispitivanja iz 2016. te podržala potpuna provedba RVSUN-a 1540, Vijeće EU-a 11. svibnja 2017. donijelo je Odluku Vijeća (ZVSP) 2017/809 (19) o potpori provedbi Rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti Ujedinjenih naroda 1540 (2004) o suzbijanju širenja oružja za masovno uništenje i načinima njegove isporuke. Odlukom Vijeća obuhvaćeno je razdoblje od 36 mjeseci, a provedbu izvršava Ured UN-a za poslove razoružanja (UNODA) u New Yorku koji je dio provedbe podugovorom prenio na OESS u Beču. Financiranjem EU-a podupire se pomaganje zemljama u utvrđivanju posebne tehničke pomoći koja im je potrebna, podizanju svijesti o relevantnim programima tehničke pomoći i poboljšanju suradnje s međunarodnim i regionalnim organizacijama radi podržavanja napora za izgradnju nacionalnih kapaciteta.


    Inicijativa centara izvrsnosti (CoE) EU-a za ublažavanje kemijskog, biološkog, radiološkog i nuklearnog rizika („Inicijativa”) globalni je program za izgradnju kapaciteta koji trenutačno okuplja 61 partnersku zemlju organiziranu oko osam regionalnih tajništava smještenih u sljedećim regijama: afričko-atlantskom pročelju, središnjoj Aziji, istočnoj i srednjoj Africi, zemljama Vijeća za suradnju u Zaljevu, Bliskom istoku, sjevernoj Africi i Sahelu, jugoistočnoj Aziji, jugoistočnoj i istočnoj Europi.


    Inicijativa centara izvrsnosti u području KBRN-a financira se u okviru Instrumenta za doprinos stabilnosti i miru (IcSP), a cilj joj je ublažavanje rizika u vezi s kemijskim, biološkim, radiološkim i nuklearnim materijalima, jačanje pripravnosti partnerskih zemalja i poticanje kulture sigurnosti i upravljanja. Zemlje sudionice podupire se u nastojanjima da dobrovoljno i na temelju regionalnog pristupa koji se temelji na potražnji uspostave nacionalne i regionalne strukture za koordinaciju i upravljanje. U okviru tih platformi razvijaju se i jačaju nacionalne politike u području ublažavanja kemijskog, biološkog, radiološkog i nuklearnog rizika te se izgrađuju kapaciteti na temelju procjena posebnih potreba i nacionalnih akcijskih planova. Podupire ih se putem nekoliko projekata regionalne suradnje koji se financiraju u okviru Inicijative i otvoreni su za druge financijske instrumente. Od 2010. financirana su 82 regionalna projekta. Proračun za Inicijativu za desetogodišnje razdoblje s početkom od 2010. iznosi otprilike 250 milijuna EUR.


    Mreža centara izvrsnosti sad je dobro razvijena i omogućila je EU-u provođenje simulacijskih i prekograničnih terenskih vježbi za osposobljavanje, među ostalim, u području civilne zaštite, odgovora na incidente, biološke zaštite i upravljanja otpadom u okviru projekata CoE-a s ciljem povećanja vidljivosti i konkretne procjene njihova učinka. Osim razvijanja regionalnih akcijskih planova u području KBRN-a započela je i međuregionalna suradnja. Nadalje, Inicijativa je postigla dostatnu zrelost za podržavanje daljnjih aktivnosti s ciljem rješavanja pitanja o upravljanju sigurnosti povezanih s kiberkriminalitetom, terorizmom, kritičnom infrastrukturom, krivotvorenim lijekovima, hibridnim prijetnjama i eksplozivima te za daljnji razvoj suradnje u području nuklearne forenzike, nadzora granica i kontrole izvoza robe s dvojnom namjenom. U okviru mreže centara izvrsnosti EU-a u području KBRN-a Zajednički istraživački centar EU-a 2019. je u suradnji s Ministarstvom energetike SAD-a i Institutom za nuklearno istraživanje u Kijevu razvio aktivnosti obrazovanja i osposobljavanja u području nuklearne sigurnosti za sudionike iz Gruzije, Ukrajine, Azerbajdžana i Moldove kako bi se povećala nuklearna sigurnost u crnomorskoj regiji.


    Nastavljena je provedba akcijskog plana za poboljšanje pripravnosti s obzirom na rizike za kemijsku, biološku, radiološku i nuklearnu sigurnost koji je Komisija predstavila u listopadu 2017. kao dio šireg paketa mjera za borbu protiv terorizma. Trenutačnim akcijskim planom, koji se nadograđuje na postignuća Akcijskog plana EU-a u području KBRN-a za razdoblje 2010. – 2015., uveden je opsežan niz mjera za poboljšanje pripravnosti, otpornosti i koordinacije na razini EU-a. Njime se predlaže stvaranje arhitekture KBRN-a na razini EU-a koja je usmjerenija na sigurnost, naglašavajući potrebu za boljim iskorištavanjem postojećih resursa i objedinjavanjem postojećih stručnih znanja. Akcijskim planom također se poziva na jačanje pripravnosti i odgovora EU-a u području KBRN-a prekograničnom i međusektorskom obukom i vježbama. Naglašava se potreba za uključivanje graničnih i carinskih tijela i vojnih partnera kad god je to relevantno. Akcijskim planom naglašava se i važnost uske povezanosti unutarnjih i vanjskih aktivnosti u području KBRN-a povezanih sa sigurnošću, kao i suradnje sa specijaliziranim multilateralnim organizacijama poput IAEA-e, OPCW-a ili Interpola. Provedba akcijskog plana financijski se podržava putem Fonda za unutarnju sigurnost – policija.


    Akcijski plan u području KBRN-a dobio je znanstvenu i tehničku potporu niza istraživačkih projekata koje financira program Sigurno društvo u sklopu 7. okvirnog programa. Istraživanjem se obuhvaća cijeli ciklus upravljanja krizama, od sprečavanja do sanacije. Aktivnosti kojima se utvrđuju potrebe u području normizacije mogle bi dovesti do standardâ „europskih normi”. U okviru programa Obzor 2020. putem fokusiranih tema ojačat će se tekući rad u području istraživanja KBRN-a.



    Na temelju Odluke Vijeća 2010/430/ZVSP (20) od 26. srpnja 2010. Konzorcij EU-a za neširenje oružja i razoružanje, koji je s djelovanjem započeo u siječnju 2011., aktivno podupire provedbu Strategije EU-a za sprečavanje širenja oružja za masovno uništenje. Vijeće je 26. veljače 2018. donijelo Odluku (ZVSP) 2018/299 (21) kojom se dodatno proširuje potpora EU-a aktivnostima Konzorcija u razdoblju 2018. – 2021. nastavno na dosadašnja postignuća i dodavanjem novih projekata.


    Aktivnosti Konzorcija povećale su vidljivost EU-a u odnosu na treće zemlje i civilno društvo te su znatno doprinijele oblikovanju politika EU-a u područjima neširenja oružja i razoružanja. Konzorcij služi kao platforma za neformalne kontakte među stručnjacima iz prakse i potiče dijalog među različitim dionicima. Njegove aktivnosti pridonijele su podizanju svijesti o izazovima koje predstavljaju oružje za masovno uništenje i konvencionalno oružje te istražile rješenja za suočavanje s tim izazovima. Temelji se na opsežnoj mreži od 90 skupina za strateško promišljanje i istraživačkih centara diljem Europe, uključujući članove iz svih država članica EU-a te iz partnerskih zemalja kao što su Švicarska i Ukrajina. Tijekom 2019. mreži se pridružilo 14 instituta.


    Na svim događanjima koja je sazvao Konzorcij bila je osigurana raznolikost sudionika i govornika u pogledu spola, dobi, stručnosti i zemljopisne zastupljenosti. Konkretno, Konzorcij je tijekom 2019. organizirao sljedeće aktivnosti radi provedbe Odluke Vijeća (ZVSP) 2018/299:

    osmi savjetodavni sastanak EU-a na kojem su se okupili dužnosnici EU-a i europski stručnjaci (Bruxelles, 11. i 12. lipnja);

    drugi studijski posjet Bruxellesu za sudionike Stipendijskog programa UN-a za razoružanje (12. i 13. rujna);

    ad hoc seminar o provedbi norme protiv kemijskog oružja;

    ad hoc seminar o temi „Sigurnost, zaštita, održivost: promicanje dobrog ponašanja u svemiru” (Bruxelles, 9. prosinca);

    radionicu nove generacije (Bruxelles, 12. prosinca);

    treći godišnji sastanak Europske mreže neovisnih skupina za strateško promišljanje o neširenju oružja i razoružanju (Bruxelles, 12. prosinca);

    osmu konferenciju EU-a o neširenju oružja i razoružanju (Bruxelles, 13. i 14. prosinca).


    Konzorcij je tijekom 2019. objavljivao mjesečni bilten te pet dokumenata EU-a o neširenju oružja i razoružanju (22). Aktivnosti osposobljavanja obuhvaćale su tečaj e-učenja o neširenju oružja i razoružanju te politikama EU-a, kao i potporu za 36 stažista u europskim skupinama za strateško promišljanje u području neširenja oružja i razoružanja od 2018. do 2021. u okviru primjene Odluke Vijeća (ZVSP) 2018/299 od 26. veljače 2018.



    Radna skupina za izvoz konvencionalnog oružja (COARM) 2019. dovršila je reviziju Zajedničkog stajališta 2008/944/ZVSP (23) o kontroli izvoza oružja. Vijeće je donijelo odluku o izmjeni Zajedničkog stajališta Vijeća te revidirani vodič za korisnike. Donijelo je i zaključke o preispitivanju Zajedničkog stajališta.


    Odlukom Vijeća uzimaju se u obzir brojna događanja na razini Europske unije i međunarodnoj razini koja su dovela do stvaranja novih obveza i odgovornosti za države članice otkako je 2008. doneseno Zajedničko stajalište. Među tim događanjima osobito se ističe stupanje na snagu Ugovora o trgovini oružjem (UTO) 24. prosinca 2014. kojim se regulira međunarodna trgovina konvencionalnim oružjem. Sve su države članice EU-a države stranke UTO-a. Cilj UTO-a jest uspostava najviših mogućih zajedničkih međunarodnih standarda za reguliranje ili poboljšanje reguliranja međunarodne trgovine konvencionalnim oružjem te sprečavanje i iskorjenjivanje nezakonite trgovine konvencionalnim oružjem kao i sprečavanje njegova preusmjeravanja.


    U svojim zaključcima Vijeće podsjeća na svoju predanost jačanju kontrole izvoza vojne tehnologije i opreme te jačanju suradnje i promicanju konvergencije u području izvoza vojne tehnologije i opreme. To ostvaruje postavljanjem, održavanjem i provedbom visokih zajedničkih standarda za upravljanje prijenosima vojne tehnologije i opreme u svim državama članicama.


    EU je 2019. nastavio i svoje aktivnosti informiranja u cilju pružanja potpore trećim zemljama u uspostavi sustava kontrole izvoza oružja te promicanja univerzalizacije UTO-a. Na temelju Odluke Vijeća (ZVSP) 2018/101 (24) od 22. siječnja 2018., koju je proveo njemački Savezni ured za gospodarstvo i kontrolu izvoza (BAFA), održan je niz regionalnih radionica, studijskih posjeta i događanja za pojedinačnu pomoć. Osim toga, na temelju Odluke Vijeća (ZVSP) 2017/915 (25) BAFA i Expertise France proveli su daljnje regionalne aktivnosti informiranja, prilagođene nacionalne programe pomoći i ad hoc radionice za pojedinačnu pomoć, čime je podržana učinkovita provedba i univerzalizacija Ugovora o trgovini oružjem.


    Sastanci u okviru političkog dijaloga o pitanjima kontrole izvoza oružja održani su 2018. i 2019. s Norveškom, Kanadom, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Ukrajinom. Zahvaljujući tim političkim dijalozima osiguran je forum za uspješne rasprave o pitanjima od zajedničkog interesa, kao što su izvozne politike u pogledu određenih odredišta, pitanja usklađenosti i kontrole te procesi povezani s Ugovorom o trgovini oružjem.


    EU je 2019. nastavio redovito ažuriranje svojih uredaba kako bi se uzela u obzir kretanja u području multilateralnih režima kontrole izvoza. Europska komisija stoga je 17. listopada 2019. donijela Delegiranu uredbu (EU) 2019/2199 (26) kojom se ažurira popis EU-a za kontrolu u skladu s odlukama donesenim 2018. u okviru multilateralnih režima kontrole izvoza i uvela nove kontrole u pogledu, primjerice, platformi za lansiranje u zrak, pojačala s „mikrovalnim monolitnim integriranim sklopovima” (MMIC), diskretnih mikrovalnih tranzistora i ronilica bez posade.


    Koordinacijska skupina za robu s dvojnom namjenom nastavila je podupirati učinkovitu i usklađenu provedbu kontrola izvoza u EU-u. U „elektronički sustav s dvojnom namjenom” dodane su nove funkcionalnosti čime su se poboljšale razmjena informacija i tehnička razmjena unutar EU-a. EU je dovršio postupak utvrđivanja smjernica o usklađenosti industrije i donio Preporuku Komisije (EU) 2019/1318 (27) od 30. srpnja 2019. EU je također unaprijedio svoj rad na razvoju „platforme za elektroničko izdavanje dozvola” kojom će se nadležna tijela koristiti na dobrovoljnoj osnovi. Godišnje izvješće (28) objavljeno je kako bi se osigurala transparentnost u pogledu kontrole izvoza i aktivnosti izdavanja dozvola, a na Forumu za kontrolu izvoza održanome 13. prosinca 2019. okupili su se dionici iz država članica, industrije i civilnog društva (29).


    Nastavilo se preispitivanje politike EU-a za kontrolu izvoza. Vijeće i Europski parlament aktivno su raspravljali o prijedlogu Komisije za modernizaciju kontrole izvoza robe s dvojnom namjenom. Vijeće je u lipnju 2019.donijelo mandat za pregovore s Europskim parlamentom, a pregovori suzakonodavaca u okviru trijaloga započeli su u jesen.


    Stajališta i izjave EU-a usklađeni su prema potrebi tijekom pripreme za relevantne sastanke režimâ kontrole izvoza: plenarnu sjednicu Skupine nuklearnih dobavljača u Nur-Sultanu (20. – 21. lipnja 2019.) i plenarnu sjednicu Australske skupine u Parizu (3. – 7. lipnja 2019.) i Režimu kontrole raketne tehnologije u Aucklandu (7. – 11. listopada 2019.).


    Režim kontrole raketne tehnologije (MTCR) neslužbeno je i dobrovoljno udruženje zemalja koje dijele ciljeve neširenja sustava bespilotne isporuke koji mogu isporučiti oružje za masovno uništenje i koje nastoje koordinirati nacionalne napore za izdavanje dozvola za izvoz s ciljem sprečavanja njegova širenja. Države sudionice MTCR-a obvezale su se na poštovanje smjernica zajedničke izvozne politike (Smjernice MTCR-a) koje se primjenjuju na integralni zajednički popis kontroliranih proizvoda (Prilog MTCR-u o opremi, softveru i tehnologiji). Partneri MTCR-a redovito razmjenjuju informacije o relevantnim nacionalnim pitanjima izdavanja dozvola za izvoz. Smjernice za MTCR i kontrolni popisi čine međunarodno referentno mjerilo za najbolje prakse za kontrolu izvoza robe i tehnologije povezane s raketama.


    Važno pitanje za EU u kontekstu MTCR-a i dalje je blokirano pristupanje Hrvatske, Cipra, Estonije, Hrvatske, Latvije, Litve, Malte, Rumunjske, Slovačke i Slovenije tom režimu. Kontinuitet i predvidljivost predsjedanja režimima kontrole izvoza kao što je MTCR ključni su za funkcioniranje i vjerodostojnost tih režima. U listopadu 2019.države članice EU-a koje su članice MTCR-a podnijele su neslužbeni dokument „O pitanjima predsjedanja” radi razmatranja plenarnog sastanka na kojem bi se istražile mogućnosti poticanja i podupiranja održivog predsjedanja režimom. EU će i dalje sudjelovati u raspravama s članovima o različitim mogućnostima. U kontekstu režima EU oduvijek podupire donošenje snažnih javnih izjava u pogledu MTCR-a kojima se razmatraju međunarodne bojazni povezane s lansiranjem balističkih projektila i znatnim razvojem raketne tehnologije u Iranu i DNRK-u.


    U šest je regija nastavljena provedba programa EU-a za kontrolu izvoza na razini ravnopravnih partnera radi jačanja učinkovitosti sustavâ za kontrolu izvoza robe s dvojnom namjenom i povezanih materijala, opreme i tehnologija. Program je 2019. proširen kako bi se omogućila suradnja s Irakom te trenutačno obuhvaća ukupno 37 zemalja, uključujući ciljane inicijative za kontrolu izvoza s ukrajinskim Centrom za znanost i tehnologiju i Međunarodnim centrom za znanost i tehnologiju u Kazahstanu koji obuhvaćaju 13 zemalja.


    Nastavila se intenzivna koordinacija programa EU-a za kontrolu izvoza na razini ravnopravnih partnera s programom Ministarstva vanjskih poslova SAD-a za kontrolu izvoza i povezanu sigurnost granica. Organizirani su zajednički seminari EU-a i SAD-a radi razmjene metodologija za procjenu prijetnji, utvrđivanja zajedničkih pokazatelja učinka i koordiniranja pomoći na terenu. U kolovozu 2019. EU je u Finskoj organizirao godišnje izdanje ljetnog sveučilišta EU-a na razini ravnopravnih partnera o strateškim kontrolama trgovine za partnerske zemlje programa EU-a za kontrolu izvoza na razini ravnopravnih partnera. Internetski portal EU-a na razini ravnopravnih partnera premješten je u službeno mrežno okruženje Europske unije (, nadogradnja izgleda i sadržaja dovršit će se 2020. Nastavit će služiti kao platforma za sve EU-ove programe informiranja u pogledu kontrole izvoza vojne robe i robe s dvojnom namjenom u cilju prilagođavanja razmjene informacija s partnerskim zemljama EU-a. Program se financira u okviru Instrumenta za doprinos stabilnosti i miru.



    EU i njegove države članice nastavili su promicati očuvanje sigurnog, zaštićenog i održivog svemirskog okruženja te miroljubivu upotrebu svemira na pravednoj i uzajamno prihvatljivoj osnovi. Nastavili smo isticati važnost mjera transparentnosti i izgradnje povjerenja te potrebe za promicanjem odgovornog ponašanja u svemiru u okviru Ujedinjenih naroda. EU je u tom pogledu dao izjave koje se odnose na svemir na Općoj skupštini UN-a, Konferenciji UN-a o razoružanju, Komisiji UN-a za razoružanje i Odboru UN-a za miroljubivo korištenje svemirom (COPUOS).


    EU i njegove države članice i dalje su snažno predani sprečavanju utrke u naoružanju u svemiru, što je ključno za jačanje međunarodne sigurnosti i stabilnosti te za očuvanje dugoročne upotrebe svemirskog okruženja u miroljubive svrhe. Nastavili smo izražavati zabrinutost zbog razvoja svih protusatelitskih oružja i sposobnosti, uključujući oružje koje je smješteno na Zemlji te naglašavati važnost brzog rješavanja takvog razvoja događaja u okviru međunarodnih nastojanja za sprečavanje utrke u naoružanju u svemiru.


    EU i njegove države članice snažno su podržali donošenje preambule i 21 smjernice za dugoročnu održivost aktivnosti u svemiru koje je donio Odbor za miroljubivo korištenje svemirom i koje je 2019. rezolucijom podržala Opća skupština UN-a (30). Smjernice su važan dodatak mjerama transparentnosti i izgradnje povjerenja u svemiru (31).


    Konzorcij EU-a za neširenje oružja i razoružanje u suradnji s Radnom skupinom ESVD-a za svemir 9. prosinca organizirao je seminar „Zaštita, sigurnost, održivost: promicanje dobrog ponašanja u svemiru”. Cilj seminara bila je razmjena stajališta i informacija o nacionalnim, regionalnim i svjetskim inicijativama za promicanje očuvanja sigurnog, zaštićenog i održivog svemirskog okruženja te miroljubivog korištenja svemirom na pravednoj i obostrano prihvatljivoj osnovi. Na seminaru su se okupili državni dužnosnici, akademska zajednica i privatni sektor. Sudionici su pozdravili plodonosnu raspravu između svemirske zajednice i zajednice za neširenje oružja i razoružanje o temama koje se odnose na zaštitu, sigurnost i održivost svemira.



    U skladu s politikom sprečavanja širenja OMU-a i zaključcima Vijeća iz 2003. EU je nastavio rad na uključivanju obveza sprečavanja širenja OMU-a u sporazume s partnerskim zemljama. Nastavljeni su pregovori o klauzuli o OMU-u za novi sporazum s Azerbajdžanom, a dovršeni su za sporazum s Čileom i Kirgistanom. Nadalje, u skladu sa zajedničkom odlukom EU-a i Kube o privremenoj primjeni određenih dijelova novog sporazuma između EU-a i Kube, prvi dijalog EU-a i Kube o neširenju oružja za masovno uništenje održan je u ožujku u Bruxellesu na temelju klauzule o OMU-u u novom sporazumu. EU je kao promatrač sudjelovao na prvoj sjednici Konferencije o uspostavi područja bez nuklearnog oružja i sveg drugog oružja za masovno uništenje na Bliskom istoku održanoj u New Yorku od 18. do 22. studenoga 2019.


    Skupina G7


    EU je nastavio aktivno sudjelovati u sastancima Upravne skupine za neširenje oružja u okviru Skupine G7. EU je 2019. sudjelovao na sastancima kojima je predsjedavala Francuska i koji su bili usmjereni na teme neširenja oružja i razoružanja te ostvarivanju daljnjeg napretka u koordinaciji rada Upravne skupine za neširenje oružja i Globalnog partnerstva protiv širenja oružja i materijala za masovno uništenje skupine G7, posebno uspostavom čvršće poveznice između prioriteta politika i projektnih aktivnosti.


    EU se i dalje zalaže za Globalno partnerstvo protiv širenja oružja za masovno uništenje i s njime povezanih materijala, posebno tehničkom pomoći (procjene prijetnji, nacionalni akcijski planovi) koja se diljem svijeta pruža u okviru Inicijative centara izvrsnosti EU-a za ublažavanje kemijskog, biološkog, radiološkog i nuklearnog rizika. Izjavom skupine G7 o neširenju oružja i razoružanju od 6. travnja 2019. potvrđena je stalna potreba za Globalnim partnerstvom pod vodstvom skupine G7 koje trenutačno obuhvaća 30 aktivnih članica i EU.



    Posebni izaslanik ESVD-a za razoružanje i neširenje oružja održao je sastanke u okviru dijaloga o neširenju oružja i razoružanju s Kinom, Indijom, Ukrajinom i SAD-om. Održao je brojna bilateralna savjetovanja s raznim dionicima na marginama glavnih foruma kao što su Prvi odbor OSUN-a, sastanak drugog Pripremnog odbora Revizijske konferencije o Ugovoru o neširenju nuklearnog oružja 2020. i opća skupština IAEA-e. Među ostalim, bilateralna savjetovanja održana su s visokim predstavnikom UN-a za poslove razoružanja, glavnim direktorom Organizacije za zabranu kemijskog oružja i predsjedateljem MTCR-a iz Novog Zelanda.

    (1)  SL L 149, 7.6.2019., str. 63.

    (2)  SL L 105, 16.4.2019., str. 25.

    (3)  SL L 352, 23.12.2016., str. 74.

    (4)  SL L 308, 16.11.2016., str. 22.

    (5)  SL L 56, 28.2.2018., str. 34.

    (6)  SL L 314, 11.12.2018., str. 41.

    (7)  SL L 328, 12.12.2017., str. 32.

    (8)  SL L 93, 2.4.2019., str. 3.

    (9)  SL L 173, 27.6.2019., str. 47.

    (10)  SL L 329, 13.12.2017., str. 49.

    (11)  SL L 318, 10.12.2019., str. 159.

    (12)  SL L 329, 13.12.2017., str. 55.

    (13)  SL L 179, 12.7.2017., str. 8.

    (14)  SL L 262, 15.10.2019., str. 66.

    (15)  SL L 19, 22.1.2019., str. 11.

    (16)  SL L 204, 2.8.2019., str. 29.

    (17)  SL L 318, 10.12.2019., str. 123.

    (18)  SL L 337, 19.12.2017., str. 28.

    (19)  SL L 121, 12.5.2017., str. 39.

    (20)  SL L 202, 4.8.2010., str. 5.

    (21)  SL L 56, 28.2.2018., str. 46.

    (22)  Dostupno na

    (23)  SL L 335, 13.12.2008., str. 99.

    (24)  SL L 17, 23.1.2018., str. 40.

    (25)  SL L 139, 30.5.2017., str. 38.

    (26)  SL L 338, 30.12.2019., str. 1.

    (27)  SL L 205, 5.8.2019., str. 15.









    Objective and implementing entity

    Budget and duration


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/97 of 21 January 2019 in support of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in the framework of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

    This Council Decision serves as an operational policy tool for providing essential follow-up and momentum to the activities undertaken throughout 2016-2018 in the framework of Council Decision (CFSP) 2016/51 in support of the BTWC. It will support in particular the discussions in the BTWC Meetings of Experts in 2019 and 2020, as well as preparations for the Ninth Review Conference in 2021.

    The following activities will be undertaken: (1) Universalisation; (2) Capacity development for national implementation; (3) Fostering biosecurity networks in the Global South; (4) BTWC inter-sessional programme and Ninth Review Conference in 2021; (5) Preparedness to prevent and respond to biological attacks; and, (6) Enabling tools for outreach.

    Implementing Agency: BTWC Implementation Support Unit via UNODA

    Budget: EUR 3 029 856

    OJ L 19, 22.1.2019, p. 11

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/538 of 1 April 2019 in support of activities of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

    The Council Decision foresees a contribution to the core activities of the Organisation, notably for verification, national implementation, universalisation and the Africa programme. It also contributes substantially to the project of transforming the OPCW laboratory into a Centre of Chemistry and Technology and to the implementation of the decision by the OPCW Conference of States Parties directing the OPCW Technical Secretariat to put into place arrangements to identify the perpetrators of the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic.

    Implementing Agency: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 11 601 256

    OJ L 93, 2.4.2019, p. 3

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/615 of 15 April 2019 on Union support for activities leading up to the 2020 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

    The Council Decision supports the organisation of a series of consultations: three thematic seminars for all States Parties on nuclear disarmament (Geneva), nuclear non-proliferation (New York) and peaceful uses of nuclear energy (Vienna), targeted at practitioners/diplomats, academia and civil society, as well as four regional meetings: Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East.

    The regional meetings will cover all three of the NPT pillars viewed through the lens of regional priorities and concerns. All activities will seek to highlight the many benefits already provided by the NPT and the need to preserve those benefits.

    Implementing Agency: UNODA.

    Budget: EUR 1 299 883

    OJ L 105, 16.4.2019, p. 25

    Estimated duration of the action: 18 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/938 of 6 June 2019 in support of a process of confidence-building leading to the establishment of a zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East


    To produce a factual narrative of efforts to establish a ME WMDFZ between 1995 and 2015 to fill an important gap in the research literature and identify lessons for future efforts.

    To identify key issues, opportunities, obstacles and ideas of contemporary relevance to consideration of a WMDFZ and efforts to enhance regional security cooperation.

    To engage and obtain perspectives and insights from a wide community of researchers, policymakers and academics in the region on these issues and, in so doing, expand the number and diversity of participants exploring the prospects for dialogue and progress.

    To facilitate dialogue among these experts with a view to fostering networks, communication and engagement that could in turn contribute to future efforts to advance regional security, arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament progress in the region.

    Implementing Agency: UNIDIR.

    Budget: EUR 2 856 278

    OJ L 149, 7.6.2019, p. 63

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/1092 of 26 June 2019 amending Decision (CFSP) 2017/2302 in support of the OPCW activities to assist clean-up operations at the former chemical weapons storage site in Libya in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/1092 extended the duration of Decision (CFSP) 2017/2302 from 20 months to 32 months.

    Implementing Agency: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    OJ L 173, 27.6.2019, p. 47


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/1296 of 31 July 2019 in support of strengthening biological safety and security in Ukraine in line with the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery

    The overall objective of this Decision is to support three OSCE projects aiming at strengthening biological safety and security in Ukraine in line with UNSC Resolution 1540 (2004) and the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.

    The following activities would be undertaken:


    harmonisation of existing Ukrainian regulations on biosafety and biosecurity with international standards;


    establishing of the veterinary surveillance system sustainability in Ukraine; and


    awareness raising, education and training for life scientists on biosafety and biosecurity.

    Implementing Agency: OSCE.

    Budget: EUR 1 913 900

    OJ L 204, 2.8.2019, p. 29

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2108 of 9 December 2019 in support of strengthening biological safety and security in Latin America in line with the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery

    This Council Decision has the objective to improve biosafety and biosecurity in beneficiary countries in Latin America in line with UNSC Resolution 1540 (2004).

    The following activities are to be undertaken:


    Technical and legislative assistance to strengthen, in beneficiary countries, regulations on biosafety and biosecurity and ensure their harmonization with international standards, and to promote and enhance regional cooperation;


    awareness raising, education and training on biosafety and biosecurity.

    Implementing Agency: Organisation of American States (OAS).

    Budget: EUR 2 738 708

    OJ L 318, 10.12.2019, p. 123

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2112 of 9 December 2019 amending Decision (CFSP) 2017/2303 in support of the continued implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2118 (2013) and OPCW Executive Council decision EC/M-33/DEC.1 on the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons, in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/2112 extended the duration of Decision (CFSP) 2017/2303 from 12 months to 48 months.

    Implementing Agency: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPWC).

    OJ L 318, 10.12.2019, p. 159


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/2011 of 17 December 2018 in support of gender mainstreamed policies, programmes and actions in the fight against small arms trafficking and misuse, in line with the Women, Peace and Security agenda

    The objective is to support gender-mainstreaming of small arms (SALW) control and countering firearms abuse, in line with the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda and the UN Programme of Action against illicit SALW (PoA), through:

    the development of a training manual and an implementation support programme;

    the development and implementation of train-the-trainer courses on gender;

    the training for national officials, including those in security forces, on operational gender & SALW control issues;

    training for regional UN staff;

    the engagement with civil society, in order to address gender-specific manifestations of gun violence in local communities, including funding of local actions;

    the creation of synergies between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and the WPS agenda through the integration of gender perspectives in SALW control;

    to implement the gender-related actions in the outcome document of the UN PoA Review Conference;

    the promotion of research and analysis on SALW and gender;

    the development and maintenance of a dedicated website to enhance the visibility and to increase the impact of the project;

    the promotion of advocacy and of outreach activities in support of the implementation of the project.

    Implementing agency: United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 4 375 508

    OJ L 322, 18.12.2018, p. 38

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/2010 of 17 December 2018 in support of countering illicit proliferation and trafficking of small arms, light weapons (SALW) and ammunition and their impact in Latin America and the Caribbean in the framework of the EU Strategy against Illicit Firearms, Small Arms & Light Weapons and their Ammunition ‘Securing Arms, Protecting Citizens’

    With this Council Decision, the EU wishes to show its support to countering illicit arms in order to prevent violence, organised crime and conflicts in the region. The Council Decision has the following specific objectives:

    Strengthen physical security and management systems for national military and other institutional stockpiles through improved site security measures and inventory control;

    Reinforce national capabilities for destruction of seized, excess or unsafe SALW and ammunition;

    Enhance national SALW marking and tracing capacity and foment regional cooperation on tracing confiscated weapons and ammunition;

    Improve SALW transfer mechanisms through national legislation, border controls, and regional coordination; and

    Promote socially responsible behaviours in selected communities, targeting groups that are severely affected by armed violence, including the use of turn-in campaigns or other strategies designed to reduce local incidence of violent crimes.

    Implementing agency: Organization of American States (OAS).

    Budget: EUR 3 000 000

    OJ L 322, 18.12.2018, p. 27

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/1939 of 10 December 2018 on Union support for the universalisation and effective implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism

    With this Decision, the EU is supporting one of the key elements of the global nuclear security and anti-terrorism architecture, the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT).

    The objectives of the support are to increase the number of adherents to ICSANT, to raise awareness among national policy- and decision-makers, as well as capacity-building: to help improve national legislation and to strengthen the capacity of national stakeholders, including criminal justice officials to investigate, prosecute and adjudicate cases of nuclear terrorism.

    The Council Decision aims to build synergies with on-going EU projects in support for relevant international legal instruments, such as the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and UN Security Council Resolution 1540.

    The Council Decision will promote the universalization and effective implementation of ICSANT through the development and maintenance of a password-protected website on all resources on ICSANT including examples of national legislation; the development of an e-learning module on ICSANT, to be translated into at least four UN official languages; the provision of relevant legislative assistance; capacity building of relevant stakeholders including criminal justice officials that could be involved in investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating cases involving nuclear and other radioactive material covered by ICSANT; holding of global and regional workshops and country visits and by the collection and dissemination of good practices.

    Implementing agency: United Nations (UN) Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT).

    Budget: EUR 4 999 986

    OJ L 314, 11.12.2018, p. 41

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/1943 of 10 December 2018 amending Decision (CFSP) 2017/2303 in support of the continued implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2118 (2013) and OPCW Executive Council decision EC-M-33/DEC.1 on the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons, in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The duration of Decision (CFSP) 2017/2303, on the provision of satellite imagery in support of the OPCW, has been extended for 12 months. This to allow the OPCW to continue the implementation of the activities and to reach their planned objectives.

    Implementing agency: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 0

    OJ L 314, 11.12.2018, p. 58


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/1788 of 19 November 2018 in support of the South-Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC) for the implementation of the Regional Roadmap on combating illicit arms trafficking in the Western Balkans

    With a view to fighting the illicit trade in firearms and SALW in the Western Balkans, support is provided for the implementation of the ‘Regional Roadmap for a sustainable solution to the illegal possession, misuse and trafficking of SALW/firearms and their ammunition in the Western Balkans by 2024’.

    This Council Decision also provides support for countering illicit arms trafficking in the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.

    Implementing agency: South-Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC).

    Budget: EUR 4 002 588

    OJ L 293, 20.11.2018, p. 11

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/1789 of 19 November 2018 in support of combating the illicit trade in and proliferation of small arms and light weapons in the Member States of the League of Arab States

    The focus of the project is on capacity-building in Arab States for implementing the UN Programme of Actions against illicit small arms and light weapons.

    Actions in the following areas are supported:

    international SALW transfer control (combating illicit arms flows);

    identification and disruption of sources of illicit small arms (capacity-building for law-enforcement agencies);

    other measures related to small-arms control, including stockpile management, control of related supplies and security;

    disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR);

    provision of information relevant to illicit SALW and enhanced SALW control.

    Implementing agency: League of Arab States (LAS).

    Budget: EUR 2 858 550

    OJ L 293, 20.11.2018, p. 24

    Estimated duration of the action: 24 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/298 of 26 February 2018 on Union support for the activities of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

    The EU assistance is supporting universal adherence to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and the long term sustainability of its verification regime through outreach and capacity building.

    The Council Decision continues the support for:

    certified auxiliary seismic stations part of the CTBTO International Monitoring System;

    the development of noble gas sampling systems through study of materials for improved adsorption of xenon;

    continuing the radio-xenon background measurement campaigns in different regions of the world;

    the Ensemble Prediction System to quantify uncertainties and confidence level in Atmospheric Transport Modelling (ATM) simulations;

    the scientific evaluation of the increase in resolution for ATM tools;

    the development of new software;

    enhancing the on-site inspection noble gas processing and detection;

    enhancing the automatic processing and integration capabilities in seismic, hydro-acoustic and infrasound National Data Centre-in-a-Box;

    integrated outreach and capacity-building targeting State Signatories and Non-Signatories.

    Implementing agency: Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO).

    Budget: EUR 4 594 752

    OJ L 56, 28.2.2018, p. 34

    Estimated duration of the action: 24 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/299 of 26 February 2018 promoting the European network of independent non-proliferation and disarmament think tanks in support of the implementation of the EU Strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    Over the period 2018-2021, EU funding for the activities of the European Network of Independent Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Think Tanks will be continued.

    The following objectives will be further pursued:


    to encourage political and security-related dialogue and long-term discussion of measures to combat the proliferation of WMD and their delivery systems;


    to provide those participating in the relevant preparatory bodies of the Council with the opportunity to consult the Network on issues related to non-proliferation and disarmament;


    to constitute a useful stepping stone for non-proliferation and disarmament action by the Union and the international community;


    to contribute to enhancing third countries’ awareness of proliferation and disarmament challenges and of the need to work in cooperation with the Union;


    to contribute to the development of expertise and institutional capacity in non-proliferation and disarmament matters in think tanks and governments in the Union and third countries.

    Implementing agency: EU Non-Proliferation Consortium.

    Budget: EUR 4 507 005

    OJ L 56, 28.2.2018, p. 46

    Estimated duration of the action: 42 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/294 of 26 February 2018 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/259 in support of activities of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

    The duration of Decision (CFSP) 2015/259 has been extended until December 2018, with a view to the full implementation of the activities.

    Implementing agency: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 0

    OJ L 55, 27.2.2018, p. 58


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/101 of 22 January 2018 on the promotion of effective arms export controls

    This is a new phase of EU outreach activities in the field of arms export controls. 24 third countries in the EU close neighbourhood will receive technical assistance to improve their controls over arms transfer. In addition to promoting effective arms export controls, the objective of this Decision is to support regional cooperation, enhanced transparency and greater responsibility in line with the principles of the EU Common Position 2008/944/CFSP and the risk assessment criteria contained therein.

    Implementing agency: German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (‘BAFA’).

    Budget: EUR 1 304 107

    OJ L 17, 23.1.2018, p. 40

    Estimated duration of the action: 30 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/2370 of 18 December 2017 in support of the Hague Code of Conduct and ballistic missile non-proliferation

    The contribution aims to:


    promote the subscription to the Code by an ever larger number of States and ultimately its universality;


    support the full implementation of the Code;


    promote dialogue among subscribing and non-subscribing States with the aim of helping to build confidence and transparency, encouraging restraint and creating more stability and security for all;


    reinforce the Code’s visibility and raising public awareness about the risks and threats posed by ballistic missile proliferation;


    explore, in particular through academic studies, possibilities of enhancing the Code and of promoting cooperation between the Code and other relevant multilateral instruments, such as the Missile Technology Control Regime, UNSCR 1540 (2004) and the United Nations Register of Objects Launched in Outer Space.

    Implementing agency: Fondation pour le Recherche Stratégique.

    Budget: EUR 1 878 120

    OJ L 337, 19.12.2017, p. 28

    Estimated duration of the action: 40 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/2302 of 12 December 2017 in support of the OPCW activities to assist clean-up operations at the former chemical weapons storage site in Libya


    The contribution aims to support the OPCW in the complete destruction of Libya’s chemical weapons stockpile subject to the verification measures provided for in the Chemical Weapons Convention. The specific objectives of the project are to:


    complete the full clean-up operations at the former chemical weapons storage site at Ruwagha (Al Jufra province), in an environmentally compliant manner, subject to the verification measures provided for in the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC);


    increase the capacity of the Libyan National Authority (LNA), as designated pursuant to Article VII(4) of the CWC, and those engaged in destruction, decontamination, and disposal of chemical materials in Libya, and


    train those engaged in these efforts to collect, record, and transport soil samples in and around the Ruwagha tank farm in accordance with OPCW standards, with the use of live video feeds and sealed OPCW cameras, for compliance with the report of the Eighty-Third Session of the Executive Council.

    Implementing agency: The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 3 035 591

    OJ L 329, 13.12.2017, p. 49

    Estimated duration of the action: 20 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/2303 of 12 December 2017 in support of the continued implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2118 (2013) and OPCW Executive Council decision EC-M-33/DEC.1 on the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons

    The project supported through this Decision is the provision of situation-awareness products related to the security of the OPCW fact-finding mission, including the status of the road network through the delivery to OPCW of SatCen satellite imagery products.

    Implementing agency: The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 1 003 717

    OJ L 329, 13.12.2017, p. 55

    Estimated duration of the action: 12 months.


    Council Decision (EU) 2017/2284 of 11 December 2017 to provide support to States in the African, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and Caribbean regions to participate in the high-level fissile material cut-off treaty expert preparatory group consultative process

    The contribution provides support to States in the African, the Asia-Pacific and the Latin America and Caribbean regions to participate in the high-level FMCT expert preparatory group consultative process, in sub-regional workshops and expert meetings. It also aims to facilitate the transmission of knowledge between academia, civil society organisations and Member States relating to fissile materials and to establish a repository of relevant information and publications.

    Implementing agency: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 1 220 881

    OJ L 328, 12.12.2017, p. 32

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/1252 of 11 July 2017 in support of the strengthening of chemical safety and security in Ukraine in line with the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery

    Aiming to enhance peace and security in the neighbourhood of the Union by reducing the threat posed by the illicit trade of controlled and toxic chemicals in the OSCE region, in particular in Ukraine and to uphold effective multilateralism at regional level by supporting the action of the OSCE to enhance the capabilities of the competent authorities in Ukraine to prevent the illicit trade of controlled and toxic chemicals in line with obligations under UNSCR 1540, the contribution provides support for:


    improving Ukraine’s regulatory system on chemical safety and security;


    establishing a Ukrainian national reference centre to identify controlled and toxic chemicals;


    strengthening controls over cross-boundary movement of controlled and toxic chemicals.

    Implementing agency: the OSCE Secretariat and an OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine.

    Budget: EUR 1 431 157

    OJ L 179, 12.7.2017, p. 8

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/1195 of 4 July 2017 amending Decision 2014/129/CFSP, promoting the European network of independent non-proliferation think tanks in support of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (EU Consortium Second Extension)

    Second Extension of the EU Consortium Council Decision

    Implementing agency: EU Non-Proliferation Consortium.

    Budget: EUR 434 254

    OJ L 172, 5.7.2017, p. 14

    Estimated duration of the action: 6 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/915 of 29 May 2017 on Union outreach activities in support of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty

    This is a second phase of EU outreach activities in support of the Arms Trade Treaty in order to:


    support a number of States to strengthen their arms transfer control systems for effective implementation of the ATT;


    increase awareness and ownership of the ATT at national and regional levels by the relevant national and regional authorities and civil society stakeholders.

    Implementing agency: German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (‘BAFA’) and Expertise France (EF).

    Budget: EUR 8 368 151

    OJ L 139, 30.5.2017, p. 38

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/809 of 11 May 2017 in support of the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery

    The support provided aims to help enhance the relevant national and regional efforts and capabilities, primarily through training, capacity-building and assistance facilitation in close coordination with other Union programmes and other actors involved in the implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004); to ensure synergies and complementarity; to contribute to the practical implementation of specific recommendations of both the 2009 comprehensive review on the status of implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004) and the outcome of the comprehensive review conducted during 2016, in particular in the areas of technical assistance, international cooperation and raising public awareness; to support the development of voluntary UNSCR 1540 (2004) national implementation action plans upon States’ request; to promote the engagement of relevant stakeholders from industry and civil society in the implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004).

    Implementing agency: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 2 672 770

    OJ L 121, 12.5.2017, p. 39

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/632 Amending Decision 2014/129/CFSP, promoting the European network of independent non-proliferation think tanks in support of the implementation of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (EU Consortium First Extension)

    Extending the duration of Council Decision 2014/129/CFSP to enable the full implementation of the activities contained therein.

    Implementing agency: EU Non-Proliferation Consortium.

    Budget: no-cost extension

    OJ L 90, 4.4.2017, p. 10

    Estimated duration of the action: 3 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2016/2383 of 21 December 2016 on the Union support for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) activities in the area of nuclear security and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The support provided for the nuclear security activities of the IAEA aims to:


    ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of support provided through previous Joint Actions and Decisions;


    strengthen countries indigenous nuclear security support infrastructure;


    strengthen countries legislative and regulatory framework;


    strengthen nuclear security systems and measures for nuclear and other radioactive materials;


    strengthen countries institutional infrastructure and capabilities to deal with nuclear and radioactive materials out of regulatory control;


    strengthen countries response and resilience to cybercrime and mitigate its impact on nuclear security;


    enhance education and training capacities in the field of nuclear security;


    provide focused and continuing support for the implementation and universal adherence to the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material.

    Implementing agency: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    Budget: EUR 9 361 204,23

    OJ L 352, 23.12.2016, p. 74

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2016/2001 of 15 November 2016 on a Union contribution to the establishment and the secure management of a Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Bank under the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the framework of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The contribution provides support for the safe and secure operation and management of the IAEA LEU Bank by ensuring high levels of security and safety during transport and storage, in line with the IAEA safety standards and security guidance documents. It provides support for:


    the safe and secure establishment of storage for the 90 tonnes of LEU;


    the secure transport of 90 tonnes of LEU;


    the long term storage of the 90 tonnes of LEU

    Implementing agency: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    Budget: EUR 4 362 200

    OJ L 308, 16.11.2016, p. 22

    Estimated duration of the action: 60 months after the date of the conclusion of the financing agreement.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2016/51 of 18 January 2016 in support of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) in the framework of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The contribution provides support for:


    promoting universal adherence to the BTWC by encouraging States not party to better understand the benefits of joining the BTWC and getting more involved in BTWC meetings and other activities,


    enhancing interaction with non-governmental stakeholders on science and technology and biosafety and biosecurity,


    developing national capacities for BTWC implementation — in particular in developing countries, and on areas such as Articles VII and X — by improving the quality and quantity of declarations submitted under the Confidence-Building Measures system in order to enhance confidence in compliance with the BTWC,


    supporting the intersessional programme and the preparations for the Eighth Review Conference,


    strengthening the United Nations Secretary-General’s Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical, Biological and Toxin Weapons (SGM),


    enabling tools for awareness-raising, education and engagement.

    Implementing agency: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 2 340 000

    OJ L 12, 19.1.2016, p. 50

    Estimated duration of the action: 36 months from the conclusion of the financing agreement.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/2215 of 30 November 2015 in support of UNSCR 2235 (2015), establishing an OPCW-UN joint investigative mechanism to identify the perpetrators of chemical attacks in the Syrian Arab Republic

    The decision supported the OPCW and the JIM by contributing to costs associated with their activities under UNSCR 2235 (2015), with the following overall objective: identification to the greatest extent feasible of individuals, entities, groups or governments who were perpetrators, organisers, sponsors or otherwise involved in the use of chemicals, including chlorine or any other toxic chemical, as weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic, where the OPCW FFM determines or has determined that a specific incident in the Syrian Arab Republic involved or likely involved the use of chemicals, including chlorine or any other toxic chemical, as weapons.

    Implementing agency: The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 2 290 463

    OJ L 314, 1.12.2015, p. 51

    Estimated duration of the action: 18 months from the conclusion of the financing agreement.


    Implementing agency: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 2 295 632

    OJ L 314, 1.12.2015, p. 51

    Estimated duration of the action: 18 months from the conclusion of the financing agreement.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1838 of 12 October 2015 amending Decision 2013/391/CFSP in support of the practical implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery

    Decision 2013/391/CFSP was amended as follows: (1) in Article 5, paragraph 2 was replaced by the following: ‘2. This Decision shall expire on 25 April 2016.’ (2) in the Annex, point 6 was replaced by the following: ‘6. DURATION This Decision will expire on 25 April 2016.’

    Implementing agency: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 750 000

    OJ L 266, 13.10.2015, p. 96

    Duration of the action:


    CD 2013/391/CFSP (row 65): 24 months;


    CD (CFSP) 2015/1838: extended it until 25 April 2016.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1837 of 12 October 2015 on Union support for the activities of the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The sixth Council Decision supports the CTBT Organisation, without substituting actions/projects funded through the regular budget, a) in its technical pillars to enhance the technical and scientific capacity of the PTS and b) in its capacity to promote the universal adherence and entry-into-force of the Treaty and the verification regime through training and educational activities. The projects aim to:


    sustain the operability of the CTBTO verification system;


    expand the capabilities of the Multispectral/Infrared (MSIR) system, developed by the PTS under EU Council Decision V, by adding dedicated sensors to help inspection teams detect OSI-relevant features;


    promote universal adherence and the entry into force of the Treaty and the long term sustainability of its verification regime through outreach activities and capacity building.

    Implementing agency: The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO).

    Budget: EUR 3 024 756

    OJ L 266, 13.10.2015, p. 83

    Duration of the action: 24 months from the conclusion of the financial agreement.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/259 of 17 February 2015 in support of activities of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/259 for the years 2015-17 has made available to the OPCW some EUR 2,5 mln to support:




    national implementation,


    international cooperation,


    the Africa Programme and


    implementation of lessons learned from the Syrian operation.

    Implementing agency: The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 2 528 069

    OJ L 43, 18.2.2015, p. 14

    Duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/203 of 9 February 2015 in support of the Union proposal for an international Code of Conduct for outer-space activities as a contribution to transparency and confidence building measures in outer-space activities

    The objective was to promote the proposal for an international Code of Conduct on outer-space activities as a contribution to the creation of TCBMs in outer-space activities in line with UNGA Resolution A/RES/68/50, while building on the lessons-learned from Council Decision 2012/281/CFSP.

    The projects supported by the EU aimed to:


    enhance awareness, knowledge and understanding of the proposal for an international Code of Conduct and the process led by the European Union.


    continue to provide a framework for the multilateral process on the proposal for an international Code of Conduct for outer-space activities, that will enable the international community to continue to engage with a view to building the widest possible consensus for adoption of the Code of Conduct, through supporting multilateral meetings for negotiations on the draft Code, and for its formal adoption.

    Implementing agency: United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 775 729

    OJ L 33, 10.2.2015, p. 38

    Duration of the action: 18 months.


    Council Decision 2014/913/CFSP of 15 December 2014 in support of the HCoC and ballistic missile Non-Proliferation in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The objectives were to:


    Support the Hague Code of Conduct against ballistic missile proliferation and the Missile Technology Control Regime, in particular with the aim to:


    promote universality and the subscription to the Code by all States with ballistic missile capabilities;


    support the implementation and reinforce the visibility of the Code;


    promote adherence to the MTCR guidelines and its annex.


    More generally, to support a range of activities to fight against the proliferation of ballistic missiles, aimed notably at raising awareness of this threat, stepping up efforts to increase the effectiveness of multilateral instruments, building up support to initiatives to address these specific challenges and helping interested countries to reinforce nationally their relevant export control regimes.

    Implementing agency: Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS).

    Budget: EUR 990 000

    OJ L 360, 17.12.2014, p. 44

    Duration of the action: 30 months.


    Council Decision 2014/129/CFSP of 10 March 2014 promoting the European network of independent non-proliferation think tanks in support of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The Council Decision continued the support to the Consortium of think-tanks. It built on the achievements and experiences since 2011. New tasks were added, among which:


    annual international conference on non-proliferation and disarmament (3 in total; 250-300 targeted participants, international in scope, held in Brussels)


    annual consultative meeting on non-proliferation and disarmament (3 in total, 100 targeted participants, European in scope, held in Brussels)


    internet platform and production of policy papers;


    ad hoc seminars;


    help-desk facility for production within two weeks-time of up to twenty 5-10 pages policy papers on demand by EEAS;


    education on non-proliferation and disarmament (European online curriculum for university use to be available 24 months after the starting of the contract).

    Implementing agency: The EU Non-Proliferation Consortium of Think-Tanks.

    Budget: EUR 3 600 000

    OJ L 71, 12.3.2014, p. 3

    Duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision 2013/726/CFSP of 9 December 2013 in support of the UNSCR 2118 (2013) and OPCW Executive Council EC-M-33/Dec 1, in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The overall objective was to support the OPCW activities by contributing to costs associated with the inspection and verification of the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons, and costs associated with activities complementary to the core mandated tasks in support of UNSCR 2118 (2013) and the OPCW Executive Council Decision of 27 September 2013 on the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons and subsequent and related resolutions and decisions. The project under the Council Decision provided situation-awareness products: satellite imagery and related information products of the EU Satellite Centre, related to the security of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission, including the status of the road network.

    Implementing agency: The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 2 311 842

    OJ L 329, 10.12.2013, p. 41

    Duration of the action: 12 months. Extended until 30 September 2015.



    Council Decision 2013/668/CFSP of 18 November 2013 in support of World Health Organisation activities in the area of bio-safety and bio-security in the framework of the European Union Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The overall objective was to support the implementation of the BTWC focusing on the safety and security of microbial or other biological agents or toxins in laboratories and other facilities, including during transportation and to promote bio-risk reduction practices and awareness, including biosafety, biosecurity, bioethics and preparedness against intentional misuse of biological agents and toxins.

    Implementing entity: The World Health Organisation (WTO).

    Budget: EUR 1 727 000

    OJ L 310, 20.11.2013, p. 13

    Duration of the action: 24 months.


    Council Decision 2013/517/CFSP of 21 October 2013 on the Union support for the activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the areas of nuclear security and verification and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — IAEA VI

    The overall aim was to support the IAEA activities in the areas of nuclear security and verification to:


    promote universal adherence to international non-proliferation and nuclear security instruments, including IAEA comprehensive safeguards agreements and additional protocols;


    protect proliferation-sensitive materials and equipment and the relevant technology by providing legislative and regulatory assistance in the area of nuclear security and safeguards;


    strengthen the detection of, and response to, illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive materials.

    Implementing entity: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    Budget: EUR 8 050 000

    OJ L 281, 23.10.2013, p. 6

    Duration of the action: 36 months.


    Council Decision 2013/391/CFSP of 22 July 2013 in support of the practical implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery

    The support focused on:


    enhancing relevant national and regional efforts and capabilities primarily through capacity-building and assistance facilitation;


    contributing to the practical implementation of specific recommendations of the 2009 Comprehensive Review of the status of implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004), in particular in the areas of technical assistance, international cooperation and raising public awareness;


    initiating, developing and implementing national action plans upon states request.

    Implementing entity: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 750 000

    OJ L 198, 23.7.2013, p. 40

    Duration of the action: 24 months.


    Council Decision 2012/699/CFSP of 13 November 2012 on support for activities of the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — CTBTO V.

    The Union supported four projects, the objectives of which were to:


    provide technical assistance and capacity building to State Signatories to enable them to fully participate in and contribute to the implementation of the CTBT verification system;


    develop capacity for future generations of CTBT experts through the Capacity Development Initiative (CDI);


    enhance the Atmospheric Transport Model (ATM);


    characterize and mitigate Radio Xenon noble gases;


    support the Integrated Field Exercise in 2014 (IFE14) through the development of an integrated multispectral array;


    sustain certified IMS Auxiliary Seismic Stations.

    Implementing entity: The Preparatory Commission of the CTBTO.

    Budget: EUR 5 185 028

    OJ L 314, 14.11.2012, p. 27

    Duration of the action: 24 months. Extended to 3 December 2015.



    Council Decision 2012/423/CFSP of 23 July 2012 on support of ballistic missile non-proliferation in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of the Council Common Position 2003/805/CFSP

    The objectives were to:


    support the activities of The Hague Code of Conduct against ballistic missile proliferation, in particular with the aim to:

    promote the universality of the Code and the subscription to the Code by all States with ballistic missile capabilities;

    support the implementation of the Code;

    reinforce the visibility of the Code on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of its signature;


    support a range of activities to fight against the proliferation of ballistic missiles, step up efforts to increase the effectiveness of multilateral instruments, build up support for initiatives addressing these specific challenges and help interested countries to reinforce nationally their relevant export control regimes.

    Implementing entity: Fondation pour le Recherche Stratégique (FRS).

    Budget: EUR 930 000

    OJ L 196, 24.7.2012, p. 74

    Duration of the action: 24 months. Extended to 28 March 2015.



    Council Decision 2012/422/CFSP of 23 July 2012 in support of a process leading to the establishment of a zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.

    The objectives were to:


    support the work of the Facilitator for the 2012 Conference on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction;


    enhance the visibility of the Union as a global actor and in the region in the field of non-proliferation;


    encourage regional political and security-related dialogue within civil societies and governments, and more particularly among experts, officials and academics;


    identify concrete confidence-building measures that could serve as practical steps towards the prospect of a Middle East zone free of WMD and their means of delivery;


    encourage discussion on the universalization and implementation of relevant international treaties and other instruments to prevent the proliferation of WMD and their delivery systems;


    discuss issues related to peaceful uses of nuclear energy and international and regional cooperation.

    Implementing entity: EU Non-Proliferation Consortium.

    Budget: EUR 352 000

    OJ L 196, 24.7.2012, p. 67

    Duration of the action: 18 months.

    A contingency amount of EUR 20 000 was given to the Arab Institute for Security Studies in Amman, Jordan for organising a meeting on the subject of the WMDFZ in the M.E. (13-14 November 2013).



    Council Decision 2012/421/CFSP of 23 July 2012 in support of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), in the framework of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

    The objectives were to:


    promote universal adherence to the BTWC,


    support the implementation of the BTWC and the submission of CBMs by the States Parties,


    support the work of the 2012-2015 inter-sessional programme with a view to strengthening the implementation and effectiveness of the BTWC.

    Implementing entity: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 1 700 000

    OJ L 196, 24.7.2012, p. 61

    Duration of the action: 24 months. Extended to 31 January 2015.



    Council Decision 2012/281/CFSP of 29 May 2012 in the framework of the European Security Strategy in support of the Union proposal for an international Code of Conduct on outer-space activities.

    The objectives were:


    consultations with States, active or not yet active on space issues to discuss the proposal and to gather their views,


    gathering expert support for the process of developing an international Code of Conduct for outer-space activities.

    Implementing entity: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR).

    Budget: EUR 1 490 000

    OJ L 140, 30.5.2012, p. 68

    Duration of the action: 18 months. Extended to 31 July 2014.



    Council Decision 2012/166/CFSP of 23 March 2012 in support of activities of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — V.

    The objectives were to:


    enhance the capacities of States Parties in fulfilling their obligations under the CWC,


    enhance the preparedness of States Parties to prevent and respond to attacks involving toxic chemicals,


    enhance international cooperation in the field of chemical activities,


    support the ability of the OPCW to adapt to developments in the field of science and technology,


    promote universality by encouraging States not Parties to join the CWC.

    Implementing entity: The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 2 140 000

    OJ L 87, 24.3.2012, p. 49

    Duration of the action: 24 months. Extended to 31 December 2014.



    Council Decision 2010/799/CFSP of 13 December 2010 in support of a process of confidence-building leading to the establishment of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery in the Middle East in support of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

    The objectives were to:


    encourage regional political and security-related dialogue within civil societies and governments, and among experts, officials and academics,


    identify confidence-building measures that could serve as practical steps towards the prospect of a Middle East zone free of WMD and their means of delivery,


    encourage discussion on the universalization and implementation of relevant international treaties and other instruments to prevent the proliferation of WMD and their delivery systems,


    discuss issues related to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and international and regional cooperation in this regard.

    Implementing entity: EU Non-Proliferation Consortium.

    Budget: EUR 347 700

    OJ L 341, 23.12.2012, p. 27



    Council Decision 2010/585/CFSP of 27 September 2010 on support for IAEA activities in the areas of nuclear security and verification and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — IAEA V.

    The objectives were:


    strengthening national legislative and regulatory infrastructures for the implementation of relevant international instruments in the areas of nuclear security and verification, including comprehensive safeguards agreements and the Additional Protocol,


    assisting States in strengthening the security and control of nuclear and other radioactive materials,


    strengthening States’ capabilities for detection and response to illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive materials.

    Implementing entity: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    Budget: EUR 9 966 000

    OJ L 259, 1.10.2010, p. 10

    Duration of the action: 24 months. Extended to 31 December 2014.



    Council Decision 2010/430/CFSP of 26 July 2010 establishing a European network of independent non-proliferation think tanks in support of the implementation of the EU strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

    The objective of this network of independent non-proliferation think tanks was to encourage political and security-related dialogue and the long-term discussion of measures to combat the WMD proliferation and their delivery systems within civil society, and among experts, researchers and academics. The support for the network focused on:


    organising a kick-off meeting and an annual conference with a view to submitting a report and/or recommendations to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (HR),


    creating an internet platform to facilitate contacts and foster research dialogue among the network of non-proliferation think tanks.

    Implementing entity: EU Non-Proliferation Consortium.

    Budget: EUR 2 182 000

    OJ L 202, 4.8.2010, p. 5

    Duration of the action: 36 months. Extended to 30 June 2014.



    Council Decision 2010/461/CFSP of 26 July 2010 on support for activities of the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — CTBTO IV.

    The objectives were to:


    improve the operation and sustainability of the auxiliary seismic stations network of the CTBT’s International Monitoring System;


    improve the CTBT verification system through strengthened cooperation with the scientific community;


    provide technical assistance to States Signatories in Africa and in the Latin American and Caribbean Region so as to enable them to fully participate in and contribute to the implementation of the CTBT verification system;


    develop an OSI noble gas capable detection system.

    Implementing entity: The Preparatory Commission of the CTBTO.

    Budget: EUR 5 280 000

    OJ L 219, 20.8.2010, p. 7

    Duration of the action: 18 months. Extended to 16 May 2014.



    Council Decision 2009/569/CFSP of 27 July 2009 on support for OPCW activities in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: OPCW IV.

    The objective was to support universal adherence to the CWC, to promote ratification/accession to the CWC by States not Parties (signatory States as well as non-signatory States) and to support the full implementation of the CWC by the States Parties:

    Implementing entity: The Organisation for the Prohibition of the Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 2 110 000

    OJ L 197, 29.7.2009, p. 96

    Duration of the action: 18 months.



    Council Decision 2008/974/CFSP of 18 December 2008 in support of the Hague Code of Conduct against ballistic missile proliferation in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The EU supported three aspects of the Code:


    universality of the Code,


    implementation of the Code,


    improved functioning of the Code.

    Implementing entity: Fondation pour le Recherche Stratégique (FRS).

    Budget: EUR 1 015 000

    OJ L 345, 23.12.2008, p. 91

    Duration of the action: 24 months.



    Council Joint Action 2008/858/CFSP of 10 November 2008 in support of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

    The overall objective was to:


    support universal adherence to the BTWC,


    improve implementation of the BTWC, including the submission of confidence building measures declarations, and


    support the best use of the inter-sessional process 2007-2010 for the preparation of the 2011 Review Conference.

    Implementing entity: United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) — Geneva.

    Budget: EUR 1 400 000

    OJ L 302, 13.11.2008, p. 29

    Duration of the action: 24 months.



    Council Joint Action 2008/588/CFSP of 15 July 2008 on support for activities of the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — CTBTO III.

    The EU supported the building of capacity of the Preparatory Commission of the CTBTO in the area of verification by:


    noble gas monitoring: radio-xenon measurements and data analysis,


    integrating States Signatories in Africa to fully participate in and contribute to the implementation of the CTBTO monitoring and verification system.

    Implementing entity: The CTBTO Preparatory Commission.

    Budget: EUR 2 316 000

    OJ L 189, 17.7.2008, p. 28

    Duration of the action: 18 months.



    Council Joint Action 2008/368/CFSP of 14 May 2008 in support of the implementation of UNSCR 1540.

    The projects in support of the implementation of UNSCR 1540 were six workshops aiming at enhancing the capacity of export-control officials in six sub regions: Africa, Central America, Mercosur, the Middle East and Gulf Regions, Pacific Islands and South-East Asia — to implement UNSCR 1540 in practice. The workshops were tailored for border, customs and regulatory officials and contained the main elements of an export control process including applicable laws (including national and international legal aspects), regulatory controls (including licensing provisions, end-user verification and awareness-raising programmes) and enforcement (including commodity identification, risk-assessment and detection methods).

    Implementing entity: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 475 000

    OJ L 127, 15.5.2008, p. 78

    Duration of the action: 24 months.



    Council Joint Action 2008/314/CFSP of 14 April 2008 on support for IAEA activities in the areas of nuclear security and verification and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction– IAEA IV.

    The objectives were to:


    strengthen national legislative and regulatory infrastructures for the implementation of relevant international instruments in the areas of nuclear security and verification, including comprehensive safeguards agreements and the Additional Protocol,


    assist States in strengthening the security and control of nuclear and other radioactive materials,


    strengthen States’ capabilities for detection and response to illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive materials.

    Implementing entity: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    Budget: EUR 7 703 000

    OJ L 107, 17.4.2008, p. 62

    Duration of the action: 24 months.



    Council Joint Action 2008/307/CFSP of 14 April 2008 in support of World Health Organisation activities in the area of laboratory bio-safety and bio-security — WHO I.

    The overall objective was to support the implementation of the BTWC, in particular those aspects that relate to the safety and security of microbial or other biological agents and toxins in laboratories and other facilities, including during transportation as appropriate, to prevent unauthorised access to and removal of such agents and toxins. The contribution aimed to:


    promote bio-risk reduction management through regional and national outreach,


    strengthen the security and laboratory management practices against biological risks.

    Implementing entity: The World Health Organisation (WTO).

    Budget: EUR 2 105 000

    OJ L 106, 16.4.2008, p. 17

    Duration of the action: 24 months.



    Council Joint Action 2007/753/CFSP of 19 November 2007 in support of the IAEA monitoring and verification activities in the DPRK.

    The objective was to contribute to the monitoring and verification activities in the DPRK, in accordance with the Initial Actions of 13 February 2007, as agreed in the framework of the six-party-talks.

    Implementing entity: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA — Department of Safeguards).

    Budget: EUR 1 780 000

    OJ L 304, 22.11.2007, p. 38

    Estimated duration of the action: 18 months. Suspension, Force majeure. Ended.


    Council Joint Action 2007/468/CFSP of 28 June 2007 of 28 June 2007 on support for activities of the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction CTBTO II.

    The objective was to support the early entry into force of the Treaty, and the establishing of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) verification regime through:


    improvement of the knowledge of Provisional Technical Secretariat noble gas measurements;


    support for the Integrated Field Exercise 2008.

    Implementing entity: The CTBTO Preparatory Commission.

    Budget: EUR 1 670 000

    OJ L 176, 6.7.2007, p. 31

    Duration of the action: 15 months.



    Council Joint Action 2007/185/CFSP of 19 March 2007 on support for OPCW activities in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — OPCW III.

    The objective was to support universal adherence to the CWC, to promote ratification/accession to the CWC by States not Parties (signatory States as well as non-signatory States) and to support the full implementation of the CWC by the States Parties. The contribution also promoted international cooperation in the field of chemical activities, as accompanying measures to the implementation of the CWC and provided support for the creation of a collaborative framework among the chemical industry, OPCW and national authorities on the 10th anniversary of the OPCW.

    Implementing entity: The Organisation for the Prohibition of the Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 1 700 000

    OJ L 85, 27.3.2007, p. 10

    Duration of the action: 18 months.



    Council Joint Action 2007/178/CFSP of 19 March 2007 in support of chemical weapons destruction in the Russian Federation in the framework of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — Russian Federation IV.

    The objective was to assist the Russian Federation in destroying some of its chemical weapons as required by the CWC. This Joint Action supported the completion of the electricity supply infrastructure at Shchuch’ye chemical weapon destruction facility.

    Implementing entity: The Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    Budget: EUR 3 145 000

    OJ L 81, 22.3.2007, p. 30

    Duration of the action: 18 months.



    Council Joint Action 2006/418/CFSP of 12 June 2006 on support for IAEA activities in the areas of nuclear security and verification and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — IAEA III.

    The objective was to strengthen nuclear security in selected countries focusing on:


    legislative and regulatory assistance;


    strengthening the security and control of nuclear and other radioactive materials;


    strengthening of countries capabilities for detection and response to illicit trafficking.

    Implementing entity: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    Budget: EUR 6 995 000

    OJ L 165, 17.6.2006, p. 20

    Duration of the action: 15 months.



    Council Joint Action 2006/419/CFSP of 12 June 2006 in support of the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

    The action aimed at addressing three aspects:


    awareness-raising of requirements and obligations under the Resolution,


    strengthening national capacities in three target regions: Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, Asia-Pacific, in drafting national reports on the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1540 (2004) and


    sharing experience from the adoption of national measures required for the implementation of the Resolution.

    Implementing entity: United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

    Budget: EUR 195 000

    OJ L 165, 17.6.2006, p. 30

    Duration of the action: 22 months.



    Council Joint Action 2006/243/CFSP of 20 March 2006 on support for activities of the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) in the area of training and capacity building for verification and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — CTBTO I.

    The objective was to improve the capacity of CTBT Signatory States to fulfil their verification responsibilities and to enable them to fully benefit from participation in the treaty regime with the help of a computer-based training/self-study.

    Implementing entity: The CTBTO Preparatory Commission.

    Budget: EUR 1 133 000

    OJ L 88, 25.3.2006, p. 68

    Duration of the action: 15 months.



    Council Joint Action 2006/184/CFSP of 27 February 2006 in support of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, in the framework of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

    The objective was to support universal adherence to the BTWC, promote accession to the BTWC by States not Party (signatory States as well as non-signatory States) and support the implementation of the BTWC by States Parties.

    Implementing entity: The Graduate Institute of International Studies (GIIS), Geneva.

    Budget: EUR 867 000

    OJ L 65, 7.3.2006, p. 51

    Duration of the action: 18 months.



    Council Joint Action 2005/913/CFSP of 12 December 2005 on support for OPCW activities in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — OPCW II.

    The objective was to support universal adherence to the CWC and accession to the CWC by States not Party (signatory States as well as non-signatory States) and the implementation of the CWC by States Parties. The contribution also helped foster international cooperation.

    Implementing entity: The Organisation for the Prohibition of the Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 1 697 000

    OJ L 331, 17.12.2005, p. 34

    Duration of the action: 12 months.



    Council Joint Action 2005/574/CFSP of 18 July 2005 on support for IAEA activities in the areas of nuclear security and verification and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — IAEA II.

    The objectives of the contribution were to:


    strengthen the physical protection of nuclear materials and other radioactive materials in use, storage and transport and of nuclear facilities;


    strengthen the security of radioactive materials in non-nuclear applications;


    strengthen the countries capabilities for detection and response to illicit trafficking;


    provide legislative assistance for the implementation of obligations under IAEA safeguards agreements and additional protocols.

    Implementing entity: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    Budget: EUR 3 914 000

    OJ L 193, 23.7.2005, p. 44

    Duration of the action: 15 months.



    Council Joint Action 2004/797/CFSP of 22 November 2004 on support for OPCW activities in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — OPCW I.

    The objective was to: support universal adherence to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (CWC); promote the accession to the CWC by States not Party (signatory States as well as non-signatory States); support the implementation of the CWC by the States Parties and promote international cooperation.

    Implementing entity: The Organisation for the Prohibition of the Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

    Budget: EUR 1 841 000

    OJ L 349, 25.11.2004, p. 63

    Estimated duration of the action: 12 months.



    Council Joint Action 2004/796/CFSP of 22 November 2004 for the support of the physical protection of a nuclear site in the Russian Federation — Russian Federation III.

    The objective was to reinforce the physical protection of nuclear sites in Russia to reduce the risk of theft of nuclear fissile material and of sabotage by improving the physical protection at the Bochvar Institute of the Russian Federal Agency for Atomic Energy (formerly MINATOM).

    Implementing entity: The Federal Republic of Germany.

    Budget: EUR 7 730 000

    OJ L 349, 25.11.2004, p. 57

    Duration of the action: 36 months.



    Council Joint Action 2004/495/CFSP of 17 May 2004 on support for IAEA activities under its Nuclear security programme and in the framework of the implementation of the EU Strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction — IAEA I.

    The objective was to:


    strengthen the physical protection of nuclear materials and other radioactive materials in use, storage and transport and of nuclear facilities;


    strengthen the security of radioactive materials in non-nuclear applications;


    strengthen the countries capabilities for detection and response to illicit trafficking;

    Implementing entity: The International Atomic Energy Agency.

    Budget: EUR 3 329 000

    OJ L 182, 19.5.2004, p. 46

    Duration of the action: 15 months.



    Council Joint Action 2003/472/CFSP of 24 June 2003 on the continuation of the European Union cooperation programme for non-proliferation and disarmament in the Russian Federation — Russian Federation II.

    The Joint Action financed a unit of experts under the cooperation programme for non-proliferation and disarmament in the Russian Federation.

    Implementing entity: The Russian Federation.

    Budget: EUR 680 000

    OJ L 157, 26.6.2003, p. 69

    Expired on the date of expiry of the EU Common Strategy 1999/414/CFSP on Russia.



    Council Joint Action 1999/878/CFSP of 17 December 1999 establishing a European Union Cooperation Programme for Non-proliferation and Disarmament in the Russian Federation — Russian Federation I.

    The project contributed to:


    a chemical weapons pilot destruction plant situated in Gorny, Saratov region, Russia;


    set studies and experimental studies on plutonium transport, storage and disposition.

    Implementing entity: The Russian Federation.

    Budget: EUR 8 900 000

    OJ L 331, 23.12.1999, p. 11

    Duration of the action: 48 months.





    Funding through ISCT-STCU

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period

    Administrative operating budget, supplemental budgets and projects

    Retraining former weapon scientists and engineers through support for:

    International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC, Moscow) and

    Science and Technology Centre (STCU, Kiev)

    To redirect scientists/engineers’ talents to civilian and peaceful activities through science and technological cooperation.

    ISTC and/or STCU



    235 million



    IfS (AAP)

    15 million

    8 million

    7,5  million

    5,0  million

    4,5  million

    4,0  million

    4,8  million

    4,0  million










    Enhancing regional CBRN detection capacity for the Border Guards in Ukraine and Moldova

    To provide mobile chemical and RN detection equipment for the border guards.


    4,1  million



    Provision of specialized CBRN equipment for first responders in the SEE CoE Region

    EU CBRN CoE. CBRN equipment — SEE CoE Region.


    1,7  million

    2016-6.2017 (tbc)


    Strengthening the national legal framework and provision of specialized training on bio-safety and bio-security in Central Asia

    EU CBRN CoE. Biosafety-biosecurity in Central Asia.


    5 000 000



    Funding of the 2017 ISTC Administrative Operating Budget (AOB), Supplemental Budgets (SBs), and projects

    Administrative support — ISTC.


    1 500 000



    Support to the Centre of Excellence of Eastern and Central Africa in Nuclear Security — ISTC

    EU CBRN CoE. Eastern and Central Africa in Nuclear Security.


    3 500 000



    Funding of the 2017 STCU Administrative Operating Budget (AOB), Supplemental Budgets (SBs), and projects

    EU CBRN CoE — Administrative support.


    700 000



    Funding of the 2017 ISTC Administrative Operating Budget (AOB), Supplemental Budgets (SBs), and projects

    EU CBRN CoE — Administrative support.


    1 500 000


    Year 2008 (excluding funding for ISTC/STCU)

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    Combating illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials in FSU countries (Russian Federation, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Belarus)

    To supply equipment for detection of NRM at border check points as it was identified in the previous phase of the activity financed by TACIS Nuclear Safety programme, contributing thus to reduce nuclear and radiation terrorism threat.


    5 million



    Assistance in export control of dual-use goods

    To support the development of the legal framework and institutional capacities for the establishment and enforcement of effective export controls on dual-use items, including measures for regional cooperation with a view of contributing to the fight against the proliferation of WMD and related materials, equipment and technologies.

    BAFA (D)

    ~ 5 million



    Knowledge Management System on CBRN Trafficking

    To improve capabilities of participating states, neighbouring countries of the EU in South-East Europe and possibly Caucasus, to combat the illicit trafficking and criminal use of CBRN materials (preparation phase to ‘EU CBRN Centres of Excellence’).


    1 million


    Year 2009 (excluding funding for ISTC/STCU)

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    Knowledge management system on CBRN trafficking in North Africa and selected countries in the Middle East

    To develop a durable co-operation legacy in the area of trafficking of CBRN materials (preparation phase to ‘EU CBRN Centres of Excellence’).


    1 million



    Strengthening bio-safety and bio-security capabilities in Central Asian countries

    To address shortcomings in the safety/security practices of key biological facilities in selected countries of Central Asia; to raise the skills of the personnel working at facilities (laboratories) handling dangerous biological agents or supervising those facilities, and to provide additional equipment, as needed, to ensure an adequate level of bio-safety and security.


    6,8  million



    Combating illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials in selected FSU and Mediterranean Basin countries and preparation of border management activities in the ASEAN region

    To reduce the threat of nuclear and radiation terrorism. For this purpose the assistance will be provided to the partner countries in the improvement of the technical and organisational measures for detection of nuclear and radioactive materials (NRM) illicit trafficking.


    6,7  million



    Awareness raising of exporters export control of dual-use goods

    To enhance the effectiveness of export control of dual use items in the Russian Federation, with a view to contribute to the fight against the proliferation of WMD (the specific objectives will be achieved through information exchange with EU exporters, support industry and researchers for awareness raising, organisation of seminars for exporters in the regions of the Russian Federation).

    Russian independent non-profit organisation for professional advancement ‘Export Control Training Centre’

    1 million


    Year 2010 (excluding funding for ISTC/STCU)

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period

    239-471 (UNICRI main) –239-481 (JRC main) 253-483

    and 253-485 (pilot projects JRC and Univ. Milan) / 250-984 (UNICRI establishment of 2 Secretariats)

    CBRN Centre of Excellence — First Phase

    To set up a mechanism contributing to strengthen the long-term national and regional capabilities of responsible authorities and to develop a durable cooperation legacy in the fight against the CBRN threat.

    UNICRI / JRC main contracts / 2 pilot projects in South East Asia / first step (2 Secretariats in Caucasus and South East Asia)

    5 million

    May 2010 - May 2012


    Border monitoring activities in the Republic of Georgia, Central Asia and Afghanistan

    To enhance the detection of radioactive and nuclear materials at identified borders crossing and/or nodal points in the Republic of Georgia, at Southern borders of selected Central Asian countries with Afghanistan and at the airport of Kabul.


    4 million



    EpiSouth: a network for the control of health and security threats and other bio-security risks in the Mediterranean Region and South-East Europe

    To increase through capacity building the bio security in the Mediterranean region and South-East Europe (10 EU + 17 non EU countries).

    Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome (Italy)

    3 million


    247-264 (service)

    248-064 + 258-635 (supply)

    Redirection of former Iraqi WMD scientists through capacity building for decommissioning of nuclear facilities, including site and radioactive waste management

    To assist Iraq with redirection of scientists and engineers possessing WMD-related skills and dual-use knowledge through their engagement in a comprehensive decommissioning, dismantling and decontamination of nuclear facilities.

    Università degli Studi dell'Insubria (service) — Canberra + NNL (supplies)

    2,5  million

    (1,5 mil. for service + 1,5 mil. for supplies)

    Aug 2010 - Aug 2013


    Knowledge Management System on CBRN risk mitigation — Evolving towards CoE ‘Mediterranean Basin’

    To integrate the existing Knowledge Management Systems, namely for South East Europe and for North Africa, and to prepare the evolution towards a Centre of Excellence in the Mediterranean Basin dealing with CBRN risk mitigation (preparation phase to ‘EU CBRN Centres of Excellence’).


    0,5  million



    Bio-safety and bio-security improvement at the Ukrainian anti-plague station (UAPS) in Simferopol

    To contribute to full implementation of the BTWC (Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention) in Ukraine, which includes the prevention of illicit access to pathogens by terrorists and other criminals.


    4 million



    Assistance in export control of dual-use goods

    To continue the on-going activities in this field in the already covered countries, with possible extension to other regions/countries.

    BAFA (D)

    5 million


    Year 2011 (excluding funding for ISTC/STCU)

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period

    263-555 (set-up)



    CBRN Centres of Excellence — Second phase

    To set-up three to four new Centres in the Middle East and, possibly, Gulf region, Mediterranean Basin, Central Asia and Southern Africa, extend the projects in South East Asia and in Ukraine / South Caucasus and implement thematic projects in all project areas of priority 1.


    4,5  million

    16,3  million



    Enhancing the capability of the IAEA Safeguards Analytical Service (ECAS) — EU contribution to the new Nuclear Material Laboratory (NML)

    To ensure that the IAEA has a strong independent analytical capability for safeguards in the decades to come by means of expansion and modernisation of the IAEA Safeguards Analytical Services.


    5 million


    272-372 (service) and 272-424 (supplies)

    Establishment of Mobile Laboratories for Pathogens up to Risk Group 4 in combination with CBRN Capacity Building in Sub-Saharan Africa

    To implement two units of mobile labs to be used to perform diagnosis of up to group 4 infectious agents in sub-Saharan Africa and one ‘stand-by’ unit based in the EU for training purposes and to be deployed in other countries outside the EU where these agents are endemic or outbreaks occur.

    Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin (service) — supply under evaluation

    3,5  million



    Strengthening bio-safety and bio-security capabilities in South Caucasus and in Central Asian Countries

    To raise the capabilities of State organisations in target countries responsible for bio-safety and bio-security in a way that will result in a substantial improvement of the countries’ bio-safety/security situations.


    5 million



    Multilateral Nuclear Assurances — EU contribution to the Low Enriched Uranium bank under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

    To purchase a quantity of Low Enriched Uranium.


    20 million


    Year 2012 (excluding funding for ISTC/STCU)

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    CBRN protection to Ukraine in the framework of the UEFA European Football Championship 2012

    To counteract nuclear and radiation terrorism threat (for these purposes the assistance should be provided to Ukraine in the improvement of the technical and organisational measures for detection of Nuclear and Radioactive Materials (NRM) illicit trafficking, including training and establishment of an expert network).


    343 000



    Supply for POL11 — Equipment Supply for CBRN protection support to Ukraine in the framework of the UEFA European Championship 2012

    To enhance the CBRN security at Poland — Ukraine border with the occasion of the football championship Euro2012.


    307 000



    Provision of specialised technical training to enhance the first responders' capabilities in case of CBRN incidents

    To reinforce inter-agency coordination to respond to CBRN incidents (this includes defining standard operational procedures in response to such incidents, e.g. post-incident management and site restoration).

    France Expertise Internationale

    699 274



    EU CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence Initiative

    To provide support in the implementation of the project ‘EU CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence’.


    3,5  million



    Building capacity to identify and respond to threats from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear substances

    The European Commission is seeking external support to implement technical aspects related to the EU CBRN Risk Mitigation CoE. The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows: 1) Counter the threat arising from chemical, biological and radioactive or nuclear agents in particular when used in a criminal or terrorist context; 2) Improve the preparedness and response capabilities of states to unlawful or criminal acts involving CBRN agents.

    Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas

    499 100



    Contribution to the establishment and development of EU Centres of Excellence Governance — Phase II

    The main aim of this assignment is to link actively technical expertise, management initiative, elements of diplomacy and of cultural sensitiveness to enhance the establishment and performance of the CoE initiative. By implementing modern and judicious governance approaches, it will in particular support capacity building and management with the right sense of ownership among actors and stakeholders at national, regional and overall levels, and correctly adapt the initiative to the challenges of CBRN risk mitigation. The initiative also aims at enhancing the visibility, acceptance and support among the EU stakeholders, both at EU and MS levels.

    Association Groupe ESSEC

    1 399 988



    Regional Human Resource Development for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards Management through a University Master’s Programme carried out in Thailand

    To cover the tuition fees and living expenses of 10 Thai and 10 international (limited to the Southeast Asia region) students expected to enrol and graduate from the Master’s degree programme developed jointly with the US PNNL in Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards Management at the Chulalongkorn University of Thailand.

    Enconet Consulting GmbH

    649 812



    Bio-risk Management

    To share the bio-risk management program developed in Thailand with the participating countries in the project.

    France Expertise Internationale

    480 000



    Development of a methodology for RN materials detection, management and protection of the public

    To develop and manage a system for the detection of RN material from sensors located in a variety of locations such as borders, critical infrastructure, ports, airports, etc.; to recommend equipment and standard procedures to respond to RN events.

    France Expertise Internationale

    599 830



    Prerequisite to strengthening CBRN national legal frameworks

    To increase, through capacity building the health security in the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe Black Sea Region by enhancing and strengthening the preparedness to common health threats and bio-security risks at national and regional levels by the creation of a Network of laboratories, by strengthening the already previously created by Episouth plus (the reinforcement of relations of trust in a region is an objective and an instrument in the scope of Project’s implementation).

    France Expertise Internationale

    299 936



    Knowledge development and transfer of best practice on bio-safety/bio-security/bio-risk management

    To develop and transfer knowledge concerning best practice on bio-safety, bio-security and bio-risk management in this region.

    Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

    434 010



    Assistance in export control of dual-use goods

    To strengthen the export control systems of partner countries, with a strong link with the Regional Centres of Excellence activities, by aligning them to the standard of the international export control regimes and treaties and therefore meeting the requirements of the UNSCR 1540 (2004).

    Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    3 650 000



    ‘EU CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence’ Coordination and CBRN Need Assessment Methodology

    To support countries with improving national policies and ensuring international cooperation in the area of CBRN risk mitigation through the implementation of a Needs Assessment methodology for the Regional Secretariats and the partner countries.

    United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

    2 million



    Supply of radiation detection equipment for South East Asia — LOT 1

    To supply radiation detecting equipment to the various entities (border guards, custom services) from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines.

    Polimaster Instruments UAB

    497 500



    Supply of radiation detection equipment for South East Asia — LOT2

    To supply radiation detecting equipment to the various entities (border guards, custom services) from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines.

    Mirion Technologies MGPI SA

    241 540



    Supply of radiation detection equipment for South East Asia — LOT 3

    To supply radiation detecting equipment to the various entities (border guards, custom services) from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines.


    988 205



    Establishment of a Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (MediPIET)

    To enhance health security in the Mediterranean region by supporting capacity building for prevention and control of natural or man-made threats to health posed by communicable diseases through the start-up of a long-term Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (MediPIET).

    European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

    440 000



    Supply of radiation detection equipment for Democratic Republic of Congo — LOT1

    To supply radiation detecting equipment to the Custom and Excise Administration Directorate of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Polimaster Instruments UAB

    298 500



    Supply of radiation detection equipment for Democratic Republic of Congo — LOT2

    To supply radiation detecting equipment to the Custom and Excise Administration Directorate of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Mirion Technologies MGPI SA

    121 660



    Support for the border monitoring activities in the South East Asia and Democratic Republic of the Congo

    To counteract nuclear and radiation terrorism threat (for this purposes, the assistance should be provided to the identified countries in the improvement of the technical and organisational measures for detection of Nuclear and Radioactive Materials (NRM) illicit trafficking, including training and establishment of an expert network).


    1 650 000



    Implementation of Projects CBRN — 3rd call: #77 #111 #114

    The overall objective is the enhancement of the RN security situation in the countries of concern (with a spin-off towards chemical detection under P77). Such concern needs to be addressed in a systematic manner and with interventions at quite a few different levels. Also the ‘action radius’ of the interventions needs to be described (to assure the proper engagement of the key actors).


    2,3  million



    Network of universities and institutes for raising awareness on dual-use concerns of chemical materials

    The European Commission is seeking external support to implement technical aspects related to the EU CBRN Risk Mitigation CoE. The overall objective of the project is to reinforce inter-interagency coordination to respond to CBRN incidents. This includes defining standard operational procedures in response to such incidents, e.g. post-incident management and site restoration.

    Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile — ENEA

    721 886



    EU CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence Initiative

    To provide support for the implementation of the project ‘EU CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence’.


    3,5  million



    Second contribution to enhance the capability of the IAEA Safeguards Analytical Service (ECAS) — The New Nuclear Material Laboratory (NML)

    To support IAEA in constructing and outfitting the chemistry and instrumentation laboratories of the new IAEA Safeguards Analytical Services NML for the analysis of nuclear material according to the latest standards assuring safety and measurement quality.


    5 million


    Year 2013 (excluding funding for ISTC/STCU)

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    Strengthening the National CBRN Legal Framework & Provision of specialized and technical training to enhance CBRN preparedness and response capabilities

    The present procedure aims at awarding a Contract that will technically implement two projects (Component 1 and Component 2) funded by the EU Instrument for Stability (Priority 1) in the framework of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear — Centres of Excellence (CBRN-CoE).

    France Expertise Internationale

    2 699 069



    Strengthening Capacities in CBRN Response and in Chemical and Medical Emergency

    The CBRN emergency response needs to be identified and prioritised per country. Comprehensive technology solutions for detection, protection, decontamination, mitigation, containment and disposal should also be elaborated. CBRN incidents require full utilization of national resources to respond to and mitigate the consequences of such emergencies. The main responsibility in cases of CBRN emergencies falls upon first responders. It is therefore essential that countries build upon their national resources to mitigate and respond to the consequences of an emergency situation. Best-practices should thus be exchanged amongst these first responders at MIE regional level and CBRN risk mitigation knowledge developed. It should also result in increased awareness of stocks of hazardous chemical agents, their pre-cursors as this is one of the means of targeting illicit use and/or trafficking of WMD.

    Wojskowy Instytut Higieny i Epidemiologii

    3 914 034



    Support to the European Commission — Exploratory missions in Middle East/East and south Mediterranean countries/South East of Europe in the safety and security CBRN fields

    To provide support to the European Commission with finding out what kind of short-term measures should be developed taken into account different situations and circumstances regionally and/or nationally (this entails assessing countries’ preparedness — risk assessment, crisis prevention and warning systems — and response mechanisms in the field of CBRN).

    France Expertise Internationale

    299 999



    Strengthening Health Security at Ports, Airports and Ground crossings

    To increase health security globally by providing technical guidance and tools, information and knowledge sharing, international collaboration and assisting countries in enhancing and strengthening capacities for prevention, detection, control and response to public health events related to activities at points of entry and international travel and transport, in a multi-sectoral approach, to minimize risks in association with natural or deliberate released hazards.

    World Health Organisation

    1,5  million



    AAF — Waste management

    EU CBRN CoE. To improve the management of biologic and chemical waste in the African Atlantic Façade region and Tunisia. This includes the review of regulations and technical training on detection and sampling.

    Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas

    3 871 800



    Implementation of Projects CBRN — 3rd call. Complementary actions for project: #77 #111 #114

    EU CBRN CoE. The global overall scope of work is to pursue international efforts in counteracting the threat of nuclear and radiological terrorism. This project aims at supporting the development of an integrated regional nuclear safety and security systems. This will be achieved by assessing the adoption of laws and regulation in the field in order comply with international related standards for improving the security and safety of radioactive sources by encouraging the establishment of storage facilities and completion of inventories, disseminate best practices for the development of a national response plan in the participating countries. These activities are carried out under a well-coordinated approach with other donors in the region, in order not to duplicate existing efforts.


    700 047



    Export control outreach for dual use items

    This project aims to deepen support measures to improve dual use export control systems in third countries taking specific geopolitical challenges into account. The following beneficiary countries are eligible under this project: Jordan / Neighbouring Countries and Kazakhstan / Neighbouring Countries. Regional activities may include all beneficiary countries in the region. Where appropriate and in justified cases and following the demand of beneficiary countries also activities in other countries / or regions will be carried out.

    Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle

    2,5  million



    Conferences associated to EU CBRN Centres of Excellence

    To provide support for organising conferences and meetings in partner countries in order to enhance the inter-agency cooperation that will contribute to mitigating the risks and threats associated with Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) materials and facilities.

    LDK Consultants, Engineers & Planners SA

    140 885,85



    Consolidation and Extension of the CBRN Regional Centre Secretariats

    EU CBRN CoE. To strengthen regional capabilities in the area of CBRN risk mitigation. It is expected that the project will promote better cooperation and coordination of countries on CBRN risk mitigation at regional and international levels (the set-up of the Regional Secretariats is meant to provide the missing infrastructure at regional level to facilitate sharing of information and experience among partner countries).

    United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

    3,1  million



    Strengthening Health Laboratories to minimize potential biological risks

    To minimize potential biological risks through enhancement of laboratory biosafety, biosecurity, quality management and diagnostic capacity. Specific objective 1: Support the development of nationally-owned laboratory policies, strategies norms and regulations. Specific objective 2: Engage institutional and individual capacity building efforts through implementation of appropriate tools, methodologies and training activities. Specific objective 3: Enhance the ability of Member States to safely and rapidly detect and respond to natural or deliberate events of national and international concern according to the IHR through support to laboratory networks.

    World Health Organisation

    4 495 712



    Further development and consolidation of the Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (‘MediPIET’)

    To contribute to the overall objective of enhancing health security in the Mediterranean region by supporting capacity building for prevention and control of natural or man-made health threats posed by communicable diseases through the further roll-out of the Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (MediPIET).

    Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas

    6,4  million




    To increase, through capacity building the health security in the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe Black Sea Region by enhancing and strengthening the preparedness to common health threats and bio-security risks at national and regional levels by the creation of a Network of laboratories, by strengthening the already previously created by Episouth plus (the reinforcement of relations of trust in a region is an objective and an instrument in the scope of Project’s implementation).

    Institut Pasteur


    3 626 410


    Year 2014 (excluding funding for ISTC/STCU)

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    Elimination of Syrian Chemical Weapons of Mass destruction

    To contribute to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Special Trust Fund that finances the activities for the complete destruction of Syrian Chemical material stockpiles.


    12 million



    Contribution to the establishment and development of EU Centres of Excellence Governance — Phase III

    To support to the governance of the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence.


    1,5  million



    High risk chemical facilities and risk mitigation in the AAF Region

    EU CBRN CoE. Enhancing sound chemical hazard management within the African Atlantic Façade Region in order to prevent the occurrence of high risks chemical accidents.

    France Expertise Internationale

    3 million



    Chemical safety and security in the Central and Eastern African region

    EU CBRN CoE. Enhancing sound chemical hazard management within the ECA region by strengthening the national ‘Chemical legal framework’ in order to prevent the occurrence of accident inside and around all important chemical installations, as well as to enhance Chemical preparedness and response capabilities.

    Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) MBH

    2 978 000



    EUWAM-Lab (P43)

    EU CBRN CoE. Establishment of a Mobile Laboratory for in situ interventions on VHF outbreak sites in combination with CBRN Capacity Building in Western Africa.

    France Expertise Internationale

    2 579 854,40



    EU outreach programme for dual use items

    Contribute to the creation, consolidation or updating the effective export control systems for dual use items in partner countries by continuing to offer them a long-term perspective for cooperation.

    France Expertise Internationale

    2 249 250



    Strengthening CBRN first response capabilities and regional cooperation in South East Europe, Southern Caucasus, Moldova and Ukraine

    EU CBRN CoE. Enhance response capabilities and promote inter-agency and regional cooperation in CBRN first response in the South East Europe, Southern Caucasus, Moldova and Ukraine.

    Centre d’étude de l’énergie nucléaire

    Fondation d’utilité publique

    2 953 550



    One Health Project in Pakistan

    Support the development of a structured, integrated and sustainable collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture in Pakistan for improved risk assessments and detection, prevention and control of the spread of emerging zoonotic diseases.

    World Health Organization

    927 608


    Year 2015

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    EU outreach programme for dual use items — South-East Asia

    Support to export control outreach in South-East Asia.

    France Expertise Internationale

    2 999 500



    Establishment of Mobile Laboratories for Pathogens up to Risk Group 4 in combination with CBRN Capacity Building in sub-Saharan Africa

    EU CBRN CoE — Mobile labs in sub-Saharan Africa — Extension.

    Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin

    500 000



    Enhancement of CBRN capacities of South East Asia in addressing CBRN risk mitigation concerning CBRN first response, biosafety and biosecurity, awareness raising and legal framework

    EU CBRN CoE. Biosafety-biosecurity in South East Asia.

    Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas

    3 000 000,00



    Provision of specialized CBRN equipment for training first responders

    EU CBRN CoE. CBRN equipment for first responders in Gabon, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Uganda.

    Paul Boyé Technologies SAS — FR

    2 712 516,87



    On-site Technical Assistance to the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Secretariats

    EU CBRN CoE. On site technical assistance (Rabat, Tbilisi, Nairobi).

    Agriconsulting Europe SA — BE

    2 969 700,00



    Regional Management of Outbreaks in the CBRN Centres of Excellence Partner Countries of the African Atlantic Façade Region

    EU CBRN CoE. Management of outbreaks in the African Atlantic Façade (pandemics).

    Agence française d’expertise technique internationale

    3 499 600,00



    Feasibility study for the establishment of the Wildlife Forensics Training Academy in South Africa

    Wildlife Forensics Training.

    Nederlands Forensisch Instituut

    182 000



    Strengthening the CBRN Centre of Excellence Regional Secretariat for the Gulf Cooperation Council Region

    Support to GCC region.

    Centre d’étude de l’énergie nucléaire

    Fondation d’utilité publique

    285 000



    EU outreach programme for dual use items — South-East Asia

    EU outreach programme for dual use items in South-East Asia.

    Agence française d’expertise technique internationale

    2 999 500



    Capacity building for medical preparedness and response to CBRN incidents — CoE Project 54

    EU CBRN CoE. Capacity building for medical preparedness and response to CBRN incidents. Middle East (P54).

    Sustainable Criminal Justice Solutions

    Community interest company

    2 999 965



    Annual meeting EU CBRN National Focal Points 2016


    LDK Consultants Engineers & Planners SA

    182 949,5


    Year 2016

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    Recommitment — Feasibility study for the establishment of the Wildlife Forensics Training Academy in South Africa (2015 / 370-291)


    Nederlands Forensisch Instituut


    174 515,29



    SEACHEM — Sound management of chemicals and their associated wastes in Southeast Asia

    EU CBRN CoE. Chemical Waste management.

    Sustainable Criminal Justice Solutions

    2 999 815



    Support to the development, adoption and implementation of CBRN Needs Assessments, National and Regional CBRN Action Plans, their promotion and visibility

    EU CBRN CoE. Promotion, adoption, implementation and visibility of CBRN Needs EU CBRN CoE. Assessments, National and Regional CBRN Action Plans.

    United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

    2 000 000



    On-site Technical Assistance to the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Secretariats in Algiers and Tashkent

    EU CBRN CoE. On site technical assistance (Algiers, Amman, Tashkent).

    Enconet Consulting GmbH

    2 130 250



    Strengthening cross-border capacity for control and detection of CBRN substances

    EU CBRN CoE. CBRN cross border security in the North of Africa and Sahel (P55).

    Agence française d’expertise technique internationale

    3 500 000



    P57 ‘Strengthening crime scene forensics capabilities in investigating CBRN incidents in the South East and Eastern Europe Centres of Excellence region’

    EU CBRN CoE. ‘Strengthening crime scene forensics capabilities’.

    Centre d’étude de l’énergie nucléaire

    Fondation d’utilité publique

    1 399 670


    Year 2017

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    Study on the sustainability of the EU CBRN CoE’s capacity building activities

    EU CBRN CoE. Educational component.

    Fondazione Alessandro Volta per la promozione dell'Università, della ricerca scientifica, dell'alta formazione e della cultura

    298 900



    Support to the EU CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence initiative and its mechanisms. Towards the consolidation of the regional secretariats.

    EU CBRN CoE. Regional Secretariats.

    United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

    3 000 000



    Strengthening the CBRN Centre of Excellence Regional Secretariat for the Gulf Cooperation Council Region

    EU CBRN CoE. On site technical assistance (GCC region).

    Senior expert

    425 000



    EU CBRN Centres of Excellence NFP meeting 2017

    EU CBRN CoE annual international meeting.

    Italtrend C&T SPA

    235 587



    Supporting the EC organizing European Summer School 2017 and Conference in Export Control

    European Summer School 2017 and Conference in Export Control.

    LDK Consultants Engineers & Planners SA

    277 167



    Assistance on evaluation of Export Control Outreach P2P program

    Evaluation of P2P programme.

    Individual expert

    20 000



    Worldwide technical support to the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence.

    EU CBRN CoE. Portal, NAQs, NAPs, technical evaluations, communication.


    3 500 000



    Administrative arrangement. Worldwide institutional technical support to the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence.


    Centre d’étude de l’énergie nucléaire

    Fondation d’utilité publique

    3 411 384



    Technical Assistance for the implementation of the EU Export Control programme in partner countries

    EU outreach programme for dual use items.

    Centre d’étude de l’énergie nucléaire

    Fondation d’utilité publique

    297 750



    Project development and donor coordination for the establishment of Wildlife Forensics Training Academies in Africa

    EU CBRN CoE. Forensics Training.

    Nederlands Forensisch Instituut


    350 000



    2017 International Meeting of EU CBRN CoE National Focal Points, Brussels

    EU CBRN CoE annual international meeting.

    LDK Consultants Engineers & Planners

    233 799



    P2P Summer School 2018 and other meetings in the frame of the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP)

    EU outreach programme for dual use items.

    LDK Consultants Engineers & Planners

    227 940


    Year 2018

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    P57/58 — Additional equipment — Montenegro



    350 000



    Feasibility study for the establishment of the Wildlife Forensics Training Academy in South Africa


    Nederlands Forensisch Instituut

    152 373



    New African Magazine — subscription contract



    1 000



    Stirling Assynt Report and GT Intell Serv — subscription contract



    33 600



    Assistance in reporting and communication on IcSP CBRN CoE activities


    Individual expert

    20 000



    P65 CoE CA chemical waste management



    401 089



    2018 P2P Summer School in Export Control



    227 940



    STCU operational grant



    1 000 000



    ISTC operational grant



    2 500 000



    CBRN CoE Governance Team


    Association Groupe ESSEC

    1 680 520





    Expertise France

    3 998 250



    Assistance on mapping EU security/CT activities


    Individual expert

    20 000






    2 707 453



    Development of a pilot CBRN Centres of Excellence Research Competition


    Fondazione Alessandro Volta

    149 850



    P62 OSA South East Asia


    Business and Strategies Europe

    1 198 750



    Support for Conferences and Events CBRN


    Pomilio Blumm

    1 052 346



    Assistance and support in implementation of IcSP


    Individual expert

    20 000



    P68 Training and Tutoring



    268 700



    P75 — Preventing biological risks increased by environmental and climate change in the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Sahel regions by strengthening institutional capacities in the context of One Health (MEDILABSECURE)


    Institut Pasteur Fondation

    2 088 964



    P76 — Preventing biological risks increased by environmental and climate change by strengthening Public Health Laboratories — (STRONGLABS)



    1 000 000



    Funding of the 2019 ISTC Administrative Operating Budget



    2 500 000



    Funding of the 2019 STCU Administrative Operating Budget



    1 000 000



    Strengthening the CBRN Centre of Excellence Regional Secretariat for the Gulf Cooperation Council Region



    590 000


    Year 2019

    Project identification




    Amount (EUR)

    Execution period


    Funding of the 2020 STCU Administrative Operating Budget (AOB and service contract

    Administrative support — STCU


    680 000



    Funding of the 2020 ISTC Administrative Operating Budget (AOB and service contracts

    Administrative support — ISTC


    1 041 000



    Funding of the 2020–2021 ISTC activities and Supplemental Budgets (SBs),

    Capacity building


    779 000



    CoE Project 73 — CBRN Protection of critical infrastructure in Middle East CoE Region



    2 399 200



    Support to the assessment of priority countries and impact of the EU CBRN CoE Initiative



    300 000



    Strengthening the CBRN Centre of Excellence Regional Secretariat for the Gulf Cooperation Council Region


    Peter Clevestig

    599 400



    Support to CBRN CoE regional secretariats

    United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute



    3 950 000



    On-site Technical Assistance to the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Secretariat in Nairobi



    1 178 900



    P70 — Provision of specialized equipment to manage transport accidents with dangerous goods for first responders


    Paul Boyé

    2 249 717



    On-site Technical Assistance to the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Secretariat in Tbilisi


    Agriconsulting Europe SA

    1 127 320



    BIOSEC — Enhanced Biosecurity in South-East Asia P81


    SCJS Europe

    3 499 850



    P83 — Provision of specialized CBRN equipment for the training of personnel in charge of border control in Algeria


    Excelor Holding Group EOOD

    323 321



    Preparation of a communication strategy on IcSP-funded projects managed by the CBRN Sector of the Security and Nuclear Safety Unit of DG DEVCO



    20 000




    On-site Technical Assistance to the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Secretariats in Algiers and Tashkent



    2 130 250




    Support to the organisation of events related to the CBRN Centre of Excellence Initiative and Export Control programme


    Pomilio Blum

    969 799

