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Document 01997R0088-20130606

    Consolidated text: Commission Regulation (EC) No 88/97 of 20 January 1997 on the authorization of the exemption of imports of certain bicycle parts originating in the People's Republic of China from the extension by Council Regulation (EC) No 71/97 of the anti-dumping duty imposed by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93


    1997R0088 — EN — 06.06.2013 — 001.001

    This document is meant purely as a documentation tool and the institutions do not assume any liability for its contents



    of 20 January 1997

    on the authorization of the exemption of imports of certain bicycle parts originating in the People's Republic of China from the extension by Council Regulation (EC) No 71/97 of the anti-dumping duty imposed by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93

    (OJ L 017, 21.1.1997, p.17)

    Amended by:



    Official Journal





    COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 512/2013 of 4 June 2013

      L 152





    of 20 January 1997

    on the authorization of the exemption of imports of certain bicycle parts originating in the People's Republic of China from the extension by Council Regulation (EC) No 71/97 of the anti-dumping duty imposed by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

    Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 384/96 of 22 December 1995 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community ( 1 ), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2331/96 ( 2 ),

    Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 71/97 of 14 January 1997 extending the definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93 on bicycles originating in the People's Republic of China to imports of certain bicycle parts from the People's Republic of China, and levying the extended duty on such imports registered under Regulation (EC) No 703/96 ( 3 ), and in particular Article 3 thereof,

    After consulting the Advisory Committee,



    By Regulation (EC) No 71/97 (hereinafter 'the Reference Regulation'), the Council extended the anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93 ( 4 ) on imports of bicycles originating in the People's Republic of China to imports of certains bicycle parts from that country.


    The Reference Regulation sets out certain principles and guidelines governing the exemption of certain imports of bicycle parts from the extended duty.


    This Regulation should provide clear guidance to interested parties as to how the exemption system will be operated. It should, in particular, make clear provision as to how certain imports of essential bicycle parts may be exempted from the extended duty, and how authorization for such exemptions may be obtained.


    In this regard, the exemption system should envisage three cases in which imports of essential bicycle parts may conditionally or definitively be exempted from the payment of the extended duty.

    First, direct imports of essential bicycle parts should be exempted from the extended duty where they are declared for free circulation by, or on behalf of, an assembler which has been exempted by the Commission.

    Secondly, imports of essential bicycle parts should also be exempted from the extended duty where they are admitted under end-use control and where they are finally delivered to an exempted assembler, or are declared for free circulation or delivered to a party in limited quantities. It is appropriate in this respect to apply the existing mechanism of end-use control provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 ( 5 ) and in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 ( 6 ) as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 12/97 ( 7 )mutatis mutandis. Where less than 300 units per month of any type of essential bicycle parts are declared for free circulation by, or delivered to, a party, such imports of essential bicycles parts will be of limited economic significance, and will be unlikely to undermine the effect of the duty imposed by Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93. They should, therefore, be presumed not to constitue circumvention.

    Thirdly, imports of essential bicycle parts should conditionally be exempted from the extended duty by suspension of the payment of the extended duty, where they are declared for free circulation by, or on behalf of, an assembler which is under examination by the Commission.


    The Commission is charged with examining whether a party’s assembly operations fall within the scope of Article 13 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 384/96 (hereiafter the 'basic Regulation'), and will exempt the party if justified. Only parties carrying out assembly operations may submit a request for exemption by the Commission.

    Any Commission decision to exempt a party carrying out assembly operations constitues an authorization within the meaning of Article 13 (4) of the basic Regulation.

    In this respect it is appropriate that, where imports of essential bicycle parts have been exempted from the extended duty by reference to an exempted assembler or to the de minimis clause, the exemption conditions should provide for the Commission to ensure that the parts are actually used in the exempted party's assembly operations and that the de minimis threshold is not abused.


    The competent authorities of the Member States must check that those parts are either declared for free circulation by an exempted assembler or, through the operation of the end-use system that they are finally delivered to an exempted assembler or fall under the de minimis clause.


    As regards assemblers’ requests for exemption by the Commission, clear provisions should be laid down regarding the admissibility of requests, the conduct of examinations, the taking of decisions, review and revocation of exemptions.

    In the interest of sound administration, requests should provide prima facie evidence of the absence of circumvention, and should be duly substantiated if they are to be considered admissible by the Commission. In order to ensure an expeditious decision on the admissibility of duly substantiated requests, a period should be prescribed within which such decisions should normally be taken.

    A period should be prescribed within which the Commission should normally decide on the merits of a request.

    As regards review, the Commission may reexamine exempted assemblers to verify that the conditions of exemption are still fulfilled, in particular by random checks.


    Other parties which cannot be exempted by the Commission because they do not carry out assembly operations may nonetheless also benefit from the exemption system where they declare the goods under end-use control and deliver essential bicycle parts to exempted parties or to other holders of an end-use authorization, or under the de minimis clause.

    It is, however, necessary for the customers of those parties, if they are assemblers but are not yet exempted and if they use parts in quantities above the de minimis threshold, to obtain an exemption from the Commission.


    In the case of parties which have submitted duly substantiated requests which are pending, the examination should be initiated immediately.

    It is necessary to ensure that retroactive exemption is possible for parties with pending requests. Therefore, the payment of the extended duty should be suspended not only in respect of imports declared for free circulation after entry into force of the Reference Regulation but also in respect of imports subject to the duty arising under Article 2 (3) of the Reference Regulation.


    Parties carrying out assembly operations which have already been found not to circumvent the anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93 should be exempted by this Regulation.

    It is necessary to ensure that these parties are exempted retroactively.


    Annexed to this Regulation is a list of parties in respect of which an examination is initiated and a list of parties which are exempted from the extended duty. Changes to the lists and consolidated updated lists will be published, from time to time and as necessary, in the C Series of the Official Journal of the European Communities.


    Finally, the general rules applying to anti-dumping investigations, regarding in particular the conduct of investigations, verification visits, non-cooperation, confidentiality, and the procedural rights of the parties concerned, should apply to the procedures laid down in this Regulation,


    Article 1


    For the purpose of this Regulation:

     'bicycle parts' means bicycle parts and accessories falling within CN codes 8714 91 10 to 8714 99 90,

     'extended duty' means the anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EEC) No 2474/93, as extended by Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 71/97 (hereinafter 'the Reference Regulation'),

     'essential bicycle parts' means the bicycle parts defined in Article 1 of the Reference Regulation,

     'assembly operation' means an operation in which essential bicycle parts are brought in for the assembly or completion of bicycles,

     'request' means any step taken by a party carrying out assembly operations with a view to obtaining authorization for exemption from the Commission pursuant to Article 3,

     'party under examination' means a party carrying out assembly operations in respect of which an examination has been initiated pursuant to Article 4 (5) or Article 11 (1), and

     'exempted party' means any party whose assembly operations have been found to fall outside the scope of Article 13 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 384/96 and which has been exempted pursuant to Article 7 or 12 of this Regulation.

    Article 2

    Exemption of imports from the extended duty

    1.  Imports of essential bicycle parts shall be exempt from the extended duty where:

     they are declared for free circulation by, or on behalf of, an exempted party, or

     they are declared for free circulation under the provisions on end-use control in Article 14.

    2.  Imports of essential bicycle parts shall be provisionally exempted from the payment of the extended duty where they are declared for free circulation by, or on behalf of, a party under examination.

    Article 3

    Request for exemption


    1.  Requests shall be made in writing in one of the official languages of the Union and must be signed by a person authorised to represent the applicant. The request must be sent to the following address:

    European Commission

    Directorate-General for Trade

    Directorate H Trade Defence

    Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200

    1049 Bruxelles/Brussel




    2.  Upon receipt of a request, the Commission shall immediately inform the applicant and the Member States.

    Article 4

    Admissibility of requests

    1.  A request shall be admissible where:


    (a) it contains evidence that the applicant is using essential bicycle parts for the production or assembly of bicycles in quantities above the threshold set out in Article 14(c);

    (b) it provides prima facie evidence that the applicant’s assembly operations fall outside the scope of Article 13(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009 ( 8 ); and


    (c) the applicant has not, within the 12 months preceding the request, been refused authorization of exemption pursuant to Article 7(3) or (4), or had an exemption revoked pursuant to Article 10.

    2.  A reasonable period may be prescribed for the submission of any additional information required for the determination of the admissibility of a request. Where such evidence is not forthcoming within the period specified, the request shall be considered inadmissible.

    3.  The admissibility of a request which is duly substantiated pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 shall normally be determined within 45 days of its receipt. The applicant shall first be given an opportunity to comment on the Commission's conclusions as to the admissibility of the request.


    4.  Where a request is held inadmissible, it shall be rejected by a Decision in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 13(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009.


    5.  Where a request is held admissible, an examination shall be initiated immediately and the applicant and the Member States shall be notified.

    Article 5

    Suspension of payment of the duties


    1.  As from the date of receipt of a request complying prima facie with the conditions set out in Article 4(1) and (2) and pending a decision on its merits pursuant to Articles 6 and 7, payment of the customs debt in respect of the extended duty pursuant to Article 2(1) of the Reference Regulation shall be suspended in respect of any imports of essential bicycle parts declared for free circulation by the party under examination. A period of not less than 6 months prior to the receipt of the request is normally taken into consideration in order to establish prima facie compliance with the conditions set out in Article 4(1) and (2).


    2.  The competent authorities of the Member States may make the suspension of payment of the extended duty subject to the provision of a security to guarantee payment of the extended duty in the event that the request is subsequently held inadmissible pursuant to Article 4 (4) or rejected pursuant to Article 7 (3) or (4).

    Article 6

    Examination of the request


    1.  The Commission will identify an investigation period in order to decide whether to grant an exemption which will normally cover a period of 12, but not less than 6 months as of the date of suspension of payment of the extended duty on essential bicycle parts. In conducting its examination, the Commission may request additional information from the applicant for the examination period and/or carry out on-the-spot verifications.


    2.  Any party under examination shall ensure that, at any time, essential bicycle parts which it declares for free circulation are either used in its assembly operations, destroyed, or re-exported. It shall keep records of the essential bicycle parts delivered to it — and of the use made of them. These records shall be retained for at least three years. The records and any necessary additional evidence and information shall be communicated to the Commission upon request.


    3.  The examination of the merits of a request shall normally be concluded within 12 months after the receipt of all information as referred to in Article 6(1).


    4.  Before a decision is adopted pursuant to Article 7, the applicant shall be informed of the Commission's conclusions on the merits of the request and shall be given an opportunity to comment thereon.

    Article 7



    1.  Where the facts as finally ascertained show that the applicant’s assembly operations do not fall within the scope of Article 13(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009, the applicant’s exemption from the extended duty shall be authorised in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 13(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009.


    2.  The decision shall have retroactive effect as from the date of receipt of the request. The applicant's customs debt pursuant to Article 2 (1) of the Reference Regulation shall be considered void from that date.


    3.  Where the criteria for exemption are not fulfilled, the request shall be rejected in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 13(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009 and the suspension of the payment of the extended duty referred to in Article 5 shall be lifted.


    4.  Any breach of obligations under Article 6 (2) or any false declaration relating to a decision may constitute a reason for rejecting the request.

    Article 8

    Obligations of exempted parties

    1.  An exempted party shall ensure that, at all times:


    (a) its assembly operations remain outside the scope of Article 13(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009;


    (b) where it receives deliveries of essential bicycle parts which have been exempted from the extended duty pursuant to Article 2, those parts are either used in its assembly operations, destroyed, re-exported, or resold to another exempted party.

    2.  An exempted party shall keep records of the essential bicycle parts of which it receives deliveries and of the use made of them. It shall retain those records and appropriate supporting evidence for at least three years. Those records shall be made available to the Commission on request.

    Article 9



    1.  The Commission may on its own initiative review the situation of an exempted party to verify that its assembly operations remain outside the scope of Article 13(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009.;


    2.  A review shall consist of an examination covering a period which may be shorter than six months.


    Article 10

    Revocation of an exemption

    An exemption shall be revoked in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 13(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009, after the exempted party has been given an opportunity to comment:

     where a review has shown that the exempted party’s assembly operations fall within the scope of Article 13(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009,

     in the event of breach of the party’s obligations pursuant to Article 8, or

     in the event of lack of cooperation after the adoption of the exemption decision.


    Article 11

    Pending requests

    1.  The requests of the parties listed in Annex I are admissible and examinations pursuant to Article 6 are hereby initiated.

    2.  The date of receipt within the meaning of Article 5 (1) of the requests referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be the date of entry into force of this Regulation.

    3.  Pending a decision on the merits of the requests of the parties listed in Annex I, the payment of the customs debt incurred for the extended duty pursuant to Article 2 of the Reference Regulation shall be suspended with effect from the date of the entry into force of that Regulation.

    4.  Decisions pursuant to Article 7 (2) in respect of the parties listed in Annex I shall have retroactive effect as from 20 April 1996. The applicant's customs debts in respect of the extended duty shall therefore be considered void from that date.

    Article 12

    Parties exempted by this Regulation

    The parties listed in Annex II are hereby exempted from the extended duty with effect form 20 April 1996.


    Article 13

    Procedural provisions

    The relevant provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009 concerning:

     the conduct of investigations (Article 6(2), (3), (4) and (5)),

     verification visits (Article 16),

     non-cooperation (Article 18), and

     confidentiality (Article 19),

    shall apply to examinations pursuant to this Regulation.


    Article 14

    Exemption subject to end-use control

    Where imports of essential bicycle parts are declared for free circulation by a person other than an exempted party, as from the date of entry into force of the Reference Regulation, they shall be exempted from the application of the extended duty if declared in accordance with the Taric structure in Annex III and subject to the conditions laid down in Article 82 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 and Articles 291 to 304 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93, which shall be applicable mutatis mutandis, where:

    (a) the essential bicycle parts are delivered to a party exempted pursuant to Articles 7 or 12; or

    (b) the essential bicycle parts are delivered to another holder of an authorization within the meaning of Article 291 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93; or


    (c) on a monthly basis, less than 300 units per type of essential bicycle parts are either declared for free circulation by a party or are delivered to it. The number of parts declared by or delivered to any party shall be calculated by reference to the number of parts declared by or delivered to all parties which are associated with or have compensatory arrangements with that party; or


    (d) the essential bicycle parts are for use in the assembly of cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor (TARIC additional code 8835).


    Article 15

    Special provision for parties receiving de minimis deliveries

    1.  The Commission or the competent authorities of the Member States may decide, on their own initiative, to examine parties which declare essential bicycle parts for free circulation or receive deliveries pursuant to Article 14 (c).

    2.  Where the parties referred to in paragraph 1 are found to have declared for free circulation or received deliveries of quantities of essential bicycle parts above the threshold set out in Article 14 (c), or where they fail to co-operate with the examination, they shall no longer be presumed to fall outside the scope of Article 13 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 384/96. After the party concerned has been given an opportunity to comment, those findings shall be notified to the competent authorities of the Member States.

    3.  Where the parties referred to in paragraph 1 abused Article 14 (c) in order to circumvent the extended duty, the extended duty not levied on any essential bicycle parts declared for free circulation by those parties or delivered to them after the entry into force of this Regulation may be reclaimed.

    Article 16

    Exchange of information

    1.  The particulars of parties in respect of which an examination has been initiated pursuant to Article 4 or in respect of which a decision has been taken pursuant to Articles 7 or 10 shall be communicated to the competent authorities of the Member States.

    2.  A notice will be published, from time to time as appropriate, containing updated lists of parties under examination and exempted parties, which will also be communicated forthwith to any interested party upon demand.

    ▼M1 —————


    Article 17

    Provisions on customs duties

    Unless otherwise specified, the provisions concerning customs duties shall apply.

    Article 18

    Entry into force

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.



    (Taric additional code: 8962)




    Dangre Cycles

    F-59770 Marly


    Derby Cyclewerke GmbH

    D-49661 Cloppenburg


    Engelbert Meyer GmbH

    D-49692 Sevelten


    Fa. Alfred Fischer

    D-76229 Karlsruhe


    Falter Fahrzeug-Werke GmbH & Co KG

    D-33609 Bielefeld


    Kynast AG



    Monark Crescent

    S-432 82 Varberg


    Muddy Fox

    Middlesex UB6 7RH

    United Kingdom

    Quantum Cycles

    F-59770 Marly



    D-37537 Bad Wildungen


    PRO-FIT Sportartikel

    D-74076 Heilbronn


    Prophete GmbH

    D-33378 Rheda-Wiedenbriick


    Tekno Cycles

    F-93102 Montreuil Cedex


    TNT Cycles

    E-17180 Vilablareix (Girona)


    Winora — TME Bike Company

    D-97405 Schweinfurt



    Interested parties are advised that after receipt of future requests pursuant to Article 3 (1) or following decisions on pending examinations pursuant to Article 7, new and updated lists of 'parties having submitted a request pursuant to Article 3 (1) or under examination pursuant to Article 11' will be published, from time to time as necessary, in the C Series of the Official Journal of the European Communties, or will be obtainable from the address mentioned in Article 3 of this Regulation.



    (Taric additional code: 8963)




    Date of effect


    NL-8440 AM Heerenveen

    The Netherlands


    BH Bicicletas de Alava

    E-01080 Vitoria



    Cycles Mercier — France-Loire

    F-42162 Andrezieux — Boutheon Cedex



    Cycleurope International/Peugeot

    F-10100 Romily-sur-Seine



    Dawes Cycles

    UK-Birmingham Bll 2DG

    United Kingdom



    D-90441 Nurnberg




    F-44270 Machecoul



    Moore Large & Co.

    UK-Derby DE24 9G1

    United Kingdom



    F-59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq




    UK-Nottingham NG7 2DD

    United Kingdom


    Tandem Group

    UK-York Y01 4YU

    United Kingdom



    Interested parties are advised that following future exemption decisions pursuant to Article 7 or revocations of exemption pursuant to Article 10, new and updated lists of ‘parties exempted pursuant to Articles 7 or 12’ will be published, from time to time as necessary, in the C Series of the Official Journal of the European Communities, or will be obtainable from the address mentioned in Article 3 of this Regulation.



    8714 91 10

    – – – Frames:

    – – – – Painted, anodized, polished and/or lacquered:


    – – – – – Originating in or consigned from China: (1)

    — in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred to a party in quantities below 300 units per month, or

    — to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorization or to exempted parties (2)


    – – – – – Other (2) (3)


    – – – – Other

    8714 91 30

    – – – Front forks:

    – – – – Painted, anodized, polished and/or lacquered:


    – – – – – Originating in or consigned from China: (1)

    — in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred to a party in quantities below 300 units per month, or

    — to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorization or to exempted parties (2)


    – – – – – Other (2) (3)


    – – – – Other

    8714 93 90

    – – – Free-wheel sprocket-wheels:


    – – – – Originating in or consigned from China: (1)

    — in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred to a party in quantities below 300 units per month, or

    — to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorization or to exempted parties (2)


    – – – – Other (2) (3)

    8714 94 30

    – – – Other brakes:


    – – – – Originating in or consigned from China: (1)

    — in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred to a party in quantities below 300 units per month, or

    — to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorization or to exempted parties (2)


    – – – – Other (2) (3)

    8714 94 90

    – – – Parts:

    – – – – Brake levers:


    – – – – – Originating in or consigned from China: (1)

    — in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred to a party in quantities below 300 units per month, or

    — to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorization or to exempted parties (2)


    – – – – – Other (2) (3)


    – – – – Other

    8714 96 30

    – – – Crank-gear:


    – – – – Originating in or consigned from China: (1)

    — in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred to a party in quantities below 300 units per month, or

    — to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorization or to exempted parties (2)


    – – – – Other (2) (3)

    8714 99 10

    – – – Handlebars:


    – – – – Originating in or consigned from China: (1)

    — in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred to a party in quantities below 300 units per month, or

    — to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorization or to exempted parties (2)


    – – – – Other (2) (3)

    8714 99 50

    – – – Derailleur gears:


    – – – – Originating in or consigned from China: (1)

    — in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred to a party in quantities below 300 units per month, or

    — to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorization or to exempted parties (2)


    – – – – Other (2) (3)

    8714 99 90

    – – – Other, parts:

    – – – – Complete wheels with or without tubes, tyres and sprockets:


    – – – – – Originating in or consigned from China: (1)

    — in quantities below 300 units per month or to be transferred in quantities below 300 units to a party per month, or

    — to be transferred to another holder of an end-use authorization or to exempted parties (2)


    – – – – – Other (2) (3)


    – – – – Other

    (1)   The rules for end-use control (Articles 291 to 304 of Regulation No 2454/93) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

    (2)   The exempted parties whose assembly operations do not constitute circumvention since they fall outside the scope of Article 13 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 384/96 are the following (see Annex II)

    (3)   The companies under examination concerning the criteria of Article 13 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 384/96, for which the anti-dumping duty is suspended pending a Commission decision and from which a security may be requested by the competent authorities of the Member States, are the following: (see Annex I).


    Information format


    (Information pursuant to Article 16 of the above Regulation)

    (to be submitted within one month after the end of the quarter in question)

    Member State:



    A.   SUMMARY

     Number of end-use authorizations granted:

     Number of end-use authorizations expired:

     Number of end-use authorizations revoked ( 10 ):

    Volume ( 11 ) of bicycle frames ( 12 ):

     entered under end-use control:

     entered under additional Taric code 8962:

     entered under additional Taric code 8963:







    ( 1 ) OJ No L 56, 6.3.1996, p. 1.

    ( 2 ) OJ No L 317, 6.12.1996, p. 1.

    ( 3 ) OJ No L 16, 18.1.1997, p. 55.

    ( 4 ) OJ No L 228, 9.9.1993, p. 1.

    ( 5 ) OJ No L 302, 19.10.1992, p. 1.

    ( 6 ) OJ No L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1.

    ( 7 ) OJ No L 9, 13.1.1997, p. 1.

    ( 8 ) OJ L 343, 22.12.2009, p. 51.

    ( 9 ) OJ No L 17, 21.1.1997, p. 17.

    ( 10 ) See Section D of this information sheet.

    ( 11 ) Supplementary units.

    ( 12 ) CN Code ex871491 10.
