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Document 02005D0393-20061130

    Consolidated text: Commission Decision of 23 May 2005 on protection and surveillance zones in relation to bluetongue and conditions applying to movements from or through these zones (notified under document number C(2005) 1478) (Text with EEA relevance) (2005/393/EC)


    2005D0393 — EN — 30.11.2006 — 007.001

    This document is meant purely as a documentation tool and the institutions do not assume any liability for its contents



    of 23 May 2005

    on protection and surveillance zones in relation to bluetongue and conditions applying to movements from or through these zones

    (notified under document number C(2005) 1478)

    (Text with EEA relevance)


    (OJ L 130, 24.5.2005, p.22)

    Amended by:



    Official Journal





    COMMISSION DECISION of 9 June 2005

      L 151




    COMMISSION DECISION of 4 August 2005

      L 206




    COMMISSION DECISION of 28 October 2005

      L 288




    COMMISSION DECISION of 23 November 2005

      L 311




    COMMISSION DECISION of 1 February 2006

      L 32




    COMMISSION DECISION of 5 April 2006

      L 98




    COMMISSION DECISION of 6 April 2006

      L 99




    COMMISSION DECISION of 18 August 2006

      L 227




    COMMISSION DECISION of 1 September 2006

      L 240




    COMMISSION DECISION of 15 September 2006

      L 258




    COMMISSION DECISION of 25 September 2006

      L 267




    COMMISSION DECISION of 13 October 2006

      L 283




    COMMISSION DECISION of 9 November 2006

      L 311




    COMMISSION DECISION of 28 November 2006

      L 332





    of 23 May 2005

    on protection and surveillance zones in relation to bluetongue and conditions applying to movements from or through these zones

    (notified under document number C(2005) 1478)

    (Text with EEA relevance)



    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

    Having regard to Council Directive 2000/75/EC of 20 November 2000 laying down specific provisions for the control and eradication of bluetongue ( 1 ), and in particular Article 8(2)(d), Article 8(3), Article 9(1)(c), and the third paragraph of Article 19 thereof,



    Commission Decision 2003/828/EC ( 2 ) provides for the demarcation of the global geographical areas where protection and surveillance zones (restricted zones) are to be established by the Member States in relation to bluetongue. It also sets out the conditions for exempting certain movements of animals, their sperm, ova and embryos from the exit ban provided for in Directive 2000/75/EC (the exit ban).


    Following the evolution of the outbreak or new invasions of bluetongue in the Community from third countries, Decision 2003/828/EC has been amended several times to adapt the demarcation of those zones to new animal health conditions.


    For the sake of clarity of Community legislation, it is appropriate to repeal Decision 2003/828/EC and to replace it by this Decision.


    Pursuant to Directive 2000/75/EC, the demarcation of protection and surveillance zones must take account of geographical, administrative, ecological and epizootiological factors connected with bluetongue and of the control arrangements. Taking account of those factors and arrangements as well as the information submitted by the Member States, it is appropriate to maintain the zones as set out in Decision 2003/828/EC, except in the case of Greece and Portugal.


    According to the latest scientific information available, movements of vaccinated animals may be considered safe irrespective of the virus circulation at the place of origin or the vectors activity at the place of destination. Therefore, exemptions from the exit ban for domestic movements as set out in Decision 2003/828/EC should be amended to take account of that scientific information.


    Decision 2003/828/EC includes Greece in the global geographical areas where restricted zones are to be established. Greece has submitted a duly substantiated request to the Commission in accordance with Directive 2000/75/EC requesting that Greece be deleted from the list of global geographical areas set out in Decision 2003/828/EC. Accordingly, it is appropriate to delete Greece from that list.


    Portugal has submitted a duly substantiated request to change the demarcation of the restricted zones set out in Decision 2003/828/EC as regards that Member State. Taking into account the geographical, administrative, ecological and epizootiological factors connected with bluetongue in the areas concerned in Portugal, the demarcation of those zones should be amended.


    The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,


    Article 1

    Subject matter

    The purpose of this Decision is to demarcate the global geographic areas where protection and surveillance zones (the restricted zones) shall be established by the Member States as provided for in Article 8(1) of Directive 2000/75/EC.

    The purpose of this Decision is also to set out the conditions for exempting from the exit ban laid down in Article 9(1)(c) and Article 10(1) of Directive 2000/75/EC (the exit ban) certain movements of animals, their sperm, ova and embryos, from those restricted zones and through those restricted zones (transit).

    This Decision shall not apply to movements inside the restricted zones referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 2, except as provided for in other Articles.


    Article 2

    Demarcation of restricted zones

    Restricted zones shall be demarcated within the global geographical areas listed for zones A, B, C, D, E and F in Annex I.

    Exemptions from the exit ban for those restricted zones shall only take place in accordance with Articles 3, 4, 5 and 6.

    In the case of restricted zone E, movements of live animals of ruminant species between Spain and Portugal shall be subject to authorisation by the competent authorities concerned on the base of a bilateral agreement.

    In the case of restricted zone F, movements of live animals of species susceptible to bluetongue and their semen, ova and embryos within the zone shall be allowed. However, for Member States which have established a surveillance zone, movements into that zone can only take place after the approval of the competent authority of the place of destination.

    Furthermore this Decision shall not apply to movements of semen, ova and embryos collected or produced before 1 May 2006.


    Article 2a

    Derogation from the movement ban

    By way of derogation from Article 6(1)(c) of Directive 2000/75/EC, the following animals shall be exempted from the ban on movement:

    (a) animals for direct transport to a slaughterhouse situated within the restricted zone around the holding of dispatch;

    (b) animals destined for a holding which is situated in the restricted zone around the holding of dispatch; and

    (i) within a radius of 20 km around an infected holding; or

    (ii) outside a radius of 20 km around an infected holding, subject to:

     prior approvals of and compliance with any animal health guarantees required by the competent authorities of the place of the holdings of dispatch and destination concerning measures against the spread of the bluetongue virus, and protection against attacks by vectors, or

     an agent identification test as set out in Section A(1)(c) of Annex II carried out with negative results on a sample taken within 48 hours of dispatch from the animal concerned which must be protected from any attack by vectors at least from the time that sample was taken and must not leave the holding of destination, except for direct slaughter.


    Article 3

    Exemption from the exit ban for domestic movements

    1.  Domestic movements of animals, their sperm, ova and embryos, from a restricted zone shall be exempted from the exit ban provided that the animals, their sperm, ova and embryos comply with the conditions set out in Annex II or that they comply with paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Article.


    2.  Domestic movements as referred to in paragraph 1 shall be exempted from the exit ban by the competent authority if:

    (a) the animals originate from a herd vaccinated according to a vaccination programme adopted by the competent authority; and

    (b) the animals:

    (i) have been vaccinated more than 30 days but less than twelve months before the date of movement against the serotype(s) present or possibly present in an epidemiologically relevant area of origin; or

    (ii) are less than two months old at the date of movement and are destined for a holding for fattening, such holding must be protected against vector attacks and registered by the competent authority for the purpose of fattening.


    3.   ►M12  Where in an epidemiological relevant area of the restricted zones more than 40 days have elapsed from the date when the vector ceased to be active, the competent authority shall grant exemptions from the exit ban for domestic movements of the following: ◄

    (a) animals which are destined for holdings registered for this purpose by the competent authority of the holding of destination and which may only be moved from such holdings for direct slaughter;

    (b) animals which are serologically (ELISA or AGID*) negative or serologically positive but virologically (PCR*) negative; or

    (c) animals born after the date of cessation of the vector’s activity.

    The competent authority shall only grant the exemptions provided for in this paragraph during the period of cessation of the vector’s activity.

    Where on the base of the epidemiosurveillance programme, as provided for in Article 9(1)(b) of Directive 2000/75/EC it is detected that the vector’s activity in the restricted zone concerned has restarted, the competent authority shall ensure that such exemptions no longer applies.

    4.  A channeling procedure shall be set up, under the control of the competent authority, to ensure that animals moved under the conditions provided for in this Article, are not subsequently moved to another Member State.

    Article 4

    Exemption from the exit ban for domestic movements for slaughter

    ►M12  Movements of animals from a restricted zone for immediate slaughter within the same Member State shall be exempted from the exit ban by the competent authority if:

    (a) a case-by-case risk assessment was carried out with favourable results on the possible contact between the animals and the vectors during transport to the slaughterhouse, taking into consideration:

    (i) the data available through the surveillance programme as provided for in Article 9(1)(b) of Directive 2000/75/EC on the vector’s activity;

    (ii) the distance from the point of entry in the non-restricted zone to the slaughterhouse;

    (iii) the entomological data on the route referred to in point (ii);

    (iv) the period of the day during which the transport takes place in relation to the hours of activity of the vectors;

    (v) the possible use of insecticides in compliance with Council Directive 96/23/EC ( 3 );

    (b) the animals to be moved do not show any sign of bluetongue on the day of transport;

    (c) the animals are transported in vehicles sealed by the competent authority and moved directly to the slaughterhouse under official supervision;

    (d) the competent authority responsible for the slaughterhouse is informed of the intention to send animals to the slaughterhouse prior to transport and notifies the dispatching competent authority of their arrival.

    Article 5

    Exemption from the exit ban for animals leaving the restricted zones for intra-Community trade


    1.  Movements of animals, their semen, ova and embryos from the restricted zones shall be exempted from the exit ban for intra-Community trade by the competent authority if:

    (a) the animals, their semen, ova and embryos comply with the conditions laid down in Articles 3 or 4; and

    (b) except in the case of frozen semen, the Member State of destination gives its approval prior to the movement.


    2.  The Member State of origin of the animals concerned by the exemption, as provided for in paragraph 1, shall ensure that the following additional wording is added to the corresponding health certificates laid down in Council Directives 64/432/EEC ( 4 ), 88/407/EEC ( 5 ), 89/556/EEC ( 6 ), 91/68/EEC ( 7 ) and 92/65/EEC ( 8 ):

    ‘animals/semen/ova/embryos ( 9 ) in compliance with Decision 2005/393/EC


    3.  This Article shall not apply to the movement of animals in accordance with the derogation provided for in Article 2a.


    Article 6

    Transit of animals through a restricted zone

    1.  The transit of animals dispatched from an area outside a restricted zone, through a restricted zone, shall be authorised if an insecticide treatment of the animals and of the means of transport be carried out at the place of loading or in any case prior to entering the restricted zone.

    When during the transit through a restricted zone, a rest period is foreseen in a staging post, an insecticide treatment shall be carried out in order to protect animals from any attack by vectors.

    2.  In the case of intra-Community trade, the transit shall be subject to the authorisation of the competent authorities of the Member State of transit and the Member State of destination, and the following additional wording shall be added to the corresponding health certificates laid down in Directives 64/432/EEC, 91/68/EEC and 92/65/EEC:

    ‘Insecticide treatment with (name of the product) on (date) at (time) in conformity with Decision 2005/393/EC.’

    Article 7

    Implementation measures

    The Member States shall amend the measures they apply to trade so as to bring them into compliance with this Decision and they shall give immediate appropriate publicity to the measures adopted. They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof.

    Article 8


    Decision 2003/828/EC is repealed.

    References to the repealed Decision shall be construed as references to this Decision.

    Article 9


    This Decision shall apply from 13 June 2005.

    Article 10


    This Decision is addressed to the Member States.


    Restricted zones: geographic areas where protection and surveillance zones shall be established by the Member States

    Zone A

    (serotypes 2 and 9 and to a lesser extent 4 and 16)




    Chieti, all municipalities belonging to the local health unit of Avezzano Sulmona



    Matera, and Potenza



    Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone, Reggio Calabria, Vibo Valentia



    Caserta, Benevento, Avellino, Napoli, Salerno



    Frosinone, Latina



    Isernia, Campobasso



    Foggia, Bari, Lecce, Taranto, Brindisi



    Agrigento, Catania, Caltanissetta, Enna, Messina, Palermo, Ragusa, Siracusa and Trapani


    Zone B

    (serotype 2)




    L’Aquila with the exception of all municipalities belonging to the local health unit of Avezzano-Sulmona



    Viterbo, Roma, Rieti



    Ascoli Piceno, Macerata



    ►M2  ————— ◄ ►M6  ————— ◄ Grosseto ►M6  ————— ◄



    Terni and Perugia

    Zone C

    (serotypes 2 and 4 and to a lesser extend 16)


    Corse du sud, Haute Corse

    ▼M7 —————





    Zone D


    Zone E

    (serotype 4)



     Autonomous Region of Extremadura: provinces of Cáceres, Badajoz

     Autonomous Region of Andalucia: provinces of Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva, Jaén (comarcas of Alcalá la Real, Andújar, Huelma, Jaén, Linares, Santiesteban del Puerto, Ubeda), Málaga, Sevilla

     Autonomous Region of Castilla-La Mancha: provinces of Albacete (comarca of Alcaraz), Ciudad Real, Toledo

     Autonomous Region of Castilla y León: provinces of Avila (comarcas of Arenas de San Pedro, Candeleda, Cebreros, Las Navas del Marqués, Navaluenga, Sotillo de la Adrada), Salamanca (comarcas of Béjar, Ciudad Rodrigo and Sequeros)

     Autonomous Region of Madrid: province of Madrid (comarcas of Alcalá de Henares, Aranjuez, Arganda del Rey, Colmenar Viejo, El Escorial, Griñón, Municipio de Madrid, Navalcarnero, San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Torrelaguna, Villarejo de Salvanés).



     Regional Direction of Agriculture of Algarve: all concelhos

     Regional Direction of Agriculture of Alentejo: all concelhos

     Regional Direction of Agriculture of Ribatejo e Oeste: concelhos of Almada, Barreiro, Moita, Seixal, Sesimbra, Montijo, Coruche, Setúbal, Palmela, Alcochete, Benavente, Salvaterra de Magos, Almeirim, Alpiarça, Chamusca, Constância, Abrantes, Sardoal, Alenquer, Golegã, Cartaxo, Azambuja, Vila Franca de Xira, Vila Nova da Barquinha e Santarém.

     Regional Direction of Agriculture of Beira Interior: concelhos of Penamacor, Fundão, Idanha-a-Nova, Castelo Branco, Proença-a-Nova, Vila Velha de Ródão and Mação.


    Zone F

    (serotype 8)


    Whole territory



    Protection zone:

     Département des Ardennes

     Département de l’Aisne: arrondissements de Laon, de Saint-Quentin, de Soissons, de Vervins

     Département du Bas-Rhin: arrondissement de Saverne

     Département de la Marne: arrondissements de Reims, de Châlons-en-Champagne, de Sainte-Menehould, de Vitry-le-François

     Département de la Haute-Marne: arrondissement de Saint-Dizier

     Département de la Meurthe-et-Moselle: arrondissements de Briey, de Nancy, de Toul

     Département de la Meuse

     Département de la Moselle

     Département du Nord

     Département du Pas-de-Calais

     Département de la Somme: arrondissements d’Abbeville, d’Amiens, de Péronne

    Surveillance zone:

     Département de l’Aube

     Département de l’Aisne: arrondissement de Château-Thierry

     Département du Bas-Rhin: arrondissements de Wissembourg, Haguenau, Strasbourg campagne, Strasbourg ville, Sélestat-Erstein, Molsheim

     Département de la Marne: arrondissement d’Epernay

     Département de la Haute-Marne: arrondissement de Chaumont

     Département de la Meurthe-et-Moselle: arrondissement de Lunéville

     Département de l’Oise

     Département du Haut-Rhin: arrondissement de Ribeauvillé

     Département de Seine-Maritime: arrondissement de Dieppe

     Département de Seine-et-Marne: arrondissements de Meaux, de Provins

     Département de la Somme: arrondissement de Montdidier

     Département des Vosges.



    Stadtkreis Baden-Baden

    Im Landkreis Enzkreis: Birkenfeld, Eisingen, Illingen, Ispringen, Kämpfelbach, Keltern, Kieselbronn, Knittlingen, Königsbach-Stein, Maulbronn, Mühlacker Neuenbürg, Neulingen, Ölbronn-Dürrn, Ötisheim, Remchingen, Sternenfels, Straubenhardt

    Stadtkreis Heidelberg

    Stadtkreis Heilbronn

    Im Landkreis Heilbronn: Bad Friedrichshall, Bad Rappenau, Bad Wimpfen, Brackenheim, Eppingen, Gemmingen, Güglingen, Gundelsheim, Ittlingen, Kirchardt, Leingarten, Möckmühl, Massenbachhausen, Neckarsulm, Neudenau, Offenau, Pfaffenhofen, Roigheim, Schwaigern, Siegelsbach, Untereisesheim, Zaberfeld

    Landkreis Karlsruhe

    Stadtkreis Karlsruhe

    Stadtkreis Mannheim

    Im Main-Tauber-Kreis: Freudenberg, Königheim, Külsheim, Tauberbischofsheim, Werbach, Wertheim

    Im Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis: Aglasterhausen, Billigheim, Binau, Buchen, Elztal, Fahrenbach, Hardheim, Haßmersheim, Höpfingen, Hüffenhardt, Limbach, Mosbach, Mudau, Neckargerach, Neckarzimmern, Neunkirchen, Obrigheim, Osterburken, Schefflenz, Schwarzach, Seckach, Waldbrunn, Walldürn, Zwingenberg

    Im Ortenaukreis: Achern, Appenweier, Kappelrodeck, Kehl, Lauf, Neuried, Oberkirch, Offenburg, Renchen, Rheinau, Sasbach, Sasbachwalden, Schutterwald, Willstätt

    Stadtkreis Pforzheim

    Landkreis Rastatt



    Landkreis und Stadt Aschaffenburg

    Im Landkreis Bad Kissingen: Aura, Bad Bocklet, Bad Brückenau, Bad Kissingen, Burkardroth, Dreistelzer Forst, Elfershausen, Euerdorf, Forst Detter-Süd, Fuchsstadt, Geiersnest Ost, Geiersnest West, Geroda, Großer Auersberg, Hammelburg, Kälberberg, Klauswald-Süd, Motten, Mottener Forst-Süd, Neuwirtshauser Forst, Oberleichtersbach, Oberthulba, Omerz u. Roter Berg, Riedenberg, Römershager Forst-Nord, Römershager Forst-Ost, Roßbacher Forst, Schondra, Waldfensterer Forst, Wartmannsroth, Wildflecken, Zeitlofs

    Landkreis Main-Spessart

    Landkreis Miltenberg

    Im Landkreis Rhön-Grabfeld: Bastheim, Bischofsheim a. d. Rhön, Burgwallbacher Forst, Fladungen, Forst Schmalwasser Nord, Forst Schmalwasser Süd, Hausen, Mellrichstadter Forst, Nordheim v. d. Rhön, Oberelsbach, Ostheim v. d. Rhön, Sandberg, Schönau a. d. Brend, Sondheim a. d. Rhön, Steinbacher Forst r. d. Saale, Willmars

    Im Landkreis Schweinfurt: Wasserlosen

    Im Landkreis Würzburg: Erlabrunn, Greußenheim, Helmstadt, Holzkirchen, Neubrunn, Remlingen, Thüngersheim, Uettingen, Leinach, Waldbüttelbrunn

    Freie Hansestadt Bremen

    Gesamtes Landesgebiet


    Gesamtes Landesgebiet


    Landkreis Ammerland

    Im Landkreis Aurich: Aurich, Großefehn, Hinte, Ihlow, Krummhörn, Marienhafe, Norden, Ostseel, Südbrookmerland, Upgant-Schott, Wiesmoor, Wirdum

    Stadt Braunschweig

    Landkreis Celle

    Landkreis Cloppenburg

    Im Landkreis Cuxhaven: Appeln, Beverstedt, Bokel, Bramstedt, Driftsethe, Elmlohe, Frelsdorf, Hagen im Bremischen, Heerstedt, Hollen, Kirchwistedt, Köhlen, Kührstedt, Loxstedt, Lunestedt, Ringstedt, Sandstedt, Schiffdorf, Stubben, Uthlede, Wulsbüttel

    Stadt Delmenhorst

    Landkreis Diepholz

    Stadt Emden

    Landkreis Emsland

    Im Landkreis Friesland: Bockhorn, Jever, Sande, Schortens, Varel, Zetel

    Landkreis Gifhorn

    Landkreis Goslar

    Stadt Göttingen

    Landkreis Göttingen

    Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim

    Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont

    Landeshauptstadt Hannover

    Region Hannover

    Im Landkreis Harburg: Dohren, Egestorf, Halvesbostel, Handeloh, Heidenau, Hollenstedt, Kakenstorf, Königsmoor, Otter, Regesbostel, Tostedt, Undeloh, Welle, Wistedt

    Landkreis Helmstedt

    Landkreis Hildesheim

    Landkreis Holzminden

    Landkreis Leer

    Im Landkreis Lüneburg: Rehlingen, Soderstorf

    Landkreis Nienburg (Weser)

    Landkreis Northeim

    Landkreis Oldenburg

    Stadt Oldenburg

    Landkreis Osnabrück

    Stadt Osnabrück

    Landkreis Osterholz

    Landkreis Osterode am Harz

    Landkreis Peine

    Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme)

    Stadt Salzgitter

    Landkreis Schaumburg

    Landkreis Soltau-Fallingbostel

    Im Landkreis Stade: Ahlerstedt, Brest, Kutenholz, Sauensiek

    Im Landkreis Uelzen: Eimke, Suderburg, Wriedel

    Landkreis Vechta

    Landkreis Verden

    Landkreis Wesermarsch

    Stadt Wilhelmshaven

    Im Landkreis Wittmund: Wittmund, Friedeburg

    Landkreis Wolfenbüttel

    Stadt Wolfsburg


    Gesamtes Landesgebiet


    Gesamtes Landesgebiet


    Gesamtes Landesgebiet


    Im Kreis Mansfelder Land: Wippra

    Im Kreis Sangerhausen: Bennungen, Berga, Breitenbach, Breitenstein, Breitungen, Dietersdorf, Hainrode, Hayn (Harz), Horla, Kelbra (Kyffhäuser), Kleinleinungen, Morungen, Questenberg, Roßla, Rotha, Rottleberode, Schwenda, Stolberg (Harz), Tilleda (Kyffhäuser), Uftrungen, Wickerode, Wolfsberg

    Im Bördekreis: Ausleben, Barneberg, Gröningen, Gunsleben, Hamersleben, Harbke, Hötensleben, Hornhausen, Krottorf, Marienborn, Neuwegersleben, Ohrsleben, Oschersleben (Bode), Sommersdorf, Völpke, Wackersleben, Wulferstedt

    Im Kreis Halberstadt: Aderstedt, Anderbeck, Aspenstedt, Athenstedt, Badersleben, Berßel, Bühne, Danstedt, Dardesheim, Dedeleben, Deersheim, Dingelstedt am Huy, Eilenstedt, Eilsdorf, Groß Quenstedt, Halberstadt, Harsleben, Hessen, Huy-Neinstedt, Langenstein, Lüttgenrode, Nienhagen, Osterode am Fallstein, Osterwieck, Pabstorf, Rhoden, Rohrsheim, Sargstedt, Schauen, Schlanstedt, Schwanebeck, Ströbeck, Schachdorf, Veltheim, Vogelsdorf, Wegeleben, Wülperode, Zilly

    Im Ohre-Kreis: Beendorf, Döhren, Walbeck, Flecken Weferlingen

    Im Kreis Quedlinburg: Bad Suderode, Ballenstedt, Dankerode, Ditfurt, Friedrichsbrunn, Gernrode, Güntersberge, Harzgerode, Königerode, Neinstedt, Neudorf, Quedlinburg, Rieder, Schielo, Siptenfelde, Stecklenberg, Straßberg, Thale, Warnstedt, Weddersleben, Westerhausen

    Kreis Wernigerode


    Stadt Eisenach

    Kreis Eichsfeld

    Im Kreis Gotha: Aspach, Ballstädt, Bienstädt, Brüheim, Bufleben, Dachwig, Döllstädt, Ebenheim, Emleben, Emsetal, Ernstroda, Eschenbergen, Finsterbergen, Friedrichroda, Friedrichswerth, Friemar, Fröttstädt, Georgenthal/Thür. Wald, Gierstädt, Goldbach, Gotha, Großfahner, Haina, Hochheim, Hörselgau, Laucha, Leinatal, Mechterstädt, Metebach, Molschleben, Remstädt, Sonneborn, Tabarz/Thür. Wald, Teutleben, Tonna, Tröchtelborn, Trügleben, Waltershausen, Wangenheim, Warza, Weingarten, Westhausen

    Im Kyffhäuserkreis: Bad Frankenhausen/Kyffhäuser, Badra, Bellstedt, Bendeleben, Clingen, Ebeleben, Freienbessingen, Göllingen, Greußen, Großenehrich, Günserode, Hachelbich, Helbedündorf, Holzsußra, Niederbösa, Oberbösa, Rockstedt, Rottleben, Schernberg, Seega, Sondershausen, Steinthaleben, Thüringenhausen, Topfstedt, Trebra, Wasserthaleben, Westgreußen, Wolferschwenda

    Kreis Nordhausen

    Im Kreis Schmalkalden-Meiningen: Aschenhausen, Birx, Breitungen/Werra, Brotterode, Erbenhausen, Fambach, Floh-Seligenthal, Frankenheim/Rhön, Friedelshausen, Heßles, Hümpfershausen, Kaltensundheim, Kaltenwestheim, Kleinschmalkalden, Mehmels, Melpers, Oberkatz, Oberweid, Oepfershausen, Rhönblick, Rosa, Roßdorf, Schmalkalden, Schwallungen, Stepfershausen, Trusetal, Unterkatz, Unterweid, Wahns, Wasungen, Wernshausen

    Im Kreis Sömmerda: Andisleben, Bilzingsleben, Frömmstedt, Gangloffsömmern, Gebesee, Herrnschwende, Schwerstedt, Straußfurt, Walschleben, Weißensee





    Whole territory


    The Netherlands

    Whole territory.


    Zone G

    (serotypes 2 and 4 and to a lesser extent 16 and 1)


    Sardinia: Cagliari, Nuoro, Oristano.



    as referred to in Article 3(1)

    A.   Live ruminants


    Prior to shipment live ruminants must have been protected from attack from Culicoides likely to be competent bluetongue virus vectors for at least

    (a) 60 days; or

    (b) 28 days, and were subjected during that period to a serological test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual to detect antibodies to the bluetongue virus group, with negative results, carried out at least 28 days following the date of the commencement of the period of protection from vectors attack; or

    (c) 14 days, and were subjected during that period to an agent identification test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual, with negative results, carried out at least 14 days following the date of the commencement of the period of protection from vectors attack.


    During transportation to the place of destination live ruminants must have been protected from Culicoides attack.

    B.   Semen of ruminants


    Semen must have been obtained from donor animals, which have been:

    (a) protected from attack from Culicoides likely to be competent bluetongue virus vectors for at least 60 days before commencement of, and during, collection of the semen; or

    (b) subjected to a serological test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual to detect antibodies to the bluetongue virus group, with negative results, at least every 60 days during the collection period and between 21 and 60 days following the final collection; or

    (c) subjected, with negative results, to an agent identification test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual carried out on blood samples collected at:

    (i) the commencement and final collection; and

    (ii) during the period of semen collection:

     at least every seven days, in the case of a virus isolation test, or

     at least every 28 days, in the case of a polymerase chain reaction test.


    Fresh semen may be produced from donor males which have been protected from attack from Culicoides for at least 30 days before commencement of, and during, collection of the semen, and were subjected to:

    (a) a serological test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual to detect antibodies to the bluetongue virus group, with negative results, before the first collection and every 28 days during the collection period and 28 days following the final collection; or

    (b) an agent identification test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual carried out with negative results on blood samples collected:

    (i) at commencement, final collection and seven days following final collection; and

    (ii) during the period of semen collection:

     at least every seven days, in case of a virus isolation test, or

     at least every 28 days, in case of a polymerase chain reaction test.


    Frozen semen may be produced from donor males which have been tested, with negative results, in a serological test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual for the detection of antibodies for the bluetongue virus group carried out on a sample taken between 21 and 30 days following the semen collection during the mandatory storage period in accordance with point 1(f) of Annex C to Council Directive 88/407/EEC ( 10 ) or point (g) of Chapter III of Annex D to Council Directive 92/65/EC ( 11 ).


    Female ruminants shall remain under observation on their holding of origin during at least 28 days following insemination with fresh semen referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.

    C.   Oocytes and Embryos of ruminants


    In vivo derived embryos of bovine animals must be collected in accordance with Council Directive 89/556/EEC ( 12 )


    In vivo derived embryos of ruminants other than bovines and in vitro produced bovine embryos must have been obtained from donor females, which have been:

    (a) protected from attack from Culicoides likely to be competent bluetongue virus vectors for at least 60 days before commencement of, and during, collection of the embryos/oocytes; or

    (b) subjected to a serological test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual to detect antibodies to the bluetongue virus group, between 21 and 60 days following collection of the embryos/oocytes, with negative results; or

    (c) subjected to an agent identification test according to the OIE Terrestrial Manual on a blood sample taken on the day of collection of the embryos/oocytes, with negative results.

    ( 1 ) OJ L 327, 22.12.2000, p. 74.

    ( 2 ) OJ L 311, 27.11.2003, p. 41. Decision as last amended by Decision 2005/216/EC (OJ L 69, 16.3.2005, p. 39).

    ( 3 ) OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 10.

    ( 4 ) OJ 121, 29.7.1964, p. 1977/64.

    ( 5 ) OJ L 194, 22.7.1988, p. 10.

    ( 6 ) OJ L 302, 19.10.1989, p. 1.

    ( 7 ) OJ L 46, 19.2.1991, p. 19.

    ( 8 ) OJ L 268, 14.9.1992, p. 54.

    ( 9 ) delete as appropriate’

    ( 10 ) OJ L 194, 22.7.1988, p. 10.

    ( 11 ) OJ L 268, 14.9.1992, p. 54.

    ( 12 ) OJ L 302, 19.10.1989, p. 1.
