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Document C:2012:118:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 118, 21 April 2012

    Display all documents published in this Official Journal

    ISSN 1977-091X


    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 118

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 55
    21 April 2012

    Notice No




    IV   Notices




    Court of Justice of the European Union

    2012/C 118/01

    Last publication of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Official Journal of the European UnionOJ C 109, 14.4.2012



    V   Announcements




    Court of Justice

    2012/C 118/02

    Case C-280/10: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 1 March 2012 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny — Poland) — Kopalnia Odkrywkowa Polski Trawertyn P. Granatowicz, M. Wąsiewicz spółka jawna v Dyrektor Izby Skarbowej w Poznaniu (VAT — Directive 2006/112/EC — Articles 9, 168, 169 and 178 — Deduction of input tax paid in respect of transactions conducted with a view to carrying out planned economic activity — Purchase of land by the partners of a partnership — Invoices drawn up prior to registration of the partnership seeking the deduction)


    2012/C 118/03

    Case C-354/10: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 1 March 2012 — European Commission v Hellenic Republic (Failure to fulfil obligations — State aid — Tax-exempt reserve fund — Incompatibility with the common market — Recovery — Failure to execute)


    2012/C 118/04

    Case C-393/10: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 1 March 2012 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom) — Dermod Patrick O’Brien v Ministry of Justice, formerly Department for Constitutional Affairs (Framework agreement on part-time work — Definition of ‘part-time workers who have an employment contract or employment relationship’ — Judges working part-time remunerated on a fee-paid basis — Refusal to grant a retirement pension)


    2012/C 118/05

    Case C-420/10: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 1 March 2012 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Hamburg — Germany) — Söll GmbH v Tetra GmbH (Placing on the market of biocidal products — Directive 98/8/EC — Article 2(1)(a) — Concept of ‘biocidal products’ — Product causing flocculation of harmful organisms without destroying or deterring them or rendering them harmless)


    2012/C 118/06

    Case C-467/10: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 1 March 2012 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Gießen — Germany) — Criminal proceedings against Baris Akyüz (Directives 91/439/EEC and 2006/126/EC — Mutual recognition of driving licences — Refusal of a Member State to recognise, in respect of a person who does not satisfy the physical and mental requirements for driving under the laws of that Member State, the validity of a driving licence issued by another Member State)


    2012/C 118/07

    Case C-484/10: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 1 March 2012 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo — Spain) — Asociación para la Calidad de los Forjados (Ascafor), Asociación de Importadores y Distribuidores de Acero para la Construcción (Asidac) v Administración del Estado and Others (Free movement of goods — Quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect — Directive 89/106/EEC — Construction products — Non-harmonised standards — Labels of quality — Requirements relating to certification bodies)


    2012/C 118/08

    Case C-604/10: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 1 March 2012 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Court of Appeal (England & Wales) (Civil Division) — United Kingdom) — Football Dataco Ltd and Others v Yahoo! UK Limited and Others (Directive 96/9/EC — Legal protection of databases — Copyright — Football league fixture lists)


    2012/C 118/09

    Case C-41/11: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 28 February 2012 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d’État — Belgium) — Inter-Environnement Wallonie ASBL, Terre wallonne ASBL v Région wallonne (Protection of the environment — Directive 2001/42/EC — Articles 2 and 3 — Assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment — Protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources — Plan or programme — No prior environmental assessment — Annulment of a plan or programme — Possibility of maintaining the effects of the plan or programme — Conditions)


    2012/C 118/10

    Case C-119/11: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 28 February 2012 — European Commission v French Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2006/112/EC — Articles 99 and 110 — Value added tax — Reduced rate — Application of a reduced rate for admission to the first performances of concerts held in establishments providing refreshments during the performance)


    2012/C 118/11

    Case C-166/11: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 1 March 2012 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Audiencia Provincial de Oviedo — Spain) — Ángel Lorenzo González Alonso v Nationale Nederlanden Vida Cia De Seguros y Reaseguros SAE (Consumer protection — Contracts negotiated away from business premises — Directive 85/577/EEC — Scope — Not included — Unit-linked insurance contracts)


    2012/C 118/12

    Case C-630/11 P: Appeal brought on 25 November 2011 by HGA Srl and Others against the judgment delivered by the General Court (Fourth Chamber) on 20 September 2011 in Joined Cases T-394/08, T-408/08, T-453/08 and T-454/08 Regione autonoma della Sardegna and Others v Commission


    2012/C 118/13

    Case C-631/11 P: Appeal brought on 8 December 2011 by Regione autonoma della Sardegna against the judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber) delivered on 20 September 2011 in Joined Cases T-394/08, T-408/08, T-453/08 and T-454/08 Regione autonoma della Sardegna and Others v Commission


    2012/C 118/14

    Case C-632/11 P: Appeal brought on 8 December 2011 by Timsas Srl against the judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber) delivered on 20 September 2011 in Joined Cases T-394/08, T-408/08, T-453/08 and T-454/08 Regione autonoma della Sardegna and Others v Commission


    2012/C 118/15

    Case C-633/11 P: Appeal brought on 8 December 2011 by Grand Hotel Abi d’Oru SpA against the judgment delivered by the General Court (Fourth Chamber) on 20 September 2011 in Joined Cases T-394/08, T-408/08, T-453/08 and T-454/08 Regione autonoma della Sardegna and Others v Commission


    2012/C 118/16

    Case C-39/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof (Germany), lodged on 27 January 2012 — Criminal proceedings against Vu Thang Dang


    2012/C 118/17

    Case C-49/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Østre Landsret (Denmark), lodged on 31 January 2012 — The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v Sunico ApS, M & B Holding ApS, Sunil Kumar Harwani


    2012/C 118/18

    Case C-56/12 P: Appeal brought on 3 February 2012 by European Federation of Ink and Ink Cartridge Manufacturers (EFIM) against the judgment of the General Court (Fifth Chamber) delivered on 24 November 2011 in Case T-296/09 European Federation of Ink and Ink Cartridge Manufacturers (EFIM) v European Commission


    2012/C 118/19

    Case C-57/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour constitutionnelle (Belgium) lodged on 3 February 2012 — Fédération des maisons de repos privées de Belgique (Femarbel) ASBL v Commission communautaire commune


    2012/C 118/20

    Case C-61/12: Action brought on 6 February 2012 — European Commission v Republic of Lithuania


    2012/C 118/21

    Case C-62/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Administrativen Sad — Varna (Bulgaria) lodged on 7 February 2012 — Galin Kostov v Direktor na Direktsia ‘Obzhalvane i upravlenie na izpalnenieto’ -grad Varna pri Tsentralno upravlenie na Natsionalna agentsia za prihodite


    2012/C 118/22

    Case C-63/12: Action brought on 7 February 2012 — European Commission v Council of the European Union


    2012/C 118/23

    Case C-66/12: Action brought on 9 February 2012 — Council of the European Union v European Commission


    2012/C 118/24

    Case C-67/12: Action brought on 9 February 2012 — European Commission v Kingdom of Spain


    2012/C 118/25

    Case C-71/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Qorti Kostituzzjonali (Malta) lodged on 10 February 2012 — Vodafone Malta Limited and Mobisle Communications Limited vs L-Avukat Ġenerali, Il-Kontrollur tad-Dwana, Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi, and L-Awtorità ta’ Malta dwar il-Komunikazzjoni


    2012/C 118/26

    Case C-73/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Giudice di Pace di Revere (Italy) lodged on 13 February 2012 — Criminal proceedings against Ahmed Ettaghi


    2012/C 118/27

    Case C-74/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Giudice di Pace di Revere (Italy) lodged on 13 February 2012 — Criminal proceedings against Abd Aziz Tam


    2012/C 118/28

    Case C-75/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Giudice di Pace di Revere (Italy) lodged on 13 February 2012 — Criminal proceedings against Majali Abdel


    2012/C 118/29

    Case C-77/12 P: Appeal brought on 14 February 2012 by Deutsche Post AG against the judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) delivered on 8 December 2011 in Case T-421/07 Deutsche Post AG v Commission


    2012/C 118/30

    Case C-85/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de cassation (France) lodged on 20 February 2012 — Landsbanki Islands HF v Kepler Capital Markets SA, Frédéric Giraux


    2012/C 118/31

    Case C-91/12: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen (Sweden) lodged on 17 February 2012 — Skatteverket v PFC Clinic AB


    2012/C 118/32

    Case C-95/12: Action brought on 21 February 2012 — European Commission v Federal Republic of Germany



    General Court

    2012/C 118/33

    Case T-210/02 RENV: Judgment of the General Court of 7 March 2012 — British Aggregates v Commission (State aid — Environmental tax on aggregates in the United Kingdom — Commission decision not to raise objections — Advantage — Selective nature)


    2012/C 118/34

    Case T-53/06: Judgment of the General Court of 6 March 2012 — UPM-Kymmene v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — Plastic industrial bags sector — Decision finding an infringement of Article 81 EC — Duration of the infringement — Single and continuous infringement — Fines — Gravity of the infringement — Mitigating circumstances — Undertaking playing a passive role — Proportionality)


    2012/C 118/35

    Case T-64/06: Judgment of the General Court of 6 March 2012 — FLS Plast v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — Plastic industrial bags sector — Decision finding an infringement of Article 81 EC — Duration of the infringement — Fines — Gravity of the infringement — Mitigating circumstances — Cooperation during the administrative procedure — Proportionality — Joint and several liability — Principle of ne bis in idem)


    2012/C 118/36

    Case T-65/06: Judgment of the General Court of 6 March 2012 — FLSmidth v Commission (Competition — Agreements, decisions and concerted practices — Plastic industrial bags sector — Decision finding an infringement of Article 81 EC — Imputability of the unlawful conduct — Duration of the infringement — Fines — Gravity of the infringement — Mitigating circumstances — Cooperation during the administrative procedure — Proportionality — Joint and several liability)


    2012/C 118/37

    Case T-167/09 P: Judgment of the General Court of 6 March 2012 — Commission v Liotti (Appeal — Civil service — Officials — Reports procedure — Career Development Report — 2006 appraisal procedure — General Implementing Provisions — Application of the appraisal standards consistently and through consultation)


    2012/C 118/38

    Cases T-29/10 and T-33/10: Judgment of the General Court of 2 March 2012 — Kingdom of the Netherlands and ING Groep v Commission (State aid — Financial sector — Aid designed to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State — Capital injection with repayment or share conversion options conferred on the aid recipient — Amendment to the repayment terms during the administrative procedure — Decision declaring the aid compatible with the common market — Concept of State aid — Advantage — Private investor test — Necessary and proportionate relationship between the amount of aid and the extent of measures intended to ensure compatibility of the aid)


    2012/C 118/39

    Case T-221/10: Judgment of the General Court of 8 March 2012 — Iberdrola v Commission (Action for annulment — State aid — Aid schemes allowing for the tax amortisation of financial goodwill for foreign shareholding acquisitions — Decision declaring the aid scheme incompatible with the common market and not ordering the recovery of aid — Act entailing implementing measures — Lack of individual concern — Inadmissibility)


    2012/C 118/40

    Case T-230/10: Judgment of the General Court of 6 March 2012 — Spain v Commission (EAGGF — Guarantee Section — Expenditure excluded from financing — Fruit and vegetables — Obligation to justify expenditure — Conditions for recognition of producer organisations)


    2012/C 118/41

    Case T-298/10: Judgment of the General Court of 8 March 2012 — Arrieta D. Gross v OHIM — International Biocentric Foundation and Others (BIODANZA) (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the Community figurative mark BIODANZA — Earlier national word mark BIODANZA — Relative ground for refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — Death of the trade mark applicant before adoption of the decision of the Board of Appeal — Admissibility of the response — Absence of genuine use of the earlier trade mark — Article 42(2) and (3) of Regulation No 207/2009 — Proceedings before the Board of Appeal — Rights of defence — Article 75 of Regulation No 207/2009)


    2012/C 118/42

    Case T-565/10: Judgment of the General Court of 6 March 2012 — ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe v OHIM (Highprotect) (Community trade mark — Application for Community word mark Highprotect — Absolute grounds for refusal — Descriptive character — Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)


    2012/C 118/43

    Case T-218/11: Order of the General Court of 17 February 2012 — Dagher v Council (Common foreign and security policy — Restrictive measures adopted having regard to the situation in Côte d’Ivoire — Withdrawal from the list of persons concerned — Action for annulment — No need to adjudicate — Non-contractual liability)


    2012/C 118/44

    Case T-52/12: Action brought on 8 February 2012 — Hellenic Republic v Commission


    2012/C 118/45

    Case T-59/12: Action brought on 10 February 2012 — Planet v Commission


    2012/C 118/46

    Case T-65/12 P: Appeal brought on 16 February 2012 by Guido Strack against the order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 7 December 2011 in Case F-44/05 RENV Strack v Commission


    2012/C 118/47

    Case T-74/12: Action brought on 16 February 2012 — Mecafer v Commission


    2012/C 118/48

    Case T-75/12: Action brought on 16 February 2012 — Nu Air Polska v Commission


    2012/C 118/49

    Case T-76/12: Action brought on 15 February 2012 — Nu Air Compressors and Tools v Commission


    2012/C 118/50

    Case T-81/12: Action brought on 15 February 2012 — Beco v Commission


    2012/C 118/51

    Case T-83/12: Action brought on 20 February 2012 — Chico's Brands Investments v OHIM — Artsana (CHICO'S)


    2012/C 118/52

    Case T-85/12: Action brought on 21 February 2012 — Lilleborg v OHIM — Hardford (Pierre Robert)


    2012/C 118/53

    Case T-86/12: Action brought on 21 February 2012 — Robert Group v OHIM — Hardford (Pierre Robert)


    2012/C 118/54

    Case T-90/12: Action brought on 27 February 2012 — Elegant Target Development and Others v Council



