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Dokument 62007TJ0409

    Presuda Prvostupanjskog suda (prvo vijeće) od 23. rujna 2009.
    Helge B. Cohausz protiv Ureda za usklađivanje na unutarnjem tržištu (žigovi i dizajni) (OHIM).
    Žig Zajednice.
    Predmet T-409/07.

    Oznaka ECLI: ECLI:EU:T:2009:354

    Judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) of 23 September 2009 – Cohausz v OHIM – Izquierdo Faces (acopat)

    (Case T-409/07)

    Community trade mark – Invalidity proceedings – Community figurative mark acopat – Earlier national word marks COPAT – Relative ground for refusal – No genuine use of the earlier marks – Article 56(2) and (3) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 (now Article 57(2) and (3) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)

    Community trade mark – Surrender, revocation and invalidity – Relative grounds of invalidity – Registration contrary to Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation No 40/94 (Council Regulation No 40/94, Art. 56(2)) (see paras 37-77)


    ACTION brought against the decision of the First Board of Appeal of OHIM of 6 September 2007 (Case R 289/2006-1) relating to invalidity proceedings between Helge B. Cohausz and José Izquierdo Faces.

    Information relating to the case

    Registered Community trade mark subject to an application for validity:

    Figurative mark acopat for services in Classes 35 and 42 – Community trade mark No 1643782

    Proprietor of the Community trade mark:

    José Izquierdo Faces

    Party requesting the declaration of invalidity of the Community trade mark:

    Helge B. Cohausz

    Trade mark right of the party requesting the declaration of invalidity:

    National word mark COPAT for goods and services in Classes 9, 35, 41 and 42

    Decision of the Cancellation Division:

    Declaration of invalidity of the Community trade mark

    Decision of the Board of Appeal:

    Annulment of the Cancellation Division’s decision and dismissal of the request for a declaration of invalidity

    Operative part

    The Court:


    Dismisses the action;


    Orders Mr Helge B. Cohausz to pay the costs.
