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Document 52010PC0759

    Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products

    /* COM/2010/0759 final - COD 2010/0364 */


    Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products /* COM/2010/0759 final - COD 2010/0364 */


    Brussels, 17.12.2010

    COM(2010) 759 final

    2010/0364 (COD)

    Proposal for a


    amending Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products


    1. Context of the proposal

    - Grounds for and objectives of the proposal

    To align the Commission implementing powers in Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007[1] to the differentiation between delegated and implementing powers of the Commission introduced by Articles 290 and 291 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFUE).

    - General context

    Articles 290 and 291 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFUE) distinguish two different types of Commission acts:

    - Article 290 of the TFUE allows the legislator to " delegate to the Commission the power to adopt non-legislative acts of general application to supplement or amend certain non-essential elements of a legislative act ". Legal acts adopted by the Commission in this way are referred to in the terminology used by the Treaty as "delegated acts" (Article 290(3)).

    - Article 291 of the TFUE allows Member States to " adopt all measures of national law necessary to implement legally binding Union acts ". Those acts shall confer implementing powers on the Commission where uniform conditions for implementing them are needed. Legal acts adopted by the Commission in this way are referred to in the terminology used by the Treaty as "implementing acts" (Article 291(4))

    - Existing provisions in the area of the proposal

    Articles 290 and 291 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFUE).

    - Consistency with the other policies and objectives of the Union

    Not applicable.

    2. Consultation of interested parties and impact assessment

    - Consultation of interested parties

    - Collection and use of expertise

    There was no need for consultation of interested parties or for external expertise since the proposal to align Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 to the Lisbon Treaty is an inter-institutional matter that will concern all Council Regulations. The amendments aiming at simplification of legislation are of limited scope and purely technical nature.

    - Impact assessment

    No need of impact assessment since the proposal to align Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 to the Lisbon Treaty is an inter-institutional matter that will concern all Council Regulations. The amendments aiming at simplification are of limited scope and purely technical nature.

    3. Legal elements of the proposal

    - Summary of the proposed action

    Identify the delegated and implementing powers of the Commission in Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and establish the corresponding procedure for adoption of these acts.

    In addition, an element of clarification in the field of accreditation is introduced.

    - Legal basis

    Article 43 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

    - Subsidiarity principle

    Agricultural policy is of shared competence between the EU and the Member States. This means that as long as the EU does not legislate in the sector Member States maintain their competence. As regards organic production a Community approach already exists, and it is justified to simplify the current rules.

    - Proportionality principle

    The proposal complies with the proportionality principle.

    - Choice of instruments

    Proposed instrument: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.

    4. Budgetary implications

    This measure does not involve any additional Community expenditure.

    2010/0364 (COD)

    Proposal for a


    amending Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular the first subparagraph of Article 42 and Article 43(2) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission[2],

    After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national Parliaments,

    Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee[3],

    Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure,


    1. Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007[4] confers powers on the Commission in order to implement some of the provisions of that Regulation.

    2. As a consequence of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the powers conferred upon the Commission under Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 need to be aligned to Articles 290 and 291 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (the Treaty).

    3. The Commission should have the power to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty in order to supplement or amend certain non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007. The elements for which that power may be exercised should be defined, as well as the conditions to which that delegation is to be subject.

    4. In order to guarantee a uniform application of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 in all Member States, the Commission should be empowered to adopt implementing acts in accordance with Article 291 of the Treaty. The Commission should in particular be empowered to adopt implementing acts regarding the attribution of code numbers under the control regime, the indication of origin for the products and uniform rules on the exchange of information to be sent by Member States, third countries, control authorities and control bodies or made available by the Commission or the publication of that information, as well as for the recognition of third countries and control authorities and control bodies for the purposes of equivalence and compliance. Save where explicitly provided otherwise, the Commission should adopt those implementing acts in accordance with the provisions of [Regulation (EU) No XX/XXXX of the European Parliament and the Council on …].

    5. In the interest of clarity, the wording of the references to the European Standard EN 45011 or ISO Guide 65 should be harmonised with other relevant Union acts.

    6. Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 should therefore be amended accordingly,


    Article 1

    Regulation (EC) 834/2007 is amended as follows:

    (1) Article 8 is replaced by the following:

    "Article 8

    General requirements

    Operators shall comply with the production rules set out in this Title and with the specific production rules and the measures and conditions necessary for their implementation, adopted by the Commission by means of delegated and implementing acts pursuant to Articles 38a and 38b ."

    (2) In Article 9, paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:

    "4. The Commission shall, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1) , decide on measures implementing the prohibition on the use of GMOs and products produced from or by GMOs."

    (3) In Article 11, the second paragraph is replaced by the following:

    "However, in accordance with specific conditions to be laid down by the Commission by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1) , a holding may be split up into clearly separated units or aquaculture production sites which are not all managed under organic production. As regards animals, different species shall be involved. As regards aquaculture the same species may be involved, provided that there is adequate separation between the production sites. As regards plants, different varieties that can be easily differentiated shall be involved."

    (4) In Article 12, paragraph 3 is deleted.

    (5) In Article 13, paragraph 3 is deleted.

    (6) In Article 14, paragraph 2 is deleted.

    (7) In Article 15, paragraph 2 is deleted.

    (8) Article 16 is amended as follows:

    (a) In paragraph 1, the introductory part is replaced by the following:

    "1. The Commission shall, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(a)(ii) , authorise for use in organic production and include in a restricted list the products and substances, which may be used in organic farming for the following purposes:"

    (b) In paragraph 3, point (a) is replaced by the following:

    "(a) The Commission may, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(2)(a) , fix limits as regards the agricultural products to which the products and substances referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article can be applied to, and, if necessary, decide on the withdrawal of those products and substances."

    (c) In paragraph 3, point (c) is replaced by the following:

    "(c) Products and substances used before the adoption of this Regulation for purposes corresponding to those laid down in paragraph 1 of this Article may continue to be used after said adoption. The Commission may in any case withdraw such products or substances by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(a)(ii) in accordance with the conditions to be adopted by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(2)(a) ."

    (9) In Article 17, paragraph 2 is deleted.

    (10) In Article 18, paragraph 5 is deleted.

    (11) In Article 19(3), the second subparagraph is deleted.

    (12) In Article 20, paragraph 3 is deleted.

    (13) In Article 21, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:

    "2. The Commission shall, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(a)(ii) , decide on the authorisation of the products and substances and their inclusion in the restricted list referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and, if necessary on the withdrawal of products from that list, and shall, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(2)(a) , fix limits to be applied as regards their use.

    Where a Member State considers that a product or substance should be added to, or withdrawn from the list referred to in paragraph 1, or that the specifications of use mentioned in this paragraph should be amended, the Member State shall ensure that a dossier giving the reasons for the inclusion, withdrawal or amendments is sent officially to the Commission and to the Member States.

    Requests for amendment or withdrawal, as well as decisions thereon, shall be published. Products and substances used before the adoption of this Regulation and falling under Article 19(2)(b) and (c) may continue to be used after the said adoption. The Commission may in any case withdraw such products by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(a)(ii) in accordance with the conditions to be adopted by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(2)(a) ."

    (14) Article 22 is amended as follows:

    (a) Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

    "1. The Commission may, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(2)(c) and in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 2 of this Article and subject to the objectives and principles laid down in Title II, provide for the granting of exceptions from the production rules laid down in Chapters 1 to 4."

    (b) Paragraph 3 is deleted

    (15) In Article 23, paragraph 6 is replaced by the following:

    "6. The Commission may, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(2)(e) , adapt the list of terms set out in the Annex."

    (16) Article 24 is amended as follows:

    (a) Paragraph 1 is amended as follows:

    (i) Points (b) and (c) of the first subparagraph are replaced by the following:

    "(b) the organic production logo of the European Union referred to in Article 25(1) as regards pre-packaged food shall also appear on the packaging;

    (c) where the organic production logo of the European Union referred to in Article 25(1) is used, an indication of the place where the agricultural raw materials of which the product is composed have been farmed, shall also appear in the same visual field as the logo and shall take one of the following forms, as appropriate:

    - ‘EU Agriculture’, where the agricultural raw material has been farmed in the Union,

    - ‘non-EU Agriculture’, where the agricultural raw material has been farmed in third countries,

    - ‘EU/non-EU Agriculture’, where part of the agricultural raw materials has been farmed in the Union and a part of it has been farmed in a third country."

    (ii) The fifth subparagraph is replaced by the following:

    "The use of the organic production logo of the European Union referred to in Article 25(1) and the indication referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall be optional for products imported from third countries. However, where the organic production logo of the European Union referred to in Article 25(1) appears in the labelling, the indication referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall also appear in the labelling."

    (b) Paragraph 3 is deleted.

    (17) Article 25 is amended as follows:

    (a) Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

    "1. The organic production logo of the European Union may be used in the labelling, presentation and advertising of products which satisfy the requirements set out in this Regulation.

    The organic production logo of the European Union shall not be used in the case of in-conversion products and food as referred to in Article 23(4)(b) and (c)."

    (b) Paragraph 3 is deleted.

    (18) In Article 26, the introductory part is replaced by the following:

    "The Commission shall, by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(b) , establish specific labelling and composition requirements applicable to:"

    (19) Article 27 is amended as follows:

    (a) Paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:

    "2. In addition to the conditions laid down in Regulation (EC) No 882/2004, the control system set up under this Regulation shall comprise at least the application of precautionary and control measures."

    (b) In paragraph 5, point (c) is replaced by the following:

    "(c) the control body is accredited to the most recent version of European Standard EN 45011 or ISO Guide 65 (General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems), and is approved by the competent authorities;"

    (c) In paragraph 7, point (b) is replaced by the following:

    "(b) the competence to grant exceptions, as referred to in Article 22, unless this is provided for in the specific conditions laid down by the Commission by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(2)(c) ."

    (20) In Article 28, paragraph 6 is deleted.

    (21) In Article 29, paragraph 3 is deleted.

    (22) In Article 30(2), the third subparagraph is deleted.

    (23) Article 32(2) is amended as follows:

    (a) The first two subparagraphs are replaced by the following:

    "The Commission shall, by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 38b(f) , in accordance with the criteria to be adopted by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(c)(v) , recognise the control authorities and control bodies referred to in paragraph 1(b) of this Article, including control authorities and control bodies as referred to in Article 27, which are competent to carry out controls and to issue the documentary evidence referred to in paragraph 1(c) of this Article in third countries.

    The control bodies shall be accredited to the most recent version of European Standard EN 45011 or ISO Guide 65 (General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems). The control bodies shall undergo regular on-the-spot evaluation, surveillance and multiannual re-assessment of their activities by the accreditation body."

    (b) The following subparagraphs are added:

    "The Commission may, by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 38b(f), in accordance with the criteria to be adopted by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(c)(v), withdraw the recognition of the control authorities and control bodies in cases of irregularities or infringements of the provisions set out in this Regulation.

    If necessary in cases of urgency, the Commission may take that Decision acting in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 38g . In that case, the measures adopted shall be communicated forthwith to the Members States and shall take effect immediately."

    (24) Article 33 is amended as follows:

    (a) Paragraph 2 is amended as follows:

    (i) The first subparagraph is replaced by the following:

    "The Commission may, by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 38b(f) , in accordance with the criteria to be adopted by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(c)(v) , recognise the third countries whose system of production complies with principles and production rules equivalent to those laid down in Titles II, III and IV and whose control measures are of equivalent effectiveness to those laid down in Title V. The assessment of equivalency shall take into account Codex Alimentarius guidelines CAC/GL 32."

    (ii) The following subparagraphs are added:

    "The Commission may, by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 38b(f), in accordance with the criteria to be adopted by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(c)(v), withdraw the recognition of third countries whose system of production no more complies with principles and production rules equivalent to those laid down in Titles II, III and IV and whose control measures are no more equivalent effectiveness to those laid down in Title V.

    If necessary in cases of urgency, the Commission may take that Decision acting in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 38g . In that case, the measures adopted shall be communicated forthwith to the Members States and shall take effect immediately."

    (b) Paragraph 3 is amended as follows:

    (i) The first subparagraph is replaced by the following:

    "For products not imported under Article 32 and not imported from a third country which is recognised under paragraph 2 of this Article, the Commission may, by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 38b(f) , in accordance with the criteria to be adopted by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(c)(v) , recognise the control authorities and control bodies, including control authorities and control bodies as referred to in Article 27, competent to carry out controls and issue certificates in third countries for the purpose of paragraph 1 of this Article. The assessment of equivalency shall take into account Codex Alimentarius guidelines CAC/GL 32."

    (ii) The following subparagraphs are added:

    "The Commission may, by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 38b(f), in accordance with the criteria to be adopted by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 38a(1)(c)(v), withdraw the recognition of the control authorities and control bodies in cases of irregularities or infringements of the provisions set out in this Regulation.

    If necessary in cases of urgency, the Commission may take that Decision acting in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 38g . In that case, the measures adopted shall be communicated forthwith to the Members States and shall take effect immediately."

    (25) The following Article 36a is inserted:

    "Article 36a

    Publication and notification

    The Commission shall in accordance with the rules to be adopted by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 38b(b) establish, publish, make available or diffuse the information to be identified by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 38b(a) , as well as the lists of third countries and control authorities and control bodies recognised in accordance with Articles 32 and 33."

    (26) Articles 37 and 38 are deleted.

    (27) The following Articles are inserted:

    "Article 38a

    Delegated powers

    1. In order to better take account of the expectations of consumers regarding the quality of organic products and to ensure the adequate application of rules by the authorities, bodies and operators concerned and the proper functioning of the single market and trade, the Commission shall, by means of delegated acts, adopt specific rules, measures and conditions necessary for the application of this Regulation, including the specific definitions related to its scope, subject to the objectives and principles laid down in Title II, for the following:

    (a) the production rules laid down in Title III, in particular:

    (i) the specific requirements, conditions and conversion periods to be respected by operators;

    (ii) the authorisation of products and substances for use in organic production, their inclusion in a restricted list or the withdrawal from that list for the purposes of Articles 16 and 21;

    (iii) the processing methods for processed food;

    (iv) the conditions of application of the prohibition on the use of GMOs and products produced from or by GMOs;

    (v) the definition of the periods referred to in Article 17(1)(c) to (f).

    (b) the labelling rules, requirements and specific criteria as regards presentation, composition, size and design of the organic logo of the European Union as well as the conditions and rights of its use, in accordance with Title IV;

    (c) the control systems established under Titles V and VI, in particular:

    (i) the control requirements, supervision and audit procedures,

    (ii) the criteria for approval of control bodies for the purposes of Article 27,

    (iii) the specific criteria for delegation of tasks to the control bodies referred to in point (ii),

    (iv) the form of the documentary evidence,

    (v) the criteria to be applied as regards the recognition of third countries for the purposes of Article 33(2) and as regards the recognition of control authorities and control bodies for the purposes of Article 32(2) and Article 33(3),

    (vi) the criteria to be applied as regards the withdrawal of approval or recognition and of documentary evidence, including the cases for which the Commission may act as a matter of urgency in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 38g .

    (vii) the criteria to be applied as regards the identification and publicising of an undertaking submitted to the control system,

    (viii) the rules to be applied for placing products from third countries on the Union market as organic;

    (d) the free movement of organic products.

    2. In order to take account of the technical development and the specificities of the sector, the Commission may, by means of delegated acts and subject to the objectives and principles laid down in Title II, adopt rules necessary for the application of this Regulation for the following:

    (a) the authorisation, limitation, restriction or prohibition of specific techniques for the purposes of Articles 12 to 16, 18, 19 and 20 and the conditions and limits as regards use of substances and products and their withdrawal, in particular the application method, the dosage, the time limits for use and the contact with agricultural products ;

    (b) the specific production rules for yeast;

    (c) the granting of exceptions from production rules and specific conditions for the application of those exceptions for the purposes of Article 22;

    (d) the transitional measures to facilitate the transition from the rules established by Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 to this Regulation;

    (e) the adaptation of the list of terms set out in the Annex.

    3. In order to ensure transparency by fast, efficient, accurate and cost effective exchange of information, the Commission shall by means of delegated acts define:

    (a) the nature and type of information to be notified;

    (b) the methods of notification of the information;

    (c) the rules related to the access rights to the information or information systems made available;

    (d) the means of publication of the information."

    "Article 38b

    Implementing powers

    The Commission shall, by means of implementing acts, adopt the necessary provisions aiming at reaching a uniform application of this Regulation in the Union, in particular relating to the following:

    (a) details and specifications regarding the content, form and way of notification, submission and exchange of information required in the framework of this Regulation:

    (i) from the operators, in particular with regard to the information included in the submission and notification referred to in Article 28(1) and Article 29(1),

    (ii) from or between the control bodies, control authorities, competent authorities of the Member States, third countries and the Commission, in particular in accordance with Articles 22, 30 to 33, 35 and 36;

    (b) conditions and means of publication or specific rules and conditions for the diffusion or making available by the Commission to the operators, the competent authorities, control authorities and control bodies and to the Member States or third countries the information referred to in point (a) and the lists of third countries or control authorities and control bodies designated pursuant to Article 27 or recognised pursuant to Articles 32 and 33;

    (c) the methods and conditions to be taken into account as regards the electronic certification, in particular for the certificates referred to in Article 29 and Article 33(1) (d);

    (d) the attribution of code numbers to control bodies and control authorities and the indication of the place where the agricultural raw materials have been farmed in accordance with Article 24;

    (e) the specific criteria as regards the presentation, composition and size of the indications referred to in Article 24(1)(a) and (c);

    (f) the recognition and withdrawal of third countries and control authorities and control bodies for the purposes of Article 32(2) and Article 33(2) and (3)."

    " Article 38c

    Commission powers

    Where powers are conferred upon the Commission, it shall act in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 38d in the case of delegated acts and in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 38g in the case of implementing acts, save where explicitly provided otherwise in this Regulation."

    "Article 38d

    Exercise of the delegation

    1. The powers to adopt the delegated acts referred to in this Regulation shall be conferred on the Commission for an indeterminate period of time.

    2. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council.

    3. The powers to adopt delegated acts are conferred on the Commission subject to the conditions laid down in Articles 38e and 38f ."

    "Article 38e

    Revocation of the delegation

    1. The delegation of power referred to in Article 38a and 38d may be revoked by the European Parliament or by the Council.

    2. The institution which has commenced an internal procedure for deciding whether to revoke the delegation of power shall endeavour to inform the other institution and the Commission within a reasonable time before the final decision is taken, indicating the delegated powers which could be subject to revocation and possible reasons for a revocation.

    3. The decision of revocation shall put an end to the delegation of the powers specified in that decision. It shall take effect immediately or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of the delegated acts already in force. It shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union ."

    "Article 38f

    Objections to delegated acts

    1. The European Parliament and the Council may object to the delegated act within a period of two months from the date of notification. At the initiative of the European Parliament or the Council this period shall be extended by one month.

    2. If, on expiry of that period, neither the European Parliament nor the Council has objected to the delegated act, it shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and shall enter into force at the date stated therein.

    The delegated act may be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and enter into force before the expiry of that period if the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission of their intention not to raise objections.

    3. If the European Parliament or the Council objects to a delegated act, it shall not enter into force. The institution which objects shall state the reasons for objecting to the delegated act."

    "Article 38g

    Implementing acts – Committee of organic production

    Where implementing acts are adopted pursuant to this Regulation, the Commission shall be assisted by the Committee on organic production and the procedure provided for in Article [5] of Regulation (EU) No [xxxx/yyyy] ( to be completed following the adoption of the regulation on control mechanisms, as referred to in Article 291(2) of the TFEU, currently the subject of discussion by the European Parliament and the Council ) shall apply."

    In the cases of urgency provided for in Article 32(2) and Article 33(2) and (3) of this Regulation, the procedure provided for in Article [6] of Regulation (EU) No [xxxx/yyyy] shall apply."

    (28) Article 41 is amended as follows:

    (a) The title is replaced by the following:

    " Report to the European Parliament and the Council "

    (b) Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

    "1. By 31 December 2011, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council."

    Article 2

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the seventh day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union .

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

    Done at […],

    For the European Parliament For the Council

    The President The President

    FINANCIAL STATEMENT | Fin Stat /10/680779/rev1 MK/CC |

    6.0.2010.1 |

    DATE: 19/11/2010 |

    1. | BUDGET HEADING: Title 05: agriculture and rural development | APPROPRIATIONS: B2010: CA: 58,080.7 M € PA: 57,077.2 M € |

    2. | TITLE: Proposal for a Regulation of the European parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products |

    3. | LEGAL BASIS: Article 42 and Article 43 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union |

    4. | AIMS: Alignment of the Commission implementing powers in Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 to the differentiation between delegated and implementing powers of the Commission introduced by Articles 290 and 291 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFUE). |




    2012 | 2013 |








    OBSERVATIONS: This proposal relates to the overall "Lisbon alignment" of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and, therefore, it does not have any budgetary impact. |

    [1] OJ L 30, 31.1.2009, p. 16.

    [2] OJ C […], […], p. […].

    [3] OJ C […], […], p. […].

    [4] OJ L 189, 20.7.2007, p.1.
