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Document L:1975:023:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, L 23, 30 January 1975

Display all documents published in this Official Journal

Official Journal
of the
European Communities

ISSN 0378-6978

L 23
Volume 18
30 January 1975

English Edition






Acts whose publication is obligatory


Regulation (EEC) No 212/75 of the Commission of 29 January 1975 fixing the import levies on cereals and on wheat or rye flour groats and meal



Regulation (EEC) No 213/75 of the Commission of 29 January 1975 fixing the premiums to be added to the import levies on cereals, flour and malt



Regulation (EEC) No 214/75 of the Commission of 29 January 1975 fixing compensatory amounts in the beef and veal sector



Regulation (EEC) No 215/75 of the Commission of 29 January 1975 altering the special export levy on white sugar and raw sugar



Regulation (EEC) No 216/75 of the Commission of 29 January 1975 amending the amounts applicable as compensatory amounts for cereals and rice



Regulation (EEC) No 217/75 of the Commission of 29 January 1975 altering the import levies on products processed from cereals and rice



II Acts whose publication is not obligatory







Commission Decision of 18 December 1974 authorizing the Italian Republic to apply protective measures in trade within the Community in wines, falling within subheading 22.05 C of the Common Customs Tariff, coming from Greece






Commission Decision of 30 December 1974 authorizing the French Republic to apply protective measures in trade within the Community in wines, falling within subheading 22.05 C of the Common Customs Tariff, coming from Greece






Commission Decision of 20 January 1975 authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany not to apply Community treatment to preparations and preserves of beans in pod, falling within subheading 20.02 ex G of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in the People's Republic of China, and in free circulation in the other Member States






Commission Decision of 20 January 1975 authorizing the French Republic not to apply Community treatment to toys of wood and other (except motors and movement mechanisms for toys and working models used for recreational purposes, and parts thereof), falling within subheadings 97.03 A and 97.03 ex B of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Japan, and in free circulation in the other Member States



Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
