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Документ 62005TO0242

    Определение на Първоинстанционния съд (четвърти състав) от 5 септември 2006 г.
    Elliniki Etaireia pros Prostasian tis Pnevmatikis Idioktisias (AEPI AE) срещу Комисия на Европейските общности.
    Иск за отмяна - недопустимост.
    Дело T-242/05.

    Идентификатор ECLI: ECLI:EU:T:2006:235

    Order of the Court of First Instance (Fourth Chamber) of 5 September 2006 – AEPI v Commission

    (Case T-242/05)

    Copyright and related rights – Proceedings for a declaration of failure to fulfil obligations – Closure of procedure on a complaint submitted by an individual – Action for annulment – Inadmissibility

    1.                     Actions for annulment – Actionable measures (Arts 226 EC and 230, fourth para., EC) (see paras 27, 29-30, 32)

    2.                     Actions for annulment – Actionable measures – Definition – Measures producing binding legal effects (Arts 226 EC and 230 EC) (see para. 35)

    3.                     Actions for annulment – Right of the Commission and of the Member States to bring judicial proceedings (Arts 226 EC and 227 EC) (see para. 39)


    APPLICATION for annulment of the decision of the Commission of 20 April 2005 not to initiate proceedings against the Greek Republic for a declaration of failure to fulfil obligations and an application that a ruling be given on the substance.

    Operative part

    The Court:


    Dismisses the action as inadmissible;


    Orders the applicant to pay the costs.
