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Document 52010XC0407(01)

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001

IO C 89, 7.4.2010, p. 3–8 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



Official Journal of the European Union

C 89/3

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001

2010/C 89/04

Aid No: XA 196/09

Member State: the Republic of Slovenia

Region: —

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Ukrepi kmetijske strukturne politike in kmetijske politike razvoja podeželja

Legal basis: Uredba o ukrepih kmetijske strukturne politike in kmetijske politike razvoja podeželja (Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 47/09 in 94/09)

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: EUR 191 052 in 2009 and EUR 179 052 in 2010

Maximum aid intensity:


Aid for the completion of land-consolidation arrangements: up to 100 % of actual legal and administrative costs incurred, including inspection costs.


Support for presentations given by experts and for professional and interest groups: up to 60 % of the eligible costs set out in Article 10(b) of the Decree on agricultural structural and agricultural rural-development policy measures. The total share of aid granted from public sources may be up to 100 % of eligible costs.


Aid to encourage the production of quality agricultural products: up to 100 % of the eligible costs set out in Article 15 of the Decree on agricultural structural and agricultural rural-development policy measures.

Date of implementation: from the date on which the registration number of the exemption request is published on the website of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: until 31.12.2010

Objective of aid: To support SMEs

The aid scheme invokes the following articles of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006, applicable to the following eligible costs:

aid for the completion of land-consolidation arrangements is based on Article 13 (aid for land re-parcelling), eligible costs comprise the costs of legal and administrative procedures, including inspection costs;

support for presentations given by experts and for professional and interest groups is based on Article 15 (provision of technical support in the agricultural sector), eligible costs comprise:


costs relating to the education and training of farmers and workers in agricultural enterprises (rental of premises, instructors’ fees, other expenditure on materials required for implementing the teaching programme);


costs associated with the organisation of fora for the exchange of knowledge between agricultural enterprises, competitions, exhibitions and fairs, and participation in these (participation fees, publication costs, travel costs, rental of exhibition space);


aid for publications such as presentations, catalogues or websites presenting factual information about producers from a given region or producers of a given product, provided the information and presentation is neutral and that all producers concerned have an equal opportunity to feature in the publication.

aid to encourage the production of quality agricultural products is based on Article 14 (aid to encourage the production of quality agricultural products), eligible costs comprise:


expenditure on market research activities, product conception and design;


costs for the preparation of applications to protect agricultural products in accordance with European Union legislation covering the protection of agricultural products;


costs for the initial certification of protected agricultural products.

Sector(s) concerned: Agriculture

Name and address of the granting authority:

Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano

Dunajska 58

SI-1000 Ljubljana



Other information: —


Genaralni Direktor

Aid No: XA 262/09

Member State: France

Region: —

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Aides aux producteurs de lavande et lavandin victimes de sécheresse en 2007 ou 2008

Legal basis: Ordonnance no 2009-325 du 25 mars 2009 relative à la création de l’Agence de service et de paiement et de l’Établissement national des produits de l’agriculture et de la mer,

Articles L 621-1 et suivants et articles R 621-1 et suivants du Code rural,

Arrêtés suivants du ministre de l’agriculture et de la pêche, portant reconnaissance du caractère de calamité naturelle des dommages subis par les agriculteurs:

du 25 janvier, 30 juin 2008 et 26 décembre 2008 pour les agriculteurs des Alpes de Haute–Provence,

du 13 octobre 2008 pour les agriculteurs de la Drôme,

du 25 janvier, 30 juin 2008 et 13 octobre 2008 pour les agriculteurs du Vaucluse.

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: EUR 266 666

The plan is to grant a maximum of EUR 800 000 over the three years that the scheme will operate, to be paid out of the national budget (FranceAgriMer) as follows: EUR 300 000 for 2009, EUR 300 000 for 2010 and EUR 200 000 for 2011.

The aid can be supplemented by the following departments: Alpes de Haute-Provence, Drôme and Vaucluse.

Maximum aid intensity: 80 %

For each beneficiary, aid will be allocated taking into account the amounts already granted by the National Guarantee Fund for Agricultural Disasters (FNGCA): only the areas that have been selected by this Fund will receive aid.

When national aid is supplemented by a regional/local authority, the latter will ensure that the overall amount does not exceed the limit of 80 % of the damage sustained.

The aid will be subject to the following ceilings:

EUR 500/ha for areas planted with superior quality lavender that have suffered damage such that lavender plants of seven years or less have been uprooted,

EUR 400/ha for areas planted with cloned lavender or lavandin that have suffered damage such that lavender plants of six years or less have been uprooted.

Furthermore, the aid will be paid only for areas that have been newly planted with lavender or lavandin in accordance with technical specifications to limit the impact of drought and the diseases that affect lavender (choice of varieties, use of healthy plants, crop rotation, etc.).

Date of implementation: from receipt of the acknowledgement of receipt showing the identification number of the measure and publication of the summary of the measure on the Commission website

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: until the end of 2011

Objective of aid: This aid is provided under Article 11 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006. Its main purpose is to compensate for losses suffered by lavender growers in the departments of Alpes de Haute-Provence, Drôme and Vaucluse following the 2007 drought, the effects of which became apparent in 2007 or 2008.

In the three departments affected by the 2007 drought, approximately 250 farmers lost over 30 % of their harvest and had to replant. Their losses are therefore not just limited to loss of revenue from one year's harvest. As these plants are perennials, replanting costs are high and cannot be considered routine farm expenditure, which justifies this aid scheme.

The secondary purpose of the aid is to encourage producers to take the requisite technical precautions to limit the impact of drought.

Sector(s) concerned: Lavender or lavandin producers (in the three departments affected by the 2007 drought, i.e. approximately 250 farmers).

Name and address of the granting authority:


Antenne de Volx — BP 8

04130 Volx



Other information: —

Aid No: XA 266/09

Member State: Italy

Region: Sardegna

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: legge regionale 11 marzo 1998, n. 8, articolo 23 (aiuti per i danni alla produzione agricola). Sostegno a favore degli allevatori per fronteggiare la scrapie degli ovicaprini. Indennizzi per la perdita di reddito. Anni 2008-2012

Legal basis: L.R. 11 marzo 1998, n. 8, articolo 23 (aiuti per i danni alla produzione agricola)

Deliberazione della Giunta regionale n. 46/19 del 13.10.2009

Legge regionale 11 marzo 1998, n. 8, articolo 23 (aiuti per i danni alla produzione agricola). Sostegno a favore degli allevatori per fronteggiare la scrapie degli ovicaprini. Indennizzi per la perdita di reddito. Anni 2008-2012.

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: Expenditure for this aid, which covers losses from 2008 to 2012, is estimated at EUR 2 660 000 overall, broken down as follows:

EUR 500 000 for 2008

EUR 540 000 per year from 2009 to 2012.

Maximum aid intensity: The maximum aid intensity is fixed at 70 % of the loss, which is calculated taking into account the value of lost production, net of intermediate costs not incurred by the farmer (purchase of forage and veterinary costs), with a distinction being made between non-pure-bred animals and those registered in herd books.

Date of implementation: The aid applies with effect from the date of publication of the registration number of the request for exemption on the website of the Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: From 1 January 2008 until 31 December 2012

From 1 January 2009 until 31 December 2013

From 1 January 2010 until 31 December 2014

From 1 January 2011 until 31 December 2015

From 1 January 2012 until 31 December 2016

However, no aid will be paid out later than four years after the verified expenditure or losses.

Objective of aid: Aid shall be implemented pursuant to Article 10 of the Regulation and is aimed at compensating farmers for the loss of production from adult sheep and goats, which, having shown symptoms of scrapie, a degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system of sheep and goats, have been culled on the basis of an order by the health authorities.

Sector(s) concerned: Animal production: Sheep and goats

Name and address of the granting authority:

Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

Assessorato dell’agricoltura e riforma agro-pastorale

Via Pessagno 4

09125 Cagliari CA


Website: For Decision (deliberazione) No 46/19 of 13 October 2009:

For Decision (deliberazione) No 25/34 of 3 July 2007:

For the Annex, please refer to:

For Decision (deliberazione) No 42/16 of 24 October 2007 amending Decision (deliberazione) No 25/34 of 3 July 2007:

For the Annex, please refer to:

Other information: This aid is a continuation of the aid first provided under Decision (deliberation) No 25/34 of 3 July 2007 in the amended text of Decision (deliberazione) No 42/16 of 24 October 2007, and will be applied according to the same criteria and conditions. The form containing the summary information for the above mentioned aid was registered by the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development under No XA 349/07 on 8 November 2007.


Direttore Servizio sostegno delle imprese agricole e sviluppo delle competenze

Aid No: XA 278/09

Member State: Federal Republic of Germany

Region: Brandenburg

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Gewährung von Beihilfen und sonstigen Leistungen durch die Sächsische Tierseuchenkasse nach Artikel 10 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1857/2006

Legal basis:

§ 71 Tierseuchengesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

§ 8 des Gesetz zur Ausführung des Tierseuchengesetzes des Landes Brandenburg (AGTierSGBbg)

Erlass des Ministeriums für Gesundheit, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Brandenburg zur Gewährung von Beihilfen für Maßnahmen zur Tierseuchenverhütung und -bekämpfung sowie zur Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit vom 3.12.2009

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: total annual aid amounting to EUR 4,2 million (financed from contributions of livestock owners to the Tierseuchenkasse (animal diseases fund) of Brandenburg and from federal state resources)

Maximum aid intensity: up to 100 %

Date of implementation: as of the date of receipt from the European Commission, pursuant to Article 20 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006, of the notice of receipt with an identification number, from 1 January 2010

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: from 1.1.2010 to 31.12.2013

Objective of aid: Article 10(1) and (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006:

aid to combat animal diseases,

aid to compensate for livestock losses resulting from infectious diseases,

aid for measures to prevent, detect and combat animal diseases,

aid in the form of payment of the costs of laboratory tests to detect animal diseases.

Sector(s) concerned: Agriculture/livestock farming

Name and address of the granting authority:

Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz, Landwirtschaft und Flurneuordnung

Tierseuchenkasse Brandenburg

Groß Gaglow

Am Seegraben 18

03051 Cottbus





Ausführungsgesetz zum Tierseuchengesetz des Landes Brandenburg (AGTierSGBbg)

Erlass des Ministeriums für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz zur Gewährung von Beihilfen für Maßnahmen zur Tierseuchenverhütung und -bekämpfung sowie zur Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit (published in the Brandenburg Official Gazette)

Other information: —

Aid No: XA 282/09

Member State: France

Region: Department of Seine-Maritime

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: Aides aux investissements pour la protection des points de production d’eau potable (Seine-Maritime)

Legal basis: Article L1511-2 du Code général des collectivités territoriales

Articles L3231-2 et 3232-1 du Code général des collectivités territoriales

Délibération du Conseil général du 31 mars 2009 relatif à la politique agricole départementale, période 2009-2012.

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: EUR 60 000 per year

Maximum aid intensity: 50 % in the case of young farmers within five years of setting-up; otherwise generally 40 %

Date of implementation: from the date of publication of the registration number of the exemption request on the website of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Duration of scheme or individual aid award: 2009-2012

Objective of aid: The whole of the department of Seine-Maritime is classified as a vulnerable zone under the Nitrates Directive of December 1991 (91/676/EEC). Its water resources are increasingly affected by problems resulting from pollution by plant health products.

The Water Framework Directive requires water bodies to attain a good ecological status by 2015.

The scheme planned by the department of Seine-Maritime is intended to help farmers make investments exceeding the regulatory requirements in terms of minimum water protection standards.

The aid made available by the department will be variable according to the geographical location of the holding in relation to priority catchments as regards protection.

The following equipment for limiting the risk of point-source pollution will be eligible:

storage facilities for plant health products,

sprayer loading bays,

tanks for storing fuel or liquid fertiliser when the installations are below the thresholds for classified installations and hence not compulsory,

spraying equipment (incorporators, rinse tanks, anti-return valves, etc.).

The following will be eligible for limiting the risk of diffuse pollution:

spreading tool bar,

drop hoses,

disc incorporators,

tine incorporators,

spreading tables,

composting equipment.

Aid will be granted in conformity with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006.

This scheme has already been the subject of an exemption procedure for the period 2006-2008, under reference XA 109/06.

Sector(s) concerned: the entire agricultural sector (SMEs)

Name and address of the granting authority:

Monsieur le Président du département de Seine-Maritime

Quai Jean Moulin

76101 Rouen Cedex 1



Other information: —
