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Document 52005XC0629(05)

    Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises (Text with EEA relevance)

    IO C 158, 29.6.2005, p. 25–28 (ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Official Journal of the European Union

    C 158/25

    Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises

    (2005/C 158/06)

    (Text with EEA relevance)

    Aid No: XS 48/03

    Member State: Italy

    Region: Veneto

    Title of aid scheme: Objective 2 SPD 2000-2006 Priority 3, Measure 3.1 Tourism facilities and support structures — Aid to businesses for the upgrading, modernisation and improvement of tourist amenities.

    Legal basis: Docup ob. 2 2000-2006 — approvato con Decisione

    C (2001) n. 2889 del 26.11.2001

    DGR 3217 dell'8.11.2002 (approvazione bando)

    DGR 4141 del 30.12.2002 (integrazione alla DGR 3217 dell'8.11.2002)

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme: Amount as in supplementary financing plan. Total: EUR 14 445 200 excluding resources for Measure 3.1(c)

    Maximum aid intensity:

    7,5 % gge for medium-sized firms

    15 % gge for small firms

    Aid for promotional and marketing activities; organisation of and participation in trade fairs and exhibitions; quality certification and environmental compatibility will be granted at 50 % gge.

    Aid to small and medium-sized firms in areas falling within the aid map shall comply with the ceilings laid down for the map.

    Date of implementation:

    Duration of scheme: From 15 November 2002 to 30 September 2003; with the possibility of publishing new calls for tender if any funds are left over.

    Objective of aid: Upgrading of tourist facilities within the integrated territorial projects through aid to small firms operating in the tourist industry.

    Economic sector(s) concerned: Tourism.

    Name and address of granting authority:

    Regione del Veneto — Direzione Turismo

    Cannaregio, 168

    30121 Venezia

    through the company

    Veneto Sviluppo SpA

    via Ca' Marcello, 67/2

    30172 Mestre Venezia

    Aid No: XS 54/02

    Member State: Netherlands

    Region: North Netherlands

    Title of aid scheme: Sport en Recreatiecentrum Thialf B.V. (aid recipient) (Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland)

    Legal basis:

    Granting of subsidy


    Amount in EUR

    Gemeente Heerenveen

    11.7.2001 and 10.9.2001

    185 100

    Provincie Fryslân


    562 995

    Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland


    984 120

    Staatssecretaris van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport

    25.10.2001 and 26.10.2001

    521 850



    2 254 065

    N.B. Het besluit van het Samenwerkingsverband betreft het, in het kader van de uitvoering van het Ruimtelijk-Economisch Ontwikkelingsprogramma voor Noord-Nederland 2000-2006, beschikbaar stellen van een bijdrage uit de zogenaamde EZ/Kompas-middelen.

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme: Single tranche of EUR 2 254 065

    Maximum aid intensity: 29,2 % of the entire investment

    Date of implementation:

    Duration of scheme: Ad hoc aid

    Objective of aid: To provide aid with a view to stepping up extension and technical redevelopment measures for the Thialf skating rink in Heerenveen.

    The project aims to create a sporting facility the public character of which will be guaranteed via an automatic transfer provision for a period of five years after the definitive fixing of the aid.

    Economic sector(s) concerned: All sectors

    Name and address of the granting authority: Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland (in conjunction with the Province of Friesland, the municipality of Heerenveen and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport)

    Postbus 779

    9700 AT Groningen

    Other information: This measure concerns ad hoc aid for investments in fixed assets by a small, independent enterprise as defined in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Aid No: XS 60/02

    Member State: Italy

    Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia

    Title of aid scheme: Subsidised loans to SMEs and associations (consorzi) of SMEs operating in industry and services.

    Legal basis:

    DPR n. 0118/PRES. del 2 maggio 2002 di approvazione del ‘Regolamento per l'utilizzo della provvista mista di cui all'articolo 6, commi da 1 a 7, della legge regionale 12 settembre 2001, n. 23’.

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme: EUR 12 911,42, to be financed under the annual Finance Act.

    Maximum aid intensity: 15 % gge for small enterprises and 7.5 % gge for medium-sized enterprises; in areas qualifying for exemption under Article 87(3)(c), 8 % nge + 10 % gge for small enterprises and 8 % nge + 6 % gge for medium-sized enterprises.

    Date of implementation:

    Duration of scheme:

    Objective of aid: To facilitate the financing of SMEs and associations of SMEs operating in industry and services, with particular attention to businesses run by young people and women.

    Economic sector(s) concerned: Manufacturing and production services firms.

    Observations: Subject to Community regulations or directives adopted under the EC Treaty governing State aid in specific industries.

    The legislation lists the industries where aid is limited by Community rules.

    Name and address of granting authority:

    Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia

    Direzione regionale dell'Industria

    Via Trento, 2

    34132 Trieste

    Tel. 040/3772422

    Fax 040/3772463


    Aid No: XS 100/03

    Member State: Italy

    Region:: Friuli-Venezia Giulia

    Title of aid scheme: Advisory services provided to SMEs by outside consultants

    Legal basis: DPR n. 152 del 23/5/2003.

    Regolamento di attuazione per la concessione di contributi finalizzati all'affidamento di studi di fattibilità e predisposizione di progetti di ricerca da presentare alla U.E. ai sensi dell'articolo 21, comma 4, dalla LR. N. 47 del 3/6/1978.

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme: EUR 25 000, to be financed under the annual Finance Act.

    Maximum aid intensity: 50 % of the cost of the advisory service provided, up to a ceiling of EUR 5 000.

    Date of implementation: From the date of publication in the Regional Official Gazette. The first measures will not be taken before August 2003.

    Duration of scheme: 30 June 2007.

    Objective of aid: To enable SMEs to familiarise themselves with and take advantage of European research and development programmes.

    Economic sector(s) concerned: Small and medium-sized industrial enterprises and research centres.

    Observations: Subject to Community regulations or directives adopted under the EC Treaty governing State aid in specific industries.

    Name and address of granting authority:

    Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia

    Direzione regionale dell'Industria

    Via Trento, 2

    34132 Trieste

    Tel. 040/3442422

    Fax 040/3772463


    Aid No: XS 118/02

    Member State: Germany

    Region: Lower Saxony (rural district of Peine)

    Title of aid scheme: Guidelines issued by the rural district of Peine on the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises in the municipalities of Hohenhameln, Ilsede, Lahstedt and Lengede in connection with Objective 2 assistance by the European Union

    Legal basis:

    § 108 der Niedersächsischen Landkreisordnung (NLO) in der Fassung vom 22.8.1996 (Niedersächsisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt S. 365) i. V. mit § 65 der Niedersächsischen Gemeindeordnung (NGO) in der Fassung vom 22.8.1996 (Niedersächsisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt S. 382)

    Annual expenditure planned under the scheme: EUR 200 000

    Maximum aid intensity: The rural district of Peine lies partly within the national assisted areas map approved by the Commission (transitional area).

    The aid amounts:

    in the case of small enterprises, to no more than 15 % and

    in the case of medium-sized enterprises, to no more than 7,5 % of eligible investment expenditure.

    The rules on the cumulation of aid are complied with.

    Date of implementation:

    Duration of scheme: Until 31 December 2005

    Objective: The aid is intended to promote the competitiveness and adaptability of small and medium-sized enterprises in the rural district of Peine (municipalities of Hohenhameln, Ilsede, Lahstedt and Lengede), to encourage the creation of new jobs and help safeguard existing ones and thereby to bring about structural improvements.

    Rescue and restructuring aid for firms in difficulty (within the meaning of the Community guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty: OJ C 288, 9.10.1999) is not covered by the measure.

    Aid may be granted for the following types of investment project:

    setting-up of an establishment;

    extension of an establishment if the number of long-term full-time jobs is increased by 15 % as compared with the situation before the start of the investment;

    rationalisation, diversification or modernisation of an establishment if this serves to ensure the continued existence of the business and the maintenance of most of the jobs;

    acquisition of an establishment threatened with closure, provided that this is done under market conditions.

    The aid takes the form of investment grants.

    All depreciable fixed assets relating to physical and intangible assets are eligible.

    Economic sector(s) concerned: Those entitled to apply are SMEs in manufacturing, the craft sector, the distributive trades, the hotel industry, other service-sector firms and persons working in the business-related professions whose place of business is in the rural district of Peine. Aid may not be granted to firms in sensitive sectors.

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Landkreis Peine

    Burgstr. 1

    31224 Peine

    Other information: Mr Kolloch

    Tel.: 05171/401288

    Fax: 05171/401686

    Aid No: XS 130/03

    Member State: Italy

    Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia

    Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid: Grants for the acquisition of patents or operating licences for new manufacturing technologies aimed at the production cycle.

    Legal basis:

    D.P.R. no 0382/Pres. del 17 ottobre 2003 di approvazione del ‘Regolamento di attuazione per la concessione di contributi finalizzati all'acquisizione di brevetti o di diritti di utilizzazione di nuove tecnologie produttive finalizzati al ciclo produttivo’.

    Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company: Planned annual expenditure: EUR 500 000

    Maximum aid intensity: Up to the maximum of 7,5 % of eligible costs incurred as regards medium-sized firms and 15 % for small firms, apart from the increases in the areas exempted under Article 87(3)(c) of the EC Treaty.

    Date of implementation: From the date of publication in the Regional Official Gazette (BUR No 48 of 26.11.2003).

    Duration of scheme or individual aid award:

    Objective of aid: To raise the technological level of SMEs by giving them the opportunity to acquire patents or operating licences for new manufacturing technologies

    Economic sectors concerned: Small and medium-sized industrial firms.

    Comments: Subject to Community regulations or directives adopted under the EC Treaty governing State aid in specific industries.

    Name and address of the granting authority:

    Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia

    Via Trento, 2

    34132 Trieste

    Tel. 040/377 24 22

    Fax 040/377 24 63

