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Document 52003SC0656

    Commission staff working paper - Annex to the general report on pre-accession assistance (PHARE - ISPA - SAPARD) in 2001 - Country sections {COM(2003)329 final}

    /* SEC/2003/0656 final */


    Commission staff working paper - Annex to the general report on pre-accession assistance (PHARE - ISPA - SAPARD) in 2001 - Country sections {COM(2003)329 final} /* SEC/2003/0656 final */





    3. ESTONIA

    4. HUNGARY

    5. LATVIA


    7. POLAND

    8. ROMANIA


    10. SLOVENIA


    Allocations for Bulgaria in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 185.3 million

    ISPA : EUR 106.8 million

    SAPARD : EUR 54.1 million [1]

    [1] Indicative allocation of the maximum annual amount in 2001 prices.

    TOTAL : EUR 346.2 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance


    Committed amount: EUR 185.323 million [2].

    [2] Excluding benefits from horizontal and multi-country Phare programmes.

    Main programmes

    National Programme // EUR 82.823 million

    Comment: includes participation in Community programmes //

    Cross border Co-operation programmes // EUR 28 million

    Geographical breakdown: Greece EUR 20 million and Romania EUR 8 million //

    Special Programme for Nuclear Decommissioning // EUR 70 million

    Following the early closure agreement reached in 1999 on units 1-4 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant //

    Multi-country nuclear safety programme // EUR 4.5 million

    National programme's objectives

    Economic reform // EUR 11.195 million

    Strengthening public administration // EUR 14.875 million

    Economic & social cohesion // EUR 37.113 million

    Ethnic Integration and civil society // EUR 6.550 million

    Project Preparation, Twinning Light and Management of EU funds // EUR 13.090 million


    Committed amount: EUR 106.8 million

    Environment: EUR 44.9 million Transport: EUR 61.9 million

    Environment strategy's priorities

    1. Water quality 2. Urban waste 3. Air pollution

    Transport strategy's priorities

    -Further opening of Bulgaria to its neighbours (Greece, Turkey and Central Europe) and the rest of Europe - development of main Corridors, border infrastructure and Sofia airport.

    -Maintain a balance between transport modes.

    -Develop railway connections and electrification of all main railway lines.

    -Continue programme of road rehabilitation and construction of new motorways.

    -Ensure compliance of transport infrastructure with environmental concerns.

    -Complete or upgrade the main Trans-European Networks and developing border connections (5 of the 10 priority TINA corridors across Bulgaria).



    Committed amount: EUR 54.094 million

    In December 1999, Bulgaria presented to the Commission a draft Rural Development Plan (RDP) for the period 2000-2006. A revised version of the plan, for a total cost of EUR 808.3 million, was submitted on 7 April 2000 and was approved by the Commission on 20 October 2000.

    Rural Development Plan's main objectives

    -Improving agricultural production efficiency and promoting a competitive food processing sector, by better market and technological infrastructure and strategic investment policies aimed ultimately at reaching EU standards.

    -Sustainable rural development consistent with best environmental practices, by introducing alternative employment, diversifying economic activity and establishing necessary infrastructure.

    Financial breakdown per measures [3]

    [3] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Investments in agricultural holdings // 31 %

    Improvement of processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products and construction of wholesale markets // 24 %

    Development of environmentally friendly agricultural products // 2 %

    Forestry, including afforestation and investments in improvement of the processing and marketing of forestry products // 8 %

    Setting up producers groups // 1 %

    Water resources management // 6 %

    Development and diversification of economic activities providing for multiple activities and alternative income // 6 %

    Renovation and development of villages, protection and conservation of rural heritage and cultural traditions // 8 %

    Development and improvement of rural infrastructure // 6 %

    Improvement of vocational training // 4 %

    Technical assistance // 4 %

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    The following implementation structure now exists in Bulgaria for the implementation of pre-accession assistance:

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare:

    -Central Finance and Contracting Unit for institution building projects

    -Agency at the Ministry of Regional Development that handles investment projects for cross-border co-operation and economic & social cohesion.


    -handle tendering, contracting and payments

    -day-to-day project management remains the responsibility of the Ministries or agencies directly benefiting from the assistance.

    -Increased ownership and responsibility for the sound management of EU funds with the issuance of a decree in September 2000 giving the CFCU the status of Directorate within the Ministry

    For ISPA:

    -Transport: the Ministry of Transport and the Roads Executive Agency

    -Environment: the Ministry of Environment and a joint department of the Ministries of Regional Development and Environment.

    For SAPARD:

    Management for SAPARD aid was conferred on implementing agencies by Commission Decision of 14 May 2001 for 3-out of 11 measures, which account for 61% of programmed amounts. The three concerned measures are: investments in agricultural holdings, processing and marketing, diversification of activities.

    The following structure is used for the implementation of SAPARD in Bulgaria:

    -The National Fund, located within the Ministry of administers SAPARD funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authority Officer; it is responsible for the national accreditation of SAPARD agency and for the information flow between the Commission and Bulgaria.

    -The Managing Authority is located in the Ministry of Agriculture.

    -The SAPARD Agency, is within the State Fund Agriculture (SFA).

    -The Monitoring Committee.

    By the end of 2001, the SAPARD Agency had received 71 applications for support. From these, 38 were approved for a total public aid of EUR 7 million. Finally 8 projects were paid out of EUR 0.8 million. Payment from the Commission amount to EUR 12.988.950 corresponded to payment on account [4].

    [4] The payment for expenditures occurred in the 3rd quarter of 2001 (EUR 411.153) was made in February 2002 after reception of information concerning changes in the SAPARD Agency staff requested by the Commission.

    C. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    In the programming process: through intensified collaboration between the relevant Commission services, including joint programming missions and regular meetings to share information.

    At the national level:

    -Programming: through the National Aid Co-ordinator (NAC) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    -Implementation and financial management: through the Ministry of Finance (National Fund) regarding all aspects of implementation and financial management.

    -For ISPA, Minister for Regional Development & Public Works designated as National ISPA Co-ordinator. He is assisted by a small unit in his Ministry, which acts as the main interlocutor with the Commission on ISPA matters, submits applications for assistance and organises monitoring committee meetings.

    At the regional level:

    -Programming: establishment of regional steering committees

    -Implementation, financial arrangement: through the designated Implementing Agency (Phare, ISPA)


    Allocations for Czech Republic in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 86.6 million

    ISPA : EUR 66.9 million

    SAPARD : EUR 22.9 million

    TOTAL : EUR 176.4 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance


    Committed amount: EUR 86.6 million

    Main programmes

    National Programme // EUR 65.4 million

    Cross border Co-operation programmes // EUR 19 million

    Geographical breakdown: Germany EUR 10 million, Austria EUR 4 million and Poland EUR 5 million //

    Multi-country nuclear safety programme // EUR 2.2 million

    National programme's objectives

    Strengthening the democratic system, the rule of law, human rights and the protections of minorities // EUR 3 million

    Strengthening the competitiveness of the Czech Republic's market economy // EUR 6.5 million

    Helping the Czech Republic adopt and implement the acquis and strengthening the institutional and administrative capacity to manage the acquis // EUR 35.1 millon

    Improving the standard of living in economically depressed regions and at preparing the Czech Republic for the management of Structural Funds // EUR 13.6 million

    Participation in Community programmes // EUR 7.2 million


    Committed amount: EUR 66.9 million

    Environment: EUR 26.1 million Transport: EUR 40.3 million

    Technical assistance projects in both sectors: EUR 160.000

    Preparation for EDIS: EUR 544.722

    -Environment strategy's priorities

    -Water Quality Management

    -Air quality and Climate protection

    -Waste Management

    Transport strategy's priorities

    In the road sector:

    -completion of missing sections of the R 48 expressway linking Czech Republic with Poland

    -construction of certain sections of D8 motorway linking Prague to Dresden

    -completion of the Pilsen by-pass

    -certain sections of the Prague Ring Road.

    In the rail sector: completion of modernisation TEN Corridor IV, which links the country to Berlin and Vienna/ Bratislava.

    In the inland waterways sector: improvement of navigation conditions on the Labe River.


    SAPARDCommitted amount: EUR 22.9 million

    The Czech Rural Development Plan was declared receivable on 28 April 2000 and it was approved by the Commission on 26 October 2000.

    Rural Development Plan's main priorities

    -Increase the competitiveness of agriculture and processing industry

    -Reach the sustainable development of rural areas

    -Technical support

    Financial breakdown per measures [5]

    [5] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Measures to be realised in order to increase the competitiveness of agriculture and processing industry // 62.0 %

    Investments in agriculture holdings // 16.0%

    Improving of the processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products // 17.0 %

    Improving the structures for quality control, for the quality of foodstuffs and for consumer protection // 9.0 %

    Land improvement and re-parcelling // 20.0 %

    Measures selected to reach the sustainable development of rural areas // 35.0 %

    Renovation and development of villages // 11.0 %

    Rural infrastructure // 5.0%

    Development and diversification of economic activities, providing for multiple activities and alternative income // 16.0 %

    Agricultural production methods designed to protect the environment and maintain the countryside // 3.0 %

    Technical support // 3.0 %

    Improvement of vocational training // 2..0 %

    Technical assistance // 1.0 %

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    Phare and ISPA

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare:

    -Central Financing and Contracting Unit (CFCU), for institution building and investment projects

    -Centre for Regional Development, for cross-border co-operation projects and investment projects for social and economic cohesion

    -Czech Civil Society Development Organisation (NROS) for projects concerning the civil society sector.

    For ISPA:

    The basic implementation structure for ISPA was established in the course of 2001:

    -The First Deputy Minister of Finances acts as National ISPA Co-ordinator (NIC)

    -Extension of the Memorandum of Understanding in the National Fund to cover ISPA in December 2001

    -Creation of two Implementing Agencies:

    -Transport: the Ministry of Transport

    -Environment: the Centre for Regional Development.


    The Czech Republic submitted its request for the conferral of management on 13 November 2001. The following structure is used for the implementation of SAPARD in the Czech Republic:

    -The National Fund located within the Ministry of Finance administers SAPARD funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authorising Officer; it is responsible for the national accreditation of the SAPARD Agency and for the information flow between the Commission and the Czech Republic.

    -The Managing Authority is a separate department within the structure of the SAPARD Agency.

    -The SAPARD Agency: the Agency of the Czech Republic for Agricultural Markets and Rural development has been established as the SAPARD Agency.

    -The Monitoring Committee.

    C. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    In the programming process: through intensified collaboration between the relevant Commission services, including joint programming missions and regular meetings to share information.

    At the national level:

    -Co-ordination Phare, ISPA; SAPARD: through the Joint Monitoring Committee, in which the NAC and the NAO meet with the Commission at least once a year; this meeting took place on 31 May 2001.

    -Programming: through the National Aid Coordinator (NAC) in the Ministry of Finance

    -Implementation and financial management: through the Ministry of Finance (National Fund) regarding all aspects of implementation and financial management.

    -Preparation of programming documentation connected with economic and social cohesion: through the Management and Co-ordination Committee that is responsible for overall co-ordination and monitoring of preparations of programming documentation (National Development Plan, ROPs and SOPs) connected with economic and social cohesion, and, in particular, the activities of the Regional and Sectoral Management and Monitoring Committees.

    -For the implementation of SAPARD: through the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry for Regional Development that co-ordinate the implementation of the programme in accordance with the priorities and measures within their respective competencies.

    At the regional level:

    -For Phare CBC and ISPA: through the Monitoring Sub-Committee for Economic and Social Cohesion

    -For SAPARD: through the Regional SAPARD Monitoring Committees

    -Selected regional activities derived from the NDP: it is expected that within the framework of the Regional Development Act, which came into force on 1 January 2001, units appointed by regional self-government and/or regional councils will manage selected regional activities derived from the NDP, under the auspices of the relevant Implementing Agency (CRD).

    3. ESTONIA

    Allocations for Estonia in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 29.3 million

    ISPA : EUR 29.9 million

    SAPARD : EUR 12.6 million

    TOTAL : EUR 71.8 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance


    Committed amount: EUR 29,345,103 million

    Main programmes

    National Programme // EUR 26,345,103

    Cross border Co-operation programmes // EUR 3 million

    Geographical breakdown: Baltic Sea CBC programme: EUR 2 million and Baltic Sea Special Action: EUR 1 million //

    National programme's objectives

    Development of market regulation system // EUR 1.6 million

    Support for accelerating Estonian accession to EU // EUR 1.3 million

    Assistance to tax administration in the development activities proceeding from the fiscal blueprints // EUR 1.4 million

    Development of conformity assessment infrastructure in the field of metrology // EUR 2.5 million

    Promotion of social dialogue on the emplyers' and workers' Organisations level // EUR 0.5 million

    Developing the readiness to implemente SIS // EUR 1.7 million

    Enhancing the administrative capacity of the court system // EUR 0.6 million

    Program of information system for criminal investigation and criminal analyses // EUR 0.6 million

    Strengthening of food inspection system // EUR 2 million

    Competency Centre of Veterinary Public Health // EUR 2 million

    Purchase of equipment for Foundation of animal waste rendering system in Estonia // EUR 3 million

    Nature conservation accession: Establishment of Natura 2000 Network under Habitats Directive // EUR 0.8 million

    Structures and instruments for implementation of business support measures // EUR 2.8 million

    Completing Preparation for the management of EU Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund // EUR 1.2 million

    Support to youth employment // EUR 1 million

    Enhancing human resources development in west Estonian islands // EUR 1 million

    Frontloading for participation in Community Programmes and Agencies in 2002 // EUR 2.6 million


    Committed amount: EUR 29.9 million

    Environment: EUR 17.3 million Transport: EUR 12.2 million

    Technical assistance projects in the transport sectors: EUR 996.000

    Preparation for EDIS: EUR 348.608

    Environment strategy's priorities

    1. Wastewater treatment 2. Waste Management 3. Air quality improvement

    Transport strategy's priorities

    Priority 1: Upgrading of Road Corridor I (Via Baltica). Main projects are located:

    -On the Tallinn -- Parnu -- Ikla Road (Via Baltica)

    -On the connecting east-west link between Corridors I and IX (in Russia)

    -Along Lake Peipsi and in the south-eastern region of Estonia.

    Priority 2: Upgrading of the Railway Link

    -modernisation of the transit traffic and the regional development of the Tallinn -- Tapa -- Narva - St. Petersburg railway line

    -South-eastern rail border station

    -Upgrading of the rail Corridor I

    -Bypass of the railway line around Tallinn towards Paldiski.



    Committed amount: EUR 12.6 million

    The Commission approved the SAPARD Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development for Estonia on 17 November 2000. This Programme was based on the Rural Development Plan sent by Estonia to the Commission of the European Communities in its final version on 25 October 2000.

    Rural Development Plan's main priorities

    -Improving the competitiveness of agriculture and processing industry

    -Rural regeneration and sustainable development

    -Facilitating effective programme implementation

    Financial breakdown per measures [6]

    [6] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Priority 1: Improving the competitiveness of agriculture and the agri-food industry // 60.1 %

    Investments in agricultural holdings // 42.0 %

    Improving the processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products // 18.1 %

    Priority 2: Rural regeneration and development // 36.0 %

    Development and diversification of economic activities // 17.6 %

    Development and improvement of rural infrastructure // 12.2 %

    Renovation and development of villages // 3.5 %

    Agricultural production methods designed to protect the environment and maintain the countryside // 1.4 %

    Forestry // 1.3 %

    Priority 3: Facilitating effective programme implementation // 3.9 %

    Assistance from Article 7(4) Regulation 1268/99 // 2.0 %

    Technical assistance // 1.9 %

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    For Phare and ISPA

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare:

    -Central Finance and Contracting in Ministrty of Finance

    For ISPA:

    -Transport: - the Estonian National Road Administration - the Estonian Railways Ldt

    -Environment: the newly created Environment Investment Centre


    Management of SAPARD aid was conferred on implementing agencies by Commission Decision of 15 June 2001 for 4 out of 8 measures which account for 91% of the programmed amount. The four concerned measures are: investments in agricultural holdings, processing and marketing, diversification of the economic activity and rural infrastructures. The following structure is used for the implementation of SAPARD in Estonia:

    -The National Fund, located within the Ministry of Finance administers SAPARD funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authorising Officer; it is responsible for the national accreditation of the SAPARD Agency and for the information flow between the Commission and Estonia.

    -The Managing Authority: the Ministry of Agriculture, responsible for general programme management and implementation

    -The SAPARD Agency: the Agricultural Registers' and Information Board (ARIB)

    -The Monitoring Committee

    By the end of 2001 the SAPARD Agency had received 248 applications for support involving EUR 12.63 million of public aid. From these, 130 were approved for a total public aid of 7.9 million. Finally, 16 projects were paid out for EUR 0.33 million.

    Payments from the Commission amounted to EUR 3.046.029 from which EUR 3.024.459 corresponded to payment on account, and only EUR 21.570 to reimbursement of expenditure declared by the SAPARD Agency.

    C. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    At the national level:

    -Financial management: through the National Fund

    -Policy co-ordination between Phare, ISPA and SAPARD as between all other bilateral/multilateral assistance is carried out by an Inter-ministerial Foreign Assistance Co-ordination Committee, reuniting six key ministers, chaired by the Ministry of Regional Affairs. The secretariat is ensured by Ministry of Finance.

    At the regional level:

    Inter-ministerial co-ordination in the area of regional development is performed by the State Regional Policy Council that:

    -comprises representatives from all ministries concerned as well as from county governments and local self-governments

    -is chaired by a ministry without portfolio

    -acts primarily as a consultative body

    Implementation of regional programmes: supervised by an inter-ministerial working group.

    4. HUNGARY

    Allocations for Hungary in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 109.85 million

    ISPA : EUR 90.8 million

    SAPARD: EUR 39.54 million

    TOTAL : EUR 240.19 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance


    Committed amount: EUR 109.85 million

    Main programmes

    National Programme // EUR 89.8 million

    Cross border Co-operation programmes // EUR 19 million

    Geographical breakdown: Austria EUR 10 million; Romania EUR 5 million, Slovakia EUR 2 million and Slovenia EUR 2 million

    Multi-country nuclear safety programme // EUR 1.05 million

    National programme's objectives

    Political and Economic criteria // EUR 9 million

    Strengthening administrative capacity to implement harmonised legislation // EUR 18.1 million

    Strengthening judicial capacity, law enforcement and border control // EUR 10 million

    Employment and social affairs // EUR 6.9 million

    Preparation for the implementation of Structural Funds // EUR 29 million

    Participation to Community Programmes // EUR 16.8 million


    Committed amount: EUR 90.8 million

    Environment: EUR 42.6 million Transport: EUR 48.2 million

    Technical assistance projects in both sectors: EUR 2.4 million

    Environment strategy's priorities

    1. Water protection 2. Municipal Waste Treatment 3. Air quality improvement

    Transport strategy's priorities

    -Promotion of integration into the EU;

    -Improved co-operation with neighbouring countries;

    -Contribution to balanced regional development; protection of human life and environment;

    -Effective, market-oriented transport regulations.



    Committed amount: EUR 39.54 million

    The SAPARD Rural Development Programme for Hungary was approved by the Commission on 18 October 2000.

    Rural Development Plan's main objectives

    -Increasing the competitiveness of agriculture and processing industries

    -Focus on environmental protection aspects

    -Enhancing the adaptation capabilities of rural areas

    Financial breakdown per measures [7]

    [7] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Investments in agricultural holdings // 28.4 %

    Improvement of processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products and construction of wholesale markets // 20.5 %

    Improvement of vocational training // 1.8 %

    Setting up producer group // 7.3 %

    Pilot actions on agricultural production methods designed to protect the environment and maintain the country side // 4.2 %

    Renovation and development of villages, protection and conservation of rural heritage and cultural traditions // 9%

    Diversification of economic activities aimed at generating alternative revenues // 15.5%

    Development and improvement of rural infrastructure // 12 %

    Technical assistance // 1 %

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    Phare and ISPA

    The following implementation structure now exists in Hungary for the implementation of pre-accession assistance:

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare:

    -Central Finance and Contracting Unit for institution building projects.

    -Implementing Agency for Regional Development-- Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development that handles investment projects for cross-border co-operation and economic & social cohesion.


    -handle tendering, contracting and payments

    -day-to-day project management remains the responsibility of the Ministries or agencies directly benefiting from the assistance.

    -Increased ownership and responsibility for the sound management of EU funds with the issuance of a decree in September 2000 giving the CFCU the status of Directorate within the Ministry

    For ISPA:

    -Transport: the Ministry of Transport and Water Management

    -Environment: the Ministry of Environment.


    The following structures will be used for the implementation of SAPARD in Hungary:

    -The National Fund, located within the Ministry of Finance, administers SAPARD funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authorising Officer (NAO) and is responsible for the national accreditation of the SAPARD Agency.

    -The Managing Authority is located within the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development (MARD).

    -The SAPARD Agency will be established within the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development and will have its own regional offices.

    -The Monitoring Committee.

    C. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    -In the programming process: through intensified collaboration between the relevant Commission services, including joint programming missions and regular meetings to share information.

    At the national level:

    -Programming and implementation: through the National Aid Co-ordinator (NAC) in the Prime Minister's Office which co-ordinates programming and organises monitoring Committees

    -Financial management: through the Ministry of Finance (National Fund) regarding all aspects of implementation and financial management.

    -For ISPA, Minister for Regional Development & Public Works designated as National ISPA Co-ordinator. He is assisted by a small unit in his Ministry, which acts as the main interlocutor with the Commission on ISPA matters, submits applications for assistance and organises monitoring committee meetings.

    At the regional level:

    -Programming: the regional level, is consulted during the programming phase and in the elaboration of the relevant strategy and programming documents.

    -Implementation, financial arrangement: through the designated Implementing Agency (Phare, ISPA) and Paying Agency (SAPARD)

    5. LATVIA

    Allocations for Latvia in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 36.2 million

    ISPA : EUR 48.1 million

    SAPARD : EUR 22.7 million

    TOTAL : EUR 107 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance

    Committed amount: EUR 36.155 million

    Main programmes

    National Programme // EUR 31.405 million

    Cross border Co-operation programmes // EUR 3 million

    Financial breakdown: Baltic Sea CBC programme EUR 2 million for Grant Scheme and EUR 1 million for Small Project Fund //

    Multi-country nuclear safety programme // EUR 1.75 million

    National programme's objectives

    Political criteria: Promotion of Integration of Society in Latvia // EUR 2 million

    Reinforcement of Institutional and Administrative Capacity: Institutional strengthening of tax and customs administrations; development of the management mechanisms of the Latvian agriculture in line with the EU CAP; Maritime safety; twinning light envelope // EUR 5.4 million

    Employment and Social Affairs // EUR 2.2 million

    Justice and home affairs including border control: inspection infrastructure at seaports and railroads border crossings; Asylum and migration management system; preventing, combatting and reducing organised crime. // EUR 10.568 million

    Participation in Community Programmes and Agencies // EUR 2.237 million

    Economic and social cohesion: Development of business environment in Latvia // EUR 9 million


    Committed amount: EUR 48.1 million

    Environment: EUR 25.8 million Transport: EUR 21.7 million

    Technical Assistance in transport: EUR 3.3 million

    Preparation for EDIS: EUR 560,000

    Environment strategy's priorities

    1. Wastewater treatment 2. Waste Management

    Transport strategy's priorities

    -Priority 1: Upgrading of Road Corridor I (Via Baltica).

    -Priority 2: Upgrading of the East-West Railway Link



    Committed amount: EUR 22.7 million

    The Commission approved the SAPARD Programme on 25 October 2000. A first modification (before granting the conferral of management) was approved on 28 November 2001.

    Rural Development Plan's main priorities

    -To increase competitiveness and farming income level and to increase the incomes of agriculture enterprises through the development of sustainable agriculture

    -To improve infrastructure in the rural territory to bring it closer to urban standards and to create employment structure in the rural territory

    -To develop and promote the methods designed to protect the environment and maintain the countryside

    Financial breakdown per measures [8]

    [8] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Priority 1: Investment in agricultural holdings // 28.0 %

    Modernisation of agriculture machinery, equipment and construction // 23.1 %

    Afforestation of agricultural land // 3.0 %

    Land reparcelling // 1.9 %

    Priority 2: Improvement of agriculture and fisheries product processing and marketing // 26.0 %

    Priority 3: Development and diversification of economic activities providing alternative income // 23.6 %

    Priority 4: Improvement of general rural infrastructure // 12.0 %

    Priority 5: Environmental friendly agricultural methods // 4.5 %

    Organic farming // 1.8 %

    Preservation of biodiversity and rural landscape // 1.6 %

    Reduction of agricultural run-off // 1.1 %

    Supporting measures // 5.9 %

    Vocational training // 3.9 %

    Technical Assistance // 2.0 %

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    Phare and ISPA

    The following implementation structure now exists in Latvia for the implementation of pre-accession assistance

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare:

    -Phare programme implemented under the National Authorising Officer (NAO)

    -Central Finance and Contracting Unit (CFCU) for tendering and contracting in the case of Institution Building (including twinning)

    -Two Implementing agencies (IA), one in the field of transport and the other one in the field of environment

    For ISPA:

    -Implementing agency in the Ministry of Transport: tendering and contracting transport infrastructure projects

    -Implementation Agency in the Ministry of Environmental protection and regional development: tendering and contracting of environmental infrastructure projects


    Management of SAPARD aid was conferred on implementing agencies by Commission Decision of 6 December 2001 for 6 out of 11 measures, which account for 92% of the programmed amounts. The 6 measures concerned are:

    -Modernisation of agriculture machinery, equipment and construction;

    -Afforestation of agricultural land;

    -Improvement of agriculture and fisheries product processing and marketing;

    -Development and diversification of economic activities providing alternative income;

    -Improvement of general rural infrastructure and

    -Vocational training

    The following structure is used for the implementation of SAPARD in Latvia:

    -The National Fund located within the Ministry of Finance administers SAPARD funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authorising Officer; it is responsible for the national accreditation of the SAPARD Agency and for the information flow between the Commission and Latvia.

    -The Managing Authority: located within the Ministry of Agriculture

    -SAPARD Agency: the Rural support Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, seat in Riga with 9 regional offices

    -The Monitoring Committee

    C. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    At the national level:

    -Programming: through the National Aid Co-ordinator for Phare, who will also act as National ISPA Co-ordinator

    -Implementation and Financial management: Ministry of Finance

    -Co-ordination of the monitoring of the 3 pre-accession instruments: it includes the NAC, the NAO and the Commission


    Allocations for Lithuania in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 106.2 million

    ISPA : EUR 50.5 million

    SAPARD : EUR 31 million

    TOTAL : EUR 187.7 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance


    Committed amount: EUR 106.2 million

    Main programmes

    National Programme // EUR 45.5 million

    Special Programme for Nuclear Decommissioning // EUR 55 million

    Multi-country nuclear safety programme // EUR 2.7 million

    CBC (Investment+ Small Project Fund) // EUR 3 million

    National programme's objectives

    Participation in Community programmes // EUR 4.4 million

    Continue Social Security financing reform // EUR 3 million

    Transport // EUR 2.4 million

    Strengthening the Energy Market Regulator // EUR 1.95 million

    Agriculture Animal Tracing and phytosanitary modernisation // EUR 3 million

    Strengthening institutional capacity to manage acquis requirements on chemicals, GMOS, IPCC and climate change // EUR 4.15 million

    Justice and Home Affairs - establishment of national Europol office, upgrading of forensic laboratories and strengthening judicial capacity // EUR 4.8 million

    Administrative capacity - public external audit, preparation for Structural Funds, Twinning Light reserve // EUR 5.1 million


    Committed amount: EUR 50.5 million

    Environment: EUR 35.7 million Transport: EUR 14.5 million

    Technical Assistance: EUR 6.3 million Preparation for EDIS: EUR 305.136

    Environment strategy's priorities

    1. Wastewater treatment 2. Waste Management 3. Solid waste

    Transport strategy's priorities

    Priority 1: Completing and improving the European Corridors that pass through Lithuania (I, IA, IXB, IXD).

    Priority 2: Development of a European gauge track linking the Polish border to a Logistics and Interchange centre at Kaunas: outline agreement has been reached with Poland on a strategy to upgrade the route.



    Committed amount: EUR 31 million

    The Commission approved the SAPARD Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development for Lithuania on 17 November 2000.

    Rural Development Plan's main priorities

    -To strengthen the competitiveness and incomes of agricultural businesses

    -To develop higher-value processed food products and improve efficiency in food processing through new technology and the introduction of quality management throughout the production process

    -To invest in rural infrastructure and promote new economic activities to increase the viability of rural communities

    -To introduce environmentally friendly production techniques for farming and forestry

    Financial breakdown per measures [9]

    [9] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Investments in agricultural holdings // 46.8 %

    Improving the processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products // 21.0 %

    Development and diversification of economic activities providing alternative incomes // 8.2 %

    Improvement of rural infrastructure // 15.5 %

    Afforestation of agricultural land and improvement of forest infrastructure // 3.7 %

    Environmentally friendly agricultural methods // 1.0 %

    Vocational training // 1.8 %

    Technical assistance // 2.0 %

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    Phare and ISPA

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare:

    -Central Finance and Contracting Unit for most Phare funds

    For ISPA:

    -Transport: Implementing Agency in the Ministry of Transport

    -Environment: Central Finance and Contracting Unit

    For SAPARD

    Management of SAPARD aid was conferred on implementing agencies by Commission Decision of 26 November 2001 for 5 out of 8 measures, which account for 94% of the programmed amounts. The 5 measures concerned are:

    -Investments in agricultural holdings;

    -Improving the processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products;

    -Development and diversification of economic activities providing alternative incomes;

    -Improvement of rural infrastructure and

    -Vocational training.

    The following structure is used for the implementation of SAPARD in Lithuania:

    -The National Fund within the Ministry of Finance administers SAPARD funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authorising Officer; it is responsible for the national accreditation of the SAPARD Agency and for the information flow between the Commission and Lithuania.

    -The Managing Authority: Ministry of Agriculture.

    -SAPARD Agency: National paying agency, responsible for the implementation and financial management of the programme. The agency operates from its seat in Vilnius with 10 regional offices throughout Lithuania.

    -The Monitoring Committee.

    C. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    At the national level:

    -National aid co-ordinator: responsible for Phare and ISPA.

    -National Regional Development council: responsible for the co-ordination between Phare and SAPARD.

    -Phare Joint monitoring committee: responsible for co-ordination of monitoring for the three instruments.

    At the regional level:

    -SAPARD/Phare: The main document to avoid the overlapping is the application form from SAPARD and the project selection for SAPARD is planned at a central Paying Agency, with only a pre-selection carried out in the Districts

    -Phare: existence of regional management structures at the County level

    7. POLAND

    Allocations for Poland in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 468.45 million

    ISPA : EUR 406.6 million

    SAPARD : EUR 175.1 million

    TOTAL : EUR 1050.15 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance


    Committed amount: EUR 468.45 million

    Main programmes

    The Phare National Programme

    (incl. The Flood Damage Reconstruction Programme: EUR 15 million) // EUR 411 million

    Cross border Co-operation programmes // EUR 56 million

    Poland-Germany: EUR 44 million; Poland-Slovak Republic: EUR 4 million; Poland-Czech Republic: EUR 5; Baltic sea CBC: EUR 3 million //

    Multi-country nuclear safety programme // EUR 1.45 million

    National programme's objectives

    Strengthening institutional and administrative capacity // EUR 45.46 million

    Internal market // EUR 33.745 million

    Justice and home affairs // EUR 49.7 million

    Agriculture // EUR 32.92 million

    Environment // EUR 21.91 million

    Economic and Social Cohesion // EUR 169.955 million

    Participation in Community Programmes and Agencies // EUR 42.31 million


    Committed amount: EUR 406.6 million

    Environment: EUR 228 million Transport: EUR 177.6 million

    Technical Assistance Projects in both sectors: EUR 5.5 million

    Preparation for EDIS: EUR 984.000

    Environment strategy's priorities

    1. Wastewater treatment 2. Waste Management

    Transport strategy's priorities

    For the period 200-2006, priority is given to investment which:

    -Contribute to the further integration of the Polish transport system with the present TENs (Corridor II (connecting Poland with Germany and Belarus), Corridor III (connecting Poland with Germany and the Ukraine), and Corridor VI (connecting Poland with Slovakia and Czech Republic).

    -Improve transport links with the other accession countries and meet trans-border priorities agreed upon by Poland with its neighbours;

    -Contribute to the improvement of the national transport system by eliminating missing links;

    -Provide continuity with projects undertaken in previous years (the network effect).



    Committed amount: EUR 175.057 million

    The commission approved the Polish SAPARD programme on 18 October 2000.

    Rural Development Plan's main priorities

    -Improvement of the market efficiency of the agri-food sector

    -Improvement of conditions for economic activities and job creation

    Financial breakdown per measures [10]

    [10] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Priority 1: Improvement of the market efficiency of the agri-food sector //

    Improvement in processing and marketing of food and fishery products // 38.1%

    Investments in agricultural holdings // 17.7%

    Priority 2: Improvement of conditions for economic activities and job creation //

    Development of rural infrastructure // 27.8%

    Diversification of economic activities in rural areas // 11.6%

    Complementary axis //

    Agri-environmental measures and afforestation (pilot projects) // 1.9%

    Vocational training // 2.2%

    Technical assistance // 0.7%

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare and ISPA:

    -Five Implementing Agencies, under the authority of the NAO

    -Central Finance and Contracting Unit for institution building projects, or where there is no implementing agency in a particular sector (tendering and contracting)

    -Responsibility of the ministries/administrations for project selection and monitoring

    Special for ISPA:

    The final beneficiaries (mainly municipalities or municipally owned utility companies in the case of environment) will sign the contracts to implement the projects. For some projects the implementing bodies and the final beneficiaries are the same. This is the case ase regards the transport sector, where the General Directorate for Public Roads (GDDP) is at the same time the implementing agency and the final beneficiary for road projects and the Polish railway company (PKP) for rail projects.


    Poland submitted its request for conferral of management on the 21 September 2001, with additional (SAPARD Agency) components arriving on 16 October. The audit to the National Fund was carried out in October; the audit to the SAPARD Agency took place in November and December.

    The following structure is used for the implementation of SAPARD in Poland:

    -The National Fund, located within the Ministry of Finance is responsible for the national accreditation of SAPARD agency and will administer SAPARD funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authorising Officer

    -The Managing Authority is located in the Ministry of Agriculture and rural development

    -The SAPARD Agency: The Agency for restructuring and Modernisation of agriculture (ARMA) will operate from its seat in Warsaw with 16 regional offices;

    -The Monitoring Committee.

    C. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    At the national level:

    -Programming: Office of the Committee for European Integration (National Aid Co-ordinator)

    -Implementation and Financial management: through the National Fund, the Ministry of finance

    -ISPA: further co-ordination by the ministries of transport and environment

    At the regional level:

    -Programming: Regional steering committee

    -Implementation and Financial management: designated Implementing Agency (Phare, ISPA) and regional offices of the paying agency (SAPARD).

    -ISPA: not implemented on a regional basis.

    8. ROMANIA

    Allocations for Romania in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 289.14 million

    ISPA : EUR 245.6 million

    SAPARD : EUR 156.33 million

    TOTAL : EUR 691.07 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance


    Committed amount: EUR 289.14 million

    Main programmes

    National Programme // EUR 248.89 million

    Cross border Co-operation programmes // EUR 13 million

    With Bulgaria (EUR 8 million) and Hungary (EUR 5 million) //

    Supplementary Investment Facility // EUR 24.8 million

    Multi-country nuclear safety programme // EUR 2.45 million

    National programme's objectives

    Political criteria: continued support for "Children First", support to the national strategy to improve Roma conditions // EUR 27 million

    Economic criteria: implementation of CEC Savings Bank restructuring // EUR 5.6 million

    Meeting the obligations of the Acquis (several projects) // EUR 67.6 million

    Economical and social cohesion: Institution building for economic and social cohesion; social services Institution Building; investments in Economic and social cohesion; energy efficiency improvement in district heating systems // EUR 109.25 million

    Participation in Community Programmes // EUR 21.44 million

    RO-0106: Strengthening administrative capacity (several projects) // EUR 18 million


    Committed amount: EUR 245.6 million

    Environment: EUR 122.8 million Transport: EUR 122.8 million

    Environment strategy's priorities

    1. Wastewater treatment 2. Waste Management 3. Air quality improvement

    Transport strategy's priorities

    Financing modernisation of well travelled sections of the three trans-European corridors crossing the country while maintaining a reasonable balance between road, rail and waterways:

    -Corridor IV : from Hungary to Constanta (East Branch) and from Hungary to Bulgaria (South Branch), with a view of setting most of this rail/road corridor to EU standards;

    -Corridor VII: Danube river from the Yugoslavian boarder to the delta (Ukrainian border), where navigability needs to be improved;

    -Corridor IX: from the Ukrainian and Moldavian borders to the Bulgarian border, emphasis being placed on road connections with Bulgaria.



    Committed amount: EUR 156.328 million

    A rural development plan for the period 2000-2006, was submitted to the Commission in December 1999. A final version of the plan, for a total cost of EUR 2,083 million, submitted in November 21, 2000, has been approved by the Commission, on December 12, 2000.

    Rural Development Plan's main prorities

    -Contribution to the implementation of the "acquis communautaire" concerning the common agriculture policy, the environmental protection and related policies in the field of food and consumer protection, public health, wellbeing and good health condition of the animals and plant health.

    -Engaging in the environment protection, the transposition in the national legislation and implementation of Directives and programme.

    -Solving priorities and specific problems for the sustainable adaptation of the agricultural sector and rural areas

    Financial breakdown per measures [11]

    [11] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Improving the processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products // 17%

    Improving the structures for quality, veterinary and plant-health control, foodstuffs and consumer protection // 2%

    Development and improvement of rural infrastructure // 28%

    Management of water resources // 3%

    Investments in agricultural holdings // 15%

    Setting up producers groups // 2%

    Agri-environmental measures // 3%

    Development and diversification of economic activities, multiple activities and alternative incomes // 10%

    Forestry // 10%

    Improving vocational training // 5%

    Technical assistance // 5%

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    Phare and ISPA

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare:

    -Central Finance and Contracts Unit in the ministry of finance

    -National Administration of Roads

    -Ministry of development and prognosis

    -National agency for Regional Development

    For ISPA:

    -Transport: - National Administration of roads (N.A.R.)

    -National Railway Company/Infrastructure (C.F.R.-S.A.)

    -Environment: - Municipalities

    -Central Finance and Contracting Unit


    The following structure envisaged for the implementation of SAPARD:

    -The National Fund located within the Ministry of Finance is responsible for the national accreditation of SAPARD agency and will administer SAPARD funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authorising Officer

    -The Managing Authority is proposed to be located within the Ministry of European Integration

    -The SAPARD Agency is located within the Ministry of Agriculture

    -The Monitoring Committee

    D. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    At the national level:

    The National aid co-ordinator, the Minister for European Integration, is in charge of the co-ordination between Phare, ISPA and SAPARD as between all other bilateral/multilateral assistance.

    At the regional level:

    Between Phare and SAPARD: close co-ordination between the Regional Development agencies in the priority regions for Phare and the regional level offices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Existence of regional development plans, approved by Regional development councils represented elected local authorities.

    Between Phare and ISPA: also regional development plans.


    Allocations for Slovakia in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 80.5 million

    ISPA : EUR 48.1 million

    SAPARD: EUR 19 million

    TOTAL : EUR 147.6 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance


    Committed amount: EUR 80.5 million

    Main programmes

    National Programme

    (including EUR 7.3 million for participation in Community programmes) // EUR 43.5 million

    Cross border Co-operation programmes // EUR 12 million

    Financial breakdown: Austrian/Slovak border: EUR 6 million; Polish/Slovak border: EUR 4 million; Hungarian/Slovak border: EUR 2 million //

    Closure and decommissioning of Bohunice VI // EUR 25 million

    National programme's objectives

    Political criteria: improving the situation of the Roma minority // EUR 10 million

    Internal market: support of market surveillance system in consumer and health protection; customs // EUR 3.7 million

    Support for the Energy policy // EUR 0.8 million

    Economic and Social Cohesion: Development of the institutional framework and administrative capacity for programming and implementation of Structural Funds; human resources development through preventive and individual active measures for the unemployed; five business related infrastructure projects // EUR 18.4 million

    Justice and home affairs: strengthening the independence of the judiciary // EUR 1 million

    Public internal financial control // EUR 1 million

    Twinning Light Facility // EUR 0.8 million

    Slovakia's participation in Community programmes/Agencies // EUR 7.3 million


    Committed amount: EUR 48.1 million

    Environment: EUR 23.4 million Transport: EUR 24.7 million

    Technical Assistance: EUR 763, 056

    Environment strategy's priorities

    1. Wastewater treatment 2. Waste Management 3. Air quality improvement

    Transport strategy's priorities

    -Build up and modernisation of transport infrastructure in the mutli-modal corridors in line with European norms.

    -Development of international roads and their interconnection with the European Roads network.

    -Integration of passenger transportation systems.

    -Promotion of combined road/rail transport and

    -Ensure compliance of transport infrastructure with environmental concerns.



    Committed amount: EUR 18.98 million

    The Slovak plan was declared receivable on 6 June 2000. The Commission adopted it on 17 November 2000.

    Rural Development Plan's main priorities

    -Improvement of agricultural production sector including food processing industry

    -Sustainable rural development

    -Human resources development

    Financial breakdown per measures [12]

    [12] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Priority 1: Improvement of agricultural production sector including food processing industry // 59%

    Investments in agricultural enterprises // 27%

    Improving of the processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products // 27%

    Producer groups // 5%

    Priority 2: Sustainable rural development // 36%

    Diversification of activities in rural areas // 11%

    Rural infrastructure // 4%

    Forestry // 7%

    Agricultural production methods designed to protect the environment and maintain the countryside // 4%

    Land consolidation // 10%

    Priority 3: Human resources development // 5%

    Development of human resources (training) // 2%

    Technical assistance // 3%

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    Phare and ISPA

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare:

    -Central Finance and Contracting Unit, handles the financial administration, accounting and payments of Phare projects.

    -Civil society development foundation

    -Slovak Post-Privatisation Fund

    -(SARIO) Export Development

    -Environmental Grant Scheme

    -NADSME - National Agency for the development of the SME

    For ISPA:

    -Transport: The Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications

    -Environment: An Implementation Agency within the Ministry of Environment


    -The following structure is used for the implementation of SAPARD in the Slovak Republic:

    -The National Fund, located within the Ministry of Finance administers SAPARD funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authorising Officer (NAO). It is responsible for matters relating to the national accreditation of the SAPARD Agency.

    -Management authority for SAPARD programme resides within the Section for Structural Policy and Rural Development in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic (Department of Regional Policy and Rural Development).

    -The SAPARD Agency was established on 1.12.1999 as a budgetary organisation reporting directly to the Minister of Agriculture Slovak Paying Agency; on 01/07/2000, it enlarged its activities and changes its name to SAPARD Agency.

    -The Monitoring Committee

    C. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    At the national level:

    Co-ordination of Phare and ISPA: the National Aid Co-ordinator:

    -Financial management: State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance, who is also the National Authorising officer

    At the regional level:

    -The Joint Monitoring Committee will ensure co-ordination of monitoring of the three instruments

    10. SLOVENIA

    Allocations for Slovenia in 2001 were as follows:

    Phare : EUR 28.45 million

    ISPA : EUR 16 million

    SAPARD : EUR 6.6 million

    TOTAL : EUR 51.05 million

    A. Programming of pre-accession assistance


    Committed amount: EUR 28.45 million

    Main programmes

    National Programme // EUR 21.3 million

    Cross border Co-operation programmes // EUR 7 million

    Geographical breakdown: Austria (EUR 5 million) and Hungary (EUR 2 million) //

    Multi-country nuclear safety programme // EUR 0.15 million

    National programme's objectives

    Reinforcement of administrative capacity // EUR 3.12 million

    Further integration of Slovenia into the internal market // EUR 2.15 million

    Economic and social cohesion // EUR 3.5 million

    Justice and home affairs // EUR 9.3 million

    Twinning Light Pot // EUR 0.4 million

    Participation in Community programmes // EUR 2.83 million


    Committed amount: EUR 16 million

    Environment: EUR 9.3 million Transport: EUR 6.7 million

    Environment strategy's priorities

    1. Wastewater treatment 2. Waste Management

    Transport strategy's priorities

    Concentration of all efforts on completing or upgrading the main Trans-European networks and developing border connections (2 of the 10 priority TINA corridors across Slovenia).



    Committed amount: EUR 6.6 million

    The commission approved the Slovenian SAPARD programme on 27 October 2000.

    Rural Development Plan's main priorities

    -Improvement of production and marketing structures in agriculture and food-processing industry

    -Economic diversification and improvement of rural infrastructure

    Financial breakdown per measures [13]

    [13] As stated in the RDP, share of total allocation of EU funds

    Investments in agricultural holdings // 35%

    Processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products // 40%

    Economic diversification // 14%

    Development and improvement of rural infrastructure // 10%

    Technical assistance // 1%

    B. Implementation of pre-accession assistance

    Phare and ISPA

    The following implementation structure now exists in Bulgaria for the implementation of pre-accession assistance

    National Fund (NF)

    Implementing Agencies

    For Phare:

    Central Finance and Contracting Unit in Ministry of Finance

    For ISPA:

    Environment: the Ministry of Environment, for co-ordination and monitoring


    Management of SAPARD aid was conferred on implementing agencies by Commission Decision of 19 November 2001for 4 out of 5 measures which account for 99. % of programmed amounts.

    The four concerned measures are: investments in agricultural holdings, processing and marketing, diversification of activities and rural infrastructures.

    The following structure is used for the implementation of SAPARD in Slovenia:

    -The National Fund, located within the Ministry of finance administers Sapard funds allocated under the responsibility of the National Authorising Officer (NAO); it is responsible for the national accreditation of the Sapard Agency and for the information flow between the Commission and Slovenia;

    -The Managing Authority is located in the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and food.

    -The Sapard Agency: the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for agricultural markets and Rural Development (AAMRD), within the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and food.

    -The Monitoring Committee

    C. Co-ordination between pre-accession instruments

    At the national level:

    -Financial management: through the National Fund

    -Co-ordination of programming of all three pre-accession instruments: through the national aid co-ordinator

    -National co-ordination: Government office for European Affairs which co-ordinates the multi-annual strategic documents prepared by the line Ministries at national level; co-ordination under Article 4 of the co-ordination regulation; and co-ordination by activities financed through EIB, EBRD, other IFIs and EU instruments.
