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Document 02009R0723-20131226

    Consolidated text: Council Regulation (EC) No 723/2009 of 25 June 2009 on the Community legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)


    02009R0723 — EN — 26.12.2013 — 001.001

    This text is meant purely as a documentation tool and has no legal effect. The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The authentic versions of the relevant acts, including their preambles, are those published in the Official Journal of the European Union and available in EUR-Lex. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links embedded in this document



    of 25 June 2009

    on the Community legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)

    (OJ L 206 8.8.2009, p. 1)

    Amended by:



    Official Journal





    COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 1261/2013 of 2 December 2013

      L 326





    of 25 June 2009

    on the Community legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)

    Article 1


    This Regulation establishes a legal framework laying down the requirements and procedures for and the effects of setting-up a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (hereinafter referred to as an ‘ERIC’).

    Article 2


    For the purpose of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:


    ‘research infrastructure’ means facilities, resources and related services that are used by the scientific community to conduct top-level research in their respective fields and covers major scientific equipment or sets of instruments; knowledge-based resources such as collections, archives or structures for scientific information; enabling Information and Communications Technology-based infrastructures such as Grid, computing, software and communication, or any other entity of a unique nature essential to achieve excellence in research. Such infrastructures may be ‘single-sited’ or ‘distributed’ (an organised network of resources);


    ‘third country’ means a State that is not a Member State of the European Union;


    ‘associated country’ means a third country which is party to an international agreement with the Community, under the terms or on the basis of which it makes a financial contribution to all or part of the Community research, technological development and demonstration programmes.

    Article 3

    Task and other activities

    The principal task of an ERIC shall be to establish and operate a research infrastructure.
    An ERIC shall pursue its principal task on a non-economic basis. However, it may carry out limited economic activities, provided that they are closely related to its principal task and that they do not jeopardise the achievement thereof.
    An ERIC shall record the costs and revenues of its economic activities separately and shall charge market prices for them, or, if these cannot be ascertained, full costs plus a reasonable margin.

    Article 4

    Requirements relating to infrastructure

    The research infrastructure to be established by an ERIC shall meet the following requirements:


    it is necessary for the carrying-out of European research programmes and projects, including for the efficient execution of Community research, technological development and demonstration programmes;


    it represents an added value in the strengthening and structuring of the European Research Area (ERA) and a significant improvement in the relevant scientific and technological fields at international level;


    effective access, in accordance with the rules established in its Statutes, is granted to the European research community, composed of researchers from Member States and from associated countries;


    it contributes to the mobility of knowledge and/or researchers within the ERA and increases the use of intellectual potential throughout Europe; and


    it contributes to the dissemination and optimisation of the results of activities in Community research, technological development and demonstration.

    Article 5

    Application for the setting-up of an ERIC


    The entities applying for the setting-up of an ERIC (hereinafter referred to as applicants) shall submit an application to the Commission. The application shall be submitted in writing in one of the official languages of the institutions of the Union and shall contain the following:


    a request to the Commission to set up the ERIC;


    the proposed Statutes of the ERIC referred to in Article 10;


    a technical and scientific description of the research infrastructure to be established and operated by the ERIC, addressing in particular the requirements set out in Article 4;


    a declaration by the host Member State recognising the ERIC as an international body in the sense of Articles 143(g) and 151(1)(b) of Directive 2006/112/EC and as international organisation in the sense of the second indent of Article 23(1) of Directive 92/12/EEC, as of its setting up. The limits and conditions of the exemptions provided for in these provisions shall be laid down in an agreement between the members of the ERIC.

    The Commission shall assess the application in line with the requirements laid down in this Regulation. During the assessment it shall obtain the views of independent experts in particular in the field of the intended activities of the ERIC. The result of such assessment shall be communicated to the applicants who shall, if necessary, be invited to complete or amend the application.

    Article 6

    Decision on the application


    The Commission shall, taking into account the results of the assessment referred to in Article 5(2) and in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 20:


    adopt a decision setting up the ERIC after it has satisfied itself that the requirements laid down in this Regulation are met; or


    reject the application if it concludes that the requirements laid down in this Regulation are not met, including in the absence of the declaration referred to in Article 5(1)(d).

    The decision on the application shall be notified to the applicants. In the case of a rejection, the decision shall be explained in clear and precise terms to the applicants.

    The decision setting up the ERIC shall also be published in the L series of the Official Journal of the European Union.

    The essential elements of the Statutes as set out in Article 10 points (b) to (f) and in points (i) to (vi) of point (g) contained in the application shall be annexed to the decision setting up the ERIC.

    Article 7

    Status of an ERIC

    An ERIC shall have legal personality as from the date on which the decision setting up the ERIC takes effect.
    An ERIC shall have in each Member State the most extensive legal capacity accorded to legal entities under the law of that Member State. It may, in particular, acquire, own and dispose of movable, immovable and intellectual property, conclude contracts and be a party to legal proceedings.
    An ERIC is an international organisation within the meaning of Article 15(c) of Directive 2004/18/EC.

    Article 8

    Seat and name

    An ERIC shall have a statutory seat, which shall be located on the territory of a member which shall be a Member State or an associated country.
    An ERIC shall have a name containing the abbreviation ‘ERIC’.

    Article 9

    Requirements for membership


    The following entities may become members of an ERIC:


    Member States;


    associated countries;


    third countries other than associated countries;


    intergovernmental organisations.


    The membership of an ERIC must include a Member State and two other countries that are either Member States or associated countries. Further Member States or associated countries may join as members at any time on fair and reasonable terms specified in the Statutes and as observers without voting rights on conditions specified in those Statutes. Third countries other than associated countries as well as intergovernmental organisations, may also become members of an ERIC, subject to approval by the assembly of members referred to in Article 12(a), in accordance with the conditions and procedure for changes in membership laid down in its Statutes.
    Member States or associated countries shall hold jointly the majority of the voting rights in the assembly of members. For an ERIC hosted by a Member State, proposals for amending its Statutes shall require the agreement of the majority of the Member States that are members of that ERIC.


    Any Member State, associated country or third country may be represented by one or more public entities, including regions or private entities with a public service mission, as regards the exercise of specified rights and the discharge of specified obligations as a member of the ERIC.
    Associated countries, third countries and intergovernmental organisations applying for the setting-up of or for membership in an ERIC shall recognise that that ERIC shall have legal personality and capacity in accordance with Article 7(1) and (2) and that it shall be subject to rules determined in application of Article 15.
    Associated and third countries applying for the setting-up of or for membership in an ERIC shall accord to the ERIC treatment equivalent to that following from Articles 5(1)(d) and 7(3).

    Article 10


    The Statutes of an ERIC shall contain at least the following:


    a list of members, observers and, where applicable, of entities representing members and the conditions of and the procedure for changes in membership and representation in compliance with Article 9;


    the tasks and activities of the ERIC;


    the statutory seat in compliance with Article 8(1);


    the name of the ERIC in compliance with Article 8(2);


    the duration, and the procedure for the winding-up in compliance with Article 16;


    the liability regime, in compliance with Article 14(2);


    the basic principles covering:


    the access policy for users;


    the scientific evaluation policy;


    the dissemination policy;


    the intellectual property rights policy;


    the employment policy, including equal opportunities;


    the procurement policy respecting the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and competition;


    a decommissioning, if relevant;


    the data policy;


    the rights and obligations of the members, including the obligation to make contributions to a balanced budget and voting rights;


    the bodies of the ERIC, their roles and responsibilities and the manner in which they are constituted and in which they decide, including upon the amendment of the Statutes, in compliance with Articles 11 and 12;


    the identification of the working language(s);


    references to rules implementing the Statutes.

    The Statutes shall be publicly available on the website of the ERIC and at its statutory seat.

    Article 11

    Amendments of the Statutes

    Any amendment of the Statutes concerning the matters referred to in points (b) to (f) or in Article 10(g)(i) to (vi) shall be submitted to the Commission by the ERIC for approval. Such amendment shall not take effect before the decision granting approval has come into force. The Commission shall apply Articles 5(2) and 6, mutatis mutandis.
    Any amendment of the Statutes other than that referred to in paragraph 1 shall be submitted to the Commission by the ERIC within 10 days after its adoption.
    The Commission may raise an objection to such amendment within 60 days from the submission giving reasons why the amendment does not meet the requirements of this Regulation.
    The amendment shall not take effect before the period for objecting has expired or has been waived by the Commission or before an objection raised has been lifted.

    The application for the amendment shall contain the following:


    the text of the amendment proposed or, where appropriate, as adopted, including the date on which it enters into force;


    the amended consolidated version of the Statutes.

    Article 12

    Organisation of the ERIC

    The Statutes shall provide for at least the following bodies having the following competencies:


    an assembly of members as the body having full decision-making powers, including the adoption of the budget;


    a director or a board of directors, appointed by the assembly of members, as the executive body and legal representative of the ERIC.

    The Statutes shall specify the manner in which the members of the board of directors legally represent the ERIC.

    Article 13

    Budgetary principles, accounts and audit

    All items of revenue and expenditure of an ERIC shall be included in estimates to be drawn up for each financial year and shall be shown in the budget. The revenue and expenditure shown in the budget shall be in balance.
    The members of an ERIC shall ensure that the appropriations are used in accordance with the principles of sound financial management.
    The budget shall be established and implemented and the accounts presented in compliance with the principle of transparency.
    The accounts of an ERIC shall be accompanied by a report on budgetary and financial management of the financial year.
    An ERIC shall be subject to the requirements of the applicable law as regards preparation, filing, auditing and publication of accounts.

    Article 14

    Liability and insurance

    An ERIC shall be liable for its debts.
    The financial liability of the members for the debts of the ERIC shall be limited to their respective contributions provided to the ERIC. The members may specify in the Statutes that they will assume a fixed liability above their respective contributions or unlimited liability.
    If the financial liability of the members is not unlimited, the ERIC shall take appropriate insurance to cover the risks specific to the construction and operation of the infrastructure.
    The Community shall not be liable for any debt of the ERIC.

    Article 15

    Applicable law and jurisdiction


    The setting-up and internal functioning of an ERIC shall be governed:


    by Community law, in particular this Regulation, and the decisions referred to in Articles 6(1)(a) and 11(1);


    by the law of the State where the ERIC has its statutory seat in the case of matters not, or only partly, regulated by acts referred to in point (a);


    by the Statutes and their implementing rules.

    The Court of Justice of the European Communities shall have jurisdiction over litigation among the members in relation to the ERIC, between the members and the ERIC and over any litigation to which the Community is a party.
    Community legislation on jurisdiction shall apply to disputes between an ERIC and third parties. In cases not covered by Community legislation, the law of the State where the ERIC has its statutory seat shall determine the competent jurisdiction for the resolution of such disputes.

    Article 16

    Winding-up and insolvency

    The Statutes shall determine the procedure to be applied in the case of winding-up of the ERIC following a decision of the assembly of members. Winding-up may include the transfer of activities to another legal entity.
    Without undue delay after the adoption of the decision by the assembly of members to wind up, and in any event within 10 days after such adoption, the ERIC shall notify the Commission thereof. The Commission shall publish an appropriate notice in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union.
    Without undue delay after the closure of the winding-up procedure, and in any event within 10 days after such closure, the ERIC shall notify the Commission thereof. The Commission shall publish an appropriate notice in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union. The ERIC shall cease to exist on the day of publication of the notice.
    At any time, in the event that the ERIC is unable to pay its debts, it shall immediately notify the Commission thereof. The Commission shall publish an appropriate notice in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union.

    Article 17

    Reporting and control

    An ERIC shall produce an annual activity report, containing in particular the scientific, operational and financial aspects of its activities referred to in Article 3. It shall be approved by the assembly of members and transmitted to the Commission and relevant public authorities within six months from the end of the corresponding financial year. This report shall be made publicly available.
    An ERIC and the Member States concerned shall inform the Commission of any circumstances which threaten to seriously jeopardise the achievement of the task of the ERIC or to hinder the ERIC from fulfilling the requirements laid down in this Regulation.
    Where the Commission obtains indications that an ERIC is acting in serious breach of this Regulation, the decisions adopted on the basis thereof or other applicable law, it shall request explanations from the ERIC and/or its members.
    If the Commission concludes, after having given the ERIC and/or its members a reasonable time to provide their observations, that the ERIC is acting in serious breach of this Regulation, the decisions adopted on the basis thereof or other applicable law, it may propose remedial action to the ERIC and its members.
    If no remedial action is taken, the Commission may repeal the decision establishing the ERIC in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 20. Such decision shall be notified to the ERIC and be published in the L series of the Official Journal of the European Union. This shall trigger the winding-up of the ERIC.

    Article 18

    Appropriate provisions

    Member States shall take such measures as are appropriate to ensure the effective application of this Regulation.

    Article 19

    Report and Review

    Not later than 27 July 2014, the Commission shall forward to the European Parliament and the Council a report on its application and proposals for amendments, where appropriate.

    Article 20

    Committee procedure

    The Commission shall be assisted by a management committee.
    Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply.

    The period laid down in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at two months.

    Article 21

    Entry into force

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

    ( 1 ) Opinion of 19.2.2009 (not yet published in the Official Journal).

    ( 2 ) Opinion of 14.1.2009 (not yet published in the Official Journal).

    ( 3 )  OJ C 76, 31.3.2009, p. 6.

    ( 4 )  OJ L 412, 30.12.2006, p. 1.

    ( 5 )  OJ L 54, 22.2.2007, p. 101.

    ( 6 )  OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1.

    ( 7 )  OJ L 347, 11.12.2006, p. 1.

    ( 8 )  OJ L 76, 23.3.1992, p. 1.

    ( 9 )  OJ L 134, 30.4.2004, p. 114.

    ( 10 )  OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.
