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Rialachán Tarmligthe (AE) 2023/661 ón gCoimisiún an 2 Nollaig 2022 lena leasaítear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 2111/2005 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir leis na critéir chomhchoiteanna chun breithniú ar thoirmeasc ar oibriú a chur chun feidhme nó deireadh a chur leis ar leibhéal an Aontais
The EU Air Safety List (ASL) common criteria include the elements to take into account when considering the imposition of a ban (or of operational restrictions). The Commission is now updating these common criteria and proposes a new point II of the Annex on the lifting of a ban. With this proposal, the Commission intends to improve the EU ‘tool box’ for the safety oversight of third country carriers and enhance the synergies between the ASL Regulation and the TCO Regulation.