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Document 01996L0025-20090420

    Consolidated text: Council Directive 96/25/EC of 29 April 1996 on the circulation and use of feed materials, amending Directives 70/524/EEC, 74/63/EEC, 82/471/EEC and 93/74/EEC and repealing Directive 77/101/EEC


    1996L0025 — EN — 20.04.2009 — 007.001

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    of 29 April 1996

    on the circulation and use of feed materials, amending Directives 70/524/EEC, 74/63/EEC, 82/471/EEC and 93/74/EEC and repealing Directive 77/101/EEC


    (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p.35)

    Amended by:



    Official Journal





    COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 98/67/EC Text with EEA relevance of 7 September 1998

      L 261




    COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 1999/29/EC of 22 April 1999

      L 115




    COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 1999/61/EC Text with EEA relevance of 18 June 1999

      L 162





      L 105





      L 234




    COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 806/2003 of 14 April 2003

      L 122





      L 87






    of 29 April 1996

    on the circulation and use of feed materials, amending Directives 70/524/EEC, 74/63/EEC, 82/471/EEC and 93/74/EEC and repealing Directive 77/101/EEC



    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the Commission ( 1 ),

    Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament ( 2 ),

    Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee ( 3 ),


    Whereas, in the framework of the production, processing and consumption of agricultural products feed materials play an important role in agriculture;


    Whereas, in the light of growing interest in quality, efficiency and the environment, the role of feed materials in agriculture will gain in importance;


    Whereas, in these circumstances, the rules governing the circulation of feed materials are particularly useful in ensuring sufficient transparency throughout the feed chain while improving the quality of agricultural production, notably livestock production;


    Whereas Council Directive 77/101/EEC of 23 November 1976 on the marketing of straight feedingstuffs ( 4 ), lays down rules for the marketing of straight feedingstuffs; whereas Member States still have different traditions as regards regulating the marketing of raw materials; whereas for that reason Directive 77/101/EEC permits Member States to provide for derogations in certain cases;


    Whereas the result of these derogations is that in some Member States Directive 77/101/EEC governs the marketing of both straight feedingstuffs and raw feed materials and in other Member States only the marketing of straight feedingstuffs, which allows straight feedingstuffs to be sold as raw feed materials not subject to rules;


    Whereas, with a view to the smooth functioning of the internal market, the discrepancies which can still be noted among the Member States should be removed; whereas, in view of the extent of the sector under consideration, Directive 77/101/EEC should be replaced by new rules;


    Whereas straight feedingstuffs and raw feed materials are so similar and close, that to ensure a consistent integration of the scope of this Directive they should be placed in one category, namely ‘feed materials’;


    Whereas the new definition ‘feed materials’ includes the intended purpose of these products, namely the use in oral animal feeding, as provided for in the existing definitions for ‘feedingstuffs’ and ‘compound feedingstuffs’; whereas it is thus guaranteed that the term ‘feedingstuffs’ can now be used as a generic term for all feed materials and compound feedingstuffs;


    Whereas this comprehensive definition for ‘feedingstuffs’ is particularly important for Council Directive 70/524/EEC of 23 November 1970 concerning additives in feedingstuffs ( 5 ) and Council Directive 74/63/EEC of 17 December 1973 on undesirable substances and products in animal nutrition ( 6 ); whereas in certain cases both terms ‘feedingstuffs’ and ‘feed materials’ will be used in order to specify the provisions, since in Directive 74/63/EEC certain provisions only apply to feed materials, whereas other provisions apply to all feedingstuffs including feed materials;


    Whereas, in order to achieve the desired transparency throughout the entire feed chain, this Directive covers the ‘circulation’ of feed materials;


    Whereas satisfactory results in livestock production depend to a large extent on the right use of suitable, good quality feed materials; whereas feed materials must therefore always be sound, genuine and of merchantable quality; whereas they must neither represent a danger to animal or human health nor be marketed in a manner liable to mislead;


    Whereas, since many products can have either a feed or a non-feed purpose, the feed purpose must be indicated by compulsory ad hoc labelling when the products in question are put into circulation for that purpose;


    Whereas the circulation of feed materials in many cases occurs in bulk consignments, whether or not split up into several units; whereas such materials are generally accompanied by documents such as invoices and waybills; whereas these papers may serve as ‘accompanying documents’ within the meaning of Article 5 of this Directive; whereas this is permitted only if identification of (the units of) the consignment and the existence of a common reference and an accompanying document is properly guaranteed at all stages of circulation, for example by the use of reference numbers or signs;


    Whereas, since feed materials can differ in health and nutritional quality, a clear distinction should be made between the different feed materials by subjecting them, when they are put into circulation, to a labelling requirement indicating their specific names;


    Whereas the buyers or users of feed materials should throughout the feed chain be given accurate and valid additional information, such as the quantities of analytical constituents having a direct effect on the quality of the feed material; whereas failure by the seller to declare the quantities of analytical constituents should be avoided in order to protect small buyers claiming this information in vain and to avoid the unnecessary costs of a multiplication of analyses immediately before the end of the feed chain; whereas certain Member States experience difficulties in conducting inspections at farm level; whereas under these circumstances it is necessary to adopt provisions requiring the quantities of analytical constituents to be declared at the beginning of the feed chain;


    Whereas labelling particulars concerning the analytic composition of feed materials are not required if, before the transaction, the purchaser deems that he has no need of such information; whereas this labelling exemption may apply in particular to products stored until such time as they are the subject of a new transaction;


    Whereas the circulation of feed materials between farmers in the great majority of cases consists of products of vegetable or animal origin, in their natural state, fresh or preserved, whether or not subjected to simple physical treatment such as chopping or grinding and not treated with additives, except for preservatives; whereas for general reasons of knowledge of the characteristics of such products and for practical reasons no declaration referred to in this Directive should be required on an accompanying document such as an invoice; whereas this should nevertheless be required where the products in question are treated with additives as such treatment may change the chemical composition and nutritional value of the products;


    Whereas feed materials of animal or vegetable origin are sold in small quantities by many retailers, frequently for feeding pet animals; whereas for general reasons of knowledge of the characteristics of such products and for practical reasons no constituent declaration should be required for these products;


    Whereas, in certain third countries, there are not always the necessary means of carrying out analyses which make it possible to supply the information required by this Directive on the analytic composition of feed materials; whereas Member States should therefore be allowed, on certain conditions, to permit such materials to be put into circulation in the Community accompanied by provisional composition data;


    Whereas, where reliable definitive data on analytical constituents are not available, in particular of feed materials from third countries put into circulation in the Community for the first time, in order to avoid unnecessary clogging of ports and road/rail links there should be the possibility of giving final confirmation of provisionally declared data within 10 working days;


    Whereas several basic Community regulations provide for lists of ingredients and straight feedingstuffs;


    Whereas, for practical reasons and to ensure the necessary legal consistency and efficiency, a list of the main feed materials similar to lists already established in comparable areas should be drawn up;


    Whereas such a list cannot be exhaustive owing to the great diversity of products and by-products which may be traded and used, the constant development of food technology and the need not to restrict choice for manufacturers and farmers; whereas it is possible to allow the circulation of feed materials other than those included in the abovementioned list provided that they are designated by specific names preventing any confusion with materials qualifying for a name laid down at Community level;


    Whereas feed materials containing levels of undesirable substances and products higher than those indicated for straight feedingstuffs in Annex I to Directive 74/63/EEC should be supplied only to compound feed manufacturers approved in accordance with the provisions of Council Directive 95/69/EC of 22 December 1995 laying down the conditions and arrangements for approving and registering certain establishments and intermediaries operating in the animal feed sector ( 7 ); whereas this should be stated on compulsory specific labelling indicating the intended use of the product; whereas these undesirable substances and products should be included on the list of Part B of Annex II to Directive 74/63/EEC, with certain exceptions relating to aflatoxin, cadmium and arsenic and feed materials containing these substances, which are already listed in Annex II, Part A to Directive 74/63/EEC;


    Whereas amendment of the list of the chief feed materials constitutes a scientific measure;


    Whereas the list in Part B of the Annex to this Directive should be used for the circulation of feed materials, irrespective of intended use, and for the labelling of feed materials used in compound feeds;


    Whereas Commission Directive 92/87/EEC of 26 October 1992 establishing a non-exclusive list of the main ingredients normally used and marketed for the preparation of compound feedingstuffs intended for animals other than pets ( 8 ) draws up for labelling purposes a list of ingredients of compound feedingstuffs; whereas the said Directive should be repealed as from the application of Parts A and B of this Directive;


    Whereas, in order to improve the unambiguity and comparability at international level of systems for identifying and exchanging data on feed materials, the Commission should be instructed to adopt implementing arrangements, when appropriate, for the introduction of a practical international coding system for feed materials, based on glossaries of the various aspects of feedingstuffs, such as origin, role, process, maturity/quality;


    Whereas, in order to facilitate the adoption of implementing measures, the procedure introducing cooperation between the Member States and the Commission within the Standing Committee on Feedingstuffs should be followed;


    Whereas it is important to ensure that, in accordance with this Directive, the accuracy of the declarations made can be officially verified in a uniform way throughout the Community, at all stages of circulation of the feed materials;


    Whereas the introduction of this Directive entails deletion of the terms ‘straight feedingstuffs’, ‘raw materials (ingredients)’, ‘raw materials’ and ‘ingredients’; whereas these terms should be replaced in current Community legislation, in particular in Council Directives 70/524/EEC, 74/63/EEC, 82/471/EEC ( 9 ) and 93/74/EEC ( 10 ) by the terms ‘feed materials’, and where appropriate the definition ‘feed materials’ should be replaced by the definition given in this Directive; whereas this also has an impact on the definition of compound feedingstuffs; whereas Commission Directives 80/511/EEC ( 11 ), 82/475/EEC ( 12 ) and 91/357/EEC ( 13 ) and Commission Decision 91/516/EEC ( 14 ) should be amended for the same reason, by means of a Commission act;


    Whereas it is necessary to ensure that the provisions of the Annexes are continually adjusted to take account of the latest developments in scientific or technical knowledge; whereas such amendments will have to be made swiftly using the procedure laid down by this Directive in order to establish close cooperation between Member States and the Commission within the Standing Committee on Feedingstuffs;


    Whereas, on grounds of the effective protection of animal and human health and to ensure the smooth functioning of the internal market, action should be taken at Community level,


    Article 1


    1.  This Directive shall apply to the circulation and use of feed materials within the Community.


    2.  This Directive shall apply without prejudice to other Community provisions in the field of animal nutrition.

    Article 2

    For the purposes of this Directive the following definitions shall apply:

    (a) ‘feed materials’: various products of vegetable or animal origin, in their natural state, fresh or preserved, and products derived from the industrial processing thereof, and organic or inorganic substances, whether or not containing additives, which are intended for use in oral animal feeding either directly as such, or after processing, in the preparation of compound feedingstuffs or as carriers of premixtures;


    (b) ‘putting into circulation’ or ‘circulation’: the holding of any product intended for animal nutrition for the purposes of sale, including offering for sale, or any other form of transfer, whether free or not, to third parties, and the sale and other forms of transfer themselves.


    Article 3

    Without prejudice to the obligations arising under other Community provisions, Member States shall prescribe that feed materials may be put into circulation in the Community only if they are of sound, genuine and merchantable quality. They shall prescribe that, when put into circulation or used, feed materials must not represent any danger to animal or human health or to the environment and must not be put into circulation in a manner that is liable to mislead.


    Article 4

    Member States shall prescribe that the general provisions laid down in Part A of the Annex shall apply to the putting into circulation of feed materials.

    Article 5

    1.  Member States shall prescribe that feed materials may not be put into circulation unless the particulars listed below, which must be properly visible, legible and indelible and for which the producer, packer, importer, seller or distributor, established within the Community, shall be held responsible, are shown on an accompanying document or where appropriate on the packaging, on the container or on a label attached thereto:

    (a) the words ‘feed material’;

    (b) the name of the feed material and where appropriate the other particulars referred to in Article 7;

    (c) for feed materials listed in Part B of the Annex, the particulars provided for in the fourth column of Part B of the Annex;

    (d) for feed materials which are not listed in Part B of the Annex, the particulars provided for in the second column of the table in Part C of the Annex;

    (e) where appropriate, the particulars provided for in Part A of the Annex;

    (f) the net quantity expressed in units of mass in the case of solid products, and in units of mass or volume in the case of liquid products;


    (g) the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the producing establishment, the approval number, the reference number of the batch or any other particulars which ensure that the feed material can be traced, where the establishment must be approved in accordance with:

     Directive 90/667/EEC ( 15 ),


     Community measures included on a list to be drawn up by the Commission. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3);


    (h) the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the person responsible for the particulars referred to in this paragraph, if different from the producer referred to in point (g).


    2.  Other information may be given on packaging, containers, labels and accompanying documents provided that such information relates to objective or quantifiable parameters which can be substantiated and that it cannot mislead the purchaser. This information must be separate from the information referred to in paragraph 1.

    3.  For quantities of feed materials less than or equal to 10 kg, intended for the final user, the particulars provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 may be given to the purchaser by means of an appropriate notice at the point of sale.

    4.  If a batch is divided during circulation, the particulars referred to in paragraph 1, together with a reference to the initial batch, must be repeated on the packaging, container or accompanying document of each division of the batch.

    5.  Where the composition of a feed material in circulation is changed, the particulars referred to in paragraph 1 must be changed accordingly under the responsibility of the person providing the new particulars.

    Article 6

    1.  By way of derogation from Article 5, the particulars referred to in Article 5 (1) (c) and (d) and points 2 and 3 of heading V of Part A of the Annex shall not be required where:

    (a) before each transaction the purchaser has stated in writing that he does not require this information;

    (b) without prejudice to Directive 90/667/EEC ( 16 ), feed materials of animal or vegetable origin, fresh or preserved, whether or not subject to a simple physical treatment, in quantities less than or equal to 10 kg, intended for pet animals and supplied directly to the final user by a seller established in the same Member State, are put into circulation.

    2.  Where, in the case of feed materials from a third country put into circulation in the Community for the first time, it has not been possible to provide the guarantees regarding composition required in Article 5 (1) (c) and (d) and points 2 and 3 of heading V of Part A of the Annex owing to the absence of means of assuring the analytic measurements necessary in the country concerned, Member States may allow provisional composition data to be supplied by the person responsible referred to in Article 5 (1) (g) provided that:

    (a) the competent authorities responsible for checks are informed in advance of the arrival of the feed material;

    (b) the definitive particulars of composition are provided to the purchaser and the competent authorities within 10 working days of the date of its arrival in the Community;

    (c) the particulars of composition on the documents are accompanied by the following indications in bold type: ‘provisional data to be confirmed by … (name and address of the laboratory instructed to carry out the analyses) regarding… (reference number of the sample to be analysed) before … (date)’;

    (d) Member States inform the Commission of the circumstances in which they applied the derogation referred to in this paragraph.

    3.  By way of derogation from Article 5:

    (a) the particulars referred to in Article 5 (1) shall not be required, without prejudice to Directive 90/667/EEC, in the case of products of vegetable or animal origin in their natural state, fresh or preserved, whether or not subjected to a simple physical treatment and not treated with additives, except for preservatives, which are provided by a farmer-producer to a breeder-user, both of whom are established in the same Member State;

    (b) the particulars referred to in Article 5 (1) (c), (d), (e) and (f) and Part A of the Annex shall not be required where by-products of vegetable or animal origin derived from agro-industrial processing, with a moisture content greater than 50 %, are put into circulation.

    4.  By way of derogation from Article 5 (1) (a):

     in German the designation ‘Futtermittel-Ausgangserzeugnis’ may be replaced by ‘Einzelfuttermittel’,

     in Italian the designation ‘materie prime per alimenti degli animali’ may be replaced by ‘mangime semplice’,

     in Greek the designation ‘πρώτη ύλη ζωοτροφών’ may be replaced by ‘απλή ζωοτροφή’.

    Article 7

    1.  Member States shall lay down that the feed materials listed in Part B of the Annex may circulate only under the names specified therein and on conditions that they correspond to the descriptions given therein.

    2.  Member States shall allow the circulation of feed materials other than those on the list referred to in paragraph 1, provided that such materials circulate under names and/or with terms other than those listed in the Annex which cannot mislead the purchaser as to the real identity of the product offered to him.

    Article 8

    Member States shall prescribe that:

    (a) feed materials containing a level of undesirable substances or products in excess of that permitted for feed materials under Directive 74/63/EEC may be put into circulation only if they are intended for approved establishments manufacturing compound feed entered on a national list in accordance with Directive 95/69/EC;

    (b) by way of derogation from Article 5 (1) (a), feed materials within the meaning of point (a) of this Article must be labelled ‘feed material intended for approved establishments manufacturing compound feed’. Article 6 (4) shall apply.

    Article 9

    For the purpose of circulation within the Community, the indications printed on the accompanying document, on the packaging, on the container or on a label attached thereto shall be written in at least one or several languages which the country of destination shall determine from among the national or official languages of the Community.

    Article 10

    Member States shall ensure that feed materials are not subject, for reasons connected with the provisions of this Directive, to restrictions of circulation other than those laid down in this Directive.


    Article 11

    1.  A numerical coding system for the listed feed materials based on glossaries concerning the origin, part of the product/by-product used, processing and maturity/quality of the feed materials enabling feed to be identified at international level — in particular by name and description — may be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 13(2).

    2.  The list of materials whose circulation or use for animal nutrition purposes is restricted or prohibited shall be drawn up by the Commission in order to ensure their compliance with Article 3. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3).

    3.  The list referred to in paragraph 2 shall be amended by the Commission in the light of advances in scientific and technical knowledge. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 13(5) with a view to adopting those measures.

    4.  Amendments to be made to the Annex as a result of developments in scientific or technical knowledge shall be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(4).


    Article 12

    Member States shall make all necessary arrangements for compliance with the requirements of this Directive to be officially monitored, at least by sampling during circulation.


    Article 13

    1.  The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health set up pursuant to Article 58 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 ( 17 ).

    2.  Where reference is made to this Article, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC ( 18 ) shall apply.

    The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.


    3.  Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.


    4.  Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and (5)(b) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.

    The periods laid down in Article 5a(3)(c), (4)(b) and (4)(e) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at two months, one month and two months respectively.

    5.  Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.


    Article 14

    1.  Directive 70/524/EEC is hereby amended as follows:

    (a) in all cases the term ‘straight feedingstuffs’ shall be replaced by the term ‘feed materials’;

    (b) Article 2 (f) shall be replaced by the following:

    ‘(f) “feed materials”: various products of vegetable or animal origin, in their natural state, fresh or preserved, and products derived from the industrial processing thereof, and organic or inorganic substances, whether or not containing additives, which are intended for use in oral animal feeding either directly as such or after processing, in the preparation of compound feedingstuffs or as carriers of premixtures;’


    (c) Article 2 (g) shall be replaced by the following:

    ‘(g) “compound feedingstuffs”: mixtures of feed materials, whether or not containing additives, which are intended for oral animal feeding as complete or complementary feedingstuffs;’


    ▼M2 —————


    3.  Article 1 (2) of Directive 82/471/EEC is hereby amended as follows:

    (a) the words ‘of straight feedingstuffs and’ in point (d) shall be deleted;

    (b) the following point shall be added:

    ‘(g) the circulation of feed materials.’


    4.  Directive 93/74/EEC is hereby amended as follows:

    (a) the term ‘ingredients’ in Article 5 (8) shall in each case be replaced by the term ‘feed materials’;

    (b) Article 2 (b) shall be replaced by the following:

    ‘(b) “compound feedingstuffs”: mixtures of feed materials, whether or not containing additives, which are intended for oral animal feeding as complete or complementary feedingstuffs;’


    Article 15

    Directive 77/101/EEC shall be repealed as from 1 July 1998.

    Article 16

    On the basis of information supplied by the Member States, the Commission shall submit a report to the Council before 1 July 2001 on the experience acquired in applying Article 6 (1) (a), (2) and (3) (a) accompanied, when necessary, by appropriate proposals.

    Article 17

    Member States shall bring into force not later than 30 June 1998 the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.

    When Member States adopt these provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States.

    Article 18

    The provisions adopted shall apply as from 1 July 1998. Member States shall, however, lay down that feed materials put into circulation before 1 July 1998 which do not comply with this Directive may remain in circulation until 30 June 1999.

    Article 19

    This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

    Article 20

    This Directive is addressed to the Member States.



    PART A




    Feed materials are listed and named in Part B in accordance with the following criteria:

     the origin of the product/by-product, e.g. animal, vegetable, mineral,

     the part of the product/by-product used, e.g. whole, seeds, tubers, bones,

     the processing to which the product/by-product has been subjected, e.g. decortication, extraction, heating and/or the resulting product/by-product, e.g. flakes, bran, pulp, fat,

     the maturity of the product/by-product and/or the quality of the product/by-product, e.g. ‘low in glucosinolate’, ‘rich in fat’, ‘low in sugar’.


    The list set out in Part B is divided into 12 chapters.

    1. Cereal grains, their products and by-products

    2. Oil seeds, oil fruits, their products and by-products

    3. Legume seeds, their products and by-products

    4. Tubers, roots, their products and by-products

    5. Other seeds and fruits, their products and by-products

    6. Forages and roughages

    7. Other plants, their products and by-products

    8. Milk products

    9. Land animal products

    10. Fish, other marine animals, their products and by-products

    11. Minerals

    12. Miscellaneous.



    Notwithstanding Article 3, feed materials must, as far as good manufacturing practices allow, be free from chemical impurities resulting from their manufacturing process and from technical auxiliaries as referred to in Directive 70/524/EEC, unless a specific maximum content is fixed in Part B of the Annex for a specific feed material.


    The botanical purity of the products and by-products listed in Part B and Part C shall not be less than 95 %, unless a different level has been laid down in Part B or Part C.

    The following are considered as botanical impurities:

    (a) natural but harmless impurities (e.g. straw and straw waste, seeds of other cultivated species or weeds);

    (b) harmless residues of other oil seeds or oil fruits derived from a previous manufacturing process, the level of which does not exceed 0,5 %.


    The botanical purity levels indicated refer to the weight of the product and by-product as such.


    Where the name of a feed material in Part B includes a word or words in brackets, the bracketed word(s) may be omitted, e.g. soya (bean) oil may be declared as soya bean oil or soya oil.


    The glossary given below refers to the main processes used for the preparation of feed materials mentioned in Part B and Part C of this Annex. Where the names of these feed materials include a common name or qualifier from this glossary, the process to be used must be in accordance with the given definition.



    Common name/qualifier






    Concentration (1)

    Increase in certain contents by removing water or other constituents



    Decortication (2)

    Complete or partial removal of outer layers from grains, seeds, fruits, nuts and others

    Decorticated, partially decorticated



    Dehydration by artificial or natural processes

    Dried (sun or artificially)



    Removal either by organic solvent of fat or oil from certain materials or by aqueous solvent of sugar or other water-soluble components. In the case of the use of organic solvent, the resulting product must be technically free of such solvent

    Extracted (in the case of oil-containing materials), molasses, pulp (in the case of products containing sugar or other water-soluble components)



    Pressing of material through an orifice under pressure.

    (See also pregelatinisation)




    Rolling of moist heat-treated material



    Flour milling

    Physical processing of grain to reduce particle size and facilitate separation into constituent fractions (principally flour, bran and middlings)

    Flour, bran, middlings (3), feed



    General term covering a number of heat treatments carried out under specific conditions to influence the nutritional value or the structure of the material

    Toasted, cooked, heat treated



    Transformation of unsaturated glycerides into saturated glycerides (of oils and fats)

    Hardened, partially hardened



    Breakdown into simpler chemical constituents by appropriate treatment with water and possibly either enzymes or acid/alkali



    Pressing (4)

    Removal by mechanical extraction (by a screw or other type of press), with or without a slight heating, of fat/oil from oil-rich materials or of juice from fruits or other vegetable products

    Expeller (5) (in case of oil-containing materials)

    Pulp, pomace (in case of fruits, etc.)

    Pressed pulp (in case of sugar-beet)



    Special shaping by compression through a die

    Pellet, pelleted



    Modification of starch to improve markedly its swelling properties in cold water

    Pregelatinised (6), puffed



    Complete or partial removal of impurities in sugars, oils, fats and other natural materials by chemical/physical treatment

    Refined, partially refined



    Mechanical separation of the component parts of kernel/grain, sometimes after steeping in water, with or without sulphur dioxide, for the extraction of starch

    Germ, gluten, starch



    Mechanical processing of grain or other feed materials to reduce their size

    Crushed, crushing



    Complete or partial removal of mono- and disaccharides from molasses and other material containing sugar by chemical or physical means

    Desugared, partially desugared

    (1)   In German ‘Konzentrieren’ may be replaced by ‘Eindicken’ where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be ‘eingedickt’.

    (2)   ‘Decortication’ may be replaced by ‘dehulling’ or ‘dehusking’ where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be ‘dehulled’ or ‘dehusked’.

    (3)   In French the name ‘issues’ may be used.

    (4)   In French ‘Pressage’ may be replaced by ‘Extraction mécanique’ where appropriate.

    (5)   Where appropriate the word ‘expeller’ may be replaced by ‘cake’.

    (6)   In German the qualifier ‘aufgeschlossen’ and the name ‘Quellwasser’ (referring to starch) may be used.



    The levels indicated or to be declared relate to the weight of the feed material, unless otherwise stated.


    Subject to Article 3 and Article 6(3)(b) of the Directive and provided that no other level is laid down in Part B or Part C of this Annex, the feed material's moisture content must be declared if it exceeds 14 % of the weight of the feed material. In the case of feed materials with a moisture content not exceeding the limits indicated above, that content must be declared at the purchaser's request.


    Subject to Article 3 of the Directive and provided that no other level is laid down in Part B or Part C of this Annex the level of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid of feed materials must be stated if it exceeds 2,2 % in the dry matter.


    Where the products referred to in column 2 of Part B or column 1 of Part C of this Annex are used to denature or bind feed materials, the following information must be given:

     denaturing agents: nature and quantity of the products used,

     binding agents: nature of the products used.

    In the case of binding agents, the quantity of the products used may not exceed 3 % of the total weight.


    Where, on official inspection pursuant to Article 12 of the Directive, the composition of a feed material is found to depart from the declared composition in a manner such as to reduce its value, the following minimum tolerances are permitted:

    (a) for crude protein:

     2 units for declared contents of 20 % or more,

     10 % of the declared content for declared contents of less than 20 % but not less than 10 %,

     1 unit for declared contents of less than 10 %;

    (b) for total sugars, reducing sugars, sucrose, lactose and glucose (dextrose):

     2 units for declared contents of 20 % or more,

     10 % of the declared content for declared contents of less than 20 % but not less than 5 %,

     0,5 units for declared contents of less than 5 %;

    (c) for starch and inulin:

     3 units for declared contents of 30 % or more,

     10 % of the declared content for declared contents of less than 30 % but not less than 10 %,

     1 unit for declared contents of less than 10 %;

    (d) for crude oils and fats:

     1,8 units for declared contents of 15 % or more,

     12 % of the declared content for declared contents of less than 15 % but not less than 5 %,

     0,6 units for declared contents of less than 5 %;

    (e) for crude fibre:

     2,1 units for declared contents of 14 % or more,

     15 % of the declared content for declared contents of less than 14 % but not less than 6 %,

     0,9 units for declared contents of less than 6 %;

    (f) for moisture and crude ash:

     1 unit for declared contents of 10 % or more,

     10 % of the declared content for declared contents of less than 10 % but not less than 5 %,

     0,5 units for declared contents of less than 5 %;

    (g) for total phosphorus, sodium, calcium carbonate, calcium, magnesium, acid index and matter insoluble in light petroleum:

     1,5 units for declared contents (values) of 15 % (15) or more, as appropriate,

     10 % of the declared content (value) for declared contents (values) of less than 15 % (15), but not less than 2 % (2), as appropriate,

     0,2 units for declared contents (values) of less than 2 % (2) as appropriate;

    (h) for ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid and chlorides expressed as NaCl:

     10 % of the declared content for declared contents of 3 % or more,

     0,3 units for declared contents of less than 3 %;

    (i) for carotene, vitamin A and xanthophyll:

     30 % of the declared content;

    (j) for methionine, lysine and volatile nitrogenous bases:

     20 % of the declared content.



    The labelling of feed materials comprising protein derived from mammalian tissue must contain the following statement: ‘This feed material comprises protein derived from mammalian tissue the feeding of which to ruminants is prohibited.’

    This does not apply to:

     milk and milk products,



     hydrolysed proteins with a molecular weight below 10 000 daltons which have been:


    (i) derived from hides and skins obtained from animals which have been slaughtered in a slaughterhouse and have undergone an ante mortem inspection by an official veterinarian in accordance with Chapter VI of Annex I of Directive 64/433/EEC and passed fit, as a result of such inspection, for slaughter for the purpose of that Directive;


    (ii) produced by a production process which involves appropriate measures to minimise contamination of hides and skins, preparation of the hides and skins by brining, liming and intensive washing followed by exposure of the material to a pH of > 11 for > 3 hours at temperature > 80 °C and followed by heat treatment at > 140 °C for 30 minutes at > 3,6 bar or a by an equivalent production process approved by the Commission after consultation of the appropriate Scientific Committee;


    (iii) come from establishments which carry out an own checks program (HACCP),


     dicalcium phosphate derived from defatted bones, and

     dried plasma and other blood products.


    Where a Member State prohibits the use of protein derived from mammalian tissue as referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 1, in feedingstuffs for certain animals other than ruminants, as permitted by Article 1(2) of Directive 90/667/EEC, the statement required in paragraph 1 must mention in addition the other animal species or categories of animals to which it has extended the prohibition on the use of the products in question.

    PART B

    Non-exclusive list of the main feed materials





    Compulsory declarations







    Grains of Avena sativa L. and other cultivars of oats



    Oat flakes

    Product obtained by steaming and rolling dehusked oats. It may contain a small proportion of oat husks



    Oat middlings

    By-product obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked oats into oat groats and flour. It consists principally of oat bran and some endosperm

    Crude fibre


    Oat hulls and bran

    By-product obtained during the processing of screened oats into oat groats. It consists principally of oat hulls and bran

    Crude fibre



    Grains of Hordeum vulgare L.



    Barley middlings

    By-product obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked barley into pearl barley, semolina or flour

    Crude fibre


    Barley protein

    Dried by-product of starch production from barley. It consists principally of protein obtained from starch separation

    Crude protein



    Rice, broken

    By-product of preparation of polished or glazed rice Oryza sativa L. It consists principally of undersized and/or broken grains



    Rice bran (brown)

    By-product of the first polishing of dehusked rice. It consists principally of particles of the aleurone layer, endosperm and germ

    Crude fibre


    Rice bran (white)

    By-product of the polishing of dehusked rice. It consists principally of particles of the aleurone layer, endosperm and germ;

    Crude fibre


    Rice bran with calcium carbonate

    By-product of the polishing of dehusked rice. It consists principally of silvery skins, particles of the aleurone layer, endosperm and germ; it contains varying amounts of calcium carbonate resulting from the polishing process

    Crude fibre

    Calcium carbonate


    Fodder meal of parboiled rice

    By-product of the polishing of dehusked pre-cooked rice. It consists principally of silvery skins, particles of the aleurone layer, endosperm, germ; it contains varying amounts of calcium carbonate resulting from the polishing process

    Crude fibre

    Calcium carbonate


    Ground fodder rice

    Product obtained by grinding fodder rice, consisting either of green, chalky or unripe grains, sifted out during the milling of husked rice, or of normal dehusked grains which are yellow or spotted



    Rice germ expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of the germ of rice to which parts of the endosperm and testa still adhere

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude fibre


    Rice germ, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of the germ of rice to which parts of the endosperm and testa still adhere

    Crude protein


    Rice starch

    Technically pure rice starch




    Grains of Panicum miliaceum L.




    Grains of Secale cereale L.



    Rye middlings (1)

    By-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of particles of endosperm, with fine fragments of the outer skins and some grain waste



    Rye feed

    By-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins, and of particles of grain from which less of the endosferm has been removed than in rye bran



    Rye bran

    By-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins, and of particles of grain from which most of the endosperm has been removed

    Crude fibre



    Grains of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench s.l.




    Grains of Triticum aestivum (L.), Triticum durum Desf. and other cultivars of wheat



    Wheat middlings (2)

    By-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins and some grain waste



    Wheat feed

    By-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in wheat bran

    Crude fibre


    Wheat bran (3)

    By-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removed

    Crude fibre


    Wheat germ

    By-product of flour milling consisting essentially of wheat germ, rolled or otherwise, to which fragments of endosperm and outer skin may still adhere

    Crude protein

    Crude fat


    Wheat gluten

    Dried by-product of the manufacture of wheat starch. It consists principally of gluten obtained during the separation of starch

    Crude protein


    Wheat gluten feed

    By-product of the manufacture of wheat starch and gluten. It is composed of bran, from which the germ has been partially removed or not, and gluten, to which very small amounts of the components of the screening of the grain as well as very small amounts of residues of the starch hydrolysis process may be added

    Crude protein



    Wheat starch

    Technically pure starch obtained from wheat



    Pre-gelatinised wheat starch

    Product consisting of wheat starch largely expanded by heat treatment




    Grains of spelt Triticum spelta L., Triticum dioccum Schrank, Triticum monococcum




    Grains of Triticum X Secale hybrid




    Grains of Zea mays L.



    Maize middlings (4)

    By-product of the manufacture of flour or semolina from maize. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in maize bran

    Crude fibre


    Maize bran

    By-product of the manufacture of flour or semolina from maize. It consists principally of outer skins and some maize germ fragments, with some endosperm particles

    Crude fibre


    Maize germ expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of dry or wet processed maize germ to which parts of the endosperm and testa may still adhere

    Crude protein

    Crude fat


    Maize germ, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of dry or wet processed maize germ to which parts of the endosperm and testa may still adhere

    Crude protein


    Maize gluten feed (5)

    By-product of the wet manufacture of maize starch. It is composed of bran and gluten, to which the broken maize obtained from screening at an amount no greater than 15 % of the product and/or the residues of the steeping liquor used for the production of alcohol or other starch-derived products, may be added. The product may also include residues from the oil extraction of maize germs obtained also by a wet process

    Crude protein


    Crude fat, if > 4,5 %


    Maize gluten

    Dried by-product of the manufacture of maize starch. It consists principally of gluten obtained during the separation of the starch

    Crude protein


    Maize starch

    Technically pure starch obtained from maize



    Pre-gelatinised maize starch (6)

    Product consisting of maize starch largely expanded by heat treatment



    Malt culms

    By-product of malting, consisting mainly of dried rootlets of germinated cereals

    Crude protein


    Brewers' dried grains

    By-product of brewing obtained by drying residues of malted and unmalted cereals and other starchy products

    Crude protein


    Distillers' dried grains (7)

    By-product of alcohol distilling obtained by drying solid residues of fermented grain

    Crude protein


    Distillers' dark grains (8)

    By-product of alcohol distilling obtained by drying solid residues of fermented grain to which pot ale syrup or evaporated spent wash has been added

    Crude protein

    (1)   Products containing more than 40 % starch may be qualified as ‘rich in starch’. They may be referred to in German as ‘Roggennachmehl’.

    (2)   Products containing more than 40 % starch may be qualified as ‘rich in starch’. They may be referred to in German as ‘Weizennachmehl’.

    (3)   If this ingredient has been subjected to a finer milling the word ‘fine’ may be added to the name or the name may be replaced by a corresponding denomination.

    (4)   Products containing more than 40 % starch may be named as ‘rich in starch’. They may be referred to in German as ‘Maisnachmehl’.

    (5)   This name may be replaced by ‘corn gluten feed’.

    (6)   This name may be replaced by ‘extruded maize starch’.

    (7)   The name may be supplemented by the grain species.

    (8)   This name may be replaced by ‘distillers’ dried grains and solubles'. The name may be supplemented by the grain species.





    Compulsory declarations






    Groundnut, partially decorticated, expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of partially decorticated groundnuts Arachis hypogaea L. and other species of Arachis. (Maximum crude fibre content 16 % in the dry matter)

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude fibre


    Groundnut, partially decorticated, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of partially decorticated groundnuts. (Maximum crude fibre content 16 % in the dry matter)

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre


    Groundnut, decorticated, expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of decorticated groundnuts

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude fibre


    Groundnut, decorticated, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of decorticated groundnuts

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre


    Rape seed (1)

    Seeds of rape Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk., of Indian sarson Brassica napus L. Var. Glauca (Roxb.) O.E. Schulz and of rape Brassica napa ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk. (Minimum botanical purity 94 %)



    Rape seed, expeller (1)

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of rape. (Minimum botanical purity 94 %)

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude fibre


    Rape seed, extracted (1)

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of rape. (Minimum botanical purity 94 %)

    Crude protein


    Rape seed hulls

    By-product obtained during dehulling of rape seeds

    Crude fibre


    Safflower seed, partially decorticated, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of partially decorticated seeds of safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre


    Copra expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera L.

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude fibre


    Copra, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palm

    Crude protein


    Palm kernel expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of palm kernels Elaeis guineensis Jacq., Corozo oleifera (HBK) L. H. Bailey (Elaeis melanococca auct.) from which as much as possible of the hard shell has been removed

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre

    Crude fat


    Palm kernel, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of palm kernels from which as much as possible of the hard shell has been removed

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre


    Soya (bean), toasted

    Soya beans (Glycine max. L. Merr.) subjected to an appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.)



    Soya (bean), extracted, toasted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained from soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0,4 mg N/g × min.)

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre, if > 8 %


    Soya (bean), dehulled, extracted, toasted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained from dehulled soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Maximum crude fibre content 8 % in the dry matter.) (Urease activity maximum 0,5 mg N/g × min.)

    Crude protein


    Soya (bean) protein concentrate

    Product obtained from dehulled, fat extracted soya beans, subjected to a second extraction to reduce the level of nitrogen-free extract

    Crude protein


    Vegetable oil (2)

    Oil obtained from plants

    Moisture, if > 1 %


    Soya (bean) hulls

    By-product obtained during dehulling of soya beans

    Crude fibre


    Cotton seed

    Seeds of cotton Gossypium ssp. from which the fibres have been removed

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre

    Crude fat


    Cotton seed, partially decorticated, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of cotton from which the fibres and part of the husks have been removed. (Maximum crude fibre 22,5 % in the dry matter)

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre


    Cotton seed expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of cotton from which the fibres have been removed

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre

    Crude fat


    Niger seed expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of the niger plant Guizotia abyssinica (Lf) Cass. (Ash insoluble in HCl: maximum 3,4 %)

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude fibre


    Sunflower seed

    Seeds of the sunflower Helianthus annuus L.



    Sunflower seed, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of the sunflower

    Crude protein


    Sunflower seed, partially decorticated, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of the sunflower from which part of the husks has been removed. (Maximum crude fibre 27,5 % in the dry matter)

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre



    Seeds of linseed Linum usitatissimum L. (Minimum botanical purity 93 %)



    Linseed expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of linseed. (Minimum botanical purity 93 %)

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude fibre


    Linseed, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of linseed. (Minimum botanical purity 93 %)

    Crude protein


    Olive pulp

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of pressed olives Olea europea L. separated as far as possible from parts of the kernel

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre


    Sesame seed expeller

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of the sesame plant Sesamum indicum L. (Ash insoluble in HCl: maximum 5 %)

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre

    Crude fat


    Cocoa bean, partially decorticated, extracted

    By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of dried and roasted cocoa beans Theobroma cacao L. from which part of the husks has been removed

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre


    Cocoa husks

    Teguments of the dried and roasted beans of Theobroma cacao L.

    Crude fibre

    (1)   Where appropriate the indication ‘low in glucosinolate’ may be added. ‘Low in glucosinolate’ is as defined in Community legislation.

    (2)   The name must be supplemented by the plant species.





    Compulsory declarations






    Chick peas

    Seeds of Cicer arietinum L.



    Guar meal, extracted

    By-product obtained after extraction of the mucilage from seeds of Cyanopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.

    Crude protein



    Seeds of Ervum ervilia L.



    Chickling vetch (1)

    Seeds of Lathyrus sativus L. submitted to an appropriate heat treatment




    Seeds of Lens culinaris a.o. Medik



    Sweet lupins

    Seeds of Lupinus ssp. low in bitter seed content



    Beans, toasted

    Seeds of Phaseolus or Vigna ssp. submitted to an appropriate heat treatment to destroy toxic lectines




    Seeds of Pisum ssp.



    Pea middlings

    By-product obtained during the manufacture of pea-flour. It consists principally of particles of cotyledon, and to a lesser extent, of skins

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre


    Pea bran

    By-product obtained during the manufacture of pea meal. It is composed mainly of skins removed during the skinning and cleaning of peas

    Crude fibre


    Horse beans

    Seeds of Vicia faba L. ssp. faba var. equina Pers. and var. minuta (Alef.) Mansf.



    Monantha vetch

    Seeds of Vicia monanthos Desf.




    Seeds of Vicia sativa L. var. sativa and other varieties


    (1)   This name must be supplemented by an indication of the nature of the heat treatment.





    Compulsory declarations






    (Sugar) beet pulp

    By-product of the manufacture of sugar, consisting of extracted and dried pieces of sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell. (Maximum content of ash insoluble in HCl: 4,5 % of dry matter)

    Content of ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter.

    Total sugar calculated as sucrose, if > 10,5 %


    (Sugar) beet molasses

    By-product consisting of the syrupy residue collected during the manufacture or refining of beet sugar

    Total sugar calculated as sucrose

    Moisture, if > 28 %


    (Sugar) beet pulp, molassed

    By-product of the manufacture of sugar comprising dried sugar-beet pulp, to which molasses have been added. (Maximum content of ash insoluble in HCl: 4,5 % of dry matter)

    Total sugar calculated as sucrose

    Content of ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


    (Sugar) beet vinasse

    By-product obtained after the fermentation of beet molasses in the production of alcohol, yeast, citric acid and other organic substances

    Crude protein

    Moisture, if > 35 %


    (Beet) Sugar (1)

    Sugar extracted from sugar beet



    Sweet potato

    Tubers of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir, regardless of their presentation



    Manioc (2)

    Roots of Manihot esculenta Crantz, regardless of their presentation. (Maximum content of ash insoluble in HCl: 4,5 % of dry matter)


    Content of ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


    Manioc starch (3), puffed

    Starch obtained from manioc roots, greatly expanded by appropriate heat treatment



    Potato pulp

    By-product of the manufacture of potato starch (Solanum tuberosum L.)



    Potato starch

    Technically pure potato starch



    Potato protein

    Dried by-product of starch manufacture composed mainly of protein substances obtained after the separation of starch

    Crude protein


    Potato flakes

    Product obtained by rotary drying of washed, peeled or unpeeled steamed potatoes


    Crude fibre


    Potato juice condensed

    By-product of the manufacture of potato starch from which proteins and water have been partly removed

    Crude protein

    Crude ash


    Pre-gelatinised potato starch

    Product consisting of potato starch largely solubilised by heat treatment


    (1)   This name may be replaced by ‘sucrose’.

    (2)   This name may be replaced by ‘tapioca’.

    (3)   This name may be replaced by ‘tapioca starch’.





    Compulsory declarations






    Carob pods

    Product obtained by crushing the dried fruits (pods) of the carob tree Ceratonia seliqua L., from which the locust beans have been removed

    Crude fibre


    Citrus pulp

    By-product obtained by pressing citrus fruits Citrus ssp. during the production of citrus juice

    Crude fibre


    Fruit pulp (1)

    By-product obtained by pressing pomaceous or stone fruit during the production of fruit juice

    Crude fibre


    Tomato pulp

    By-product obtained by pressing tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum Karst. during the production of tomato juice

    Crude fibre


    Grape pips, extracted

    By-product obtained during the extraction of oil from grape pips

    Crude fibre, if > 45 %


    Grape pulp

    Grape pulp dried rapidly after the extraction of alcohol from which as much as possible of the stalks and pips have been removed

    Crude fibre, if > 25 %


    Grape pips

    Pips extracted from grape pulp, from which the oil has not been removed

    Crude fat

    Crude fibre, if > 45 %

    (1)   The name may be supplemented by the fruit species.





    Compulsory declarations






    Lucerne meal (1)

    Product obtained by drying and milling young lucerne Medicago sativa L. and Medicago var. Martyn. It may contain up to 20 % young clover or other forage crops dried and milled at the same time as the lucerne

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre

    Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


    Lucerne pomace

    Dried by-product obtained by pressing of the juice form lucerne

    Crude protein


    Lucerne protein concentrate

    Product obtained by artificially drying fractions of lucerne press juice, which has been centrifuged and heat treated to precipitate the proteins


    Crude protein


    Clover meal (1)

    Product obtained by drying and milling young clover Trifolium spp. It may contain up to 20 % young lucerne or other forage crops dried and milled at the same time as the clover

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre

    Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


    Grass meal (1) (2)

    Product obtained by drying and milling young forage plants

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre

    Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 % of dry matter


    Cereals straw (3)

    Straw of cereals



    Cereals straw, treated (4)

    Product obtained by an appropriate treatment of cereals straw

    Sodium, if treated with NaOH

    (1)   The term ‘meal’ may be replaced by ‘pellets’. The method of drying may be added to the name.

    (2)   The species of forage crop may be added to the name.

    (3)   The cereal species must be indicated in the name.

    (4)   The name must be supplemented by an indication of the nature of the chemical treatment carried out.





    Compulsory declarations






    (Sugar) cane molasses

    By-product consisting of the syrupy residue collected during the manufacture or refining of sugar from sugar cane Saccharum officinarum L.

    Total sugar calculated as sucrose

    Moisture, if > 30 %


    (Sugar) cane vinasse

    By-product obtained after the fermentation of cane molasses in the production of alcohol, yeast, citric acid or other organic substances

    Crude protein

    Moisture, if > 35 %


    (Cane) sugar (1)

    Sugar extracted from sugar cane



    Seaweed meal

    Product obtained by drying and crushing seaweed, in particular brown seaweed. This product may have been washed to reduce the iodine content.

    Crude ash

    (1)   This name may be replaced by ‘sucrose’.





    Compulsory declarations






    Skimmed-milk powder

    Product obtained by drying milk from which most of the fat has been separated

    Crude protein

    Moisture, if > 5 %


    Buttermilk powder

    Product obtained by drying the liquid which remains after butter churning

    Crude protein

    Crude fat


    Moisture, if > 6 %


    Whey powder

    Product obtained by drying the liquid which remains after cheese, quark and casein making or similar processes

    Crude protein


    Moisture, if > 8 %

    Crude ash


    Whey powder, low in sugar

    Product obtained by drying whey from which the lactose has been partly removed

    Crude protein


    Moisture, if > 8 %

    Crude ash


    Whey protein powder (1)

    Product obtained by drying the protein compounds extracted from whey or milk by chemical or physical treatment

    Crude protein

    Moisture, if > 8 %


    Casein powder

    Product obtained from skimmed or buttermilk by drying casein precipitated by means of acids or rennet

    Crude protein

    Moisture, if > 10 %


    Lactose powder

    The sugar separated from milk or whey by purification and drying


    Moisture, if > 5 %

    (1)   This name may be replaced by ‘milk albumin powder’.





    Compulsory declarations






    Meat meal (1)

    Product obtained by heating, drying and grinding whole or parts of warm-blooded land animals from which the fat may have been partially extracted or physically removed. The product must be substantially free of hooves, horn, bristle, hair and feathers, as well as digestive tract content (minimum crude protein content 50 % in dry matter). (Maximum total phosphorus content: 8 %)

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude ash

    Moisture, if > 8 %


    Meat-and-bone meal (1)

    Product obtained by heating, drying and grinding whole or parts of warm-blooded land animals from which the fat may have been partially extracted or physically removed. The product must be substantially free of hooves, horn, bristle, hair and feathers, as well as digestive tract content

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude ash

    Moisture, if > 8 %


    Bone meal

    Product obtained by heating, drying and finely grinding bones of warm-blooded land animals from which the fat has been largely extracted or physically removed. The product must be substantially free of hooves, horn, bristle, hair and feathers, as well as digestive tract content

    Crude protein

    Crude ash

    Moisture, if > 8 %



    Residual product of the manufacture of tallow, lard and other extracted or physically removed fats of animal origin

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Moisture, if > 8 %


    Poultry meal (1)

    Product obtained by heating, drying and grinding by-products from slaughtered poultry. The product must be substantially free of feathers

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude ash

    Ash insoluble in HCl > 3,3 %

    Moisture, if > 8 %


    Feather meal, hydrolysed

    Product obtained by hydrolysing, drying and grinding poultry feathers

    Crude protein

    Ash insoluble in HCl > 3,4 %

    Moisture, if > 8 %


    Blood meal

    Product obtained by drying the blood of slaughtered warm-blooded animals. The product must be substantially free of foreign matter

    Crude protein

    Moisture, if > 8 %


    Animal fat (2)

    Product composed of fat from warm-blooded land animals

    Moisture, if > 1 %

    (1)   Products containing more than 13 % fat in the dry matter must be qualified as ‘rich in fat’.

    (2)   This name may be supplemented by a more accurate description of the type of animal fat depending on its origin or production process (tallow, lard, bone fat, etc.).





    Compulsory declarations






    Fish meal (1)

    Product obtained by processing whole or parts of fish from which part of the oil may have been removed and to which fish solubles may have been re-added

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Crude ash, if > 20 %

    Moisture, if > 8 %


    Fish solubles, condensed

    Product obtained during manufacture of fish meal which has been separated and stabilised by acidification or drying

    Crude protein

    Crude fat

    Moisture, if > 5 %


    Fish oil

    Oil obtained from fish or parts of fish

    Moisture, if > 1 %


    Fish oil, refined, hardened

    Oil obtained from fish or parts of fish which has been refined and subjected to hydrogenation

    Iodine number

    Moisture, if > 1 %

    (1)   Products containing more than 75 % crude protein in the dry matter may be qualified as ‘rich in protein’.

    11.   MINERALS




    Compulsory declarations






    Calcium carbonate (1)

    Product obtained by grinding sources of calcium carbonate, such as limestone, oyster or mussel shells, or by precipitation from acid solution


    Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


    Calcium and magnesium carbonate

    Natural mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate




    Calcareous marine algae (Maerl)

    Product of natural origin obtained from calcareous algae, ground or granulated


    Ash insoluble in HCl if > 5 %


    Magnesium oxide

    Technically pure magnesium oxide (MgO)



    Magnesium sulphate

    Technically pure magnesium sulphate (MgSO4 . 7H2O)




    Dicalcium phosphate (2)

    Precipitated calcium monohydrogen phosphate from bones or inorganic sources (CaHPO4 . xH2O)


    Total phosphorus


    Mono-dicalcium phosphate

    Product obtained chemically and composed of equal parts of dicalcium phosphate and mono-calcium phosphate (CaHPO4 - Ca(H2PO4)2 . H2O)

    Total phosphorus



    Defluorinated rock-phosphate

    Product obtained by grinding purified and appropriately defluorinated natural phosphates

    Total phosphorus



    Degelatinised bone meal

    Degelatinised, sterilised and ground bones from which the fat has been removed

    Total phosphorus



    Monocalcium phosphate

    Technically pure calcium-bis (dihydrogenphosphate) (Ca(H2PO4)2 . xH2O)

    Total phosphorus



    Calcium-magnesium phosphate

    Technically pure calcium-magnesium phosphate



    Total phosphorus


    Mono-ammonium phosphate

    Technically pure mono-ammonium phosphate (NH4H2PO4)

    Total nitrogen

    Total phosphorus


    Sodium chloride (1)

    Technically pure sodium chloride or product obtained by grinding natural sources of sodium chloride, such as (rock) and (marine) salt



    Magnesium propionate

    Technically pure magnesium propionate



    Magnesium phosphate

    Product consisting of technically pure (dibasic) magnesium phosphate (MgHPO4. xH2O)

    Total phosphorus



    Sodium-calcium-magnesium phosphate

    Product consisting of sodium-calcium-magnesium phosphate

    Total phosphorus





    Mono-sodium phosphate

    Technically pure mono-sodium phosphate (NaH2PO. H2O)

    Total phosphorus



    Sodium bicarbonate

    Technically pure sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)


    (1)   The nature of the source may be indicated additionally in the name or replace it.

    (2)   The manufacturing process may be included in the name.





    Compulsory declarations






    Bakery and pasta products and by-products (1)

    Product or by-product obtained from the manufacture of bread, including fine bakers' wares, biscuits or pasta


    Total sugar calculated as sucrose


    Confectionery products and by-products (1)

    Product or by-product obtained from the manufacture of confectionery including chocolate

    Total sugar calculated as sucrose


    Products and by-products of pastry and ice-cream making (1)

    Product or by-product obtained from the manufacture of pastry, cakes or ice-cream


    Total sugar expressed as sucrose

    Crude fat


    Fatty acids

    By-product obtained during the deacidification, by means of lye or by distillation of oils and fats of unspecified vegetable or animal origin

    Crude fat

    Moisture, if > 1 %


    Salts of fatty acids (2)

    Product obtained by saponification of fatty acids with calcium, sodium or potassium hydroxide

    Crude fat

    Ca (or Na or K, when appropriate)

    (1)   The name may be amended or supplemented to specifiy the agri-food process from which the feed material was obtained.

    (2)   The name may be supplemented by an indication of the salt obtained.

    PART C

    Provisions regarding the name and the declaration of certain constituents of non-listed feed materials

    For feed materials put into circulation which are not listed in Part B of this Annex a compulsory declaration of the constituents indicated in column 2 of the table below must be made in accordance with Article 5(1)(d) of the Directive.

    Feed materials which are not listed in Part B must be named according to the criteria mentioned in Part A I.1 of this Annex.

    Feed material made of:

    Compulsory declaration of:





    Cereal grains



    Products and by-products of cereal grains

    Starch, if > 20 %

    Crude protein, if > 10 %

    Crude fat, if > 5 %

    Crude fibre


    Oil seeds, oil fruits



    Products and by-products of oil seeds, oil fruits

    Crude protein, if > 10 %

    Crude fat, if > 5 %

    Crude fibre


    Legume seeds



    Products and by-products of legume seeds

    Crude protein, if > 10 %

    Crude fibre


    Tubers, roots



    Products and by-products of tubers and roots


    Crude fibre

    Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 %


    Other products and by-products of the sugar beet processing industry

    Crude fibre, if > 15 %

    Total sugar, calculated as sucrose

    Ash insoluble in HCl, if > 3,5 %


    Other seeds and fruits, their products and by-products

    Crude protein

    Crude fibre

    Crude fat, if > 10 %


    Forages and roughage

    Crude protein, if > 10 %

    Crude fibre


    Other plants, their products and by-products

    Crude protein, if > 10 %

    Crude fibre


    Products and by-products of the sugar cane processing industry

    Crude fibre, if > 15 %

    Total sugar calculated as sucrose


    Milk products and by-products

    Crude protein

    Moisture, if > 5 %

    Lactose, if > 10 %


    Land animal products

    Crude protein, if > 10 %

    Crude fat, if > 5 %

    Moisture, if > 8 %


    Fish, other marine animals, their products and by-products

    Crude protein, if > 10 %

    Crude fat, if > 5 %

    Moisture, if > 8 %



    Relevant minerals



    Crude protein, if > 10 %

    Crude fibre

    Crude fat, if > 10 %

    Starch, if > 30 %

    Total sugar, calculated as sucrose, if > 10 %

    ( 1 ) OJ No C 236, 24.8.1994, p. 7.

    ( 2 ) OJ No C 305, 31.10.1994, p. 147.

    ( 3 ) OJ No C 102, 24.4.1995, p. 10.

    ( 4 ) OJ No L 32, 3.2.1977, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 90/654/EEC (OJ No L 353, 17.12.1990, p. 48).

    ( 5 ) OJ No L 270, 14.12.1970, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 95/55/EC (OJ No L 263, 4.11.1995, p. 18).

    ( 6 ) OJ No L 38, 11.2.1974, p. 31. Directive as last amended by Directive 93/74/EEC (OJ No L 237, 22.9.1993, p. 23).

    ( 7 ) OJ No L 332, 30.12.1995, p. 15.

    ( 8 ) OJ No L 319, 4.11.1992, p. 19.

    ( 9 ) OJ No L 213, 21.7.1982, p. 8.

    ( 10 ) OJ No L 237, 22.9.1993, p. 23.

    ( 11 ) OJ No L 126, 21.5.1980, p. 14.

    ( 12 ) OJ No L 213, 21.7.1982, p. 27.

    ( 13 ) OJ No L 193, 17.7.1982, p. 34.

    ( 14 ) OJ No L 281, 9.10.1991, p. 23.

    ( 15 ) OJ L 363, 27.12.1990, p. 51. Directive as last amended by the 1994 Act of Accession.

    ( 16 ) OJ No L 363, 27.12.1990, p. 51.

    ( 17 ) OJ L 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1.

    ( 18 ) OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.
