There has been an extensive consultation process while preparing the current proposal. As the proposed legislation amends existing provisions of the DAC, the “evaluate principle” was applied.
•Evaluations of existing legislation
In 2019, the Commission evaluated the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and additional value of the Directive on administrative cooperation in the field of direct taxation. The evaluation concluded that cooperation brings about important benefits, yet there is still scope for improvement. It demonstrated that differences persist in the way Member States exploit the available tools of administrative cooperation. The information exchanged could be used more efficiently and the benefits of cooperation could be analysed in a more comprehensive manner.
In 2021, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) published its Special Report 03/2021 on the exchange of tax information in the EU. The ECA examined, firstly, how the Commission is monitoring the implementation and performance of the tax information exchange system; secondly, how Member States are using the information exchanged and how they are measuring the effectiveness of the system. The ECA found that the exchange of tax information between Member States was not yet sufficient to ensure fair and effective taxation throughout the internal market.
Building upon these findings, this legislative proposal presents a limited set of specific interventions to improve the functioning of administrative cooperation.
Furthermore, the Commission prepared an impact assessment to support this proposal. In this context the following consultation activities were carried out:
•Stakeholder consultations
On 10 March 2021 the European Commission launched a public consultation to gather feedback on the way forward for EU action on strengthening rules on administrative cooperation and expanding the exchange of information to crypto in the field of taxation. Stakeholders were asked to provide their feedback on the basis of a number of questions. In total, 33 respondents provided their feedback. In addition, the European Commission carried out targeted consultations with national administrations and private stakeholders. There was a consensus on the benefits of having a standardised EU legal framework for gathering and exchanging information regarding crypto-assets, as compared to several disparate national reporting rules.
•Consultation of Member States