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Document 52004DC0078

    Communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen - Mise en oeuvre de la stratégie communautaire de réduction des émissions de CO2 des voitures - Quatrième rapport annuel sur l'efficacité de la stratégie (Exercice 2002) [SEC(2004) 140]

    /* COM/2004/0078 final */


    Communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement européen - Mise en oeuvre de la stratégie communautaire de réduction des émissions de CO2 des voitures - Quatrième rapport annuel sur l'efficacité de la stratégie (Exercice 2002) [SEC(2004) 140] /* COM/2004/0078 final */

    COMMUNICATION DE LA COMMISSION AU CONSEIL ET AU PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN - Mise en oeuvre de la stratégie communautaire de réduction des émissions de CO2 des voitures - Quatrième rapport annuel sur l'efficacité de la stratégie - (exercice 2002) [SEC(2004) 140]

    1. Introduction

    La stratégie communautaire stratégie communautaire de réduction des émissions de CO2 des voitures particulières et d'amélioration de l'économie de carburant [1], [2] repose sur les trois piliers suivants:

    [1] COM(95)689 final

    [2] Conclusions du Conseil du 25.6.1996.

    (1) les engagements pris par l'industrie automobile concernant la réduction de la consommation de carburant, en vue d'atteindre un niveau moyen d'émissions spécifiques [3] de CO2 des voitures particulières neuves de 140 grammes de CO2/km d'ici à 2008-2009;

    [3] Le mot "spécifiques" est repris du titre de la décision n° 1753/2000/CE et sert à indiquer que les émissions de CO2 sont exprimées en grammes par kilomètre.

    (2) l'étiquetage de la consommation de carburant des voitures [4] afin de fournir aux consommateurs des informations sur la consommation de carburant et les émissions de CO2 des voitures particulières neuves proposées à la vente ou en crédit-bail dans la Communauté, et leur permettre de choisir en connaissance de cause;

    [4] Directive 1999/94/CE concernant la disponibilité d'informations sur la consommation de carburant et les émissions de CO2 à l'intention des consommateurs lors de la commercialisation des voitures particulières neuves.

    (3) des mesures fiscales pour stimuler l'amélioration du rendement énergétique des voitures.

    Un soutien est octroyé aux activités de recherche préconcurrentielle au titre du programme-cadre communautaire de recherche, afin de contribuer à la réduction des émissions de CO2 par la mise au point de technologies avancées en matière de composants, de transmission et de véhicules.

    L'article 9 de la décision 1753/2000/CE [5] impose à la Commission de soumettre chaque année un rapport sur l'efficacité de la stratégie [6].

    [5] Décision n° 1753/2000/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil établissant un programme de surveillance de la moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 dues aux véhicules particuliers neufs.

    [6] Pour d'autres informations concernant la stratégie communautaire, voir: co2_home.htm

    2. Évaluation globale succincte

    Globalement, si l'on tient compte de l'ensemble des mesures arrêtées à l'échelon de l'UE et au niveau national, la moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 produites par les voitures particulières dans l'UE est passée de 186 g de CO2/km en 1995 à 166 g de CO2/km en 2002 [7], [8]. Cela correspond à une réduction de 10,8 %. La stratégie communautaire de réduction des émissions de CO2 des voitures particulières vise à atteindre, d'ici à 2005, et en 2010 au plus tard, un niveau moyen d'émissions spécifiques de CO2 de 120 g de CO2/km pour les voitures particulières nouvellement immatriculées dans l'Union européenne. Cela représente une réduction de 35 %. Comme nous l'avons déjà indiqué dans le rapport précédent, il est peu probable que la Communauté parvienne dès 2005 à atteindre son objectif de 120 g de CO2/km.

    [7] Pour la première fois, les données utilisées dans la présente communication sont les données officielles de l'UE. Les données sont communiquées par les États membres en vertu de la décision 1753/2000/CE. Avant 2002, la surveillance reposait sur les données fournies par les associations. Comme l'indiquait la dernière communication, ces jeux de données présentent certaines différences. La moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 calculée sur la base des données transmises par les associations s'élève à 165 g de CO2/km.

    [8] Il convient de signaler que les valeurs d'émissions de CO2 figurant dans le présent rapport reflètent l'ensemble des mesures concernant le CO2 prises dans la Communauté. En vertu de l'article 10 de la décision 1753/2000/CE, la Commission doit faire rapport au Conseil et au Parlement européen, en 2003-2004 et en 2008-2009 au plus tard, sur les réductions obtenues par des mesures techniques ou autres. En 2002, la Commission a lancé un contrat de service afin d'étudier cette question de manière plus approfondie. Les résultats de ces travaux seront présentés dans la communication qui sera publiée l'an prochain.

    Pour réaliser cet objectif d'ici à 2010, il faudrait parvenir à une réduction annuelle moyenne de 3,5% au niveau de l'UE. Or, les réductions atteintes entre 1995 et 2002 sont nettement inférieures (1,5% environ). On s'attendait à ce que la réduction s'accentue avec le temps, mais il apparaît désormais clairement que l'objectif ne pourra être atteint d'ici à 2010 qu'au prix d'efforts supplémentaires. Toutefois, pour ce qui est des engagements, l'objectif intermédiaire ayant été réalisé avant la date prévue tant par l'ACEA que par la JAMA, nous estimons que ces associations devraient parvenir à atteindre leurs objectifs à long terme.

    3. Progrès accomplis par les constructeurs automobiles par rapport à leurs engagements respectifs

    Des engagements ont été contractés par les associations de constructeurs automobiles européens (Association des constructeurs européens d'automobiles - ACEA [9]) [10], japonais (Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association - JAMA [11]) et coréens (Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association - KAMA [12]) [13]. Le tableau 1 donne la liste détaillée des principaux constructeurs/membres/marques attribués aux différentes associations pour les chiffres présentés dans le présent rapport.

    [9] Constructeurs européens membres de l'ACEA : BMW AG, DaimlerChrysler AG, Fiat S.p.A., Ford of Europe Inc., General Motors Europe AG, Dr. Ing. H.c.F. Porsche AG, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault SA, Volkswagen AG.

    [10] COM(98)495 final

    [11] Constructeurs japonais membres de la JAMA: Daihatsu, Fuji Heavy Industries (Subaru), Honda, Isuzu, Mazda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Toyota.

    [12] Constructeurs coréens membres de la KAMA: GM Daewoo Auto and Technology Company, Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Motors Corporation, Renault Samsung Motor Company, et Ssangyong Motor Company

    [13] COM(99)446 final

    ACEA [14]

    [14] Il est à noter que, bien que Rover, y compris MG, ne soit plus officiellement membre de l'ACEA, le constructeur a été intégré dans les chiffres de l'ACEA d'un commun accord entre Rover, l'ACEA et la Commission.




    Tableau 1 : Liste des principaux constructeurs/membres/marques attribués aux différentes associations pour les chiffres présentés dans le présent rapport.

    Les engagements de ces trois associations représentent des efforts équivalents dont les principales caractéristiques sont les suivantes :

    (1) l'objectif en matière d'émissions de CO2: l'objectif quantifié en ce qui concerne la moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 des voitures particulières neuves vendues dans l'Union européenne est le même, à savoir 140 g de CO2/km (cet objectif devant être atteint en 2008 par l'ACEA et en 2009 par la JAMA et la KAMA).

    (2) les moyens de réalisation: l'ACEA, la JAMA et la KAMA s'engagent à atteindre l'objectif fixé pour le CO2 essentiellement par des progrès technologiques et par des modifications du marché allant de pair avec ces progrès.

    En outre, des fourchettes d'objectifs sont prévues pour la période 2003-2004 [15]. Toutes les associations se sont également engagées à réexaminer en 2003 (pour l'ACEA et la JAMA) ou en 2004 (pour la KAMA) les possibilités de nouvelles réductions des émissions de CO2 «afin de se rapprocher davantage de l'objectif communautaire de 120 g de CO2/km d'ici à 2012».

    [15] Pour l'ACEA: 165 à 170 grammes de CO2/km en 2003; Pour la JAMA: 165 à 175 grammes de CO2/km en 2003; Pour la KAMA: 165 à 170 grammes de CO2/km en 2004;

    Ces engagements sont soumis à un programme de surveillance rigoureux et transparent. À cette fin, la Commission établit chaque année avec chacune des associations un «rapport conjoint» qui est approuvé par les deux parties. Ces rapports sont publiés en parallèle avec la présente communication, sous la forme d'un document SEC.

    Pour la première fois, les données utilisées pour calculer les chiffres concernant l'année 2002 sont les données officielles de surveillance du CO2 recueillies par l'UE [16]. Jusqu'à présent, les données de base étaient fournies par les associations elles-mêmes.

    [16] L'article 8 de la décision n° 1753/2000/CE exige qu'à partir de 2003, le programme de surveillance serve de base pour le contrôle de l'engagement pris volontairement par l'industrie automobile vis-à-vis de la Commission.

    Les principales conclusions pour la période 1995-2002 sont les suivantes:

    - si l'on se base sur les données officielles des États membres pour 2002, la moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 des parcs de véhicules s'élève à 165 g/km pour l'ACEA, 174 g/km pour la JAMA et 183 g/km pour la KAMA [17]. En se fondant sur les chiffres de l'ACEA, on obtiendrait pour les véhicules de cette association une moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 de 163 g/km (voir tableau 2);

    [17] On examinera en 2004 la mesure dans laquelle les réductions observées sont dues au progrès technique et aux modifications connexes du marché ou à d'autres facteurs, tels que des changements dans le comportement des consommateurs sous l'effet des mesures fiscales ou des dispositions concernant l'étiquetage des véhicules.

    - par rapport à 1995, la moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 a été réduite de 10,8% pour l'ACEA (12,1% sur la base des chiffres de l'ACEA), de 11,2% pour la JAMA et de 7,1% pour la KAMA;

    - par rapport à 2001, ces associations ont toutes les trois réduit la moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 de leurs véhicules immatriculés pour la première fois sur le marché de l'UE (l'ACEA d'environ 1,2% [18], la JAMA de quelque 2,5% et la KAMA d'environ 1,8% [19]). Depuis 1995, les améliorations de la consommation de carburant sont nettement plus marquées pour les voitures à moteur diesel que pour les véhicules à essence;

    [18] Ce chiffre repose sur les données de l'ACEA pour 2001 et 2002. Si l'on se fondait sur les données de l'ACEA pour 2001 et sur les données officielles de l'UE pour 2002, la réduction obtenue serait nulle. On peut toutefois présumer que cela est essentiellement dû au changement de base de données. Une comparaison entre les données officielles de l'UE pour 2002 et les données non officielles de l'UE pour 2001 donnerait un pourcentage de réduction similaire à celui obtenu en utilisant les chiffres de l'ACEA.

    [19] Un coefficient correcteur de 0,7% est appliqué à l'ensemble des données de 2001 et de 2002 afin de rendre compte du changement introduit dans le cycle de conduite d'essai.

    - la Jama et l'ACEA ont accompli des progrès considérables, bien que les résultats obtenus par l'ACEA en 2002 soient moins encourageants que ceux enregistrés durant les années précédentes. L'ACEA a toutefois atteint, dès l'exercice 2000, la fourchette d'objectifs intermédiaires fixée pour 2003 et se situe à présent au niveau des valeurs les plus faibles de cette fourchette. La JAMA a atteint en 2002 les valeurs les plus élevées de la fourchette d'objectifs intermédiaires. On peut considérer que ces deux associations sont en bonne voie;

    - les progrès de la KAMA demeurent insuffisants, même si l'association a quelque peu rattrapé son retard au cours des deux dernières années. Il existe un risque réel que la KAMA n'atteigne pas la fourchette d'objectifs intermédiaires de 165 à 170 g/km qui lui a été fixée pour 2004, étant donné qu'elle n'a plus que deux ans pour réaliser la réduction de 13 g/km nécessaire à cet effet. Cela pourrait compromettre tout le processus engagé dans le domaine du CO2 [20]. La KAMA a cependant réaffirmé sa détermination d'atteindre ses objectifs;

    [20] Il convient de rappeler que le Conseil a invité la Commission «...à présenter immédiatement des propositions, y compris des propositions législatives, pour examen, s'il s'avère, sur la base des données concernant le contrôle et après avoir consulté les associations, qu'une ou plusieurs d'entre elles ne respecteront pas les engagements contractés» (conclusions du Conseil d'octobre 1999).

    - des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour atteindre l'objectif final de 140 g/km, car le taux de réduction annuel moyen des trois associations est insuffisant. En moyenne, le taux de réduction doit être d'environ 2% (ou 3,5 g/km) par an durant la période 1995-2008/9. Pour les années qui restent à s'écouler d'ici à 2008/9, les taux de réduction moyens devraient être de 2,5% pour l'ACEA, 2,8% pour la JAMA et 3,4% pour la KAMA. Il avait cependant été prévu dès le départ que les taux de réduction moyens seraient plus élevés vers la fin de la période (voir le tableau 3).


    (1) Véhicules à moteur à essence et à moteur diesel uniquement; les autres carburants et les véhicules non identifiés dans les statistiques ne devraient pas avoir d'influence significative sur ces moyennes.

    (2) Pour 2002, les données utilisées sont celles des États membres. Pour la «variation 95/02», les données utilisées sont celles des associations pour 95 et celles des États membres pour 2002. Les voitures particulières neuves mises sur le marché de l'UE par des constructeurs n'ayant pas contracté d'engagements ne devraient pas avoir d'influence significative sur la moyenne de l'UE.

    (3) Un coefficient correcteur de 0,7% est appliqué aux chiffres indiqués pour 2001 et 2002 afin de rendre compte du changement introduit dans le cycle de conduite d'essai.

    (4) Les pourcentages sont calculés sur la base des valeurs d'émission de CO2 non arrondies; pour 2002, les données utilisées sont celles des États membres.

    (5) Le premier chiffre est obtenu en utilisant les données des États membres; le second repose sur les données communiquées par l'ACEA.

    (6) Le premier chiffre est obtenu en utilisant les données des États membres pour 2002 et les données de l'ACEA pour 1995; le second repose uniquement sur les données communiquées par l'ACEA.

    Tableau 2: Moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 des voitures particulières neuves par type de carburant, pour chaque association et pour l'Union européenne

    Dans l'ensemble, la moyenne des émissions de CO2 des voitures particulières neuves immatriculées en 2002 a diminué dans tous les États membres par rapport à 1995 et aux années suivantes (voir figure 1). Il convient toutefois de préciser que les taux de réduction varient quelque peu d'un pays à l'autre [21].

    [21] Dans le cas de la Grèce et de la Finlande, il est impossible d'indiquer un chiffre pour 1995 dans la mesure où les données ne sont pas disponibles.


    * Le premier chiffre repose sur les données transmises par les États membres; le second se fonde sur les informations communiquées par l'ACEA.

    **Les chiffres indiqués reposent sur les données transmises par les États membres.

    Tableau 3: Réalisation de l'objectif des 140g/km en 2008/2009


    Légende de la figure 1 : Moyenne pondérée des émissions spécifiques de CO2

    Pour 1995, les données sont celles communiquées par les associations; pour 2002, ce sont les données officielles de l'UE qui sont indiquées.

    Un coefficient correcteur de 0,7% est appliqué aux données pour 2002 afin de rendre compte du changement introduit dans le cycle de conduite d'essai.

    Figure 1: Moyenne des émissions spécifiques de CO2 des voitures particulières neuves dans l'UE et dans les États membres en 1995 et en 2002 (moyennes pondérées calculées à partir des données sur les véhicules diesel et essence) [22]

    [22] La colonne «UE 1995» n'inclut ni la Grèce ni la Finlande, les données relatives à ces pays étant insuffisantes. Pour 2002, ces deux États membres sont inclus.

    Toutes les associations ont enregistré une nouvelle augmentation de la part des véhicules à moteur diesel dans leurs ventes au cours de la période considérée (voir tableau 4). Cela avait été prévu à court terme. En ce qui concerne l'objectif fixé pour 2008/2009, il allait de soi que les associations ne parviendraient pas à l'atteindre par une simple augmentation de la proportion de véhicules diesel, et que des progrès technologiques et des modifications appropriées du marché seraient nécessaires [23]. À cet égard, il faut signaler que le Conseil a invité la Commission à «...poursuivre les efforts, visant à réduire, de manière significative, les émissions de nanoparticules, et notamment élaborer une nouvelle procédure de mesure pour les véhicules particuliers, les véhicules utilitaires légers et les poids lourds, en tenant compte des résultats des études récentes sur les effets des émissions de nanoparticules sur la santé...» [24]. La Commission a entrepris récemment des travaux portant sur des valeurs limites d'émission Euro 5 qui entreraient en vigueur vers 2010. On peut notamment s'attendre à un abaissement des valeurs limites pour les émissions de particules et d'autres polluants gazeux. Parallèlement, un nombre croissant de constructeurs ont signalé leur intention d'équiper leurs voitures particulières à moteur diesel d'un filtre à particules. En outre, l'ACEA a, par le passé, fait part d'incertitudes liées à l'introduction de la technologie de l'injection directe d'essence. Cette technologie était censée stopper la tendance marquée des consommateurs à orienter leur choix vers des voitures à moteur diesel. Il conviendra de tenir compte de ces développements lors de l'examen de la «diésélisation» du parc de voitures particulières dans l'UE.

    [23] Les trois "rapports conjoints" ne développent pas davantage cette question complexe des modifications du marché.

    [24] Conclusions du Conseil Environnement des 18 et 19.12.2000.

    Les chiffres de l'ACEA repris dans la présente communication comprennent Rover/MG. Toutefois, étant donné que ce constructeur (initialement partie à l'engagement en tant que membre du groupe BMW) n'est plus membre de l'ACEA, l'ACEA a déclaré qu'elle refusait toute responsabilité quant aux performances de Rover en matière de CO2 d'ici à 2008.

    C'est la première fois qu'un changement intervient dans l'affiliation aux associations. Les services de la Commission feront tout leur possible pour éviter que les changements au niveau de l'affiliation ne portent atteinte à l'intégrité des engagements ou à l'homogénéité des conditions de concurrence.


    (1) Les voitures particulières neuves commercialisées sur le marché de l'UE par des constructeurs n'ayant pas contracté d'engagement n'ont pas d'influence significative sur les chiffres.

    (2) La variation observée sur la période 1995-2000 pour les véhicules à moteur à essence et à moteur diesel représente l'évolution des parts absolues de chaque type de carburant dans le total des immatriculations. La variation du nombre total de voitures correspond à l'augmentation ou à la diminution absolue du nombre des nouvelles immatriculations. Elle représente l'augmentation du nombre des nouvelles immatriculations dans l'UE-15 au cours de la période considérée.

    (3) Les totaux incluent les véhicules non identifiés dans les statistiques et les véhicules utilisant «d'autres types» de carburant.

    (4) Pour 2002, les données utilisées sont celles des États membres.

    (5)Le nombre total d'immatriculations indiqué dans le tableau pour 2002 repose sur les données des États membres. Toute une série de véhicules sont exclus, comme ceux auxquels il a été impossible d'attribuer une valeur de CO2. D'après les données des associations, environ 500 000 véhicules supplémentaires ont été immatriculés. Cet écart n'exerce pas d'incidence significative sur les chiffres indiqués pour la part respective de l'essence et du gazole.

    Tableau 4 : Tendances de la structure des immatriculations de voitures neuves sur le marché, pour chaque association et pour l'UE

    Comme cela a déjà été dit, toutes les associations ont fait savoir, dans le cadre de leurs engagements respectifs, qu'elles atteindraient l'objectif fixé essentiellement par des progrès techniques et par des modifications du marché allant de pair avec ces progrès. Cette évolution a de fait contribué aux réductions réalisées jusqu'à présent (principalement l'introduction des moteurs diesel à injection directe à grande vitesse (HDI), et, dans une moindre mesure, celle des moteurs à essence à injection directe (GDI), de la transmission à variation continue (CVT), de la levée variable des soupapes (VVL) et d'autres améliorations techniques, ainsi que celle des véhicules utilisant un carburant de substitution (AFV) et des véhicules bi-carburant). Depuis l'année 2000, l'ACEA et, dans une moindre mesure, la JAMA commercialisent des voitures particulières dont les émissions de CO2 sont inférieures ou égales à 120 g/km (respectant ainsi l'un des engagements). L'ACEA a ainsi réalisé plus de 580 000 immatriculations de voitures de ce type en 2002, contre 44 000 pour la JAMA. La KAMA n'a pas encore commercialisé ce type de modèles.

    Pour ce qui est des hypothèses qui sous-tendent les engagements contractés, les associations continuent à souligner un certain nombre d'éléments qui, selon elles, exercent un effet négatif sur les mesures de réduction du CO2 (voir les rapports conjoints). Parmi les problèmes déjà évoqués par le passé, l'ACEA a rappelé la situation économique difficile dans laquelle se trouve l'industrie automobile. Tout comme l'ACEA, la Commission estime que la conjoncture économique plutôt morose qui règne depuis quelque temps en Europe pourrait exercer un impact sur les performances économiques de l'industrie automobile et sur les consommateurs. Si cette situation devait se prolonger, l'industrie automobile pourrait éprouver des difficultés à introduire de nouvelles technologies sur le marché. L'ACEA a cependant confirmé que la conjoncture économique actuelle ne compromettrait en rien sa volonté de respecter l'objectif qui lui a été fixé pour 2008 en matière de CO2.

    À côté des travaux sur les mesures fiscales (voir le chapitre VI), le réexamen de 2003 (2004 pour la KAMA) sera capital pour l'évolution de la stratégie communautaire. S'il n'existe actuellement aucune obligation juridique imposant à l'industrie automobile d'atteindre les 120 g de CO2/km d'ici à 2012 ou dans un délai quelconque, le texte des engagements, ainsi que les recommandations de la Commission, prévoit que l'ACEA et la JAMA réexamineront en 2003 «...les possibilités de nouvelles réductions des émissions de CO2 afin de se rapprocher davantage de l'objectif communautaire de 120 g de CO2/km d'ici à 2012». Une consultation informelle a été lancée en septembre 2003 entre la Commission et l'ACEA, d'une part, et la Commission et la JAMA, d'autre part. Tant l'ACEA que la JAMA ont fait part de leur intention de présenter les résultats de leurs réexamens respectifs d'ici décembre 2003 au plus tard. Quelle que soit l'issue de ce réexamen, on procédera en 2003 (en 2004 pour la KAMA) à des comparaisons entre les résultats réels et la «fourchette d'objectifs» [25], dans le cadre du «grand réexamen». Ce «grand réexamen» portera en outre sur les questions liées aux hypothèses sur lesquelles sont fondés les engagements. Par ailleurs, comme le prévoit l'article 10 de la décision 1753/2000, les communications concernant les années cibles intermédiaires (2003 pour l'ACEA et la JAMA, et 2004 pour la KAMA) examineront les questions liées aux causes des réductions observées. Il convient d'établir si les réductions enregistrées sont le résultat des mesures techniques introduites par les constructeurs ou de modifications du comportement des consommateurs.

    [25] Pour l'ACEA: 165 à 170 grammes de CO2/km en 2003; Pour la JAMA: 165 à 175 grammes de CO2/km en 2003; Pour la KAMA: 165 à 170 grammes de CO2/km en 2004;

    4. Mise en oeuvre de la décision n° 1753/2000/CE

    La décision établissant le programme de surveillance est entrée en vigueur le 30 août 2000. C'est en 2002 que les données recueillies au titre de cette décision ont été pour la première fois utilisées comme données officielles pour le suivi des engagements volontaires contractés par l'industrie automobile en matière de réduction des émissions de CO2 des voitures particulières. Tous les États membres ont communiqué des données pour 2002, bien que parfois avec un certain retard.

    Afin de détecter et de résoudre les éventuels problèmes liés à la mise en oeuvre de la décision, la Commission, en application des articles 3 et 6 de cette décision, a institué un groupe d'experts en 2001. Pour faciliter la tâche de ce groupe, la Commission a lancé une étude en vue d'améliorer le transfert des données et la détection des éventuelles incohérences. Jusqu'à présent, ce groupe s'est réuni quatre fois et a progressé sur un certain nombre de questions liées à la méthodologie et au transfert des données.

    Les deux premières séries de données transmises par les États membres (2000 et 2001) ont essentiellement servi de comparaison avec les données transmises par les associations de constructeurs automobiles pour les rapports conjoints de suivi. Il convient de rappeler que, pour leurs rapports, les associations ont utilisé les statistiques concernant le CO2 qui leur ont été fournies par l'AAA (Association Auxiliaire de l'Automobile) (ACEA et KAMA) ou par Marketing Systems (JAMA).

    Toutefois, avec l'arrivée des données officielles de l'UE, on a observé une certaine discontinuité par rapport aux jeux de données antérieurs et, du fait des disparités constatées (voir ci-dessous), l'on ne saurait se contenter d'inscrire les données officielles concernant les dernières années à la suite des données communiquées précédemment par les associations.

    Cette discontinuité se manifeste notamment aux niveaux suivants:

    Pays couverts: Les données de l'UE pour 2002 couvrent les 15 États membres. Or, la Grèce n'a jamais été prise en compte dans les données concernant les émissions de CO2 communiquées par l'ACEA et par la KAMA (sauf pour 2001) et la Finlande n'est prise en compte que depuis peu. En revanche, les données de la JAMA couvrent l'ensemble des États membres.

    Différences de méthodologie: AAA et Marketing Systems associent les immatriculations à leur propre banque de données extrêmement détaillée sur les spécifications des véhicules, qui est ensuite utilisée pour les immatriculations de tous les États membres. Dans les données de l'UE, chaque État membre a son propre jeu de spécifications auquel il associe ses immatriculations nationales. Or, ces spécifications varient d'un pays à l'autre. Il pourrait en résulter des divergences mineures dans les résultats globaux, ainsi que dans certaines des données relatives à l'analyse des tendances.

    Différences entre les données concernant les immatriculations: Il semble qu'un pourcentage non négligeable des ventes de voitures neuves ne soient pas reprises dans les données officielles de l'UE. En 2002, l'écart était d'environ 500 000 véhicules (soit 4% de l'ensemble des immatriculations) [26]. Il est également à noter que les données de l'UE ne tiennent pas compte des voitures immatriculées lorsque les données concernant le CO2 ne sont pas fournies. Or, dans les données des associations, en l'absence de ces informations et dans le cas où le fournisseur de ces données serait dans l'impossibilité de combler cette lacune au moyen de ses propres données, les véhicules concernés sont comptabilisés et repris dans une catégorie intitulée «données non disponibles».

    [26] Il convient cependant d'observer qu'un tel écart ne se traduit pas nécessairement par des différences dans les moyennes calculées en ce qui concerne les émissions de CO2. Il ne pourrait en être ainsi que si les caractéristiques des données manquantes s'écartaient systématiquement de celles du parc dans son ensemble.

    Problème des «zones d'ombre»: D'après l'ACEA, certains États membres immatriculent les véhicules suivant le régime fiscal (véhicule utilitaire ou particulier) et non sur en se basant sur les définitions des catégories M1/N1.

    Cette question doit faire l'objet d'un examen plus approfondi.

    Couverture des données: les données officielles de l'UE couvrent - ainsi que le prévoit l'engagement - les émissions de CO2 de toutes les voitures indépendamment du carburant utilisé, y compris les véhicules employant un carburant de substitution. En revanche, les données des associations concernant le CO2 ont toujours porté uniquement sur les voitures à essence et les voitures diesel [27].

    [27] Il convient d'observer que, aussi bien par le passé qu'à l'heure actuelle, les véhicules employant un carburant de substitution sont si peu nombreux que leur contribution à la moyenne des émissions de CO2 calculée est négligeable.

    À l'heure actuelle, l'écart entre les données de l'UE et celles des associations en termes de valeurs moyennes globales de CO2 dépasse à peine les 1% pour l'ACEA et les 0,1% pour la JAMA [28]. La Commission a invité les associations de constructeurs automobiles à préciser certains points en se mettant en contact directement avec les fournisseurs de données et les organismes nationaux compétents. Des travaux relatifs à la comparabilité des données ont été menés en 2002/2003, mais ces travaux n'ont abouti qu'à des résultats limités. Les raisons invoquées par les fournisseurs de données étaient liées aux coûts et au secret commercial. Les travaux ayant trait à la qualité des données seront poursuivis et devraient, à long terme, permettre de réduire les disparités entre les différents jeux de données.

    [28] La KAMA n'a pas recueilli de données à ce sujet lors du suivi effectué en 2002.

    5. Mise en oeuvre de la directive 1999/94/CE

    La directive relative à l'étiquetage de la consommation de carburant a été adoptée le 13 décembre 1999; elle devait être mise en oeuvre par les États membres le 18 janvier 2001 au plus tard. Fin octobre 2003, c'était chose faite dans tous les États membres sauf l'Allemagne. Conformément à l'article 226 du traité CE, la Commission a saisi la Cour de Justice qui a rendu son arrêt le 24 septembre 2003 [29].

    [29] C-74/02.

    En 2003, l'annexe III de la directive a été modifiée [30] et la Commission a publié une recommandation concernant les «autres médias» [31].

    [30] JO L 186/34 du 25.7.2003.

    [31] JO L 82/33 du 29.3.2003.

    La Commission attend maintenant les rapports que les États membres doivent établir en vertu de

    l'article 9 - au plus tard pour le 31 décembre 2003 [32] - afin d'examiner la nécessité d'adopter de nouvelles mesures, et notamment de définir la meilleure manière de résoudre les autres problèmes en suspens visés à l'article 9.

    [32] L'article 9 de la directive 1999/94/ stipule que :«Les modifications nécessaires pour adapter les annexes de la présente directive sont adoptées par la Commission suivant la procédure prévue à l'article 10, après consultation des groupements de consommateurs et des autres parties intéressées.

    6. Travaux ayant trait aux mesures fiscales

    6.1. Travaux portant sur les véhicules

    En 2002, la Commission a publié les résultats de ses travaux concernant les mesures-cadres fiscales [33]. S'agissant notamment de la taxe d'immatriculation (TI) et de la taxe annuelle de circulation (TAC), la Commission a formulé les conclusions suivantes:

    [33] COM(2002)431 final

    * les mesures fiscales constituent un instrument complémentaire essentiel pour atteindre l'objectif de l'UE de 120 g de /km pour les voitures neuves d'ici à 2005 et en 2010 au plus tard, et contribuer au respect des engagements pris par l'UE dans le cadre du protocole de Kyoto;

    * les taxes nationales sur les véhicules doivent établir une relation plus directe entre le niveau des taxes et les émissions de CO2 de chaque voiture particulière neuve. La différenciation des taxes sur les véhicules est considérée comme un élément fondamental pour améliorer la consommation de carburant moyenne des voitures particulières nouvellement immatriculées. Il faudrait remplacer les taxes automobiles existantes par des taxes entièrement basées sur les émissions de CO2, ou introduire dans la TI et la TAC un élément en rapport avec le CO2 . Les éléments ajoutés pourraient également permettre la prise en compte d'autres objectifs nationaux en matière d'environnement, comme par exemple l'introduction rapide des normes EURO IV.

    Le Parlement européen a réservé un accueil favorable à la communication [34]. Les débats au sein du Conseil ont été engagés en mai 2003, mais ne sont toujours pas achevés.

    [34] Rapport A5-0265/2003, adopté par le PE le 6 novembre 2003

    6.2. Travaux portant sur les carburants

    Bien que la directive 2003/96/CE adoptée par le Conseil en octobre 2003 ne soit pas à l'heure actuelle directement liée à la stratégie communautaire de réduction des émissions de CO2 des voitures particulières, il pourrait être intéressant de la garder à l'esprit. Cette directive vise à restructurer le cadre communautaire de taxation des produits énergétiques et de l'électricité. Elle relève les niveaux minimaux de taxation auxquels sont soumis actuellement un certain nombre de produits énergétiques ou introduit de tels niveaux lorsqu'ils n'existent pas encore, et prévoit des mesures d'incitation encourageant l'utilisation de produits énergétiques plus respectueux de l'environnement. À long terme, les travaux menés dans ce cadre pourraient revêtir une importance croissante pour la stratégie de réduction des émissions de CO2 des voitures particulières, par exemple dans le cas où un plus grand nombre de voitures utiliseraient l'électricité ou l'hydrogène comme source d'énergie.

    7. Autres mesures connexes

    Les conclusions du Conseil «environnement» du 10 octobre 2000 invitaient la Commission à étudier des mesures de réduction des émissions concernant les véhicules utilitaires légers (LCV, qui correspondent à la catégorie N1 [35]) et les systèmes de climatisation mobiles utilisés dans les voitures particulières [36]. L'état d'avancement des travaux est examiné ci-dessous.

    [35] Les véhicules de la catégorie N1 sont les véhicules utilisés pour le transport de marchandises et dont la masse ne dépasse pas les 3,5 tonnes.

    [36] Le Conseil «environnement» du 10 octobre 2000 a formulé les conclusions suivantes:

    7.1. Véhicules utilitaires légers

    La catégorie des véhicules utilitaires légers se place au troisième rang des émetteurs de CO2 du secteur routier, après celle des voitures particulières et celle des poids lourds. En 2000, les émissions de CO2 des véhicules utilitaires légers ont représenté environ 13% de l'ensemble des émissions de CO2 du secteur routier, avec quelque 90 millions de tonnes de CO2. Si les tendances actuelles persistent, ces émissions devraient s'accroître tant en termes absolus qu'en termes relatifs au cours de la décennie à venir [37].

    [37] Chiffres de 2000. Les voitures particulières produisent environ 420 millions de tonnes de CO2, contre 200 millions de tonnes pour les poids lourds, autobus compris. Pour davantage de détails, voir Agence européenne pour l'environnement: «National and central estimates for air emissions from road transport». rapport technique 74.

    Pour étudier, élaborer et mettre en oeuvre des options stratégiques en matière de réduction des émissions des véhicules utilitaires légers, il est impératif de disposer de règles et de procédures normalisées pour la mesure des émissions de CO2. C'est pourquoi la Commission a adopté en 2001 une proposition concernant la mesure des émissions de CO2 et de la consommation de carburant des véhicules utilitaires légers [38]. En vertu de cette proposition, la consommation de carburant et les émissions de CO2 de ces véhicules seraient déterminées, aux fins de la réception par type, suivant des modalités analogues à celles définies pour les véhicules de la catégorie M1 (voitures particulières). En septembre 2002, cette proposition a été approuvée en première lecture par le Parlement européen et la position commune du Conseil a été adoptée en septembre 2003. Il est probable que le Parlement européen approuve la position commune en décembre 2003, auquel cas l'acte en question serait réputé adopté conformément à la position commune.

    [38] Proposition de directive du Parlement européen et du Conseil modifiant les directives 70/156/CEE et 80/1268/CEE du Conseil en ce qui concerne la mesure des émissions de dioxyde de carbone et de la consommation de carburant des véhicules à moteur de catégorie N1 COM(2001)543 final

    Les modifications apportées par ces deux institutions à la proposition de la Commission sont insignifiantes, puisqu'elles ne font que reporter à 2009 (au lieu de 2007 dans la proposition de la Commission) l'introduction de l'obligation de mesurer les émissions de CO2 et la consommation de carburant. C'est à partir du 1er janvier 2007 qu'il deviendra obligatoire de fournir des informations complètes sur les véhicules de catégorie I, y compris les véhicules soumis à une procédure de réception multi-étape. La date prévue pour les véhicules des classes II et III, y compris dans le cas d'une réception multi-étape, est le 1er février 2009. Les informations relatives à la consommation et aux émissions de CO2 des véhicules de catégorie N1 immatriculés seraient ainsi disponibles un an plus tard, à savoir en 2008 pour les véhicules de la classe I et en 2010 pour les véhicules des classes II et III.

    Le Conseil et le Parlement européen ont également prévu la possibilité de regrouper les véhicules en familles. Ce regroupement - en liaison avec la règle de la ««dérogation des 6%» [39] - pourrait avoir des répercussions sur la précision des valeurs d'émission de CO2 et de consommation de carburant notifiées pour un type, une version ou une variante de véhicule donnés. C'est pourquoi l'un des amendements impose à la Commission d'étudier les répercussions qu'auraient ce «regroupement» et d'autres amendements intégrés dans le texte dans les deux ans suivant l'entrée en vigueur de la directive afin de soumettre, le cas échéant, des mesures adaptant la directive au progrès technique.

    [39] Conformément au point 11.1 de l'annexe I du projet d'amendement, la réception peut être étendue à des véhicules du même type ou d'un type différent au niveau des caractéristiques ci-après lorsque les émissions de CO2 mesurées par le service technique n'excèdent pas la valeur du type réceptionné de plus de 6% pour les véhicules de catégorie N1: masse de référence, masse maximale autorisée, démultiplications totales, équipement du moteur et accessoires.

    La Commission a mené récemment, en étroite collaboration avec les parties intéressées, une étude préliminaire portant sur les différentes options envisageables pour réduire les émissions de CO2et sur l'élaboration de la politique en matière de véhicules utilitaires légers, qui couvre la période allant de 2005 à 2015. Les résultats de cette étude sont maintenant disponibles [40]. En voici les principales conclusions:

    [40] "Preparation of measures to reduce CO2 emissions from N1 vehicles" (préparation de mesures pour réduire les émissions de CO2 des véhicules de catégorie N1), étude réalisée par RAND Europe, Institut für das Kraftfahrtwesen Aachen, Tansport&Mobility Leuven.

    Le marché des véhicules de la catégorie N1: on estime que 20 millions environ de véhicules utilitaires légers de catégorie N1 se trouvent actuellement sur le marché. Le nombre des véhicules nouvellement immatriculés a enregistré une augmentation constante, passant d'un peu plus d'un million en 1995 à plus de 1,5 million en 2000. La part de marché de l'ACEA s'établit à 90% environ des véhicules de la catégorie N1, contre 6 à 8% pour la JAMA et la plus grande partie des 2 à 4% restants pour la KAMA. Le marché des véhicules de catégorie N1 est largement dominé par les moteurs diesel, qui équipent quelque 95% des véhicules neufs vendus.

    Prévisions concernant l'évolution future du marché: les ventes de véhicules de catégorie N1 devraient augmenter de 2% par an. La part future des sous-catégories demeure incertaine. Si la tendance enregistrée entre 1995 et 2000 devait se maintenir, la part des classes II et III augmenterait.

    Évolution des émissions de CO2: les émissions de CO2 des véhicules de catégorie N1 ne figurant pas encore dans les procédures d'essai de l'UE, il n'existe pas de données de référence fiables. C'est pourquoi, selon l'étude, seules quelques estimations provenant de sources diverses sont disponibles. Les estimations indiquent que les émissions de CO2 spécifiques des véhicules neufs de catégorie N1 ont baissé au cours de ces dernières années. À cet égard, il convient d'observer que les scénarios AUTO OIL II [41] prévoient une réduction annuelle d'environ 1,2% des émissions spécifiques de CO2 des véhicules de catégorie N1. À l'époque, ce chiffre a été approuvé par l'industrie automobile et peut être considéré actuellement comme le meilleur indicateur des progrès technologiques à attendre. À titre de comparaison, la réduction annuelle des émissions de CO2 prévue dans les engagements relatifs au CO2 pour les voitures particulières est d'environ 1,9%. Pour ce qui est des émissions de CO2 futures, les estimations montrent que - dans un scénario de statu quo et dans l'hypothèse d'une stagnation des parts de marché des trois sous-catégories - les émissions des véhicules neufs de catégorie N1 devraient augmenter, passant de quelque 9500 milliers de tonnes en 2005 à 11500 milliers de tonnes en 2015.

    [41] COM(2002)626 final

    Facteurs déterminants du marché: d'après les constructeurs, les consommateurs désireux d'acheter des véhicules de catégorie N1 s'intéressent avant tout aux éléments suivants (par ordre de priorité): coûts de propriété, fonctionnalité, robustesse, sécurité et caractéristiques dynamiques. Or, dans la mesure où les économies marginales liées à l'amélioration du rendement énergétique ne représentent qu'une part relativement faible des coûts de propriété totaux, il est peu probable qu'elles jouent un rôle décisif dans la procédure décisionnelle, que ce soit pour les clients ou pour les constructeurs.

    Options technologiques: on a répertorié un nombre important de technologies existantes qui pourraient contribuer à réduire la consommation de carburant et les émissions de CO2 des véhicules de catégorie N1 - voir tableau 5. Si les chiffres indiqués pour les émissions de CO2 évitées sont jugés relativement fiables, il en va différemment des estimations de coûts. Celles-ci reposent sur une étude documentaire des coûts pour le consommateur final. On peut raisonnablement partir du principe que les coûts réels pour les constructeurs sont nettement inférieurs. D'une manière générale, on estime que les coûts de production sont deux à trois fois moins élevés que les prix à la consommation. Toutefois, les coûts réels supportés par le consommateur final dépendent en définitive de la concurrence et des stratégies de marketing et constituent à ce titre un facteur important pour les constructeurs.


    Tableau 5: Réductions possibles des émissions de CO2 et coûts technologiques estimatifs associés, exprimés en termes de prix à la consommation

    Calculs sur la base de scénarios: sur la base des options technologiques et des coûts identifiés, les auteurs de l'étude ont élaboré deux scénarios, un scénario réaliste et un scénario optimal, afin d'évaluer l'évolution future des émissions de CO2 et des coûts spécifiques connexes [42]. Le tableau 6 présente les résultats des études menées. La mise en oeuvre des options technologiques réalistes pour toutes les voitures vendues en 2005 entraînerait une réduction des émissions de CO2 de 6,7% (de 9550 Kt à 8910 Kt). Dans le cas d'une application optimale des options technologiques, la réduction serait de 13,3%. Pour 2010, les chiffres pour les deux options sont respectivement de 11,3% et 23,1%. Pour 2015, on obtient 22,8% et 28,5%. Tous ces chiffres concernent le scénario du statu quo. Il convient d'observer que les réductions annuelles calculées pour le scénario «réaliste» sont très proches du taux de réduction figurant dans AUTO OIL II. Cela signifie qu'elles correspondent aux attentes du groupe d'experts AUTO OIL pour ce qui est des technologies futures.

    [42] Le groupe responsable de l'étude a évalué les émissions de CO2 dans le scénario de base pour les années 2005, 2010 et 2015 au moyen du modèle TREMOVE. Il a tout d'abord évalué le nombre total de véhicules de catégorie N1 et le nombre de véhicules neufs de catégorie N1, puis les émissions de CO2 des véhicules neufs par classe. Sur la base des résultats obtenus, il a alors évalué les options technologiques. Pour les émissions de CO2, le scénario de référence repose sur l'extrapolation du parc et des technologies actuels. Le nombre moyen de kilomètres parcourus ne devrait enregistrer qu'une légère augmentation, passant de 19 738 km en 2000 à 20 016 km d'ici à 2015. Pour terminer, on a calculé les réductions des émissions de CO2 associées aux différents scénarios.


    *Les coûts de réduction couvrent les coûts d'investissement (voir tableau 5) et les économies de carburant, compte tenu des prix estimatifs futurs des carburants

    **Remarque: l'augmentation des émissions entre 2010 et 2015 est due à l'augmentation prévue du nombre de véhicules de catégorie N1 sur la période considérée.

    Tableau 6: Émissions de CO2 et coûts de réduction spécifiques annualisés en 2005, 2010 et 2015 dans les deux scénarios, compte tenu des coûts d'investissement et des économies de carburant

    Considérations de rentabilité: D'après cette étude, l'analyse des deux options technologiques donne, suivant le scénario, des chiffres de rentabilité situés entre une économie de 18 euros par tonne de CO2 évitée et un coût d'environ 54 euros par tonne de CO2 évitée. Le tableau 6 donne davantage de détails à ce sujet, sur la base des coûts à la consommation figurant dans le tableau 5. À titre de comparaison, rappelons que le programme européen sur le changement climatique (PECC) cite comme indicateur de rentabilité un chiffre de référence situé entre 20 et 50 euros/tonne [43], [44].

    [43] Les différents groupes de travail du PECC ont tous identifié un critère «inférieur à 20 euros/tonne d'équivalent CO2» et un critère«inférieur à 50 euros/tonne d'équivalent CO2» comme critère pour évaluer l'efficacité de chaque mesure potentielle. Il convient toutefois d'observer que le critère de coût du PECC n'est utilisé que pour les mesures concernant la première période d'engagement. Pour les technologies à introduire en 2015, les évaluations de rentabilité futures pourraient aboutir à des conclusions différentes.

    [44] Rapport du PECC de mars 2003. Ce montant de 20 à 50 euros/tonne ne doit cependant pas être considéré comme un seuil absolu mais, compte tenu des incertitudes liées à la mise en oeuvre, doit donner une indication générale de la rentabilité d'une mesure donnée, les autres considérations (par exemples les avantages dérivés de la sécurité de l'approvisionnement et ceux ayant trait à d'autres questions en rapport avec l'environnement ou se situant dans le plus long terme) devant elles aussi être prises en compte. Les autres critères communs retenus pour l'évaluation transsectorielle et la comparaison entre les mesures étaient le calendrier de mise en oeuvre et l'incidence sur les autres secteurs de la politique, voir le deuxième rapport du PECC: "Can we meet our Kyoto targets ?"

    Les coûts spécifiques dépendent notamment de la classe du véhicule. Les mesures les plus rentables sont celles mises en oeuvre pour les véhicules de la classe I, suivies de celles consistant à combiner les technologies concernant les classes I et II. Dans certains scénarios, en particulier pour les mesures les plus ambitieuses concernant les sous-catégories II et III dont la mise en oeuvre est prévue pour 2010 et 2015, les coûts dépasseraient légèrement les 50 euros/tonne de CO2 évitée.

    Les travaux concernant les véhicules de catégories N1 ne sont pas concluants et n'ont pas encore été finalisés. Il est dès lors trop tôt pour proposer des options stratégiques définitives.

    Toutefois, au vu des résultats obtenus jusqu'ici, la Commission envisage certaines mesures, dont

    - l'introduction d'exigences en matière d'étiquetage semblables à celles imposées dans le cas des véhicules de catégorie M1 (voir directive 1999/94/CE),

    - la surveillance de l'évolution des émissions des véhicules de catégorie N1 (voir la décision 1753/2000/CE),

    - des mesures visant à réduire les émissions de CO2des véhicules de catégorie N1.

    La date de mise en oeuvre de ces mesures dépendra du résultat des débats menés au niveau du Conseil et du Parlement européen sur la modification de la directive 80/126/CEE et des études complémentaires qui seront effectuées au cours des prochaines années.

    Pour envisager de mettre en oeuvre les mesures visant à réduire les émissions de CO2 des véhicules utilitaires légers, il faut disposer de données d'émission complètes et fiables, calculées conformément à la proposition relative à la mesure des émissions de CO2 et de la consommation de carburant des véhicules utilitaires légers.

    Afin d'obtenir davantage d'informations sur les questions susmentionnées, la Commission a décidé de lancer une étude de suivi axée sur les points suivants:

    i mesurer, conformément à la directive 80/1268/CEE telle que modifiée, la consommation de carburant et les émissions de CO2 d'un nombre représentatif de véhicules utilitaires légers;

    ii examiner les questions répertoriées par le Conseil et le Parlement européen à l'article 3 [45] de la directive 80/1268/CEE modifiée, dans la mesure où elles concernent les véhicules de catégorie N1, et

    [45] Ce nouveau projet d'article prévoit que la Commission, au plus tard deux ans après l'entrée en vigueur de la directive,

    iii développer davantage l'évaluation des options stratégiques envisageables pour réduire les émissions de cette catégorie de véhicules ou des sous-catégories correspondantes, y compris dans les pays candidats.

    Les résultats de cette étude seront disponibles d'ici à la fin de 2004.

    7.2. Systèmes de climatisation mobiles

    La Commission a entamé des travaux sur les systèmes de climatisation mobiles en se concentrant sur les différentes options possibles pour i) mesurer et, si possible, réduire la surconsommation de carburant et l'excédent d'émissions de CO2 qui en résulte, et ii) réduire les émissions du réfrigérant (HFC-134a). Ces deux activités font partie du programme européen sur le changement climatique [46]. Les résultats des travaux relatifs aux réfrigérants sont présentées dans un autre document [47].

    [46] COM(2001)580 final

    [47] COM(2003)492 final

    En ce qui concerne la consommation de carburant, il est de plus en plus établi que l'utilisation de systèmes de climatisation dans les voitures particulières pourrait accroître sensiblement les émissions de CO2. Cette source d'émissions n'est pas couverte par la législation existante en matière de consommation de carburant et de mesure des émissions de CO2, et n'est dès lors pas prise en compte dans les engagements de l'industrie automobile [48]. D'après les estimations, les émissions supplémentaires se situeraient entre 3 et 8% [49]. Il semble par ailleurs que l'impact de l'utilisation de ces équipements sur la consommation de carburant pourrait être réduit d'environ 50%.

    [48] Les engagements stipulent que les émissions de CO2 des voitures neuves seront mesurées conformément à la directive 93/116/CEE, qui a servi de base à la définition des objectifs. L'essai ne prévoit pas l'utilisation d'un système de climatisation mobile. En tout état de cause, si la procédure d'essai venait à être modifiée, comme cela a été le cas avec la directive 99/100/CE, les modifications devraient être prises en compte lors du suivi des engagements relatifs au CO2 en corrigeant les émissions de CO2 mesurées de manière à les aligner sur la procédure prévue dans la directive 93/116/CE. La dernière correction effectuée est l'adaptation de 0,7% visée dans la note de bas de page du tableau 2.

    [49] "Options to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions due to Mobile Air Conditioning" Résumé des discussions du « Sommet MAC » tenu à Bruxelles les 10 et 11 février .

    Une fois encore, il faudrait disposer de procédures d'essai fiables pour étudier l'impact de l'utilisation de systèmes de climatisation. C'est pourquoi la Commission s'efforce de finaliser les travaux dans les meilleurs délais, tout en oeuvrant en faveur de l'établissement, le cas échéant, de procédures d'essai harmonisées au niveau international.

    8. Conclusions

    La stratégie communautaire de réduction des émissions de CO2 des voitures particulières vise à atteindre, d'ici à 2005, et en 2010 au plus tard, un niveau moyen d'émissions spécifiques de CO2 de 120 g CO2/km pour les voitures particulières nouvellement immatriculées dans la Communauté. La valeur d'émission spécifique de CO2/km enregistrée pour l'année civile 2002 s'élève à 166 g CO2/km [50], contre 186 g CO2/km en 1995, année de référence de la stratégie communautaire. S'il est assez improbable que l'objectif de 120 g CO2/km puisse être atteint dès 2005, on peut cependant raisonnablement espérer qu'il le soit d'ici à 2010 à condition que les mesures et les efforts nécessaires soient mis en oeuvre. Il importe que l'ACEA et la KAMA réalisent rapidement l'objectif intermédiaire qui leur a été assigné pour 2003.

    [50] Chiffre basé sur les données officielles de l'UE.

    Il semble évident que la mise en oeuvre des trois piliers de la stratégie sera nécessaire pour atteindre l'objectif global. La récente communication de la Commission sur la taxation des véhicules présente, entre autres, plusieurs régimes de fiscalité possibles pour étayer la stratégie communautaire de réduction des émissions de CO2. En outre, les résultats du réexamen auquel procéderont les associations de constructeurs en 2003 [51] pour évaluer les possibilités de réductions supplémentaires des émissions de CO2 afin de se rapprocher de l'objectif communautaire de 120 g/km d'ici à 2012, seront d'une grande importance.

    [51] 2003 pour l'ACEA et la JAMA, et 2004 pour la KAMA.

    L'industrie automobile progresse de manière satisfaisante par rapport aux engagements qu'elle a contractés. Toutefois, pour atteindre l'objectif final des engagements (140 g de CO2/km), les trois associations devront intensifier leurs efforts dans une mesure plus ou moins grande. Au vu des rapports conjoints, la Commission n'a aucune raison de penser que l'ACEA et la JAMA ne tiendront pas leurs engagements respectifs. Il y a cependant lieu de s'inquiéter pour ce qui est de la KAMA. La KAMA va devoir réellement redoubler d'efforts pour atteindre son objectif intermédiaire pour 2004. La situation a été portée à l'attention de la KAMA, qui a réaffirmé sa détermination d'atteindre les objectifs définis dans son engagement.

    La mise en oeuvre de la directive 1999/94 et de la décision 1753/2000 sont en bonne voie et sont pratiquement achevées.

    La Commission poursuit ses activités concernant les émissions de CO2 des véhicules utilitaires légers et a entrepris des travaux relatifs aux émissions de CO2 dues à l'utilisation de systèmes de climatisation mobiles.

    COMMISSION STAFF WORKING PAPER Monitoring of ACEA's Commitment on CO2 Emission Reductions from Passenger Cars (2002) Monitoring of JAMA's Commitment on CO2 Emission Reductions from Passenger Cars (2002) Monitoring of KAMA's Commitment on CO2 Emission Reductions from Passenger Cars (2002) - Final Reports 5 September 2003 {COM(2004) 78 final}

    Monitoring of ACEA's Commitment on CO2 Emission

    Reductions from Passenger Cars (2002)

    Final Report 5 September 2003

    Joint Report of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association and the Commission Services

    Monitoring of ACEA Commitment [1] on CO2 Emission Reductions from Passenger Cars

    [1] As recognized by the European Commission in the Recommendation of 5 February 1999 on the reduction of CO2 emissions from passenger cars (1999/125/EC). Hereafter referred to as "The Commitment".


    [2] Hereafter often referred to as "The Commission".


    E1 Trends in specific emissions of CO2 (g/km)

    In 2002 - taking official EU data [3] - the average specific emissions of ACEA's new car fleet registered in the EU was 165 g/km. For petrol-fuelled cars, specific emissions were 172 g/km; for diesel-fuelled cars, the corresponding value was 155 g/km and for alternative fuelled [4] passenger cars the value was 177 g/km.

    [3] According to the Joint Monitoring System prior 1995-2001 monitoring was based on data provided by ACEA which are broadly similar to those specified in Annex I of Decision 1753/2000/EC. In 2002 for the first time, official EU data is used in the joint monitoring based on data delivered by Member States under Decision 1753/2000/EC. Annex 2 contains comparisons of data from EU and ACEA sources, whenever appropriate.

    [4] These are all vehicles not using diesel or petrol, e.g. LPG, CNG or electric power.

    Compared to ACEA's 2001 data, ACEA reduced the average specific CO2 emissions of its new car fleet registered within the EU by about 2 g/km; a reduction of 1.2 % [5], [6]. This is about the same reduction rate identified when official 2002 EU data are compared with unofficial 2001 EU data [7]. Since 1995, ACEA has maintained an unbroken trend of CO2 emission reduction (see Figure 1 [8]).

    [5] In the 2002 report ACEA data continues to be used in certain places, in particular where consistent longer-term trends contribute to a better understanding of CO2 reduction developments (and official EU data is not available to fulfil this role).

    [6] All percentage figures are based on unrounded numbers.

    [7] See COM(2002)693 final. Please note that the official EU data cover alternative fuels, ACEA data does not. However, in the light of the small number of alternative fuel vehicles registered this has no impact on the reported EU averages.

    [8] Figure 1 shows in particular ACEA time-series data for 1995 to 2002. In the 2001 joint Monitoring Report, ACEA's 2001 CO2 figure was shown as 164 g/km. This figure included a cycle change correction factor (see Section 2.11) of 1 %; the Commission and ACEA have now agreed that the correction factor should be 0.7 %. This means that, using exact figures, ACEA's CO2 figure in 2001 was 164.5 g/km, or using the rounded figures normally quoted in this report 165 g/km (see Annex 2).

    With official EU data becoming available, a discontinuity from the past data series exists, because of underlying differences (see Section 2.10). It is therefore not correct to simply adjoin official data for the most recent year, onto ACEA's historical data.


    Figure : EU Trends of ACEA members' fleet in average specific emissions of CO2; based on ACEA data [9]. For 2002 the official EU data are added. 2001 and 2002 data are corrected by 0.7 % for cycle change adjustment.

    [9] Please note, ACEA figures do not include alternative fuels. The official EU data cover alternative fuels, e.g. they are included under "all" in Figure 1.

    Using ACEA's 1995 time-series between 1995 and 2002, ACEA achieved an overall reduction in new car CO2 emissions of 12.1 %; petrol cars were down by 9.0 %, and diesel cars were down by 13.6 %.

    E2 Trends in specific fuel consumption by fuel type (litres/100km)

    Fuel consumption in terms of litres per 100 km (l/100km) has followed a similar downward profile to that of CO2 emissions. Over the 1995 to 2002 period, using ACEA's time-series data, average fuel consumption fell for new petrol and diesel cars combined from 7.6 l/100km to 6.5 l/100km [10]. The corresponding consumption reductions for new petrol cars and new diesel cars decreased from 7.9 l/100km to 7.2 l/100km and from 6.6 l/100km to 5.7 l/100km, respectively (see Figure 2).

    [10] The following conversion factors were used for the calculation of specific fuel consumption (l/100km) from specific CO2 emissions (g/km): petrol 23.7, diesel 26.6.


    Figure : Trends of ACEA members' fleet in average specific fuel consumption (l/100km) by fuel; based on ACEA data. For 2002 official EU data are added. 2001 and 2002 basis CO2 data are corrected by 0.7 % for cycle change adjustment

    E3 Trends in physical fleet characteristics

    ACEA has achieved these sizeable improvements in new car CO2 performance whilst increases in physical fleet characteristics have occurred. Overall figures for average car mass, engine capacity and power increased in 2002, compared to 2001 (see Annex 2). However, based on ACEA's time-series data, some car characteristics decreased in 2002 compared to earlier periods; for example, petrol car mass (down on 1999) and diesel engine capacity (down on 1996).

    E4 Technical developments introduced to reduce CO2 emissions

    Technical developments introduced by ACEA manufacturers in 2002 included: fully variable valve lift & timing technology combined with GDI; variable intake control system on small gasoline engines; fast warm-up cooling systems; torque converter lock-up from 1st gear on automatic transmissions; application of low-viscosity/friction oil (engine and rear axle) across model-ranges; friction optimised rear axle differential; and engine covering/underbody panelling. 2002 also saw the increased application of: GDI, alternative-fuelled vehicles, VVT, 6-speed & automated manual gearboxes, electric power steering, lightweight materials, refined aerodynamics, rolling resistance improvements, and turbo-charged engines.

    These advances reflect significant and continued efforts by ACEA manufacturers to introduce a wide range of technical and product developments to reduce CO2 emissions. According to ACEA the large-scale commercialisation of CO2 efficient technologies has brought to market new cars with attractive product attributes that have then induced market changes (such as diesel share growth following the launch of DI diesels etc.).

    E5 Brief overall assessment on progress in relation to the target

    In 2002, ACEA reduced the average CO2 emissions of its new car fleet. Taking the official EU data, the average specific emissions of ACEA's new car fleet registered in the EU was 165 g/km. ACEA's CO2 performance is consistent with achieving the 2003 estimated intermediate target range of 165 -170 g/km specified in its Commitment. ACEA has already met the first of its CO2 commitments ("some members of ACEA will introduce in the EU market, not later than 2000, models emitting 120 gCO2/km or less"). In fact, 2002 saw new registrations of cars emitting 120 gCO2/km or less rise sharply (even though car registrations in total fell by over 4 % [11]). The share of cars emitting 140 gCO2/km or less also rose in 2002, further evidencing ACEA's determination to meet its commitments.

    [11] Based on ACEA data.

    To meet its 2008 Commitment ACEA must increase its annual average reduction rate to about 4 g/km or 2.5 % a year during the remaining period of the Commitment. Based on ACEA's time-series data, to meet its 2008 Commitment ACEA must increase its annual average reduction rate to 2.3 % a year during the remaining period of the Commitment, from about 3 g/km or 1.7 % average annual decrease achieved since 1995. However, it should be noted that using ACEA's 1995-2002 data set, CO2 emissions have been cut from 185 g/km in 1995 to 163 g/km in 2002. Over recent years CO2 reduction rates have been higher than expected -- with diesel technology especially, being extremely well accepted in the EU market. The overall outcome is that in 2002 ACEA was almost half the way towards achieving its 2008 target.

    ACEA stresses that compliance with the 2008 target remains extremely ambitious, both technically and economically.

    In summary, the Commission Services and ACEA have no reason to believe that ACEA will not live up to its Commitment.


    1.1. Commitment initiatives

    1.1.1. Brief description of current R&D programmes

    1.1.2. Other

    The ACEA Commitment continues to ensure that right across the European automotive industry, CO2 reduction remains a high priority in R&D expenditures, as well as in product and process planning and development. The vast majority of this R&D effort is being undertaken independently, by each of the ACEA manufacturers freely pursuing their own policies and initiatives in this highly competitive area. It is not possible, for competitive reasons, to review individual manufacturer R&D programmes as part of the monitoring report.

    In addition, however, ACEA and its sister body EUCAR are undertaking a collaborative, pre-competitive automotive R&D programme on medium and long-term technologies for CO2 reduction (as detailed in previous Joint Monitoring Reports). It seeks to use "Framework Programme" (FP) funding to launch collaborative projects between manufacturers, suppliers, research institutes and universities. The programme reflects the research interests of the participating companies, and serves to illustrate key areas of R&D activity. For the upcoming FP6, EUCAR has arranged its research into three areas: Fuels & Powertrain; Manufacturing & Materials; and Integrated Safety - and the first two cover CO2 reduction topics:

    Fuels & Powertrain: integrated project proposals are being prepared on renewable (biomass) fuels, improved conventional powertrains, fuel cell powertrains and auxiliary power units, hydrogen storage.

    Manufacturing & Material: integrated project proposals are being prepared for low weight vehicles using a mixed material approach, as well as methods and concepts on how vehicles are to be manufactured efficiently and environmentally sound in the future.

    Section 4.5 provides a fuller summary of EUCAR's research activities.

    1.2. Technological developments

    1.2.1. Description of fuel efficiency characteristics of new technologies, alternative concepts

    1.2.2. Availability of new technologies in the EU

    1.2.3. Availability of alternative concepts passenger cars in the EU

    1.2.4. Availability of low emission passenger cars (e.g. emitting 120 g/km or less) in the EU

    Technical developments introduced by one or more ACEA manufacturers in 2002 included:

    * fully variable valve lift & timing technology combined with GDI;

    * variable intake control system on small gasoline engines (this employs a variable intake manifold in combination with a high rate of exhaust gas recirculation);

    * fast warm-up cooling systems to reduce internal engine friction in warm-up;

    * torque converter lock-up from 1st gear on automatic transmissions;

    * application of low-viscosity/friction oil (engine and rear axle) across model-ranges;

    * friction optimised rear axle differential;

    * engine covering/underbody panelling; and 2002 also saw the increased application of: GDI, VVT, 6-speed & automated manual gearboxes, electric power steering, lightweight materials; refined aerodynamics; rolling resistance improvements (through better tyres &brakes), and turbo-charged engines.

    In addition ACEA manufacturers continued their on-going development of alternative-fuelled vehicle technologies (CNG/LPG/bioethanol/biogas/electric/etc.), and 2002 saw a growth in sales of alternative-fuelled vehicles (AFVs).

    These advances reflect significant and continued efforts by ACEA manufacturers to introduce a wide range of technical and product developments to reduce CO2 emissions. According to ACEA the large-scale commercialisation of CO2 efficient technologies has brought to market new cars with attractive product attributes that have then induced market changes (such as diesel share growth following the launch of DI diesels etc.).

    Technical advances by ACEA manufacturers resulted in a continued upward trend in the market share taken by the most fuel-efficient cars. In 2002, based on ACEA data, ACEA first registrations of (petrol + diesel) cars with CO2 levels of 140 g or less, rose to 23.7 % of total registrations --up from a 23.0 % share in 2001 and a 2.6 % share in 1995. Further, ACEA continued to build on its Year 2000 achievement of the first of its CO2 commitments: "some members of ACEA will introduce in the EU market models emitting 120 gCO2/km or less". 2002 saw first registrations of cars emitting 120 gCO2/km or less rise by over 90 % on the prior year (even though car registrations in total dropped by over 4 %); first registrations of such cars totalled over 580 000 units, and they achieved an impressive 5 % share of new registrations, compared to only 0.7 % as recently as 1999. This technology driven trend to fuel-efficient cars directly connects to the provision in the ACEA Commitment on achieving the target mainly "by technological developments -- and market changes linked to these developments".

    1.3. Description of market trends in physical fleet characteristics

    Through its technical developments (see Section 1.2), ACEA has achieved sizeable improvements in new car CO2 performance whilst increases in other physical fleet characteristics have occurred. Overall figures for average car mass, engine capacity and power increased in 2002, compared to 2001. However, based on ACEA's time-series data, some car characteristics decreased in 2002 compared to earlier periods; for example, petrol car mass (down on 1999) and diesel engine capacity (down on 1996). Reduction of diesel engine capacities can mainly be attributed to direct injection technology, which has allowed lowering engine capacities.

    ACEA provided some indication that new automotive regulations, introduced since 1995, have added to car mass, and therefore damaged fuel efficiency (see Section 4.2 of 2001 Joint Monitoring Report, for ACEA's estimate of adverse CO2 effects). However an in-depth analysis of the impact of new regulations needs still to be undertaken.

    The Commission believes that the increases in vehicle weight that might have been as an effect of new legislation are, if at all, potentially small and would therefore be negligible for the average specific CO2 emissions


    2.1. Trends in specific emissions of CO2 (g/km)

    In 2002, taking the official EU data, the average specific emissions of ACEA's new car fleet registered in the EU was 165 g/km.

    Compared to ACEA's 2001 data, ACEA reduced the average specific CO2 emissions of its new car fleet registered within the EU by about 2 g/km; a reduction of 1.2 % [12], [13]. This is about the same reduction rate when official 2002 EU data are compared with unofficial 2001 EU data [14].

    [12] ACEA data used for 1995 since no official EU data exists for the period since 1995. The EU data is the official basis for the monitoring process. However, since EU and ACEA data are not fully consistent and comparable in all details, for trend analysis ACEA's 1995-2002 data are used. For this reason no percentage calculations using ACEA's 1995 data and EU 2002 data are shown in this report.

    [13] All percentage figures are based on unrounded numbers.

    [14] See COM(2002)693 final. Please note that the official EU data cover alternative fuels, ACEA data does not. However, in the light of the small number of alternative fuel vehicles registered this has no impact on the reported EU averages.

    Since 1995, ACEA has maintained an unbroken trend of CO2 emission reduction. Using ACEA's 1995 time-series between 1995 and 2002, ACEA achieved an overall reduction in new car CO2 emissions of 12.1 %; petrol cars were down by 9.0 %, and diesel cars were down by 13.6 % (see Figure 3).


    Figure 3: ACEA's CO2 Reduction Index (1995=100); based on ACEA data. For 2002 official EU data are added. 2001 and 2002 data are corrected by 0.7 % for cycle change adjustment

    2.2. Number of newly registered passenger cars

    In 2002, ACEA new car registrations in the EU amounted to 12 044 461 units, using ACEA data, down over 4 % on the previous year [15]. ACEA's market share of total EU passenger cars was 86 % (including Rover [16]). Over the period 1995-2002 new registrations increased by 17.6 %.

    [15] All figures given in this chapter are based on ACEA data.

    [16] See Section 2.12

    Petrol car registrations totalled 6 481 940 units in 2002, an 11.3 % decrease on the previous year. In 2002, such vehicles represented 53.8 % of total new car registrations by ACEA members. The number of diesel cars registered totalled 5 252 613 in 2002, which represented 43.6 % of total car registrations by ACEA members (see Figure 4). The number of cars equipped with other fuel types (AFVs) increased in 2002 (see Section 2.5).


    Figure 4: New Car Registrations by ACEA (million units)

    2.3. Fleet composition

    Figure 5 shows ACEA's fleet composition by CO2 categories for the year 2002, and the reference year 1995 (using ACEA data).




    Figure 5: ACEA's Fleet Composition by CO2 Categories (% share of total registrations) in 1995 and 2002

    In 2002, ACEA's CO2-related fleet composition continued to show a strong move towards more fuel-efficient cars, with 140 g or below cars achieving a 23.7 % share of total (petrol + diesel) registrations in 2002 -- up from 6.8 % in 1998, and only 2.6 % in 1995 (see Figure 6). Over the 1995 to 2002 period new registrations of such cars has been multiplied by almost 10. By contrast, in 2002, there were sizeable falls in both the registrations and market share of cars with CO2 emissions of more than 160 g/km. Registrations of these cars fell by almost 8 % in 2002 on the prior year, and by over 40 % compared to 1995; as a proportion of total ACEA registrations, such cars decreased from 80.8 % in 1995, to 64.9 % in 1998 to reach 40.9 % in 2002.


    Figure 6: Change in ACEA's Fleet Composition by "aggregated CO2 Categories"

    Figure 7 shows how ACEA shares of registrations have developed by CO2 category over the 1995-2002 period. As can be seen, ACEA achieved a clearly identifiable "wave-effect" towards enhanced new car fuel efficiency.


    Figure 7: ACEA's "wave-effect" of CO2 categories towards enhanced fuel efficiency (g/km)

    2.4. EU trends in physical fleet characteristics

    Trends in physical characteristics of ACEA's new car fleet are shown in Figure 8 below (see also Section 1.3).


    Figures 8: Physical ACEA Fleet Characteristics (1995=100)

    Using ACEA time-series data, average car mass (petrol + diesel) rose in 2002, and since 1995 a 10.2 % increase in mass has occurred. For petrol cars, there was virtually no growth in mass, and compared to 1999, petrol car mass was down by 1 %. In 2002, diesel car mass maintained its recent upward trend.

    Engine capacity for petrol and diesel combined increased very slightly in 2002; and over the 1995 to 2002 period has only shown a growth of 5.7 %. In 2002, petrol capacity rose marginally, and since 1995 has risen by only 1.6 %. Diesel capacity fell in 2002; this 2002 level is below that in 1996.

    Engine power (petrol + diesel) rose in 2002, and since 1995, quite a strong increase has occurred, driven particularly by increased diesel power.

    Through its technical developments (see Section 1.2), ACEA has achieved sizeable improvements in new car CO2 performance whilst increases in other physical fleet characteristics have occurred.

    2.5. Trends in new technologies in the EU

    As noted in Sections 1.2, 2002 saw the introduction or increased application by ACEA manufacturers of a wide range of technical developments to reduce CO2 emissions. Within these reduction efforts, ACEA manufacturers continued their on-going development of alternative-fuelled vehicle technologies (CNG/LPG/bioethanol/biogas/electric/etc.), and 2002 saw a growth in sales of alternative-fuelled vehicles (AFVs). See Figure 9 for AFV sales developments since 1995, based on ACEA data.


    Figure 9: ACEA sales of Alternative-Fuelled Vehicles (units)

    2.6. Trends in low emission passenger cars in the EU

    In 2002 ACEA built further on its Year 2000 achievement of the first of its CO2 commitments ("some members of ACEA will introduce in the EU market models emitting 120 gCO2/km or less"). Using ACEA time-series data, in 2002 ACEA first registrations of 120 gCO2/km or less cars rose by over 90 % on the prior year (even though car registrations in total dropped by over 4 %). In 2000, ACEA manufacturers achieved this commitment, by bringing to market more than 20 models that achieved 120 gCO2/km or less - with registrations of almost 160 000 units. This major effort was augmented in 2001 with ACEA manufacturer first registrations of such cars totalling over 306 500 units -- which represented over 2.5 % of total ACEA (petrol + diesel) registrations. In 2002, first registrations of cars emitting 120 gCO2/km or less again almost doubled to reach over 580 000 units (see Figure 10 for longer-term developments), and achieved an impressive 5 % share of total new registrations.


    Figure 10: ACEA Registrations of Cars with CO2 emissions of 120 gCO2/km or less

    2.7. Trends in alternative concepts passenger cars in the EU

    Nothing new to report.

    2.8. Trends in innovative concepts passenger cars in the EU

    In 2002 the car manufacturers' associations and the Commission agreed guidelines for the acceptance of innovative concepts within the monitoring of the commitments (see Annex 3).

    2.9. Brief description of the degree of occurrence of grey areas between M1 and N1 vehicles

    Nothing to report (see Section 2.10).

    2.10. Data sources, data methods and data confidence levels

    For the first time since the inception of the Joint CO2 Monitoring Reports, this 2002 report utilises data from the official EU scheme (1753/2000/EC), that is based on Member State submissions (see Annex 1). The data submitted by Member States are now the official basis for the monitoring process. The data have been slightly processed by the Commission [17]. Until now, ACEA purchased data from the French-based association AAA (Association Auxiliaire de l'Automobile), so as to enable the annual monitoring exercises to be undertaken.

    [17] The cycle change correction of 0.7 % has been applied, and potentially erroneous allocations of vehicles to CO2 classes, involving a few hundred vehicles, have been suppressed (see Annex 1)

    However, with official EU data becoming available, a discontinuity from the past data series exists, because of underlying differences (see below). It is not correct to simply adjoin official data for the most recent year, onto ACEA's historical data.

    The main dimensions of this discontinuity are:

    Country Coverage: The EU data for 2002 covers all 15 Member States. Whereas, ACEA's CO2 data has never included Greece, and has not until recently included Finland (due to data unavailability).

    Methodology Differences: ACEA data links registrations to one, highly analysed, vehicle specification information bank, which is used for all Member State registrations. For EU data, each Member State has its own vehicle specification set, to which it links its national registrations; national variations in these vehicle specifications exist. A number of more specific methodological issues have been identified in relation to CO2 categories and the treatment of unknown cars (see next item on Registration Differences), e.g. ACEA's data provider closes gaps in incomplete data sets with the help of its databank while Member States count only cars with complete data sets. In order to improve the data a more in-depth analysis would be needed. Moreover there seems to be a systematic difference in the reporting of the mass of vehicles between ACEA data (report mass of empty vehicle) and Member States data (report in accordance with the definition given in Decision 1753/2000/EC).

    Registration Data Differences: The official EU data seems to miss a sizeable percentage of new car registrations. In 2002, the difference is about 400 000 vehicles (equal to about 3 % of total registrations) [18]. The largest difference was in Spain. The official EU data only record registrations (and CO2 figures) for which CO2 data is provided whereas in the case of ACEA data, if no CO2 information was available, or cannot be provided by the vehicle specification data bank, any such vehicles would be included under an "unknown" category. In past Monitoring Reports the size of "unknown versions" has been an important parameter in the evaluation of data quality. The EU data cannot provide this information.

    [18] It should be noted that the Commission believes that such a difference does not automatically lead to differences in the calculated CO2 averages. This would be only the case if the characteristics of the missing data deviate systematically from the characteristics of the total fleet. The issue will be further discussed within the Expert Group dealing with the implementation of Decision 1753/2000/EC.

    Grey Area Problem: ACEA believes that some Member States might register vehicles in accordance with the fiscal regime (commercial or private vehicle), not in accordance with M1 & N1 category definitions. This is a likely source of difference, which needs more thorough investigation -- particularly the number of M1 vehicles potentially registered as N1. As shown in an earlier report, for ACEA data, the grey area issue is small; for EU data it is an unknown volume.

    Data Scope: The official EU data covers - as laid down in the Commitment - the CO2 emissions of cars using all fuels, including AFVs. Whereas ACEA's CO2 data has consistently been on the basis of petrol + diesel cars [19].

    [19] It should be mentioned that the number of AFV was so small in the past, and still is, and that the Commission therefore believes that these vehicles are negligible for the calculated CO2 average.

    ACEA is closely monitoring data quality of this newly available EU data source. Currently the variance between EU & ACEA data in terms of the overall average CO2 figure is only a little more than 1%; although differences in some details exist, over the long-term data differences should narrow. ACEA explained that for the future it will continue to make data comparisons between EU/Member State and industry data sources, and if over the next years systematic deviations become apparent, ACEA will assume that systematic deviations also existed in the baseline assumption for year 1995.

    Since actual and underlying methodological differences exist between the EU data and ACEA's data (see above and Annex 2) the new EU data cannot be simply adjoined onto ACEA's historical CO2 time-series built-up from 1995. As a result, the new data does not provide a means to undertake longer-term "trend" evaluations of key CO2 developments that can contribute to a better understanding of CO2 reduction developments. For this reason this Joint Report uses ACEA's consistent historical data through to 2002 for such evaluations.

    2.11. Description of measurement issues for CO2 emission factors

    The ACEA Commitment specifies that new car CO2 emissions will be measured according to Directive 93/116/EC. Since the establishment of the ACEA Commitment, the mandatory type approval method of measuring CO2 emissions has been revised by Directive 99/100/EC. One of the principle changes (introduced over the period 2000 to 2002 for M1 vehicles) relates to the drive cycle - the deletion of the initial 40 seconds of unmeasured engine idling prior to the commencement of the test. As a rule, such a change of test procedure increases the measured value of CO2 emissions.

    Since January 2001 almost all new M1 vehicles have had their CO2 emissions measured according to the "new" directive/cycle (99/100/EC). A correction factor needs to be applied to the measured CO2 emissions of such vehicles to broadly bring them into line with the 93/116/EC procedure, which is the basis on which ACEA's future targets were established and the basis of historical monitoring data in this report. In 2002 ACEA & the Commission reached a consensus on this correction factor adjustment; it was agreed that a 0.7 % reduction should be applied to "measured" emissions to align them with the Commitment's basis. In this report, this adjustment has been applied to 2001 and 2002 data. For future years it was also agreed that this 0.7 % adjustment should be maintained unless new data is provided by ACEA, that proves its inappropriateness.

    2.12. Other issues

    As stated in the 2001 Monitoring Report, Rover is no longer a member of ACEA. Although Rover terminated its ACEA membership from 2001, to maintain consistency with prior years, when Rover was a member, figures on ACEA, contained in this report, continue to include Rover. The procedure is acceptable to ACEA and Rover. ACEA explained that this does not imply, however, that ACEA now takes any responsibility for Rover's CO2 performance; historical data consistency is the sole reason for the continued inclusion of Rover data in ACEA's figures.

    According to ACEA's data in 2002 Rover car registrations only accounted for 1.2 % of the ACEA total. ACEA's total CO2 figure for 2002 would have been about 0.1 g/km lower if Rover were excluded from the ACEA total. The impact on the 1995 data has not been assessed yet.

    The Commission is continuing to examine Rover's exit from ACEA, in relation to the CO2 Commitment.


    3.1. Availability of enabling fuels

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    3.2. Nothing new to report.Distortion of competition

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Nothing new to report.

    3.3. Promotion of CO2 efficient technologies

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    In prior monitoring reports ACEA raised concerns over UK diesel policies that have restricted CO2 reduction potential over a period through to 2001. In October 2002 ACEA provided the Commission with additional information on UK diesel disincentive policies and diesel's weak performance in the UK market compared to the rest of the EU market. In its reply in May 2003 concerning the taxation of diesel passenger cars in the United Kingdom, the Commission provided results of an independent study that shows that the recent changes in UK's taxation policy favour the purchase of diesel vehicles. This has been confirmed by the UK Government, which drew attention to the increasing trend in diesel share between 2000 and 2002. The Commission and ACEA agree that this issue will again be addressed in the "2003 Review" of the ACEA Commitment.

    3.4. Acceptance of innovation

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Nothing new to report.


    4.1. New measures affecting CO2

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing new to report.

    4.2. New regulatory measures

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    ACEA continues to consider that the End of Life (ELV) Directive has adverse implications for fuel efficiency. ACEA disagrees with the Commission's assessment (see 2001 Joint Report) that this Directive "will not have any adverse effect on fuel efficiency given it does not limit the use of any material". As expressed in previous reports the Commission sees no evidence for adverse effects.

    4.3. Fiscal measures

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing further to report (see Section 3.3).

    4.4. Breakthrough technologies

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing further to report (see Sections 1.1, 1.2 & 4.5).

    4.5. Research Programmes: Description and future potential

    Comment on impact of the issue and implications for the Commitment

    In 2002 the final phase of FP5 was being reached, along with preparations for the start-up of the next EU Framework Programme -- FP6. This meant that during 2002 there were no submission of proposals for new research projects, as FP5 have had no calls (of EUCAR relevance) in the later period.

    Instead efforts were placed on launching proposals accepted during the 2001 calls -- such as FUEVA (fuel cell technologies validation), and FPEC (piston movement to electric conversion), as reported in the 2001 report. Also, for those proposals accepted in the earlier phase of FP5, and expected to be completed during 2003, efforts were being placed on delivering what has been agreed. Further, initial ideas on how to evaluate the results of the FP5 powertrain related projects were elaborated. The Commission funded Thematic Network on Powertrain, PREMTECH, will play an important role in this evaluation which is expected to start in 2003.

    The European industry has always indicated that CO2 research issues need to be addressed by a long-term programme, and consequently has stressed the need to have CO2 emission reduction research issues sufficiently covered and funded in both FP5 and FP6. During 2002, FP6 has therefore been of great interest and concern to EUCAR and its members. The initial proposal on FP6, to a too great extent, neglected road transport and CO2 emission reduction research; however, this was corrected for the final version, and FP6 now offers a level of CO2 research possibilities comparable to that in FP5.

    During 2002 initial ideas on FP6 projects were matured into draft Integrated Project (IP) proposals which are to be submitted to the first calls of FP6, deadline March - April 2003. The Integrated Project form of running research projects, as FP6 offers, allows larger and more system oriented research, (budget range 10 - 30 M Euro, duration 4 - 6 years).

    For FP6, EUCAR has arranged its research into three programmes; Fuels & Powertrain, Manufacturing & Materials and Integrated Safety. Each will be mentored by one or two research directors coming from the EUCAR Council members; the idea behind forming these three programmes is to direct the research towards the relevant issues and to harmonise industrial and research strategies.

    Clearly the first two groups cover topics dealing with CO2 reduction. In the Fuels & Powertrain program, IP proposals are being prepared on renewable (biomass) fuels, improved conventional powertrains, fuel cell powertrains and auxiliary power units, hydrogen storage. In the second program, Manufacturing & Material, IP proposals are being prepared for low weight vehicles using a mixed material approach, as well as methods and concepts on how the future vehicles are to be manufactured efficiently and environmentally sound. In mid-2003 indications are expected on which of these IP proposals will be accepted for FP6 funding.

    4.6. Other measures - telematics, infrastructure, education

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing new to report.

    4.7. Economic situation of the car industry

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    ACEA is of the opinion that the EU economic growth in 2002 was very disappointing and well below potential. A range of global and EU-level uncertainties had a negative impact on domestic demand and consumer & investor confidence. ACEA explained that against this poor macro-economic environment car sales deteriorated in 2002, despite the provision of sales incentives by manufacturers. ACEA new car registrations in the EU fell by over 4 % in 2002 on 2001 (based on ACEA data) (see Section 2.2).

    ACEA believes that the tough economic and financial environment has slowed the uptake of more advanced (and typically more expensive) technologies into the marketplace.

    The Commitment requires that "...any detrimental impacts on the financial performance, competitiveness and employment with the European industry associated with the Commitment will be reviewed". Nevertheless, the Commission agrees that the general economic growth in the EU in 2002 was depressed. A fragile economy especially in some of Europe's larger economies, and political instability following September 11 has contributed to a more cautious outlook among consumers overall. Even a short-term reduction in demand, as in 2002, can be a cause for concern in the auto industry. The cost for launching a new model is high and as it will only have a relatively short life span each model is dependent on a certain uptake. This coupled with a certain over capacity in the sector can give industry concerns. It is worth noting, however, that the slowdown in 2002 comes after a number of years with historically high sales figures.

    It was agreed that the issue will be re-addressed within the "Review in 2003" mentioned in the Technical Annex to the Commitment


    5.1. Progress statement on delivering the Commitment

    Since 1995, ACEA has maintained an unbroken trend of CO2 emission reduction. In 2002 - taking the official EU data [20] - the average specific emissions of ACEA's new car fleet registered in the EU is 165 g/km. ACEA's CO2 performance is well ahead of what is needed to achieve the 2003 estimated intermediate target range of 165 -170 g/km specified in its Commitment, and ACEA has already met the first of its CO2 commitments ("some members of ACEA will introduce in the EU market, not later than 2000, models emitting 120 gCO2/km or less"). In fact, 2002 saw registrations of cars emitting 120 gCO2/km or less rise sharply (even though car registrations in total fell). The share of cars emitting 140 gCO2/km or less also rose in 2002, further evidencing ACEA's determination to meet its commitments.

    [20] For the first time, official EU data is used in this Joint Monitoring Report. According to the Joint Monitoring System the monitoring has to be based on the data delivered under Decision 1753/2000/EC. According to this scheme prior 1995-2001 monitoring was based on data provided by ACEA. The Annex contains comparisons of data from EU and ACEA sources, whenever appropriate.

    5.2. Statement on expected future progress of the Commitment

    Further in 2002, ACEA was almost half the way towards achieving its 2008 target and CO2 reduction rates have been higher than expected. To meet its 2008 Commitment ACEA must increase its annual average reduction rate to about 4 g/km or 2.5 % a year during the remaining period of the Commitment. Based on ACEA's time-series data, to meet its 2008 Commitment ACEA must increase its annual average reduction rate to 2.3 % a year during the remaining period of the Commitment, from about 3 g/km or 1.7 % average annual decrease achieved since 1995. Over recent years diesel technology, especially, has been extremely well accepted in the EU market.

    ACEA stresses that the 2008 target remains extremely ambitious, both technically and economically.

    In summary, the Commission Services and ACEA have no reason to believe that ACEA will not live up to its Commitment.

    DATA ANNEXES (2002)

    ANNEX 1:






    ANNEX 1: 2002 Monitoring Data


    [21] The emission-values of CO2 are corrected by 0.7%

    [22] The total number of vehicles based on the data from Member States is smaller than the total number of vehicles according to the data of the car manufacturers association because the Member States submit exclusively data about those vehicles for which corresponding CO2 data are available in their database.

    ACEA MEMBERS - 2002



    [23] It is generally not possible to adjust the official EU CO2 category distribution data for the 0.7 % cycle change. If such an adjustment were feasible, the effect would be for volumes to move into lower categories (e.g. 140 g & less cars would increase in volume as a % of total). However, on request of ACEA it was taken into account that each of two ACEA members respectively is producing one variant of a model which is emitting 81 gCO2/km. After adjusting this value to the new test cycle (-0.7 %) the value will be 80.4 gCO2/km. This adjustment is done in this table only for these two variants. All other vehicles, car makes and CO2 emission categories are not adjusted.

    [24] The following vehicles were suppressed due to possible data implausibility: 290 petrol cars with 14 gCO2/km as an average from the category <60 gCO2/km, 16 diesel cars with 16 gCO2/km as an average from the category <60 gCO2/km, 144 petrol cars with 79 gCO2/km as an average from the category 60-80 gCO2/km, 50 diesel cars with 79 gCO2/km as an average from the category 60-80 gCO2/km, 502 diesel vehicles emitting 414 gCO2/km as an average from the category 351-450 gCO2/km, 7 vehicles emitting 775 gCO2/km as an average from the category >450 gCO2/km

    [25] The total number of vehicles based on the data from Member States is smaller than the total number of vehicles according to the data of the car manufacturers association because the Member States submit exclusively data about those vehicles for which corresponding CO2 data are available in their data base.

    ACEA MEMBERS - 2002



    [26] Mass data not shown due to possible inconstancies in Member States' deliveries

    ACEA MEMBERS - 2002


    ANNEX 2: Key Data Comparison

    EU 2002 & ACEA 2001 and 2002 key data

    (All data in CO2 emissions section corrected by 0.7 % for cycle change)


    ANNEX 3: Monitoring Rules for Innovative Concepts


    A General aspects:

    a) The basis of the assessment is the text of the Commitments [27] and the Recommendations [28], and any decision must be closely linked to monitoring-related questions of the Commitment, and must be relevant for the quality of the monitoring.

    [27] "The acceptance by the Commission of innovative concepts for vehicles replacing conventional cars in short-haul traffic as contributing factors to comply with the Commitment."

    [28] Innovative concepts for vehicles replacing conventional cars will be counted towards the achievement of this CO2 emission target even if they are not included in the category M1 or are not currently covered by Directive 93/166/EC

    b) Political aspects should also be taken into account, e.g., possible reactions of Council, EP, NGO and the general public, and all sides should avoid undermining the credibility of the Commitments.

    c) Innovations in general should not be hampered, and technical passenger car innovations, e.g. lightweight vehicles, should be promoted. However, as a replacement it should be a "bona fide" and in principle a one-for-one replacement of a conventional vehicle.

    d) Any definition or criteria of "innovative concept" set out in this document is exclusively for the purpose of the monitoring of the Commitment on CO2 emission from passenger cars. They are not intended to be used in any other context or be seen by the auto industry as an indication by the Commission to establish any additional category of cars for the present or the future.

    e) The "innovative concept" vehicles must meet a number of technical and environmental criteria.

    B Specific criteria:

    a) The "innovative concept" should meet at least the general criteria of M-class vehicles (Motor vehicles with at least four wheels [29] used for the carriage of passengers).

    [29] In exceptional cases three wheel vehicles might be included, subject to a case-by-case decision

    b) The CO2 emissions should be measurable in accordance with Directive 80/1268/EC and a CO2 figure should be provided by the manufacturers (even if these vehicles are currently not covered by this Directive)

    c) The "innovative concept" should meet at least the emissions limit values for regulated pollutants applicable to M1 vehicles

    d) The "innovative concept" vehicle should demonstrate passive and active safety appropriate to its intended use

    e) The "innovative concept" should have a minimum top speed that allows its usage on all types of public roads [30]

    [30] E.g., the usage of some roads require minima speeds

    f) The "innovative concept" should comply with the ELV Directive.

    C. Monitoring rule

    (1) Vehicles - or natural developments of such vehicles - which were on the market before 1995 are not considered as "innovative concepts".

    (2) The associations shall show clear evidence that the innovative concept it proposes is marketed and promoted to end users as a replacement to a conventional car in short haul traffic.

    (3) Innovative concepts have to replace conventional cars. The car industry has to provide evidence of replacement numbers. If such evidence cannot be provided on at least 50% of the registrations, a maximum of 100 000 units on the total EU market will be taken into account.

    In the Monitoring Report "innovative concepts" will be treated in a separate chapter.

    Monitoring of JAMA's Commitment on CO2 Emission

    Reductions from Passenger Cars (2002)

    Final Report 5 September 2003

    Joint Report of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association and the Commission Services

    Monitoring of JAMA Commitment [31] on CO2 Emission Reductions from Passenger Cars

    [31] As recognized by the European Commission in the Recommendation of 13 April 2000 on the reduction of CO2 emissions from passenger cars (2000/304/EC). Hereafter referred to as "The Commitment"


    [32] Hereafter often referred to as "The Commission"


    E1 Trends in specific emissions of CO2 (g/km)

    In 2002 JAMA members decreased the averaged specific CO2 emissions of passenger cars registered within the EU by about 4 g/km to 174 g/km [33]. This is a 2.5 % [34] drop from 2001. Consequently JAMA accomplished the intermediate target set for the year 2003 in 2002.

    [33] For the first time, official EU data is used in this Joint Monitoring Report. According to the Joint Monitoring System the monitoring has to be based on the data delivered under Decision 1753/2000/EC. According to this scheme prior 1995-2001 monitoring was based on data provided by JAMA. The Annex contains comparisons of data from EU and JAMA sources, whenever appropriate. In the 2002 report JAMA data continues to be used in certain places, in particular where consistent longer-term trends contribute to a better understanding of CO2 reduction developments (and EU data is not available to fulfil this role). Official EU data about CO2 emissions include AFV. However, it should be noted that the number of AFV was so small in the past, and still is, that these vehicles are negligible for the calculated CO2 average.

    [34] All percentage figures are based on unrounded numbers and include decimals.

    For petrol-fuelled cars, specific emissions dropped to 172 g/km in 2002 - a 1.0 % reduction compared to 2001. For diesel-fuelled cars, the value is 180 g/km - a 9.5 % reduction compared to 2001.

    Over the full reporting period 1995 to 2002, specific average emissions showed a consistent downward trend. On average specific CO2 emission (g/km) levels of Japanese cars registered in the EU have decreased by an average of 1.5 % [35] a year and fell from 196 g/km in 1995 to 174 g/km in 2002, achieving an 11.4 % reduction from 1995 (see Figure 1).

    [35] This value is a simple arithmetic average, and throughout the text simple arithmetic averages are used.

    The average CO2 emission levels of gasoline-fuelled cars recorded a decrease from 191 g/km in 1995 to 172 g/km in 2002 - a 10 % reduction as compared with 1995. The average CO2 emission levels of diesel cars recorded a decrease from 239 g/km in 1995 to 180 g/km - a 24.9 % reduction as compared with 1995.


    Figure 1: EU Trends [36] of JAMA members' fleet in average specific emissions of CO2 (Based until 2001 on JAMA data; for 2002 the official EU data are used [37]. 2001 and 2002 data are corrected by 0.7 % for cycle adjustment.)

    [36] Figure 1 shows in particular JAMA time-series data for 1995 to 2002. In the 2001 Joint Monitoring Report, JAMA's 2001 CO2 figure was shown as 179 g/km. This figure did not include a cycle change correction factor (see Section 2.11); the Commission and JAMA have now agreed that the correction factor should be 0.7 %. This means that, using exact figures, JAMA's CO2 figure in 2001 was 178 g/km.

    [37] JAMA data and Commission data for the EU are nearly identical.

    E2 Trends in specific fuel consumption by fuel type (l/100 km)

    Fuel efficiency in 2002 improved on 2001 for both petrol and diesel cars. 2001 values were 7.3 l/100km for petrol, 7.5 l/100km for diesel and 7.3 l/100km for all JAMA members' new registrations [38]. In 2002 comparable values were 7.3 l/100km, 6.8 l/100km and 7.1 l/100km. Gasoline passenger cars, which counted for the majority of JAMA member's passenger cars registered within the EU over the full 1995 to 2002 reporting period, consumed about 8.0 l/100 km in 1995. Their average fuel consumption decreased to 7.2 l/100 km in 2002. Diesel cars consumed an average of 8.9 l/100 km in 1995, and achieved an average fuel consumption of 6.8 l/100 km in 2002 (see Figure 2).

    [38] The following conversion factors were used for the calculation of specific fuel consumption (l/100km) from specific CO2 emissions (g/km): petrol 23.7, diesel 26.6.


    Figure 2: Trends of JAMA member's fleet in average specific fuel consumption by fuel (l/100km) (Based until 2001 on JAMA data; for 2002 the official EU data are used. 2001 and 2002 data are corrected by 0.7 % for cycle adjustment.)

    E3 Trends in physical fleet characteristics

    The average mass [39] of new petrol cars increased slightly from 2001 to 2002 - from 1 136 kg to 1 146 kg; for diesel the values decreased from 1538 kg to 1468 kg. When all new registrations are combined the average mass was 1 207 kg in 2001 and 1 220 kg in 2002. Average engine power of new registrations increased slightly, from 76 kW in 2001 to 77 kW in 2002. Average engine capacity decreased slightly, from 1 668 cm3 in 2001 to 1 666 cm3 in 2002.

    [39] JAMA's data are based on the kerb weight of the vehicle.

    The general trends in physical characteristics over the whole reporting period 1995 to 2002 show an increase, notably in mass (+ 12 %). This is mainly due to increasing gasoline car weight (+ 11 %) and increased diesel passenger car registrations (+ 209 %) over the reporting period. Average engine capacity increased by 2.7 % over the period from 1995 to 2002. The engine power increased by 10.5 % over the same period.

    E4 Technical developments introduced to reduce CO2 emissions

    The main new technologies introduced since 1995 include the gasoline and diesel direct injection engines. The Continuous Variable Transmission Technology (CVT) has already been introduced and continues to be used on cars sold on the market. JAMA members have also introduced hybrid cars and idle stop mechanism in 2000.

    E5 Brief overall assessment on progress in relation to the target

    In 2002 JAMA Members decreased the averaged specific CO2 emissions of passenger cars registered within the EU by about 4 g/km to 174 g/km [40]. This is a 2.5 % drop compared to 2001. JAMA already accomplished already in 2002 the 2003 intermediate target (165 to 175 g/km).

    [40] For the first time, official EU data is used in this joint monitoring report In the 2002 report JAMA data continues to be used in certain places, in particular where longer-term trends contribute to a better understanding of CO2 reduction developments (and EU data is not available to fulfil this role)

    Over the whole reporting period, 1995 to 2002, JAMA members fleet's average specific CO2 emissions fell from 196 g/km in 1995 to 174 g/km in 2002. Japanese automobile manufacturers have produced passenger cars achieving lower specific CO2 emission levels since 1995, achieving in that period a 11.4 % decrease in average CO2 specific emissions

    The share of diesel cars in JAMA members' fleets has increased over the reporting period. While in 1995 gasoline cars accounted for 89.6 % of the fleet and diesel cars for 10.4 % in 1995, in 2002 the shares were 76.8 % and 23.2 % respectively.

    An important achievement before the 2003 review is the launch on the EU market of gasoline cars emitting 120 g/km or less. Although sales remain small (43 743 vehicles in 2002), this shows a positive effort made by JAMA.

    JAMA accomplished already in 2002 the 2003 intermediate target. Further CO2 emissions reductions are required to meet the final target (140 g/km in 2009). Emissions reductions will have to fall faster (around 2.8 %) for the 2009 target (140 g/km) to be met, see Figure 3. It should be mentioned that JAMA expected from the beginning that the reduction profile would be relatively slow initially and gather pace later.


    Figure 3 - The current and required annual rates of CO2 reduction

    To achieve the CO2 emission targets agreed upon in the commitment by 2009, Japan automobile manufacturers will further explore various technologies namely Direct Injection (DI), hybrid vehicles and Continuous Variable Transmission Technology (CVT) etc. JAMA emphasizes the difficulty of planning and managing of CO2 reduction due to unknown factors such as changes of consumer demands.

    In summary, the Commission and JAMA currently have no reason to believe that JAMA would not live up to its Commitment.


    1.1 Commitment initiatives

    Brief description of current R&D programs

    Sections 1.2 and 2.5 cover JAMA technological developments and research activities.

    1.2 Technological developments

    1.2.1 Description of fuel efficiency characteristics of new technologies, alternative concepts

    1.2.2 Availability of new technologies in the EU and Member States

    1.2.3 Availability of alternative concepts passenger cars in the EU

    1.2.4 Availability of low emission passenger cars (e.g. emitting 120g/km or less) in the EU

    JAMA has committed itself to achieving a 140 g/km emission target by 2009 and JAMA's members are continuing CO2 emission reduction R&D toward this goal. Ongoing efforts are made to make technological improvements successively available to the market. Technological developments achieved by JAMA's members within the reporting period include Direct Gasoline and Diesel Injection engines and Continuous Variable Transmission Technology (CVT). JAMA has also launched hybrid cars and the Idle Stop Mechanism on the EU market during 2000.

    The CO2 emission reduction technologies made available by JAMA to the market are shown in Figure 6 in Section 2.5. A direct injection gasoline model has been on the market since 1997. A direct injection diesel car debuted on the market in 1998 and has seen a very quick uptake by the markets in 2002 (approximately 19 % of JAMA member's first registrations in 2002). Efforts are also made to diffuse the Continuous Variable Transmission Technology (CVT) available on the market prior to 1995.

    Several low-emission passenger cars have been put on the EU market in recent years, achieving 120 g/km or less. In 2000, JAMA member companies have put a 80 g/km gasoline-hybrid car and another 119 g/km car with Idle stop mechanism on the market. A new 120 g/km gasoline-hybrid model was launched in the autumn of 2000.

    1.3 Description of market trends in physical fleet characteristics

    For Japanese cars as a whole, based on JAMA's figures, the average mass of vehicles increased by around 12 % in 2002 as compared with 1995. The main factor is the increase in the weight of gasoline-fuelled cars (mass increased by around 11 %). Engine capacity of Japanese cars showed a shift towards an increase by approximately 2.8 % and their engine power presented an increase by approximately 10.0 % in 2002 as compared with 1995. CO2 emission levels, however, showed a decrease of approximately 11.4 % for Japanese cars as a whole in 2002 as compared with 1995, a sign that the cars available on the market have benefited from CO2 reduction technologies (see Section 2.4 for further details and linkage to CO2). Data from Member States are presented in Annex 1 and 2.


    2.1 Trends in specific emissions of CO2 (g/km)

    From 2001 to 2002 the average specific emissions from JAMA new car registration in the EU dropped by 2.5 % to 174 g/km. For gasoline-fuelled cars the corresponding reduction was 1.0 %, and for diesel fuelled cars average specific emissions were 9.5 % lower in 2002 than in 2001.

    The average specific CO2 emission levels of Japanese cars over the entire reporting period showed a downward trend (see Figure 4). Their average specific CO2 emission levels decreased by an average of roughly 1.5 % each year and fell from 196 g/km in 1995 to 174 g/km in 2002 (marking an 11.4 % reduction as compared with 1995).

    The averaged specific CO2 emission levels of gasoline-fuelled cars recorded a decrease from 191 g/km in 1995 to 172 g/km in 2002 -a 10.0 % reduction as compared with 1995. This gives an average annual reduction of around 1.4 %.

    The averaged specific CO2 emission levels of diesel cars recorded a decrease from 239 g/km in 1995 to 180 g/km in 2002 - a 24.9 % reduction. This amounts to a 3.6 % average reduction over the period.

    Total average fuel consumption decreased within the reporting period 1995 to 2002: the diesel fuel consumption decreased from about 9.0 l/100 km to 6.8 l/100km, and the gasoline fuel consumption from 8.0 l/100 km to 7.3 l/100km. For all vehicles, the average fuel consumption was 7.1 l/100km.


    Figure 4: JAMA members' CO2 reduction index (1995=100) (Based on JAMA data until 2001; for 2002 official EU data is used. 2001 and 2002 data are corrected by 0.7 % for cycle adjustment)

    2.2 Number of newly registered passenger cars

    The number of registered gasoline passenger cars increased from 1 013 138 vehicles in 1995 to 1 202 578 vehicles in 2002 (+18,7 %). Petrol cars represent about 76.8 % of total first registrations of petrol and diesel cars produced by JAMA members.

    The number of registered diesel passenger cars increased from 117 577 in 1995 to 362 891 in 2002 (+208.6 %), - showing the much bigger increment than gasoline cars (see Figure 5). Corresponding values for 2001 were: 1 203 433 petrol cars, 265 328 diesel cars, and 1 520 643 [41] for all car registrations in 2001 [42].

    [41] For 2001, petrol and diesel cars together amount to 1 468 761 cars. "Unknown vehicles" make up the difference with the total vehicles (1 520 643). For 2002, petrol and diesel cars together amount to 1 565 469 cars; total vehicles were 1 621 469.

    [42] First registration numbers are taken from JAMA


    Figure 5. Number of newly registered passenger cars by JAMA members (unit registrations) (Based on JAMA data)

    2.3 Fleet composition

    The share of cars emitting categories 160 g/km and less has increased from 16.2 % in 1995 to 41.0 % in 2002, while the share of the car emitting more than 161 g/km decreased from 83.8 % to 59.0 %.




    Figure 6 : JAMA's fleet composition per CO2 category in shares of total (petrol + diesel) in 1995 and 2002

    Furthermore, as Figure 6 shows, a significant increase in registrations can be seen in the category "121 to 140 g/km"; there were 203 012 new registrations for this category in 2002, up from 22 055 in 1995 [43]. Figure 6b shows the rapid growth in the 140 g/km or less and 141 g/km to 160 g/km ranges over the reporting period. Over the same period, there was a significant drop in the registration of vehicles in the 181g/km to 200 g/km range, as well as reduction in shares in all higher emissions ranges.

    [43] JAMA data


    Figure 6b: Change in JAMA's fleet composition between 1995, 2001 and 2002 by "aggregated CO2 categories" (Based on JAMA data)

    2.4 EU trends in physical fleet characteristics

    Changes in physical characteristics [44] - engine power and cylinder capacity - showed an upward trend from 2001 to 2002, continuing the overall trend present from 1995 (see Figures 7a and 7b). The average mass of new car registrations rose slightly from 1 207 kg in 2001 to 1 220 kg in 2002; engine capacity decreased from 1 668 cm3 to 1 666 cm3; and power rose from 76 kW to 77 kW in 2002. Average diesel-fuelled car mass was over a third higher than that for petrol, and the capacity was 37 % higher for diesel-fuelled cars than for petrol cars.

    [44] Trend analysis based on JAMA data




    Figures 7a: Physical JAMA members' fleet characteristics for 2001 & 2002 (Based on JAMA data) // Figures 7b: Physical JAMA members' fleet characteristics 1995-2002 (percent of 1995 values based on JAMA data)

    Average total automobile mass was 1 095 kg in 1995 and increased by 11.4 % over the reporting period (1 220 kg in 2002). Gasoline automobiles' average mass has increased by 8.5 % within the reporting period, from 1 056 kg in 1995 to 1 146 kg in 2002. Diesel automobiles' average mass reached the minimum of 1 447 kg in 1997 (against 1 461 kg in 1995) but increased up to 1 557 kg in 2001, then decreased again to 1 468kg in 2002; i.e. a 0.5 % increase over the reporting period 1995 to 2002.

    Total engine capacity has increased by 2.8 % within the reporting period, from 1 621 cm3 in 1995 to 1 666 cm3 in 2002. Gasoline engine capacity reached a peak of 1 558 cm3 capacity in 1998 (against 1 543 cm3 in 1995) and decreased to 1 533 cm3 in 2002 (-0.6 % as compared with 1995). Diesel engine capacity reached its minimum 2 104 cm3 capacity in 2002 (against 2 298 cm3 in 1995). The overall trend shows only a marginal growth in average engine capacity over the reporting period.

    While total engine power was 70 kW in 1995, and rose to 77 kW by 2002, a 10.0 % increase in EU average over this five years period. Gasoline engine power has increased from 70 kW in 1995 to 76 kW in 2002. Diesel engine power has steadily increased by 24.2 % within the reporting period, i.e. from 66 kW in 1995 to 82 kW in 2002.

    The physical characteristics increased over the period, however, average specific CO2 emissions dropped by 11.4 % in the same time (see Figure 7b).

    2.5 Trends in new technologies in the EU

    JAMA's members have introduced several new technologies on the EU market over the monitoring period (see description in 1.2). Trends in sales vary across technologies, but overall, with the exception of direct injection diesel engines the shares of these technologies remain small. The shares of cars equipped with direct injection diesel engines have increased from 0 % to 19.2 % since their respective launch in 1998. Sales of cars equipped with Continuous Variable Transmission Technology (CVT) have shown some upward trends. It's also included the hybrid cars and Idle Stop Mechanism since 2000.

    The trends for each technology, as well as the share of new passenger cars equipped with these technologies in total new passenger car sales by JAMA members, are shown in Figure 8.


    Qualitative Description // Quantitative (Optional)

    Direct Injection for gasoline engines was first marketed in

    1997, has shown definite growth until 2000 and is

    receding since then. //


    Direct Injection for diesel engines was introduced to the

    market in 1998 and shows rapid growth from 1999 to 2002. //


    CVT was first marketed in 1988. No significant trend

    can be stated. //


    Alternative Concepts are studied by the manufacturers

    but they were not introduced in the market yet. //

    Figure 8: Trends in new technologies launched by JAMA members on the EU market

    2.6 Trends in low emission passenger cars in the EU

    JAMA released its first "120 g/km or less" car on the EU market in 1999. In 2000, JAMA has launched a 119 g/km car and an 80 g/km gasoline-hybrid car. Furthermore, JAMA released a 120 g/km gasoline-hybrid model in the autumn of 2000 (see Section 1.2.4).

    In 2002, 43 804 JAMA cars with emissions of 120 g/km or less were registered in the EU, up from 5 544 cars in 1999. Previously there had been no registrations of vehicles in this emissions category.


    Figure 9: JAMA members' new registrations of vehicle with specific emission of 120 g/km or less

    2.7 Trends in alternative concepts passenger cars in the EU

    Nothing to report.

    2.8 Trends in innovative concepts passenger cars in the EU

    In 2002 the car manufacturers' associations and the Commission agreed guidelines for the acceptance of innovative concepts within the monitoring of the commitments (see Annex 3).

    2.9 Brief description of the degree of occurrence of grey areas between M1 and N1 vehicles

    Based on own data JAMA estimates the number of M1 vehicles with a type approval for M1 and N1which are potentially registered as N1 in the EU is equal to a total of 6 731 vehicles or 4.2 % of total registrations in 2002.

    2.10 Data methods, data sources and data confidence levels

    For the first time since the inception of the Joint CO2 Monitoring Reports, this 2002 report uses data from the official EU scheme (1753/2000/EC), that is based on Member State submissions (see Annex). Until now, JAMA purchased data from Marketing Systems Corporation, so as to enable the annual monitoring exercises to be undertaken. The data submitted by Member States are the official figures for the monitoring process.

    However, with official EU data becoming available, a discontinuity from the past data series might exist; because of some differences in data treatment and data collection it is not appropriate to simply adjoin official data for most recent years, onto JAMA's historical data.

    The main dimensions of this discontinuity are:

    Methodology Differences: JAMA data links registrations to Marketing Systems vehicle specification information, which is used for all Member State registrations. For EU data, each Member State has its own vehicle specification set, to which it links its national registrations; national variations in these vehicle specifications exist. JAMA's data provider tries to improve incomplete data sets with the help of their databanks while Member States count only cars with complete data sets. The methodologies used by the data provider for closing gaps in the data sets are not known.

    Registration Data Differences: The official EU data misses a sizeable percentage of new car registrations (7.5 % compared to JAMA data about total number of new registrations) [45]. In 2002, the largest difference was in Spain. Official EU data do not include cars for which no CO2 data are available for the Member States. Whereas, in the case of JAMA data, if no CO2 information was available or could be provided by the vehicle specification database, any such vehicles would be included under an "unknown" category.

    [45] In the JAMA database 55 996 vehicles did not have specific CO2 emissions values, and are hence excluded from the calculation of average specific CO2 emissions. This represents 3.5% of total new registrations. However, it should be noted that the difference between total registrations and identified versions does not automatically lead to differences in the calculated CO2 averages. This would be only the case if the characteristics of the missing data deviate systematically from the characteristics of the total fleet.

    Grey Area Problem: According to JAMA this is a likely source of difference, which needs more thorough investigation -- particularly the number of M1 vehicles potentially registered as N1. For JAMA data, the grey area issue is small; for EU data it is an unknown volume.

    Data Scope: The official EU data covers the CO2 emissions of cars using all fuels, including AFVs whereas JAMA's CO2 data has consistently been on the basis of petrol + diesel cars [46].

    [46] It should be noted that the number of AFV was so small in the past, and still is, that these vehicles are negligible for the calculated CO2 average. Since all AFV vehicles are not originally produced by JAMA members but retrofitted, JAMA wanted them not to be shown in the annexed tables.

    However, currently the variance between EU & JAMA data in terms of the overall average CO2 figure is very small. In fact all rounded numbers are identical.

    Nevertheless, actual and underlying methodological differences exist between the EU data and JAMA's data so that the EU data cannot be simply adjoined onto JAMA's historical CO2 time-series built-up from 1995. As a result, the EU data does currently not provide a means to undertake longer-term "trend" evaluations of some key CO2 developments (e.g. developments in some Member States, trends in vehicle mass [47]) that can contribute to a better understanding of CO2 reduction developments. For this reason this Joint Report uses JAMA's consistent historical data through to 2002 for such trend evaluations.

    [47] JAMA provides data of the empty vehicles while the data requested by decision 1753 are those of the empty vehicles plus all liquids and 75 kg for the driver.

    2.11 Description of measurement issues for CO2 emission factors

    The JAMA Commitment specified that new car CO2 emissions will be measured according to Directive 93/116/EC. Since the establishment of the JAMA Commitment, the mandatory type approval method of measuring CO2 emissions has been revised by Directive 99/100/EC. One of the principle changes (introduced over the period 2000 to 2002 for M1 vehicles) relates to the drive cycle - the deletion of the initial 40 seconds of unmeasured engine idling prior to the commencement of the test. As a rule, such a change of test procedure increases the measured value of CO2 emissions.

    Since January 2001 almost all new M1 vehicles have had their CO2 emissions measured according to the "new" directive/cycle (99/100/EC). A correction factor needs to be applied to the measured CO2 emissions of such vehicles to broadly bring them into line with the 93/116/EC procedure, which is the basis on which JAMA's future targets were established and the basis of historical monitoring data in this report. In 2002 JAMA and the Commission reached a consensus on this correction factor adjustment; it was agreed that a 0.7 % reduction should be applied to "measured" emissions to align them with the Commitment's basis. In this report, this adjustment has been applied to 2001 and 2002 data. For future years it was also agreed that this 0.7 % adjustment should be maintained unless new data is provided by the associations, that proves its inappropriateness.

    2.12 Other issues

    Nothing to report.


    3.1 Availability of enabling fuels

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Nothing to report

    3.2 Distortion of competition

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Nothing to report.

    3.3 Promotion of CO2 efficient technologies

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Nothing to report.

    3.4 Acceptance of innovation

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Nothing to report.


    4.1 New measures affecting CO2

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing to report.

    4.2 New regulatory measures

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    JAMA anticipates that the End of Life Vehicle (ELV) Directives will have adverse implications for the fuel efficiency of cars, as it may limit in its opinion the use of certain light materials and technologies, while burdening significantly the companies. The Commission does not expect negative repercussions of the ELV Directive on the commitment.

    4.3 Fiscal measures

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing to report.

    4.4 Breakthrough technologies

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing to report.

    4.5 Research programmes: Description and future potential

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing to report.

    4.6 Other measures - telematics, infrastructure, education

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    JAMA believes that measures such as the promotion of trade in purchase of new cars, presentations of correct and proper car maintenance methods, driver training, optimization of infrastructure, effective and efficient land use, and efforts to achieve a smoother traffic road will have a beneficial effect on CO2 reduction. JAMA thinks that such measures should therefore be embraced in a positive manner under government lead and with the co-operation of the industrial sectors involved.

    4.7 Economic situation of the car industry

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing to report.


    5.1 Progress statement on delivering the Commitment

    Since 1995 JAMA maintains a consistent trend of CO2 emission reduction. In 2002 the average specific emissions of JAMA's new car fleet registered in the EU was 174 g/km. JAMA's performance is hereby ahead of the estimated intermediate target of 165 - 175 g/km, considered in JAMA's commitment for 2003. It is to note that JAMA also met in time its first commitment to introduce not later than 2000, models emitting 120 g/km CO2 or less. In 2002 the number of new registered cars emitting 120 g/km CO2 rose considerably. Also the share of cars emitting 140 g/km CO2 or less continued to rise consistently in 2002. This is further evidencing of JAMA's determination to meet its Commitment

    5.2 Statement on expected future progress of the Commitment

    JAMA achieved the intermediate target range of 165 - 175 g/km in 2002, one year earlier than estimated. The final target value of 140 g/km in 2009 requires further serious effort by the Japanese automobile manufacturers. Emissions reductions will have to fall faster for the 2009 target (140 g/km) to be met. For the 2009 target, annual emissions reductions will have to increase to an average of 2.8 % per year over the period until 2009.

    Importantly, and as agreed upon, this target will mainly be achieved by technological developments affecting different car characteristics and market changes linked to these developments. Regarding technological developments, JAMA reiterated that its members would aim at a high share of new cars equipped with CO2 efficient technologies. Japanese automobile manufacturers have agreed to make every endeavor to contribute to the achievement of JAMA's goals.

    In order to achieve the targets JAMA believes that the following would be desirable:

    1. The full market availability of fuels with lower sulfur to enable the application of technologies needed for the industry to achieve its CO2 commitment.

    2. Sound development of automobile industry and manufacturers' stable profitability.

    3. Adopting measures to diffuse CO2 emission reduction technologies in consideration of a balanced approach with regard to other regulatory requirements.

    The Commission Services and JAMA have presently no reason to believe that the target will not be reached.

    DATA ANNEXES (2002)

    ANNEX 1







    [48] The emission-values of CO2 are corrected by 0.7 % for test cycle adjustment.

    [49] On request of JAMA AFV are excluded.

    JAMA MEMBERS - 2002



    [50] It is not possible to adjust the official EU CO2 category distribution data for the 0.7 % cycle adjustment. If such an adjustment were feasible, the effect would be for volumes to move into lower categories (e.g. 140 g & less cars would increase in volume as a % of total).

    [51] The following vehicles were suppressed due to possible data implausibility: 4 petrol cars with 79 gCO2/km as an average from the category 60-80 gCO2/km, 12 diesel cars with 60 gCO2/km as an average from the category 60-80 gCO2/km, 1 petrol cars with 942 gCO2/km as an average from the category >450 gCO2/km.

    [52] The total number of vehicles based on the data from Member States is smaller than the total number of vehicles according to the data of the car manufacturers association because the Member States submit exclusively data about those vehicles for which corresponding CO2 data are available in their data base.

    [53] On request of JAMA AFV are excluded.

    JAMA MEMBERS - 2002



    [54] EU data on mass is being re-checked by Commission and therefore not displayed in this report. A comparison between JAMA and official EU data is not possible.

    [55] On request of JAMA AFV are excluded.

    JAMA MEMBERS - 2002


    ANNEX 2: Key Data Comparison

    EU 2002 & JAMA 2001 and 2002 key data



    Figure 10: Distribution of CO2 emissions by CO2 categories - official EU data and JAMA data

    ANNEX 3: Monitoring Rules for Innovative Concepts


    A. General aspects:

    a) The basis of the assessment is the text of the Commitments [56] and the Recommendations [57] , and any decision must be closely linked to monitoring-related questions of the Commitment, and must be relevant for the quality of the monitoring.

    [56] "The acceptance by the Commission of innovative concepts for vehicles replacing conventional cars in short-haul traffic as contributing factors to comply with the Commitment."

    [57] Innovative concepts for vehicles replacing conventional cars will be counted towards the achievement of this CO2 emission target even if they are not included in the category M1 or are not currently covered by Directive 93/166/EC"

    b) Political aspects should also be taken into account, e.g., possible reactions of Council, EP, NGO and the general public, and all sides should avoid undermining the credibility of the Commitments.

    c) Innovations in general should not be hampered, and technical passenger car innovations, e.g. lightweight vehicles, should be promoted. However, as a replacement it should be a "bona fide" and in principle a one-for-one replacement of a conventional vehicle.

    d) Any definition or criteria of "innovative concept" set out in this document is exclusively for the purpose of the monitoring of the Commitment on CO2 emission from passenger cars. They are not intended to be used in any other context or be seen by the auto industry as an indication by the Commission to establish any additional category of cars for the present or the future.

    e) The "innovative concept" vehicles must meet a number of technical and environmental criteria.

    B. Specific criteria:

    a) The "innovative concept" should meet at least the general criteria of M-class vehicles (Motor vehicles with at least four wheels [58] used for the carriage of passengers)

    [58] In exceptional cases three wheel vehicles might be included, subject to a case-by-case decision

    b) The CO2 emissions should be measurable in accordance with Directive 80/1268/EC and a CO2 figure should be provided by the manufacturers (even if these vehicles are currently not covered by this Directive)

    c) The "innovative concept" should meet at least the emissions limit values for regulated pollutants applicable to M1 vehicles

    d) The "innovative concept" vehicle should demonstrate passive and active safety appropriate to its intended use

    e) The "innovative concept" should have a minimum top speed that allows its usage on all types of public roads [59]

    [59] E.g., the usage of some roads require minima speeds

    f) The "innovative concept" should comply with the ELV Directive.

    C. Monitoring rule

    1. Vehicles - or natural developments of such vehicles - which were on the market before 1995 are not considered as "innovative concepts".

    2. The associations shall show clear evidence that the innovative concept it proposes is marketed and promoted to end users as a replacement to a conventional car in short haul traffic.

    3. Innovative concepts have to replace conventional cars. The car industry has to provide evidence of replacement numbers. If such evidence cannot be provided on at least 50% of the registrations, a maximum of 100 000 units on the total EU market will be taken into account.

    4. In the monitoring report "innovative concepts" will be treated in a separate chapter.

    Monitoring of KAMA's Commitment on CO2 Emission

    Reductions from Passenger Cars (2002)

    Final Report 5 September 2003

    Joint Report of the Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association and the Commission Services

    Monitoring of KAMA [60]'s Commitment [61] on CO2 Emission Reductions from Passenger Cars

    [60] KAMA represents the Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association of Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Motors Corporation, GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Company, Renault Samsung Motor Company, and Ssangyong Motor Company.

    [61] As recognized by the European Commission in the Recommendation of 13 April 2000 on the reduction of CO2 emissions from passenger cars (2000/303/EC). Hereafter referred to as "The Commitment".


    [62] Hereafter often referred to as "The Commission".


    E1 Trends in specific emissions of CO2 (g/km)

    KAMA reduced the average CO2 emission of its new passengers car fleet registered (petrol and diesel) in the EU market to 183 g/km in 2002 [63], from 197 g/km in 1995 and 187 g/km in 2001 [64]. This represents a reduction of 6.9 % over the whole monitoring period of 1995 to 2002 and 1.8 % over the period 2001 to 2002 [65].

    [63] All 2001 and 2002 CO2 performance figures for KAMA in JR 2002 have been corrected by 0.7 % under the consideration of new test cycle, as to bring them in line with the amended Directive 93/116/EC on which the Commitment is based (see Section 2.11).

    [64] For the first time, official EU data is used in this Joint Monitoring Report. According to the Joint Monitoring System the monitoring has to be based on the data delivered under Decision 1753/2000/EC. According to this scheme prior 1995-2001 monitoring was based on data provided by KAMA.

    [65] All percentage figures are based on unrounded numbers.

    Average specific CO2 emission from petrol-fuelled cars fell from 195 g/km in 1995 and 179 g/km in 2001 to 178 g/km in 2002 (an 8.0 % and a 0.8 % drop). Even though average specific CO2 emissions from diesel-fuelled cars fell from 309 g/km in 1995 and 234 g/km in 2001 to 203 g/km in 2002 (a significant 34.4 % and a 13.3 % drop), it should be reduced more by using fuel-efficient engines for meeting the targets of 2004 and 2009 (see Figure 1).


    Figure 1: EU Trends of KAMA's Fleet in Specific Average Emissions of CO2 (2001 and 2002 data are corrected by 0.7 % for cycle change adjustment)

    E2 Trends in specific fuel consumption by fuel type (l/100km)

    Specific fuel consumption (litres/100 km) of petrol engine and diesel engine is proportional to their CO2 emissions - the lower the fuel consumption, the lower the emissions.

    Total fuel consumption for petrol and diesel fuelled cars combined decreased from 8.2 l/100 km in 1995 to 7.5 l/100km in 2001 and 7.5 l/100 km in 2002 [66].

    [66] The following conversion factors were used for the calculation of specific fuel consumption (l/100km) from specific CO2 emissions (g/km): petrol 23.7, diesel 26.6.

    Petrol passenger cars, which occupied most of KAMA's sales volumes over the reporting period, consumed about 8.1 l/100 km in 1995, which decreased afterwards to 7.5 l/100 km in 2001 and 7.5 l/100 km in 2002. Diesel cars consumed an average of 11.6 l/100 km in 1995, decreasing to 8.8 l/100 km in 2001 and 7.6 l/100 km in 2002 (see Figure 2).


    Figure 2: Trends in KAMA's fleet in specific average fuel consumption, by fuel type (2001 and 2002 data are corrected by 0.7 % for cycle change adjustment)

    E3 Trends in physical fleet characteristics

    The average power for newly registered cars has increased by 4.6 % between 2001 and 2002. As regards power increase, even though fuel-efficiency improvements were made, KAMA believes that customers also sought better vehicle driveability and performance that led to the overall power increase from 65 kW in 2001 to 68 kW in 2002.

    Engine capacity of petrol cars has been decreased by 0.3 %, and diesel cars decreased by 8.4 % over the monitoring period 2001 to 2002. In the case of diesel engine capacity, the medium size HSDI (High Speed Direct Injection) diesel engine introduced in 2001 mainly contributed to the reduction of engine capacity.

    A trend analysis of the mass of vehicles cannot be carried out this year due to inconsistencies between the data provided by KAMA for the period 1995 to 2001 and the official EU data [67]. Moreover, some of the 2002 official EU data are also inconsistent in themselves [68].

    [67] The definition of mass used by KAMA in previous reports needs still to be checked.

    [68] Some Member States delivered data based on the maximum weight of the vehicle. This is inconsistent with the definitions given in Decision 1753/2000/EC.

    Although general trends in physical characteristics show an overall increase in engine power within the reporting period, total fuel consumption for petrol- and diesel-fuelled cars combined decreased with application of various technological developments.

    E4 Technical developments introduced to reduce CO2 emissions

    In addition to meeting emission regulations (EURO III & IV) and OBD (On Board Diagnostics) regulation in place in the EU, KAMA members tried to reduce CO2 emissions and improve fuel economy with various technical developments.

    KAMA members tried to reduce CO2 emissions by applying new technologies such as advanced torque based actuator control, advanced knock control system, weight reduction, advanced petrol engine and HSDI diesel engine, reduction of engine friction, variable intake-manifold system, motor driven power steering, drag reduction, low friction tire, and 6-speed manual transmission within the reporting period.

    KAMA members introduced these newly developed vehicles in the EU market from 2001. As a result, the share of diesel cars with CO2 level of 141 - 160 g/km category has increased by 994 % (from 1 455 units to 15 919 units) over the period of 2001 to 2002. HSDI diesel engines were introduced in 2001, increasing from a 0.4 % to a 5.0 % share of total KAMA sales volume in the period 2001 to 2002; the volume will steadily increase and contribute to the remarkable reduction of CO2 in the EU market.

    In order to introduce low emission cars, KAMA members are currently developing diesel passenger cars of small displacement with common rail (2nd generation of HSDI engines) that will be launched in 2003 at the earliest.

    E5 Brief overall assessment on progress in relation to the target

    Mainly due to the application of new technologies such as advanced torque based actuator control, combustion improvement, variable intake manifold system, CVVT (Continuously Variable Valve Timing) system, advanced knock control, swirl control system, and HSDI diesel engine, etc. on the EU market, a reduction of average specific CO2 emissions was accomplished from 197 g/km to 183 g/km between 1995 and 2002.

    To achieve the CO2 emission targets agreed upon in the Commitment by 2004 and 2009, KAMA members have begun to concentrate on developing fuel-efficient car technologies such as, inter alia, 2nd generation HSDI engine, GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection) engine, CVT, weight reduction, and reduction of drag force.

    Even though the total sales volume in 2002 dropped nearly by 19.6 %, the sales volume of petrol cars dropped by nearly 26.5 % and diesel car registrations increased by nearly 27.1 % in the period 2001 to 2002. KAMA members launched a number of more fuel-efficient car models on the EU market in 2002.

    As the fleet composition in the EU is mainly composed of fuel-efficient diesel and the sales volume of diesel has been constantly increased to over 40 % of total sales, KAMA members will introduce the 2nd generation HSDI engine for small size passenger cars to reduce the CO2 emission. To meet the targets in 2004 and 2009, it is necessary for KAMA members to increase the number of cars emitting less than 120 g/km and KAMA members have to increase their annual average reduction rate to around 3.4 % [69] during the remaining period of the Commitment. As the Commission and KAMA agree that only with significant and additional efforts will the targets be met, KAMA members will try to invest in development of the fuel-efficient car segments to meet the target in 2004 and 2009. It should be mentioned that KAMA expected from the beginning that the reduction profile would be relatively slow initially and gather pace later.

    [69] This value is the simple arithmetic average value.

    In summary, the Commission Services and KAMA have currently no reason to believe that KAMA will not live up to its Commitment. However, KAMA has to accelerate the introduction of fuel-efficient technologies for diesel and petrol engines for this purpose.


    5.1. Commitment initiatives

    5.1.1. Brief description of current R&D programmes

    5.1.2. Other

    KAMA members consider investments into R&D as a key element for meeting the CO2 emissions targets of 2004 and 2009. They have already started new R&D projects aiming at reducing passenger car's CO2 emission as well as other emissions.

    Recently, Korean government finalised plans to allow the domestic sale of diesel passenger cars from 2005. So far KAMA members launched diesel passenger cars on the EU market without the base of domestic market due to too much stringent emission regulation of diesel passenger car in Korea. Hereafter the R&D activities of KAMA members will be increased and low CO2 emitting diesel passenger cars will be expected to be of relative popularity, which will remarkably contribute to CO2 reduction.

    5.2. Technological developments

    5.2.1. Description of fuel efficiency characteristics of new technologies, alternative concepts

    5.2.2. Availability of new technologies in the EU

    5.2.3. Availability of alternative concepts passenger cars

    5.2.4. Availability of low emission passenger cars (e.g. emitting 120 g/km or less) in the EU

    5.2.5. Availability of innovative concept passenger cars

    KAMA members have committed themselves to achieve the target and are running several R&D programmes. KAMA is convinced that these programmes will contribute to further reducing specific CO2 emission to meet the target.

    The technological activities can be divided into 5 major categories; Engine Programme, Transmission Programme, After-Treatment Improvement Programme, Car Weight Reduction Programme, and Reduction of Resistances Programme.

    Engine Programme

    KAMA members are trying to develop higher performance and lower CO2 emission engines. KAMA members have introduced various kinds of technical developments to reduce CO2 emissions over the monitoring period as followings:

    * Advanced torque based actuator control

    * Combustion improvement

    * Variable intake manifold system

    * CVVT system

    * Advanced knock control

    * Swirl control system

    * Reduction of friction

    * HSDI diesel engine with cooled EGR and VGT (Variable Geometry Turbocharger)

    The new technologies and products launched by KAMA members have resulted in recent CO2 reduction performance. KAMA members also have strategies of CO2 reduction with developing the fuel-efficient engines such as MPI engine, GDI engine, and HSDI engine, which have potentials of CO2 reduction in 5-25 %, 13-33 %, and 10-30 % compared to conventional engines respectively.

    Furthermore, roller rocker arm, stop-go system, and 2-stage variable valve lift system will be applied for the increase of volumetric efficiency by the end of 2003. Small displacement passenger cars with 2nd generation HSDI engine will be launched by 2003 at the earliest.

    Actually KAMA members started to launch HSDI diesel cars onto the EU market from the end of 2000 and will increase the portion of such diesel cars in taking the place of petrol cars.

    Transmission Programme

    Transmission is one of the major factors affecting CO2 emission. Its efficiency and speed are the main factors to be improved so as to reduce emissions. KAMA members are focusing on self-development of the CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) for the EU market. KAMA members launched passenger cars with applied technologies such as the line-up variable control system for the improvement of efficiency with 6-speed manual transmission onto the EU market in 2002. KAMA members are also trying to develop 5-speed automatic transmission and ASG (Automated Selected Gearbox) for the EU market during the monitoring period.

    After-Treatment Improvement Programme

    KAMA members are investigating several after-treatment systems for fuel-efficient diesel engines to be used in the near future, e.g. 4-way catalyst and photo catalyst systems. These will be applied to different car classes such as small and/or medium size cars and KAMA expects these cars will be launched onto the EU market in near future. Development of after-treatment system in parallel with CO2 reduction to meet the stringent emission regulation, along with European OBD system for diesel cars in the EU was accomplished at the end of 2001 and was launched in 2002.

    Car Weight Reduction Programme

    This programme is one of the major measures to contribute to CO2 emission reduction. KAMA members are developing aluminium bodies and chasses for lightweight vehicles. This activity will consist of extrusion, three-dimensional bending, casting as well as tube hydro-forming. In the case of chassis, the suspension system is a promising area where new technology can be applied. Vehicle weight will be continuously reduced as long as the regulation on safety permits.

    Reduction of Resistances Programme

    KAMA members are trying to develop new technologies such as reduction of engine friction and motor driven power steering for reducing CO2 emission (by 5-15 %) which will be launched into the EU market by 2003. Aerodynamic drag may be improved by reducing drag coefficient or modifying frontal area shape that have an effect on CO2 reduction. Drag coefficient has been decreased significantly in recent years through expanded use of vehicle wind tunnel during research and development. Tire rolling resistance has been also decreased by each KAMA member's special specification for CO2 reduction, along with low friction silica tire, preserve tire life, ride quality, brake distance, and handling under a variety of road conditions. KAMA members have already set to work for getting further gains of 5 - 10 % on this programme.

    5.3. Description of market trends in physical fleet characteristics

    There has been no significant market trend with regard to the physical fleet characteristics within the reporting period. KAMA members have achieved some improvements in new car CO2 reduction, even though most parameters have increased in general (see Section 2.4).

    Averaged engine capacity decreased after 1996 to 1 507 cm3 in 2001 and increased to 1 546 cm3 in 2002.

    Averaged engine power reached the peak 71 kW in 1997 and decreased to 65 kW in 2001 and then increased to 68 kW in 2002. The main contributor to CO2 decrease after 1997 is sales volume increase of petrol mini cars with engine capacities of less than 1 000 cm3. Hereafter small displacements passenger cars with 2nd generation HSDI engine will mainly contribute to CO2 decrease.

    A trend analysis of the mass of vehicles cannot be carried this year due to inconsistencies between the data provided by KAMA for the period 1995 to 2001 and the official EU data. Moreover, some of the 2002 official EU data are inconsistent in themselves.


    6.1. Trends in specific emissions of CO2 (g/km)

    As shown in Figure 1, the average specific CO2 emissions of newly registered passenger cars from KAMA members in the EU increased from 197 g/km in 1995 to 203 g/km in 1997. After 1997 it decreased to 187 g/km in 2001 and 183 g/km in 2002. KAMA members in the EU market achieved an average reduction in specific CO2 emission of about 6.9 % over the period 1995 to 2002. Specific CO2 emission from petrol cars, which occupied most sales volumes, reached the highest (203 g/km) in 1997 and decreased afterwards due to the increase of petrol mini car (<1000 cm3) sales. But after 2001, number of diesel car sales increased to 27.7 %, which affected the reduction of CO2 emission.

    Diesel cars with higher CO2 emissions due to its heavier weight showed a sharp decrease of CO2 emission within reporting period. Although the thermal efficiency of diesel engines is better than that of petrol engines, their fuel efficiency was lower for diesel than for petrol engines, due to the larger size of diesel vehicles. The overall trend in total fuel consumption shows a significant decrease from 1997 onward, mainly driven by the decrease of fuel consumption in petrol cars and by the increased sales of segment A/B diesel cars. KAMA expects that the reduction rate of CO2 emission will be definitely increased due to the increasing number of small diesel cars (see Figure 3).

    The overall CO2 emission of KAMA shows a steady decrease since 1998 and the CO2 reduction rate of KAMA will be increased with increasing the number of diesel passenger cars by 2004 and 2009.


    Figure 3 : KAMA's CO2 Reduction Index (1995 = 100) (2001 and 2002 data are corrected by 0.7 % for cycle change adjustment)

    6.2. Number of newly registered passenger cars

    Total new car registration by KAMA was 325 206 units in 2002, down by 18 % from 2001 registrations (396 792 units). Petrol cars still represented the largest share of new registrations - 77.9 % in 2002 (compared to 85.2 % in 2001; see Figure 4).

    The number of petrol cars with CO2 emitting less than 140 g/km that were not shown in the EU market before 2002 reached 5 855 units (1.8 % share).

    The number of diesel passenger cars sold increased from 55 219 units in 2001 to 71 708 units in 2002 (up 29.9 %; see Figure 4). Even though the portion of diesel passenger cars sold increased to 22.1 %, the specific emission of KAMA diesel cars slightly affected the reduction of CO2 emission due to the small portion of CO2 emission categories less than 140 g/km. The portion of small passenger car with new diesel engine is only 5.0 %.


    Figure 4 : Number of newly registered passenger cars by KAMA

    6.3. Fleet composition

    KAMA's fleet composition has changed towards more fuel-efficient cars over the monitoring period. The fleet composition of KAMA has moved to the fuel-efficient categories with the exception of the 251-300 g/km categories. The share of this category grew by 1.3 % over the period 1995 to 2002 (from 3.1 % to 4.4 %), but decreased by 3.3 % from 7.7 % to 4.4 % over the period 2001 to 2002.

    Though the number of petrol mini car sales decreased, the number of diesel passenger car in the low category of 141-160 g/km has increased from 1 455 units to 15 919 units (0.4 % to 4.9 % in total first registrations) over the period 2001 to 2002. Thus, the share of cars in the low category of 141-160 g/km has increased to 44.7 % in 2001 and 38.3 % in 2002 from 9.2 % in 1995, which mainly contributed to reducing CO2 emission (see Figure 5). Especially the number of cars in the low categories of 140 g/km or less has reached to 5 855 units (1.8 %).

    In 2002, KAMA's CO2-related fleet composition continued to show a move towards more fuel-efficient cars, with 160 g/km or below car sales rising to 40.1 % in 2002 from 9.2 % in 1995. First registrations of vehicles of 160 g/km or below in 2002 are 130 495 units.




    Figure 5a : KAMA's fleet composition per CO2 category (% share of total registrations) in 1995 and 2002


    Figure 5b Change in KAMA's fleet composition by "aggregated CO2 categories"

    6.4. EU trends in physical fleet characteristics

    Total engine capacity has decreased from 1 589 cm3 in 1995 to 1 507 cm3 in 2001 and increased to 1 546 cm3 in 2002; i.e. decreased by 2.7 % over the period 1995-2002 but increased by 2.6 % over the period 2001-2002. Petrol engine capacity reached the maximum 1 583 cm3 in 1996 (against 1 568 cm3 in 1995) and decreased to 1 361 cm3 in 2001 and then 1 357 cm3 in 2002; i.e. decreased by 13.5 % over the period 1995-2002. Diesel engine capacity reached the minimum 2 316 cm3 in 1998 (against 2 735 cm3 in 1995) and increased to 2 396 cm3 in 2001 and decreased to 2 195 cm3 in 2002. The overall trend shows some reasonable variations in engine capacity over the reporting period of 1995-2002, mainly due to a drop (-13.5 %) in petrol engine capacity and a drop (-19.7 %) in diesel engine capacity (see Figure 6).

    Total engine power reached the maximum 71 kW in 1997 (against 67 kW in 1995) and decreased to 65 kW in 2001 and then increased to 68 kW in 2002; i.e. increased by 1.5 % over the reporting period 1995-2002. Petrol engine reached the maximum 71 kW in 1997 (against 67 kW in 1995) and decreased to 62 kW in 2002, i.e. decreased by 7.5 % over the reporting period. Diesel engine power has substantially increased by

    28.8 % within the reporting period, i.e. from 66 kW in 1995 to 85 kW in 2002 (see Figure 6).

    A trend analysis of the mass of vehicles cannot be carried this year due to inconsistencies of the data provided by KAMA for the period 1995 to 2001 and the official EU data. Moreover, the 2002 official EU data are inconsistent in themselves [70].

    [70] Some Member States delivered data based on the maximum weight of the vehicle. This is inconsistent with the definitions given in Decision 1753/2000/EC.




    Figures 6a: Physical KAMA fleet characteristics for 2001& 2002 // Figures 6b: Physical KAMA fleet characteristics 1995 to 2002 (percent of 1995 values)

    6.5. Trends in new technologies in the EU

    As noted in Section 1.2, KAMA members tried to apply several technologies to reduce CO2 emission such as torque based actuator control, advanced knock control, variable intake-manifold system HSDI diesel engine, engine & driving friction reduction and weight reduction within the reporting period. Trends in first registrations vary across the applied technologies.

    The share of cars applied with advanced torque based actuator control that could increase the engine performance increased from 6.7 % in 1999, 8.4 % in 2000, 38.4 % in 2001, and 48.4 % [71] in 2002.

    [71] The rates used in Section 2.5 are based on KAMA's estimation number of cars shipped to the EU region in the monitoring period.

    The share of cars applied with knock control that also could increase engine performance increased from 7.4 % in 1996, 13.4 % in 2000, 38.1 % in 2001, and 47.7 % in 2002.

    The shares of variable intake-manifold system first introduced in 2001 were 1.3 % of total KAMA first registrations in 2001 and the volume were increased to 9.1 % in 2002.

    The shares of HSDI diesel engines first introduced in 2001 were 4.4 % of total KAMA first registrations in 2001 and the volume were increased to 21.3 % in 2002.

    Several new kinds of technical developments introduced by KAMA to reduce CO2 emissions over the monitoring period are as followings:

    * Combustion improvement : 7.6 %

    * Variable geometry timing system : 2.4 %

    * 2-stage variable intake manifold system : 9.1 %

    * Cooled EGR : 3.0 %

    * Variable geometry turbocharger : 2.4 %

    * 6-speed manual transmission : 1.0 %

    * Motor driven power steering : 3.0 %

    * Engine friction reduction : 7.6 %

    * Drag reduction : 9.1 %

    * Low friction tire : 9.1 %

    Hereafter the R&D activities of KAMA members will be increased and low CO2 emitting diesel passenger cars will be expected to be of relative popularity, which will contribute to CO2 reduction.

    6.6. Trends in low emission passenger cars in the EU

    KAMA members will launch the fuel-efficient cars emitting 120 g/km or less onto the EU market in 2003 at the earliest.

    6.7. Trends in alternative concepts passenger cars in the EU

    KAMA members are developing HEV and planning to launch it on the EU market in near future.

    6.8. Trends in innovative concept passenger cars in the EU

    In 2002 the car manufacturers' associations and the Commission agreed guidelines for the acceptance of innovative concepts within the monitoring of the Commitments (see Annex 2).

    6.9. Brief description of the degree of occurrence of Grey Areas between M1 and N1 vehicles

    Nothing to report.

    6.10. Data sources, data methods and data confidence levels

    6.10.1. Data sources

    6.10.2. Data methods

    6.10.3. Data confidence levels

    For the first time since the inception of the Joint CO2 Monitoring Reports, this 2002 report utilises data from the official EU scheme (1753/2000/EC), that is based on Member State submissions (see Annex 1). The data submitted by Member States are the official figures for the monitoring process. Until now, KAMA utilised data from the French-based association AAA (Association Auxiliaire de l'Automobile) partly supplemented by data delivered by Marketing Systems, so as to enable the annual monitoring exercises to be undertaken.

    However, with official EU data becoming available, a discontinuity from the past data series exists; because of underlying differences (see below) it is not correct to simply adjoin official data for most recent years, onto KAMA's historical data.

    The main dimensions of this discontinuity are:

    Country Coverage: The official EU data for 2002 covers 15 Member States. Whereas, KAMA's CO2 data has not until recently included Greece and Finland (due to data unavailability).

    Methodology Differences: KAMA data links registrations to one, highly analysed, vehicle specification information bank, which is used for all Member State registrations. For official EU data, each Member State has its own vehicle specification set, to which it links its national registrations; national variations in these vehicle specifications exist. A number of more specific methodological issues have been identified in relation to CO2 categories and the treatment of unknown cars which need further investigation, e.g. KAMA's data provider try to improve incomplete data sets with the help of their databanks while Member States count only cars with complete data sets. The methodologies used by the data provider for closing gaps in the data sets are not known. Moreover there seems to be a systematic difference in the reporting of the mass of vehicles.

    Registration Data Differences: Firstly, official EU data disregards car registrations with no CO2 data provided, whereas in the case of KAMA data, if no CO2 information was available or can not be provided by the vehicle specification databank, any such vehicles would be included under an "unknown" category. In past Monitoring Reports the size of "unknown versions" has been an important parameter in the evaluation of data quality. The official EU data cannot provide this information. Secondly, the registration number in Spain (19 336 units) reflected only part of the number of KAMA member's exports (57 538 units) [72] in 2002.

    [72] This number was accumulated and estimated by KAMA. However, it should be mentioned that shipments to the EU region are not identical with the first registrations.

    6.11. Description of measurement issues for CO2 emission factors

    KAMA's CO2 emissions figures have been established according to Directive 93/116/EC [73], which amended Directive 80/1268/EC. Among other changes, the new cycle includes for the first time a cold start period - the deletion of the initial 40 seconds of unmeasured engine idling prior to the commencement of the test, and consequently values for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are higher under the new system. The implementation of this new measuring procedure has led to an artificial average increase of the CO2 emission figures, compared to the previously used Directive, whereas the CO2 emissions from cars in the real world have not changed.

    [73] The Directive in force at the time of the KAMA Commitment

    Since January 2001, almost all M1 vehicles up to 2 500 kg have had their CO2 emissions measured according to the new Directive/cycle (99/100/EC). A correction factor needs to be applied to the measured CO2 emissions of such vehicles to broadly bring them into line with the 93/116/EC procedure, which is the basis on which KAMA's future targets were established and the basis of historical monitoring data in this report. In 2002 KAMA and the Commission reached a consensus on this correction factor adjustment; it was agreed that a 0.7 % reduction should be applied to "measured" emissions to align them with the Commitment's basis. In this report, this adjustment has been applied to 2001 and 2002 data. For future years it was also agreed that this 0.7 % adjustment should be maintained unless new data is provided by KAMA, that proves its inappropriateness.

    6.12. Other issues

    Nothing to report.


    7.1. Availability of enabling fuels

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Nothing to report.

    7.2. Distortion of competition

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Nothing to report.

    7.3. Promotion of CO2 efficient technologies

    Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Cars with low CO2 emission technology like lean burn engine and CVT could not be launched to the EU market although they were introduced in 1998 to the Korean market, due to the stringent emission regulations of EU. KAMA expects fuel-efficient lean burn cars (with de-NOx catalyst) to contribute to reducing CO2 emission in the near future. KAMA members have high expectations for certain technologies; in particular those associated with gasoline direct injection engines.

    It is the Commission's opinion that KAMA was fully aware of the emission standards laid down in the amended Directive 70/220/EC when making its Commitment.

    7.4. Acceptance of innovation

    7.5. Statement on implication for the Commitment and justification

    Nothing to report.


    8.1. New measures affecting CO2

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing to report.

    8.2. New regulatory measures

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    More stringent regulations of emissions, safety, and recycling can affect the effort to reduce CO2 emission. For example, such regulations may contain legal, technical or procedural requirements that in practice could create technical or other impediments to the objective of reducing CO2 emission. Compliance with such regulations may also increase costs for manufacturers, thereby affecting their financial situation and having an impact on the resources available for developing CO2 efficient technologies.

    KAMA anticipates that the End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive [74] and possible implementation of regulations on Pedestrian Friendly Vehicle will have adverse implications for the fuel efficiency of cars, as it may limit the use of certain light materials and technologies, while imposing a significant financial burden on KAMA members.

    [74] Directive 2000/53/EC

    Other directives with major implications are the emissions Directive 70/220/EC and the fuel Directive 98/70/EC. It might well prove that the industry will be severely limited in its ability to offer widespread direct injection diesel and petrol engines simultaneously fulfilling the required NOx level and offering the fuel consumption improvements on the fuel qualities specified. The key point is that emissions, CO2 and fuels are intrinsically linked, and KAMA members needs 100 % availability of fuel with less than 10 ppm or "sulphur free", in order to meet both the stringent 2005 EURO-IV tailpipe emission standards and 140 g/km CO2 commitment. The CO2 effects will be assessed for fourteen regulations, which include measures on tailpipe emissions, noise, safety, security, and ELV, etc.

    The Commission believes that the ELV Directive will not have any adverse effects on fuel efficiency given that it does not limit the use of any material. Experience shows that the recycling rates set by the Directive do not affect the possibility to use any material. In the Netherlands, a material recycling rate of 80 % (as requested by the Directive for 2006) has been reached in 2001 and the Dutch recycling scheme set itself the goal of exceeding the 85 % recycling target (set by the Directive for 2015) already by 2007. Similar experiences in other Member States further confirm this.

    According to the Commission restrictions on heavy metals set by the Directive does not have any impact on the choice of materials and on the fuel reduction performances given that the restrictions only apply to components for which heavy-metals free substitutes are available (including electric vehicles).

    The Commission draws attention to the fact that KAMA knew the EURO III and EURO IV limit values [75] at the time it signed the Commitment and that the introduction of 10 ppm fuels goes [76] beyond KAMA's expectation at that time, a fact that will have to be taken into account in the 2004 review.

    [75] Directive 98/69/EC

    [76] Directive 2003/17/EC

    Finally, the Commission cannot accept that voluntary commitments made by car manufacturers with regard to pedestrian safety be taken into account within the monitoring of the CO2 Commitment.

    8.3. Fiscal measures

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing to report.

    8.4. Breakthrough technologies

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    Nothing to report.

    8.5. Research programmes: Description and future potential

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    KAMA members have committed themselves to achieve a target (140 g/km of CO2 emission in 2009) and are running several R&D programmes to investigate methods to reduce CO2 emission with up to 20-30 % according to the car segments.

    The activities can be divided into several major categories: The Engine Programme, the Transmission Programme, the After-Treatment Improvement Programme, the Car Weight Reduction Programme, and the Reduction of Resistances Programme (see Section 1.2), which will be combined for reducing CO2 emission and launched step by step to the EU market in near future.

    In addition to the reduction of car weight, KAMA members are trying to develop new technologies such as CVVT, advanced reduction of engine friction, reduction of resistances (running and rolling) for reducing CO2 emission, motor driven power steering which were launched into the EU market in 2002 and small vehicle with 2nd HSDI engine, roller rocker arm and stop-go system for reducing CO2 emission which will be launched into the EU market by 2003 at the earliest.

    8.6. Other measures - telematics, infrastructure, education

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    KAMA members will consider implementing the driver education activities for more environmentally friendly driving in the EU. KAMA believes that such initiatives will encourage customer acceptance of CO2 efficient technology and are one of the contributors to "market changes linked to technical development" as specified in the Commitment.

    KAMA also believes that measures such as the promotion of trade-in purchase of new cars, presentation of correct and proper car maintenance methods, driver training, optimisation of infrastructure, effective and efficient land use, and efforts to achieve a smoother traffic flow by using ITS will have a beneficial effect on CO2 reduction. KAMA thinks that such measures should therefore be embraced in a positive manner under government lead and with the co-operation of the industrial sectors involved.

    8.7. Economic situation of the car industry

    Comment on impact of the issue and on implication for the Commitment

    The Commission is aware of the problematic economic situation of some Korean car makers. However, even though the economic situation in Korea has been getting recovered gradually, the effect of economic crisis at the end of 1997 shows the low rate of CO2 reduction of cars from KAMA members; actual investment for R&D for fuel-efficient car was very difficult during the monitoring period.

    KAMA notes that the development costs for technologies will be higher for their members than other associations that have large sales volume in the EU market, which is a disproportionate burden of investment to KAMA members during past several years after economic crisis. In these circumstances, KAMA requests that such economic factors may have to be duly considered in the monitoring of CO2 emission reduction from passenger cars.

    The Commission is aware of the difficult economic situation of some Korean car manufacturers. The Commission draws attention to the fact that one Korean manufacturer, contributing a significant market share of KAMA on the EU market, achieved high profits in 2002 and Koreas auto trade surplus remain at high level.

    The Commission draws attention to the fact that the world market for passenger cars is fractionated in many respects, not just with regard to CO2 emission reduction requirements, and a large number of regional regulations apply. Furthermore, on the EU market all manufacturers require equivalent efforts, and in this respect the Commitments guarantee a level playing field. The situation described by KAMA is not new since the Commitment was made.


    9.1. Progress statement on delivering the Commitment

    KAMA members are encouraged to concentrate on CO2 emission reductions by developing fuel-efficient cars. KAMA reduced the average CO2 emission of its new passengers car fleet registered (petrol and diesel) in the EU market to 183 g/km in 2002, from 197 g/km in 1995 and 187 g/km in 2001. This represents a reduction of 6.9 % over the whole monitoring period of 1995-2002 and 1.8 % over the period 2001 to 2002.

    When the fleet composition is considered (see Section 2.3), an outstanding feature is the sharp increase of the share of low CO2 cars emitting less than 160 g/km (40.2 %), which shows the endeavour and will of KAMA members to meet the Commitment.

    9.2. Statement on expected future progress of the Commitment

    It is encouraging to see that in 2002 KAMA's CO2-related fleet composition continued to show a move towards more fuel-efficient cars with 160 g/km or below car sales rising to 40.2 % from 9.2 % in 1995. However, the estimated intermediate target range of 165-170 g/km in 2004 and the final target value of 140 g/km in 2009 require further serious efforts by KAMA members. Importantly, and as agreed upon, the targets will mainly be achieved by technological developments affecting different car characteristics and market changes linked to these developments. Regarding technological developments, KAMA will aim at achieving a high share of new cars equipped with CO2 efficient technologies.

    Although the current progress in fuel-efficient car technology development of KAMA members is relatively slower than that of European automobile manufacturers, they will increase the portion of fuel-efficient cars and introduce the 2nd generation HSDI engines for small size passenger cars by 2003. Hereafter the R&D activities of KAMA members will be accelerated and low CO2 emitting passenger cars, such as 2nd generation HSDI engines for small size passenger cars and HEV, will be expected to be of relative popularity, which will remarkably contribute to CO2 reduction.

    KAMA members must increase their annual average reduction by about 6 g/km with developing cars emitting less than 120 g/km to meet the CO2 target of 2004 and 2009, and expect the reduction rates will be increased with the acceleration of technology development as time goes on.

    In summary, the Commission Services and KAMA have currently no reason to believe that KAMA will not live up to its Commitment. However, KAMA has to accelerate the introduction of fuel-efficient technologies for diesel and petrol engines for this purpose.

    DATA ANNEXES (2002)

    ANNEX 1




    ANNEX 2: Monitoring Rules for Innovative Concepts


    ANNEX 1: 2002 Monitoring data


    [77] The emission-values of CO2 are corrected by 0.7% for test cycle change.

    KAMA MEMBERS - 2002



    [78] The following vehicles were suppressed due to possible data implausibility: 628 petrol cars with 119 gCO2/km as an average from the category 101-120 gCO2/km, 3 petrol cars emitting 845 gCO2/km as an average from the category >450 g CO2/km.

    [79] The total number of vehicles based on official EU data is smaller than the total number of vehicles according to the data of the car manufacturers association because the Member States submit exclusively data about those vehicles for which corresponding CO2 data are available in their data base.

    KAMA MEMBERS - 2002



    [80] Mass data not shown due to possible inconstancies in Member States' deliveries

    KAMA MEMBERS - 2002


    ANNEX 2: Monitoring Rules for Innovative Concepts


    A. General aspects:

    a) The basis of the assessment is the text of the commitments [81] and the Recommendations [82] , and any decision must be closely linked to monitoring-related questions of the Commitment, and must be relevant for the quality of the monitoring.

    [81] "The acceptance by the Commission of innovative concepts for vehicles replacing conventional cars in short-haul traffic as contributing factors to comply with the Commitment."

    [82] Innovative concepts for vehicles replacing conventional cars will be counted towards the achievement of this CO2 emission target even if they are not included in the category M1 or are not currently covered by Directive 93/166/EC

    b) Political aspects should also be taken into account, e.g. possible reactions of Council, EP, NGO and the general public, and all sides should avoid undermining the credibility of the Commitments.

    c) Innovations in general should not be hampered, and technical passenger car innovations, e.g. lightweight vehicles, should be promoted. However, as a replacement it should be a "bona fide" and in principle a one-for-one replacement of a conventional vehicle.

    d) Any definition or criteria of "innovative concept" set out in this document is exclusively for the purpose of the monitoring of the Commitment on CO2 emission from passenger cars. They are not intended to be used in any other context or be seen by the auto industry as an indication by the Commission to establish any additional category of cars for the present or the future.

    e) The "innovative concept" vehicles must meet a number of technical and environmental criteria.

    B. Specific criteria:

    i. The "innovative concept" should meet at least the general criteria of M-class vehicles (Motor vehicles with at least four wheels [83] used for the carriage of passengers)

    [83] In exceptional cases three wheel vehicles might be included, subject to a case-by-case decision

    ii. The CO2 emissions should be measurable in accordance with Directive 80/1268/EC and a CO2 figure should be provided by the manufacturers (even if these vehicles are currently not covered by this Directive)

    iii. The "innovative concept" should meet at least the emissions limit values for regulated pollutants applicable to M1 vehicles

    iv. The "innovative concept" vehicle should demonstrate passive and active safety appropriate to its intended use

    v. The "innovative concept" should have a minimum top speed that allows its usage on all types of public roads [84]

    [84] E.g., the usage of some roads require minima speeds

    vi. The "innovative concept" should comply with the ELV Directive.

    C. Monitoring rule

    1. Vehicles - or natural developments of such vehicles - which were on the market before 1995 are not considered as "innovative concepts".

    2. The associations shall show clear evidence that the innovative concept it proposes is marketed and promoted to end users as a replacement to a conventional car in short haul traffic.

    3. Innovative concepts have to replace conventional cars. The car industry has to provide evidence of replacement numbers. If such evidence cannot be provided on at least 50 % of the registrations, a maximum of 100 000 units on the total EU market will be taken into account.

    4. In the monitoring report "innovative concepts" will be treated in a separate chapter.
