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Health: global fund to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria

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Health: global fund to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria

This decision is concerned with the European Community's contribution to the "Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria" aimed at combating these three communicable diseases in developing countries.


Decision 2002/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 2001 concerning the Community contribution to the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.


International context The fight against the three major communicable diseases in developing countries has become an important subject at international level. The effects of these three diseases are particularly devastating and they represent a substantial obstacle to development. In this respect, the former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, set up a Global Fund in May 2001 to combat these diseases in developing countries. Many international donors support this Fund, including the European Community and its Member States. The former President of the Commission, Romano Prodi, announced the European Community's first contribution to the Fund at the G8 Genoa Summit in July 2001.

Community framework The contribution to the Fund is fully in line with the Community's policy in this field. In September 2000, the Commission adopted a Communication on accelerated action on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, followed by a programme for action adopted by the Council in the same year. The European Community's contribution to this Fund was also provided for in the EU Programme for Action to Confront HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, adopted in 2005 and approved by the Council. From the start the EC has played a very active role in the establishment of the Fund and the implementation of its policies, including the drafting of the associated rules. The Commission currently holds the Vice-Chair of the Board.

Community contribution The Community contributed EUR 120 million from the EC budget to the Global Fund for 2001/2002. For the period 2003-2006, the Community contribution increased to EUR 340 million (EUR 170 million each from the budget and from the European Development Fund), in addition to the further EUR 62 million allocated in 2006 from the 9th EDF. This brings the EC's total contribution since 2001/2002 to EUR 522 million. As of 2007 the European Union (Commission and Member States combined) will be contributing almost 55% of the total fund.

Assessment In 2002, the Commission presented to the European Parliament and the Council a first report on the governance and working methods of the Global Fund. From 2003 onwards, information on the Fund has been part of the Community's annual report on external assistance.



Dateof entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Decision 36/2002/EC



OJ L 7 of 11 January 2002

Last updated: 13.12.2006
