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Document 92001E001142

WRITTEN QUESTION E-1142/01 by Raffaele Costa (PPE-DE) to the Commission. Choice of location for the European Food Safety Authority.

EÜT C 364E, 20.12.2001, p. 49–50 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

European Parliament's website


WRITTEN QUESTION E-1142/01 by Raffaele Costa (PPE-DE) to the Commission. Choice of location for the European Food Safety Authority.

Official Journal 364 E , 20/12/2001 P. 0049 - 0050


by Raffaele Costa (PPE-DE) to the Commission

(10 April 2001)

Subject: Choice of location for the European Food Safety Authority

During the debate preceding the final choice of location for the European Food Safety Authority, the Commission proposed Luxembourg, in order to make use of Community structures already in existence which could accommodate the Authority's structure following the reorganisation of the European executive's departments, as a result of the current administrative reform.

Could the Commission therefore state whether, in putting forward this proposal, it has taken as selection criteria geographical centrality, a solid tradition of agribusiness - safeguarding the particular features of the various Member States, particularly in the Mediterranean regions -, a strong industrial presence in the food processing sector, and potential for scientific and academic research?

In proposing the above-mentioned location as its seat - a choice which is undoubtedly reasonable if intended to save costs and encourage synergies, through the use of pre-existing structures - has the Commission taken into account the independence and autonomy which the Authority must symbolise, and has it assessed the risk that establishing its seat in Luxembourg could make the authority seem like a mere Commission department?

Answer given by Mr Byrne on behalf of the Commission

(3 September 2001)

The Commission takes the view that the main objective of this Authority will be to restore and preserve public confidence in food safety. This new organisation will therefore have to be able to provide scientific advice, support and communication services on risks in a very effective way. For this reason, the Commission is paying particular attention to the operational requirements for ensuring that the Authority functions as well as possible. Its location must be such that it can be easily reached by European scientists attending meetings of its scientific committees and panels (some 3 000 visits per year) and can communicate easily with the risk management bodies (the Commission, Parliament and Council). In the event of a serious food crisis, the Authority will have to be able to provide the Commission with rapid, ongoing scientific support in the context of the crisis centre mechanisms provided for in the new regulation.

The Authority's independence will be safeguarded by various provisions in the proposal for a regulation establishing it. Locating it in a city which already hosts a Community institution cannot be seen as a potential threat to its autonomy.
