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Document 92000E002325

WRITTEN QUESTION P-2325/00 by Freddy Blak (PSE) to the Commission. Migrants Forum.

EÜT C 72E, 6.3.2001, p. 193–194 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

European Parliament's website


WRITTEN QUESTION P-2325/00 by Freddy Blak (PSE) to the Commission. Migrants Forum.

Official Journal 072 E , 06/03/2001 P. 0193 - 0194


by Freddy Blak (PSE) to the Commission

(30 June 2000)

Subject: Migrants Forum

I understand that the Directorate-General for Justice and Home Affairs took over the management of Community subsidies for the European Union Migrants Forum from the Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs as of 1 January 2000. In this year's budget, 800 000 was earmarked under budget line A-3040 towards the operating cost and the work programme for this organisation.

As vice-chairman of the Committee on Budgetary Control I received a copy of an open letter, dated 8 March 2000, signed by a number of interested associations including ATMF (Association des Travailleurs Marocains en France), FTCR (Fédération des Tunisiens pour une Citoyenneté des deux Rives), ATIME (Association des Travailleurs de Turquie), AJM (Asociación de Trabajadores e Inmigrantes Marroquíes en España), ELELE (Maison des Travailleurs de Turquie) and CFAIT (Conseil des Associations Françaises de Turquie), in which allegation of mismanagement are made. I understand that the Commission also received a copy of this letter following the Annual General meeting on 16/17 December 1999.

News has also reached me, through reliable contacts in Denmark, that in addition to the concerns voiced in the open letter, the budget was allegedly re-directed to fund an election campaign in Morocco and to pay for private expenses.

Is there any basis for these allegations?

If so, what action has been taken by the Commission, including the recovery of funds?

How does the Commission ensure that this body and others funded under A-3 Community subsidies are effective in meeting their objectives?

Answer given by Mr Vitorino on behalf of the Commission

(24 July 2000)

The Honourable Member is correct that the Directorate general for Justice and home affairs took over the management of matters relating to the Migrants' Forum from 1 January 2000 under the direct responsibility of its Director general.

The Commission also received the open letter of 8 March 2000 and has been given a detailed written reply from the executive committee of the Migrants' Forum covering each point.

The Commission will undertake a full audit of the activities and accounts of the Forum in the near future and will at that time address the allegations of misuse of funds drawn to its attention by the Honourable Member. It will then decide on any action to take. Should any irregularity be revealed, the Commission will take all appropriate steps at its disposal to remedy the situation in addition to informing the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

With regard to the Commission's role in ensuring that the funding is effectively spent, the Migrants' Forum has a contractual obligation to report to the Commission on its activities and does so regularly. This contractual obligation extends to annual submission of accounts which are then assessed by the Commission. A Commission official is also an observer on the executive committee of the Forum and the board of management.
