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Document 91998E000022

WRITTEN QUESTION No. 22/98 by Christian ROVSING to the Commission. Exclusive rights in the gas market

EÜT C 304, 2.10.1998, p. 18 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

European Parliament's website


WRITTEN QUESTION No. 22/98 by Christian ROVSING to the Commission. Exclusive rights in the gas market

Official Journal C 304 , 02/10/1998 P. 0018

WRITTEN QUESTION E-0022/98 by Christian Rovsing (PPE) to the Commission (29 January 1998)

Subject: Exclusive rights in the gas market

The state owned natural gas company 'Dansk Naturgas A/S' has legal exclusive rights to export, transmit and store natural gas in Denmark.

Are these exclusive rights, in the Commission's opinion, in accordance with the competition rules of the Treaty?

Answer given by Mr Van Miert on behalf of the Commission (9 March 1998)

The Commission cannot comment on the legality of exclusive rights in the abstract. Certain exclusive rights may be justified if their removal makes it impossible for undertakings charged with the operation of services of a general economic interest to fulfil particular tasks imposed upon them by legal measures.

If there are any such exclusive rights as mentioned by the Honourable Member they should be evaluated in the context of the implementation of the forthcoming directive on common rules for the internal market in gas, on the basis of the common political position reached by the Council on 8 December 1997.
