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Document 91997E004178

WRITTEN QUESTION No. 4178/97 by Daniel VARELA SUANZES- CARPEGNA to the Commission. Cohesion policy and culture

EÜT C 304, 2.10.1998, p. 14 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)

European Parliament's website


WRITTEN QUESTION No. 4178/97 by Daniel VARELA SUANZES- CARPEGNA to the Commission. Cohesion policy and culture

Official Journal C 304 , 02/10/1998 P. 0014

WRITTEN QUESTION E-4178/97 by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna (PPE) to the Commission (21 January 1998)

Subject: Cohesion policy and culture

Article 128(4) of the EC Treaty states that the Community shall take cultural aspects into account in its action under other provisions of the Treaty.

Can the Commission say what monitoring and control measures have been adopted in this connection, especially in the context of Community structural policy?

Can the Commission say to what extent this aspect will be taken into account in the forthcoming reform of the Structural Funds?

What strategy, objectives and guidelines will accompany this reform with regard to the impact of the cultural sector on cohesion policy?

Answer given by Mrs Wulf-Mathies on behalf of the Commission (2 March 1998)

The Commission takes account of the cultural factor during negotiation and approval of the programming documents. For example, the Commission made explicit reference to culture in its guidelines to the Member States for the new objective 2 programmes (1997-1999).

However, the definition of programme priorities is a matter for the regional and local authorities concerned. For example, the regions themselves decide whether and in what form they will give priority to integration of culture within their programmes. The Commission may not impose any type of 'quota' as regards culture as this would conflict with the principle of subsidiarity.

The Commission considers culture as an important area of potential job creation to be included in the future programmes. At the same time the Commission does not consider it necessary to include culture explicitly as a specific eligible action in the new regulations because it is already covered by the existing scope.

The link with regional development and job creation will remain a necessary condition for assistance aimed at economic and social cohesion.
