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Document 32017D1415

    Komisjoni rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/1415, 3. august 2017, millega muudetakse rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 (milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides) lisa (teatavaks tehtud numbri C(2017) 5571 all) (EMPs kohaldatav tekst )


    ELT L 203, 4.8.2017, p. 9–18 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

    Legal status of the document No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 31/12/2019




    Euroopa Liidu Teataja

    L 203/9


    3. august 2017,

    millega muudetakse rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 (milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides) lisa

    (teatavaks tehtud numbri C(2017) 5571 all)

    (EMPs kohaldatav tekst)


    võttes arvesse Euroopa Liidu toimimise lepingut,

    võttes arvesse nõukogu 11. detsembri 1989. aasta direktiivi 89/662/EMÜ veterinaarkontrollide kohta ühendusesiseses kaubanduses seoses siseturu väljakujundamisega, (1) eriti selle artikli 9 lõiget 4,

    võttes arvesse nõukogu 26. juuni 1990. aasta direktiivi 90/425/EMÜ, milles käsitletakse ühendusesiseses kaubanduses teatavate elusloomade ja toodete suhtes seoses siseturu väljakujundamisega kohaldatavaid veterinaar- ja zootehnilisi kontrolle, (2) eriti selle artikli 10 lõiget 4,

    ning arvestades järgmist:


    Komisjoni rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/247 (3) võeti vastu pärast alatüüpi H5 kuuluva viiruse põhjustatud kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhanguid mitmes liikmesriigis (edaspidi „asjaomased liikmesriigid“) ning kõnealuste liikmesriikide pädeva asutuse poolt kaitse- ja järelevalvetsoonide kehtestamist vastavalt nõukogu direktiivile 2005/94/EÜ (4).


    Rakendusotsuses (EL) 2017/247 on sätestatud, et asjaomase liikmesriigi pädeva asutuse poolt direktiivi 2005/94/EÜ kohaselt kehtestatud kaitse- ja järelevalvetsoonid peavad hõlmama vähemalt kõnealuse rakendusotsuse lisas kaitse- ja järelevalvetsoonidena loetletud piirkondi. Rakendusotsuses (EL) 2017/247 on samuti sätestatud, et direktiivi 2005/94/EÜ artikli 29 lõike 1 ja artikli 31 kohaselt tuleb kaitse- ja järelevalvetsoonides meetmete rakendamist jätkata vähemalt nende tsoonide kohta kõnealuse rakendusotsuse lisas kindlaksmääratud kuupäevani.


    Rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 lisa muudeti seejärel komisjoni rakendusotsustega (EL) 2017/417, (5) (EL) 2017/554, (6) (EL) 2017/696, (7) (EL) 2017/780, (8) (EL) 2017/819, (9) (EL) 2017/977, (10) (EL) 2017/1139, (11) (EL) 2017/1240 (12) ja (EL) 2017/1397, (13) et võtta arvesse liikmesriikide pädevate asutuste poolt direktiivi 2005/94/EÜ kohaselt kehtestatud kaitse- ja järelevalvetsoonide muudatusi pärast alatüüpi H5 kuuluva viiruse põhjustatud kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi uusi puhanguid liidus. Lisaks muudeti rakendusotsusega (EL) 2017/696 pärast kõnealuse viirusega seotud epidemioloogilise olukorra teatavat paranemist liidus rakendusotsust (EL) 2017/247, et kehtestada eeskirjad seoses ööpäevaste tibude saatmisega rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 lisas loetletud piirkondadest.


    Üldine linnugripi olukord on liidus pidevalt paranenud. Kuid pärast rakendusotsusega (EL) 2017/1397 rakendusotsuses (EL) 2017/247 tehtud viimase muudatuse tegemise kuupäeva on Itaalias avastatud alatüüpi H5N8 kuuluva viiruse põhjustatud kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi uus puhang kodulinnukasvatusega tegelevates põllumajandusettevõtetes, nimelt kõnealuse liikmesriigi Lombardia ja Veneto maakonnas. Itaalia teatas ka komisjonile, et ta on võtnud direktiivi 2005/94/EÜ kohaselt nõutavad meetmed, sh kehtestanud kaitse- ja järelevalvetsoonid nakkusega linnukasvatusettevõtete ümber.


    Komisjon on läbi vaadanud Itaalias alatüüpi H5N8 kuuluva viiruse põhjustatud kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi hiljutiste puhangute järel kõnealuse liikmesriigi poolt direktiivi 2005/94/EÜ kohaselt võetud meetmed ning on leidnud, et Itaalia pädeva asutuse kehtestatud kaitse- ja järelevalvetsoonide piirid on piisaval kaugusel kõigist põllumajandusettevõtetest, kus on kinnitust leidnud alatüüpi H5N8 kuuluva viiruse põhjustatud kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi haiguspuhangu esinemine.


    Liidusiseses kaubanduses tarbetute häirete tekkimise ja kolmandates riikides põhjendamatute kaubandustõkete kehtestamise ärahoidmiseks on vaja koostöös Itaaliaga kiiresti liidu tasandil kirjeldada direktiivi 2005/94/EÜ kohaselt Itaalias kehtestatud kaitse- ja järelevalvetsoone seoses alatüüpi H5N8 kuuluva kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi hiljutiste puhangutega kõnealuses liikmesriigis. Seepärast tuleks rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 lisas Itaaliat käsitlevaid kandeid ajakohastada, et võtta seoses kõnealuse haigusega arvesse praegust epidemioloogilist olukorda nimetatud liikmesriigis.


    Seega tuleks muuta rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 lisa, et ajakohastada liidu tasandil piirkondadeks jaotamist ning lisada Itaalia poolt direktiivi 2005/94/EÜ kohaselt kehtestatud kaitse- ja järelevalvetsoonid ning seal kohaldatavate piirangute kestus.


    Rakendusotsust (EL) 2017/247 tuleks seepärast vastavalt muuta.


    Käesoleva otsusega ettenähtud meetmed on kooskõlas alalise taime-, looma-, toidu- ja söödakomitee arvamusega,


    Artikkel 1

    Rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 lisa muudetakse vastavalt käesoleva otsuse lisale.

    Artikkel 2

    Käesolev otsus on adresseeritud liikmesriikidele.

    Brüssel, 3. august 2017

    Komisjoni nimel

    komisjoni liige


    (1)  EÜT L 395, 30.12.1989, lk 13.

    (2)  EÜT L 224, 18.8.1990, lk 29.

    (3)  Komisjoni 9. veebruari 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/247, milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides (ELT L 36, 11.2.2017, lk 62).

    (4)  Nõukogu 20. detsembri 2005. aasta direktiiv 2005/94/EÜ linnugripi tõrjet käsitlevate ühenduse meetmete ning direktiivi 92/40/EMÜ kehtetuks tunnistamise kohta (ELT L 10, 14.1.2006, lk 16).

    (5)  Komisjoni 7. märtsi 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/417, millega muudetakse rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 (milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides) lisa (ELT L 63, 9.3.2017, lk 177).

    (6)  Komisjoni 23. märtsi 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/554, millega muudetakse rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 (milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides) lisa (ELT L 79, 24.3.2017, lk 15).

    (7)  Komisjoni 11. aprilli 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/696, millega muudetakse rakendusotsust (EL) 2017/247, milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides (ELT L 101, 13.4.2017, lk 80).

    (8)  Komisjoni 3. mai 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/780, millega muudetakse rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 (milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides) lisa (ELT L 116, 5.5.2017, lk 30).

    (9)  Komisjoni 12. mai 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/819, millega muudetakse rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 (milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides) lisa (ELT L 122, 13.5.2017, lk 76).

    (10)  Komisjoni 8. juuni 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/977, millega muudetakse rakendusotsust (EL) 2017/247, milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides (ELT L 146, 9.6.2017, lk 155).

    (11)  Komisjoni 23. juuni 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/1139, millega muudetakse rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 (milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides) lisa (ELT L 164, 27.6.2017, lk 59).

    (12)  Komisjoni 7. juuli 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/1240, millega muudetakse rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 (milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides) lisa (ELT L 177, 8.7.2017, lk 45).

    (13)  Komisjoni 27. juuli 2017. aasta rakendusotsus (EL) 2017/1397, millega muudetakse rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 (milles käsitletakse kaitsemeetmeid seoses kõrge patogeensusega linnugripi puhangutega teatavates liikmesriikides) lisa (ELT L 197, 28.7.2017, lk 13).


    Rakendusotsuse (EL) 2017/247 lisa muudetakse järgmiselt.


    A osas asendatakse Itaaliat käsitlev kanne järgmisega:

    „Liikmesriik: Itaalia


    Kohaldamise lõppkuupäev kooskõlas direktiivi 2005/94/EÜ artikli 29 lõikega 1

    Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): West of via Caviana, of via XX Settembre, of via G. Garibaldi, of via Ossario, of via San Martino

    Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): South of via Astore, of via Fichetto, of via Astore, East of SP83, South of via Giuseppe Mazzini, East of via Casino Pernestano, of via Roversino, of via Berettina, North-East of SP9

    Municipality of MEDOLE (MN): North of SP8, North-East of via Cà Morino, West of via Cà Morino, of via S. Martino, North of via Cavour, of SP9


    Municipality of BAGNOLO SAN VITO (MN): East of Via Ploner, North of Via Gradaro, East of Via Canova, North of SP413 and Via Romana Nuova, North-East of Via Molinara, West of SP413

    Municipality of SUSTINENTE (MN): West of SP79, North of SP482, North of Via Sacchetta, left bank of Po river

    Municipality of RONCOFERRARO (MN): South-East of SP31, South of SP30, South of SP80


    Municipality of CASALOLDO (MN): East of str. Grassi, North of via Squarzieri

    Municipality of GUIDIZZOLO (MN): South of str. to Medole, South-West of via Casarole, West of via Marchionale

    Municipality of CASTEL GOFFREDO (MN): East of SP8, of viale Prof. B. Umbertini, of via Monteverdi, North of SP6, North-East of via C. Battisti, East of via Ospedale, North-East of str. Zocca, North-East of Contrada Perosso Sopra, East of str. Profondi, of via Castellina

    Municipality of MEDOLE (MN): South-East of SP8, South of via Matteotti, South-West of via Guidizzolo

    Municipality of CERESARA (MN): North-West of SP16, North-East of via Colombare Bocchere and via S. Martino, North of SP16, North-West of SP7, e of SP15


    Municipality of BONAVIGO (VR): North-East of SP18

    Municipality of PRESSANA (VR): North of SP40b, East of the country road that intersect via Braggio at number n. 56

    Municipality of ALBEREDO D'ADIGE (VR): East of SP18

    Municipality of VERONELLA (VR): South of the Leb canal, East of SP18

    Municipality of COLOGNA VENETA (VR): West of SP500, South-West of via Santa Apollonia, North-East of SP19, South and West of via Santi Pietro and Paolo, South of the Leb canal


    Municipality of ISOLA of SCALA (VR): South of via Mandello, East of SS12, South of via Toccolo, West and South of via S. Gabriele, West and South of via Guasto, East of via Gabbietta, South of via Cognare

    Municipality of SALIZZOLE (VR): West of SP48c, South of SP20, West of via G. Rossini, South of via Dante Alighieri, West of via Lavacchio, South of via Franchine

    Municipality of SORGA' (VR): East of via S. Pietro

    Municipality of NOGARA (VR): North of via Spin, East of via Montalto, of via Olmo, North of SR10, West of SS12, of SP20

    Municipality of ERBE' (VR): South of via Campagnola, East of via Madonna, of via San Pietro, of via Pioppa Santa


    Municipality of CASTELLUCCHIO (MN): East of via Mantellazze, of via Marchiodola, North of SP55; North-West of via Borsatta, of str. Picco, of str. Fontana

    Municipality of RODIGO (MN): South-East of SP1, South-West of SP1



    B osas asendatakse Itaaliat käsitlev kanne järgmisega:

    „Liikmesriik: Itaalia


    Kohaldamise lõppkuupäev kooskõlas direktiivi 2005/94/EÜ artikliga 31

    Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): West of via Caviana, of via XX Settembre, of via G. Garibaldi, of via Ossario, of via San Martino

    Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): South of via Astore, of via Fichetto, of via Astore, East of SP83, South of via Giuseppe Mazzini, East of via Casino Pernestano, of via Roversino, of via Berettina, North-East of SP9

    Municipality of MEDOLE (MN):North of SP8, North-East of via Cà Morino, West of via Cà Morino, of via S. Martino, North of via Cavour, of SP9

    Alates 25.8.2017 kuni 2.9.2017

    Municipality of BAGNOLO SAN VITO (MN): East of Via Ploner, North of Via Gradaro, East of Via Canova, North of SP413 and Via Romana Nuova, North-East of Via Molinara, West of SP413

    Municipality of SUSTINENTE (MN): West of SP79, North of SP482, North of Via Sacchetta, left bank of Po river

    Municipality of RONCOFERRARO (MN): South-East of SP31, South of SP30, South of SP80

    Alates 14.8.2017 kuni 22.8.2017

    Municipality of CASALOLDO (MN): East of str. Grassi, North of via Squarzieri

    Municipality of GUIDIZZOLO (MN): South of str. to Medole, South-West of via Casarole, West of via Marchionale

    Municipality of CASTEL GOFFREDO (MN): East of SP8, of viale Prof. B. Umbertini, of via Monteverdi,North of SP6, North-East of via C. Battisti, East of via Ospedale, North-East of str. Zocca, North-East of Contrada Perosso Sopra, East of str. Profondi, of via Castellina

    Municipality of MEDOLE (MN): South-East of SP8, South of via Matteotti, South-West of via Guidizzolo

    Municipality of CERESARA (MN): North-West of SP16, North-West of via Colombare Bocchere

    Alates 10.8.2017 kuni 18.8.2017

    Municipality of CERESARA (MN): North-West of SP15, West of SP7, North of via S. Martino, North-East of via Colombare Bocchere

    Alates 10.8.2017 kuni 2.9.2017

    Municipality of SOLFERINO (MN): East of via Caviana, of via XX Settembre, of via G. Garibaldi, of via Ossario, of via San Martino

    Municipality of DESENZANO DEL GARDA (BS)

    Municipality of CARPENEDOLO (BS)

    Municipality of ACQUAFREDDA (BS): North of SP6, of SP11

    Municipality of GOITO (MN): North-West of str. Selvarizzo, East of str.Villanova

    Municipality of CAVRIANA (MN)

    Municipality of VOLTA MANTOVANA (MN): West of strada Bezzetti, North-West of SP19, of str. Cantonale, West of SP7, North-East of SP236, North of Cascina Pivello

    Municipality of GUIDIZZOLO (MN)

    Municipality of CALVISANO (BS): East of via Chiese, of via Tesoli, of via Paolo Brognoli, North of SP69, East of via Montechiaresa

    Municipality of CALCINATO (BS): North of SP668

    Municipality of CASTIGLIONE DELLE STIVIERE (MN): North of via Astore, of via Fichetto, of via Astore, West of SP83, North of via Giuseppe Mazzini, West of via Casino Pernestano, of via Roversino, of via Berettina, South-West of SP9

    Municipality of CASTEL GOFFREDO (MN): East of SP8, North-East of str. Casaloldo, North of Contrada Molino, North-West of str. Casalmoro, East of str. Nuovissima, of str. Carobio, North-West of Contrada Casalpoglio, North of via Casalpoglio

    Municipality of MONTICHIARI (BS): South of SP668, East of via Sant'Eurosia, of via Boschetti of Sopra, South of via Mantova, East of via Padre Annibale of Francia, of str. Vicinale Scoler, of via Scoler, South of SP236, of SP668, East of SP29, North-East of via Montechiaresa

    Municipality of LONATO DEL GARDA (BS): South-West of SP11, East of SP25, South-East of SP668

    Municipality of MEDOLE: South of SP8, South-West of via Cà Morino, East of via Cà Morino, of via S. Martino, South of via Cavour, of SP9

    Municipality of MONZAMBANO (MN): West of SP19, South of SP74, West of str. S. Pietro

    Municipality of POZZOLENGO: South of E70


    Municipality of SUSTINENTE (MN): East of SP79, South of SP482

    Municipality of QUINGENTOLE (MN)

    Municipality of SAN GIORGIO of MANTOVA (MN): East of SP28, South-East of SP10

    Municipality of BIGARELLO (MN): South of SP10, Via Gazzo, West of via Galeotto, of via Roma.

    Municipality of PEGOGNAGA (MN): North of SP49, East of Strada Ruggera, North-East of Strada Panazza Ruggera

    Municipality of SAN BENEDETTO PO (MN): North of Tangenziale Sud, SP49

    Municipality of BAGNOLO SAN VITO (MN): West of Via Ploner, South of Via Gradaro, West of Via Canova, South of SP413 and Via Romana Nuova, South-East of Via Molinara, West of SP413

    Municipality of BORGO VIRGILIO (MN): North of SP413 and Strada Romana

    Municipality of MANTOVA (MN): East of SR62 (Via Parma), South of SP28 (Via Brennero)

    Municipality of SERRAVALLE A PO (MN)

    Municipality of RONCOFERRARO (MN): North-East of SP482, North-West of SP31, North of SP30, North-East of SP80, and South of Stradello Pasqualone.

    Municipality of QUISTELLO (MN): North of Tangenziale Sud, North-West of Via Cortesa, North-West of Via N. Sauro, North of SP496, East of Via Cantone, North-East of Via Basaglie, North of Via Sanguinetto, West of SP72


    Municipality of RONCOFERRARO (MN): North of Stradello Pasqualone

    Alates 23.8.2017 kuni 30.8.2017

    Municipality of CASALMORO (MN)

    Municipality of CASTELGOFFREDO (MN): West of SP8, South-West of str. Casaloldo, South of Contrada Molino, South-East of str. Casalmoro, West of str. Nuovissima, of str. Carobio, South-East of Contrada Casalpoglio, South of via Casalpoglio

    Municipality of ACQUAFREDDA (BS): South of SP6, SP11

    Municipality of REMEDELLO (BS): North of via Solferino, of via Dante, of via XXIV Aprile, East of SP76, of via Silvio Pellico,North of SP29, East of via Padre M. Cappellazzi, South-East of SP29

    Municipality of VOLTA MANTOVANA (MN): West of SP18, of via I Maggio, of via S. Martino, of via Golfo, of SP19. East of strada Bezzetti, South-East ofSP19, strada Cantonale, East of SP7, South-West of SP236, South of Cascina Pivello

    Municipality of GOITO (MN): West of SP7, North-East of SP16, West of SP19; South-West of Str. Villanova, South-East of Str per Selvarizzo

    Municipality of PIUBEGA (MN): North-West of SP7, South of SP1, North-West of SP7

    Municipality of MARIANA MANTOVANA (MN)

    Municipality of CERESARA (MN): South-East of SP16, South-West of via Colombare Bocchere and via S. Martino, South-East of SP7, and of SP15, West of SP7; North of Villa Belgiardino, North of via Piubega; West of str. Solarolo, North of via Santa Maria.

    Municipality of CASALOLDO (MN): West of str. Grassi, South of via Squarzieri

    Municipality of ASOLA (MN):North of SP7, North-East of SP68, North-East of via Bonincontri Longure, North of via Aporti, North-East of via SP343,North of SP2, East of via Bassa of Casalmoro


    Municipality of BONAVIGO (VR): North-East of SP18

    Municipality of PRESSANA (VR): North of SP40b, East of the country road that intersect via Braggio at number n.56

    Municipality of ALBEREDO D'ADIGE (VR): East of SP18

    Municipality of VERONELLA (VR): South of the Leb canal, East of SP18

    Municipality of COLOGNA VENETA (VR): West of SP500, South-West of via Santa Apollonia, North-East of SP19, South and West of via Santi Pietro and Paolo, South of the Leb canal

    Alates 20.8.2017 kuni 28.8.2017

    Municipality of BONAVIGO (VR): South-West of SP18

    Municipality of LONIGO (VI): South of via Rotonda, West of SP17, South of via S. Giovanni, of via Madona, of via Pavarano, of via Lobbia Vicentina

    Municipality of RONCO ALL'ADIGE (VR): East of SP39b,North of SP19, East of via Ronchi, South of via Gatelle, East of via Mazza

    Municipality of MONTAGNANA (PD): North of via A. Dozzi, East of via Arzarin, West of via Pallonga,North of SR10, North-West of via Lognolo, West of via Saoncella, South-West of via Busi, West of via Argine Padovano

    Municipality of COLOGNA VENETA (VR): East of SP500, North-East of via Santa Apollonia, South-West of SP19, North and East of via Santi Pietro and Paolo, North of Leb canal

    Municipality of LEGNAGO (VR): East of via del Pontiere, North-West of viale Regina Margherita, North of via XXIV Maggio, of via Passeggio, of via Disciplina, West of SR10, East of via Papa Pio X, North-West of SP42a

    Municipality of BOSCHI SANT'ANNA (VR): North of via Scaranella, of via Stradone, West of via Piazza S. Marco, North-West of via Casette, West of via Faro, North-East of via Viadane, North of via Stradone

    Municipality of PRESSANA (VR): South of SP40b, West of country road that intersect via Braggio at number n.56


    Municipality of ASIGLIANO VENETO (VI): West of via Roma, South of via Trieste, West of via Vela, South of SP3

    Municipality of OPPEANO (VR): North-East of Bussè river, East of SP21, of via Dante Alighieri, of via Fossette, North of via Postale Vecchia

    Municipality of BEVILACQUA (VR): West of SP41, West of via Lupara, North-West of SP42a

    Municipality of CEREA (VR): North of via Fossalta, East of SP45, North-East of via Palesella Scuole, of via Palesella, North of SP44c, East of SS434

    Municipality of ALONTE (VI): West of via Sabbionara, South of via Castelletto

    Municipality of ORGIANO (VI): West of via Paradiso, of via Teonghio, West of SP14

    Municipality of SAN BONIFACIO (VR): East of SP38, South-East of via Cimitero, East of SP7, South of via Circonvallazione, South of SP38

    Municipality of ROVEREDO of GUA' (VR): South-West of via Dante Alighieri, West of via Battisti, South-West of via Rosa

    Municipality of SAN PIETRO of MORUBIO (VR): North of via Fossalta, of via Rubbiani, North-East of via Orti, East of via Luche, South of via Bosco, East of via Casalino

    Municipality of ISOLA RIZZA (VR): North of via Muselle, East of SP45a, North of SP3

    Municipality of BELFIORE (VR): South of SP38, East of via Moneta, South-West of SP395, South-East of via Bionde, West of via Porto, South-East of SP39b

    Municipality of ROVERCHIARA (VR)

    Municipality of ANGIARI (VR)

    Municipality of ARCOLE (VR)

    Municipality of ALBEREDO D'ADIGE (VR): West of SP18

    Municipality of VERONELLA (VR): North of Leb canal, West of SP18

    Municipality of MINERBE (VR)

    Municipality of ZIMELLA (VR)


    Municipality of ISOLA of SCALA (VR): South of via Mandello, East of SS12, South of via Toccolo, West and South of via S. Gabriele, West and South of via Guasto, East of via Gabbietta, South of via Cognare

    Municipality of SALIZZOLE (VR): West of SP48c, South of SP20, West of via G. Rossini, South of via Dante Alighieri, West of via Lavacchio, South of via Franchine

    Municipality of SORGA' (VR): East of via S. Pietro

    Municipality of NOGARA (VR): North of via Spin, East of via Montalto, of via Olmo, North of SR10, West of SS12, of SP20

    Municipality of ERBE' (VR): South of via Campagnola, East of via Madonna, of via San Pietro, of via Pioppa Santa

    Alates 22.8.2017 kuni 30.8.2017

    Municipality of SORGA' (VR): West of via S. Pietro

    Municipality of GAZZO VERONESE (VR): West of e North of via Dosso de Pol, North of via Ronchetrin, North-West of via Bastia, West of SS12, North of via Frescà, of via Dante Alighieri, of via Olmo, West of SP47a, North-West of via Frassino

    Municipality of CONCAMARISE (VR)

    Municipality of NOGARA (VR): South of via Spin, West of via Montalto, of via Olmo, South of SR10, East of SS12, of SP20

    Municipality of ERBE' (VR): North of via Campagnola, West of via Madonna, of via San Pietro, of via Pioppa Santa

    Municipality of ISOLA of SCALA (VR): North of via Mandello, West of SS12, North of via Toccolo, East of e North of via S. Gabriele, East of e North of via Guasto, West of via Gabbietta, North of via Cognare

    Municipality of BOVOLONE (VR)

    Municipality of SAN PIETRO of MORUBIO (VR): West of via Farfusola, of via Borgo, South-West of via Parti

    Municipality of SANGUINETTO (VR): North and West of via Marchiorina, West of via Bonzanini, North of SR10

    Municipality of BIGARELLO (MN): East of via Galeotto, of via Roma, of SP71

    Municipality of CASTEL D'ARIO (MN)

    Municipality of VILLIMPENTA (MN)

    Municipality of TREVENZUOLO (VR): East of SP25, South of via Venezia, East of via Roma, South-East of via D. Alighieri, East of str. Demorta

    Municipality of OPPEANO (VR): North-West of SP20, West of via Corsina, of via SP21a, South of via Sorio, West of via Croce, South of SP21, and South of via Corte Fabbriche, West of SP51

    Municipality of CEREA (VR): West of via Favaletto, of SP48a, of SP2, North of via Brunel, West of via Isolella Bassa

    Municipality of SALIZZOLE (VR): East of SP48c, North of SP20, East of via G. Rossini, North of via Dante Alighieri, East of via Lavacchio, North of via Franchine

    Municipality of CASTELBELFORTE (MN): North-East of SP249, East of SP25, South of via Pescine, East of and North of via Cimitero, East of via Roncolevà


    Municipality of CASTELLUCCHIO (MN): East of via Mantellazze, of via Marchiodola,North of SP55, e North-West of via Borsatta, of str. Picco, of str. Fontana

    Municipality of RODIGO (MN): South-East of SP1, South-West of SP1

    Alates 26.7.2017 kuni 3.9.2017

    Municipality of CURTATONE

    Municipality of PIUBEGA (MN): a South-East of SP7, North of SP1, South-East of SP7

    Municipality of MARCARIA (MN): a South-East of SP10, East of SP57

    Municipality of MARMIROLO (MN): West of SP236

    Municipality of SAN MARTINO DALL'ARGINE (MN): North of SP58, East of SP78, North-East of left bank of Oglio river

    Municipality of GAZZUOLO (MN): East of SP58

    Municipality of ACQUANEGRA SUL CHIESE (MN): North-East of SP67, South-East of SP17

    Municipality of RODONDESCO

    Municipality of CERESARA (MN): East of SP7, South of Villa Belgiardino, and East of str. Solarolo, South of via Santa Maria

    Municipality of GOITO (MN): East of SP7, South-West of SP16, West of e South of SP236

    Municipality of MANTOVA (MN): a North-West of via Brescia, East of SR62, North-West of SP10, West of viale Pompillio, West of SP29

    Municipality of PORTO MANTOVANO (MN): West of SP236, of via Brescia

    Municipality of GAZOLDO DEGLI IPPOLITI (MN)

    Municipality of CASTELLUCCHIO (MN): West of Via Mantellazze, of via Marchiodola, di SP55, South-East of via Borsatta, Str. Picco, Str. Fontana

    Municipality of RODIGO (MN): a North-West of SP1, North-East of SP1

