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Communication on the Global Approach to Research and Innovation
KOMISJONI TEATIS EUROOPA PARLAMENDILE, NÕUKOGULE, EUROOPA MAJANDUS- JA SOTSIAALKOMITEELE NING REGIOONIDE KOMITEELE Teadusuuringute ja innovatsiooni alase üldise lähenemisviisi kohta Euroopa strateegia rahvusvaheliseks koostööks muutuvas maailmas
Initiative summary:
The Communication will present the EU’s new Global Approach to Research, Innovation, Education and Youth in the light of the Commission’s strategic priorities for the Recovery and for making Europe Stronger in the World. It will build on Europe’s successful experience of contributing to the global research response to the COVID-19 crisis in order to strengthen the geopolitical dimension of the new European Research and Education Areas and the Digital Education Action Plan.