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Digital Operational Resilience of Financial Services Act
Ettepanek: EUROOPA PARLAMENDI JA NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV, millega muudetakse direktiive 2006/43/EÜ, 2009/65/EÜ, 2009/138/EÜ, 2011/61/EL, 2013/36/EL, 2014/65/EL, (EL) 2015/2366 ja (EL) 2016/2341
Initiative summary:
A financial services act applicable to regulated financial institutions will complete the single rulebook reinforcing the digital dimension of their operational resilience. The act would set a higher common baseline for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) risk for all financial services sectors in its scope and establish a coherent framework for the oversight of critical ICT providers (‘’ICT third party providers’’) to the financial institutions.