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Dokument L:1991:005:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Communities, L 5, 8 January 1991

    Kuva kõik selles Euroopa Liidu Teatajas avaldatud dokumendid

    Official Journal
    of the European Communities

    ISSN 0378-6978

    L 5
    Volume 34
    8 January 1991

    English edition






    Acts whose publication is obligatory


    Commission Regulation (EEC) No 30/91 of 7 January 1991 fixing the import levies on cereals and on wheat or rye flour, groats and meal



    Commission Regulation (EEC) No 31/91 of 7 January 1991 fixing the premiums to be added to the import levies on cereals, flour and malt



    Commission Regulation (EEC) No 32/91 of 7 January 1991 on the supply of various consignments of cereals as food aid



    Commission Regulation (EEC) No 33/91 of 7 January 1991 fixing the amount of the subsidy on oil seeds



    Commission Regulation (EEC) No 34/91 of 7 January 1991 concerning applications for STM licences for cereals submitted from 1 January 1991 onwards for imports of common wheat into Spain



    Commission Regulation (EEC) No 35/91 of 7 January 1991 on the issuing and suspension of issuing of import licences for cetain processed products obtained from sour cherries originating in Yugoslavia



    Commission Regulation (EEC) No 36/91 of 7 January 1991 on the issuing of import licences for preserved cultivated mushrooms from third countries



    II Acts whose publication is not obligatory







    Commission Decision of 20 December 1989 concerning aids in Spain which the central and several autonomous governments have granted to Magefesa, producer of domestic articles of stainless steel, and small electric appliances (Only the Spanish text is authentic)






    Commission Decision of 20 June 1990 approving aid from Portugal to the coal industry during 1989 (only the Portuguese text is authentic)






    Commission Decision of 25 July 1990 ruling on financial measures by Spain in respect of the coal industry in 1988, 1989 and 1990 (only the Spanish text is authentic)



    Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a limited period.
    The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
