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Document C:2023:189:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 189, 30 May 2023

    Display all documents published in this Official Journal

    ISSN 1977-091X

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 189

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 66
    30 May 2023




    IV   Notices




    Court of Justice of the European Union

    2023/C 189/01

    Last publications of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Official Journal of the European Union



    V   Announcements




    Court of Justice

    2023/C 189/02

    Case C-699/21, E.D.L. (Ground for refusal based on illness): Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 April 2023 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte costituzionale — Italy) — Execution of a European arrest warrant issued against E.D.L. (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Judicial cooperation in criminal matters — European arrest warrant — Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA — Article 1(3) — Article 23(4) — Surrender procedures between Member States — Grounds for non-execution — Article 4(3) TEU — Duty of sincere cooperation — Postponement of the execution of the European arrest warrant — Article 4 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — Prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment — Serious, chronic and potentially irreversible illness — Risk of serious harm to health affecting the person concerned by the European arrest warrant)


    2023/C 189/03

    Case C-1/23 PPU, Afrin: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 18 April 2023 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal de première instance francophone de Bruxelles — Belgium) — X, Y, A, legally represented by X and Y, B, legally represented by X and Y v État belge (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Urgent preliminary ruling procedure — Border controls, asylum and immigration — Immigration policy — Directive 2003/86/EC — Right to family reunification — Article 5(1) — Submission of an application for entry and residence for the purposes of exercising the right to family reunification — Legislation of a Member State requiring the sponsor’s family members to submit the application in person to the competent diplomatic post of that Member State — Impossibility or excessive difficulty to reach that post — Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — Articles 7 and 24)


    2023/C 189/04

    Case C-619/22, Sinda & V R: Order of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 20 April 2023 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Zemgales rajona tiesa — Latvia) — SIA ‘Sinda & V R’ v Rīgas domes Satiksmes departaments (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Article 53(2) and Article 94 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice — Requirement to provide the legislative context of the dispute in the main proceedings — Requirement to set out the relationship between the provisions of European Union law of which an interpretation is sought and the applicable national legislation — Lack of sufficient information — Manifest inadmissibility)


    2023/C 189/05

    Case C-703/22: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Raad van State (Netherlands) lodged on 16 November 2022 — WU v Directie van het Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen (CBR)


    2023/C 189/06

    Case C-707/22: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Raad van State (Netherlands) lodged on 17 November 2022 — Minister van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat v AVROTROS


    2023/C 189/07

    Case C-719/22, Openbaar Ministerie and Federale Overheidsdienst Financiën: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Hof van beroep Antwerpen (Belgium) lodged on 24 November 2022 — Openbaar Ministerie, Federale Overheidsdienst Financiën v Profit Europe NV, Gosselin Forwarding Services NV


    2023/C 189/08

    Case C-751/22 P: Appeal brought on 8 December 2022 by Shopify Inc. against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 12 October 2022 in Case T-222/21, Shopify v EUIPO — Rossi and Others (Shoppi)


    2023/C 189/09

    Case C-780/22 P: Appeal brought on 22 December 2022 by Zaun Ltd against the judgment of the General Court (Sixth Chamber) delivered on 19 October 2022 in Case T-231/21, Praesidiad v EUIPO — Zaun (Poteau)


    2023/C 189/10

    Case C-7/23, Marvesa Rotterdam: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Raad van State (Belgium) lodged on 10 January 2023 — Marvesa Rotterdam NV v Federaal Agentschap voor de veiligheid van de voedselketen (FAVV)


    2023/C 189/11

    Case C-42/23 P: Appeal brought on 28 January 2023 by Mendes SA against the judgment of the General Court (Ninth Chamber) delivered on 30 November 2022 in Case T-678/21, Mendes v EUIPO — Actial Farmaceutica Srl


    2023/C 189/12

    Case C-51/23 P: Appeal brought on 1 February 2023 by Validity Foundation — Mental Disability Advocacy Centre against the order of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) delivered on 22 November 2022 in Case T-640/20, Validity v Commission


    2023/C 189/13

    Case C-53/23, Asociația ‘Forumul Judecătorilor din România’: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Curtea de Apel Pitești (Romania) lodged on 2 March 2023 — Asociația ‘Forumul Judecătorilor din România’, Asociația ‘Mișcarea pentru Apărarea Statutului Procurorilor’ v Parchetul de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție — Procurorul General al României


    2023/C 189/14

    Case C-61/23, Еkostroy: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Аdministrativen sad Haskovo (Bulgaria) lodged on 7 February 2023 — ‘Ekostroy’ EOOD v Agentsia ‘Patna infrastruktura’


    2023/C 189/15

    Case C-76/23, Cobult: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Frankfurt am Main (Germany) lodged on 13 February 2023 — Cobult UG v TAP Air Portugal SA


    2023/C 189/16

    Case C-78/23, Deutsche Lufthansa: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Steinfurt (Germany) lodged on 14 February 2023 — UE v Deutsche Lufthansa AG


    2023/C 189/17

    Case C-89/23, Companhia União de Crédito Popular: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Supremo Tribunal Administrativo (Portugal) lodged on 16 February 2023 — Companhia União de Crédito Popular, SARL v Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira


    2023/C 189/18

    Case C-92/23: Action brought on 17 February 2023 — European Commission v Hungary


    2023/C 189/19

    Case C-104/23, A GmbH & Co. KG: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof (Germany) lodged on 22 February 2023 — A GmbH & Co. KG v Hauptzollamt B


    2023/C 189/20

    Case C-106/23 P: Appeal brought on 22 February 2023 by Patrick Vanhoudt against the judgment of the General Court (First Chamber) delivered on 14 December 2022 in Case T-490/21, Vanhoudt v EIB


    2023/C 189/21

    Case C-107/23 PPU, Lin: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Curtea de Apel Brașov (Romania) lodged on 22 February 2023 — Criminal proceedings against C.I., C.O., K.A., L.N., S.P.


    2023/C 189/22

    Case C-109/23, Jemerak: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Berlin (Germany) lodged on 23 February 2023 — GM, ON v PR


    2023/C 189/23

    Case C-125/23, Unedic: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d’appel d’Aix-En-Provence (France) lodged on 1 March 2023 — Association Unedic délégation AGS de Marseille v V, W, X, Y, Z, liquidator of company K


    2023/C 189/24

    Case C-126/23, Burdene: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale Ordinario di Venezia (Italy) lodged on 2 March 2023 — UD, QO, VU, LO, CA v Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, Ministero dell'Interno


    2023/C 189/25

    Case C-134/23, Elliniko Symvoulio gia tous Prosfyges: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Symvoulio tis Epikrateias (Greece) lodged on 7 March 2023 — Somateio ‘Elliniko Symvoulio gia tous Prosfyges’, Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia ‘Ypostirixi Prosfygon sto Aigaio’ v Ypourgos Exoterikon, Ypourgos Metanastefsis kai Asylou


    2023/C 189/26

    Case C-157/23, Ford Italia: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte suprema di cassazione (Italy) lodged on 13 March 2023 — Ford Italia SpA v ZP, Stracciari SpA


    2023/C 189/27

    Case C-161/23, Lireva Investments and Others: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Satversmes tiesa (Latvia) lodged on 16 March 2023 — VL, ZS, Lireva Investments Limited, VI, FORTRESS FINANCE Inc. v Latvijas Republikas Saeima


    2023/C 189/28

    Case C-163/23, Palognali: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Giudice di pace di Bologna (Italy) lodged on 14 March 2023 — Governo Italiano v UX


    2023/C 189/29

    Case C-164/23, VOLÁNBUSZ: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Szegedi Törvényszék (Hungary) lodged on 16 March 2023 — VOLÁNBUSZ Zrt. v Bács-Kiskun Vármegyei Kormányhivatal


    2023/C 189/30

    Case C-166/23, Nouryon Functional Chemicals: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Svea hovrätt (Mark- och miljööverdomstolen) (Sweden) lodged on 17 March 2023 — Naturvårdsverket v Nouryon Functional Chemicals AB


    2023/C 189/31

    Case C-170/23, trendtours Touristik: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Frankfurt am Main (Germany) lodged on 20 March 2023 — trendtours Touristik GmbH v SH


    2023/C 189/32

    Case C-204/23, Lufthansa Linee Aeree Germaniche and Others: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato (Italy) lodged on 28 March 2023 — Autorità di regolazione dei trasporti v Lufthansa Linee Aeree Germaniche and Others


    2023/C 189/33

    Case C-208/23, Martiesta: Request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte suprema di cassazione (Italy) lodged on 30 March 2023 — AX


    2023/C 189/34

    Case C-210/23: Action brought on 31 March 2023 — European Commission v Portuguese Republic


    2023/C 189/35

    Case C-252/23 P: Appeal brought on 17 April 2023 by European Association of Non-Integrated Metal Importers & distributors (Euranimi) against the order of the General Court (Third Chamber) delivered on 07 February 2023 in Case T-81/22, Euranimi v Commission



    General Court

    2023/C 189/36

    Case T-39/21: Judgment of the General Court of 19 April 2023 — PP and Others v Parliament (Civil service — Officials — Health crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic — Decision authorising part-time work in order to take care of relatives outside the place of employment — No possibility of teleworking full time outside the place of employment — Irregularity in the pre-litigation procedure — Decision granting a request to work part time — No legal interest in bringing proceedings — Inadmissibility — Remuneration — Suspension of the expatriation allowance — Articles 62 and 69 of the Staff Regulations — Infringement of Article 4 of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations)


    2023/C 189/37

    Case T-749/21: Judgment of the General Court of 19 April 2023 — Gerhard Grund Gerüste v EUIPO — Josef-Grund-Gerüstbau (Josef Grund Gerüstbau) (EU trade mark — Invalidity proceedings — EU word mark Josef Grund Gerüstbau — Earlier national figurative mark grund — Relative ground for invalidity — No likelihood of confusion — No similarity between the signs — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001)


    2023/C 189/38

    Case T-61/22: Judgment of the General Court of 19 April 2023 — OD v Eurojust (Civil service — Members of the temporary staff — Temporary reassignment in the interests of the service — Article 7 of the Staff Regulations — Request for assistance — Article 24 of the Staff Regulations — Provisional distancing measure — Concept of ‘act adversely affecting an official’ — Right to be heard — Liability)


    2023/C 189/39

    Case T-74/22: Judgment of the General Court of 19 April 2023 — Siemens v Parliament (Public procurement — Public works contracts — Tendering procedure — Renewal of the fire safety system in the Parliament buildings in Strasbourg — Rejection of a tenderer’s tender and award of the contract to other tenderers — Non-contractual liability)


    2023/C 189/40

    Case T-162/22: Judgment of the General Court of 19 April 2023 — OQ v Commission (Civil Service — Officials — Disciplinary proceedings — Disciplinary penalty — Removal from post without reduction of entitlement to a pension — Article 10 of Annex IX to the Staff Regulations — Proportionality — Obligation to state reasons)


    2023/C 189/41

    Case T-491/22: Judgment of the General Court of 19 April 2023 — Zitro International v EUIPO — e-gaming (Smiley wearing a top hat) (EU trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for an EU figurative mark representing a smiley wearing a top hat — Earlier EU figurative mark representing a fantasy figure — Relative ground for refusal — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001)


    2023/C 189/42

    Case T-183/22: Order of the General Court of 31 March 2023 — Eggers & Franke v EUIPO — E. & J. Gallo Winery (EF) (European Union trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Withdrawal of the opposition — No need to adjudicate)


    2023/C 189/43

    Case T-184/22: Order of the General Court of 31 March 2023 — Eggers & Franke v EUIPO — E. & J. Gallo Winery (E & F) (European Union trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Withdrawal of the opposition — No need to adjudicate)


    2023/C 189/44

    Case T-472/22: Order of the General Court of 31 March 2023 — Mocom Compounds v EUIPO — Centemia Conseils (Near-to-Prime) (EU trade mark — Invalidity proceedings — EU word mark Near-to-Prime — Absolute ground for invalidity — Descriptive character — Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 (now Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001) — Action manifestly lacking any foundation in law)


    2023/C 189/45

    Case T-116/23: Action brought on 27 February 2023 — Medel and Others v Commission


    2023/C 189/46

    Case T-142/23: Action brought on 13 March 2023 — Swenters v Commission


    2023/C 189/47

    Case T-182/23: Action brought on 8 April 2023 — Innovation & Entrepreneurship Business School v EUIPO — Thinksales (Sales School Powered by IEBS)


    2023/C 189/48

    Case T-185/23: Action brought on 11 April 2023 — Insomnia v EUIPO — Black Insomnia Coffee (BLACK INSOMNIA)


    2023/C 189/49

    Case T-186/23: Action brought on 11 April 2023 — Insomnia v EUIPO — Black Insomnia Coffee (BLACK INSOMNIA COFFEE COMPANY)


    2023/C 189/50

    Case T-188/23: Action brought on 13 April 2023 — IU Internationale Hochschule v EUIPO (IU International University of Applied Science)


    2023/C 189/51

    Case T-189/23: Action brought on 13 April 2023 — The Mochi Ice Cream Company v EUIPO (my mochi)


    2023/C 189/52

    Case T-192/23: Action brought on 14 April 2023 — Peikko Group v EUIPO — Anstar (Shape of metal beams for construction)


    2023/C 189/53

    Case T-193/23: Action brought on 13 April 2023 — MegaFon v Council


    2023/C 189/54

    Case T-194/23: Action brought on 16 April 2023 — Fractal Analytics v EUIPO — Fractalia Remote Systems (FRACTALIA)


    2023/C 189/55

    Case T-201/23: Action brought on 17 April 2023 — CRA v Council


    2023/C 189/56

    Case T-203/23: Action brought on 19 April 2023 — Studiocanal v EUIPO — Leonine Distribution (ARTHAUS)


    2023/C 189/57

    Case T-204/23: Action brought on 19 April 2023 — Studiocanal v EUIPO — Leonine Distribution (ARTHAUS)



