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Document C:2020:440:TOC

Official Journal of the European Union, C 440, 18 December 2020

Display all documents published in this Official Journal

ISSN 1977-091X

Official Journal

of the European Union

C 440

European flag  

English edition

Information and Notices

Volume 63
18 December 2020




I   Resolutions, recommendations and opinions




Committee of the Regions


Interactio - Hybrid - CoR 140th plenary session, 12.10.2020-14.10.2020

2020/C 440/01

Resolution of the European Committee of the Regions on the 2020 Annual Regional and Local Barometer – Local and regional authorities facing COVID-19 and building the recovery





Committee of the Regions


Interactio - Hybrid - CoR 140th plenary session, 12.10.2020-14.10.2020

2020/C 440/02

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – Equivalent standards of living as a joint challenge for all levels of government in Europe


2020/C 440/03

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – Implementation and future perspectives for cross-border healthcare


2020/C 440/04

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – An EU Health Emergency Mechanism


2020/C 440/05

Opinion of the Committee of the Regions – Bio-diverse cities and regions beyond 2020 at the UN CBD COP 15 and in the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030


2020/C 440/06

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – Single Market Barriers Report and Single Market Enforcement Action Plan


2020/C 440/07

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – Demographic change: proposals on measuring and tackling its negative effects in the EU regions


2020/C 440/08

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – A Strong Social Europe for Just Transitions


2020/C 440/09

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – Local and regional authorities in the permanent dialogue with citizens


2020/C 440/10

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – The role of the EU’s cohesion policy with respect to intelligent and innovative economic change in the regions against the backdrop of the coronavirus crisis


2020/C 440/11

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – SME Strategy


2020/C 440/12

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – Local democracy challenges in the Western Balkans


2020/C 440/13

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – A strategy for Europe’s digital future and a strategy for data


2020/C 440/14

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – White Paper on Artificial Intelligence — A European approach to excellence and trust


2020/C 440/15

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – Regional Innovation Scoreboard and its impact in regional place-based policies


2020/C 440/16

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – A Union of Equality: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025


2020/C 440/17

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – The European Climate Pact


2020/C 440/18

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – New Circular Economy Action Plan


2020/C 440/19

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – Towards sustainable use of Natural Resources within the Mediterranean insular context


2020/C 440/20

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – The renewal of the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities


2020/C 440/21

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – A New Industrial Strategy for Europe



III   Preparatory acts


Committee of the Regions


Interactio - Hybrid - CoR 140th plenary session, 12.10.2020-14.10.2020

2020/C 440/22

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – EU4Health Programme


2020/C 440/23

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – A reinforced Union civil protection mechanism


2020/C 440/24

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – Recovery plan for Europe in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Recovery and Resilience Facility and Technical Support Instrument


2020/C 440/25

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – European Year of Rail 2021


2020/C 440/26

Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions – The REACT-EU package



