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Document C:1998:102:TOC

Official Journal of the European Communities, C 102, 03 April 1998

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Official Journal
of the European Communities
ISSN 0378-6986

C 102
Volume 41
3 April 1998
English editionInformation and Notices

Notice NoContentsPage
I Information
European Parliament
Written Questions with answer
(98/C 102/01)P-1144/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: Surinam and international drug trafficking 1
(98/C 102/02)E-1444/97 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Council
Subject: Employment, unemployment and the Maastricht criteria 1
(98/C 102/03)E-1515/97 by Markus Ferber to the Council
Subject: Planned abolition of duty-free sales in the European Union on 30 June 1999 3
(98/C 102/04)E-1534/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Commission
Subject: Phosphate ester poisoning due to the use of Tiguvon (Fenthion) manufactured by Bayer Leverkusen 3
(98/C 102/05)E-1540/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Commission
Subject: Phosphate ester poisoning due to the use of Tiguvon (Fenthion) manufactured by Bayer Leverkusen 4
(98/C 102/06)E-1544/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Commission
Subject: Phosphate ester poisoning due to the use of Tiguvon (Fenthion) manufactured by Bayer Leverkusen 4
Supplementary answer to Written Questions E-1534/97, E-1540/97 and E-1544/97 5
(98/C 102/07)E-1773/97 by Werner Langen to the Commission
Subject: EU funds channelled to Rhineland-Pfalz since 1994 (Supplementary Answer) 5
(98/C 102/08)E-1782/97 by Manuel Porto to the Council
Subject: Unilateral deviation from the Uruguay Round Agreement 6
(98/C 102/09)E-1967/97 by Edith Müller to the Council
Subject: Cooperation between EU and UN 7
(98/C 102/10)E-2000/97 by Caroline Jackson to the Commission
Subject: EC aid granted to Bath and North East Somerset since June 1994 (Supplementary Answer) 8
(98/C 102/11)E-2007/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: Ethiopia 9
(98/C 102/12)E-2015/97 by Nana Mouskouri to the Commission
Subject: Auctions on television 9
(98/C 102/13)E-2039/97 by Bernhard Rapkay to the Commission
Subject: EU funding channelled to the Eastern Ruhr area (the cities of Dortmund and Hamm, and Unna district) (Supplementary Answer) 10
(98/C 102/14)E-2070/97 by Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Commission
Subject: Community environmental grant 11
(98/C 102/15)E-2071/97 by Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Commission
Subject: Community environmental grant 11
(98/C 102/16)E-2072/97 by Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Commission
Subject: Community environmental grant 12
(98/C 102/17)E-2073/97 by Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Commission
Subject: Community environmental grant 13
(98/C 102/18)E-2112/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Council
Subject: Novel food regulation No 258/97 - Authorization for varieties 13
(98/C 102/19)E-2116/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Council
Subject: Novel food regulation No 258/97 - Authorization of varieties 14
(98/C 102/20)E-2124/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Council
Subject: Novel food regulation No 258/97 - Safety tests 14
(98/C 102/21)E-2142/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Council
Subject: Novel food regulation No 258/97 - Applications for authorization already made pursuant to directive 90/220/EC 14
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2112/97, E-2116/97, E-2124/97 and E-2142/97 14
(98/C 102/22)E-2114/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Council
Subject: Novel food regulation No 258/97 - Authorization through entry in the catalogue of species 15
(98/C 102/23)E-2118/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Council
Subject: Novel food regulation No 258/97 - Authorization of varieties 15
(98/C 102/24)E-2208/97 by Hartmut Nassauer to the Council
Subject: Protocols to European Union Conventions concerning the Court of Justice 15
(98/C 102/25)E-2209/97 by Charlotte Cederschiöld to the Council
Subject: Progress of ratification procedures of European Union Conventions as at 1 June 1997 16
(98/C 102/26)E-2218/97 by Jesús Cabezón Alonso to the Commission
Subject: Illegal fishing in Morocco 17
(98/C 102/27)E-2227/97 by Frode Kristoffersen to the Council
Subject: Sexual harassment in the workplace 18
(98/C 102/28)E-2243/97 by Concepció Ferrer to the Council
Subject: Transport of animals throughout the EU 18
(98/C 102/29)E-2249/97 by Luigi Caligaris to the Commission
Subject: Direct negotiations on exclusive purchase between oil companies and service station managers in Italy 19
(98/C 102/30)E-2251/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: Request by two Dutch citizens to the Netherlands Ministry of Justice to institute proceedings in respect of human rights violations 20
(98/C 102/31)E-2319/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: Fighting international crime and guarding the European external borders against the transit of cocaine via the Netherlands by the Surinamese drugs cartel 21
(98/C 102/32)E-2320/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: Fighting international crime and guarding the European external borders against the transit of cocaine via the Netherlands by the Surinamese drugs cartel 21
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2251/97, E-2319/97 and E-2320/97 21
(98/C 102/33)E-2252/97 by Amedeo Amadeo to the Commission
Subject: SMU and craft industries 22
(98/C 102/34)E-2278/97 by Luigi Moretti to the Council
Subject: Employment 23
(98/C 102/35)E-2281/97 by Johanna Boogerd-Quaak and Jan Mulder to the Commission
Subject: Classic swine fever in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe 23
(98/C 102/36)E-2299/97 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Thousands of years of history under water and mud 24
(98/C 102/37)E-2308/97 by Heidi Hautala to the Council
Subject: Health risks of silicone implants 25
(98/C 102/38)E-2318/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: The humanitarian situation of prisoners in Morocco 25
(98/C 102/39)E-2325/97 by Klaus Rehder to the Commission
Subject: Antibiotics used in the fattening of livestock 26
(98/C 102/40)E-2329/97 by Marjo Matikainen-Kallström and Raimo Ilaskivi to the Commission
Subject: Hindrances caused to heavy goods traffic by Russian customs 28
(98/C 102/41)E-2338/97 by Nuala Ahern to the Council
Subject: Operational problems at La Hague nuclear waste and reprocessing plant 28
(98/C 102/42)E-2339/97 by Mary Banotti to the Commission
Subject: Travel insurance for EU citizens 29
(98/C 102/43)E-2341/97 by Stephen Hughes to the Council
Subject: Variations in rules for car drivers 30
(98/C 102/44)E-2348/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Council
Subject: Bringing Khmer Rouge leaders to trial 30
(98/C 102/45)E-2744/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Council
Subject: Political killings in Cambodia 31
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2348/97 and E-2744/97 31
(98/C 102/46)E-2354/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: Role of Angolan government troops in the conquest of Zaire by Kabila 32
(98/C 102/47)E-2355/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: Military offensive by Angolan government army despite the peace agreement 32
(98/C 102/48)E-2356/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: Opening of part of Syria's border with Iraq 33
(98/C 102/49)E-2359/97 by Undine-Uta Bloch von Blottnitz to the Commission
Subject: Gold mining in Western Turkey and EU participation 34
(98/C 102/50)E-2370/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: Genetically modified swede-rape 35
(98/C 102/51)E-2375/97 by Gianni Tamino to the Commission
Subject: Community contribution to misleading information on cattle farming 36
(98/C 102/52)E-2383/97 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Commission
Subject: Via Ignatia railway line 36
(98/C 102/53)E-2394/97 by Carmen Fraga Estévez to the Commission
Subject: Adoption of commercial measures against Honduras and Panama concerning imports of bluefin tuna 37
(98/C 102/54)E-2422/97 by Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna to the Commission
Subject: Adoption by the Commission of the ICCAT recommendations 37
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2394/97 and E-2422/97 38
(98/C 102/55)E-2400/97 by Monica Baldi to the Commission
Subject: Freedom of education 38
(98/C 102/56)E-2405/97 by Hartmut Nassauer to the Council
Subject: Joint actions adopted by the Council under Article K.3(2) of the TEU 38
(98/C 102/57)E-2419/97 by Laura De Esteban Martin to the Council
Subject: Seminars of experts 40
(98/C 102/58)E-2420/97 by Laura De Esteban Martin to the Council
Subject: Training courses for officials 41
(98/C 102/59)E-2429/97 by Carlo Casini to the Commission
Subject: Health conditions and veterinary certificates for the importation of poultry from third countries 41
(98/C 102/60)E-2445/97 by Graham Watson to the Commission
Subject: British Telecom Internet provision 42
(98/C 102/61)P-2463/97 by Ernesto Caccavale to the Commission
Subject: VAT levy on European Funds for SMUs 42
(98/C 102/62)E-2468/97 by Cristiana Muscardini to the Commission
Subject: Legal protection of designs and models 43
(98/C 102/63)E-2471/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Commission
Subject: Zweibrücken military air base 44
(98/C 102/64)E-2473/97 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Commission
Subject: Incentives to replace catalytic converters in cars in Greece 45
(98/C 102/65)E-2477/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Commission
Subject: Natura 2000 46
(98/C 102/66)E-2480/97 by Phillip Whitehead to the Commission
Subject: Humane trapping standards between EC, Russia and Canada, and ECO-label 47
(98/C 102/67)E-2482/97 by Ludivina García Arias to the Commission
Subject: Support for the activities of the associations of maritime regions, the coal industry and the textiles industry 48
(98/C 102/68)E-2483/97 by Luciano Pettinari to the Commission
Subject: INTERREG II and the port of Monopoli 48
(98/C 102/69)E-2488/97 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Council
Subject: Acts of brutality committed in Somalia by soldiers from EU Member States 49
(98/C 102/70)E-2491/97 by Werner Langen to the Commission
Subject: Non-payment of SOCRATES funds 49
(98/C 102/71)E-2501/97 by Anita Pollack to the Commission
Subject: CITES - Ivory 50
(98/C 102/72)E-2506/97 by Laura González Álvarez, Alonso Puerta, Pedro Marset Campos and María Sornosa Martínez to the Commission
Subject: Environmental damage in the Picos de Europa national park (Spain) 51
(98/C 102/73)P-2513/97 by Paul Lannoye to the Commission
Subject: 'Enhancing the landscape of the middle Semois', a project submitted under the LIFE 1994 programme by the Walloon Rural Development Office (OWDR) for the municipality of Bouillon and the Walloon Region 52
(98/C 102/74)E-2514/97 by Undine-Uta Bloch von Blottnitz to the Commission
Subject: Radioactive discharges into the Channel from the La Hague reprocessing plant 53
(98/C 102/75)E-2516/97 by Gerhard Schmid to the Commission
Subject: Cyberlaundering and Fraud - support by the EU 54
(98/C 102/76)E-2519/97 by Klaus Lukas to the Commission
Subject: Reorganization of competition - reform of national regional aid schemes 54
(98/C 102/77)E-2523/97 by Panayotis Lambrias to the Commission
Subject: Transport of corpses in passenger aircraft 55
(98/C 102/78)E-2525/97 by Panayotis Lambrias to the Commission
Subject: Adoption of measures to reduce energy consumption 55
(98/C 102/79)E-2544/97 by Mihail Papayannakis to the Commission
Subject: Pollution of the Gulf of Volos 56
(98/C 102/80)E-2545/97 by Mihail Papayannakis to the Commission
Subject: Database of prices for medicinal products 57
(98/C 102/81)E-2546/97 by David Hallam to the Commission
Subject: Klein Constantia's Vin de Constance 58
(98/C 102/82)E-2565/97 by Ursula Schleicher to the Commission
Subject: Framework water directive - missing annexes 58
(98/C 102/83)E-2567/97 by Mihail Papayannakis to the Commission
Subject: Kallithea Common 59
(98/C 102/84)E-2568/97 by Glyn Ford to the Council
Subject: Asylum protocol 60
(98/C 102/85)E-2569/97 by Glyn Ford to the Council
Subject: Asylum protocol 60
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2568/97 and E-2569/97 60
(98/C 102/86)E-2576/97 by Juan Colino Salamanca and Jesús Cabezón Alonso to the Commission
Subject: Breaking the EU embargo on British beef 60
(98/C 102/87)E-2577/97 by Juan Colino Salamanca and Jesús Cabezón Alonso to the Commission
Subject: Breaking the EU embargo on British beef 61
(98/C 102/88)E-2578/97 by Juan Colino Salamanca and Jesús Cabezón Alonso to the Commission
Subject: Breaking the EU embargo on British beef 61
(98/C 102/89)E-2603/97 by Encarnación Redondo Jiménez to the Commission
Subject: Statements by Commissioner Bonino on UK beef exports 61
(98/C 102/90)E-2604/97 by Carles-Alfred Gasòliba i Böhm to the Commission
Subject: Illegal beef imports 62
(98/C 102/91)E-2605/97 by Jesús Cabezón Alonso and Juan Colino Salamanca to the Commission
Subject: Statements by a Member of the Commission on the British beef market 62
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2576/97, E-2577/97, E-2578/97, E-2603/97, E-2604/97 and E-2605/97 62
(98/C 102/92)E-2582/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Internet 63
(98/C 102/93)E-2585/97 by Hilde Hawlicek to the Council
Subject: Credibility of the new paragraph on education in the preamble to the EC Treaty 63
(98/C 102/94)E-2587/97 by Hilde Hawlicek to the Commission
Subject: Uniform access and entitlement to continuing training in Europe 64
(98/C 102/95)E-2588/97 by Hilde Hawlicek to the Council
Subject: New paragraph in the preamble to the EC Treaty 65
(98/C 102/96)E-2590/97 by Hilde Hawlicek to the Commission
Subject: Possible legal proceedings concerning fixed book prices in the German-speaking area 65
(98/C 102/97)E-2596/97 by David Hallam to the Council
Subject: Economic and Monetary Union 66
(98/C 102/98)E-2650/97 by Roberto Mezzaroma to the Council
Subject: Single currency coins 66
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2596/97 and E-2650/97 67
(98/C 102/99)E-2597/97 by David Hallam to the Commission
Subject: Nickel content of euro coinage 67
(98/C 102/100)E-2599/97 by Bill Miller to the Commission
Subject: Enlargement of the Union 68
(98/C 102/101)E-2600/97 by Bill Miller to the Commission
Subject: Enlargement of the Union 69
(98/C 102/102)E-2601/97 by Bill Miller to the Commission
Subject: Enlargement of the Union 69
(98/C 102/103)E-2606/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Ill-treatment of Chinese dissident Wei Jinsheng 70
(98/C 102/104)E-2608/97 by Florus Wijsenbeek to the Commission
Subject: Transition periods for authorized dimensions for road-haulage vehicles 70
(98/C 102/105)E-2609/97 by José Torres Couto to the Commission
Subject: Swedish multinational wants to bring proceedings against the Portuguese pharmaceutical industry 71
(98/C 102/106)E-2610/97 by Graham Watson to the Council
Subject: Organic farming practices 72
(98/C 102/107)E-2611/97 by Graham Watson to the Commission
Subject: Organic farming practices 73
(98/C 102/108)E-2614/97 by Marjo Matikainen-Kallström to the Commission
Subject: Wood chippings as biofuel 73
(98/C 102/109)E-2620/97 by Jens-Peter Bonde to the Commission
Subject: Noise standards for machinery and engine-rooms 74
(98/C 102/110)E-2621/97 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Council
Subject: Cost of the new annual 'Euro tax disc' 75
(98/C 102/111)E-2622/97 by Christine Oddy to the Commission
Subject: International exploitation of victims of Asian sex tourism 75
(98/C 102/112)E-2626/97 by Alfonso Novo Belenguer to the Commission
Subject: Cancellation of agricultural subsidies for Valencia 77
(98/C 102/113)E-2629/97 by Gijs de Vries to the Commission
Subject: Crédit Lyonnais 77
(98/C 102/114)E-2630/97 by Roberta Angelilli to the Commission
Subject: Risks to human health from excessive exposure to non-ionising electromagnetic radiation 78
(98/C 102/115)E-2631/97 by Roberta Angelilli to the Commission
Subject: The sale of milk powder by the Swiss multinational Nestlè in third world countries 79
(98/C 102/116)E-2635/97 by Ursula Schleicher to the Commission
Subject: Children at risk from alcoholic drinks such as alcopops and designer drinks 80
(98/C 102/117)E-2640/97 by Paul Lannoye to the Council
Subject: Use of organophosphate pesticides during the Gulf war 81
(98/C 102/118)E-2641/97 by Luigi Vinci to the Commission
Subject: RESIDER I and II programmes in Lombardy 82
(98/C 102/119)E-2655/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: EU support for renewable energy 83
(98/C 102/120)E-2656/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: Light rail system for Dublin 83
(98/C 102/121)E-2659/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: Waste from cattle slaughtered as part of the 'BSE eradication scheme' 84
(98/C 102/122)E-2666/97 by Klaus Lukas to the Council
Subject: Duty-free sales 85
(98/C 102/123)E-2752/97 by Kyösti Virrankoski to the Council
Subject: Tax-free sales 85
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2666/97 and E-2752/97 86
(98/C 102/124)E-2667/97 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Survival and protection of the Cretan tracker dog 86
(98/C 102/125)E-2669/97 by Kirsi Piha to the Commission
Subject: Problems with the announcement of the Commission's Agenda 2000 programme 86
(98/C 102/126)E-2671/97 by Jessica Larive and Jan Wiebenga to the Commission
Subject: Choice of language by the Dutch Commissioner for an important statement 87
(98/C 102/127)E-2673/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Council
Subject: Free trade in burglars' tools 88
(98/C 102/128)E-2675/97 by Joaquim Miranda to the Commission
Subject: Data relating to Portugal in the Commission's 'First Report on Economic and Social Cohesion - 1996' 88
(98/C 102/129)E-2681/97 by María Sornosa Martínez and Angela Sierra González to the Council
Subject: Early retirement of a high official 89
(98/C 102/130)E-2684/97 by María Sornosa Martínez and Pedro Marset Campos to the Commission
Subject: Concentration of ozone in the east of Spain 90
(98/C 102/131)E-2686/97 by Luigi Moretti to the Commission
Subject: Delays in payments 91
(98/C 102/132)E-2690/97 by Eryl McNally to the Council
Subject: Rational Planning Techniques in the Electricity and Gas Distribution Sectors 91
(98/C 102/133)E-2694/97 by Mark Watts to the Commission
Subject: Restriction of vitamin and mineral preparations to Recommended Daily Allowance 92
(98/C 102/134)E-2695/97 by Cristiana Muscardini to the Commission
Subject: Floods and environmental protection 92
(98/C 102/135)E-2696/97 by Cristiana Muscardini to the Commission
Subject: Noise pollution and sport 93
(98/C 102/136)E-2697/97 by Maartje van Putten to the Commission
Subject: Cooperation with Colombia 94
(98/C 102/137)E-2698/97 by Maartje van Putten to the Commission
Subject: Demonstrators in Papua New Guinea 95
(98/C 102/138)P-2702/97 by Konstantinos Hatzidakis to the Commission
Subject: Extremely low take-up of funds from the CSF for Greece for the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace 95
(98/C 102/139)E-2704/97 by Markus Ferber to the Commission
Subject: Protection of the Blackcock in Austria 96
(98/C 102/140)E-2705/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: Ireland and the Cohesion Fund 97
(98/C 102/141)E-2706/97 by Ian White to the Commission
Subject: Commission response to Written Question E-1954/97 98
(98/C 102/142)E-2707/97 by Glenys Kinnock to the Commission
Subject: European fire-fighting practices 98
(98/C 102/143)E-2709/97 by Viviane Reding to the Commission
Subject: Impediment to free movement caused by health insurance deductions 99
(98/C 102/144)E-2710/97 by Ben Fayot and Viviane Reding to the Commission
Subject: Cross-border information centres 99
(98/C 102/145)P-2712/97 by Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop to the Commission
Subject: Compliance with the fisheries Agreement with Morocco and boarding of vessels 100
(98/C 102/146)P-2713/97 by Lutz Goepel to the Commission
Subject: Breakdown of EAGGF, Guarantee Section, resources by Member State and breakdown of resources in respect of certain income support measures 101
(98/C 102/147)E-2715/97 by Undine-Uta Bloch von Blottnitz to the Commission
Subject: Treaty infringement procedings - wild birds directive 102
(98/C 102/148)E-2716/97 by Horst Schnellhardt to the Commission
Subject: Approval of low output radio sets pursuant to standard I-ETS 300440 102
(98/C 102/149)P-2728/97 by Luciano Vecchi to the Commission
Subject: Social and environmental harm caused by prawn-farming in India 104
(98/C 102/150)E-2731/97 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Protection of dwellings near the mediaeval walls of Thessaloniki 104
(98/C 102/151)E-2732/97 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Accidents and road safety in Greece 105
(98/C 102/152)E-2733/97 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Commission
Subject: Permanent failure of Greek business consultants to win contracts under the PHARE and TACIS programmes 106
(98/C 102/153)E-2736/97 by Claude Desama to the Commission
Subject: Measures to assist flood victims 106
(98/C 102/154)E-2737/97 by Gianni Tamino to the Commission
Subject: Incompatibility of Veneto regional law No 15 of 22 May 1997 with Community legislation 107
(98/C 102/155)E-2742/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Council
Subject: Refugees fleeing from Burma to Bangladesh 107
(98/C 102/156)E-2746/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: Independent assessments of projects in which assistance from the Cohesion Funds was sought 108
(98/C 102/157)E-2747/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: Incident at the Sellafield nuclear complex, Cumbria, Britain 109
(98/C 102/158)E-2750/97 by Kyösti Virrankoski to the Commission
Subject: Farm inspections 109
(98/C 102/159)E-2751/97 by Kyösti Virrankoski to the Commission
Subject: Preparation of Finland's Natura 2000 programme 110
(98/C 102/160)E-2759/97 by Gerhard Schmid to the Commission
Subject: Family rail passes for European railways 111
(98/C 102/161)E-2761/97 by Willi Görlach and Barbara Schmidbauer to the Commission
Subject: Complaints against airports and airlines with regard to ground handling arrangements 111
(98/C 102/162)E-2762/97 by Lucio Manisco to the Commission
Subject: Restoration of Verrocchio's 'Baptism of Christ' 112
(98/C 102/163)E-2763/97 by Karla Peijs to the Commission
Subject: Commission proposal for a ban on colourants and aromatic substances in paraffin under implementation of Council Directive 76/769/EEC 113
(98/C 102/164)E-2765/97 by Irene Soltwedel-Schäfer to the Commission
Subject: Promoting children·s theatre 114
(98/C 102/165)E-2766/97 by Christoph Konrad to the Commission
Subject: State aid from the Kingdom of Belgium to the Forges de Clabecq steel company 114
(98/C 102/166)E-2770/97 by Mark Watts to the Commission
Subject: Use of 6 metre headland strips 115
(98/C 102/167)E-2771/97 by Glyn Ford to the Commission
Subject: Free movement of people 116
(98/C 102/168)E-2774/97 by Marjo Matikainen-Kallström to the Commission
Subject: Female circumcision in Egypt 116
(98/C 102/169)E-2779/97 by Luigi Florio to the Commission
Subject: The justice system in Italy 117
(98/C 102/170)E-2780/97 by Gianni Tamino to the Commission
Subject: Community Initiative Leader and the towns of Ioanina and Igoumenitsa 118
(98/C 102/171)E-2781/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and the Turks and Caicos Islands 119
(98/C 102/172)E-2782/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and Aruba 119
(98/C 102/173)E-2783/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and the British Virgin Islands 120
(98/C 102/174)E-2784/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and the British Indian Ocean Territory 120
(98/C 102/175)E-2785/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands 120
(98/C 102/176)E-2786/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and the Falkland Islands 121
(98/C 102/177)E-2787/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and the Cayman Islands 121
(98/C 102/178)E-2788/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and Anguilla 122
(98/C 102/179)E-2789/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and French Polynesia 122
(98/C 102/180)E-2790/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and New Caledonia and dependencies 122
(98/C 102/181)E-2791/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and Mayotte 123
(98/C 102/182)E-2792/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and the Netherlands Antilles (Curaçao, Bonaire, St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius) 123
(98/C 102/183)E-2793/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and Greenland 124
(98/C 102/184)E-2794/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and the Wallis Archipelago and Futuna islands 124
(98/C 102/185)E-2795/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and the Territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Territories 124
(98/C 102/186)E-2796/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and St. Pierre and Miquelon 125
(98/C 102/187)E-2797/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and the British Antarctic Territory 125
(98/C 102/188)E-2798/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and St. Helena and dependencies 125
(98/C 102/189)E-2799/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and Pitcairn Island 126
(98/C 102/190)E-2800/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Relationship between the European Union and Montserrat 126
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2781/97, E-2782/97, E-2783/97, E-2784/97, E-2785/97, E-2786/97, E-2787/97, E-2788/97, E-2789/97, E-2790/97, E-2791/97, E-2792/97, E-2793/97, E-2794/97, E-2795/97, E-2796/97, E-2797/97, E-2798/97, E-2799/97 and E-2800/97 127
(98/C 102/191)E-2804/97 by Mark Watts to the Commission
Subject: Documents of Compliance 127
(98/C 102/192)E-2805/97 by Mark Watts to the Commission
Subject: Refusal of ISM Safety Management Certificates 127
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2804/97 and E-2805/97 128
(98/C 102/193)E-2819/97 by Honório Novo to the Commission
Subject: Damage to Portuguese fruit and vegetables caused by rain and hailstorms 128
(98/C 102/194)P-2820/97 by Nuala Ahern to the Commission
Subject: Proposed completion of the Rovno Unit 4 and Khmelnitsky Unit 2 (k2/r4) nuclear reactors under the Memorandum of Understanding between G7 and Ukraine 129
(98/C 102/195)E-2824/97 by Ria Oomen-Ruijten to the Commission
Subject: Textile recycling 130
(98/C 102/196)E-2826/97 by Anita Pollack to the Commission
Subject: PVC 131
(98/C 102/197)E-2830/97 by Nuala Ahern to the Commission
Subject: Steps being taken in France against Dr Jean-François Viel 131
(98/C 102/198)E-2833/97 by Nuala Ahern to the Commission
Subject: Khmelnitski Unit 2 and Rovno Unit 4 in Ukraine (k2/r4) and the Nuclear Safety Account at EBRD 132
(98/C 102/199)E-2835/97 by Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler to the Commission
Subject: The EEC-CIH agreement on harbours in relation to the Hidrovia project 132
(98/C 102/200)P-2840/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: EU publications on the draft Amsterdam Treaty 133
(98/C 102/201)E-2845/97 by Hiltrud Breyer to the Commission
Subject: Voluntary environmental protection agreements 135
(98/C 102/202)E-2847/97 by Mark Watts to the Commission
Subject: Financial assistance to farmers 135
(98/C 102/203)E-2850/97 by Edith Müller to the Commission
Subject: EU policy in the former Yugoslavia 136
(98/C 102/204)E-2851/97 by Edith Müller to the Commission
Subject: EU policy in the former Yugoslavia 136
Joint answer to Written Questions E-2850/97 and E-2851/97 136
(98/C 102/205)E-2852/97 by Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop to the Council
Subject: Criticism expressed by 33 universities concerning the management of the Socrates programme 136
(98/C 102/206)E-2853/97 by Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop to the Commission
Subject: Criticism expressed by 33 univerities concerning the management of the Socrates programme 137
(98/C 102/207)E-2855/97 by Ria Oomen-Ruijten and Raphaël Chanterie to the Commission
Subject: Homeopathic medicinal products 138
(98/C 102/208)E-2859/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: Human rights abuses and excessive irradiation at Gorleben 139
(98/C 102/209)P-2862/97 by Doeke Eisma to the Commission
Subject: Investments in the Rovno and Kmelnitsky nuclear power stations in the Ukraine 139
(98/C 102/210)E-2867/97 by Jesús Cabezón Alonso to the Commission
Subject: Analysis and cooperation in the field of employment 140
(98/C 102/211)E-2871/97 by Kenneth Coates to the Commission
Subject: Freedom of movement 141
(98/C 102/212)E-2872/97 by Kenneth Coates to the Commission
Subject: Freedom of movement 141
(98/C 102/213)E-2874/97 by Kenneth Coates to the Commission
Subject: Freedom of movement 142
(98/C 102/214)P-2876/97 by Olivier Dupuis to the Commission
Subject: Radio broadcasting of information for Tibetans 142
(98/C 102/215)E-2881/97 by Brendan Donnelly to the Commission
Subject: Population control programmes 143
(98/C 102/216)E-2884/97 by Glyn Ford to the Commission
Subject: Mutually recognized training qualifications 143
(98/C 102/217)E-2911/97 by Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission
Subject: Children with AIDS in Africa 144
(98/C 102/218)P-2914/97 by Sirkka-Liisa Anttila to the Commission
Subject: Preparation, in the review of EU agricultural policy, of special measures called for by northern agriculture with a view to preserving farmers' motivation to work and their satisfaction with farming as a livelihood 145
(98/C 102/219)P-2915/97 by Luigi Florio to the Commission
Subject: Waste disposal 146
(98/C 102/220)P-2916/97 by Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Commission
Subject: Contracts for security services at Commission buildings 147
(98/C 102/221)P-2917/97 by Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Council
Subject: Contracts for security services at Council buildings 148
(98/C 102/222)P-2918/97 by Arlene McCarthy to the Council
Subject: Inquiry into anti-dumping duties on exports of unbleached cotton from India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, China and Egypt 149
(98/C 102/223)E-2923/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Commission
Subject: Plutonium in teeth of teenagers in Ireland and Britain 150
(98/C 102/224)E-2925/97 by Patricia McKenna to the Council
Subject: US training for Rwandan army 150
(98/C 102/225)P-2932/97 by Bartho Pronk to the Commission
Subject: Fee for an establishment permit for EU citizens in the Netherlands 151
(98/C 102/226)P-2933/97 by Gary Titley to the Commission
Subject: Employment of children in the European Union 151
(98/C 102/227)E-2940/97 by Georges Berthu to the Commission
Subject: Statement by Mr Michel Rocard 152
(98/C 102/228)E-2944/97 by Graham Watson to the Commission
Subject: International criminal court 152
(98/C 102/229)P-2953/97 by Angela Sierra González to the Commission
Subject: Protection of the Montaña Tindaya and its surroundings (Canary Islands) 152
(98/C 102/230)E-2958/97 by Anita Pollack to the Commission
Subject: HIV/AIDS in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal 154
(98/C 102/231)E-2962/97 by Leonie van Bladel to the Commission
Subject: Supermarket delivery of groceries to elderly people in the EU living on their own who suffer from mobility problems 155
(98/C 102/232)P-2963/97 by Leoluca Orlando to the Commission
Subject: The take-over of Sicilcassa by the Banco di Sicilia 155
(98/C 102/233)E-2967/97 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Assistance in the home for people with special needs 156
(98/C 102/234)E-2968/97 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Creation of day centres for the care of people with special needs 156
(98/C 102/235)E-2970/97 by Graham Watson to the Commission
Subject: International Criminal Court 157
(98/C 102/236)E-2973/97 by Joaquín Sisó Cruellas to the Commission
Subject: Computerization in European SMEs 158
(98/C 102/237)E-2974/97 by Joaquín Sisó Cruellas to the Commission
Subject: Safety in fun parks 158
(98/C 102/238)P-2986/97 by W.G. van Velzen to the Commission
Subject: Situation on the Netherlands market for mobile telecommunications 159
(98/C 102/239)P-2994/97 by Anne Poisson to the Commission
Subject: Wheat growing in the European Union and, in particular, the Ile de France region 160
(98/C 102/240)E-3000/97 by Roberta Angelilli to the Commission
Subject: Building of power lines for the Rome-Naples high-speed railway line 160
(98/C 102/241)E-3106/97 by Roberta Angelilli to the Commission
Subject: Rome-Naples high-speed railway line 161
Joint answer to Written Questions E-3000/97 and E-3106/97 161
(98/C 102/242)P-3044/97 by Olivier Dupuis to the Commission
Subject: Population transfer to the Chittagong Hill Tracts 161
(98/C 102/243)E-3049/97 by Amedeo Amadeo to the Commission
Subject: Green Paper on commerce 162
(98/C 102/244)E-3078/97 by Jesús Cabezón Alonso to the Commission
Subject: US extra-territorial laws 163
(98/C 102/245)E-3081/97 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Commission
Subject: Violation by Turkey of its international commitments 163
(98/C 102/246)E-3085/97 by José Apolinário to the Commission
Subject: Free gifts in foodstuffs 164
(98/C 102/247)P-3088/97 by Roberto Mezzaroma to the Commission
Subject: Catholic church in Russia 164
(98/C 102/248)P-3090/97 by Lissy Gröner to the Commission
Subject: Outflows of EU resources to the Middle and Upper Franconian administrative districts 165
(98/C 102/249)P-3140/97 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Infringement of the right to equal treatment between men and women 166
(98/C 102/250)E-3141/97 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission
Subject: Taxes and social security contributions as a percentage of GDP 166
(98/C 102/251)P-3159/97 by Bernie Malone to the Commission
Subject: Structural funding 167
(98/C 102/252)P-3246/97 by Yves Verwaerde to the Commission
Subject: High-Level Experts Group on the social and societal aspects of the Information Society 167
(98/C 102/253)P-3277/97 by Elly Plooij-van Gorsel to the Commission
Subject: European importers of Bangladeshi textiles suffering from export duty levied retrospectively 167
(98/C 102/254)E-3296/97 by Nikitas Kaklamanis to the Commission
Subject: Moves by Turkey to destabilize the Aegean 168
(98/C 102/255)E-3303/97 by Juan Colino Salamanca to the Commission
Subject: COM in bananas 169
(98/C 102/256)E-3395/97 by Hugh Kerr to the Commission
Subject: Harmonization of rights of way legislation in the EU 169
(98/C 102/257)E-3456/97 by Olivier Duhamel and Catherine Lalumière to the Commission
Subject: Allocation of PHARE funds for educational books 169