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Document 52018PC0832

    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Joint Committee established in accordance with Article 41(1) of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax

    COM/2018/832 final

    Brussels, 12.12.2018

    COM(2018) 832 final


    Proposal for a


    on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Joint Committee established in accordance with Article 41(1) of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax


    1.Subject matter of the proposal

    This proposal concerns the decision establishing the position to be taken on the Union`s behalf in the Joint Committee established under Article 41 of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax (hereinafter referred as "the Agreement"), pursuant to Article 5 and Article 41(2)(d), (e), (f), (g) and (h), Article 41(3) of the Agreement.

    2.Context of the proposal

    2.1.The Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax

    The Agreement aims to ensure the correct determination, assessment and collection of value added tax (VAT) and recovery of VAT claims, to avoid double or non-taxation and to combat VAT fraud. The date of entry into force of the Agreement is September 1, 2018.

    2.2.The Joint Committee

    The Joint Committee is composed of representatives of the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway (hereafter referred as "the Parties") and shall ensure the proper functioning and implementation of the Agreement. It shall make recommendations for promoting the aims of the Agreement and adopt decisions by unanimity. The Joint Committee shall be chaired alternately by each of the Parties. The European Union is to be represented by the Commission in accordance with Article 17(1) of the Treaty of the European Union (TEU) and its position shall be subject to prior Council Decision, following a proposal from the Commission. Representatives of the Member States of the European Union may also participate in the meetings as observers.

    2.3.The envisaged acts of the Joint Committee

    During its first meeting, the Joint Committee should:

    adopt the Rules of procedure of the Joint Committee pursuant to Article 41(3) - Decision of the Joint Committee 1;

    adopt the standard forms, being the means for the transmission of communication and implementing the practical arrangements for the organisation of the contacts between the central liaison offices pursuant to Article 41 (2) (d), (e), (g) and (h) - Decision of the Joint Committee 2;

    adopt the procedure for the conclusion of the Service Level Agreement pursuant to Article 41(2)(j) of the Agreement - Decision of the Joint Committee 3;

    adopt the Service Level Agreement pursuant to Article 5 of the Agreement - Decisions of the Joint Committee 4 and 5;

    set the amount and the modalities of the financial contribution to be made by Norway to the General Budget of the European Union in respect of the cost generated by its participation in the European information systems pursuant to Article 41(2)(f) of the Agreement - Decision of the Joint Committee 6.

    The purpose of the envisaged acts is to provide for the proper implementation of the Agreement.

    3.Position to be taken on the Union`s behalf

    The first Joint Committee decision will be on the rules of procedures. It lays down rules on composition and chairmanship, observers and experts, convening of meetings, agenda, secretarial support, drafting and adoption of minutes, procedure for the adoption of decisions and recommendations and expenses.

    In particular, the Agreement falls under the exclusive competence of the Union. Therefore, the Union will be represented by the Commission. However, Member States may decide to participate as observers.

    The second Joint Committee decision is on the adoption of the standard forms, establishing the means for the transmission of communication and implementing the practical arrangements for the organisation of the contacts between the central liaison offices. The Union legal framework already provides for a sound implementing system in the framework of Council Regulation (EU) 904/2010 on administrative cooperation and combating fraud in the field of VAT and Council Directive 2010/24/EU concerning mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes, duties and other measures. The Joint Committee decision should provide that for the cooperation with Norway the tools implemented for the above-mentioned Union legislation will apply.

    The third Joint Committee decision will establish the procedure for the conclusion of the Service Level Agreement, as well as for any future amendments. The fourth decision will be on the conclusion of the Service Level Agreement as such.

    Finally, the fifth Joint Committee decision will be on the financial contribution to be paid by Norway to the General Budget of the Union in respect of the costs generated by its participation in the European information systems. The amounts to be paid by Norway have been calculated as a lump sum covering the participation/connection of Norway to the CCN/CSI system in the configuration proposed, as well as the expenditure related to the development, maintenance and up-grade of IT solutions.

    At this stage, there is no need for Joint Committee decisions pursuant to:

    Article 41 (2) (a), (b) and (c), on automatic exchange of information; the Parties will decide whether or not there will be such a need after the entry into force of the Agreement and after assessing the efficiency of the other means of cooperation foreseen by the Agreement;

    Article 41(2) (i) on implementing rules regarding the conversion of the sums to be recovered and the transfer of sums covered because according to Article 40(5) of the Agreement "as long and as far as no detailed rules are adopted by the Joint Committee for the implementation of this Title, the competent authorities shall make use of the rules, including the standard forms, currently adopted for the implementation of Council Directive 2010/24/EU, whereby the term Member State" will be interpreted as including Norway";

    Article 41 (2) (k) on amending legal references to legal acts of the Union or of Norway included in the Agreement because this need did not arise so far.

    4.Legal basis

    Pursuant to Article 218(9) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) the Council, on proposal from the Commission, shall adopt a decision establishing the position to be adopted on the Union`s behalf in the Joint Committee.

    The subject matter of international agreements (including on administrative cooperation between the Union and Norway in the field of VAT) falls under the exclusive competence of the Union pursuant to Article 3(2) TFEU 1 . In the Joint Committee, the Union is to be represented by the Commission in accordance with Article 17(1) TEU.

    Furthermore, administrative cooperation in the field of VAT is a field for which unanimity is required for the adoption of a Union act pursuant to Article 113 of the TFEU. Therefore, the Union position represented by the Commission for the adoption of the Joint Committee recommendations and decisions, shall be previously adopted by the Council acting unanimously.

    The Joint Committee will also have to agree on practical arrangements, such as drafting the provisional agenda and agreeing on the minutes of the meetings. Such tasks are necessary for the normal administration of the Joint Committee and they are not Joint Committee decisions or recommendations pursuant to Article 41 of the Agreement. However, from the Union side, all the above-mentioned tasks will be subject to prior consultation of the European Commission with the Council Working Party on Tax Questions.

    The Joint Committee decisions pursuant to Article 5 and 41 of the Agreement constitute acts having legal effects and will be binding on the Parties under international law and in accordance with Article 46 of the Agreement.

    2018/0422 (NLE)

    Proposal for a


    on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Joint Committee established in accordance with Article 41(1) of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 113, in conjunction with Article 218(9),

    Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,


    (1)The Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax ('the Agreement') was concluded by the Union by Council Decision (EU) 2018/1089 2 1 and entered into force on 1 September 2018.

    (2)The Joint Committee set up by that Agreement is to make recommendations and adopt decisions, in order to ensure the proper functioning and implementation of the Agreement.

    (3)The Joint Committee, during its first meeting on [date], is to adopt its rules of procedure, the Service Level Agreement and other decisions concerning the proper implementation and functioning of the Agreement

    (4)It is appropriate to establish the position to be adopted on the Union`s behalf in the Joint Committee, as the Service Level Agreement and other decisions will be binding on the Union.

    (5)The bilateral Agreement between the Union and Norway provides for a solid legal framework to cooperate for fighting fraud and recovery of claims in the value added tax (VAT) area. This cooperation will benefit from the same tools currently used by the Member States for administrative cooperation and recovery of claims, such as the electronic platforms and e-forms.

    (6)In the Joint Committee, the Union is to be represented by the Commission in accordance with Article 17(1) of the Treaty on European Union,


    Article 1

    The position to be taken by the Commission, on the Union`s behalf in the first meeting of the Joint Committee established by the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax, shall be based on the attached draft decisions to be adopted in accordance with Article 5, Article 41(2)(d), (e), (f), (g) and (h), and Article 41(3) of the Agreement.

    Article 2

    This Decision is addressed to the Commission.

    Done at Brussels,

       For the Council

       The President

    (1)    Case 22/70 Commission v Council [1971] ECR 263, concerning a European Road Transport Agreement (ERTA), in French Accord européen de transport par route (AETR).
    (2) 1     Council Decision (EU) 2018/1089 of 22 June 2018 on the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax (OJ L 195, 01.08.2018, p. 1).

    Brussels, 12.12.2018

    COM(2018) 832 final


    to the Proposal for a

    Council Decision

    on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Joint Committee established in accordance with Article 41(1) of the Agreement between the European union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of the value added tax



    DECISION No 1/[date] of the Joint Committee of [date]
    adopting the Rules of Procedure of the Joint Committee


    Having regard to the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of the value added tax (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") and in particular Article 41(1) thereof,


    (a)It is necessary to lay down rules on composition and chairmanship, observers and experts, convening of meetings, agenda, secretarial support, drafting and adoption of minutes, procedure for the adoption of decisions and recommendations and expenses.

    (b)It is necessary to adopt practical arrangements for the implementation of Article 41(3) of the Agreement,


    Article 1

    Composition and chairmanship

    (1)The Joint Committee shall be composed of representatives of the European Union and representatives of the Kingdom of Norway (the Parties).

    (2)The European Union shall be represented by the European Commission. The Kingdom of Norway shall be represented by [……].

    (3)The Joint Committee shall be chaired alternately by each of the Parties for two calendar years. The first period ends on 31 December of the year following the year of the entry into force of the Agreement. The first chair will be the European Union.

    Article 2

    Observers and Experts

    (1)Representatives of the Member States of the European Union may participate as observers.

    (2)The Joint Committee may also admit other persons as observers to its meetings.

    (3)Observers may be permitted by the chair to take part in the discussions and provide expertise. However, they shall not have voting rights and shall not participate in the formulation of the decisions and recommendations of the Joint Committee.

    (4)Experts with special expertise may also be invited with regard to specific agenda items.

    Article 3

    Convening a meeting

    (1)Meetings of the Joint Committee shall be convened by the chair at least once every two years. Either Party may request that a meeting be convened.

    (2)The date and place of each meeting shall be determined and agreed between the Parties.

    (3)Meetings may also be held by means of teleconferencing / videoconferencing.

    (4)The chair shall communicate the invitation to the other Party, to the observers referred to Article 2(2) and the experts at least 15 working days before the meeting. The European Commission shall invite the representatives of the Member States of the European Union referred to Article 2(1).

    (5)The meetings shall not be public unless otherwise agreed. The Joint Committee`s deliberations shall be confidential.

    Article 4


    (1)The chair shall draw up the provisional agenda for each meeting and submit it to the Parties no later than 6 months before the meeting. The final agenda shall be agreed between the Parties no later than 15 working days before the meeting and circulated by the chair.

    (2)Reference papers and supporting documentation shall be sent to the Parties no later than the date on which the provisional agenda is sent.

    (3)For agenda items referring to decisions of the Joint Committee, the request for inclusion in the agenda and any related documents shall be sent to the Joint Committee at least 7 months in advance of the meeting.

    Article 5

    Secretarial support

    (1)The chair shall carry out the tasks of secretary of the Joint Committee. All correspondence to the Joint Committee, including requests for items to be included or removed from the agendas, must be addressed to the chair.

    (2)Notwithstanding the above, the Commission shall act as secretary for the communication of the statistics, provided under Article 20 and Article 39 of the Agreement.

    Article 6

    Minutes of the meeting

    (1)The chair shall draft the minutes of each meeting. The chair shall circulate the minutes without delay and no later than one month after the meeting. The minutes shall be subject to mutual agreement between the Parties.

    (2)The chair shall send the adopted minutes to the Parties.

    Article 7

    Adoption of decisions and recommendations

    (1)Any decisions and recommendations of the Joint Committee shall be subject to prior discussion between the Parties.

    (2)Decisions and recommendations of the Joint Committee shall be adopted during its meetings by unanimity.

    (3)Decisions or recommendations may be adopted by written procedure provided both Parties agree.

    (4)Under the written procedure the chair shall send the draft decisions and recommendations to the Parties and shall lay down a time limit to express their position. Any Party which does not oppose the draft acts before the expiry of that time limit, shall be regarded as having tacitly agreed to the draft acts.

    (5)The chair shall inform the Parties of the outcome of the written procedure without delay, and no later than 14 calendar days after the expiry of the time limit.

    Article 8


    Each Party, and when applicable each observer, shall bear the expenses it incurs in taking part to the meetings of the Joint Committee.




    DECISION No 2/[date] of the Joint Committee of [date]
    adopting the standard forms, the transmission of communication and the practical arrangements for the organisation of the contacts between the central liaison offices

    THE JOINT COMMITTEE, established in accordance with Article 41(1) of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of the value added tax, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement",


    (1)(a)    Tools for transmission of communication, such as standard forms and electronic communication systems are already implemented within the framework of Council Regulation (EU) No 904/2010 on administrative cooperation and combating fraud in the field of value added tax 1 and Council Directive 2010/24/EU concerning mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes, duties and other measures 2 and they are fully compatible with the administrative cooperation framework of the Agreement.

    (2)(b)    It is necessary to adopt practical arrangements for the implementation of points (d), (e), (g) and (h) of Article 41(2) of the Agreement,


    Article 1

    Standard Forms

    Pursuant to Articles 21(1) and 40(1) of the Agreement, for the communication of information under Titles II and III of the Agreement, the competent authorities shall make use of the standard forms adopted for the implementation of Council Regulation (EU) No 904/2010 and Council Directive 2010/24/EU.

    The structure and lay-out of the standard forms may be adapted to any new requirements and capabilities of the communication and information exchange systems, provided that the data and information contained therein are not substantially altered.

    Article 2

    Transmission of communication

    All information communicated pursuant to Titles II and III of the Agreement shall be transmitted only by electronic means via the CCN/CSI network, unless this is impracticable for technical reasons.

    Article 3

    Organisation of the contacts

    (1)In order to organise the contacts between the central liaison offices and liaison departments referred to in Article 4(2)(b) and Article 4(3)(b) of the Agreement, the competent authorities shall make use of the rules adopted for the implementation of Council Directive 2010/24/EU.

    (2)The central liaison offices designated pursuant to Article 4(2) of the Agreement, shall keep the list of liaison departments and competent officials designated pursuant to Article 4(3) and Article 4(4) up-to-date and make it available to the other central liaison offices via electronic means.




    DECISION No 3/[date] of the Joint Committee of [date]
    adopting the procedure for the conclusion of Service Level Agreement

    THE JOINT COMMITTEE, established in accordance with Article 41(1) of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of the value added tax, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement",


    (3)(a)    A service level agreement ensuring the technical quality and quantity of the services for the functioning of the communication and information exchange systems shall be concluded according to the procedure established by the Joint Committee.

    (4)(b)    It is necessary to adopt practical arrangements for the implementation of Article 5 of the Agreement,


    Sole Article

    (1)The Service Level Agreement, referred to in Article 5 of the Agreement, shall be concluded by the Joint Committee and shall be binding on the Parties from the day following its approval by the Joint Committee.

    (2)Each Party may request a revision of the Service Level Agreement by sending a request to the chair of the Joint Committee. Until the Joint Committee decides on the proposed changes, the provisions of the last concluded Service Level Agreement will remain in force.




    DECISION No 4/[date] of the Joint Committee of [date]
    adopting the Service Level Agreement for the systems and the applications for administrative cooperation and recovery of claims in the area of VAT



    This Service Level Agreement (‘SLA’) takes into account the list of agreements and applicable decisions listed below.


    Agreement between the Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax (‘the Agreement’)(OJ L 195, 01.08.2018, p. 3)


    Decision of the XX Joint Committee implementing points (d), (e), (g) and (h) of Article 41(2) of the Agreement with regard to the standard forms, the transmission of communication and the organisation of the contacts of [date]

    Table 1: Applicable acts


    This SLA takes into account the information provided in the following reference documents. Applicable versions of the documents are published on CIRCABC or ITSM Web Portal.


    CCN Mail III User Guide for NAs (ITSM Web Portal)


    CCN Intranet – Local Network Administrator Guide (ITSM Web Portal)


    Statistics – Guidelines and instructions (ANNEX rev1) to SCAC No 560


    VAT e-Forms – Functional Specifications


    VAT e-Forms – Technical Specifications


    Recovery e-Forms – Functional Specifications


    Recovery e-Forms – Technical Specifications


    CCN/CSI General Security Policy (ITSM Web Portal)


    CCN Gateway Management Procedures (ITSM Web Portal)


    CCN/CSI Baseline Security Checklist (ITSM Web Portal)

    Table 2: Reference Documents






    Common Communication Network/Common System Interface


    Central European Time


    Communication and Information Resource Centre Administrator


    Central Liaison Office


    Conformance Testing


    Directorate General


    Exchange of Forms


    Factory Acceptance Tests


    HyperText Transfer Protocol

    ITIL 3

    Information Technology Infrastructure Library


    Information Technology Service Management


    Within the scope of this SLA, “party” shall mean either Norway or the Commission.


    Value Added Tax

    Table 3: Acronyms





    Central European Time, GMT+1 and during summer time GMT+2 hours.

    Working days and hours (ITSM service desk)

    7:00 to 20:00 (CET), 5 days a week (Monday to Friday including holidays)

    Table 4: Definitions


    This document consists of a SLA between the Kingdom of Norway (‘Norway’) and the European Commission (‘the Commission’), collectively referred as ‘the Parties to the SLA’.


    Article 5 of the Agreement specifies that "A service level agreement ensuring the technical quality and quantity of the services for the functioning of the communication and information exchange systems shall be concluded."

    This SLA sets out the relationship between the Kingdom of Norway and the Commission concerning the use of the systems and applications for administrative cooperation and recovery of claims in the area of VAT, and between the Kingdom of Norway and the Member States concerning the exchange of forms.

    The following systems are operational and are subject to the terms of the SLA:

    ·Exchange of Forms (EoF);

    ·Monitoring, statistics and testing.

    The Commission determines the process to achieve agreement for the administrative cooperation by means of information technology. This involves standards, procedures, tools, technology and infrastructure. Assistance to Norway is provided to ensure data exchange systems are available and are properly implemented. The monitoring, supervision and evaluation of the overall system is also provided by the Commission. Furthermore the Commission provides Norway with guidelines to be respected in relation to this exchange of information.

    All targets referred to in the SLA will be applicable under normal working conditions only.

    In case of events of Force Majeure, the applicability of the SLA for Norway will be suspended for the duration of these Force Majeure conditions.

    Force Majeure represents an unpredictable event or occurrence outside the control of Norway or the Commission, and which is not attributable to any act or failure to take preventive action by the responsible party. Such events shall refer to government actions, war, fire, explosion, flood, import or export regulations or embargoes and labour disputes.

    The party invoking the Force Majeure shall inform the other party without delay about the impossibility to provide services or to accomplish the SLA targets due to Force Majeure incidents, setting out the affected services and targets. When the incidence of Force Majeure has ceased the affected party shall likewise inform the other party without delay.


    The SLA is binding on the Parties from the day following its approval by the Joint Committee established by Article 41 of the Agreement (‘the Joint Committee’).


    The purpose of this SLA is to ensure the quality and quantity of the services to be delivered by the Commission and by Norway in order to make the specified systems and applications for administrative cooperation and recovery of claims in the area of VAT available to Norway and to the Commission.


    The Commission shall make the following services available:

    ·Operational services as follows:

    Helpdesk and operations:

    (a)Helpdesk Support;

    (b)Incident Handling;

    (c)Monitoring and Notification;


    (e)Security Management;

    (f)Reporting and statistics;


    Reference centre:

    (a)Information management;

    (b)Documentation centre (CIRCABC);

    In order to provide these services, the Commission shall maintain the following applications:

    ·Statistical applications;


    ·Service desk tool.


    Norway shall make the following services available:

    ·Norway shall communicate to the Commission any available information relevant to their application of the Agreement;

    ·Norway shall communicate to the Commission any exceptional conditions;

    ·Norway shall provide annually the statistics regarding the communication of information set out in Article 20 of the Agreement.    


    This chapter provides a detailed description of the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the services to be provided by the Commission and by Norway as described above.


    5.1.1.Service desk

    The Commission shall make available a Service Desk in order to respond to any questions and to report any problems which Norway experiences with the systems and applications for administrative cooperation and recovery of claims in the area of VAT or any component that could affect them. This Service Desk will be operated by ITSM and its operating hours shall be the same as the ITSM working hours.

    The availability of the ITSM Service Desk shall be ensured in at least 95% of the operating hours. All questions or problems can be communicated to the service desk during the ITSM working hours by telephone, fax or e-mail and outside those working hours by E-mail or fax message. Where these questions or problems are sent outside the working hours of the ITSM they shall be automatically deemed to have arrived at 8:00 CET on the next working day.

    The Service Desk shall register and classify the service calls in a Service Management Tool and shall inform the reporting party of any change in status regarding their service calls.

    The ITSM shall deliver a first line support to the users and shall dispatch any service call, which is the responsibility of another party (e.g. developer's team, ITSM contractors) within the specified time. ITSM shall ensure compliance with the registration deadlines in at least 95% of the cases occurring over a reporting month.

    The ITSM shall monitor the resolution procedure for all service calls and shall start an escalation procedure by informing the Commission where the resolution period exceeds a predefined threshold, which will depend on the type of problem.

    The priority level shall determine both the response and the resolution times. This is set by ITSM, but Member States or the Commission may require a specific priority level.

    The registration time is the maximum time interval that is allowed to pass between the time of the receipt of the email and the sending of the acknowledgment email.

    The resolution time is the time interval between the registration of the incident and the resolution information being sent to the issuer. This also includes the time involved in closing the incident.

    These shall not be absolute deadlines as they take into account only the time when ITSM acts on the service call. When a service call is dispatched to Norway, the Commission or another party (e.g. developer's team, ITSM contractors) then this time does not form part of the resolution time of ITSM.

    ITSM shall ensure the compliance with the registration and resolution deadlines in at least 95% of the cases occurring over a reporting month.




    P1: Critical



    P2: High


    13h (1 day)

    P3: Medium


    39h (3 days)

    P4: Low


    65 h (5 days)

    Table 5: Registration times and resolution times (working hours / days)

    The Commission shall report on all service calls related to the systems and applications for administrative cooperation and recovery of claims in the area of VAT as follows:

    ·All the service calls closed during the month for Norway;

    ·All the service calls created during the month for Norway;

    ·All the service calls pending at the reporting date and time for Norway.

    5.1.2.Statistical Service

    The Commission shall generate statistics about the number of exchanged forms in the VAT and recovery domain using CCN/Mail, which are available on the ITSM Web portal.

    The Commission shall produce a report on the conformance test reports, where applicable, and shall make them available to Norway.

    5.1.3.Exchange of Forms

    The following table illustrates the maximum transmission deadline or answer time for the exchange of forms as defined in the legislation.

    CCN/Mail mailbox




    Exchange of Information under Articles 7, 10, 12 and 18 of the Agreement 0

    General exchanges

    The time limit for providing information is as quickly as possible, and no later than 3 months following the date of the request (Article 8 of the Agreement  0 ).

    However when the requested authority is already in possession of the information the time limit shall be reduced to a maximum period of one month (Article 8 of the Agreement 0 ).


    Exchange of Information under Articles 7, 10, 12 and 18 of the Agreement 0

    Request for notification

    Request for notification with immediate answer (Article. 12 0 of the Agreement).


    Exchange of Information under
    Articles 7, 10, 12 and 18
    of the Agreement 0

    Anti-fraud exchanges

    Missing trader information shall be sent as soon as the information becomes available.


    Automatic exchanges

    The categories of information subject to automatic exchange, in accordance with Article 11 of the Agreement, are to be determined by the Joint Committee.






    Request for information under Art. 22 of the Agreement 0 ,

    Request for notification under Art. 25 of the Agreement 0

    Request for recovery under Art. 27 of the Agreement 0

    Request for precautionary measures under Art. 33 of the Agreement 0

    Request for information:

    - acknowledgment of receipt within 7 calendar days;

    - update at the end of 6 months from the date of acknowledgment

    Request for notification:

    - acknowledgment of receipt within 7 calendar days;

    Request for recovery and request for precautionary measures:

    - acknowledgment of receipt within 7 calendar days;

    - update at the end of every 6 months from the date of acknowledgment

    Table 6: Performance EoF

    Norway shall also provide on an annual basis to the Commission statistical data via e-mail regarding to the communication of information as set out in Articles 20 and 39 of the Agreement [RD.3.] . 

    5.1.4.Problem Management

    Norway shall maintain an adequate problem registration 4 and follow-up mechanism for any problems affecting their application host, system software, data and applications software.

    Problems with any part of the CCN network (Gateways and/or Exchange Mail servers) shall be reported to ITSM immediately.

    Norway shall inform the ITSM where they have an internal problem with the technical infrastructure related to their own systems and applications for administrative cooperation and recovery of claims in the area of VAT.

    Where Norway considers that a problem reported to ITSM is not being addressed or resolved or was not addressed or resolved in a satisfactory way, it shall report this to the Commission as soon as possible.

    5.1.5.Security Management 5

    Norway shall protect its systems and applications for administrative cooperation and recovery of claims in the area of VAT against security violations and shall keep track of any security violations and of any security improvements made.

    Norway shall apply the security recommendations and/or requirements specified in the following documents:




    https security recommendations of CCN /Mail III Webmail access – Ref. CCN /Mail III User Guide for NAs



    Security recommendations of CCN /Mail III Webmail access – Ref. CCN Intranet – Local Network Administrator Guide



    Norway shall on an ad-hoc basis report to the Commission on any security violations and on any measures taken.


    5.2.1.All Service Level Management Areas

    Norway shall register any unavailability problems or changes 6 regarding to the technical, functional and organisational aspects of Norway`s systems and applications for administrative cooperation and recovery of claims in the area of VAT.

    Norway shall inform the ITSM where necessary in relation to any unavailability problems or changes regarding the technical, functional or organisational aspects of their system. ITSM shall always be informed for any changes regarding the operating personnel (operators, system administrators).

    5.2.2.Service desk

    Norway shall make available a service desk for responding to incidents assigned to Norway, for giving assistance and to carry out testing. The working hours of the service desk should be the same as the working hours of the ITSM Service Desk during ITSM working days. Norway`s service desk shall operate at a minimum between 10:00-16:00 CET during working days, except on its national holiday. It is recommended that Norway`s service desk follows the ITIL service support guidelines in handling the questions and incidents.

    Norway shall inform the ITSM where necessary in relation to any availability problem related to its service desk.



    The Commission shall evaluate the reports (activity reports generated by ITSM, notifications, statistics, other information) received from the ITSM and Norway, shall determine the levels of adherence to this SLA and in case of problems shall contact Norway in order to solve the problem and to ensure that the quality of the service is in line with this agreement.


    The Commission shall report on a monthly basis to Norway the level of the service as defined in Section 5.1.2.


    The Service Level Agreement has to be approved by the Joint Committee in order to be applicable.


    The Service Level Agreement will be reviewed following a written request from the Commission or Norway to the Joint Committee.

    Until the Joint Committee decides on the proposed changes, the provisions of the current SLA remain in force. The Joint Committee acts as the decision making body for the present agreement.


    For any questions or remarks regarding this document, feel free to contact:




    DECISION No 5/[date] of the Joint Committee of [date]

    adopting the Service Level Agreement for the Common Communication Network/Common System Interface services (‘CCN/CSI SLA’)



    This CCN/CSI SLA takes into account the list of agreements and applicable decisions provided below.


    Agreement between the Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of value added tax (‘the Agreement’(OJ L 195, 01.08.2018, p. 3)


    Decision of the XX Joint Committee implementing points (d), (e), (g) and (h) of Article 41(2) of the Agreement with regard to the standard forms, the transmission of communication and the organisation of the contacts of [date]

    Table 7: Applicable acts


    This CCN/CSI SLA takes into account the information provided in the following reference documents. Applicable versions of the documents are those available at the time of signing this agreement.







    CCN/CSI & SPEED2 Systems Overview




    CCN Gateways Management Procedures




    CCN/CSI General Security Policy




    CCN/CSI Baseline Security Checklist




    Description of CCN/CSI roles




    External note 031 - Procedure for the Move of a CCN/CSI Site




    External Note 060 - Install new CCN Site




    CCN/CSI-PRG-AP/C-01-MARB-Application Programming Guide (C Language)


    Table 8: Reference Documents






    Application Configuration Tool


    IBM Unix OS


    Central Backup Site


    Common Communication Network


    Common Communication Network / Common System Interface


    Framework service for the provision of network services to CCN


    Configuration Item


    Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens


    Common Off The Shelf


    Customer Premises Router


    CCN Security Administrator


    Common System Interface


    Directorate General


    De-Militarised Zone


    European Commission






    Hewlett Packard Unix Operating System


    Hyper Text Transport Protocol


    Hyper Text Transport Protocol - Secure


    Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning




    Information and Communication Technology


    Internet Message Access Protocol


    Internet Protocol


    IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager


    IT Services


    IT Service Management


    Local Area Network


    Local System Administrator


    IBM MQ Series SW


    Multiple Virtual Storage


    Not Applicable


    National Administration


    National Domain Interface


    Orange Business Services


    Operational Level Agreement


    Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude


    Operating System


    Obligation of Service Provider


    Obligation of Service Requesters




    Point of Presence




    Quality Assurance


    Remote API Proxy


    Reference Document




    Request For Action




    Submit For Information


    Simple Mail Transport Protocol


    Service Quality Indicator


    Secure Services Gateways (Juniper Encryption box)




    Taxation and Customs Union


    Transmission Control Protocol


    Uninterruptible Power Supply


    Virtual Machine


    Virtual Private Network


    Wide Area Network

    Table 9: Acronyms




    Reporting period

    The elapsed time covered is one month.

    Working day

    The working days are the working days of the Service Provider Service Desk. These are 7 days a week including public holidays.

    Working hour

    The working hours are the working hours of the Service Provider SD. These are 24/24 during the working days.

    Duty Period

    The Service Provider’s “Duty Period” is the hours of coverage of the Service Desk function. The duty is ensured by Service Provider SD from 24/24, 7 days a week including public holidays.

    Depending of the CI's Service Window, there is an immediate action (24*7) or the intervention is scheduled for the next day. Letter, fax, e-mails and electronic requests (through the ITSM Portal) are accepted at any moment. Incoming requests are registered as “Service Calls” in the Service Provider Service Desk management system.

    Table 10: Definitions


    This document consists of a Common Communication Network/Common System Interface Service Level Agreement (CCN/CSI SLA) between the European Commission (‘Service Provider’) and the Kingdom of Norway (‘Service Requester’), collectively referred as ‘the Parties to the SLA’.

    In particular the ‘Service Provider’ includes the organisational units of DG TAXUD, as listed below:

    ·DG TAXUD B2 unit coordinating all CCN/CSI activities;

    ·ITSM3 Operations providing operational services;

    ·CCN2DEV providing CCN software (evolutionary and corrective maintenance services);

    ·Trans-European Backbone network provider (CCN/WAN, currently OBS).

    Based on the nature of the requested service, one of the Service Providers will fulfil the task.

    The ‘Service Requester’ is the national tax administration (NA) of Norway. The concerned organisational units within the NA are:

    ·The National CCN Support Centre in charge of the support and management of the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure equipment located at NA premises as well as the national infrastructure supporting the applications running over the CCN/CSI infrastructure;

    ·The National Application Support Centre in charge of the national support of the EC applications running in the National Domain and using the CCN/CSI infrastructure services;

    ·The National Application Development Teams in charge of the development of applications using the CCN/CSI infrastructure including their sub-contractors.


    Article 5 of the Agreement specifies that "A service level agreement ensuring the technical quality and quantity of the services for the functioning of the communication and information exchange systems shall be concluded."

    This CCN/CSI SLA sets out the relationship between and the Commission (Service Provider) and the Kingdom of Norway (Service Requester), concerning the operational phase of the Common Communication Network/Common System Interface system (‘CCN/CSI system’).

    It defines the required level of the service provided to the Service Requester. It also provides for a mutual understanding of service level expectations and the responsibilities of the involved Parties to the SLA.

    This document describes the services and service levels provided currently by the Service Provider.

    All targets referred to in the CCN/CSI SLA will be applicable under normal working conditions only.

    In case of events of Force Majeure, no Party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations where such failure is as a result of natural disaster (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalisation, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labour dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or long-term failure of the commercial electricity grid.


    The Common Communication Network/ Common System Interface is a tool for exchange of tax information between the National Administrations in the field of Taxation and Anti-Fraud. The main characteristics of the CCN/CSI system infrastructure are listed hereafter:


    CCN/CSI offers a global WAN access to Service Requesters through a number of Points of Presence (PoP) in every Member State, acceding countries and Norway. The CCN/CSI network backbone offers the required capacity and resilience to provide the Service Requesters with a high availability rate.


    Allows the interoperability between heterogeneous platforms (Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HPUX, SVR4, IBM MVS, etc.) through a highly portable communication stack (CSI) installed on standard national Application Platforms.


    Supports various protocols and exchange paradigms:

    §CSI protocol supporting asynchronous and synchronous (request/response) communication paradigms (CCN/CSI channel);

    §HTTP/S protocol for interactive access to CCN Intranet services (CCN Intranet channel);

    POP, IMAP, SMTP protocols for the exchange of e-mail between NA users but also between applications (CCN Mail III channel).


    Information exchanges over the CCN/CSI network are protected to ensure optimal confidentiality and data integrity. Security services include:

    §Site-to-site IPSec256-bits encryption and protection against unwanted accesses enforced by Firewall/encryption devices deployed at every CCN/CSI site;

    §Access control mechanisms (authentication, authorisation, accounting) at site level enforced at CCN Gateway and supported by local administration tools (ADM3G);

    Session-level security enforced by message-level encryption (CSI secure), SSL v.3 mutual authentication and encryption (HTTPS), POP-S and IMAP-S (secure e-mail transport).


    The CCN/CSI infrastructure also provides Service Requesters with managed services including:

    §Central Monitoring;

    §Event logging;

    §Production of statistics on CSI and CCN Mail III message exchanges (size, number of messages, matrix) and statistics on CCN gateways and CCN Mail III;

    §User management (ADM3G) and directory services;

    §CSI stacks validation;

    §Portal services:

    oCCN Portal: on-line access to statistics, on-line remote API proxies (RAP) management;

    oITSM Portal: on-line Newsletter, on-line documentation and CSI stack packages, CCN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    §ACT (Application Configuration Tool);

    Services calls tracking and on-line support.

    Table 5: Characteristics of the services provided by CCN/CSI


    The CCN/CSI SLA is binding on the Parties from the day following its approval by the Joint Committee established by Article 41 of the Agreement (‘the Joint Committee’).



    The Service Provider shall:


    Operate the CCN/CSI network infrastructure in order to achieve the Service Levels described in section 8.


    Select the various CCN/CSI Infrastructure and Software components.


    Provide Hardware and Software maintenance for the DG TAXUD CCN infrastructure equipment (e.g. CCN Gateways) installed at the Service Requesters premises as well as the central CCN Mail III servers.


    Provide monitoring of the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure equipment installed at the Service Requesters premises.


    Manage the CCN/CSI audit files.


    Manage the CCN/CSI addressing plan.


    Respect the rules and recommendations put forward in the “Security documents”:

    §CCN/CSI General Security Policy RD3 ;

    CCN/CSI Baseline Security Checklist RD4;


    From time to time, the Service Requester needs to make sure that the network availability will not be reduced due to maintenance or other expected unavailability’s. In that case, the Service Requester will notify the Service Provider at least 1 month in advance. If the Service Requester cannot respect this delay, DG TAXUD will arbitrate the situation.


    All software licenses running on the CCN gateways will be provided by DG TAXUD.


    Respect the CCN/CSI site backup policy (cfr. RD2).


    Audit the system as defined in RD2.


    Regularly proceed with the System Security Checkup as defined in RD2

    Table 6: Obligations of the Service Provider (OSP)


    The Service Requester shall:

    Technical and Infrastructure level


    House the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure equipment provided by the DG TAXUD and provide appropriate:

    §Rack/Storage space;

    §electrical power supply;



    Make sure that the CCN/CSI components are "electrically" connected to the UPS. Specific adaptations to local standards (e.g. plug adapters) have to be provided by the Service Requester

    Operational and Organisation level


    Assign personnel in charge of the roles listed in RD5 .


    Ensure presence outside of normal working hours whenever deemed necessary and requested by the Service Provider.

    For some operations performed by the backbone carrier or by the Service Provider, the coordination and/or the presence of the LSA from the Service Consumer may be required. There will be at least one-month notice in order to plan these activities; full cooperation is necessary in order to respect the complex planning due to the number of sites.


    Never stop any of the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure equipment without formal authorisation from the Service Provider.


    Ask for the formal authorisation from the Service Provider before installing on the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure equipment additional hardware or software components that do not belong to the standard delivery package.


    Provide a clear description of the perceived/reported incidents, reported by the service requester.


    Collaborate actively with the Service Provider and/or his representatives when required for the delivery of services.

    Communication level


    Use exclusively the contact points at the Service Provider and inside their own organisation.


    Notify the Service Provider of any absence of the contact points during the opening hours of the Service Provider, or, at least, provide a backup able to replace the contact points.


    Notify the Service Provider of any modification of its own contact points, at least 5 working days before this modification becomes effective.


    Notify the Service Provider of any scheduled INFRASTRUCTURE maintenance potentially affecting the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure equipment hosted at the Service Consumer premises (at least one week in advance for all equipment).

    e.g.: planned power or network infrastructure outages, DC move, ip-address changes, ….


    Notify the Service Provider of any external problem such as power failure affecting the good running of the CCN Gateways and application platforms.


    Notify Service Provider, through a formal request, at least six months in advance for any moving of DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure equipment. The Service Requester takes in charge the costs of the moving operations. Refer to RD6  for more details about the procedure.


    Notify the Service Provider of any outage of the secured links between the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure and the Service Requester (NA or peer DG).


    Notify the Service Provider of any outage of the Application Platforms.


    The service requester is requested to communicate any planned local DC/Computer room outage (incl. WAN) 1 (one) working week upfront. This in order for DG TAXUD to be able to put in place the necessary communication to any other involved stakeholders.

    Security and User Management level


    Manage the local user accounts on the CCN Gateway (cf. RD2).


    Grant physical access permission to the equipment and staff mandated by the Service Provider when required.


    Authorise the appropriate TCP ports in the Service Consumer network (National Domain) (cfr. RD2).


    Ensure that the Network Encryption Devices (currently Juniper SSG) at the Service Requester site is located in an access-controlled area.


    Restrict access to all devices of the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure to authorised personnel. The access shall be allowed only on request from the CSA. Unwanted access to these devices can jeopardise the security or at least cause network outages.


    Respect the rules and recommendations put forward in the “Security documents”:

    §CCN/CSI General Security Policy RD5 ;

    §CCN/CSI Baseline Security Checklist RD6 ;

    Application Management Development


    The Service Requester is sole responsible for the development, support and management of its applications. They must conform to the rules defined in RD8

    Table 7: Obligations of the Service Requesters (OSR)


    4.3.1.IT Service Desk 

    The Service Provider offers a consolidated IT Service Desk with Incident and Problem Management. The IT Service Desk extends the range of classical help desk services and offers a more global-focused approach, allowing business processes to be integrated into the CCN/CSI service management.

    Indeed, the IT Service Desk not only handles incidents, problems and questions, but also provides an interface for other activities such as change requests, maintenance contracts, software licences, service level management, configuration management, availability management, security management and IT service continuity management.

    The IT Service Desk also spontaneously notifies the Service Requester of any urgent information, thus acting as an information-dispatching centre for the Service Requester.

    A Notification is defined as a message issued by the Service Provider warning Service Requester of an event that may affect the CCN/CSI operations: gateway unavailability, system outage, malfunctions, infrastructure maintenance or software update.

    The IT Service Desk interface to Service Requester is achieved through the Service Provider contact point or through the ITSM Web portal, which provides on-line services to the Service Requester such as service call tracking; ACT tool and the CCN Web portal which provides CSI packages download area, access to statistics and monitoring information, etc. and problem management

    This service deals with incidents originating from Service Desk users (including system operations). An incident may be defined as a simple request for information or clarification, but may also be categorized as the reporting of non-compliant behaviour of a specific component.

    An incident is defined as an unexpected event that is not part of the standard operation of the infrastructure or a failure that degrades an operational CCN/CSI service. An incident is solved when the service is restored.

    The incident can be related to the following Configuration Items (CI):

    ·The hardware under responsibility of the Service Provider: CCN gateways, security devices, Customer Premises Routers (CPR) and other network connectivity devices on the EuroDomain (DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure) LAN;

    ·The software running on the encryption devices;

    ·The system software running on the gateways: Operating System, basic communication software such as TCP/IP, etc.;

    ·The third-party software running on the gateways such as Tuxedo, MQSeries, Sun ONE Directory Server, PostgreSQL, Apache, etc.;

    ·The CCN Mail III;

    ·The CCN/CSI software running on the gateways;

    ·The CSI software running on the Application Platforms;

    ·SIAP (Secure Internet Access Point) – Unified Defence.

    A problem is identified either from a single incident which has an extremely adverse impact on the user service and for which the cause is unknown, or from multiple incidents exhibiting common symptoms. A problem is solved when the cause is identified and removed.

    When an incident occurs, the situation is investigated in order to restore the operational CCN/CSI services (if needed) and to find the root cause of the incident. The Service Provider helps to resolve incidents in the NA application software, at the level of the interface with CCN/CSI, as long as this has no impact on the other services to be provided by the Service Provider. The Service Provider assistance consists in providing information about the correct usage of CCN/CSI. It does not consist in participating in the debugging of NA application software.

    4.3.2.Tools supporting the Service Management 

    The monitoring of the CCN gateway infrastructure, applications and CCN queues is supported by the IBM® Tivoli Monitoring (Tivoli Monitoring) and IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) product family.

    The CCN Tivoli Monitoring and Reporting service, based on IBM Tivoli Monitoring suite, provides the following functionalities:

    ·Monitor the applications queues located on the CCN Gateways (WebSphere MQ);

    ·Monitor the operating system status of the CCN Gateways;

    ·CPU usage, Disk space, Memory usage, Network usage, Processes;

    ·Out of Band HW monitoring;

    ·Monitor the running processes of the CCN components located on the CCN Gateways;

    ·Monitor the CCN Mail III infrastructure;

    ·Provide to the CCN Tivoli users a view on the previous monitored information;

    ·Generate pre-defined alerts on the previous monitored components;

    ·Provide reports based on collected historical data (CCN Tivoli Data Warehouse);

    ·Give information about the availability and performance of the CCN/CSI infrastructure over time, reporting important trends in a consistent and integrated manner.

    4.3.3.ICT Infrastructure Management and Operations

    The Service Provider is called upon to install, operate, and maintain the CCN/CSI operational infrastructure so as to guarantee the agreed availability levels.

    The CCN/CSI operational infrastructure is composed of the EuroDomain relay devices (CCN Gateways), security devices, customer premises router and telecommunications.

    This service covers:

    ·Availability Management;

    ·Contingency Management;

    ·Application Configuration Data management;

    ·Security Management.

    And also includes:

    ·The coordination of the moving of CCN/CSI equipment;

    ·The coordination of deployment of new sites;

    ·The capacity planning of the CCN infrastructure;

    ·Follow-up of the above-requested activity during the monthly progress meeting. This meeting is QA’ed and consists of all contracting parties contributing to the CCN/CSI service;

    ·Facilitation of ‘freeze’ requests. These can be requested only by authorized users to a DG TAXUD dedicated official;

    ·Design, planning, deployment, operations, technical support & retirement of HW, OS and COTS;

    ·Network Services;

    ·HW& OS & COTS Services;

    ·Backup & Restore;

    ·Job Management Service;

    ·Production & Maintenance of ICT Infrastructure Management Related Plans i.e. ICT Infrastructure Plan, Availability Plan, Capacity Plan, Continuity Plan;

    ·Feasibility Studies linked to Infrastructure. Management

    The main service that the Service Provider has to provide is to ensure that the CCN/CSI system is “up and running” at the required availability level.

    The Service Provider ensures that all CCN/CSI sites are interconnected through a Wide Area Network (WAN) offering the necessary resilience and capacity to ensure the proper functioning of critical business applications using the CCN/CSI infrastructure and services.

    The availability management service covers the following items:

    ·Global access in all connected NAs;

    ·The provision of the local loop (+ a backup line) between the WAN local access point (PoP) and the National Administration premises;

    ·The Customer Premises Router (CPR) installation, configuration, and maintenance;

    ·The Security Device (i.e. SSG encryption-firewall box) installation and maintenance;

    ·Communication gateways located on the DMZ, at every local site (i.e. CCN Gateways);

    ·The central CCN Mail III system.

    The Service Provider also provides statistical information on the availability collected under operational circumstances and a monitoring service, both for pro-active problem tracking and statistical purposes. Management

    The Service Provider is responsible for the CCN/CSI components located in the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure at each CCN/CSI site.

    The Contingency service aims at restoring the agreed service levels within an agreed timeframe in case of partial or complete dysfunction or destruction of the CCN/CSI system by providing the Service Requesters with help and items such as:

    ·Software backup of CCN gateways (at every site);

    ·Central CCN backup site;

    ·Redundant encryption devices;

    ·Switching capabilities between production and backup gateways;

    ·Spare units for hardware devices;

    ·Dual telecom access lines to the CCN backbone (at every site);

    ·Assistance in installation and configuration of CCN/CSI items in the DG TAXUD CCN Infrastructure;

    ·Recovery procedures. Configuration Data Management

    This service concerns the management of configuration data, required by CCN/CSI applications, by the Service Provider.

    These configuration data are stored in the central CCN/CSI Directory. The central CCN/CSI Directory management is shared between the Service Provider and the National Administrations. Each National Administration is in charge of the management of its local CCN/CSI users. The rest is managed by the Service Provider.

    Examples of configurations subject to an Administration Service Request are:

    ·Definition of a local admin profile;

    ·Registration of an application service;

    ·Registration of an application queue;

    ·Registration of a message type;

    ·Validation of application configuration data;

    ·Registration of administration roles;

    ·Contact list management.

    4.3.4.Security Management

    This service concerns the management of the security items, required by CCN/CSI environment, by the Service Provider.

    Security is managed as well on the level of the involved server equipment (OS), network equipment and on operational level.

    ·Information exchanges over the CCN/CSI network are protected to ensure optimal confidentiality and data integrity.

    ·Security services include:

    Site-to-site encryption and protection against unwanted accesses enforced by firewall/encryption devices.

    Access control mechanisms (authentication, authorisation, accounting) at site level enforced at CCN Gateway and supported by local administration tools (ADM3G).

    Session-level security enforced by message-level encryption (CSI secure), SSL mutual authentication and encryption (HTTPS & NJCSI), POP-S and IMAP-S (secure e-mail transport).

    SIAP unified defence mechanism for secured internet access to CCN services.

    4.3.5.Documentation management

    The Service Provider maintains the whole CCN/CSI technical documentation (i.e. technical document, user guides, frequently asked questions, newsletters, upcoming events, etc.) up-to-date, which acts as Documentation Centre.

    This includes the documentation related to the CCN/CSI infrastructure: Oracle-Tuxedo, IBM-MQ, CCN Gateways, CCN Mail III, CSI software, procedures, reports, history of communication with partners, etc.

    The Service Provider manages a list of documentation, related to the CCN/CSI that can be communicated to Service Requester. These documents are available on CIRCABC, and the ITSM Portal.

    The Service Provider automatically updates the list with the newly approved version of the documents.

    4.3.6.Reporting and statistics

    The Service Provider provides the Service Requester with the following reporting facilities through the CCN and ITSM Web Portal:

    ·On-line availability figures for CCN Gateways and CCN Mail III servers;

    ·On-line newsletters;

    ·Statistics on CCN/CSI exchanges.

    The Service Provider also regularly holds IT Tech & Infra meeting, where the reporting and statistics are presented.


    The Service Provider works out courses and performs training related to the technical aspects of the CCN/CSI system. The standard courses are organised in training packages divided into modules. As a general rule, training sessions are organised every year. The standard training packages are distributed twice a year via DG TAXUD and available online on the ITSM Portal.



    The Service Level is a measure of the quality of the services provided by the Service Provider. It is computed by a Service Quality Indicator or SQI.

    It is expected that the Service Requester complies with its obligations (see § 0 ) to achieve the agreed Service Level.


    5.2.1.Individual CCN/CSI Site Availability

    This Quality indicator provides the lowest measured availability of an individual site during the « Full Period », i.e. 24*7, for a given month. The CCN/CSI SLA limit is defined as follows:


    >= 97,0 % availability

    5.2.2.Quality Indicator on the Duty Period

    The Service Provider’s “Duty Period” is the hours of coverage of the Service Desk function. The duty is ensured by the Service Provider SD 24/24, 7 days a week including public holidays.

    Depending of the CI's Service Window, there is an immediate action (24*7) or the intervention is scheduled for the next Service Window. Letter, fax, e-mails and electronic requests (through the ITSM Portal) are accepted at any moment. Incoming requests are registered as “Service Calls” in the Service Provider Service Desk management system.

    The SLA limit is defined as follows:


    Service Desk shall not be unreachable during the duty period more than 2 times / month

    5.2.3.Quality Indicator on the Notification Service

    The Service Provider provides notifications services to the Service Requester.

    There are two types of notifications, for Urgent Notifications and for Normal Notifications:

    ·URGENT NOTIFICATIONS (when there isn’t enough time to notify the CCN/CSI community at least 7 calendar days in advance): the notifications are disseminated to the appropriate audience at the latest, 2 hours after reception of an urgent notification request.

    ·NORMAL NOTIFICATIONS (or planned interventions): the notifications are disseminated to the appropriate audience at least one week (7 calendar days) before the interventions and a reminder is sent at least 24 hours before the events.

    This indicator measures the respect of deadline for announcement (via mass mails) of scheduled unavailability.

    5.3.4.Quality Indicator on the Contingency Management

    Cold Standby (Switch Procedure, Backup & Restore or CCN over Internet)

    The appropriate type of switch to be performed depends on a thorough analysis of the specific national administration setup and the problem at hand.

    The maximum delay to switch from any national administration Production Gateway to an appropriate CCN Backup Gateway solution is defined as follows:


    Max 5 working hours following the agreement with the Service Requester to perform the switch

    5.3.5.Quality Indicator on the Application Configuration Data management

    The maximum delay to implement an Application Configuration Request via the ACT (Application Configuration Tool) for a single site is defined as follows:


    5 working days

    5.3.6.Quality Indicator on the Acknowledgment Delay

    The maximum delay between the time a request is received by the Service Desk and the time an acknowledgment (i.e. Service Call number) is sent to the service requester, is defined as follows:


    30 minutes

    Incidents are classified according to their priority levels.

    The priority of an incident is a number between 1 and 4:









    5.3.7.Quality Indicator on the Resolution Delay

    The resolution delay is the elapsed time between the moment the incident is acknowledged by the Service Provider and the moment the Service Provider repairs the root cause of the incident or implements a workaround.

    According to the Priority, the resolution delay is defined as follows:




    5 Working Hours


    13 Working Hours


    39 Working Hours


    65 Working Hours

    Table 8: Resolution Delays




    >= 95.00% of CRITICAL incidents must be solved within the agreed resolution delay (5 Working Hours).


    >= 95.00% of HIGH incidents must be solved within the agreed resolution delay (13 Working Hours).


    >= 95.00% of MEDIUM incidents must be solved within the agreed resolution delay (39 Working Hours).

    Table 9: Limit of Resolution Delays for Incidents


    The Service Level Agreement has to be approved by the Joint Committee in order to be applicable.


    The CCN/CSI SLA will be reviewed following a written request from the Commission or Norway to the Joint Committee.

    Until the Joint Committee decides on the proposed changes, the provisions of the CCN/CSI SLA in force are applicable. The Joint Committee acts as the decision making body for the current CCN/CSI SLA.


    For all operational services, the ITSM3 Operations acts as single point of contact. Its coordinates are provided below:

    ITSM3 Operations - IBM

    ☎ Toll free: + 800 7777 4477

    ✆ Caller paid: + 40 214 058 422    
    (CCN Web Portal - for CCN Registered users)    
    (ITSM Web Portal - For Service Calls)



    DECISION No 6/[date] of the Joint Committee of [date]

    adopting the amount and modalities of the financial contribution to be made by Norway to the general budget of the Union in respect of the cost generated by its participation in the European Information Systems

    THE JOINT COMMITTEE, established in accordance with Article 41(1) of the Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Norway on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of the value added tax, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement",


    (a)Regulation (EU) No 1286/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing an action programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European Union for the period 2014-2020 (Fiscalis 2020) lays down the rules for the development, operation and maintenance of the European Information Systems.

    (b)The Common Communication Network/Common System Interface and the electronic forms to be adopted pursuant Article 41(2)(d) of the Agreement are Union components of the European Information Systems referred to in point A of the Annex of Regulation (EU) No 1286/2013.

    (c)Pursuant to Article 9(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1286/2013 the use of the Union components of the European Information Systems by non-participating countries shall be subject to agreements with those countries to be concluded in accordance with Article 218 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

    (d)It is necessary to adopt practical arrangements for the implementation of Article 41(2)(f) of the Agreement;


    Article 1

    Installation costs

    The initial costs to be paid by the Kingdom of Norway for the establishment of the Virtual Private Network access is 20 000 EUR.

    The amount shall be paid within 60 days following adoption of this decision.

    Article 2

    Yearly financial contribution

    The yearly financial contribution that the Kingdom of Norway shall pay to the General Budget of the Union shall be 20 000 EUR. The amount shall be paid each year by 1 September.

    The contribution shall cover the expenditures related to the development, maintenance and upgrade of IT solutions (Common Communication Network/Common System Interface, e-Forms).

    Article 3

    Method of payment

    The contributions under Articles 1 and 2 shall be paid in euro to the euro denominated bank account of the Commission that will be indicated in the debit note.


    (1)    Council Regulation (EU) No 904/2010 of 7 October 2010 on administrative cooperation and combating fraud in the field of value added tax (OJ L 268, 12.10.2010, p.1).
    (2)    Council Directive 2010/24/EU of 16 March 2010 concerning mutual assistance for the recovery of claims relating to taxes, duties and other measures (OJ L 84, 31.3.2010, P. 1).
    (3)    ITIL:
    (4)    Linked to Problem and Change management processes of ITIL.
    (5)    These are the documents versions available at the time of writing this SLA. The reader is invited to check any subsequent updates on the CCN/CSI Portal ( ).
    (6)    Use of principles described in the incident management in ITIL is recommended.